Incredibly, that's what Mr. trump did at one of his press conferences this week. It was quite a surreal moment, and one we can't talk enough about. (Even though the so called journalists in this country seem to be ignoring the moment.)
This is all now bordering on the absurd. It's like we wake up every day and find ourselves living in one huge SNL skit. The president does one dopey thing after another. If he isn't bragging about passing a test that is administered to people to see if they have dementia, he is parading around a retired baseball pitcher ---and going on about his accomplishments--- in what was supposed to be a critical briefing to the country about the coronavirus.
I know that I shouldn't, but I actually feel bad for the people who work for him. How do you spin what he is doing or try to make him seem sane? His press secretary gave it the old college try today but....
"White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany attempted to spin President Donald Trump’s well-wishes to former Jeffrey Epstein partner Ghislaine Maxwell on Fox News, Thursday. “The other day he was asked about Ghislaine Maxwell, who’s being federally prosecuted for allegedly recruiting, grooming, sexually abusing underage girls. He said, ‘I just wish her well, frankly. I wish her well.’
That raises some eyebrows, Kayleigh,” declared Bret Baier to McEnany during the interview. “What the president was noting is that the last person who was charged in this case ended up dead in a jail cell and the president wants justice to be served for the victims in this case and he prefers this to play out in a courtroom,” the press secretary responded. Baier asked, “Have you talked to him about that?” to which McEnany replied, “I have spoken to him about that.” “Because a lot of people were saying it just seemed a strange answer,” Baier pushed, prompting McEnany to shoot back, “This president is the president that banned Jeffrey Epstein from coming to Mar-a-Lago. This president was always on top of this, ahead of this, noting this, banning this man from his property long before this case was even being played out in a court of law.”
Baier promptly dropped the topic, concluding, “Kayleigh, we appreciate the time and the info and we will see the president today at 5 p.m. Appreciate it.” President Trump was condemned this week — including by House Republicans — for saying about Maxwell, “I just wish her well, frankly… I’ve met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach. I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well.”'
That folks, is not normal. And the fact that they actually expect us to believe that spin just goes to show you how little respect thy have for the rest of us. I mean at some point the people that he has doing all this sycophantic and cult like stuff for him have to just say, enough! I mean don't these people have families and friends? How could they let their reputations take a hit like this?
Finally, speaking of people who used to be sycophants for Mr. trump. A Judge today entered an order that Michael Cohen should be let out of jail, because president trump's DOJ pushing to put him back in prison was just them retaliating against him for going forward with his tell- all book about 'Dear Leader'.
"On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein sided with a lawsuit from Cohen's attorneys saying that the conditions of Cohen's home confinement — that he not speak to the media or publish a book — violated his First Amendment rights. Hellerstein ordered Cohen to be released by 2 p.m. ET Friday.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons released a statement saying, "Any assertion that the decision to remand Michael Cohen to prison was a retaliatory action is patently false." It denied that his intent to publish a book played a role.
The statement said people being supervised at home have to accept certain conditions and "Mr. Cohen refused to agree to the terms of the program, specifically electronic monitoring." The bureau also noted that Cohen was argumentative and wouldn't accept rules on self-employment, access to the media and use of social media."
I am glad this Judge saw through William Barr and what he is trying to do on behalf of his boss: use the threat of jail to intimidate people who speak out against their cabal.
Personally, I am looking forward to reading the book, although it won't tell us anything that we don't already know.
Posted by field negro at 8:01 PM
1 – 200 of 345 Newer› Newest»https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/07/23/how-long-did-you-serve-tucker-another-woman-who-lost-her-legs-in-iraq-backs-tammy-duckworth-over-carlsons-snark/24570215/
“I mean don't these people have families and friends? How could they let their reputations take a hit like this?”
These people have the intelligence of a doorknob. They are the bottom of the barrel. The quality of Trump’s appointees started out bad and spiralled downward from there over the last four years.
People with any good sense steered clear of job offers from Trump, in the full understanding that if they had accepted, they’d never be able to wash the Trump stink off; they’d be toxified forever. Which is why everyone now associated with him is an utter sack of garbage.
Judge tries to free convicted scumbag Michael Cohen as a political attack on the President, and Field claps like a trained seal. You're a joke.
Ohio man in custody after kneeling on crying White child's neck, praising Black Lives Matter The banner across the photo read: "Blm now mf"
An Ohio man who was out on parole has been thrown in jail and awaits new felony charges after a photo circulated on social media showing him posing with his knee to the neck of a crying, White 2-year-old boy alongside a message referencing Black Lives Matter.
The photo shows a man, who has since been identified as 20-year-old Isaiah Jackson, with his knee on the neck of a crying white toddler who is only wearing a diaper. Another person holds the child's hands behind his back. The banner across the photo read: "Blm now mf."
Fox is hiding the race of the man, but yes, of course he's black.
PilotX loves this stuff.
I know granny is fluent in dementia, so maybe she can explain what Biden means when a nurse blows into his nostrils?
"PilotX loves this stuff."
If you're gonna lie about me please stop using my name. Thanks.
It's all irregardless PilotX.
"People with any good sense steered clear of job offers from Trump"
Which makes me wonder why Mark Meadows, Lindsey Grahm and Nikki Haley hitched on to his wagon. Each had a reputation for being an independent thinker who tells it like it is but now they are puppets for the NYC conman.This probably won't end well for them so I have to wonder what's in it for them? Also, whatever happened to Bobby Jindal? LOL
"It's all irregardless PilotX."
Ha! See, you like the word too. LOL
“Judge tries to free convicted scumbag Michael Cohen as a political attack on the President, and Field claps like a trained seal.”
The judge didn’t “try.” She has freed Cohen. He is going home. And then he will be dumping Trump’s very dirty laundry all over the newspapers’ front pages.
If non-violent offenders are being freed for COVID, then Cohen should go, too. Trump doesn’t get to keep him in just because he will no longer keep Trump’s slimy secrets.
