Here are few things on my mind:
If you lived in Georgia, who would you want knocking at your door and telling you to vote for their favorite candidate? Would it be Mike Pence, or would it be Oprah?
Mr. trump said that we would all get tax cuts this week, did any of you believe him?
Are you cool with more US troops going to fight back women and children at the Southern border than we have in Afghanistan fighting a real war?
Why do you think that right wingers thought it was possible to get a woman to lure Robert Mueller into a sex scandal?
Are the newly discovered emails between Steve Bannon and Roger Stone a big deal?
Finally, was Don Lemon wrong about white men being the biggest terror threat in America?
Don Lemon used facts but he could have been a bit more judicial in his language, don't care about the email, Pence thinks he's a big deal but I'm sure he'll get a few "who the hell are you?" responses.
Check this out
"Beyond that, the video is more hype than bombshell. It’s here. From the campaign: “These comments don’t reflect the mayor or what our campaign is about. The campaign has no tolerance for the comments made in the video and we have severed ties.”
Gillum is hitting all the right notes and even the right smear machine can't slow him down😂
Fag Negro is a hack.
"Why do you think that right wingers thought it was possible to get a woman to lure Robert Mueller into a sex scandal?"
Because they're not too bright.
Why wasn't there a Halloween post last night? Were you too busy molesting the trick or treaters?
"Are you cool with more US troops going to fight back women and children at the Southern border than we have in Afghanistan fighting a real war? "
Definitely support our troops defending OUR border instead of Afghanistan's, Iraq's, Syria's, or Israel's. The primary purpose of our military is to protect our country.
And if you bother to take a look at the Soros caravan, you'd notice it is made up of over 90% adult men, many of whom are engaged in tearing down borders and throwing rocks at police.
"Gillum is hitting all the right notes and even the right smear machine can't slow him down"
Gillum is done.
What do dumbasses Steve Bannon and Roger Stone have to e-mail each other besides comparing their pathetic micro dicks?
And if you bother to take a look at the Soros caravan, you'd notice it is made up of over 90% adult men, many of whom are engaged in tearing down borders and throwing rocks at police.
So many lies you'd need to spend a month getting yer filthy mouth washed out with soap. There is not a shred of evidence Soros is behind this or any caravans and the caravans are mostly women and children which you would know if you watched actual news programs.
Just another fucking liar.
Our present hysteria in the media is the death throes of a failed establishment.
Gillum campaign staffer refers to white people as "crackers."
This young man does not speak native English, suggesting he was born abroad. Imagine moving to a new country and morally browbeating the locals to achieve political power.
Kind of like the Field Negro.
I do not think Don Lemmon was wrong. His comment may have sounded harsh, however it is true. Historically true with the KKK, with lynchings, and also in today's world. Mass shootings = white men. A lot of my "fellow white folks" have tried to make an issue about what Dom Lemmon said. They remain silent about what the president says.
Tax cuts this week? I have to pause a moment to stop laughing.
The Military doesn't need to the border. That's just a campaign tactic. Complete b---s--t.
Trying to frame Robert Mueller is yet another example of how stupid the right wing is, and always will be.
I didn't know about the emails between Bannon and Stone until I read your blog tonight. I can't say I find it surprising though.
Have a good evening Sir.
Paul Sams said...
I do not think Don Lemmon was wrong.
It's Don LEMON cracker. Now get your pasty ass the fuck out of here.
"When the Devil decides to destroy a society, he starts off with the women."
- Pastor Jack Hyles
FN: "If you lived in Georgia, who would you want knocking at your door and telling you to vote for their favorite candidate? Would it be Mike Pence, or would it be Oprah?"
Mike Pence
Don Lemon's asshole is terrorized by white dick all the time, so he's obviously an authority. Just as obviously, that white dick is big enough for him.
White terrorists would have to kick things up to Rwanda levels for you to notice anything above the background level of black murderers, so they are not a real threat until they go all Final Solution on you. You're just making them out to be for political points, like usual (Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray).
Of course, such libels are just the thing to get white men into the Final Solution mindset. If you had a lick of sense you'd go Bowling For Behave instead.
FN:"Are you cool with more US troops going to fight back women and children at the Southern border than we have in Afghanistan fighting a real war?"
Yes, there are currently 15,000+ troops in Afghanistan.
FN:"Finally, was Don Lemon wrong about white men being the biggest terror threat in America?"
Yes he is wrong. negroes are a national security threat and cause 75%+ of violent crime.
Chicago Final October 2018 Totals
Shot & Killed: 46
Shot & Wounded: 209
Total Shot: 255
Total Homicides: 51
78.8% black
7.0% white/other
Blue wave=Blue pimple
1) I don't know, what are the stand your ground laws like in Georgia?
2) Nope.
3) Not really. But I'm not cool with the endless occupation of Afghanistan either.
4) Because they sometimes believe their own bullshit?
5) Perhaps. We'll have to wait and see what Mr. Mueller has to say about them.
6) Almost. He would be correct except for the fact that not all Republicans are white. So only the overwhelming majority, not all.
But in practice, yes.
And did you hear that O'Keefe's spy got kicked out of the campaign office of the Democrat who used to work for the CIA? That was a hoot.
-Doug in Oakland
Rural white America October 2018 Totals
OD's: 35,000
Babies sold for meth: 45,000
Teeth: 7
Showers: 3
High school diplomas: 1
100% white
0% other
Shep Smith destroys his own network's fear mongering. Classic!
