I hope this letter finds you well. In fact, based on your Instagram posts, I know it will. Congratulations on your engagement, trips to Vegas, and margarita brunches. They sure look fun.
You’re someone who I once knew quite well, someone I would’ve called a close friend. We went to school together, and we used to work together. You used to stay at my house every weekend, where my Black family fed you, cared for you, and loved you like one of our own. You cried into my arms when your boyfriend dumped you and you were certain you would never love again. You confided in me about your mental health issues and thanked me when I helped you find a therapist. I remember the time I slept in your guest room after a fight with my parents, or when you stayed up all night to help me study for that AP exam, or when you held my hair after I got too sick in college.
We haven’t seen much of each other in recent years. It may seem out of the blue, then, that I’m writing to you, but I have a question I’m hoping you’ll answer: do you believe Black lives matter?
It seems like the sort of question a Black woman should not have to ask her friends, whether past or present. I would like to assume that anyone who was close to me would believe in the basic rights of Black people like myself. Yet, over the years, through all your Facebook and Instagram posts about CrossFit and Cabo San Lucas, I have noticed the distinct absence of any comments on the prolific murders of Black people in America. Not just noticed, felt. You have gone through the trouble of documenting each of your breakfasts, but you have never documented your outrage at the men and women who are lynched in the streets.
You may be thinking that by no means does your silence indicate a denial of my human right to exist. You may simply not like politics or reading the news, and think that participating in the discourse of the day is not fun. If this is the case, I envy you.
I envy your blind confidence, your total assurance that no matter the law, uprising, or murder, nothing in the news is worth speaking out on, as it will likely not impact your white life. What bliss it must be to be so sure of your place in the world.
Maybe, somehow, you forgot that I am Black. You did say that you don’t see color; you just prefer to date only white guys. You said I don’t act like what you believe Black people act like; I speak so eloquently, I love indie music, I read Jane Austen. But I will remind you now that I am Black. That my family is. That my grandparents were terrorized in their own hometowns. That my ancestors picked cotton until blood ran red from their fingers. That people who look like me lived and died against their will to make life easier for people like you. Their lives did not matter in America. They were three-fifths a man. They were commodities. They were disposable. So do you think I am disposable, too? Is that why you will not say Black lives matter?
You may be thinking that I’ve gotten too radical. Maybe you miss the old me, the one who went along with your jokes. The one who you used to call Collardgreenisha and LaQuesha because you saw those names in a YouTube video and thought they were funny, even though she asked you to stop. The one whose skin you loved to touch and whose ass you would grope under her clothes even when she would pull away. The one who you said the n-word in front of that one time by accident, but she totally forgave you, right? You must have gotten sick of this new me, who is always posting about politics. This new me doesn’t go along with the jokes. She’s no fun. It is no fun to stand for Black lives.
I am fine with us not being friends anymore, truly; being friends with someone who denies Blackness is exhausting. I am happy to no longer be your Black doll, posable and able to fit into your white life, and tossed to the bottom of your toy bin when you got bored. Have you heard of James Baldwin? He wrote, “the white world is too powerful, too complacent, too ready with gratuitous humiliation, and, above all, too ignorant and too innocent.” He was right. Therefore, this letter is not an invitation for friendship. This letter is a request. This letter is a plea. This letter is a tombstone.
We will never be friends again, but I am certain you will meet more Black people. I am certain you know them now. They may seem to be fine. They may smile. They may still comment on your posts. They may still be coming to Zoom brunch next week.
But they are a placid sea concealing a riptide. They are infected with a terror, anger, and numbness that can only be contracted from the experience of being Black in America. They hear your silence. They hear that you have not said that you believe their lives matter. They are not fine.
But they are a placid sea concealing a riptide. They are infected with a terror, anger, and numbness that can only be contracted from the experience of being Black in America. They hear your silence. They hear that you have not said that you believe their lives matter. They are not fine.
Writing this letter makes me angry. I’m angry that you, who had as much choice in your birth, appearance, and hair texture as I did, will never have to write a letter like this. You will never question if your life matters. You will never wonder what it would be like to meet someone who still, decades later, believes you are really only three-fifths of a person. You will never know the terror of getting a phone call that your brother was harassed by the police in front of your childhood home. You will never feel the humiliation of being called the n-word on your morning subway commute.
But I am not allowed to be angry here. Not in America. I must be calm instead—otherwise I will scare you, and you may call the police.
You may never say Black lives matter. Maybe it is for the reasons I have already said, or maybe it is because, deep inside of you, in places you do not dare to acknowledge, you do not truly believe Black lives matter. Even still, I will not let my heart harden to you, although I want to. I want to let it crystalize with rage, to let it toughen into something impenetrable. But I must let my heart be permeable and transparent—not for your sake, but mine. I will let my inherent need and desire to be acknowledged and be seen by all. I will allow a vulnerability that is only possible when my heart is free of parasitic hatred. And I will know, with blind assurance, that I matter. That we matter.
It is with that that I once again ask you: will you say Black lives matter?
Your Former Black Friend" [Link]
Powerful stuff. But if you really want to understand and relate to our struggle, you have to try to understand this letter.
Stay safe everybody.
1 – 200 of 238 Newer› Newest»All Lives Matter.
It's sad when people become convinced that they continue to be the victims of collective injustice when in truth they are not. They are told lies by people who want to manipulate them and profit by their misery. These lies keep them them afraid and angry for someone else's benefit.
True justice will come when the deceivers pay for their lies.
The 2011 report by the Obama administration’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980–2008, is enlightening:
Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders…. The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000).
From 1980 to 2008, blacks were 7.6 times as likely to be homicide offenders as whites, which, remarkably, is almost as large a ratio as males to females (8.9 times). Comprising only about 13 percent of the U.S. population, African-Americans accounted for 52.5 percent of homicide offenders.
These are shocking statistics, some of the most extraordinary gaps in all the social sciences.
And they might even be understating the true black-white ratio because the federal statistics lump most Hispanics in with whites. Moreover, murderers are tracked down less often in black cities than in white suburbs because, as they say, snitches get stitches: For example, about a dozen witnesses were murdered per year in South Central Los Angeles in the early 2000s.
A 2011 Penn State study estimated the true black-to-white homicide ratio to be 11.7 to 1.
Yet virtually nobody has mentioned this reality in the mainstream media in weeks or perhaps years.
Society’s most treasured faith has become that blacks must be as law-abiding as everybody else is on average. So, the only explanation allowed for why they don’t act that way is because White People Are Bad.
The logic of this centrist creed implies that, therefore, steps must be taken to Abolish Whiteness.
Granted, these steps should be Largely Peaceful, of course. But if the victims of your 401 years of racism get a little worked up while taking their just desserts, who can blame them?
Not the prestige press, that’s for sure…
This argument is not too likely to win many converts.
Most people don’t exactly respond well to demands that it is their duty to fix social problems not of their own personal making. Presumably, her friend is not a police officer and had nothing to do with the way our police forces in America were created and structured.
The “former white friend” is unlikely to want to help in any event, since she sounds a bit racist herself. But even if she weren’t, appealing to her empathy would be the way to inspire her to get involved, rather than some kind of guilt trip. It’s also necessary to provide practical suggestions for fixing police brutality without gutting the effectiveness of police work and triggering a violent crime wave, because fears of the latter are a major stumbling block to achieving support for police reform.
Just saying.
America is some kind of guilt trip.
Powerful letter, Field. WOW!
You can bore the shit out of me with B v W stats just as soon as whitey gets harrassed every day by pigs no matter what whitey be doing. When, as a matter of routine pig patrols, whitey gets thrown to the ground and handcuffed, tased and likely shot because the pig was afraid for his life, then come talk to me. Whitey don't know what whitey don't know. Whitey couldn't make it as a repressed minority if they were treated the same as people of color.
Another stellar day for drumpf's body count....
Another thousand bodies and another drumpf milestone met and exceeded.
Police work is so exhausting when protesters protest.
Deconstruction of America is almost complete:
It's going to a wild ride for everyone.
Whitey pigs in above video vastly over-represent the % of white cops in Chicago, while, at the same time, black officers are vastly under-represented as a % of the force.
Every day’s an IQ test kids, and if you’re pulling down a statue, maybe don’t stand under it.
If you are white and believe that you understand what it's like to be black in America, I suggest you spend a year, like I did, as the only white person in a black household of people you are close enough to to think of them as family.
It was an eye opener, and it was in South Berkeley, so I can only imagine what it's like in places that aren't Berkeley.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
New documentary on Miles Davis streaming on NetFlix. Wonderful music, photos and story.
Miles was in Manhattan, a headline act at Birdland in 1959. He stepped out front to get a taxi for a girl and stayed in front of the club to smoke a cigaret. A cop told him to move along. Miles explained that he was working in the club. That was his name on the Marquis. Miles stood his ground, he didn't budge. A second cop ran up and clobbered him. He was taken into custody bleeding.
