In case you haven't noticed, the DOW has dropped almost 2,000 points in two days. We can blame that damn Coronavirus for this one. The president of the United States says that it is under control, but the CDC says that we have a problem. I think I am taking the word of the CDC when it comes to this issue.
Clearly the president and his administration has dropped the ball when it comes to this issue. Of course he will get a pass, because the American press, for some reason, is afraid to call him out.
Harvey Weinstein will be probably spending the rest of his life in jail. The me too movement finally caught up with him. It's amazing how Harvey lost his walker right after the verdict was read.
I know that somewhere in a prison in upstate Pennsylvania, Bill Cosby is saying that it's about time. Bill has been sitting in the big house for doing things that a lot of other powerful men have done, and he is not pleased. This, by the way, includes the current president of the United States.
The president went after the Jury Forewoman in the Roger Stone case, and he went after two sitting Supreme Court Judges as well. For all the people who thought that impeachment would sober him up, please note that the president has actually gotten worse with his abuse of his office. No sitting president should go after a private citizen for doing what every good citizen does when they become a part of our system of justice in this country.
Mr. trump just keeps undermining the rule of law, and we just keep letting him do it.
Finally,the trump sports jinx continues. Now it has hit the poor people of India.
Memo to the Indian people: I know that cricket is a big deal in your country, so in the future, if you want to win at your favorite sport, do not invite Mr. trump to a large cricket stadium in your country. It will never go well for you. Just ask the people of Alabama and Washington D.C.
“I know that somewhere in a prison in upstate Pennsylvania, Bill Cosby is saying that it's about time.”
Hmmm. I highly doubt it.
Whatever Cosby may say to the press, he is not genuinely interested in this kind of “equal justice.” That is not what motivates these comparisons for him. Cosby is looking to be let out, not for Weinstein to join him in the joint.
Action speaks louder than words, always have; always will. Amerika this is not 'Greater'.
This is the worst 'president' that America has ever had the displeasure of representing "our country", the USA. (Yeah, I'm a DAV, but will he/it ever say the same concerning his son/daughter? For the service of Country)? While we're there, Mitt, are you able to say the same?
This 'guy', trump is a 'National Security Risk'. Perhaps he should be on the 'International Crimes Against Humanity List' (BTW: U also Israel). ASAP.
Weinstein will be Epsteined quicker than you can say Hillary.
Like the movie War of the Worlds a simple virus will save the planet from a huge threat.😆
In other news, SCOTUS decided that US border patrol officers can shoot people in the face and be immune from financial liability, so long as the people shot in the face have their feet planted on foreign soil at the time.
An interesting legal conclusion, that.
Awwwwwww, bowl cut psycho Dylan Roof isn't having fun in prison. 😓 Maybe we can take him to Burger King.
“Awwwwwww, bowl cut psycho Dylan Roof isn't having fun in prison.”
From the article:
“One of their main arguments is that U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel should not have allowed Roof to represent himself during the penalty phase of his trial because he was a 22-year-old ninth-grade dropout ‘who believed his sentence didn’t matter because white nationalists would free him from prison after an impending race war.’”
I’m not sure there are words to describe the level of disappointment Roof is going to feel when an army of Nazis fails to show up to rescue him on execution day.
"I’m not sure there are words to describe the level of disappointment Roof is going to feel when an army of Nazis fails to show up to rescue him on execution day."
Nah, he's as smart as the trolls here who are waiting for the race war and qanon to arrest all Democrats. Like kids believing in Santa, they'll take their ignorance to their graves.😆
From Greg Sargent on Twitter:
“House Dems tell us the Trump administration wants to fund Coronavirus response in part with money taken from low-income home heating funds.”
Jesus, Trump really doesn’t miss an opportunity to do something dumb and hateful. Even a public health emergency that potentially puts wingnut lives at risk still somehow gets converted into an ideological quest to crap on the poor.
Don't worry. Don't worry. If there's one guy who knows how to deal with facts and listen to well educated, elite scientists with humility and understanding, it's Donald trump.
In a meeting on the spread of the virus in Geneva today, the team they finally got into Wuhan reported back that we should definitely do here what China is doing there to contain the spread.
Not gonna happen, Fergus or no Fergus.
Can you imagine military checkpoints on all major highways testing people's temperature and pulling them out of their vehicles on the spot and throwing them into quarantine if they have a fever?
A more coordinated response, like we might have had if Fergus hadn't dissolved the pandemic response infrastructure in 2018 because it was an "Obama program" might have helped, as would having a president and administration that wasn't obviously lying about it for their political benefit. "We have it contained, and the stock market is looking good." "It'll go away in April when the heat comes back."
No, Ferg, it isn't contained, and the stock market just took an epic two day dump, in part because investors are starting to realize that you don't know what the fuck you're doing and your administration doesn't seem to be able to do anything but lie about it.
Here comes the first non self-imposed crisis, and like we've been saying the whole time, he's fucking it up on a massive scale.
-Doug in Oakland
The market was way over-bought. This bubble was going to burst anyway, it was just a matter of when. Sooner means smaller and less disruptive. And it means more work comes back to the USA, feeding American workers instead of globalist parasites.
We love you, corona-chan!
02/26/20 Chicago Negro Crime
A young woman was dead and four others wounded Tuesday afternoon after black gunmen sprayed a convenience store with gunfire in the Avalon Park neighborhood on the city’s South Side, Chicago police said.
The shooting occurred around 5:30 p.m. in the 1200 block of East 79th Street, police said.
Police, citing preliminary details, said three black gunmen stood at the front entrance of the business and fired at least 20 shots into the business, striking the five victims.
FN: "Mr. trump just keeps undermining the rule of law, and we just keep letting him do it."
Weinstein is so typical of megalomaniacs. He is currently sick from self-pity over the accusations (unfair1) and trial (publicity seekers, opportunists!). May save taxpayers the expense of housing him, and why not. Where he's going he won't RIP.
Doug, why do you guys call Trump "Fergus"? Where did that originate? I realize it has Scottish connotations, but why do you use that to refer to Trump? What is the usage? Is it like "nigger", "kike", "honkey", "chink", "wetback", "beaner", or something similar?
