I disagree with some of what he says, but it's still a must read for those want to educate themselves about what is going on with American politics in the age of trump.
"Last week I wrote a column that simultaneously argued that conservatism has a problem with white-nationalist infiltration and that liberalism, influenced by the revival of racial chauvinism in the Trump era, is increasingly tempted to smear mainstream conservatives as racist.
The response was varied, but a common critique from the left was that any defense of individual conservatives from the charge of racism is basically irrelevant to the underlying structural reality that the Trump era has exposed — which is that the American right’s coalition is founded on racism, endures because of racism and has no future as a morally decent force unless it is essentially refounded, its racist roots torn out.
One of the more temperate versions of this argument was offered by New York magazine’s Zak Cheney-Rice, taking on my own essay and a column by Tim Carney of The Washington Examiner calling for conservative institutions to make themselves inhospitable to white identity politics. Such calls are well and good, wrote Cheney-Rice, but they wildly understate the challenge:
… racism has been fundamental to American conservatism, and the G.O.P. in particular, since the mid-20th century realignment of the parties — even as its purportedly defining tenets have proven to be negotiable, from small government to antagonism toward autocrats to reduced deficit spending. None of this precludes the existence of nonracist conservatives, to be sure. It just makes them some of the least influential people in their movement, and renders their claims to broader relevance akin to shouting into a void.Cheney-Rice goes on to catalog various conservative policies, from border detention camps to voter-ID laws, that reflect the deeper-than-Donald-Trump influence of racism on the right. He argues that the various conservative factions have consistently made their peace with racism and racist policies since Richard Nixon, not just since 2016. And he suggests that since “the Republican Party would collapse without support from racists,” there is probably no path to a nonracist G.O.P. that doesn’t involve the total defeat and total reconstruction of the party.
Cheney-Rice is right that there is considerably more racism on the right than Republican Party elites wanted to believe pre-Trump and that the elite has conspicuously failed to confront its more overt and toxic forms — which is part of how we ended up with a birther as the president of the United States. In the longer view, he’s also right that white identity politics has been important to the conservative coalition since the 1960s, when the strategic and policy choices that the Nixon-era Republican Party made — in effect, rallying voters who opposed the Great Society’s vision of racial redress — ensured that a lot of racially conservative and racist white voters would migrate into the G.O.P.
But I disagree with Cheney-Rice that these underlying realities make change, indeed dramatic change, in how conservative politics approaches race all but unimaginable.
Some of that difference reflects philosophical differences about what constitutes racist public policy: I think conservatism can be nonracist, or at least substantially less racialized, without embracing the current progressive definition (from reparations to substantialimmigration increases to single-payer health care) of what anti-racism requires. But some of it reflects a different interpretation of the complexities of conservative policy history, and how our politics has reduced racial polarization in the past.
Those complexities first: If it’s true that conservative politicians, in the age of Trump and earlier, have supported policies that disadvantage minorities, it’s also true that the record of every post-Nixon Republican administrations has mixed other policies as well. Nixon himself accepted elements of the Great Society even as he undermined others. As Noah Smith pointed out recently, the modern multiracial America was forged as much by eight years of Ronald Reagan’s pro-immigration conservatism as by the original liberalizing 1965 reforms. George W. Bush’s administration sharply increased education spending in the hopes of closing racial gaps, pushed a homeownership agenda with a similar purpose, and started an AIDS-in-Africa initiative that saved millions of nonwhite lives. And for all his race-baiting, even Trump has pursued policies that don’t fit the white-identitarian frame — most notably a criminal-justice reform that built on state-by-state efforts that were championed by religious conservatives and libertarians as often as by Democrats.
So it’s been possible, in various ways and at various moments, for the post-Nixon Republican Party to be something other than just a coalition defending white supremacy. (There has also been somewhat more racism lurking below the surface of progressive politics over the same period — as genteel eugenics, as elite NIMBYism, as left-wing or Sharptonian anti-Semitism — than most polemics against the right acknowledge, but that’s a subject for another time.)
And the racialized element in conservative politics has also ebbed and flowed depending on the political situation. When I came to political awareness in the early 1990s, American politics was dominated by racially polarizing controversies over crime, welfare and affirmative action. But by the time I graduated from college, a decade later, those issues had receded, the major cultural controversies had changed and conservatism’s agenda under the younger Bush was consciously designed to win over at least some minority voters and leave the Lee Atwater era behind.
That change didn’t happen because the Republican Party was destroyed and refounded in 1999. It happened because the racialized issues dividing the country circa 1992 were somewhat successfully addressed by politicians of both parties, or else partly resolved themselves. The Clinton-Gingrich years brought compromises on welfare reform and affirmative action, successful policing strategies that helped bring down the crime rate, and an economic boom that made every policy debate seem somewhat less zero-sum. The subsequent turn to “compassionate conservatism” happened because these shifts happened first; the Republican voter base didn’t suddenly become perfectly racially enlightened, but the salience of race changed dramatically as crime rates fell and welfare was reformed.And this shift was not just a case of white America making deals at black America’s expense and congratulating itself. Blacks as well as whites had a relatively optimistic view of race relations around the turn of the millennium, and that sentiment persisted until Barack Obama’s second term. Racial polarization hardly disappeared, especially in the voting booth, but it was more muted in the George W. Bush era than before or since. And it might have remained muted if the Bush administration had not fallen into a very different error than racism — the error of unbounded moralistic optimism, which after the Iraq disaster and the financial crisis made darker, more culturally pessimistic varieties of conservatism seem like wisdom to many voters on the right.
So without arguing that racism is going to disappear outright from conservative politics after this presidency, the recent historicalrecord at least suggests that another muting could happen, another substantial diminishment of racial polarization, at some point in the post-Trump future. Especially since there is little evidence that Trump himself is making Americans or Republicans more racist, or that his most racially polarizing strategies are actually politically effective: Instead, his main achievement has been to activate latent bigotries rather than expand their influence, and what can be activated can presumably be suppressed.
If you draw lessons from the 1990s and 2000s, that suppression would require more than just the quarantine of overt white supremacists (though it does require that). First, following the pattern of the crime and welfare debates, it would probably require a sense among populist voters that today’s equivalent to those controversies, the debate over the pace of immigration and the security of the southern border, had been addressed in a way that wasn’t just a capitulation to the left or to big business.
