I bet you don't think it's funny now.
Yes America, the check has come due, the fun and games are over. Literally.
I suppose that our only saving grace is that this national disaster is not the result of another country's actions against us, but rather our own incompetence and lack of leadership from our leaders.
What's particularly sad about our present government is that they are actually lying to us about important things such as the availability of tests, and how serious this virus is to our health and well being. If you listen to the president you would think that this virus is no worse than the common seasonal flu, and all the hand wringing is much ado about nothing.
It's sad, really, because most of his followers still believe him. His propaganda network is blaming everyone and everything but their dear leader. This type of sycophantic behavior is what got us to this point in the first place, and from now on it will only get worse.
*Image from theoaklandpress.com
“I suppose that our only saving grace is that this national disaster is not the result of another country's actions against us, but rather our own incompetence and lack of leadership from our leaders.”
Says you. Within weeks, maybe days, Trump will be blaming China for screwing us over. Maybe he’ll even claim China invented the virus as a bioweapon. Mark my words. Trump’s sycophants (like Tom Cotton) are already signaling where he’s gonna go.
And this is in addition to pointing the finger at Obama. It’ll definitely somehow be Obama’s fault, too, that Trump fired a bunch of the public health experts we need in a public health crisis.
Blame-shifting and conspiracy theories. Those are standard operating procedure for Trump.
To some extent this is indeed Trump’s fault - the disbanding of the pandemic response team, the cutbacks to the CDC, the botched rollout of testing, his idiotic positive thinking, his lack of leadership, and so on - but the main problem with this or any pandemic is that it reveals that we humans have limited control of our destiny. Right now a virus is calling the shots. This awful truth humbles the wise and humiliates the proud. Trump is not in the first group.
You could have just said Orange Man Bad. Same difference.
All the rats are revealing themselves.
When the Wuhan virus has been contained, it will be time to conduct some real extermination.
Why's it every time CHINA sneezes, the world catches deadly flu bugs?
Asian Flu pandemic ('57), which killed 70k in US, & Hong Kong Flu pandemic ('68), killed 34k in US, both originated in CHINA too. So did SARS ('03)
All sourced to CHINA's primitive "wet markets." Close them!
We've made it so that even mild self-preservation is racist.
Is 'Lyme Disease' racist against people from Connecticut?
Within weeks, maybe days, Trump will be blaming China for screwing us over. Maybe he’ll even claim China invented the virus as a bioweapon.
What if they did? There is evidence that it originated in the Chinese bioweapons research facility located, coincidentally, in Wuhan.
We don't know any differently right now. You should ask yourself why you reflexively defend China and blame Trump.
Who cares dude, fuck China
This pandemic is an opportunity to highlight that China’s authoritarianism and dishonesty are a threat to global stability and our physical well-being. This isn’t xenophobia — it’s a truth all Americans should understand.
Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan/Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe’s hotspot for Wuhan Coronavirus.
“What if they did? There is evidence that it originated in the Chinese bioweapons research facility located, coincidentally, in Wuhan.”
Here we go.
No conspiracy theory too dumb for these folks.
"Conspiracy theory" says a moron who hasn't the faintest comprehension of the science of virology.
Just like everything else.
Pelosi stammers through a fumbled attempt to criticize the administration's response to the Chinese virus.
I love these ridiculous clowns who contend they can do better than President Trump. This booze-and-Botox besotted old bag can’t manage her dentures, much less a pandemic. Between her and Biden, they can barely manage to put a coherent sentence together.
Do you think Biden knows about the WuFlu? If he does, will he remember it 5 minutes later?
More importantly what if Biden tried to self quarantine?
“Is ‘Lyme Disease’ racist against people from Connecticut?”
I doubt anyone is upset by this. But then again, few people around the would even realize that Lyme is even a place name. Residents of Connecticut might feel differently if it were called “Connecticut disease.”
The WHO deliberately gave the virus a name, COVID-19, that follows disease-naming guidelines intended to avoid stigmatizing regions and countries.
Trump and people around him are refusing to use this name intentionally. Because they want to stigmatize China, because this is a blame-shifting exercise.
Perhaps instead of flinging stupid insults at China, it might be more useful to look at what they've done to contain the virus that has worked.
That mostly includes identifying the ways the virus spread the fastest to the most people, and doing something about it.
The virus doesn't care about your ideology or nationality or any of that stupid bullshit. It turns out that in China, the way it was spreading the fastest was through the families of people who became infected and brought it home.
What China did was reactivate the facilities they built as "fever clinics" to deal with MERS and SARS, which they had mothballed after those epidemics subsided.
Then they put the whole population on lockdown, which wasn't the main approach, but facilitated it.