No, I will never know what it feels like. When I used to get picked up by the police, I never feared for my safety. Not once. I did see a guy get beat up once at S.D. County. But most of the time if you mind your business, nothing bad happens. Pulled over dozens of times without any fear or tension on either side. Never had a gun drawn on me. Even getting arrested for a DUI the cops would usually call me, "Sport," or something like that.
I don't know if I really have a role to play. It's something to think over today. I have supported Black Lives Matter ever since the Trayvon Martin murder. For some reason that really hit me hard. He was just a kid. A guy in school with friends, family and a girlfriend and every wingnut from Florida to Kern County California was ready to condemn this youngster as a violent criminal. I know for a fact that a first-hand account of noises and cries made by Zimmerman and Martin during the foot chase and scuffle was suppressed in the murder trial for the flimsy reason that the neighbor was a FaceBook friend of Trayvon. Since then, it has only got worse. The hatred that I see for George Floyd coming from the right is horrifying. Charlottesville also hit me very hard. The coddling of the little boy pretend Nazis by the president made me violently ill.
I still wear a Black Lives Matter T-shirt in public when I know I will be seen. I feel like it's a simple way to take a stand. Yesterday it generated several compliments, the most it had for a couple of years. It has always been a conversation starter. I stand up for Black Lives Matter whenever I can if I am talking to a reasonable person. Fight back against the lies. I tell everyone that it is a locally organized grass roots organization of like-minded people sharing their experiences and working together to take action. What could be more American than that?
"In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to cooperate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to." — Theodore Dalrymple
It's painfully obvious that most black lives do not matter to blacks. Black people kill each other over who took the last chicken wing or for eating a reserved piece of cake—complete non-event. Even PilotX cares nothing for the black lives of gangbangers shooting each other on the south and west sides. But when a non-black person (like George Zimmerman) or a government agent (who is seen as non-black regardless) kills a black, then THAT black life matters. Because it's a weapon in the tribal war of blacks against America.
"Black lives matter" is a lie, and forcing people to repeat a lie debases them and makes them evil. That's why this letter uses emotional blackmail to attempt to force people to do just that, and why there is such a hysterical reaction to "All Lives Matter".
dinthebeast said...
"If you are white and believe that you understand what it's like to be black in America, I suggest you spend a year, like I did, as the only white person in a black household of people you are close enough to to think of them as family."
Doug got kicked out for using too much mayonnaise.
It is looking more and more like the wingnut wave of COVID-19 has arrived.
New infections in all of the blue states (with the notable exception of California; not sure what has happened there), have peaked and are now swiftly falling, even with relaxation of the lockdown.
Meanwhile, new infections are spiking in big swaths of the South, Florida, Texas,and Arizona. My brother was in South Carolina for a while during their phony, ineffective "lockdown." Violators everywhere. Nobody was taking it seriously. So it's no surprise that it didn't take, and the virus is now making a comeback.
This is what happens when you listen to the lies of Donald "COVID is a Democrat hoax" Trump: You die.
Flying Junior said...
"New documentary on Miles Davis streaming on NetFlix. Wonderful music, photos and story."
Miles was a visionary when he said this:
"If somebody told me I only had one hour to live, I'd spend it choking a White man. I'd do it nice and slow."
"New infections in all of the blue states (with the notable exception of California; not sure what has happened there)"
Maybe you haven't heard, but there were a bunch of riots over the past two weeks.
"'New infections in all of the blue states (with the notable exception of California; not sure what has happened there)'
Maybe you haven't heard, but there were a bunch of riots over the past two weeks."
There were a bunch of riots, and peaceful protests, in lots of places. California wasn't singled out for these events, so those can't be any kind of explanation for why their viral infection and death numbers aren't falling yet.
It remains to be seen whether the protests will ultimately have any significant effect on infection rates, at least in states where most other people are taking pretty strong precautions not to spread disease. And we won't know that for a couple of weeks, anyway.
"Even PilotX cares nothing for the black lives of gangbangers shooting each other on the south and west sides. But when a non-black person (like George Zimmerman) or a government agent (who is seen as non-black regardless) kills a black, then THAT black life matters. Because it's a weapon in the tribal war of blacks against America."
Well, you gotta admire their solidarity. Cops are more likely to shoot whites, but all whites can do is just sit back and get blamed for black criminality. We are reaching the point where no blacks can be arrested or imprisoned for anything
Breaking: The Chinese Communist Party has weaponized nearly 200,000 Twitter accounts to disseminate “state-linked” propaganda while Russia, the left’s boogeyman for pro-Trump election interference, had under 1,200 accounts.
The report outlines how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had two methods of targeting Twitter users with Chinese propaganda:
1.) 23,750 accounts that comprise the core of the network, e.g. the highly engaged core network;
2.) Approximately 150,000 accounts that were designed to boost this content, e.g. the amplifiers. Based on feedback from researchers on our prior disclosures that we need to better refine the disclosure process to enable efficient investigation of the core activity, we have not included the 150,000 amplifier accounts in the public archive.
The report also damages the left’s 2016 Russia narrative which alleged bots on social media were peddling disinformation intending to sway the election in favor of Donald Trump. And it’s also a testament to how U.S. leaders – Republicans and Democrats alike – have allowed their focus on Russia to obscure the threat of China’s rise.
The report noted that Russia’s activities were limited to “1,152 accounts and associated media” involved in “promoting the United Russia party and attacking political dissidents.”
In other words, the CCP has 150 times the number of accounts as Russia allegedly deployed to peddle pro-Trump content.
They’ve defaced a statue of slavery abolitionist Matthias Baldwin in Philadelphia. Like the mobs who burned The Satanic Verses without ever reading the book, the mobs destroy monuments to men they’ve never heard of.
In the New West, history is blasphemy.
Community policing in Chicago:
Democrats openly hate the American people.
Republicans secretly hate the American people.
Michael Brown never put his "hands up". He never said "don't shoot".
But CNN pushed that lie, which led to riots and deaths for which they've never apologized.
You'd have to be a drug dealer on the level of El Chapo to rival the damage to these communities done by the Big Media Hate Machine.
For anyone who missed it, my post from yesterday:
Here is your daily reminder that the Republican Party is trash. Just as Steve KKKing is finally on the way out, here comes this raving nutjob to keep things “spicy” in the House of Representatives with her wackadoodle views.
HISTORY! Congress Poised to Get Its First QAnon Believer
Breaking: Reports out of Chicago say the only items left untouched at the looted CVS store were condoms, work gloves, and Father's Day cards.
Interesting article.
"Even PilotX cares nothing for the black lives of gangbangers shooting each other on the south and west sides. But when a non-black person (like George Zimmerman) or a government agent (who is seen as non-black regardless) kills a black, then THAT black life matters. Because it's a weapon in the tribal war of blacks against America."
Funny how so many people know what we think, why we vote the way we do and say the things we do without ever asking us. How do you know what I think about situation? Ever take the time to ask and seriously consider the answer? Of course not. Keep my name out of your mouth.
BLM is a democrat fundraising scam:
Still making 'murica great again.
"BLM is a democrat fundraising scam"
Because twitter is an authorative journalistic source. BTW, you think donations to BLM would got to trump? LOL
Anon 9:32
Sorry bud. That kinda sounds like a lie to me. Maybe you can get Wynton Marsalis or Ken Burns to corroborate your story. Especially when you consider he supposedly said this in 1985 when he was nearly 60 years old. Sniff test.
"If somebody told me I only had one hour to live, I'd spend it choking a White man. I'd do it nice and slow."
My man! LOL
Well, Miles did have reason. He also would be down for the protests and BLM.
The case numbers are rising in California now because the virus is just now making its way to the more rural areas of the state, like it is just now making its way to the rural areas of the rest of the country.
California is a big state, and its urban centers weren't hit as hard in the initial phase of the pandemic because the Bay Area shut down earlier than pretty much anywhere else, saving an untold number of lives.
So the virus didn't have the concentrated areas of infection like the tri-state area did to spread outward from, and with the travel restrictions, it didn't migrate around the state so quickly as it did around the more hard hit urban cores on the East Coast.
There aren't as many meat packing plants in California, but the ones we do have are seeing massive infections like everywhere else. The closest major outbreak to me right now is a meat packing plant south of Fresno.
Nursing homes are also getting hit here, especially in and around LA, which was much slower to institute lockdowns than the Bay Area was, and each and every outbreak in a nursing home infects staff, who in turn infect their families and communities in a slow motion disaster that spreads through the towns and cities that have nursing homes and other congregate care facilities.
Same with prisons.
This thing is a long way from being over, no matter how badly Fergus and his felons want to pretend like it doesn't exist.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"This thing is a long way from being over, no matter how badly Fergus and his felons want to pretend like it doesn't exist."
Yup. A buddy of mine who is a smart guy labeled it an attempt by the left to scare people. I don't get how intelligent people are victims of the conman-in-chief. And the orange menace thinks now is a good time to hold a rally. Oh well, fewer Republican voters (I know that's bad and I'm not wishing ill will on anyone but if you willingly put yourself in that position to support that guy.............)
Holy god. Can somebody just pull the lever on the 25th Amendment already?
