What the heck was up with Mueller today? Poor thing, he looked like he didn't want to be there, and what's worse is he probably shouldn't have been there because of his health. Throw in the fact that he was bending over backwards to be objective and not to seem partisan, and the entire thing could have been one big disaster for the dems. I say could have been, because the only thing preventing it from being a total disaster was that the democrats still had the facts on their side. And when all is said and done, Mueller still had to pretty much admit that he could not say for a fact that had Mr. trump been Joe Blow Citizen he would not have been charged with a crime. He flat out said that his report did not exonerate Mr. trump.
The dems were also saved by a couple of congressmen (and women) who asked some pretty good questions. I am not quite sure what the dems expected. I warned folks yesterday on twitter not to get excited about Mr. Mueller's testimony, because I expected that he would do exactly what he did today. I also said that no matter what he said the cult of trump would still be with him one hundred percent. They would just try to find more ways to discredit him and the investigation.
As bad as Mueller was today, you just know that it might have been even worse for the president, because optics can only take you so far. At some point the cold hard facts have to mean something. trump blew up on reporters today, because in spite of how he might try to spin it, he has to know that reasonable people all realize that he is a crook.
Now, not surprisingly, while Nancy dithers more democrats are calling for the impeachment of Mr. trump. It wasn't Mueller's testimony today that did it, but rather, it was all the facts that were outlined in the report that he prepared.
Remember that when the pundit class start talking about optics and all the theater surrounding these hearings. It's all about the facts.
This was always destined to be a frustrating day for Bob Mueller.
He was going to have to answer the Democrats' questions with: "No, I am not allowed to tell you that Trump committed crimes, because dumb DOJ rules force me to pretend to have no opinion on the matter."
And he was going to have to answer the Republicans' questions with: "No, I am not a biased, secret enemy of Donald Trump, working hand in hand with the Democrats in a 'witch hunt' to bring him down, regardless of what the evidence reveals."
They were going to grill him for hours, and his testimony wasn't going to make anybody happy.
His supporters don't care about the hearing just like they don't care about the report. They like it that he is a crook who got help from Russia to get elected, because they are horrible people and basically just suck.
However it may have looked to idiots who were maybe expecting a 74 year old white Republican to ride in and slay the Fergusdragon, what he said today was damning to the president and his band of fuck ups and saboteurs in the extreme, and any other presidency so far would be over because of it.
Why isn't this one over because of it?
Republicans, especially senate Republicans are why.
They are so venal and corrupt that they don't care what the destruction of the norms that have heretofore held the government, and by extension the country together do to us going forward as long as it keeps them in power right now.
And as for impeachment, it's not time to begin with it just yet.
Were they to begin proceedings tomorrow, and successfully impeach him, Mitch the fuck McConnell would acquit him in the senate just in time for Fergus to begin braying "TOTAL EXONERATION!!" right as the campaign starts heating up next year.
If they wait and call witnesses to more committee hearings to build a case among voters who don't normally follow this shit until say, spring, and then hold the impeachment hearings on live TV right after the conventions, and maybe even drag it out past the election so Mitch never gets a chance to acquit him before the votes are cast, then we can beat him with it, despite the next-level cheating they will be engaging in, and the possibility that he would refuse to accept the outcome of a close election loss.
We have to really stomp the fuck out of him next year at the ballot box, too many people's lives are hanging in the balance to fuck this up.
Just say "Merrick Garland" under your breath and you'll know what to do and when to do it.
-Doug in Oakland
Blogger dinthebeast said...
His supporters don't care about the hearing just like they don't care about the report. They like it that he is a crook who got help from Russia to get elected, because they are horrible people and basically just suck.
OK. So you make an accusation. PROVE IT.
Mueller, and all his legal team of Hillary/Dem supporte couldn;t after ten years, and 30-something million dollars. He obvious is suffering from on-set Alzheimer's. Lucid one minute; oblivious the next. He doesn't even know who wrote the damn report!
I told you Socialists you were making a big mistake subpoenaing Mueller, several posts ago. Deny it. I had no idea it would be THAT big a mistake.
Please excuse my typos.
1:01 AM
Blogger dinthebeast said...
We have to really stomp the fuck out of him next year at the ballot box, too many people's lives are hanging in the balance to fuck this up.
