Whenever there is a new “bombshell” in the Russia probe, it is always important to remember that, unless Trump’s base of political support starts to leave him, none of it really matters, except to those who are heading to prison. This goes for last week’s big news regarding President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleading guilty to having lied to Congress about the details of his boss’s dream of finally building a Trump Tower in Moscow.
The non-“state-run” news media immediately understood the potential significance of this development and acted accordingly. However, Trump’s core backers (“Cult 45” has I have referred to them for the past two years) have no clue why this news is even remotely important, and see it as yet another sign that their fearless leader has been right to refer to the Mueller investigation as a “witch hunt.”
Obviously there are those in the cult who would not care, or would not believe their own eyes and ears, if Trump announced live on national television that he indeed colluded with Russia because they have compromising information on him, and lied about it all along. Most of “Cult 45” likes to at least pretend, however, that there are solid reasons for their 100% support of Trump on virtually every possible topic, and they honestly seem to think that the Cohen news is another big nothing-burger, which is being overhyped by the “Fake News!” media.
Intellectually, the biggest disconnect is that Trump’s biggest supporters look at every new piece of information in a vacuum (we already knew that Trump wanted to build Trump Tower Moscow, so who cares?!), while more seasoned and objective observers see the case Mueller is building as pieces in a large puzzle starting to take form. To change the metaphor slightly, Trump supporters have their faces up too close to a giant mural and they cannot, or will not, see the bigger picture.
Trump, or course, understands this reality and is an absolute master at exploiting it. His defense against Cohen’s claims appear to be scattershot and inherently contradictory (Cohen is totally lying, but what he said also perfectly matches what I told Mueller), but in actuality he is simply providing his backers a buffet table of options from which to choose their preferred alibi.
One of the keys to Trump’s manipulative mastery is that, no matter what the new revelation is, he treats it as if it is not really new (even when it absolutely is). And claims that it not only isn’t a bad thing, but that what he did was actually was quite good. Obviously it helps greatly when your side is not remotely restricted by the truth because you have already established the expectation that lying is perfectly acceptable, and even expected.
So while I am well aware that it will fall on deaf ears, I still feel compelled to explain why the latest Cohen news, in a rational world, is indeed quite important. Interestingly, this case can be easily made even if there was no actual campaign “collusion” with Russia.
There are at least two key elements of Cohen’s plea that are unequivocally bad for Trump and that appear to have no logical or suitable explanation. The first is that Cohen lied, with at least Trump’s knowledge, about the timing of the prospective property deal with Russia, and the second is how the new timeline changes the perception of other events we already know about.
Contrary to what Trump has tried to pretend, the idea that he was still trying to do a major business deal, which may have included a direct and illegal bribe to Vladimir Putin, while he was the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, is both very new and, at best, extremely inappropriate. Had this been known during the primary campaign — when Trump was inaccurately claiming to have no deals in Russia — it could have easily prevented him from being the nominee (there is no greater proof of the neutering of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio than that neither of them have raised a stink about this outrageous new information which, if it had not been hidden, could have made them the 2016 GOP nominee).
Of course, the big question here, as it has been throughout the Mueller probe, is why lie about this, under oath, after Trump has already won the presidency? Yes, it would have been an embarrassing disclosure, but by Trump standards, as the total lack of GOP reaction to it proves, it would have been no big deal.
Quite simply, why all the lying by so many people extremely close to Trump, in a manner which risks their personal liberty? This just doesn’t happen in the real world, unless of course there is something important to be hidden.
Then there is the issue of how old information is now seen very differently through the lens of new data, which is clearly a blind spot in the way the minds of most people work these days.
First, there are the pro-Russia changes to the GOP platform at the convention that took place just after the last known contact between Cohen and the Russian government regarding the Moscow project. We now know that, at best, Trump was using the GOP platform as a way of currying favor with the Russian government, presumably (Trump basically said this himself last week) so that he could do business with them after what he assumed would be a loss in November of that year.
Then there is what the new timing of the never-completed Moscow deal does to the perception of the infamous meeting at Trump Tower in New York, which took place when the proposal was still very much on the table. We always knew that President Trump claiming to not be fully in the loop on such a potentially juicy gathering with representatives of Russia was an absurd concept, but know we know that it is simply impossible and that, because Trump has submitted his written answers to Mueller, very likely perjury.
Even if Trump was not famously a control freak, the idea that his son, son-in-law, and his campaign chairman would meet important Russians in his own building (where he himself was apparently that day) while his dream project with Russia was still very much in play, and him not be 100% informed of every detail, is completely ludicrous. Why Trump is lying about this is still unknown, but not long ago Republicans strongly believed that a president should be impeached for acts of perjury far less momentous than that one. [Source]
Never let it be said that I don't feature writings from a republican point of view.
