While writing a New Yorker profile on Donald Trump in the late 1990s, Mark Singer attempted to discover something about the businessman’s private thoughts, as opposed to his outsized, public persona. When Singer asked him what he thought about when shaving in front of the mirror, Trump did not really understand the question.
“OK, I guess I’m asking, ‘do you consider yourself ideal company?’” Singer said. “You really want to know what I consider ideal company?” replied Trump. “A total piece of ass.”
Divining, assessing and adjudicating the mental health of this US president has become more than just a parlour game. Following a 2017 conference, 27 psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health experts wrote a book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, arguing it was their moral and civic “duty to warn” America that “for psychological reasons”, Trump was “more dangerous than any president in history”. They diagnosed him with everything from “severe character pathology” to “delusional disorder”, which can be added to the more common verdicts of “narcissistic personality disorder” and “antisocial personality disorder” which are regularly offered.
His behaviour and comments over the past fortnight would appear to not only confirm these conclusions, but to suggest his condition is deteriorating. There has been the appalling treatment of Harry Dunn’s parents, and his reference to his own “great and unmatched wisdom”. He sent a letter to the Turkish president, Recep ErdoΔan, warning him: “Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool. I will call you later.” On Wednesday, in a single press conference with the Italian president, Sergio Mattarella, he attacked Google, Amazon, Germany, France, Spain, his guest and the European Union, as well as several US intelligence and law enforcement officials.
Later that day, Democratic leaders walked out of a White House meeting with him after he continually insulted them. But not before he told House speaker Nancy Pelosi: “I hate Isis more than you do,” and claimed “I captured Isis … in one month.”
As the threat of impeachment leaves him more isolated, and an election he may lose makes him more vulnerable, we can expect more bizarre behaviour and, consequently, more attempts to frame his actions as those of an unstable and unhinged despot. Such depictions are tempting. They should also be resisted.
Trump’s state of mind is, of course, relevant. He is the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military forces in the world. He has the nuclear codes. He is impulsive and capricious. He lies constantly, unashamedly and apparently compulsively. It is deeply worrying that the executive powers of the presidency lie in the hands of a man who is at one and the same time so brittle, aggressive, vindictive, ridiculous and self-obsessed. His decision to abandon a longstanding ally in Kurdistan and pull US troops out of Syria, against all military advice, is a case in point.
But to reduce his presidency to this – one man and his frail mind – is to ignore how he got there, all he has said and done since he has been there, and how he remains there. (It also risks reducing mental health to a lazy slur.) Just because he believes he will go down in history as a great man doesn’t mean we have to subscribe to the “great man theory of history” – the theory which claims events are moulded not by ordinary people, social movements and economic processes, but by key individuals who stamp their will on the world through force of personality.
For along with Trump’s personal frailties is a series of political characteristics that underpins his anomie. He is a misogynist, a racist, a xenophobe and a nationalist. Those are not psychological descriptors but political ones, fortified by systems and ideology.
As such, his behaviour has been irascible but hardly erratic. The rhetorical objects of his disdain are not random. He has not lashed out at the National Rifle Association, the religious right or white people. Politically, his tantrums invariably find their mark in the weak, the poor, the dark, the female, the Muslim, the marginalised and the foreigner. (He will attack powerful people, but not simply for existing. They must cross him first.)
These inclinations were clear when he stood for the presidency. He has been every bit as bigoted, undisciplined, indiscreet, thin-skinned and braggadocious as his campaign promised. And he won.
This was not because people didn’t see those things, but because they either didn’t care, cared about other things more, preferred him to the alternative, or simply didn’t show up. As such, his victory marked a high point for the naked appeal of white supremacy in particular and rightwing populism in general, and a low point for the centre-left, neoliberal agenda.
True, he did not win the popular vote, but nonetheless close to 63 million people voted for him. True, his party lost the House of Representatives in the 2018 mid-term elections. But they also gained two seats in the Senate – the first time the party holding the presidency has achieved that since 2002 – in the wake of a synagogue shooting and mail-bomb attacks inspired by his rhetoric. True, more than half of the country wants to impeach him; but about 40% still approve of the job he’s doing. The one thing that stands between him and impeachment is the party behind him in both houses.
Even his thuggish “America first” foreign policy stands as part of a tradition. In 1964, when the Greek ambassador tried to point out the shortcomings of the US plan to partition Cyprus, President Lyndon Johnson replied: “Fuck your parliament and your constitution … We pay a lot of good American dollars to the Greeks, Mr Ambassador. If your prime minister gives me talk about democracy, parliament and constitution he, his parliament and his constitution may not last long.” He would never have put that in a letter. But three years later, Greece was under a brutal military junta backed by the US from which it did not emerge for seven years.
In other words, this particular form of insanity – if that is what it is – enjoys mass, if not majority, support, institutional defence and historical precedent. It is the mindset of more than just an individual. Trump’s presence serves a purpose and interests. If he is a lone wolf, how do we explain the likes of Boris Johnson or Silvio Berlusconi, who share so many of his “idiosyncratic traits”, from accusations of sexual harassment to a cavalier attitude towards democratic norms and casual racism.
“The great man of the age,” wrote Friedrich Hegel – using “great” to mean powerful rather than wonderful – “is the one who can put into words the will of his age, tell his age what its will is, and accomplish it. What he does is the heart and essence of his age; he actualises his age.”
As such, in his desire to blame everyone but himself, in his lies, bullying, despotism, insecurity, ineptitude, cheating, scapegoating, preening self-regard, vanity and ignorance, Trump is an emblem of the free-market, white supremacist nationalism that is ascendant in this moment.
Ultimately there may be a medical or therapeutic intervention that can help him; but only a political intervention can help us get rid of him. [Source]
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»I can remember when I was very young, my mother once told me: "there are two ways to get rich and famous...make everyone love you, or everyone hate you".
Trump seems to have the best of both worlds.
Trump seems to have the best of both worlds.
9:13 PM
Neither world is particularly desirable.
"This was not because people didn’t see those things, but because they either didn’t care, cared about other things more, preferred him to the alternative, or simply didn’t show up."
Oh, they care all right. The Pig People love Fergus. Love him more than Jesus. They are the disease of which he is but a symptom.
Oh, and Lt. Commander, you forgot "inherit half a billion dollars from your daddy and scam your way out of paying taxes on it."
-Doug in Oakland
The rhetorical objects of his disdain are not random. He has not lashed out at the National Rifle Association, the religious right or white people.
In other words, he eschews the targets the ctrl-Left demonizes and he supports the people who voted for him. Not ENOUGH support; white people still don't have an immigration moratorium or a ban on affirmative action for people not descended from slaves. But slashing refugees is a start.
Politically, his tantrums invariably find their mark in the weak, the poor, the dark, the female, the Muslim, the marginalised and the foreigner.
"Muslim" and "foreign" mean "people who should not be in America" but the author would faint dead away if you said this to her face. The rest are leftie hysteria. Trump has done more for "dark" people than anyone this century; black unemployment is at a record low.
And blacks hate him. Such ingratitude should be repaid by free trips to Africa. One-way.
The Guardian is a source of much unvarnished truth about us, for whatever reason. And the story about Johnson confirms a lot about that sonofabitch. I still remember him signing the Civil Rights Act, sitting while MLK had to stand. Something wrong about that picture. Not to mention the episodes meeting cabinet members while he was on the toilet. Not even Trump has stooped to that.
Drumpfuck, the stoopidest son of a bitch, ever to set foot in the hallowed white house got fact checked from the space station about women astronauts. This POS head is full of non truths and lies. The worst bogus potus ever and for all time.
"Muslim" and "foreign" mean "people who should not be in America. Neither should wasicus, blacks, kristians, French, English, Italian, Russians, and any other nationalities or religions other than the natives who were here before the savage yankee horde arrived.
phuck drumpf!
Dems pass THUG act or Trump Heist Undermines G-7
No, Mr. Gary Younge, "We are All to Blame" is a misguided statement. I and the other sixty-three million Americans who voted for Hillary are not to blame for Trump's election. Place the blame where it belongs, on the sixty million who voted for Trump and on our undemocratic Electoral College system that has given us two disastrous presidents in the last 20 years.
Neither G.W. Bush not Donald Trump were elected by the vote of the people of the United States and both have tried to destroy what is left of our republic.
Excellent read. Thank you.
