Trump declared in no uncertain terms that if he doesn't get the funding for his wall he will shut down the government. Of course Pelosi and Schumer were not having it. They told him in no uncertain terms that they would not support the funding for his wall, because, like most of us, they believe that border security is pretty good right now.
Of course this is not good for trump, who promised his base that he would get them a wall to keep out the brown people from the South. But if you remember during his campaign trump promised us that Mexico would pay for his wall. Most of us with half of a brain knew that he was lying, but his base ate it up, and they actually believed what the con man sold them. Now he is changing his tune, and he wants the American people to pay for it. (Or worse, the military to build it.)It's why he has been tweeting and lying that those marauders from the South are invading our borders and bringing crime and diseases to our country. This is a vile lie, made worse by the fact that some of his gullible followers will actually believe it.
Personally, I believe that this all an act. trump could care less about that stupid wall. This is something to fire up his base and distract from the the fact that any day now he could be doing like Richard Nixon and exiting stage left. (Yes, you are a crook.) I am sure that his little dust up with Pelosi and Schumer is something that he is happy with, because it takes all the other stuff out of the headlines for awhile, and it gives him some control over the media narrative.
“I am proud to shut down the government for border security,” Trump said bluntly. “I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. And I’m going to shut it down for border security.”
Nope, you are going to shut it down to try to change the narrative and save your miserable presidency.
*Pic from
All these retarded white boys like Butt Trumpet want a big, tall wall to make up for their pathetic micro dicks.
Does he believe his own bullshit? Who knows. And who cares, it's still bullshit.
Also, Steve King is a moron, but we all knew that also.
-Doug in Oakland
The whore that is posing as First Lady has never been around anything as big as the wall her faggot husband wants to build. She should seek out Barack so she can actually feeling something between her legs for the first time in her life.
Forget the "Wall". I say we should move all the National Guard training bases to the border.
What great training that would be!
Trump's wall would be almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
Tarsands the fucking moron. I dare you to find a single tree, let alone a forest similar to Eastern Europe and gotta train in snow to fight Putskies. Where's the fucking tundra, genius?
The minds of white men are full of both mediocrity and depravity.
What does tundra have to do with training the NG, who rotate in and out, you stupid corn girl?
I hunted all my life on the US/Mex border. I know a lot more about that terrain than you and your corn-cob dildo ever will.
Wow, the NRA infiltrated by communists, Russian spy having dinner with Donnie Jr. Funny, the right always accuses the left of being commies but turns out the opposite is true.
BTW, niblet girl...I remember how my B-in-Law, who trained for the Marines at Parris Island, told me how all those Yankee boys would cry at night, because the humidity and heat was killing them.
Something you turds wouldn't know about, but it is at least educational:
Reminded me of it when I was popping rounds with my .357 this afternoon.
I'm a 6'3 Chinese-American and find it odd that a black would be anti-wall when blacks themselves do everything they can to keep non-blacks from living near them. It could explain your cultural insularity, as well as your high crime rates and low education standards.
See more at:
This place is boring af.
I'm a 6'3 Japanese-American and find it odd that a white would be anti-wall when whites themselves do everything they can to keep non-whites from living near them. It could explain your cultural insularity, as well as your high crime rates and low education standards.
See more at
Ralph is dumb as fuck.
"(Was that the Vice President sitting there or was it someone auditioning for the role of Dracula? My god man get some sun? And open your mouth every now and then.)"
Some smartass compared the virtually immobile Mike Pence to Elf on the Shelf (aka Santa's snitch).
I think it's pretty safe to assume Pence on the Shelf will be reporting to Santa that Trump was naughty this year. And last year. And every year.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Tarsands. let me ask your dumb ass a questiion. What happened when Rumsfeld sent our military that was trained to fight in the cold and forests of Russian terrain to fight a fucking war in the hot desert sands?
What happened to our helicopter blades and filters and other equipment? If you can't figure this out, you are dumber than Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and he is beyond world class stoopid.