Fergus is making his MAGA rallygoers sign a legal release promising that they won't sue him, his campaign, or the event promoters if they contract covid from attending. And with the spiking case numbers in Tulsa right now, it looks like a bunch of them will.
Which presents a useful contrast, really, between the protesters who were willing to risk contracting the plague in order to add their voices to the movement, and the Fergus fans who are apparently willing to risk contracting the plague just to hear Fergus lie to them in person.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Fergus is making his MAGA rallygoers sign a legal release promising that they won't sue him, his campaign, or the event promoters if they contract covid from attending."
Wow, seriously?
Good message from my union.
The Air Line Pilots Association and the United MEC wish to reaffirm this important message from ALPA President Captain Joe DePete:
The Air Line Pilots Association, Int'l, believes that economic, social, gender, and racial equality must form the foundation of everything we do. As the world's largest pilot union, we regard these principles as part of the fabric of the labor movement and essential to the dignity of work for those in our industry. Recent events have laid bare the cold, hard, reality that we have much work to do to stamp out inequality, injustice, and institutional racism in our society.
Quick quiz kids, who called trump a loser, a nut job, a xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot and predicted the if he got the GOP nomination the party would be destroyed and would deserve it?
Winner gets, something.
“Quick quiz kids, who called trump a loser, a nut job, a xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot and predicted the if he got the GOP nomination the party would be destroyed and would deserve it?”
I believe that would be the old Lindsey Graham. The one who used to admit Trump was a complete POS. But that was back before Trump acquired some pictures of Lindsey in bed with a young boy (I’m guessing).
Now the new Lindsey Graham is only allowed to say nice things about Trump, and pretend he is brave and strong and smart and sexy. And the greatest president ever!
You sound so desperate.
Let's not beat around the bush here the way all of these politicians are doing, or trying to do.
Police reform. I've been saying it since the last administration, "the memo has not come down". Simply put since the police are the enforcing arm of white supremacy, this has to stop but understandably, they don't want it to.
Police have to be ordered to stop terrorizing, torturing and killing, AND they must be punished for it if they do it! Mr. Floyd would be alive today. He wasn't hurting anyone. SHAME!!!
Once again, wingnuts efforts to destroy the Steele dossier end in a whimper as newly declassifies report details.
When moar wingnut attempts fail to discredit the Russia investigation, they will simply claim they only wanted the truth out there. The truth is wingnuts are failures at investigating anything, unless they are allowed to break the law with impunity.
Lilacpr said...
"Simply put since the police are the enforcing arm of white supremacy, this has to stop but understandably, they don't want it to."
Simply put since the police are the enforcing arm of white standards, this has to stop but understandably, they don't want it to.
Law enforcement is not the cause of the problem of black criminality, it is civilization's response.
Black people cannot live to the standards necessary to maintain a safe and functioning white country. Perhaps it is unjust to expect them to. The only solution is separate laws for black and white people, which would require segregation/separation. Blacks in white areas would have to conform to white laws, and whites in black areas would have accept the level of behaviors sanctioned by black laws.
Anonymous said...
BLM is a democrat fundraising scam:
Sounds like DNC corruption.
As with Ta-Nehisi Coates, I, though a light-complexioned SOB, am optimistic. Not because a lot of "people who look like me" don't think Black Lives Matter, but because so many more do than in the 60s, which I'm old enough to remember. From coast to coast there's been a sea of white faces in the demonstations, as if someone told us that since we invented racism, we should really be the ones to address it. And get the fuck rid of it--at least in its official embodiments---law, the police, the prison system, the apportionment of funds in public education, jobs, etc. Black Lives Matter never meant "only" Black Lives. It's another way of saying "Stop Killing Us," a more direct slogan for the really obtuse.
Oklahoma pig sends his best wishes to blacks and keeps job, so far.....
Doesn't think pigs are shooting enough blacks. drumpf prolly already has this tool nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. Trolls here will love him.
That sounds awesome. "If you are white and believe that you understand what it's like to be black in America, I suggest you spend a year, like I did, as the only white person in a black household of people you are close enough to to think of them as family."
Funny how so many people know what we think, why we vote the way we do and say the things we do without ever asking us.
We know what you think because the question was asked and you answered.
How do you know what I think about situation? Ever take the time to ask and seriously consider the answer? Of course not.
Of course SO. You're just stupid.
Keep my name out of your mouth.
Not gonna happen.
"I believe that would be the old Lindsey Graham."
Ding ding, we have a winner!
"Simply put since the police are the enforcing arm of white standards"
Exactly. Police have always participated in the lynching of Blah people. No need to verify this, we already know.
"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"
"You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites"
Reuben the Cuban said...
Simply put since the police are the enforcing arm of white standards...
9:56 AM
Oh really? White standards is to shoot a man as he runs away for a traffic stop? White standards are to choke a man to death for a false $20 ?, and I could go on...Those are some standards!
"Oh really? White standards is to shoot a man as he runs away for a traffic stop? White standards are to choke a man to death for a false $20 ?, and I could go on...Those are some standards!"
Those aren't white standards. Those are lies.
White standards are not looting, not burning down cities, and not beating people for being of another race. White standards are not astronomical violent crime rates.
PilotX said...
"Simply put since the police are the enforcing arm of white standards"
Exactly. Police have always participated in the lynching of Blah people. No need to verify this, we already know
So you agree blacks can't comply with the laws necessary to preserve order in a white society.
Lynching ended two generations ago. We live in 2020.
Blacks kill more blacks every six months than were ever lynched in the history of the United States.
Black kill more whites every two years than were ever lynched in the history of the United States.
Reuben the Cuban2:30 PM
Those aren't white standards. Those are lies
Oh, okay, I coulda sworn they're actual things that happened, but I guess I'm dreaminggggg! xD Carry on friend...we understand...
anotherbozo said...
From coast to coast there's been a sea of white faces in the demonstations, as if someone told us that since we invented racism, we should really be the ones to address it. And get the fuck rid of it--at least in its official embodiments---law, the police, the prison system, the apportionment of funds in public education, jobs, etc. Black Lives Matter never meant "only" Black Lives. It's another way of saying "Stop Killing Us," a more direct slogan for the really obtuse
Jews invented racism. Read the Old Testament. Israel is the world's only country whose laws define it as an ethnostate.
What would America look like with not laws, police, or prison? What would black neighborhoods look like?
Black Lives Matter has always meant "only" Black Lives matter. You can lose your job for saying "All Lives Matter". You can lose your job for saying "It's okay to be white".
In August of 2016, an unarmed white man named Tony Timpa was killed by police in a very similar way to George Floyd. The media didn't care. The Democrats didn't care. BLM didn't care. No one cared. Because Tony Timpa was white.
Lilacpr said...
Reuben the Cuban2:30 PM
"Those aren't white standards. Those are lies"
Oh, okay, I coulda sworn they're actual things that happened
George Floyd wasn't choked to death over a counterfeit $20 bill. George Floyd was excessively restrained after resisting arrest and died of a heart attack.
White standards resulted in the cops who killed him being arrested for murder.
Black standards burned down the country anyway.
Dear former Black Friends,
All Lives Matters--especially White Lives.
Donald Trump
UC Berkeley History Professor's Open Letter Against BLM, Police Brutality and Cultural Orthodoxy
Dear profs X, Y, Z
I am one of your colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley. I have met you both personally but do not know you closely, and am contacting you anonymously, with apologies. I am worried that writing this email publicly might lead to me losing my job, and likely all future jobs in my field.
In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them.
In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative narrative to explain the under-representation of black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice system. The explanation provided in your documentation, to the near exclusion of all others, is univariate: the problems of the black community are caused by whites, or, when whites are not physically present, by the infiltration of white supremacy and white systemic racism into American brains, souls, and institutions.
Many cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself, such as Thomas Sowell and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or 'Uncle Toms'. They are intelligent scholars who reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders. Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques.
The claim that the difficulties that the black community faces are entirely causally explained by exogenous factors in the form of white systemic racism, white supremacy, and other forms of white discrimination remains a problematic hypothesis that should be vigorously challenged by historians. Instead, it is being treated as an axiomatic and actionable truth without serious consideration of its profound flaws, or its worrying implication of total black impotence. This hypothesis is transforming our institution and our culture, without any space for dissent outside of a tightly policed, narrow discourse.
A counternarrative exists. If you have time, please consider examining some of the documents I attach at the end of this email. Overwhelmingly, the reasoning provided by BLM and allies is either primarily anecdotal (as in the case with the bulk of Ta-Nehisi Coates' undeniably moving article) or it is transparently motivated. As an example of the latter problem, consider the proportion of black incarcerated Americans. This proportion is often used to characterize the criminal justice system as anti-black. However, if we use the precise same methodology, we would have to conclude that the criminal justice system is even more anti-male than it is anti-black.
Would we characterize criminal justice as a systemically misandrist conspiracy against innocent American men? I hope you see that this type of reasoning is flawed, and requires a significant suspension of our rational faculties. Black people are not incarcerated at higher rates than their involvement in violent crime would predict. This fact has been demonstrated multiple times across multiple jurisdictions in multiple countries.
