The Field Negro education series continues.
"God doesn’t bless America.
That’s not how this works.
I’m sorry to break it to you, Bible Belt Christians—but that’s just how it is.
I know this kinda wrecks the convenient narrative you’ve been working for the past 60 or so years (and hitting especially hard the past eighteen months), but honestly that nasty bit of heresy has done enough damage already and it needs to go. It’s straight-up of the devil.
I’m not sure where you’re getting your taglines and hat slogans from, but I know it isn’t from the Bible. I know it isn’t from your coveted and regularly trotted out John 3:16:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
God loved the world.
God is in the world-loving business—not the America-blessing business.
You remember the world, don’t you; that massive, spinning sphere of 7.6 billion disparate human beings: brown people, Muslims, LGBTQ folks, Atheists, shithole countries—and lots and lots of non-English speaking, non-Americans?
Check out the Old and New Testaments again.
Read through the Gospels a few times.
Use any translation you’d like:
No America First.
No Making America Great Again (or at all.)
No flags or national anthems to pledge allegiance to.
A few other bits of news from the Scriptures:
Jesus was born in the Middle East.
He didn’t speak English.
He wasn’t white.
He wasn’t Evangelical.
He wasn’t a Republican.
He wasn’t American.
Heck, he wasn’t even Christian.
Jesus was a Rabbi who spent his days as an itinerant street preacher, living off the generosity of strangers and speaking in parables about a new “Kingdom of God:'” a radical way of living where the poor were cared for, the oppressed freed, and the outcasts welcomed in.
Jesus came to usher in a countercultural kind of interdependent community, in direct opposition to the power-wielding Roman Empire he stepped into. It was a diverse, barrier-breaking, border-transcending, nation-defying movement of generosity and mutual affection. It had nothing to do with blessing a Government or building an army—or creating a gated community of white folks in North America two thousand years in the future.
To claim that America was at all the point of the Gospels is flat-out heresy.
To assume any God-ordained supremacy based on religion, nation of origin, pigmentation, orientation, or native tongue—is a perversion of the work of Jesus and idolatry of the worst kind.
I’m sorry to break all this bad news to you. I understand the actual words of the Gospel are problematic, given the story you’re selling to those whose fear you’re leveraging in America right now.
It’s impossible to be devoted to the Jesus of the Scriptures, while refusing refugees, expelling immigrants, vilifying brown people, worshiping political power, guarding borders, and neglecting the poor—which is exactly the point.
As long as you continue to conflate God and America, you’re going to be whitewashing the Good News, shrinking God into your own image, and bastardizing the message of Jesus in ways that can only be described as fully and violently heretical.
If your God is America—you need a bigger God." [Source]
Go ahead and pass the offering plate for John Pavlovitz.
Fuck mythology. Follow science and math, and remember history.
I agree with the author. Enlightened Christians used to say, "America Bless God." It certainly makes a great deal more sense when you turn it around.
However, I am keenly interested in Making America Great again. I'm ashamed of the United States today. How did we allow this to happen? The train is off the tracks hanging off of a broken bridge.
People have lost their minds. Racism is rampant. People are cold-hearted and do not care about others. They don't care to the point that it just doesn't matter if the others live or die. Hatred is the oxygen which burns up the fuel of fearful minds.
The strength of the United States and the rest of the developed world has always been tied to lifting up those less fortunate than ourselves.
Trump presidency = Death
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
I prefer the comedic counterpart to this essay:
GOP Jesus
Evangelical wingnut Christians are, in fact, terrible Christians. As a rule, the more ostentatious they are in proclaiming their righteousness, the lousier they are at adhering to the tenets of their professed faith.
They seem to have convinced themselves that the entire purpose of Christianity is vagina policing, and all that stuff Christ said in the Bible is pretty much optional.
Yeah, some of my right wing friends who are Bible thumpers, weird how that works, rail against immigrants as if these aren't the very people Yeshua would reach out to. America has always had a Calvinistic bend towards its religion.It had to, how else would you explain keeping slaves and oppressing others? Interesting country we got here.
It is so great when anti-Christians use the religious tenets of believers, that they themselves despise and ridicule, to try to manipulate the objects of their derision into doing what they want.
What's also great is the same people trying the interject Christian principles into the immigration debate are the first ones to scream when a Christian baker doesn't want to participate in a gay wedding, or The Little Sisters of the Poor balk at providing morning after abortion pills.
I'm no Biblical scholar, but I'm pretty sure accepting Jesus as your savior does not require opening your doors and giving away your children's inheritance to anyone who demands it. It's not how Christianity has been practically applied for the last 2,000 years; if it had been Christianity wouldn't have lasted a generation.
"The people coming here just want a better life for themselves and their families". And the guy who is stealing your car just wants a want a better life for himself and his family.
I want a better life for myself and my family, but I'm going to do it by working my ass off and defending my community from those who think what I have belong to them.
Loving your own doesn't mean you hate everyone else.
Stuff it, Field.
"America has always had a Calvinistic bend towards its religion.It had to, how else would you explain keeping slaves and oppressing others? "
Are people in Africa and the Middle East Calivinists? Is that why they still keep slaves today?
Anonymous Pilot Rex said...
"America has always had a Calvinistic bend towards its religion.It had to, how else would you explain keeping slaves and oppressing others? "
Are people in Africa and the Middle East Calivinists? Is that why they still keep slaves today?
10:03 PM
Well, my guess would be that they practice religions that don't advocate the same things that Jesus taught, nor do they profess to follow Him as American Christians do.
