Friday, October 26, 2018

There goes the "false flag" theory.

Judging from the looks of the MAGAbomber's  van, I guess these bombs sent to various high profile democrats who spoke out against Mr. trump wasn't a false flag operation after all. (I see you Candace.)

This guy was the poster boy for trump supporters. Consider the following: He lived at home with his mother. He was angry. He had trouble keeping a job. And he was an older white male. Oh, and can we stop calling him crazy? He is not crazy. He is just your typical rabid right-wing fanatic. The kind of poor schmuck that Mr. trump preys on.

Image result for cesar sayoc images van
If you are a regular reader of this blog you might notice folks just like him posting in the comments section. We call them trolls. But sometimes they grow up to be a lot worse than that. This guy made threats to people who spoke out against trump on social media, and he was a regular at those MAGA cult meetings, also known as political rallies.

Incredibly, after all this, there are still members of Cult 45 claiming that this guy was a plant by the democrats, because it was all too obvious and easy to catch him.

Mr. trump has been in his typical demented form throughout this entire episode. He has refused to even name the intended victims, or to attempt to unify the country, or even acknowledge the seriousness of his rhetoric that drives members of his cult to commit acts such as this. This quote, though, took the cake:

“Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this ‘Bomb’ stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on,” 

"Bomb stuff?! The man terrorizes the country for damn near a week, and this president calls it just "bomb stuff."

Honestly, they deserve each other.

Pic from


Lance Cockstrong said...

Butt Trumpet will probably somehow find some way to get this micro dick bomber into his administration. I almost feel sorry for Ben Carson, being the only well endowed member of that retarded cabinet. Although spending so much time around those fags is probably shrinking his package.

Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt said...

Trump supporters wish they could send bombs to everyone who isn't a white male.

Anonymous said...

So now we’ve moved on from the “false flag” phase of conservative explanations to the next phase.

Which is either (depending on the level of scumminess of the wingnut):

1) claiming that Trump’s violent rhetoric had absolutely nothing to do with this guy’s bombing campaign. He just — completely coincidentally — selected everyone Trump hates as a target and mailed them a bomb; or

2) trying to justify why the targets basically deserved to be blown to bits and wishing those bombs had gone off.

Love scratching my asshole said...

This whole cult/klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.

Anonymous said...

Fag Negro is a hack.

Dave Zirin = faggot kike said...

The white race is a disease.

Anonymous said...

Obama's Contribution to the Black Community
• Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
• Betrayed Oprah who put him on the map
• As a state senator, Obama blocked a bill that stopped late term "Live Birth Abortions" while late term babies died in the state's hospitals
• Signed legislation so as to assist illegal immigrant children (the DREAM ACT)
• Refuse , as president, to intervene on behalf of the most vulnerable citizens, who were being slaughtered in Chicago
• Backstabbed , never repaying the one who taught him the art of public speaking, Jesse, Jackson
• Betrayed the Clintons to the White House andAnd reneged after Bill Clinton made the resounding speak giving Obama another 4years
• Legalized homosexual marriage
• Obama the consummate (black messiah -wolf in sheep clothing)
• Obama used the entire black community to launch his is personal agenda and never acknowledge his debt to the black America

Anonymous said...

> This guy was the poster boy for trump supporters.

He worked as a choreographer for male strippers.  Trump supporters aren't faggots.

> Judging from the looks of the MAGAbomber's van

That's as fake as the bombs.  Those aren't stickers, those are vinyl decals.  Looks like CUSTOM vinyl decals.  Those aren't cheap.  And they look brand-new; they haven't spent much time in the sun, they SAF aren't vandalized, and they don't even seem to have dirt on them.

How long were they there before the photo was taken?  Betting 8 hours at the outside.  False flag, motherfuckers.

> there are still members of Cult 45 claiming that this guy was a plant by the democrats, because it was all too obvious and easy to catch him.

The Feebs have a long record of things like this, just not targeting pols.  Every "terrorist" arrest made by the FBI has been a fairly obvious entrapment effort to get headlines.  The same team tried to score political points, but they failed because instead of putting some sand n1663r in jail they went after something that matters.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Great post, Field. Anyone with one quarter of a brain realizes that Democrats would never fake a bomb attack on their own leaders. For one thing, it would never occur to them: it's too far out of their M.O.

And most Democrats are not shit kickers. They would rather talk you to death than fight. LOL! I know this because I've been a Democrat since 1964.

Anonymous said...

Actually it just reinforced it!!

dinthebeast said...

"Bomb stuff" is Fergus' version of "butt stuff."

Magabomber has a history. He was reported to Twitter for making threats months ago, and the woman who reported him kinda wishes they'd taken her seriously so maybe this bullshit wouldn't have happened.

So this asswipe was too incompetent to make a functional bomb, or it looks that way. Kind of a self-selection thing; if you buy the ridiculous lies this creep celebrated, you probably aren't that capable when it comes to things like understanding physics and explosives.

