Sunday, December 29, 2019

The crime boss just keeps doing crime boss things.

TWEET MEGood morning field hands.

So this happened while you all were enjoying your holidays.

"Bloomberg) -- A retweet by President Donald Trump, naming the alleged whistle-blower whose complaint triggered the congressional inquiry that resulted in his impeachment this month, was restored late Saturday after being hidden for much of the day.

The post, originally from the handle @surfermom77, was retweeted by Trump around midnight Friday and by Saturday morning was no longer visible in the president’s Twitter feed. CNN first reported late Saturday that the temporary removal followed a Twitter glitch that affected certain accounts, not deliberate action to delete the tweet by Trump or someone with access to his Twitter account.

“Due to an outage with one of our systems, tweets on account profiles were visible to some, but not others,” the social media site posted on its @TwitterSupport account.

As of Sunday morning the message was again visible to Trump’s 68 million Twitter followers.
The tweet identifies a person it says is the whistle-blower: the person who first alerted members of Congress to the president’s conduct in his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

The poster, @Surfermom77 or “Sophia,” describes herself as living in California and a “100% Trump supporter.”

On Saturday afternoon the account, which posts a variety of pro-Trump and anti-Democratic material, was shown on Twitter as having been “temporarily restricted.” It’s now been restored, and carries Trump’s photo as its profile picture.

The White House didn’t respond to a request for comment on Saturday." [Source]

This is not normal, but sadly, like all things with this president, this too shall pass.

Finally, Don Imus died recently, and there has been a lot of major media figures chiming in to praise his life work and accomplishments.

You will not get any of that here. Don Imus was a racist, sexist, shock jock, whose antics contributed to the climate of hate and intolerance in this country.

I hope he doesn't mind heat, because it will be very warm where he is going.


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Anonymous said...

FN:"I hope he doesn't mind heat, because it will be very warm where he is going."

Imus spoke the truth.

Anonymous said...

Chicago Year 2019 to Date
Shot & Killed: 455
Shot & Wounded: 2277
Total Shot: 2732
Total Homicides: 508

Anonymous said...

We know the machete-wielding mass stabber of five Jews is black, but is he Muslim, as well?

mike from iowa said...

Markets performed better under Obama the GOAT. Phuck drumpf and crew.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

Markets performed better under Obama the GOAT. Phuck drumpf and crew.
10:51 AM

BULLSHIT......more alt left lies and Pravda. Trump has done more to turn the tied and get things going in the Correct direction. Alt left Democrats (socialists) will destroy democracy and America if left un-checked.

dugg in iowa said...

"We know the machete-wielding mass stabber of five Jews is black, but is he Muslim, as well?"

No, he's a White Supremacist and it's Trump's fault.

Anonymous said...

Biden's boy is going DOWN:

Of course, the corruption implicates Biden himself and much of the Obama administration with him.  We can only hope that Biden wins the nomination and gets indicted the day after.  Your REEEEEs will be audible from the ISS.

Swamp rats said...

The Dem's reaction to Trump asking about it is pretty solid proof that there is something pretty seriously wrong with what Biden did and that looking into it will implicate a lot of other Democrats.

Chosen for what? said...

If blacks are supremacist for thinking they're God's chosen people, doesn't that make all religious Jews also supremacist?

anotherbozo said...

Imus may have tried to avoid hell by setting up a charity for kids with cancer. So they got care at no cost, from what I read. Just saying, in everyone good there's a little bad, and in everyone bad...

Anonymous said...

Field never helped any kids with cancer, but he never said "nappy headed ho".

arnelsmom said...

Chosen for what? said...
If blacks are supremacist for thinking they're God's chosen people, doesn't that make all religious Jews also supremacist?

To say that Jews are the real supremacists seems like a tacky inversion, but it's really just pointing out a previous tacky inversion on their part.

They literally believe that they're the superior master race, specifically chosen by God himself to rule the world.

How else could they get through the entire process of writing, editing, publishing, and defending a New York Times piece on how they're genetically and culturally superior to the rest of humanity without pause?

If you read between the lines of the piece, you'll see that they see it as natural that they should dominate others because they are, after all, more capable. It doesn't cross their mind that their inferiors have a legitimate interest in autonomy and self-determination.

Leftist academics devote entire libraries to explain how "White Supremacy" is not so much an overt and institutional phenomenon but a web of subtle assumptions, implications, and carefully contrived, superficially meritocratic socioeconomic conditions.

Despite being explicitly stated as a central tenet, Jewish Supremacy receives no such academic treatment, because true control of the culture and institutions means that most people fear speaking up, and the rest are made examples of.

mike from iowa said...

Because drumpf won't allow officials to testify, you know he is hiding info to convict himself and other high ranking (as in stinking to high heaven) stoopid fucking wingnuts and most likely ther entire wingnut congress.

Biden has done nothing wrong. You are stuck on the debunked premise Biden had prosecutor fired that was investigating his son. The info Screwdy Rudy spews comes from Ukrainian installed Russian agents so they spout what Putin wants spouted to help drumpf again.

mike from iowa said...

BULLSHIT......more alt left lies and Pravda. Trump has done more to turn the tied and get things going in the Correct direction. Alt left Democrats (socialists) will destroy democracy and America if left un-checked.