And did you hear that O'Keefe's spy got kicked out of the campaign office of the Democrat who used to work for the CIA?
Definitely post the link!
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland
Oh wow, that was the seat one of my fellow United pilots was running for. He would have been just as good as the current candidate.He's a Marine so he may not have been as nice to the mole😝
How Many Troops Are Currently In Afghanistan? - Forces.Net
May 18, 2018 - We take a look at the numbers of troops from different nations currently in Afghanistan. ... US: 8,475. Germany: 1,300. Italy: 895. Georgia: 872.
Lied to again by wingnuts. Anonymous Anonymous said...
FN:"Are you cool with more US troops going to fight back women and children at the Southern border than we have in Afghanistan fighting a real war?"
Yes, there are currently 15,000+ troops in Afghanistan.
Fucking liars gotta lie.
Trade war and tariff loving dumbfucker in kremlin annex is surrendering to China. The guy who claims he never quits apparently is quitting because trade wars are so easy to win.
US trade deficit increases more than expected in October and is now up 10% for 2018
The U.S. goods and services deficit increased more than expected in September amid escalating tensions with its global trading partners.
The shortfall rose to $54 billion for the month, a 1.3 percent increase, or $700 million, from August and reflective of a 10.1 percent increase year to date, according to government numbers released Friday.
Those numbers come as the Trump administration moved forward with a plan to tax $200 billion worth of Chinese imports and as China countered.
R U as tired of winning as I am?
Who didn't see this obvious attempt to sweep Kavernmouth's perjury under the rug?
ashington (CNN)Members of the public have been filing misconduct complaints with the US Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia against Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination process, according to a statement from one of his fellow judges on the court issued Saturday.
The statement from Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson said the complaints were related to Kavanaugh's remarks during his confirmation hearings and "do not pertain to any conduct in which Judge Kavanaugh engaged as a judge," an indication that the court does not intend to investigate the complaints.
The 8th circuit is effectively a wingnut rubber stamp with only one Obama appointed justice in the makeup.
Anonymous said...
"Don Lemon's asshole is terrorized by white dick all the time, so he's obviously an authority."
The U.S. added 250,000 Jobs in October - and this was despite the hurricanes. Unemployment at 3.7%. Wages UP 3.1%! These are incredible numbers. The Obama malaise is over! Keep it going, Vote Republican!
Field should go home where he can get some sweet white girl tourist poon:
"In a dark laundry room at a Jamaican Sandals resort, pinned to the floor by a hotel lifeguard, a Michigan teenage girl lay paralyzed with fear as the man bit her lip and raped her, violently robbing her virginity.
When her mother found her after the assault, trembling and holding herself in a hallway, the 17-year-old couldn't speak. She could only point to a metal door.
Behind the door, her friend was being gang-raped by three resort lifeguards.
This is the Jamaica that the U.S. State Department has repeatedly warned tourists about. This is the island paradise that the government says has a pervasive sexual assault problem, the place where two Detroit women were raped in September, and an estimated one American is raped each month."
"one American is raped each month."
She should probably leave.
Just like Field should go home too.
Anyone in Florida should think hard before they vote for the criminal Democrat Gillum. The FBI has him in their pocket as he enjoyed the kickbacks they set him up for. Not to mention his Boyz are all racists anti-white trash who prey on white guilt.
VOTE REPUBLICAN and save the Nation!!!!
Democrats will tax you into the poor house and take away benefits that people PAID into...….
wingnuts are fucking violent thugs and fucking crazy, too.
Commies, Negroes, and Latin mystery meat cannot Govern a First World Country. Vote GOP on 11/6/18
"Are you cool with more US troops going to fight back women and children at the Southern border than we have in Afghanistan fighting a real war? "
No way! I joined the military to get my leg blown off by an IED in some God forsaken desert in the Middle East on behalf of byzantine Deep State interests, not to protect the borders of my country!
"women and children"
What a hack.
@PilotX: Why is whiteboy billionaire Beto O’Rourke the subject of 1,000 glowing profiles in the media while black fighter pilot John James isn’t?
Farmers hurt by tarriffs created by some guy Jarred found on the internet. Jesus trump and his supporters are stupid.
Vote Democrat to save the country.
Good for her. Good for America. Fuck racist whiteys.
Drumpfuck's failed stand up comedy routine.
@PilotX: Why is whiteboy billionaire Beto O’Rourke the subject of 1,000 glowing profiles in the media while black fighter pilot John James isn’t?
Because he chose to be a part of the slimy trump party. Pretty simple. Same reason Michael Steele's career is shit. We have no time for shucking and jiving sambos anymore, shit is too serious.
Beto 2020!
How dare Trump suggest that elites in this country secretly work for refugee caravan?
By the way, high-powered American legal representatives of the refugee caravan just filed a 97-page complaint properly cited and formatted in federal court with the assistance of multiple Ivy League professors.
black fighter pilot John James
Facts to conservatives are like garlic to vampires. Last I checked helicopters aren't considered fighter planes. If Republicans can't get the basic facts about their own candidates correct why do they bitch when no one knows jack shit about them? Dumbasses, no wonder they fall for trump lies.
By the way, high-powered American legal representatives of the refugee caravan just filed a 97-page complaint properly cited and formatted in federal court with the assistance of multiple Ivy League professors.