And yet, I see my department uncritically reproducing a narrative that diminishes black agency in favor of a white-centric explanation that appeals to the department's apparent desire to shoulder the 'white man's burden' and to promote a narrative of white guilt.
If we claim that the criminal justice system is white-supremacist, why is it that Asian Americans, Indian Americans, and Nigerian Americans are incarcerated at vastly lower rates than white Americans? This is a funny sort of white supremacy. Even Jewish Americans are incarcerated less than gentile whites. I think it's fair to say that your average white supremacist disapproves of Jews. And yet, these alleged white supremacists incarcerate gentiles at vastly higher rates than Jews. None of this is addressed in your literature. None of this is explained, beyond hand-waving and ad hominems. "Those are racist dogwhistles". "The model minority myth is white supremacist". "Only fascists talk about black-on-black crime", ad nauseam.
These types of statements do not amount to counterarguments: they are simply arbitrary offensive classifications, intended to silence and oppress discourse. Any serious historian will recognize these for the silencing orthodoxy tactics they are, common to suppressive regimes, doctrines, and religions throughout time and space. They are intended to crush real diversity and permanently exile the culture of robust criticism from our department.
Increasingly, we are being called upon to comply and subscribe to BLM's problematic view of history, and the department is being presented as unified on the matter. In particular, ethnic minorities are being aggressively marshaled into a single position. Any apparent unity is surely a function of the fact that dissent could almost certainly lead to expulsion or cancellation for those of us in a precarious position, which is no small number.
I personally don't dare speak out against the BLM narrative, and with this barrage of alleged unity being mass-produced by the administration, tenured professoriat, the UC administration, corporate America, and the media, the punishment for dissent is a clear danger at a time of widespread economic vulnerability. I am certain that if my name were attached to this email, I would lose my job and all future jobs, even though I believe in and can justify every word I type.
The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people. There are virtually no marches for these invisible victims, no public silences, no heartfelt letters from the UC regents, deans, and departmental heads. The message is clear: Black lives only matter when whites take them. Black violence is expected and insoluble, while white violence requires explanation and demands solution. Please look into your hearts and see how monstrously bigoted this formulation truly is.
No discussion is permitted for nonblack victims of black violence, who proportionally outnumber black victims of nonblack violence. This is especially bitter in the Bay Area, where Asian victimization by black assailants has reached epidemic proportions, to the point that the SF police chief has advised Asians to stop hanging good-luck charms on their doors, as this attracts the attention of (overwhelmingly black) home invaders. Home invaders like George Floyd. For this actual, lived, physically experienced reality of violence in the USA, there are no marches, no tearful emails from departmental heads, no support from McDonald's and Wal-Mart. For the History department, our silence is not a mere abrogation of our duty to shed light on the truth: it is a rejection of it.
The claim that black intraracial violence is the product of redlining, slavery, and other injustices is a largely historical claim. It is for historians, therefore, to explain why Japanese internment or the massacre of European Jewry hasn't led to equivalent rates of dysfunction and low SES performance among Japanese and Jewish Americans respectively. Arab Americans have been viciously demonized since 9/11, as have Chinese Americans more recently. However, both groups outperform white Americans on nearly all SES indices - as do Nigerian Americans, who incidentally have black skin. It is for historians to point out and discuss these anomalies. However, no real discussion is possible in the current climate at our department. The explanation is provided to us, disagreement with it is racist, and the job of historians is to further explore additional ways in which the explanation is additionally correct. This is a mockery of the historical profession.
Most troublingly, our department appears to have been entirely captured by the interests of the Democratic National Convention, and the Democratic Party more broadly. To explain what I mean, consider what happens if you choose to donate to Black Lives Matter, an organization UCB History has explicitly promoted in its recent mailers. All donations to the official BLM website are immediately redirected to ActBlue Charities, an organization primarily concerned with bankrolling election campaigns for Democrat candidates. Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. This is grotesque given the fact that the American cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run. Minneapolis itself has been entirely in the hands of Democrats for over five decades; the 'systemic racism' there was built by successive Democrat administrations.
The patronizing and condescending attitudes of Democrat leaders towards the black community, exemplified by nearly every Biden statement on the black race, all but guarantee a perpetual state of misery, resentment, poverty, and the attendant grievance politics which are simultaneously annihilating American political discourse and black lives. And yet, donating to BLM is bankrolling the election campaigns of men like Mayor Frey, who saw their cities devolve into violence. This is a grotesque capture of a good-faith movement for necessary police reform, and of our department, by a political party. Even worse, there are virtually no avenues for dissent in academic circles. I refuse to serve the Party, and so should you.
The total alliance of major corporations involved in human exploitation with BLM should be a warning flag to us, and yet this damning evidence goes unnoticed, purposefully ignored, or perversely celebrated. We are the useful idiots of the wealthiest classes, carrying water for Jeff Bezos and other actual, real, modern-day slavers. Starbucks, an organisation using literal black slaves in its coffee plantation suppliers, is in favor of BLM. Sony, an organisation using cobalt mined by yet more literal black slaves, many of whom are children, is in favor of BLM. And so, apparently, are we. The absence of counter-narrative enables this obscenity. Fiat lux, indeed.
There also exists a large constituency of what can only be called 'race hustlers': hucksters of all colors who benefit from stoking the fires of racial conflict to secure administrative jobs, charity management positions, academic jobs and advancement, or personal political entrepreneurship.
Given the direction our history department appears to be taking far from any commitment to truth, we can regard ourselves as a formative training institution for this brand of snake-oil salespeople. Their activities are corrosive, demolishing any hope at harmonious racial coexistence in our nation and colonizing our political and institutional life. Many of their voices are unironically segregationist.
MLK would likely be called an Uncle Tom if he spoke on our campus today. We are training leaders who intend, explicitly, to destroy one of the only truly successful ethnically diverse societies in modern history. As the PRC, an ethnonationalist and aggressively racially chauvinist national polity with null immigration and no concept of jus solis increasingly presents itself as the global political alternative to the US, I ask you: Is this wise? Are we really doing the right thing?
As a final point, our university and department has made multiple statements celebrating and eulogizing George Floyd. Floyd was a multiple felon who once held a pregnant black woman at gunpoint. He broke into her home with a gang of men and pointed a gun at her pregnant stomach. He terrorized the women in his community. He sired and abandoned multiple children, playing no part in their support or upbringing, failing one of the most basic tests of decency for a human being. He was a drug-addict and sometime drug-dealer, a swindler who preyed upon his honest and hard-working neighbors.
And yet, the regents of UC and the historians of the UCB History department are celebrating this violent criminal, elevating his name to virtual sainthood. A man who hurt women. A man who hurt black women. With the full collaboration of the UCB history department, corporate America, most mainstream media outlets, and some of the wealthiest and most privileged opinion-shaping elites of the USA, he has become a culture hero, buried in a golden casket, his (recognized) family showered with gifts and praise. Americans are being socially pressured into kneeling for this violent, abusive misogynist. A generation of black men are being coerced into identifying with George Floyd, the absolute worst specimen of our race and species.
I'm ashamed of my department. I would say that I'm ashamed of both of you, but perhaps you agree with me, and are simply afraid, as I am, of the backlash of speaking the truth. It's hard to know what kneeling means, when you have to kneel to keep your job.
It shouldn't affect the strength of my argument above, but for the record, I write as a person of color. My family have been personally victimized by men like Floyd. We are aware of the condescending depredations of the Democrat party against our race. The humiliating assumption that we are too stupid to do STEM, that we need special help and lower requirements to get ahead in life, is richly familiar to us. I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be easier to deal with open fascists, who at least would be straightforward in calling me a subhuman, and who are unlikely to share my race.
The ever-present soft bigotry of low expectations and the permanent claim that the solutions to the plight of my people rest exclusively on the goodwill of whites rather than on our own hard work is psychologically devastating. No other group in America is systematically demoralized in this way by its alleged allies. A whole generation of black children are being taught that only by begging and weeping and screaming will they get handouts from guilt-ridden whites.
No message will more surely devastate their futures, especially if whites run out of guilt, or indeed if America runs out of whites. If this had been done to Japanese Americans, or Jewish Americans, or Chinese Americans, then Chinatown and Japantown would surely be no different to the roughest parts of Baltimore and East St. Louis today. The History department of UCB is now an integral institutional promulgator of a destructive and denigrating fallacy about the black race.
I hope you appreciate the frustration behind this message. I do not support BLM. I do not support the Democrat grievance agenda and the Party's uncontested capture of our department. I do not support the Party co-opting my race, as Biden recently did in his disturbing interview, claiming that voting Democrat and being black are isomorphic. I condemn the manner of George Floyd's death and join you in calling for greater police accountability and police reform. However, I will not pretend that George Floyd was anything other than a violent misogynist, a brutal man who met a predictably brutal end.
I also want to protect the practice of history. Cleo is no grovelling handmaiden to politicians and corporations. Like us, she is free.
Police brutality matters.
The police oppress and murder Blacks because they have to oppress and murder _someone_, and Blacks are the designated scapegoat in this society. The police must oppress and murder because there is no longer enough crime to justify their numbers, budgets, military equipment and military training.
