trump's vanity wall is going to cause countless families to suffer all sorts of unspeakable misery if this government shutdown doesn't end soon. It's not impacting the rest of us as much just yet, but it will. Just wait until all those TSA workers decide that enough is enough. Think of all the long lines and canceled flights at our airports, and all the problems that will come as a result. Wait until the FDA can't properly check our food for poisons, and as a result the first little child dies in suburbia from some kind of food poisoning. Or the EPA fails to properly inspect a superfund site. Or, god forbid, the food stamp program is shut down in February, and all those poor working class trump voters (the ones the New York Times love to fawn over) can't get their benefits.
I don't think that the orange one thought this through. He likes to say that folks who are with him will suck it up and suffer the long term consequence of not having food their tables, but wait until those bills start piling up, and their stomachs start growling. The con has been working because it hasn't seemed to affect Cult 45 in a serious way just yet, but if this shutdown continues it will.
Yesterday trump went down to the Southern border to show us how much of a national crises we were in, and let's just say his messaging didn't go over very well. It was a wasted trip.
First, he went to one of the safest towns in the region, where most of the residence want to keep things just the way they are, and where they get along just fine with those brown people South of the border. And then he had to sit and listen to a lecture from a border patrol agent, who had to explain to him that the wall won't do a damn thing to deter the serious criminals, who will just dig a long and deep tunnel right under it. Throw in the fact that all the contraband used as props to highlight the "crisis"-- such as the seized illegal drugs, money, and weapons-- were not captured at one of the illegal crossings along the Southern border, but at ports of entry into this country, which as we all know, is where the real problems start.
But this debate is not about facts with this president. It is about his wall and what it represents: A racist symbol of his dream of an America, that is more white and more homogenous than most of us could ever imagine. It is what he campaigned on, and it is, sadly, what his base expects.
"TWEET ME Today should be payday for thousands of government workers. Unfortunately, though, there will be a big fat zero where their money should be, thanks to Mr. trump and his fragile ego."
I don't think it's about his ego, per se.
I think it's the fact that the Republicans sustained an ass-raping at the polls in November, and that's all on Trump. He can pretend everything's fine and his underwater approval ratings don't matter, but he knows they damn well do.
And then there's the Mueller investigation closing in on him. More and more of his associates are getting indicted and copping pleas -- or turning into "rats," as Don the mafia don would say.
Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything else to do but to try to shore up support with the minority of people who still don't hate him. And those people are mainly the racists. So he's going all in on the wall, because that's the sort of junk they care about. Ann Coulter told him the racists are mad there's no wall, so he's trying to make a wall happen.
And also, Trump just has no tolerance for democracy. He's spent his whole life as a privileged businessman, inheriting a real estate empire from his dad. He's used to being a mini-dictator, and sees no reason why he should ever have to compromise with others. This is why the "CEO president" is an awful idea. And Trump is a worse CEO than most -- his career has been spend lying and cheating and bullying, rather than creating real value, and it's mostly worked for him so far in his career, so why would he stop now? And he's leading a political party that's mostly embraced this attitude, so ...
It's going to come as real shock to him when all this blows up in Trump's face. He won't be able to simply declare bankruptcy and walk away, leaving his creditors in the smoking ruins behind him, as he has in the past. He is going to experience real consequences for the first time in his life.
If walls didn't work, the democrats wouldn't be fighting the building of a border wall with everything they have.
Obama acolytes freaked out about the idea of Trump declaring a national emergency would have a little more credibility if they had dissented from Obama’s governance by “pen and phone” or from his unilateral impostion of DACA.
"It is what he campaigned on, and it is, sadly, what his base expects."
As they're about to learn, your expectations are the keys to your disappointments.
And the backwoods rednecks (redwoods are still woods) in my hometown of Eureka are coming to their senses and staging a women's march on the 19th, even though it, like them, will be "overwhelmingly white", after a lesbian former city council member took over from the group who abandoned plans over a lack of diversity.
Yeah, the population up there is 75% white, and they have had some, shall we say, issues, with the way they have treated the native American community, and they were afraid of how white they would look in the media coverage, which they get very little of up there so it seems important to them.
Those fears miss the point of the march badly. The point is for everyone, of all ethnicities, to show up in support of the ascendance of women's rights and their participation in our government in less lopsided numbers.