Trump's Oval Office reality show was just another demonstration. I loved Pelosi's insult to Trump's manhood, but he thrives on that sort of thing. "If you wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty. And the pig likes it." Thanks, Andrew Gillum.
Cohen gets three years in prison.
Google Prez had to explain to dipshit iowa wet rag King that Google does not make IPhones.
When you Google idiot Drumpf's ugly orange face shows up.
“Google Prez had to explain to dipshit iowa wet rag King that Google does not make IPhones.”
King actually expected Google to hand over a list of their employees, so he could investigate them to determine if they were wingnutty enough for his liking. Google was like, nah, sorry, we’re not doing McCarthyism all over again.
Wingnuts have called this stupid congressional hearing in order to advance their false persecution narrative that tech companies are biased against their movement. This is true only to the extent that reality is biased against their movement.
Privately, conservatives are freaking out. They ask themselves, “How can we win, if social media companies prevent us from lying? Our whole playbook is based on cheating!”
Steve King Demands List of Google Staff So He Can Check If They're God-Fearing Patriots
Here's what transpired when stoopid fucking wingnuts decided to hold their first hearing on minimum wage in 8 years. They were all prepared for guests to explain why raising the wage is supposed to cost jobs(but reality shows that is untrue).
Their star had a few problems back in the day with Gays and college womens.
Using the NRA as a message conduit between Drumpf and Putie.
Pilot, I had yer link shortened
Interesting article. Makes sense if you are a total maroon, calling something a different name makes it easier to handle.
BTW, niblet girl...I remember how my B-in-Law, who trained for the Marines at Parris Island, told me how all those Yankee boys would cry at night, because the humidity and heat was killing them.
Of course it was your brother (in-law, yeah right that's only when you're not blood relatives) that was a Marine. We all know you're too much of a pussy to serve. Ya bitch.
After Nancy Pelosi mocked the idea that manhood could be associated with Trump, now Mika Brzinski has now referred to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on air, as the "butt boy" of Saudi Arabia's crown prince.
I have to say, the unbelievable heinousness of the Trump administration is making all of us liberals lose our minds. But still ... perhaps it would be a good idea to limit the extremely off-color comments about Trump and his evil minions to private conversations?
Like I said before, America's public life is all beginning to resemble a trashy reality show, with petty insults, drink-throwing, and wig-snatching. Trump is dragging us all into the sewer.
Hucksterbee wants to be remembered as honest and transparent. Fucking joke, right?
"Hucksterbee wants to be remembered as honest and transparent. Fucking joke, right?"
I think she's gonna have to settle for "transparently dishonest."
Newly elected GOP congressman insists that vaccines cause autism.
To make matters extra stupid, he's a doctor, so there's absolutely no excuse for his not knowing better.
Republicans, why u hate science?
" 4:15 AM
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Tarsands. let me ask your dumb ass a questiion. What happened when Rumsfeld sent our military that was trained to fight in the cold and forests of Russian terrain to fight a fucking war in the hot desert sands?
What happened to our helicopter blades and filters and other equipment? If you can't figure this out, you are dumber than Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and he is beyond world class stoopid.
8:55 AM"
Uh, we kicked the fourth largest standing army in the world, who didn't train in anything but desert conditions, in about 100 hours?
Are black people ever going to apologize or make reparations for the murder of Jane Britton, 50 years ago next month?
Can't help but notice that rapist-murderer Michael Sumpter bears a resemblance to Trayvon Martin, in conduct as well as appearance.
Anon, black folks never apologize.
Name me an example.
Uh, we kicked the fourth largest standing army in the world, who didn't train in anything but desert conditions, in about 100 hours?
We? Please, your bitch ass hasn't seen any parts of the military. You're too much of a bitch to serve.
Are black people ever going to apologize or make reparations for the murder of Jane Britton, 50 years ago next month?
So all negroes have to answer for one crime committed before most of us were born. If there's one thing white fuckboys don't lack it's stupidity.
Apologize for your stupidity, we'll start there.