That's not a confidence inspiring method for keeping folks from getting blown up. Sooner or later the deluded idiot of the moment will turn out to be a clever or lucky or bold idiot and people chunks will fly.

Meanwhile, it's still an act of terrorism whether or not the terrorist is smart enough to complete his killing.

And the goddamn reprogrammable meat sticks are already out with their denials of reality, just like they are told to be, and they wonder why we think it's bad that they yawp "FAKE NEWS" at everything that contradicts today's lie.

This is why, assholes, this is why.

-Doug in Oakland

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

False Flag Formula #4: Mainstream Media Quickly Names and Demonizes the Patsy

Anonymous said...

False Flag Formula #13: Families of “Victims” Have Elite or Acting Backgrounds

dinthebeast said...

False flag = too stupid to not believe Alex Jones, or targeted at people that stupid. See also: Fox News viewers.

-Doug in Oakland

Anonymous said...

“He worked as a choreographer for male strippers. Trump supporters aren't faggots.

Hmmm. It sure looks like they are.

Trump appointed Richard Grenell as ambassador to Germany, and that Trumpkin is queer as a three-dollar-bill.

And then there’s these man-on-man-lovin’ Trump supporters who call themselves “Deplorable Pride.”

So it seems you are peddling “false fag” theories, too.

dinthebeast said...

Remember Jeff Gannon?

-Doug in Oakland

Josh said...

Another "white" man at it again.

Dammit, white people!

I mean, you're not white if you're a Democrat. You're a proud Native American, a Seminole tribesman, suffering under the heel of white oppression.

But if you're a Trump supporter and send fake bombs to people, you can be more niggly than Wesley Snipes and you're white as this fucking white background on the comment box.

Anonymous said...

“But if you're a Trump supporter and send fake bombs to people, you can be more niggly than Wesley Snipes and you're white as this fucking white background on the comment box.”

On the other hand, if you send REAL (if badly made) bombs to people, it does not actually matter what color you are; Trump is still heavily responsible for being a violence-inciting scumbag.

Josh said...

These weren't real bombs.

I know it goes against resist-Trump canon, but you should listen to the FBI and explosives experts, not CNN.

And even if I existed in this fantasy world, and said that they were somehow real bombs, even tho CNN knew they weren't and that's why they took photos of them: Nobody was hurt. Nobody was even scared. For fuck's sake, they set these "bombs" up on kitchen counters and were taking photos of them.

Trump says they're fake news. OMG! His rhetoric must be stopped! He's inciting TERRORISM!

Meanwhile, you have Maxine Waters out there calling to harass people. Save this for the "black" blogosphere and people with low IQs. The rest of us live in the world. That Pelosi-supporting lunatic who Cuck Norris-kicked a girl in the FACE was INFINITELY more violent than these fake-ass bombs -- BECAUSE NO ONE WAS ACTUALLY HARMED

Governors saying this was the worst attack since 911 should be jailed, FFS. No. One. Was. Hurt. Not only single fucking person. Not one single scratch. And I'll pay any of you mutts $100 right now to show me the evidence someone was HARMED by these "bombs."

They weren't. They were a hoax sent out by some maniacal, functionally retarded Native America.

This is just more fake bullshit Democrats are using to distract toward the midterms because you morons don't actually have an electable platform. Nobody wants to vote for you mutts, so you must convince people to vote against Republicans.

mike from iowa said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fag Negro is a hack.

10:33 PM

Knew this excuse was coming.

This guy's fingerprints were all over one 'fake' bomb. Wingnuts need to warn their bombmakers to be more careful or less careless- whichever is easier for the mindless zombies to umderstand.

mike from iowa said...


Must be nice to sail through life without a conscience. Or a heart. But I kinda get where you pshychos are coming from. Yer already totally brain damaged so inflicting said upon innocent folks by way of terrorist threats doesn't seem like harm to you.

But. then, you aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Or do you have sharp knives in yer drawers holding micro dick hostage?

mike from iowa said...

Josh, you terribly ignorant slut,

Halsey News is the answer to the raging inaccuracies and biased main stream media coverage. Our writers are committed to the truth.

Fake news calling other outlets fake news.

mike from iowa said...

This explains Drumpfuck and his terrorist mobs perfectly-


mike from iowa said...

Looks like something the Joshes of the wingnut weorld would cook up-

Video claims Magatbomber was former CNN employee who donated heavily to HRC.

mike from iowa said...

Obama takes jab at Trump: ‘Nobody in my administration got indicted.

mike from iowa said...

This is getting to be more typical right wingers in Drumpfuck USA

Looks like cover boy material for Wingnut Terrorists Are US rag.

mike from iowa said...

Here's your press a dent being press a dential by threatening more violent rhetoric if people aren't nice to him.

At what point does this POS turn his voters off?

Anonymous said...

