The New York Times first reported that American intelligence officials have determined a Russian military unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces, including targeting American troops. The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post also reported on the Kremlin's effort to orchestrate attacks on Western troops.
Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., called for the Senate to vote on new sanctions against Russia.
"If Trump refuses to hold Putin accountable for funding terrorism against US troops in Afghanistan, then Congress must again step up," tweeted Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said it's "imperative" to get answers and urged the Trump administration to tell Congress what it knows about Russia's efforts to pay bounties to kill American soldiers.
"I expect the Trump Administration to take such allegations seriously and inform Congress immediately as to the reliability of these news reports," Graham, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, tweeted.
The Times reported that President Trump and the White House's National Security Council were briefed on Russia's bounty rewards in late March. They discussed an appropriate response, ranging from making a diplomatic complaint to Moscow and economic sanctions, but the White House had not yet authorized a response.
The White House, however, said Saturday that Trump was not briefed on the alleged Russian bounty intelligence, but didn't confirm or deny the underlying reporting that Russia was giving out rewards to attack U.S. soldiers." [Source]
Mr. trump, as it turns out, was briefed, but it was a written one. This of course is problematic, because learning the brief would require reading. And sadly, as we all know, reading is almost as hard for him to do as it is to drink a glass of water.
Reposted from the comments on the last blog entry, for anyone who hasn't seen it:
Donald Trump explains how the whole Russian bounty scandal thing is all just a yuuuuuuge misunderstanding.
Cool how Field laps up and spits back out every Fake News story from the corporate press.
Once again, what did we expect when we elected a reality tv game show host? MADA
Anonymous said...
Cool how Field laps up and spits back out every Fake News story from the corporate press.
10:55 PM
Cool how anonymous posters constantly whine "fake news"instead of dealing with the issues.
That the anti-racist left can get away with coordinating nationwide anti-cop meltdowns resulting in massive murder sprees across all major metropolitan areas - not once but twice in the last five years - without incurring any mainstream criticism or skepticism is astonishing.
Welp, the Wingnut Wave of COVID-19 is here, courtesy of people who blew off any efforts to contain the virus, because Trump told them all it was no biggie and not to worry about it. Masks are for pussies, guys.
Of course, when the bodies start stacking up in red state America, that won't be real. Y'all will be imagining that. DEMOCRAT HOAX!!!! Who are you gonna believe, Trump or your lying eyes?
Buy more MAGA merch. That'll fix everything.
"That the anti-racist left can get away with coordinating nationwide anti-cop meltdowns resulting in massive murder sprees across all major metropolitan areas - not once but twice in the last five years - without incurring any mainstream criticism or skepticism is astonishing."
Well, there are bigger fish to fry. There's a killer virus taking out hundreds of thousands of Americans and now Putin is taking out American soldiers. Try Fox, they ignore real stories and focus on nonsense like that.
"Well, there are bigger fish to fry. There's a killer virus taking out hundreds of thousands of Americans and now Putin is taking out American soldiers. Try Fox, they ignore real stories and focus on nonsense like that."
Please, Tucker Carlson, tell me all about the Knock-out Game again!
There's a killer virus taking out hundreds of thousands of Americans"
Death rate is crashing. Pandemic has been averted.
"now Putin is taking out American soldiers"
The issue surrounds leaked sketchy intelligence reports, to the New York Times, claiming Russians were willing to pay Taliban members to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
Nothing claimed by media or the DNC political operatives in/around capitol hill has any substantive intelligence to prove the claim.
Remember, in 2010 Iran was paying insurgent fighters in multiple fields of combat including Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, to kill Americans. Those well-documented examples must be overlooked because despite the overwhelming evidence the Obama administration paid Iran over $170 billion in cash and entered a nuclear deal with them.
As Iran also funds Hezbollah, which involves payments for the killing of U.S. and allied western soldiers, the politics of the narrative engineers are so hypocritical they are choking.
Any politician worth their salt would have capitalized on this one time opportunity to use a common enemy to unite a badly fractured nation. People have been speculating that it would take an alien invasion to get the different factions to band together in this political environment.
Well, you got your alien invasion. So what did you do with it?
Well, the countermeasures that were imposed have resulted in millions of unemployed people, thousands of businesses that won't survive, and trillions of dollars in wealth evaporated, as well as trillions of dollars of debt incurred in propping up the economy while it's in a medically induced coma, among other things too numerous to list, all in the service of keeping hundreds of thousands more citizens from dying from a disease we won't have a pharmaceutical response to until next year at the outside.
I'd call that a massive investment, and whether or not it was massive enough, or properly targeted is up for debate.
What is not up for debate is the fact that Fergus and Republican governors have squandered it, leaving us pretty much where we were before any of the countermeasures were taken.
There is no effective therapy or prophylaxis for this disease besides distancing, hand washing, and face coverings, and there remain +/- 300 million uninfected citizens, so what were they expecting to happen?
I'm not a scientist, or even particularly smart about science, but Christ on a pogo stick, they taught us this stuff in ninth grade biology.
