If anyone had any doubts what the Russians did (and tried to do) to help trump, those doubts should be removed after listening to what Robert Mueller said in his f**k you Bill Barr press conference yesterday. Mueller finally came out from hiding and told America that if Mr. trump (AKA Individual Number One) wasn't the president of the United States he would have prosecuted his ass just like he did all the other crooks who surrounded him. He told us that prosecuting the president was never an option, though, because under the rules he was playing by he was not allowed to.
Mr. Mueller is not alone. There are over a thousand federal prosecutors who said that there was enough there to charge trump as well. It's sad that we didn't hear from Mr. Mueller before Barr jumped out and tried to spin things in trump's favor, because Americans have such a short attention span when it comes to these things.
Trump, of course, was not pleased with Mr. Mueller's presser, and he has been tweeting up a storm ever since. He even called Bill O'Liely in the middle of the night to complain that Mueller didn't like him because he (trump) wouldn't give him his money back after a golf club experience went wrong.
I don;t think innocent people act this way, do you?
Sadly, none of this will make any of the trumpbots change their feelings about Mr. trump, because they are just too vested in being a part of MAGA world. Hopefully the independents in the country who determine the outcome of elections will look at this and see that the emperor has no clothes, and that he is nothing more than just a two bit conman.
Trump is orange and fat and emits lots of “freedom gas.”
If Mueller had anything on Trump he would have said so in the conclusions of his report.
With your mail-in law degree, and since you aren't an American, I wouldn't expect you to understand our system of jurisprudence.
A prosecutor's job is not to prove innocence, it is to try to compile sufficient evidence to prove guilt.
Mueller failed at this task, despite heading an investigation with unprecedented resources and powers. Now he is attempting to placate his Deep State sponsors by nervously pushing the Democrats into impeachment proceedings.
This will be a disaster for the Dems because every sane person knows there was no collusion and no obstruction into the investigation.
The American people will recoil at this attempt to subvert the results of democracy, and will take the Democrats to the wood shed.
The census citizenship question was crafted to benefit citizens.
This is what our government is supposed to do.
More white women need to be getting abortions.
Mueller wasn't hired to prosecute. only investigate and turn over the findings to a normal Attorney General, but since Drumpf hires the worst of the scum, that was an impossible task for Mueller.
Barr was brought on because he is fiercely partisan and will do what is necessary to protect Drumpf from any criminal charges and he won't necessarily do it legally. He has a track record that should shame any decent human being that believes that government people aren't above the law.
Getting good CCW shoots by brave citizens fighting savage negroes in Chicago this week.
Bill Barr said pretty clearly during his Senate testimony (at 00:34:25):
Now, we first heard that the special counsel's decision not to decide the obstruction issue at the March 5th meeting when he came over to the department and we were frankly surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this. Special counsel Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting in response to our questioning that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLP opinion he would have found obstruction. He said that in the future the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion but this is not such a case. We did not understand exactly why the special counsel was not reaching a decision..
This assertion was reiterated half an hour later, after Senator Grassley asked Barr for explicit confirmation of what Mueller had told him and his group (01:03:00):
Yes, he reiterated several times in the group meeting that he was not saying that but for the OLC opinion he would have found obstruction.
Of course you'll say Barr is lying. Why else would he say that? I’ll let Robert Mueller's office answer that question. Here’s a joint statement that it put out with the DOJ yesterday:
The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice. The Special Counsel's report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination -- one way or the other -- about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements.
So Mueller admits he did say this -- or he admits that Barr's statement is true, which, then, indirectly admits that he said his determination was not due to the OLC guidance.
Barr says that Mueller could have reached a conclusion on obstruction, and that the rule did not prohibit him. He remains confused, as we all do, as to why Muller chose to do Democrats a huge favor and try to find some excuse for impeachment.
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"The census citizenship question was crafted to benefit citizens."
Sure, then why lie about it? Alterior motives.
Redlining from 1938-1967 is less relevant to black home values in 2019 than has been black behavior from 1968-2019.
Going to be awesome living as a dissident in a country where “we can’t prove you didn’t commit a crime” counts as guilt.
Popcorn time said...
"This will be a disaster for the Dems because every sane person knows there was no collusion and no obstruction into the investigation."
Obviously you haven't read the report. LOL
Anonymous said...
"The census citizenship question was crafted to benefit citizens."