I nominate Senator Cory Booker as House Negro of the day. He is in bed with the Pro-Israel Lobby who are trying to pass a bill in congress to outlaw The BDS Movement ( Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions). A social justice movement that was used to end apartheid in South Africa, now it's used to end oppression against Palestinians. This is the same Israel Lobby that got Dr. Lamont Hill fired from CNN and what they are trying to pass also says if anyone speaks up against Israel's occupation it will be consider a criminal offense and call anti semitic.
So all negroes have to answer for one crime committed before most of us were born. If there's one thing white fuckboys don't lack it's stupidity.
You want all white people to have to answer for slavery that ended more than a century before the murder of Jane Britton, so fuck you nigger hypocrite.
Headline for today: Pecker buggers Fergus.
-Doug in Oakland
"Headline for today: Pecker buggers Fergus."
Haha, good one, Doug.
"Uh, we kicked the fourth largest standing army in the world, who didn't train in anything but desert conditions, in about 100 hours?
We? Please, your bitch ass hasn't seen any parts of the military. You're too much of a bitch to serve.
8:34 PM"
As I've said before, Queenie...I was lucky. I was born into an age where I wasn't drafted, or called upon to serve. My grandfather served in the Navy as a submarine Captain, my father was a B-17 pilot Captain, my two older brothers both served in Vietnam.
I came close to enlisting in the Coast Guard, but went to college instead.
My username of Lt. Commander Johnson was just a poke at my friend who used to inhabit this blog, Uptown Steve.
So. Replace the balls upon your chin, and carry on with all your fake personas.
Someone reminds me of Auburn Calloway.
Mike the mental midget says...
"Makes sense if you are a total maroon, calling something a different name makes it easier to handle."
Mike, do you not realize Feelz is a Maroon? He has said so himself. Pilot fancies himself a Maroon as well. Google "Maroon" you moron.
Anymoose @ 7:22 AM- "Why would Bugs Bunny use "maroon" in the sense of a fugitive black slave to describe Elmer Fudd? I think in this case "moron" is the word that Bugs meant with his Brooklyn accent."
Well, mental midget? Back in Bug's day maroon was an offshoot of 'moron', moron.
Well, I say, I say, let's us just bring Foghorn Leghorn into this process!
Boy, your chicken hawk parts are hanging out, I say. Try to be respectable, son.
Where is that damn dog?
“Headline for today: Pecker buggers Fergus.”
It’s still not as good as this headline, though.
Another wingnut witch hunt that went nowhere, as per usual.
Wall funding vote comes next week.
FBI clears Gillum in Florida probe.
Drumpf claims new NAFTA will ensure Mexico pays for the border wall.
You stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys tired of all the lies Drumpf feeds you, yet?
"Another wingnut witch hunt that went nowhere, as per usual.
Wall funding vote comes next week."
I hear Congress will be modifying its standard procedures for this one. In addition to the usual "yea" or nay," legislators will also be allowed to vote "LOLOLOL, HELL TO THE NO, FUCK TRUMP."
Flynn met with Russians envoy months before post election meeting. Uh-oh. Did he lie to investigators some moar?
I hope so, Anon. @ 12:46. That would be funny.
Poor snowflakes have one last chance to call HRC bad names before the adults take control of the wingnut led committees. All the wasted years and wasted millions and not a single indictable crime against crooked HRC. That has got to hurt!
Chokelahoma Sinator Jack Imhoff bought tens of thousands of bucks worth of defense stocks after pushing Drumpf to increase defense spending. When asked about it, he reportedly dumped stocks.
Wingnuts, they are all worse crooks than HRC ever dreamed of being.
Wingnuts, they are all worse crooks than HRC ever dreamed of being.
Yes, Mike, most of the GOP senators and house members currently serving are hogs feeding at the trough. Not many of them are there to serve their constituents. This is the result of the "tea party" gaining control of the primary process. They sent in their band of crooks to loot the country.
"Yes, Mike, most of the GOP senators and house members currently serving are hogs feeding at the trough. Not many of them are there to serve their constituents. This is the result of the 'tea party' gaining control of the primary process. They sent in their band of crooks to loot the country."
Republican politicians are there to serve their donors, with tax cuts and deregulation.