I retain, perhaps naively, an expectation that the highest levels of the federal government are capable of operating at a level at or above Mr. Wilcox's science classroom in 1975.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Any politician worth their salt would have capitalized on this one time opportunity to use a common enemy to unite a badly fractured nation"
Democrats politicized the response to the virus from the get-go. They criticized Trump's travel ban from China as racist. They screamed that he was overreacting. There is of course nothing he could of done that would have resulted in a unified response where there the Democrats wouldn't have tried to gain political advantage out of crisis. It's what they do.
There is no uniting this badly fractured nation at this point.
Yeah, international relations aren't for the fain of heart, or the dim of mind like Fergus.
Putin probably sees this as just a little retribution for Reagan's support of the Mujahideen, which was far more substantial and pulled in the midst of a goddamn nuclear standoff.
A little compensation for a handful of dead soldiers in a twenty year war? Fuck that, he's killed more Ukrainians this week than the total number of US casualties in Afghanistan this year, why should he give a shit? He's got an election to steal this week, so he can remain in power until 2036, and he knows Fergus will be long gone way before then.
They intercepted the bank transfers between Russian banks and banks used by Afghan Islamists. They confiscated cash at insurgent compounds they overran.
The shit we're pulling in Africa and Yemen are atrocities an order of magnitude worse.
But we caught Russia this time, and it's Fergus' goddamn job as commander in chief to do something about it, something other than sucking Putin's dick. Again.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Those well-documented examples must be overlooked because despite the overwhelming evidence the Obama administration paid Iran over $170 billion in cash and entered a nuclear deal with them."
"Paid." A zombie wingnut talking point. We gave Iran back THEIR money.
And Obama did this in return for Iran abandoning their nuclear weapons program for the immediate future.
What are we getting for Trump being nice to Russia? Note, I said what are WE getting -- we already know what HE got: help rigging an American election in Trump's favor. But what are we, the American people, getting from Russia when Trump goes to bat for them. The answer appears to be: nothing at all.
America is getting screwed endlessly by Trump's scumbag play buddy.
It would appear that Oklahoma just voted to expand Medicaid.
It said "100% of precincts reporting", but I don't know whether there are substantial amounts of mail in ballots yet to be counted.
I'm the only member of my immediate family who wasn't born there, so I've been around Oklahomans enough to know what kinds of idiots they can often be.
Perhaps even idiots want to live?
Perhaps the propaganda sometimes wears thin when so many of your neighbors are dying?
My cousins all moved to Houston, so I don't think I still have any family there, but I remain optimistic that they can come to their senses and save themselves, or at least some of them can.
Going by the election results so far, it would appear that just over half of them are already there.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Only president assclown can get Americans banned from Europe. Another addition to his legacy.
"Death rate is crashing. Pandemic has been averted."
No one is THIS stupid! C'mon trolls, you're not even trying now.
Watch Oklahoma Republicans find a way to cheat them out of it in 3...2...1...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
China caught smuggling assault weapons parts into US to feed insurrection:
The assumption that white people should solve all of the black community's problems and be held accountable for their troubles is actually quite supremacist. They shouldn't be our keepers
The funniest news item of the day is a BLM/antifa defund the police "protest" request a police presence for safety. LOL
I wish we could at least take you clowns serious, but no such luck. Carry on. Oh yeah, the latest polls anywhere have Trump losing by 1000% this November. It's true! I read it in the Washington Post or something. Maybe it was da root, maybe pilot talcum X can verify. He gets his news from da root. He's also a full grown negus.
Fact Check: Has Iran Really Killed or Maimed Thousands of Americans?
Is Iran responsible for “killing and maiming thousands of American service men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan?” The line, tucked into Mr. Netanyahu’s speech this morning, could generously be termed an exaggeration.
In Afghanistan, American officials of the more hawkish variety have over the years complained that Iran occasionally aided some Taliban factions when it suited Tehran’s interests. But after more than 13 years of war, there is still scant evidence that would link Iran to any specific American deaths in Afghanistan, never mind the thousands that Mr. Netanyahu spoke of.
The consensus view among American officials and experts was that Iran was glad to tweak the United States in Afghanistan, but that it was loath to line up behind the Taliban, which sits on the opposite side of the divide between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Tehran actively opposed Taliban rule in Afghanistan in the 1990s, when the militants massacred Hazaras, a predominately Shiite ethnic minority.
If anything, Iran and the United States have often found themselves working as indirect partners, especially in western Afghanistan, where the economy is, in essence, an extension of Iran’s. There, American officials have in recent years privately praised Iran’s stabilizing role
ps drumpf body count surpassed 130k overnight.
Miss Lindsey chairs the Sinate Judicial committee, not the House committee.
Chicago Roy said...
"That the anti-racist left can get away with coordinating nationwide anti-cop meltdowns resulting in massive murder sprees across all major metropolitan areas -"
Massive murder sprees? Where exactly is this happening? Source?
Anonymous said...
"Those well-documented examples must be overlooked because despite the overwhelming evidence the Obama administration paid Iran over $170 billion in cash and entered a nuclear deal with them."
Why do you persist in lying?
For the one-hundredth time the Obama administration did not "pay" Iran anything. The money belonged to Iran. It had been deposited by Iranians into U.S. banks before the hostages were taken in November 1979. When the hostages were taken, Carter froze the money. Obama released the money back to the Iranians.
