It's amazing what a video of a man being killed by someone under the color of title can do for the national psyche. White Americans watched what black folks have been telling them have been going on all along, and were shocked. They took to the streets to join their black brothers and sisters in protest, and the country has not been the same since.
I have to wonder, though, is this just another passing fad? How serious are we as Americans about making real change when it comes to racism. Racism, after all, cannot be legislated away. It lies in the heart, and in order to really do away with racism, you have to change the heart of the racist. I personally do not believe that will happen, so rather than trying to do that, we have to change how many of these institutions deal with matters of race, and dismantle institutional racism where we find it.
It's nice to see the new found consciousness from Americans, but Americans tend to like to jump on the latest fad. So, like tight jeans and reality television shows, this all too might pass.
We will see.
1 – 200 of 278 Newer› Newest»Yeah. It feels like a fad.
I do not believe that police brutality is the kind of thing that can be fixed with one big push. It's just not the nature of the problem. This will take a sustained, dedicated effort over several years to produce lots of incremental changes, if you want to make police departments operate fairly.
You may get a few useful reforms out of George Floyd Mania. A few city governments will order some meaningful reforms right now. But keep in mind that these were already the left-wing-run cities that were predisposed to reform anyway. The harder nuts to crack will be in more conservative areas that have absolutely no intention of changing.
However, at the moment, we are mostly getting a lot of fear-based reactions and virtue signalling from organizations and individuals.
The fear-based reactions are just companies who may have some shady practices or a dodgy product name (like Aunt Jemima, or that restaurant in California named "Sambo's"), and who are afraid of having that ugliness placed under the spotlight with so many protesters and organizers currently out in the streets. That fear will evaporate the moment protesters are forced to go back to work to pay their bills. Or the moment the protests fuel an explosion in COVID-19 cases, at which point governors will start shutting down the protests by force (which the police will heartily enjoy doing).
The virtue signalling is in the same vein. Some companies are using "woke-washing" as a marketing technique to sell their products ("Buy our vinyl siding because we love diversity! :-)"), and celebrities never miss a chance to elevate their public profiles by posturing about how very much they care about "social issues." Sorry if that sounds cynical, but I think this is the annoying reality.
For all that knocking down racist symbols, like statues of Confederate generals, feels empowering to some, it will ultimately not do much to change the day-to-day experience of being black in America. And it won't be long before America is bored with this sentiment and it stops being trendy.
Is America's anti- racism moment just a fad?
No, it's a mass hysteria brought about by decades of mis-education and media manipulation, organized by political actors and funded by mega-corporations. And it's not going away until everything is burned down.
Anonymous said...at 6:57 PM
"No, it's a mass hysteria brought about by decades of mis-education and media manipulation,......"
What took you so long, Anon.? Field's post was up an entire hour before you made it here with your hysterical post. I thought you would be waiting with bated breath to pounce the minute Field's new post came up.
For all that knocking down racist symbols, like statues of Confederate generals, feels empowering to some, it will ultimately not do much to change the day-to-day experience of being black in America.
Of course it won't, that's not really the point, is it?
Spending trillions of dollars over the past 60 years trying to change the day-to-day experience of being black in America hasn't done it, so why would tearing down a statue?
Black people can't be changed. White people are going have to change.
The real problem is that American society was based on the capabilities, morals, and temperaments of white people. A large segment of the black population cannot conform to the standards set to maintain the current society. It is in a sense unfair to hold them to those standards.
Therefore the standards need to change. School and job qualifications need to be lowered. Black criminality needs to be excused. Blacks can only be arrested by black cops and tried by black juries with black judges.
Anything that makes a black person uncomfortable, be it a statue, a pancake brand, or a word needs to be erased.
The only role white people will have in future America will be to facilitate the lives of black people. It's going to be great.
"For all that knocking down racist symbols, like statues of Confederate generals, feels empowering to some, it will ultimately not do much to change the day-to-day experience of being black in America."
It changes a lot. It shows young people that they have a voice and can actually change things, it shows that even entrenched racist symbols that seemed to endure despite universal condenmnation can finally be erased. It may not mean much to those on the outside but for people who have been trying to realize their full humanity it means a lot. Just ask us.
"The real problem is that American society was based on the capabilities, morals, and temperaments of white people."
😂😆😂😂😆 America was based on the dehumanization of Blah people and white supremacy. So sorry that symbols of that reality are being destroyed and people are waking up to the fact this country's original sin was and is racism and that has never truly been exorcised. We finally convinced the priest to take the claim seriously.
"America was based on the dehumanization of Blah people and white supremacy"
Now we have the dehumanization of white people and black supremacy, so everything is going to work out just fine.
"Now we have the dehumanization of white people and black supremacy, so everything is going to work out just fine."
Sure, that's what's happening.🙄
How has racist America treated you, PilotX?
PilotX said ....
Anon. at 6:20 said
"For all that knocking down racist symbols, like statues of Confederate generals, feels empowering to some, it will ultimately not do much to change the day-to-day experience of being black in America."
It changes a lot. It shows young people that they have a voice and can actually change things, it shows that even entrenched racist symbols that seemed to endure despite universal condemnation can finally be erased. It may not mean much to those on the outside but for people who have been trying to realize their full humanity it means a lot. Just ask us.
7:30 PM
An excellent response, my friend. It makes me feel better knowing the statues are gone or going soon, and I'm not even black. I have been troubled by them since I first became an adult. My question has always been: Why are we honoring traitors that took up arms against our country to preserve slavery? Slavery is abhorrent.
In the matter of police brutality, I see racism as more method than motive. The motive is police job security in a crime shortage. Crime rates have been falling since the 90s; therefore too many police must chase too little crime. They must either reduce their numbers, weaponry, and commitments; or else frame the innocent; or commit crimes themselves. I choose option #1: reduce the police.
Present American policing is in excess of real need, so to avoid downsizing, the police must oppress someone. African-Americans are America's designated scapegoats, because it's easier to see someone's skin tint than their religion or their income. Thus racism is a convenient way to be unjust. It's a means to an end.
It is true that means tend to become ends in themselves. Therefore there is racism for racism's sake. But closed mental loops can break when real motives change.
I say that treating racism is treating symptoms, so it's only partly useful. To treat causes, go to the color that matters most; not brown skin but the long green.
This is, of course, old-style leftist thinking. "Follow the money." Alas, the young-uns nowadays are tempted by the folly of identitarianism. It's a folly because collective identities are mostly illusion. (So are individual identities, but that's another story for another time.) Money is also mostly illusion, and therefore often evil. Jesus called it the root of all evil, but I beg to differ: evil has two other strong roots: lust for power, and mindless conformity. But Jesus did have a point, one for which they nailed him.
No it's not a fad. A lot of white folks grew up with a Black President. Their parents work with Black people. Many socialize with Black people after work. It doesn't take a genius to see the militarization of the police force doesn't work. That we have other options, beside mass incarceration for non violent criminal offense, to correct what's taken years and trillions of dollars in counterproductive programs to fix.
"How has racist America treated you, PilotX?"
Sometimes good sometimes not so good. And you?