Crime has been falling since the 90s, which the police experience as a crime shortage, and the rest of us experience as a police surplus. Under a crime shortage, with too many police chasing too little crime, the police must either reduce their numbers, or find crime among the innocent, or commit crimes themselves.
I recommend option #1. To hasten it, I recommend adopting the "honeybee rule", which states that any officer who kills any civilian must leave the force. Immediately, automatically, without reprieve - rather like the killing itself. Whether the killing be heroic or villainous, either way there must be no killers on the force. This makes the policeman's weapons like the honeybee's stinger; professional suicide to use.
The honeybee rule would be a burden for the police, but it is necessary to keep the civic peace. If the honeybee rule is adopted, then it should come with de-escalation of police weaponry and training. The de-escalation of their numbers will happen automatically, with those unwilling to be peace officers seeking employment elsewhere.
George Floyd wasn't choked to death over a counterfeit $20 bill. George Floyd was excessively restrained after resisting arrest and died of a heart attack.
White standards resulted in the cops who killed him being arrested for murder.
Black standards burned down the country anyway.
What a load of caca del toro.
Floyd's resisting arrest amounted to his falling to the ground, the three big pigs jumped on him and couldn't figure out why he couldn't get into the squad car with all three dead weights killing him.
Cops weren't arrested until after the protests began. Typical pig behavior after whitey pigs kill unarmed blacks.,
Paradoctor said...
"The police oppress and murder Blacks because they have to oppress and murder _someone_, "
Why do they have to oppress and murder someone? Please explain.
Also, the idea that there is a "crime shortage" would be news to the residents of the South Side of Chicago, as well as those in many other urban areas.
Why do you wish to subject inner city black people to even more violence and chaos?
The first thing we've got to do is clean out the White House!
Bill Lawson
June 8, 2020
Reparations. The American Indian, Japanese,Vietnamese, Jewish, all who migrated here or were bought here as refugees of war, have been given reparations and a way to have a decent life with a business, a good place to live, good schools, and upward mobility, all except the American Descendants Of Slaves. They were contained to be the bottom class, the bottom of the economic ladder. That's where the problem starts and ends.
Anonymous 4:32:
I am glad that you asked politely. So many others here hide behind anonymity to argue in bad faith.
I explained the reason for police brutality in my post. To repeat briefly: the police are brutal to selected scapegoat groups because they are equipped to control 1990s level crime rates, but 2020s level crime rates are much lower, and continue to fall. That's the crime shortage, a.k.a. police surplus. It creates institutional pressure to find or create crime that isn't there.
Thus popular lawfulness can cause police lawlessness, if their numbers and commitments are not brought down to balance their lessened need. Similar perversities exist in other areas. For instance, there is a war shortage and a terrorism shortage.
As for urban crime, I do indeed want it to decrease. Fortunately that has been happening for the last three decades. No-one is sure why. Harsh policing is not the explanation; crime rates have been falling in all cities, independent of police practice. My favorite theory is that it's due to the banning of leaded gasoline in the 70s. Worldwide the pattern has been; ban leaded gas, and twenty years later crime rates fall. Lead is a neurotoxin; infants are vulnerable; lead poisoning increases impulsiveness, increases aggression, and lowers inhibitions. So you can call lead a 'criminal element'.
One consequence of the lead-head theory is that the peak lead-heads are no longer in their 20s - prime street-crime age, especially for males. Now they are in their 50s, and some of them have reached upper management. Thus the present peak of crime-in-the-suites.
And as for not wanting urban black people to be subjected to violence and chaos; that's why police brutality matters.
"....prolific murders of Black people in America" would be by other Black people.
Paradoctor said...
"To repeat briefly: the police are brutal to selected scapegoat groups because they are equipped to control 1990s level crime rates, but 2020s level crime rates are much lower, and continue to fall."
So your thesis is police brutality is a way to ensure job security by keeping the fear of crime up? That is interesting. Is keeping the fear of racism high in the absence of overt racism a form of job security for the vast number of people who make a living fighting racism and promoting 'diversity'? Or by the people who benefit politically?
Thesis proposal: There is a racism shortage. The gap is filled by numerous hoax stories and by amplifying and focusing on the relatively rare stories that can be used to maintain DEFCON 4 levels of racial alarm.
(As an aside, there actually is no evidence that racial animus played any role in George Floyd's death. Derek Chauvin may well have been a homicidal racist, but in the absence of any confirmatory evidence, that is pure speculation at this point).
You are correct that crime rates have dropped over the past 30 years. I think the effects of leaded gasoline are real, but probably minor. The reason crime rates have fallen is that the average age of Americans has increased. As you noted, young men commit the vast majority of violent crimes. Most grow out of it. I think the effect of less young people on an absolute basis is a much bigger factor.
Also, everyone was exposed to leaded gasoline, but every demographic didn't go on a murder spree. The overall crime rates have decreased, but the racial disparity has remained. Why do blacks commit violent crimes at levels so much higher than other groups? Doesn't this affect how many times they have run-ins with police?
So far, the second circuit appeals court 3 judge panel are not buying DOJ's reasons for dropping charges against liar Flynn.
2 of the three judges are wingnut appointed and the one drumpf appointed agrees with Justice. The other 2 are skeptical.
Victim appears to be white.
You can bet this high IQ moron voted for drumpf.;
drumpfen brat in the making....
The result of conservative arts education at home.
Melanoma allegedly refused to move to kremlin annex until drumpf agreed to more generous pre-nuptial than the one she originally signed.
She's better negotiator than self proclaimed world's greatest negotiator.
"MLK would likely be called an Uncle Tom if he spoke on our campus today."
No he wouldn't. The only people who think this are conservatives who know one or two sentence from one speech and claim he was a Republican. I would say before claiming Dr. King as some kind of tame conservative hero read some of his books and speeches. Start with the one he's most quoted, the march on Washington speech from 1963. It's really informative when people read the entire speech for the first time.
Another unarmed black man killed at home by pigs.
"Thesis proposal: There is a racism shortage. The gap is filled by numerous hoax stories and by amplifying and focusing on the relatively rare stories that can be used to maintain DEFCON 4 levels of racial alarm."
There is no racism shortage. The hatemongers in wingnut media (Fox News is the highest-profile example) make sure to keep racism levels stoked up as high as they can. This is the only way they can keep lower-income white dimwits voting against their self-interests to benefit rich people.
"Hey, don't worry about all the elitist policies we've passed that have undermined your job security and caused your wages to stagnate. Don't worry about the fact you'll soon go bankrupt from medical bills when we take away your health insurance. Look! Scary n***er savages in the neighborhood a couple miles away are looking to murder you in your sleep!
If you you don't want to get murdered in your sleep, vote Republican."
Over and over, same garbage for decades.
No, there is no racism shortage, because the Republicans own racism factories. They are always making more.
13 pigs broke into Chicago congressman Rush's office and popped corn while demonstrations were ongoing.
Moar pig law breakers.
"I am glad that you asked politely. So many others here hide behind anonymity to argue in bad faith."
She's also arguing in bad faith. If one wants to have an honest discussion they would choose a screen name to prevent any misunderstanding. Nah, no good faith whatsoever.
Paradoctor 5:12 said:
"To repeat briefly: the police are brutal to selected scapegoat groups because they are equipped to control 1990s level crime rates, but 2020s level crime rates are much lower, and continue to fall."
Anonymous 6:04:
So your thesis is police brutality is a way to ensure job security by keeping the fear of crime up? That is interesting.
More or less: but this is at least as much cold bureaucracy as it is hot politics. If the computer issues a weekly arrest quota, then the police must arrest that many people that week, no matter what. That's how the system works. The inflated fear of crime comes after the fact, as rationalizations.
Police brutality is a violent chaotic crime; and any crime has motive, method, and opportunity. Police job security in a crime shortage is the motive; racial injustice is the method; and opportunities make themselves. Many, including the one whose letter Field quotes, believe that racism is a motive in itself. I am skeptical about this; I think that the color being fought over isn't brown skin, it's the long green. But on the other hand I admit that means tend to become ends in themselves.
Is keeping the fear of racism high in the absence of overt racism a form of job security for the vast number of people who make a living fighting racism and promoting 'diversity'? Or by the people who benefit politically?
It is true that any social service organization has a vested interest in the continued existence of the very evils that it is pledged to combat. The corruptive power of vested interest is proportional to the power of the organization. Thus police fear a crime shortage, and the Pentagon fears a war shortage.
Less powerful organizations are less corrupted; and consensus of unorganized individuals is less corrupted still. It's easy to get rich by selling jet bombers; it's difficult to make a modest living by fighting racism; so in terms of institutional corruption, I worry less about racism-fighting than about bomber-marketing.
Trump quote of the day:
"I think the concept of chokeholds sounds so innocent and so perfect."
Okay then. Perfectly normal thing for a president to be saying.
"And as for not wanting urban black people to be subjected to violence and chaos; that's why police brutality matters."