Second, it would require a recovery of influence and moral ambition by the Republican Party’s religious conservatives — a group whose elites shaped the Bush presidency’s racially inclusive efforts and whose rank-and-file are still less inclined to white-identity politics than other conservative constituencies, despite their Faustian bargain with Trump.
Third, it would require some clear successes by Democrats in states like Texas and Georgia, where the G.O.P. is currently hanging on to power with thinning white majorities, to prove to Republican politicians that a strategy of voter-ID laws and base turnout really is as foredoomed as optimistic liberals hope.
Finally, it would require imaginative statesmanship by the next generation of Republican leaders, who would be wise to recognize that the Democratic Party’s leftward shift — and particularly the way that white liberals have lately overleapt minorities in their racial pessimism — is an opportunity and not just a threat, because it leaves a potential pan-ethnic center available for a less bunkered and bigoted populist conservatism to claim.
This list of requirements is not small, and there are plenty of reasons to doubt they will be met. The media ecology has changed since the late 1990s in ways that make suppression and quarantine more difficult. Trump himself had the opportunity and the credibility to make a base-satisfying deal on immigration, but that opportunity has passed. Religious conservatism’s compromise with Trumpism may ultimately prove fatal to its influence. The Democrats’ leftward move should inspire entrepreneurship and outreach from Republicans, but it could help sustain the G.O.P.’s own base strategy instead. Many G.O.P. donors prefer a party of white-identity politics and tax cuts to the more economically populist and ethnically diverse alternative. And Trump’s toxic Twitter influence will endure, no doubt, even once his presidency has ended.
But meeting the requirements doesn’t seem obviously less plausible than the world imagined by some fervent Trumpists, where the G.O.P. somehow holds onto power just by winning an ever larger share of the white vote — or for that matter the world imagined by certain hopeful liberals, where the G.O.P. remains a white-identitarian party and simply gets steamrollered into irrelevance as in California.
My scenario also has one piece of grim plausibility going for it: It wouldn’t end the hysterical polarization that defines our times so much as redirect it. A religious-populist conservatism with more appeal to blacks and Hispanics could easily inspire as much fear and anxiety among liberal mandarins as the current Trumpist version. And instead of defending conservatives against charges of racism, I could get back to my true vocation: defending conservatives against charges of theocracy.
Someday, God willing. Someday." [Source]
*Pic from defenseone.com
Interesting points. The GOP is in a weird position, they live in a hermetically sealed echo chamber in which they can convince themselves of anything no matter how ridiculous. They believe that the Dems and blah folks are the "real" racists despite belonging to an all white party that harbors many racists. Reality is not their friend.
I don't agree with much of this at all. Unsurprisingly, because it comes from Ross Douthat. He seems to think that Reagan-thru-Bush II Republican years were some kind of brilliant success in terms of "reducing racial polarization," but that's nonsense. All that really happened is that minorities got crushed.
The few policies those guys put in place that helped ethnic minorities were mere window dressing, and were dwarfed by the immense harm done by other policies like welfare reform and "tough on crime" approaches to justice -- which Douthat has convinced himself were smashing successes, even though they very much were not. These had devastating effects on the black community. Crime levels did eventually go down, but it is highly questionable that right-wing policies had anything to do with it, and we now have an enormous prison population as a result of all the increased criminal sentencing and the pursuit of the War on Drugs. Yet other industrialized countries manage to have much lower crime rates, but have not pursued this vicious lock-em-up approach. I would like to hear Douthat's explanation for why the U.S. uniquely has to do this and other countries don't, without him resorting to racist excuses ("well, see, Sweden doesn't need so many prisons because it doesn't have to deal so many black savages rampaging through its streets"). I'm betting he doesn't have one.
What he saw as lack of racial polarization in the '80s through late 2000s just amounted to enough racist white people having jumped ship to the Republicans to allow them to win elections, and the Democrats no longer being able to win elections, and so the Clinton-era Democrats were forced for the time being to compromise and become a "Republican Lite" party. Minorities didn't stop being angry about this; they just had no one to vote for to express their unhappiness. The choice on the ballot was between Democrats who would hurt them, and Republicans who would hurt them even more. Many of them simply tuned politics out.
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
Anyway, none of this was sustainable in the long term. It was always eventually going to blow up in Republicans' faces.
All of this came to an end because of a couple of factors. First, capitalism failed on a gigantic scale with the housing bust and subsequent financial crash. With the destruction of so many jobs and businesses, the wingnut lie that unrestrained free markets "lift all boats" was finally killed stone dead. Everyone was forced to admit that the economy was getting more and more unfair, and the Democratic Party started to shift leftward again. Second, a black man got elected president. That raised many black people's expectations that things could get better from the perspective of racial injustice, but this then also only highlighted the things that weren't getting better at all, like police brutality. And that gave rise to Black Lives Matter -- and their (in my view) often counterproductively confrontational, backlash-producing tactics.
At this point, returning to the Reaganite playbook was not going to work anymore for Republicans. So they went full Nazi instead. They capitalized on racist resentment of Obama. And they explained away growing economic inequality with scapegoats, blaming it all on job-stealing racial minorities and the perfidious government of China. Anything to avoid pointing the finger at the unfairness of America's basic economic model, which hasn't worked for decades.
Ross Douthat doesn't get it. His solution for the future of his party is to try to go back to the failed Reaganite free-market fundamentalism that brought us the Great Recession. With added "theocracy," which is what Douthat absolutely does want, despite his denials. So, basically, he wants a different flavor of hate -- toward women and gays, instead of brown people -- but this will actually be less popular in the polling booth than Trump's racism, and has the significant ethical downside of still being hate.
I agree with Auburn feelz...
I very much appreciate the thoughtful comments above by PilotX and Anonymous at 12:11 AM. I can see past and current events from Mr. Douthat's perspective, but I disagree with him on much of it.
Mr. Douthat mentions that the GOP has been "steamrolled into irrelevance in California", but he does not discuss how or why that occurred. It began with an anti-immigrant measure, Prop 187, on the 1994 ballot which Republican Governor, Pete Wilson, wholeheartedly supported. He was reelected and the measure passed, but it was a Pyrrhic Victory.