If you doubt that racism is caused by oligarchy, then recall America's original sin: slavery. For slavery the motive was free labor for an oligarchy. But an oligarchy dare not let the majority fear that they themselves may be enslaved; so the slaveowners had to discriminate against a minority. Color-coding is efficient; the eyes can see faster than the brain can think; so racism was invented to protect slavery. Since then racism has adapted to protecting income inequality.
“In the matter of police brutality, I see racism as more method than motive. The motive is police job security in a crime shortage.”
This is nonsense. There isn’t a “crime shortage.” Even with crime having fallen dramatically since the ‘90s, there is still a lot of crime in America, relative to other developed nations. It’s not like there were totally enough cops to solve all the crimes back in the ‘90s, and now there’s a surplus just sitting around picking their noses. The reality is that cops weren’t keeping up with crime back in the ‘90s, and they still aren’t.
Any idea how many unsolved robberies there are? How many unsolved rapes? How many unsolved murders?
It’s a lot! And many of the victims are black.
Now, it’d like to see an end to prosecuting stupid vice crimes — going after drugs and prostitution, etc, is a giant and destructive waste of resources that would be better spent elsewhere (like solving murders?).
And we would certainly be better off creating a fairer economic system and providing mental health resources in order to prevent so much crime from occurring in the first place.
But it’s just not true that the reason cops behave thuggishly is because really they’ve got nothing better to do than harass people and beat them up. This isn’t the case.
Our society works the way it does, including in law enforcement, because we have fucked-up priorities. If you ask me, the central problem is that too many well-off white people do not want to devote the resources that would be necessary to fix the problems in the poorest parts of the black community and lift people out of poverty. Instead, they expect the cops to prevent the crime that results from poverty from spilling OUT of the black community and into THEIR neighborhoods. In many cases, the cops have been implicitly tasked not with solving crime, but with containing it to the “bad areas.” Most of the bullshit and violence follows from that warped mission.
Paradoctor said....
This is, of course, old-style leftist thinking. "Follow the money." Alas, the young-uns nowadays are tempted by the folly of identitarianism. It's a folly because collective identities are mostly illusion. (So are individual identities, but that's another story for another time.) Money is also mostly illusion, and therefore often evil. Jesus called it the root of all evil, but I beg to differ: evil has two other strong roots: lust for power, and mindless conformity. But Jesus did have a point, one for which they nailed him.
8:29 PM
Interesting perspective as usual, Paradoctor. I think following the money is still a good strategy because to gain power, despots need money to pay for bribes.
And your pun is priceless!
It's not poverty. The poorest whites have a lower murder rate than the richest blacks.
The fed and states have spent billions more to incarcerate and kill blacks than they have bothered to spend on meaningful solutions to chronic problems in black society. Wingnuts solution to all that ails blacks and other minorities is taxcuts for the wealthy first, last and always.
drumpf body count....
Too little too late but will probably be a fun read.
Building concentration camps is what communists do.
We'll find out soon enough here.
Paradoctor said...
"This is, of course, old-style leftist thinking. "Follow the money."
New-style leftist thinking is "Take the money".
BLM and Antifa are extremely well funded, much of it from rich donors, establishment foundations and major corporations. In the last week alone, corporate America has shelled out over a billion dollars for BLM.
BLM has the backing of almost every single elected official (including the President), big business, academia, and celebrities. Media coverage is overwhelmingly positive. There is no Pro-police violence lobby. America was 100% united on decrying what happened in Minneapolis.
So who exactly is the enemy here? Where are all those White Supremacists who run America?
The oligarchy is firmly behind this movement. Where do the interests of Citibank and Nike converge with George Floyd's? Whose goals are being pursued?
Old-style leftism was concerned with class inequities regarding economic issues. New-style leftism is obsessed with identity politics and intersectionality - a system that atomizes and enrages the populace. How is such a system designed to fight racism?
Answer: It's not. This has nothing to do with solving any problems, and everything to do with asserting power.
Quiz: Who wrote regarding the trump administration "obstruction of justice is a way of life"? And that the "impeachment inquiry missed many troubling actions"?
Oooooooh, trump is on Hannity discussing the Bolton book. Not discussing the killer virus, the protests across the country, the failing economy and record unemployment but a book.🙄
Anon at 2149 what makes you the expert on such matters? Why should anyone believe anything you write?
Boogaloo boys going down.
If you haven’t seen Mount Rushmore, you'd better hurry.
Anonymous said...
Building concentration camps is what communists do.
We'll find out soon enough here.
9:44 PM
Hey, Anon., I'm still waiting for those "reeducation camps" you promised when Obama was first elected. Seems to me that's about eleven years ago. LOL! And then there's the "frog marched" to prison for Obama and his appointees you promised a couple of years ago. If this were baseball, you'd be batting zero.
By the way, what ever happened to the "death panels' you predicted when the ACA was being passed in congress?
No cop can ever get a fair trial in American again, every juror will always know if acquit him the savagery resumes.
"By the way, what ever happened to the "death panels' you predicted when the ACA was being passed in congress?"
Obamacare was heavily modified by the Republican congress.
"BLM has the backing of almost every single elected official (including the President), big business, academia, and celebrities. Media coverage is overwhelmingly positive. There is no Pro-police violence lobby. America was 100% united on decrying what happened in Minneapolis."
Yeah. Sure. You say that now. "Everybody loves BLM."
But watch what happens when people actually start trying to reform the police. Particularly if you start trying to reform them in Alabama. Or Texas. Outside liberal-controlled enclaves.
Suddenly, it'll be glaringly obvious who the "pro-police violence lobby" are.
Anonymous said...
It's not poverty. The poorest whites have a lower murder rate than the richest blacks.
9:12 PM
If you have a source for this claim, post it, otherwise you made it up.
If this spasm of action elects Democrats in November, perhaps something might be done about institutional racism. Maybe.
But if not, it will only get worse, and that you can count on.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
CHICAGO Year 2020 to Date
Shot & Killed: 256
Shot & Wounded: 1165
Total Shot: 1421
Total Homicides: 282
If you have a source for this claim, post it, otherwise you made it up.
11:10 PM
Everybody knows blacks being 13% of the population commit over 75% of the violent crime its in their nature.
One term Mayor Lori Lightfoot puts foot in mouth
Anonymous said....
So who exactly is the enemy here? Where are all those White Supremacists who run America?
They have gone to the Trump Party, which used to be the Republican Party. they use race baiting to obtain and keep power. Nixon's Southern Strategy is now complete. However, it hasn't worked out exactly like Nixon and his henchmen (Atwater, Rove, Stone,and Paul Manafort) planned it. Seems some conservatives with integrity have left the Trump Party and are now supporting Biden and other Democrats.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South https://newrepublic.com/article/130039/southern-strategy-made-donald-trump-possible
Elderly victim shoved by criminal nigger ‘fearful to walk the streets alone’
By Reuven Fenton, Larry Celona and Ben FeuerherdJune 16, 2020 | 3:32pm | Updated
Anonymous said....
Everybody knows blacks being 13% of the population commit over 75% of the violent crime its in their nature.