Then they started stopping everyone who went anywhere and taking their temperature. People with elevated temperatures were taken immediately to one of the huge fever clinics and tested for anything that could cause the fever besides coronavirus, and given CT scans of their lower lungs looking for the telltale signs of the disease.
Only then were they given the nasal swab and made to wait four hours for the results, in facilities where they could keep distance between themselves and the other patients and the staff was in full protective gear.
No-one who tested positive or was symptomatic was allowed to go home until after quarantine.
That's what an effective response looks like. That's what the only response that has been effective at all looks like.
Now how likely do you think it is that something of that seriousness would ever be even suggested here in the land of the free?
Which is why it is so monstrous that the only tools we had in our toolbox to even try to deal with a pandemic were thrown away by Fergus in a fit of spite and ideological idiocy.
The wheels have been coming off of the Fergus administration for a while now, but this fuck up is one for the history books.
-Doug in Oakland
The WHO deliberately gave the virus a name, COVID-19, that follows disease-naming guidelines intended to avoid stigmatizing regions and countries.
WHO has their priorities straight. Calling it by where it came from, which everyone did for two months, is a microaggression against the people who live there, which is worse than millions of people dying.
Life gives you lemons, you gotta make lemonade. There are lots of opportunities in every crisis.
I’m gonna start a porn site called CovidCuties that’s just frail and sickly e-girls camming under quarantine.
Not calling the coronavirus what it is--Chinese in origin--allows China to escape responsibility for their actions
They censored information that would have been useful in sequencing it and developing a vaccine, but liberals are of course more concerned about taking advantage of an opportunity to call Republicans racist.
Because that's who liberal are.
"Conspiracy theory" says a moron who hasn't the faintest comprehension of the science of virology.
Care to enlighten us on your post doctoral studies?
It's becoming increasingly hard to find those bat meat sausages I love.
You should be furious at Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama for allowing America to be sold out to China.
Think how racist West Nile disease was.
Ebola is not just a river in Africa.
Walmart outta Grape Drank.
Beneath all this fighting about what to call the Coronavirus, China is working VERY hard to erase any connection between them and it, and not because their feelings are hurt over racism. Their motives are much more nefarious. Our society is so easy to manipulate like this.
China is bad.
The Chinese people aren’t bad.
Asian people aren’t bad.
China is bad.
This isn’t xenophobic or racist or whatever. It’s just the reality.
I’m not sure why this is difficult to say for people who scream “Russians!” all the time. But the Chinese are bad actors.
“Think how racist West Nile disease was.
Ebola is not just a river in Africa.”
Yes, those are some examples of why the WHO introduced a new naming convention. Because a place shouldn’t forever be associated with a terrible disease just because that disease happened to start there.
Now you’re getting it.
-Doug in Oakland
We just need to persuade the Coronavirus to adopt our values.
“We just need to persuade the Coronavirus to adopt our values.”
We need to persuade Trump to grow a brain.
And a conscience.
BREAKING: Recent Democratic candidate for FL Governor, Andrew Gillum, was involved in a meth overdose situation last night at a Miami Beach hotel.
Ebola name was a mistake. Scientists were swilling bourbon and were fatigued decided to name the Zaire virus after the closest river, which they mistakenly thought was the Ebola.
Such are wingnut catastrophes made.
Raygun turned the US from the world's largest creditor nation into the largest debtor nation during his reign of terror.
Clinton, since wingnuts refuse to accept blame, had a hostile congress for 6 of his eight years. Wingnuts contrlled both houses of congress and the purse strings are controlled by the House. Dumbass dubya had a compliant congress for 6 of his eight years and they took a surplus and changed it into an overnight deficit with two unnecessary taxcuts for the rich, two unnecessary, unpaid for wars and the largest welfare program ever, prescription drugs.
Obama lost both houses of congress in his second year and had the worst, most hostile congress a potus ever faced for the duration of his term. Obama and Dems managed to get economic reforms passed that ended wingnut's recession and started the US back on track to economic prosperity and he had to drag wingnuts kicking and screaming along for the ride.
Presidents do not borrow the money. The government sells bonds on the open market and any country with the wherewithal can buy up US debt. There always seems to be plenty around after wingnuts fuck up everything.
We don't know any differently right now. You should ask yourself why you reflexively defend China and blame Trump.
drumpf has been known to fuck up wet dreams and even Obama's economy.
If having Nero stand around fiddling while Rome burned was not such a big deal, history would never have reported/repeated it and drumpf could go play golf while the new Rome is burning and no Democrats would care.
Well, this is a day reflexive China-blamer Trump will never live down. Because he has fucked up so comprehensively, the US is having to accept donated COVID-19 test kits from a Chinese billionaire, Jack Ma. The jokes write themselves.