Just curious.
“Doug, why do you guys call Trump ‘Fergus’? Where did that originate?”
British musician Richard Thompson wrote a song about a terrible person named “Fergus Laing.” But it’s a satirical song. In reality, “Fergus” is Trump.
Richard Thompson - Fergus Laing
Good song. Thanks. But, I still don't understand just how that song is related to Trump. In reality. How did they connect the two? I know you are intelligent....understand what I mean?
“Good song. Thanks. But, I still don't understand just how that song is related to Trump.”
Thompson has dropped a bunch of clues that make it abundantly clear he wrote it about Trump.
"I still don't understand"
Could have just ended the post right there.😂
"Followers of QAnon, the crazed conspiracy theory that alleges President Donald Trump is working to secretly uncover a global pedophile ring, have regularly predicted mass arrests of the president’s political opponents over the past three years.
None of those arrests have come to pass, however,......"
Read the entire article on Raw Story's front page today:
I guess P.T. Barnum was right; there really is a sucker born every minute and a bunch of them follow QAnon.
"I couldn't actually use his name in the song because I like my kneecaps."
He wrote it about Trump before Trump ran for president, and the song has much better guitar playing in it than Trump deserves.
Since it is somewhat likely that the corona virus jumped from animals in a market to humans, it seems unfortunate that Fergus ran most of the scientists who study such things out of the USDA.
-Doug in Oakland
Here's the performance where he makes it clear who he is talking about:
"As we say, a total wanker..."
-Doug in Oakland
Fearing his reelection chances might be harmed by the massive dump the markets are taking over the spread of the corona virus, Fergus is focusing his criticism on... the CDC for trying to warn the public about the spread of the virus.
-Doug in Oakland
Dow Jones ended down another 124 points today.
Coronavirus is being given short shrift by wingnuts, just like this did with aids because early on it was POC and gays that were dying off. When wasicus contracted it, then it became a national emergency, just like Asians getting the new stuff.
Several dead including shooter.
I wonder the body count if employees had been armed. Likely astronomical. Time and place to settle old scores.
Only the best people, eh drumpfuck the dumbfuck?
this poor excuse for a gubmint official probably wasn't the best person at Fake Noize, either.
Guess we will know which other country to blame for drumpf steling another election.
Several dead including shooter.
No name or description of the shooter. This fits the media stylebook for "disgruntled minority massacre".
CDC official who set off coronavirus alarm is Rod Rosenstein's sister, making magat hatted conspiracy theorists shit their pants spilling lies about her and him.
So Fergus is putting Pence in charge of the corona virus outbreak.
Mike Pence.
Mike "let's not do anything to stop the HIV outbreak in the state where I'm the governor" Pence.
Well, perhaps if someone can find a reason that Jesus really wants the outbreak stopped, Pence might work on it.
But probably not, as he doesn't much care for any of Jesus' actual teachings.
But I guess he's better than nobody?
-Doug in Oakland
Pence will offer treatment to anyone infected with COVID-19.
Except for the gays. Cause God hates them.
It’s hard to feel confident in the Trump administration being competent enough to handle a public health crisis because ... well, just look at this spectacularly dumb shit:
Wilbur Ross says Coronavirus could boost US jobs
drumpf accused Obama of incompetence when two people were brought to Emory Uni, home of the CDC from Africa. He demanded they be kept out.
drumpf, as unelected czarina of the kremlin annex, had 14 known coronavirus infected people flown on a commercial flight to the US and his only concerns about an epidemic is the possibility Dems will use his incompetence against him in the election.
In the diseased brain of the president, there are only fifteen cases of the virus stateside and that will be down to zero in a few days.
Meanwhile back in reality the first confirmed case of corona virus of unknown origin has been found here.
We're now in the community transmission phase of the epidemic.
-Doug in Oakland
Every time the USA has a Clown Prince, the country gets smote, and the Clown Prince mishandles it.
First Clown Prince: Reagan. He presided over ignoring AIDS.
Next Clown Prince: Dubya. He presided over FEMA's incompetent response to the drowning of New Orleans by hurricane Katrina.
Present Clown Prince: Trump. He presided over dismantling the pandemic response team; and now comes COVID-19.
All these Clown Princes have been Republicans, and all of them stupid. Reagan had a medical excuse: Alzheimer's. Dubya was a dry drunk, and 'incurious' - that is, lazy. Trump's a conman who believes his own BS. Reagan said 'facts are stupid things'; Dubya's advisor Rove said that 'we create reality'; Trump believes in 'truthful hyperbole'.
Woe betide a nation whose top official thinks himself smarter than reality. Where there is no honesty, people perish.
"We're now in the community transmission phase of the epidemic."
Don't worry, Mike Pence is in charge. He'll pray it away.
Climate change is bullshit.
Dow bounces slightly after entering correction territory, still down 500 points
Microsoft issues warning about coronavirus, the virus drumpf in his stable genius mode couldn't spell.
drumpf being exonerated of any of his crimes is a hoax. And he is and will always be IMPEACHED!
from Politico.... Speculation that President Donald Trump might pardon Roger Stone has reached a fever pitch after Stone’s sentencing by a federal judge and the president’s repeated hints that he thinks the verdict unfair. But fortunately, the Constitution’s framers imagined this nightmare scenario—a suspected criminal president pardoning a co-conspirator—and they put in the Constitution language to legally prohibit the pardon power in exactly this kind of case.
Some scholars agree that once a president has been impeached, he or she loses the power to pardon anyone for criminal offenses connected to the articles of impeachment. Less noticed is that even after the Senate’s failure to convict the president, he or she does not regain this power.
Under Article II, Section II of the Constitution, the president is given the “power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.” Pardons are supposed to be used as acts of mercy. The framers thought of the pardon power as a “benign prerogative”—prerogative because it was mostly unchecked by courts or Congress, but benign because presidents would use it for the public good.
But the framers knew not to place blind trust in the president to wield the power justly. That’s why they explicitly forbade a president from exercising the pardon power in “cases of impeachment.” The clause prevents the worst abuse of the pardon power: a president’s protecting cronies who have been convicted of crimes related to the president’s own wrongdoing.