California began to gradually turn blue following this election and has continued turning more blue since 1994. A common joke among California political junkies is that Pete Wilson killed the Republican Party in California.
What anon@ 12:11 said.
Has Ross Douthat ever met a Republican?
Really, after the excellent above comment, all I can really do besides pointing at some details they didn't include, is to reject the entire premise based on the 2016 Republican primary:
Those Republican ideals and values have always (since the '60s) been a crock of shit when applied to actual Republicans.
Those Republican voters in the last Republican primary rejected those ideals and values in the form of sixteen other candidates much more adept at articulating them in favor of Fergus' overt racism, awarding him more votes in a Republican primary than anyone else in history.
They knew who and what Fergus is, Ross. They aren't as stupid about that as you want them to be in order to make your point, the same goddamn bullshit point that David fucking Brooks and the rest of y'all "both sides" lying assholes all make when trying to defend your decades of support for the Republican party.
The huge majority of Burke reading, limited government loving, salt-of-the-Earth patriotic Republicans who don't have a racist bone in their bodies never existed. If they had, you wouldn't have needed to invite all of the bigots and imbeciles who fled our party over our civil rights laws into your party.
We told you at the time that it was a bad idea, and we knew what we were talking about because they were previously our bigots and imbeciles. But NO! It was gonna be great! You were gonna win elections into perpetuity and you'd always be able to control them with god, guns, and gays.
Except you underestimated the Pig People. You thought they would always rally to elect your candidates with their dog-whistle maintenance doses of racism, when the Pig People are smart enough to tell that after they elected y'all, you just took care of yourselves and your rich friends and left them jonseing for some of the pure, uncut product.
So when Fergus rode down the escalator of doom offering them a straight geeze of the real deal, they abandoned all of the vaunted conservative ideals to line up for their hits.
They're all still there, waiting for their political savior to make good on thirty years of wingnut media promises, the greatest high they can imagine, the final proof that their ignorance is noble, and their bigotry is patriotic, and that they haven't really been wrong about every political opinion they've held in their entire adult lives.
Your column didn't seem to mention hate radio or Fox news at all, Ross, and until y'all reconcile your way back to reality from propagandaville, none of your starry-eyed cooperation can happen, because Republicans and sane people won't be able to agree on the basics required for cooperation or compromise.
-Doug in Oakland
If there are non-racist conservatives in power, where the fuck are they? Who are they? Why don't they fight back against their racist brethren?
Ridiculous. Republicans run from being called the "White Party" like they were being called Hitler, which of course they are anyway.
If Republicans actually did embrace white identity politics, they would sweep to a super majority victory. Instead they cling to a failed conservative ideology based on a civic nationalism, the idea were are a nation based on a proposition instead of a shared cultural heritage.
The Democrats are completely about identity politics. Race, gender, and sexual orientation are used to bind disparate groups into a coalition held together by anti-white sentiment.
We live in a clown world where those who advocate for inverting the demographics of the country by advocating for interests of their own racial and ethnic groups are "anti-racists", while anyone who questions this policy or seeks to maintain some semblance of the principles which have made this a great country are called "racist".
The Left's arguments could win with the American people. Instead of changing their ideas, they changed the people. The Constitution and the freedoms and prosperity it engenderd won't survive in white minority country.
The financial crisis was caused by the government forcing banks to give mortgages to people who didn't qualify for the purpose of increasing minority home ownership. Greedy bankers went all in, causing a housing price bubble that brought down the whole system when it burst. Obama bailed the bankers out, and the people who got sucked into this scheme paid the price.
"Mr. Douthat mentions that the GOP has been "steamrolled into irrelevance in California", but he does not discuss how or why that occurred. It began with an anti-immigrant measure, Prop 187, on the 1994 ballot which Republican Governor, Pete Wilson, wholeheartedly supported. He was reelected and the measure passed, but it was a Pyrrhic Victory."
California is permanently blue because of demographic change.
The ultimate authority in California is the people, and state wide referendums take precedence.
The voters of California passed Prop 187 in a state referendum, but it was forbidden to be enforced by a federal judge (Marianna Pfaelzer). This was an erroneous ruling, but the democratic administration of Gray Davis refused to challenge it.
Since then, ten million Mexicans moved in an ten million Californians left.
Now California is a one party state, squandering the riches bestowed upon them by nature and previous generations. The cities are full of squatters shitting all over the streets, and the state is starting to transition to the Latin American model of a small class of super rich ruling over a massive underclass. The middle class is quickly crumbling away. This is the model the Left has planned for the rest of America.
N.C. Republicans keep sinking to new depths.
"The Democrats are completely about identity politics. Race, gender, and sexual orientation are used to bind disparate groups into a coalition held together by anti-white sentiment."
Disagree. This is a common sentiment among racists. The diverse coalition of Democrats is about marginalized people finding their voice and has nothing to do with being anti-white as whites are included in the coalition. Part of the problem is equating people standing up for themselves with "hate whitey" when in reality it's not about hating anybody. Hell, whites make up what 40% of the Democratic Party? Republicans need to do a self check because they're the ones fighting a diverse future and inclusion includes them too. Projection doesn't work well.
"The financial crisis was caused by the government forcing banks to give mortgages to people who didn't qualify for the purpose of increasing minority home ownership."
Common fallacy, that had little to nothing to do with the economic meltdown in 2008-09.
Here's what I meant to post.
As a *true* Field Negro, Malcolm X, once said, both the White Liberals and White Conservatives are enemies. Liberals are like a fox, while Conservatives are like a wolf. Both are predators, though they differ in terms of their appearance.
Ultimately, White liberals, White conservatives, and White moderates all act to uphold White power and dominance.
To Hell with them all!
Good article about the numerous causes of the financial meltdown.
Donald Trump scored a stunning upset on the promise to reduce immigration, crackdown in illegal immigration and address the gross inequality resulting from globalization. So far, none of that has been done. Instead, he spent most of his presidency fighting a seditious coup to get him out of office. In fact, Trump’s three years are pretty much what Jeb Bush promised when he was running in the 2016 primary.