The currency shipped to Iran in the dead of night drew attention from presidential candidate Donald Trump this week, who on Friday appeared to walk back an earlier assertion that he had seen a payment being delivered. But that money was owed to the Islamic Republic since 1979, the year the U.S. froze all the Iranian funds in American banks as retribution for seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, as revolution swept that nation.
Moar Fake Newz,
Until January, GreatGameIndia.com—an Indian website that bills itself as a “Journal on Geopolitics and International Relations”—was a microscopic blip on the internet, reaching just 30,000 to 50,000 visitors a month. It published numerous conspiracy theories about anything from Indian politics to the 2014 crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine. In contrast, CNN.com has more than 500 million page views a month, and a local newspaper such as the South Florida Sun-Sentinel has more than 4 million monthly page views, according to web analytics firm SimilarWeb.
That changed on January 26, when Great Game India published an article about the origins of the novel coronavirus. The article was called “Coronavirus Bioweapon–How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It.” The article claimed that two Chinese spies smuggled the virus from a lab in Winnipeg to a military lab in Wuhan, where the virus “leaked” out and began infecting people. (Great Game India did not respond to multiple requests for comment.)
According to NewsWhip, a social media analytics platform, that first article in what would become a misinformation bandwagon received only 1,600 likes, shares, or comments on social media. But later that day, ZeroHedge reposted the article, word-for-word, adding a hint of speculation in the headline: “Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It?” The true answer, of course, is no, but the provocative headline begs readers to click and read—and share—the lengthy conspiracy theory, which reaches the conclusion that Chinese spies did steal the virus from the Canadian lab.
ZeroHedge started as a financial blog in 2009, created by a Bulgarian hedge fund analyst who was barred from the U.S. financial industry in 2008 for insider trading. The site is now best known for its pro-Kremlin commentary and false stories about Hunter Biden that spurred waves of right-wing misinformation during the impeachment hearings last fall. ZeroHedge currently ranks in the top 900 sites in the US, and its article about the Canada-China coronavirus myth garnered more than 24,500 social media engagements, more than 15 times what the original post on Great Game India received.
Also that day, ZeroHedge’s post caught the eye of someone at RedStateWatcher.com, which immediately reposted ZeroHedge’s story. The anonymously operated conservative site regularly reposts false content from other unreliable right-leaning sites.
Red State Watcher is among the 140 most popular sites in the US. Its Facebook page— @DonaldTrump4President—has more than four million followers (though NewsGuard did not find the coronavirus hoax article shared on this Facebook page). Because of cooperation between some of the internet’s most egregious misinformation sites, Great Game India’s post had reached exponentially more readers than any story on that site could do on its own.
Read all of our coronavirus coverage here.
The falsehood had gone viral before Canadian authorities became aware of it and were able to disprove it. While two Chinese scientists were in fact escorted from the Winnipeg lab last July, a spokesperson for the Public Health Agency of Canada later told the CBC that they were asked to leave due to an “administrative manner,” described by Canadian police as a “policy breach” that posed no danger to public safety. The spokesperson made clear that any claim that the Chinese scientists were spies—or that their work had to do with coronavirus—is “misinformation
"For the one-hundredth time the Obama administration did not "pay" Iran anything. The money belonged to Iran."
Facts mean nothing to conservatives and trolls. You're wasting your time. They'll just scream "fake news" and plug their ears.
"Massive murder sprees? Where exactly is this happening? Source?"
Just watch Fox news.😆
China caught smuggling assault weapons parts into US to feed insurrection:
No proof, just speculation.
“‘China caught smuggling assault weapons parts into US to feed insurrection:’
No proof, just speculation.”
The part about the guns being smuggled in FROM China is fact.
The part about the Chinese government itself being responsible, rather than an organized crime syndicate, is extremely dubious.
The part about “fueling insurrection” is laughable paranoid nonsense. The destination for these guns is far more likely to be redneck gun nutters than BLM.
Just dropping in to to comment that it's a pleasure to see more original content from Field in recent weeks.
Y'all may now return to your regularly scheduled shenanigans.
BubbleBoyX said...
""Massive murder sprees? Where exactly is this happening?"
Gun murders up 89% for June compared to 2019.
This June was a record setting, “unacceptable”, complete and total shitshow. The homicide count ties the mid-90s for most ever; the total shot number is 50+ more than our record peak of 498 in August 2016; 111 shot over Father’s Day weekend; tallied a 30 day homicide run rate of 110
Your kind of town said...
BubbleBoyX said...
""Massive murder sprees? Where exactly is this happening?"
Here are a few facts for you -
So for those wingnuts that are mathematically challenged this means that the per capita murder rate in Buffalo New York is higher than it is in Chicago.
"So for those wingnuts that are mathematically challenged this means that the per capita murder rate in Buffalo New York is higher than it is in Chicago."
Facts mean nothing to internet trolls.
PilotX said.....
Facts mean nothing to internet trolls.
1:21 PM
Yes, my friend, I know this. But I feel compelled to post the truth, so any open-minded person who reads their garbage will know the facts. I think it's best to challenge outright lies whenever possible.
