This, like everything else in trump world, is a lie. Make no mistake, folks, he is being released because Donald trump wants him released.
This early release to house arrest for Manafort was orchestrated by no other than William Barr, one of the leaders of the trump crime cabal. Mr. Barr instructed the Bureau of Prisons to let him go. This is the same William Barr who had his Justice Department refuse to prosecute former trump national security advisor, Michael Flynn. The same Mr. Flynn who pled guilty (after being properly colloquyed I might add) to lying to federal agents. Mr. trump himself fired the guy, but now he is trying to claim that he (Flynn) was railroaded.
Mr. Barr's conduct has been so outrageous that sixteen former Watergate prosecutors and two thousand former federal prosecutors (democrats and republicans) have urged the Judge in the case to disregard the actions of Mr. Barr.
I learned today that the Judge in the case has taken the extraordinary measure of delaying the justice department's request to drop the Flynn case. I say good for him. It's nice to see that there is someone trying to stand up to the rule of law in this country.
This is where we are in America with a lawless president and the people around him who are buying into his lawlessness.
We will soon find out if the highest court in the land has also been compromised by trump. They are deciding if his tax returns and business records should be released, and by all accounts it would take an incredible amount of pretzel logic to find for Mr. trump.
Frankly, I expect them to find for him. Given the makeup of the court and their willingness to protect trump at any cost, I am sure that they will find a reason to allow him to keep his tax returns and business records from Congress and the Manhattan district attorney. I hope that they surprise me and find that the president is not above the law, but I am not holding my breath.
It's actually crazy that this issue has made it all the way to the Supreme Court, when Mr. trump promised the American people years ago that he would release his tax returns. Clearly he has something to hide. Now we are left asking ourselves, what is it?
I have an idea what it is, and let's just say that it ain't pretty.
It's up to Roberts. It comes down to if he's still pissed about trump's usurpation of the judiciary or if he'd rather see trump reelected so he can install more RWNJ judges. A tight rope because if he chooses the second option and trump loses he forever tainted his legacy as an independent arbiter. Is there a way he can split the baby? Maybe rule for him on some elements but not go all the way? That to me would possibly save his soul.
This is suppose to be a 'Country of Law and Order'. LOL! I think every thief; crook, and low life should be working in or at the 'White House'. Perhaps all these positions are filled, maybe they will be able to work from prison.
A 'Crime Boss' is now running the Country and using our money to pay for 'His Hit Men'.
Nothing unusual here, welcome to Amerika.
Thousands of inmates have been released because of COVID fears, some who have committed violent crimes. Michael Cohen was released weeks ago. But they let out a 71 year old guy convicted of not paying his taxes to house arrest and it's just too much for you.
Get a life.
I learned today that the Judge in the case has taken the extraordinary measure of delaying the justice department's request to drop the Flynn case. I say good for him. It's nice to see that there is someone trying to stand up to the rule of law in this country."
"Activist judges for me, but not for thee" says Field.
If the rule of law meant anything in this country, we wouldn't have 30 million illegal aliens walking around.
And the people who abused the power of the state to spy on the opposition campaign and then try to overturn the 2016 election based on charges they knew were false would all be in jail.
In contrast to Ahmaud Arbery’s killing, the Delaware veteran's cemetery interracial massacre has gotten virtually zero national media attention through Tuesday morning, even though it’s fairly spectacular in scale and quite curious in motive.
Imagine that the circumstances were reversed and if on Friday a young white man had hunted down an elderly black couple visiting their son’s grave at a veterans’ cemetery.
The national media would be in full cry over this racist atrocity. The prestige press would demand that whatever web sources of information and opinion the gunman had followed should be, First Amendment or not, permanently exterminated.
But what happens when it’s The Megaphone itself that may have egged on the killer? For example, a search of the New York Times archives finds 104 articles mentioning the name of Ahmaud Arbery so far just in the month of May. That’s even more saturation coverage than the Times normally devotes to late-breaking developments in the Emmett Till case.
The possibility that the cemetery killer was inspired to shoot some random whites by the enormous media hoopla over the still-ambiguous death of Arbery is not something that the prestige press is rushing to look into. We are never supposed to consider whether The Establishment getting all hyped up over the shooting of blacks by whites (or by nonwhites in the case of Trayvon Martin and Philando Castile) might inspire other blacks to shoot whites.
For example, after the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island in 2014, a Black Lives Matter advocate murdered two NYPD officers in retribution for the deaths of Garner and Michael Brown of Ferguson, as the killer explained on Instagram.
The most lurid Black Lives Matter terrorist attack occurred on July 8, 2016, soon after President Obama’s speech from Poland denouncing police bias against blacks following the shootings of Castile and Alton Sterling. Obama cited numerous tendentious statistics to encourage blacks to feel that their problems are the fault of white people, the way Obama always blamed his speeding tickets on racist cops.
There are not now and never has been 30 million immigrants in America, a number drumpf pulled out of his ass which is then repeated as proven gospel by fucking moron wingnuts.
There is nothing illegal about them being here, either.
As for the case of whether drumpf is above the law, precedent through the decades has said Congress has the power to investigate the prez, especially a Russian appointed tool who is likely in hock to Putin and the Chinese and Deutsche Bank and who knows who else.
And, of course, kavernmouth, Uncle Clarence Tom, Gosuck and Alinfordrumpf will offset any lib votes and Roberts will give drumpf another pass.
Kavernmouth is on record saying the prez is untouchable.
kavernmouth and Gosuck must recuse themselves because drumpf appointed these two Heritage trained monkeys to protect his ass from any laws out there.
"Paul Manafort is being released to house arrest today , in order to serve out the next four years of his sentence. The reason given is that there is a COVD19 outbreak at his prison.
This, like everything else in trump world, is a lie. Make no mistake, folks, he is being released because Donald trump wants him released."