Deplorable Me said:
"What's also great is the same people trying the interject Christian principles into the immigration debate are the first ones to scream when a Christian baker doesn't want to participate in a gay wedding, or The Little Sisters of the Poor balk at providing morning after abortion pills."
So you think it's OK for someone to go into business and refuse service to customers whose religious beliefs differ from their own? The results from this approach are already known: a court clerk refusing a marriage license to a gay couple, a pharmacist refusing to fill a prescription because his personal religion forbids birth control, a baker refusing to make a cake for a gay couple because his religion condemns gays. This is madness.
Damn, this is a great essay, Field!
"So you think it's OK for someone to go into business and refuse service to customers whose religious beliefs differ from their own? "
No. No one does that in America. If you provide a service to the public, then it is against the law not to provide that service to someone based on their race, religion, or sexual orientation.
The baker didn't refuse service to the gay couple. He offered to sell them anything that he sold to anyone else.
He didn't offer cakes decorated that celebrated things that violated his religion to anyone. He wouldn't make one for anyone, regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Treating anyone the same is not discrimination.
I would not expect a Jewish baker to sell me cake celebrating the holocaust, unless he offered them as part of his product line.
I would not expect a Muslim deli owner to sell me a ham sandwich if he did not offer them on his menu.
You don't have a legitimate right to walk into a business and demand that they sell you something that they don't make.
Well, the conservative movement doesn't ever really make or do anything of its own, it co-opts whatever it thinks will get it what it wants. The party of Lincoln, for example.
So they just figure, those Bible folk aren't too bright, and they are certainly welcoming, let's take what they have, I bet we can win elections for days serving up their bullshit.
The religious right is just as much of a religious fraud as the Republican party are economic frauds.
There are truly good and decent human beings who are Christians, like William Barber and Jimmy Carter, but they tend to be left of center.
Bishop Barber likes to say that white evangelicals for the most part aren't evangelical at all, but are instead extreme right religionists.
"I'm no Biblical scholar, but I'm pretty sure accepting Jesus as your savior does not require opening your doors and giving away your children's inheritance to anyone who demands it. It's not how Christianity has been practically applied for the last 2,000 years; if it had been Christianity wouldn't have lasted a generation."
Read the book, asshole. Jesus, the main character, says to do exactly that, and the trait you're exhibiting is called "greed" in the old testament, and if I remember correctly, is called a "deadly sin."
-Doug in Oakland
Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper is about celebrate one of the most important anniversaries of his life. March 13th will be the fifth anniversary of his commission of open perjury before the Senate Intelligence Committee. More importantly, it also happens to be when the statute of limitations runs out — closing any possibility of prosecution for Clapper. As the clock runs out on the Clapper prosecution, Democrats like Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) have charged that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen committed perjury when she insisted that she could not recall if President Donald Trump called Haiti and African countries a vulgar term. The fact is that perjury is not simply tolerated, it is rewarded, in Washington. In a city of made men and women, nothing says loyalty quite as much as lying under oath.
Even in a city with a notoriously fluid notion of truth, Clapper’s false testimony was a standout. Clapper appeared before the Senate to discuss surveillance programs in the midst of a controversy over warrantless surveillance of the American public. He was asked directly, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans?” There was no ambiguity or confusion and Clapper responded, “No, sir. … Not wittingly.” That was a lie and Clapper knew it when he said it.
“I would not expect a Jewish baker to sell me cake celebrating the holocaust, unless he offered them as part of his product line.”
“Cake celebrating the love of two people for each other” equals “cake celebrating genocide.”
This sums up in a nutshell the warped world view of the evangelical Christian trash.
Read the book, asshole. Jesus, the main character, says to do exactly that, and the trait you're exhibiting is called "greed" in the old testament, and if I remember correctly, is called a "deadly sin."
I have an okay house and me and my family are not starving. We also can see a doctor when we need to. We all have smart phones. My neighbor to the north has a bigger house than me, and nicer stuff. If I break into his house so I can free housing, food, and access to his health insurance coverage, and he objects, who is the greedy one?
"“Cake celebrating the love of two people for each other” equals “cake celebrating genocide.”
This sums up in a nutshell the warped world view of the evangelical Christian trash."
The baker offered to bake the cake for the gay couple, and even to do all of the traditional decorations. He then offered to give them the icing kit they would need to write whatever they wanted on the cake for their wedding.
They refused his offer, because that wasn't the point of their choosing this particular bakery. They wanted to force him to do something that violated his beliefs. It wasn't the cake they were after, a cake they could have gotten from any number of other bakers. They wanted to use the power of the state to compel a man to violate his deeply held and Constitutionally protected principles for no reason other than to show that they could.
This sums up in a nutshell the warped world view of the totalitarian Leftist trash.
"I have an okay house and me and my family are not starving. We also can see a doctor when we need to. We all have smart phones. My neighbor to the north has a bigger house than me, and nicer stuff. If I break into his house so I can free housing, food, and access to his health insurance coverage, and he objects, who is the greedy one?"
Uh, where in the book is that, asshole? It's your book, not mine. I'm an atheist and have never required the idea of spiritual punishment to get me to behave morally or ethically.
-Doug in Oakland
White people, especially the men, are synonymous with mediocrity and retardation.
(((John Pavlovitz)))
"Uh, where in the book is that, asshole? It's your book, not mine."
Other than being a major part of the cultural inheritance of the West, of which I (and you) are part, it's not "my" book either. I am not religious. My parents weren't religious. But I have a deep appreciation for what Christianity has bequeathed my culture and I respect those who do believe.
And I'll bet your moral and ethical foundation owes a lot to Christianity too.