Notice that hardly anyone in either political party is terribly concerned about the FBI plot to overturn the election. Sure, there are a few lonely voices on the Republican side asking questions and demanding transparency. They have no support from leadership. On the Democrat side, they are actively colluding with the plotters to cover up the affair. One would think the people subject to the voters would care about the integrity of the process, but you would be wrong. The revealed preferences are on full display.
You’ll never see the party of the globalist suddenly have a crisis of conscience and defect to the nationalists. It’s always the other way. There are no “remainers” siding with the Brexiteers in order to respect the will of the people, despite their own misgivings. In Washington, no globalists have switched teams to support Trump. In the charade that is democracy, the fink is always played by the same character in exactly the same way.
The reason we never see a politician break ranks in order to support the popular will against his own side is that western democracy is a fraud. Elections are a beard worn by the oligarchy to fool the public. The public space is filled with drama and outrage, drawing in the public. Meanwhile, the oligarchs, most of whom are now foreign to the people over whom they rule, exercise the real power of the supposedly national governments of the West.
In the United States, both political parties are funded by the same people. For example, anyone questioning the endless wars for Israel gets pilloried, because Israel runs a massive lobbying operation to buy off both political parties. They work this racket in other Western countries as well. The tech giants operate in violation of the laws and civil order, because they own the politicians of both parties. Of course, the commentariat is being paid by the same people to maintain the fraud.
The worst part of it is the public, instead of peering behind the charade to see the string pullers, vents its anger on the actors. In 2016 the public voted against the status quo in the form of Donald Trump. Angry at that result, they voted for his opposition party in 2018, as a punishment against his party for their intransigence. In 2020, the public will probably throw Trump out for someone promising something different, but the result will be the same. The result is always the same. Democracy is a fraud.
The Democrats are completely about equal rights, for everyone. Race, gender, and sexual orientation are used to bind disparate groups into a coalition held together by anti-white sentiment."
Fixed it for you anymoose @ 11:14.
Most have been lost in heavily Black/minority districts.
Sotomayer and Notorious RBG slammed the racist Spotus for voting the way their handlers want, not based on any law.
Up yers, stoopid fucking weingnuts. Israel is not our friend. We are giving them billions and they spy on us.
Mentally impaired, stoopid fucking lying basstard Hannity has HRC derangement sindrome.
41 years of investigations, salacious lies, false accusations and not a single criminal charge filed against her. And fuckface Hannity just can't let it go.
and Melanoma's coat does resemble a plane hitting a tower.
Idgaf about the long-term electoral fortunes of the corrupt grifters and useless Whigs that make up the Republican Party.
But I do care very much about whether the party’s Amerikaner base has an inviolable home for themselves and their posterity.
There is no freedom without self-determination, and there is no self-determination if the American tribes cannot demarcate and maintain their territories.
It’s as simple as that. This empire is a suicide pact.
Example #54,786 of the Republican Victory-Through-Cheating strategy.
North Carolina Republican legislators pull a fast one by passing a budget veto override while their Democratic colleagues are not present.
North Carolina Republicans Override Budget Veto During 9/11 Remembrance
There doesn’t seem to be a limit to the shady shit they will stoop to. And this goes double for the North Carolina GOP.
"Notice that hardly anyone in either political party is terribly concerned about the FBI plot to overturn the election."
Because there is no such thing. Truth is we elected an unprepared reality tv star who is in it above his head and has no clue how to do the job. The man is an idiot.
Today in the intersection of the categories of Weird News and Racism News:
A high school swimmer was disqualified because she was wearing a swimsuit deemed too skimpy (but really because she has a black girl booty). Probably had something to do with this taking place in Alaska, where most folks are not very well acquainted with the black girl booty.
Teen Disqualified From Swim Meet Victory After Referee Deemed Her "Suit Wedgie" Inappropriate
The black man Trump referred to at a rally as "my African-American" has finally figured out that Trump is racist and has announced that he is quitting the Republican Party.
New York faction of the FBI was disseminating sensitive info to wingnuts long before HRC's emails became a "thing."
Former Texas congreefuckup and former, disgraced SOH was bragging about info fed to him from friends in NY FBI that would take HRC down. Screwdy Rudy bragged about October surprise and other salacious goodies from his friends in NY FBI.
"A high school swimmer was disqualified because she was wearing a swimsuit deemed too skimpy (but really because she has a black girl booty)."
She was reinstated as the winner and the judge was suspended.
"The black man Trump referred to at a rally as "my African-American" has finally figured out that Trump is racist and has announced that he is quitting the Republican Party."
I guess better late than never but still really negro?
"Notice that hardly anyone in either political party is terribly concerned about the FBI plot to overturn the election."
Exhibit A of the insular echo chamber on the right. Paranoia and conspiracy theories to go along with the racism. Reality is not their friend.
By Bill Hoffmann | Monday, 25 January 2016 05:23 PM
The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.
"I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they're ready to indict," DeLay said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show
Read Newsmax: DeLay: FBI 'Ready to Indict' Hillary | Newsmax.com
There was collusion between wingnuts and traitorous FBI agents disseminating secret info to damage HRC.
More destruction of the planet. Greatest president ever🙄
"There was collusion between wingnuts and traitorous FBI agents disseminating secret info to damage HRC."
Of course, Hillary runs a secret child molestation ring out of a DC pizza parlor. Any day now we'll see the thousands of secret indictments and the Marines will frog march the Dems out of congress.😂
HRC will likely be dead a long time before stoopid fucking wingnuts can ever get a chArge they can prosecute her for.
Anonymous said.....
"The Democrats are completely about identity politics. Race, gender, and sexual orientation are used to bind disparate groups into a coalition held together by anti-white sentiment."
10:46 AM
Not sure where you got these ideas, but they are far removed from reality. I have been involved in grass roots work in the Democratic Party since 1964 and have never heard one word or seen one single action that showed any "anti-white sentiment". As a party, we believe in inclusion and equality for everyone regardless of race, country of origin, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or age. To say otherwise is to tell a lie.
Anonymous said...