-Doug in Oakland
1:13 AM
Just who's life is "hanging in the balance"? That fat black woman and her three niglets running like around like little Ubangis at the line in McDonald's, paying with her EBT card?
I would have kicked my child's ass, if it behaved like that.
Trump declined requests for an in-person interview, and the special counsel sought an interview for “more than a year,” getting written responses in late November 2018 that included more than 30 “does not ‘recall’ or ‘remember’ or have an ‘independent recollection’” answers.
Remember -people and stoopid fucking Drumpfuck supporters, Drumpf has claimed many times to have the world's best memory. You mean he lied again?
Calm down, Queenie. You'll have a stroke. Wait. What? You're gay? Then have another stroke.And another and another.
Queenie, how does it feel to defend the actions of a spoiled 2 year old brat pretending to be the leader of the free world?
From iowa, it makes you look demonstrably foolish and rash.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Trump declined requests for an in-person interview, and the special counsel sought an interview for “more than a year,” getting written responses in late November 2018 that included more than 30 “does not ‘recall’ or ‘remember’ or have an ‘independent recollection’” answers.
Remember -people and stoopid fucking Drumpfuck supporters, Drumpf has claimed many times to have the world's best memory. You mean he lied again?
8:11 AM
Nah, that wasn't lying. That was an FU to Mueller and his minions.
Pray tell us what the underside of Drumpfuck's bus looks like, Queenie. He will throw you there sooner rather than later.
Mueller was testifying under oath, a thing Drumpfuck and wingnuts will never allow to occur because of Drumpf's penchant to perjure his stoopid fucking ass without breaking a sweat.
Hey Mr. Johnson, this is from today's Daily Beast
President Trump, his three children, and his company must face a class-action lawsuit that accuses them of scamming thousands of people with two multilevel marketing operations and a live-seminar program that promised to reveal Trump’s “secrets to success” in real estate, a judge ruled Wednesday. U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield ruled that the lawsuit, filed by four anonymous individuals, can proceed with “fraud, unfair competition, and deceptive trade practices” claims, Bloomberg reports. Their accusations of federal racketeering were dismissed, however. The four plaintiffs had requested anonymity over fears that Trump could publicly blast them on Twitter and spur his followers to retaliate.
This is the man you support. According to you he can do no wrong. But he's a no good gangsdter.
Drumpf is Putin's puppet.
Yuk, yuk. Good luck with that one, you Anonymous plaintiffs.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Drumpf is Putin's puppet.
11:10 AM"
So. Even after reading your own link...you can tell me...honestly, that Trump PURPOSEFULLY posed with that fake seal behind him?
No, you can't. Because you have no concept of honesty. Putin's puppet, my ass. Putin wanted Hillary to win, not Trump!
The stupidity truly hurts.
Johnson at 1:05
It's a class action law suit. The evidence against Trump in this case is so overwhelming that he is going to end up paying millions again. LOL
“Yuk, yuk. Good luck with that one, you Anonymous plaintiffs.”
They won’t need much luck. Trump already settled three class-action lawsuits against his phony, snake-oil Trump “University” — after swearing up and down that he’d never settle, and then whining that it was unfair that the judge was Mexican-American. He was forced to cough up $25 million.
And he’ll settle again, because he knows he’d lose in court again, because he is a shameless fraudster.
Of course, you probably didn’t hear about any of that if the only news you consume comes from worthless wingnut media.
Putin wanted HRC to win. You are fucking batshit crazy. And you have no proof. It has been provenh Putin wanted Drumpf to win which was the point of Russia interfering in the electoral process.
Why should anyone care about what pundits call optics? There is none so blind as those paid to not-see.
Dear Lieutenant Commander:
All Lives Matter Or None Do.
Sure. Who paid GPS for the Steele Dossier? Who supplied most of the info it contained? I guess Putin wanted to sabotage Clinton's campaign with it?
What? GPS? Steele Dossier? Can you repeat that? Where are my Depends...where is my Rosenstien?
See how many question marks I put in that comment. Feel free to answer maybe one or two.
Nah, just call me names. That's easy for you turds.
Field, you should be embarrassed.
They do something wrong, then lie and say YOU did it.