11:33 PM
No, everybody doesn't know that. In fact I think you are the only one claiming this. Please provide a reliable data-base source for your claim, otherwise you are just spitting in the wind.
Here's some data for your review: for Estimated number of ARRESTS (Not convictions), offense and race, 2018
Age: All ages
Violent Crime Index includes murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
Violent crimes* Total =495,900 White =288,620=58% Black= 187,470=37%
Violent Crime Index includes murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
Note - 37% is a long way shy of "over 75%"
Suddenly, it'll be glaringly obvious who the "pro-police violence lobby" are."
It's a false equivalency to call a desire for law and order being pro-police violence.
A review of the facts (which has been done over and over here to no avail) tells us that racist police aren't the problem.
1. Blacks are arrested commensurate to the rate at which they commit crimes.
2. Blacks commit crimes at 3 times the rate of their share of the population.
3. Blacks are shot by police at 2.5 times the rate of their share of the population.
4. Out of every 10,000 blacks arrested, three are killed by police.
5. Out of every 10,000 whites arrested, four are killed by police.
6. Blacks kill police at 3 times the rate of their share of the population.
In short, blacks are overrepresented in the population killed by police because they are overrepresented in the population of criminals.
Defunding the police will not change this. It will make it worse.
When police backed off after the Ferguson riots, the black murder rate increased 25% over the next two years. An extra 2,000 blacks were killed by other blacks.
Now we are about to do it again, only on a grander scale. The result is going to be mayhem and death in black America. It's also going to mean the end of gentrification, as whites once again are going to be forced out of the cities rather than abide higher crime rates.
America is a stupid, vain country that has decided to blame those charged with enforcing the law for the actions of those who break the law. A society that lives by lies deserves what it gets. And we're going to get it good and hard.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Anonymous said...
It's not poverty. The poorest whites have a lower murder rate than the richest blacks.
9:12 PM
If you have a source for this claim, post it, otherwise you made it up.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"Note - 37% is a long way shy of "over 75%""
It's also three times higher than black's share of the general population".
Get it yet?
dinthebeast said...
"If this spasm of action elects Democrats in November, perhaps something might be done about institutional racism."
Democrats already run every big-city police department in the nation, areas that account for over 95% of fatal police encounters by black people.
How is any of this on Republicans?
In Minneapolis, blacks make up well over 70% of all the suspects for violent crimes, but only 69% of the arrests for violent crime. This means that black Americans in Minneapolis are statistically under-policed in the city, not over-policed.
This is consistently true for many other cities throughout the country. In the city of Chicago, black Americans make up almost 90% of all of the gun homicides, yet only account for just over 70% of the arrests for gun homicides.
"Pro-police violence lobby"? That phrase is ambiguous. Does it mean a lobby that's for police violence? Or does it mean a violence lobby that's for the police?
I see similar ambiguity in "anti-voter fraud group" and "anti-sex harassment force". Is the first a group that's against voter fraud, or a fraud group that's against voters? Is the second a force that's against sex harassment? Or is it a harassment force that's against sex?
I recommend using a second hyphen to clarify meaning. Like this:
Pro-police-violence lobby
Pro-police violence-lobby
anti-voter-fraud group
anti-voter fraud-group
anti-sex-harassment force
anti-sex harassment-force
The fucking despicable pig who murdered Rayshard Brooks knew the goddamn taser had been discharged twice already and thus couldn't work again. After shooting him twice in the back, he yawped "I got him!" and instead of getting medical help he kicked him in the head.
He's been charged with felony murder, and if there is any justice left in this country, he'll do hard time for it. As a pig who murdered an unarmed black man on camera, so that should be fun for him.
This being the country that it is right now, I'd put the odds of him being convicted of even manslaughter at less than 50-50.
That is something that needs to change, but can we please get to the real point that what that is is secondary and what needs to happen is the goddamn pigs have to stop killing people for no goddamn reason.
Then they won't need to worry about being convicted.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Two weeks ago, the District Attorney in Atlanta who's currently charging Officer Garrett Rolfe in the Rayshard Brooks case charged police officers with aggravated assault for using a taser on protesters.
"A taser is considered a deadly weapon under Georgia law"
Jay Smooth on why we need to burn the lifeboats:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
There does seem to be a bandwagon effect. After all, even one of the president's handlers came up with this idea of an executive order on police reform. Sorry Charlie, Trump is still the KKK president.
And Doug is right. If we don't throw this clown out on his ass in November, all bets are off. Trump is salivating for a clampdown. He may build concentration camps during his second term. Perhaps he will attempt to wall off sanctuary cities and create Nazi era ghettos. If people vote for the demon, then obviously their hearts were not committed to the cause.
I say take heart friends. Two things are happening today. Due to the corona virus lockdown many working people have had more time to be who they really are. The lucky ones have been freed from the rat race of getting up at 6:00 to do battle on the freeways for an hour before showing up tired and lifeless to their inefficient jobs. Working from home or even being furloughed has no doubt brought a fresh perspective to many. Gen X-ers and Millenia may have room to breathe and time to think for the first time in ten or twenty years. The treadmill of kids, commuting and gainful employment along with other day-to-day cares such as housekeeping, socialization, personal time and various pursuits can consume entirely a person's consciousness and available energy and time, leaving them in a constant state of exhaustion. Hopefully these members of our society are much refreshed and poised to become better persons.
The other thing as someone mentioned is youth. They are the great hope. The youth in the 1960s and 1970s changed the world. Maybe it's time to do it again.
Nobody but Trump could have got us all to cheer John Bolton, the ultimate John Birch reactionary.
That didn't take long:
The House Judiciary Democrats passed their bill out of committee that nationalizes state and local police forces. The bill is expected to pass the House next week.
What do think of that, Dougie? A national police force. The Feds in charge of every community in America. Just think of the possibilities.
"If you haven’t seen Mount Rushmore, you'd better hurry."
Now wait, I thought you were going to tear down the King memorial. Make up your minds guys.
"The House Judiciary Democrats passed their bill out of committee that nationalizes state and local police forces. The bill is expected to pass the House next week."
Got a link to the bill's text? Not that I doubt the veracity of your post.
"Note - 37% is a long way shy of "over 75%"
Racists don't understand statistics.
"What do think of that, Dougie?"
I think it sounds a lot like Thelton Henderson repeatedly threatening to throw the entire OPD into receivership because they kept refusing to follow his mandated reform orders. It was an extreme measure brought on by the utter refusal of OPD to behave in a legally mandated manner.
If the cops wanted a less draconian solution, they could have stopped murdering people.
They still could.
Do you think they will?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
The underlying theme of all these stories about Trump is that he has very little power even inside the White House - few of the things he's supposedly dismissive of ever get dismissed - yet nobody asks who actually has the power.
If Trump is forced to deal with 'appointees' who are able to constantly override him and coordinate policy in a direction he never campaigned on (in a direction never even discussed in public!), then it's likely something similar has been true for past Presidents as well.
Obama never stopped the war machine, in fact he expanded it. He never closed Gitmo. He never gave us those "shovel-ready" jobs.
