Anyway, I can't believe that I am doing this, but I am going to post an article from conservative writer, Jonah Goldberg, for his take on the president.
Just trying to be fair and balanced, folks.
"As we celebrate Christmastime amid an unnecessary and indefinite government shutdown and the worst December for the stock market since 1931, I’m reminded once again of my longstanding prediction: The Trump presidency will end poorly because character is destiny.
I’ve said it so often, I occasionally need to be reminded that I didn’t coin the phrase. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus did, when he observed “ethos anthropoi daimon,” most often translated as “man’s character is his fate.”
Character is one of those topics, like culture or morality, that everyone strongly supports yet also argues about. When James Q. Wilson, one of the greatest social scientists of the last half-century, turned his scholarly attention to character, many of his colleagues in academia were repulsed. Even though every one of them surely believed in some notion of good character, it was assumed that to talk of it, let alone seek a definition of it or a plan for how to cultivate it, would be an exercise in lending aid and comfort to the moralizers of the right.
But Wilson had a more humble and universal definition than his colleagues might have expected: decency, politeness, self-restraint, commitment, honesty, cooperativeness and the ability to think of others’ well-being.
Weirdly, it’s gotten to the point that when I say President Trump is not a man of good character, I feel like I should preface it with a trigger warning for many of my fellow conservatives.
Most of the angry responses are rooted in the fact they do not wish to be reminded of this obvious truth. But others seem to have convinced themselves that Trump is a man of good character, and they take personal offense at the insult, even though I usually offer it as little more than an observation.
This latter group rushes to rebut the claim, citing banal or debatable propositions: He loves his children! He’s “loyal to a fault!” He’s authentic! Never mind that many bad men love their children, that loyalty to people or causes unworthy of loyalty is not admirable, and that authentic caddishness is not admirable. Never mind, too, that he is not remotely loyal, to his wives or the people who work for him.
What’s most worrisome is that these defenders are redefining good character in Trump’s image, and they end up modeling it.
Still others assume that I am referencing the president’s style, specifically his insults and Twitter addiction. They overlook that his insults are not merely an act, but rather the product of astonishing levels of narcissism, insecurity and intellectual incuriosity. His Twitter feed is simply a window into his id.
The president who became a celebrity by telling reality-show contestants “you’re fired” has not fired any of his Cabinet officials face-to-face, or even on the phone. He relies on others, or on Twitter, to deliver the news. He loves controversy because it keeps him in the center ring, but he hates confrontation.
The driving force behind nearly all of the controversies that have bedeviled his administration is his personality, not his ideology.
To be sure, ideology plays a role. It amplifies the anger from both his left-wing critics and his transactional defenders. Many of the liberal critics shrieking about the betrayal of the Kurds implicit in his decision to withdraw from Syria would be applauding if a President Clinton had made the same decision. And many of the conservatives celebrating the move would be condemning it.
To be sure, ideology plays a role. It amplifies the anger from both his left-wing critics and his transactional defenders. Many of the liberal critics shrieking about the betrayal of the Kurds implicit in his decision to withdraw from Syria would be applauding if a President Clinton had made the same decision. And many of the conservatives celebrating the move would be condemning it.
But his refusal to listen to advisors; his inability to bite his tongue; his demonization and belittling of senators who vote for his agenda; his rants against the 1st Amendment; his praise for dictators and insults for allies; his need to create new controversies to eclipse old ones; and his inexhaustible capacity to lie and fabricate history: All this springs from his nature.
Over the weekend, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie offered an odd defense of the president. He’s like a “72-year-old relative,” Christie said on ABC’s “This Week.” “When people get older, they become more and more convinced of the fact that what they’re doing is the right thing.”
Christie has a point. But the reason Trump won’t change has little to do with age and everything to do with character." [Source]
So trump has a bad character. Tell us something that we don't already know.
Still, what does it say about America that we elected him?
So trump has a bad character. Tell us something that we don't already know.
Still, what does it say about America that we elected him?