Anonymous said...
“‘China caught smuggling assault weapons parts into US to feed insurrection:’
I doubt this, but tell me: who do you think is providing all the guns that make their way to the people who use them to kill others?
Granny Low-cognitive ability NPC said...
"Here are a few facts for you -"
The response was to where 'murder sprees' are spiking due to BLM/Democrat mayor attacks on the police.
The answer is Chicago and every other urban concentration of blacks, just like the "Ferguson effect" that occurred the last time the Democrats blamed high black crime rates on the people tasked with keeping the peace.
PilotX's head is so far up his ass the brim of his stewardess beanie is sticking out of his mouth.
Anonymous Your kind of town said...
Granny Low-cognitive ability NPC said...
"Here are a few facts for you -"
The response was to where 'murder sprees' are spiking due to BLM/Democrat mayor attacks on the police.
The answer is Chicago and every other urban concentration of blacks, just like the "Ferguson effect" that occurred the last time the Democrats blamed high black crime rates on the people tasked with keeping the peace.
PilotX's head is so far up his ass the brim of his stewardess beanie is sticking out of his mouth.
2:19 PM
If what you say is true, then how about a few reliable sources , so I can check you stories? You know what I mean - some web addresses from local papers where all this "violence" is taking place? Otherwise, I hate to confess; I don't believe a word of it.
Granny Low-cognitive ability NPC said..
Shit fer brains listed above ignored the memo from Ferguson that proved pigs were targeting black citizens with every minor crime they could think of with large fines to pay for city government.
And then, shit fer brains, Black Ferguson citizens had to deal with wasicu wastey pigs daily.
Rand Paul thinks Dr. Fauci needs to be more optimistic.
DeSantis says no way no how is he gonna "close back down" in Florida.
Per capita, Texas is already at 70% of Fauci's projected 100K per day.
Maricopa county is logging numbers higher than any NYC logged at the top of its curve.
This is looking more and more like some bumbling, accidental, mass suicide.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“DeSantis says no way no how is he gonna ‘close back down’ in Florida.”
DeSantis already is closing back down. He’s closed the bars.
It remains to be seen if he’ll go back to full shutdown or just let his citizens die. But it is quite likely he will be forced to make that choice in the near future. If he chooses letting people die, a lot of those people will come from the large, Republican-voting elderly retiree population in Florida, and DeSantis’ career, and the popularity of the GOP in Florida generally, will die along with them.
"This is looking more and more like some bumbling, accidental, mass suicide."
Dougie is wetting himself with glee.
Too bad it's just a fantasy.
“Dougie is wetting himself with glee.
Too bad it's just a fantasy.”
I wish it were a fantasy. Florida is screwed. So are several other states in the Sun Belt, where a horror movie scenario is about to go down.
I especially wish I did not have to live in the same country with the dimwits who allowed this to happen. Maybe we really should build Trump’s wall ... across the United States? I do not want people from these states coming and spreading their infection to my state.
Field, you have to check this out.
The Root ran a story about that rich dude in St. Louis who started waving around an assault rifle when BLM protesters came into his neighborhood. A video of him went viral after Trump shared it — approving of the man’s conduct, naturally.
Apparently, Mister Assault Rifle has now retained an attorney. It’s unclear exactly why he’s hired the attorney, whether he is afraid of facing criminal charges or is maybe he’s hoping he can issue cease and desist letters to media outlets and muzzle them in order to contain the reputational damage from the incident? Not sure.
But the interesting part is the attorney, some bozo named Albert Watkins. The bio he posted on his own website to promote himself is just absolutely wild. It has to be read to be believed. It has now been removed from the law firm’s web page now, but you can see an archive here.
"PilotX's head is so far up his ass the brim of his stewardess beanie is sticking out of his mouth."
Very intelligent response ma'am. Your parents must be prooud of you. But anyhoo, some spikes notwithstanding crime and violence rates are going down not only in Chicago but nationwide. That's good and shows programs and interventions are working. Maybe you could contribute to an idea or something to stop violence in the country or do you just run your mouth and celebrate when Blah people die? No need to answer, we know what you think. You should go somewhere to stop the massive suicide rates of white males. That and the overdose cases need some attention. Posting Chicago crime rates every day aren't helping the suicide/OD crisis.
Illinois not even close to Wyoming and West Virginia. Seems we need to spend more time posting about white on white gun death rates huh? It's pretty bad.
Gun rate death by firearm Wyoming vs. Illinois. 21.5 vs 10.9.
There are zero Blah people in Wyoming so looks like we can't blame gun violence on us. We see who needs their guns taken away.
but you can see an archive here. I can't. Big blank white space.
If that dude in St. Louis discharged his AR holding it lefty like that, he would get a hot shell casing to his nipple.
Fergus: "I know! I'll blame it all on Jared!"
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Another QAnonner won a Republican primary. I'd wonder whether they were gonna put a QAnon plank in their party platform, but no, they're not even bothering with a party platform this year.
They're instead re-using their platform from 2016 despite the language in it denigrating the "current administration" over and over.
That is, they're accidentally not lying.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“but you can see an archive here. I can't. Big blank white space.”