Using a people's religious precepts, which you yourself reject, to levy a death sentence on their culture is about as cynical as it gets. Kind of like twisting the Constitution to tell the citizens of a country that they can't have borders or have any say when the government decides to fundamentally change their way of life.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Our posterity have dreams too. People come here, by the tens of millions, because of what America is, someplace much different from where they come from. If they keep coming here by the tens of millions, it won't be long before it's not America anymore.
"The Field Negro disinformation series continues."
Anonymous said...
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
9:28 PM
Where would everything come from?? How would you get your welfare check or EBT/LINK???
Fact of the Day said...
White people, especially the men, are synonymous with mediocrity and retardation.
6:41 AM
White Inventions/Contributions:
Sulfa drugs
Powered flight
Space program
Paved roads
Nuclear power
Solar tech
Wind tech
Livestock ranching
Cable Tv
Micro chip
American foreign policy since the fall of the Berlin wall has been almost entirely about militarily and economically crushing countries that pose a threat to Israel. Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, and Syria have all been either militarily or economically attacked, half of them have had their governments overthrown. Now the media is feeding the American public false narratives about Venezuela. Why Venezuela?
It's not about oil, and it's not about saving the people of Venezuela. Chávez wasn't Lenin - Venezuela's oil has been nationalized since the 70s. The real problem was he aligned himself with Gaddafi, Hussein, and Ahmadinejad - Israel's enemies. He also removed dissident oil executives and replaced them with people amenable to his socialist agenda. Incidentally, some of those anti-Chávez oil executives were Jewish, and many were suspected of being Zionists. In 2002, it was reported by the Miami Herald and Venezuelan newpaper El Nuevo Pais that Isaac Perez Recao, who was not only an owner of Venoco Oil but was also an Israeli arms dealer, financed the coup against Chávez and used private "Venezuelan" media to sow discord.
Meanwhile, back in the US, Jewish Ambassador to Venezuela Charles Shapiro and Jewish NSC Special Assistant Elliott Abrams were working behind the scenes pushing for funding for anti-Chávez groups with American tax dollars. Chávez remained in power because he retained the loyalty of the military.
Fast forward to January 2019, Venezuela's ties to Iran have deepened under current President Nicolás Maduro, and their newly-appointed Vice President is being characterized as an Iran-loving anti-Semite.
Israel fears that the strong economic relationship between Iran and Venezuela mitigates the impact of US sanctions on Iran. Iran has invested billions in Venezuela and both countries share two joint banks, which helps Iran evade sanctions. The US has sanctioned both banks.
Hezbollah, the Lebanese political faction with ties to Iran, has also been increasing its presence in Venezuela, fomenting anti-Israel/West sentiment.
Now that neocon Elliott Abrams has been appointed to take a another shot at a Venezuelan coup, expect to hear more sensational lies being disseminated from his camp. After all, he was one of the original propagandists that spread spurious rumors about Iraqi WMDs.
Donald Trump receives nearly continuous scathingly negative coverage from American media. Curiously, there is one area where has received quite favorable treatment from the press - when he lobs some cruise missiles into Syria, levees sanctions on Iran, or pushes regime change in Venezuela. True, he's pulled back from previous administrations adventures that have been disastrous for the US, but he still knows who calls the shots.
If Maduro is ousted and a more compliant regime installed, Trump will get another few days of basking in the media's approval. But when the dust settles, Jews will write in the history books that the coup was just another case of the white man colonizing brown people.
How many governments must the US topple before Americans realize that we are systematically dismantling Israel's enemies one by one? How long until Americans realize Washington and the West Bank are under occupation from the same people?
I nominate Fraud Negro for Superintendent of the New Tower of Babel, if only your hypocrite ass would embrace gentrification into shithole ghetto neighborhoods with the same kum baya platitudes as you do the planned illegal invasion of America. As i said before, You are an EVIL Shepherd and your flock serves Satan.
Deplorable Me said:
"Our posterity have dreams too. People come here, by the tens of millions, because of what America is, someplace much different from where they come from. If they keep coming here by the tens of millions, it won't be long before it's not America anymore."
9:45 AM
Unless you are a Native American, you are an immigrant or you descended from one. Now, like the parable of the dog in the manger, you want to stop others from coming here. You fear America will change, but you forget that change is the law of the universe. Everything changes constantly, so why not go with the flow because you can't stop it.
And where would America be now without the contribution of Albert Einstein and his fellow escapees from Germany and Austria that developed the atomic bomb? Yes there were Americans scientists involved, but these immigrant scientists laid the necessary foundation for our modern world and for our survival as a free nation. Think about it.
Anonymous said...
I nominate Fraud Negro for Superintendent of the New Tower of Babel, if only your hypocrite ass would embrace gentrification into shithole ghetto neighborhoods with the same kum baya platitudes as you do the planned illegal invasion of America. As i said before, You are an EVIL Shepherd and your flock serves Satan.
10:57 AM
And you, sir, are a homicidal idiot. You need to see a shrink. Do it quickly.
Jussie Smollett is Tawana Brawley with a beard?
Homicidal? Never advocated the death of anyone in my statement nor do i call for death or violence on anybody. God will ultimately punish the shock troopers of Satan. Years of mudsharking has rotted your brain and reading comprehension skills Granny.
"Unless you are a Native American, you are an immigrant or you descended from one"
There are many Americans who are descended from colonists. They didn't immigrate to a country, they made one.
There are also many Americans who are descended from people brought here against their will as slaves. They didn't immigrate to a country, they made one.
Native Americans are descended from colonists from Siberia. They didn't immigrate to a country, nor did they make one. How did mass immigration turn out for them?
We had the land when they came with the bible,then they had the land and we had the bible! All over a man who never existed!