The over the top, hysterical, irrational hatred of Trump has nothing to do with what he has done in office. He functions as a symbol of what you hate most: A successful white male. Brash, arrogant, unapologetic for existing, he stands in the way of the dismantling of America. He is your Emanuel Goldberg, a place to focus your hate of those who would even temporarily delay your bloody revenge on those you blame for your shortcomings.
In the name of democracy you seek to overturn an election. In the name of the Constitution you launch unconstitutional impeachment inquiries. In the name of justice, you conduct unjust investigations seeking to invent crimes while you ignore blatant crimes committed by your side.
The Democratic candidate paid for Russian disinformation to sway the election. The Democratic administration coerced the Ukrainian government by withholding aid unless they supplied dirt on their opponents and quashed investigations into their corruption. They used foreign intelligence agencies to provide false cover for spying on the opposition campaign. And they covered it all up by accusing the target of their crimes of doing the very things they themselves had done.
Yesterday we learned that Hillary Clinton believes that Donald Trump plans to stay in office forever, that she has secret information that Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein are Russian assets, and that ten year olds are responsible for her election loss.
This is the person you would have foisted on the American people as their President. A lifelong criminal who is willing to tell the most ridiculous lies to further her insatiable lust for power and money. A person who thinks half the country is deplorable and the other half are morons.
But instead, the American people picked a guy who has made the economy hum, fought for the American worker, and put a brake on the Endless War machine.
I never voted for Obama. I though he was an empty vessel that would be used to impose a destructive agenda on America, which to some extent he was. But in retrospect, a McCain or a Romney presidency would likely have been worse. I'll give you credit for that.
We'll take the credit for saving you for the blame of a Hillary presidency.
"And blacks hate him. Such ingratitude should be repaid by free trips to Africa. One-way."
I'll take a free trip there but since I fly for free I can do that anyway. Thanks for the offer though.
This has always been a big dumb country that got lucky because all the other world powers blew the shit out of each other in WW1 and WW2. In the coming decades our stupidity will wreak havoc on us because the rest of the world is embracing education and normalcy while we run screaming towards ignorance. Next up President Phil from Duck Dynasty.π
The doo-doo keeps getting deeper, Dems. Best put your hip-waders on. Trump is just waiting until the primaries to let Barr go loose.
Glad to see you figgered out the emojis, PilotX. Fly free.
The constitution says the president can't take money or gifts from foreign governments without congressional approval, which has been denied for presidents such as Lincoln and Jackson.
The congress is specifically denying approval for the G7 leaders and their entourages to give Fergus any money, making his corrupt attempt at propping up his failing, bed bug infested property at Doral with the conference a ready made article of impeachment.
-Doug in Oakland
The drumpckening, you sure took the long way around the barn to tell us all you be a moron. Let us figure some things out for ourselves.
Question: How many Russians does it take to make Hillary lose the elections?
Answer: None
The Trumpening said....
In the name of democracy you seek to overturn an election. In the name of the Constitution you launch unconstitutional impeachment inquiries.
Hey Ivan, calm down, take a break and read the US Constitution. I call your attention to Article 1. Section 2 and Article 9. Sections 8. and 9.
Joe Cirincione
For months, @nytimes put stories of Hillary Clinton’s email on its front pages. The final investigative report clearing all of wrongdoing? That is on page 16 today.
-Doug in Oakland
"Hey Ivan, calm down, take a break and read the US Constitution. I call your attention to Article 1. Section 2 and Article 9. Sections 8. and 9."
Hey Granny, I call your attention to the fact that there have been three votes in Congress to open an impeachment inquiry, and all have failed. According to the Constitution, proceeding with an inquiry anyway is a violation of the rules.
"The final investigative report clearing all of wrongdoing?"
Say what?
The investigation, launched more than three years ago, determined that those 38 people were “culpable” in 91 cases of sending classified information that ended up in Clinton’s personal email, according to a letter sent to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week and released on Friday. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified.
The investigation covered 33,000 emails that Clinton turned over for review after her use of the private email account became public. The department said it found a total of 588 violations involving information then or now deemed to be classified but could not assign fault in 497 cases.
Although the report identified violations, it said investigators had found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.”
However, it also made clear the Clinton’s use of the private email had increased the vulnerability of classified information.
Let's not forget the fact that she lied when she she said that she had gone to State Department officials for approval and that they signed off on it.
Of course, since they once again offer Hillary an out by concluding she didn't really mean to do it, you are more than willing to swallow this spin for your team. Let's just blame the underlings again and "Move On".
Wouldn't the culpability lie with the boss who has set up this illegal system and ordered people to only contact her via this system?
"According to the Constitution, proceeding with an inquiry anyway is a violation of the rules."
Really? Can you point this out? I haven't seen this rule.
Those 38 people, were any of their names Hillary Clinton? Do you perhaps suppose that Fergus' henchman would somehow have failed to include her name if it was in any way possible for them to do so, under even the most ridiculous of pretenses?
Poor little Atomwaffen Kaleb lost all of his boom booms.
-Doug in Oakland
From US Constitution, Article 1 section 2:
"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."
Which means they get to make the rules, as a part of the "sole power" thingie.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
Question: How many Russians does it take to make Hillary lose the elections?
Hard to get an accurate count since they use bots and shit on social media. The real truth is one and everyone does what Putin tells them to get drumpf annointed micro-dicked czar.
Those 91 cases of classified bullshit is because they were determined to be classified long after the fact as I reported wingnuts claiming they would classify them to try and nail HRC.
"Do you perhaps suppose that Fergus' henchman would somehow have failed to include her name if it was in any way possible for them to do so"
The State Department is staffed by career bureaucrats who are far from "Fergus' henchmen". Once again, clear crimes committed by Hillary are excused by the illegitimate concept of "intent".
Hey Granny, I call your attention to the fact that there have been three votes in Congress to open an impeachment inquiry, and all have failed. According to the Constitution, proceeding with an inquiry anyway is a violation of the rules.
5:00 PM
Hey Ivan, sorry but you are wrong. Article 1., Section 2. and I quote, "The house of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole power of Impeachment." It has long been agreed that the House makes all the rules regarding impeachment and neither you or Trump have a word to say about it.
I refer you to a fact-check article in the new York Times. Please read it and learn the truth.
Lt. Commander Johnson said...
The doo-doo keeps getting deeper, Dems. Best put your hip-waders on. Trump is just waiting until the primaries to let Barr go loose.
Glad to see you figgered out the emojis, PilotX. Fly free.
2:00 PM
So what kind of doo-doo are you speaking of? Anyway, I think that when all of Barr's crimes come to light, he will too busy defending himself to worry about other peoples crimes - real or imagined.
HRC can run around and tweet she was completely exonerated, again.
"It has long been agreed that the House makes all the rules regarding impeachment and neither you or Trump have a word to say about it."
It appears you are correct.
Why have a vote to conduct an inquiry when you can just go ahead with it anyway? Why go ahead with it when the Congress votes no?
The Dems have a majority in the House and could pass such a resolution without a single Republican vote. The fact that they can't is an indication that the sane portion of the Democratic congress knows this will turn out badly for their party.
"HRC can run around and tweet she was completely exonerated, again."
With the report stating there were nearly 600 classified emails on her private server, she would be lying. Again.
In a bit of delicious irony, the current standing rules governing the impeachment process in the house of representatives were written by the Republicans when they were busy impeaching Bill Clinton for lying about a consensual blow job.
-Doug in Oakland
Perjury is an impeachable offense.
Talking to a foreign leader is not.
"Why have a vote to conduct an inquiry when you can just go ahead with it anyway? Why go ahead with it when the Congress votes no?"
The non-vote allows the House Intelligence Committee to shower subpoenas on the White House and create the impression, through the innuendo of activity, that Trump’s call with Zelensky was not merely a high crime (highly debatable) but the tip of widespread conspiracy (less debatable).
The non-vote allows hyper-partisans like Rep. Adam Schiff to keep testimony secret when useful, selectively sharing useful snippets of evidence with media allies who then dutifully curate all the leaks into a useful political narrative. After two years, and dozens of misleading stories fueling Russia collusion coverage, former special counsel Robert Mueller ultimately debunked Schiff’s core contention. With Ukraine, the congressman only needs to propel his production into November 2020.