This entire presidency is like being tied to a chair and watching a toddler play with a loaded pistol.
For those of you too lazy to copy/paste the link.
Here is another joke, although Kushner at least appears to have a smidgen of curiosity.....
drumpf did start out the day blaming Obama for drumpf's poor performance.
While the whole world is up in flames, Democrat politician Andrew Gillum got caught having a gay orgy while overdosing on meth.
2020 is taking no prisoners!
Gillum was drunk, not taking drugs, and he was in Miami for a wedding. He was not even held by police, but allowed to leave. Maybe you should hold your racist horses before you shove all yer feet in yer pie hole.
So m uch for bringing them all home and shutting down foreign wars. Yes, drumpf lied some more. Get used to it until Jan 2021.
Gillum was bobbing for apples and packing fudge with a bunch of meth heads when he OD'ed.
Anonymous said...
Gillum was bobbing for apples and packing fudge with a bunch of meth heads when he OD'ed.
Hope Gillum's lawyer asks you to prove this in court, under oath, oaf. That would serve you right.
$1.5 trillion. With a t. Didn't stop the worst crash since 1987. Maybe deconstructing the administrative state wasn't a good idea after all.
-Doug in Oakland
The $1.5 T was fake wealth to begin with. It's bubble-blown valuations of stuff owned mostly by the hyper-wealthy. That bubble was due to burst and the sooner it happened the less the damage was going to be. Now's not as good as 5 years ago, but it'll do.
A resigning member of the Soopreme Court Bar, the creme of the elite legal minds in the country, sent John Roberts his resignation and had a few words to say about how the Roberts court wears knee pads whenever the wealthy have business in front of them.
The judge is 1000% correct. The present day Spotus wears knee pads to suck wealthy dicks.
AT&Tcuts 38k jobs and gives CEO a bigly raise.
trump has, again, failed as a president. People are dead because of his inaction, and now more people are going to die.
trump is a failure.
During his press conference, when asked about his administration’s abject failure to deliver COVID-19 testing kits, Trump responded that he took no responsibility for it.
Soooo ... that’s it for planning the Democratic campaign in the fall. Job done. The campaign will just run this clip of Trump alongside infection/death statistics on an endless loop all the way to the election.
Biden (it will probably be him) can relax and coast into the White House. The Trump presidency is already over, even Trump doesn’t know it yet. Dead POTUS walking.
No, Fergus, you don't get to deny responsibility for disbanding the pandemic response team and infrastructure.
You did that. You own it.
You own the people now dying because you did, even if the infinitely reprogrammable meatbags who support you don't care until they die of it themselves.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
During his press conference, when asked about his administration’s abject failure to deliver COVID-19 testing kits, Trump responded that he took no responsibility for it.
6:39 PM
We shouldn't be surprised. Trump never takes responsibility for anything he says or does.
I hope you are correct when you say his presidency is already over. It's unimaginable that we would have another four years of this ignorant, incompetent clown pretending to run the federal government.
“The coronavirus is quite likely to be the Trump presidency’s inflection point, when everything changed, when the bluster and ignorance and shallowness of America’s 45th president became undeniable, an empirical reality, as indisputable as the laws of science or a mathematical equation.”
“It has taken a good deal longer than it should have, but Americans have now seen the con man behind the curtain. The president, enraged for having been unmasked, will become more desperate, more embittered, more unhinged. He knows nothing will be the same. His administration may stagger on, but it will be only a hollow shell. The Trump presidency is over.”
Republicans senators are probably regretting their decision not to remove Trump right about now. They had a chance to replace him with Pence, who is not great but in a crisis would at least look like he is trying to do the job. Now they, and we, are stuck with the buffoon.
I guess there’s always the 25th Amendment.
dinthebeast said...
"No, Fergus, you don't get to deny responsibility for disbanding the pandemic response team and infrastructure."
The Obama era-CDC became a place for affirmative-action sincecures. Bogged down by red-tape and nonsense polices, effective response to a crisis became impossible. They rejected science in favor of leftist delusions, as evidenced by their being more concerned with creating stigmas than saving lives.
Trump has cleared out the deadwood and has built a CDC that places science first most and foremost. His quick actions in January were met with predictable cries of "racist!" and attempts to sabotage the response to a crisis by Democrats, but he carried on and did what he had to protect the American people.
We'd be in a real mess if Hillary were President. Thanks to President Trump, the US will weather this pandemic and come out stronger.
Once again, the Democrats have overplayed their hand. They could have acted like responsible adults and joined with the President to enact effective solutions and provide a sense of security for the country. The American people would have thought that maybe they were capable of governing and were able to put aside petty partisanship during a time of crisis.