8:43 PM
Yup, white, Republican citizens.
Granny Racist doesn't count blacks as citizens.
Progress said...
"Going to be awesome living as a dissident in a country where “we can’t prove you didn’t commit a crime” counts as guilt."
11:22 PM
Mueller's mandate was never to prove innocence or guilt of the president. Mueller's charge was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and then turn over his findings to the Attorney General, which he did.
Proving guilt or innocence of a president is the purview of the Senate after the House of Representatives files Articles of Impeachment and presents the evidence against him/her.
Anonymous said...
"Granny Racist doesn't count blacks as citizens.
11:43 PM
You've lost your touch. Your posts used to be funny; now they're just boring.
"Mueller's charge was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and then turn over his findings to the Attorney General, which he did."
"Redlining from 1938-1967 is less relevant to black home values in 2019 than has been black behavior from 1968-2019."
But 3-4 billion means a lot. Lots of good schools, college degrees,, ect.
It didn't surprise me that right wingers didn't understand the Mueller report because they don't read real good.
It doesn't surprise me that they don't understand what Mueller said on TV because they haven't read the report that he said was his real testimony, and their propaganda is screaming "EXONERATION!!!!!" at them 24/7 with the volume turned up to twelve.
None of that changes what the report actually said: "If we could have said the president didn't commit a crime, we would have done so."
And on the lighter side:
-Doug in Oakland
Watching Chris Hayes' show and there was an older lady who hadn't heard any negative stories about trump and when Mueller talked that was the first time she heard any inkling about his complicity in any wrongdoing. She finally learned she was in the conservative bubble. Hopefully she'll expand her media exposure.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
From Sheilah Kennedy's blog.......If you Google “Trump Administration Corruption,” you will get 38 million hits. One of the most recent is a Bloomberg Interactive titled “Tracking the Trump Administration Scandals.”(Due to the large number of said scandals, the site allows you to sort by category: administration officials, Trump and his family, the Trump Organization and Trump associates, etc.)
If you are particularly interested in 2018, there’s Washington Monthly’s “A Year in Trump Corruption.” And last October, The New York Times published “Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List.”
For you stoopid fucking wingnuts out there, the creme de la creme of the worst other administrations would not make a pimple on the ass of Drumpfuck's corrupt orange ass.
PilotX said...
"Watching Chris Hayes' show"
There's your problem.
"There's your problem."
His show actually exposed a big problem,the conservative media bubble.
Another day, another wingnut perjurer.
"If you Google “Trump Administration Corruption,” you will get 38 million hits."
When there is an insatiable demand for content, the market responds.
What you are referencing is TDS porn.
In truth, Donald Trump has committed no crimes while in office, and any ethical lapses amoog his administration have been minor and quickly dealt with.
Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, and Bruce Ohr have all committed crimes much more serious than any administration in history. If this country is to survive, those responsible for the gross abuses of power that occurred from 2009-2016 must be held accountable.
Drumpf has lied to investigators-every day he has been bogus potus he has lied.
Suborning perjury- telling Cohen to lie on his behalf.
Witness tampering.
Trying to influence judges and juries, esp in Drumpf fake Uni case.
Violations of the emoluments clause of the constitution.
All crimes and all impeachable offenses.
PilotX said...
"His show actually exposed a big problem,the conservative media bubble."
From deep inside the progressive media bubble, at Lunatic Central, MSNBC.
If you don't understand at this point that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a false charge designed to cover up actual documented Russian collusion by Hillary and the spying on the Trump campaign perpetrated by the Obama administration, you are stuck in that bubble.
The case now consists of accusing Trump of complaining about being investigated for a crime he didn't commit. Good luck with that.
Don't forget taking money under false pretenses- pretending to be potus when he was illegally elected.
It'll be a good laugh when Trump gets indicted. He may not get impeached and removed from office but he won't win re-election.
"If you don't understand at this point that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a false charge designed to cover up actual documented Russian collusion by Hillary and the spying on the Trump campaign perpetrated by the Obama administration, you are stuck in that bubble."
☝🏾️Exhibit A of the conservative media bubble.
"Exhibit A of the conservative media bubble."
Let me help you with this. Exhibit B from the liberal media:
A two year investigation found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The Obama administration used the FBI and the CIA to spy on the Trump campaign.
This spying was justified using an unverified 'dossier' alleging Russia had dirt on Trump.
This dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign through law firm Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS.