Goldberg said much worse things about cad William Jefferson Clinton and his mother was the puppet master pulling the strings on Linda Tripp and Lewinski's entrapment of Clinton.
trump is the President we deserve. As Doug says the scorched earth politics began in earnest in the 90's with the rise of Limbaugh and Gingrich. I see it daily with people insisting the tv stay on Fox 24/7, insisting we everyone not just themselves say Merry Christmas and such and so on. From what I saw it was the election of Barack that sent most conservatives over the edge and now they feel the need to spout their politics and opinions to anyone and everyone. We even got a memo from out union stating an increase in conflict at work because of politics. I haven't seen this country this divided in my life and have never seen such obtuseness when it comes to politics. Then again this has always been an immature and pretty dumb nation. I truly expected a teality show president but just not this soon. I always thought it would be Kim Kardashian.
PilotX said: "trump is the President we deserve."
I have to disagree with you here. Yes, some people deserve him, but some of us don't. Trump did not win the popular vote, and those of us who didn't vote for him have to put up with him. Every morning when I wake up, I go to my computer to see if Trump has blown up some part of the world. Living with Trump as president means living a bizarre nightmare.
KK just got a 14 million dollar condo for christmas. She needs another home like she needs more snip-snip, or public exposure for that matter.
There is some good in this world, no thanks to stoopid fucking wingnuts. https://www.thedailybeast.com/mollie-tibbetts-mother-takes-in-kin-of-daughters-suspected-killer?ref=home
"I have to disagree with you here. Yes, some people deserve him, but some of us don't."
Sure we do. Liberals and sane people have allowed conservatives to dominate politics. Now libs may own the culture conservatives own the levers of power. How else can we explain allowing voter suppression, SC justice appointments stolen and gerrymandering that means you have to win by over 50% to win 45%? This is our fault and we must like it because what have we sone about it? We deserve what we get.
"Still, what does it say about America that we elected him?"
Oh, let's count some of the ways:
a nation swayed more by celebrity than competence--loving people famous for being famous
a country more expert in football and Hollywood than civics
a citizenry badly educated for decades by underfunded public schools
a plutocracy that controls of most of the airwaves and newspapers and pushes its agenda
a plutocracy that saw Trump as a useful idiot and financed him generously
an entrenched political class bent on self-preservation that won't change the electoral college and that tacitly supports voter suppression
PilotX said in reply to
Gambler2: "I have to disagree with you here. Yes, some people deserve him, but some of us don't."
"Sure we do. Liberals and sane people have allowed conservatives to dominate politics. Now libs may own the culture conservatives own the levers of power. How else can we explain allowing voter suppression, SC justice appointments stolen and gerrymandering that means you have to win by over 50% to win 45%? This is our fault and we must like it because what have we done about it? We deserve what we get."
Yes, I understand what you're saying, but what about those of us who have worked tirelessly for many years to promote progressive ideas at the grass roots level? We have donated both time and money to candidates and to our party, demonstrated repeatedly, signed hundreds of petitions, attended caucuses and conventions, and tried in every way to influence our party to become more involved in social justice and economic equality. We do this while earning a living, rising children, and influencing friends and family to do the same. God knows, we have tried to do something about it. Somehow, I just don't think we deserve Trump.
2 year old orange tinted stoopid fucking white brat holds all of America hostage with his hissy fits while stoopid fucking wingnuts stand around with their fingers in their asses whining about how it is all democrat's fault.
As Driftglass says, never turn your back on a conservative never-Trumper. They just want to crash on your liberal couch while the atrocity they enabled blows over, and misappropriate liberal blog content circa 2006 while it's fashionable to do so, and the nano-second there is money to be made stabbing you in the back, that's what they will do, because that's what they've wanted to do the whole time.
"Most of the angry responses are rooted in the fact they do not wish to be reminded of this obvious truth."
And why do you suppose that is, Jonah? Could it be that you and all of your fellow right wing propagandists have over decades deliberately cultivated an infinitely reprogrammable voting base that are now so addicted to your lies that they have deep-seated identity-driven personality disorders that they would rather deny obvious reality than face up to?
In other words, before you steal our program, admit the part you played in the evil you are only just now admitting to seeing, and say the magic words:
The left has been right about the right all along.