The financial crisis was caused by the government forcing banks to give mortgages to people who didn't qualify for the purpose of increasing minority home ownership. Greedy bankers went all in, causing a housing price bubble that brought down the whole system when it burst. Obama bailed the bankers out, and the people who got sucked into this scheme paid the price.
10:50 AM
Your opinion here has been debunked repeatedly.
Anonymous said.....
"Now California is a one party state, squandering the riches bestowed upon them by nature and previous generations. The cities are full of squatters shitting all over the streets, and the state is starting to transition to the Latin American model of a small class of super rich ruling over a massive underclass. The middle class is quickly crumbling away. This is the model the Left has planned for the rest of America."
11:05 AM
I guess you haven't been to California lately or you wouldn't make the dumb statements that you did here. Why not do a little research on the topic so you can post something more realistic?
Anon@12:08, you do realize that trump claims to be a big supporter of Israel,right? So how is he any different from any of the other "globalists"?
"the Latin American model of a small class of super rich ruling over a massive underclass."
Um, that sounds like the conservative dream world. Massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and any and all regulations emilinated for corporations. And here I thought the left hated the rich and wanted class warfare. My how the story changes to fit the latest narrative. We have always been at war against East Asia.
"Not sure where you got these ideas, but they are far removed from reality."
Reality isn't their friend.
Drumpf claims Puti.....Israel wouldn't spy on us.
"Why not do a little research on the topic so you can post something more realistic?"
Don't hold your breath. We're talking about loony toon conservatives who make up their own reality.
"Drumpf claims Puti.....Israel wouldn't spy on us."
Dumb ass thinks he's his friend.
De Lay? As in Tom "the(dumb as a bag of)hammer(s)" De Lay? The most corrupt, including Jack Abramoff, politician of the modern era?
Tom "culture of corruption" De Lay?
Tom "WAAAAHHH!!! they're criminalizing politics!!" De Lay?
Tom "My dancing with the stars get up doesn't make me look like a closeted gay at all" De Lay?
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said....
The voters of California passed Prop 187 in a state referendum, but it was forbidden to be enforced by a federal judge (Marianna Pfaelzer). This was an erroneous ruling, but the democratic administration of Gray Davis refused to challenge it.
Since then, ten million Mexicans moved in an ten million Californians left.
11:05 AM
Hey Anonymous,
Do you have a source for your claim that "Since then, ten million Mexicans moved in"?
Oh, dude, you're totally right, this place is awful. You should stay as far away from it as you possibly can.
-Doug in Oakland
Hey Anonymous,
Do you have a source for your claim that "Since then, ten million Mexicans moved in"?
Sean Hannity?😂
field negro said...
"Anon@12:08, you do realize that trump claims to be a big supporter of Israel,right? So how is he any different from any of the other "globalists"?"
On that note he is not. Jewish interests dominate american domestic and foreign policy, and have for decades. No one can achieve national office in America without bowing to Jews.
But fighting open borders, endless wars, and protecting the interests of American workers is working against the globalist agenda, and that is the reason for the united opposition to Trumpism from Democratic/Progressive/Bill Kristol/Mainstream conservative establishments.
I have been involved in grass roots work in the Democratic Party since 1964 and have never heard one word or seen one single action that showed any "anti-white sentiment".
You're lying, just like you lied about YOUR OWN FIGURES showing rampant black criminality in the previous discussion. The words "racism/ist", "sexism/ist", "bias" and "phobia" are dog-whistles pathologizing whites, males, heterosexuals, and Christians.
As a party, we believe in inclusion and equality for everyone
Nothing is more unequal than forcing equality of things that aren't. You all are the moral equivalents of SPED cases placed in AP classrooms.
KKK, Prowd Boys, militias, wasicu scumacysts, Nazis, wingnuts, et al. Just a few of the racist groups of mainly wasicu wasteys roaming the land with Drumpf egging them on and lying about it.
Drumpfuck's favorite grope toy told a bunch of wealthy investors she got her moral compass from her dad. Not something I'd brag about , but maybe she doesn't know he is a whore dog and doesn't pay his bills and lies like a drunken sailor.
Even The Washington Post’s liberal editorial board agrees that Democrats—mainly House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)—need to approve President Trump’s trade deal with Canada and Mexico, the USMCA. “It’s better not to gamble with people’s jobs and income, even for an understandable political reason, unless overriding substantive policy concerns justify it. They don’t.”
Chicago September 2019 to Date 9/13
Shot & Killed: 17
Shot & Wounded: 97
Total Shot: 114
Total Homicides: 19
Hey Anonymous,
Do you have a source for your claim that "Since then, ten million Mexicans moved in"?
9:47 PM
Its more like 40-60 million illegals…..
Why are whites "privileged"?
They make more money?
- Jews and East Asians make more.
They have legal privileges?
- You can legally discriminate against whites in hiring.
They are the majority?
- Most countries have an ethnic majority - are they ALL "privileged"?
A racist lie.
Anymoose, like I have asked before, when was the last time your pastey white hide was harassed on a daily basis by cops? We all know it did not happen unless you were seen committing scads of crimes. Since you weren't, your white privilege protected you from being stopped by cops everyday regardless of what you were doing.
Anonymous said...
Hey Anonymous,
Do you have a source for your claim that "Since then, ten million Mexicans moved in"?
9:47 PM
Its more like 40-60 million illegals…..
1:42 PM
Hey Anonymous,
It's really easy to shoot your mouth off and lie like your leader does. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to quote your sources. Maybe you don't have any?
Anonymous said.....
They have legal privileges?
- You can legally discriminate against whites in hiring.
2:00 PM
No, you can't legally discriminate against whites in hiring. Please be more specific with your complaint. If a company hires a hundred workers, and 90 percent are white and 10 percent are POC that's hardly discriminating against white workers.
It's called Affirmative Action, granny.
"Anymoose, like I have asked before, when was the last time your pastey white hide was harassed on a daily basis by cops?"
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
"Its more like 40-60 million illegals….."
Uh, California's population was 39.56 million as of 2018.
-Doug in Oakland
40-60 million is for the whole country.
“40-60 million is for the whole country.”
40-60 million is for the contents of your warped, deluded brain.
Back in reality, there are about 11-12 illegal residents in the entire US.