Pelosi’s delay also allows Democrats to shield the name of the intelligence whistleblower. I bet Linda Tripp wishes she had been so lucky. No, this isn’t a criminal trial, but you suspect many voters who are okay with a hypothetical impeachment would regard the act of facing an accuser a matter of fundamental fairness.
Trump's crime isn't just extorting favors from a foreign government; that does indeed happen all the time; it was extorting _personal_ favors from a foreign government. Had he been extorting favors in the national interest, then that would have been business as usual.
Trump did the _wrong_ quid pro quo.
It's not in the national interest to know if the Vice President was extorting personal favors from a foreign government?
Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor investigating his son fired.
Biden got the prosecutor who would not investigate his son pushed out, for, you know, failing to investigate corruption. Sort of like what Barr is doing now.
-Doug in Oakland
"Biden got the prosecutor who would not investigate his son pushed out"
There is stupid and dishonest, and then there is Doug.
psst...feelz, this an opinion piece. Not a very intelligent one at that.
Also, let's all hope the dims hold their special impeachment thingie in the basement with the lights out. That'll really convince people to vote for Shrillary.
PS: it's delectably ironic that Doug calls people names all the while being a big, fat, nasty parasite on the ass of society.
Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor investigating his son fired.
If only that were true, you could pat yourself on the back for the very first time. Plus Biden, acting on orders from Obama the Great, was one of many people from numerous countries, near and far, that wanted the corruption in Ukraine to stop. Sholkin was a corrupt prosecutor who would not investigate real corruption.
BTW, exactly what crime(s) did Hunter Biden commit? What was he allegedly charged with?
PS: it's delectably ironic that Drumpf calls people names all the while being the biggest, fattest, nastiest parasite on the ass of society.
Fixed it for you anymoose. Don't thank me for showing you the error of your stoopid fucking wingnut ways.
Anonymous said...
Perjury is an impeachable offense.
Talking to a foreign leader is not.
9:47 PM
True, but extorting a foreign leader to do you a favor by smearing a political opponent and thereby helping you win reelection is an impeachable offense.
Anonymous said...
psst...feelz, this an opinion piece. Not a very intelligent one at that.
Also, let's all hope the dims hold their special impeachment thingie in the basement with the lights out. That'll really convince people to vote for Shrillary.
7:56 AM
I guess all you have are right-wing talking points. Investigations are always done in secret. When the impeachment begins it will not be behind closed doors. All of America will learn of Trump's many crimes and abuse of power. You and Trump and his right wing followers are crying like babies. Oh, it's so unfair that the "great one" is being investigated. Get over it.
Trumpening said:
He functions as a symbol of what you hate most: A successful white male.
Bull feathers -
Trump is a brash, cowardly bully who doesn't pay his debts, assaults women regularly, doesn't have an honest bone in his head, and has no clue as to how to govern even if he wanted to, which he doesn't. He knows everything and can't be bother to learn how the government works, has no grasp of international affairs, economics or any other useful subject. His presidency has been a disaster for our country.
Putin'd dick is in drumpf's capacious piehole.l That is the only seed sucking drumpf will ever do.
"True, but extorting a foreign leader to do you a favor by smearing a political opponent and thereby helping you win reelection is an impeachable offense."
That's exactly what the Democrats did in 2016. While Biden's extortion was primarily aimed at protecting his son's corrupt dealings, it was far from the only way they squeezed Ukraine:
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.
In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.
"Democrats and their operatives sought foreign help for anti-Trump dirt on a number of occasions during the 2016 election and afterward, including the infamous Kremlin-sourced dossier and Rep. Adam B. Schiff’s attempt to obtain from Russians supposed photos of a naked Donald Trump.
Democrats also reached out to Ukraine to collect political smut on President Trump and his aides."
Why the hell aren't these comments moderated? "anonymous" likes to throw around ad hominem attacks but that's just peachy, apparently. "trumpening" is an obvious Nazi. Allowing rightwing trolls to lie and lie some more is not a "discussion." Clean up the comments for the good of your blog, otherwise it's just another shitshow.
Students of all colors walked out of school in support of fired educator in Madison Wisconsin. His alleged crime was breaking the zero tolerance policy od using certain words to describe others, in this case the "N" word. All he did was to ask a student, who used that term often to this black man, not to use the "N" word.
And, Gary Younge somehow forgot to mention Putin's name in his piece, along with Russian ratfuckery.. No, we are NOT all to blame. The election was fucked from the get go: voter purging of poc via Crosscheck, etc., voter machine hacking, elimination of polling venues, onerous voter ID requirements, etc., etc. The gop (putin's party) will do the same thing again-they have blocked funding for election security and dismantled the FEC.
Anonymous said.....
That's exactly what the Democrats did in 2016. While Biden's extortion was primarily aimed at protecting his son's corrupt dealings, it was far from the only way they squeezed Ukraine:
If what you say is true, the Republicans should have impeached him in 2016. This is now 2019 and Trump has been caught red-handed. Regardless, one fabricated charge does not justify ignoring a real crime done out in the open. Deflecting doesn't work any more.
What exactly was Hunter Biden accused of doing by any legal entity in Ukraine? Where is your proof Biden was even investigated?
Where is any proof Joe biden did anything to protect his son, who WAS NOT under investigation?
4. What criminal charges came out of this?
None. Burisma issued a statement in 2017 saying that “all legal proceedings and pending criminal allegations” against it and Zlochevsky were closed and that it paid an extra 180 million hryvnias ($7 million) in taxes. There’s also no known evidence that any of the investigations ever involved Hunter Biden. Ukraine’s former prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, told Bloomberg News in May that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens.
You wingnuts pulled this same shit in every investigation of Clintons and other Dems. You rely on outright lies and totally made up shit with no proof of any wrongdoings, then when that fails you do it all over again- same shit different day. Then you make up excuses for how justice is never served against Dems whikle you scratch yer nuts and cheer for the real corruption in the kremlin annex.
I have often wondered about moderation here myself. It happens from time to time, but I think the lack of moderation is a combination of the host not bothering, and the host letting us know just how low some lowlives are. For me his troll zoo has been educational. On occasion I have provoked an alt-white snowflake meltdown. That's educational _and_ fun.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman:
"Deflecting doesn't work any more."
From your keyboard to God's monitor!
Field says he allows these right wing assholes to make bigly assholes of themselves. I hate having the "N" word bandied about as freely as it does here, but as a wasicu, I have never been harrassed every day because of the color of my skin. I can never fully understand what rACial hate towards me is like.
If POC got in my grille about being white, I can understand where that anger comes from.And drumpfuck the racist, pathologicaL lying POS is a major catalyst of the racial hate in America.
"If what you say is true, the Republicans should have impeached him in 2016. This is now 2019 and Trump has been caught red-handed. Regardless, one fabricated charge does not justify ignoring a real crime done out in the open. Deflecting doesn't work any more."
These facts about Ukraine came out in January of 2017. They should have impeached Obama a few days before he left office?
Trump has not been "caught" doing anything. Read the transcript. The Democrats have fabricated this charge to cover up their own dealings with Ukraine, just like they fabricated the Russia collusion hoax to cover up Hillary paying for Russian disinformation on Trump.
Deflecting is all the Democrats and their media have been doing for three years now. It's not going to work.
Sophie said...
"Why the hell aren't these comments moderated? "anonymous" likes to throw around ad hominem attacks but that's just peachy, apparently. "trumpening" is an obvious Nazi. Allowing rightwing trolls to lie and lie some more is not a "discussion." Clean up the comments for the good of your blog, otherwise it's just another shitshow."
In other words, Sophie wants to be shielded from facts that threaten the narrative that undergirds her tenuous grasp on reality. Pop her bubble and you're a Nazi.
Moderating comments that are mindlessly racist or gratuitously crude is fine.
Moderating comments that contain inconvenient truths is just hiding your head in the sand.
Letting the Pig People fly their porcine flag in all of its hideous glory has value, especially to those who live among sane people and don't realize how fucked up that slice of the electorate really is, and so still harbor delusions about being able to communicate in good faith with them on any but the most superficial level.
Driftglass calls them the tribe that rubs shit in their hair, because they pass the lies from their propaganda around like turd hairdos and admire each others merde coiffures in private celebrations of each other's hairy, brown, creativity and then are shocked when they go out in public and are shunned by polite society and anyone with a working olfactory sense.
