Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Some fishy things in the swamp.

TWEET ME"Here they go again.

Attorney General William Barr is already under fire for his March letter to Congress, which reported the results of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation in a way many feel was mostly beneficial to President Donald Trump.

Now, Democrats are taking aim at Barr’s recent congressional testimony in which he slipped in his opinion that federal law enforcement officials may have “spied” on his boss’ successful presidential run.

But if that wasn’t enough, some experts argue that Barr’s previous work in the private sector could conflict with his continuing supervision of the investigation into Russian tampering in the 2016 election campaign.

Why? A few of Barr’s previous employers are connected to key subjects in the probe. And some argue that, even if Barr didn’t break any rules, his financial ties to companies linked to aspects of the Russia investigation raise questions about whether he should—like his predecessor, Jeff Sessions—recuse himself.

“The legal standard is really clear about these issues. It’s not about actual conflict, it’s about the appearance of a conflict, about the appearance of bias,” Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law and an expert on judicial and government ethics, tells Newsweek . “The problem is that we have so many flagrant conflicts that are so obvious, we get distracted from what the legal standard is.”

This much is known: On Barr’s public financial disclosure report, he admits to working for a law firm that represented Russia’s Alfa Bank and for a company whose co-founders allegedly have long-standing business ties to Russia. What’s more, he received dividends from Vector Group, a holding company with deep financial ties to Russia.


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dinthebeast said...

I got an all-caps email from Crazy Uncle Liberty that said it was Soros who paid off those debts.

The Fergus administration is corrupt top to bottom and front to back, so it would be news if someone he hired didn't have disqualifying conflicts of interest.

-Doug in Oakland

mike from iowa said...

Lying polecat in the kremlin annex claimed Mueller had conflicts of interest which precluded him from being impartial- and here they are in absolutely beautiful debunked, deboned and filleted fashion -


mike from iowa said...


Drumpf makes up conflicts and his followers swallow the shit by the bucket full.

Anonymous said...

More bullshit from the alt left....

PilotX said...

If we just use the simple Barack Obama test it's obvious what we need to do. What if Barack had as many shady ties to Russia and what if Eric Holder had similar conflics of interest as Barr. Put in those terms trump and his enablers should be run out on a rail.

PilotX said...


mike from iowa said...

PilotX remember dumbass dubya would not call Byrd's dragging death by whitey a hate crime.

Anonymous said...

Alinskyites now turn to Barr.

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

So predictable.

Facts: Learn them said...

PilotX said...
If we just use the simple Barack Obama test it's obvious what we need to do. What if Barack had as many shady ties to Russia and what if Eric Holder had similar conflicts of interest as Barr?

Barack Obama used the FBI and CIA, in concert with foreign intelligence operatives, to illegally spy on the opposition presidential candidate in order to rig an election. He did this using a fake dossier based on Russian disinformation funded by his party as a pretext for this crime.

Eric Holder, April 4 2013: "I'm still enjoying what I'm doing, there's still work to be done. I'm still the President's wingman, so I'm there with my boy. So we'll see."

Facts: Learn them said...

mike from iowa said...
Drumpf makes up conflicts and his followers swallow the shit by the bucket full.

Robert Mueller is a close personal friend of James Comey, having known him since childhood.

The entire pretext for the Special Counsel investigation was precipitated by Comey's leaking of internal FBI memos to the New York Times.

Mueller staffed his investigation team with Hillary supporters and outspoken Trump haters.

PilotX said...

Yup Mr. Facts, you still remember these comments, even though actions are more important. So if you equate these made up "facts" to the last guy how do you feel anout the current guy?

BTW, the CIA and FBI regularly monitor Russian communications so when an American citizen makes contact it stands to reason they would be monitored. It's a crime to spy on Americans without a warrant but not foreigners. Do the math.

dinthebeast said...

"Robert Mueller is a close personal friend of James Comey, having known him since childhood."

He's also friends with Barr. What's your point?

Oh right, bullshit and conspiracy theories because that's all you have in the face of the goddamn president obtaining office with the knowing help of a hostile foreign power bent on using him to degrade US democracy.

-Doug in Oakland

Facts: Learn them said...

PilotX said...
Yup Mr. Facts, you still remember these comments, even though actions are more important. So if you equate these made up "facts" to the last guy how do you feel about the current guy?

What crimes has Trump committed in office? Anything like spying on opponents using made-up evidence? Weaponizing federal agencies?

What has Barr done? Refused to honor congressional subpoenas? Obstruct investigations into administration misdeeds?

Facts: Learn them said...

"the goddamn president obtaining office with the knowing help of a hostile foreign power bent on using him to degrade US democracy."

That Goddamned President would be Obama, who used Russian disinformation to to try to obtain the office of the presidency for his party.

We know Trump did nothing of the sort, as we have the results of an unlimited scope two year investigation performed by hostile investigators that says so.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Facts:learn them said...

"Barack Obama used the FBI and CIA, in concert with foreign intelligence operatives, to illegally spy on the opposition presidential candidate in order to rig an election."

Just what election are you referring to? And please post you source for this ridiculous claim, or are we just supposed to take your word for it? If you are as big on facts as your name suggests, you must be prepared to offer proof.

PilotX said...

"Just what election are you referring to? And please post you source for this ridiculous claim, or are we just supposed to take your word for it? If you are as big on facts as your name suggests, you must be prepared to offer proof."

Righties think Barack ordered the FBI to spy on a candidate as if this wouldn't have gotten out. The GOP was in control of the House and Senate so if this was even remotely true there would have been hearings up the ying yang. If true that's who you need to be mad at.😂

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

PilotX said....

"Righties think Barack ordered the FBI to spy on a candidate as if this wouldn't have gotten out. The GOP was in control of the House and Senate so if this was even remotely true there would have been hearings up the ying yang. If true that's who you need to be mad at.😂"

Jeez, righties sure are gullible! They believe any old crap that others feed them. LOL

Anonymous said...

Nothing more gullible than a worn out Mudpole receptacle. All Hail Mulatto Jesus from Chicago!

Clay said...

Good Lord. You people just won't quit. Your boy Mueller cleared Trump of collusion (remember "collusion, collusion, collusion, treason, treason, treason?)

You are sick. What has Trump ever done to harm you, PERSONALLY?

By the way, I was seeing a report on San Francisco, and all the crap and needles in the streets, which brings to mind:
In the legal sense, just who declares a city or state to be a "sanctuary"? Do the citizens vote on it?

They should be afforded that right. They pay the taxes.

PilotX said...

"Nothing more gullible than a worn out Mudpole receptacle. All Hail Mulatto Jesus from Chicago!"

Brilliant retort. Master race huh?🙄

PilotX said...

"Your boy Mueller cleared Trump of collusion (remember "collusion, collusion, collusion, treason, treason, treason?)"

Collusion is not a legal offense so there would be no need for trump to be cleared of such but he made no opinion of obstruction of justice which IS a crime. Mueller's job was to investigate Russian interference not to clear or implicate the president. What has trump done to me? The question should be what has he done to the country which affects all of us and that answer is plenty.

PilotX said...


PilotX said...


Lt. Commander Johnson said...

Oh yeah...bring out the NYT. That should prove something.

You didn't answer his question...."plenty" just doesn't get it. Be specific. What has Trump done to harm YOU?

Anonymous said...

“In the legal sense, just who declares a city or state to be a ‘sanctuary’? Do the citizens vote on it?”

Yes, they vote on it. They elect politicians who pass policies mandating that local police not cooperate with ICE. If the citizens of SF don’t want this, they can always elect different politicians.

But there are some pretty good reasons for not helping ICE, even if you don’t disagree with wingnuts’ determination to deport all 11 million illegal residents of the U.S., regardless of the connections they have built with the community and the damage that will be caused in the process of removing them.

The main reason is that if people are afraid of deportation, they won’t report crime to the police. Ergo, the police won’t be able to fight crime. You can see why the average SF might be more concerned about reducing the rate of burglaries, rapes, and murders than addressing your outrage about there being “too many Mexicans.”

Anonymous said...

*average SF voter

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

OK. Collusion isn't a legal offense, as grounded Mr. Pilotx espouses.

So, why take two years, 40 million dollars, trying to prove Trump guilty of collusion? You folks are pathetic.

Facts: Learn them said...

"And please post you source for this ridiculous claim, or are we just supposed to take your word for it? "

Granny's MO - dismiss any claim that doesn't exist in her bubble and ask for "proof". Supply her proof, and she either dismisses or ignores it.

Since you obviously don't know how to work the Google, here you go:

Fact 1. The Obama FBI and CIA conducted surveillance operations on the opposition party's candidate. This operation included planting moles in the campaign that were foreign (British and Australian) operatives.





Fact 2: The spying was predicated on Russian disinformation paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party.


Fact 3: The key go-between for the relationship between Russia and the Clinton campaign was Fusion GPS, headed by Glenn Simpson:


Fact 4: The "smoking gun" for Trump-Russia collusion was the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer. Veselnitskaya was only in the country because of the direct intervention of Obama AG Loretta Lynch under "extraordinary circumstances". Veselnitskaya met with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS both the day before and the day after she met with Donald Trump, Jr.




PilotX said...

"So, why take two years, 40 million dollars, trying to prove Trump guilty of collusion? You folks are pathetic."

Reread my comment carefully, the Mueller inquiry wasn't about trump or collusion. It was about something else more important.

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

Man, you liberal communists just can't answer a simple question.