*11-12 million
Too bad progressives prevented us from being able to find out just how many illegal aliens there are by asking them on the census.
Too bad stoopid fucking wingnuts prevent accurate info of gun deaths and injuries from being collected or knowing how many guns ammosexuals have stashed.
A doctor isn't even allowed to ask patients if there are guns in the homes.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Typical wingnut smart ass reply.
Since when has being black been a crime? How about gardening while black? Babysitting white kids while black? Walking on the sidewalk? Sitting on the porch of your momma's house? Driving while black? WTF the N%$^&# made eye contact. Bust his ass. Black guy gets busted for cashing check at the bank that sent him the check. They claimed it was counterfeit.
Can't wait for wasicus to be harrassed every day for being wasicus. Fuck you, whitey. Don't do the crime.
Doctoral student at Northwestern was stopped while driving. Lady saw him get into a car and she called the police in case he stole it. The man gets out of his car And 4-5 cops swarm him and beat the shit out of him before they bothered to ask who owned the vehicle. He did and had proof on him but whitey cops and white woman caller wanted a black man beaten for sport.
Cop gets off the victim and tells he he's lucky they didn't shoot him for being blac All on video.
No one gets arrested for being black.
"Too bad stoopid fucking wingnuts prevent accurate info of gun deaths and injuries from being collected"
Every gun death and injury is tracked by numerous law enforcement and public health agencies.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
"Too bad progressives prevented us from being able to find out just how many illegal aliens there are by asking them on the census."
The government has plenty of other ways of getting a good estimate of how many illegal residents there are. So we do know how many there are. 11-12 million.
An exact, down to the last tenth or hundredth of a percent number isn't useful, at all.
And conservatives are lying when they say they want this. They don't. What they so want is for illegal immigrants, and more widely Latinos (resident or not), to NOT send in their census papers for fear sending them in will somehow lead to a visit from "La Migra" for themselves or their relatives. They want them undercounted so that urban areas will lose political representation and governmental spending.
It's just more Republican cheating. Much like fake voter fraud concerns and racist gerrymandering of electoral boundaries.
"No one gets arrested for being black."
You must be white.😂😆😝
"It's called Affirmative Action, granny."
Nah, actively recruiting workers from schools and areas populated by women and peoples of color isn't discriminating against whites it's a smart business concept. Varied opinions and diverse viewpoints is a good thing.
Anonymous said...
It's called Affirmative Action, granny.
3:18 PM
No Grandson, Affirmative Action laws do not discriminate against white people. This is a myth perpetuated by politicians who use it to divide people and win more votes. Do yourself a favor and read up on the laws. I know about this because my career in public education required that I know the law and follow it in hiring practices and in admission policies as well as other areas.
After you learn the truth of the matter, come back and we'll talk.
Knowledge is racist said...
Too bad progressives prevented us from being able to find out just how many illegal aliens there are by asking them on the census.
4:10 PM
WOW! You win the prize for the dumbest post so far on this topic. Do you seriously think that undocumented aliens were going to fill out census forms that had a citizenship question? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
Anonymous said........
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
4:39 PM
He's fucking crazy; that's what's the matter with him.
Anonymous said...
You're lying, just like you lied about YOUR OWN FIGURES showing rampant black criminality in the previous discussion.
12:12 PM
If you think I'm a liar, why do you read my posts?
"they want them undercounted so that urban areas will lose political representation and governmental spending."
Why should people here illegally have political representation and government spending equal to citizens?
"Affirmative Action laws do not discriminate against white people."
Laws mandating special privileges for one group and denying them to another are the fucking definition of discrimination.
"WOW! You win the prize for the dumbest post so far on this topic. Do you seriously think that undocumented aliens were going to fill out census forms that had a citizenship question? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA."
At one time I thought it preposterous that illegal aliens could sign up for welfare, get drivers licenses, and be given scholarships and tuition benefits denied to Americans, but guess what? We live in a clown country. I guess that's why you are laughing.
Why should people here illegally have political representation and government spending equal to citizens?
Why should stoopid fucking wingnuts be allowed to remove legal voters from voting rolls to gain advantages
Moar white privilege..... https://nypost.com/2019/09/13/brooke-skylar-richardson-walks-free-on-probation-in-daughters-death/
Have a baby in the middle of the night, bury it and get probation because she is a snowflake.......with an eating disorder. Poor widdle 20 yer old snowflake
Anonymous said....
Why should people here illegally have political representation and government spending equal to citizens?
6:21 PM
Because they are working and paying taxes, dummy. So they buy goods and services which adds to our economy. Additionally, do you want them to get sick and expose others to their illnesses? The person who gets sick from that could be you. Why are all of you righties so short sighted?
Anonymous said...
"Affirmative Action laws do not discriminate against white people."
Laws mandating special privileges for one group and denying them to another are the fucking definition of discrimination.
6:23 PM
Please quote or reference the law that specifically mandates "special privileges for one group and denying them to another." Thank yoou.
So they have caught the Sackler family wire transferring a billion dollars out of their company, Purdue Pharma, ahead of what looks to be a massive settlement over their role in the opioid crisis so as to be able to threaten bankruptcy if the numbers get too large for their liking.
The lawsuit is a consolidation of over 100 similar lawsuits that mostly claim that Purdue mislead their customers and the doctors who prescribed Oxycontin to them about the drug's addictive nature and its capacity for abuse.
The company is estimated to have made $35 billion from the sales of Oxycontin, which is basically a timed release form of morphine sulfate, that only requires users to crush it and either snort or inject it to be abused like any other morphine sulfate.
I have close friends and family members who have done years of prison time for selling weed, and every time I think about what the Sacklers have done I want to yell and throw things.
-Doug in Oakland
Because they are working and paying taxes, dummy.
Many of them work for cash under the table and pay NO taxes. Of the rest, many report fictitious dependents to qualify for EITC and get back more money than taxes withheld. In short, they steal.
Illegal immigrants are fraud machines, and you're okay with that because it hurts regular Americans.
So they buy goods and services which adds to our economy.
In other words, they consume things that could go to the benefit of actual Americans instead. That includes housing, fuel, road space, school seats, and a hell of a lot more.
