"Yet, what President Trump said to a kid was, well, a bit questionable to say the least.
“Are you still a believer in Santa?” he asked a 7-year-old named Coleman who called the Santa Tracker and wound up speaking to POTUS. “Because at seven it’s marginal, right?”'
My Lord! He just ruined this poor kid's Christmas like he has been ruining our life these past two plus years.
The president of the United States, in the midst of a governmental crisis, spent the day tweeting about how all alone he was, and how he wanted us to feel sorry for him. That's when he wasn't tweeting about North Korea and taking shots at various individuals.
This guy is definitely not getting us in the Christmas spirit.
Anyway, the Dow lost over 600 points today in the worst Christmas eve trading day ever (the techs are officially in a Bear market), the government has been partially shut down, and all the competent people that were in the White House are jumping ship. (So tired of all this "winning".)
We are left with a treasury secretary who is sending out tweets from his government sponsored vacation that is rattling Wall Street, and a president who doesn't even follow the war on terror. We know this because it turns out that he didn't know who his point person fighting Isis was.
I would love to say Merry Christmas, but I can't. Not when we have a leader who is as dangerous and unhinged as this guy.
Sadly, I feel like we all live in Whoville and the the Grinch is in charge.
Pic from Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson and Amazon.
Merry Christmas, little trolls, may you escape the vicious buggering Fergus is about to administer with your little buttholes intact.
-Doug in Oakland
Statistically, tonight is the only night of the year where a white man is more likely to break into your home than a black man is.
Merry Christmas!
Wall Street loses, Main Street gains.
I really don't care if my $1.3 million portfolio drops to only $1 million. The delicious salty lefturd tears are worth every cent.
Wow. I guess this is the reason I hardly ever read your comment section. You really have some haters following you.
Try to enjoy your Christmas and come out swinging tomorrow. I love your blog - have been reading it for years. Keep up the good work.
Adults need to stop lying to kids about BS: santa, tooth fairy, and the easter bunny are all as fake as any mythology like christianity, hinduism, ect.
"all the competent people that were in the White House are jumping ship." Um, NO, they weren't competent if they purposely worked for this maladministration and propped up Unsharp Cheddar Cheese's lies.
Some alleged adults need to stop lying and hating on Blacks just because Field allows it. Some alleged adults in the stoopid fucking wingnut party need to put their country ahead of their political war on the judiciary and women and get the dumbfuck out of the Krumblin' Annex and stop America from being the laughing stock of the entire world.
Thanks Tk.And thanks for being a loyal reader for all these years.
Sup Santa? I know the family whose house you visit will be safe. Now if it was your own family it would be a different story. 😏
Anonymous said...
"Wall Street loses, Main Street gains.
I really don't care if my $1.3 million portfolio drops to only $1 million. The delicious salty lefturd tears are worth every cent."
No worries. Only people who panic and sell when the market is down will be shedding tears. We long-term lefties buy when the market is down.
Merry Christmas
Evidence showed the killer to be white or Hispanic, so let's grab the first Black guy and see if we can frame his unprivileged Black hide.
The magnanimous (hell no) Drumpf names Post Office after soldier whose family he mocked.
Mike: I wonder what kind of bad news he got that made him reverse course on his agenda of always being a prick to everyone who won't kiss his ass?
Keep your eyes peeled...
-Doug in Oakland
What horses shit!!!!
Holy smokes, these trumpers are out of control. Had a passenger try to lecture me that it's NOW ok to say Merry Christmas because I wished them happy holidays as they exited. Most just make it a point to say Merry Christmas loudly but this MAGA had to take it a step farther. Really? In 2018 I have to explain to grown assed adults that when you work for a large international airline we get passengers from all over the world who celebrate many different holidays this time of year? Dear god, this country is pretty screwed. I won't even talk about the TSA guy who blamed the shutdown on Pelosi🙄
Buddy of mine told me about the guy getting off his plane actually told him thanks to trump we can say MC again😐 We are sooooooo screwed.
Another in the Drumpfuck the dumbfuck body count for you, Anymoose. https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/25/us/guatemalan-boy-dies-in-us-custody/index.html
Another missed diagnosis. Another dead child.
Doug, I'm not sure Fergus remembers what he said to the Khan family. It isn't like his world's best memory is all that good.I'd rate it at least as bad as his poor negotiating skills.