"Obama takes jab at Trump: ‘Nobody in my administration got indicted."

because he put his people in place in the FBI,DOJ,CIA. He was trained well in Chicago in the arts of corruption.

Paradoctor said...

“False flag” = reality denial. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor... or so FDR wants you to believe. The sun rose in the east today... but it was a fake sun rising in a fake east. Two plus two is four... according to the liberal media. Your great-great-grandmother is dead... but her skeleton is a crisis actor. And so on. Of course that’s insanity; specifically psychotic dissociation.

Anonymous said...

"maniacal, functionally retarded Native America."

Not even Native American.  He's a Pinoy.  The Seminoles have disavowed him.


Must be nice to sail through life without a conscience."

The Holocaust itself pales in comparison to the wholesale slaughter of leftist Narrative lies in the meme-explosions of Cesar Sayoc's fake bombs.  Millions of NPCs will slit their wrists over the total debunking of everything they believed.

Anonymous said...

"Superfly" Actor & Rapper KR Charged With 9 Counts Of Felony Sexual Assault

Paradoctor said...

The trouble with stochastic terrorism is that though the Leader can guide the Minions, at first, eventually he can’t; and though the Minions can’t be linked to the Leader, at first, eventually they can. Control without responsibility becomes responsibility without control.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

To All Trump Lovers,

Seems the would-be bomber really is a Trump fan unless you think the media and law enforcement all over the country are part of a grand conspiracy against Trump. And if you believe they are, you need to commit yourself into a mental institution. You need help.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Paradoctor said...

“False flag” = reality denial. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor... or so FDR wants you to believe. The sun rose in the east today... but it was a fake sun rising in a fake east. Two plus two is four... according to the liberal media. Your great-great-grandmother is dead... but her skeleton is a crisis actor. And so on. Of course that’s insanity; specifically psychotic dissociation."
Well said, Paradoctor. I would add: we never went to the moon - the images were faked on a movie shoot; the earth is flat, Eisenhower sold us out to the Commies, voter fraud is rampant, and Republicans will protect citizens with preexisting conditions.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a false flag, and I predict there will be more before the election. The Left will do anything to get back in power.

YellowMONEY said...

I'm Chinese-American and find black hypocrisy and entitlement appalling. You people have incited a lot more violence and hatred through groups like BLM and through your own volition than this right-wing loser ever did. I know critical thinking isn't one of your strong suits, which may help explain your high crime rates and low education standards.

See more at:

Porter said...

"Another "white" man at it again."

Today in America, you can't tell if a man is white until he applies for a job or commits a crime.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Yellow Money said:
"See more at..."
Who would like to see more of your hate speech? Maybe more trolls, like you? Certainly not anyone with half a brain. Have a nice day.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is definitely a false flag, and I predict there will be more before the election. The Left will do anything to get back in power.
Yeah, sure but the violence or threat of it will not be coming from the left.

mike from iowa said...

Bad whitey, bad! 8 dead.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, sure but the violence or threat of it will not be coming from the left."

The reason we are seeing these false flags in the run up to the election is to deflect from the fact that all real organized violence is coming form the Left.

The Left controls the means of propaganda, and they will do anything to get back into power. Anything.

mike from iowa said...

Honky shooting up a Jewish Synagogue. Wonder if it has any connection to white nationalism that a certain press a dent professes?

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Mike from Iowa said:

"Bad whitey, bad! 8 dead."
Hold on for a few minutes, Mike, and the trolls will be here telling us that it was the Democrats who did it.

Anonymous said...

"Right wing" violence is always from some disturbed loner acting alone. The entire Right s blamed for the actions of one person. These are also easy to fake.

Leftist violence is organized attacks perpetrated by mobs funded by multi-billion dollar shadow foundations and covered for by a press that works for the same masters.

mike from iowa said...

Terrorist threat level- ORANGE!

Marlowe said...

News sure was quick to ad the detail the Pittsburgh shooter was white.

It's okay if you happen to miss any of the other details of today's synagogue shooting: you'll be reminded of it daily for the next 70 years.

Anonymous said...

Josh said this nonsense:

“These weren't real bombs.

I know it goes against resist-Trump canon, but you should listen to the FBI and explosives experts, not CNN.”

But then there’s this:

”During a press conference Friday announcing the arrest of alleged mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc Jr., FBI Director Christopher Wray made it clear that the devices sent to Democratic figures, billionaire philanthropist George Soros, and prominent critics of President Donald Trump were ‘not hoax devices’ — a comment that should put to rest a simmering right-wing theory about the bomber’s motivations.

Wrap said that the devices contained ‘energetic material’ that could have potentially exploded if exposed to heat, shock, or friction. ‘Though we’re still analyzing these devices in our laboratory, these were not hoax devices.’”

Real explosives = real bombs.

This is pretty easy to understand. Even for someone as demented as you, Josh, though I know you do not want to understand.