I mean, to be fair, a lot of non-violent prisoners across the country are being released because of COVID-19. I guess I'd like to know what is happening at Manafort's prison. If more or less all the inmates got released there, then we can probably say he didn't receive special treatment. If it was just Manafort ...
Oh, by the way, Trump's lawyer/porn-star-payer-offer Michael Cohen also got sprung from the pokie due to COVID-19.
"I have an idea what it is, and let's just say that it ain't pretty."
You can bet there are all sorts of embarrassing goodies hidden in Trump's tax returns. Some strong possibilities:
1) He isn't as rich as he says he is (this one's a virtual certainty).
2) He's borrowed lots of money from super-shady people.
3) He's raking in income from business interests in countries that he rails against at his rallies as EVIL ENEMIES OF AMERICA (like China).
4) He's guilty of all sorts of ugly, unethical if not illegal, tax avoidance schemes and pays a pathetically tiny percentage of his income in taxes compared to us regular schmucks.
Newly released documents show Adam Schiff knew all along that there was no proof of Russia-Trump collusion.
He lied brazenly over and over. He is still lying.
He had no testimony or evidence of any wrongdoing and yet still pursued impeachment.
He did so as Chairman of the US House Intelligence Commitee. He should be removed from ALL assignments, face ethics charges, and be expelled
Michael Cohen's release was blocked by tRump and Barr. They don't care how history will view them. Their's is an extension of the infamous Karl Rove quote, about being history's actors, while the rest can only look on and opine. We'll see about that. Hitler's Reich didn't last all that long. And neither will tRump.
“Michael Cohen's release was blocked by tRump and Barr.”
Thanks, I hadn’t heard that. This is also quite, er ... interesting.
A lot of abnormal stuff is going down these days. The GOP let him dodge impeachment for his abuses of power wrt Ukraine, so now Trump’s lawlessness is spiraling out of control.
Wingnut chairman of the house committee, Devin numbnuts was actively walking intel to drumpf in the kremlin annex while he allegedly lead the investigation into drumpf and Russia. Remember that investigation where a wingnut said they found no collusion because they didn't look for any. He and Numbnuts should be tossed into La Brea tarpits until they come clean about their farce.
Trump shooting people on 5th Avenue, here we come!
The longer Trump remains in the White House, the more America feels like a failed state.
drumpf is obsessing over Flynn while the bodies keep stacking up towards drumpf's magic number 100k....
Last updated: May 13, 2020, 19:12 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
WSJ, a right wing rag and phony phucker Hannity are pushing the "Schiff lied about collusion" narrative so you know, off the top, the report is bullshit and taken out of context.
Manafort and Flynn are being let go by Barr to save Fergus the political bad optics of pardoning them during an election year.
Emmet Sullivan, a member in good standing of an entirely separate branch of the federal government than Fergus and his felons, doesn't gladly suffer fools. He once asked Flynn to explain to him why his actions weren't treasonous.
The case proceedings having progressed to the sentencing phase in his courtroom, he will likely be loath to throw out those findings for Fergus' political benefit, as he has already shown impatience with the way the sentencing has been drawn out unnecessarily, and has already beat back federal prosecutors attempt at giving Flynn probation once.
It won't end up mattering to Flynn, who will be pardoned in the lame duck if Sullivan imprisons him, unless he manages to contract covid in prison, but Barr will probably save him there by "imprisoning" him in nicer facilities than your garden variety crook who sold out his country.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Remember all them there Benghazi witch hunts wingnuts kept alive in their "alleged" hunt for the truth? Turns out the truth was not bothered with. Here is what wingnuts wanted and all they planned to do with those commuittees is drive HRC's poll numbers down.
Gowdy and all the rest of them scumsucking traitorous wingnuts should be shot at dawn, over and over again. Thanks to them Russia now runs the potus.
Hillary and Obama lied, Americans died.
BREAKING: Recently declassified documents show Biden and other Obama officials received 'unmasking' information on Michael Flynn.
The newly declassified records show that 16 individuals made unmasking requests related to the incoming Trump national security adviser, and the list shows which officials received that sensitive information. It was not immediately clear which individuals made the requests, but those who received the unmasking information were laid out chronologically.
Former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough, and former FBI Director James Comey are all on the list.
Biden is on record to having lied about this on ABC's Good Morning America when Stephanopoulos asked what the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee knew about an early 2017 investigation into Flynn and whether there was anything improper done by the Obama administration.
"I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn," Biden said. "This is all about diversion. This is a game this guy plays all the time. The country is in crisis. ... He should stop trying to always divert attention from the real concerns of the American people.”
Senator Paul: "The fact that Vice President Biden is directly involved in the unmasking of a political opponent -- think about it. You remember impeachment? They said the president was using the government to go after a political opponent? This is Vice President Biden using the spying powers of the U.S. to go after a political opponent and he is caught red-handed here... eavesdropping on a political opponent's phone calls.
Every reporter in the country needs to ask this legitimate question. They need to come out of hibernation and ask Vice President Biden, do we think it is a legitimate function of government to eavesdrop on political opponents, illegally unmask them and listen to their private conversation?"
Biden is a corrupt criminal and a liar.
Sullivan is an AA product just like Fraud Negro and the 2 clowns fronting as Lawyers in GA. Too bad facts aren't a black thing.
"I learned today that the Judge in the case has taken the extraordinary measure of delaying the justice department's request to drop the Flynn case. I say good for him. It's nice to see that there is someone trying to stand up to the rule of law in this country."
Field likes these cases where the judge helpfully solicits non-party input into the parties' litigation decisions.
And I think you meant to write "stand up FOR the rule of law". Your Freudian slip shows your true feelings about rooting for power over truth.
"Former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough, and former FBI Director James Comey are all on the list."
It's nice that now we have a list of those who are implicated in the effort to dangerously harm the republic and the peaceful transition from Obama to Trump through a coordinated leak campaign.