Bullshit! Read the transcript. Obama and Dems turned the worst recession in 50 years around w/o a single wingnut jumping on board. The numbers from Obama's two legally elected terms do not lie, unlike you willfully ignorant and blind mindless dummies.

mike from iowa said...

infowhores had better have much, much, much better info against Biden than they put out about Sandyhook shootings not happening.

PilotX said...

If blacks are supremacist for thinking they're God's chosen people, doesn't that make all Christians also supremacist?


PilotX said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PilotX said...


PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

"Trump has done more to turn the tied and get things going in the Correct direction."

Is that some retarded bondage reference?

It seems like Fergus is either too dim to grasp the utter falseness of the story he got from Putin's security services, knows but doesn't care because his idiot hordes will believe whatever he wants them to, or is running with it consequences be damned because Putin told him to and it's all he has.

Whichever it turns out to be, outing a whistle-blower is still against the law.

-Doug in Oakland

PilotX said...

You just can't make this stuff up.😂😂

Anonymous said...

“Trump has done more to turn the tied and get things going in the Correct direction."

Is that some retarded bondage reference?”

Maybe an S&M metaphor. America has been bad, and now Trump punishing the country?

Works for me. There’s no way you can honestly argue that Trump is improving anything (although that doesn’t stop his followers from telling lies to justify the idea of things being made “great.”) At least no improvement will be experienced for the American of average means, who doesn’t benefit from the aristocrats’ tax cut.

Trump is an buffoonish boob who fails at every turn. So his administration can’t be understood in terms of accomplishing anything useful. It is a “spite presidency” whose only purpose is inflicting suffering on the segments of the populace that wingnuts hate.

Anonymous said...

There was an attack on Jewish New Yorkers almost every day last week. Police are investigating these as possible hate crimes. Democrats provide unsafe environments.

Anonymous said...

The numbers from Obama's two legally elected terms do not lie, unlike you willfully ignorant and blind mindless dummies.
1:45 PM

Not legal, he is not a natural born US citizen. He did not meet Constitutional parameters. Greatest sham in US history, it was a COUP and it continues.

dinthebeast said...

Fuck Imus.

-Doug in Oakland

Anonymous said...

"You are stuck on the debunked premise Biden had prosecutor fired that was investigating his son."

When and how was this "debunked"? There has never been an investigation.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...
"If blacks are supremacist for thinking they're God's chosen people, doesn't that make all Christians also supremacist?"

I am unfamiliar with the idea of "Christian Supremacism".

Christianity evangelizes and accept all converts, regardless of race or ethnicity. There is no concept of inherited grace among Christian denominations.

dinthebeast said...

Perhaps they gave away the game in the name: All of that "hardwired in the DNA" stuff and the "22" name says to me that someone is most likely missing a chromosome.

-Doug in Oakland

mike from iowa said...

When and how was this "debunked"? There has never been an investigation.

You just answered your own question. There was no investigation so how could Biden shut it down?

mike from iowa said...

The economy has been growing for 9 straight years, dating back to Obama's second year. The stock market was heading up. Unemployment rate fell every year. The GDP grew around 2+% every year under Obama once Dems got the recession stopped.

Joe Bribem said...

I don't think mike is playing dumb, he is dumb.

mike from iowa said...

How many times did the stock market hit record highs under Obama?

Pete Zeman
Pete Zeman, Investment Management Consulting
Answered Oct 6 2018 · Author has 3.6k answers and 2.4m answer views
Too many to count.

The chart below covers the period of time—moving from left to right—encompassing the Obama Administration. It shows the closing price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average each month.

It begins at 8000 in Jan. 2009 and ends at 19,664 in Jan. 2017.

In January 2013—the middle of the chart—-the Dow surpassed the previous all-time high (13,895) set in Oct. 2007.

A rough estimate would be that there was a new, record high every other month for three and a half years. At least 20 months had an all-time record high. If you wanted to count the little bumps on a daily chart, you’d probably find dozens more.

Hope this helps.

Like I keep telling you ignorant fucks, the stock market was already at record highs when Putin installed drumpfuck in the kremlin annex.Now go back to your masters at Fake Noize and educate them stoopid fucking bastards.

mike from iowa said...

And Obama created moar jobs. Lowered the deficits, etc. Drumpf has fucked things up again with taxcuts and tariffs.

Tampon Bay Fuckaneers said...

Unfortunate that the 2020 Democratic nominee will be another old white man.

Vote for Putin! said...

"the stock market was already at record highs when Putin installed drumpfuck in the kremlin annex."

Putin is really good for the economy.

Four more years!

My cold, dead fingers said...

Black Supremacist starts shooting white people in Church, gets capped in the head within 5 seconds by armed parishioner:

Thank God and the Framers for the second amendment.

mike from iowa said...

Putin is really good for the economy.

No, you are just an ignorant fucking liar.

mike from iowa said...

Not good news.....

Stage 4 -pancreatic cancer for civil rights icon John Lewis. I hope he lives long enough to see the racist POS in the kremlin annex removed from office.

Anonymous said...

"I hope he lives long enough to see the racist POS in the kremlin annex removed from office."

Just the kind of sentiment we've come to know and love from mike.

I hope he beats it, and spends his remaining days not consumed with petty hatreds.

mike from iowa said...

I hope he beats it, and spends his remaining days not consumed with petty hatreds.

drumpf will spend the rest of his shithole life consumed with petty hatreds and blaming everyone but himself for all his criminal activities.

mike from iowa said...