The money went to Russian intelligence operatives through a foreign agent (Christopher Steele).
The FBI falsely presented the dossier as verified in the FISA applications to spy on Trump.
The Russian lawyer who initiated the Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. worked with Fusion GPS, and met with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson immediately prior to and after the meeting.
The meeting between George Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud was a FBI/CIA set up.
"A two year investigation found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia."
That's not true. The Mueller report found ample evidence of Russian meddling into the2016 election which it was specifically authorized to do. The report had nothing to do with trump. It wasn't designed to find collusion. More conservative media spin.
As far as the rest of your "evidence" you can't use wikipedia as a primary source and you know the Federalist is a biased conservative site thus confirming you are stuck in a conservative media bubble.
The Steele dossier and opposition research was originally the work product of a Republican primary opponent of trump. Nothing fishy there. Nice try.
Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack are under investigation. And lastly there were several indictments and convictions based on Mueller's investigation. Those convictions included members of trump's administration. Collusion or no it found wrong doing and possible obstruction of justice.
Anonymous Reality-based community said...
"Exhibit A of the conservative media bubble."
Let me help you with this. Exhibit B from the liberal media
Read the report. You are living in an alternate universe. Time to leave it.
Russian meddling had nothing to do with Trump, and you are being dishonest about the political reasons for initiating the Mueller investigation.
Wikipedia footnotes entries.
Nine links, and one you deem biased. So scratch that and read a left-wing source on Mifsud:
The Steele dossier had many fathers, but you are again being dishonest by ignoring the fact that Hillary used campaign funds to pay Russians for dirt on Trump.
All of the convictions stemming from the Mueller investigation were for process crimes. Those individuals who were ensnared in their own misstatements have only themselves to blame, but without the investigation there would have been no crimes.
I find it curious that you have absolutely no interest in getting to the bottom of what appears to be the worst abuse of power by a presidential administration in history.
One link misposted:
The FBI falsely presented the dossier as verified in the FISA applications to spy on Trump.
The FISA application will eventually be declassified and we'll know.
You kind of prove the relevance of my post. Conservative media hides any misdeeds of the trump administration and instead deflects by bringing up FISA applications, Hillary Clinton, ect. This is exactly what happens in the conservative media bubble. It was eye opening to this one lady who only gets her news from conservative outlets what Mueller actually said. That's all. It should be instructive to all of us to diversify our media consumption.
"Read the report. You are living in an alternate universe. Time to leave it."
It's interesting that the only Republican who claims to have read the entire report is pushing for impeachment. This could mean a few things, 1. the report is damning and if you have read it and do nothing you're complicit or 2. claim you haven't read it which makes you incompetent. Republicans seem to be in a lose lose position in regard to the report.
"Russian meddling had nothing to do with Trump, and you are being dishonest about the political reasons for initiating the Mueller investigation."
Never said it did. The reason for the Mueller report is not political, it was to get to the bottom of how Russia hacked out elections and how to prevent it again in the future. All intelligence agencies stated that Russia meddled in our elections as a matter of fact. Now do I think it's weird that trump has numerous connections to the same country that meddled in our election? As former intelligence professional Malcom Nance sai, I paraphrase of course "in intelligence there are no such things as coincidences."
PilotX said...
"The reason for the Mueller report is not political"
"You kind of prove the relevance of my post. Conservative media hides any misdeeds of the trump administration and instead deflects by bringing up FISA applications, Hillary Clinton,"
It is a matter of degree, relevance, and equal application of the law.
All of the alleged misdeeds of the Trump administration pale in comparison to using the intelligence community to spy on the opposition campaign to try to swing an election.
And the whole basis of asserting the election was 'stolen' was that Trump colluded with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary. From what we know from a very extensive investigation, this did not happen.
But we do know from publicly disclosed information, that Hillary actually did collude with Russians to get dirt on Trump.
That sir, is deflection.
The Steele dossier had many fathers, but you are again being dishonest by ignoring the fact that Hillary used campaign funds to pay Russians for dirt on Trump.
Bullshit. You have no proof HRC even knew of the existence of the dossier, let alone approved it or used campaign funds.
We do know Drumpf solicited foreign governments to contribute to his campaign- a clear violation of campaign laws.
"It's interesting that the only Republican who claims to have read the entire report is pushing for impeachment. This could mean a few things, 1. the report is damning and if you have read it and do nothing you're complicit or 2. claim you haven't read it which makes you incompetent."