Including Biden, it looks like we are going to need at least six good ropes. Probably lots more.
Nee i remind everyone about all them indictments coming down on the Obama administration from Ukraine? Wingnuts toss these false charges out whenever their butt hurt orange pos needs his ass cuddled with. been there a million times and done that with these left footed stoopid fucking hate mongers. Pay them no attention.
Dahlia Lithwick: The only reason any of this is important is because what Flynn is being investigated for is whether he is susceptible to blackmail by the Russians. This is a counterintelligence question. Is he doing something that puts him in a position where the Russians can blackmail him in the future? And does that necessarily make the U.S. government vulnerable to more Russian interference? That was the issue that was being investigated. What the government ended up getting him for is that he lied about this phone call. But the issue wasn’t that he lied. The issue is, once he lied, the Russians know he lied. Now they have something to use against him. And that was the basis of the inquiry.
Flynn was fired almost immediately after being caught in this lie. And the thing about it is that even at the time, Trump seemed to be saying that he’s still a good guy. It was just a little lie, no big deal.
Remember, that was when Trump had his crazy tête-à-tête with Jim Comey, when he cleared the room and said, Can you see your way clear to making this go away? That was about Flynn. I think all the way through Trump was thinking, who among us doesn’t lie 40,000 times a day?
This woman knows what she is talking about. Wingnuts are too stoopid to know anything.
Biden Lied, His campaign Died
Hidden For Two Years: Crowdstrike Admitted Under Oath That It Had No Evidence At All That the DNC Servers Were Hacked by Russia
CrowdStrike, the private cyber-security firm that first accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party emails and served as a critical source for U.S. intelligence officials in the years-long Trump-Russia probe, acknowledged to Congress more than two years ago that it had no concrete evidence that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee’s server.
CrowdStrike President Shawn Henry's admission under oath, in a recently declassified December 2017 interview before the House Intelligence Committee, raises new questions about whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller, intelligence officials and Democrats misled the public. The allegation that Russia stole Democratic Party emails from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and others and then passed them to WikiLeaks helped trigger the FBI's probe into now debunked claims of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to steal the 2016 election. The CrowdStrike admissions were released just two months after the Justice Department retreated from its its other central claim that Russia meddled in the 2016 election when it dropped charges against Russian troll farms it said had been trying to get Trump elected.
Henry personally led the remediation and forensics analysis of the DNC server after being warned of a breach in late April 2016; his work was paid for by the DNC, which refused to turn over its server to the FBI. Asked for the date when alleged Russian hackers stole data from the DNC server, Henry testified that CrowdStrike did not in fact know if such a theft occurred at all: "We did not have concrete evidence that the data was exfiltrated [moved electronically] from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated," Henry said.
There was never any evidence that Russia hacked the DNC emails -- but the Democrats and their media partners lied to us about this for three fucking years and turned the country upside down with their lunatic conspiracy theories and coup efforts.
Not only did he have no evidence that Russia intruded into the servers, he had no evidence that any information was moved off (downloaded from) the servers.
The stolen emails, which were published by Wikileaks – whose founder, Julian Assange has long denied they came from Russia – were embarrassing to the party because, among other things, they showed the DNC had favored Clinton during her 2016 primary battles against Sen. Bernie Sanders for the presidential nomination. The DNC eventually issued an apology to Sanders and his supporters "for the inexcusable remarks made over email." The DNC hack was separate from the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s use of a private server while serving as President Obama’s Secretary of State.
The disclosure that CrowdStrike found no evidence that alleged Russian hackers exfiltrated any data from the DNC server raises a critical question: On what basis, then, did it accuse them of stealing the emails? Further, on what basis did Obama administration officials make far more forceful claims about Russian hacking?
Seventeen intelligence services, including the world famous foreign intelligence arm of the Coast Guard, agreed to perpetuate this lie.
What the fuck is going on in this country?
Loretta Lynch Mob said...
Including Biden, it looks like we are going to need at least six good ropes. Probably lots more.
4:47 PM
Don't get your bowels in an uproar, Loretta. It ain't happenin'. Remember when Trump said he sent two guys to Hawaii to dig up dirt on Obama's birth certificate? Trump said something about how we would all be shocked when we saw their report? Well we're still waiting for that report and it's been eleven years!
I can't understand how you can believe a man who has told you more than 17,000 lies and counting. He's so full of crap it's a wonder he can still walk!
Dead Ambassador said...
Hillary and Obama lied, Americans died.
4:18 PM
Trump failed to do his job of protecting the country from an invasion and eighty-thousand Americans died. It doesn't matter if it was a virus instead of missiles and bombs, the eighty Americans are just as dead!
Arbery video clearly shows the victim jogging around right side of truck and back on the road when the first shot was fired. He did not accelerate and attack anyone.
people were shot, two fatally, May 12, 2020, in Chicago. Sun-Times file photo
Twelve people were shot, two of them fatally, Tuesday in Chicago.
The latest fatal attack left one man dead and two more wounded in Princeton Park on the South Side.
They were in the street about 6:40 p.m. in the 9400 block of South Lafayette Avenue when someone opened fire, Chicago police said.
More pabulum from the alt left.
"Asked for the date when alleged Russian hackers stole data from the DNC server, Henry testified that CrowdStrike did not in fact know if such a theft occurred at all"
Who hired Crowdstrike to investigate the DNC email breach after the DNC refused to let the FBI examine the server?
Michael Sussmann, a lawyer at Perkins Coie.
Sussman was also personally involved with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele in producing the discredited Steele dossier.
Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.
After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS's research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.
All those other inmates released because of COVD19 served at least half the time of their sentence, which, by statute,they have to do before they are eligible for release. Manafort did not.
drumpf's done it now.....