Instead they acted like they always do, and tried to seize the moment for short-term gain. In a few weeks when things return to normal, their craven opportunism will be laid bare and Trump will have crushed them again.
Morons never learn.
World War C Rant:
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to World War C.
In this corner; the human race, the brightest beings on Earth. In that corner: Covid-19, a nanoscopic cell-rapist.
It has no heart, it has no guts, and it certainly has no brains, or it wouldn't have attacked us! It's lowlife so low that it's a stretch to call it alive! I'd call it an asshole, but it doesn't have one! It doesn't do its own metabolism; it doesn't even do its own reproducing, even though that's all it ever does! It is nothing but an undead parasite!
I grant that the vile thing is wily and adaptable, due to raw Darwinian evolution; so it does possess a collective intelligence, of sorts. Well, so do we, and our collective intelligence is much, much higher. We've just met it, and we've already published its entire genome on the Web! If Covid-19 had any brains at all, then it would find such exposure humiliating! It should have stuck with the bats!
Covid-19 is obviously a newbie on this biosphere; it doesn't know us at all. Well, we humans are so good at teaching, we can even teach arithmetic to silicon. So we get to teach the little pests some manners. Lesson one:
Take heart, fellow humans; help is on its way. Eighteen months until a vaccine; therefore honor our brilliant researchers! Also honor our courageous doctors and nurses, fighting on the frontlines! And above all, honor the infected! To the 80% who just throw it off; kudos! To the 15% seriously ill; get well soon! And to the 5% gravely ill; our desperate reverence!
O those of us about to die, the rest of us salute you!
This is war. Covid-19 will do its worst; let us do our best. So wash your hands for 20 seconds. Eat well, exercise, get a full night's sleep. Hold out until the vaccine. Some of us will fall; all of us will suffer. We will all experience suffering and loss and grief, but in the end, we will defeat this menace.
Dear fellow humans; dear fellow thinkers, workers, and fighters; we will survive. That is 100% predictable, and here I am, 100% predicting it.
May you live long, and may you prosper.
Yup, most of the pilots here are Fox heads. The guy I just flew with thinks it's being blown out of proportion. Fox and conservatives are downright dangerous.
To the trolls and haters on this thread:
You're mutinous scum, but I admire your fighting spirit. Your mistake is misdirection. Sure, there are fools and failures and the wicked amongst us; and maybe even some traitors; but let's deal with them later. Right now the common foe is Covid-19.
Sure, you're scared, who wouldn't be? So you act out with anger and hatred. But infighting is pointless and undisciplined. The virus does not care about skin tint or gender or nation or class; to it we're all food.
So get a clue and save the hate for the viral enemy.
Harry Truman: "The buck stops here."
Barack Obama: "As president, I have a solemn responsibility to protect our nation."
Donald Trump: "I don’t take any responsibility at all."
Obama all through his administration: "It's Bush's fault!"
Obama two weeks ago: "I get the credit for Trump's economy"
Obama today: "It's Trumps fault!"
"So get a clue and save the hate for the viral enemy."
Please tell that to Nancy Pelosi.
A glimpse inside the mind of Joe Biden:
You guys are fucked.
Trump Caught Google Off Guard With a Bogus Site
'President Trump announced Friday that the US government’s coronavirus testing apparatus, which has lagged badly behind other developed nations, would soon get an assist from Google. The search and advertising giant will create a website, Trump said, that would help Americans figure out if they need a test for the virus, and if so where they can find one,” Wired reports.
“The only problem: There is no nationwide site like the one Trump described. And Google had no idea the president was going to mention one.”
“A source at Google tells Wired that company leadership was surprised that Trump announced anything about the initiative at the press conference. What he did say was also almost entirely wrong.”
From today's politicalwire.com
I wonder if the Trumpies think Google is lying instead of their savior making up stuff as usual?
Granny Peckerwood said...
Obama all through his administration: "It's Bush's fault!"
Obama two weeks ago: "I get the credit for Trump's economy"
Obama today: "It's Trumps fault!"
10:53 PM
Well, it was Bush's fault. The economy was in full blown recession when Obama took over. The recession started in 2007 before the 2008 election.
Trump's economy was handed to him by Obama. Growth was high until Trump started his trade war. Not so great now.
And last but not least, it is Trump's fault. He knew as far back as late December or early January that this was coming and did nothing to prepare for it. Trump is a miserable failure at everything except screwing people over.
I'm ready.
"He knew as far back as late December or early January that this was coming and did nothing to prepare for it."
It was only about a week or so ago that this idiot said it was only 15 cases soon to be zero and it was ok to go to work with the coronas. This is his Katrina.
"This is his Katrina"
This is your Impeachment.