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

You mean like Hillary erasing 33K emails, destroying her personal server, taking her hammer to her devices? (oh, I'm sure she didin't do it personally, just like Nixon didn't)

mike from iowa said...

So we had Russia interfere with an election with the konowledge and consent of the present, illegally elected bogus potus and all wingnuts whine about is there was no collusion. Except there was collusion everywhere as proven by all those meetings between Drumpfuck oafficials, including Flynn and perjurer Sessions. It is just not a crime although had HRC done it it would be impeachable according to the lower standards for Dems. (see WjC inmpeachment)

The whole wingnut koyo0te kerfluffle whines about collusion in harmony to obfuscate the real reasons for the Russian investigation and then they keep right on lying about the findings, rewriting history in the process.

mike from iowa said...

Dear Commandeered Queenie, everyone in the Drumpf kremlin annex is using personal servers. I thought that was a crime, but I guess only when a Dem does it, right, Gumby?

Yer boy Drumpf is guilty of lying to every official in DC, over and over again. But that isn't a crime wingnuts would prosecute another stoopid fucking wingnut for, now is it?

mike from iowa said...

Sheer stoopid fucking wingnut batshit craziness ala iowa stoopidest fucking racist wingut Steve King- Yeah, he went there. Steve King lied for your sins.

“And, when I have to step down to the floor of the House of Representatives, and look up at those 400-and-some accusers, you know we just passed through Easter and Christ’s passion, and I have better insight into what He went through for us partly because of that experience.”

Oh yeah, the Republicans stripped him of his committee assignments for making startling racist comments.

Republicans: they have layers of crazy. From Juanita Jean

PilotX said...

"Man, you liberal communists just can't answer a simple question."

You mean what has trump done to me personally? That is kind of a silly question, he is affecting ALL of us which by definition means me. I mean did the non-serving draft dodging coward who took a Purple Heart from a vet who served or called a POW not a hero personally insult me? Of course not but is that the bar we're using now? From all the vitriol against Barack you'd think he drove to someone's house and kicked their grandmother down a flight of stairs. Deflection at its best.

ALL of us said...

"he is affecting ALL of us which by definition means me"

Lowest unemployment in 50 years.

Highest economic growth in 20 years.

Best real wage growth in 20 years.

Renegotiated NAFTA/killed TPP

$9.4 trillion in stock value increase since election.

Prescription drug price reform.

Criminal justice reform.

Ended war in Syria.

PilotX said...

Great but that all means nothing if we die because of his ignorance of science.


Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

"Nothing more gullible than a worn out Mudpole receptacle. All Hail Mulatto Jesus from Chicago!"

You're the one who is gullible, Honey. You believe everything that comes out of Trump's ass. Otherwise you would have responded with other than a ad hominem attack on me.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Facts: Learn them said...

"The entire pretext for the Special Counsel investigation was precipitated by Comey's leaking of internal FBI memos to the New York Times.

Mueller staffed his investigation team with Hillary supporters and outspoken Trump haters."
Where is the support for your claims? What are your sources? It's easy to make wild charges; righties do it all the time just like their lying leader, Trump.

PilotX said...

One trillion per year deficits. I'm worried about my grand kids having to pay off massive debts while living in a toxic wateland thanks to tax cuts and environmental regulation roll backs.


PilotX said...

"Where is the support for your claims? What are your sources?"

You won't get any. You've acknowledged their tactics, make a claim not support it and then change the topic. You see Hannity and Tucker do it all the time. Facts don't matter to conservatives.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Clay said:
"Good Lord. You people just won't quit. Your boy Mueller cleared Trump of collusion (remember "collusion, collusion, collusion, treason, treason, treason?)"

Trump is the only one who has been screaming about collusion, which is not a crime, by the way. Mueller did lay out ten examples of Trump's behavior that involve obstructing justice or attempting to and directed the congress to investigate these acts.

PilotX said...

This clown.


PilotX said...

"Mueller did lay out ten examples of Trump's behavior that involve obstructing justice or attempting to and directed the congress to investigate these acts."

But Fox News and other conservative media are ignoring the rest of the report and only focusing on the collusion aspect. Ignore the 180 pages dedicated to how the Russians interfered in our elections and focus on loudmouth's personal interests. The country was attacked by a hostile nation but we only care about trump. Not very patriotic if you think about it. What has trump said about beefing up out security apparatuses or punishing Russia for their actions? Crickets. That IS NOT a commander-in-chief but what do you expect from a draft dodging blowhard?

Anonymous said...

"Great but that all means nothing if we die because of his ignorance of science."

"Rollbacks of environmental policies and regulations proposed by President Trump and Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt could lead to an additional 80,000 U.S. deaths per decade and respiratory problems in more than 1 million people, according to two Harvard experts.


"their estimate of potential death and illness resulting from Trump administration policies is “extremely conservative.”

You really believe the hyperbolic scare tactics of a couple of academics in search of grant money and social approval? That the American government is going to allow citizens to be poisoned? That's not "science, it's conspiracy nonsense.

Facts: Learn them said...

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"Where is the support for your claims? What are your sources? It's easy to make wild charges; righties do it all the time just like their lying leader, Trump."

Jesus fucking Christ you daft old woman, I just gave you nine links. Do you know how internet browsers work?

Anonymous said...

Trump is the only one who has been screaming about collusion, which is not a crime, by the way. Mueller did lay out ten examples of Trump's behavior that involve obstructing justice or attempting to and directed the congress to investigate these acts.

There was no underlying crime, nor any evidence of any collusion with foreign entities, yet expressing anger toward a meritless investigation is "obstruction".

And, for the record, Trump did not take any actions to obstruct justice. He would have been within his authority to fire Mueller, but he didn't. Had he done so, the investigation would have proceeded under a new Special Counsel.

A Clown World production said...

Last week, Justice Francesca Marzari of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, declared a father guilty of “family violence” against his 14-year-old daughter on the sole basis that he had engaged in “expressions of rejection of [her] gender identity.” These “expressions” revolved entirely around his polite refusal to refer to his daughter as a boy in private, and his steady choice to affirm that she is a girl in public.

As previously reported, the BC Supreme Court ordered in February that 14-year-old Maxine* receive testosterone injections without parental consent. Accordingly, Maxine began regular injections at British Columbia (BC) Children’s Hospital over the course of the last two months.

Her father, Clark*, strongly objects to this treatment and immediately sought to reverse the decision in the BC Court of Appeal. Hoping to raise awareness of his case, Clark gave a number of interviews to media outlets, including The Federalist. In these interviews, he repeatedly referred to his daughter as a girl, stating to The Federalist that “she is a girl. Her DNA will not change through all these experiments that they do.”

While many might take this to be an honest statement of biological fact, Marzari quoted it as a prime example of Clark’s “family violence of a public denial of [Maxine’s] gender identity.” Marzari convicted Clark of this violence, and issued a “protection order” preventing him from speaking to journalists or the public about his case.

1984 as farce.

Honk honk.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...
"One trillion per year deficits. I'm worried about my grand kids having to pay off massive debts while living in a toxic wateland thanks to tax cuts and environmental regulation roll backs."

You have grandchildren?

chicago style said...

Democratic Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, his wife and his brother-in-law are under federal criminal investigation for a dubious residential property tax appeal that dogged him during his gubernatorial campaign last year, WBEZ has learned.

It's a hallowed tradition for Illinois Governors to go to jai.

It's also a long tradition of hypocrisy for politicians.

"Family values" politicians cheat on their wives. Anti-gay ones turn out to be closeted. Gun controllers have armed security and carry concealed. Climate change pols travel by private jet, live in large mansions. Tax-and-spenders evade taxes.

mike from iowa said...

ALL of us said...
"he is affecting ALL of us which by definition means me"

Here we go giving Drumpf for inheriting Obama's hard work and 7 straight years of growth. Drumpf also caused trillions of losses when the stock market plunged. The war in Syria is not over with. Nafta is worse, especially for farmers and Canada, than before. There is no meaningful prescription drug reform. Criminal, justice reform is uncertain.

North Korea is ever closer to nukular war. Farmers in America are going bankrupt and committing suicide at unprecedented rates because of the bumbling dumbfuck in the kremlin annex. The only certainty witrhn Drumpf is he will lie to your face about anything, deny he said what he said and attack you as being the enemy of the state when you prove him wrong.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Facts:Learn them said......

Jesus fucking Christ you daft old woman, I just gave you nine links. Do you know how internet browsers work?
Fact 1. Legitimate surveillance of persons under suspicion of espionage by use of a FISA warrant is how Homeland Security keeps our country safe. It is not spying in the sense that you and Trump are using the word.

Fact 2. Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/clinton-campaign-dnc-paid-for-research-that-led-to-russia-dossier/2017/10/24/226fabf0-b8e4-11e7-a908-a3470754bbb9_story.html?utm_term=.4c295f3c6244
So what? This is a common practice among politicians
running for office.

Facts 3&4. I fail to see your point here. Collusion is not a crime. Perhaps you are confusing collusion with conspiracy, which is a crime? And as far as the Trump Tower meeting is concerned, we won't know what went on there until we get Trump Jr. to tell us under oath. I don't see that ever happening since the entire trump family is a gang of liars.

What other "facts" have you got? How about addressing the ten cases of obstruction Trump committed? You can find them in the Mueller Report

The 10 instances of possible obstruction in Mueller report -https://www.washingtonpost.com/...10...possible-obstruction...mueller-report/.../263c7e3...
6 days ago - WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election identified 10 instances of possible obstruction of justice by President Donald Trump. ... This includes the president’s statement to then-FBI Director James Comey regarding ...

PilotX said...