And nobody gives a fuck but you.
mike from iowa said...
"Good for her. Good for America. Fuck racist whiteys."
Black person does something white people have done thousands of times before. Yay!
Also, fuck the white racists who taught and supported her.
I mean seriously, what the fuck is with this person?
"@PilotX: Why is whiteboy billionaire Beto O’Rourke the subject of 1,000 glowing profiles in the media while black fighter pilot John James isn’t?"
My guess is the GOP didn't put money into that race and conceded it to Stabanow. Not really sure.
Also the GOP has a history of throwing Black candidates into races they know they'll lose so they can say they aren't racist. They do it all the time here in Illinois, they had to go all the way to Maryland to run Alan Keyes against Barack. He served his purpose and will go back to whatever he was doing before he ran.
PilotX said...
"@PilotX: Why is whiteboy billionaire Beto O’Rourke the subject of 1,000 glowing profiles in the media while black fighter pilot John James isn’t?"
My guess is the GOP didn't put money into that race and conceded it to Stabanow. Not really sure.
So you are saying the parties need to pay the media for glowing profiles of their candidates, and by extension the Dems must have paid for Beto's?
"they had to go all the way to Maryland to run Alan Keyes against Barack."
Because Barack got his first opponent to withdraw by getting his sealed divorce records leaked from the Chicago court records department.
Look at this fucking Nazi they caught scrawling anti-semitic graffiti inside a synagogue:
“Also the GOP has a history of throwing Black candidates into races they know they'll lose so they can say they aren't racist. They do it all the time here in Illinois, they had to go all the way to Maryland to run Alan Keyes against Barack. He served his purpose and will go back to whatever he was doing before he ran.”
I feel like the nomination of Alan Keyes was a desperation move, more than an attempt by his party to pretend they weren’t racist while not really wanting any black GOP candidates to actually win. The original Republican candidate in that race got torpedoed by his sexual history, and after that, it was too late in the election cycle for the party to substitute anybody good.
Although I feel like the choice of Keyes did betray the Republican Party’s contempt for black people. They obviously believed there was a possibility black voters would just vote for any old black candidate, and therefore Keyes would be able to easily steal votes from Obama.
In reality, black voters just laughed at Keyes. He had no meaningful support from that constituency and, as you said, didn’t even have any connection with the state of Illinois.
Monster Jobs Report for October
250,000 New Jobs
32,000 manufacturing
30,000 construction
5,000 mining
24,800 transportation & warehousing
But wages soaring 3.1% says it all.
Congratulations America!
nukkas at it again:
Anonymous Jamaica: rape capital of the Carribean? said...
Field should go home where he can get some sweet white girl tourist poon:
Since sexual assaults are so commonplace, why would you risk going there?: Are you totally fucking retarded?
You get that many rapes in US cities in a heartbeat. Don't go there, either.
Whats that you say- stoopid fucking wingnuts are the real threat to America?
Vicious little fuckers, ain't they?
Got an opioid epidemic on yer hands so the first thing you need is FDA approved even stronger, more addictive painkiller.
1. Would it be Mike Pence, or would it be Oprah?
Definitely Oprah.
2. Mr. trump said that we would all get tax cuts this week, did any of you believe him?
3.Are you cool with more US troops going to fight back women and children at the Southern border than we have in Afghanistan fighting a real war?
3. Why do you think that right wingers thought it was possible to get a woman to lure Robert Mueller into a sex scandal?
Because they are dumb as rocks??
4.Are the newly discovered emails between Steve Bannon and Roger Stone a big deal?
Maybe. Need more info.
5.Finally, was Don Lemon wrong about white men being the biggest terror threat in America?
Seems I recall that former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano was pursuing investigations concerning U.S. domestic terrorists back between 2009 and 2013. But Congressional Republicans had a fit about it, pretending outrage etc., etc.
I'm a 6'2'' Chinese-American and think that blacks need to get over themselves in regards to Trump. Trump has rarely if ever gone after you people, but you always need to push yourselves as the world's biggest victims. It's boring.
See more at:
In 8 years, Obama had a net loss of 192,000 manufacturing and 111,500 mining jobs.
In less than 2 years, Donald Trump has created 416,000 manufacturing and 112,700 mining jobs.
Thank you Obama!
"112,700 mining jobs"
Coal mining? Sure, let's go back to an 18th century source of energy. Great plan.
Not so fast on the manufacturing jobs claims bullshit.
But, as we wrote at the time, the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation dismissed such talk as premature. Rob Atkinson, founder and president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, tells us it is still premature.
Atkinson, co-author of a 2015 report called “The Myth of America’s Manufacturing Renaissance: The Real State of U.S. Manufacturing,” said that being 1.2 million short of the pre-recession jobs level is just one indication that manufacturing is not back.
“Even more telling,” Atkinson told us, “the U.S. is producing less manufacturing output in the second quarter of 2017 than it did in the last quarter of 2007,” when the recession started.
“Almost 10 years and NO growth in real output. This is not roaring back, or even back,” Atkinson, citing Bureau of Economic Analysis data, told us in an email.
He also pointed us to the latest data on labor productivity, which is measured by the amount of manufacturing goods produced (output) per hour of labor.