Additionally, do you want them to get sick and expose others to their illnesses? The person who gets sick from that could be you
Did it ever occur to you that Americans would be at no risk from the diseases they carry IF THEY WERE NOT HERE? No, you're too stupid to understand that even after it's brought up to you; you could never come up with the idea yourself in a million years.
Please quote or reference the law that specifically mandates "special privileges for one group and denying them to another."
Look up "protected classes" (more rights than regular people) and "disparate impact" (rights to jobs not merited, even if they're totally unqualified).
“Many of them work for cash under the table and pay NO taxes. Of the rest, many report fictitious dependents to qualify for EITC and get back more money than taxes withheld. In short, they steal.”
None pay “no” taxes.
Even if they pay no income taxes, they still pay property taxes (even home renters still paying these indirectly), and pay sales taxes. These are not negligible tax burden, particularly for someone on low income.
The stupid, it burns said... 12:15 AM
"Did it ever occur to you that Americans would be at no risk from the diseases they carry IF THEY WERE NOT HERE?"
'If' is the definitive word. They are here. We are dealing with reality not wishful thinking. Once again you display your shortsighted refusal to consider the big picture.
Many of them work for cash under the table and pay NO taxes. Of the rest, many report fictitious dependents to qualify for EITC and get back more money than taxes withheld. In short, they steal.
Illegal immigrants are fraud machines, and you're okay with that because it hurts regular Americans.
Everyone pays some taxes; when they buy gas, when they pay rent (property taxes are factored into the cost of a rental), when they have cell phones, when they live in states with sales taxes, etc., etc.
Illegal immigrants are not fraud machines. I have known many who work hard and some who have created businesses that employ people who look like you.
"Please quote or reference the law that specifically mandates "special privileges for one group and denying them to another." Thank yoou."
He can't, just a way of claiming victimhood. Boo hoo hoo, everybody is getting special treatment.......
Look up "protected classes" (more rights than regular people) and "disparate impact" (rights to jobs not merited, even if they're totally unqualified).
2:22 AM
Bull! No, you look up Affirmative Action and educate yourself to the facts.
But anon does have a point because most companies don't employ effective diversity strategies. Like everything in life there is a learning curve. I'll use aviation as an example because that's my wheelhouse😆. If you want a diverse workforce you expand your recruiting footprint and get a larger pool of qualified candidates. For example, recruit at Hampton, Texas Southern and Deleware State as well as Purdue, Embry Riddle and Ohio State. Put up a booth (as many airlines do) at the Organization of Black Aviation Professionals convention. That's the proper way to diversify your workforce and it can and should be done ethically and appropriately. No need for preferntial hiring. Like I said, some do it right some don't.
Insane Footage! Drunk Whites Assaulted & Robbed By Young Black Gang Members – NewsWars
Bull! No, you look up Affirmative Action and educate yourself to the facts.
11:20 AM
Affirmative Action = Inferior
Insane Footage! Drunk Whites Assaulted & Robbed By Young Black Gang Members – NewsWars
Should teach them not to get drunk. What's the problem?
If it was young blacks being shot by police you'd tell them not to do the crime of living while black.
Immigrants are better workers than most wasicus. They appreciate their opportunities to make a decent wage and to care for their families, unlike inbred white trash, who wouldn't do much of the work immigrants jump at the chance to do.
How blacks were robbed of their lands. Demon whitey done it.
Death of free will. We already knew wingnuts acted solely upon orders emanating from Fake Noize's ass.
"Affirmative Action = Inferior"
Well we had white male affirmative action for centuries soooooooo.
"Bull! No, you look up Affirmative Action and educate yourself to the facts."
You know the deal Gambler, they aren't here to learn anything only troll. Fact free bubble.
Interesting read.
Trump stunned US officials when he called Egyptian President el-Sisi 'my favorite dictator' at the G7
Drumpfuck do likes hisself some right wing dick taters as long as they aren't micro-dicked.
Trump is failing on trade policy
© Getty
Donald Trump’s approval rating for his handling of trade negotiations have gone from neutral to increasingly negative, down to 35 percent this week. No wonder. He promised he would narrow trade deficits by renegotiating trade agreements, using tariffs as a stick. That promise is important to his 2020 campaign, even though trade deficits are not material to the strength of the economy. Nevertheless, it’s a promise he hasn’t kept.
The U.S. trade deficit rose with 10 of the U.S.’s 15 biggest trading partners between 2016 and 2018. Worldwide, it hit a record $891.3 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow by 7-8 percent in 2019.
The deficit in goods trade with China grew from $347 billion when Trump took office to a record $419.5 billion at the end of 2018 and for 2019 it stands at $200 billion as of the end of July. U.S. exports to China dropped by more than 26 percent from China’s retaliatory tariffs.
Are you stoopid fucking loser wingnuts as tired of winning as I am? Drumpf has proven beyond any doubt whatsoever he couldn't negotiate his way out of an empty, unlocked room with no doors or windows to hamper his egress.
PilotX said
"But anon does have a point because most companies don't employ effective diversity strategies. Like everything in life there is a learning curve. I'll use aviation as an example because that's my wheelhouse��. If you want a diverse workforce you expand your recruiting footprint and get a larger pool of qualified candidates. For example, recruit at Hampton, Texas Southern and Deleware State as well as Purdue, Embry Riddle and Ohio State. Put up a booth (as many airlines do) at the Organization of Black Aviation Professionals convention. That's the proper way to diversify your workforce and it can and should be done ethically and appropriately. No need for preferntial hiring. Like I said, some do it right some don't."
11:29 AM
You are so right, Pilotx. When I became director of the learning center at the university where I worked, I immediately sent invitations to to a diverse group of honor roll students inviting them to apply for tutoring positions at the center. Very soon, the staff was diversified enough to approximately resemble the diversity of the student body.
It isn't rocket science. Diversifying a work force is attainable with the correct recruiting strategy.
True, it seems some are out to sabotage any attempts at diversity. Do it right so all can benefit.
"Bull! No, you look up Affirmative Action and educate yourself to the facts."
PilotX said....
You know the deal Gambler, they aren't here to learn anything only troll. Fact free bubble.
