"We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."
Wrong! And our military leaders told him as much. Mr. trump made his announcement without giving a warning of his plans to his security leaders and the military strategists, and what happened today is a harbinger of things to come because of his reckless and incautious actions.
Today, in a coordinated attack in Syria, ISIS radicals set off a bomb killing four Americans. Later in the day Mike Pence was forced to amend his earlier ridiculous statement, and try to backtrack his earlier statements about where we are in the fight against ISIS.
The problem with Mr. trump and the sycophants surrounding him, is that they believe that the real world is like one of his stupid condo projects. You can't just hype away the problem of real terrorism by using some marketing strategy to sway public opinion. Those four people who lost their lives today had families and loved ones. Not that it matters to Mr. trump. He would need a heart and a soul for things like this to have an effect on him. I will say the same about his number two man, Mike Pence, whose only focus these days seems to be stepping in for his corrupt and crooked leader once he is removed from office.
Finally, as Mr. trump's FOX VIEWS inspired government shutdown grinds on, we are starting to see how it is starting to disrupt our lives. We might not be one of those government workers who will go without a check, but at some point the government shutdown will start having a real serious effect on how we live our lives. A colleague of mine is flying to London next week, and she is not sure if there will be TSA agents at the airport, or if the air traffic controllers will be overworked. If you are relying on a tax refund check, you might want to hold off on those plans to spend the money.
At least you will have money to spend. Those poor federal workers who are living through trump's shutdown are not so lucky. And the images of families lining up outside food banks to get food to feed their families is not something we should ever have to see in the "greatest" country on earth.
“I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck.”
Of course you are. And thanks to your shutdown, we are all a little less safe today.
Micro dick white boy retards like Butt Trumpet and Pansy will always lie. It is ingrained in there DNA. They've spent there whole lives lying about their pathetic dicks, why stop now?
Maybe if all these alt-right faggots and the ISIS faggots killed each other the world could improve immensely.
The white race is a joke. I mean, they've always been a joke (and a bad one at that), but they are just laughably bad now. This should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody.
White people and their food are bland af.
Things Trump supporters don't have:
ISIS have lost all their territory, so in that sense, they have been defeated, but all their members have not been captured or killed. That is one of the things people have criticized about Trump’s Syria pullout. We are now counting on the Syrian military, plus their Russian and Iranian allies, to finish ISIS off after we have left.
And it doesn’t seem like an unreasonable assumption that Assad will want to wipe them out. ISIS are his enemy, too. But what if he doesn’t succeed? There’s no question that this is a gamble.
I am starting to think that federal employees are going to have to all go on strike, causing the entire country to grind to a halt, before Trump will knock off his bullshit and accept the reality that he is not going to get his stupid wall.
That might be a salutary lesson for Republicans that they cannot throw these ridiculous budgetary tantrums anymore. Running the country is not a game.
Your average ISIS terrorist isn't too much different than your average black thug.
So after a Pence lie about the state of the fight, four Americans were killed.
I wonder, will we have endless, stupid, investigations about it? Will Patrick Shanahan sit for eleven hours of questioning about it?
-Doug in Oakland
This is what happens when you elect officials who want to destroy government and have no interest in governing. If you campaign on the fact that government doesn't work it behooves you to make sure it doesn't.
It is heartwarming to see Field's evolution from someone who strongly opposed American unjustified military adventures in the Middle East during the Bush administration, to someone silently supported America's unwarranted military adventures in the Middle East during the Obama administration, to someone today who harshly criticizes President Trump for ending America's involvement in unending Middle East wars.
Congratulations Mr. Field Negro. You are a true patriot who stands strong in your commitment to sending other American's sons to die in the desert for Freedom. Your support for the policy prerogatives of the permanent state does not go unnoticed.
"This attack is a somber reminder that the threat from ISIS persists, and that the Administration’s decision to retreat from Syria now is a grave mistake."
Who said it?
A). Field Negro
B). Mitt Romney
Romney really is the Animated Corpse of Republican Past, isn't he. Whether he's opposing leaving Paris Accord, wanting unauthorized forever war, protecting Dems while attacking GOP colleagues, he's a walking, talking, daily reminder of why Trump was elected Pres and he was not.