The 2020 election for president should be interesting.
Fag Negro is a hack.
Obama’s strived to earn his mother’s love and approval; she abandoned d him as a child. This explains why he married Michelle the Great, demanded 44 live up to her exact standard--if he didn’t, 44’s face would be fraught with hot grits.
MO, like his mother, criticized, seconded guessed, and belittled her husband. MO berated her husband for giving the State Department to Hillary C.; calling HC incompetent and blaming her for all the world’s problems.
Bill and Hillary NEVER got invited to dinners at the White House.
Whoever annoyed Boss Hog (in the WH) got fired.
While prowling the West Wing or East Wing, WH staffer warned “the British is coming the British the coming.” Staffers ran in the opposite direction while other hid either in the supply closet or the ladies’ room to avoid being belittled or berated by the Michelle the Great.
2008 classic Michelle blooper: “We have this ritual in the morning. We get up and {Sasha and Malia] want ten more minutes so they can come in my bed and if Dad isn’t there—because he is too snore-y and stinky, they don’t want ever to go in the bed with him.”
Obama’s strived to earn his mother’s love and approval; she abandoned him as a child. This explains why he married Michelle the Great. MO demanded 44 live up to her exact standard--if he didn’t, 44’s face would be fraught with hot grits.
MO, like his mother, criticized, seconded guessed, and belittled her husband. MO berated her husband for giving the State Department to Hillary C.; calling HC incompetent and blaming her for all the world’s problems.
Bill and Hillary NEVER got invited to dinners at the White House.
Whoever annoyed Boss Hog (in the WH) got fired.
While prowling the West Wing or East Wing, WH staffers warned “the British is coming the British the coming.” Staffers ran in the opposite direction while other hid either in the supply closet or the ladies’ room to avoid being belittled or berated by Michelle the Great.
2008 classic Michelle blooper: “We have this ritual in the morning. We get up and {Sasha and Malia] want ten more minutes so they can come in my bed and if Dad isn’t there—because he is too snore-y and stinky, they don’t want ever to go in the bed with him.”
There is no bigger picture.
There will be no collusion.
He will be in office for 2 terms.
They know he is a ass hole but they have been duped into believing that they are headed for extinction and that if "those brown people" take over then they will become the "dominant race" and whitey will cease to exist.
...and because their women are also "white" and they too want to remain the dominant race, it's in their best interest to keep their white men in office. Because their women are reaping the benefits of "White Power and Privilege"
....nothing new under the sun.
and the beat goes on.
Fergus didn't think he would win. He was utterly unprepared for his victory, even by his own absurdly low standards.
Only his malignant narcissism makes him believe he can do the job of president, and as his erratic behavior points out, even that is wearing thin in the face of the monumental damage his ineptitude is doing to the office, the country, and our standing in the world.
Had he been more serious about actually holding office, he would have paid more attention to the details of his campaign's lawlessness and corruption that are all coming back to haunt him now.
Now he doesn't know what to do to avoid the consequences of things he decided wouldn't matter after he lost the election, and is lamely trying to use the authority of the office, which he has never bothered to understand, to protect himself from them.
But it's not working.
None of his previous legal troubles have been remotely this serious, or been prosecuted by authorities remotely this capable, so all of the tactics he is familiar with just play into the hands of investigators who view them as the actions of a small time criminal that they are.
As for the continuing loyalty of his base being all that matters, that may appear to work where impeachment is concerned, but impeachment was never really a viable option for removing him. 67 votes in the senate will never happen as long as there are 34 Republicans there, as the Republicans as they exist today will not respond to any sort of criminal behavior in a president from their party.
Fergus isn't making them venal and corrupt, he's just making it harder for them to pretend otherwise, which in itself is another of his inept failings.
But as Nate Silver has pointed out, this recent election has shown that Fergus' base will not be enough to get him re-elected, and the Republicans' poor showing in the rust belt states that accidentally got him into office in 2016 demonstrates that his act isn't flying there like it did in November of 2016.
So the goddamn Republicans are freaking the fuck out and trying every desperate measure they can dream up to hold into the power to suppress votes, because they are starting to realize how badly they will lose if fair elections are held in 2020.
But the sort of wannabe mobster behavior now being "revealed" isn't news to anyone who has known anything about Fergus for his entire existence. Stupid Watergate had morphed into Stupid Godfather (h/t:Driftglass).
-Doug in Oakland
Micro dick white boys like Butt Trumpet can't ever see the "big picture" due to the fact that their dicks are microscopic, and anyone with a package that small can't ever comprehend anything "big."
The white race is worthless.