Obama swine flu claimed 1,000 American lives before he declared a National Emergency. Praised by by the Media.
Coronavirus has claimed 40 lives mostly in Washington State (20 in in onee nursing home) and California and Trump is incompetent and we are shutting down the country?
Dr. David Ho, the researcher who figured out how to treat HIV by interfering with the virus' ability to replicate, has been funded to study the novel coronavirus by one of the richest men in China.
That's a rare bright spot in this shit show, but even he has said that an available, effective drug is still months away, so we'll have to deal with the first wave of infections without any meaningful medical interventions.
He also pointed out that the two areas his lab is focusing on to come up with a possible "hit" on this virus (protease and polymerase) have been thoroughly researched by HIV and Hepatitis C researchers, so they have an existing body of work to base their new research on.
So, say, those scientists at the USDA that Fergus ran out of the government, they could have been fast tracking those areas of study for a couple of months now, which kinda seems like a good thing to have been doing about a pandemic in which the case numbers are doubling every few days.
-Doug in Oakland
Prominent Black Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum involved in possible crystal meth incident:
Trump administration acting quickly and decisively on this, Obama did not with H1N1, over a 1000 Americans died due to him dragging his feet.
Since Democrats are most likely not self reliant they wont fare well during a pandemic. Relying on SIRI and ALEXA as your safety net is proof of their delusion.
Jimmy Carter is off the hook as the worst President ever,Obama will go down in the history books as a complete disgrace.Chicago style politics at the national level.
Philadelphia police SWAT officer dies after being shot by negro while serving warrant:
So McCTurlefuckface sent the sinate home without passing a c-virus response bill.
Can't wait for the delusional drumpf trolls on here to blame Pelosi and Obama.
mike from iowa said...
So McCTurlefuckface sent the sinate home without passing a c-virus response bill.
Can't wait for the delusional drumpf trolls on here to blame Pelosi and Obama.
9:26 AM
Dummycrats trying to attach all kinds of rider amendments to the bill,they are obstructing again and using dirty tricks at the expense of public health.....
Dummycrats in the house passed a bill and sent it to the sinate where wingnuts held it up by trying to insert abortion bullshit in it. Then McCTurtlefuckface sent the senate home with no bill.
New rocket attacks on US base in Iraq. drumpd sending another aircraft carrier to region and noar troops after he claimed he was drawing down troops and ending endless wars.
Anonymous said...
Jimmy Carter is off the hook as the worst President ever,Obama will go down in the history books as a complete disgrace.Chicago style politics at the national level.
9:03 AM
Oh my, anonymous, your ignorance is showing! Obama is now considered one of the top ten presidents ever. And Jimmy Carter is not considered the worst president. That honor goes to James Buchanan who will now be replaced by Donald Trump at the bottom of the list.
Your trying to deflect by criticizing Obama is quite pathetic and shows just how ignorant you are.
drumpf is now responsible for 50 deaths, 37 in Washington state, due to his inaction on coronavirus epidemic.
Anymoose has loose lips like drumpf. He just plain makes shit up and ejaculates it all over innocent bystanders who happen to be in his way.
Fake noize producer admits what we have said all along.......
A dangerous, anti-American site should be sued out of existence for knowingly publishing and pushing dangerous lies and bad advice.
The gravy thickens...
Village idiot posted...
"A dangerous, anti-American site should be sued out of existence for knowingly publishing and pushing dangerous lies and bad advice."
I think you are on to something. No seriously, maybe feelz might consider your proposal.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
drumpf is now responsible for 50 deaths, 37 in Washington state, due to his inaction on coronavirus epidemic.
11:00 AM
1000+ died on Obamas watch, Trump is acting swiftly to minimize the loss of life unlike Democrats.
"Oh my, anonymous, your ignorance is showing! Obama is now considered one of the top ten presidents ever."
By whom??? Libtards?? Socialists?? Communists?? You delusion is limitless.....
TO Anonymous 11:36
Here's the answer to your questions above, ignorant one.
From politicalwire.com today
Trump on the Coronavirus Crisis
March 14, 2020 at 10:12 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 132 Comments
As President Trump attempts to blame President Barack Obama for his own handling of the coronavirus outbreak, it’s important to document Trump’s comments during this public health crisis.
Joe Biden is going to get tested for the WuFlu. He passed the dementia test with flying colors. I mean that literally.
1200 died of H1N1 over the course of an entire year. drumpf's body count is likely to be much higher as he is a fucking moron, he waited too long to do anything, he has continually lied about everything and this is only getting started.
Yesterday afternoon, the dumbfucker in chief took a snapshot of the good day the Dow had, autographed it and sent it to Lou Dobbs, know polisher in chief. drumpf wants credit for a good day for the Dow, except it wasn't good enough to erase the losses from the day before which he never acknowledged was because of his inactions on the pandemic.
ps I filled out my census questionaire on line. Took about 5 minutes and didn't hurt a bit and was not intrusive.