"Under Article II, Section II of the Constitution, the president is given the 'power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.' Pardons are supposed to be used as acts of mercy. The framers thought of the pardon power as a 'benign prerogative'—prerogative because it was mostly unchecked by courts or Congress, but benign because presidents would use it for the public good."
Highly questionable. A lot of people would interpret that wording as meaning that a president cannot use a pardon to reverse a congressional impeachment of an elected official (including himself), rather than that a president cannot pardon an individual convicted in criminal court of an offense related to an impeachment.
Honestly, if Trump decides to pardon Stone, I doubt SCOTUS will do anything about it.
Deep shit hooks step in deeper shit...... https://www.thedailybeast.com/glenn-beck-steve-king-go-conspiracy-crazy-over-dhs-officials-death?ref=home
Fucking nutjobs are sure a self inflicted gunshot was inflicted by Obama's deep state.
I am going to send for a voodoo doll in the shape of stoopid fucking wingnuts and jab pins in it until all stoopid fucking wingnuts go back to their Mother Ship permanently.
Pence will run the Covid-19 response. I am not pleased. He has a moral obligation to do much better than he did about AIDS in Indiana.
Market Summary > Dow Jones Industrial Average
25,766.64 −1,190.95 (4.42%)
Feb 27, 4:15 PM EST · Disclaimer
Blame this in the Dem debate stoopid fucking wingnuts. Worst week since great depression of 2007-08. There went yer 401ks lads.
drumpfuck is the reason for USA coronavirus season.
Paradoctor said...
Every time the USA has a Clown Prince, the country gets smote, and the Clown Prince mishandles it.
First Clown Prince: Reagan. He presided over ignoring AIDS.
Next Clown Prince: Dubya. He presided over FEMA's incompetent response to the drowning of New Orleans by hurricane Katrina.
Present Clown Prince: Trump. He presided over dismantling the pandemic response team; and now comes COVID-19.
All these Clown Princes have been Republicans, and all of them stupid. Reagan had a medical excuse: Alzheimer's. Dubya was a dry drunk, and 'incurious' - that is, lazy. Trump's a conman who believes his own BS. Reagan said 'facts are stupid things'; Dubya's advisor Rove said that 'we create reality'; Trump believes in 'truthful hyperbole'.
Woe betide a nation whose top official thinks himself smarter than reality. Where there is no honesty, people perish.
11:32 PM
Hi Paradoctor,
This is such a great post, I thought it warranted repeating. I've been watching this unfold for many years. I knew this was coming when the right wing killed Bobby Kennedy. That's why I spent so much time as a grass-roots volunteer for the Democratic Party.
MLK’s Mother Was Assassinated, Too: The Forgotten Women Of Black History Month
Until today, I had no idea this happened. Racist wasicus hate blacks so much they keep making martyrs of them.
Thank God lynching is finally illegal in America.
Why did it take until 2020 to stop the scourge of lynching?
Wingnuts have either a micro-dick short memory or they are all fucking liars. Or both.
worst daily point drop ever. Tired of whining?
Japan just announced first person reinfected with coronavirus. Or the common cold as esteemed Doctor Rust Limpaw calls it.
"Thank God lynching is finally illegal in America"
Thank Jussie, who endured a horrible ordeal so that Black people could finally be free.
We who don't worship Trump have wondered what would happen if we had some kind of crisis how would the president handle it. Now our worst fears are being confirmed daily.
Trump dismantled the pandemic preparation team, cut funding for the Center for Disease Control, and failed to fill important positions throughout our health-care infrastructure. Now it looks like we are screwed. Hope all the people who voted for this idiot are happy.
Thanks for the Fake News update Granny. We can always count on you to repeat the dumbest lies you heard today.
Why Trump Tapped Pence for Coronavirus Effort
February 27, 2020 at 8:14 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 94 Comments
Vice President Mike Pence was picked to lead the federal government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak because President Trump said he didn’t “have anything else to do,” The New York Times reports.
Doesn't that make us all feel safe and secure given Pence's record?
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the Fake News update Granny. We can always count on you to repeat the dumbest lies you heard today.
8:55 PM
It isn't fake, son. When you come down with the virus, it will be very real. Good luck, I hope you have a strong constitution and can fight it off. There is no medicine that will help, just a respirator and fluids in your arm is all we got.
Scottish MPs know a crooked skunk when they smell drumpf.
"Scottish MPs know a crooked skunk when they smell drumpf."
9:17 PM
You got that right, Mike! LOL.
"It isn't fake, son."
The virus isn't fake, but the story that Trump cut CDC funding and hampered the government's ability to manage a potential health crisis is outright false.
You might have missed it, but yesterday there was a mass shooting in Milwaukee. Five people shot and killed at a brewery:
The reason the story is being downplayed? The shooter was another disgruntled black employee, ala Omar Thornton.
Fergus: "It is going to disappear. One day, it will be like a miracle, it will disappear."
Asymptomatic community transmission has been confirmed.
Fergus' presidency is on fire and collapsing, sort of like dubya's did.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is feverishly wishplaining again.
Maybe he's got the Kung Flu.
"Fergus' presidency is on fire and collapsing, sort of like dubya's did."
Republicans love them some stupid.
Not only did Fergus dissolve the pandemic response program instituted by the Obama administration, but last year he defunded the Bush era PREDICT program, instituted in the wake of the H5N1 bird flu outbreak, which for ten years studied diseases that pass from animals to humans.
Seems like that would be kinda useful about now, along with all of those scientists they ran out of the USDA.
-Doug in Oakland
Everything that the monster has done is foul, evil and arrogantly blatant. But to me the most frightening thing is just starting. Trump is so intoxicated by his web of lies and his willing sycophants who echo back every sick, little thing he tells them, in hi mind, there was no Russian meddling, no dealings between Roger Stone and Julian Assange, no impeachable offenses committed in office, in other words the dottering old fool really believes that the democrats were conducting an unfair witch hunt against his holy presidency. Therefore anyone who supported the democrats in any way, but most especially the traitor Romney are guilty of supporting the witch hunt to destroy his presidency.