Bush campaigned on ending nation building wars, but wound up being defined by his nation-building wars.
Clinton was going to expand the welfare state, but wound up declaring the "era of big government is over".
Who is running things?
PilotX said...
"Note - 37% is a long way shy of "over 75%"
Racists don't understand statistics..
Obviously neither do Affirmative Action airline pilots.
Here We Go @ 1:42 AM
Source please? In the blogosphere, italics generally designates a direct quote.
Nationalize? National Police Force?
I realize that this idiocy is not of your own construction, but honestly WTF?
Apparently the author is taking a cue from Iraq or Venezuela nationalizing oil production, which BTW was not such a bad idea.
Hey genius. The federal government has the power to pass federal laws which can regulate allowable behavior on a national level.
Maybe you crazy fucks would like to dissolve the Union? They tried that about one hundred years before I was born. We'll do it again, asshole. We're Americans.
Maybe you crazy fucks would like to dissolve the Union? They tried that about one hundred years before I was born. We'll do it again, asshole. We're Americans
Sounds like the Mafia. Once you're in, there's no way out.
You'll kill anyone who tries to leave. Won't even give them reservations.
Some country you've got there.
"Nobody but Trump could have got us all to cheer John Bolton, the ultimate John Birch reactionary."
"The Mustache Who Didn't Get His Wars: A Memoir Of Sadness And Betrayal"
"'Suddenly, it'll be glaringly obvious who the "pro-police violence lobby" are.'
It's a false equivalency to call a desire for law and order being pro-police violence.
A review of the facts (which has been done over and over here to no avail) tells us that racist police aren't the problem.
1. Blacks are arrested commensurate to the rate at which they commit crimes.
2. Blacks commit crimes at 3 times the rate of their share of the population.
3. Blacks are shot by police at 2.5 times the rate of their share of the population.
4. Out of every 10,000 blacks arrested, three are killed by police.
5. Out of every 10,000 whites arrested, four are killed by police.
6. Blacks kill police at 3 times the rate of their share of the population.
In short, blacks are overrepresented in the population killed by police because they are overrepresented in the population of criminals.
Defunding the police will not change this. It will make it worse."
They won't merely oppose "defunding" the police. They will oppose ANY meaningful form of police reform. Like you, they will pretend that, actually, there is no police brutality problem, the cops are all wonderful heroes, so no reform necessary.
Which is, in fact, the "pro-police violence" position. They just won't admit to that.
"Sounds like the Mafia. Once you're in, there's no way out."
There's a way out. It's called immigration. Find another country that suits you better. Then fuck off and move there.
NYT Best Seller List said...
"The Mustache Who Didn't Get His Wars: A Memoir Of Sadness And Betrayal"
"In June 2019, Iran had shot down an unmanned American drone, and Bolton, who has always championed what he proudly calls “disproportionate response,” pushed Trump to approve a series of military strikes in retaliation. You can sense Bolton’s excitement when he describes going home “at about 5:30” for a change of clothes because he expected to be at the White House “all night.” It’s therefore an awful shock when Trump decided to call off the strikes at the very last minute, after learning they would kill as many as 150 people. “Too many body bags,” Trump told him. “Not proportionate.”
Bolton still seems incensed at this unexpected display of caution and humanity on the part of Trump, deeming it “the most irrational thing I ever witnessed any President do.”
How will Trump recover from this? LOL.
"there is no police brutality problem, the cops are all wonderful heroes, so no reform necessary."
Police brutality is always a problem, we all have encountered asshole cops, and reform is needed.
The numbers prove that there is not a racism problem, but there is a black crime problem.
But we're all going to pretend differently, because that's easier in the short term.
Let it burn.
Fantastic Negrito and 1,000 Mothers team up with the East Bay Dragons to turn a Lead Belly song into a statement about the impact of young black men lost to police violence:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"a statement about the impact of young black men lost to police violence:"
Wait...what?! I'm sorry, I have to check what Anon @9:12 PM said here. That is a flat out lie.
Carry on.
Why do black folks dial 911 so much and ask for police assistance????
Imagine an unarmed untrained social worker going to a black domestic in a housing project or other ghetto area........imagine what is going to happen.......do you want that job.......
This is likely to cost Buffalo taxpayers mucho dinero.
George Floyd's resisting arrest amounted to his falling to the ground because he is claustrophobic and did not want to sit in the backseat. He was 6 feet seven inches tall. Pigs laid on his neck and back for over three minutes after he died.
"Obviously neither do Affirmative Action airline pilots."
So the thousands of white pilots hired before me don't understand statistics? I believe that.
trump takes another L.
So much losing😂
Imagine an unarmed untrained social worker going to a black domestic in a housing project or other ghetto area..
Imagine the colors being reversed. How long before the pigs would show up and harass, or worse, the black social worker for not being the prescribed color?
Anonymous said...
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"Note - 37% is a long way shy of "over 75%""
It's also three times higher than black's share of the general population".
Get it yet?
12:55 AM
I got it a long time ago, smarty. But you are lying with data just as you lie when you claim data are statistics. A correct statement would be Per capita, Blacks commit three many times as many crimes as white people. Saying that Blacks commit 75% if the crimes over all is a false statement and you have been saying this consistently.
Anonymous 13 do 37 said...
PilotX said...
"Note - 37% is a long way shy of "over 75%"
Racists don't understand statistics..
Obviously neither do Affirmative Action airline pilots.
1:59 AM
"Well you certainly don;t," said the woman who use statistics during her research for more than twenty years.
"Imagine an unarmed untrained social worker going to a black domestic in a housing project or other ghetto area.."
And herein lies the problem. Certain people assume the worst about an area and the people living there. The president is also one of these people "you can't walk down the street without getting shot". Ignorance like this leads to a tendency to be overly aggressive. This is a direct result of dehumanization.
"trump takes another L.
Yup. Nazi boys will be having a cry today. Trump's not allowed to shut down DACA.
Uh oh.
"Uh oh.
Uh oh is right. I've been watching the infection numbers in places like Florida, Texas, and Arizona.
The wingnuts have fucked up royally. COVID Round Two is here. (Actually, really just a continuation of round one, which they failed to get under control, because Trump said it was just the flu, no big deal, don't worry.)
The unofficial state motto of Florida: "If I get Corona, I get Corona."
"Saying that Blacks commit 75% if the crimes over all is a false statement and you have been saying this consistently."
One anon stated that statistic.
I have consistently cited BJS statistics that show blacks commit about 40% of violent crimes, which is three times their share of the total population.
That's plenty enough crime to account for their share of arrests, convictions, and fatal encounters with police.
Wasicu wastey in Colorado decided the thing to do is shoot 2 people over dog poo. Now he is charged with murder.
Neither victim was minority. What does this senseless killing say about whitey culture?
Okay, this is ridiculous even for Trump. I laugh a lot at impressions of Trump from Alec Baldwin and JL Cauvin. But, as good as those guys are at mocking him, Trump is truly beyond parody. Nobody can out-dumbass the real President Dumbass.