Last updated: May 13, 2020, 22:36 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
White Guy Carrying A TV Jogs Two Miles Through FL Neighborhood -- And People Just Wave
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Republican claims victory in special California House vote
A former Navy combat pilot is claiming victory in the fight for an open U.S. House seat north of Los Angeles
Wingnuts are conspiring to distract attention from drumpf's criminal activities and also to set him up as a dictator with the spotus activist majority aiding his power grab.
None of the charges against Dems are true or even worth bothering about. Just think Ukraine part 2.
"distract attention from drumpf's criminal activities"
Name one. You can't.
All of the accusations against Trump were the Dems attempt to influence the election and then to put up a smokescreen to hide what they'd done after they lost anyway.
They failed on Russia collusion. They failed on impeachment. They are failing on trying to blame him for the Chinese virus. They are trapped rats who are being seen for what they are.
The spying and lying and foreign collusion perpetrated by the Obama Administration are the biggest political crimes in US history.
It's time for the Rule of Law.
Barr is terrible now, but the worst thing he's ever done was cover up Reagan/Bush Iran Contra investigation.
We're still waiting for the U.S. Marines to frog march all of the Dems out of the congress so I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for Barack, Biden and others to be arrested or even charged. trump is too dumb to even know what he's talking about. When asked what exactly Obamagate was he did what children who don't know something do, turn the question around. We have an internet troll for a leader. One of the racist anons here could probably do a better job than the current idiot-in-chief. Well, it was fun being a first world country while it lasted.
Good luck Wisconsin, let's hope you're right.
Check this out Field. You should dig this.
Only 35 years too late.
"Name one. You can't."
Sure I can. Campaign finance violations where he was named in the indictment as "individual 1" and his lawyer is still in prison for being a part of.
He could still go to prison for that after he leaves office, which is why he's so frantic to get reelected so as to hide behind that OLC memo until after the statute of limitations has run on it.
You can bet that Deutsche Bank and Mazars can also, or Fergus wouldn't be so frantic to keep them quiet about it.
So I really hope the citizens of Wisconsin are smarter than the wingnuts on their state supreme court and in their state legislature, because if they're not, a lot of them are gonna die.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Yeah, I remember the MOVE bombing. It was in the papers and everyone was like what the fuck? They bombed an apartment building?
I did notice the utter lack of bombs dropped on the goddamn Bundys when they occupied that wildlife refuge, even given their previous threatening of federal agents with assault weapons behavior.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Sugar Tits in Pig Peopleville typed...
"I did notice the utter lack of bombs dropped on the goddamn Bundys when they occupied that wildlife refuge, even given their previous threatening of federal agents with assault weapons behavior."
I've noticed that Sugar Tits does not know what it talks about. I'll tell you why no bombs were dropped on the wildlife refuge. There were more federal agents inside the building than regular normal people. You really need to get off your communist news feed Sugar Tits.
BTW, how are the Pig People? Do you call them that face to face? Of course not. You are a coward with really strong fingertips.
Dems sent all kinds of requests to drumpf administration, including subpoenas, for information to investigate drumpf's crimonal activities and got stone walled.
Wingnuts send an email and immediately get the info they requested to use to politically attack Biden as the Dem nominee to replace the moldy bag of shit in the kremlin annex.
If you’re looking to pin down the crime that Donald Trump has accused President Obama of committing, don’t look in the criminal code. For now, at least, “OBAMAGATE!” is not listed in Title 18, the crimes and criminal procedure section of the United States Code. But even if it were, Attorney General Bill Barr might have a tough time building a case against the former president.
That’s because the crux of what is ostensibly being alleged against Obama—that he illegally investigated the Trump campaign while he was president—could never be, by Barr’s own definition, a crime.
Barr fucked himself unless he disregards his own words when it comes to Dems, which is most likely.
Manafort's black cell mate faces 16 more years of prison as a non-violent offender. Hmmn!
Fake Noize blows a gasket because mainstream media isn't turning handsprings over wingnuts winning a heavily gerrymandered seat and a California seat that was wingnut held less than 2 years ago. Must have been a slow news day.
Someone has the guts to stand up to criminal Barr....
Wonder why Fake noize isn't carrying this. Black, essential worker shot 8 times and killed in her own apartment by pigs executing a search warrant on the wrong apartment.
Interesting read, people. Sorry stoopid fucking wingnuts, no craYons were used to illustrate this truth so you'll have to wait until you can actually read and comprehend words.
3 million more file for unemployment. drumpf isn't worried. HRC had emails so drumpf is in the clear.
Susan Rice apparently unmasked Flynn. Good for her as he is and was a criminal.
Federal judge looking to see if Flynn is guilty of contempt for swearing under oath twice he lied to FBI and then now saying he didn't lie.
"Federal judge looking to see if Flynn is guilty of contempt for swearing under oath twice he lied to FBI and then now saying he didn't lie."
Judge Affirmative Action Jackson wants to charge Flynn for perjury because he was forced to plead guilty over lying when he didn't lie because the FBI threatened to go after his son if he didn't.
This is either absurd fuckery or pathetic dumbassery.
forced to plead guilty over lying when he didn't lie because the FBI threatened to go after his son if he didn't.
That is a fucking lie and you can't prove it because it did not happen!
Biden did not threaten to withhold money from Ukraine if they didn't fire prosecutor prosecuting Biden's son. Another fucking lie that has been debunked over and over and yet stoopid fucking wingnuts continually spout is as gospel because drumpf and Fake Noize tell them to.
Fake News = news about Donald Trump, the Authentic Fake.
"Biden did not threaten to withhold money from Ukraine if they didn't fire prosecutor prosecuting Biden's son."
Joe Biden disagrees:
Legal experts note that the Justice Department does not argue that Flynn was coerced or had his rights violated — more common grounds on which to drop such charges.
Hold on Jack said...
Now listen to your video and point out where Biden said the prosecutor was investigating his son. Can't find it, can you? Because there was no investigation ongoing.