And to give a big, fat, middle finger to Fergus and his felons, which you can do whatever you look like.
I won't say that they've completely come to their senses, as that will not likely ever happen, but it is good news nevertheless.
-Doug in Oakland
Democrats destroying the country as usual...….
Keep voting Dummycrat and we will be like South Africa in a few years.
Butt Trumpet and his faggot supporters should build their gay wall themselves. After all, it would create all these jobs they keep talking about. They talk so much if you put a dick in there mouths they would talk it off.
The only usefulness the white race has is being a punching bag.
"And the backwoods rednecks (redwoods are still woods) in my hometown of Eureka are coming to their senses and staging a women's march on the 19th, even though it, like them, will be "overwhelmingly white", after a lesbian former city council member took over from the group who abandoned plans over a lack of diversity."
This is problematic. Even when white people push the progressive agenda, it cannot be ignored that they are in fact white. Even worse, they are rural whites who have no place in New America. White people need to find ways to push the interests of non-whites and others committed to dismantling their cultural hegemony in a way where their whiteness is not apparent. They must be a voice for their own erasure without being heard, and it is incumbent on them to figure how to do this.
All these micro dick white boys want a big tall wall to compensate for the pathetic tiny packages in between their legs. I bet Butt Trumpet's whore Melania cries after their once a year sex.
America is irreversibly in debt. How many people from the Third World do you want in your neighborhood when the money runs out?
Mr. Rogers said...
"America is irreversibly in debt. How many people from the Third World do you want in your neighborhood when the money runs out?"
4:53 PM
???????????????? Where are you weird people coming from?
"America is irreversibly in debt. How many people from the Third World do you want in your neighborhood when the money runs out?"
America isn't "irreversibly in debt."
But if you do care so much about the debt, why are you so stupid as to support Trump, whose tax cut is exploding the federal debt?
Oh wait, no need for you to answer this one. It's your irrational fear of those "Third World" people.
Keep voting Dummycrat and we will be like South Africa in a few years.
Keep voting Republican and we'll end up like America in the movie Idiocracy.
People like Trump are certainly bringing this country down, but a person could definitely say that minorities like African-Americans are contributing to it also by your incessant whining about trivial racial issues like "cultural appropriation" or some "racist" representation on a TV show, or someone dressing in blackface for Halloween. Put these things behind you and make more of an effort to fight Trump, his supporters, and his ridiculous policies and then this country can get back on track. Otherwise you'll be left behind because you people keep weighing yourselves down with your pettiness.
It’s worth reading Paul Krugman’s latest on the subject of the shutdown:
Trump’s Big Libertarian Experiment
If the shutdown lasts much longer, the folks in Trump country are gonna start to feel the economic pain. I guess we’ll soon find out how just willing Trumpkins are to prioritize their racism over their government salaries and benefits.
Head Line Up about 40 minutes ago.
"F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working For Russia" from the new York Times.
>> he had to sit and listen to a lecture from a border patrol agent, who had to explain to him that the wall won't do a damn thing to deter the serious criminals, who will just dig a long and deep tunnel right under it.
Since Mexico allows its territory to be used for staging invasions of the USA, that's grounds under international law to take a strip of a mile or two of Mexico across the border and making it a DMZ with a minefield and geophones to detect tunnel-diggers.
Mexico sure wouldn't like that, but at this point who GAF what Mexico likes?
>> They must be a voice for their own erasure without being heard
The Jews who use the stupid blacks, browns and others as tools of white genocide are losing their battle for mindspace. Nonsense like this has become just too obvious in its dishonesty and goals. The Goyim Know; it is time to retreat to the Holy Land before they recognize the Holohoax and make a real one.
>> a person could definitely say that minorities like African-Americans are contributing to it also by your incessant whining about trivial racial issues like "cultural appropriation"
That is also Jew shit. Africans, indios and mestizos are not bright enough to concoct such BS.
"Or, god forbid, the food stamp program is shut down in February, and all those poor working class trump voters (the ones the New York Times love to fawn over) can't get their benefits."
Oh, the ones in Kentucky and Alabama—the ones you HATE because white—are going to be taken care of by their neighbors; they'll work something out. The ones who are going to riot and burn down their cities are in Killadelphia, Shitcago, Killmeton Hellaware, Memphrica and the other BLACK places. And there will be one more semi-truck load of red pills, awakening Americans to the truth that blacks are NOT actually Homo sapiens sapiens; they neither do nor can cope with temporary denial.