Here is yer Biden indictment bullshit all rolled up not even wingnuts want anything to do with obvious Putin propaganda.

Perfect example of witch hunt, capably performed by stoopid fucking wingnuts.

mike from iowa said...

PilotX said...

"I am unfamiliar with the idea of "Christian Supremacism".

It's inherently referenced by belief that all non-Christians are going to hell. Pretty supremacisty to me.

PilotX said...

"Black Supremacist starts shooting white people in Church, gets capped in the head within 5 seconds by armed parishioner"

Dude, it's Texas. Wouldn't be a church service without somebody shooting somebody.😆

Anonymous said...

"Dude, it's Texas. Wouldn't be a church service without somebody shooting somebody."

If they don't get shot, they'll die anyway of the bites from the rattlesnakes they're fondling.

mike from iowa said...

Texas gunman took out two armed parishioners with his first shots. Afterwards there were numerous fat buggers waddling around the church with guns drawn.

mike from iowa said...

ps looked like a Black parishioner is the hero of the day.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...
"Texas gunman took out two armed parishioners with his first shots. Afterwards there were numerous fat buggers waddling around the church with guns drawn"

You are absolutely the biggest piece of shit human being on the planet.

PilotX said...

"If they don't get shot, they'll die anyway of the bites from the rattlesnakes they're fondling."

Ok, that's just wrong.😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

"It's inherently referenced by belief that all non-Christians are going to hell. Pretty supremacisty to me."

All religions believe they offer the true path to redemption. Christianity explicitly offers that redemption to anyone.

Anonymous said...

"Ok, that's just wrong.������"

Ha ha ha, people got shot in Church!

Bet Dylan Roof is your favorite comedian.

PilotX said...

Gotta admit there are more than just a few church shootings in Texas. The worst church shooting took place in Texas. Maybe some common sense gun laws or nah?

PilotX said...

"Christianity explicitly offers that redemption to anyone."

And if you don't choose that particular brand of faith you burn for eternity. Sounds great.🙄

Anonymous said...

Common sense gun laws are why only two of those churchgoers got shot.

One-shot takedown of a guy with a shotgun who had just killed two people. Excellent shooting. Also note followup -- kept him covered, moved in slowly, took the shotgun. Target neutralized.

Also the vast majority of the congregation acted properly: get down and stay down.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Common sense gun laws are why only two of those churchgoers got shot."

Nope, common sense gun laws would have prevented the shooting entirely. Too bad so many people have to die before we learn this.

Goy Orbison said...

"And if you don't choose that particular brand of faith you burn for eternity."

But you have the choice.

If you aren't born Jewish you are cattle fit only to serve the Chosen People.

Anonymous said...

"Nope, common sense gun laws would have prevented the shooting entirely."

Like banning shot guns?

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

Funny how when a white guy shoots up a church, it's about white pathology, but when a black guy does it, it's about guns.

PilotX said...

"But you have the choice."

Not much of a choice, choose this religion or burn. Such a loving god.😬

PilotX said...

"Funny how when a white guy shoots up a church, it's about white pathology, but when a black guy does it, it's about guns."

Yeah, that's funny. 🙄

Anonymous said...

*Black man chops up 5 Jews in a synagogue with a machete*

Jewish woman: "Yeah I see where you're going with this but seriously we need to do something about the fact White people still exist."

PilotX said...

But you do know the gun conversation comes after every mass shooting right?

mike from iowa said...

You are absolutely the biggest piece of shit human being on the planet.

Thanks for the compliment, anyfuckingmoose. :) Have a nice death.

Dylan Roof said...

First Elijah Cummings and now John Lewis? The Trump curse is real. Maxine Waters and Al Green better eat their Wheaties.

Dylan Roof said...

I hope John Lewis lives long enough to see the $100,000 dollar reward that's been sitting there for nine years for video evidence of Tea Partiers spitting on him and calling him a nigger, so he doesn't have to die being known as a liar.

PilotX said...

mike from iowa said...

Here is why the stock market keeps going up, and it is a crooked deal for the wealthy. Does nothing for the economy as a whole, but showers the wealthy with easy billions.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

mike from iowa said...

If John Lewis and other respected members of the Black Caucus say they were spat on and called the "N" word, whose to say it didn't happen?

As for the "N" word, Lewis has been called that many times in his illustrious life and I am sure he has been spat on many times, not to mention beten by the police.
There are many things in life whitey will never be forced to endure because of white privilege.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are showing us their absolute most charming sides in the comments today.

Trolls: Why don't liberals care about the poor Jews! Those awful antisemitic blacks are massacring them! I feel so sad ...

Also trolls: Jews are evil and despise everyone else. Clearly, that's what all that "chosen people" business means. They should leave and go live elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

If, in the same weekend, white supremacists opened fire in a Texas church with a shotgun and hacked congregants in a New York rabbi's house with a machete, what would the reaction be here?

mike from iowa said...

Dylan Roof, the whole premise of yours falls apart on several points. The tool allegedly offering the reward was dead Breitbart, before he actually died and his videos that he claims shows nothing happened were shot after the congressman had already passed.

Breitbart himself wondered if Dems might have said the epithets he claimed didn't happen.