I think you are on to something. No seriously, maybe feelz might consider your proposal.
Mr Field is, indeed, a lawyer. Perhaps not the one to file a lawsuit against Fake Noize, but is something to consider.
“A dangerous, anti-American site should be sued out of existence for knowingly publishing and pushing dangerous lies and bad advice.”
Actually, maybe not a bad idea.
Unfortunately, news media cannot be held accountable under law for lying in the general sense. This is a big part of why our politics are so toxified.
But if you are a media outlet that deliberately tells lies to protect President Clownshoes, and then it can be proven that those lies helped lead to a number of deaths by infectious disease ... maybe there’s a case there.
It’s not inconceivable that a class action lawsuit a year from now could drive Fox into bankruptcy.
If they shut down Fox News the streets would look like the zombie apocalypse, with all of those Pig People shambling around cold turkey from their propaganda addictions.
-Doug in Oakland
After Trump got tested for coronavirus, people who come into contact with him will have their temperatures taken
Better yet, anyone stoopid enough to get within a hundred nautical miles of drumpf, need cootie shots and their heads examined.
3 Americans and 2 Iraqi soldiers wounded in latest round of rocket attacks on US bases in Iraq. Probably just headaches, though. Got to wait for Dr drumpf's learned diagnosis.
Fake Noize hosts say now is the safest time to fly. It isn't. Moar deliberate lies. Sue them.
karma's a bitch, grifters. https://crooksandliars.com/2020/03/these-moronic-grifters-are-stuck-with
Amazon and EBay shut the grifters down and they are stuck with 17000 bottles of hand sanitizers and wipes they can't sell online. Wah,fucking, Wah!
MccTurtlefuckface backed down and cancelled recess so sinate can attempt to get the Covid-19 response bill to the stoopid fucker in the kremlin annex. Article is on TPM and is for members only.
"Amazon and EBay shut the grifters down and they are stuck with 17000 bottles of hand sanitizers and wipes they can't sell online. Wah,fucking, Wah!"
Hopefully, they won't be stuck with them for long. The authorities will show up and seize them. And then charge them with violating anti-gouging laws.
Might be for the best Covid-19 didn’t start in America under drumpf Dunce. China, at the very least, has a competent and stable government and leader. Once great America? Not so much.
China good.
Orange man bad.
TO Anonymous 11:36
Where are you, pal
I expected you to be back by now telling me my references regarding Obama's presidential ranking weren't any good.
Anyfuckingmoose and other drumpf Russian bots, has Fake Noize told you Covid-19 is no longer a hoax, yet?
drooler from iowa finally got one right.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
TO Anonymous 11:36
Here's the answer to your questions above, ignorant one.
12:11 PM
Dear retard, those are not credible sources. They are sources of MIS-information. They are all left wing fake news spewers.
"China good.
Orange man bad."
China not good. China an oppressive, authoritarian state.
Yet still better than the orange man. What does this say about the orange man?
RIP Tom Hanks.
China is a repressive, brutal, authoritarian state run by vicious fuckers.
The fact that they have mounted the most successful response to the outbreak is troubling, to say the least.
-Doug in Oakland
China: over 3,000 deaths
US: 50 deaths
During World War II, great American industrialists stepped up to help America.
Today Google won’t even help create an app to track coronavirus.
We must destroy these corporation.
Anonymous said.....
Dear retard, those are not credible sources. They are sources of MIS-information. They are all left wing fake news spewers.
8:25 PM
Dear imbecile,
Funny, I knew you were going to say that. But you should realize that you can't negate the truth by denying it and saying really, really stupid things.
So you claim that https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2017/?page=overall and https://www.businessinsider.com/greatest-us-presidents-ranked-by-political-scientists-2018-2 are left-wing, fake news? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You are the one that has no credibility.
So provide some sources that you believe to be credible that support your claim.
"China is a repressive, brutal, authoritarian state run by vicious fuckers.
The fact that they have mounted the most successful response to the outbreak is troubling, to say the least."
To be fair, being a repressive, brutal, authoritarian state may actually be an advantage in fighting an epidemic. You don't have to worry about civil liberties when you're enforcing quarantine. You don't have to worry about "entrepreneurs" spying a market opportunity to buy up all the hand sanitizer and flog it on Ebay at a repulsive markup. Those sleazebags would never dare it in China -- the po-po would snatch them up and throw them down a deep dark dungeon and they'd never be seen again.