“I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck.”
Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, even Barack Obama, among many other Democrats, voted for the Wall in 2006. Why won't they support it now and end the shutdown?
Five billion dollars is chump money for the federal government. It would not be enough to build a wall across the entire southern border. But Chuck and Nancy won't agree to allowing a dollar to be approved for a wall. They also oppose mandating E-verify for employers or making any changes to stem abuse of the asylum system.
This is the debate we need to have, because Democratic politicians (and their corporate/libertarian fellow travelers in the GOP) will either have to articulate some case for limits (and thus their enforcement), or acknowledge (admit?) that they support unlimited immigration.
The New York Times ran an op-ed this week urging federal government to double immigration. In other words, inflate the labor supply by 40% amid rising wages. That plan is for trillions of dollars for investors and CEOs and cuts in pay for US employees.
Obviously, The New York Times is never going to ask government to inflate the supply of Wall Street's stocks by 40%. Because The Economy.
Donald Trump is on the side of American citizens and workers. The Democrats are the side of foreigners and corporations.
"A colleague of mine is flying to London next week, and she is not sure if there will be TSA agents at the airport, or if the air traffic controllers will be overworked"
Today at the airport the TSA agent checking my carry-on found the loaf of bread I put in there exactly for this moment.
She looked at it longingly..."bread," she whispered.
"For you," I whispered back.
There were tears in her eyes as she stripped-searched Grandma.
Manbij has been free of ISIS for two years, why and how could ISIS be behind an attack in Manbij?
If ISIS wanted to attack US soldiers wouldn't they attack in Al-Tanf where there's actually an ISIS pocket?
No, because the US was going to pull out of Manbij first.
Get it?
Obviously the attack was a signal to president trump that ISIS really was not defeated.
Feckless leadership? Benghazi, anyone? Four dead Americans.
How about four thousand dead in Iraq?
ISIS was born from the remnant of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Before Dick Cheney's war, there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq.
I'm calling this one as a lack of Russian military control. If Putin really did have Syria under control the way he told his little butt-buddy he did, this never would have happenned. Assad is useless except for killing his own people. There is no Syrian army. Just aerial terrorists with barrel bombs.
U.S.A. out of Yemen. That's what I say.
End immigration until every American gets airpods (except the jews). Why is this even a debate?
What coalesced Trump’s base, what made his support tempered steel, was the fact that voters had been lied to, over and over again — on many things, but most smugly and repeatedly on immigration.
anti-racism is just class hatred that ignores the experience of proletarian white bodies and their exploitation at the hands of both lumpenprols and capitalists
LOL. Everybody on this site is afraid their EBT's gonna run out soon.
Glad I have a real job!
@2:66 am -
I hear ya, my White brother! We've been paying useless welfare cheats and affirmative blaction government leeches for too damn long!
Extend the shutdown! Drain the ghetto swamp for good! MAGA!
Ha ha, I meant 2:56, not 2:66. I guess just being around bl*cks makes you dumber!
Despicable deplorable delirious Dan stopped outright lying about Dems and just takes things out of context. What Dems voted for in 2006 is a far cry from the mionument to Drumpf's ego and stoopidity proposed today.
Dems are all for border security which Drumpf's waste of taxpayers fund will not accomplish.
The Secure Fence Act was a law introduced by Republican Congressman Peter King of New York in September 2006 and signed by President George W. Bush on 26 October 2006. Among other provisions, the law required the Secretary of Homeland Security to begin (within 18 months) the construction of at least two layers of fencing, along with barriers, cameras, and sensors, along five sections of the United States border with Mexico:
From 10 miles west to 10 miles east of the Tecate, California port of entry
From 10 miles west of the Calexico, California port of entry to 5 miles east of the Douglas, Arizona port of entry
From 5 miles west of the Columbus, New Mexico port of entry to 10 miles east of El Paso, Texas
From 5 miles northwest of the Del Rio, Texas port of entry to 5 miles southeast of the Eagle Pass, Texas port of entry
From 15 miles northwest of the Laredo, Texas port of entry to the Brownsville, Texas port of entry
There was no wall intended to be built in 2006 and there was never 50 billion bucks set aside to build it. Wingnuts are liars all.