Alls well that ended well. I mean Breitbart and his selectively edited videos wound up dead and sued.

John Lewis continues, to this day, to fight for equal rights for all people.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Swamp rats said...

The Dem's reaction to Trump asking about it is pretty solid proof that there is something pretty seriously wrong with what Biden did and that looking into it will implicate a lot of other Democrats.

12:17 PM
None of your predictions have been accurate so far, so why should anyone believe you?

Anonymous said...

>Ha ha ha, people got shot in Church!<

They don't give a shit about the victims. They are just anti-white scum.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Swamp rats said...

The Dem's reaction to Trump asking about it is pretty solid proof that there is something pretty seriously wrong with what Biden did and that looking into it will implicate a lot of other Democrats.

12:17 PM

The Republican's reaction to the House Democrats investigation of Trump's illegal activities is pretty solid proof that there is something pretty seriously wrong with what Trump did and that impeaching him will lead to a lot of other Republicans losing their bids for reelection in November.

dinthebeast said...

Yawn. Benghazi II. Burn the lifeboats.

-Doug in Oakland

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

5:43 PM
"Blogger mike from iowa said...

When and how was this "debunked"? There has never been an investigation.

You just answered your own question. There was no investigation so how could Biden shut it down?

6:06 PM"

Your stupidity is astounding, corn/pig boy-girl. Haven't you seen the video with Biden bragging about how he threatened to withhold a Billion dollars from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating his 6 hours? Go stick your head back in your "beloved" Little Sioux drainage ditch.

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

BTW. Why do you Negros want to attack and kill Jews? What's the deal with that?

mike from iowa said...

Your stupidity is astounding, corn/pig boy-girl. Haven't you seen the video with Biden bragging about how he threatened to withhold a Billion dollars from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating his son...

You are a stoopid fucking liar who cannot read and comprehend. That disgusting prosecutor was fired because he WAS NOT prosecuting corruption and that is the only reason he was fired, you ignorant slut.

Gawd how I hate stoopid fucking fake noize bots that repeat, verbatim, lie after lie.

mike from iowa said...

Commandeered Queensland-

Pretty pale faced negro to be shooting Jews.

mike from iowa said...

I guess we saw this coming. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"BTW. Why do you Negros want to attack and kill Jews? What's the deal with that?"

Why are you whites afraid Jews are going to replace you?

PilotX said...


PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

The Republican's reaction to the House Democrats investigation of Trump's illegal activities is pretty solid proof that there is something pretty seriously wrong with what

Trump did and that impeaching him will lead to a lot of other Republicans losing their bids for reelection in November.

1:21 AM

Just like you were wrong and batshit in 2016. trump WILL be your next President in 2020 and Republicans will regain control over the House.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...
"Common sense gun laws are why only two of those churchgoers got shot."

Nope, common sense gun laws would have prevented the shooting entirely. Too bad so many people have to die before we learn this.
10:20 PM

Incorrect. Gun control does not work, it is a Control mechanism to enslave the population so elites can rule. Look at Chicago, NY, Baltimore DC all have strict gun laws and HIGH violent crime rates.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...
Texas gunman took out two armed parishioners with his first shots. Afterwards there were numerous fat buggers waddling around the church with guns drawn.
9:22 PM

FAKE NEWS,Mike from Minsk is spewing his Commie pabulum again.....

Anonymous said...

Armed congregants kill black terrorist gunman who shot 2 at Texas church

Texas officials are praising the armed churchgoers who fatally shot a black supremacist gunman inside a Fort Worth area church

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Incorrect. Gun control does not work"

Yes it does.

PilotX said...

At least congress has appropriated money to study gun violence so we'll find out soon.

PilotX said...

"Texas officials are praising the armed churchgoers who fatally shot a black supremacist gunman inside a Fort Worth area church"

Of course they are, it's Tay-has.

Anonymous said...

PilotX is pissed that black supremacist church shooter didn't get to kill a whole bunch more white Texans.

Ponder that.

Anonymous said...

Person injures five at Rabbi's house: PROTECT JEWS

Person kills dozens at mosque: PROTECT MUSLIMS

Person kills two at church before being shot: BAN GUNS

Anonymous said...

Jersey City-resident Darryl Jacobs has been arrested and charged for threatening to “bomb all the Jews” in Jersey City:

What's going on? Are blacks turning on their masters?

You're really stepping in it now. You can kill all the whites you want, but start messing with Jews and Governor Cuomo declares a state of emergency, Israel comes in to aid the police, the Guardian Angels start patrolling the neighborhoods, and guns laws are thrown out the window as Jews patrol the street with AR-15s:

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

"Blogger PilotX said...
At least congress has appropriated money to study gun violence so we'll find out soon.

10:34 AM"

I hope this was a sarcastic comment by you. Giving money to Congress to study "gun violence" is so stupid as to be ...stupid. You want to "study"? Why is it the "gun violence" in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, DC, etc. are almost always black on black crimes. A gun doesn't know the race of the shooter. You want to "study" violence? Just go back to the Hooties an the Tooties in Rwanda. Machetes and knives were the preferred weapons.

What do Caucasians have to fear? Just look at current day South Africa and the former Rhodesia. What has happened to those countries? Thy were the most prosperous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Remember "Sun City"? It used to be one of the greatest venues in the world. Now it is a crumbling monument to "diversity".