You assclowns can't even keep from stabbing each other in Boston.
This is your end coming. Prepare your departure to Jamaica while you still can, and execute sooner rather than later.
How does the government shutdown affect blacks? A lot of you people don't even like work anyway. Plus, who needs a paycheck when you can just sell drugs or steal?
“Oh, the ones in Kentucky and Alabama—the ones you HATE because white—are going to be taken care of by their neighbors; they'll work something out.”
Sez you.
But in a lot of trailer-trash, Oxcontin-addicted, Trump-voting rural areas, their neighbors got no money to lend, cause them bitches is broke, too.
By contrast, those poor, urban black folks you mentioned aren’t going to riot. Remember, the cities are where all the tax money comes from in the first place. There’s plenty of cash there; it’s just a question of appropriating it. If worse comes to worst and the shutdown goes on too long, city government agencies will simply fill in for what federal agencies aren’t currently providing to the urban poor.
Meanwhile, back in the rural states, there’ll also be the small businesses that will go under because they can’t get government loans.
And the farmers who can’t get their federal farm subsidies. Many of them are already in bad shape, since nobody wants to buy their crops, owing to Trump’s idiotic tariff war. I don’t think they’re going to support Trump anymore when it starts to look like the banks are going to seize their farms.
Trump thinks it’s Democrats who will get hurt worse by his shutdown. But he’s going to find out he’s wrong. Redneck America is tremendously dependent on the federal government. This may be what is known as a “teachable moment” for Trump and his clownish party.
Chump has a decades old track record with making sure people didn't get paid. So he could care less if the federal workers don't get paid. The only thing that scares him is, Limpballs, Klannity, The Skinny Bleach Blond Scarecrow in the Black Cocktail Dress, and Fox Fake Ass News.
So the wall gofundme grift is entering its $20 million endgame, with helpful advice from world-class grifters Erik Prince and Kris Kobach.
As of soon, donors will be given the choice of a refund or a transfer of their donation to a charity Kolfage has set up to, get this, build the wall himself.
Which he can never do, making it a naked grab for those 20 mil burning a hole in his bank account.
I guess he figures that they were dumb enough to pony it up for the first impossible grift, so a lot of them will be dumb enough to just give it to him straight out.
-Doug in Oakland
NYT: The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has severed ties with its longtime leader, Nobel-winning biologist James D. Watson, saying his comments on race, genes and intelligence in a recent documentary are “unsubstantiated and reckless”.
The party of "Science".
Watson’s comments aren’t substantiated by science. He’s just a racist.
Contrary to popular opinion, despite discovering the structure of DNA, Watson knows very little about genetics. He’s a chemist, not a geneticist.
He is about as much of an expert on race as the average meathead at the end of your local bar.
“As of soon, donors will be given the choice of a refund or a transfer of their donation to a charity Kolfage has set up to, get this, build the wall himself.
Which he can never do, making it a naked grab for those 20 mil burning a hole in his bank account.”
I joked earlier that the wall GoFundMe money would eventually wind up in conman Trump’s bank account.
But Trump may not get a crack at absconding with the cash. The guy running the GoFundMe may stick his hand in the cookie jar first. Because, well, he’s got a history that can be described as a bit “colorful”:
“Brian Kolfage’s crowdfunding campaign on the website GoFundMe went viral in December, before news outlets uncovered previous instances in which the triple-amputee veteran appeared to have pocketed funds raised through similar, if far smaller, campaigns billed as efforts to assist wounded warriors.”
It doesn't sound like the folks in Trump country are doing fine out of the shutdown:
‘It’s Just Too Much’: A Florida Town Grapples With a Shutdown After a Hurricane
We'll see how long it takes for them to turn on Trump after he impoverishes them.
Although, the last quote in the article reminds me of exactly how the fucked-upped-ness of the spiteful attitudes in Middle America led to the election of our current disastrous president:
"The shutdown on top of the hurricane has caused Ms. Minton to rethink a lot of things.
'I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” she said of Mr. Trump. 'I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.'”
YellowMONEY said...who needs a job? Do as I do, whore out the wife and kids.
Obama acolytes freaked out about the idea of Trump declaring a national emergency would have a little more credibility.......