"That the American government is going to allow citizens to be poisoned?"

Flint, Michigan.

mike from iowa said...

As for Syria, Drumpf claiming Israel has a right to the Golan Heights- Syrian territory by international law, he has furthyer destabilized the Middle East and defunding all Palestinian money, he has made sure there will never be peace in the Middle East as long as arrogant Israel keeps taking land and then hiding behind the US military.

PilotX said...


Yes, the US government led by dt will allow thousands of Americans to get poisoned to let his corporate buddies make a buck.

mike from iowa said...

magat - make america gringo again, tex

PilotX said...

"You have grandchildren?"

The same ones who were going to be burdened with debt when Barack was in office.

mike from iowa said...

White House has ordered official not to comply with congressional subpoena.

Clear obstruction of justice. Can't be any more clearer, except to intentionally blind, retarded stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts.

PilotX said...

"The war in Syria is not over with"

That one kind of threw me too. trump did what now?😂

PilotX said...


mike from iowa said...

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion : NPR. U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion Federal deficits are now expected to average $1.2 trillion, or 4.4 percent of gross domestic product — far higher than the average over the past 50 years.Feb 13, 2019

Drumpf assured America he would pay off debt and get rid of deficits in 8 years. They will only disappear to0 your eyes when he gets done burying them in moar debt and even moar deficits.

Facts: Learn them said...

"Fact 1. Legitimate surveillance of persons under suspicion of espionage by use of a FISA warrant is how Homeland Security keeps our country safe"

Key word: "Legitimate". Using opposition-funded Russian disinformation you know was discredited o get a FISA warrant is not legitimate.

"Fact 2. So what? This is a common practice among politicians running for office."

I'm sorry, wasn't the whole hysterical witch hunt precisely about whether or not Trump did this?

"Facts 3&4. I fail to see your point here. "

The point is that the key bit of evidence for Russian collusion - the Trump Tower meetng -was likely a set up, orchestrated by Fusion GPS at the behest of the Clinton campaign, with the collaboration of the Obama administration.

Facts: Learn them said...

"How about addressing the ten cases of obstruction Trump committed? You can find them in the Mueller Report

You mean the list of things the Trump administration didn't do but could have to obstruct a pointless investigation into actions that never happened? Is this really the hill the Democrats want to die on?

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...
"You have grandchildren?"

The same ones who were going to be burdened with debt when Barack was in office.

Just asking because I believe you may have said previously that you didn't have children.

A house divided will never get its affairs in order and our children will pay the price.

mike from iowa said...

When you think about it, Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is the definitive definition of obstruction of justice. It is in everything he says and does or does not do.

The activist right wing Spotus sided with businesses to protect them from class action lawsuits by ignoring past court precedence and pulling new law out of their asses. Who knew?

The four good justices each wrote their own dissenting opinions. America is fucked.

mike from iowa said...

Facts: Learn them said...you be full of shit. L
Your orange cheap date lied to officials about every aspect of the campaign and meetings with Russians. That is clearly obstruction of justice. But you stoopid fucking wingnuts are too stoopid to understand the law applies to stoopid fucking wingnuts as well as Dems.

Remember when Drumpfuck trashed the presiding judge in his fake Drumpfuck U trial. Obstruction of justice. Plain and simple. Wingnuts know it but refuse to hold wingnuts accountable for any crimes. Fuck every last one of you traitorous bastards right in the earhole.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at the Democrats running for president. Bernie Sanders is a sort of weird nostalgia tour for Baby Boomer lefties and their spiritual soulmates in the younger generations. Listen to him speak and he barely makes any sense. In fact, all of them rely on emotive gibberish and their mostly concocted back stories. The gay mayor a gay who speaks in riddles. The mixed senator is Obama with a vagina. Warren is an angry old hen.

Take a step back and the Democrat Party is no longer a political party in the traditional sense of the concept. It has no agenda, other than a hatred of white people, but even that hatred has no point, beyond keeping the non-whites angry. The GOP had been a pointless collection of castoffs for decades until Trump came along, but even there, the MAGA stuff is just a weird echo of the Reagan years. If Sanders is a nostalgia candidate for lefty boomers, Trump is a nostalgia tour for aging Reaganites.


mike from iowa said...

Drumpfuck has managed to do one good deed- Blasting Trump's 'Unacceptable Behavior,' Iowa Lawmaker Leaves GOP After 40+ Years. Gonna vote with Dems especially because of right wing terror on social issues.


Anonymous said...

"If Sanders is a nostalgia candidate for lefty boomers, Trump is a nostalgia tour for aging Reaganites."

Trump is a nostalgia tour for aging Hitlerites.

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!

Anonymous said...

Barr is playing with fire and history has shown us that when it comes to Trump anyone and everyone who deals with him eventually gets burned, batter up?

mike from iowa said...

For all you little rat-fucking stoopid fucking whitey's out there, the difference between the elected potus HRC and Drumpfuck the Russian asset's alleged crimes is Drumpfuck clearly intended to break the law, whereas HRC did not mishandle any secret shit intentionally.

Drumpf's kremlin annex lawyer refused to commit the crimes and cover them up as Drumpf ordered. No doubt Drumpfuck is guilty.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Fact said....

"You mean the list of things the Trump administration didn't do but could have to obstruct a pointless investigation into actions that never happened? Is this really the hill the Democrats want to die on?"

LOL! I guess you have forgotten that Trump confessed to obstruction of justice on the Lester Holt broadcast. Trump said he fired Comey to stop the investigation.

Facts: Learn them said...

How did firing Comey obstruct the investigation? He testified to Mueller, and he wrote a fucking book, for Christsakes.

Comey's firing was justified for many reasons, including mishandling the Hillary email investigation and leaking FBI memos to a friend at the New York Times.

You are grasping at straws. No collusion, so you pivot seamlessly to obstruction. Bring it.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous quoted from

"Take a step back and the Democrat Party is no longer a political party in the traditional sense of the concept. It has no agenda, other than a hatred of white people, but even that hatred has no point, beyond keeping the non-whites angry."

The opinion article continues as below:

The alt-right embracing fascist iconography and larping as Nazis was as much about a lack of imagination as breaking taboos. They could not think of a way forward, so they were hoping for a do-over. This surge in what is called white identity politics is mostly just a rediscovery of old ideas that lived and died a century ago. There are a lot of antiquarians in identity politics.
Same article, same website: http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=17162

The article is interesting, but it's an opinion piece. I do not agree with many of his opinions. For example, the Democratic Party does have an agenda which includes criminal justice reform, a workable immigration plan, expanding medical coverage so no one has to die because they can't afford to see a doctor or pay for their medication,
restoring the environment so all people in our country can have clean air, clean water, and clean energy.

If you would like to learn more about the Democratic Party's agenda, go to their website and see for yourself.

By-the-way do you know what larping is? In my dictionary there is a word, larup, that means to "flog or thrash," but there is no "larp" or larping."

PilotX said...

"Just asking because I believe you may have said previously that you didn't have children."

Rhetorical device used to convey the idea that US debt is a BFD that will have to be dealt with in the coming years but I suspect you know that. Nice deflection though.

Anonymous said...

"By-the-way do you know what larping is? In my dictionary there is a word, larup, that means to 'flog or thrash,' but there is no 'larp' or 'larping.'"

Definition of LARPing.

And no, the alt-right aren't larping (playing dress-up) as Nazis. They ARE Nazis.

It's just that many of them are cowardly Nazis. They are sometimes coy about what they believe, because proudly outing yourself as a lover of autocratic white supremacist forms of government puts you on the express train to unemployable social pariah-hood.

PilotX said...

"It has no agenda, other than a hatred of white people"

Steve King, is that you?😂

PilotX said...

If trump has nothing to hide why prevent all officials from testifying, why only two briefings in the last 100 days when it was standard practice to hold one daily, why not release the tax returns.......so many questions. When there's smoke.

PilotX said...

The game is on.


Anonymous said...

"Steve King, is that you?😂"

It can't be Steve King.

Our favorite alt-right congressman is too busy right now telling everybody how he is suffering much like Jesus did, a martyr for his righteous beliefs.

Yes, you heard that right. Being stripped of legislative committee assignments for acting like a monumentally racist a-hole on multiple occasions -- exactly the same as being falsely accused of crimes and crucified. Exactly. The. Same.

PilotX said...

Not a fan of the death penalty but.........


Anonymous said...

Auburn Calloway says...

"From all the vitriol against Barack you'd think he drove to someone's house and kicked their grandmother down a flight of stairs."

Nah. I doubt Obama could kick anything. Did you see him throw a baseball?

Anonymous said...

Creepy Joe 2020!

mike from iowa said...


mike from iowa said...


Article 3 is especially interesting in light of Drumpfuck obstructing justice by ordering his administration not to answer any subopoenas. By now, a firing squad is too merciful a way to remove this POS stain on the American fabric.

mike from iowa said...


Drumpfucker disbanded Homeland Security's domestic terror unit so Drumpfucker's white terrorists can operate freely.

Anonymous said...

FBI, IRS agents search Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh's homes, City Hall:


mike from iowa said...


Wonder how much came from the 30 million Russia funneled illegally to Russia/NRA?

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...


But, HRC had emails. Wah!

Anonymous Anonymous said.


mike from iowa said...


Everything and everyone associated with crooked Drumpfucker is crooked. This guy posed as a Manhattan lawyer and bilked people out of thousands of dollars.

PilotX said...

"Nah. I doubt Obama could kick anything. Did you see him throw a baseball?"