Keep re-opening the page until it works. I don’t know why it doesn’t always display correctly, but it’s not a dead link.
Fake Noize cans Ed Henry and Diamond and Silk. Too bad, so sad.
Wow, shocking that trump's fluffer has a problem with an actual self-made billionaire. He's got to realize that only cultists and morons will actually take Hannity seriously. Anyone else will make him look like the fool he is with his nonsense stories.
“Another QAnonner won a Republican primary.”
Another besides Marjorie Taylor Greene? (Technically, Greene has only won the first round of the primary, but she’s heavily favored to win the runoff, too.)
Every day brings more and more confirmation that the entire GOP is a festering cesspool of hate and stupidity. Trump is not an aberration.
*I guess I should say “the entire national GOP.”
Some Republican politicians at the state level aren’t quite as horrible. But the ones in Congress can go straight to hell, pretty much without exception.
"Every day brings more and more confirmation that the entire GOP is a festering cesspool of hate and stupidity. Trump is not an aberration."
Yeah, trump is the natural evolution of the GOP.
Hey Field, check this out. You seem to like travel.
Looks like Jamaica has the virus under control. Less than 600 cases and 10 deaths. I need to move.
From The Root....
8 Louisiana Cops Indicted for Allegedly Beating 2 Men Over a Seatbelt Violation
Maybe if you guys had a better alternative you could pull this off?
“Looks like Jamaica has the virus under control. Less than 600 cases and 10 deaths. I need to move.”
New Zealand has successfully totally eliminated COVID-19. No social distancing or masks are required anymore. Bars, restaurants, theaters are all SAFELY back open.
Everything is completely back to normal.
Meanwhile, in Trump’s America, we have apparently decided to let COVID-19 win.
wHaTeVeR, mAn. iF i GeT cORoNA, i GeT CoRoNa!
Facts mean nothing to internet trolls.
Facts mean nothing to SJW ideologues. Chicago is violent because it is 32% black. Buffalo has a higher murder rate because it is 84.94% black.
Gun rate death by firearm Wyoming vs. Illinois. 21.5 vs 10.9.
Now compare Chicago to Wyoming, and eliminate suicides. Murders and suicides are radically different.
Not that you can be expected to understand that. It would lower your toxic level of self-esteem.
50K per day confirmed now, who knows how many really infected.
Meanwhile Fergus still wants the supreme court to strike down the ACA, instantly making all of those millions of folks who survived covid ineligible for health insurance.
The guy, Azzizi, the bag man for the bounties, is back in Russia now, but reportedly had $100K on offer for the killing of a coalition soldier.
Sort of like the billions of dollars we paid the Sunnis in Iraq to fight for our side for a while, only on a much smaller scale, so it's more of a diplomatic transgression than anything else.
Kind of makes Fergus' gift to Putin of the hollowing out of the state department make a little more sense, though.
And Fergus is still up there on television saying that he believes the virus will just kinda go away.
And the expanded UI from the CARES act expire near the end of this month, three months before the election. The resulting crash of the economy combined with the mass evictions that are slated to begin today will make a favorable election climate for who, exactly?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
So, all you Fooled Negro fans, when was the last time a black child was shot dead in his car seat by alt-right activists? By anyone white?
Bet it was "never". But you STILL blame Whitey.
Attention all trolls who accuse black people of not helping to reduce crime in their communities.......
Here's an article about a community effort in Chicago called Metropolitan Peace Academy. The program involves outreach workers — sometimes known as violence interrupters — training on community wellness, conflict resolution, and how to interact effectively with city agencies.
The volunteers shown in the article appear to be black men.
Anonymous said.....
Bet it was "never". But you STILL blame Whitey.
11:48 PM
Your post doesn't make much sense. Who is blaming whitey for a child being shot?
Except for all of the children who shoot themselves or each other because their damn fool parents leave loaded guns where they can get to them.
I don't know whether all of them have been white, but some of them definitely were.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Who is blaming whitey for a child being shot?"
As a buddy of mine once said, don't try to make sense of nonsense. These trolls are just here to disrupt conversation and distract. Oversimplification of messages and stereotyping are the only tools in their toolkit. Actually having a conversation and listening are not on their agenda as they know all there is to know.
It won't help any more than the Access Hollywood tape did, but:
RNC Paying Ex-Producer Who Has Dirt on Trump
July 1, 2020 at 10:19 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 158 Comments
Last year, the Republican National Convention began cutting checks to a former producer of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice who was accused of having, as one contestant put it, “all the dirt” on Donald Trump, the Daily Beast reports.
“Labella is not just a former Apprentice bigwig. According to actor Tom Arnold, who was a contestant on the show and has since become a vociferous Trump critic, Labella was in possession of Trump’s ostensibly salacious—and, in political and media circles, long-sought—behind-the-scenes Apprentice outtakes.”
Said Arnold: “Chuck LaBella was there and knows all.”
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Tell all book is on again. Hope it is worth it.
Chicago Final June 2020 Totals (vs 2019)
Shot & Killed: 86 (+91%)
Shot & Wounded: 470(+72%)
Total Shot: 556 (+74%)
Total Homicides: 91 (+82%)
Lots of crazy stuff on rawstory.com this morning!