Annual average of Blacks killed by police in the US over the past five years: 250
Annual average of Blacks killed by other blacks in the US over the past five years: 6,500
The hatemongers in wingnut media (Fox News is the highest-profile example) make sure to keep racism levels stoked up as high as they can. This is the only way they can keep lower-income white dimwits voting against their self-interests to benefit rich people.
Do you watch Fox News?
Could you provide a single example of Fox stoking racism levels?
Wow, this might be the end of racism. The Bachelor has a Blah lead.
Paradoctor said...
Less powerful organizations are less corrupted; and consensus of unorganized individuals is less corrupted still. It's easy to get rich by selling jet bombers; it's difficult to make a modest living by fighting racism
Can't think of too many organizations more powerful than Black Lives Matter right now.
How much of the Democratic Party's political capital depends on heightened racial tensions?
The Diversity industry in government, academia, and corporate America is a multi-billion dollar business.
Average corporate Chief Diversity Officer Salary: $122,736
The average salaries of diversity-related administrators at 43 of the top 50 public universities in the country: $175,088
University of Virginia Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity Marcus Martin is paid $349,000 annually.
The University of Texas at Austin Vice President for Diversity and Engagement Gregory Vincent makes $331,000 annually.
The University of Michigan (UM) spends about $10.6 million a year on the salaries of 82 employees who have something relating to diversity in their title.
How much are Ivanka and Jared paid? 🤔
"The University of Michigan (UM) spends about $10.6 million a year on the salaries of 82 employees who have something relating to diversity in their title."
Sounds like a good investment. Major universities get a bunch of money from endowments and have to get creative with how to spend it. You can only pave parking lots so many times. Also, that's about the combined salary of the basketball, baseball and football coaches. At least it's spread out over 82 people.
"Could you provide a single example of Fox stoking racism levels?"
Tucker Carlson is on Fox RIGHT NOW defending confederate statues.
Pilot CluelessX said...
"Sounds like a good investment. Major universities get a bunch of money from endowments and have to get creative with how to spend it. You can only pave parking lots so many times"
LOL. Spoken like a black person who didn't have to pay for their edcation.
White kids do, and we now have an entire generation saddled with an astronomical student debt load.
One reason college is so expensive is all the money wasted on administrative salaries. Nothing is more useless than the Diversity department.
They are worse than useless as everything they do is negative.
"Tucker Carlson is on Fox RIGHT NOW defending confederate statues."
Is his argument for the statues preceding from a racist premise?
And what's racist about Confederate statues?
"LOL. Spoken like a black person who didn't have to pay for their edcation."
Says the person who spells education EDCATION. 😂You can't make this shit up.
"And what's racist about Confederate statues?"
Well anon, do a little research. Click on that search function on your screen and type in that question and see what responses come up.
"Says the person who spells education EDCATION"
The person who is much more educated than you and who doesn't act like a bitch over typos.
There is nothing racist about honoring men of character who fought to defend their sovereign state.
Anonymous 7:47 cannot think of any organization more powerful than Black Lives Matter.
Well, I can. Let's see now... off the top of my head... the NFL, the NRA, the Republican party, Fox News, CNN, the Federalist Society, the Federal Reserve, Apple, Microsoft, GM, GE, Dallas, and the New York Yankees.
I am truly impressed by those hundred-thousand-dollar salaries. How impressed? As impressed as Dr. Evil's companions were when he demanded a ransom of one MILLION dollars.
Anonymous 8:34 wants to know what's racist about Confederate statues. Answer: the Confederacy. Their own writings, at the time, made their racism clear. But Anonymous asked that question in bad faith; that too is clear.
"The person who is much more educated than you and who doesn't act like a bitch over typos."
Yeah, they're much more edcated than me. That much is clear.😂
"There is nothing racist about honoring men of character who fought to defend their sovereign state."
Um, there is something inherently racist about honoring people who fought for a white supremacist ideology. A little edcation goes a long way.😂
Why do so many US cities have police chiefs like Seattle Police Chief Best?
Affirmative Action is not sending their best.
"Um, there is something inherently racist about honoring people who fought for a white supremacist ideology. A little edcation goes a long way"
Prior to the Civil War, American was a voluntary union of sovereign states.
The Confederate States no longer wanted to be part of the union. The primary reason was the abolition movement in the North. Slavery was on the way out in European societies, but its abolition was not imminent.
The vast majority of southerners did not own slaves. Soldiers fought for their state, not for slavery.
According to Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War was not explicitly about slavery, rather it was to preserve the union:
In August 1862, he wrote to the New York Tribune: “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.”
The South did not unconditionally surrender. As part of the treaty conditions, Confederate soldiers received a full pardon and were granted veteran status. This was done for the purpose of reconciliation of a conflict that claimed 4% of the white male population of the US.
Upon signing the surrender treaty at Appomattox, General Grant sent out the order, “The war is over; the rebels are our countrymen again; and the best sign of rejoicing after the victory will be to abstain from all demonstrations in the field.”
Tearing down Confederate statue and desecrating graves violates this treaty and refutes the idea of reconciliation.
"Tearing down Confederate statue and desecrating graves violates this treaty and refutes the idea of reconciliation."
A couple things. 1. The monuments went against Robert Lee's wishes to pronote reconciliation and were placed years after the war ended to promote racial intimidation and 2. what graves are being desecrated?
BTW, pick a screen name and stick with it. Makes it easier to have a conversation.
"what graves are being desecrated?"
Elizabeth Warren's bill call for the removal of all Confederate symbols on graves at Arlington.
The monuments were placed to commemorate men who fought honorably for their state by their families and descendants. There were no monuments placed to commemorate slavery.
Anonymous 10:25:
The Civil War (and thank you for calling it that) was about state's rights... to own slaves. The Confederacy's commitment to enslavement was explicit in their writings at the time. The motive for the crime-against-humanity called slavery was free labor. The method was racism. The opportunity was the cotton market.
Of course most southerners didn't own slaves. The oligarchs did, and they ruled, because slave societies are oligarchies. And of course that arrangement was unfair to the soldiers, though not as unfair as it was to the slaves.
Lincoln tried very hard to keep slavery out of the dispute, but that was impossible.
The Confederate statues were put up long after the war. Now, even later, they are going down. It's clear to me why they're going down. I wonder why they went up.
Once Aristides the Just was showing his friends around ancient Athens. They wondered why there was no statue of him. He answered, "It is better to have no statue and have people wonder why not, than to have a statue and have people wonder why."
Field Negress:
Paradoctor said...
"The motive for the crime-against-humanity called slavery was free labor."
Kind of like mass third world immigration now. Slavery Lite®.
"Elizabeth Warren's bill call for the removal of all Confederate symbols on graves at Arlington."
Let me know when that starts happening.
"Kind of like mass third world immigration now. Slavery Lite®."
Not even close.
Vice President Mike Pence told CBS News he didn’t join President Trump for the walk to St. John’s Church for a photo op “out of an abundance of caution.”
Yeah, in case a national guardsman accidentally grew a conscience, emptied his clip, and gave us president Pelosi.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Article [V] (Amendment 5 - Rights of Persons)
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
"nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
Wow, would have never expected this.
confederate monuments coming down, military bases losing confederate names, trump changing klan rally date, majority support BLM.....what the hell is going on? Ha!
For what it's worth. These is an illuminating interview with journalist Michael Paul Williams of the Richmond Times-Dispatch which states quite clearly and unequivocally just why we are taking down the confederate statues at this time in our history. Heard this on the NPR driving my car today.
Our culture has long celebrated the South. From Gone With the Wind to The Twilight Zone to Joan Baez singing The Night They Drove Dixie Down. I'm not saying that this was wrong. Maybe it was part of the healing process. But it's been a long time since The Dukes of Hazzard. Since today was the first NASCAR race to ban confederate flags, maybe it is time for teenagers to stop displaying the Stars and Bars in their bedrooms. Enough is enough. I don't need to read from another right-wing maniac about how the Civil War was fought over tariffs.
"I don't need to read from another right-wing maniac about how the Civil War was fought over tariffs."
Wait, you don't believe the new lost cause narrative? I mean I can link you to a short youtube video by the sons of the confederacy if you'd like? A young man in his early twenties without a degree in history can explain it to you in less than 10 minutes.
"Heard this on the NPR driving my car today."
Oh yeah I forgot. NPR? LOL, that commie outfit? I refuse to listen/read anything from them. Fake news! (and cut)
TRUMP 2020!!
"I’m hoping you’ll answer: do you believe Black lives matter? "
Apparently not in the black community because blacks kill and maim each other at astronomical rates compared to other ethnic groups. Its undeniable......
CHICAGO Year 2020 to Date
Shot & Killed: 246
Shot & Wounded: 1118
Total Shot: 1364
Total Homicides: 272
Currently 74.7% black on black
Latino 17.5%
The darker the skin the higher the violent crime......
Biden/Rice 2020!
"Currently 74.7% black on black"
Wow, that's lower than the white on white crime rate but we never hear about that. LOL
Reuben the Cuban said...
Black standards burned down the country anyway.
2:52 PM
As I watch news from around the country and out my back door, I don't see that the country is "burned down." There were a few fires mostly early during the demonstrations. Authorities report that some were started by by whites and some by Blacks. There's plenty of blame to go around.