The most frightening thing to ever happen will be the Stalinesque purge of the entire federal government for any officers who are not absolute Trump loyalists. The loyalty oath that the monster demanded of James Comey that rained down so much ridicule on his poor head has come full circle. There will be a Trump loyalty for any federal employee who wants to keep there job. Absolutely unreal. This is Franz Kafka meets George Orwell. This is some serious trouble. We all know that Trump has a way of stirring up trouble like three witches around a cauldron.
Be very afraid. Don't let some asshole down the street vote for Trump. Our entire future depends on his complete and humiliating defeat in November.
You Trumpies either don't see it, (most sheeple,) or the Trumpies on the Field Negro know very well that Trump is ushering in a fascist dictatorship and you couldn't welcome it with more open hearts. You love the idea of that maniac being our dictator. Then your wildest hatred can become reality.
I know, I could correct all the typos and stupid words. I know the possessive form is "their." When I said hi mind, I was going for his mind. We're going for the passion here. I know the Trumpies are going to ignore everything about Trump systematically deconstructing our democracy and go after me for saying don't let sos-and-so vote for Trump. I'm talking about really convincing people not to vote for Trump. I'm not saying to lock somebody up in their house so they can't vote.
Take all the poetic license you want, Flying Junior. Words are like work, when our side eliminates either one, we're efficient. When stoopid fucking wingnuts eliminate either one, they are lazy.
So the Milwaukee mass-shooter who killed 4 white men and a "hispanic" is black. This is like the Navy Yard shooter (Aaron Alexis, black), Jersey City kosher market shooters (both black)....
20 of 119 mass-shooters in the Mother Jones list are black. That's 17%; the US population is less than 13% black. Blacks are considerably over-represented.
Tell us again how ALL mass-shooters are white? Reality seems to have gone off your script.
Doug is feverishly wishplaining again.
Doug is 100% correct and you are still anyfuckingmooseliar.
The reason the story is being downplayed? The shooter was another disgruntled black employee, ala Omar Thornton.
Another wingnut lie. The story is not being ignored. Another disgruntled black man who charged co-workers with racism sought revenge and got it. But everytime this shit occurs wingnuts whine guns don't kill people so we don't need gun control.
One moar thing, you would think by now, korporations that have endured mass murders would know enough to be on the lookout for "disgruntled" ex employees seeking revenge. How fucking hard can it be to have security watching camera surveillance of entrances to detect trouble?
Congress feverishly tries to pass 6-8 billion emergency coronavirus funds bill. Dems do it to save millions of lives worldwide. Wingnuts are along for the ride to save one pastey orange ass's bogus presidency.
No mention here about the Molsen-Coors shooter being a negro. Doesn't fit the narrative does it. Witnesses described the crazed killed negro as an affirmative action hire loafer that screwed up constantly and the other employees had to correct his numerous mistakes.
Isn't it funny that the libtards are trying to blame Trump for the Corona virus and yet it is their open border polices and obstruction of ICE that allows infected to stream across our boarders...…
We don't need gun control we need negro control.
Anonymous said...
Isn't it funny that the libtards are trying to blame Trump for the Corona virus and yet it is their open border polices and obstruction of ICE that allows infected to stream across our boarders...…
10:21 AM
The infection came from China, not Mexico, you idiot. Wake up. The world is a village. There is no such thing as closed borders any more.
"You might have missed it, but yesterday there was a mass shooting in Milwaukee. Five people shot and killed at a brewery"
This was the biggest shooting of the year so far, right? You would think the media, especially Dem candidates, would be all over it. But we all know why they aren’t.
The world is a village. There is no such thing as closed borders any more.
10:32 AM
WTF are you talking about oh delusional one???
"We don't need gun control we need negro control."
Um yeah, until the next church or kindergarten gets shot up by a white guy with a bowl haircut.🙄
Conservatives continue to misunderstand the First Amendment.
Molson Coors shooting ties for the mos5t deaths in a single episode with Vanceboro NC where a wasicu wastey killed his wife, three kids- 8 months, 3 and 4, and the family dog before killing himself. There we go with a wasicu killing kids some more.
I also wonder bout the killer as he and his dog were found in the Master bedroom togethher. Where was Rick Sanitorium to rail about possible beastiality?
Ever notice how fast and persistent wingnuts jump into action to deny legal voters their right to vote because of drumpf's lies about voter fraud with the total lack of action on needed gun control when citizens are slaughtered by guns?
Every time an illegal vote is cast, it disenfranchises a legal voter by cancelling his vote out.
Almost all countries require verification of the eligibility of a voter before allowing him to vote.
You would think that people so concerned with election security vis-a-vis foreign meddling would care about voter fraud. But as they perceive that it benefits their side, they do everything they can to prevent common sense measures such as requiring a photo ID before you get your ballot.
The only reason Democrats oppose election security is that they support election fraud.
“You would think that people so concerned with election security vis-a-vis foreign meddling would care about voter fraud.”
Democrats aren’t concerned about in-person voter fraud because it is virtually non-existent.
To carry out in-person voter fraud, you have to show up and impersonate a real voter who is listed on the voter registration rolls. This carries a high risk of getting caught and jailed, which is why almost nobody ever does it. It is not a real problem.
Republican officials know this. They have dishonestly pretended there is a widespread in-person voter fraud issue, when there isn’t, in order to justify Voter ID laws that they know will disproportionately stop young and lower-income voters — i.e., Democrats — from voting.
Their vile motives are made blatantly obvious when the same Republicans then close down DMV offices in minority areas to make it harder for them to get IDs.
California congressman threatens to stomp a mudhole in shithole drumpfuck jr for claiming Dems want millions to die to get rid of shithole drumpfuck.
Dems are sick and tired of legal voters being disenfranchised because they have similar sounding names to people in other states. They are sick and tired of low income and poors, aka blacks, being left with no chance to get required voter ids due to removing drivers license offices from poor areas or locating them where there is no public transit or limiting hours to just a few per week.These have all happened in red state minority majority populated areas. So stop the fucking lies, liar.l
Anonymous said...