He was a pretty good basketball player. I would live to see the bag of fat in the WH now do something athletic. Now that would be hilarious.

Anonymous said...


Everything and everyone associated with crooked Drumpfucker is crooked. This guy posed as a Manhattan lawyer and bilked people out of thousands of dollars."

Students for Trump ... ugh, vomit.

Any group ending in "-for Trump" is statistically to have something very wrong with it.

Take Miners for Trump, which is a fake organization created by the Russian government. One of many.

Anonymous said...

"He was a pretty good basketball player. I would live to see the bag of fat in the WH now do something athletic. Now that would be hilarious."

Hey, he cheats at golf! That counts, right?

(Okay, golf really sorta doesn't. Any sport in which you cruise around in a tiny car ...)

Anonymous said...

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
For example, the Democratic Party does have an agenda which includes criminal justice reform,

Trump already did it.

a workable immigration plan,

Amnesty for illegals and open borders for eternity is not "workable"

expanding medical coverage so no one has to die because they can't afford to see a doctor or pay for their medication,

America has never denied people treatment because they can't afford to pay. And you can't have free healthcare and open borders at the same time - pick one.

Anonymous said...

The diverse coalition that makes up the Democratic Party has wildly divergent interests. The only thing that holds it together is an animus towards legacy white America.

Trump is hated far out of proportion to anything to do with him personally. Trump is a symbol of everything they hate. He is perfect for the role, even more so than Bush was. A white man, born rich and became a billionaire. Hot third wife. Arrogant, brash, ostentatious, and unapologetic. Speaks of an America unashamed of its past and uncircumspect about pursuing its future. The first President in a generation who doesn't specifically exclude the interests of working class white people from consideration.

He is basically a civic nationalist. His great sin is that he places the interests of citizens ahead of foreigners. For this he is must be portrayed as an inveterate racist, a criminal of the lowest sort who is enriching himself while at the same time somehow erasing all the civil rights progress of the last 70 years. He is even destroying the entire planet. He is Literally Hitler, because the Left always needs a Hitler to keep their troops on track.

Anonymous said...


From the article:

>> “They realize we are being invaded,” he said, using a common white nationalist talking point to describe immigrants who come to the United States.

Where's the lie?

>> Pummill regularly made disparaging comments about black Americans

But you can make all the disparaging comments about white Americans that you want... as long as they aren't Jewish.  People are waking up to this.

But, HRC had emails. Wah!

HRC occupied one of the highest political offices in the USA, and was not forced to resign either.

The only standard the left has is White Man Bad.  White Man is not going to put up with it any more; the Saxon has begun to hate.

mike from iowa said...

HRC occupied one of the highest political offices in the USA, and was not forced to resign either.

Show me one single credible indictment against her or shut the fuck up, whiner!

Show me just a single charge brought against her for a single criminal act. You have had 35 years and have not got one charge and the evidence to convict her. All you have is hopes and made up shit, flat out lies and wasicu wastey bile.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how about a new slogan, crybabies?:

"It's okay not to whine about being white."

I think this one might catch on.

mike from iowa said...

“They realize we are being invaded,” he said, using a common white nationalist talking point to describe immigrants who come to the United States.

Where's the lie?

The lie is we aren't being invaded. These immigrants are here legally seeking asylum and the Drumpf Reichstag is criminally not allowing them to stay until their cases are heard. The cannot legally be forced back to Mexico. And then the liar in chief lies about how vicious these people are and calls them animals. He is inviting harm to these unarmed asylum seekers who enter America legally, ask for asylum then get tossed under the bus by stoopid fucking criminal wingnuts.

Don't feed me the worn out bullshit these people were supposed to apply for asylum in Mexico becausen that is not what the treaty on asylum says. And America, like it or not, is a signatory of that treaty. And it is binding.

mike from iowa said...

Moar typical wasicu mischief- https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/04/25/aj-freund-case-police-report-reveals-harrowing-details-of-boys-short-life/23717099/

Mom and Pop are in a world of honkey horror. Doubt either lives long in prison.

PilotX said...

"the Saxon has begun to hate."

I guess all those years of lynching, posting no nigger and porto rican signs and jim crow were just love taps. I swear.😂

PilotX said...

"It's okay not to whine about being white."

Send this on a t-shirt to el-rushbo.

PilotX said...

Sounds about right.


Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

"The diverse coalition that makes up the Democratic Party has wildly divergent interests. The only thing that holds it together is an animus towards legacy white America."

Not so, my dear. Millions of white people are Democrats. Two things that hold us Democrats together are common economic concerns and human decency. Conservatives gave up human decency long ago. Their agenda includes the following (among other things):Cut aid to poor people, create monopolies, pollute the environment, and raise taxes on the middle class to destroy them because the oligarchies who are currently running this country are in peril from the middle class. We are the only section of society that has the education and economic means to stand up to them.

I know you won't believe a word I have written here, but that's not important in the overall scheme of things.

Anonymous said...

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"Two things that hold us Democrats together are common economic concerns and human decency."

How saintly of them. It's good to know there is one political party interested only in doing good, versus the raw pursuit of power.

You are living in the past, Granny. A mono-cultural, homogeneous society aligns by ideology and has debates about economic fairness and creating a society that lives up to common values.

A multi-cultural, diverse society aligns by identity and fights over tribal interests. There is no core of common values to build your society around.

What are the "common economic concerns" of poor blacks, Jewish bankers, Indian tech workers, Asian business owners, and illiterate immigrants?

The diverse coalition that makes up the Democratic party exists as a negotiating platform for how to divvy up the spoils of legacy America.

You are right in that this is impossible without the support of a significant portion of the white electorate, made up of people like you who still see things in terms of 1960's America, others who have internalized the demonization of white people, and preening moralists/class strivers who define themselves in opposition to the "deplorables".

There is no happy, peaceful end to the Balkanization of America. As diversity increase, so will conflict. We could close the border similar to what was done in the 1920's, at the end of the last period of mass immigration, and then spend 40 years assimilating the newcomers and forging a new common culture. But we know that is politically impossible for a host of reasons, and this project will not stop until America is as bad a place to live as most of the rest of the world.

mike from iowa said...


\Three men were sitting down for lunch when they noticed a lonely woman all alone. One of the men asked her to join them at their table, which she did and everyone had a grand time.

But the real truth was revealed when this story went viral, the three gentlemen were black in appearance and the lady was white.

Wingnuts heads exploded when they saw the pics. Quick, honkeys. Get a pickup and attempt to run the lady over so she learns not to commingle with the black guys.

Anonymous said...

“What are the ‘common economic concerns’ of poor blacks, Jewish bankers, Indian tech workers, Asian business owners, and illiterate immigrants?”

Well, let’s see.

Just off the top of my head, all but the Asian businessmen probably care quite a lot about workers’ rights, since they are all employees or at least want to become employees. And even the Asian businessmen quite possibly care, too, either because their businesses may fail some day, forcing them to return to being employees. Or because they’re not, you know, totally self-centered assholes who only care about their own bank accounts and disregard the welfare of others.

Similar logic applies to healthcare. In a system without universal healthcare, the only people who can guarantee they will have health insurance, come rain or come shine, and not be bankrupted by illness, are the super wealthy. If you do not understand this, then you are economically illiterate, or just lying to yourself.

Fail said...

Anon @ 4:35:

Was that an attempt at saying something that made sense?

Anonymous said...

Well, here’s some inside information on why social media is such a toilet, brimming with fascist turds. (The key factor is cowardice.)

Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS? Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too.

A Twitter employee who works on machine learning believes that a proactive, algorithmic solution to white supremacy would also catch Republican politicians.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

1."You are living in the past, Granny."
"you who still see things in terms of 1960's America"

2.There is no happy, peaceful end to the Balkanization of America.and this project will not stop until America is as bad a place to live as most of the rest of the world.

2:42 PM
Trying to educate you is so tiresome. You have posted nothing but conservative talking points, and tried to deflect by pretending that I said things that I did not.
I understand that you aren't willing to listen to my point of view, therefor I will briefly address two of your main points as listed as one and two below.

1. You and other today's "conservatives" are actually reactionaries who wish to take us back to the "good old days" when women had few rights, and people of color had even fewer rights. But we are not going back, and you are panicking because you fear losing power. You have become easy fodder for the right-wing machine that wishes to take our country back to 1950.

2. Your second point is nothing but pessimistic speculation. In the history of the United States, immigrants have become assimilated and contributed greatly to the country and they will continue to do so. This country will not be ruined.

By the way, there are many countries in the world that are as good or better to live in than the United States. Canada, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain, Holland etc. come to mind. Check out mortality rates for men, women, and children these countries.

PilotX said...

"I know you won't believe a word I have written here, but that's not important in the overall scheme of things."

Don't waste your time Gambler, seems like this one is stuck on the idea that Dems hate white people which is weird because like you said millions of Dems are white. I guess I'm used to people ascribing motives to us. This was one of the reasons the klan was formed because of the idea former slaves had revenge on their minds and would kill whites when all they wanted to do was move on with their lives. Instead of assigning motives to people why not interact and ask their motives and ideas but that would mean abandoning preconceived notions and bigotry.🤔

PilotX said...

If Fox says he committed obstruction he committed obstruction.😆


Anonymous said...

By the way, there are many countries in the world that are as good or better to live in than the United States. Canada, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain, Holland etc. come to mind"

Gee, what do all those countries have in common?

A country is a good place to live because of the people who live there.

The vast majority of immigrants today come from places demonstrably worse in almost all metrics from America.

Import the Third World, become the Third World.

mike from iowa said...