Or 3., Justin Amash is a Never Trumper who vowed never to support Trump back in August of 2016:
Justin Amash has a long record of voting Democrat, and is the Chairman of the House Liberty Caucus, "limited government, free markets, and individual liberty". Amash is the son of a Syrian immigrant mother and Palestinian father. He knew that the media would shower him with positive press, as they do any 'Republican' who criticizes their own side. So he cashed in.
Wiki is not reliable as anyone can change, add or delete information at will.
"Bullshit. You have no proof HRC even knew of the existence of the dossier, let alone approved it or used campaign funds."
Her campaign spent between $5.6 and $8 million funding the dossier. Are you saying she had no knowledge of such a large expenditure?
"Wiki is not reliable as anyone can change, add or delete information at will."
"Wiki is not reliable as anyone can change, add or delete information at will."
Yes and no. Changes eventually get reviewed and reversed if they're invalid. Vandalism usually doesn't stay on the site for long.
However, it is not a primary source. Wikipedia doesn't do any research, so it can be worthwhile to check the footnotes and see where the Wikipedia editors have gotten their information. Particularly if you're talking about a topic that is contentious/heavily disputed.
From real clear politics- Perkins Coie then engaged Fusion GPS in April 2016 “to perform a variety of research services during the 2016 election cycle,” according to the letter.
This is where 5 million bucks went, not for the dossier.
Mueller pulled a Comey. You all remember Comey's infamous statement to the press that went like this, "Yeah, Hillary is probably guilty of all kinds of shit that would land anyone else behind bars in a Federal PMITA prison, but I'm not going to recommend prosecution."
And then he invented a whole new legal standard out of thin air: It was because they couldn't prove that she had 'criminal intent' when she did her illegal activities. This lame excuse had legal analysts from coast to coast scratching their heads.
Fast forward to Mueller's statement to the press. He said that that Trump wasn't exonerated because they couldn't prove he didn't do things to collude or obstruct justice. Like Comey, Mueller just pulled a whole new legal standard right out of his ass.
If you're Hillary, they have to be able to prove you intended to break the law and you knew you were breaking it before a guilty verdict could ever be considered. And if you're Donald Trump, you're guilty until proven innocent.
Again, these are new legal standards, never seen before, and what relates them to each other is that both were invented so the corrupt left can get what it wants. They cloak themselves in a veneer of legitimacy to disguise their grab for power. That's why, when they write books, the usually manage to work in words such as 'truth' or 'higher' or 'duty' or 'loyalty' in the title. As if their lofty intentions are all so noble and pure. But it's all a sham. I'd sooner trust a Scientology affidavit than believe any of these progressive corruptocrats are telling the truth about anything.
Here is Drumpfuck lying again,(the Hill) Trump, who has claimed that former FBI Director James Comey and others engaged in “treason,” has been accused of trying to go after his political enemies by supporting Barr’s investigation. Last week, Trump said he issued the directive for the purpose of transparency.
“I don’t care about payback,” the president told reporters. “I think it's very important for our country to find out what happened.”
Drumpf is all about payback and always has been.
Mueller pulled a Comey. You all remember Comey's infamous statement to the press that went like this, "Yeah, Hillary is probably guilty of all kinds of shit that would land anyone else behind bars in a Federal PMITA prison, but I'm not going to recommend prosecution."
Comey said nothing like that. He did say this would not be prosecuted because lack of intent to commit a crime on HRC's part.
So where is the investigation of Drumpf's entire cabinet using personal servers, including the grope toy and her incompetent hubby?
Fast forward to Mueller's statement to the press. He said that that Trump wasn't exonerated because they couldn't prove he didn't do things to collude or obstruct justice. Like Comey, Mueller just pulled a whole new legal standard right out of his ass.
Another stretch of the written record. Mueller said if Drumpf did not commit a crime they would have said so. Far cry from the garbage Anymoose is spouting.
Telling statement from mow rawn who claimed Drumpf was spied on before he was given the AG job- “Like many other people who are familiar with intelligence activities, I had a lot of questions about what was going on,” Barr said during an interview with “CBS This Morning,” which aired Friday. “I assumed I’d get answers when I went in, and I have not gotten answers that are, well, satisfactory, and in fact I probably have more questions, and that some of the facts that, that I’ve learned don’t hang together with the official explanations of what happened.”