“Manufacturing sector labor productivity fell 4.4 percent in the third quarter of 2017, as output decreased 1.1 percent and hours worked increased 3.5 percent,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics said in a Dec. 6 press release. “This was the largest quarterly decline in manufacturing sector productivity since the fourth quarter of 2008 (-5.4 percent).”
Manufacturing labor productivity is an important indicator of “increased potential national income,” BLS says. But it has declined in 18 of the 39 quarters since the recession started, according to BLS.
"So you are saying the parties need to pay the media for glowing profiles of their candidates, and by extension the Dems must have paid for Beto's?"
Nope, not sure why he got more press than the Michigan candidate. Maybe because nobody gives him a chance.
"Because Barack got his first opponent to withdraw by getting his sealed divorce records leaked from the Chicago court records department"
Tha's not what happened. His wife came out and spilled the beans about why they divorced. Can't blame Barack for that. Even so why did the Illinois GOP feel the need to go all the way to Maryland to find a candidate? I mean I know why but for real they had plenty of serious competitive candidates right here but instead they get a crazy and controversial nut from the East Coast. Bad calculation and rightfully so they got their asses handed to them.
Mike, you're using facts and data to make a point to a conservative. Good luck with that.
I'm a 6'2'' Japanese-American and think that whites need to get over themselves in regards to Trump. Trump has rarely if ever done anything for you people, but you always need to push yourselves as the world's biggest victims. It's boring.
Precedent downgrade just keepslying his ass off. And has no stats to back his ridiculous claims.
As of now there are approximately 2500 coal jobs since Putie installed Drumpfuck in the kremlin annex.
Bannon and stone emails prove collusion between kremlin annex and Russian wikileaks.
Mike, you're using facts and data to make a point to a conservative. Good luck with that
Not a chance.
There is something really wrong with mike from iowa1:05 PM
I mean seriously, what the fuck is with this person?
Anonymous fuckheads like you, BITCH!
Time to start digging through wingnut shit and start finding bodies.
My New Year's wish is for all you stoopid fucking wingnuts to be sued for libel and slander for claiming Soros is behind all these Dem activities without a single shred of proof.
Drumpfuck wants to sue news outlets for reporting facts about his life and crooked business dealings- with all kinds of empirical evidence that proves he is a crook.
I'm a 9'7" Martian and you Earthlings all look alike to me. You're all shades of brown. You keep talking about white people, but I haven't seen any. Mimes don't count; that's an actor wearing grease paint. You'd think that, for all this planet has done for white people, then the least they could do is exist.
lightsweep said...
I'm a 6'2'' Japanese-American and think that whites need to get over themselves in regards to Trump. Trump has rarely if ever done anything for you people, but you always need to push yourselves as the world's biggest victims. It's boring.
Well, I'm a 5'2" white woman, and I don't see where Trump has done anything for anyone who isn't wealthy. BTW, I am not a victim, and I didn't vote for the orange conman.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"That's not what happened. His wife came out and spilled the beans about why they divorced."
No, PilotX, your selective memory fails again:
Obama became a U.S. senator only by virtue of David Axelrod’s former employer, the Chicago Tribune, ripping open the sealed divorce records of Obama’s two principal opponents.
One month before the 2004 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, Obama was down in the polls, about to lose to Blair Hull, a multimillionaire securities trader. But then the Chicago Tribune leaked the claim that Hull’s second ex-wife, Brenda Sexton, had sought an order of protection against him during their 1998 divorce proceedings.
Those records were under seal, but as The New York Times noted: “The Tribune reporter who wrote the original piece later acknowledged in print that the Obama camp had ‘worked aggressively behind the scenes’ to push the story.” Many people said Axelrod had “an even more significant role — that he leaked the initial story.”
Both Hull and his ex-wife opposed releasing their sealed divorce records, but they finally relented in response to the media’s hysteria — 18 days before the primary. Hull was forced to spend four minutes of a debate detailing the abuse allegation in his divorce papers, explaining that his ex-wife “kicked me in the leg and I hit her shin to try to get her to not continue to kick me.”
After having held a substantial lead just a month before the primary, Hull’s campaign collapsed with the chatter about his divorce. Obama sailed to the front of the pack and won the primary. Hull finished third with 10 percent of the vote.
As luck would have it, Obama’s opponent in the general election had also been divorced! Jack Ryan was tall, handsome, Catholic — and shared a name with one of Harrison Ford’s most popular onscreen characters! He went to Dartmouth, Harvard Law and Harvard Business School, made hundreds of millions of dollars as a partner at Goldman Sachs, and then, in his early 40s, left investment banking to teach at an inner city school on the South Side of Chicago.
Ryan was far ahead of Obama in polling for the Senate race. But at the request of — again — the Chicago Tribune, California Judge Robert Schnider unsealed the custody papers in Ryan’s divorce five years earlier from Hollywood starlet Jeri Lynn Ryan, the bombshell Borg on “Star Trek: Voyager.”
Jack Ryan had released his tax records. He had released his divorce records. But both he and his ex-wife sought to keep the custody records under seal to protect their son.
Amid the 400 pages of filings from the custody case, Jack Ryan claimed that his wife had had an affair, and she counterclaimed with the allegation that he had taken her to “sex clubs” in Paris, New York and New Orleans, which drove her to fall in love with another man.
Ryan had vehemently denied her allegations at the time, but it didn’t matter. The sex club allegations aired on “Entertainment Tonight,” “NBC Nightly News,” ABC’s “Good Morning America,” “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,” and NBC’s “Today” show. CNN covered the story like it was the first moon landing.