Also, the Chinese bureaucrats may be vicious fuckers, but they're competent vicious fuckers who want things to run smoothly. Trump is an incompetent screw-up. Nobody really has any confidence in him -- even his fans don't; they just voted for him out of spite toward the parts of America they hate -- which is a huge problem.
"China: over 3,000 deaths
US: 50 deaths"
China: epidemic almost over.
US: epidemic just beginning.
"During World War II, great American industrialists stepped up to help America.
Today Google won’t even help create an app to track coronavirus."
Google didn't say they wouldn't help track coronavirus. They said Trump never even asked them to do it.
So he lied again, for approximately the millionth time.
Anonymous said...
During World War II, great American industrialists stepped up to help America.
Today Google won’t even help create an app to track coronavirus.
We must destroy these corporation.
10:46 PM
Did anyone from the government even ask Google to do this? Did they even know about it? Or did Trump just spring it as a surprise during his "news conference"? Source please, otherwise you are just bull shitting.
"Did anyone from the government even ask Google to do this?"
I thought they were doing it to help their employees. Sounds like trump just pulled the whole using it to track the coronas nationally out of his rear as usual. He lies like the rest of us breathe.
Let's all hope. #trumpskatrina
To be fair, being a repressive, brutal, authoritarian state may actually be an advantage in fighting an epidemic.
Yeah, you don't have to deal with the usual cocksuckers calling you racist.
Liberals and other progressives will be greatly affected by COVID-19 as they do not prepare. With their severe illogical and delusion they are very vulnerable. Those that tend to be conservative are better prepared to weather the storm.
I love how the modern progressive thinks they are so ready for anything because they have SIRI or ALEXA.......
. Those that tend to be conservative are better prepared to weather the storm.
Burying yer head up drumpf's ass is preparation for a slathering of Preparation H hemorroid creme, only.
Don't forget, Fergus would love to be a controller like Putin and XI and Li'l Kim.
Tom Hanks is very much not dead. Skip the RIP.
Anonymous said...
Liberals and other progressives will be greatly affected by COVID-19 as they do not prepare. With their severe illogical and delusion they are very vulnerable. Those that tend to be conservative are better prepared to weather the storm.
9:30 AM
And these opinions are based on what? A fire in your brain? The words of some right-wing, talk-show host?
a dream you had last night? Please enlighten us.
Anonymous said...
I love how the modern progressive thinks they are so ready for anything because they have SIRI or ALEXA.......
9:36 AM
And just how many "modern progressives" have you interviewed about this? Did you select a random sample so you could apply your conclusions to the general population of "modern progressives"? Or did you, like Trump just make it up?
"Liberals and other progressives will be greatly affected by COVID-19 as they do not prepare. With their severe illogical and delusion they are very vulnerable. Those that tend to be conservative are better prepared to weather the storm."
The opposite seems to be happening. Conservatives, certain types, are being misled by conservative media and White House officials. Libs are more inclined to trust and listen to experts and take their recommendations. Contrast that with conservatives who thought the ronas were a Democrat hoax, the media is blowing this out of proportion, ect. From what I'm seeing is it is conservatives that are unprepared and using magical and wishful thinking. Take a look at Liberty U where the school president isn't cancelling in person classes because this is a ruse to embarrass trump. Nah man, but nice try at projection.
"And just how many "modern progressives" have you interviewed about this?"
😂 Just like I'm waiting for my poll questions when they say all Blah people do certain things. Anonymous trolls are entertaining if nothing else.
I hope all you libtards have plenty of kale and soy milk stockpiled:
Progressives are incapable of conceiving any issue except in terms of politics. Absolutely everything is viewed solely in terms of how it can either be a threat to their 'side' or used for advantage to harm the other side.
It's an infection of the soul.
"Progressives are incapable of conceiving any issue except in terms of politics."
Yeah sure, so that's why Rachel Maddow had virologists on as guests and Hannity had Mike Huckabee and Reince Prebus. More projection. 😆
"Google didn't say they wouldn't help track coronavirus. They said Trump never even asked them to do it.
So he lied again, for approximately the millionth time."
Actually, CNN lied to you, and you fell for it for approximately the millionth time.
"Yeah sure, so that's why Rachel Maddow had virologists on as guests and Hannity had Mike Huckabee and Reince Prebus. More projection"
Democrats are proud members of the Party of Science who don't believe in human evolution, think the world will end in six years without more taxes and regulation, and deny basic facts about biology.
Anyone who watches Maddow or Hannity is an idiot.
ProgressiveY said...
"Yeah sure, so that's why Rachel Maddow had virologists on as guests and Hannity had Mike Huckabee and Reince Prebus. More projection"
Democrats are proud members of the Party of Science who don't believe in human evolution, think the world will end in six years without more taxes and regulation, and deny basic facts about biology.