White woman pulls gun on Black women in Chipotle parking lot feud
‘Insane’: Park ranger shoots unarmed man through his heart and then handcuffs his dead body
Woman hurls the N-word at Black soldier — and gets evicted from her apartment almost immediately
Mount Rushmore heads give Putie's puppet a once over.
House Negro Stacey Dash roars by her idol drumpf as she dumps her fourth hubby to his three.
drumpf body count....
still going strong.
What fraction of the anonymoid trolls here are in fact Russian agents? What fraction fly a Confederate flag? What fraction have acne? And how much overlap is there between these groups?
Paradoctor said.....
What fraction of the anonymoid trolls here are in fact Russian agents? What fraction fly a Confederate flag? What fraction have acne? And how much overlap is there between these groups?
2:17 PM
I'd say about 25 percent are Russian agents, and 75 percent fly the confederate flag. As for acne, I got no clue! But then, from the quality of their arguments, I'm not sure some of the confederate flag fliers are even old enough to have acne. Their language and responses fall into the ten-year-old range.
"Their language and responses fall into the ten-year-old range."
Mentally 10,physically probably teens. Except for Legacy, she's a grown woman.
This is my buddy that started in our aviation camp as a teen.👍🏾😃
Nice post, PilotX. I'm happy for your friend.
Nice post, PilotX. Wonder if he'd be interested in being my brother. I am running out of them. Lost bro number 4 a week ago to pancreatic cancer. Good for him. From the time he was diagnosed till his death was 2 weeks. I have 2 bros and 2 sisters left and one sister is in terrible shape with numerous medical problems.
Just about the time you think southerners have reached the pits of gross stoopidity, they take that as a challenge to get worse.
I'd bet they are all drumpf voters.
Wait for drumpf to call this guy a liar.
Political Wire has an article up on this topic. The comments are great. If you have a few minutes, you should go take a peak.
Uh, Gail, "the blacks" are people too:
“I’m concerned about voter registration in Mississippi. The blacks are having lots of events for voter registration. People in Mississippi have to get involved, too.”
— Mississippi election commissioner Gail Welch, quoted by the Hattiesburg American.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Thanks Gambler. I never knew who or what Taegan Goddard was.
So that privately built fence that the donors were fleeced to fund?
If they don't fix it, it will fall into the river.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
IZ drumpf racist?
A total of 8 black judges of the 200 nominated so far. None on the important courts of appeals. and the jokers drumpf installed all are extreme right wing ideologues without the judicial temperament to be impartial or even fair.
This place reeks of desperation.
Anonymous said...
This place reeks of desperation.
9:10 PM
What place would that be, Anon? If you are talking about this blog, there are hundreds/thousands of other blogs you can go to. No one here cares about your opinion.
mike from iowa said...
Thanks Gambler. I never knew who or what Taegan Goddard was.
8:01 PM
You are very welcome. Most of the people who comment on Political Wire are left of center. There are a few right wingers, but not many. And conspiracy theories are not popular there.
As a result of exploding COVID-19 rates, the governor of Texas has been forced to order all his state’s residents to henceforth wear masks in public.
There’s going to be a whole lot of Trumpsters bitching about “America turning communist” for the next few days.
And just wait until Texas has to go back into lockdown ...
It does sort of reek of desperation, and that's hardly surprising considering how publicly the Fergus administration has flamed out and screwed the pooch on every major issue to come its way since, like, forever.
And speaking of desperation, first it was the US attorney in DC, then it was the US attorney in SDNY, and as of tonight, it's the US attorney in EDNY, you know, the one in charge of all of the Ukraine stuff?
What next, the US attorney in Florida? Why leave anyone with any jurisdiction over Fergus, his family, or his felons?
And 50K reported cases of covid now for two days in a row, and even the goddamn fool in Texas is imposing a mask requirement.
So why don't we have one nation wide?
We don't really have much other ammunition against covid, and masks have been shown to drastically slow its spread, so if you really want to open the economy back up, masks seem like an easy first step.
But masks, to Fergus and his fans, represent something un-manly and liberal and elitist and who knows what all mental illness they are indulging in so as to stop us from using one of the only approaches we have to slow the spread of a deadly virus.
These fuckers are at this point literally too stupid to survive, and require our intervention to be saved from an easily preventable grisly death.
So maybe don't vote for them.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"...And Their Leader Shall Lead Them To Their Deaths. Like Cows Being Led To Slaughter!"
They dranK the KOOL-AID
It's all quite simple to anyone with an ounce of brains.
You wear the mask and you live.
You don't wear a mask and you infect millions cause another lockdown and close down the economy and die.
Question: How the hell do you refuse to wear a mask but then complain when it resurges, and infects your whole damn state.
It's no wonder why the world sees them as "The Dumb Americans!"
But I guess actual footage of thousands of people dying, hospital workers and front line workers being stretched to the limit and emergency rooms overflowing is just FAKE NEWS.
Your post doesn't make much sense. Who is blaming whitey for a child being shot?
You, because you do NOT blame Blacky for shooting that child.