There has also been no evidence produced of wrongdoing done by Hunter Biden in Ukraine. The Ukrainian anti-corruption investigation agency stated in September 2019 that the current investigation of Burisma was restricted solely to investigating the period of 2010 to 2012, before Hunter Biden joined Burisma in 2014.
Since you can't remember nothing, the prosecutor was fired because he would not investigate criminal activities, and Biden was only one of a number of entities all across Europe wanting the guy fired.
The Left’s 11-step SCHEME to destroy America
#1. Keep everyone on house-arrest until the November election, where all votes will be mail-in, and every Republican vote trashed, while all Democrat votes get counted (including repeats, dead people, illegal aliens and felons).
#2. “Test” everyone for COVID-19, use false-positive tests for all Republicans, then create a database for FDA/CDC/FEMA raids for human trafficking and political prisons.
#3. Make everyone register their guns so they can be confiscated during the COVID house raids that are “for your protection/isolation/quarantine” for anyone who legally has automatic weapons (so nobody will be able to fight the communist tyranny the Left wants to install).
#4. Close all beaches and parks so nobody can get any vitamin D from the sunshine, and “debunk” the fact that zinc supplementation may just be the best defense against COVID-19.
#5. Force vaccinate every American with a fake vaccine that literally gives you coronavirus so the CDC can claim anyone they want to has the virus and can therefore be captured and taken to FEMA prisons to die (Republicans and Independents who argue with, insult or deny the Left’s narrative).
#6. Silence all dissent to communism on the internet, including Google, YouTube, Fakebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all mainstream news (including every local newspaper).
#7. Make all religious worship illegal, so nobody has any morals, ethics or hope.
#8. Continue to make “examples” of citizens who break the fake “laws” and rules of social distancing in public places. This also includes arresting anyone for participating in legal, peaceful protests of the indefinite lockdown.
#9. Keep all small businesses shuttered and threatened with fines and jail time for doing business in any way, while all corporate businesses stay open and make a fortune.
#10. Foreclose on all homes and land of the middle class to eliminate anyone who functions independently of the police state Big Brother shadow government run by the insane Democrat governors and the globalists who tell them how to function every moment of their miserable shortened lives.
#11. Last but not least: Crash the economy and the stock market, then loot all the savings and retirement accounts for everybody by having a global financial reset where your money’s no good anymore (it’s called a currency swap).
Crash the economy? drumpfuck the malevolent dumbfuck has added over 5 trillion to the debt in 3+ years and wants moar taxcuts to drop revenue numbers even further down the shitter.
"the prosecutor was fired because he would not investigate criminal activities, and Biden was only one of a number of entities all across Europe wanting the guy fired."
Wow. Joe Biden is such a stand-up guy he withholds a billion dollars in aid from an ally because they WON'T investigate the corrupt company paying his son millions of dollars.
He's the most honest man in the world.
When a 7-year-old kid gets shot while burglarizing a house, you know he's black.
"The Left’s 11-step SCHEME to destroy America"
I got questions.
And where did we learn of this plot? Who's in charge? Is anyone on the "right" in on this or is it just "the left"? Is trump involved? Soooooo many questions.
"you know he's black."
Be careful, too many times you jump on a story and label someone Blah only for it to turn out to be a white guy. And so what? We should all just be Americans right? At least that's what conservatives keep telling me. Why do you see color in everything? Rush Limpbaugh would be very disappointed in you sir!
Oh yeah, a buddy of mine, former F-16 fighter pilot was just installed as the new commander of the operations group at Vance AFB which trains Air Force pilots. Now that's excellence. A real patriot! Just watch his change of command ceremony and it was awesome. Any master racers here ever been in charge of an entire military group? Ha! I know the answer.
Gee, the trump administration ignores experts and had no plan and still doesn't. Sorry Doc but we already knew this. Is water wet too?
*Taps trumpist on the shoulder*
You do know that he was impeached, right?
Federal agents? You mean like the ones there was video on national TV of Bundyoids aiming their ARs at? Pig People are as Pig People do. I don't hang around them, myself, and when I see them in public I mostly avoid them, but if I have to, I can get along with pretty much anyone.
That's a part of being an adult and a citizen.
I worked at a demolition job in the '90s for a racist moron because I needed the work. I quit that job after the racist moron 1)dropped a steel beam onto an oxy-acetylene rig and broke the gauges off of the regulators, leaving it to me and the forklift operator to shut them down before they exploded, and 2) ran over a pair of oxy-acetylene hoses with a train. There's no fucking excuse for that, because you know where the train has to go. One or the other I could have stayed on after, but both of them were just too stupid to have on my death certificate.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"You do know that he was impeached, right?"
A fake, groundless impeachment that failed, and that history will view as a low point for Congress and the democrat party.
"Now that's excellence."
Maybe. One would like to believe that an Air Force base commander of operations is someone of high achievement and competence, but as we live in an Affirmative Action society, one never knows if a black person got there on merit or is just a figurehead filling a quota.
The cost of privilege is doubt.
"one never knows if a black person got there on merit or is just a figurehead filling a quota"
Says a person who has never been a military officer. Do you know what it takes to become an Air Force pilot not to mention a fighter pilot? And the history of failed white officers brings white male affirmative action to mind. But AA is ok if you're a white dude right? Now crawl back to your trailer and wish you could be half as accomplished.
"The cost of privilege is doubt."
Agreed, white male privilege.
"One would like to believe that an Air Force base commander of operations is someone of high achievement and competence"
If you ever served in the Air Force you would probably know that is the case as lives are at stake. But never you worry this guy is supremely qualified because for one he was a student in one of my aviation camps. Ha! But after that he went to the USAFA something your ilk couldn't even imagine huh? After that F-16 pilot and in USAF pilot training those not up to par are weeded out easily. Trust me, he is extremely qualified beyond any of his white peers.
anon @ 1309. Please answer the questions. Your post is very interesting.
drumopf body count continues to shoot for the stars. Rumour has it drumpf upped his body count but won't say how much.