From the article. Sounds like it was a joke but let's see how it plays out. Methinks it's Fox news once again making a big deal out of nothing.
"The child, who has not been identified by authorities, was taken to a local hospital for examination, where he was found to have no injuries related to the incident."
"Trump doesn’t get to keep him in just because he will no longer keep Trump’s slimy secrets."
Wait, you mean trump has to follow the law? When did this start?
“Which makes me wonder why Mark Meadows, Lindsey Grahm and Nikki Haley hitched on to his wagon.”
Maybe Nikki Haley. She may be a genuine exception to the rule. She had at least some level of credibility, which she has now badly debased by working for Trump.
Graham, less so. He was always a sneaky weasel whose sole purpose in Congress was limited to playing to tough guy and constantly demanding we start a new war with somebody. It was surprising that he pulled a 180 and became a Trump flunky after saying so many mean things about Trump, but then again ... Graham is trash.
And Meadows is a certified deplorable. A dimwit who didn’t graduate college, but then lied and said he did. A racist who gave a speech to his redneck followers promising to sen Obama “home to Kenya.” He had no good reputation to lose.
Fourteen shot after a funeral in Chicago.
If the shooters weren't black, this would be national news. But CNN, MSDNC and BLM will all ignore it. It doesn't advance The Narrative.
Excuse me, wrong link.
PilotX said...
"Which makes me wonder why Mark Meadows, Lindsey Grahm and Nikki Haley hitched on to his wagon. Each had a reputation for being an independent thinker"
PilotX knows nothing real about American politics.
PilotX said...
"The child, who has not been identified by authorities, was taken to a local hospital for examination, where he was found to have no injuries related to the incident."
I told you PilotX loves it.
Who makes excuses for this shit? PilotX, that's who.
The draft 2020 Democratic National Committee platform being circulated in Washington aims to reinforce the view that liberals are best situated to battle for minorities seeking higher wages, better housing and jobs, and more money for schools.
In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists. The document doesn’t capitalize white as it does Black, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.
In most mentions, the reference is to how whites are better off at the expense of others. And the promise often is to “close the gap” between minorities and whites, though no solutions are offered.
It's full of lies that completely deny blacks have any responsibility for their lives.
Is this a winning strategy? Demonize and dehumanize 70% of the electorate?
Fact: Most minority groups do better than whites in America.
This is a platform that seeks to ensure that racial difference is the foundation of American life. These people are evil incarnate.
"Who makes excuses for this shit? PilotX, that's who."
You do know that was a quote from the fox news article you linked right? Of course you did.
"If the shooters weren't black, this would be national news."
It actually was national news.
"Fact: Most minority groups do better than whites in America."
In what way? Employment? Wealth? Upper management of corporations? Elected positions? Upper military positions?
"The document doesn’t capitalize white as it does Black, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans."
😓 Welp, I guess I'll vote Republican now.
If there is a god all the players will be kneeling.
Party of Hate said...
The draft 2020 Democratic National Committee platform being circulated in Washington aims to reinforce the view that liberals are best situated to battle for minorities seeking higher wages, better housing and jobs, and more money for schools.
In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists. The document doesn’t capitalize white as it does Black, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.
It's a good thing that Democrats are taking a stand toward "white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists." These groups of people tend to be lawless, and create many problems for the rest of the population. Here are a few recent examples from:
07.21.2020 — Federal Grand Jury Indicts Austin Man for Possession of an Improvised Explosive Device
07.01.2020 — California Man Pleads Guilty to Threats During Ohio State Football Game
June 17, 2020Federal Grand Jury Indicts Three Men for Seeking to Exploit Protests in Las Vegas and Incite Violence
June 2, 2020 Criminal Instigators Hijacking Peaceful Protests Could Face Federal Prosecution
Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism Is On The Rise. Did The Warning Signs Evade Us?
Well, one of the many women who accuse Fergus of sexual assault claims she was thirteen at the time and it happened at an Epstein party, so perhaps Fergus wishes Ms. Maxwell well because she came through like gangbusters with the thirteen year old child for him to fuck?
Or perhaps wishing her well was his way of letting her know that he'll take care of her if she gets convicted so long as none of the shit she cops to involves him.
Hard to tell with someone as criminally stupid as Fergus; it could just be yet another home training failure or verbal malfunction, god knows he serves those up all of the damn time.
He really does seem to be getting desperate about losing the election, though, and that's just fucking dangerous.
Remember that he is individual 1 in the crime that Cohen is serving time for, and the only thing standing in between him and prosecution for it is the damn OLC memo that sitting presidents can't be indicted.
And that's just one of the indictable crimes he all of the sudden becomes accountable for the minute he leaves office, as long as he leaves before the statute of limitations runs out.
So it's his fat ass, and he knows it, and we can but hope that the fit he throws trying to save it doesn't involve large portions of the military.
Mother fuck all y'all who did this to the country, I hope you are fucking proud of yourselves now, because this shit is gonna be over in a big way really soon.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Or perhaps wishing her well was his way of letting her know that he'll take care of her if she gets convicted so long as none of the shit she cops to involves him.”
Ding-ding! We have a winner!
There is a pardon with Ghislaine’s name on it, as long as she keeps her big trap shut about what Trump got up to at Epstein’s famous parties.
And now for a joke.
From Andy Daly on Twitter:
2016: I alone can fix it.
2020: I can walk, I can drink water, I can remember five things.
"I can walk, I can drink water, I can remember five things."
Well, that's important.
Hillary couldn't walk or drink water, and Biden can tell his wife from his sister.
Black guy had no intention of hurting kid. Bet he gets much longer prison sentence than murdering cop who intended to hurt Floyd.
Baby was never in danger because of white privilege. And you retarded, racist white scumacysts are stoopid fucking wingnuts of the fifth essensence.
"People with any good sense steered clear of job offers from Trump"
And the biggest kahuna, Bill Barr, He had a legacy intact but he can out of retirement to cover for the absolute worst president ever. His rulings are routinely overturned and looks like the toadie he is. I don't get that one.