Here we go again, another 9 year old black kid escapes the death sentence while running from cop for leaning against a car. He was knocked to the ground and handcuffed, though, just to prove wasicu grown up cop can whip a nine year old black kid.........with help.


mike from iowa said...

Coast Guard officer who was arrested for hit list of Dems and Supreme Court Justices and had the arsenal to do it with, plus he searched the internet for best guns to kill Negroes with was turned loose by judge when prosecutors couldn't charge him with terror.

Another white supremacist, another round of white privilege.

mike from iowa said...


Drumpf must have eaten this nitwit's Bigly Macs.

Anonymous said...

1. You and other today's "conservatives" are actually reactionaries who wish to take us back to the "good old days" when women had few rights, and people of color had even fewer rights. But we are not going back, and you are panicking because you fear losing power. You have become easy fodder for the right-wing machine that wishes to take our country back to 1950.

Wow, what a nuanced and balanced view you have of "conservatives". And who would ever want to live in a culturally confident, class mobile society where a single parent could make enough to raise a family anyway? Talk to some older black people of what their neighborhoods were like pre-Civil rights/mass immigration era, and ask how that compares to today. There's no going back, but a lot has been lost, and a lot more will be lost before anything changes.

2. Your second point is nothing but pessimistic speculation. In the history of the United States, immigrants have become assimilated and contributed greatly to the country and they will continue to do so. This country will not be ruined.

In the history of the United States until the 1970's, the vast majority of immigrants were from European, Christian countries with a shared cultural inheritance. They had to learn English, make their own way, and conform to the cultural norms in place. It worked because the divide was not that great, and because a 40-year moratorium was put in place to allow for assimilation.

The Western world has forgotten its own history and no longer understands ethnic conflict. The assumption is that ethnic conflict is reducible to scapegoating and irrational hatred, as opposed to groups with fundamentally contradictory values and interests constantly fucking with each other until someone pulls a gun.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

"Gee, what do all those countries have in common?"

Health care and public transportation.

mike from iowa said...

Remember Drumpf the hero for "obtaining" the release of comatose American student. NYT has a story out saying the US, that's us, paid Li'l Kim 2 million bucks for medical care. Sure smells like Drumpf is giving American taxpayer bucks to our enemies. Negotiating with known dictators. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Anonymous said...

"Health care and public transportation."

Thanks, white people!

mike from iowa said...

"Health care and public transportation.

Whitey wingnuts are trying to take yer healthcare away and don't give a fuck about infrastructure unless they can give the koch bros more tax breaks.

Anonymous said...

Show me one single credible indictment against her or shut the fuck up, whiner!

We have the memo which shows that the FBI under Comey had already decided to exonerate her before the investigation into mishandling of classified information was done.  It was fixed.

The Trump investigation failed because there was nothing to find.

Show me just a single charge brought against her for a single criminal act.

Compared to Trump, who was investigated and nobody even found a credible suspicion of what the Mueller probe was allegedly about?  If you didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all.

There's talk about re-opening the Hillary probe due to malfeasance on the part of the previous "investigation" team.  I hope they nail her to the wall.

The lie is we aren't being invaded.

You unintentionally wrote the truth; I think that counts as a gaffe.  The USA IS being invaded; a million a year is an invasion by any stretch of the imagination.

These immigrants are here legally seeking asylum

Asylum is supposed to be claimed in the FIRST safe country the asylee sets foot in.  That would be Mexico.  No one showing up at the US border after an overland trip from Central America is a legitimate asylum seeker.  NO ONE.  They are all welfare moocher wanna-bes.  A lot of them are child trafficers, using children who aren't their own to get across the border and disappear.

Asylum has a strict definition under the UN treaty.  It means refuge from war or GOVERNMENT oppression.  These hordes are not trying to escape oppression from a war or their government, they are trying to escape criminal gangs who are their own brothers, cousins, and children.  They are trying to escape THEMSELVES.  Since they bring their genes and culture with them, all they will do is force Americans to deal with problems that Americans would never create.  The oppression is not of the turd-worlders.  It is of Americans.

Drumpf Reichstag is criminally not allowing them to stay until their cases are heard. The cannot legally be forced back to Mexico.

Claiming asylum is not a "get into the USA free" card, and immigration policy is not a criminal matter no matter how much you totalitarians want to criminalize any dissent from your agenda.  You'd already have gulags in the USA if you had your way.

An old negro said...

Talk to some older black people of what their neighborhoods were like pre-Civil rights/mass immigration era, and ask how that compares to today.

Easy to do becasue all of my relatives are negroes. While you're at it ask them if they'd rather live today or back in the 50's. Have you ever talked to a Black person? My guess is no.

Anonymous said...

Trying to educate you is so tiresome.

SJWs Always Project.

You have posted nothing but conservative talking points

You post nothing but discredited leftist (communist) claims from 5, 6, even 7 decades ago.  We were told that black people only needed a leg up to become equal; after 50 years of affirmative action, they haven't.  We were told that black kids would behave and achieve if they sat next to white kids in school.  65 years after Little Rock, they haven't either.  We were told that Africans were "just like us".  Today we are told that "multiculturalism" is required because they are NOT like us and trying to force them to be is "racist".  Were you lying then, lying now, or lying the whole time?

How does it feel, to realize that your entire life has been lived in service of lies?  Or are you still too weak to admit the truth?  (Rhetorical question; of course you are.)

there are many countries in the world that are as good or better to live in than the United States. Canada, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain, Holland etc. come to mind.

Every last one of them built by white people, and every last one now being forced full of turd-worlders.

In the list of the 50 most violent cities in the world, EVERY LAST ONE IN THE USA (Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, St. Louis) IS DOMINATED AND RUN BY BLACKS.  https://qcostarica.com/86-of-the-most-dangerous-cities-are-in-latin-america/

It is past time to designate the USA as an asylum FROM turd-worlders and their dysfunctions, and get rid of every last one that's here.

Anonymous said...

So which democrat candidate hates America the most?

Hillbilly Hank said...

It is past time to designate the USA as an asylum FROM turd-worlders and their dysfunctions, and get rid of every last one that's here.
Nope it's time to get rid of ignorant inbred hillbillies like you. You live in shithole trailer parks that should be condemned and pop out ignorant country music blasting assholes like you. Go fuck a relative and get some fucking tires on that truck in your yard. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

So which democrat candidate hates America the most?

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Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020!!

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

"So which democrat candidate hates America the most?"

2:03 AM

When did you stop beating your wife? significant other? husband? dog?

Anonymous said...

trump 10-20!

Anonymous said...

it's time to get rid of ignorant inbred hillbillies like you.

You'd be the first to condemn such language if it was aimed at LITERALLY inbred (and not merely ignorant but verifiably stupid) ghetto blacks, but when it's nominal whites, genocide is your top goal.  Nice goin', Deshawn.  Keep handin' out them red pills.  The Saxon is beginning to hate.

You live in shithole trailer parks that should be condemned

You'd kill to live where I do.  Plenty of trailers here.  Travel trailers.  Boat trailers.  The occasional cargo trailer (toy hauler).  No house trailers except for transient workers on the farms, though.  The guy at the other end of the road tore down his house and built one three times the size.  I wouldn't be surprised if he spent half a million bucks or more.

and pop out ignorant country music blasting assholes like you.

As opposed to ghetto rap blasting scum like you?  I like them a lot better.

Go fuck a relative and get some fucking tires on that truck in your yard.

Got none of those things even handy.  Relative and trucks, not tires.  Got plenty of tires; spare sets for things, you know.


Nice example of projection, and thanks for playing!

white supremacists are kind dumb said...

7:46 projection? Really, check your ma and pa's dna and I'll bet they're even closer than kissing cousins. Now don't you have some anti-intellectual shit like a monster truck rally or hoe down to go to? Nah, probably some animal fucking tonite right Jethro? You gonna joing your three friends in getting some? Ya nazi incel.

mike from iowa said...

Asylum is supposed to be claimed in the FIRST safe country the asylee sets foot in. That would be Mexico. No one showing up at the US border after an overland trip from Central America is a legitimate asylum seeker. NO ONE.

Bald face lie. Asylum seekers do not have to seek asylum in the first safe country and as of this year Mexico was not so deemed.

Asylum seekers are, by lawe, allowed into the country where they declare their intentions to seek asylum. They are then allowed to stay while their case is being heard. That is the law!

mike from iowa said...


Mexico has never been declared a safe third country because they cannot take care of their own people, let alone immigrants. Having Drumpf designate Mexico as a safe third country is like having Drumpd declare himself a stable genius.Totally worthless.

محمد غالى said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
محمد غالى said...

أفضل شركة مكافحة الحمام بالرياض من علي الأسطح بالبنايات السكنية أو البنايات التجارية وعلى حواف المنازل والشرفات الموجودة بالمدارس والمستشفيات والفيلات ومستودعات الحبوب بواسطة أفضل شركة تركيب طارد الحمام بالرياض 0552134667 يقطن الحمام أغلب أوقاته طائرًا في الرياح ويقوم بفعل أعشاش لهم فوق اسطح المباني وفي الشرفات وعلى النوافذ وذلك بالرغم من الشكل الجميل للحمام في أعلى العقار سوى إنه يترك فضلات في جميع مواضع أسطح البيت أو الفيلات وقد يبلغ الشأن إلى الانقضاض على مستودعات الحبوب لهذا تقوم شركة كنزي الرياض المتخصصة في تركيب طارد حمام بالرياض لمكافحة الطيور والحمام بأنواع عديدة من طارد الحمام بالرياض .