Blacks are really only good for sports and not much else.
I'm a 6'2 Chinese-American and find it hypocritical for a black to refer to Trump's base as a cult when your own Obama had a cult-like following that was hypersensitive to criticism, similar to Trump's supporters. Then again, critical thinking has never been an area of strength with you people.
See more at:
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.
- Henry David Thoreau
I've been saying for awhile now that his cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
Here's a surprise, anyfuckingmoose is full of shit. He is so full of it his great, greatn great-grandkids already have brown eyes.
Drumpfuck is toast. Burnt to a turn.
Anonymous said...
" Obama’s strived to earn his mother’s love and approval; she abandoned d him as a child. This explains why he married Michelle the Great, demanded 44 live up to her exact standard--if he didn’t, 44’s face would be fraught with hot grits." Etc., Etc, Etc, ad nauseam.
Get over it. Obama isn't president any more and no one is interested in reading your bull shit over and over again.
Dinthebeast said:
"Fergus isn't making them venal and corrupt, he's just making it harder for them to pretend otherwise, which in itself is another of his inept failings.
But as Nate Silver has pointed out, this recent election has shown that Fergus' base will not be enough to get him re-elected, and the Republicans' poor showing in the rust belt states that accidentally got him into office in 2016 demonstrates that his act isn't flying there like it did in November of 2016."
Congrats Doug, you laid it all out here so that even the dumb Trump followers can see that they have been had. Trump has never been for them, he exists only for himself.
So the goddamn Republicans are freaking the fuck out and trying every desperate measure they can dream up to hold into the power to suppress votes, because they are starting to realize how badly they will lose if fair elections are held in 2020.
But the sort of wannabe mobster behavior now being "revealed" isn't news to anyone who has known anything about Fergus for his entire existence. Stupid Watergate had morphed into Stupid Godfather (h/t:Driftglass).
I'm a 7'2 Japanese-American and find it hypocritical for whites to refer to Obama's base as a cult when your own trump has a cult-like following that is hypersensitive to criticism. Then again, critical thinking has never been an area of strength with you people.
See more at
Granny Mud Shark and the 80 IQ crew still marching toward the fate of all useful idiot lefty commies.
Granny Mud Shark and the 80 IQ crew still marching toward the fate of all useful idiot lefty commies.
Fuckboi pussy and the rest of the inbred klan crew marching off to the opioid overdose that awaits their ilk.
Long Island Election Workers, Party Leaders Charged With Forging Signatures
Seems North Carolina isn't the only state where the right-wing folks have been committing voter fraud!
Anonymous said...
"Granny Mud Shark and the 80 IQ crew still marching toward the fate of all useful idiot lefty commies."
10:46 AM
Dear Anonymous,
Your comments make me laugh. I bet you'd be a nice person if you gave up your hate.
BTW: Thank you Fuckboi for standing up for me. Have a wonderful day!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Granny Mud Shark and the 80 IQ crew still marching toward the fate of all useful idiot lefty commies."
Granny Mudshark says" One more thing, my friend anonymous, I am 82 years old and the love of my life, my black husband, died a year ago, so please don't think I am concerned about "the fate of all useful idiot lefty commies." I'm ready to go anytime. LOL!
Real tough guys to insult and threaten women.
PilotX said...
"Real tough guys to insult and threaten women"
Yes, real tough guys. Thanks for you support, PilotX.
Some fucking Republican or other said:
"Hatred corrodes the container that it's carried in."
-Doug in Oakland
Remember when Trump said he was going to resurrect the coal industry for all his MAGA buddies in Kentucky and West Virginia?
Um, yeah, about that ...
#TrumpFail #TrumpFraud
> "Hatred corrodes the container that it's carried in."
That explains so much about black people. Working and learning take a back seat to hating.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Worsen red ants at a picnic, he was. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
44 and wife got clowned today and they didn't even notice.
Hitler Weasel was a joke of a potus. Glad wingnuts like clowning around at funerals. Just their speed.
Like Oprah, the Clintons took the high road. How ackward sitting next to the arch nemesis. The shade of it all!
Anonymous said...
44 and wife got clowned today and they didn't even notice.
Don't you mean 45 an his wife got clowned today, Trump is number 45.
Trump 2020 and beyond!
Why did the citizens of the United States Of American elect 45 ..anything to do with 44 ?
Change you can REALLY beleive in.
Why did the citizens of the United States Of America elect 45 ..anything to do with 44's success as president?
Change you can REALLY beleive in.
Frankly me dear, 45 doesn't give a DAMN!
Frankly my dear, 45 doesn't give a DAMN!
This blog is dead and is a joke. It always has been and always will be.
Seth said...
"This blog is dead and is a joke. It always has been and always will be."