Trying to ignore their existence and just get on with your day can help you keep your personal sanity, but led to Fergus' election in '16, as far too many sane people just said "Nobody that fucked up can actually get elected."
Remember that it was less than 80,000 votes in three states that installed the rat bastard in the oval office, so aside from all the well documented cheating they did, +/- 100,000 sane people in those three states who stayed home out of a false sense of security got us here to begin with.
Which is why we can't let the Republicans and their media enablers get away with the rebranding that's currently getting into full swing. No denial of the support of this monster, or the next monster will be even worse. They always are.
Just like the bogus "Tea Party" was just Republicans running from the flaming wreckage of the Bush administration like German soldiers fleeing Berlin, stopping only long enough to burn their uniforms, then donning stupid costumes with tricorn hats and dangling teabags and claiming they'd never even heard of this Bush fellow who they voted for twice and cheerled while he buggered the country like no other modern president at the time, right now the centrist media is fascinated with the "never Trumpers" who are just Republicans who are shocked to discover that the Republican party is full of Republicans and so now want to tell us how to run our primary.
Only this time we're not buying it.
Burn the motherfucking lifeboats, these fucks have to own this for a long time this time, and putting their awful thoughts and beliefs on prominent display is one way to help make that happen. Yes, they do exist, they are really that fucked in the head, and here's ten examples of that for evidence.
-Doug in Oakland
"the next monster will be even worse"
My money is on Phil from Duck Dynasty.
"Perjury is an impeachable offense.
Talking to a foreign leader is not."
The FEC has ruled that asking a foreign entity for help in an election is against the law. Mick Mulvaney pretty much gave up the ghost.π
Anonymous said...
"If what you say is true, the Republicans should have impeached him in 2016. This is now 2019 and Trump has been caught red-handed. Regardless, one fabricated charge does not justify ignoring a real crime done out in the open. Deflecting doesn't work any more."
These facts about Ukraine came out in January of 2017. They should have impeached Obama a few days before he left office?
Trump has not been "caught" doing anything. Read the transcript.
Wouldn't the impeachment been of Biden, since Republicans insist he, not Obama did the dirty deed?
And the transcript openly shows a shake down to get Ukraine to slander Biden. Only an extremely naive child would see that conversation any other way.
PilotX said........
The FEC has ruled that asking a foreign entity for help in an election is against the law. Mick Mulvaney pretty much gave up the ghost.π
4:27 PM
Yes, indeed he did, my friend. Mulvaney must be dumber than a box of rocks unless he did it on purpose.
"I would like you to do us a favor though"
-Doug in Oakland
What's the over under on how long Mulvaney lasts? I say he's gone by the end of the week. "Mick who?" π
Moar crystal clear proof drumpf is running a body count.... take his remarks on Baltimore and the facts that US Congressman and civil rights leader/hero just passed away and so has Nancy Pelosi's brother, who was a former mayor of Baltimore.
All you drumpf ass-kissers out there, how come he never provides any proof for any of his allegations? Likely because he knows he is lying and he also knows you don't care that he is lying.
"how come he never provides any proof for any of his allegations?"
Do any of them? We live in an "alternate facts" world now.
This is the level of stupid we're dealing with.
Looks like the whole Bible is already outlawed in Canada:
What happened?
Global News video showed Lynn walking in the area of Church and Wellesley Streets and preaching with an amplified microphone. The outlet said some of his comments included "dispel and remove the kingdom of darkness from this area" and that he's "coming out as a Christian."
Image source: Global News video screenshot
Police said it was alleged that residents and business owners asked Lynn to stop numerous times.
Video showed a crowd confronting and arguing with Lynn.
Image source: Global News video screenshot
Opponents held banners and signs — some in an apparent attempt to block others from seeing him.
Image source: Global News video screenshot
Lynn also said the area "is full of bigots," the outlet added.
Police asked Lynn to stop using his microphone and leave the area, Global News said. But while he dispensed with his microphone, he went right on speaking without amplification — and then cops arrested him, the outlet said.
For those snowflakes too sensitive to follow a link to The Blaze, it is rather obvious that Lynn is a POC. So here you have a POC who has been arrested in Canada for doing something that you say Americans should never have to worry about doing because You Are So Tolerant.
We had campus preachers in my student days, but I never heard of any of them being arrested. Times have obviously changed; the left is far less tolerant of anything and anyone who does not bow down to the dogma.
"Burn the motherfucking lifeboats"
Doug seems sane.
"And the transcript openly shows a shake down to get Ukraine to slander Biden. Only an extremely naive child would see that conversation any other way."
No it doesn't, you must be referencing Schiff's made up conversation. Hint: It's not real.
How extremely naive must you be to believe some who used Bleach Bit on her illegal email server and ordered her staff smash 30 Blackberries with hammers had nothing to hide? Or that someone who used the power of his office to coerce a foreign government to fire a prosecutor investigating his son's corruption did nothing wrong?
Or that someone who used the power of his office to coerce a foreign government to fire a prosecutor investigating his son's corruption did nothing wrong?
Prove it. Let's see some verifiable evidencde anything you said is true. Put up or shut up.
FBI determined there were only 13 mobile devices and only 8 of them had been used while HRC was SOS. The missing 32000 emails were determined by lawyers to be HRC's personal emails and she had every right, under the rules of State to do what she wanted with them.
As for the hammer job, Wired said they should have used a jack hammer to ensure no one could access any info from the discarded devices. They were not part of the evidence chain and HRC committed no crime in destroying them. The law requires they be destroyed.
And the 32000 emails were destroyed but there is no evidence HRC knew they were destroyed after a subpoena was issued for them.
Once again you clowns toss abunch of shitn against the wall in hopes something will stick.
"there were only 13 mobile devices"
"they should have used a jack hammer"
"no evidence HRC knew they were destroyed after a subpoena was issued"
"No it doesn't, you must be referencing Schiff's made up conversation. Hint: It's not real."
Nope, the reference is to the summary of the call released by the white house.
-Doug in Oakland
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Hello everyone, am very happy to share this little awesome testimony about Dr olu a great herbal doctor who help me enlarge my penis size.3.2 cm to 8.3 cm longer with his herbal cream mixture, my girlfriend is now so amazed with the autonomous size of my penis , if you you are also in need of help on how to enlarge your penis to become bigger and stronger I adverse you to contact Dr on his email (drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) ) you or contact on whatsapp number +2348140654426 because he is one of the best herbal doctor that i can only show you up to, if your penis is 4.2 cm and want to get it reach 9.2 cm within three weeks i Dr olu is also specialized on obey m breast and boobs enlargement i advise you to contact him for help
Now drumpfuck the dumbfuck is advocating keeping 200 troops in Syria with the Kurds to protect Syria's oil fields from Syria and Russia.
I predict after the world ends Drumpf will have a clear strategy that someone can understand.
The funniest part of this blog is that the spam is better quality than the lefturd dogma.
Anonymous said........
"And the transcript openly shows a shake down to get Ukraine to slander Biden. Only an extremely naive child would see that conversation any other way."
No it doesn't, you must be referencing Schiff's made up
conversation. Hint: It's not real.
The transcript is fully available on the Fox website. Go and read it for yourself. The president openly says, "I would like you to do us a favor though..."
This is clearly a shake down. If you can't see it, you are drunk, sleeping or dead.
As to what Hillary or any other Democrat has done, that is irrelevant to this conversation. We are speaking of the crimes committed by Trump, the president of the United States. So stop your silly attempts at deflection.
Asking for assistance in the investigation of corruption at the highest level is not a crime, especially since no threat, implicit or otherwise, was made to withhold aid.
You want a clear example of a shakedown? Here's Joe Biden bragging about one:
"I remember going over and convincing our team, others, to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.
So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."
The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.)
Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden was only the messenger, not the policy maker.
You just want to key on Biden because he will kick the shit out of Drumpf in the election, along with about 5 other Dems, except drumpfuck the pathological lying crime boss won't be a free man for the election.
The funniest part of this blog is that the spam is better quality than the lefturd dogma.
Like you could possibly read.
First order of business for whichever Dem gets the White Houe fumogated and de-stenched is to start an immediate4 data base of all the losers that voted for Drumpf and assign however many of them each large farm needs to raise crops and cattle/swine.
Each forced worker gets minimum wage and has their wages taxed for SS and Medicaid, which they will not be allowed to accrue because they will get fired every couple years and have to start SS Tax payments anew.