“You would think that people so concerned with election security vis-a-vis foreign meddling would care about voter fraud.”
Democrats aren’t concerned about in-person voter fraud because it is virtually non-existent.
To carry out in-person voter fraud, you have to show up and impersonate a real voter who is listed on the voter registration rolls. This carries a high risk of getting caught and jailed, which is why almost nobody ever does it. It is not a real problem.
Republican officials know this. They have dishonestly pretended there is a widespread in-person voter fraud issue, when there isn’t, in order to justify Voter ID laws that they know will disproportionately stop young and lower-income voters — i.e., Democrats — from voting.
Their vile motives are made blatantly obvious when the same Republicans then close down DMV offices in minority areas to make it harder for them to get IDs.
2:42 PM
Total bullshit. In person voter fraud is THE de facto technique used by democrats in big cities, Chicago thrives on it, so does NY and NJ.
A married woman can be registered in two different districts, one under her maiden name and one under her married name, its done ALL the time, the demcorats are masters at it.
"To carry out in-person voter fraud, you have to show up and impersonate a real voter who is listed on the voter registration rolls. This carries a high risk of getting caught and jailed, which is why almost nobody ever does it. It is not a real problem."
It actually is a real problem.
And as regards having to carry out fraud in-person, I must assume you've never heard of absentee ballots.
In 2016, mail-in ballots accounted for 24% of the vote.
Lying stoopid fucking wingnuts have been screaming voter fraud since wingnuts stole the 2000 election and probably long before that. It is all lies, just like Dems want millions to die from coronavirus to beat drumpf in the election.
Or the lie that drumpf is on top of the virus ascent, he isn't, but the lies get spread and stoopid fuckers like anyfuckingmoosepussy gobble them up.
China claims recovered patients are infectious meaning the disease may be harder to wipe out than originally suspected, according to WHO.
Anonymous said...
The world is a village. There is no such thing as closed borders any more.
10:32 AM
WTF are you talking about oh delusional one???
10:44 AM
I'm talkin' about reality, Honey. Today isn't like the 18th Century when it took months for ship to cross any ocean. How long do think it takes a jet to get here from China? Answer - a few hours. We are living in a global village. What happens on the other side of the earth can affect us here in a very short time.
As much as you and other Trump's blind followers would like to take us back to 1700, there's no chance that will happen.
When someone moves out of Chicago, the Chicago machine keeps their registration on the books and has ringers vote in their name. People I know have reported seeing their ex-neighbors signed into the books as having voted.
“And as regards having to carry out fraud in-person, I must assume you've never heard of absentee ballots.”
Didn’t mention absentee ballots because that’s not the fake issue that GOP officials have fabricated to justify everyone having to bring state ID to the polls. Which is what the Dems object to.
Dead people vote all the time in Chicago. If a real investigation was conducted it would prove out. The evidence is all there, just need above board people to carry out the task.
I'm talkin' about reality, Honey. Today isn't like the 18th Century when it took months for ship to cross any ocean. How long do think it takes a jet to get here from China? Answer - a few hours. We are living in a global village. What happens on the other side of the earth can affect us here in a very short time.
As much as you and other Trump's blind followers would like to take us back to 1700, there's no chance that will happen.
3:57 PM
Retard, we need to seal off the boarders during an infection crisis. Your side keeps cock blocking the President from doing his duty because you are delusional sycophants like the Manson Family. The infection comes from China so no travel to and from China to the USA until the coast is clear siren is blown.
“The evidence is all there, just need above board people to carry out the task.”
You: The evidence of Bigfoot is there. I just don’t have any.
"In 2016, mail-in ballots accounted for 24% of the vote."
Just mailed mine in last week. It says right on the envelope that if the signature on the outside of the envelope is missing or doesn't match the one they have on file, the ballots inside won't be counted.
So a mail in ballot fraudster would have to have access to a registered voter's signature in order to copy it, and the copy would have to specifically match the one on the voter's state issued ID, which is the signature they have on file. Which would I guess be possible, but not likely, and not at all on any scale that could affect the outcome of even the smallest election.
So, since the covid-19 virus recently jumped from animals to humans, it seems that it can easily jump back to animals, and now dogs have tested positive for it. This seems like bad news for Pig People.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
Dead people vote all the time in Chicago. If a real investigation was conducted it would prove out. The evidence is all there, just need above board people to carry out the task.
If a real investigation was conducted it would prove my theory stoopid fucking wingnuts are too stoopid to be alive.
"Retard, we need to seal off the boarders during an infection crisis."
Uh, "boarders"? "Retard"?
What sort of boarders are you yawping about, and how do you propose "sealing them off"?
And meanwhile back in reality, Fergus overruled the CDC and flew the infected people from the cruise ship back stateside on the same airplane as the healthy people, so the crossing of borders by infected people was a retarded Fergus policy, against the recommendation of the epidemiologists in his own government.
The CDC then demanded that their name be taken off of anything connected with the order.
Then, HHS staffers were sent to the two Air Force bases where the infected people were held, and had contact with them inside the quarantine areas without training or equipment, and then just went on their merry ways, on airplanes, in hotels, and finally back to their offices at HHS.
It was in Vacaville, right near Travis AFB that the first community transmission of the virus was found.
It's almost like they are trying to spread the virus into the general population, but it doesn't pay to attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
-Doug in Oakland
“Retard, we need to seal off the boarders during an infection crisis. Your side keeps cock blocking the President from doing his duty ...”
Fool, you are living in a delusion about why Democrats object to Trump’s wall.
It isn’t because they fear the wall because they secretly want Latin American migrants to come into this country. That would happen no matter what, because we NEED those migrants’ labor. If somehow illegal migration was stopped dead, there would be bad economic impacts from that, and we’d eventually be forced to open up legal immigration avenues instead.
No, the reason that Dems don’t want the wall is that it is a giant, racist FU gesture to Mexico, and because it is in any event a total waste of money that could be better spent on real services to benefit Americans.