"And where would America be now without the contribution of Albert Einstein and his fellow escapees from Germany and Austria that developed the atomic bomb?"
Imagine thinking that a handful of educated physicist immigrants from Germany and Austria are interchangeable with millions of illiterate farm worker immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala.
Front page of today's Political Wire
According to Gallup: Republican Party’s image has suffered more than the Democratic Party’s. The GOP’s favorability rating fell to 37% from 45% in September. At the same time, Americans’ favorable views of the Democratic Party remained stable at 45%.”
Of course all trolls will declare, "fake polls."
Anonymous said...
"And where would America be now without the contribution of Albert Einstein and his fellow escapees from Germany and Austria that developed the atomic bomb?"
Imagine thinking that a handful of educated physicist immigrants from Germany and Austria are interchangeable with "millions of illiterate farm worker immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala".
You missed the entire point of my post. My point was that by eliminating certain groups of people you may be eliminating people who have a great to deal to contribute to our country. Einstein and some others in the group were Jews. In Trump's white nationalist world, Jews are not welcome in the United States.
Since you are unable to grasp my point, here's another example: When I worked at a public university for 27 years, my boss was the son of a migrant worker from Mexico. As a child, this boss picked fruit to add to the family's income. This boss earned a PHD from USC and became a high-level administrator. And his son is a television producer. So we really don't know what the"millions of illiterate farm worker immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala" might contribute if given a chance.
Deplorable Me said:
There are many Americans who are descended from colonists. They didn't immigrate to a country, they made one.
There are also many Americans who are descended from people brought here against their will as slaves. They didn't immigrate to a country, they made one.
Native Americans are descended from colonists from Siberia. They didn't immigrate to a country, nor did they make one. How did mass immigration turn out for them?
FYI. My American Standard Dictionary defines an immigrant as :"One who leaves a country to settle permanently in another.
I can see from this post that you do not believe in the set of facts that underlie intelligent discourse. There is no point in discussing anything with you because you do not live in the real world. Have a nice day.
Global Warming is bullshit:
-25F or worse!!! So much for Global warming nonsense:
Granny two cans short of a six pack said...
"You missed the entire point of my post. My point was that by eliminating certain groups of people you may be eliminating people who have a great to deal to contribute to our country. Einstein and some others in the group were Jews. In Trump's white nationalist world, Jews are not welcome in the United States."
Okay, let's eliminate imigrants from countries that have never produced a Nobel Prize winner or where you can't drink the water.
And you are joking about Trump and Jews, right? You know two of his children married Jews, and most of his grandkids are Jews? He's also the guy who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and signed a bill guaranteeing Israel $38 billion in aid. His cabinet is full of Jews.
Also Granny: "I knew this Mexican guy that had a PhD from USC, ergo all Mexican immigrants are potential PhDs."
Many Mexicans have been here for several generations. Take a look at statistics regarding their average educational attainment.
Granny reading comprehension challenged said...
"FYI. My American Standard Dictionary defines an immigrant as :"One who leaves a country to settle permanently in another."
Key word there Granny: Country.
There was no country here until 1789. Anyone who came voluntarily before then was a colonist.
They, and all the immigrants who came for the next 180 years or so had to make it on their own. Immigrants were required to have a job before they were let in. There was no welfare, food stamps, housing vouchers, or free healthcare waiting for them. The government didn't print benefits forms and voter ballots in 170 languages so they didn't have to learn English.
Today's immigrants get all that, and a free lawyer the minute they step out of the Rio Grande. They are also immediately eligible for Affirmative Action privileges over the natives, whether they came here legally or illegally. They apparently crave oppression so much they are willing to break the law and risk their lives to get some!
Progressives want to take away(infringe) on your 1st Amendment rights to religion.
Christians are faggots.
House Dems just unveiled a bill to fix and expand Social Security.
Wow, imagine a government that actually tries to help the citizens it serves.
-Doug in Oakland
I'm a 6'2 Chinese-American and find it odd that a black would be critical of religion, and Christianity at that. Blacks are the most religious of all races in this country. You can't talk to many blacks without them bringing up their love of God and church and whatnot. Talk about Stockholm Syndrome. This religion was forced upon you people during slavery and you continue to eat it up unquestioningly. Then again, critical thinking has never been an area of strength with you people.
See more at:
Progressives are Godless......
"There was no country here until 1789. Anyone who came voluntarily before then was a colonist."
This is a meaningless distinction.
The British authorities never considered the colonies part of Britain proper. Hence the lack of a right for the colonists to be represented in the British parliament, ultimately resulting in the American Revolution. Britons were considered to be emigrating to the colonies.
Not to mention that tons of people from outside the British Empire also emigrated to the American colonies.
And don't give me this garbage argument about "colonists built the country, while immigrants only reaped the rewards." Everyone who has come here has built this country. It is continually being built. You don't win a prize if your ancestors happening to come over on the Mayflower. Literally nobody gives a shit.
"They, and all the immigrants who came for the next 180 years or so had to make it on their own. Immigrants were required to have a job before they were let in."
No they weren't. The U.S. had zero immigration controls -- we did, in fact, have "open borders" -- from the start of colonial period until the late 19th century.
This only ended because of a racist freakout that occurred when large numbers of Chinese began moving to the U.S. Starting with the Page Act of 1875 and continuing to the Hart-Celler Act of 1965, the U.S. restricted immigration mostly on the basis of race and nationality.
Only after that were our immigration criteria primarily based on economic factors.
I am not saying the U.S. can realistically go back to previous systems of immigration. Our nation's economic circumstances are very different than in past centuries.