You are stupid, PilotX. Try some VIPoo, 'cause your shit stinks.

PilotX said...

"PilotX is pissed that black supremacist church shooter didn't get to kill a whole bunch more white Texans."

Uh, I'm right here. You can ask me if that's how I feel.

PilotX said...

"You are stupid, PilotX."

Wait, aren't you the guy that doesn't know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE? Yeah, sure.😂

PilotX said...

"What do Caucasians have to fear?"

Well, mass shooters like in Vegas, LA, Sandy Hook, Austin, Suthetland Springs, Charleston, Aurora, Paducah, Miami, ect. Seeing that the vast vast vast majority of crimes against whites is committed by fellow whites it seems your obsession with Blah people is a bit misplaced but I would expect nothing less of you. At least YOU'RE predictable.😆

PilotX said...

"Just look at current day South Africa and the former Rhodesia. What has happened to those countries? Thy were the most prosperous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Remember "Sun City"? It used to be one of the greatest venues in the world. Now it is a crumbling monument to "diversity"."

Have you ever been to either? Well I know many people who regularly go to SA and love it. My sister worked there for a while. I hear it's a whole lot better than certain parts of Mississippi, Missouri, Kentucky and W. Virginia where people like yourself dwell. Get a passport and get out some bro.😆

mike from iowa said...

FAKE NEWS,Mike from Minsk is spewing his Commie pabulum again....

watch the video, shit fer brains.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said....

Incorrect. Gun control does not work, it is a Control mechanism to enslave the population so elites can rule. Look at Chicago, NY, Baltimore DC all have strict gun laws and HIGH violent crime rates.

10:06 AM
False argument. The guns of which you speak are imported from states that do no have proper gun control and/or from internet purchases, gun shows, and the black market.

mike from iowa said...

Need proof of rigged polls? Here is Gallup poll that claims drumopf tied Obama as most admired man.

On its face, you know this is horseshit. drumpfuck's followers hate his guts along with the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

False argument. The guns of which you speak are imported from states that do no have proper gun control and/or from internet purchases, gun shows, and the black market.
12:17 PM

False argument. The out of control violence due to NIGGERS and ILLEGAL ALIEINS coupled with alt left democrats (socialists) ruining the Justice system in many states and community's letting these shit bags go.

Anonymous said...

Gun Control=Increased Violent Crime

Anonymous said...

How about them Ravens!:

Anonymous said...

“Person injures five at Rabbi's house: PROTECT JEWS

Person kills dozens at mosque: PROTECT MUSLIMS

Person kills two at church before being shot: BAN GUNS”

Maybe that’s because, at this point, there is no evidence to suggest that the people in the church were killed for being Christian. The gunman is quite likely insane. Meanwhile, recent shootings of Jews and Muslims have been shown to be motivated by hate.

Also, contrary to your lies, there are calls for greater gun control after all gun-related incidents, not just the church shooting.

PilotX said...

"False argument. The guns of which you speak are imported from states that do no have proper gun control and/or from internet purchases, gun shows, and the black market."

Yup, we need a national system.

PilotX said...

"False argument. The out of control violence due to NIGGERS and ILLEGAL ALIEINS coupled with alt left democrats (socialists) ruining the Justice system in many states and community's letting these shit bags go."

Wow, such brilliance but incorrect. Red states have the highest gun violence rates.

PilotX said...

A state by state comparison of gun deaths.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's jockstrap claims his IQ is 156 at a minimum. The problem is they moved the decimal point at least 2 points to the right. Any variety of garden slug gets by with an IQ of 2, drumpf's true intelligence realm.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

PilotX said....

Wow, such brilliance but incorrect. Red states have the highest gun violence rates.

1:04 PM
You are correct, PilotX,

As I recall from the last time I looked at the data, eight of the ten states with the most per capita gun-violence deaths were red states with lax gun control laws.

mike from iowa said...

Curious how a machete wielding man stabbed 5 people with a knife.

Mao said...

"Yup, we need a national system."

Like China.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...


Gun Deaths Per 100,000 by State - Politics That Work

Oct 01, 2015 · Gun Deaths Per 100,000 by State. Discussion: 17 of the 20 states with the fewest gun deaths per capita are blue and 18 of the 20 states with the most are red. The worst state- Alaska- has more than 6 gun deaths per capita for every one the best state- Hawaii- does. Generally speaking, the most densely populated states tend to have low gun deaths,...

Anonymous said...

"As I recall from the last time I looked at the data, eight of the ten states with the most per capita gun-violence deaths were red states with lax gun control laws."

That's because most of those states have populations among those with the highest black percentages.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Gun deaths per capita by State

Now that this information is readily available, I imagine that the trolls will stoop lying about this topic.
Nah - just kidding!

Correlation is not Causation said...

"Now that this information is readily available, I imagine that the trolls will stoop lying about this topic."

You really don't understand the numbers you are posting.

Alaska has a small population (~700,000), and had 39 gun murders in 2015. They also have a considerable native population that is punches above their weight in the murder stats.

The District of Columbia has about the same population, and had 121 gun murders in 2015, by far tops in the US. It's majority black.

The other 8 jurisdictions in the top ten include four of the five states with the highest percentage black populations: Louisiana, South Carolina, Georgia and Mississippi. The fifth, Alabama, did not have enough data to make the list, but has a much higher than average murder rate.