Wait until the next Dem, who will be legally chosen, Potus uses emergency powers to take ammosexual's guns from them. Stoopid fucking wingnuts would shit enuf bricks to build a wall to the moon and clear around it. BwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahA!!!!
Trump chief economic adviser: Furloughed workers are ‘better off’ because they didn’t have to use vacation days
The Trump administration’s shutdown messaging is classic! The above is even better than: “all the furloughed workers support the shutdown.”
Hahaha, negative forty approval rating, here we come!
Is there a way that “Let them eat cake” can be finessed so that it promotes a wall?
When the White House says arrogant, heartless stuff like this, why, it almost seems like Trump is a rich, evil bastard who is totally unconcerned about his followers’ welfare!
Anonymous said:
"it almost seems like Trump is a rich, evil bastard who is totally unconcerned about his followers’ welfare!"
No kidding! Must be a lot of people who have seen the truth.
Now all these government workers know what it's like to be black, since most blacks just live off welfare and/or entitlement benefits. lol
girdleofvenus said...
"Now all these government workers know what it's like to be black, since most blacks just live off welfare and/or entitlement benefits. lol
This is not true. Try Googling the topic and educate yourself. Or is that too difficult for you?
Cowboy's lament- there ain't a hoss that cain't be rode nor a lie that Drumpf ain't told.
Yellowmoney says, I been hoarding pennies since I was 10, but I only hoarded half of them. My sister, she whored the other half.
A Seattle news station altered Trump's tongue and skin color in his immigration speech. With so much influence on America, one would think the MSM would face legal penalties for this. Alas, Semitic idealogues deliver their propaganda under the label "evening news" with impunity.
Trump supporters will be the downfall of this nation, and they're too stupid to realize it.
What a joke. I'm sick of this wall/fence crap.
As I have said many times on this blog, move many of the National Guard Training bases along the border. The practical training will be immense. National Security is their damn job.
BTW, field...I hope the Saints wipe your Iggles out of the Dome. Turns out, my prediction about the Great Negro NFL Coach Massacre turned true.....go figure. Steve Whyche, and now Mike Robinson, are still pissing and whining. I was watching Rob moaning about it today...he said "there aren't enough African American Coaches in the NFL now"....to his credit, Steve Smith corrected him to say "minority". How many is "not enough"?
But, we knew what Rob meant. Stinking "Rooney Rule". I don't see the owners interviewing Wing Chung Wow.
Your Iggles either knock Brees out, or get embarrassed again.
Mike from Iowa (Queenie),
You are so obvious, it's stupid not to see it.
Your obvious use of the word "wasicu" is pathetic. You've used these weird anachronisms for years.
More white women need to be getting abortions.
“A Seattle news station altered Trump's tongue and skin color in his immigration speech. With so much influence on America, one would think the MSM would face legal penalties for this.”
Yeah, I’m sure everyone watching was very confused by that broadcast, and really believed Trump is so orange he glows like a lightbulb. And that he has a tongue that is three times normal size.
Clearly, there’s no conceivable way they could have figured out this completely obvious cartoon version of Trump was a prank.
The evil meadow-owning Jews strike again! Controlling the world through bad caricatures of Trump. Diabolical. What will they think of next?
Although “meadow-owning” is actually kinda funny.
I'm Chinese-American and find it odd that a black would be so critical of dumbass Trump's policies and rhetoric when blacks themselves engage in racism and xenophobia. Not to mention your lack of work ethic. Plus, black's God and Savior Obama was full of empty rhetoric himself. Just goes to show that critical thinking and self-reflection are not areas of strength with you people.
See more at:
one would think the MSM would face legal penalties for this.
MSM should be rewarded for pissing off stoopid fucking moron wingnuts. All Drumpf does is lie and never backs up a single lie with any evidence.
Besides, Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is a public pubic fucking dick and cannot be libeled or slandered.
The thing about stoopid fucking wingnuts is sooner or later they run out of other people's money to give to the koch bros and then they run out of someone elses kids to get killed in their proxy wars for Israel.
Bad, wingnuts, bad.
"Yeah, I’m sure everyone watching was very confused by that broadcast, and really believed Trump is so orange he glows like a lightbulb. And that he has a tongue that is three times normal size.
Clearly, there’s no conceivable way they could have figured out this completely obvious cartoon version of Trump was a prank"
Yeah, it was all in good fun. We should stop worrying about fake news and just learn to take things less seriously.