Anyone who watches Maddow or Hannity is an idiot.
12:11 PM
Before calling others idiots, you should look in the mirror, and pay attention to reality. Most Evangelicals are conservative Republicans and are the people who don't believe in science or evolution.
Democrats believe in science and in a strong social safety net. The safety net is very thin in the United States. Americans will suffer the economic impact of the virus much more than people in socialist countries. But conservatives insist that socialism is evil.
Fake News Update said...
"Google didn't say they wouldn't help track coronavirus. They said Trump never even asked them to do it.
So he lied again, for approximately the millionth time."
Actually, CNN lied to you, and you fell for it for approximately the millionth time.
12:01 PM
What the hell? I went to the site you posted, but nothing there contradicts the fact that Trump flat out lied on live TV. I saw and heard him say it. According to Trump, it was a done deal, but Google had not yet been asked to do it, or the deal had not been finalized.
Its Bongino who is a right wing, conspiracy theorist and bomb thrower.
Fake News update is lying again.
Google is not involved. The portal is being developed by another company and is not ready for operation and is developed for California.
And it only involves about a third of the 1700 engineers drumpf was lying about.
Ganz wins a majority in Israel, and gets the right to form a gubmint. Netanfuckface is out, hopefully for good.
"Democrats believe in science."
I would doubt you could find significant percentages of people anywhere who didn't believe in some science, especially where it validates their worldview. But everyone is human, and all humans are to some extent irrational beings.
Evolution is a simple and understandable theory whose workings are easily observable and understandable by almost anyone. It is an elegant example of reason and logic supported by numerous scientific observations. Despite this, there are many people whose religious views reject belief in evolution. Two thirds of Evangelical Christians don't believe in evolution, and two thirds of Evangelicals are Republican, but these folks comprise less than a third of the party.
However, the majority of Democrats ascribe to progressive dogma such as:
1. Evolution has not resulted in any differences in human populations separated for ~70,000 years. Race is a "social construct".
2. Human generated CO2 is the major driver of global warming and will destroy the planet within a few years.
3. Gender is not a biological reality, men can menstruate and have babies, and it is acceptable to surgically and hormonally mutilate children.
Democrats don't so much believe in science, but rather scientism. Scientism is not science; it is, rather, an abuse of the scientific method and scientific authority. Scientism is the belief that your irrational beliefs are superior to other irrational beliefs because your scientists say so, and this gives you full license to denigrate those with whom you disagree.
Scientism seems to offer liberation from old moral constraints, but in fact only changes the source of those constraints from religion to the state. You look to science to provide a moral framework to support your world view rather than a structural framework for explaining reality. These new moral codes are politically constructed and not religiously based; they arise from vague and ever-changing definitions of human "values." Scientists, unlike all other humans, are creatures of pure reason whose pronouncements - as long as they conform to the prevailing dogma - cannot be questioned, lest one be labelled a "denier". Disagreements aren't just factually wrong, but morally wrong - heresies. You see scientists more as priests, whose word is revealed truth, whereas true science demands everything meet rigorous standards of proof and nothing is ever "settled".
Advocates of scientism claim the sole mantle of rationality, frequently equating science with reason itself. In contrast to reason, a defining characteristic of superstition is the stubborn insistence that something — a fetish, an amulet, a pack of Tarot cards — has powers which no evidence supports. From this perspective, scientism has as much in common with superstition as it does with properly conducted scientific research. Scientism claims that science has already resolved questions that are inherently beyond its ability to answer. Thus, "science" becomes merely a means to a political end.
Note the date:
Stephen Schwartz
· May 10, 2018
When the next pandemic occurs (and make no mistake, it will) and the federal government is unable to respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why.
-Doug in Oakland
Two things can be true at once:
1. Wuhan Virus is dangerous to old people.
2. Doug is a cunt.
From Raw Story Today
Seems that following right-wing corona virus lies will kill quite a few Republicans. This is unfortunate. Always sad to see people die needlessly.
"Seems that following right-wing corona virus lies will kill quite a few Republicans"
Granny believes everything they tell her to.
It's sad.
Here's a great article about the service of the Harlem Hellfighters in Both WWI and WWII.
I'm waiting for some racist anonymous to tell me that military.com is a lefty web site and therefore unreliable. LOL!
Gianni said...
"Seems that following right-wing corona virus lies will kill quite a few Republicans"
Granny believes everything they tell her to.
It's sad.
10:30 PM
OMG, you do have a name! LOL! Nice, but it doesn't enhance your ability to argue intelligently. I would expect you to ease up on the ad hominem attacks and use logic instead! Have a nice night, Gianni.
Covid 19 the second worst disaster in American History.....The first, Negroes.
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