Of course he didn't get the answers he wanted. He doesn't want the truth. He is out there to fit the facts to Drumpf's claims of being spied on. That is all that matters to stoopid fucking wingnuts. They are, as a totality, guilty of treason against the United States of America and need to be treated as such.l
“Mueller pulled a Comey. You all remember Comey's infamous statement to the press that went like this, "Yeah, Hillary is probably guilty of all kinds of shit that would land anyone else behind bars in a Federal PMITA prison, but I'm not going to recommend prosecution."
No, Comey said Hillary did a bunch of stuff that was unwise and irresponsible from the standpoint of information security, but he couldn’t prosecute because it wasn’t actually illegal. (A conclusion that he could have reached without ever having done an investigation, by the way.)
Mueller said that it wasn’t his place to prosecute a sitting president, and therefore he wouldn’t make a formal accusation of obstruction, and instead left it up to Congress to make the determination as to whether to impeach based on the evidence he’d gathered.
These two things are not the same.
>Comey said Hillary did a bunch of stuff that was unwise and irresponsible from the standpoint of information security, but he couldn’t prosecute because it wasn’t actually illegal.<
You are lying again.
What Comey said:
“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
“Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges. There are obvious considerations like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions and how similar situations have been handled in the past.”
“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions, but that’s not what we’re deciding now. As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.”
“There are obvious considerations like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent.”
Intent is a critical part of felony violations of the civilian version of the Espionage Act. At minimum, you have to intentionally give classified information to an unauthorized party. Merely leaving classified information in a less than secure area where it could potentially be stolen does not meet the threshold of criminality.
This is why Comey said “no charges are appropriate.” Because neither he nor any other prosecutor would win that case. Her actions were not illegal.
As for the rest of his editorializing to the effect that other people have been fired for similar actions ... that’s possibly true, but totally irrelevant to the question of whether Hillary Clinton broke the law.
Catherine Rampell at Taegan Goddard's "Political Wire" today.
“Amid calls for impeachment, a persistently underwater approval rating, subpoenas for financial records and an ever-growing list of scandals, the strong economy is pretty much the only thing President Trump has going for him right now. It’s his best shot at reelection. And for some reason he seems keen on destroying it.”
"All of the alleged misdeeds of the Trump administration pale in comparison to using the intelligence community to spy on the opposition campaign to try to swing an election."
And yet no charges have been filed? No subpoenas of witnesses? Other than Sean Hannity and other conservative talking heads this deep state BS is the stuff of tin foil hat conspiracists. There is NO evidence of this whatsoever, but nice deflection away from trump and Russia. Brava, you really know your talking points. Step out of the bubble every once in a while.
I told you they don't read real good.
-Doug in Oakland
“... the strong economy is pretty much the only thing President Trump has going for him right now. It’s his best shot at reelection. And for some reason he seems keen on destroying it.”
And that reason is that Trump is not a business “genius.” He is an economic illiterate who has surrounded himself with other economic illiterates that encourage him to start pointless trade wars with foreign countries.
To paraphrase Bill Clinton, “It’s the stupidity, stupid.”
Smells like teen spir....smells like obstruction, again.
Be sure to read the voicemail transcript. Sure sounds like attempt to obstruct justice.
Federal judge blocks Misery from shutting down last operating abortion clinic. At least for now.
This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.
Anonymous said...
These two things are not the same.
2:59 PM
You have written a very clear explanation, but I don't think the people you are discussing this with can understand how these two things are different. They are accustomed to making illogical deductions based on hasty generalizations.
"All of the alleged misdeeds of the Trump administration pale in comparison to using the intelligence community to spy on the opposition campaign to try to swing an election."
Before every election, Republicans purge legitimate Democratic voters from the registration rolls in every state where they control the Secretary of State office. That's a much bigger misdeed than investigating the campaign of a candidate who acts like he is in Putin's pocket.
Mueller report edited messages to make them appear more damaging, full transcript of this phone call reveals Dowd’s message was pretty typical for a lawyer and he clearly states he’s not interested in any confidential info. What else did they manipulate?:
Should be noted this is now the second manipulative edit by Mueller’s team. Rtskhiladze lawyer demanded a retraction of the inaccurate portrayal of their client and noted the special counsel had all of the interactions but didn’t disclose them.
Today Trump's Attorney General, Bill Barr said:...