Last updated: May 14, 2020, 22:06 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
A fake, groundless impeachment that failed, and that history will view as a low point for Congress and the democrat party.
It fsiled only because wingnuts refused to look at the evidence presented and then hid the rest of the evidence to protect drumpf's guilty ass.
Having said that, drumpf is and will always have the impeachment albatross around his should have been stretched neck.
Wow. Joe Biden is such a stand-up guy he withholds a billion dollars in aid from an ally because they WON'T investigate the corrupt company paying his son millions of dollars.
Deliberately obtuse drumpfucker.
North Carolina Sinator and head of wingnut Senate Intel select committee has stepped down temporarily because of FBI investigation into his previous stock transactions.
April 2014 – Hunter Biden joins Ukrainian firm Burisma
Joe Biden’s younger son, Hunter Biden, joins the board of Burisma Holdings, the largest private oil and gas extracting company in Ukraine, controlled by founder Mykola Zlochevskiy, who had served as a Cabinet minister under former pro-Russian Presidents Leonid Kuchma and Yanukovych. Both administrations had been suspected of corruption, and once they were ousted, successor administrations pledging reforms targeted previous officials, including Zlochevskiy, for investigation. Allegations against Zlochevskiy center on the funding schemes he used to form the company in 2002. But cases against him stall in each instance.
An American business partner of Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, also joins the board. The company issues a press release about the Biden appointment in May (see below). The appointment draws criticism for the potential perception of a conflict of interest with Vice President Biden’s role as the White House’s point man on Ukraine. News reports later in 2014 reveal that Hunter Biden had been discharged from the Navy in February for testing positive for cocaine (clearly just months before the Burisma board appointment).
April 16, 2014 – U.K. investigates Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy
The U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) blocks accounts of Burisma’s majority shareholder, Mykola Zlochevskiy. A British court conducts a hearing on Dec. 3-5, 2014, and unblocks the accounts in a Jan. 21, 2015 judgment, (full text), finding that none of the evidence “establishes reasonable grounds for a belief that his assets were unlawfully acquired as a result of misconduct in public office.” The SFO apparently continued its investigation until at least May 2015, when a spokeswoman told The Guardian, “We are disappointed we were not provided with the evidence by authorities in the Ukraine necessary to keep this restraint order in place.” The newspaper said she “declined to comment further because she said the investigation was ongoing.” (In September 2015, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt heavily criticizes officials in the Office of Prosecutor General in a public speech for not cooperating sufficiently with and even undermining the British investigation. See below.)
Special note: In his congressional deposition, George Kent explained that the administration had worked with British authorities on the case to seize Zlochevskiy’s assets. “That was an issue of our interest because we had made a commitment to the Ukrainian Government in 2014 to try to recover an estimated tens of billions of dollars of stolen assets out of the country. The first case that U.S., U.K., and Ukrainian investigators worked on was a case against Zlochevsky.”
May 12, 2014 – Burisma Holdings issues a press release saying Hunter Biden has joined its board, and that he will be “in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and will provide support for the company among international organizations.” The release cites his then-current positions as counsel to New York-based law firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP and co-founder and a managing partner of investment advisory firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, where he also served as board chairman.
May 25, 2014 – Chocolate and confectionary magnate/oligarch Petro Poroshenko wins the presidency in Ukraine in an election to succeed Yanukovych on a platform of turning Ukraine back to the West. Poroshenko previously had served as foreign minister and minister of trade and economic development.
June 7, 2014 – Petro Poroshenko takes office as president of Ukraine.
June 19, 2014 – The Ukrainian Parliament approves Poroshenko’s appointment of former law enforcement officer and member of Parliament Vitaly Yarema as prosecutor general.
Aug. 5, 2014 – Ukraine investigation of Burisma
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Vitaly Yarema opens an investigation of Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy on suspicion of “unlawful enrichment.” (The investigation is referenced in the January 2015 U.K. court judgment, which concludes that the Ukrainian probe might have been started as a result of a misinterpretation of the British account freeze.) Zlochevskiy’s American lawyer, John Buretta, a former U.S. deputy assistant attorney general, says in a 2017 Q&A on the Burisma website that a court in Kyiv ordered the case closed in September 2016 because no evidence of wrongdoing had been presented. While suspicions remain over how Zlochevskiy obtained his wealth and what happened to taxpayer money while he held public office, the British judge in the January 2015 U.K. judgment observed, “Allegations of corruption against political opponents appear to have been a feature of Ukrainian political life at this time.”
Oct. 14, 2014 – Ramping up Ukraine
Oct. 14, 2014 – Ramping up Ukraine anti-corruption forces
Ukraine’s Parliament passes a law establishing the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), a priority of anti-corruption campaigners who’d helped lead the revolution and of the U.S. government (led by Biden) and other international backers of Ukraine. The bureau, which is to include a special prosecutor for certain corruption cases, was created in part because of the recognized ineffectiveness and corruption of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the country’s judiciary. The country’s anti-corruption plans also include a special High Anti-Corruption Court, which Poroshenko and Parliament slow-rolled until domestic and foreign advocates again exerted pressure over the past year. In fact, the U.S. and Europe required the Ukrainian government to fund NABU in exchange for financial aid. NABU’s early years are an uphill battle in the face of documented efforts by Parliament and the Prosecutor General’s Office to undermine its work.
NABU later becomes a target of Giuliani’s (see Aug. 14, 2016 item below).
Feb. 3, 2015 — Obama administration conveys harsh criticism of Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office for its coverup of Zlochevskiy/Burisma
George Kent, who was then-senior anti-corruption coordinator in the State Department’s European Bureau and was in Ukraine temporarily as acting deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, met with a deputy of Prosecutor General Yarema, according to his closed congressional testimony. Kent, who had long pushed Ukrainian prosecutors for investigations into Zlochevskiy, “scolded” the deputy prosecutor for having “shut the criminal case” that had been the basis for a U.K. court freezing Zlochevskiy’s assets, demanding, “Who took the bribe and how much was it?,” Kent asked. Kent’s effort was coordinated with the Justice Department.