Chicago's 2020 homicide total hit 430 yesterday, 50% above last year's pace.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot responded by removing statues of Christopher Columbus from Grant Park and Little Italy.
That should do it.
CHICAGO July 1st-23rd 2020
Shot & Killed: 83
Shot & Wounded: 376
Total Shot: 459
Total Homicides: 93
By Saturday Chicago will have 100 homicides. 77.7% are Black. 16.2% Hispanic.
Did Jared solve the opioid crisis yet?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Chicago's 2020 homicide total hit 430 yesterday, 50% above last year's pace.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot responded by removing statues of Christopher Columbus from Grant Park and Little Italy.
That should do it.
10:03 AM
Do you have a reference for your numbers above? Do you live in Chicago?
Chicago Murders and Shootings Up, Overall Crime Down Halfway Through 2020, Police Say
Do you have a reference for your numbers above? Do you live in Chicago?
Updated daily. It's at 434 homicides for 2020 right now.
“And the biggest kahuna, Bill Barr, He had a legacy intact but he can out of retirement to cover for the absolute worst president ever.”
At first blush, Bill Barr may look like a dedicated professional with a clean resume, and one may wonder why he’d throw all that away to work for a racist grifter.
But from what I’ve read, Bill Barr is an ideologue. He is someone who thinks law and order is more important than things like democracy and civil liberties. He would honestly prefer a dictator who punishes the “bad people” over a president who has to follow the Constitution.
So he sees Trump as an opportunity to implement his terrible authoritarian ideas. He isn’t selling out. He’s always been an awful person, but one who’s just kept a low profile until now.
Barr came out of Iran Contra with republican scum shit on his face and in his mouth. He was brought in back then gto protect the guilty in Raygun and Hitler Weasel Bush and he did just that, letting them walk when they should have been executed for being traitors to their nation.
He hasn't aged well at all.
Anonymous said....
So he sees Trump as an opportunity to implement his terrible authoritarian ideas. He isn’t selling out. He’s always been an awful person, but one who’s just kept a low profile until now.
1:49 PM
Bill Barr has been dirty for a very long time, and the GOP Senators knew it when they confirmed him to be our current attorney general. Please take a look at the website I posted below.
What Does William Barr Have to Do With Iran Contra?
To Anonymous 1:40 PM,
So the people who dismiss CNN, NPR, PBS and the NYT rely on a site named Hey Jackass. You just can't make this up.
PillotX only accepts news from Approved Propaganda outlets.
You just can't make this up.
And HeyJackass doesn't make up their stats. They are straight from the CPD.
"PillotX only accepts news from Approved Propaganda outlets."
And our trolls only accept "news" from sites named after animals. That's just about par for the course for kindergarten level thought.
"Do you live in Chicago?"
Of course they don't, like dear leader they just want to try to make fun of us. Never talk about positive news only the bad.
"And the biggest kahuna, Bill Barr, He had a legacy intact but he can out of retirement to cover for the absolute worst president ever. His rulings are routinely overturned and looks like the toadie he is. I don't get that one."
No, man, Billbarr Buggins has been a corrupt asshole from jumpstreet.
Remember Cap Weinberger? Iran-Contra? He had his filthy little mitts all up in that shit, which is pretty much why Fergus hired him: He was the only confirmable candidate with "exonerating a corrupt and guilty president" on his resume.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Imagine living in Doug's world.
Former Dem Rep Michael “Ozzie” Myers of Philly charged conspiring to violate voting rights, fraudulently stuffing ballots for specific candidates from 2014-2016, bribery of election officials, falsifying records, voting multiple times in federal elections, obstruction of justice.
"No, man, Billbarr Buggins has been a corrupt asshole from jumpstreet."
But if you go away with all of that you want to risk your freedom and reputation for orange foolius?
“No, man, Billbarr Buggins has been a corrupt asshole from jumpstreet.
Remember Cap Weinberger? Iran-Contra? He had his filthy little mitts all up in that shit, which is pretty much why Fergus hired him: He was the only confirmable candidate with ‘exonerating a corrupt and guilty president’ on his resume.”
Again, Barr is a believer in the “imperial presidency.”
Like Nixon, he thinks that “if the president does it, it’s not illegal.” He wants a monarch, not a president, who will answer to no one and will therefore have the unconstrained power to crush those Barr considers the troublemakers in American society (i.e, both criminals and the Left).
He’s an authoritarian radical, but just not one who has called attention to himself over the years.
He’s tailor-made for working for Trump.
Fergus: What? They passed an NDAA that renames bases for folks other than traitors from a vanquished invading army? With veto-proof majorities? I know! I'll call Jim "snowball" Inhofe! He's as crazy as I am, and he'll save the day! What? It was his committee that passed the NDAA with the renaming provisions in it? Who cares! I'm Fergus! Everybody loves me! Inhofe forever!
-Doug in Sugar Pine
drumpf body count trending upward like the last Atlas rocket...
Coronavirus Cases:
Two moar milestones exceeded today.
I wonder who the Republicans (who can't get their shit together in time to draft a disaster relief bill) believe the 30 million or so folks who are about to lose a big chunk of their income the same damn week as the moratorium on evictions expires will vote for in November?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
The wife just got her copy of Mary Trump's book. I'll let ya know what she thinks, I think I'll take a pass on this one. I probably can't hate the guy any moar than I do now.
People who say they hate Trump actually hate white men, who Trump symbolizes.
TRUMP: That’s a bunny, that’s a ducky, and that’s a chicken
PROCTOR: Correct
PROCTOR: Well, we’ve never seen anything quite like this
TRUMP: Can I quote you?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"People who say they hate Trump actually hate white men, who Trump symbolizes."