The Georgia Democratic lawmaker who went viral with her claim that she was told to "go back where you came from" at a grocery store was actually the person who made the statement, a Tuesday report said, citing witnesses.
Queenie? Are? you? fucking? nuts? Answer? the? question?
See how many question marks I put in that comment. Feel free to answer maybe one or two.
Or not, it's easier to ignore racist, fat no serving pussies like you. Now go enlist or STFU!
Queenie just the facts- you need to read this 16 hour interrogation Horowitz and Justice department officials did on Steele in London. They found Steele to be very credible and did not refute any of his points in the dossier.
Time to put yer little Drumpfian love fest fantasies to bed and wake up to reality.
Sure. Who paid GPS for the Steele Dossier? Who supplied most of the info it contained? I guess Putin wanted to sabotage Clinton's campaign with it?
Try there first. Then try www.goduckyourselfwithabroom.com
Look at Lt. Commander no serving pussy. Calls names with the best of em and then feels entitled as if someone owes him something. A fat millennial. Cute.
Lt. Commander Johnson said...
"No, you can't. Because you have no concept of honesty. Putin's puppet, my ass. Putin wanted Hillary to win, not Trump!
The stupidity truly hurts."
1:17 PM
Mr. Johnson, I am now convinced that you are a Russian Troll. We who watch news on TV saw Putin admit on live TV that he wanted Trump to win. He also admitted that he had helped Trump win. Now, who are we to believe? You? or our lying eyes and ears?
As for the truth hurting, someday it might if you ever posted any thing that was true.
Last thing I would expect in this world is for some Negro to "give" me a damn thing. Except homicide, rape, and robbery. My tax monies have been giving you Ubangi's money for all my life.
My tax monies have been giving you Ubangi's money for all my life.
Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! This fat fuck from fucking Mississippi who I support with my tax dollars wants to talk about supporting somebody! Bwahahahahahaha! Probably on welfare just like all the other fat assed scooter riding redneck white trash. Keep dreaming Jethro.
Last thing I would expect in this world is for some Negro to "give" me a damn thing.
So why does your dumb ass keep asking for answers to your ignorant and infantile questions? Oh yeah, you're not too bright, you are from the fattest and dumbest state.
Smug, unprincipled weasel Mitch McConnell apparently wants our elections to get hacked again by the Russians.
I guess this is a tacit admission that the GOP know they can't win elections except by cheating.
Lt. Commander Pussy is a trump supporting Republican. Well at least there's no doubt that trump supporters are racist assholes. No shame against voting against such ignorance and we should never be asked again why we vote Democratic.
"give" me a damn thing. Except homicide, rape, and robbery. You really are into big black cock, aren't you? But what if you get homicided first?
Wasdicus just don't get it. ........ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2019/07/25/ole-miss-students-posed-guns-front-emmett-till-memorial/1829450001/
Fed wants to execute federal prisoners again. Politicians first.
Mr. Johnson, I am now convinced that you are a Russian Troll.
You're convinced of tons of things that are total lies, what's one more?
Smug, unprincipled weasel Mitch McConnell apparently wants our elections to get hacked again by the Russians.
So you're for paper ballots cast by people who have to show ID to vote, right? Right?
I guess this is a tacit admission that the GOP know they can't win elections except by cheating.
Democrats can't win elections except by importing millions of non-Americans to out-vote Americans. They proved it in Commiefornia and are rolling it out nation-wide.
Elena, Arkansas in 1919.
"Fighting and gunfire erupted, though it’s still not clear who shot first. The security officer was killed and the deputy wounded.
"More than 200 black men, women and children were killed.... Five white people were killed."
Africans in Africa up against the British did a lot worse than 1:40 odds. Given how grossly fat most black women are, you'd be lucky to get 1:100 today. America could seriously handle those odds.
This is why Africans will lose a race war.
"Just who's life is "hanging in the balance"?"
The babies in cages and their families for one. The next 15,000 people who will die because of Republicans blocking Medicaid expansion, for two. And as a disabled person, me. And as an idiot too stupid to tell when you're being buggered without protection, you.
-Doug in Oakland
"This is why Africans will lose a race war."
I am white, well armed, and shoot well. That is the first reason you are wrong. The US military is the second reason. You being a delusional, paranoid, moron is the third. The rest of the list stretches on past the horizon.