The correlation between murders and demographics is much higher than the correlation between murders and gun laws.

Current Year said...

The biggest stories of 2019: The Mueller report, The IG report, The Afghanistan papers and The OPCW whistler blower. All examples of deep state criminals and a grossly incompetent or criminally complicit corporate press.

He'll say anything they tell him to said...

Joe Biden on fossil fuel executives: “We should put them in jail” for pollution:

Hunter Biden was a fossil fuel executive.

PilotX said...

"Like China."

Or Australia,New Zealand, England, France, Japan...........

Anonymous said...

Muh guns muh guns muh guns muh guns!!!

Anonymous said...

Who could have guessed that basing an impeachment strategy on protecting Hunter Biden’s right to profit from nepotism might backfire?

PilotX said...

"Who could have guessed that basing an impeachment strategy on protecting Hunter Biden’s right to profit from nepotism might backfire?"

Huh? trump is getting impeached because he abused his office. This is what happens when you elect an ill tempered reality tv atar to the highest office in the land.

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

Asking about something fishy Biden bragged about publicly = "abused his office".

Neat trick.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

Asking about something fishy Biden bragged about publicly = "abused his office".

If he thought Biden had done something wrong he should have used established channels to investigate instead of going trump. This is what happens when someone doesn't understand how to properly do their job. Maybe we've learned our lesson?

2009-2016 said...

Remember when all the good jobs were gone and never coming back and we needed to stop whining and get used to being poor?

Razor said...

Ban guns because shootings happen a lot, but don’t let good guys carry guns because shootings are rare.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama's net worth:

2007: $1.3 million
2017: $40.0 million
Increase: $38.7 million (+2,977%)

How much did your net worth increase during Obama's presidency?

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Correlation is not Causation said...

You really don't understand the numbers you are posting.

Alaska has a small population (~700,000), and had 39 gun murders in 2015.
NO, you don't understand the number I am posting. I posted DEATHS BY GUN per capita, not the murder rate. A person is just as dead whether he/she dies from a gun shot wound by accident, suicide, or murder!

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

Who could have guessed that basing an impeachment strategy on protecting Hunter Biden’s right to profit from nepotism might backfire?

2:57 PM
Nobody guessed that, not even you. You are repeating lies invented to protect our criminal president, Donald J. Trump. So far he is accused of two major crimes, but there are many more about to be revealed. Stand by.....

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Current Year said...

The biggest stories of 2019: The Mueller report, The IG report, The Afghanistan papers and The OPCW whistler blower. All examples of deep state criminals and a grossly incompetent or criminally complicit corporate press.

2:04 PM
I guess this post came straight from Russia. More explicitly, it came from the lips of Vladimir Putin.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

2009-2016 said...

Remember when all the good jobs were gone and never coming back and we needed to stop whining and get used to being poor?

4:19 PM
There are still lots of poor people who don't have to remember that because they are still living it. Take a look at the number of people working two or more jobs without benefits of any kind.

mike from iowa said...

Congress allocates pesos for gun violence stydies, which wingnuts and the Russia/NRA have defeated every time it came up, makes one wonder what they are afraid researchers will find.

mike from iowa said...

I'm sure Michelle Obama had a hand in those earnings and unlike drumpfuck the Russian crime syndicate, Obama never once violated the emoluments act of the constitution. drumpfuck violates it every time he goes to his own property and vacations with a slew if Secret Service people at tax payer expense which goes in drumpfuck's grifter pockets.

mike from iowa said...

Stoopid fucking weingnuts rejoice. Until January of 2019, wingnuts controlled the kremlin annex, the SPOTUS and both houses of congress. Why the fuck did they not investigate Bidens when they had multiple opportunities? Because there was nothing to investigate until Putin started whispering in wingnut ears that Ukraine hacked the election, not Putin.

You fuckers are pathetic investigators. You stink as human beings. You can't govern. All you can do is force the wealthy to take more taxpayer bucks and get wealthier. That and take away food, insurance, education and heat assistance from the truly needy. Fuck every last one of you deplorable scumbags.

Ivan Beatinov said...

"I guess this post came straight from Russia. More explicitly, it came from the lips of Vladimir Putin."

Granny has the IQ of a turnip.

It's over said...

Quid Pro Joe being mocked wherever he goes:

dinthebeast said...

Biden has said he would consider picking a Republican running mate.
Joe is dangerously nostalgic for a Republican party that hasn't existed for fifty years.
Today's GOP will cheerfully accept all of his concessions and then turn around and knife all of us in the back.
After eight years of obstruction and sabotage of the Obama administration he should know that.
Not that I think he'll actually do it, but trying to pander to Republicans won't work.

-Doug in Oakland

mike from iowa said...

Gambler is 100% correct, as usual. Wingnuts couldn't see truth if it was imprinted on their eyeballs.

mike from iowa said...

Can't you just hear the kriminal konspiracy koyote kerfluffle howl in pain if Biden sicced his followers on protesters and told them to rough them up on their way out?

The Wealthy said...

"All you can do is force the wealthy to take more taxpayer bucks and get wealthier."

It's true, the bad Orange Man is selling food and heat for the needy and making us take the money to buy Pelotons and Gucci bags.

Anonymous said...

Being a dumbass does not pay. A bunch of corrections officer academy cadets decided that it would be funny to do a Nazi salute in their group photo. Now all of them, 37 in total, are going to be fired.