They view their (mostly) redneck voters as chumps to be hustled. Because those voters have proven, time and again, that they can be easily hustled.
Yeah, and I talked my mother into buying Raytheon and Lockheed Martin stocks by selling all her stock in Sears many years ago.
Seems to have worked out pretty well. Guess she "looted the country".
Tarsands, was yer mother ever a congressperson? Did she use insider trading info to loot the country? If not, do try harder to keep up.
‘Pro-life’ Trump supporter arrested for unhinged threat to shoot senator to death See it at
But it's we lefties that are violent?????
Drumpfuck strikes (out) again. He can't get out of his own way.
What a stoopid fucking maroon!
You want all white people to have to answer for slavery that ended more than a century before the murder of Jane Britton, so fuck you nigger hypocrite.
Not at all. Just admit the fact that whites had an advantage for years because of slavery, james crow and segregation. No hypocrisy needed to accept reality. Also no need for name calling. Makes you sound kind of racist, ya know the same kind of racism that gave your grandparents an advantage.
Manhunt launched after two white men attack black woman at Walmart for ‘no apparent reason’
The two men — identified as 22-year-old Dylan Reynolds and 24-year-old Michael Walters — are wanted on hate crime charges.
But, but, it's folks on the left who are violent.
Gun deaths reach a forty year high under total wingnut control of the gubmint. Blame HRC. Drumpfuck, he don't know nothing about it.
Isn't it time to go full on war on Christmas or did that kind of go away when O'Reilly went away? I am looking forward to Man Coulter's annual screed against Kwanzaa. Tis the season!☃️🎅🏿
Oh my bad, Santa's white.😆
"Gun deaths reach a forty year high"
Wait, I thought Jared was going to take care of that.
"Blogger mike from iowa said...
Tarsands, was yer mother ever a congressperson? Did she use insider trading info to loot the country? If not, do try harder to keep up.
3:17 PM"
No, my mother was never a congress critter.
Yes, she was privileged to "insider trading". Me, at the Sunday dinner table.
You see, she was a very conservative person. After my dad died, at age 44, from a massive coronary, she was left with five kids, aged 12 to 4 months old. She had to go to work.
She worked for Allstate Insurance, which was owned by Sears Roebuck, for 27 years. Put all her kids thru college. Only stock she ever owned was Sears, out of loyalty. I tried to talk her into selling it, 'cause it wasn't worth a crap, but she refused.
Then, after 27 years, Allstate brought in some 20-something affirmative action negro girl, and forced her into early retirement. She didn't want to retire.
So...she started listening to me. When the US was about to attack Irag the first time, I explained to her that the US had more firepower on one aircraft carrier than the entire nation of Iraq, or Iran, for that matter.
We were going to need new fighter aircraft, especially VSTOLS...and all my research said Lockheed Martin had the leg-up in that area.
Now, what do those new jets need? Missiles! And, what does Raytheon and Martin lead in? Missiles!
She sold her Sears stock, and split the money between Raytheon and Martin.
If you think I'm making this crap up...go eat some of that corn you just rubbed your anus with.
Yer problem, Tarsands, stems from being located in extreme southern South Dakota. The real South Dakota is called Northern Mississippi because they are last in everything pertinent to good living that Mississippi isn't last in.
I talk about a US Senator cheating at stocks and you brag about you and yer mother. That is really nice but completely fucking irrelevant to the original post. Do try to keep up.
2019 looks to be a busy time for investigating the most corrupt, dishonest, incompetent administration America has ever seen.
Lock his orange ass in a cell with the kgb agent Pence.
"But it's we lefties that are violent?????"
You're the ones who actually do it. If you doubt me, you might want to ask Steve Scalise about the Berniebot who went after his entire baseball team with a rifle. When was the last time someone went after the Congressional Black Caucus with deadly force? Never, that's when.
"Manhunt launched after two white men attack black woman at Walmart for ‘no apparent reason’"
Worthless bum literally shoves a white man under a truck for literally no reason except he could. Your "news" wouldn't ever tell you about it because it doesn't fit your concept of victims and oppressors.