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh shooter is an anti-Trump anti-Semite who hates the President for being anti-white supremacist:

Fake News Update said...

Wrap said that the devices contained ‘energetic material’ that could have potentially exploded if exposed to heat, shock, or friction.

You could say the same thing of any aerosol can in your house. Or the gas tank in your car.

These were not designed to actually explode. They were fake bombs designed to promote a Fake News narrative.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the gooks and chinks!

All the News that's Fit to Print said...

Two weeks ago, a jewish leftist was arrested for building a functional 200 pound bomb to blow up the national mall on Election Day to promote his far left ideology.

Of course, the Media showed no concern over this story because it wasn’t a fake bomb from a trump supporter.

Anonymous said...

”Pittsburgh shooter is an anti-Trump anti-Semite who hates the President for being anti-white supremacist”

How racist do you have to be to feel President Trump is not racist enough for you?


Anonymous said...


Maybe because the idea that Trump is racist is just a lie promulgated by his enemies.

Maybe because the idea that not actively excluding white people's interests from any consideration is racist is a horrible lie.

Anonymous said...

It seems completely plausible that an unhinged alt-retard would do something like this on any random day of the year. But when the timing is this predictable, you have to be suspicious.

Don't underestimate how desperate they are to thwart this wave of nationalism.

Porter said...

The right has collective guilt, but no collective beneficence.

The left has collective beneficence, but no collective guilt.

It’s a nice gig if you can get it.

dinthebeast said...

"a Seminole tribesman,"

Not according to the Seminoles, who say he did not live with or work for the Seminoles or their businesses.

-Doug in Oakland

mike from iowa said...

Even Geraldo at Fake Noize issued a half ass false flag apology after the Drumpf locing swamp creature was captured.

Now is the time for the orange POS in the Kremlin Annex to fire Pence and apologize to all people everywhere and go jump off a cliff while wearing bib overalls to make a fashion statement.

Anonymous said...

Black lives matter, but Jewish lives really, really matter.

Anonymous said...

“Two weeks ago, a jewish leftist was arrested for building a functional 200 pound bomb to blow up the national mall on Election Day to promote his far left ideology.”

Not seeing any real evidence he is “a leftist,” so I am going to assume that “Jewish” automatically means “leftist” to you Nazi bottom-feeders.

Apparently, the attempted bomber’s actual ideology amounts to a belief that government officials should be selected randomly, by lottery, rather than democratically elected. I wouldn’t describe this as in any way a left-wing view, but it certainly is odd, and it’s not likely to catch on, whether he does or doesn’t blow himself up trying to promote it.

It seems like this dude might have a pretty decent insanity defense.

Huwhite Whispanic said...

dinthebeast said...
"a Seminole tribesman,"

He's some sort of Filipino mismash.

In other words, a Zimmerman-American.

Anonymous said...

If men must bear collective guilt for everything bad ever done by other man, can we also take collective pride in everything good ever done by other men?

Anonymous said...

Tawana Brawley .... Shit ain't always what you think.

mike from iowa said...

Now we know what the t in MAGAT stands for- TERROR.

Anonymous said...

"Fuck the gooks and chinks!"

That's raciss….

field negro said...

I am quite sure that those bullets fired in Pittsburgh today were not false.

Anonymous said...

field negro said...
I am quite sure that those bullets fired in Pittsburgh today were not false.

You can weave a false narrative out of real bullets.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"If men must bear collective guilt for everything bad ever done by other man, can we also take collective pride in everything good ever done by other men?"

The dissonance of the modern left is that white men must bear collective guilt, but it is a sin for them to feel collective pride. For women and minorities, is the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It seems like this dude might have a pretty decent insanity defense.

Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

field negro said...
>I am quite sure that those bullets fired in Pittsburgh today were not false.<

It's just a coincidence that in the weeks leading up to the election several events happen that will make the RNC hesitate to run their most effective campaign commercials.

Complete coincidence.

15 minutes said...

Feelin’ kinda bad for Cesar Sayoc right now to be honest. He’s a steroid-addled, bodybuilding, gender-confused male stripper, Filipino/Native American living in a meme van who provided the MSM the perfect story for their election efforts... and even with all that he STILL gets immediately pushed out of the headlines by a synagogue shooter. What’s a guy have to do to get noticed?!

Anonymous said...

“It's just a coincidence that in the weeks leading up to the election several events happen that will make the RNC hesitate to run their most effective campaign commercials.”

Were the RNC planning on running ads explaining how evil Jew George Soros is funding a caravan to the U.S. of Honduran migrants who are really just a front for ISIS? Are those the ads they can no longer run?

If so, cry me a river.

Anonymous said...

"Were the RNC planning on running ads explaining how evil Jew George Soros is funding a caravan to the U.S. of Honduran migrants who are really just a front for ISIS?"

I wish.