I am saying you need to stop lying, you sad putz, because you're not fooling anyone.
Field negro is actually faggot nigger. He tongues the poo poo out of a man's ass just like Jussie.
"-25F or worse!!! So much for Global warming nonsense:"
Because when we think of "global" only America comes to mind😄
"Because when we think of "global" only America comes to mind😄"
Yes, global warming is global.
Also, climate change has the word "climate" in it. And "climate" means average temperatures over the whole year, not what happens on one freaking day. A single really cold day doesn't disprove the fact that the climate is warming, any more than a single really hot day could prove that the climate is warming.
That's not how any of this works.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
I would love to agree with you and Pavlovitz, but my theory of reading texts, including any scripture, tends to favor descriptivism over prescriptivism. Prescriptivism is a moral theory; it says that use ought to be governed by meaning. Descriptivism is a scientific theory; it says that meaning is in fact governed by use. According to prescriptivism, any scripture is a message, saying something specific. According to descriptivism, any scripture is a language, saying whatever you want it to say.
To Pavlovitz, there should be no such thing as a Christian nationalist. But history reveals that in fact there have been many. By rereading the text they have rewritten it, in a way favoring their agenda. This is an ancient tragicomedy. Fortunately, you yourself are just as free to reread the same texts, in a way favoring _your_ agenda. That's fair.
To prescriptivism, correct reading of Scripture reveals God. To descriptivism, any reading of Scripture reveals the reader.
"They, and all the immigrants who came for the next 180 years or so had to make it on their own. Immigrants were required to have a job before they were let in."
"No they weren't"
Then how did they eat? There was no welfare.
"There was no country here until 1789. Anyone who came voluntarily before then was a colonist."
Oh, give me a break! I'm done talking to you. You all you peddle is bull shit. Have a nice day.
Anonymous said...
"Field negro is actually faggot nigger. He tongues the poo poo out of a man's ass just like Jussie."
4:53 PM
Two things come to mind upon reading this post. Field's sex life is none of you business, and why are you so obsessed with gay sex? Does it fascinate you?
how come nobody's talking about how the jussie smollett thing was totally made up lol
If global warming is real then why do I still get cold when I get out of the shower?
Pardes Seleh said...
"how come nobody's talking about how the jussie smollett thing was totally made up lol"
7:03 PM
Prove it was made up, Pardes.
This god damned nigger attacked a woman walking her dog in Ft Worth in Feb 2018 and tried to gouge her eyes out. Apparently, they let the chimp out its cage and he attacked another woman in front of her kids the other day. In a sane society, apeman would have had his backside barcoded in public like Kunta Kinte and sent back to the jungle.
Progressives(Democrats) want to take away Freedom of religion. This should deeply concern the African-American population.
Using religion as a tool for hate, bigotry, and selfishness is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
Anonymous said...
"Progressives(Democrats) want to take away Freedom of religion."
I hope you know that your saying this doesn't make it true. You lie just like your orange man-child leader.
"Then how did they eat? There was no welfare."
Easy. They came to this country without a job. And THEN they got a job -- just like most of the illegal immigrants to this country that you are (ridiculously) convinced are our biggest problem. Your claim that people are coming here only so they can collect welfare is a fantasy.
A European immigrant in 1850 was not required to certify that he had a job lined up in America BEFORE he would be let in. That was never the case.
Totally broke, jobless white people streamed into the country for decades, many of them taking low-paying jobs (exactly like Mexicans and Hondurans and Guatemalans do today!) when they got here, all while native-born, racist asshole white people like yourself bitched and moaned that they were ruining everything, these fucking Poles, Irish, Greeks, Italians, Lithuanians, whatever, who were obviously the "wrong" kind of white people who had the wrong culture and would never assimilate, blah blah blah.
And all of that happened LEGALLY because, um, open borders.
Same shit, different century. And different skin color of the immigrants being abused.
Anonymous at 10:50 a.m.
Donald Trump receives nearly continuous scathingly negative coverage from American media. Curiously, there is one area where has received quite favorable treatment from the press - when he lobs some cruise missiles into Syria, levees sanctions on Iran, or pushes regime change in Venezuela. True, he's pulled back from previous administrations adventures that have been disastrous for the US, but he still knows who calls the shots.
Wow. Nice try. Let me guess. American leadership suffered under the feckless foreign policy of President Obama. Is that about right? Like Mike Pompeo said in Cairo.
“The age of self-inflicted American shame is over, and so are the policies that produced so much needless suffering.”
Such is the incoherent world view of the hopelessly faithful. Allow me to feed you a small dose of truth.
The careful negotiations between the Obama Department of State, the Republic of Russia, Iran and others brought about a suspension of development of nuclear weapons in Iran as well as verifiable controls on the amount of fissionable material produced by Iran. It has been verified that Iran has complied with the guidelines of that historic agreement. There is currently no program to build nuclear weapons in Iran. There is no cheating about levels of uranium enrichment. Their nuclear program is verifiably only to provide nuclear power to their cities.
Personifying the irrational insanity that has characterized his foreign policy, the monster has unilaterally withdrawn from the agreement unfairly imposing sanctions on Iran. Iran is not sure how to react, but so far has remained true to the original deal crafted by Obama.
No president has ever had an easy time negotiating with North Korea. Obama actually asked his military advisors what would be probable outcomes of war with North Korea. It was soon determined that to do so would cause untold death and destruction on the Korean Peninsula as well as very likely involve China in what might culminate in a nuclear war.