These trolls are just here to disrupt conversation and distract.
The sane are here to disrupt your false narrative with truth.
What fraction of the anonymoid trolls here are in fact Russian agents?
Exactly 0% of them. We are all victims of Negro Fatigue.
The newest Russian thing is absolutely no surprise at all.
China will inherit the western part of the America
Russia will inherit the eastern part of America
Then all those who are to blame for it will get on their private jets and abandon the country for the private islands that they bought off of the backs of the lowly taxpayers.
It will be a very interesting phenomenon.
"The volunteers shown in the article appear to be black men."
The "volunteers" (paid ex-gang members) in the article are totally ineffective, but get paid anyway. "Mo' money fo' dem programs."
We have had enough.
Does anyone see the hypocrisy of it all?
If they are supposed to be the United States of America,
Then why can't they UNITE over how to fight the Corona.
What a painful, pathetic situation.
Regarding the 400 years of black male lynching:
There is a definitely a thin line between love and hate.
The hatred that white men have towards black males is fueled by a "jealous rage."
...a constant reminder of what they wish they could be.
These trolls are just here to disrupt conversation and distract.
The sane are here to disrupt your false narrative with truth.
Fake Noize talking points and alternative "facts" aren't facts at all. Russian propaganda to disrupt the site.
So that privately built fence that the donors were fleeced to fund?
If they don't fix it, it will fall into the river.
Built on the river bank against all expert advice and common sense. Rivers change course regularly due to erosion and flood waters. But, stoopid is as stoopid does and wingnuts are full of stoopidity and should be warehoused in mental institutions for re-education purposes. Every last one of the stoopid sons a bitches.
Wasicu wastey hided Hispanic man followed two black teens home and opened fire on them.
Neither teen was hurt but a nearby house suffered a bullet wound. All over a BLM shirt. drumpf has really racially divided America because he is an orange skinned racist.
Anonymous said.....
Exactly 0% of them. We are all victims of Negro Fatigue.
12:55 AM
Well then, what's stopping you from moving to another town, city, or state where there are few Black people if that's how you feel?
I'm a victim of alt-right, racist fatigue, but I manage to carry on very well without whining about it.
Anonymous said...
We have had enough.
12:56 AM
Then leave. And don't let the screen door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Social Media Platforms Crack Down On Right-wing Extremist 'Boogaloo' Cult
Trump's Campaign Merchandise Targets Neo-Nazis As Primary Market
When there are too many coincidences, there is no coincidence. So it is with the Trump official logo and merchandise.
Sorry for your loss Mike.😓
Thanks, PilotX. He was the closest in age to me of nine sibs and kept me out of mucho trouble when we were young and dumb.
Who is blaming whitey for a child being shot?
Everyone who blames "racism" or "oppression" for black dysfunction, instead of blaming the actual agents: blacks.
Africans-in-America are obsolete farm equipment.
What fraction of the anonymoid trolls here are in fact Russian agents?
Oh, god, you're still doing "muh Russia"?
Just how stupid ARE you? It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
"Africans-in-America are obsolete farm equipment."
And white racist internet trolls were never relevant.
Anonymous said...
Africans-in-America are obsolete farm equipment.
1:30 PM
We don't have very many Africans in the United States. However we do have a diverse population of Americans who descended from black mothers and white slave-owning fathers. I'm guessing that perhaps some of your ancestors were involved in that?
Everyone who blames "racism" or "oppression" for black dysfunction, instead of blaming the actual agents: blacks.
Racism is the sole providence of racist fucking wasicu stoopid, shit fer brains, wingnuts and their inbred, trailer trash relatives.
"Africans in America"? See, that's where the thing where your brain is supposed to be really fails. There are very few Africans in America, a couple of million as of 2015. The folks you are referring to are called Americans, plain and simple.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Oh, god, you're still doing "muh Russia"?
White house team is discussing punishment for Putie for buying the deraths of American servicemembers by not inviting Putie to G7, where he has already been kicked out.
“White house team is discussing punishment for Putie for buying the deraths of American servicemembers by not inviting Putie to G7, where he has already been kicked out.”
That will be very sad for poor Trump. If he can’t invite Putie back into the G7/8, then he will have no other friends there among the gathered world leaders.
He will have to sit in the corner and sulk while the other prime ministers and presidents hobnob and tell Trump jokes and laugh and laugh.
Maybe we can finally get rid of this racist name.
drumpfuck's hoax body count is a real .....
And steadily climbing. Not gonna disappear Anytime soon.
This is where the boys gets seperated from the MEN...
AIM for greatness not fakeness!!!
Gambler2 at 3:01 pm and PilotX at 4:30 pm:
25% paid Russian agents and the other 75% Confederazis? A plausible estimate. As for the acne'd, I'd put them as a subset of the Confederazis. Don't worry, it's just a phase...
How to distinguish the two groups? I guess that the agents are better disinformed and better-spoken. They're _professional_; whereas the acne'd teen from 8chan is an amateur.
Take Anonymous 1:32 pm. The anonymoid's reflexive denial suggests Russian agent; but the emptiness of the insult, and the twit-signal 'muh' trope suggests acne'd basement troll. What do you say?