But we live in a world where certain truths cannot be spoken.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

mike from iowa said...

explaining how evil Jew George Soros is funding a caravan to the U.S. of Honduran migrants who are really just a front for ISIS?

Definitely false flag.

Anonymous said...

The alt left is getting desperate. They will use very tool at their disposal to destroy Democracy and the Republic.

Anonymous said...

The praying football players told him to chill. That's when he showed them his gun, cops say:

mike from iowa said...

The alt left is using the alt right to commit acts of terrorism and get voters to vote for the left. Riiiiight6 because the alt right is the tools to destroy democracy. They prove it every day they are allowed to breathe and breed.Plus they are certified 100% gullible to fake news that feeds them.

Kill white men, fuck white women said...

Kill white men.
Fuck white women.

Fact of the Day said...

White people and their food are bland af.

Mike from Iowa is a faggot said...

Mike from Iowa is a retard.

Mike from Iowa is a retard said...

Mike from Iowa is a faggot.

dinthebeast said...

A documentary film maker took pictures of MAGAbomber's van ten months ago. The stickers aren't new.

-Doug in Oakland

Anonymous said...

"A documentary film maker took pictures of MAGAbomber's van ten months ago."

Interesting coincidence.

Anonymous said...

It’s also interesting how mass shootings perpetrated by certain kinds of killers or against certain kinds of people get almost no media coverage and are quickly forgotten, but others become the pretext for aggressive political crusades.

Some are tragedies and the rest are hate statistics.

Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit said...

No president in US history has incited the kind of hatred and violence that tr**p has. Not only is he incompetent and dimwitted, he is dangerous and a threat.

mike from iowa said...

false flag- wolf....wolf....wolf....wolf....wolf....wolf....

mike from iowa said...

Moar right wing attempts to fuck over America-

DeMarcus said...

White boys are pussies and retards.

mike from iowa said...

Trump decries “political violence” at rally, then attacks the media and Democrats

and you expected grown up behaviour? From a cunt brat?

Katelyn Davidson said...

Black men are gross.

mike from iowa said...

dinthebeast said...

"Interesting coincidence."

-Doug in Oakland

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Seems Bower is a neo-Nazi who thinks that Trump is not racist enough.

Anonymous said...

Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

Anonymous said...

No president in US history has incited the kind of hatred and violence that tr**p has.

No president in US history has committed the kind of hatred and violence against legacy America that Obama did.  He doubled down on racial spoils and destroyed much of the health-care system, just for starters.  Then he went to war on law and order, heedless of the skyrocketing death toll from the Ferguson Effect.  Need I mention "Fast & Furious"?

Not only is he incompetent and dimwitted, he is dangerous and a threat.

Progressives Always Project.

Progtard said...

"Seems Bower is a neo-Nazi who thinks that Trump is not racist enough."

But let's blame Trump anyway, because that's how we roll.

Anonymous said...

"Moar right wing attempts to fuck over America"

Putting the citizenship question BACK on the census isn't fucking over America.  It's exposing non-Americans who are very likely not even lawfully present.  The 2000 census asked about ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, year of entry and language spoken at home.  It's time to relegate non-Americans back to non-America.

White feminists are retarded cunts said...

Looks like another hate crime, this time at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Shit is getting out of control.

Anonymous said...

"Incredibly, after all this, there are still members of Cult 45 claiming that this guy was a plant by the democrats, because it was all too obvious and easy to catch him."

1. Democrats losing momentum do to endemic violence and craziness coming from Left.
2. Republicans making traction with "Jobs not mobs" campaign.
3. Bombs sent to all high profile Democrats (none of whom open their own mail) two weeks ahead of election.
4. Envelopes look like they are from a psycho - addressed in all caps, return address is Debbie Wasserman Schultz (spelled wrong).
5. None of the bombs were designed to actually explode.
6. Democrat Media runs 24/7 campaign attacking Trump/Republicans
7. Bomber quickly caught due to fact he left DNA and fingerprints on packages, both of which the government had on file since he had been arrested a dozen times before.
8. Guy has a van completely covered in crazy "I love Trump" bumper stickers
9. FBI impounds van, but can't competently secure tarp which immediately blows off.
10. Numerous stock photos of van already in possession of media.
11. Democrat Media runs with "angry white male" narrative even thought the guy is a Filipino who thinks he is a Seminole Indian.

I don't think you have to be a cult member to have some skepticism over the whole story.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Black lives matter, but Jewish lives really, really matter."

'One Jewish Life Is Worth More Than 10,000 non-Jews'

dinthebeast said...

"I don't think you have to be a cult member to have some skepticism over the whole story."

No, just very, very stupid and brainwashed to come up with your take on it.

-Doug in Oakland

General George Casey, Jr. said...

Spare a moment for the real victims of this Pittsburgh shooting, the White people who will face a backlash from bigoted anti-Whites.

Anonymous said...