Between the time of that conversation and Kent’s return to the United States, he learns that Hunter Biden is on the board of Burisma, according to Kent’s testimony. On a subsequent call with a staffer for Vice President Biden’s office, Kent raises his concern that Hunter Biden is “on the board of a company owned by somebody that the U.S. government had spent money trying to get tens of millions of dollars back [from], and that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.” The staffer, whose identity Kent couldn’t recall, told him that, with the Vice President’s other son, Beau, dying of cancer, “there was no further bandwidth to deal with family related issues
at that time.”
Kent is not the only Obama administration official concerned about the potential appearance of a conflict of interest. Others include an unidentified former senior White House aide, who told The New Yorker in July 2019 of a perception in the Obama administration that “Hunter was on the loose, potentially undermining his father’s message.” Amos Hochstein, the special envoy for energy policy at the time, “raised the matter with Biden, but did not go so far as to recommend that Hunter leave the board,” the magazine reported.
***This could go on but as you can see, there is no Hunter Biden criminal activity to be found in Ukraine.
"history will view as a low point for Congress and the democrat party."
Maybe but I think history will be more concerned about the historic job losses,economic collapse, deaths caused by an incompetent administration and downright ineptitude of the president.
"If you ever served in the Air Force you would probably know that is the case as lives are at stake."
Which is why Affirmative Action should play no role in important assignments. But we all know it does.
This guy could be all that. But because he's black, we can't know.
I would think competent black people would want an end to AA just for this reason.
"This guy could be all that. But because he's black, we can't know.
I would think competent black people would want an end to AA just for this reason."
Yup, which is why we all should give everyone the same chance and not pre-judge which is part of being prejudice. So in essence what you're saying is you don't pre-judge white males? You just assume they're awesome until proven otherwise? Must be nice, that's almost like having a certain type of privilege. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, kind of ironic if you think about it.
"I would think competent black people would want an end to AA just for this reason."
When white men end white male AA we can take their advice seriously. We have an unqualified white male leading this country who installed his unqualified daughter and son-in-law to several important positions and you probably voted for him and probably will again right? If you were not a hypocrite you would critique this administration for outlandish levels of white affirmative action.
Choose a screen name and we can discuss further. This is an interesting conversation.
"In the United States, affirmative action was first created by Executive Order 10925, signed by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. It required that government employers "not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin." It also required that government employees "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.”
President Johnson extended affirmative action in
1965, affirming the federal Government's commitment to promote equal employment opportunities. Affirmative action was extended to women by Executive Order 11375 in 1967, by adding the class of "sex" to the list of protected categories. Other sources of affirmative action law include the nondiscrimination mandates of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other laws protecting groups like veterans."
Sounds pretty innocuous to me.
Stacey Abrams and Joe Biden are on a virtual town hall on msnbc.
Interesting article.
PilotX said...
Oh yeah, a buddy of mine, former F-16 fighter pilot was just installed as the new commander of the operations group at Vance AFB which trains Air Force pilots. Now that's excellence. A real patriot! Just watch his change of command ceremony and it was awesome. Any master racers here ever been in charge of an entire military group? Ha! I know the answer.
3:53 PM
"Now that's excellence!"
Delusional. I know alot about military aviation, and I also know it takes alot more to be a carrier qualified pilot than an USAF F-16 pilot. I also know an awful lot about Affirmative Action policies that put skin color bean counting waaaay ahead of competence or mission needs. Like a front slit that complained that she was washed out because "rayciss" and had a "special training program" designed just for her far far away from the training commnad. She likes to give speeches on just how special she is too. Or the front slit who couldn't reach the rudder pedals which would be an automatic disqual for anyone else, but she was part of the Nheghro aristocracy, so again, special rules for special people.
The USAF academy was pozzed a long time ago. They tried to recruit one of my children and after discussing it with a colleague who was Academy about the current political situation there did a wave off.
None of the crowing you mention means anything. He's a box checker, and hopefully with the ongoing and long overdue restoration of military standards undoing all of this quality may finally return to the military.
Just take a look at militarycorruption.com. Alot of black faces there, compared to their % actually in the military.
"Black achievement" is meaningless. A white student athlete needs a perfect SAT score to get recruited to Harvard, a black -- well, if they can get close to triple digits, that would be good.
"one never knows if a black person got there on merit or is just a figurehead filling a quota"
In every job I ever worked you did. But maybe that is because most of the work I did is not easily faked. You can either drive a forklift or truck or you can't. Your welds are either good or they aren't. Your food is either good enough and fast enough and accurate enough to satisfy the front of the house or it isn't. You can either lift the furniture and appliances up the stairs in the rich people's houses or you can't. You can either conduct yourself in a professional manner or you can't. None of that ever had anything to do with race, in my experience.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
PilotX said.....
President Johnson extended affirmative action in
1965, affirming the federal Government's commitment to promote equal employment opportunities. Affirmative action was extended to women by Executive Order 11375 in 1967, by adding the class of "sex" to the list of protected categories. Other sources of affirmative action law include the nondiscrimination mandates of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other laws protecting groups like veterans."
Sounds pretty innocuous to me.
10:32 PM
Here's how I see the problem. When these laws were passed, the
Republican Party and the wealthy people who back them declared all out war on Affirmative Action. For fifty years they have waged this war using spin, half-truths, and out right lies in their propaganda campaign to spread resentment among low information Americans, especially white men.
Almost no one who rails against Affirmative Action has any real idea of what is actually in these laws. They have never taken the time to read them for themselves, thus these low information folks have no real understanding of what the laws actually say. For example, I know the man who posts as "Blah Privilege" hasn't read the laws, or he wouldn't have posted the nonsense that he did.