Paradoctor said....
As for urban crime, I do indeed want it to decrease. Fortunately that has been happening for the last three decades. No-one is sure why. Harsh policing is not the explanation; crime rates have been falling in all cities, independent of police practice. My favorite theory is that it's due to the banning of leaded gasoline in the 70s. Worldwide the pattern has been; ban leaded gas, and twenty years later crime rates fall. Lead is a neurotoxin; infants are vulnerable; lead poisoning increases impulsiveness, increases aggression, and lowers inhibitions. So you can call lead a 'criminal element'.
This theory has been given weight by the academic community. As we both know correlation does not equal causation, but I think this issue should by investigated with further research.
Anonymous said...
"And as for not wanting urban black people to be subjected to violence and chaos; that's why police brutality matters."
Annual average of Blacks killed by police in the US over the past five years: 250
Annual average of Blacks killed by other blacks in the US over the past five years: 6,500
7:28 PM
So you are saying that it's OK for the police to kill 250 black people over a five-year period as long as they kill fewer black people than black people kill?
To compare the two makes no sense. The police are hired to protect life. Their role is to preserve the peace - to serve and protect. The police should not be killing anyone except in extreme circumstances when they are under fire or fighting for their lives.
Anonymous said...
There is nothing racist about honoring men of character who fought to defend their sovereign state.
9:01 PM
They took up arms against their country, and thus were traitors. The were responsible for half a million American deaths. Traitors should not be honored. Think of Benedict Arnold
From Crooks & Liars today......
Armed Men Roam Small-Town Streets To Ward Off Non-Existent 'Antifa Buses'
In rural towns across America, men with guns have been roaming the streets, looking out for the threat to their homes they were warned about on Facebook: hordes of ravening “antifa” activists, loaded en masse onto buses and intent on wreaking havoc.
By David Neiwert
Granny Non Sequitur said...
"So you are saying that it's OK for the police to kill 250 black people over a five-year period as long as they kill fewer black people than black people kill?"
No, that's not what any one said.
Between 90 and 95% of fatal police shootings (black or white) involved armed suspects attacking police or violently resisting arrest. Most of the rest involve some degree of resistance or threatening behavior. There are only a handful at most each year that are the result of police negligence.
"They took up arms against their country, and thus were traitors. The were responsible for half a million American deaths. Traitors should not be honored. Think of Benedict Arnold"
No, they took up arms for their sovereign state, and thus were patriots. The goal was self-determination, not conquering the North. Had the North let them go there would have been no war.
Benedict Arnold defected from the rebel side of the Revolutionary War to the British Loyalist side to which he was born a subject.
We're watching honest frustration over real things captured by dishonest movements pushing insane policies. If one calls out the dishonesty and insanity, they are portrayed as indifferent to the problem. This dynamic pushes us toward a civil war which both sides are sure to lose.
The real victims of the Floyd tragedy?
The male Jewish leadership of black social justice nonprofits.
captured by dishonest movements pushing insane policies.
demanding pigs stop murdering unarmed blacks for mundane crimes is wingnuts idea of insanity?
It figures because the stoopid is too deep to overcome from wingnuts.
Pigs in Atlanta shot 27 year old black man in the back at a Wendy's. He was allegedly passed out in drive through lane. Pigs woke him up and claim he failed 2 sobriety tests and then struggled with officers who claim he took taser from one pig. Other pig shot him as he ran away.
Waiting for the videos.
"No, they took up arms for their sovereign state, and thus were patriots."
The Supreme Court has opined that states were/are not sovereign states and thus cannot secede.
So, having achieved the publicity and outrage he intended, Fergus moves his MAGA rally in Tulsa, where covid is spiking, one day later.
Fuck that punk,
I don't advocate violence, but there are some folks that you can just tell never got their asses kicked when they desperately needed it, and he's one of them.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Anonymous said....
No, they took up arms for their sovereign state, and thus were patriots. The goal was self-determination, not conquering the North. Had the North let them go there would have been no war.
These so called sovereign states of which you speak were party to the Constitution and willing joined the United States. Moreover, some people within the states that defected were against leaving the Union, but their voices were drowned out. The decision to revolt was not unanimous among the people of the rebel states.
As for the noble sovereignty they wanted to protect, it was the right to expand slavery into the new, western territories that would later become states. - Not exactly a noble cause.
At the time of secession, slavery was legal in the south when the Confederates started the Civil War by bombarding Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861. The Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves wasn't signed into law until January,1863, nearly two years after the start of the war.
If the south hadn't seceded, there would have been no war.
And by-the-way, military traitors stole arms and supplies from the U.S. government's supply depots in Texas and in all the states that joined the rebellion and used them to kill their fellow Americans who were Union soldiers.
It figures because the stoopid is too deep to overcome from wingnuts.
2:26 PM
You got that right, Mike! LOL!
"used them to kill their fellow Americans who were Union soldiers."
They were so violent. Couldn't they have found a more civil way to address their grievances? So quick to violence, hundreds of thousands dead all to lose anyway. A bunch of sub 80 IQ losers.
"demanding pigs stop murdering unarmed blacks for mundane crimes is wingnuts idea of insanity?"
No, you fucking insanely stupid piece of shit, getting rid of police departments is.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
It figures because the stoopid is too deep to overcome from wingnuts.
2:26 PM
You got that right, Mike! LOL!
Granny Can't Understand What Statistics Mean speaks.
"No, you fucking insanely stupid piece of shit, getting rid of police departments is."
No one is suggesting getting rid of police departments. A reallocation of funds yes, complete dismantling no. Even those who suggest this have a plan for a department of public safety, kinda the same thing. It's not crazy, it's happened before. I mean if you exclusively watch Fox news then yes, it's scary as hell because it's 24/7 Seattle anarchy scary stuff.
I was watching their coverage vs. other outlets and Fox is in full wet the pants mode. If they were fair in their coverage they'd have reporters embedded in the area and interview the mayor and/or other city officials but instead they have pundits who have nothing to add but more fear. Sad that they can't practice basic journalism.
No, you fucking insanely stupid piece of shit, getting rid of police departments is.
But,but you fucking ammosexuals are all good guys with guns, therefore there is no need to pay police.
Things are moving fast.
PilotX said....
Things are moving fast.
It's about time. Ninety plus years is long enough to put up with glorifying traitors.
Anonymous said...
Granny Can't Understand What Statistics Mean speaks.
4:05 PM
No, Honey you're the one who doesn't know what statistics mean. Simple data comparisons by percentages, per capita, multiplying, dividing etc. are not statistics. I guess maybe you missed my mini lecture on statistics last week? Why don't you Google "statistics" and learn about them instead of remaining ignorant?
Hollywood should make a movie about an affluent white woman who can shoot the weapons out of the hands black suspects and then safely process them with counseling
Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"I guess maybe you missed my mini lecture on statistics last week?"
Actually, I remember giving you a lecture you were unable to comprehend.
Maybe a liberal black scholar saying the same thing is easier for you. Here's a piece by John McWhorter from two days ago saying the same thing:
"Higher aggregate crime rates lead to more encounters with police officers overall which increases the likelihood that a proportion of those encounters will get out of hand."
He also offers a good analogy:
"However, these figures are not necessarily evidence of police racism. According to the Washington Post‘s database, over 95 percent of the people fatally shot by police officers in 2019 were male, and no serious-minded person argues that this is evidence of systemic misandry. So what, then, accounts for the disproportionate representation of black men among those killed by cops?"
For the simple minded, the point is that men commit over 95% of violent crime, therefore it makes sense than men make up more than 95% of the people fatally shot by police officers. It's not anti-male bias on the part of the police.
Blacks commit about 40% of violent crime, therefore the fact that blacks make up less than 30% of the people fatally shot by police officers means they are not being discriminated against. Actually, it appears to be the opposite.
drumpf body count for this day. Likely the only one.
Wonder if drumpf has passed Stalin, Pol Pot and/or Attila the Hun?
31 year old pig is with his tenth PD and pepper sprayed black youth for no reason at all.
In Atlanta, police chief resigned after another black man was killed by pigs.
Video shows cops shoot black man in the back as he ran away from them. He did have a taser and did fire it while running away.
Gonna help out you investigative challenged stoopid fucking wingnuts by showing you the top 10 Obama scandals as narrated by wasicu wasteys at Fake Noize.
Anonymous said.....
"For the simple minded, the point is that men commit over 95% of violent crime, therefore it makes sense than men make up more than 95% of the people fatally shot by police officers. It's not anti-male bias on the part of the police.
Blacks commit about 40% of violent crime, therefore the fact that blacks make up less than 30% of the people fatally shot by police officers means they are not being discriminated against. Actually, it appears to be the opposite."
6:04 PM
You have missed my point entirely. There is not one statistic in the paragraphs you listed above, and there are no statistics in you entire post. Instead, what you are reporting is data that has been subject to arithmetic operations. It may or may not be accurate depending if it truly represents all of the people shot by police in the given time period. And since no statistical operation has been performed on the data, there is no way to know if any differences are statistically significant.