"Stupid and brainwashed" is what it takes to accept everything they tell you at face value.

And yet another fuckboi said...

Looks like another hate crime, this time at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Shit is getting out of control.
Yup, and guess what?It's a white guy. Another dangerous animal that needs to be put down. Guns + goofy white men = mass shooting.

John Allen Muhammad said...

All white men are the responsible for the action of any white man.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

"The alt left is getting desperate. They will use very tool at their disposal to destroy Democracy and the Republic."

Be afraid; be very afraid. Those damn lefts want to help people to get health care; they want to save the planet from burning up; they want us all to have clean air, clean water, and enough food to eat. How totally awful. Be afraid.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in America has healthcare, the planet is not burning up, America has clean air, water and plenty of food to eat. This is not true in places the Left holds all power. Stay the fuck out of our business.

Steve said...

Evidence keeps accumulating that the liberal half of America took a sudden swerve into political extremism and psychological problems around 2013.


Here's a novel suggestion: Quentin Tarantino's Christmas 2012 Hate Whitey movie "Django Unchained."

I think a potential exacerbating/tipping factor was the release of Django Unchained in late 2012. It was a big box office success watched by tens of millions and pretty much revived the national conversation about slavery– it was also one of the first mainstream films released to openly deal with the topic, particularly portraying it as extremely brutal. Furthermore, it was one of the first of many ‘historical white guilt’ films that followed in the years after it (others include The Butler, Hidden Figures, 12 Years a Slave, the currently in theatres The Hate U Give, etc).

Django made a spectacle out of a black man murdering white people and gleefully portrayed every white character except Christoph Waltz’s German expatriate character as totally evil. It also prominently featured Sam L Jackson as the ultimate ‘uncle Tom’. I can’t think of any films in the preceding decade that prompted their audience to leave the theatre actively hating white people and celebrating black violence against them (however justified it is in the context of the film). I don’t know if it’s a stretch to imagine it was the spark that set off a feeling of extreme racial resentment that then coalesced into the organized Black Lives Matter movement and the ensuing ‘hate whitey’ media rhetoric that dominates today’s ‘liberal’ discourse, but I’ve never seen this theory advanced before so I think it’s worth examining.

An earlier hate porn movie came out on the Christmas Day exactly one year before Django, the 2011 American remake of the lunatic Swedish book/movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. So it seems likely that the cultural tide was rolling in that direction. Still, while David Fincher is an extremely effective director, he’s not quite Tarantino for pop culture impact over the last quarter of a century. Nor is making a vicious fantasy about good leftist Swedes versus the swarms of Nazi Swedes quite the same as one encouraging American blacks to hate whites.

Anonymous said...

So ... the Django Theory of the End of Civilization?

Do you freakshows ever listen to yourselves talk? Wingnut America is simultaneously a comedy and a tragedy.

Raphael said...

That’s a interesting thesis but the real tipping point for when the country descended into la-la land was the Trayvon Martin incident from 2012, and the ‘national conversation’ about race and all things SJW that it ignited. It will go down in history as the Dreyfus Affair 2.0, a watershed moment when fault lines crystallized and an inexorable polarization of the politically moderate masses followed.

Anonymous said...

It could be as simple as Obama getting elected to his second term. Lefties and grievance groups who were keen to ramp up identity politics likely saw his reelection as confirmation that the bad old ‘patriarchal’ White America was surrendering to a demographic—and thus political—new order, so they hit the accelerator.

Then when Obama's anointed successor lost they went completely bat shit crazy.

Uncle Joe said...

Well, our national elites are heavily concentrated in DC, NYC, and LA, and for decades they’d been very worried about black crime personally impacting them, which probably made them cautious about cheering for black violence.

In Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72, Hunter Thompson observed that Capitol Hill staff had to run to their cars in the car parks to dodge (black) robbers from neighborhoods abutting Congress. He thought it explained a lot of Washington political attitudes.

But they’d been working very hard for many years to gradually push out the blacks, and by the 2010s this policy had largely succeeded, with crime rates having drastically fallen. Once dangerous blacks were no longer around so much in their own vicinity, they could more freely indulge their liberal tendencies to glorify them, partly to assuage their guilt in having driven them away. Hence their positions in the Trayvon Martin controversy and all the others that followed.

Tulip said...

The re-election of Barack Obama marks the culmination of the liberal apocalypse in many ways, as Obama was clearly the Messiah, as prophesized on West Wing, yet the world still sucked.

Likewise, given liberal ideology’s insistence that all forms of inequality are the monocausal result of structural white racism, it is therefore impossible for a Black man to be elected to the Office of President, and impossible for a Black man to be Attorney General, etc.

The empirical refutation of liberal ideology (paradoxically through its triumph) could only result in a doubling down on ideology, which results in cognitive dissonance as well as psychological distress. It takes a toll on a person to deny the obvious and insist on a contradiction of the given

The liberals labored endlessly to bring about the Second Coming and the Kingdom of Heaven, and then when it arrived, and it sucked, how could they do other than to continue the cargo cult with more zeal and more anti-depressants?