@mike: You can call it a fence or you can call it wall, the Democrats pretended they were for it until they got enough Mexicans in to now switch to openly calling for open borders, because they want to do effect the kind of demographic change they achieved in California in rest of the country. This has been and will be terrible for blacks, but whatever.
Deplorable Dan said:
"Donald Trump is on the side of American citizens and workers. The Democrats are the side of foreigners and corporations."
And to prove Trump was on our side, his first major push was for legislation that gave large tax cuts to the very wealthy and large corporations. I havent't done my taxes yet because I haven't gotten my W-2s, so I don't know just how badly we in the middle class got screwed.
But wait, I got ahead of myself. Trumps first major act was to fill most important government positions with gangsters, grifters, incompetents, and spies for Putin.
Many thanks to the Halfrican Obongo and his crew for creating Isis with U.S. Tax Dollars in the first place. Only fools believe that this was Isis and not an inside job by Neocon demons and water carrier Democrats for the Tribe in Israel. Millions of POC in America is what truly makes it unsafe, not a Govt. shutdown.
"I havent't done my taxes yet because I haven't gotten my W-2s, so I don't know just how badly we in the middle class got screwed."
You didn't.
You are far too old to believe the lies of the progressive media.
Blitz Wolfpak here. I'm a decorated veteran of PerpetualWar in the near east and everything I learned over there confirmed the foreign and domestic policies of spineless swamp creatures like dual citizen Bill Kristol and CIA officer Ed McMullen. Vote for Mitt Romney and me.
Anonymous said...
"You didn't.
You are far too old to believe the lies of the progressive media."
12:04 PM
Hey, Know It All, you know nothing about me, my income or how much taxes I pay. As for my being a liberal progressive, that will be my identity until I die.
It's ironic that you speak of "the lies of the progressive media" when our orange. liar in chief has told over 7000 lies since taking office.
75% of black boys in the state of California can not pass a basic reading and writing test. Good job, democrats!
From time to time some leftist will attack my username as being a symbol of racism, but did you know that Stonewall Jackson actually ran a school for blacks? Much to the annoyance of the townsfolk, who were against it. He taught both freed and slave blacks how to read and write. And I bet you that Jackson's students were more literate than the Democrat-ran inner-cities of today, 160 years later.
I mean think about this for a second, because it's actually quite something: Blacks under the tutelage of a Confederate General were better educated than the average modern African American in California, and other Democrat-run inner cities.
And why is it that every time we try to fix the education in these inner-cities, that Democrats fight us tooth and nail on it, and slander us, call us racists for even suggesting it? Is it because the lack of education, the lack of skills, is exactly what the left requires?
is it the same reason why the left wants to flood the county with people who don't even speak English and have and real chance of prosperity or making something of themselves? And wouldn't "socialism" basically guarantee this to be the status quo for the unforeseeable future?
So they do everything in their power to ensure they have no chance of success, then blame it on Capitalism/white racism, and swoop in with the answer to all their problems (which they created) - Socialism! We'll just hand you shit because we know you have no skill (we made sure of that).
Socialism intentionally isn't the answer. Band-aids put on intended wounds, to make certain the problem is NEVER fixed. People with no skill are rewarded, their heads kept barely above water, which to them is better than drowning in a world they were deliberately ill equipped for.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
>It's ironic that you speak of "the lies of the progressive media" when our orange. liar in chief has told over 7000 lies since taking office.<
Name one.
The Onion nails it again:
Fox News Debuts Premium Channel For 24-Hour Coverage Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
AOC is, admittedly, young and inexperienced, and she sometimes says factually wrong or outlandish stuff. But she’s also right a lot of the time.
And she seems to be making wingnuts completely unhinged.
Anonymous said:
"Name one."
1:31 PM
OK, here's one - "There was no collusion."