Should you be unfortunate and stupid enough to try bringing your "race war" to Oakland, you will crawl away bleeding, naked, penniless, and without vehicles to the sound of our uproarious laughter.
-Doug in Oakland
Still dreaming of a race war huh Sport? Seek help.
Eight minutes after the Mueller hearings were gavelled closed, Fergus' lawyers filed an emergency writ attempting to keep his tax information hidden.
-Doug in Oakland
Anyfuckingmoose @ 10:02, prove any of your contentions. You are flat out Drumpfucking lying about every item you posted.
Russia targetted election systems in all 50 states. Stoopid fucking wingnuts say they aren't concerned about 2020 because Putin is trying to get HRC elected.
Anonymous said..........
"Democrats can't win elections except by importing millions of non-Americans to out-vote Americans. They proved it in Commiefornia and are rolling it out nation-wide."
10:02 PM
FYI Anonymous, California has paper ballots and requires citizenship and social security numbers in order to register to vote. Citizens are not "non-Americans."
And what's with this "Commiefornia"stuff. Don't you know how to spell, or are you writing like a second grader just for fun?
4 black teens charged in recorded attack of girl with special needs(mentally handicapped).
This is why Africans will lose a race war.
10:09 PM
White man charged with punching and kicking a boy with special needs(mentally handicapped).
This is why Africans will lose a race war.
This is why dumb asses like you are at risk of drowning in the shower. Oh that's right, you don't take showers.
This is why Africans will lose a race war said...
"This is why Africans will lose a race war."
10:09 PM
There are several flaws in you thinking. First there is a major flaw in your semantics. There are very few "Africans" living in the United States. If you are referring to Black Americans, then you have used the wrong term. Second, this is 2019 and not 1919 and most Americans both black and white own guns and know how to use them.
Second, you have fallen for the myth that Democrats do not own guns. Let my assure you that we do and we know how to use them.
Since the people who think like you have been engaging in domestic terrorist activities for the last 20 or so years, most Americans do not support your disgusting cause.
Third, many of us white people will be fighting against you (including my grand kids and me) along with the U.S. military and domestic law enforcement. So the outcome won't be anything like 1919 in Arkansas.
So, please go peddle your hate on a Nazi website.
4 black teens charged in recorded attack of girl with special needs(mentally handicapped).
Better look a little closer. They would have to be four of the whitest Black girls ever recorded.
"Third, many of us white people will be fighting against you (including my grand kids and me) along with the U.S. military and domestic law enforcement. So the outcome won't be anything like 1919 in Arkansas."
TRUMP 2020!!
Chicago July 2019 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 31
Shot & Wounded: 225
Total Shot: 256
Total Homicides: 36
Fuck you. you're a lying piece of dingle berry black devil trash whites
only conquered and or colonized some of the nations an a few countries
even one country signed a contract that is made by whites and that was
Hong Kong an don't act like other continents never did the same thing to
other nation's I suppose your going to ignore a particular oriental country
that conquered eastern Europe an parts of China and you want to talk about
appropriating peoples culture you guys barely have no culture,heritage of your
own that is why you are speaking the white mans language and wearing their
clothes,make up an using inventions that was created by them like the internet,
car pretty much everything inside your house that are brands,products,items,
franchises guess what was assembled,built,created by whites so without the white
race this world wouldn't have half the stuff that we have today like Mc Donalds,Burger
King,Taco Bell,sandwiches,Hot dogs,Pizza restaurants and lets not forget drones,air planes
game consoles,phones & cell phones,GPU & CPU,probes & satellites,International Space Station
in conclusion you have no room to talk since your kind hasn't done diddly jack crap meaning the
black culture you people always keep mentioning an saying is nothing more than white culture
that is black face ("a.k.a,i.e,e.g. black culture") what I'm trying to convey is that your race are
the real true culture,heritage,civilization stealing thieve's because your people don't want to
admit you still live like this back where you came from and re-envisioning everyone's history.
Chicago August 19, 2019
South Shore Summer Festival
Free food, attractions, children games and a performance by Robin Thicke. C'mon out for a great time in beautiful Chicago.