It is a giant waste of money because, in fact, YOU CAN’T ACTUALLY CLOSE THE BORDER. This is an unachievable fantasyland goal. We have a border that’s thousands of miles long. We have neither the manpower nor technology to provide an absolute defense of that, so migrants would just end up climbing over Trump’s vaunted wall.
The whole enterprise is doomed and idiotic as hell.
anyfuckingmoose and other drumpf lapdog bitches best be careful.
Coronavirus or stoopid fucking wingnuts disease has no problem scaling drumpf's folly wall along the southern border.
Trump’s wall is not a real piece of infrastructure. It is what is known as “security theater,” an expensive stunt aimed solely at winning the votes of racist rubes. It will accomplish exactly nothing.
"the reason that Dems don’t want the wall is that it is a giant, racist FU gesture to Mexico"
Borders are racist.
You are beyond parody.
A driver shoots two black kids who threw snowballs at his car.
Where's BLM? Where's the gun-control hysteria? <crickets>
Oh, wait, the shooter is black too. BLM ain't interested and the incident is useless for going after rural whites, so this one goes down the memory hole.
drumpf admitted he misspoke on coronavirus and updated his remarks witha new map, today.
“Borders are racist.
You are beyond parody.”
No, borders are not racist.
But installing ever-greater fortifications on them like you are repelling an invading enemy army sure comes off as racist to the people on the other side of the southern border. Notably, we don’t have any fortifications on our northern border. If building border walls is just a normal, routine thing friendly neighbors do, why no Canada border wall?
You don’t care about Mexico’s reaction because you DO think of them as invaders who are maliciously sending their citizens to DESTROY America, and so it never occurs to you that this makes other countries see us as assholes. And dumb assholes at that, since this method of immigration control doesn’t have a hope of working anyway.
“Oh, wait, the shooter is black too. BLM ain't interested and the incident is useless for going after rural whites, so this one goes down the memory hole.”
No, you won’t see BLM protesting because — and I can’t believe I have to explain this — that’s not their job. The police are perfectly capable of handling incidents involving violent civilians.
What police aren’t capable of investigating, apparently, is the crimes of their own officers. Which is why BLM exists. Their main goal is to fight police brutality. Not “everybody brutality.” Police brutality.
Why does this confuse you? Would you get upset because the American Lung Association is worrying too much about lung cancer and not saving the rainforest or helping illiterate children learn to read?
Dow finished the week down 352 more points ending the week’s losses around 3600 point drop. Doesn’t sound like coronavirus is going away anytime soo. Markets will reflect the speed at which the virus is being transmitted whether drumpf continues to basically ignore the problem or not.
Marine general orders removal of Confederate items at bases
-Doug in Oakland
Racist drumpfucker @ 5:28 PM The most pathetic part of your vicious screed is you pretending your racist ass gives a fuck about black kids or any other POC. Your phony compassion suffers from Platte River syndrome- a mile wide but only an inch deep. And full of waterfowl shit.
drumpf will be looking to fire Marine general, Doug. As soon as the Nazi kerfluffle in the kremlin annex finds out about it.
California now a second confirmed coronavirus case with unknown origins. Means virus is spreading. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2020/02/28/coronavirus-live-updates/
Dinthebeast said....
It's almost like they are trying to spread the virus into the general population, but it doesn't pay to attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
-Doug in Oakland
4:45 PM
Yeah, you're correct, Doug; it's stupidity alright. Anyone who believes anything Trump and his associates say is stupid. When their mouths move, they are lying.
Mike Pimpeo was excoriated by congressmen because he ducked coronavirus questions so he could speak at CPAC. Priorities, right?
First Lady Michelle Obama Hosts a Student Film Symposium and thanks Harvey the Rapist Weinstein: go to about 0:40
"you won’t see BLM protesting because — and I can’t believe I have to explain this — that’s not their job. The police are perfectly capable of handling incidents involving violent civilians."
So why was BLM formed in the wake of the acquittal of a civilian, namely George Zimmerman?
"What police aren’t capable of investigating, apparently, is the crimes of their own officers."
In Zimmerman's case, the police investigated the civilian and pronounced the shooting justified in self-defense. Then the "community" got all up in arms and special persecutor Angela Corey filed charges against Zimmerman anyway. Zimmerman was duly acquitted by a jury, and THEN the outrage mob formed Black Lives Matter.
BLM was not formed in response to the bodies-almost-every-day killings in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis and New Orleans. It was formed in response to the killing of a handful of blacks by non-blacks under totally justified circumstances. All those OTHER "black lives"... you've proven that they don't matter to you.
"The most pathetic part of your vicious screed is you pretending your racist ass gives a fuck about black kids or any other POC."
I never pretended to care. I'm just observing that BLACKS don't even pretend to care either. Why should I care, when they don't?
“So why was BLM formed in the wake of the acquittal of a civilian, namely George Zimmerman?”
Maybe because George Zimmerman decided to play “sel-appointed amateur policeman.” (Zimmerman had tried, and failed, to get hired as an actual policeman.)
And he got treated like a bad cop, too — he walked away scot-free from a homicide he caused by his racist profiling of a teenager for committing the “crime” of being black while walking through Zimmerman’s neighborhood.
Florida cops were forced to investigate murderer Zipperfuckerman's crimes about three months too late.
At least Michelle Obama doesn't stand around saying how honest and decent drumpfuck is. Your vid was from 7 years ago. Maybe Michelle has changed her opinion of Harvey. You think? Don't bother trying to answer the think question. We, you and I, know better.
Michelle Obama, I don't know my good friend Harvey and I never met or talked to him. Just like drumpf does.
“At least Michelle Obama doesn't stand around saying how honest and decent drumpfuck is. Your vid was from 7 years ago. Maybe Michelle has changed her opinion of Harvey.”
Michelle Obama was clearly not one of the people who knew about Weinstein’s monstrous extracurricular activities. Otherwise, how do you explain why she would have let her daughter intern for him. “Go work for the rapist, dear. It’ll look good on your resume!”
Please. You are logic-impaired if you think any parent would do this.
Well you don't give a fuck about black people, anyway. Your opinion means nothing to anyone and you really should let Fake Noize have it back.
Too bad Kamala Harris isn’t still in the race. She would easily win South Carolina over the other seven lackluster candidates.