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired

Creepy-ass Cracker said...

Joe is dangerously nostalgic for summer days hanging out with Corn Pop at the pool and having black kids stroke his leg hairs.

PilotX said...

"but don’t let good guys carry guns because shootings are rare."

If we had comprehensive background checks we can find out who's a good guy.

dinthebeast said...

Sweden, as a part of their initiative to be fossil-fuel free by 2030, has opened a road that safely charges the electric vehicles that drive on it.
They plan on extending it to Berlin.

-Doug in Oakland

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

"If we had comprehensive background checks we can find out who's a good guy."

The Nazi trolls commenting here wouldn't be happy with that arrangement. They're not good guys, so no guns for them.

PilotX said...

Fuck you, commie said...

"They're not good guys, so no guns for them."

That's why there will never be gun control. Whoever is in charge decides who the good guys are. Just call them Nazis, and you can take their guns away.

PilotX said...

"They're not good guys, so no guns for them."

Well maybe that Lt. Commander Johnson guy is a good guy. He is a military officer and all.

field negro said...

The shooter in the Texas church was white. One of his victims was black.
Carry on.

PilotX said...

"That's why there will never be gun control."

Sure there will, the majority of Americans want it. Especially background checks.

Anonymous said...

"Especially background checks"

Shooter was repeat felon – meaning by Texas law it was illegal for him to have a firearm.

Laws don't stop criminals, guns do.

PilotX said...

"Shooter was repeat felon – meaning by Texas law it was illegal for him to have a firearm."

And therein lies the problem, guns are way too accessable.

PilotX said...

"Biden has said he would consider picking a Republican running mate."

He should just choose Kamalah and be done with it.👍🏾

mike from iowa said...

Wasicu wastey church shooter was a religious fanatic and had demons. Sounds like typical right wing evangelical, now donut?

mike from iowa said...

Laws don't stop criminals, guns do.

Guns didn't stop this wasicu until it was too late. Ammosexuals should have just plugged his ass and then ask questions, you know, like cops with unarmed blacks.

mike from iowa said...

Strzok strikes back at Justice Department for wrongful termination, claiming it was political as drumpf takes credit for getting rid of him.

mike from iowa said...

Only in drumpfuck's Amerika.....

I suppose the woman was doing PMS, huh?

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Mike from Iowa said......

You fuckers are pathetic investigators. You stink as human beings. You can't govern. All you can do is force the wealthy to take more taxpayer bucks and get wealthier. That and take away food, insurance, education and heat assistance from the truly needy. Fuck every last one of you deplorable scumbags.

4:58 PM
Thank you, Mike. I couldn't agree more.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

Being a dumbass does not pay. A bunch of corrections officer academy cadets decided that it would be funny to do a Nazi salute in their group photo. Now all of them, 37 in total, are going to be fired.

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired

5:59 PM
It's not too smart to do a Nazi salute if you want to work for any kind of government agency in the United States. The memory of †he atrocities the Nazis committed in WWII is still fresh in the national consciousness of most Americans.

Anonymous said...

Sure there will, the majority of Americans want it. Especially background checks.
6:41 PM

No they don't, and we already have National and State background checks. Check with BATFE and try and keep up.

Anonymous said...

Gun control laws do not work because niggers do not obey laws and libtards keep letting them out of jail or fail to prosecute. You better be armed.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

PilotX said...

"Biden has said he would consider picking a Republican running mate."

He should just choose Kamalah and be done with it.👍🏾

7:13 PM

That would be my choice.

Anonymous said...

Of course.

Anonymous said...

disgusting fuck from iowa said...
"Wasicu wastey church shooter was a religious fanatic and had demons. Sounds like typical right wing evangelical, now donut?"

When mike thought shooter was black: "Texas gunman took out two armed parishioners with his first shots. Afterwards there were numerous fat buggers waddling around the church with guns drawn. ps looked like a Black parishioner is the hero of the day."

When mike found out shooter was white: Racist Crazy Christians!

You are a seething pile of human garbage.

dinthebeast said...

"He should just choose Kamalah and be done with it."

I was kinda hoping she'd be AG. Perhaps Stacey Abrams for veep?

-Doug in Oakland

Michelle Obama's Penis said...

"I was kinda hoping she'd be AG. Perhaps Stacey Abrams for veep?"

Yeah, and Christine Blasey Ford for the Supreme Court and Oprah Winfrey for Secretary of State.


Trump is going to win in 2020.

You will have Republican Presidents for the rest of your miserable life.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...


Trump is going to win in 2020.

You will have Republican Presidents for the rest of your miserable life.

9:58 PM
Don't be so sure. Check out the New York Times tonight. Seems your boy is in more trouble than you or he realize.

PilotX said...

"Trump is going to win in 2020."

As long as the Dems control the senate and the house it won't matter. Nancy and Chuck will drive him insane.😂

PilotX said...

“When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” said...

National General Election:

Trump 46% (+1)
Biden 45%

Trump 44% (+1)
Bloomberg 43%

Trump 47% (+2)
Sanders 45%

Trump 47% (+4)
Warren 43%

Trump 45% (+4)
Buttigieg 41%

Trump leads all potential challengers, even after being impeached.