Anonymous said....
you guys barely have no culture,heritage of your
own that is why you are speaking the white mans language and wearing their
clothes,make up an using inventions that was created by them like the internet,car pretty much everything inside your house that are brands,products,items franchises guess what was assembled,built,created by whites.
You need to do some serious reading of history.
Jun 20, 2019 - A patent is a government grant to an inventor for an invention. ... He called on Jefferson to give black men and women equal rights, and to fight ...
Black History Month: Inventions Made by Black Slaves Denied Patents
Feb 7, 2018 - One group of prolific innovators were black inventors born or forced into American ... Black Woman's Beauty Product Lands On TIME's '5.
10 African American Inventors Who Changed the World | Mental Floss
Jennings used the money from his invention to free the rest of his family and donate to ... Madam C. J. Walker is often referred to as America's first self-made female .... The Civil War ended when he was a boy, allowing the young man the ...
9 Black Inventors Who Made Daily Life Easier - HISTORY
Feb 20, 2019 - Most people have heard about famous inventions like the light bulb, the cotton ... One of the first black women in U.S. history to receive a patent, she expanded .... and cameras, use a microphone co-invented by a black man.
JUST GOOGLE BLACK INVENTORS AND GET EDUCATED. Then you won't show your ignorance by posting such dumb sh*t.
"Then you won't show your ignorance by posting such dumb sh*t."
Oh yes they will, the only respite in their meaningless lives is posting anti-blah propaganda online. Kinda sad.
“4 black teens charged in recorded attack of girl with special needs(mentally handicapped).
Better look a little closer. They would have to be four of the whitest Black girls ever recorded.”
I don’t know which video you were watching, Mike, but all four assailants and the victim were black girls from the South Side of Chicago.
The victim’s father is being investigated for neglect, as apparently he didn’t really know what was going on with his daughter. She ran away after she was attacked and was found riding around on the trains 3 or 4 days later.
The other girls allegedly attacked the victim because they wanted her to have sex with someone and she wouldn’t do it. They have now had to be put into protective custody while they are being prosecuted for the attack, because their whole neighborhood wants to beat the crap out of them after seeing the video.
The more you read about this story, the more depressing it gets.
Since when did blacks care about facts? You people care about them as much as you do black on black crime and the low graduation rates in your ghettos.
As a musician, I can definitely state that if someone says your playing "sounds white", it's not a compliment.
-Doug in Oakland
Young Day said...
Since when did blacks care about facts? You people care about them as much as you do black on black crime and the low graduation rates in your ghettos.
4:23 PM
9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It.
Atlanta Black Star
So why don't you tell us what you and your white friends are doing about the shocking number of white on white crimes? Inquiring minds want to know.
I don’t know which video you were watching, Mike, but all four assailants and the victim were black girls from the South Side of Chicago.
The very first girl that hit the victim is whiter than you are. After that, it looks like at least one other was white.
Moscowbuitch Mitch McCTurtlefuckface blocked all bills to provide security for the election and had recently gotten restrictions on at least one Russky alumimum company lifted and that company then spent 2 hundred million in Kentucky. Moscow mitch and his old lady are both involved in illegally using their government jobs to coordinate foreign policy that benefits them.
Moar evidence stoopid fucking wingnuts are unable to read and understand the constitution and just don't give a shit.
Illegal and unconstitutional, but then so are stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Hey Kids! This just in:
House Intelligence Committee announces official inquiry into impeachment proceedings. This means that without calling for a vote from the entire House, the Committee can begin impeachment proceedings.
Good timing I say. It's about time say you! It's a little early to start singing songs from The Wizard of Oz and playing patriotic anthems on every church organ. Imagine the joy. Bells ringing in every small town.
Fits right in with the criminals in the kremlin annex.
https://www.vox.com/2019/7/26/8931569/gdp-q2-trump-tax-failedDrumpf's super powered economy is faring only slightly better than Obama's long hard climb out of recession.
There is no 5-6% growth like Drumpfuck the dumbfuck claimed. There is no 3 % growth either. Drumpf lied again and again. Tired of the lying and losing as well?
The world's greatest negotiator couldn't negotiate a left hand turn on a Nascar Oval.
Magat hat brat has lawsuit against WAPO tossed.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahashashashashaha! Poor widdle snowfwake.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
In other news, a black woman from a south Georgia town threw away a perfectly good niglet.