The following is an actual, real quote:
"I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous. It’s actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it." - Trump to WSJ
I am facepalming so incredibly hard right now.
Wow, two sane supreme court decisions in a row (three, really, if you count guns), I wonder what kind of fuckery they have up their sleeves?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
There you go said...
Maybe you crazy fucks would like to dissolve the Union? They tried that about one hundred years before I was born. We'll do it again, asshole. We're Americans
Sounds like the Mafia. Once you're in, there's no way out.
You'll kill anyone who tries to leave. Won't even give them reservations.
Some country you've got there.
2:34 AM
Not hardly the Mafia. All the states in the union joined voluntarily. No one forced them to do this. If some states want to secede, they should call for a national referendum to decide the matter. Currently, I don't see any call for that. In the meantime if a few people want to leave the country, there is nothing stopping them.
Anonymous said...
Why do black folks dial 911 so much and ask for police assistance????
9:06 AM
I don't know. Why don't you look it up on Google? You do have Google, don't you?
Anonymous said...
Imagine an unarmed untrained social worker going to a black domestic in a housing project or other ghetto area........imagine what is going to happen.......do you want that job.......
9:08 AM
No, I can't imagine that. But I can imagine a well-trained social worker attending black churches and other community gatherings so he/she can get to know his/her constituents in a neutral or friendly setting. If the program is structured correctly, it has the potential to be successful.
13 do 37 said...
"Saying that Blacks commit 75% if the crimes over all is a false statement and you have been saying this consistently."
One anon stated that statistic.
I have consistently cited BJS statistics that show blacks commit about 40% of violent crimes, which is three times their share of the total population.
That's plenty enough crime to account for their share of arrests, convictions, and fatal encounters with police.
1:01 PM
There are many ways to consider this question. First the data we have covers arrests, not convictions and/or guilty pleas, so arrests may or may not be an accurate measure when comparing Black vs white chime. Second, how accurate is the data over all. It may or may not be accurate. Garbage, garbage out is a warning that researchers often have to deal with. Third, How many violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders? There seems no way to determine this from most data bases. In other words about eight percent of all offenders commit most of the crime.
I've not been able to find a racial break down on this. If you know of one, please post the web address for me. Thanks.
field negro said...
Wait...what?! I'm sorry, I have to check what Anon @9:12 PM said here. That is a flat out lie.
Carry on.
No Field, it is true that the poorest whites have a lower murder rate than the richest blacks.
This Federal Reserve Bank of New York study is a little dated, but provides an analysis of murder rates by both race and income over a 30 year period from 1966 to 1995:
Refer to Table 6 on page 93.
There is a strong correspondence between median family income and homicide rates in the early part of the sample. The poorest white neighborhoods experienced murder rates ten times greater than the richest white neighborhoods; for blacks, the corresponding ratio was almost twenty to one. It is striking, however, that the link between income and homicide weakened substantially over time. For whites, homicide rates were unrelated to income in the 1986-95 period. In fact, the very lowest homicide rates were reported in the poorest white neighborhoods. For blacks, the pattern was less pronounced. The worst black neighborhoods experienced higher homicide rates in later years, but the rise in homicides in these neighborhoods was much smaller than the proportionate increase in the richer black neighborhoods. Murder rates in the 75th to 90th income percentile more than quadrupled for blacks; rates for the highest 10 percent of blacks more than doubled.
A more recent and quite thorough analysis from 2015 based on the CDC mortality data by county (2004-2013) and cross-referenced that with the Census ACS data by county (2010) can be found here:
Some of the conclusions of this analysis follow:
Race is a strong predictor of homicide rates at a county level. It predicts better than the poverty rate, median household income, racial segregation, income segregation, education rates, and so on and so forth. The single-motherhood rate is a close second though.
Race remains an exceptionally strong predictor and this cannot be explained plausibly by racism/bias in reporting, prosecution, etc because this measure (which is derived from coroner reports) removes that sort of thing from the equation entirely.
The black homicide rate is about 10 times higher than the white rate. It has been this way for quite some time (i.e., even as the rates have changed the differences themselves have remained fairly stable).
At any given income level the rate of single-motherhood is much higher in the black community. This is clearly not just a phenomenon having to do with income levels. Nor is it well explained by poverty rates.
Although the single-motherhood rate is a strong predictor with the racially-aggregated (combined) data, the picture is more complicated when trying to predict homicides for each group in the disaggregated data. The effects seem to be the larger for blacks, followed by non-hispanic whites, followed distantly by latinos.
Even poor “white” counties have homicide rates quite a bit lower than affluent “black” counties with low poverty rates.
It’s also worth noting that the hispanic poverty concentration is pretty similar to blacks and yet their homicide rates are much lower (even controlling for poverty rates).
It's a very exhaustive study and worth a look.
Carry on.
drumpf body count still climbing...
Some hoax.
You realize the majority of CDC numbers you threw out there are suicides, right PilotX?
"You realize the majority of CDC numbers you threw out there are suicides, right PilotX?"
White on white crime?
Don't forget accidents.
Apparently, the Proud Republican and Trump-supporting town of Bethel, Ohio has decided to start a new "fad": Pro-White Racism!
Videos show Bethel anti-BLM demonstrators using racial slurs, intimidating protesters
Hundreds of armed counter-protesters confront Black Lives Matter rally in Ohio
I suspected fuckery and here it is (h/t:Susie Madrak):
I read from one lawyer that a consequence of this narrow decision will be to make it harder for Biden to reverse any regulatory changes Trump made that haven’t yet been enjoined. (labor and environmental areas.) Says he’s sure Roberts is aware of that effect.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
New hero for me in Congress disses douchebag Matt Gaetz like a sushi chef dismantling raw fishies to eat.
Gentleman in San Fran was chalking BLM on his retaining wall when Snowflake Karen an Snowflake Ken doll decided he didn't have the right to deface property of the guy who lives there (him).
Fucking wasicus need to learn manners and the law.
Your lucky day, pig lovers. You get to see pigs kill another civilian with mental problems. They kneeled on his head with his face pushed into the ground until he was unconscious. He died a few days later and his death was ruled a homicide, b ut, ....
"read from one lawyer that a consequence of this narrow decision will be to make it harder for Biden to reverse any regulatory changes Trump made that haven’t yet been enjoined. (labor and environmental areas.)"
Of course.😖
"has decided to start a new "fad": Pro-White Racism!"
This one picture sums up America:
46 million new unemployment claims in 13 weeks lends credence to the allegations drumpf's economy is roaring back...NOT!
This one picture sums up America:
There's something unsustainable about an environment that demands constant atonement but actively disdains the very idea of forgiveness
One pic that sums up whitey 'murrica....
Notice how pig does not have all his weight on right foot.
Orlando Sentinel discontinues arrest mugshots database because too many are black:
As did the Tampa Bay Times:
As are local news stations:
Ditto for the Houston Chronicle and Scripps Media
drumpf's boondoggle 12 billion dollar wall will cost well over 50 billion wasted bucks and still won't be finished.
And mexico still ain't paying for it.
Mugshot databases had no context to go with mugshots so all you could see was the pic and no details. Best you reradf the article for the whole context of why they were stopped.