One of my various duties when I worked at the university involved serving on search committees and hiring and supervising both professional and student staff. These activities required knowing and applying AA laws. Maybe if all the white men complaining about AA would read the laws, they would stop whining about being victims of reverse discrimination.
"I know alot about military aviation, and I also know it takes alot more to be a carrier qualified pilot than an USAF F-16 pilot."
Really? Pick a screen name and do tell. This oughta be interesting. It doesn't take "more" to be a carrier qualed pilot only that the individual chose to go to a different service. Are/were you a military officer?
"In every job I ever worked you did. But maybe that is because most of the work I did is not easily faked."
Exactly. Flying an F-16 requires an intense level of training and talent. Low level bombing missions wearing NVG's will tax the most experienced pilot and there have been more than a few training accidents. Can't fake that.
Oh snap, that couldn't be Legacy could it? How the hell have ya been old girl? How's the Ferrari team doing? Why'd you lose the name and post as anonymous? Yeah, I wouldn't want my kid going to the USAF either, too many religious freaks. A hotbed of evangelicals. Anyhoo, nah my bud's not a box checker he's a true believer which is why he's in charge of the training command. Got another bud who was a T-bird but I guess you're gonna knock them now huh? LOL. Well, good luck with all your whatever it is rich folk do. Do the kids have flying jobs yet? Last time you were here they were building flight time in a Duchess going to picnics and whatnot. Chat with ya soon and if you would please lose the anonymous stuff, it's much easier to converse when we know to whom we're speaking.
Moscow Mitch admits he was wrong about Barack? Wow.
This morning Alternet.org has an article that explains why Trump hates Obama. In addition it describes the "Southern Strategy"
that was embraced by the Republican party under Richard Nixon that resulted in the realignment of our political parties.
It's a must read for anyone who wants to understand how we got where we are now.
"Here’s why Trump is suddenly targeting Obama — even though it could blow up in his face"
I don't expect that any trolls will read it because it negates everything they believe.
"I don't expect that any trolls will read it because it negates everything they believe."
Or it may reinforce what they believe.
"When white men end white male AA we can take their advice seriously."
There is no such thing.
"It’s a system in which the most unforgivable crime was for an African-American to presume himself an equal to — or, heaven forbid, better than — a white person."
From your article Gambler. Pretty much spot on.
"There is no such thing."
Sure kid, whatever you say.
"Sure kid, whatever you say."
Point to one law or government policy that favors white men over any other group.
I will support removing any such statute you find.
"Point to one law or government policy that favors white men over any other group."
Haha, I see what you did there.
He asked for a law or government policy.
If ingroup preference is wrong, blacks are the wrongest people on earth.
"He asked for a law or government policy."
Really? You mean you want me to find a law that says "white men will be favored over everyone else". Sure kid, it's that obvious.
Codified in the law.
"[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it."
From the above article. While not specifically not answering the question of what laws benefit white males this has the desired effect. Time and time again we see laws like this and the ones that negate such laws are viewed as somehow anti-white and beneficial to others. In reality, the laws that acknowledge injustice are just trying to level the tilted playing field.
"Codified in the law."
You confuse "law" with "case law".
Which was overturned by Constitutional amendment roughly 150 years ago.
And as experience has shown, overturning it was a dreadful mistake.
"Which was overturned by Constitutional amendment roughly 150 years ago."
Only one law, the jim crow laws weren't overturned. Also factor in the advantages white men had in using the G.I. Bill which was not extended to most Blah soldiers, look at low-interest home loans which were extended to white G.I.'s but not Blahs. This gave white families a huge head start and advantages. This is not debatable.
"And as experience has shown, overturning it was a dreadful mistake."
This comment just shows you're an ignorant racist.
PilotX said....
"This comment just shows you're an ignorant racist."
3:09 AM
That about covers it. And we know that racists do not respond to logic and truth. Their minds are made up and no facts can get in.
"Only one law, the jim crow laws weren't overturned."
The Jim Crow laws and black codes came later. They were a response to black criminality.
"Also factor in the advantages white men had in using the G.I. Bill which was not extended to most Blah soldiers, look at low-interest home loans which were extended to white G.I.'s but not Blahs. This gave white families a huge head start and advantages."
And since Affirmative Action and the "disparate impact" ruling in Griggs vs. Duke Power, blacks have had huge advantages. Millions of you are in positions you're not qualified to hold. You can get into medical school with an MCAT score much lower than someone of any other race, to give just one example. Your grades and SAT score can suck and you still get into university... with a scholarship.
"This comment just shows you're an ignorant racist."
Knowledgeable enough to know that none of those things—Affirmative Action, "disparate impact", busing for "integration"—would exist if Dredd Scott still held. We'd probably have just shipped you all back across the Atlantic, which is where you deserve to be because you whine so much about conditions in the USA.
Anonymous who doesn't know history said.....
The Jim Crow laws and black codes came later. They were a response to black criminality.
12:56 PM
There is absolutely no excuse for your ignorance regarding this topic. If you dare, read the entire article that I have sourced below.
Black Codes
The roots of Jim Crow laws began as early as 1865, immediately following the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.
Black codes were strict local and state laws that detailed when, where and how formerly enslaved people could work, and for how much compensation. The codes appeared throughout the South as a legal way to put black citizens into indentured servitude, to take voting rights away, to control where they lived and how they traveled and to seize children for labor purposes.
The legal system was stacked against black citizens, with former Confederate soldiers working as police and judges, making it difficult for African Americans to win court cases and ensuring they were subject to black codes.
These codes worked in conjunction with labor camps for the incarcerated, where prisoners were treated as enslaved people. Black offenders typically received longer sentences than their white equals, and because of the grueling work, often did not live out their entire sentence.
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