One last thing, Otto Warmbler family wins a half trillion judgement from NK for the torture death of their son. One, how was he tortured? And since the US autopsy showed zero head trauma, and there was no known explanation for his coma, how could NK be held liable?
You all realize he died in America when his family ordered all medical assistance to end. There is virtually no chance NK will ever pay.
Cant hardly wait for wingnuts to accuse me of aiding and abetting Li'l Kim.
With NK's reputation you would think Americans would know better than to travel there for relaxing vacash.
Harassed by Hotel security and cops while talking to Mother on phone in hotel lobby while Black.
Different holiday same old shit.
Every red blooded 'murrican ought to be tweeting Drumpf and ask him how all the best people he hired are doing.
ICE has been dumping processed asylum seekers in bus line parking lots with out warning the shelters that usually take them in. A bunch had to spend the night in buses at one location. Much more incompetence from the gang that can't fuck up straight.
Doug and other good guys-
The new year kicks off with a chance to witness one of the most widely shared types of sky shows: a total lunar eclipse. On January 20 and 21, Earth's dark shadow will creep over the bright lunar disk as our planet moves between the sun and the moon, turning the silvery orb blood red.
Lunar eclipses only happen during full moons, and the one that rises in late January will be bigger and brighter than average, making it a so-called supermoon. Adding to the special event, this will be the last total lunar eclipse that will grace Earth’s skies until May 26, 2021.
The last blood moon/eclipse was spectacular from my viewpoint in iowa. Almost zero light pollution and a clear line of sight as far East as one can see.
Santa Claus said...
Statistically, tonight is the only night of the year where a white man is more likely to break into your home than a black man is.
What makes you think Santa is white? You probably think Jesus was white too?
Granny Mudshark loves her some coal at Xmas !
How could NYPD be held liable for the M.I. heart attack that killed Eric Garner? Warmbeer and Garner both died from their own lack of judgement.
If you're not a part of the solution...then you are part of the problem.
All of the president's men who know that he is a lunatic but sit quietly by and do nothing are an even bigger problem than the president. They are nothing more than a bunch of OPPORTUNISTS AND COWARDS!
Santa isn't white; he's pink. Frosty the Snowman is white.
"Granny Mudshark loves her some coal at Xmas !"
Mudshark? Ha! I guess that means she prefers educated brothers over mouthbreathing punks.😂 Smart woman I'd say.
I just saw a picture of John Boehner and it made me wonder what's up with Republicans and weird orange skin? I thought y'all liked being white.
-Doug in Oakland
Hey Doug...In Oakland...
Why do you think whites hate blacks so much..
They're jealous of brown skin.
And God loves brown so much that he made black people in about 5 different shades of brown.
OK. Now, it's time for the Great Negro Massacre In the NFL to begin.
Remember, all these black coaches have stacked themselves with all kinds of black assistant coaches....they mostly all go when the head coach does.
Let the whining begin.
A little adult hangover cure and reasons not to vote for stoopid fucking korporate kontrolled wingnuts.
Even the bone spurs were a lie. Is nothing sacred, anymoar?
Anonymous said: "Granny Mudshark loves her some coal at Xmas !"
PilotX said: "Mudshark? Ha! I guess that means she prefers educated brothers over mouthbreathing punks.😂 Smart woman I'd say."
True, PilotX, thank you very much. My late husband was the smartest, most thoughtful man I have ever known. BTW, one of my grandsons is about to start his first job as a pilot with one of the subsidiaries of a major air line. Our entire family is thrilled.
I Gotta New Thing said...
"OK. Now, it's time for the Great Negro Massacre In the NFL to begin."
You don't "gotta a new thing," You gotta an old thing: it's called bigotry and racism. Please go away; you are boring us.
Gambler, some people hate themselves so much, that their only pleasure in life is to *try* and put down others who don't look like they do.
They wil always be losers in the game of life.
field negro said. "Gambler, some people hate themselves so much, that their only pleasure in life is to *try* and put down others who don't look like they do.
They wil always be losers in the game of life."
Yes, I understand, but sometimes I just get this overwhelming urge to answer them and remind them that other people don't appreciate their disgusting hate filled rants.
For the Trump lovers among us, here are a few hard facts:
Trump has a story of how his presidency’s going. Here’s what the numbers say.
It's not pretty. (from Think Progress)
Mike: It's always been obvious that the bone spurs only existed in Fergus' head, but now it looks like there might really be bone spurs up there...