One way to help ensure farmers and ranchers get their crops raised and marketed. Workers will get minimum health care and will regularly doused with toxic chemicals to kill weeds and pests, just like now.
"Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden was only the messenger, not the policy maker."
Which proves Obama is as big of a criminal as Biden.
Which proves Obama is as big of a criminal as Biden.
Dear drumpfuck the dumbfuck 4, let's see your proof. Bring it on or go home.
"Which proves Obama is as big of a criminal as Biden."
How so? He neither have been indicted no less convicted of anything. Criminals have to be convicted of things kinda like trump associates.
Boy, white racists are kinda assholes.
Boy, don't the negrophiles have anything LESS than 60 years old to whine about?
They could do some good by allowing real police work again in Chicago, but they bought into the crap that stop-and-frisk is racist because it inconveniences the thugs who are doing all the shootings. Well, yeah; that's the point.
Anonymous said......
They could do some good by allowing real police work again in Chicago, but they bought into the crap that stop-and-frisk is racist because it inconveniences the thugs who are doing all the shootings. Well, yeah; that's the point.
2:29 PM
Two problems with your recommendation.
1. Article 4. of the Constitution of the United States states that such policies are forbidden. I'm not going to copy it for you, so look it up yourself.
2. Suppose the stop and search policy was aimed at white males? How "inconvenient" for you would it by if police stopped you regularly on the street and frisked you? Not likely to happen to me, you say? Well, if they can do it to others eventually they can do it to you. Wake up. Every time you take rights away from others, you take the same rights away from yourself.
"How so? He neither have been indicted no less convicted of anything. Criminals have to be convicted of things"
Actually, someone becomes a criminal when they commit a crime, regardless of whether or not they ever get caught or convicted.
If Obama signed off on Biden's extortion, as Biden has said that he did, then Obama is as guilty as Biden.
Anonymous said....
Actually, someone becomes a criminal when they commit a crime, regardless of whether or not they ever get caught or convicted.
If Obama signed off on Biden's extortion, as Biden has said that he did, then Obama is as guilty as Biden.
3:30 PM
So where's your proof that Obama committed a crime? If you have any, you should turn it over to the Justice Department. And don't reply with any of your right-wing, conspiracy- crap web sites. Reliable sources, please.
So where's your proof that Trump committed a crime?
It does no good to argue with these people. The evidence is clear in front of their faces. They won't admit it, though. I suppose that's why blacks always vote Dem. You Negros should quit watching shows like CNN, MSNBC, NBC,...Let's Make a Deal, and The Price Is Right.
If Obama signed off on Biden's extortion, as Biden has said that he did, then Obama is as guilty as Biden.
That means drumpf is doubly guilty and committed multiple crimes because he extorted Ukraine and China. Lock his skanky orange ass up immediately.
Actually, someone becomes a criminal when they commit a crime, regardless of whether or not they ever get caught or convicted.
Not true. They are "alleged criminals" unless and until they are convicted legally. However, walking, talking, driving, babysitting, hanging out on the porch, going to the park, grilling and a host of other normal things done while black are not crimes and should not bet an excuse for cops to start racial incidents against innocent people.
Bibi punts...
Trump crime? Start with loan, tax, and insurance fraud in NYC where he ran the old "two sets of books" scam to inflate the worth of his properties on loan applications and understate them on property tax filings.
Try that yourself and see how fast they take you to Rikers...
-Doug in Oakland
"Start with loan, tax, and insurance fraud in NYC"
I guess the right wing NY justice system declined to prosecute.
I guess the right wing NY justice system declined to prosecute.
Of course they did, tool. that is why law abiding people in the Attorney General's office is investigating this. Imagine if stoopid fucking right wing do nothing prosecutors could be removed from office for not doing their jobs, America would be a shining beacon like Ukraine.
"I suppose that's why blacks always vote Dem."
Nope. I don't always vote Dem. I vote Green and Independent sometimes but I don't vote Republican. Dems are much better on the issues I care about. Maybe you would vote Dem too if you weren't brainwashed by Fox.π☝πΎ️
"So where's your proof that Trump committed a crime?"
Never said he committed a crime but he is under investigation right now for abuse of power. Word on the street the impeachment will start within weeks. Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse are climbing on board the impeachment train. Doesn't look good for trump.
Even Lindsey Grahm is turning on trump.π³
Negroes vote Democratic because they're not fat stupid red necks who don't know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE like a certain imbecile. Donnie said he loves the uneducated and I guess we know why.
Those vicious anti-fa rackerfrackers.....
No worries.I was only bear spray.
"Even Lindsey Grahm is turning on trump."
More wishsplaining from PilotX.
No President is ever going to be impeached over a perfectly legitimate call with a foreign leader.
This illegitimate impeachment effort has been going on since the day Trump was inaugurated. First it was made up Russian collusion charge designed to cover up Hillary's actual collusion and Obama's illegal spying on the Trump campaign. When that failed, it was false charges of obstruction of the phony collusion investigation. Since Trump didn't Bleach Bit subpoenaed records, that failed too.
Now it's a ridiculous charge that Trump extorted Ukraine by asking for help investigating Biden's documented extortion of Ukraine to cover his son's corrupt dealings.
Everything they accuse Trump of doing, they actually did. There is no evidence Trump did any of it. This a series of sham investigations in search of phantom crimes using pretend evidence.
Trump's crime is that he is trying and often succeeding to restore a conservative America at a time when his opponents thought that the mere idea was not just impossible but unhinged. We are currently in an economic boom while most of the world economy abroad is inert. We are pushing back on unfair Chinese trade practices that have greatly harmed American workers. We are pulling back from the endless meaningless wars that have cost us our sons and bankrupted the country.
The permanent uni-party of war mongers, foreign money quislings, open borders promoters, and cheap labor providers hate that Trump has cut into their profits. Their media tells you what a bad guy he is, and you bark like a good dog.
"Bear Spray" A 44 magnum Ruger carbine helps keep you from eating eaten, I would suppose.
"No President is ever going to be impeached over a perfectly legitimate call with a foreign leader."
Agreed, but the current one will be impeached for trying to influence an American election as Mick Mulvaney explained to all of us.
Even Fox News knows trump is guilty of violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
Trump's crime is that he is trying and often succeeding to restore a conservative America
And YOUR crime is being part of the uneducated people Donnie loves. Keep defending him as we impeach that mother fucker! Ha!!!!!!!!!!!
Reatore conservative America? Conservatives love the biggest deficit in history? What happened to not leaving debt to their grandkids? Conservative values? You mean the asshole who cheated on his pregnant wife with a pornstar? Conservative values to bring in unqualified people to run offices they're not qualifie to run? Is it a conservative value to violate the Constitution? Geez, conservatism must mean something completely different than most of them claim. This is what I expected from a draft dodger who claimed he had bone spurs just like Lt. Commander Pussy. Bitch assed punks who didn't serve when they had a chance and would probably run like a sissy at mere mention of a fight.
Anonymous said...
So where's your proof that Trump committed a crime?
4:31 PM
Go to https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Unclassified09.2019.pdf. Read the transcript. There's enough evidence there to convince every prosecutor in the country to bring charges. But only the House can charge and try Trump.
But only the House can charge and try Trump.
Which should be within weeks, unlike the "sealed indictments" that have been coming for years now.
Hey Johnson, you never answered us about whether or not you believe in the QAnon conspiracy theory. Well, do ya?
"There's enough evidence there to convince every prosecutor in the country to bring charges"
You people are insane.
This fake impeachment effort is going to destroy the Democrats.
So trump hires dumb people as chief of staff? Interesting.
"This fake impeachment effort is going to destroy the Democrats."
Sure, just wait on that. In the meantime it's impeachment time!
Mulvaney admitted there was a quid pro quo after trump lied for months and said there wasn't. Lying to the American people is not taken well by patriots. Russian trolls on the other hand..........
Republicans tired of defending trump.
Why won't trump release his tax returns? What is he hiding?
(Obama is no longer President so answers with his name in them do not count)π
The Ruling Caste has created a simplified story --- a mythology, we could say, a mythos -- which simplifies the unruly chaos of the real world into a more easily-grasped (and very untrue) vision of the world and teaches certain morals and virtues (claimed morals and virtues, anyway) based upon that mythology.