Everyone knows who Trump is. As we proceed, they will learn who his challengers are, and these numbers will move in his favor.

If impeachment fails (and you know it will), the result will be reelection in a landslide.

Republicans will increase their majority in the Senate and retake the House.

Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden at the Dem debate said he'd cut hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs for the sake of the "green economy"

Joe Biden today: “Anybody who can go a mine sure as hell can learn to program as well…Anybody who can throw coal into furnace can learn how to program for God’s sake”

You guys are in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

Our society has been armed for the last 2 1/3 centuries.

We don’t have a gun problem.

We have a morality problem.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Republicans will increase their majority in the Senate and retake the House."

First off Republicans do not have a majority in the House, secondly there are no polls that indicate an increase in Republican majority in the Senate. I love Republican optimism but sometimes it's better to be realistic. If you have evidence to show otherwise I would love to see it.

PilotX said...

BTW, the majority of polls have Biden over trump.

PilotX said...

More trouble for trump. If witnesses are called we can find out even more malfeasance.

mike from iowa said...

Anymoose @ 9:05 is lying again. When you started bragging about the shooter being shot, I politely pointed out the shooter took down 2 armed parishiones before the rest of the waddling bunch got their shooty guns out.

Here are my exact words, you fucking lying moose...... the word black does not show up anywhere.

mike from iowa said...
Texas gunman took out two armed parishioners with his first shots. Afterwards there were numerous fat buggers waddling around the church with guns drawn.

9:22 PM

PilotX said...

"President" punk bitch is at it again.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so sure. Check out the New York Times tonight. Seems your boy is in more trouble than you or he realize.
10:33 PM

more liberal delusion. you were wrong last time and you continue to be wrong now. Donald Trump WILL be your next president, even Michael Moore knows this and he is a giant libtard.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Our society has been armed for the last 2 1/3 centuries.

We don’t have a gun problem

We have a morality problem.
1:29 AM

WE have a nigger problem.

mike from iowa said...

Lets bring them jobs back home, lying sack of shit bogus potus. There's yer jobs, stoopid fucking wingnuts. Being outsourced after slipping AT&T billions in tax breaks.

In moar good news, Texas judge ordered shit fer brains Alex "SandyHook shootings didn't happen" Jones to pay nearly I100 k for not providing court ordered evidence in ongoing suit against him.

mike from iowa said...

WE have a nigger problem. Brought to you solely by wealthy wasicu wastey plantation owners. Wasicus are the problem. They can't control free peoples of any color without seriously oppressing them and we have laws against that.

Dems ought to pass a law that says wasicus are only 1/1ooooooooooo th human and kick them around to their hearts content.

PilotX said...

Deficit up 70% under trump. Deficits only matter when a Dem is in office.

PilotX said...

"Our society has been armed for the last 2 1/3 centuries.

We don’t have a gun problem.

We have a morality problem."

Exactly, if you have a morality problem you don't need guns.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

From the Washington Post

Over the course of his presidency, Trump has visited a Trump-owned or branded property on three out of every 10 days. Slightly more: Of the 1,075 days on which he has been president, he has visited Mar-a-Lago or a Trump Something-or-other on 331 of them, 31 percent of the time. Barring a sudden change of heart late Monday, he’ll spend at least part of Dec. 31 at Mar-a-Lago, too. That means he will have visited a Trump property on 117 days in 2019, the same number as in 2017.

Quid Pro Joe Stalin said...

"If witnesses are called we can find out even more malfeasance."

Yes, that's how American jurisprudence works: First have the trial, then determine what the crime is.

"Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime."

-Lavrentiy Beria

A Republic if you can keep it said...

"Exactly, if you have a morality problem you don't need guns."

If the New Americans are unable to responsibly handle the central foundational freedoms of the country, we must restrict the rights of all Americans.

Diversity is our strength.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous Quid Pro Joe Stalin said...

"If witnesses are called we can find out even more malfeasance."

Yes, that's how American jurisprudence works: First have the trial, then determine what the crime is.

"Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime."

-Lavrentiy Beria

11:16 AM
LOL! We've already discovered some of Trump's many crimes. Unfortunately, his Republican enablers believe it's OK for him to break the law. All they care about is confirming more conservative judges.

PilotX said...

"If the New Americans are unable to responsibly handle the central foundational freedoms of the country"

Hell, old Americans can't handle the freedoms of the country. We've always been a violent nation.

PilotX said...

"All they care about is confirming more conservative judges."

Pretty much. I saw a story about one of trump's unqualified nominees and a commentator stated he only cared whether or not he was conservative. Sad. No concern about whether or not he knew the law, was fair or even had any courtroom experience. This is where the country is headed.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

“When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” said...

Trump leads all potential challengers, even after being impeached.

Everyone knows who Trump is. As we proceed, they will learn who his challengers are, and these numbers will move in his favor.

LOL! Zogby is in Trump's pocket. Biden, and Sanders both lead Trump . See Real Clear Politics and read about Zogby below.

12:54 AM
Trump promotes Zogby poll inflating his approval rating by 10 ... › trump-zogby-poll-approval-rating
Aug 23, 2019 - Zogby, which Trump has repeatedly touted this week, was once described as “the worst pollster in the world.” Amid signs that the economy is slowing, reputable polls show President Donald Trump’s approval rating sagging. Trump responded this week by repeatedly trumpeting a ...

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