"It's about time say you!"
As long as they drag it out until right after the conventions to hold the impeachment hearings on live TV, then it's OK if they start calling it an impeachment inquiry in order to enforce subpoenas and compel witnesses right away.
Otherwise, hurrying the process is bad, and will only result in Mitch McConnell acquitting the rat bastard in the senate just in time to help his campaign declare "TOTAL EXONERATION!!!!!" right when millions of voters who don't normally pay attention to politics start to in the run up to the election.
Most of the hinkiest shit he pulled was about money, and Mueller didn't even investigate his finances, so the house has a long and productive job of oversight in that regard that if done correctly, will actually move public opinion against Fergus.
And remember that as long as there are still 34 Republican poltroons in the senate, impeachment is reduced to a campaign tool, and one we should use correctly and to highest effect when we do as we only get one shot at it, and the consequences of missing are dire.
The Merrick Garland fiasco set the tone for how the goddamn Republicans have to be dealt with, and until they are driven from power, those babies will remain in those cages and the air and water will continue to degrade, and on and on.
We can't afford to fuck this up.
-Doug in Oakland
My predictions are based on a democratic majority Senate in 2021 and sadly a second-term republican president. The elections are only sixteen months away. A competent prosecution including digging into financial crimes as you say could be an enormous incentive to vote democratic, particularly in senatorial elections.
If we vote him out, so much the better, right? Except for he might refuse to leave with a corrupt Attorney General, etc.
FN: "and the entire thing could have been one big disaster for the dems."
It was!!! Imagine if the dems would have tried to impeach Trump, it would have blown up in their face because there is NO evidence, the dems are delusional.
If we vote him out, so much the better, right? Except for he might refuse to leave with a corrupt Attorney General, etc.
3:32 AM
Ok Bill Maher...….wolf...….wolf....wolf......
"Better look a little closer. They would have to be four of the whitest Black girls ever recorded.”"
CPD police reports states F/1.that means black female.
Anonymous...10:29 PM
You think you are clever by distorting the data, but much of reported crime data is based on the number of arrests, not the number of convictions or plea bargains.(see FBI National Statistics) And we all know per capita that Blacks are arrested more frequently than whites because of racial profiling. Additionally you make no mention of repeated arrests for the same offenders.
So you need to do some real research before you attempt to disparage me with childish comments and distorted narratives. White supremacists, such as you have long been peddling the myth of violent black people.
Since the Civil War, AKA The War of the Rebellion, Blacks have been the target of white people on the side that lost the war. You and your carbon copies that come to this blog constantly and lie about black people show us that it continues to this day.
Granny Gambling with a mudbone ... To call you delusional or brainwashed would be the world's greatest understatement. How much do they pay you per year to be the CEO of Negro Excuses Inc.? I bet God's "Special People" send you Thank you notes daily.
Anonymous said...
Granny Gambling with a mudbone ... To call you delusional or brainwashed would be the world's greatest understatement. How much do they pay you per year to be the CEO of Negro Excuses Inc.? I bet God's "Special People" send you Thank you notes daily.
1:01 PM
You argue like a little girl. You have no facts so your only option is to attack me personally. Well be my guest - go right ahead: it only makes you look petty and ignorant. Have a nice day, Hon.
No evidence? Wingnuts are more delusional and dishonest that I ever figured.
Wingnuts are plain obstinate and contrary cunts whose useful seconds were used up eons ago.
\Drumpf's economy managed a paltry 2.1% gdp this quarter and it has become crystal clear the taxcuts for the koch bros helped basically the koch bros.
Where is the 5-6 % growth Drumpfuck promised?
GDP in 2018 refigured at 2.5%, same as 2016 which wingnuts blew up as a failure.
Speaking of facts, have you ever noticed how large populations of blacks equals high crime, low education, and BO as bad as any white trash redneck?
Trump epitomizes white retardation.
If Jay kept his persnickety nose out of Drumpfuck's shit, he wouldn't notice BO, but he would be aware of multitudes of wasicu crimes from Drumpfuck's criminal emterprise.
Drumpf was whining about Baltimore is so dirty, it is a fact that Baltimore, like Ferguson, Mo has the police targeting and harassing POC.