They were stopped to prevent "reinforcing stereotypes" because they were overwhelmingly black.
We’ve come to realize that without context, the galleries have little journalistic value and may have reinforced negative stereotypes.
The truth left out the context again. That is why I am here to keep false narratives out of here and provide the proper context to racist postings.
It makes me feel better knowing the statues are gone or going soon, and I'm not even black.
Gambler2 : Confederate war memorials :: Taliban : Bamiyan Buddhas
My question has always been: Why are we honoring traitors that took up arms against our country to preserve slavery? Slavery is abhorrent.
They didn't go to war to preserve slavery. They wanted OUT of a Union which was bent on taxing them to death with confiscatory tariffs on things they needed (the South was the source of most Federal funds, which were largely spent in the North). And indeed, that's why things kicked off at Ft. Sumpter, a Union tariff-collection outpost.
Many of these men fought well, and the statues honoring them were part of the deal of reconciliation between the two sides... the deal on which you are now reneging.
Communists always erase the past so as to better control the future.
The truth left out the context again.
The context is they are criminals.
The purpose of no longer publishing them is so they can lie to you about who is committing crimes.
"Communists always erase the past so as to better control the future."
If history magically disappears because a statue moves then the space/time continuum is in worse shape that we thought. I personally haven't forgotten any history lessons due to monument movement.🤔
From Taegan Goddard:
Susan Hennessey: “One interesting wrinkle for the government is that in order to claim elements of Bolton’s book are classified, the government must admit the information in question is true. There’s no such thing as a classified lie.”
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Pretty weak argument.
Looks like Trump has decided to go all Blue Lives Matter over the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks. He seems to have adopted the position (very popular with racists) that if you resist arrest, the cop has the automatic right to kill you, even if deadly force isn't actually necessary to carry out the arrest or to protect the cop's own life:
“You can’t resist a police officer, and if you have a disagreement, you have to take it up after the fact,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “It was out of control – the whole situation was out of control.”
Trump said police had been treated unfairly in the US.
He said: “It’s up to justice right now. It’s going to be up to justice. I hope he [Rolfe] gets a fair shake, because police have not been treated fairly in our country. But again, you can’t resist a police officer like that.”
Remember, guys, Trump says he is the bestest, bestest president for black people EVER!
"the government must admit the information in question is true."
In normal times that would be true but we're talking about trump.
"African-Americans are America's designated scapegoats, because it's easier to see someone's skin tint than their religion or their income."
That's your fantasy. In the real world, a white cop was just fired and charged with murder BEFORE completion of an investigation into the shooting of an armed and escaping prisoner WHO FIRED AT POLICE ON CAMERA... because the prisoner was black.
If you think you're scapegoats, You. Are. Insane.
"If you ask me, the central problem is that too many well-off white people do not want to devote the resources that would be necessary to fix the problems in the poorest parts of the black community and lift people out of poverty."
We've spent $trillions on "lifting people out of poverty", and it's done nothing. The USA spends over $10,000 per year in excess of taxes paid on the average African-in-America, and you think that's not enough. Well, we're fed up. It's time for YOU to do something about "poverty", like
1. studying in school instead of declaring it "acting white".
2. graduating from HS and getting a job.
3. not having children until you've accomplished 1. and 2.
But you always see it as SOMEONE ELSE'S JOB to deal with "poverty". No agency, no responsibilities, no duties. And we are FED UP.
PilotX said...
"If history magically disappears because a statue moves then the space/time continuum is in worse shape that we thought"
It's not just statues. It's history books being rewritten. It's research papers being pulled. It's academics being fired. It's crime reporting being censored. It's websites being shutdown. It's dissenting voices being deplatformed.
You may not forget what you know, but those who come behind you will know nothing else.
Who are the Facebook 'fact-checkers'?:
25% are Democratic Party donors, 0% Republican Party donors
50% are ex-CNN staff
100% have been certified by the Soros-funded Poynter Foundation
The stepmother of ex-Atlanta police officer Garret Rolf - Melissa Rolfe - was fired today from her HR manager job at Equity Prime Mortgage in Atlanta with little explanation. She was merely told "We have to terminate our relationship with you".
In totalitarian societies, there are no individual dissidents; they burn your whole family and anyone related to you.
Great Trump campaign ad:
Does anyone have any insights into how America can remedy the horrifying scourge of white supremacist violence against docile, submissive blacks?
"Every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”- '1984,' George Orwell
Racism is learned
Asst. Sec of State resigns because trump is a racist. Geez, and you're JUST NOW figuring this out?😡
So Facebook has pulled a Fergus ad for violating it's rules against organized hate.
Let that one sink in, Too hatey for fucking Facebook? How can that be?
Well, kinda like this:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Is trump going to issue a cease and desist letter and threaten to sue Fox?😆 12 point deficit.
dinthebeast said...
"So Facebook has pulled a Fergus ad for violating it's rules against organized hate"
The ad criticized Antifa violence. Nothing in it wasn't true.
Antifa are the shock troops of the left.
Facebook is engaging in election interference.
Only the weak demand equality.
At some point the only conclusion you can draw is that the problem for these "racial justice" advocates is not any particular action of White people. It's simply the fact that we exist. And this kind of complaint is growing more common and more petty. Not less. Again, how can we live together as one people under one law, when the very existence of one group is considered a problem by the other?
At some point the only conclusion you can draw is that the problem for these "racial justice" advocates is not any particular action of White people. It's simply the fact that we exist.
If anybody gives you grief about being a white dewd, you just send 'em to me and I'll stick up for you, buddy. Actually there are indeed highly particular actions that bring about this response. These types of criminal and aberrant behaviors are being called out daily. Shooting a fleeing suspect in the back by police, for instance. Suffocating a person who is pleading for their life while they are in police custody. That's pretty bad, wouldn't you agree?
Again, how can we live together as one people under one law, when the very existence of one group is considered a problem by the other?
That sounds like you're talking about poor and marginalized people without any good job prospects or perhaps broken and desperate immigrants and refugees with nowhere else to go that cross our borders. Impoverished white people far from the good jobs of the big cities or even for that matter vibrant economy. The ranks of the unemployed or the homeless. Those who look different than us... People with skin that is darker than ours.
But you're talking about being persecuted as a white person?!?
Yer gonna have to do better than that.
"Asst. Sec of State resigns because trump is a racist. Geez, and you're JUST NOW figuring this out?😡"
Maybe she just now learned that she is black?
Seriously, though, it's hard to understand black Trump fans. Much as it would be hard to understand gay Mike Pence fans.
Pence probably is gay. You know how gay wingnuts pretend to be homophobic until they get outed.
Here is the truth about Facebook's fact checkers and they include Tuckee Fucker Carlson's Daily Liar..er...Caller.
Maybe this got her sorry racist ass fired, do you think?
It was not immediately clear what exactly Melissa Rolfe said or did to warrant the termination, but she appeared to refer to her son’s case as “non-sense," according to a message posted by Georgia congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene.