I can't pin this on Trump, but when he had the opportunity to reach out to Kim Jong-Un diplomatically, he was breathing fire from his pulpit about fire and destruction such as the world has ever known. Kim realizes that Trump is a complete idiot who can be played and begins toying with him. The first year of the Trump presidency, NK tested a hydrogen bomb. Later they tested ICBM capable of delivering such a device anywhere from Japan to the entire West Coast of the United States. Don't get me wrong. This faggy friendship that Trump seems to enjoy with totalitarian dictators has actually served the world rather well in easing tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. But he is in a dream world if he believes that NK has any intentions of denuclearizing.
As far as Syria. I wasn't that impressed by the wasted of a MOAB on a fucking air base that Trump had already cleared with Putin as a harmless target. But I'm glad that you have so much confidence. Obama was so weak. He was like a stoned kitten. Trump is manly. Everything will be okay now.
"Obama was so weak."
How does someone so completely miss the point?
Obama started wars in Libya and Syria that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of people displaced. He overthrew the elected government in Eqypt. Trump has been much less bloodthirsty in comparison. His great moment of weakness is when he let himself be pushed by fake gas attacks into bombing Syria - not once but twice. All presidents from Bush 1 on have pursued this kind of insane aggression in the Middle East despite the damage they've done to US interests. Why? Because they all work for Israel.
"Obama started wars in Libya and Syria that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of people displaced. He overthrew the elected government in Eqypt."
Absolutely bonkers. Literally none of the above is true. Obama did not start the wars in either Libya or Syria, and had zilch to do with the overthrow of the Egyptian government.
I am in awe of the degree of your detachment from reality. You should be institutionalized. I am not making petty insults here. You should literally be in a straitjacket, shot full of Thorazine, drooling into a cup while watching Spongebob Squarepants. You have no place in mainstream society.
"Obama did not start the wars in either Libya or Syria"
Who did?
So 2020 dem platform is
-no private healthcare.
-kill fully formed 2 seconds from birth babies
-70% marginal tax rates on people they hate
-keep the border wall-free
-ban nearly every gun
-also you're racist
This is basically a right wing parody of a dem platform and it's real.
Pardes Seleh said...
"how come nobody's talking about how the jussie smollett thing was totally made up lol"
Maybe this is why? LOL!
The Chicago Police Dept. says it has images of “potential persons of interest” in the racist and homophobic hate attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.
“Hours ago Chicago Police detectives located a surveillance camera that shows potential persons of interest wanted for questioning in reference to the assault & battery of Empire actor,” Chicago Police Dept. Chief Communications Officer Anthony Guglielmi said via Twitter at 5:53 PM ET.
2020 Republican Platform:
-Mexicans are all MS-13 rapists
-Russia is our friend
-Up is now down
-We have always been at war with East Eurasia
-Old white men should make decisions about womens' bodies
-We're not racists, we just happen to be an all white party
-Ignore that man behind the curtain
GOP 2020 platform:
- Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela
“Hours ago Chicago Police detectives located a surveillance camera that shows potential persons of interest wanted for questioning in reference to the assault & battery of Empire actor,"
Did you look at the picture? It's a fuzzy image of two dark figures walking on the sidewalk.
This story has already been busted as another hate hoax.
Great. He knows more than professional intelligence officials😖 Is it 2020 yet?
Gambler, right wing sites are lit up with searches for the Smolette attack being fake. This is what all the cool kids are searching for😂
Thanks for answering Anonymous. I guess the first response came from the person I was addressing.
Yeah. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Obama was a war pig or that he started any wars. But if you honestly believe that Trump is the Peacenik that we all need to take down the MIC and the Pentagon...
Well, I certainly hope that you are right. It seems to me right now that Trump is too hung up on his personal problems related to the wall to really govern effectively. He might try taking advantage of the national security mechanisms available only to a sitting president instead of watching TV all of the time. I see him as an unstable threat to our security.
I do approve of pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria. I'm not with the neoliberal/neocons who fear a World not policed by the United States. Trump actually does have some anti-war cred. Let him take courage. Maybe he should ditch Mike Pence and run with Dennis Kucinich in 2020.
“Obama did not start the wars in either Libya or Syria’
Who did?”
Uh, the people of Syria and Libya. These were both popular revolutions that had jack squat to do with the U.S.
The U.S. joined in both conflicts, and only in a pretty minor capacity, well after they’d started.
Certain liars on the left and right keep trying to rewrite this history to further their own agendas.
How long before Jussie Sperm Burper admits on page 27 that it was all a lie and his 80 IQ Wakandan Attorney announces Jussie is going into a Mental Health/Substance treatment facility? Immediately followed by a myriad of Pyramid builders and Black balls on chin idiot whites proclaiming that 10 billion years of racism, capped off by Prez Trump who is the Devil, has made Negros insane In America and Jussie, like the thousands of race hoaxers before him should be forgiven for their sins? Negros and dysfunction...Lather, rinse, repeat.
...And he was a Semite of SW Asian Ancestry, neither Nordic nor Nubian.
where would America be now without the contribution of Albert Einstein and his fellow escapees from Germany and Austria that developed the atomic bomb?
In a USA that won WWII, but never had a Cold War or the threat of human annihilation hanging over the world for decades.
My point was that by eliminating certain groups of people you may be eliminating people who have a great to deal to contribute to our country.
Every last scientist who made the Manhattan Project possible was European. We know what Mexicans give us: huge welfare dependency and a 25% high school dropout rate into the third generation.
The field-worker jobs that "Americans won't do" are about to be replaced by robots. We will shortly have millions of surplus Mexicans with literally nothing they can do to support themselves because all the other unskilled jobs in food service are being automated too.