-Doug in Oakland
China is colonizing Africa.
Well ain't this a frosty Friday- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/judge-finds-schools-sheriffs-officials-had-no-constitutional-duty-to-protect-parkland-students/
Good link to Think progress, Gambler.
Guess whitey's race. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-news-two-georgia-teens-found-buried-walmart-santa-yard-20181226-story.html
If you guessed Black, ura racist.
ps gasohol in my hometown is $1.97 per gallon. Merry Christmas if you have the money to pay for it.
"one of my grandsons is about to start his first job as a pilot with one of the subsidiaries of a major air line."
It's a great time to be a pilot. I'll keep an eye out for young Gambler👍🏾😄
I think I discovered Anymoose's kinfolk.
Yup, sounds familiar, donut?
Hey, Mike, I found this on the same web site that you posted earlier.
Another guess the race wasicu criminal politician bites the dust. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/12/georgia-deportation-bus-candidate-reports-jail-insurance-fraud-indictment/
Interesting, to say the least, Gambler. Thanks.
Saudis dispute claim of Drumpf's that they will pay to rebuild Syria.
Greatest negotiator ever?
their only pleasure in life is to *try* and put down others who don't look like they do.
In proper English that would be "try TO put down" but competence in English isn't an African forté even among the allegedly educated and accultured; there are almost always obvious deficits.
Few are trying to put you down. Most are trying to break through your walls of delusion to explain WHY you ARE down (no, Whitey is NOT "keeping you down", you are that way through your own acts and deficiencies) and that denying it will not ultimately benefit you. If you could only accept your natural station and stop demanding what you cannot produce for yourself, you might be able to continue to benefit from the product of the people and culture in which you have been benevolently given a place. Instead, you endeavor to destroy that people and culture because it makes you feel inferior.
You SHOULD feel inferior because you ARE inferior. You can either accept your inferior status and enjoy what benefits trickle down, or you can keep trying to parasitize and destroy the superior culture. The results of your perfidy will either be destruction of the superior culture and your loss of those benefits, or your expulsion or extermination and also loss of those benefits. Choose wisely.
"You SHOULD feel inferior because you ARE inferior."
Um, ok. Not true but if this makes you feel better have at it kid.😂
Anymoose, is Drumpf Black? Speaking of inferior.
PilotX is those danged old whiteys at FAA giving you the business? Is thatb what is keeping you grounded? Oh, yer still flying. Anymoose's bad.
"The results of your perfidy will either be destruction of the superior culture and your loss of those benefits, or your expulsion or extermination and also loss of those benefits."
Superior culture😂😂😂😂😂 Yeah, the trailer parks full of high school educated drunkards and drug addicts? Nah brah, I'll keep my condo. I may visit you some day but your fragile ego may not be able to handle it.
I just fried up and ate a top sirloin steak from one of the cows Briana's family raised, and it reminded me of how fucking lucky I was as a kid, when we raised our own beef and pork and ate it pretty much every night.
I don't eat as much meat as I used to, but I still enjoy it when it's that good.
-Doug in Oakland
"Blogger field negro said...
Gambler, some people hate themselves so much, that their only pleasure in life is to *try* and put down others who don't look like they do.
They will always be losers in the game of life.
12:58 PM"
Yeah, right.
Winning coaches keep their jobs.
Losing coaches/managers don't. I don't care what they "look" like. It is win, or go coach somewhere else.
The main reason I ever brought this subject up, was...black head coaches who get fired....oh, the wailing and gnashing of teefus's begins.
White coach who gets fired?
Who cares?
You know it's true.
Just trying to head-off the pissing and moaning when the blacks get canned.....but, I'll be happy to say "I told you so".
Or not, even.
"The main reason I ever brought this subject up, was...black head coaches who get fired....oh, the wailing and gnashing of teefus's begins."
Got any examples of this? Lovie Smith got fired and guess what, he moved on a got another job. Jerry Manuel got fired and moved on to another job. Dusty Baker was fired and moved on to another job. The lisy goes on and on. You need to get out more.
And winning people get ahead in the game of life and losers don't. Simple.☺
Doug, bring your empty propane tanks to a little burg called Gaza, iowa, not too far from me. You can have it refilled for $11 and gas in my hometown of Sutherland is $1.97 for gasahol.