Anonymous said...

The left went nuts because Obama told them to.

Anonymous said...

The left went nuts because Obama told them to.
You mean like the hate rally mobs at trump rallies? Of course not. Introspection is not a trait conservatives possess.

Ethics said...

'One Jewish Life Is Worth More Than 10,000 non-Jews'

Birthright leader: "he leaned closer to us, like an overzealous football coach delivering a pep talk. "Do you remember the tsunami a few years ago? It killed 100,000. If I had to choose between all those people or one Jewish life, I would choose the Jewish life."

dinthebeast said...

"That’s a interesting thesis but the real tipping point for when the country descended into la-la land was the Trayvon Martin incident from 2012, and the ‘national conversation’ about race and all things SJW that it ignited."

Try 1990, Newton Leroy Gingrich and GOPAC, then "Language: a key mechanism of control" a few years later. Government wasn't all that efficient before then, but that stopped it in its tracks and it has never recovered.
The rhetorical bombs he taught the Republicans to throw at any and every opportunity led in a direct line to the bombs being thrown this week.

-Doug in Oakland

Testicle Sweat said...

Yisheng = nigger

lilac = cunt

PilotX said...

"Try 1990, Newton Leroy Gingrich and GOPAC,"

And the rise of right wing talk radio. Rush Limbaugh and his hate speech running non-stop in the ears of truckers, soldiers and farmers everyday.

mike from iowa said...

There is one mitigating factor, however: A program similar to Fast and Furious did go forward under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. That program, called Operation Wide Receiver, also attempted to track suspicious weapons. Allowing gun sales to go forward even when the ATF had probable cause to believe the sales were unlawful has come to be known as "gun walking."

The two operations -- Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver -- had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.

"The risk to public safety was immediately evident in both investigations," the inspector general’s report states.

Fuck Anymoose and Fast and Furious bullshit.

From Politifact.

mike from iowa said...

You know wingnuts are desperate when everyone of those up for election has gone extremely negative in their campaigns, lead by the most divisive, ugly, deplorable, despicable, lying orange POS ever to tarnish the office of Potus.

Fuck every last one of you despicable, disgusting deplorable asswipe wasicu wasteys. And yer dogs.

Anonymous said...

Figures that Mikey would fuck dogs.  Without him, nobody here would know what "stump broke" means.

mike from iowa said...

Drumpf will soon be whining the dead in the synagogue are crisis actors trying to make Drumpf look like the insensitive lout he is. It is always about Drumpf the victim. And his koyote kerfluffle will howl in concert their approval.

mike from iowa said...

Yes, this was a typical Drumpfuckian dumbfucker, just like the trolls that infest Field Negro.

mike from iowa said...

Stump broke has nothing to do with fucking dogs. This is how we know you are a Drumpfuckian dumbfucker. You make shit up and can't prove any of it.

Yer best bet would be to crawl or slime yer way back into the swamp and chase parked alligators for thrills.

mike from iowa said...

but HRC had emails.

A Texan said...

Yeah, most of you 'duh-versities' are such precious creatures. The bombs were another false flag operation. Right up there that lying cunt from the Kavanaugh nomination. Can't Democrats do better than this?

Anonymous said...


I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots said...

White people are ugly inside and outside. They are also beyond stupid thinking there is actually a future for them in this country. They had their time, and it's about up. They have and will react violently, but they are becoming outnumbered, so it doesn't really matter.

#BlackPower #BlackPride #BlackisBeautiful

Fuckboi nation said...

Can't Democrats do better than this?
Says the asshole who gets his information from a racist website. Go head with your bad self.

Anonymous said...

mike constantly posts links from hard left sites like Raw Story, Politifact, Vox, Huff Po, Talking Points, etc. Do you read anything that isn't propaganda?

Anonymous said...

Mike does dogs, horses and sheep because they don't talk back and don't tell.

If dogs could talk, there are more than a few rescue dogs that could tell him just how foul and cruel black people are.

mike from iowa said...

Prove anything Blasey Ford said was a lie. Kavernmouth was free to lie all he wanted because he knew there were just enough votes to confirm him racist, misogynist lying ass to the SPotus.

When Dems get Congress and subpoena power the right wing nutjob heads will roll and wasicu wastey's will be crying in their beer when they see how investigations with criminal charges And convictions are handled by experts.

McCTurtle fucker, Grassley and a whole host of cheating, traitorous wingnut sinators will get the third degree and run out of congress as well.

mike from iowa said...

Do you read anything that isn't propaganda?

None of the sites you listed print propaganda. They print verifiable facts.

Of course, to stoopid fucking braindead wingnuts anything drumpf tells them is verifiably false but they see that as being true because they are inbred stoopid fucking stone waste of white fucking wingnuts.

dinthebeast said...