Regarding the Mueller Report:
"It's just not jiving." WTF? Is jiving a legal term now? Or has Bill already learned to talk like Trump?
TRUMP 2020!!
Oh yeah, it's "spying" on a campaign to look into the fact that the future national security advisor was working as an unregistered foreign agent of Turkey during the campaign and transition and for a while after being appointed NSA still advocated on Turkey's behalf.
-Doug in Oakland
Another Negro mass shooter in Va. Beach, Field don't you think we should ban negroes from having access to guns since they are 75% of all mass shooters? What say you on this Commie followers of the Fraud Negro?
Cops didn't arrest this blaCK guy and buy him dinner at a fast food restaurant? Fucking raCIST and discrimating pigs!
In Flynn's case it was a good thing he was caught dealing off the bottom of the deck and that alerted Intel of skullduggery to follow. And statrted Drumpfuck lying and lying and lying and lying.
As for the black shooter, you can't prove collusion or obstruction of justice. So don't even bother.
Chicago Final May 2019 Totals
Shot & Killed: 51
Shot & Wounded: 203
Total Shot: 254
Total Homicides: 56
Nunes' argument followed the release by prosecutors of a voicemail left by one of Trump's attorneys in 2017 with a lawyer for Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser who became a crucial cooperator for Mueller. The voicemail from Dowd came on the eve of Flynn's decision to abandon a joint defense agreement with Trump and begin working with Mueller. In his report's volume on obstruction of justice, Mueller highlighted excerpts of the voicemail noting that Trump's lawyer, John Dowd, asked for a heads up on any information that "implicates the president" and mentioned Trump's "feelings toward Flynn."
On Friday, Mueller's team released a full transcript of the voicemail on the order of a federal judge. In the fuller transcript, Dowd had indicated he wanted a heads up "not only for the president but for the country."
Mueller didn't change any of the voicemail, he highlighted important parts and wingnuts are lying through their teeth again.
Good read and proves conclusively Barr is not about seeking truth, just protecting Drumpfuck's rotten orange ass.
Dirty politics done wingnut?Russia style.
Poor little Stevie, Italy won't let him start his "Nazi U" there.
Perhaps they remember what happens when you let Nazis run amok better than he does.
-Doug in Oakland
'Nother interesting tidbit to read about wingnut's attempts to cheat elections
These fuckers never quit.
Mueller reminds us it was Drumpf that betrayed America by siding with Putin against all our intel agencies over Russia hacking and election interference.
Trump is basically begging you Dems/Socialists/Progressives to impeach him.
Why keep talking about it? DO IT!
I know why.
“Poor little Stevie, Italy won't let him start his ‘Nazi U’ there.
Perhaps they remember what happens when you let Nazis run amok better than he does.”
Sounds more like they wouldn’t approve the building’s lease because Bannon and his buddies engaged in some financial shenanigans on their application (shocking, I know).
Unfortunately, I can't say I am confident Italy will mount any kind of ideological opposition to his Nazi school. The Italian deputy prime minister at the moment, Matteo Salvini, is pretty fascistic himself. They seem to have forgotten how bad things got under Mussolini (whose granddaughter is now a far-right-wing national legislator).
Dems had the opportunity to investigaTE dumbass dubya for war crimes but decided when Obama was elected to get to work rescuing America's econo0my from stoopid fucking wingnut assaults.
Obama took the high road, got the economy turned around and growing while getting unemployment numbers down, the stock market back into record territory and then wingnuts crucified Dems for saving America and set out to destroy us once again, just like they always do when they get power.
As for impeachment, wingnuts politicized that back when WJC was railroaded by militant stoopid fucking wingnuts and they have again already decided not to even stage a trial in the sinate if Dems do impeach Drumpfuck the dumbfuck criminal.
They don't even pretend to uphold the constitution, they're too busy wiping their shitholes with it.
> Like Comey, Mueller just pulled a whole new legal standard right out of his ass.
Like Comey. Like Comey.
So "mike from iowa" ADMITS that Hillary was guilty of criminal mis-handling of classified information and should have been under indictment and out of the 2016 presidential race, not even a candidate, and all the Trumped-up nonsense about "muh Russia" shouldn't ever have seen the light of day because under proper handling of Hillary it would have been utterly moot.
The libturdian Freudian slips in the comments here are amazing! They prove that not even the libturds believe the crap they push. They're scared.
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