Really? trump symbolizes white men? LOL! Thank god I'm not a white man! LOL
I'm not so sure trump canceled the JAX rally for health concerns. I think he would be hurt when the visuals would show an empty stadium. It's all about optics for this guy. Protests against the guy, BLM everywhere, baseball players kneeling before he throws a pitch and to top it off empty seats at the convention. Bad times at the El Royale.
"trump symbolizes white men? "
To racists like you.
The percentage of blacks who think they are treated just as well as whites in their communities was lower in 2018 (18.3%) than it was in the year before the passage of the civil rights act (23.5%). Objectively speaking, this can't be true.
Why did the media create this perception?
The marketplace of ideas can stay irrational longer than your society can stay solvent.
90% arrests for covid violatiions in NYC are Blacks and Hispanics because...white privilege and racism.
"90% arrests for covid violatiions in NYC are Blacks and Hispanics because..."
Yeah mike, we know all about blacks and hispanics in NYC. The also account for over 95% of all murders.
We are told that all of America’s wealth was built on black slavery. This “idea” fails to account for three crucial realities:
1) If that was remotely the case, the South would have won the Civil War without breaking a sweat;
2) Any wealth created by slavery was obliterated at the end of the Civil War;
3) If all blacks need to do in order to build economic superpowers was labor-intensive agricultural work, why have they proved incapable of recreating the Southern Miracle anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa?
Proponents of reparations for blacks argue that those who survived the Holocaust and Japanese internment camps during WWII received payments, but they’re referring to those who actually lived through the events rather than “inherited” their alleged “effects” six or seven generations later.
Is black American poverty proof of American racism or proof that blacks bring poverty with them wherever they go? Isn’t the fact that blacks live in more impoverished conditions when there are no white people around evidence that it’s actually beneficial for them to be around white folks?
What??? Nothing about Bernell Trammell, a well-known Black supporter of Donald Trump who was a community fixture known for his publishing
company and long conversations on religion and politics.
Doesn't fit the "narrative" does it......
It never ends
16 shot, 2 stabbed with pitchforks, 3 dead, Thursday in Chicago
Two of the fatalities were among six shot in West Pullman on the Far South Side.
By Sun-Times Wire Jul 24, 2020, 4:59am CDT
Three people were killed, and 13 more were wounded by gun(negro) violence in Chicago July 23, 2020. Sun-Times file photo
Sixteen people were shot, three of them fatally, Thursday in Chicago.
And HeyJackass doesn't make up their stats. They are straight from the CPD.
2:50 PM
Correct and the Cook County's Medical Examiners Office.
"And HeyJackass doesn't make up their stats. They are straight from the CPD."
Yeah sure, Hey Jackass probably has the highest of journalistic standards. LOL
"trump symbolizes white men? "
To racists like you."
Who me? I wouldn't wish being personified by trump on anyone. I'm pretty sure most white men haven't declared bankruptcy 7 times, raw dogged porn stars while their wives are pregnant, aren't bragging about their cognitive prowess by remembering 5 things.......LOL. Even if I was a racist I wouldn't be that cruel.
Speaking of destroying one's career due to fealty to dear leader.
ICYMI, AOC rips congresspig Ted Yoho a new asshole and rips his balls off in the best takedown since pro rasslin was invented.
Not only is she gorgeous and smart, she makes her words cut like a knife in a pig that deserved nothing less.
"ICYMI, AOC rips congresspig Ted Yoho a new asshole and rips his balls off in the best takedown since pro rasslin was invented."
Wait, you mean super genius Louie Gohmert didn't make noise to prevent her from being heard? Maybe there's hope for Republicans after all.
Breonna, George and Ahmad changed the world!
From the "Hey little Pig People, they're lying to you" file:
RNC Hid Face Mask Purchases
July 24, 2020 at 12:27 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 94 Comments
“The Republican National Committee in a new federal filing this week said it spent $14,000 on ‘building maintenance.’ In reality, it was disguising a purchase of face masks,” Business Insider reports.
“Some conservatives chafe at wearing masks, but the spending reveals GOP party leaders were taking the coronavirus more seriously than they were publicly letting on.”
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Well this is good news, considering that Fergus is refusing to spend any of his own mostly non-existent money on the 2020 campaign:
Robert and Rebekah Mercer, two of Fergus' richest and most generous donors in 2016, are sitting this election out, financially speaking.
See also: rats, sinking ship.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Remember the "death panels" lie about the ACA?
Well, in Starr County, Texas, they are setting up actual death panels, as the hospitals in the Rio Grande Valley are so overwhelmed that they don't even have anywhere to divert incoming covid patients to, so they have a group of doctors who have to decide who they think they can save with the resources they have, and who to just send home.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Some conservatives chafe at wearing masks, but the spending reveals GOP party leaders were taking the coronavirus more seriously than they were publicly letting on.”
Hard to ignore reality forever.
"Hard to ignore reality forever."
You've done a pretty good job so far.
The Democrat party actually thinks most American citizens are cheering the rioting, looting and burning in our cities and they hate cops.
They’ll realize just how ridiculously out-of-touch they are on Election Day in November.
"You've done a pretty good job so far."
Oh lookie, I've got a stalker.😆
The Democrat party actually thinks most American citizens are cheering the rioting, looting and burning in our cities and they hate cops."
The DemocraTIC party rightly recognizes that the majority of people support BLM and police reform.
Some reminders for our racist trolls:
- 67% of black men have NEVER been convicted of a felony
- 52% of black women DO NOT have genital herpes
- 51% of black men aged 23 have NEVER been arrested
- 23% of black children are born to MARRIED parents
- 58% of blacks ARE NOT on welfare
AOC: "I have tossed men out of bars who have used language like Mr. Yoho's."
The ex-barmaid held her own in a tough town. Show the lady _respect_.
We witness here a natural phenomenon called "the circulation of aristocracies". AOC and Yoho passed each other, she going up, he going down.