They fired Caldwell in Detroit (who had a pretty good record) for Matt Patricia (5-10). How is that working out?
Says the loser @7:58 from his mama's basement, who has never hired anyone--or paid a dime in business taxes-- in his life.
>> gasohol in my hometown is $1.97 per gallon. Merry Christmas if you have the money to pay for it.
You mean E10, E15 or E85? I filled up with E-10 on I-75 at $1.959 a week ago. E-85 is worth quite a bit less than E-10.
"Guess whitey's race. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-news-two-georgia-teens-found-buried-walmart-santa-yard-20181226-story.html
If you guessed Black, ura racist."
Took advanced planning. Planning is not a black thing.
Leaving your two murdered children behind in a chest freezer when you move, as Mitchelle Blair did... THAT is a black thing. She had years to plan for disposal of the bodies, and didn't. Whites are a lot less criminal overall, but even white criminals show superior traits to blacks.
Um, ok. Not true
Look across your own town a bit, say to the Englewood or Austin 'hoods. Look at the rates of murder, illegitimate births and sub-basic academic achievement. Show me ANY white area in the US that's close to that bad. Black people are SO bad, the founder of "Cease Fire" in Indianapolis was shot Christmas Eve by another black male.
If you have to deny rampant pathologies to protect your self-image, you're inferior. Being a trained monkey good enough to operate a fairly complex vehicle doesn't change that. You're SO proud of yourself... why? You aren't doing anything that hundreds of white men and women didn't do long before you. Your kind never could have created the machines you fly, and you can't even maintain the society which made them possible despite it being a gift to you.
You are a parasite with no more understanding of what sustains you than fleas understand dogs. RECOGNIZING that you are a parasite might help you change it, but you can't even get as far as being honest with yourself.
Clearly Anon above has never visited West Virginia and many other states with large populations of poor white people. Or, for that matter, places like the Kensington section of Philadelphia.
But never let facts get in the way of your white superiority delusion.
Packers interviewed Caldwell for their head coaching job. Although it may have been just a formality to satisfy NFL rules.
Poor Blacks are much more optimistic about their futures than poor whitey who turns to opioids and death. That takes planning.
Anonymous said:
" Your kind never could have created the machines you fly, and you can't even maintain the society which made them possible despite it being a gift to you."
You are so ignorant, I can't believe that you actually exist. You need to be educated, so I will try, but you mind is probably closed.
1.Tuskegee Airmen - HISTORY
The Tuskegee Airmen were the first black military aviators in the U.S. Army Air Corps (AAC), a precursor of the U.S. Air Force. Trained at the Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama, they flew more than 15,000 individual sorties in Europe and North Africa during World War II.
2. Forgotten Black Women Who Helped In NASA’s Space Race
Black women, who were human computers behind the biggest breakthrough in aeronautics, seem to have been forgotten by history. The untold story of the brilliant Black women who made great contributions to the space race in the 1940s is to be depicted in a new movie and an upcoming book.
3. Eight white-majority districts elected black members of Congress this ...
Nov 19, 2018 - This year, Americans appear to have elected a record 53 African Americans to the House — assuming that Republicans William Hurd of Texas ...
Thank God most people are not twisted like you are. Try to do better.
"If you have to deny rampant pathologies to protect your self-image, you're inferior. Being a trained monkey good enough to operate a fairly complex vehicle doesn't change that. You're SO proud of yourself... why? "
Ha! So what do YOU do for a living sir? With all of your inherent superiority you surely must be a great doctor or inventor or something. Must have a PhD from MIT right?Sure, some areas of Chicago are not so great but as Field stated so are many predominately white areas. I would much rather live in the Bronzeville section of Chicago, NE DC or Harlem than rural Missouri, Kentucky or Mississippi.
Should I not be proud of my accomplishments? Interesting, I check all the boxes you lecture Blah people to do yet you are still insulting and demeaning. My guess is you are an unrepentant racist who just enjoys demeaning others. You sound like a winner😂
Still curious about your vocation and education level.
Pilot, I guarantee you he is either unemployed or receiving some kind of fixed monthly government benefit.😀
Now what race does this sound like?
"A brawl involving 200 people erupted at a Virginia roller skating rink around 12:30 a.m. Sunday, WDBJ reported.
"Witnesses told WFXR that a song ignited local gang tensions that led to the fight involving both teens and adults at the Star City Skate Center in Roanoke.