This mythos just coincidentally also happens to justify why they are the only ones Fit to Rule. All aspects of the mythos are designed to, or by happy accident, identify problems (or fictionalized, simplified versions of problems) which the Ruling Caste is uniquely able to solve, due to their education, their good taste and judgment, and their breeding.
And when someone comes along and challenges this mythology and actually starts representing the interests of the middle and working classes, you all rise up in howling defense of the Ruling Caste.
You are slaves clamoring for more slavery.
You do realize that trump is a member of your so called "Ruling Caste",right?
The house does not try the impeachment. They only gather the evidence and then vote for or against a trial in the Senate.
"You do realize that trump is a member of your so called "Ruling Caste",right?"
Trump is not part of the permanent Washington establishment of Democrats and Republicans, the lap dogs of the Ruling Caste, who have joined forces from the start to preserve their hold on power.
Trump is traitor to his class, in that he prioritized the interests of working people over the rich. He has likely not done this out of the goodness of his heart, but out of a realization that a majority of American voters were sick and tired of being fucked over for the purpose of enriching a globalist elite. He is President because he recognized this opportunity, which had been just sitting there for decades, and because all the other politicians were too beholden to their masters to seize it.
"You do realize that trump is a member of your so called "Ruling Caste",right?"
Nope, he doesn't.
"πππTrump is traitor to his class, in that he prioritized the interests of working people over the rich."πππππππ
Sure,ok. That's why he's bilking the government by having the military and Sweet Mikey stay at his bed bug ridden properties and helping Ivanka get patents in China. I have a beidge in Brooklyn you can buy if you actually believe that bullshit. The only people who don't know who a conman is are the ones being conned. "I love the poorly educated."πππ
An for the record trump has ruined several lives of middle class people by skipping out on the bills he owes. That's just wrong and immoral.
Real champion of the little guyπ
And still, why won't trump show his tax returns?
1. Colludes with foreign nations against fellow Americans
2. Bankrupts small businesses by not paying bills
3. Declares bankrupcy to avaoid paying bills
4. Refuses to show tax returns
5. Is in debt to Russians and does everything Putin wants
6. Puts his dumb kids in charge of the government
7. Refuses to divest in businesses that have a conflict of interest
Impeach this mother fucker!
Wages are up for all Americans since Trump took office, highest gains among lowest earners. He's the first President to take on Big Pharma and achieved a reduction in drug prices.
Obama offered the working class McJobs and shitty health insurance they couldn't afford. He told them their jobs weren't coming back from China and that illegal aliens needs came before theirs.
How much money did Obama make in book sales while president?
Here come the Russians again. Running the same op as last time.
Facebook just took down accounts linked to the same trollfarm indicted in the Mueller investigation for doing the same thing to Biden as they did to Clinton in '16.
Only this time they know more about what works and don't need to send agents stateside to find that out and get caught doing it like last time.
And this time they have their disinformation efforts amplified by Barr and the DOJ, who are traveling around spending tax dollars trying to gin up useful lies for the Russians to run with and Fergus' campaign to weaponize.
And the media will slurp it up like gravy.
-Doug in Oakland
Wages are up for all Americans since Trump took office,
Wages have been rising steadily since 2009 and are due mostly to unskilled workers. You tools keep giving drumpfuck credit he does not deserve. He is like a fellow who jumps into a marathon a block from the finish and then claims he won it all.
Now look at the trade deficit and other deficit drumpf promised to erase in 8 years. Both have blown sky high because the orange carcass does not know anything about running a business let alone a country.
2. Suppose the stop and search policy was aimed at white males? How "inconvenient" for you would it by if police stopped you regularly on the street and frisked you?
You've never been a white teenage boy in a place without any blacks or mexicans around causing trouble. When you are, YOU are the center of police attention for the simple reason that the sources of trouble mostly look like YOU.
Granny Mudshark knows that the troublemakers in Chicago are mostly black, but doesn't seem to think that police should pay extra attention to troublemakers. I haven't seen her blame the police for not preventing the trouble despite this, but the day is young.
House rejects resolution to censure Schiff that pussgut pansy drumpf wanted.
It is so funny to see libturds blaming "Russian troll farms" for their political losses. They have MILLIONS of actual users on social media and their own experts to run their own troll farms. They spent a big part of a BILLION dollars in 2016, and they think Putin out-witted them for a hundred thousand?
BY THEIR OWN CLAIMS, libs not only deserve to lose but they're too stupid to be allowed to vote. It's time for them to let the adults run things.
The Dougster says...
"And the media will slurp it up like gravy."
And Doug will be slurping on something completely different.
, and they think Putin out-witted them for a hundred thousand?
Proven by intel investigations,some still ongoing, beyond a shadow of doubt. In fact Putin and Russia are still active in our political process. Wingnuts are too stoopid to be allowed to breed.
Anonymous said...........
Granny Mudshark knows that the troublemakers in Chicago are mostly black, but doesn't seem to think that police should pay extra attention to troublemakers. I haven't seen her blame the police for not preventing the trouble despite this, but the day is young.
8:03 AM
Your deflection doesn't work very well. First, I said white males. 2. I said nothing about Chicago. The only famous "stop and frisk" policy was conducted in New York City, not "Chicago".
It's difficult to understand your fixation with Chicago, since Chicago has a per capita homicide rate that is lower than many other cities. Look it up, Google it. Is it because PilotX lives there or is it because Barack Obama lived the for awhile?
And the truth remains that you can't take rights away from others without taking them from yourself. Maybe that subject is too deep for you to address?
Anymoose @ 8:18 loves felching his stud dog or so doggy rumours claim.
Give him some moar holy hell, Gambler.
Anonymous said...
And when someone comes along and challenges this mythology and actually starts representing the interests of the middle and working classes, you all rise up in howling defense of the Ruling Caste.
7:43 PM
I hope the Democratic candidate that wins the primary fits your description and will restore dignity and the rule of law to the American presidency. Can't wait to see the end of the current administration.
By-the-way, lawless Mr.Trump is a member of the ruling class, and he's the worst president we have ever had.
"Proven by intel investigations,some still ongoing, beyond a shadow of doubt."
Yes, they released all that evidence showing Russia hacked our election, I just can't remember what any of it was.
Anyway, Tulsi Gabbard is Putin's latest stooge, and will work with Jill Stein to put Putin's plans for 2020 in place.
Anonymous sais....
Anyway, Tulsi Gabbard is Putin's latest stooge, and will work with Jill Stein to put Putin's plans for 2020 in place.
11:27 AM
Although I am not a conspiracy buff, I think you might be right about this. I have often wondered if someone bought Ralph Nader in 2000 to help elect G.W. Bush
Maybe we can also nail drumpf's fat ass for inside trading. Someone(s) isw making a killing nearly every time drumpf fires off his loose cannon and manipulates the markets.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Anonymous sais....
Anyway, Tulsi Gabbard is Putin's latest stooge, and will work with Jill Stein to put Putin's plans for 2020 in place.
11:27 AM
"Although I am not a conspiracy buff, I think you might be right about this."
Tulsi Gabbard is definitely a Russian agent. Why else would she be running for President?
She tipped her hand when she attacked Hillary. Now it is clear why she opposes US military involvement in Syria.
Anonymous Emolumental Douche said...
How much money did Obama make in book sales while president?
10:37 PMThen came the big money. In the two weeks before he was inaugurated as the 44th president, Obama reworked his book deals. He agreed not to publish another non-fiction book during his time in office, while signing a $500,000 advance for a young adult version of Dreams From My Father. He also finished the manuscript for Of Thee I Sing: A Letter To My Daughters, which was eventually published in November 2010. He donated all post-tax profits from the children’s book to provide scholarships for children of wounded and fallen soldiers.
Trump never contributes to charity. He used his tax-free charity as a personal slush fund.
Russians, anyone?
BTW, Red Sparrow, Maria Butina, gets out of prison Friday for lining up the NRA and Russdian agents to do hanky pank around the last elections.
"Russians, anyone?"
Exactly. Anyone supporting drawing down US troops is a Putin puppet.
NRA is a Russian front group:
"Exactly. Anyone supporting drawing down US troops is a Putin puppet."