0% of our racist trolls have a high school diploma
0% of our racist trolls have more than 10 teeth
0% of our racist trolls have had sex outside of their family
87% of our racist trolls have been arrested for meth-related crimes
12% of our racist trolls have taken a shower in 2020
You folks are a hoot! You try your damnedest to trash Trump, but normal people will vote for him in droves. I think it has something to do with all the Burning, Looting and Murdering. But please carry on. Post the latest tweets from Taegan Stoddard or the latest polls from CNN.
Just one favor, please make sure you are on camera when you start crying and howling at the moon. And of course, best of luck. You'll need it.
There's nothing democratic about the democrat party.
Anonymous said...
People who say they hate Trump actually hate white men, who Trump symbolizes.
5:03 PM
Nonsense! I hate Trump because he is a sociopath who cares only for power and adoration. He is not human. I care nothing about the color of his skin. And I have three white grandsons whom I love very much.
“The Democrat party actually thinks most American citizens are cheering the rioting, looting and burning in our cities and they hate cops.”
The Republican Party actually thinks it can successfully lie and tell people widespread rioting is still going on, even though only the very stupidest, low-information voters don’t know that junk basically ended a month-and-a-half ago.
At least 18 shot, 4 fatally, in Chicago shootings Thursday night into Friday morning
By Kelli Smith, Chicago Tribune 5 hrs ago
At least four people were shot to death across Chicago from Thursday night into Friday morning in a series of attacks that also left 14 others injured, according to police.
'You folks are a hoot! You try your damnedest to trash Trump, but normal people will vote for him in droves."
I don't have to "try" to trash trump, he is doing a bang-up job all on his own. Did you see how gleefully he repeated five whole words? LOL, my 18-month-old cousin does the same thing. If someone is voting for trump they are not normal, they are a fact averse imbecile. If you want to fall for the fake tough guy law and order BS go right ahead but let's not pretend anything about trump or his cult-like followers are anything near normal.
Trump is such a liar, that when he says that the sky is blue, then you can bet that it's overcast or night-time. Well, our pet trolls aspire to such depths.
"The ex-barmaid held her own in a tough town."
She lied about what Yoho said to raise money for her campaign.
And how tough is someone who whines about being treated like a big boy?
Person, woman, man, camera,tv.
I'm a stable genius!😂
Mostly peaceful murder:
"She lied about what Yoho said to raise money for her campaign."
But Yahoo didn't deny it.
More Willie Horton ads from trump? Great.🙄
Prominent Black Trump Supporter Murdered in Milwaukee
PilotAA said...
"She lied about what Yoho said to raise money for her campaign."
But Yahoo didn't deny it.
Yes he did.
"The offensive name-calling words attributed to me by the press were never spoken to my colleagues""
Fergus can't really focus on the covid pandemic because he's too busy fighting windmill cancer.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Take Nixon in his deepest days of Watergate paranoia, subtract 50 IQ points and add Twitter and you have trump."
Bruce Bartlett, former Reagan advisor.
"Yes he did."
He denied saying it to her directly, no one disputes this, he doean't deny saying it. Try to keep up sis.
drumpf's paramilitary kidnappers are Eric Prince's mercs from the olde Blackwater outfit.
Ohio police release surveillance video of 3 black suspects who killed sleeping toddler, injured twin; FBI posts reward - 'It’s just these feral young Negroes don’t have a conscience' Don't expect #BLM / #BLACKLIVESMATTER to protest, it's NEGRO ON ILLEGAL BEANER MURDERING
Ohio police on Friday released a surveillance video of three individuals they say shot up a home in the middle of the night, killing a sleeping 19-month-old boy and injured his twin brother.
Do racist asshats like you spend your entire day looking for stories that paint POC in a bad light or is this just a hobby?🤔
"Don't expect #BLM / #BLACKLIVESMATTER to protest"
Don't expect racist asshats to protest they just like to show fake outrage about things they don't care about. Concern trolling.
Anon @ 0922, you are free to join your local chapter of BLM and suggest things they should protest but that would require you to actually do something other than post racist BS all day right?
No wonder Laura Ingrahm wants him to shut up and dribble.
Do racist asshats like you spend your entire day looking for stories that paint POC in a bad light or is this just a hobby?🤔
10:14 AM
Yes, they do spend a lot of time looking for stories that paint POC in a bad light. It's their job, 40 hours a week. Now the question becomes: Who's paying them? Guesses anyone?
Best guess is Betsy DeVos pac that paid protesters in Michigan. Her outfit is everything wingnuts lie and say about George Soros, only there is proof DeVos outfit paid.
BTW, Michael Cohen wasd not sent back to jail for failing to wear electronic tracking device, as Fake Noize lied like usual. He was returned to prison because he refused to surrender his !st amendment rights to publish and talk about his next book on social media, in other words, Barr and drumpf retaliated against him.
"No wonder Laura Ingrahm wants him to shut up and dribble."
Not too bright billionaire athlete repeats anti-white propaganda he doesn't understand.
I can't get bent out of shape by this. You must remember, The Donald is a gangster, and maybe "I wish her well" is the equivalent of a Mafia kiss. Also "Good luck, kid, I'm not going to lift a finger for you. I help criminals, sure, but this is a bridge too far, even for me."
Antifa militant and convicted pedophile David Blake Hampe was arrested in the early hours of Saturday following his alleged stabbing of a black Trump supporter in Portland.
BLM riots lead to spike in CCP virus cases in Portland:
Men are much more likely than women to be homeless, to be in prison, to be shot by the police, to die on the job; they receive 12% longer prison sentences after controlling for relevant variables; and they have a shorter life expectancy. Why don't we talk about systemic misandry?
The unforgivable fact of 2020 is that white men have done most of the great things of the last 600 years. This deeply angers many resentful nonwhite people today that their ancestors didn't accomplish much.
As T.S. Eliot asked: "After such knowledge, what forgiveness?"
2020 paper by Lawrence Mead, an NYU professor, argues that Blacks and Hispanics, because they are not European, are “unprepared” for “individualist culture” in America.