Four days after Judge Schnider unsealed the custody records, Ryan dropped out of the race for the horror of (allegedly) propositioning his own wife and then taking “no” for an answer.
Well geez, two freaks had their private lives come under scrutiny. That's how media works, they dig into your past but apropos of nothing it does not change my previous contention that Republicans insert Black candidates into losing campaigns for the optics of running a Black candidate. Alan Keyes had no business in an Illinois senate race.
Same thing happened in 2008, to pick up PUMA voters the GOP chose Sarah Palin with little to no vetting. It's their own fault for running shady characters.
"It's their own fault for running shady characters."
Andrew Gillum is under investigation in an FBI bribery case.
Stacey Abrams hasn't paid her taxes for years.
Bozo O'Rourke ran away from a drunk-driving accident.
Andrew Gillum is not under FBI investigation.
Stacy Abrams is paying off her tax debt.
Beto was rightfully investigated and punished for his crime so there is that. No October surprise there.
"Obama became a U.S. senator only by virtue of David Axelrod’s former employer, the Chicago Tribune, ripping open the sealed divorce records of Obama’s two principal opponents."
Nice smear there, but Axelrod having once worked at the Tribune had nothing to do with the Tribune's decision to sue for the divorce records. The Tribune has a right-wing editorial board and undoubtedly would have preferred for Jack Ryan to defeat Obama.
However, the Tribune isn't right-wing in the way of Fox News, where they present patent bullshit as true in order to boost the chances Republican candidates -- i.e., the Tribune is not a propaganda arm of the GOP. It is a traditional newspaper: the editorial position is economically right-wing, but the reportage strives to be as neutral and fact-based as possible.
The Tribune sued for Obama's opponents' divorce records simply because they'd been informed there was a nice, juicy scoop there, not because the paper was part of some conspiracy to get Obama elected. (We can debate the merits of the court having allowed the records to be unsealed, but that is separate question.)
"The Tribune has a right-wing editorial board"
LOL! Either you are a retard or you think everyone that reads this site is!
Woman referred to DOJ for making false Kavanaugh allegations:
The woman is "decades older" than Kavanaugh and is left-wing activist who has admitted her accusations were a "ploy".
Hippie Grandma is going to do hard time because she watched too much Rachel Maddow and decided to slander a man under penalty of perjury. Take that as warning Gambler.
"The Tribune has a right-wing editorial board"
LOL! Either you are a retard or you think everyone that reads this site is!"
The Trib has always skewed right. It was founded in opposition to workers' rights in direct contrast to the Sun-Times.
"The Trib has always skewed right."
Well, there's one retard.
"Well, there's one retard."
Well there's a witty retort.
The Three-Fifths Amendment:
"Congress shall make no law requiring black people to do anything they aren't in the mood to do, like not park in the crosswalk, because History. And Racism."
Legal scholars say anyone who asks whether the Three-Fifths Amendment overrides the Zeroth Amendment ("It's racist to doubt that anybody from anywhere has the right to immigrate to America anytime they feel like it, no questions asked"), or vice-versa, is a racist troublemaker.
“The Trib has always skewed right. It was founded in opposition to workers' rights in direct contrast to the Sun-Times.”
Founded by his grandfather, the Tribune came to prominence as a vehicle for the wealthy Robert McCormick to rail against FDR and the New Deal during the 1930s, and defend the interests of the rich.
This blog’s trolls don’t understand this sort of establishment right-wing media, because it has been replaced in their hearts by the Breitbarts of the world — which aren’t real news outlets at all, but merely spew lies and hate speech 24/7.
"This blog’s trolls don’t understand this sort of establishment right-wing media"
They don't understand much, they just wanna throw dung and pollute this blog. Being from Chicago and understanding the media landscape it's easy to tell someone who's not from here.
"This blog’s trolls don’t understand this sort of establishment right-wing media"
That sort of establishment right-wing media long ago became establishment liberal media.
"The campaign said in a statement that Abrams deferred her tax payments in 2015 and 2016 because she was helping to pay her family’s expenses and that she is on a payment plan with the IRS for the $54,000 she owes."
From the ACJ
Maybe you should clear up years of unpaid back taxes before you run for governor.
"That sort of establishment right-wing media long ago became establishment liberal media."
Disagree. There are just so many far right media outles that center right outlets look liberal by comparison. I'm old an from Illinois so I remember moderate Republicans and center right media of which the Trib qualifies.
NYPD just arrested a suspect in Brooklyn synagogue anti-Semitic graffiti case.
The arrestee is a ... black, gay, Democratic activist. James Polite was featured by the New York Times charity last year to help him raise money to finish his Brandeis degree.
"Maybe you should clear up years of unpaid back taxes before you run for governor."
Or not.
Being from Chicago and understanding the media landscape
... is proof that you are a not-American. Living under the Democrat vote-fraud machine and not burning it down brands you as someone unfit to live in a free country.
Without all the Africans-in-America and zombie voters in Chimpcongo, Illinois would be a solid red state.
“Without all the Africans-in-America and zombie voters in Chimpcongo, Illinois would be a solid red state.”
Without all the redneck sister-humpers in Texas, the Democrats would control the federal government forever.
Tell me, how do we expel Texas from the Union? I have decided that they are not “real Americans.”