Anonymous said....
I never pretended to care. I'm just observing that BLACKS don't even pretend to care either. Why should I care, when they don't?
7:45 PM
Maybe because you pretend to be a human being? Why not take your observations to some other web site? You are just spiting in the wind here.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"You don’t care about Mexico’s reaction because you DO think of them as invaders who are maliciously sending their citizens to DESTROY America, and so it never occurs to you that this makes other countries see us as assholes.
We can't secure our border because - wait for it - the people trying to illegally cross it will think we are assholes.
I suppose you don't lock your doors at night because then if someone tried to break into your house they might think you're an asshole.
You are an asshole, a dumb one.
“We can't secure our border because - wait for it - the people trying to illegally cross it will think we are assholes.”
No, not the people trying to cross our border. The entire country they are setting out from. All of Mexico. They think we are assholes.
The fact you make no distinction between the two, nor do you think it matters if our next-door neighbors hate us, is why you are the problem.
"I'm just observing that BLACKS don't even pretend to care either."
😂 He knows every single Blah person on the planet. Stereotype much?
Maybe he did a survey or something.😆
Fergus telling the Pig People that COVID-19 is a hoax is genetics in action.
-Doug in Oakland
"Fergus telling the Pig People that COVID-19 is a hoax is genetics in action."
I think the coronas will be trump's Katrina.
Maybe because George Zimmerman decided to play “sel-appointed [sic] amateur policeman.”
Zimmerman was a bona fide member of his Neighborhood Watch. One of the jobs of ALL citizens is to report suspicious persons. Trayvon Martin was acting suspiciously, and in retrospect was shown to have been a burglar.
he got treated like a bad cop, too — he walked away scot-free from a homicide he caused by his racist profiling of a teenager for committing the “crime” of being black while walking through Zimmerman’s neighborhood.
Martin was not "walking". He was standing around in the rain "looking about" into the homes of other people. In the vernacular, that's called "casing the joint". And he ran when challenged, proving he had a guilty mind.
When Trayvon Martin ate hot lead, he only got what he deserved.
"you don't give a fuck about black people, anyway."
If black people don't care about black shooting victims, why should anyone else? Especially if black people only care about shootings that aren't within "the community"?
"He knows every single Blah person on the planet."
There aren't enough blacks who care to protest when people are shot every day in Englewood. Nobody needs to know them all, or even any of them. We just need to observe what does NOT happen. If blacks don't care enough to protest, nobody else should bother to care either.
White people are the primary victims of inter-racial mass shootings.
You should see how my associate Wesley Virgin's tale launches with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO.
As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he revealed hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" secrets that the CIA and others used to get anything they want.
These are the exact same secrets lots of celebrities (notably those who "come out of nothing") and elite business people used to become wealthy and famous.
You've heard that you use less than 10% of your brain.
That's mostly because the majority of your brain's power is UNTAPPED.
Maybe that expression has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR very own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head around 7 years back, while riding an unregistered, trash bucket of a vehicle without a driver's license and $3.20 on his banking card.
"I'm absolutely fed up with living paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally succeed?"
You've taken part in those conversations, ain't it so?
Your very own success story is going to be written. You just need to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.
Zipperfckerman did not follow protocol of neighborhood watch. He was armed, he pursued and engaged with a suspect. he did not wait for the police, who are supposed to pursue and engage.
NW hoods aren't LEs and have n LE responsibilities. Zipperfuckerman saw a lone black kid and decided to bag hisself one. All in violation of NW rules.
drumpf got tired of all his winning and decided to allow Israel to build new settlements in occupied territory in dumbass dubya's folly.
Next logical step id to arrest dumbass dubya, Cheney and every neo-con still alive for war crimes and send them to the Hague pretty pronto.
Trayvon was a burglar and a druggy. he was found to be suffering from early liver failure due to consuming "purple drank" or "lean" which contains codeine. He had THC in his system. he was found in school with stolen jewelry from his burglaries.
George Zimmerman did nothing wrong that night with Trayvon. There was an extensive investigation into what happened, followed by a long trial where the jury acquitted him.
This matter is settled.
Anonymous said...
Trayvon was a burglar and a druggy. he was found to be suffering from early liver failure due to consuming "purple drank" or "lean" which contains codeine. He had THC in his system. he was found in school with stolen jewelry from his burglaries.
9:31 AM
Source for these claim or are you just making it up like Trump does?
"White people are the primary victims of inter-racial mass shootings."
White boys with bowl cuts are the primary cause of mass shootings.
"Source for these claim or are you just making it up like Trump does?"
Made up. He saw it on some dumb site like vdare or stormfront where dumb racists sit around and speculate. I guess if it's true to them it's true.
"Fergus telling the Pig People that COVID-19 is a hoax is genetics in action."
Trump did not say that.
Just like Trump did not call white supremacists "very fine people" or that all Mexican immigrants were rapists.
When you have to lie about what he says to justify your hatred, maybe your hatred is coming from somewhere else.
Source for these claim or are you just making it up like Trump does?
Been cited here a bunch of times, but you lying libturds keep claiming you never heard it before.
From the autopsy report:
"Focal patchy yellow discoloration, due to mild fatty metamorphosis, is present. On sectioning, the hepatic parenchyma is yellow-brown, homogeneous and congested,"
Wingnut vulture crapitalist, Paul Singer, is buying Twitter so he can get rid of Jack Dorsey and make Twitter the new propaganda arm of Fake Noize.
"Fergus telling the Pig People that COVID-19 is a hoax is genetics in action."
Trump did not say that.
Just like Trump did not call white supremacists "very fine people" or that all Mexican immigrants were rapists.
Did, too. Did, too. Did, too. Did, too. Did, too. drumpf also said Russiagate was a witch hunt which dozens of witches who pled guilty or were subsequently found guilty and were sentenced to prison.
from Politico.... “The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. They're politicizing it,” he said. “They don't have any clue. They can't even count their votes in Iowa. No, they can't. They can't count their votes. One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.’ That did not work out too well. They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax.”
Then Trump called the coronavirus “their new hoax.”