So now President Two Year Old cancels Speaker Pelosi's overseas trip. This guy is the height of petty.
Anonymous said:
"Name one."
1:31 PM
Here are a few more of the many lies Donald Trump has told to the American people..
"California’s deadly wildfires "would never happen" with "proper Forest Management."
— PolitiFact California on Wednesday, January 9th, 2019
"At the request of Democrats, it will be a steel barrier rather than a concrete wall."
"Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy" about U.S. troops leaving Syria."
Says of immigrant family separations at the border, "we had the exact same policy as the Obama administration."
"In the House, Republicans dramatically outperformed historical precedents."
"The Democrat plan would just obliterate Medicare and terminate Medicare Advantage ... seniors who have been paying for this for years (and) will not be taken care of anymore."
There are eleven pages of Trump's lies available at the following address:
Please take advantage of this learning opportunity!
None of those are lies.
If you disagree with someone's opinion or interpretation of a situation, it is not a "lie". Neither is hyperbole.
Lies are statements of fact the speaker knows are demonstrably false told to intentionally deceive the recipient, like: "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan" or "It was a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video".
Anonymous said...
"None of those are lies."
They are all lies and hundreds more. Take off your blindfold and see the truth.
If border security and the wall was so important why wasn't it done during the last two years when Republicans controlled both chambers of congress?
Republicans never had 60 senators.
"Republicans never had 60 senators."
And Trump never had even 50 senators who'd vote for his dumb wall. Because most Republican senators also know it is dumb.
But he is now going to pretend it is only the Democrats who are blocking him.
The cops who helped try to cover up the shooting of Laquan McDonald have beaten the rap.
Well, that sucks.
"Republicans never had 60 senators."
Don't need 60 for national security votes.
"Personal responsibility" is not something that many African-American seem to know much about. Perhaps it is because many of you spend too much of your time whining about trivial racial issues and not focusing on the big picture, which is defeating Trump and his minions. If you people put more of your energy into respectable political moves and less time getting angry over things like "cultural appropriation" others may be more receptive towards you. Think about it.
Anymoose @ 10:42 this is not about open borders and will have no adverse effect on POC. Kwit drinking the poisoned right wing Kool-Aid.
It's been a dream of mine to punch a white boy right in his ugly face, and then knee him in the balls.
"Don't need 60 for national security votes."
Hmmm. Don't know what you're referring to there. As far as I'm aware, the 60-vote cloture requirement has only been eliminated for confirming executive branch and court appointments. It is still in force for all legislation, including legislation that affects national security.
Maybe there is some news I missed?
The team of Trump and Pence is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
"It is still in force for all legislation, including legislation that affects national security."
Not necessarily but still why wasn't it a "crisis" then?
The wall could have been earmarked as a budgetary issue I believe.
Do blacks even know much about ISIS? You people probably pronounce it "is-is." lol
The wall could have been earmarked as a budgetary issue I believe."
Maybe the Republicans could have fudged it through in reconciliation. Not sure about that. There are a bunch of arcane restrictions on what amendments can be made to laws in the reconciliation process. You can't just stick anything you want in there to avoid the regular legislative process.
This all assumes Republicans ever wanted to pass Trump's wall. They didn't. The idea they wanted to, but were blocked by Democrats, is, by implication, another Trump lie.
There is no GOP majority for the wall. Lots of Republicans (accurately) see it as a useless waste of money.
If this shutdown goes on long enough, and enough of their constituents are hurt by it, there is bound to be a mutiny. Senate Republicans may stop being afraid of primary challenges, grow spines, and pass a no-wall-included budget, overriding Trump's veto.
"Hey PilotX, how often do you and your co-pilot give each other head? At least once before takeoff and once before landing?"
Always wondered what went on in the minds of the "superior" race. Now I know.😂
Drumpfuck hates brown people except when he can hire them at higher rates ever.
Wingnuts only had the chance to use budget recon twice, the first was a failure to dump Obamacare and the last one was to pass their taxcuts for the koch bros, I believe,
PilotX said.....
"Always wondered what went on in the minds of the "superior" race. Now I know.😂"
Yeah, apparently this guy is obsessed with gay sex. Maybe he can't get a date?