In the post, Melissa Rolfe also allegedly says she agrees "100%" with Greene, and has "heard how" she feels on"many topics." Republicans have distanced themselves from Greene in recent days, condemning her for a string of "racist" video posts.
Once a racist always a wingnut.
"Only the weak demand equality."
Because real tough guys post anonymously. 🙄
TRUMP 2020!!
Provocative post, Field. I'm skeptical not only because of American faddishness but because the outbreak of anti-racist consciousness comes on the heels of several other discontent-creating events: the virus, resulting unemployment (read: enforced idleness), savagery from the Trump administration that has wound the clock back to clip all manner of popular social programs and threatens, even now, to undo the Affordable Care Act. It's easy to push people off the couch who are already in a bad mood.
"she appeared to refer to her son’s case as “non-sense," according to a message posted by Georgia congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene."
A mother might have expressed agreement with someone who thinks her son is innocent until proven guilty.
Of course that's grounds for firing her.
Once a wingnut always a racist.
No one is addressing the question of why African-Americans are so astonishingly homicidal: The Obama Administration reported that blacks are 7.6 times as likely as whites to be homicide offenders, while a Penn State reanalysis came up with 11.7 times worse.
In any case, African Americans are about an order of magnitude more homicidal than whites.
What will happen to America’s big blue cities when The Establishment switches sides from the cops to the blacks? Our elites appear intent on trying that experiment once again. The earlier period in which the influential sided with blacks over cops, from the end of the Kennedy Era to the end of the Carter Era, saw the murder rate double nationally, destroying many American cities.
Black Anger is how Establishment Whites get their way politically. The Establishment Media's constant anti-white propaganda creates a desire for revenge. For the past decade the Establishment Media has ramped up their campaign of sowing seeds of hatred in blacks which naturally leads to a frenzy of violence.
Hollywood produces revenge porn (e.g Django Unchained) that rationalizes this violence. Audiences cheered as the murder of the evil whites because, you know, they were all racists basically. And if black people think most white people who don't actively join forces with blacks are racists, you can sort of see the message it sends.
When you financially incentivize the destruction of the black family, lower standards of behavior and education, and otherwise coddle bad behavior while propagandizing anti-white animus the results are predictable. Black violence is legitimized as an appropriate response to real or perceived slights from other groups.
Amplify and propagandize those slights while ignoring the larger context and sit back and watch the fireworks.
Establishment Whites encourage blacks to play the bad-ass, with little concern for consequences for their soldiers. The Woke Left ascribes no moral agency to black people, they are non-speaking actors in a theater production.
I gotta tell you trolls, you are so mobsessed with doings of blacks, you seem envious and jealous you weren't born black.
Every fucking day you trolls show up and bray to the world how much you envy blacks while hating them at the same time. You are mentally ill and psychotic.
Go infest a klan website or some wasicu wastey militia group and get yer hate group ya-yas on.
cuck from iowa said...
"I gotta tell you trolls, you are so mobsessed with doings of blacks, you seem envious and jealous you weren't born black."
This guy says this about anyone else?
What we are witnessing is the Bolshevization of America. This is a violent, State-backed Jewish-led cultural revolution. The degenerate children of the elite are slumming it with lumpenproles to destroy all symbols of the previous civilization.
"The degenerate children of the elite are slumming it with lumpenproles to destroy all symbols of the previous civilization."
Agreed, Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr. have no place in government.
Antifa terrorists just knocked down a statue of George Washington in Portland and lit an American Flag on Fire on top of it.
If that's not a declaration of Treason I dunno what is.
Vermont school principal in 100% white district fired for Facebook post not supporting BLM with enough enthusiasm:
“I firmly believe that Black Lives Matter, but I DO NOT agree with the coercive measures taken to get to this point across; some of which are falsified in an attempt to prove a point. While I want to get behind BLM, I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race. While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? What about all others who advocate for and demand equity for all? Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist."
"If that's not a declaration of Treason I dunno what is."
Um, actual declarations of treason by the confederate states whose leaders still have statues?
"While I want to get behind BLM, I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race."
Sometimes the best option in a moment is to just STFU. I know that's difficult for conservative white males but not everyone needs to know your fucking opinion on every single topic 24/7. Well, he gon learn today.
All you Black folks you must go
All you Mexicans you must go
All you poor folks you must go
Muslims and gays/boy we hate your ways
So all you bad folks you must go
"The degenerate children of the elite are slumming it with lumpenproles to destroy all symbols of the previous civilization."
That is actually a pretty apt description of the Trump administration. If I had to explain the catastrophe of America's president political situation to puzzled foreigners, that's pretty much how I'd do it.
Trumpsim: Unethical wealthy real estate developer manipulates the ignorant racial resentments of Mountain Dew hillbilly simpletons for personal gain.
"Mr. President, why do you keep hiring people that you believe are wackos and liars?" Reid shouted at the end of a White House roundtable, to no response from Trump.
That one's easy, Paula, because he's a Republican.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Covid-19 is a ruse for NWO.....
Only Communists and Totalitarian types erase history by tearing down statues and historical items.....
"Only Communists and Totalitarian types erase history by tearing down statues and historical items....."
So history is erased when a statue comes down? How exactly does that work?Do people start disappearing like in Back to the Future?
In fact,Fergus wouldn't lose so often if he hired competent people. He didn't lose DACA yesterday on the merits, the merits weren't even considered. He lost because his team is incompetent at administrative law.
If one were to try and summarize the job of president of the United States in two words, "administrative law" might be the closest one could get, and he and his felons are really bad at it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Um, actual declarations of treason by the confederate states whose leaders still have statues?
The Confederates never destroyed any symbols of the the country's founders.
"Sometimes the best option in a moment is to just STFU.
Okay, Stalin.
So history is erased when a statue comes down? How exactly does that work?Do people start disappearing like in Back to the Future?
You're so cute when you act dumb.
Anonymous said....
"They didn't go to war to preserve slavery. They wanted OUT of a Union which was bent on taxing them to death with confiscatory tariffs on things they needed (the South was the source of most Federal funds, which were largely spent in the North). And indeed, that's why things kicked off at Ft. Sumpter, a Union tariff-collection outpost.
Many of these men fought well, and the statues honoring them were part of the deal of reconciliation between the two sides... the deal on which you are now reneging."
8:42 PM
I think you are in error. Most of the statues being torn down were erected in the 20th century to intimidate the black population and to push a revisionist history of the Civil War.
If you wish to learn more about the causes of the Civil War, ai have provided a website below that would be a good place to start. Have a nice day.
Causes, Costs and Consequences: The Economics of the American Civil War
by Roger Ransom https://www.essentialcivilwarcurriculum.com/the-economics-of-the-civil-war.html
Anonymous said...
Communists always erase the past so as to better control the future.
9:03 PM
They do? I haven't heard of that. Can you provide a link?
They do? I haven't heard of that. Can you provide a link?
4:17 PM
Google ISIS.
Whitey gets bitch slapped up alongside his cocksucker...again.
AT THE COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW, we capitalize Black, and not white, when referring to racial groups. Black is an ethnic designation; white merely describes the skin color of people who can, usually without much difficulty, trace their ethnic origins back to a handful of European countries.