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نجار ايكيا الكويت
شركة تنظيف بالكويت
افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بالكويت
شركة تنظيف شقق بالكويت
شركة تنظيف في الكويت

شركة تنظيف سجاد بالكويت said...

شركة تنظيف شقق بالجهراء
شركة تنظيف سجاد بالكويت
شركة تنظيف خزانات بالكويت
شركة تنظيف بيارات بالكويت
شركة تنظيف بالاحمدي
شركة تنظيف بالفحيحيل
شركة تنظيف منازل بالمنطقة العاشرة عمالة فلبينية مجربة
شركة تنظيف في مبارك الكبير
شركة تسليك مجاري الجهراء مجربة ومضمونة
شركة تسليك مجارى بالكويت
شركة تركيب مكيفات بالكويت
شركة تركيب غرف نوم بالكويت
خدمات منزلية بالكويت
افضل شركة نقل عفش مبارك الكبير

raniahammad said...

اصباغ الكويت
مكافحة حشرات حطين بالكويت
مكافحة حشرات جليب الشيوخ
افضل شركة نقل عفش بالسالمية عماله هنديه
سباك الكويت
مكافحة حشرات الفيحاء بالكويت
نقل عفش الفروانيه
مكافحة حشرات القيروان
مكافحة حشرات سلوى
مكافحة حشرات الفروانية
شراء اثاث مستعمل بالكويت
مكافحة حشرات الفحيحيل
مكافحة حشرات حولي
مكافحة حشرات السالمية
مكافحة حشرات الاحمدى
مكافحة حشرات الفردوس
مكافحة حشرات خيطان
مكافحة حشرات الجهراء
مكافحة حشرات المهبولة
شركة مبيدات حشرية بالكويت
شركة رش مبيدات حشرية الكويت
نقل عفش الجهراء عمالة مصرية
نقل عفش الكويت
شركة تنظيف حولي تنظيف منازل فلل وشقق
نجار ايكيا
نجار الكويت
شركة تنظيف بيوت بالكويت
مكافحة القوارض الفحيحيل الجهراء بالكويت
هاف لوري نقل عفش الكويت
شركة مكافحة الفئران بالكويت العاصمة
شركة نقل عفش المنطقة العاشرة
نقل عفش الجهراء عمالة فلبينيه

نجار خشب بالدمام said...

فنى مكيفات
فني مكيفات بالرياض
كلادينج الرياض
تركيب كلادينج بالرياض
شركات كلادينج بالرياض
تركيب واجهات كلادينج
نجار الدمام
نجار بالدمام
افضل نجار بالدمام
نجار خشب بالدمام
افضل نجار بالدمام
نجار جدة
نجار جدة حي السلامة
نجار غرف نوم بجدة
نجار حى الصفا
حداد الدمام
لحام حديد الدمام
صيانة ابواب حديد الدمام
حداد يمني الدمام
أسعار أبواب الحديد في الدمام

كهربائي سيارات متنقل بالرياض said...

كهربائي سيارات متنقل بالرياض
افضل كهربائي سيارات في الرياض
كهربائي سيارات الرياض
افضل كهربائي سيارات بالرياض
نجار بالمدينة المنورة
معلم نجار بالمدينة المنورة
نجار تركيب غرف نوم بالمدينة المنورة
نجار بالمدينه المنوره
فني نجار بالمدينة المنورة
نجار تركيب اثاث ايكيا بالمدينة المنورة
نجار بالمدينة المنورة العزيزية

افضل شركة نقل عفش بالرياض said...

خيام للبيع بالرياض
مظلات خشبية للحدائق بالرياض
اسعار تنظيف خزانات بالرياض
شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض عماله فلبينيه
افضل شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
افضل شركات نقل اثاث بالرياض
شركة تنظيف سيراميك بالرياض
شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض مع الفك والتركيب
افضل شركة نقل عفش بالرياض
ارخص شركة نقل عفش بالرياض
ارخص شركة تنظيف بالرياض
شركة نظافة بالرياض
شركة تنظيف خزانات بينبع
شركة فحص فلل بالرياض
شركة رش مبيدات بالمدينة المنورة
شركة غسيل كنب بينبع
شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالمدينة المنورة
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمدينة المنورة
شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض مجربه

طرق العناية بالبشرة said...

افضل كريم للشعر
خلطات تبييض الجسم والبشرة
طرق العناية بالبشرة
فوائد البرتقال الصحية
تفتيح الوجه افضل خلطة لتبيض الوجه
فوائد ورق الجوافة الطبية
تجربتي مع رجيم البرتقال فقط
افضل علاج للبرد
فوائد الجرجير الطبية
اكلات دايت
تنظيف البشرة والوجه
شفط دهون البطن
علاج حبوب الوجه وحب الشباب
العناية بالجسم بأفضل كريمات تفتيح
التخلص من حب الشباب

علاج فيروس كورونا said...

أفضل كريم لحب الشباب الملتهب
ماسك لازالة حب الشباب من اول مرة
رجيم الشوربه الحارقه للدهون لنسف الكرش وانقاص الوزن
إزالة حب الشباب في دقائق للرجال
كريم مرطب للوجه لنضارة الوجه
تنحيف البطن
كريم تفتيح البشرة وماسكات للبشرة
علاج الهالات السوداء
افضل كريم علاج و ازالة اثار حب الشباب للبشره الدهنية
شد البطن
حرق دهون البطن
رجيم صحي
إزالة الكرش
رجيم الزبادي
اسرع رجيم
وصفة لازالة حب الشباب من اول مرة
هل يؤثر صيام رمضان على الوقاية من كورونا
30 عادة صحية في رمضان
رجيم عيد الاضحى
عملية الحقن المجهري
علاج حب الشباب

شركة تصوير منتجات said...

تصميم فيديو موشن جرافيك
شركة تصميم موشن جرافيك
شركة موشن جرافيك
شركة مونتاج فيديو احترافي وتعديل فيديو
مصمم موشن جرافيك
شركة تعليق صوتي
تصميم فيديو احترافي
شركة موشن جرافيك في مصر
موشن جرافيك
تصميم انترو
تصميم الواقع الافتراضي وصور البانوراما 360
تصميم معمارى ثلاثى الابعاد ثرى دى ماكس
تصميم ثري دي للمنازل 3D ثلاثي الابعاد
تصميم مباني سكنية وادارية وتجارية حديثة ثري دي
شركة تصميم داخلي و خارجي للمنازل ثري دي
تصميم فيديو بالصور والصوت
تصميم فيديو موشن جرافيك السعودية

raniahammad said...

شركة تركيب مطابخ بالرياض
شركة مكافحة الصراصير بالرياض
شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض
شركة تنظيف استراحات بالرياض
شركة غسيل خزانات بالرياض
فني كهربائي منازل بالرياض
تطبيق تنظيف منازل بالرياض
شركة تنظيف بالمزاحمية
شركة تنظيف بالرياض
شركة ترميم بالرياض
شركة تنظيف ستائر بالرياض
كهربائي تأسيس منازل بالرياض
تنظيف رخام المطبخ من البقع بكل أنواعها
شركة جلي بلاط بالرياض
شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض
شركة تنظيف الحوش بالرياض
شركة النظافة العامة بالرياض
شركة تنظيف مطابخ بالرياض
تنظيف افران الغاز بالرياض
شركة تنظيف مساجد بالرياض
شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض
شركة نقل عفش بالرياض
دليل شركات التنظيف بالرياض

raniahammad said...

مدافن للبيع
مقابر الحرمين
مقابر مدينة نصر
مدافن مدينة نصر
مدافن العبور
مقابر العبور
مدافن للبيع العبور
اسعار مقابر العبور
مقابر الوفاء والامل
مدافن الوفاء والامل
مدافن للبيع الوفاء والامل
مقابر للبيع بالجبل الاحمر
مدافن وداي الراحة
مقابر وادي الراحة
بناء جبانات وادي الراحة
احواش للبيع
بناء جبانات واحواش
اراضي احواش رخيصة للبيع
احواش للبيع بالقاهرة
مقابر طريق الفيوم
مدافن طريق الفيوم
مدافن للبيع طريق الفيوم
جبانات طريق الفيوم
مقابر للبيع طريق الفيوم
اسعار مدافن طريق الفيوم
مقابر السلام

raniahammad said...

مدافن طريق الواحات
مدافن للبيع بطريق الواحات
مدافن للبيع 6 اكتوبر
مدافن للبيع بالتقسيط
مدافن للبيع بالتقسيط بالعبور
مقابر للبيع بالتقسيط
مقابر للبيع بالتقسيط بالعبور
مقابر للبيع بالقاهرة
مقابر للبيع بالجيزة
مدافن للبيع بالقاهرة
مدافن للبيع بالجيزة
مقابر القاهرة الجديدة
مقابر للبيع القاهرة الجديدة
مقابر القاهرة الجديدة للبيع
مدافن القاهرة الجديدة
مقابر 6 اكتوبر طريق الواحات
مقابر 6 اكتوبر
مقابر طريق الواحات
مدافن 6 اكتوبر
مدافن طريق الواحات
مدافن للبيع بطريق الواحات
مدافن للبيع 6 اكتوبر
احواش ومقابر للبيع
احواش ومقابر للبيع بالقاهرة الجديدة و 6 أكتوبر
احواش ومقابر للبيع بالقاهرة الجديدة
مقابر طريق العين السخنة
مقابر طريق السخنة
اسعار مقابر طريق العين السخنه
مقابر للبيع طريق السخنة
مقابر العين السخنه
مدافن طريق العين السخنة

raniahammad said...