"Yeah, apparently this guy is obsessed with gay sex. Maybe he can't get a date?"
"There is no GOP majority for the wall. Lots of Republicans (accurately) see it as a useless waste of money."
So why wasn't it done in the prior two years?
The one Republican actually on the Texas/Mexico border opposes the wall. 🤔
I'm a 6'2 Chinese-American and wonder why blacks are so bad at critical thinking. Whatever dumb shit Trump has done, your Lord and Savior Obama did too. Trump lied and his supporters ate it up? So did Obama and his supporters. As I said, critical thinking is not an area of strength with you people. That could help explain your high crime rates and low education standards.
See more at:
"See more at:"
8:02 PM
Why on earth would anyone want to see more of the crap you peddle?
The Turtle speaks and indicates Repubs can't win without cheating!
Whatever dumb shit Trump has done, your Lord and Savior Obama did too.
Talk about a lack of critical thinking skills. Obama never bankrupted several small businesses by refusing to pay after services rendered. Obama never paid to keep porn stars quiet. Obama's campaign workers didn't go to jail. Obama didn't have several staffers quit or fired. Obama wasn't under investigation by a special counsel for conspiring with Russians. Obama was actually over 50% in approval ratings. Obama won the popular vote twice. Obama didn't have to lie about his inagural mumbers. You are. a 6'2" dummy!
Nobody in their right mind should EVER believe that whites are smarter than other races.
They're just more RUTHLESS, CONNIVING, LYING AND IMMORAL. Many believe its' in their DNA.
So quite naturally when they are writing their own history they paint themselves as angels and everyone else as devils.
I'm a 6'2 Chinese-American
Did know they piled shit that high.
I'm a white guy who had hot, passionate sex with a black woman last night. What do y'all think of that?
I'm a white guy who had hot, passionate sex with a black woman last night. What do y'all think of that?
Uh, nobody gives a shit?
Trump Directed Cohen to Lie to Congress
January 17, 2019 at 10:29 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 18 Comments
“President Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to two federal law enforcement officials,” BuzzFeed News reports.
“Trump also supported a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, in order to personally meet President Vladimir Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations.”
“And even as Trump told the public he had no business deals with Russia, the sources said Trump and his children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., received regular, detailed updates about the real estate development from Cohen, whom they put in charge of the project.”
Obstruction of justice by witness tampering is an impeachable offense. Senate Republicans who will refuse to convict him of it should also be indicted for further obstruction if justice.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
"Nobody in their right mind should EVER believe that whites are smarter than other races.
They're just more RUTHLESS, CONNIVING, LYING AND IMMORAL. Many believe its' in their DNA.
So quite naturally when they are writing their own history they paint themselves as angels and everyone else as devils."
9:09 PM
I think there are several grains of truth in what you say here!
“Trump Directed Cohen to Lie to Congress”
In other Cohen news ...
Michael Cohen paid IT firm to tweet that he was sexy
Trump’s minions are utterly pathetic, incompetent, and laughable, when they aren’t being despicably evil.
Satirists attempting to lampoon the Trump administration face a major challenge: It’s really quite hard to create characters more preposterous than the real-life Team Trump; they are already such over-the-top cartoons.
Dead Ambassador said...
"Congratulations Mr. Field Negro. You are a true patriot who stands strong in your commitment to sending other American's sons to die in the desert for Freedom. Your support for the policy prerogatives of the permanent state does not go unnoticed."
We can always count on paying taxes and getting killed in wars as the two areas where white male overrepresentation will never be criticized.
I heard about the three officers in Chicago who were acquitted of charges of a cover-up in the 2014 shooting death of Laquan MacDonald. Of course, officer Jason Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder last October. It was considered a possible landmark case. The three officers were charged with obstruction of justice, official misconduct and conspiracy in connection with falsifying police reports regarding the shooting.
I had to wonder if you had blogged about the shooting. Your post was simply entitled Black exhaustion signifying the high volume of cases where violent and disturbing videos must be viewed. Your post included a link to the video that was the primary evidence against the three officers. Unfortunately the case was decided by a single judge. She went through legal gymnastics justifying her decision.