Poverty persists in America even amidst the world’s richest nation. Attempts to attribute longterm poverty to social barriers, such as racial discrimination or lack of jobs, have failed. Some scholars now attribute poverty to culture in the sense that many poor become disillusioned and no longer seek to advance themselves. More plausible is cultural difference. The United States has an individualist culture, derived from Europe, where most people seek to achieve personal goals. Racial minorities, however, all come from non-Western cultures where most people seek to adjust to outside conditions rather than seeking change. Another difference is that Westerners are moralistic about social order, demanding that behavior respect universal principles, while in the non-West norms are less rigid and depend mostly on the expectations of others. These differences best explain why minorities—especially blacks and Hispanics—typically respond only weakly to chances to get ahead through education and work, and also why crime and other social problems run high in low-income areas. The black middle class has converted to an individualist style and thus advanced, but most blacks have not. Government has recently reduced crime and welfare in poor areas, but the ultimate solution to poverty is for the poor themselves to adopt the more inner-driven individualist style.
Steve said...
The unforgivable fact of 2020 is that white men have done most of the great things of the last 600 years. This deeply angers many resentful nonwhite people today that their ancestors didn't accomplish much.
As T.S. Eliot asked: "After such knowledge, what forgiveness?"
1:51 PM
Steve, you forgot to mention all the murder and mayhem white men have indulged in during the past 1500 years. There was all that slaughter in Great Briton after the Romans left during which Saxons, Anglo, and Danes killed each other constantly for about 600 years. Then there was the Hundred Years War between England and France that killed thousands of other white people, Then came the slave trade and the "colonization of Africa that killed millions of Blacks.The next slaughter project of white men involved the murder of millions of native Americans.
Then in 1914 white men started the First World War and slaughtered each other to the tune of approximately twenty million people. World War II began in the late 1939 and led to another twenty to forty million people being killed.
Most of the incidents described above involved white on white violence.
Mohamad Bazzi said...
2020 paper by Lawrence Mead, an NYU professor, argues that Blacks and Hispanics, because they are not European, are “unprepared” for “individualist culture” in America.
What else would you expect from a right-wing professor?
Mead has taught at New York University since 1979. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin (1987), Harvard University (1993-4) and Princeton University (1994-5). He was a visiting fellow at Princeton (1995-6, 2001-2) and the Hoover Institution at Stanford (1988). Prior to NYU, Mead was Deputy Director of Research for the Republican National Committee (1978–1979), a Research Associate at the Urban Institute (1975–1978), a speechwriter to Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger (1974–1975), and a policy analyst at the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1973–1975).[2]
R.I.P. Peter Green.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"What else would you expect from a right-wing professor?"
When you can't argue the facts, shoot the messenger.
"Not too bright billionaire athlete repeats anti-white propaganda he doesn't understand."
And Laura is a not too bright millionaire Fox "news" bobble headed blonde who repeats white supremacist propaganda she does understand. I'll take Bron over Eva Blonde.
"When you can't argue the facts, shoot the messenger."
Don't worry, we're getting to that.
"Don't worry, we're getting to that."
And they lived ignorantly ever after.
The End.
From Pam Merritt's Twitter feed:
Jason Kander
Ask every undecided voter who they want in charge next year when it’s time for the federal government to make sure everyone can get vaccinated.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Anonymous said...
"What else would you expect from a right-wing professor?"
When you can't argue the facts, shoot the messenger.
3:55 PM
No, you missed the point. In examining information, first one has to determine if the "facts" are really facts or opinion, spin, etc. To do this, you must look at the credibility of the messenger and from what political or philosophical position the messenger is coming from. The next step is to evaluate what evidence is provided in the message and compare it to other facts that you already know.
No need to shoot the messenger, which BTW I did not do. Instead I supplied accurate, documented information about the messenger's political philosophy.
Yugoslavian Issues Warning To All Americans
And again:
Ben Jealous
Jul 23
It costs an estimated $790 to fully dress a police officer in riot gear.
It costs an estimated $11 to dress a medical worker in PPE.
Which one of these groups do you think is running low on equipment across the nation?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Great poem by Langston Hughes
"And they lived ignorantly ever after."
Because anon we know you are highly educated and successful.😂 I know, I wouldn't last a year at the university you attended.😆
"These differences best explain why minorities—especially low income whites, blacks and Hispanics—typically respond only weakly to chances to get ahead through education and work, and also why crime and other social problems run high in low-income areas."
After sixteen hundred years, you'd think that the whites would have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps by now.
drumpf body count hits 2 moar milestones this very day....
Coronavirus Cases:
drumpf is a total criminal phucking moron loser and should be held personally responsible for not stopping covid in its infancy in America.
To All My Friends...
You've got to see this video!
Shocking Video Of Rioters In Albuquerque
Ken Burns on confederate statues.
3 members of armed negro militia shot at Breonna Taylor protest:
Member of black-only NFAC militia reportedly SHOOTS HIMSELF by mistake at Louisville rally (VIDEO)
Corona Comorbidities
Currently, 90.7% of all COVID-19 related deaths in Cook County Illinois have at least one (1) underlying condition. 71.1% have at least two (2) or more.
Comorbidity Cases %*
Hypertension 1,681 49.1%
Heart Disease 1,417 41.4%
Diabetes 1,411 41.2%
COPD 582 17.0%
Kidney Disease 543 15.9%
Dementia 445 13.0%
Obesity 312 9.1%
Atrial fibrillation 309 9.0%
Hyperlipidemia 291 8.5%
Cancer 150 4.4%
All Others 833 25.8%
Thru 5/28/20
Americans Say Blacks More Racist Than Whites, Hispanics, Asians
Friday, July 24, 2020
"Americans Say Blacks More Racist Than Whites, Hispanics, Asians"
Which is why you see statues of Nat Turner, Min. Farakkhan, Huey Newton and Paul Mooney all over. LOL
Americans are stupid, just look at our covid deaths and who is president. LOL
Stay in school kid.
PilotAA's racism is a cope for his own mediocrity.