"Nicholas Gilliam Jr. and Marques Davis said they were attending a birthday party at the rink when an exchange of gang signs got heated."
Guess the race, and if you picked "white" you're a bigot.
Roller rinks or blacks: pick one.
Guess the race.
HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AP) - An 8-year-old girl has died more than a week after authorities say her father killed her mother and little brother before fatally shooting himself.
"but competence in English isn't an African forté even among the allegedly educated and accultured; there are almost always obvious deficits."
Kinda like the President right? 😂😂😂😂
PilotX said:
"Kinda like the President right?" 😂😂😂😂
4:58 PM
LOL Good one, PilotX! ROTF LMAO
"Pilot, I guarantee you he is either unemployed or receiving some kind of fixed monthly government benefit.😀"
Nah man, he sounds like an independently wealthy genius. Aren't they all? I mean they are so genetically blessed.
Clearly Anon above has never visited West Virginia and many other states with large populations of poor white people.
As it happens, I have traversed parts of West Virginia a number of times. My experience was that the people were always peaceful and friendly. Oh, you're going to have some differences from the broader white population due to generations of brain-drain, but all in all they're fine to deal with.
I filled up my car in a black city once. I had my 9mm on my hip under my sweater, but it was apparent that I was carrying. I'm sure that is the only reason the obvious probes from "bruvvas" didn't turn into robbery.
West Virginia had a murder rate of 4.7/100k in 2017. The more-black states of the deep South were much higher. Pennsylvania as a whole rated 5.8. Killadelphia? 17.86/100k in 2015, about FOUR TIMES as high as WV. Still think West Virginians are horrible people compared to your city-fellas?
Or, for that matter, places like the Kensington section of Philadelphia.
I don't know anything about the Kensington section of Killadelphia. Tell us, just HOW white (European, not Arab, not mestizo, not indio, EUROPEAN) is it? Give us the stats, not innuendo.
never let facts get in the way of your white superiority delusion.
You never let facts get in the way of your delusion of adequacy. Genetically, you're not even Homo sapiens sapiens; a lot of your genes are drawn from ghost populations which never made it out of Africa. Why didn't they make it? Because they didn't have what it took, and neither do you. You think you're great because you've been propped up. Anyone with so much time to post during the "workday" is either in a make-work job or retired, and you SAF haven't said you're retired.
You are so ignorant, I can't believe that you actually exist.
You are so deluded, if I hadn't grown up in a liberaltopia I wouldn't be able to believe you claim to be white.
You need to be educated, so I will try, but you mind is probably closed.
You mean "re-educated" in the Maoist sense. YOU need to be disabused of your delusions. I KNOW your mind is closed, but I'll speak to the lurkers because the lurkers need to see what happens to equalitarian bullshit under dispassionate analysis.
1.Tuskegee Airmen - HISTORY
Stop RIGHT there. The Tuskegee Airmen were NOT aeronautical engineers or even aircraft factory workers. They had NOTHING to do with the design or construction of the P-51s they flew. They were trained monkeys tasked with putting on a show of blacks doing something constructive for the war effort. They made not a single ace pilot, and not because of deprivation.
2. Forgotten Black Women Who Helped In NASA’s Space Race
Retconning history to pretend :"Hidden Figures" was documentary. None of the astronauts said or wrote anything about these "forgotten" women, who were mere clerks who operated calculating machines executing individual parts of computations designed by white men. Today their function has been totally subsumed, literally, by transistors.
It would be funny to watch clowns like you claim black people are indispensible if it wasn't so dangerous. In truth, if PilotX gets killed by a stray bullet in Bronzetown his seat will be filled the next day by someone with probably greater experience and competence.
3. Eight white-majority districts elected black members of Congress
Virtue-signalling fools. Unfortunately others will wind up paying most of the bill for their idiocy. Maxine Waters and Hank Johnson hold office because their constituents are idiots like themselves. White voters have no excuse.
Anon@9:38 above, how did that "9mm" on your hip make you feel? ☺
Or was that sonething you dreamed about after a warm glass of milk and watching Bonanza reruns?
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Anon@9:38 above, how did that "9mm" on your hip make you feel?
Like I could tell robbers to go fuck themselves and make it stick.
Or was that sonething you dreamed about after a warm glass of milk and watching Bonanza reruns?
It is an H&K that I've owned and shot for decades now. Want me to post a pic of it?
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