The culture of police officers covering up for each other will be hard to break.
Thank you for all of the hard work that you put in.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Someone says...
"Nobody in their right mind should EVER believe that whites are smarter than other races.
They're just more RUTHLESS, CONNIVING, LYING AND IMMORAL. Many believe its' in their DNA."
So race in NOT a social construct?
Gambling Mudshark says...
"The Turtle speaks"
An old coal burner making fun of someone's appearance. Priceless!
Officers in Treadwell case told the all Drumpfuck jury there was no collusion and the jury set them free.
ISIS was a thing before Obama became Potus. Blame dumbass dubya and the power vacuum he left when he removed Saddam Hussein from power and destabilized the entire Middle East.
Guess the race of this shooter- https://www.rawstory.com/2019/01/least-two-victims-shot-active-shooter-catholic-church-texas-report/
Guy shoots ex and their daughter in church parking lot. Mother died.
Re-steve kingbat. General consensus in iowa regarding king-
Presidential historian: First impeachment article against Nixon was ‘obstruction by directing others to lie’
Stooopid fucking wingnuts refuse to learn from the past because they can't read, among other defeciencies they covet.
AG nominee has nailed Drumpfuck's pastey white hide to the side of the barn on obstruction. Too bad, so sad. Buh-bye pathological orange liar in thief.
You are never going to take out every single terrorist:
Trump is correct to reduce our presence in the Middle East. Those military people who want further conflict are into it for the $$$$. "Beware the Industrial Military Complex"
Anonymous said:
"An old coal burner making fun of someone's appearance. Priceless!"
8:30 AM
Wow! You must really like me. You remind me of the boy who sat behind me in fifth grade. He kept trying to dunk my pig tails in his ink well (Yes, we had ink wells. The ball point pen had not yet been invented). Later he became my first boy friend. LOL!
Anonymous said:
Many believe its' in their DNA."
So race in NOT a social construct?"
8:25 AM
To be evil is present in the DNA of all humans. Some individuals choose to go that direction, while other do not. There is only one race, the human race.
Wouldn't surprise me if we had another Ronnie Raygun/ Beirut bombing massacre on Drumpfuck's watch.
241 dead Marines in one fell swoop for nothing.
We can always count on paying taxes and getting killed in wars as the two areas where white male overrepresentation will never be criticized.
And bitching about their lot in life to anyone who will listen. Now back to the trailer park to collect your welfare Porter!
We can always count on paying taxes and getting killed in wars as the two areas where white male overrepresentation will never be criticized.
What an asshole! We all pay taxes and POOR people are overrepresented in dying in wars while rich assholes like Cheney and trump never serve. But that's lost on racist assholes who just want to hate based on how much melanin a person has in their skin.
Phucking Orange maroon in the kremlin annex still believes L'il Kim totally dismantled his nukes.
Pelosi cancelled planned lawmaker excursion to visit troops in Afghanistan after Drumpfuck's kremlin annex spilled the beans about the commercial flight. Traitor Drumpfuck. Impeach or worse now!
I strongly suggest that those here of the low info variety read up on the latest leaked testimony of Bruce Ohr. Unless of course an Obama directed cabal of the Trump Presidency doesn't cause you pause?
“Unless of course an Obama directed cabal of the Trump Presidency doesn't cause you pause?”
Nope. Bruce Orr’s “warnings” give me no pause. Because, for the millionth time:
*The Steele dossier was originally compiled at the behest of Republicans, NOT Hillary Clinton
*Large sections of it have already been corroborated as true
*Despite what Trump-fellating liars keep saying, it was never the primary basis for the Obama administration’s investigation of Trump or its FISA warrants
And all this is transparently an irrelevant distraction tactic by Team Trump intended to save him from the Mueller investigation.
But that investigation will continue no matter what, so you might as well enjoy the ride. (FYI, the ride ends with Trump expelled from office and jailed.)