"is proof that you are a not-American. Living under the Democrat vote-fraud machine and not burning it down brands you as someone unfit to live in a free country."
Nah, I'd rather live here with my elected officials over Mississippi, Alabama or West Virginia. Much better QoL.
"Without all the Africans-in-America and zombie voters in Chimpcongo, Illinois would be a solid red state."
And thank god for us blah people. You're right, outside of Chicago Illinois is basically Kentucky. Red states are notorious for being at the bottom in education, health and infant mortality. You can keep your red states.
From Steve Benen:
"Donald Trump has now been in office for 21 full months – February 2017 through October 2018 -- and in that time, the economy has created 4.05 million jobs. In the 21 full months preceding Trump's presidency -- May 2015 to January 2017 -- the economy created 4.47 million jobs.
The White House has not yet offered an explanation for why job growth has slowed since Trump took office."
-Doug in Oakland
"And thank god for us blah people. You're right, outside of Chicago Illinois is basically Kentucky. Red states are notorious for being at the bottom in education, health and infant mortality."
The rest of Illinois outside of Chicago are way ahead in education, health and infant mortality.
And the Red States with the most social problems are coincidentally the states with the highest black populations - Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Alabama.
"The rest of Illinois outside of Chicago are way ahead in education, health and infant mortality."
Really? I'd love to see your evidence.
"And the Red States with the most social problems are coincidentally the states with the highest black populations - Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Alabama."
So Republicans aren't good for blah people. The education gap and health problems also exist in white areas in those states. Look at the poverty numbers. Blue states are better for all parties involved it seems.
But red states are good at voter suppression. You've got that going for you.👍🏾😝
Hey anon 12:21, in what state do you live?
And also not buying the blame the negro argument because West Virginia is a very very white state but is near the bottom of all metrics so that dog don't hunt. Very diverse states have much better metrics than lily white W. Virginia.
"So Republicans aren't good for blah people"
No, when white majority shrinks, whites tend to vote together more than they do in states with large white majorities. This is why the future is Republican.
West Virginia is the exception that proves the rule.
"This is why the future is Republican."
That is true unless people of color start moving to low population states like Wyoming and Montana and start voting. That's the only way to prevent the minority of voters from running the nation. I will start the revolution. There's some good real estate in Idaho I'm eyeing.
"West Virginia is the exception that proves the rule."
West by god proves racists are full of it.
What state do you call home anon?
And the Red States with the most social problems are coincidentally the states with the highest black populations - Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Alabama.
And the states with confederate flags, attacks on evolution and inbred hillbillies.
“The rest of Illinois outside of Chicago are way ahead in education, health and infant mortality."
He should check out the white folks in southern Illinois, around Carbondale. They’re not doing so great. Just saying.
Still doing better than a lot of the white folks in places like Mississippi or Alabama, though. These trolls want to act like these are exotic foreign countries that we don’t know about. But I’ve been to the white parts of Red State America. A lot of them are shitty.
Unfortunately, poor white wingnuts don’t ever seem to catch a clue that the bad economic policies they vote for might be the cause of their misery. Instead, they keep blaming blacks and Mexicans.
"Unfortunately, poor white wingnuts don’t ever seem to catch a clue that the bad economic policies they vote for might be the cause of their misery. Instead, they keep blaming blacks and Mexicans."
Yessir, my mom was from southern Illinois and I've spent time there and it ain't paradise by any stretch of the imagination. I've bisited 49 states and some of the worst areas are poor white areas. If you don't believe me drive a few miles outside of St. Louis into rural Missoura. Dear god, it was very special. Rural areas are less educated and with that comes voting for Republicans.
They talk about Chicago politicians but we have voting machines with paper ballots unlike red states that still use old voting machines with no paper tally. Geez, what could go wrong there? Our last intelligent president came from Chicago😆
piloxx reminds me of auburn calloway.
yisheng reminds me of Kermit Gosnell.
White boys are pussies and retards.
Whites are awesome! Hey Field Negro, when are you moving to Liberia or some other African country ruled by some dumbass who kicked out YT? You could be ruled by a strong black man. Sure, you may love in a mud hut eating dirt or monkey brains, but at least you don't have to be around YT with his 24/7 electrical grid and other amenities.
Whites are kinda overrated. They think they know everything and brag about shit they had nothing to do with. Smart people with PhD's created electrical grids while dumb assholes like Texan can barely flip a switch or don't even have electricity in his trailer. Stop acting like racist fuckboys and you might not have to be an incel. It's much better to date than to sit on the internet poating racist shit 24/7. On second thought no sane woman would find any of these fuckboys mildly interesting. I guess one can always hope.
Juanita jean does it again. Wingnuts Nativity Scene minus a few necessary parts.
Dang them white Illinois negroes to hell.
Muss Lindsey wants to replace Grassley's skanky ass as jewdisherry head so he can investigate under investigated HRC.
Notice how wingnut big mouths have quit bragging about Drumpfuck's failed wall?
The ACA is still alive and kicking.
ISIS is not defeated.
Scalia is still dead.
Drumpf is still a pathological lying POS. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
I’ll be voting ALL Dems next week for only the second time in my voting history, the first time was in November 2016.
#A Divided Nation Will Eventually Fall
Ask the Indians!!!!!
Diversity is such a strength you won’t be allowed to leave:
I'd rather live here with my elected officials
They aren't elected, they're selected by a cabal and put in place by fraud.