The U.S. had zero immigration controls -- we did, in fact, have "open borders" -- from the start of colonial period until the late 19th century.
One of the earliest acts of Congress was the 1790 naturalization act which limited naturalization to "free White persons of good character." If you think this was "open borders" you are fucked in the head (but that goes without saying for everyone here save the realtalkers you call "trolls").
Black People Dismantle "White Privilege"
Anonymous said...
2020 Republican Platform:
-Mexicans are all MS-13 rapists
-Russia is our friend
-Up is now down
-We have always been at war with East Eurasia
-Old white men should make decisions about womens' bodies
-We're not racists, we just happen to be an all white party
-Ignore that man behind the curtain
11:33 PM
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Anonymous said...
"Progressives(Democrats) want to take away Freedom of religion."
I hope you know that your saying this doesn't make it true. You lie just like your orange man-child leader.
8:02 PM
Then why do your progressive leaders like Michael Moore and Bill Maher and many others spout hate about religious beliefs and religion???
Destruction of the Bill of Rights is a major goal of Progressives(commie), first they want to disarm you and then it will be religious views and free speech.
See the aftermath what happens to a Houston white gurl 2 weeks after making friends with a nigger chimp:
Anonymous said:
"Then why do your progressive leaders like Michael Moore and Bill Maher and many others spout hate about religious beliefs and religion???"
9:59 AM
Seems you have jumped to a hasty conclusion. The opinions of Michael More and Bill Maher do not represent the views of sixty-three million Democratic voters, nor are they "progressive leaders." Open your eyes and your mind, Dude!
“One of the earliest acts of Congress was the 1790 naturalization act which limited naturalization to ‘free White persons of good character.’ If you think this was ‘open borders’ you are fucked in the head (but that goes without saying for everyone here save the realtalkers you call ‘trolls’).”
Yes, initially, only whites could become citizens.
But the right to immigrate to a country and the right to become a citizen are two different things. “Open borders” doesn’t refer to citizenship but to the right to immigrate here, which was completely unlimited in the early days of the republic. Are you seriously pretending that if infinite numbers of brown people were allowed to come here without limit but weren’t allowed to become citizens, you and your racist chums would be doing anything but freaking out and calling this “open borders”? Don’t make me laugh.
And in any event, whites were allowed to both immigrate here AND become citizens, pretty much without limit.
It is a huge lie to say that people were always evaluated on their abillity to be high-skilled, economically productive contributors to our society before they were allowed to come here. They were not. Most white immigrants to this country arrived under a regime that required none of that. At most, they were required to be white.
So anyone who wants to argue about how their hard-workin’ white ancestors had to prove x and y and z just to get into this country, unlike the lazy crowd of brown folks who come now ... well, they can take that argument and shove it. No, your ancestors fucking didn’t. They came in under an easier set of rules than today’s, not a harder one.
Anyone identifying as "Progressive" and in or running for public office is a threat to your religious freedom. The Democratic party has been infiltrated by radical progressive bent on destruction of fundamental freedoms.
"The U.S. joined in both conflicts, and only in a pretty minor capacity, well after they’d started.
We came, we saw, you lied:
110 cruise missiles:
Jussie Smollett and his manager say they were on the phone during the alleged attack. Manager claims to have heard "MAGA" comment over the phone. Chicago Police say Smollett refused to turn over his cell phone to confirm that.
"Jussie:" I Was Totally on the Phone With My Manager When I Was Attacked
Police: Can We Inspect Your Phone to Confirm That?
"Jussie:" Nahhhh
Regarding the photo released of the "potential persons of interest" being sought by police in connection with reported hate crime incident in Streeterville: The men are walking *away* from the attack scene 15-30 minutes *before* the incident, per police timing of events.
Yeah, Bill fucking Maher is such a "progressive leader" that he's been propping Ann Coulter's career up for twenty years.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
"Anyone identifying as "Progressive" and in or running for public office is a threat to your religious freedom. The Democratic party has been infiltrated by radical progressive bent on destruction of fundamental freedoms."
Any or all Trump appointees to the Supreme Court pose a threat to American women's freedom.
Only a truly free society allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy one second before the child is delivered.
Blacks are the most religious race in America. They are also the most violent, the least educated, and the fattest. Coincidence? I think not. LOL
What are the most common thoughts in a black man's head? Raping white women, basketball, rap "music," muh dik, and robbing and stealing.
From Steve Benen:
"* Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) announced yesterday that her state is leaving the Crosscheck voter database program, which comes on the heels of Illinois doing the same thing earlier in the month. The system became widely controversial after former Kansas Secretary Kris Kobach (R) expanded it after the 2010 midterms."
-Doug in Oakland
In the final analysis stoopid fucking wingnuts are stoopid fucking wingnuts, nothing more and certainly a whole bunch less.
It's funny because blacks still worship a white Jesus and a white God, and yet you people still rant 24/7 against retarded white people. Your race is fucked up.
Fuck Drumpfuck and then whores he rode in on.
Women's Right to Choose Anything said...
"Only a truly free society allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy one second before the child is delivered."
No society does that. You are lying again with crazy right-wing talking points. It's one of the major lies created and repeated by anti-abortionists. That would be homicide and the perpetrator would go to jail. Learn the truth at:
White people and their food are bland af.
White people are so retarded that they think Jesus was some micro dick white boy instead of the well endowed black man that he actually was.
A black church would be a horrible place to find yourself in. A bunch of children of the ghetto praising God in ebonics. Puke.
Stoopid fucking Mike Hucksterbee swears a fetus, attached to a woman's uterus by umbilical cord is not a part of that woman's body. You can't fix stoopid.