مقابر العين السخنه
مدافن طريق العين السخنة
مقابر للبيع بمدينة بدر
مقابر بدر
مقابر مدينة بدر
مدافن مدينة بدر

raniahammad said...

التسجيل في هنقرستيشن كمندوب
هنقرستيشن توصيل
تسجيل هنقرستيشن
هنقرستيشن مندوب
التسجيل في هنقرستيشن للمقيمين
ذيبان هنقرستيشن تسجيل دخول
مكتب تسجيل هنقرستيشن
التسجيل في هنقرستيشن رايدر
التسجيل في هنقرستيشن كمندوب تويتر
كم نسبة هنقرستيشن من المندوب
طريقة التسجيل في هنقرستيشن مطعم
التسجيل في كريم ناو
شروط التسجيل في كريم ناو
طريقة التسجيل في كريم ناو
كريم ناو

raniahammad said...

شروط كريم
شروط التسجيل في كريم
اوبر وكريم
موقع اوبر وكريم
التسجيل في اوبر
مكتب كريم
مكتب اوبر
ايزي تاكسي
تسجيل كريم
التسجيل في كريم
التسجيل في مرسول
التسجيل في كريم كابتن
التسجيل في كريم سائق
شركة اوبر وكريم
كيفية التسجيل في كريم
التسجيل في ايزي تاكسي
السيارات المقبولة في اوبر
شروط التسجيل في اوبر
اضافة سيارة في كريم
التسجيل في تويو
كود خصم تويو
كريم واوبر
اوبر الرياض

افضل نجار بالدمام said...

نجار خشب بالدمام
افضل نجار بالدمام
نجار جدة
نجار جدة حي السلامة
نجار غرف نوم بجدة
نجار حى الصفا
حداد الدمام
لحام حديد الدمام
صيانة ابواب حديد الدمام
حداد يمني الدمام
أسعار أبواب الحديد في الدمام
حداد جدة
حداد في جدة
معلم حدادة جدة
حداد ابواب جدة
حداد بجدة
رقم حداد في جده
حداد ممتاز بجدة
حداد شبابيك جدة
حداد جده

فوائد الجوافة said...

فوائد الجوافة باللبن
عملية شد البطن
عمليات شد البطن
شد البطن
علاج الامساك
علاج الإمساك فوراً
علاج الإمساك في دقيقة
علاج الإمساك المنزلي
علاج الإمساك للاطفال
علاج الإمساك للكبار
علاج الزكام
علاج الزكام في البيت
اعراض القولون العصبي
اعراض القولون
أعراض القولون العصبي عند النساء
اعراض القولون الهضمي
أعراض القولون العصبي عند الرجال
أعراض القولون العصبي النفسي

raniahammad said...

تصميم تطبيقات الايفون
انشاء موقع الكتروني تجاري
تصميم بروشور
تصميم فلاير
تصميم رول اب
تصميم مطبوعات
تصميم مطوية
تصميم بروفايل شركات
تصميم بروفايل الشركات
تصميم بروفايل شركة
شركة تصميم جرافيك
شركة تصميم جرافيك في السعودية
شركات جرافيك ديزاين في جدة
شركات تصميم جرافيك في السعودية

صباغ هندي بالكويت said...

صباغ باكستاني في الكويت
صباغ بنغالي
"اصباغ الكويت"
صباغ الكويت
صباغ بالكويت
معلم صباغ الكويت
معلم صباغ بالكويت
معلم صباغ في الكويت
صباغ الاحمدي
صباغ الاحمدي رخيص
صباغ الاحمدي شاطر

جلسات خارجية بالرياض said...

تركيب مظلات حدائق الرياض
مظلة مدخل منزل
مظلة مدخل البيت
مظلة فوق الباب
مظلات حديد للحدائق
مظلات حديدية للحدائق
مظلات جلسات حديد
مظلة حديقة حديد
مظلات حديد للحدائق
مظلة حديقة حديد
مظلات قماش للحدائق
قماش مظلات للحدائق

افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض said...

ارخص شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض
شركة تنظيف منازل شمال الرياض
شركة تنظيف منازل جنوب الرياض
مغاسل سجاد بالرياض
افضل مغسلة سجاد في الرياض
مغاسل سجاد الرياض
مغسلة سجاد بالرياض
مغسلة سجاد الرياض
شركة تنظيف سيراميك بالرياض
شركة تنظيف السيراميك بالرياض
شركة تنظيف سيراميك الرياض
تلميع السيراميك الباهت بالرياض
شركة تنظيف سيراميك المطبخ بالرياض
شركة تنظيف سيراميك الارضيات بالرياض
شركة تنظيف سيراميك الحمام بالرياض

ارخص تطبيق توصيل طلبات said...

شغل مندوب شحن
مطلوب مندوب توصيل
مطلوب مندوبين شحن لجميع المحافظات
مطلوب مندوب توصيل طلبات
مطلوب مناديب توصيل طرود
مطلوب مندوب شحن
مطلوب مندوبين شحن بسيارة
مطلوب مناديب توصيل
مطلوب مندوب شحن بسيارة
مطلوب مناديب شحن
مطلوب مندوبين شحن لجميع المحافظات 2021
مطلوب مندوبين شحن
مطلوب مندوب شحن كاش
مطلوب مندوب توصيل بسيارة
مطلوب مندوب توصيل طرود

شراء مدافن said...

مقابر القوات المسلحة
مدافن القوات المسلحة
مقابر القوات المسلحة طريق الفيوم
مقابر للبيع القوات المسلحة
مقابر رئاسة الجمهورية بالقاهرة الجديدة
مدافن رئاسة الجمهورية بالقاهرة الجديدة
مقابر رئاسة الجمهورية
مدافن رئاسة الجمهورية
مقابر طريق الواحات
مدافن طريق الواحات
مقابر اكتوبر
مقابر للبيع بالتقسيط 6 اكتوبر
مدافن ٦ اكتوبر
مدافن اكتوبر
مقابر ٦ اكتوبر

اوبر وكريم said...

تسجيل مندوب هنقرستيشن
التسجيل في هنقرستيشن كمندوب
هنقرستيشن توصيل
تسجيل هنقرستيشن
هنقرستيشن مندوب
التسجيل في هنقرستيشن للمقيمين
ذيبان هنقرستيشن تسجيل دخول
مكتب تسجيل هنقرستيشن
التسجيل في هنقرستيشن رايدر
التسجيل في هنقرستيشن كمندوب تويتر
كم نسبة هنقرستيشن من المندوب
طريقة التسجيل في هنقرستيشن مطعم
التسجيل في كريم ناو
شروط التسجيل في كريم ناو
طريقة التسجيل في كريم ناو

شركة تنظيف منازل بالكويت said...

تركيب مكيفات الكويت
شركة تركيب مكيفات
شركة تركيب مكيفات بالكويت
تركيب اثاث ايكيا بالكرتون
نجار ايكيا
نجار ايكيا الكويت
شركة تنظيف بالكويت
افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بالكويت
شركة تنظيف شقق بالكويت
شركة تنظيف في الكويت
شركة تنظيف منازل بالكويت
نقل عفش الفحيحيل
شركة نقل عفش الفحيحل
نقل عفش حولي
نقل عفش حولى
شركة نقل عفش حولي

شركة الافضل لنقل الاثاث said...

شركة الافضل لنقل الاثاث

دينا نقل عفش بالرياض

دينا نقل عفش شمال الرياض

دينا نقل عفش خارج الرياض

دينا نقل عفش شرق الرياض

دينا نقل عفش بالرياض

افضل شركة نقل عفش بالرياض

افضل شركه نقل عفش بالرياض

احسن شركة نقل عفش بالرياض

شركة نقل الاثاث بالرياض

شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض

شركه نقل اثاث بالرياض

شركة الصفرات لنقل الاثاث بالرياض

شركة نقل اثاث شرق الرياض

نقل عفش بالخرج

شركة نقل اثاث بالخرج

شركة الافضل لنقل الاثاث said...

شراء اثاث مستعمل بالرياض

شراء اثاث مستعمل شمال الرياض

شراء اثاث مستعمل شرق الرياض

شراء اثاث مستعمل غرب الرياض

شركة شراء اثاث مستعمل بالرياض

شراء اثاث مستعمل جنوب الرياض

نشتري الاثاث المستعمل بالرياض

نشتري اثاث مستعمل بالرياض

نشتري الاثاث المستعمل شرق الرياض

نشتري جميع الاثاث المستعمل بالرياض

نشتري الاثاث المستعمل شمال الرياض

نشتري الاثاث المستعمل جنوب الرياض

شركة الامير لنقل الاثاث said...

شركة الامير لنقل الاثاث

نقل عفش شرق الرياض

شركة نقل عفش شرق الرياض

شركات تنظيف ونقل عفش بالرياض

ارقام شركات نقل العفش بالرياض

شركات نقل العفش بالرياض

شركة تخزين أثاث بالرياض

شركة نقل أثاث بالرياض

شركة نقل الأثاث بالرياض

نقل عفش من الرياض للقصيم

شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض للقصيم

شركة نقل عفش داخل الرياض

شركة نقل اثاث بالخرج

شركة نقل عفش بالخرج

نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الدمام

شركة نقل عفش من الرياض الى الدمام

نقل عفش بحي النسيم بالرياض

شركة نقل عفش النسيم بالرياض

شركة الامير لنقل الاثاث said...