"But, but, it's folks on the left who are violent."
Yes, you are. Jared Laughner was a hard leftist, to list another.
Also no need for name calling. Makes you sound kind of racist, ya know the same kind of racism that gave your grandparents an advantage.
"Racist" was your go-to word for winning arguments by closing discussion, but it doesn't work anymore.
Just admit the fact that whites had an advantage for years because of slavery, james crow and segregation.
Wrong. White people had the advantage of evolving in a harsh environment where planning and restraint were essential to staying alive. That's what allowed them to establish everything you claim was their advantage (the egg came before the chicken, nitwit), and why Whites have a 15-point IQ advantage over even the average NAPA and a much greater advantage over the average pure African. Jim Crow and segregation were to protect themselves from Blacks, who didn't have the morals to handle freedom and forced Whites to limit the damage they could do.
No hypocrisy needed to accept reality.
You haven't accepted it yet, and I doubt you ever will.
Ya know, mike from iowa?...I just had a revelation about you.
Your baby daddy was poking yourCorn Niblets In Turds momma up the butt doggy-style, he blew his load, and the drip got to your momma's cooch, and whoever your baby daddy may have been, he shoved it in, and hence, we got you.
What a waste.
And you have proof of this, shit fer brains Corn Niblets In Turds? Yer revelation sounds more like wishful thinking you knew as much about the fence post you were shit out upon.
Have a nice holiday.
Jim Crow and segregation were to protect themselves from Blacks, who didn't have the morals to handle freedom
Oh, so it was sooooo moral to enact laws to subjugate an entire race because all of them are immoral. That's not racist at all. You've got to be one stupid individual.
What did you expect from a genius who uses the n work like a backwoods inbred klan member?
Oh, so it was sooooo moral to enact laws to subjugate an entire race because all of them are immoral.
Enough of them are immoral that 78% of their births are out-of-wedlock and their 1/8 fraction of the population accounts for substantially more than 50% of the murderers. Worse, they band together to DEFEND their criminals and WELCOME them back from prison when they get out!
That's not racist at all.
Supporting crime when your own race commits it against others (but never by others against yourselves) is racist in the extreme. Yet that is what got Coleman Young elected mayor of Detroit: blacks didn't want their own armed robbers killed by the police. Black people support racist crime against EVERYONE else. That's why everyone hates you, and why you deserve it. You deserve the "nigger" label too. Acting and voting in a hateful manner merits responses you hate. You need to be punished until you learn, and stop.
Any idea what a case of Marlboro Reds can get you in Angola Prison?
I can't believe that a large majority of dumb ass Americans still believe that most of our immigrant problems are coming from the border. If they are dumb enough to believe it then they can drink the same toxic Kool-Aid that another group of followers drank.
Anyone with as much as a 5th grade education knows that most of the immigrant illegals were ones that "overstayed their visas."
The POTUS knows that he plays to a base that is AKA a "SHIP OF FOOLS!"
Also, as you can see..MEXICO AIN'T PAYING FOR NO WALL.
The POTUS will put the funding on the backs of the middle class Americans to pay for it cause big business and corporations haven't paid taxes for it and they will never have to.
So now we know why they call them "Those DUMB Americans."
People who had applied for visas went thru the proper application. Those who "overstayed their visas.", are in criminal violation of US law.
Are we to believe that that thousands/millions of people who crossed our borders are "legal"....with no semblance of a visa?
I've hunted down all over the Texas border. Sitting in hunting stands, mostly. I've seen probably a hundred of these "asylum seekers" be-bopping all over the place, scaring my deer and hog off.
I remember seeing seven of them, all wearing bright-colored quilted parkas...(they knew they were in deer hunting territory), we had voice communication, so I called my guide, told him, and asking (as a joke), can I shoot the one in Orange?
He asked me if I had a tag on my License for an animal walking upright, and I said "no", and he said I couldn't, cause it was wearing orange.
We had a big laugh that night, because all the other hunters were listening in on the same channel. Lord knows the responses I heard at the time.
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