Anonymous said...
Antifa terrorists just knocked down a statue of George Washington in Portland and lit an American Flag on Fire on top of it.
If that's not a declaration of Treason I dunno what is.
2:23 PM
It's obvious from this post that you don't know what treason is, so I will enlighten you.
Here is is straight form the United States Constitution verbatim:
"Article III Section 3. "Treason against the United State shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The congress shall have power to declare the punishment for treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attained."
I would think that you would agree that knocking down a statue of George Washington in Portland and lighting an American Flag on Fire on top of it doesn't fit the Constitutional definition of treason.
Only Communists and Totalitarian types erase history by tearing down statues and historical items.....
3:42 PM
Not true, Anon. Take a long look through the website listed below.
Seems toppling statues has been pretty popular for a long time among a lot of different peoples.
"Take a long look through the website listed below."
She won't. When have our anons ever been right? We were told Hillary and the Dems would be frogmarched by Marines. Still waiting on that.
Welp, we finally have a solution for all of our Colin Kaepernick-based culture clashes:
Ban the national anthem at sporting events. If there's no anthem, we don't have to have this fight over whether it is okay for athletes to disrespect it.
Problem solved.
Former U.S. coach Arena says national anthem in pro leagues is 'inappropriate'
Apple is closing its retail stores in Florida and Texas again because the wingnuts in charge of those states have fucked up spectacularly and now COVID-19 is raging out of control there.
Apple will close some stores again as coronavirus cases reappear
How long before other major companies start re-shuttering their businesses in infectious red states?
Sorry, wingnuts, but if you insist on pretending that COVID-19 is just the flu, and refuse to do government-imposed lockdowns, you'll end up with corporate-imposed lockdowns instead.
Sorry, my bad. It wasn't in Florida and Texas. It was in Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Arizona.
"and now COVID-19 is raging out of control"
No it's not, dear leader has it under control. He is even holding a corona party. Whoo hoo!
"'and now COVID-19 is raging out of control'
No it's not, dear leader has it under control. He is even holding a corona party. Whoo hoo!"
Yes, let Donald tell you all about his exciting rally in Tulsa.
P.S. Nothing would make me happier than if Donald Trump really did decide to publicly defend the honor of Aunt Jemima. Our country is already a dumb joke. Might as well make it a joke I can laugh at.
"Apple is closing its retail stores in Florida and Texas again because the wingnuts in charge of those states have fucked up spectacularly and now COVID-19 is raging out of control there."
Damn those Republicans and their George Floyd riots! They should have practiced social distancing while looting. What idiots!
FBI data: Blacks, who are only 13.4% of the population, comprised 54.9% of known murder offenders in the U.S. in 2018, indicating a per capita murder offender rate for blacks of 7.9 times that of the rest of the U.S. population.
Another drumpf body count milestone met and surpassed....
Trolls, who make up a majority of black hating racists using anon instead of names on this blog, are black hating racists with nothing better to do than troll black blogs.
drumpf is trying to suppress 1st amendment rights of protesters to protest in Tulsa by saying they will be met with violence by racist, white scumacysts wearing magat hats.
Every notable black person in American history is only notable for advocating for blacks. Literally the only thing they do is try to force people to give them shit.
The problem for America is that the blacks who make valuable achievements in things that are actually useful for society tend to be quiet and humble, while the rappers, ballers and grievance studies majors etc. tend to be loud whiners, ethnonarcissists and opportunistic race hustlers
Blacks have a stranglehold over this county, it's incredible. You literally can't blame them for anything. Blacks are now America's gods, the state religion. Not paying them fealty is like not worshipping the Emperor in Rome, with similar consequences.
The problem blacktivists have is only receiving rights and freedoms via white sacrifice and agreement, which destroys the White Supremacist narrative and reveals how fucking pathetic blacks are.
Its over 90F in Chicago........you know what that means.......
Anonymous said...
"'and now COVID-19 is raging out of control'
Total bullshit. ER are not over flowing the special Covid-19 tent s in most places were take down weeks ago, many were never used. Its a ruse from the left wing fake news to control you.
Look around, do you see people being taken out in body bags or EMT racing everywhere???
Its a NWO control mechanism. Wake up!!!
“Total bullshit. ER are not over flowing the special Covid-19 tent s in most places were take down weeks ago ...”
There is a time lag between infections spiking and people getting sick enough to go into hospital.
Don’t worry. In a few weeks, the ICUs will start filling up and then it will become obvious that the so-called “fake news” was, in fact, painfully real.
At which point, Trump will blame it all on BLM or Mexicans or China or something.
Any spike will be due to the riots.
Who are blacks protesting against? The military, most politicians, the churches, and every corporation is on their side. What great power are they rebelling against?
A word that starts with n and ends with r.
Nor, number, nadir, never, Niger, nipper, nobler, nutter, nuttier, nester, neater,
"Who are blacks protesting against? The military, most politicians, the churches, and every corporation is on their side. What great power are they rebelling against?"
The police. And, yes, a lot of pro-police politicians.
Because while many of them are currently giving lip service to stopping police brutality, they aren't actually against it. The proof is in what they do, not what they say.
If their solution to police brutality is "give the police a very sound scolding," then you know those politicians are not sincerely against police brutality, only pretending to be until the country's attention moves away from bad cops and on to another pressing social problem.
From Political Wire...
An intelligence report is warning law enforcement and public safety officials that a far-right extremist movement known as “boogaloo” may be setting its sights on the nation’s capital, Politico reports.
From the report: “The District is likely an attractive target for violent adherents of the boogaloo ideology due to the significant presence of US law enforcement entities, and the wide range of First Amendment-Protected events hosted here.”
Juneteenth History Minute said...
FBI data: Blacks, who are only 13.4% of the population, comprised 54.9% of known murder offenders in the U.S. in 2018, indicating a per capita murder offender rate for blacks of 7.9 times that of the rest of the U.S. population.
6:55 PM
What if some of the black offenders committed more than one murder, same for white offenders may have done? What does that do to your data?
Today, in "Republicans Are Trash" news:
Nebraska governor threatens to withhold coronavirus relief funds from counties that require masks
I hate the whole Ricketts family. Whether they're doing dumb shit in Chicago or dumb shit in Nebraska, they're all a bunch of bums.
Anonymous said...
Any spike will be due to the riots.
8:15 PM
NONE, June 20th was the cutoff date and no plague and dropping like flies. Its all bullshit to promote control mechanisms for New World Order.
"Because while many of them are currently giving lip service to stopping police brutality, they aren't actually against it."
Actually, I think there is a consensus that the militarization of the police has gone too far.
But that's not the problem they are going address. Instead, we are going to address the fake problem of systemic bias against blacks.
No one who isn't insane or stupid believes police are targeting blacks out of racism rather than this being a reflection of their astonishing criminality.
But our politicians are weak and feckless and are scared of the mob, so we will spend our efforts addressing a problem that doesn't exist.
And by so doing we will experience a sustained crime wave like we haven't seen for 30 years. Thousands of people will die, most of them black, who would not have.
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