If you are about to accuse me of being an idiot, I suggest you look in the mirror if you want to see one.
By the way, have you Googled "statistics" yet so that you understand what they actually are.
"there is no way to know if any differences are statistically significant."
Not by you, apparently.
According o bleeding heart liberal raG, the WSJ, claims Texas cop may have framed George Floyd in Texas arrest. Turns out he is an asshole of a cop.
Black murder victims keep getting victimized long after there earthly troubles are over.
I see black ethnonarcissists complaining about police in schools. I grew up with police in school, locked down buildings and metal detectors. This was in addition to the constant racial gladiator fights which the police rarely stopped. If I could handle it so can soft ass black people.
Black fragility is a very real but understudied phenomenon. I plan to adduce qualitative unrigorous analyses of it over the next several weeks, consistent with contemporary critical race scholarship produced by the finest institutions higher learning has to offer.
Media is the enemy of the people:
All those oppressed NFL players driving Lamborghini Diablo’s that insist on kneeling for the anthem should go try making 20 million a year in a third world shit hole since America is so racist and bad.
You got em'
Anonymous said...
"there is no way to know if any differences are statistically significant."
Not by you, apparently.
7:43 PM
So genius, please tell me what statistical test would you on the data you presented? What alpha level would you use? Hint: most social science questions are tested at the .05 level.
Anonymous said...
Media is the enemy of the people:
Repeating the words of the fat-assed, idiot in the White House. LOL!
"So genius, please tell me what statistical test would you on the data you presented?"
Good luck getting an answer.😂
"consistent with contemporary critical race scholarship produced by the finest institutions higher learning has to offer."😂😂😂😂
So what was wrong with Fergus at West Point? I mean besides all the usual stuff.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
All those oppressed NFL players driving Lamborghini Diablo’s that insist on kneeling for the anthem should go try making 20 million a year in a third world shit hole since America is so racist and bad.
all stoopid fucking wingnuts that refuse to support equal rights for poor, suppressed blacks need to immediately catch the next boat baCK to mother Russia, commie.
Welllllll fuck! Another dead end for wingnuts to start a new conspiracy theory about Biden bribery.
We have always known the name of the drumpf briber on this end.
"So what was wrong with Fergus at West Point? I mean besides all the usual stuff."
I guess he snorted just a little too much Adderall that day?
Anyway, Trump's actual West Point address was not as good as this one. This one is more strong and tough.
"All those oppressed NFL players driving Lamborghini Diablo’s that insist on kneeling for the anthem should go try making 20 million a year in a third world shit hole since America is so racist and bad."
Or they can express their First Amendment rights like everyone else. Either the Constitution exists for all of us or admit it doesn't.
Fake Noize is becoming the new dead Breitbart/O'fucking keefe....
Another murder by cop in Atlanta, when will it end? The guy was just sleeping off a drunk in his car for Pete's sake! Someone malevolently called the cops on him for that.
"The guy was just sleeping off a drunk in his car" (in the middle of the Wendy's drive through)
There is the little detail of him fighting the police, taking a tazer, and trying to take one of their guns. Otherwise, completely accurate description.
"Also known as the 'decadent veil' to give the impression that there is wealth on the ADOS community, when in reality there is none to speak of except for these ballers and rappers."
Don't forget all those affirmative action airline pilots.
"Another murder by cop in Atlanta, when will it end? The guy was just sleeping off a drunk in his car for Pete's sake! Someone malevolently called the cops on him for that."
He passed out in the drive-thru lane, preventing anyone else from using it. If they couldn't wake him, then it was completely reasonable to have called the cops and had them deal with it.
Please note, I am not saying the cops handled their interaction correctly and it was unavoidable for the guy to end up dead. I don't know that. This is what investigations are for.
"Black fragility is a very real but understudied phenomenon."
When 80% are raised solely by women the ability to be stoic goes out the window pretty quickly.
You have to take Twitter info with a big boulder of salt, but footage on Twitter suggests so-called "white allies" burned down that Wendy's where the dude took a nap in the drive-thru.
Some of these white anti-racist "allies" are the absolute worst. Just absolute dumbasses who are more interested in "grand revolutionary gestures" and virtue-signalling their own righteousness than they are in producing justice and equality for black people.
Now, lots of people will focus on the burned Wendy's, rather than the man who died there and whether his death was justified. Nice job there, geniuses.
With white friends like these, who needs enemies?
People could clearly go around him in the drive through lane and did so. When the cops got there, his car was in a parking slot. Then the story goes the cop didn't reach for his gun until he was fired upon by a taser, which is clearly not the case in the video.
Since pigs are always claiming tasers are dangerous, why would they use lethal force on an alleged drunk armed with a taser he took from officer 2? They surely weren't in fear for their lives.
"With white friends like these, who needs enemies?"
Leftist activist groups like BLM and Antifa are pursuing the goals of their funders and enablers, not of black people. Riling up and scaring blacks is a standard election year tactic used by Democrats every cycle. Blacks are the sledgehammer swung at the foundations of the culture by the Left. They don't care if the hammer gets broken in the process.
"Since pigs are always claiming tasers are dangerous, why would they use lethal force on an alleged drunk armed with a taser he took from officer 2? They surely weren't in fear for their lives."
It would be pretty easy to take the gun from someone you just disabled with a taser.
There is the little detail of him fighting the police, taking a tazer, and trying to take one of their guns. Otherwise, completely accurate description.
There is the little deal where Arbery was a known burglar (w/o proof) who was tear assing down the street (he jogged as he was out jogging) he attacked whitey who had a shotgun, waiting to ambush said jogger (killer said they pulled up alongside Arbery and wanted to question him which is flatly disproven by video tape). But, Arbery, ,like this body, was black, and therefore expendable.
It would be pretty easy to take the gun from someone you just disabled with a taser.
But, you notice how many times tasers fail to operate as advertised. They can incapacitate the right people. They can also kill a person with underlying medical problems and then sometimes they do nothing.
Honest question: If you decided to fight an armed police officer, wouldn't you have to realize that this decision could quite likely result in your being killed?
You'd have to be desperate to make that decision. The police officer would have to assume there was a high likelihood you would kill him if you got the upper hand.
Someone who makes that decision has just upped the stakes of an encounter into a life-or-death situation for everyone involved.
Millions of words written and spoken about police shootings, but almost all dance around the obvious truth that many people in this country feel like they should be allowed to commit crimes without the police stopping them.
“Here’s a list of things the cops shouldn’t have done when I was assaulting them:” Come on.
Just be honest. You’re poor, think America sucks, and you feel entitled to commit crimes without police interference. I’m not mad at ya. I was an angry young man myself once. But stop with this absurd claim that most negative police interactions are the fault of the cops.
"Honest question: If you decided to fight an armed police officer, wouldn't you have to realize that this decision could quite likely result in your being killed?"
Maybe. But that doesn't relieve the armed police officer of the obligation to use no more force than necessary to subdue him. "He's resisting, now I automatically get to kill him" is not how it works.
If the officer was alone at the scene AND Rayshard Brooks took his Taser away from him AND a bunch of other factors meant that the officer had no other choice but to kill Brooks, maybe he's got justification.
But if there was an alternative to defend himself against assault without shooting Brooks, then the officer's legally screwed.
Wow! Incredible! Thanks to all of these posters that have totally rationalized and explained why it's okay to kill a drunk sleeping it off! Gee, now I understand it so clearly! Especially if the person is a black person, but I still can't help wondering if same outcome had it been a white...hmmm...???
Theater said....
Leftist activist groups like BLM and Antifa are pursuing the goals of their funders and enablers, not of black people. Riling up and scaring blacks is a standard election year tactic used by Democrats every cycle. Blacks are the sledgehammer swung at the foundations of the culture by the Left. They don't care if the hammer gets broken in the process.
1:58 PM
More bull shit from someone on the right.
Lilacpr said
Wow! Incredible! Thanks to all of these posters that have totally rationalized and explained why it's okay to kill a drunk sleeping it off! Gee, now I understand it so clearly! Especially if the person is a black person, but I still can't help wondering if same outcome had it been a white...hmmm...???
2:55 PM
I've been asking myself the same question all day. Also when did it become police policy to shoot non felony suspects in the back as they are fleeing? And when did it become police policy to shoot any fleeing suspect in the back when he/she is not shooting at you?
Conservatives scream about protecting the lives of fetuses, but the lives of people, not so much!
"Riling up and scaring blacks is a standard election year tactic used by Democrats every cycle."
I see more of that from Fox. They are scaring people about Antifa, BLM and Chaz. I guess they had to move on from scary immigrants, caravans, knockout games, ect. Now mr. law and order is gonna be big daddy and save us all. Predictable.
Why would people be afraid of groups that explicitly endorse the use of violence and rioted, looted, and set fires in 50 US cities lat week?
Lilacpr said...
"Wow! Incredible! Thanks to all of these posters that have totally rationalized and explained why it's okay to kill a drunk sleeping it off"
Do you actually believe that's what happened? That the police just walked and shot a guy sleeping in his car?
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