YellowMONEY said...
"A black church would be a horrible place to find yourself in. A bunch of children of the ghetto praising God in ebonics. Puke.""
5:44 PM
Then don't go there if that's how you feel. No need to tell the rest of us about it. We aren't interested in your opinion.
"No society does that. You are lying again with crazy right-wing talking points."
Gotta keep their base fired up to elect the next moron. Gotta install right wing judges.
Now it makes sense Gambler, Ben Shapiro put out the talking points that the right and their trolls mindlessly repeat. Ending private health insurance, killing babies, taking all guns and I forget the rest of the highlights. Had one here earlier using those exact points. For originality a zero!
“No society does that. You are lying again with crazy right-wing talking points. It's one of the major lies created and repeated by anti-abortionists.”
I’m guessing he’s referring to New York state’s new abortion law, which explicitly spells out that abortion can be performed after 24 weeks if the fetus is not viable or when necessary to protect the life of the mother. In other words, your standard late-term abortion required by medical necessity.
As usual, this is being misrepresented by the usual Bible-thumping wingnut propagandists as if there will now be perfectly healthy full-term babies chucked into wood chippers, for the pleasure of cackling liberals who consider grinding up babies to be a form of entertainment.
Approximately 95% of the time, whatever wingnuts are accusing liberals of doing will turn out to be some sort of lie. And anti-abortion activists are some of the most mendacious wingnuts of all. Only Trump himself manages to out-bullshit them.
Lance Cockstrong said...
White people are so retarded that they think Jesus was some micro dick white boy instead of the well endowed black man that he actually was.
I gotz to leave now. Muh mammy iz ooking dat she needs her asshole pleasured wit muh dik. Seems like the nigger bitch iz always in heat.
PilotX said:
I read this article, and I was appalled. This kind of behavior and response is more common than most white people realize. I am glad to see that the author reminded everyone how important is to vote, especially at the local level.
I found another very shocking article at the Root entitled, Here's How Many People Police killed in 2017. Check out the demographic percentages.
PilotX said...
'Now it makes sense Gambler, Ben Shapiro put out the talking points that the right and their trolls mindlessly repeat. Ending private health insurance, killing babies, taking all guns and I forget the rest of the highlights. Had one here earlier using those exact points. For originality a zero!"
Here's the kicker - the anti-abortion movement is really about controlling women and producing more white babies in the face of changing demographics. These people don't care about babies or older children. If they did, they wouldn't keep voting for Republicans who cut food stamps, medical care, and other social safety net programs that serve this population.
From Steve Benen:
“Federal investigators probing Roger Stone, the former Trump campaign official indicted last week in the Russia probe, have seized multiple hard drives containing years of communication records from cellphones and email accounts, the special counsel’s office said Thursday. Robert Mueller’s prosecutors, in a new court filing, described the evidence as ‘voluminous and complex’ in asking a judge to delay his trial to give them more time to sift through the seized devices.”
Heap o' trouble.
-Doug in Oakland
"Approximately 95% of the time, whatever wingnuts are accusing liberals of doing will turn out to be some sort of lie. And anti-abortion activists are some of the most mendacious wingnuts of all. Only Trump himself manages to out-bullshit them."
The first mention of abortion in literature is from 1550bc. Nobody gave a rat's ass about it (except for Catholics) including evangelical Christians until it was made into a right-wing campaign "wedge issue" and spoon-fed to the Pig People as the liberal evil du jour.
In reality, right-wing anti-abortionists are the most common form of home-grown terrorists in the US.
Unlike the militia boys and the sovereign citizen morons, they don't operate as a function of the political cycle, and will be outside clinics harassing poor women every day of the week, and blowing up clinics and assassinating doctors with a consistency not seen in other species of homicidal moron.
All the while calling themselves "pro-life" without the merest hint of self-awareness, or admission that what they really are is terrified of women.
-Doug in Oakland
"Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) announced yesterday that her state is leaving the Crosscheck voter database program, which comes on the heels of Illinois doing the same thing earlier in the month"
Democrats love voter fraud.
GrannyX said...
"No society does that. You are lying again with crazy right-wing talking points."
Gotta keep their base fired up to elect the next moron. Gotta install right wing judges.
You people are so painfully ignorant:
Living in a bubble will do that.
Women's Right to Choose Anything said...
"You people are so painfully ignorant:"
No, I am not ignorant. I know about the web sources that you posted. Have you read the full article about the Virginia bill? If you did, you would know that the extremely late abortions are done because the fetus is dead, dying, or so badly deformed that it can't live outside the womb. The only other reason would be to save the life of the mother. In this case, if the fetus is viable, a C-Section would be performed. You are the ignorant one.
But the right to immigrate to a country and the right to become a citizen are two different things. “Open borders” doesn’t refer to citizenship but to the right to immigrate here
Are you really stupid enough to believe this?!
Anyone who is not a citizen of the United States is a citizen of somewhere else and has to have some kind of authorization to even enter. Legally (if not practically) they have to go home when their visa expires. They can be deported for a host of reasons. An immigrant is someone who has been legally accepted as a permanent resident; everyone else is a visitor if legal, a criminal if not.
It is a huge lie to say that people were always evaluated on their abillity to be high-skilled, economically productive contributors to our society before they were allowed to come here. They were not.
Back in the day there was no welfare system and at least 1/3 of legally admitted immigrants returned to their homes because they couldn't make it in America.
Current immigration law prohibits the admission of people likely to become "public charges", aka welfare cases. This has been too long ignored but you can see from the screeching on the left when Trump mentioned it that it's still on the books and very much a real threat to the Cloward-Piven agenda.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
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