So tell me, Seth, why do you come here if this blog is dead?
Anonymous said...
"Why did the citizens of the United States Of America elect 45 ..anything to do with 44's success as president?"
The citizens of the United States did not elect Trump, and if you think he will be elected in 2020, you are delusional. Trump has lost the support of educated, middle-class women, most environmentalists, some evangelicals, and a large percentage of the younger voters.
Even with voter suppression, Trump can't win with the support of only about 33 percent of the voters.
Don't write off the Republicans, though, they cheated him in once and will do it again if we let them. Acquiring power is kind of their thing, and they see no reason to let democracy stand in their way.
-Doug in Oakland
This blog was never any good, but at least it stayed true to its name in the past. Since 2016, however, Field and his blog have become just more noise for progressive hacks. This blog isn't any better than BuzzFeed, for instance, and that's just sad.
No wonder Drumpfuck doesn't want to piss of the Saudis.
As for the truth, this blog is a hangout for Russian bots, trolls and Drumpf cocksuckers looking to disrupt civil discourse.
The Truth said...
" This blog was never any good, but at least it stayed true to its name in the past. Since 2016, however, Field and his blog have become just more noise for progressive hacks. This blog isn't any better than BuzzFeed, for instance, and that's just sad."
What's sad is that although you don't like this blog, you come here and post anyway. Why not go to one you like?
dinthebeast said...
"Don't write off the Republicans, though, they cheated him in once and will do it again if we let them. Acquiring power is kind of their thing, and they see no reason to let democracy stand in their way."
I agree, Doug. They have been doing this since Eisenhower left office. Nixon brought in the "dirty tricksters" headed by Lee Atwater. There are clear records of this if anyone chooses to look.
Let's hope the 2020 Democratic vote is so overwhelming that the Republicans can't steal the presidency the way they did in 2000 and 2004.
This is what Drumpfuck has wrought- https://www.the-immoral-minority.com/man-responsible-for-murdering-heather-heyer-in-charlottesville-it-doesnt-fcking-matter-shes-a-communist/
Free subway rides for the fellas in NYC.
Lovely ladies too!
If you're black, can't be held accountable, 100% free ride, to housing, utilities, healthcare, groceries, phones, and money in your pocket for your crack habit. If that runs out, just whack a whitey over the head and take some from them, it's all legal now.
Black peeps can do what dey wants to, dat right. Ain't no mo crime when youse be black.
Her Name is Jeannot Plessy: White Pastor's Wife (a Mother of Five) Murdered in New Orleans by Three Black Teenagers in "Carjacking Gone Wrong"
Her Name is Marybeth Gaeng: White Woman "Randomly" Stabbed to Death in St. Louis Family Dollar by Black Woman (Who Has a Lengthy Criminal History)
Niggggggers want war LET"S GIVE IT TO THEM... #wakandaisntreal
“I agree, Doug. They have been doing this since Eisenhower left office. Nixon brought in the ‘dirty tricksters’ headed by Lee Atwater. There are clear records of this if anyone chooses to look.”
Atwater actually came a bit later. He was, like, race-baiter #1 in the Republican Party during the Reagan/Bush era. It was basically his job to inflame racist fears among white Southern voters, and then convince them that the valiant Republicans would save them from the scary blacks and Latinos.
Atwater worked for a sleazy consulting outfit called Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly. If some of those names look familiar ... why yes, that is the same Paul Manafort and the same Roger Stone who are now the sleazy, prison-bound pals of Donald Trump.
Stone has been a professional ratfucker going back to the Nixon era, though. When you want to slander your opponent, he’s your guy. And Nixon had plenty of other lying dirtbags working for him, too. Such as a fellow named Roger Ailes, who went on to found an entire lying TV network known as Fox News.
Yes, the Republican Party has been rotten for a long time. It has just taken a few decades for the thugs and legbreakers they used to quietly employ to help them into power, to fully take over the party. And now it’s all GOP racism and cheating, 24/7.
Lock his orange ass up forever.
FBI Knew Steele Dossier Was Bogus Before Using In FISA Application: Solomon
"...the FISA warrant that escalated the Russia probe just before Election Day was flawed and the judges [were] misled"
Tell Obama to start praticing grabbing those ankles for Bubba the downlow Negro...oh,wait,I forgot Michael has been ramrodding him since their fake marriage. They don't call him Bathouse Barry for nothing.
Hopefully Trump will be our last white male President.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
FBI Knew Steele Dossier Was Bogus Before Using In FISA Application: Solomon
"...the FISA warrant that escalated the Russia probe just before Election Day was flawed and the judges [were] misled"
That is wingnut gospel, no doubt. Where's yer prufe?
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