Not exactly, taken in isolation it could be a coincidence but almost every action taken by trump seems to benefit Russia. Choosing to take Putin's word over his own intelligence agencies, releasing secret information in a meeting from which the press was banned, working to get Russia back into the G-8, conceding Syria to Russia so now they have a foothold in Western Asia which they sidn't have prior and a few other tells. Let's not juat look at one action but instead take all of them as a whole and it paints an interesting picture. The most likely reason is ya boi owes Russians a lot of money. We don't know because a certain individual refuses to release his tax returns. Wonder why.π€
"It's difficult to understand your fixation with Chicago"
Not really. Barack was there for a while, it has a large blah population, trump got run out of town like the coward he is and did I mention a large blah population? We've always been a target for racists so nothing is new. Go back and read speeches from the 50's and 60's from southern segregationists and they always seem to mention Chicago. None of the language these geniuse use is new just recycled from the previous generation of unsuccessful dimwits.
PilotX said...
"Not exactly, taken in isolation it could be a coincidence but almost every action taken by trump seems to benefit Russia"
Historically low black unemployment is part of Putin's evil plan.
"Historically low black unemployment is part of Putin's evil plan."
Once again, certain events taken in isolation lead to misleading conclusions. The drop in umemployment was larger percentage wise under Barack and the trend continued under trump. The economy will eventually slow and the huge deficits trump is running will bite us all in the ass but for now yes things are still good.
PilotX said...
"The drop in unemployment was larger percentage wise under Barack"
So you are saying Obama was a Russian asset too?
"So you are saying Obama was a Russian asset too?"
Nah, I'm saying your ability to think rationally is in doubt.
We got here faster than Nixon. Not looking to good for Dolt45π
The divider in chief is at it again.
Your deflection doesn't work very well. First, I said white males. 2. I said nothing about Chicago. The only famous "stop and frisk" policy was conducted in New York City, not "Chicago".
Granny, just because you didn't hear about Chicago's attempt to stop the shootings with stop & frisk doesn't mean it didn't happen. It got the Illinois ACLU all up in arms, because they were stopping and frisking blacks all out of proportion to their population share! (but not out of proportion to their criminality)
The ACLU was all proud of what they'd done and crowed about it:
They made the police fill out an Investigative Stop Report for every stop they made, to make sure the police weren't "discriminating". You can download the ISR data here:
Because stopping Dude Inc. was "discrimination" according to the ACLU, the CPD pretty much quit doing stop & frisk. Dude Inc. no longer had any reason to be afraid of carrying illegal guns.
That was in 2015. Know what else happened in 2015? Chicago's murder count went up more than 10% from 2014, from 464 to 512... and in 2016 it jumped another 58%, to 808. That is 380 more dead people in just 2 years, most of them black.
Know why Americans (meaning, not you) laugh when anyone says Black Lives Matter? If black lives mattered blacks would be DEMANDING the end of the ACLU consent decree to get Dude Inc. under some semblance of control again. But blacks obviously don't care. Why should anyone else? Fuck y'all.
It's difficult to understand your fixation with Chicago, since Chicago has a per capita homicide rate that is lower than many other cities.
You mean, like New Orleans? Murder has the same color there too: black.
And the truth remains that you can't take rights away from others without taking them from yourself.
I would be THRILLED to give up the right to live and move among people who aren't my race, if other races had to do the same. My quality of life would go WAY up if I didn't have to worry about running into blacks. And so would everyone else's... except blacks. Not even blacks want to live with blacks.
Make that 392 more dead people in 2 years, closing in on 2014's homicide count.
PilotX said........
"It's difficult to understand your fixation with Chicago"
Not really. Barack was there for a while, it has a large blah population, trump got run out of town like the coward he is and did I mention a large blah population? We've always been a target for racists so nothing is new. Go back and read speeches from the 50's and 60's from southern segregationists and they always seem to mention Chicago. None of the language these geniuse use is new just recycled from the previous generation of unsuccessful dimwits.
3:30 PM
PilotX, thanks for the info. I had forgotten that racists have been defaming Chicago since the 50's. I will soon be 83, so please excuse me for the lapse in memory!
Anonymous said......
You mean, like New Orleans? Murder has the same color there too: black.
No I didn't mean like New Orleans, which is not near the top of the list. Why don't you ask yourself where are all the guns used in homicides coming from. Why doesn't law enforcement put a stop to that?
And the truth remains that you can't take rights away from others without taking them from yourself.
I would be THRILLED to give up the right to live and move among people who aren't my race, if other races had to do the same. My quality of life would go WAY up if I didn't have to worry about running into blacks. And so would everyone else's... except blacks. Not even blacks want to live with blacks.
I was not speaking of your right to live where you choose. That's just another defection from my point. BTW, if you hate Blacks, you can choose to move to Wyoming, Utah or Idaho where the black population is small. Stop and frisk is a violation of the Constitution; being black is not.
Stop and frisk is unconstitutional because it allows white cops to racially profile and target blacks and other minorities. Discrimination is not supposed to be legal, although wingnuts enjoy using it to keep POC "in their place".
TO Anonymous 5:01 PM
Website below provides a list of the 30 cities in the US with the highest per capita murder rates. You will find a few surprises if you bother to go to the web site.
"Discrimination is not supposed to be legal"
Then why do we have affirmative action?
Bill Browder
Verified account @Billbrowder
Oct 20
Bill Browder Retweeted Maura Barrett
Tulsi Gabbard say that she doesn’t control the Russian bots that support her, but she did control the hiring of Chris Cooper, the smear campaigner who was paid by Natalia Veselnitskaya and her Russian backed sponsors to smear me and try to repeal the Magnitsky Act in DC
-Doug in Oakland
"Then why do we have affirmative action?"
To end discrimination.
We discriminate to end discrimination.
Anonymous said...
"Discrimination is not supposed to be legal"
Then why do we have affirmative action?
6:00 PM
Contrary to what you have been led to believe, Affirmative Action does not discriminate. Try reading up on the law instead of complaining about it. Then post what you think of it.
No I didn't mean like New Orleans, which is not near the top of the list.
It's on the Wikipedia list of cities with the highest murder rates in the world. Interestingly enough, the top 10 are all in Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil. Now just what do they all have in common?
US cities don't make an appearance until #15, St. Louis. St. Louis is plurality-black at 49%. US cities don't appear again until San Juan at #42 (almost all non-white), Detoilet at #46 and then New Orleans (both majority black).
Why don't you ask yourself where are all the guns used in homicides coming from.
Why aren't they "causing" homicides where they come FROM? Did it ever occur to you that guns are INANIMATE OBJECTS? They do not "cause" ANYTHING.
Don't you find it remarkable that a gun can be owned by a white for years and years and harm nobody, but as soon as a black steals it, it can be used in a bunch of shootings in weeks or even days? Who's responsible here: the gun, the white or the blacks?
Why doesn't law enforcement put a stop to that?
You are a coal-burner of very little brain, who thinks guns are magic talismans which cause people to do things. Law enforcement should put a stop to you and your senile nonsense.
BTW, if you hate Blacks, you can choose to move to Wyoming, Utah or Idaho where the black population is small.
What stops the black population from being bused in on Section 8 vouchers? I want to live in a place they are PROHIBITED to live, or even visit.
Stop and frisk is a violation of the Constitution; being black is not.
The "civil rights" experiment has failed. It is time for blacks to go back to being counted as 3/5 for the purpose of allocating seats in the House, and not voting.
Contrary to what you have been led to believe, Affirmative Action does not discriminate.
Discrimination against white people is not discrimination? Your mind is twisted like a pretzel.
"Did it ever occur to you that guns are INANIMATE OBJECTS? They do not "cause" ANYTHING."
They are tools for making holes at a distance and they make the killing of living things easy and efficient. Even a moron who would lose a fight with a slime mold can operate a hand gun.
Even someone who is so mentally ill that they can otherwise not function can kill themselves with a handgun.
If they weren't that deadly, y'all wouldn't worship them like you do.
-Doug in Oakland
They are tools for making holes at a distance and they make the killing of living things easy and efficient.
You are a tool who tries to make holes in logic, and fails.
Even a moron who would lose a fight with a slime mold can operate a hand gun.
"God made men. Samuel Colt made them equal."
Even someone who is so mentally ill that they can otherwise not function can kill themselves with a handgun.
Such a pity that nikkers who can't even construct a coherent sentence kill others far more efficiently than they kill themselves. Were it otherwise, we could just air-drop handguns into "the hood" and clean it right up.