Anonymous said...
"Fergus telling the Pig People that COVID-19 is a hoax is genetics in action."
Trump did not say that.
Just like Trump did not call white supremacists "very fine people" or that all Mexican immigrants were rapists.
When you have to lie about what he says to justify your hatred, maybe your hatred is coming from somewhere else.
11:44 AM
You are playing games with semantics here. Trump did say all of things with the qualifier "some." In the Charlotte incident, Trump spoke of the white supremacists: There were some good people on both sides.
Mick Mulvaney Trump's White House Chief of Staff, claimed that the media has only started paying close attention to the coronavirus because "they think this is going to be what brings down the president."
Trump, himself doesn't cry hoax, he just sends out his surrogates to say it for him. DON JR.: "For them [Democrats] to try to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people so that they can end Donald Trump's streak of winning is a new level of sickness." From https://crooksandliars.com/2020/02/don-jr-worried-dems-using-coronavirus-stop
After more than 15.000 lies, how you or anyone else can still believe a word that comes from Trump and his gang is beyond comprehension.
drumpf's comments about Mexican rapists was not about MS-13 gangs, either.
drumpf has already staked his fat orange ass as the real victim of coronavirus. Not the dead or dying, drumpfuck the dumbfuck and his campaign.
4 cases without related travel history
At least four US coronavirus patients have no travel history that would tie them to the virus, health officials say.
A woman in Oregon and a high school boy in Washington state are presumptive positives, which means their tests were conducted at local labs but the results have not yet been confirmed by the CDC.
The other two mystery cases are from California.
An older woman in Santa Clara County who had been hospitalized for a respiratory illness tested positive for the virus but had no relevant travel history or contact with anyone infected, health officials said.
"This new case indicates that there is evidence of community transmission, but the extent is still not clear," said Dr. Sara Cody, director of the county's public health department.
The other California case is a Solano County woman who is hospitalized at UC Davis Medical Center and in serious condition.
First confirmed coronavirus death in Washington state. None of drumpf and tools lies are going to contain, let alone stop this pest. All the derision for incompetence drumpf gets is self inflicted for being a stoopid fucking moron incompetent.
Then Trump called the coronavirus “their new hoax.”
No, he did not.
You are repeating lies. Again.
The Democrats are shamelessly politicizing a pandemic, because that's who they are.
You are participating in the lying, because that's who you are.
Then Trump called the coronavirus “their new hoax.”
He sure as fuck did, fuckstick. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are ignoring the truth because that is who you are. You embrace drumpf's lies because that is who you are.
The Dow is up 38% since Trump’s election, down from 61% in a matter of days amid sell-off
Can't make this shit up. drumpf wants taxcuts to combat coronavirus and stock tumble.
President Donald Trump went full conspiracy theory over Democrats’ alarm over COVID-19, aka the deadly coronavirus, on Friday night during a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.
When are you traitorous fucking drumpfbots finally going to admit drumpfuck is in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over his head?
Confession is good for the soul, even when you don't have a soul.
Mike from Iowa said...
First confirmed coronavirus death in Washington state. None of drumpf and tools lies are going to contain, let alone stop this pest. All the derision for incompetence drumpf gets is self inflicted for being a stoopid fucking moron incompetent.
1:54 PM
You are right as usual, Mike. Did you see Trump at his"news conference" today. He looked awful. I wonder what they pumped into him so he could get through that appearance.
It's Leap Day, Gambler. Did you propose to anyone today? :)
Did the dumkbest son of a bitch to disgrace the kremlin annex fire the entire pandemic response team 2 years ago to save money? Yes, yes he did. And they were never replaced because drumpf is a fucking genius!
Got first robin of the new year here in nw iowa this very day. Won't be the last.
Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax’
At a South Carolina rally on the eve of the Democratic primary, the president also sought to manage expectations about the White House’s response to the outbreak.
Exactly the way a real leader would handle a potential pandemic. Treat it as a hoax and blame opposition party.
mike is a fucking liar.
But you knew that.
Mike from Iowa said....
It's Leap Day, Gambler. Did you propose to anyone today? :)
LOL! No, I'm to old to get married again, Mike. Anyway, my late husband would not just be a hard act to follow. He is an impossible act to follow. Happy Leap Day!
Nice link, PilotX, but I had it shortened for more convenient copy and pasting. Ever see so much wasicu bald in one room?
anyfuckingmoosepussyliar... mfi speaks truth as truth is spoken among men. Unfortunately for you and your ilk, you being subhuman mongrel pussified, orange ass kissers, you don't know what truth is.
Read me, PilotX, Gambler, Flying Junior, Doug, one anon, Field and several others and learn the truth, bitch!
Notice how wingnuts stopped dragging in all those easily debunkable conspiracy theories from right wing conspiracy theorists? What a genuine improvement of some content here.
The stale canard about right wing conspiracy theorists is a debunked left wing conspiracy theory.
Here is an absolutely true fact.... Nearly all parents, stoopid fucking wingnut parents included, demand a higher level of responsibility from their children than stoopid fucking wingnuts demand from the spoiled 2 year old in the kremlin annex.
As for far right conspiracy theorists far right theories about the "Deep State" are all full of shit and debunked over and over again.
The false assertion of the "Deep State" conspiracy to undermine democracy being debunked has been debunked.
Anonymous Archie Debunker said...I am a pathological lying, stoopid fucking moron, wasicu wastey with a penchant for big black cocks.
Way to go Magats!!!! https://crooksandliars.com/2020/03/maga-fans-invent-conspiracy-theory-covid
Claim Dems are injecting people with coronavirus.
mike's comment already debunked.
Anonymous Archie Debunker said...
mike's comment already debunked.
6:04 PM
Source? We all know you just made that up.
Hey Archie, this is for you.
https://crooksandliars.com/2020/03/maga-fans-invent-conspiracy-theory-covidMAGA Fans Invent Conspiracy Theory On COVID-19: 'Blue States Inject People With The Virus' To Hurt Trump
Fans of President Donald Trump on Twitter over the weekend put forth theories about why reports of the coronavirus have been mostly confined to states controlled by Democrats.
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