Being happy with sham democracy is proof you aren't an American and have to go back.
And thank god for us blah people. You're right, outside of Chicago Illinois is basically Kentucky.
Chicago had 682 homicides for 2017 out of a population of 2.7 million, for a per-capita rate of 25.3/100k. Kentucky had a homicide rate of just 5.9/100k despite a recent spike.
Louisville's homicide count has more than doubled since 2017, all due to "blah" people. You must be SO proud.
Red states are notorious for being at the bottom in education, health and infant mortality.
"Blah" zones are notorious for being total shitholes in every category no matter where they are, almost without exception.
I'd like to see you do without the "Kentuckians" of downstate Illinois, Iowa and elsewhere. Without them oil would cost so much you'd be out of a job, but you wouldn't have time to worry about that because you'd have no electricity, no natural gas and no food either.
So Republicans aren't good for blah people.
Democrats aren't good for white people, and access to white people is not a human right. If you don't like whites voting to defend themselves from you, hop an airplane going southeast... about 5300 miles. You can be totally free of white people harshing your blah-ness.
If you were honest you'd be posting from your Tubman Boulevard tin shack.
Anonymous "Liberty" said...
Diversity is such a strength you won’t be allowed to leave:
If whitey was allowed to kill Blacks with impunity, theses schools would be overrun with white trash.
Moar white privilege being exercised.
Hey, Mikey, do you remember that Federal blackrobe tyrant's $2 billion project to "remedy the effects of historical discrimination" in the KCMO public schools? Remember how it turned out?
Homer Hickam was "white trash" from West Virginia, and wound up being a significant contributor to NASA. If you asked the white people of Missouri which they'd rather have, they'd trade their blacks for West Virginians in a heartbeat.
"If you don't believe me drive a few miles outside of St. Louis into rural Missoura. Dear god, it was very special."
A few years ago I drove all the way from Kansas City to St. Louis on US 50 which is a 2-lane highway. It was peaceful and pleasant with some surprises. Who knew that mid-Missouri was wine country? I saw a rust-free Ford Pinto on the road, of all things. I didn't see a single black person until I got to Jefferson City. I hear they're crapping the place up now.
Two years ago I did the same trip on US 36. It was a lot more Interstate-ish than US 50 but nice, clean, and free of visible black people.
"Whites are kinda overrated. They think they know everything and brag about shit they had nothing to do with."
Black people claim they built the entire USA (which they personally could not have had anything to do with, because they weren't born yet) while everything around them is falling down with the exception of the basketball hoops and the homicide rates.
Black people claim they built the entire USA
I have never heard anyone say that.
Glad you saw some good sides of rural America but just outside of the Lou are some of the worst trailer parks with toothless, shirtless hillbillies. The look on my wife's face was priceless when she asked if these are the assholes who think they're superior? Wine country my ass, you saw mooshine farms and meth labs. Can't fool me.
which they personally could not have had anything to do with, because they weren't born yet
Dear god, did you actually post that? That has to be the single dumbest comment ever written by a fuckboi. And there have been some dumbassed fuckboi comments. Now be a good trashy white and OD. I hear it's the latest fad, I mean along with the incel thing.
"If whitey was allowed to kill Blacks with impunity, theses schools would be overrun with white trash."
mike needs better meds and restriction from access to sharp objects.
Oh the inhumanity of it all. What a fucking crime.
Black people claim they built the entire USA (which they personally could not have had anything to do with, because they weren't born yet) while everything around them is falling down with the exception of the basketball hoops and the homicide rates."
Black people claim they built the entire USA
I have never heard anyone say that.
You heard it, all right. You just deny it when it's inconvenient.
How Blacks Built America at Amazon.
We Built This at The Root.
You can almost feel Ashlee Preston getting the vapors when she whines about rapper Pitbull talking about how immigrants built America:
(I bet she gets apoplectic when someone says "all lives matter" too.)
Not to be out-done, Michael Harriot declares "We were the workers whose hands constructed this country":
He goes on to whine "When they say they “built this” country, they are totally oblivious to the design flaws. White people telling black people, Muslims and immigrants how “white people built this country” is like Ford screaming “We built this Pinto!” while blaming the shitty engine and terrible design on the workers in the factory."
Black people have had carte blanche (heh) to "fix" the "design flaws" of Haiti, Jamaica, and everything below the Sahara in the entire continent of Africa. They've turned one first-world country with a "flawed design" into a starving shithole of their own making, and are working on an encore.
I'm fine with that. You should go join them, and "fix" what you can.
Wine country my ass, you saw mooshine farms and meth labs.
White Mule Winery and Bed & Breakfast, 2087 US-50, Owensville, MO 65066. Plenty more in Google Maps. So, you were saying?
"while everything around them is falling down with the exception of the basketball hoops and the homicide rates."
Not really, you should get out more.I'll show you around cool Blah neighborhoods all over. DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Charlotte ect.
Black people. along with many others, helped build this country. Facts man, facts.
Your one stop shopping for meth labs in Missouri. Bet it's more of them than vinyards.
"you should get out more.I'll show you around cool Blah neighborhoods all over."
Like Bronzeville? Bronzeville was part of the estate of Stephen A. Douglas and a substantial part of it was developed by him. You didn't build that.
Turns out that black brains are so different you can tell them from white brains with an MRI scan.