"What do you say?"
I say teen nazi because of the insult. They always want to feel superior and because they lack experience and a broad base of knowledge their insecurities require them to lash out. Fortunately over the interwebs their lashing out can't harm anyone.
Don Junior's Fox News girlfriend Kim Guilfoyle caught COVID. Team Trump are catching the virus right and left.
Are masks still only for pussies?
Don Jr. doesn't seem to have it, though, guess they must have been socially distancing?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Paradoctor said...
Gambler2 at 3:01 pm and PilotX at 4:30 pm:
25% paid Russian agents and the other 75% Confederazis? A plausible estimate. As for the acne'd, I'd put them as a subset of the Confederazis. Don't worry, it's just a phase...
How to distinguish the two groups? I guess that the agents are better disinformed and better-spoken. They're _professional_; whereas the acne'd teen from 8chan is an amateur.
Take Anonymous 1:32 pm. The anonymoid's reflexive denial suggests Russian agent; but the emptiness of the insult, and the twit-signal 'muh' trope suggests acne'd basement troll. What do you say?
9:20 PM
Yes, I think you are right about this. The alt-right juveniles write short, insulting posts that don't include any logical points. The Russians are more into defaming Obama and pushing fantastic conspiracy theories.
"...and their leader will lead his blind people to their deaths like cows being led to slaughter!"
To all of those that continue to drink the Koolaid with blindfolds on...even after people in the administration (including the son's girlfriend) gets the Covid.
Oh. but that's just Fake News Too.
If anyone really thinks that the son "Jr" was socially distancing from his girlfriend then you probably believe in the man in the moon too.
He worships his father and believes in whatever daddy says and does. If daddy doesn't do it then son doesn't either.
Furthermore, if he does have it do you really think that they will EVER admit to it?
Lies, distortions, omissions, and deny, deny, deny is part of the DNA.
Does anyone see the hypocrisy of it all?
If they are supposed to be the United States of America,
Then why can't they UNITE over how to fight the Corona.
What a painful, pathetic situation.
...as the body count continues to grow just continue to tell yourselves it's just FAKE NEWS.
The hatred that white men have towards black males is fueled by a "jealous rage."
White men don't even want to THINK about black males.
...a constant reminder of what they wish they could be.
Most white men are disgusted by blacks. Disgusted. They don't want to be them, and don't want to have anything to do with them.
They don't want to be people whose highest accomplishment is an abandoned heap of stones like "The Great Zimbabwe". The chain of production required to make a frame house with glass windows and asphalt shingles and a concrete driveway is light-years beyond anything that an African society has produced or can produce, and Africans are jealous of that and hate those who make them feel inferior. Which they are.
Let me repeat that: Africans. Are. Inferior.
This is why Africans are abandoning their home countries to fly to South and Central America to trek to the southern US border and apply for asylum. They KNOW their own countries, which are shaped by people like THEM, are inferior.
"Take Anonymous 1:32 pm. The anonymoid's reflexive denial suggests Russian agent"
I'm that anon, and holy shit, you're morons. Born in a left-wing city, never been outside N. America (in Canada for maybe 3 weeks total, in Mexico for a few minutes). The only Russians I've even met are Jewish expats who came to the USA instead of Israel.
Here is Anon @ 1:32 in his early years being outed....
Now he let out a yell that'd curl yer hair
But before he could move I grabbed me a chair
And said "Now watch him Folks cause he's a thoroughly dangerous man!"
"You may not know it but this man is a spy.
He's a undercover agent for the FBI
And he's been sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan!"
He was still bent over holdin on to his knee
But everybody else was looking and listening to me
And I laid it on thicker and heavier as I went
I said, "Would you believe this man has gone as far
As tearing Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars.
And he voted for George McGovern for President."
"Well, he's a friend of them long haired, hippy-type, pinko fags!
I betchya he's even got a commie flag
tacked up on the wall inside of his garage."
"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys.
He may look dumb but that's just a disguise,
He's a mastermind in the ways of espionage"
FBI? Infiltrate Klan? Voted for McGovern? Sounds like a Russian troll.
(from Uneasy Rider by Charlie Daniels)
Don Junior's Fox News girlfriend Kim Guilfoyle caught COVID
That ain't all she caught. She has got herself a severe case of the "uglies" and a moar severe case of wasicu wastey fucking stoopidity that needs a new descriptor or a dozen.
Washington Redskins seriously calling themselves "Red Tails."
Anonymous said....
Death rate is crashing. Pandemic has been averted.
11:57 PM
Says the idiot that denies reality. Keep believing Trump instead of your lying eyes.
I saw Charlie Daniels when he brought his act to the East Gym at Humboldt State, mostly because nobody of note ever bothered to come play there, but boy has he ever turned into a piece of work.
No denying he wrote some good songs, though.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
CD has done jumped the shark, bigly time, Doug.
BountyGate=Democratic hoax fest
TRUMP 2020!!
BIDEN 2020!!
TRUMP 2021 in prison!!
Pandemic 2020 not a hoax.
Check out what is happening in Texas and Florida. We told Trump this would happen, but of course he knows more than anyone else in the world.
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