And as for Fergus, ask any random New Yorker (who has been putting up with his lame bullshit for decades) about his character. It wasn't a fucking secret.
And as a matter of fact, I arrived at "Fergus" as his appellation because of a song Richard Thompson wrote about him way before he rode the escalator of doom, and called it "Fergus Lang".
-Doug in Oakland
"Patrick Radden Keefe
What's crazy is if you talk to people who were involved in making the show, many of them say today that they *knew* Trump was a fraud and the premise of the show was a joke -- they were surprised when America took it seriously."
Again, perhaps they shouldn't have worked so hard on perpetrating the con if they didn't want it to spread.
-Doug in Oakland
She seemed nice before she was hatched out.
Hey Anymoose. How much of the Steele Dossier has been proven false? You know the answer, doncha?
"And as for Fergus, ask any random New Yorker (who has been putting up with his lame bullshit for decades) about his character. It wasn't a fucking secret."
Depressingly, his bad character was treated as "colorful" for decades.
Trump was semi-celebrated for being a genuinely rotten person, because he was so over-the-top pompous and self-promoting that people sort of acted like he was merely an entertaining villainous cartoon character, like Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons, rather than a real human being who harmed those with whom he came in contact.
As just one reminder, here are Trump and Megan Mullally performing a comedic routine back in 2006 at the Emmy Awards.
And then we also have Hollywood to thank for giving him his Apprentice show, so he could sell his phony, made-up "business genius" persona to a wider audience.
I think it's safe to say that Trump's buffoonery is not so amusing anymore.
Bad character plus micro dick equals Butt Trumpet, and that is not a pretty picture.
A beautiful black woman will be President in the near future. After Trump, the number of white Presidents will be minuscule, as it should be.
To be fair, plenty of blacks have bad character, which is why violence and rape are so prominent in your communities. Notice how much there is wherever there is a black "leader?"
One of my good friends was raped by a black male. I support BLM and all, but wow, it was quite alarming to see the predatory nature of black men.
"conservative writer, Jonah Goldberg,"
No one believes this shit anymore.
Deep down inside, all those lame white boys who voted for Trump secretly wish they could see him naked.
Democrat Party now stands for:
Open borders.
White extinction.
Disarming the citizenry.
Endless war.
Good luck selling this in 2020.
As a Chinese-American woman I have to say that it says something about the character of blacks and white liberals that Hillary got beaten by someone as bad as Trump. I would say that's not a good reflection on you people.
Blacks and other minorities could have improved character if they focused more of their attention on things like bringing down Trump (and his stupid wall) and his foolish supporters. The less time spent on trivial things like whining about "cultural appropriation" and more time spent on the disease known as Trump the better. These kinds of things would greatly improve the character of minorities in this country.
"Democrat Party now stands for:
Open borders.
White extinction."
Tucker, is that you?😂
Anymoose Kelsey said...
Millions of my good friends was falsely accused of rape by a honkey bitch. I support BLM and all, but wow, it was quite alarming to see the predatory nature of honkey bitches.
Fixed it for you, Anymoose Kelsey.
Sure sounds like Tucker Fucker, donut, PilotX?
Anyfuckingmoose, where you at, you rascal? Lookee here- https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-republicans-unceremoniously-end-probe-into-fbi-doj-bias-against-trump-in-favor-of-clinton
Yup, your endless investigating stoopid fucking wingnut buds struck out for the 200th and final time. 35 fucking years! Dinal tally- Clinton 1, stoopid fucking wingnuts-a bigly goose egg. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Penns law does not include fetus in definition of child for child abuse determinations.
Six more years said...
"Democratic Party now stands for:
Open borders.
White extinction.
Disarming the citizenry.
Endless war.
Good luck selling this in 2020."
The Republican Party now stands:
Wasteful spending
White Nationalism
They couldn't even sell that to the country in the mid-term election. How are they going to sell it in 2020 when it will be even worse it Trump is still president by then?
Howz this for a love triangle- Syrian Kurds are joining Syria's army to fight ISIS and Turkey is not keen on that idea. The Pentagon is mulling whether to let them there Kurds keep US weapons and Turkey is not keen on that idea neither.