"Member of black-only NFAC militia reportedly SHOOTS HIMSELF by mistake at Louisville rally (VIDEO)"
Ha! They can't even do the fake militia thing.
The left is turning our national anthem into Orwell's Two Minutes Hate.
Being white grants you immense privilege in America, and we know this is true because everyone from white hispanics to jews to arabs to light-skinned blacks are desperate to prove to you that they’re not really white.
Mostly-peaceful rioters in Seattle broke into the East Precinct and set it on fire.
"PilotAA's racism is a cope for his own mediocrity."
And how do you cope with your mediocrity?
Woman in Portland arrested for dancing with flowers:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Anonymous said...
Mostly-peaceful rioters in Seattle broke into the East Precinct and set it on fire.
8:27 PM
That happened in early June, and the people who started the fire were not peaceful protesters. Most (99%) protesters have been peaceful.
Chicago nurse attacked by black man on train who ranted about coronavirus, dramatic video shows
Most (99%) protesters have been peaceful.
8:54 PM
Don't just post a retort please include facts to back up your assertion.
"That happened in early June,"
No, it's happening right now:
Why is coronavirus impacting blacks harder?
Progress said...
"The left is turning our national anthem into Orwell's Two Minutes Hate."
Leftist playbook:
1. Target any Western institution or cultural artifact
2. Infiltrate it
3. Gut it
4. Skin it
5. Parade around in its skin and demand people respect and honor it as the original thing.
Leftism ruins everything--on purpose--so that it can ruin you.
The same people who said “Trump will destroy America” Are burning America to the ground.
Y'all calling them "rioters" doesn't make what they're doing a riot.
Kinda like me calling you "Pig People" doesn't make you actual pigs, which unlike you, display rudimentary intelligence and awareness of their surroundings.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"The same people who said “Trump will destroy America” Are burning America to the ground."
That's what they want you to believe. LOL
You know, we take fire pretty seriously around here, so if something was burning to the ground, we'd fucking know it.
But go ahead, try to help Fergus scare the suburbs into voting for him.
I kinda don't think it will work, though, especially given the 30 million folks who are losing a big chunk of their income the same weekend that the eviction moratorium expires because Fergus and the goddamn Republicans are too damn lame to do anything about it.
Actual looming homelessness seems like it might be a bit more frightening to suburbanites than made up stories about distant rioting that isn't really happening.
But for the 27% of hard core dead-enders who will believe whatever he says, it will probably work ok, I mean until they or one of their family members dies of the plague needlessly.
I lived in Oakland for 35 years, I've seen riots. A lot. With maybe three or four limited exceptions in the last month, nothing I have seen remotely qualifies as a riot.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"0% of our racist trolls have had sex outside of their family"
That depends on whether you consider the barnyard animals family.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Doug says..
"Kinda like me calling you "Pig People" doesn't make you actual pigs, which unlike you, display rudimentary intelligence and awareness of their surroundings."
Good to know Doug. Should I assume you think my life is less than yours? And if it is, what if I disagree?
Knock yourself out. You're going to anyway. Or you could try not being a fucking Pig Person. You might like it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Doug, I was not asking a "zinger" question. I was asking an honest question. Please give an honest answer. Are you better than me? If so, please explain why you are better than me. Give an example without an insult.
Doug speaks as if he knows all the in's and out's of "barnyard" animals. Maybe so, I bet he never tells. Don't be such a flirt Doug. Do tell?
A Russian-born analyst living in the United States has been identified as the primary source for Christopher Steele, the author of a now-debunked dossier regarding Donald Trump and members of his campaign.
Igor Danchenko, 42, was identified as the dossier source through a series of events that began with the July 17 release of an FBI memo of interviews conducted with Steele’s primary source in January 2017.
The FBI redacted all information in the memo that might identify Danchenko and six of his sub-sources, but a Twitter user pieced together clues from the memo — such that Danchenko worked as a “facilitator” and had studied in the United States — to identify him as the likely source. The Twitter sleuth created a blog laying out information about Danchenko.
On Saturday, The New York Times confirmed that Danchenko was the source.
"With maybe three or four limited exceptions in the last month, nothing I have seen remotely qualifies as a riot."
You must not watch Fox much because according to Hannity and Tucker the entire country is burning down and if Biden is elected and the Senate flips we're as good as done as a nation. I'm petrified Doug!
Austin Police Confirm ‘Protester’ Shot and Killed By Motorist Was Carrying Rifle, May Have Approached Vehicle
Telling affluent white female liberals they’re badasses was a terrible mistake
Well like I said, Oakland does know how to throw a riot. They riot there like other folks have a big party. Tonight they bashed in the front door to the police station and set the county courthouse on fire.
I remember riots there when the football team won, when the football team lost, and sometimes when things just got boring.
They have a localized version of a mini-riot that they call a "side-show" where a bunch of meatheads do donuts in their hotrods while a bunch of other meatheads stand around and watch. In the middle of the street.
Highland Hospital really frowns upon sideshows...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Too many young people raised in affluent liberal homes are arriving at elite colleges and universities with skittish, unformed personalities and shockingly narrow views of human existence, confined to inflammatory and divisive identity politics.
Both Seattle and Portland have about only half the quotient of black people that America as a whole does, so of course they're flipping the fuck out about "racism." It's what white people who've never actually encountered black people do.
I will never get over the fact that the same people who hate the feds are the only people who get privileges from it, whereas whites, who get nothing, keep propping up this failed experiment.
Affirmative action "Americans" are in no position to wail about government oppression.
"Doug, I was not asking a "zinger" question. I was asking an honest question. Please give an honest answer. Are you better than me? If so, please explain why you are better than me. Give an example without an insult."
I gave an honest answer. You asked "what if I disagree" and I said "knock yourself out, you're going to anyway", and my answer could only be construed as an insult if you are a Pig Person and ashamed of being one. How could I think your life is "less" than mine when I don't fucking know you? And what does that even mean, "less than mine"?