Kavanaugh participated in the "Brooks Brothers Riot" in Florida that stopped the recount that would have made Gore the president.
Had that recount gone through, the SCOTUS would be 7-2 right now in favor of sanity.

-Doug in Oakland

Anonymous said...

"Prove anything Blasey Ford said was a lie."

When someone can't remember the place of an alleged event, how they got to the place, how they got home from the place, when the event happened even down to the year, and all the people this someone places at the scene deny that the event ever happened, you can be pretty sure that the allegation is a lie.

You can also be pretty sure that the people who insist that something so patently fabricated is a reason to do or refuse to do anything have lost their fucking marbles because they should know they are only shredding whatever credibility they still have.

mike from iowa said...

Fucking right wing asshole who is slated to be next Shithole of the House sendsanti-semitic post then removes it. And you fucking white jew haters call the left anti-semitics. Fuck every last one of you.

mike from iowa said...

Prove Kavernmouth and/or friends didn't feed her Rohypnol. And quit making excuses for scumbags like Drumpf and Kavernmouth and every other wasicu wastey out there.

mike from iowa said...

Oooh, I bet this helps to calm the situation, not.

mike from iowa said...

One stoopid fucking wingnut woman doing her part to start a new Civil War-

I'm believing all wasicu wasteys have shit fer brains.

mike from iowa said...

Bout fucking time they wised up.

PilotX said...

Hey Field, what happened to the caption contest? Man, look forward to that.😖

Anonymous said...

> Prove Kavernmouth and/or friends didn't feed her Rohypnol.

Almost impossible, since it wasn't sold until 1974 and was never marketed in the USA.  It would be a real stretch for a teenager in the USA to have Rohypnol in 1981.  It didn't become a thing until the 1990's.

> quit making excuses for scumbags like Drumpf and Kavernmouth

Iowans cast over 800,000 votes for Trump in 2016, so there are an awful lot of "wasicu wasteys" there.  Why don't you take out your sexual frustrations on their dogs?  That'll show 'em.

mike from iowa said...

Introduced to the US as early as 1970's so it is certainly possible she could have been drugged. And would not have a clear memory of what occurred.

mike from iowa said...

Now Drumpf is taking credit for Veteran's Choice Program that Obama signed in 2014. Drumpf says it might be the best idea he ever had. Stealing credit is not a good thing. something apparently wingnuts never bothered to learn.

mike from iowa said...

If a Black man had murdered 11 people in a synagogue and wounded 4 police, what are the chances the cops would have salted his carcass down with lead before arresting him?

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...
"Introduced to the US as early as 1970's so it is certainly possible she could have been drugged"

The only thing certain is that you are on drugs.

mike from iowa said...

She was raped by kavernmouth 7 years after the drug was introduced and you think I'm on drugs? You Drumpfuck University math majors are just stoopid fucking wingnuts.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the only thing that is certain is that you are a fucking moron.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Dear Tulip
1. The re-election of Barack Obama marks the culmination of the liberal apocalypse in many ways, as Obama was clearly the Messiah, as prophesized on West Wing, yet the world still sucked.

Can’t imagine that you really believe this. This Republican generated talking point was promoted by far-right-wing radio liars, such as Rush Limbaugh. No one that I met or ever talked to while I worked on both of Obama’s campaigns held any such nonsensical notion.

2. Likewise, given liberal ideology’s insistence that all forms of inequality are the monocausal result of structural white racism, it is therefore impossible for a Black man to be elected to the Office of President, and impossible for a Black man to be Attorney General, etc.

Of whom are you speaking here? No liberal or progressive believes this.

3. The empirical refutation of liberal ideology (paradoxically through its triumph) could only result in a doubling down on ideology, which results in cognitive dissonance as well as psychological distress. It takes a toll on a person to deny the obvious and insist on a contradiction of the given

Lots of impressive words and ideas here, however the answer to why the liberal apocalypse has occurred is not so complicated . Voter suppression and gerrymandering account for most of it. Republicans, AKA conservatives will stop at nothing to win elections thereby remaining in power.

4. The liberals labored endlessly to bring about the Second Coming and the Kingdom of Heaven, and then when it arrived, and it sucked, how could they do other than to continue the cargo cult with more zeal and more anti-depressants?

Can’t imagine what you been smokin’. A majority of liberals do not participate in organized religion and do not believe in the “Second Coming and the Kingdom of Heaven.” I think you have liberals confused with Christian Fundementalists Frankly, I am wondering where you got all this nonsense and whether or not you really believe it yourself.

mike from iowa said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, the only thing that is certain is that you are a fucking moron.

You are a fucking liar. Prove I have fucked anyone in decades. Liar! You are the fucking moron. Yer gerbil vouches for you.

Anonymous said...

Another case of pin the tail on the donkey......

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