نقل عفش بالرياض باكستاني

شركه نقل عفش غرب الرياض

شركة نقل عفش بالدرعية

ونيت نقل عفش بالرياض

وانيت نقل اغراض بالرياض

شركة تنظيف منازل بالخرج

شركة تنظيف بالخرج

شركة تنظيف مكيفات سبليت بالرياض

شركة تنظيف مكيفات السبلت بالرياض

نجار فك وتركيب بالرياض

شركة تركيب اثاث بالرياض

شركة تنظيف بالرياض

شركات التنظيف بالرياض

افضل شركة تنظيف بالرياض

شركة تنظيف شرق الرياض

افضل شركة تنظيف بالرياض

ارخص شركة تنظيف في الرياض

شركة تنظيف شمال الرياض

شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض

شركة تعقيم منازل بالرياض

افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض

شركة تركيب مكيفات سبليت بالرياض

فني تركيب مكيفات سبليت بالرياض

شركة فك وتركيب مكيفات بالرياض

فك وتركيب مكيفات بالرياض

تركيب مكيفات سبليت بالرياض

تركيب مكيفات سبليت شمال الرياض

صيانة مكيفات سبليت بالرياض

شركة النقل السريع said...

النقل السريع

شركة النقل السريع

نقل عفش جدة

نقل عفش جده

دينا نقل عفش جدة

دينا نقل عفش جده

دينا لنقل العفش بجدة

دينا نقل عفش بجدة

دينا نقل عفش خارج جدة

شركة تخزين اثاث بجدة

شركة تخزين عفش بجدة

كم اسعار تخزين العفش بجدة

تخزين اثاث بجدة

افضل شركة تخزين اثاث بجدة

تخزين عفش جدة

نجار جدة

نجار بجدة

نجار بجده

نجار في جدة

نجار في جده

محلات نجارة في جدة

نجار جدة حي الصفا

افضل نجار بجده

نجار حي النسيم جدة

نجار جدة حي السلامة

افضل نجار في جدة

نجار رخيص بجدة

رقم نجار في جده

شركة نقل عفش بجدة

شركه نقل عفش بجده

شركة نقل عفش بجدة نقلتك

نقل عفش بجدة

نقل عفش بجده

نقل اثاث الرويس

دباب نقل عفش جدة

دباب نقل عفش جده

رقم دباب توصيل جده

دباب لنقل العفش بجدة

شركة العاصمة للتنظيف بالرياض said...

شركة تنظيف جنوب الرياض

شركة نظافة بالرياض

شركة النظافة العامة بالرياض

شركه نظافه بالرياض

شركة نظافة عامة بالرياض

شركه نظافه عامه بالرياض

افضل شركة نظافة بالرياض

شركة نظافة الرياض

افضل شركه نظافه بالرياض

شركات نظافة في الرياض

عمال نظافة بالرياض

شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض

شركة رش مبيدات شرق الرياض

افضل شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض

اسعار رش مبيدات بالرياض

شركة رش مبيدات حشرية بالرياض

شركة رش مبيدات الحشرات بالرياض

شركة رش مبيدات شمال الرياض

شركة رش مبيدات جنوب الرياض

شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض

افضل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض

غسيل مسابح بالرياض

شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض

شركة مكافحة حشرات شرق الرياض

شركه مكافحه حشرات بالرياض

افضل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض

شركة مكافحة حشرات شمال الرياض

شركة مكافحة حشرات جنوب الرياض

شركة المملكة للتنظيف said...

شركة تنظيف منازل جنوب الرياض
شركة تنظيف وتعقيم منازل بالرياض
سباك بالرياض
سباك الرياض
سباك شرق الرياض
رقم سباك الرياض
سباك شمال الرياض
سباك ٢٤ ساعة الرياض
سباك في الرياض
فني سباك بالرياض
رقم سباك شرق الرياض
افضل سباك شرق الرياض
معلم سباكة بالرياض
كهربائي منازل بالرياض
فني كهربائي منازل بالرياض
كهربائي بالرياض
كهربائي منازل شرق الرياض
كهربائي شمال الرياض
رقم كهربائي منازل بالرياض
كهربائي منازل في الرياض
كهربائي منازل شمال الرياض
كهربائي منازل غرب الرياض

شركة المملكة للتنظيف said...

افضل شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض
شركة تنظيف قصور
صيانة افران الغاز بالرياض
شركة تنظيف افران بالرياض
شركة تنظيف افران الغاز بالرياض
شركة تنظيف وصيانة افران الغاز بالرياض
شركة تنظيف افران غاز بالرياض
شركة تنظيف ارضيات بالرياض
شركة تنظيف ارضيات
ماكينة تنظيف الأرضيات الرياض
شركة تنظيف الحوش بالرياض
شركة تنظيف الحوش
عمال تنظيف الحوش
عمال ينظفون الحوش
شركة مكافحة الفئران بالرياض
شركة مكافحة فئران بالرياض
افضل شركة مكافحة الفئران بالرياض
مكافحة الفئران بالرياض
مكافحة القوارض الرياض

مظلات الكويت said...

مظلات حدائق متحركة الكويت

مظلات الحدائق

مظلات حدائق رخيصة

افكار مظلات حدائق

حداد مظلات الكويت

حداد مظلات

رقم حداد مظلات

حداد مظلات رخيص

حداد مظلات في الكويت

حداد مظلات الجهراء

برجولات خشبية للحدائق

برجولات خشبية للاسطح

تركيب برجولات خشبية

مظلات برجولات


برجولات خشبية للبلكونات

تركيب مظلات جلسات

مظلات جلسات

مظلات جلسات خارجية

مظلات جلسات حدائق

مظلات الكويت said...

مظلات جلسات خارجية ساكو

جلسات مظلات حدائق

تركيب جلسات خارجية

مظلة جلسات خارجية

مظلات مسابح

تغطية المسابح

افكار لتغطية المسابح

تغطية المسابح الخارجية

تغطية المسابح بالزجاج

خيام القاضي

القاضي للخيام

خيمة القاضي

القاضي للخيام ولوازم الرحلات

شركة القاضي للخيام

خيمة المجلس من القاضي للخيام

تنسيق حدائق الكويت

تنسيق حدائق

شركة تنسيق حدائق

افكار تنسيق حدائق

تنسيق حدائق منزلية صغيرة

تنسيق حدائق فلل

تنسيق الحدائق المنزلية

تنسيق حدائق في الكويت

شركة المثلث لنقل العفش said...

شركة المثلث لنقل العفش بالرياض

شركة المثلث لنقل العفش

المثلث لنقل الاثاث

اسعار شركة المثلث لنقل الاثاث

شركات نقل عفش داخل الرياض

اسعار شركات نقل العفش بالرياض

شركات نقل العفش في الرياض

شركات نقل بالرياض

شركات نقل عفش الرياض

افضل شركات نقل العفش بالرياض

دليل شركات نقل العفش بالرياض

ارقام شركات نقل عفش بالرياض

شركات نقل العفش بالرياض

شركات نقل عفش بالرياض

ارقام نقل اثاث بالرياض

شركة الصفرات لنقل الاثاث بالرياض

شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض

شركة نقل اثاث في الرياض

شركة نقل الاثاث بالرياض

شركه نقل اثاث بالرياض

شركة المثلث لنقل العفش said...

نقل اثاث بالرياض

نقل اثاث في الرياض

شركة نقل عفش غرب الرياض

شركه نقل عفش غرب الرياض

نقل عفش غرب الرياض

شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض

شركات تنظيف المكيفات بالرياض

شركة تنظيف مكيفات سبليت بالرياض

كشف تسربات المياه said...

كشف تسربات المياه بشمال الرياض

افضل شركة تسربات بالرياض

كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض شركة البيوت

اسعار كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض

ارقام كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض

تسربات المياه بالرياض

كشف تسربات المياه said...

شركة الصفرات لكشف التسربات بالرياض

شركة الصفرات لكشف تسربات المياه بالرياض

شركة تسربات المياه بالرياض

افضل شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض

شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض المعتمدة

شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض

كشف تسرب المياه بالرياض

ركن المدينة للتنظيف said...

شركات تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة

انشاء مسابح بالمدينة المنورة

شركة غسيل مسابح بالمدينة المنورة

ركن المدينة للتنظيف said...

شركة مكافحة الفئران بالمدينه المنورة

شركة رش مبيدات بالمدينة المنورة

شركه رش مبيدات بالمدينه المنوره

سيد حماصه said...

يلا شوت

yalla shoot

yalla-shoot-4u said...

ايجي ناو

yalla-shoot-4u said...

يلا شوت

halahussein said...

شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض للقصيم

شركة نقل عفش داخل الرياض

halahussein said...

ارقام دينات بالرياض | ارقام دينات نقل عفش بالرياض

halahussein said...

ارقام دينات نقل عفش | ارقام دينات نقل عفش بالرياض |

halahussein said...

دينات نقل عفش بالرياض | نقل عفش حي العزيزية

halahussein said...

تفكيك اثاث | شركة نقل عفش فك وتركيب |

halahussein said...

| كشف تسرب الخزان الارضي | كشف تسربات الخزانات |

halahussein said...

شركة تنظيف اثاث بالرياض
غسيل اثاث في الرياض

halahussein said...

شركة الصفرات لتنظيف المجالس بالرياض

افضل شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض

halahussein said...

شركة جلي بلاط بالرياض

افضل شركة جلي بلاط بالرياض

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