If they weren't that deadly, y'all wouldn't worship them like you do.
If they weren't deadly, they wouldn't be any good for keeping nikkers away. Which is why you hate them.
"Discrimination against white people is not discrimination?"
You fail to grasp how Affirmative Action works. It's not discriminating against whites it's seeking qualified candidates from diverse places. That's all. Now there used to be active discrimination against people of color which led to unfair advantages so now we try to promote fairness and equality. Isn't that what we all want?
"Which is why you hate them."
Not only do I not hate them, I own nine of them, including three handguns: two Colt revolvers and a Browning Hi-Power 9mm.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said....8:38 PM
What stops the black population from being bused in on Section 8 vouchers? I want to live in a place they are PROHIBITED to live, or even visit.
Then buy yourself an island and limit who can visit it.
Stop and frisk is a violation of the Constitution; being black is not.
The "civil rights" experiment has failed. It is time for blacks to go back to being counted as 3/5 for the purpose of allocating seats in the House, and not voting.
This is your excuse for violating the Constitution?
Contrary to what you have been led to believe, Affirmative Action does not discriminate.
Discrimination against white people is not discrimination? Your mind is twisted like a pretzel.
Of course you didn't access any of the links I gave you. that would educate you to what Affirmative Action involves. I hope you leave this country since you do not wish to abide by its laws.
"What stops the black population from being bused in on Section 8 vouchers? I want to live in a place they are PROHIBITED to live, or even visit."
The Black "population"? Uh, we are each individual persons and if someone wants to live somewhere and have the means to do such they will. Guess what, this is a free country and I'll move anywhere I damned well please. Got that amigo? Good, now go back and play with the rest of the incels.π
"Not only do I not hate them, I own nine of them, including three handguns: two Colt revolvers and a Browning Hi-Power 9mm."
They just know everything huh? 90+% of people I know would classify themselves as liberal and to my knowledge they all own guns. I have one friend who is totally against having/owning a gun but the rest pack. So much misinformation.
"Of course you didn't access any of the links I gave you."
Funny how conservatives know everything but are misinformed and refuse to do any research. Sad.
Contrary to what you have been led to believe, Affirmative Action does not discriminate.
God are you ever an idiot. Yes It Does: current "anti-discrimination law" insists that if blacks do not pass employment-qualification tests at 80% or more of the white rate, those tests are illegal "discrimination". Therefore, qualifications must be REDUCED which is de facto discrimination against better-qualified whites, and qualified whites CANNOT be hired if the REQUIRED racial ratio of employees demands that a black must be hired instead.
This is from nineteen seventy eight, so these rules have been law for HALF YOUR LIFE. You have NO business being ignorant of them... but you are, you stupid cow.
Sorry if I insulted cows. Cows are far more socially beneficial than Granny Mudshark.
Gotta love Granny's solution for people who want AWAY from the vandalism, rapes, robberies and murders so typical of blacks:
Then buy yourself an island and limit who can visit it.
And if you can't afford a fuckin' island of your own (meaning, you can't get together with other Refugees From Diversity and agree to keep blacks out for your own safety, because that's been illegal since Shelley vs. Kraemer), the hell with you!
I can only hope that the civil war you insist on bringing to the former USA leads to a lingering, painful death for you. It is the least that you deserve.
"current "anti-discrimination law" insists that if blacks do not pass employment-qualification tests at 80% or more of the white rate, those tests are illegal "discrimination"
Really? Just Black people? If 80% of another race or gender doesn't pass is it also illegal? It has to be Black people? Really? Somehow I don't believe you. Sorry.
Anonymous said
I can only hope that the civil war you insist on bringing to the former USA leads to a lingering, painful death for you. It is the least that you deserve.
7:40 PM
If we have another Civil War, it will be you and your ilk that start it. We whipped your asses once and we can do it again. My grandfather fought for the Union in the Civil War during the 1860's. I will fight for it too if needed. I am 83 years old, so I don't have a lot of time left on this earth anyway. And before you scoff at my ability to fight, you should know that I''m a pretty good shot. I've been practicing for the last 70 years.
"meaning, you can't get together with other Refugees From Diversity and agree to keep blacks out for your own safety, because that's been illegal since Shelley vs. Kraemer"
And yes it's illegal to discriminate against people based on race. Simple man, if you don't like American laws you are free to move to another country. I'm sure no one would miss you. Then again guess what, if you don't like Blah people there are many places that are almost lilly white such as Utah, Alaska, Vermont, Montana, ect. You can live where you want. Bitching about blah people on a blog is kind of a waste of time no? Trust me, I don't want to be around people like you anymore than you want to be around me because simpleminded racists tend to be pretty dimwitted and live in trailer parks and such. I'd rather live in a nice upper middle class neighborhood with new houses and condos.
God are you ever an idiot. Yes It Does: current "anti-discrimination law" insists that if blacks do not pass employment-qualification tests at 80% or more of the white rate, those tests are illegal "discrimination". Therefore, qualifications must be REDUCED which is de facto discrimination against better-qualified whites, and qualified whites CANNOT be hired if the REQUIRED racial ratio of employees demands that a black must be hired instead.
This is just bull poop. As someone who was required to know the Affirmative Action guidelines as part of my job, I know that all you have said here is false. I gave you references to the look up the law, so you would know what you were talking about. Obviously you didn't bother read them. Instead, you posted right-wing lies.
"Typically, adverse impact is determined by using the four-fifths or eighty percent rule. The four-fifths or 80% rule is described by the guidelines as “a selection rate for any race, sex, or ethnic group which is less than four-fifths (or 80%) of the rate for the group with the highest rate will generally be regarded by the Federal enforcement agencies as evidence of adverse impact, while a greater than four-fifths rate will generally not be regarded by Federal enforcement agencies as evidence of adverse impact.”
Just as I suspected, the guidelines do not specify blah people. You just assumed and read that into the rule. If read correctly if 80% of the employees are women then it is implied there is implicit discrimination against men. You just added the white/blah language, how racist of you. Your reading comprehension skills are a bit suspect sir.
"As someone who was required to know the Affirmative Action guidelines as part of my job, I know that all you have said here is false."
Yeah, typical racist tactic. They search the internet to find ANY scantilla of information to prove their racism so even debunked BS is fair game. Just wait til he starts posting the pseudo science about how skin pigmentation has something to do with intelligence. They're all the same.
"If your employment process reveals evidence of adverse impact, it is important that you are able to justify your personnel processes and decisions. The presence of adverse impact does not require the elimination of the procedure (e.g. selection, promotion), but rather its justification as being job-related or a business necessity. Business necessity means that using the procedure is essential to the safe and efficient operation of the business — and there are no alternative procedures that are substantially equally valid and would have less adverse impact."
And yet more BS. No one is forced to hire anyone, a business is just required to explain why they have a monolithic work group. Did you actually read and understand what you posted?
And Gambler is correct, no one is forcing anyone to hire anyone or change or lower their standards if done correctly. For example, let's say you run an engineering business and want to diversify your workforce how would you go about doing it? If I were tasked with recruiting qualified people of color and women I would go to schools that represent such and reach out to professional organizations like NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) and recruit at their convention. While I was there I'd also have a good time cause I'm sure they have some great social events. But that's just me and I assume Gambler.
PilotX said .....
And Gambler is correct, no one is forcing anyone to hire anyone or change or lower their standards if done correctly. For example, let's say you run an engineering business and want to diversify your workforce how would you go about doing it? If I were tasked with recruiting qualified people of color and women I would go to schools that represent such and reach out to professional organizations like NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) and recruit at their convention. While I was there I'd also have a good time cause I'm sure they have some great social events. But that's just me and I assume Gambler.
You are correct, PilotX. As director of the learning center at a large, public university, I diversified the student tutors by vigorous recruitment tactics. Using the university Honor Roll list, I sent letters to a large number of under represented students, inviting them to apply to be tutors at the center. After they applied, we interviewed those who were qualified and filled many positions with these students. This process did not discriminate against a single white student. No qualified white student was denied a job because of our diversity efforts. As a result, many more "minority" students began coming to use the center because they saw role models there.
It isn't rocket science. It's really quite easy to diversify without discriminating against white people.
PilotX said...
"And yes it's illegal to discriminate against people based on race"
Except for Affirmative Action.
"Except for Affirmative Action."
Affirmative Action prevents discrimination. See above.
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