I wish they had altered Obama giving a speech by making his skin coal black and making his lips three times normal size.
Everyone would have figured out this completely obvious cartoon version of Obama was a prank and had a good laugh.
"I wish they had altered Obama giving a speech by making his skin coal black and making his lips three times normal size.
Everyone would have figured out this completely obvious cartoon version of Obama was a prank and had a good laugh."
Uh-huh. "Orangeface" -- exactly the same as blackface.
Exactly. The. Same. No difference.
Rumors are swirling that the person Trump will name to head up the World Bank will not be a renowned economist, executive, or statesman but rather ... Ivanka.
Please, please don't let this be true.
Exactly. The. Same. No difference. Bullfeathers.
Not even to a colorblind person. A CB person can detect shades of light and dark so it would not be same as seeing two dark spots.
This wasn't bad at all. And unlike the bawl baby in the kremlin annex, some one at the Fake Noize station was held responsible and shit canned.
"This wasn't bad at all. And unlike the bawl baby in the kremlin annex, some one at the Fake Noize station was held responsible and shit canned."
You have to admit it was a little funny. It sort of looked like Trump was going to morph into a toad.
I wish every broadcast of Trump worked like that. Nothing useful or truthful ever comes out of his stupid pie hole, so they might as well make it amusing for us.
Well said Anon @ 4:58.
So what would be wrong with declaring a national emergency, having it immediately challenged by the courts and scrapped? Trump could tell his base he did everything imaginable but the dirty Dems and the Constitution just wouldn't let him. He didn't believe in it anyway--he's stupid but not THAT stupid.
I'm sure you knew about this Field.
With a 5-4 activist wingnut majority and two wild jokers in the mix, the court might decide it is legal to declare an emergency in this case only. They used the 14th amendment as a one time only patch to install dumbass dubya in the WH in 2000.
Floridas finally pardoned four wrongfully convicted Black men of rape 70 years late?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"Uh-huh. "Orangeface" -- exactly the same as blackface. "
No, you are not allowed to make fun of black people. That's racist.
My computer does not have audio for videos such as this. Someone please give it a listen to see what the hype is about. Gracias.
Oh yeah, fuck you racists wasicus.
Those po gubbmint workers. I've noticed my life just hasn't been the same since they all went to Gilligan's Island. Wonder how much money the tax-payer has saved?
Shouldn't take long to pay for the Wall.
What a joke....they all know they will get back-pay for their over-paid jobs...+ tax-payer interest I surmise. Did they lose their medical benefits too? I'll bet there is a huge spike in those charges.
Speaking of which...is the House and Senate still getting their checks? And their lifetime benefits?
Keep the son of a bitch shutdown.
white privilege reasrs its ugly racist head again, too and still yet some more.
Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes said...
'Those po gubbmint workers. I've noticed my life just hasn't been the same since they all went to Gilligan's Island. Wonder how much money the tax-payer has saved?
Shouldn't take long to pay for the Wall.
What a joke....they all know they will get back-pay for their over-paid jobs...+ tax-payer interest I surmise. Did they lose their medical benefits too? I'll bet there is a huge spike in those charges.
Speaking of which...is the House and Senate still getting their checks? And their lifetime benefits?
Keep the son of a bitch shutdown."
I guess you don't know how the shutdown has adversely affected Small businesses and small contractors all over the country. Many small businesses are dependent on the money spent by government workers and or contractors. This effect is felt nation wide, but especially in the south since there are more government installations in that part of the country.
The greatest adverse effect from the shut down tends to fall in areas that voted heavily for Trump.
Ungawa, Tarsands, ungawa.
The drug addicted prostitute is in the other room yelling at her boyfriend again. At least this time it's cheerful yelling.
Pro tip: Don't get a drug addicted prostitute for your girlfriend. Even one who's skinny, has long blond hair, and is half your age.
-Doug in Oakland
"Or, god forbid, the food stamp program is shut down in February, and all those poor working class trump voters (the ones the New York Times love to fawn over) can't get their benefits."
If the Food Stamp program is shut down, the White working class will get what it deserves.
These White bastards voted for Trump, so they have no moral legitimacy whining like little b*tches, when Trump turns around and bites in them in their morbidly-obese, Meth-addicted asses.
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