By my values I might make better decisions than you, but you are in no way required to answer to my values, just as I am in no way required to answer to yours.
Now if you are all about a bunch of fucked up lies and insanity, I may tell you so, but as I said, you don't have to be, and perhaps you might like not being that way.
Do you think you might?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
A man was killed in downtown Austin Saturday night in the midst of a protest against police violence, and police said they have taken the shooter into custody.
The shooting happened about 9:50 p.m. at Fourth Street and Congress Avenue, EMS officials said. Austin police said the male victim was carrying a weapon when he approached a vehicle. The person in the vehicle then shot the man.
According to a witness, the incident began when the driver on Fourth Street honked, turned right and sped down Congress, driving through the crowd. He appeared to hit an orange barrier in the road and came to a stop, said Michael Capochiano, who attended the protest.
“There were people around the car, yelling, and people sounding like they were frightened,” Capochiano said.
A protester with a rifle approached the car, and the driver pointed his gun outside the window, Capochiano said. The driver fired several shots, then sped away, he said.
Open carry is legal in Texas. Murder isn't.
"whereas whites, who get nothing, keep propping up this failed experiment."
😂😂😆😆 Comedy gold!
Most recipients of welfare are white. Hmmmmm, seems I'm paying for millions of whites getting "something". But hey, they don't have college degrees and are struggling so I'll share some of what I got.
On Fox Devin Nunes just said the Demoratic Party hates white people!😳 Wow!
PilotX said...
Most recipients of welfare are white. Hmmmmm, seems I'm paying for millions of whites getting "something". But hey, they don't have college degrees and are struggling so I'll share some of what I got.
10:42 AM
Yes, it's true there are more white people on welfare, and most of all welfare recipients are children. But we both know that Republicans don't care about children. They are all about forcing women to have children, but after they are born Republicans don't give a shit.
I agree with you about sharing what I got. I'm glad some of my tax dollars go to people who are struggling. In addition, I donate monthly to local food banks, animal shelters, the ACLU, the SPLC, and several other non-profit organizations. I feel that I am very lucky to have enough income to do this. During most of my early life I was dirt poor, so I know what it's like.
Black Athletes Donate $100,000 to Help Pay Debts of Former Felons in Florida So They Can Vote in 2020
Can't wait to see trump's reaction. LOL
"I'm glad some of my tax dollars go to people who are struggling. In addition, I donate monthly to local food banks, animal shelters, the ACLU, the SPLC, and several other non-profit organizations."
That's why you're not a trump supporter, you're actually a good person.
Most recipients of welfare are white. Hmmmmm, seems I'm paying for millions of whites getting "something". But hey, they don't have college degrees and are struggling so I'll share some of what I got.
Still struggling with the concept of per capita, I see.
Average Lifetime US Budget Impact of Individuals by Race:
Whites: +$221,000
Latinos: -$588,000
Blacks: -$715,000
PilotX said...
"That's why you're not a trump supporter, you're actually a good person."
The fact that whites support the whole system should make you a Trump supporter.
Once the dems get done making whites a minority. the whole enterprise will collapse.
Working to make America a failed country makes you a bad person.
A protester with a rifle approached the car, and the driver pointed his gun outside the window, Capochiano said. The driver fired several shots, then sped away, he said.
Maybe walking around a moronic riot with a rifle and threatening drivers wasn't such a smart idea.
"The fact that whites support the whole system should make you a Trump supporter."
BS. Whites make up the majority of welfare recipients. 6.2 million whites are being supported by my tax dollars. I don't mind because they need it.
"Maybe walking around a moronic riot with a rifle and threatening drivers wasn't such a smart idea."
Duly noted.
Maybe walking around a moronic riot with a rifle and threatening drivers wasn't such a smart idea.
Naturally you have no evidence the person ever pointed it at the driver. You just assume he would do that because it fits your stand your ground narrative, which is total bullshit.
The vehicle driver, otoh, recklessly sped through a crowd of protesters, stopped and shot a human being and sped away.
Still struggling with the concept of per capita, I see.
Still struggling with the fact there are infiniite millions moar wasicus than blacks and over a lifetime they cost America infinitely more billions in welfare.
Pelosi's congress has passed more legislation than any other congress since 2001 after 9-11. Dems get stuff done. Wingnuts fuck their sisters, mules and constituents in the ass.
"Black Athletes Donate $100,000 to Help Pay Debts of Former Felons in Florida So They Can Vote in 2020"
There should be a massive online funding campaign for this. We have to counter their cheating with action until we can fix the system to make cheating less frequent and severe.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
When Fergus called Chicago "worse than Afghanistan" one can only assume he meant minus the Russian bounties on American soldiers.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Once the dems get done making whites a minority. the whole enterprise will collapse."
If by dems you mean demographics then yeah. It's gonna happen, America will be majority People of Color. I'm sorry racists like you can't handle that but you're always free to leave anytime you see fit.
"Still struggling with the concept of per capita, I see."
Not at all. I see you're struggling with the fact that the supposed superior race makes up the majority of wefare claims. If whites are so rugged individualists that don't depend on government why are there millions doing just that? The majority of Americans? Should be zero right? Just like when Hitler tried to show the world whites were superior and got embarrassed in 1936 as Black folk showed him he was full of shit just like his modern devotees.
Doug, FYI, there is an Oakland in iowa near Omaha-cornshucker land. Be glad to have you here in iowa. PilotX, my hometown of Cherokee had the nickname, "Little Chicago" because a local restaurant owner had mob connections. Not much for you to do, but there is an airport. You'd be welcome as well.
The big attraction might e the old mental health institute which was turned into a prison for criminally insane juvies. We could redo it as a zoo and stock it with stoopid fucking wasicu drumpf family members and voters. It dies have razor wire around some of the main buildings and the fence leans in on top so you know it is there to keep nuts in.
Here is a pic of the main building complete with fenced lawn and razor wire top.
1200 West Cedar and it has its own cemetery from when there were many moar nuts around.
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