*The Steele dossier was originally compiled at the behest of Republicans, NOT Hillary Clinton
The Steele dossier was originally compiled at the behest of evil Jew neocon Trump hater Bill Kristol. But once he dropped it, Hillary used campaign money to fund it. Steele passed along that money to Russian intelligence operatives. Hillary is the only candidate who colluded with the Russians.
*Large sections of it have already been corroborated as true
Only if you mean sections like "Moscow is a city" and "airplanes are real". Nothing regarding Trumps actions with hookers or Putin has ever been corroborated. The FBI thought it was bullshit, and the DOJ was ordered to stop communicating with Fusion GPS/Steele, however Bruce Ohr violated that order.
*Despite what Trump-fellating liars keep saying, it was never the primary basis for the Obama administration’s investigation of Trump or its FISA warrants
Comey already admitted it was. And we will know for sure it was, either when Mueller exonerates the collusion claim or when Trump declassifies the FISA applications.
18 U.S. Code § 1622 – Subornation of perjury
Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
-Doug in Oakland
First one must stop relying on PMSNBC, Huffingfumes Post and all the other assorted Presstitutes, yes including Faux News from the House of Murdoch. If you believe that there are any innocent hands solely based on party affiliation in the coordinated assaults on the Trump Presidency since day one, you are very mistaken. The "Swamp" is real, The Deep State is real, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce cares more about China than America, Rinos and Commie Democrats equally hate the working classes, there is no difference between Soros and the Koch Bros. Chuck, Nancy, Mitch and Kevin seethe with disdain for Trump's Trade and Economic policies because they hate working Americans. As George Carlin said..."It's one big fucking club, and you ain't in it".
Democrats could reopen the government any time they want to. But apparently they believe that protecting drug and human trafficking along the southern border is more important than paying government workers and restoring government services.
"Democrats could reopen the government any time they want to."
They've been trying. The House has passed several bills to reopen the government. It's Mitch McConnell who is holding things up by refusing to do his job. When has it ever been a senate rule to refuse to pass a bill in fear of the President vetoing it? Was this rule in effect during the Obama years?
As Nancy Pelosi correctly points out, trump is used to not paying workers for their services.
But once he dropped it, Hillary used campaign money to fund it. Steele passed along that money to Russian intelligence operatives. Hillary is the only candidate who colluded with the Russians.
Phucking lie. Prove HRC was even aware that any one tied to the campaign was involved.
Nothing regarding Trumps actions with hookers or Putin has ever been corroborated. Another lie. None of the dossier has been debunked and much of it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and fuck yer god.
Comey already admitted it was. And we will know for sure it was, either when Mueller exonerates the collusion claim or when Trump declassifies the FISA applications.
Anothwer phucking lie that has been debunked over and over. Screwdy Rudy just admitted collusion. Judge NapolitaN at Fake Noize admitted there was real collusion. Drumpfuck Jr admitted it when he agreed to a meeting to collect dirt on HRC from Russian government agencies.
Black Church Shooter:
CHICAGO January 2019 To Date:
Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 65
Total Shot: 77
Total Homicides: 14
Here is a real scandal stoopid fucking wingnuts won't care about- https://www.rawstory.com/2019/01/trumps-treasury-secretary-flew-private-jet-owned-jailed-junk-bond-king-lobbying-pardon/
"Prove HRC was even aware that any one tied to the campaign was involved."
Hillary's campaign paid over $8 million dollars for Russian disinformation. Hillary didn't know what that $8 million was for?
After Drumpf cancelled Pelosi's flight and endangered her and other congressmen's lives, Miss Lindsey Graham flew to Turkey and Melanoma Drumpfuck flew a military jet to Drumpf Dump South for the weekend.
Hillary's campaign paid over $8 million dollars for Russian disinformation. Hillary didn't know what that $8 million was for?
Where is your proof anyone told her about it?
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
So the cop who shot Laquan McDonald sixteen times got sentenced to less than seven years.
Now let's just hope he doesn't weasel out of even that on appeal.
-Doug in Oakland
JVD did nothing wrong. Political trial and mockery of the Justice system, oh it was in Chicago so that explains the corruption......
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