Latino-American Francisco Galicia complains that he was held in appalling conditions in U.S. immigration detention, losing 26 pounds in 3 weeks because CBP didn't give him enough food and kept him in a filthy communal pen with 60 other men.
Galicia is a U.S. citizen, but got caught up an immigration sweep anyway, because under Trump, Homeland Security just don't fucking care who they are deporting anymore, and are just trying to get rid of anyone "Mexican-looking."
I've made this comment before, but that movie Born In East L.A., where Cheech Marin gets deported to Mexico despite being a life-long U.S. citizen who only speaks English, is no longer a comedy. In 2019, it's reality.
In other news, a black woman from a south Georgia town threw away a perfectly good niglet.
In other other news a white woman shot her little hillbilly full of meth and sold them for more meth.
Well, who could possibly have expected this might offend people?
Dollar stores in New Jersey have been selling a black person doll that you are supposed to "whack against a wall" to relieve frustrations.
I feel confident that Trump has bought a few of these. You know, for those occasions when there aren't any black reporters around for him to abuse.
In other news, a black woman from a south Georgia town threw away a perfectly good niglet.
That's nothing. Wingnuts throw thousands of kids under the bus every single fucking day. Once the fetus is born, it has to fend for itself unless it is a koch bros.
Baltimore fires back at RACIST PIG in kremlin annex.
Original URL had 367 characters.
"You think you are clever by distorting the data"
Oh, yeah, about that....
"much of reported crime data is based on the number of arrests, not the number of convictions or plea bargains."
The only places where most murders go without any arrests are black cities. Chicago clearance rate is just 15.4%; Detroit less than 15%. St. Louis only closed 45% of homicides from 2007 to 2017. These are ALL black-majority cities.
Blacks are far more likely to not be arrested for murders they commit and not become part of the arrest statistics. Any "distortion" is making blacks not look as horrible as they are.
"we all know per capita that Blacks are arrested more frequently than whites because of racial profiling."
When you have corpus delecti evidence in the form of a corpus expired from obvious foul play, you think blacks are arrested on the basis of "racial profiling" instead of having evidence that they did it? You know, like video, eyewitnesses or being arrested with the murder weapon in their possession?
"Additionally you make no mention of repeated arrests for the same offenders."
People like you make this possible, by revolving-door sentencing for habitual criminals.
"you need to do some real research before you attempt to disparage me with childish comments and distorted narratives."
Granny LOLcow, demanding "real research" while ignoring stacks of black bodies.
"White supremacists, such as you have long been peddling the myth of violent black people."
So, Granny, WHO is doing all of the killing in Killadelphia? Who's whacking the bodies in Bodymore? Who's chimping out in Chimpcongo? You want us to believe it's a myth, or that the KKK is doing it all?
"White supremacist" is meant as a slur, but it should be a compliment. White people make the best societies on earth, and should take pride in that fact. Africans make Africa what it is. That's why Haiti and Honduras resemble Africa.
Moar crimes done in Drumpf's name that will never be prosecuted by stoopid fucking wingnuts. It is called defacing the flag.
Remember the stink stoopid fucking right wing nuts came up with when Obama's rented campaign plane had an American flag painted over as part of retooling for the campaign?
"I feel confident that Trump has bought a few of these."
Possibly, but I doubt he could use them himself without injuring himself, so perhaps he has Stephen Miller do it for him?
-Doug in Oakland
Granny LOLcow is at it again! said...
"You think you are clever by distorting the data"
You are not only a coward, but you are also childish. You seem unable to discuss any topic without resorting to childish name calling, faulty logic, such as "hasty generalizing," and a host of other logic errors. So trying to discuss anything logically with you is a waste of time.
The democrats are really shitting the bed......
Anonymous said...
5:20 PM
This is an interesting article. Thank you for posting the link. In my opinion the problem lies with the Department of Justice policy that a sitting president cannot be indited while in office. This is not a law passed by congress, rather it's only a policy. Mueller's hands were tied, so he chose to defer to the House of Representatives. Perhaps he chose the word exonerate precisely because it is not a legal term.
If you carry this stupid, incomprehensible policy to its extreme conclusion, then a sitting precis can commit any crime he chooses and continue his presidency unmolested by any authority. For example, he could murder ten people on live TV and face no inditement.
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