Sounds like a US made Turkey club. Imagine that. Our former allies joining with our sworn enemies with our weapons. Where have we seen this movie before?
Gambler, you left out lying, lying and more lying and grifting for wingnuts. Did I mention lying? Drumpd has told over 7500 lies in 700 days as kommisar of the krumblin' kremlin annex.
Democrats actually stand for:
Free and fair elections.
Clean air and water.
Healthcare for everyone.
A living wage.
An inclusive society.
Upholding the norms and traditions that actually underpin the working of our government.
Accountability for corruption in government and business.
Access to education for everyone without crippling debt.
Safe and sane work environments.
Foreign policy and trade policy that reflects the actual world we live in, with all of its complexity and diversity.
A criminal justice system that is fair to all sectors of society and isn't mostly a political tool.
An end to the failed, racist "drug war".
Regulation of the financial sector to prevent 2008 style disasters.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to slow climate change.
Investment in non-fossil fuel energy technologies that will own the future whether we do them or not.
Candidates for government positions who can actually do the job, not tear it down.
Science and reality based decision making.
That's just a few off of the top of my head. There are more.
-Doug in Oakland
Hey, Mike, I did mention lying; I just didn't mention it enough.
Happy New Year!
Dinthebeast sid:
Democrats actually stand for:
"Free and fair elections.
Clean air and water.
Healthcare for everyone........"
BRAVO, Doug! That is what we stand for.
Blacks are good for sports like football and basketball, but not much else. You people certainly don't contribute much to our nation's uplift.
We're Chinese-American lovers and have to remind everyone here about the blacks who held that white retard hostage and tortured him. When blacks hold people hostage it results in violence and racism. When an idiot like Trump holds the country hostage it results in boring internet posts from hack bloggers.
See more at:
The Fed Chairman Drumpf picked himself followed Drumpf's advice on interest rates and now Drumpf blames his own pick for the problems Drumpf caused.
Drumpf blames Derms for child deaths on the border.
Whites are good for sports like NASCAR and golf, but not much else. You people certainly don't contribute much to our nation's uplift.
Aardvark and mmjames are pretty stupid assholes who use words like retard for others when they should look into the mirror. Delete those asshats Field!
From Taegan Goddard:
“New Jersey prosecutors have collected evidence that supervisors at President Trump’s Garden State golf club may have committed federal immigration crimes — and the FBI as well as special counsel Robert Mueller have played part in the inquiry,” the New York Daily News reports.
-Doug in Oakland
TRUMP 2020!!
Chicago December 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 29
Shot & Wounded: 164
Total Shot: 193
Total Homicides: 39
Anonymous said...
"TRUMP 2020!!"
7:08 PM
Only in your dreams!! LOL!!
Anonymous said...
TRUMP 2020!!
7:08 PM
TRUMP 2020 orange jumpsuit!!
Still wouldn't stay there as a guest.
Guess the white race- https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/missouri-man-accused-gunning-down-his-girlfriend-her-2-children-n953086
Killed four and stabbed another woman in an effort to carjack.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Anonymous said...
"TRUMP 2020!!"
7:08 PM
Only in your dreams!! LOL!!
10:43 PM
That's what you progressive commies said last time!!!
Drumpf 20 to life without the possibility of parole.
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We've seen this before....yada yada yada...but HRC had emails.
I can hear the wasicu wastey racist chorus screaming as one-"we told you they are all crooks."
Saudis are just like stoopid fucking wingnuts- willing to sacrifice kids to war as long as it isn't their kids.
They seemed nice, not.
Ivory Apes, Tarsands and drapes, Commandeered Queenie and others
Anyfuckingmoose, kkk on the loose, all Drumpfian racists and mothers
Why ain't you raising a kerfluffle over Drumpf not repatriating his off shored businesses and hiring illegals to work at his golf courses?
You sonsabithches would have been screaming to impeach Obama and HRC id they were allegedly in charge.
Right back atcha, cheaters. Only way you can win is cheating. And the best is yet to cum.
New year, same old shit.
America was founded and settled by people of bad character.
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