"In this work we predicted genetic ancestry from rs-fMRI connectivity data at very high performance (area under the ROC curve of 0.93). Thereby, we demonstrated that genetic ancestry is encoded in the functional connectivity pattern of the brain at rest."
So much for "muh equality".
Hearing wasicu wasteys claim all lives matter has to be one of the most hypocritcal statements ever made.
No one can believe "All Lives Matter" without being racist.
nice bro funny merry christmas sayings
Don Lemon: “we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men"
A call to stop demonizing people followed immediately by demonizing people, in the same sentence.
Self-awareness is not a strong point of progressives.
BREAKING NEWS: Judy Munro-Leighton, who claimed she was raped by Brett Kavanaugh, has now admitted that she lied.
I still believe her even if she doesn’t.
Self-awareness is not a strong point of progressives.
Don was just telling the truth. White men are goofy ass hazards to everyone. Especially babies in schools and old folks in churches.
Like Bronzeville? Bronzeville was part of the estate of Stephen A. Douglas and a substantial part of it was developed by him. You didn't build that.
Neither did you asshole so grab a drink at the Velvet Lounge and STFU.
"Like Bronzeville? Bronzeville was part of the estate of Stephen A. Douglas and a substantial part of it was developed by him. You didn't build that."
Actually I have some friends who are developers and have built quite a few nice brownstones in Bronzeville. If you have an extra $500,000 or so laying around they can hook you up. Custom built and everything.
Anonymous moron from iowa said what about the women being paid to lie about Mueller? They were paid to commit a crime to report a crime that did not happen. Why aren't they in jail along with the right wing nutjobs that paid them?
So Melanoma spent 95k on a six hour hotel stay in She (got) gypped and whines when it gets reported as a fact. The press should report on what I do not what I wear. I didn't5 see or hear of her romping naked with any African ladies. She has done that with other wacicu women. Maybe she's racist, too.
Nuther ugly fucking Drumpfian fat ass woman goes postal on preggers Native American woman and gets her fat ass booted off the bus.
Should boot fat ass Drumpf and all his racist followers of the edge of the world. America deserves so much better than the shit heaped on it by racist wasicu fuckoffs.
Gotta stock up on popcorn. First the Dems are gonna impeach and investigate the hell out of the orange menace and now sell out Black Barbie vs. Racist Blonde Barbie. Jeez, good times had by all.
Oh dear god this negress is in the sunken place. Owens tweeted "I would also like to publicly apologize to President Trump, as I know that Kanye’s tweets were rapidly misinterpreted as a shot to this administration."
And another yessuh boss negro is exposed. Kanye played the shit out of all of em. Boom!
Anonymous Don Lemon was right said..
Drumpf follower had a record of 'grabbing' women. Wonder where he got that idea from?
Anonymous said...
"Commies, Negroes, and Latin mystery meat cannot Govern a First World Country."
Now, this is the dumbest post that I have seen for at east a week. President Obama governed The United States, a first world country, for eight blessed years. He rescued us from the Republican economic disaster.
Furthermore, a commie or a Latin person would be preferable to the evil half-wit in the White House today.
DO NOT Vote GOP on 11/6/18
This is hillary-ous. The founder of failing Ark museum blasts the press for using attendance figures he himself provides. Must be another Drumpfuck follower.
Former Generals are giving Drumpf an earful for using troops and troop numbers as campaign props.
Patiently waiting Drumpf's racist tweets about Medgar Ever's widow come a Sunday morning.
Fuck Oprah.
Testicle sweat tickles testicles with his tongue.
Fuck Randall!
Two men mowed "FU45" into the grass under the landing approach Air Force One made carrying Trump to a campaign rally in Montana. Deep red Montana???LOL! Maybe it's not so deep red after all.
Lawn crews... probably illegals. Betcha ICE is already on it and there are some "help wanted" notices up next week.
"Commies, Negroes, and Latin mystery meat cannot Govern a First World Country."
Where's the lie? Can you name one?
Anonymous said...
"Commies, Negroes, and Latin mystery meat cannot Govern a First World Country."
Where's the lie? Can you name one?"
🎤 drop st 9:54!
If by "govern" you mean:
--- inflaming "his people" against law enforcement, resulting in
--- presiding over the most premeditated killings of police officers in history;
--- promoting waves of illegal immigration and even having government agents and and abet it; and
--- openly setting up a shadow government aimed at frustrating the will of the people #HOPE ing for a reversal of his unwanted and destructive #CHANGE s.... and
--- pushing the USA towards a national breakup,
then yeah, you could call that "governing".
In the tradition of third-world shitholes. Which is exactly how you turn a first-world country into one. We've got enough examples already, we don't need another.
Half white, half failure.
Half white, half failure.
All traitor.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Half white, half failure.
All traitor."
In a recent survey, nearly 200 political science scholars ranked US presidents on a scale of 0-100, from failure (zero) to average (50) to great (100). The totals were then averaged for each president and ranked from highest to lowest.
Barack Obama ranked 8th, higher than both Bushes and Ronald Reagan.
Apparently other people do not share your opinion.
"political science scholars"
Students of medicine are useful. Students of engineering and physics and chemistry are useful. Students of history... if their POV is not corrupted. But "political science" is a contradiction in terms.
These people are idiots, and produce the conclusions idiots would produce. The institutions which call them "scholars" are worse than useless, and need to be burned to the ground with all their students, faculty and staff inside.
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