1:31 PM
Yes, I know, my friend, but I feel compelled to stand up and correct them. Otherwise there may be some people who visit this blog who might believe them. We have suffered through more than fifty years of Republican lies about affirmative action, and I'm so done with their bull shit.
Breaking News
Months after facing her cousin’s killer in court, pregnant 18-year-old Treja Kelley was making big plans. Then a black gunman stepped from an alley.
Well we had white male affirmative action for centuries soooooooo.
1:30 PM
?????? You mean the white folks who passed the tests for real and made the grade??
"True, it seems some are out to sabotage any attempts at diversity. Do it right so all can benefit."
Diversity means less white males.
To achieve Diversity, you need to consciously discriminate against white males.
I have been part of corporate hiring decisions for over 30 years. For many of these positions, the direction from HR was to hire a woman or minority over a more qualified white male.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Breaking News
Sorry, fake news. Drumpf stopped all violence in Chicago a year ago when he sent in the feds and they cleaned it up in a week.
Wonder what bunch of wasicu kristians is responsible for this....
The body of a black transgender woman was recovered from a torched car in Clewiston, Florida, last week. According to the Human Rights Campaign, Bee Love Slater is the 18th transgender woman to be killed in 2019.
Hendry County investigators identified 23-year-old Slater several days after recovering her body from her burned vehicle, CBS Fort Myers affiliate WINK reports. Captain Susan Harelle said the body was burned beyond recognition.
AG Barr further politicized the DOJ by awarding the DOJ's second highest award to Brett Kavernmouth's lawyers who helped lie him intoa lifetime position on the potus.
Never been done before. The award usually goes to the top, prosecutor for criminal cases or corruption.
"You mean the white folks who passed the tests for real and made the grade?"
Nope. He means white people who were hired because they were white. If you have never seen this, you haven't worked an hourly wage job in the US like, ever.
-Doug in Oakland
"For many of these positions, the direction from HR was to hire a woman or minority over a more qualified white male."
Well then it's being done wrong. Done right the process should be genderless and colorblind. There should be no discrimination whatsoever if done properly. Sounds like your HR dept needed to be replaced.
"You mean the white folks who passed the tests for real and made the grade??"
Nah, not really. Once again I'll stick with aviation. After WW 2 there were close to 1,000 highly qualified blah pilots many of whom wanted to continue flying as airline pilots but because of blatant discrimination none were ever even interviewed. Fast forward a few years when airlines started acquiring jets and needed lots of pilots guess what? Still no call received from the military trained pilots but many airlines hired young white males that didn't even have a commercial pilot's license (the airline paid for their training). Only ONE of the military trained pilots got a job after he sued. I personally know pilots who were skilled military pilots, one was even an Air Force test pilot (they chose astronauts from that group) whose resumes were thrown in the trash because "they don't hire no n's". This continued unabated for decades. That was blatant white male affirmative action. Happened in labor, education and housing. Look it up sometime. There's even a book called "When Affirmative Action was White".
"Even though the Tuskegee airmen were experienced pilots, none became commercial pilots after the war because of segregation."
The above from:
Keystone stoopid fucking wingnuts...
Seth Rich's family has got the green light to sue the fucking liars at Fake Noize for gazillions. Appeals court turned them loose to render flesh from assorted assholes.
Fergus' emoluments civil actions got the green light this week, also.
So those 40 or so air national guard stopovers at his golf resort in Scotland might be bad for him now.
-Doug in Oakland
Former NFL player allegedly staged hate crime at his own business, police say
A doctor isn't even allowed to ask patients if there are guns in the homes.
4:21 PM
What medical reason would that be????
"What medical reason would that be????"
To prevent accidents and harm. Search around the internet, it's actually a compelling case. Most don't know the connection.
Reported to bumbling politicized FBI and never investigated. Figures.
” The Times cites several people who had indeed heard of the incident, with two classmates saying they had heard about it from fellow classmates just days after the party occurred. Any investigation into Ramirez’s account was limited by strict limits set by the Republican-controlled Senate. Of the 25 individuals that could corroborate Ramirez’s story, and who were directly provided to the FBI by her legal team, none were interviewed.
Right wing cover up of the truth about Kavernmouth.
He seemed nice, didn't he wingnuts?
Mike from Iowa said........
Oh my, that's one ugly white dude, Mike! If he represents the "master race", then the world is in more trouble than we thought.
TRUMP 2020!!
PilotX said...
"What medical reason would that be????"
To prevent accidents and harm. Search around the internet, it's actually a compelling case. Most don't know the connection.
7:16 AM
That's medically NOT a valid reason and a delusional thought. Guns provide protection from bad people like violent negroes. Libtards fight the NRA on training programs like Eddie eagle because they don't want real safety for children,they like to prey on them being the pedophiles that they are.
Accident prevention is preventive medicine. Doctors need to know which of you stoopid fucking wingnuts need to be taken out before you can shoot innocent blacks in the back and claim stand yer ground.
"What medical reason would that be????"
To prevent small round holes from being torn in their flesh, bones, and internal organs.
-Doug in Oakland
"That's medically NOT a valid reason and a delusional thought."
Nah, most accidents are due to people not properly storing their weapons. Many children are killed. It's like people who own pools, doctors give tips on pool safety. I can tell by your response you're only pretending to not understand but you know it's a good idea. It's for stupid people with guns and they're a lot of them out there.
Gun control does not work and its Un-Constitutional. We need effective Negro control.
11 blacks Dead, At Least 18 negroes Injured in Chicago Weekend Shootings
The city’s first deadly negro shooting occurred at approximately 7:30 p.m. on Friday
Published Sep 14, 2019 at 3:23 PM | Updated 4 hours ago
Gun control is constitutional. Go ask Gratefully deasd Scalia about his Heller decision. I'm sorry, I keep fergetting stoopid fucking wingnuts need to be told what they are supposed to read. Never mind. It went right over yer head anyway.
We need effective Negro control.
Nope, we need effective crazy eyed white boy with a bowl haircut control and then maybe they couldn't shoot up schools.
Black Man robber shoots himself on Red Line train near Garfield: police
5 white assholes arrested for guess what? Meth crimes of course.
White asshole kills wife and children.
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