You have to feel for a guy who jigged so hard for Mr. trump that it cost him his life. Imagine having cancer and attending a trump rally in the midst of the coronavirus with all those trump cult followers who chose to go without masks. And yet that's what the dearly departed Herman Cain did. (That's Herman and his friends in the colored section.)
Cain literally died from selling out to trump,and there are lots of other right-wing politicians who are dying a political death as a result of hitching their wagon to the most corrupt and incompetent leader in the history of these United States. (I see you Susan Collins.)
It has gotten so bad for Dear Leader that he is now calling for the postponement of the upcoming general elections because of his poor poll numbers. We should have known that a man like Donald trump would not go quietly into the night. His ego and his personality disorder will not allow him to accept such a public defeat. What's sad is that he has undermined the entire electoral process with this phony vote by mail scam he has going. He can prove none of what he is alleging, and it's all a big lie. But he knows that, and so do the other people in his camp who are going along with ridiculous pronouncements.
I am not sure what will happen in November. Four months is a long time in politics. But I do know one thing, and that's if Donald trump was leading in the polls today you would hear zero talk of voter fraud and moving back the elections.
Still, we should take heart. I am not an expert on the Constitution, but I know enough to know that Mr. trump's scheme could never fly. Unless, of course, he marshals his troops and tries to wage an all out war against the the American government. Don't laugh, there are folks who, like Herman Cain, are willing to give their lives for Dear Leader.
The thought of that should keep us all up at night.
Field is projecting again.
Herman Cain had stage 4 colon cancer.
Obama uses a man's funeral to give a nasty partisan political speech full of lies that further division and hate. He hasn't changed a bit.
The same guy who took selfies with a blond at Nelson Mandela's funeral.
I think it's unlikely that the military would assist Trump with a violent coup. But some others have outlined more realistic nightmare scenarios.
Such as:
1) Biden wins by a small margin in several swing states
2) Trump starts screaming lies about mail-in ballot fraud and BLM voter intimidation and loads of illegals bused in to vote by George Soros (even though none of that crap happened)
3) Those swing states have either Republican legislatures or governors who, like the spineless robots they are, decide to go along with Trump's lies. They refuse to certify the vote totals for their states because, according to them, Biden's win was fraudulent.
4) Thus, no electoral votes are awarded for those states, and as a consequence, there ends up being no winner of a majority of the Electoral College votes.
5) This means the House of Representatives decides the next president. Hooray! (If you're a Democrat).
6) Whoa, hold up, not so fast. In this situation, the House does NOT follow the normal rules of voting. It behaves as if it were the Senate, with each state getting only one vote. So the entire delegation from Massachusetts gets only one vote, the entire delegation from Iowa gets only one vote, the entire delegation from Florida gets only one vote. And, as it turns out, Republicans actually control more total delegations.
7) Republicans in the House, like the spineless robots they are, give Trump a second term in office.
By this method, Trump could actually lose but still cheat his way to victory. He and his supporters would not have to engage in violence to make it happen. His opponents might have to engage in violence to stop it.
The only guaranteed way to avert this disaster is for Biden to win BIG, so that there is no plausible route for Trump to cheat and claim he lost due to any kind of voting hanky panky by Democrats. It makes me queasy just thinking about it.
Thanks for this thoughtful post, Field. Trump's trying to stay in office even if he loses the election has worried me ever since he was elected. I'm convinced that if he does millions of Americas will take to the streets. Do you have any thoughts on this?
It would be very useful to figure out if the mentally ill tend to be Very Liberal for rational reasons (they want a bigger social safety net for themselves) or for nonrational reasons (it makes them feel better to hate the healthy and normal).
White (and especially 'very') liberals are far more likely than all other ideological-racial subgroups to report being diagnosed with a mental health condition.
"Herman Cain had stage 4 colon cancer."
Cain's cancer was in remission. He died of COVID-19, not cancer.
I posted this on the last blog entry, but it bears a repost.
Here’s Herman Cain on Twitter less than a month ago, sharing his highly valuable COVID thoughts.
This is off the scales on the irony-meter.
Lesson learned: You should maybe get your health advice from virologists and epidemiologists, not orange-tinted reality TV show hosts.
Social Distancing and face masks do not work!!!
Only Hydroxychloroquine, daily injections of Lysol disinfectant, and rigorous abstinence from the demon sperm caused by masturbation can save you.
This is just what the doctor orders!
Remember, remember!
This third of November,
The Democrats' Russian collusion plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Democrats' treason should ever be forgot!
Anonymous said...
"Herman Cain had stage 4 colon cancer."
Cain's cancer was in remission. He died of COVID-19, not cancer.
10:11 PM
He died of the cancer not Covid.
TRB (typical redneck behavior)
I Just Fucking Shot Myself - The Musical
P.S. Rates of self-inflicted gunshot wounds are WAY higher in Trumpland than in the blue states.
His niece seems to think that he will go more or less quietly if he gets beaten badly enough in the election, as that will be more than his narcissism can stand.
Perhaps our best shot is keeping the screws to him nonstop until he just gets too bored and demoralized to want to fight anymore.
Not comfortable with that approach, really, but far less comfortable with the likely outcomes of not doing it.
He doesn't really have the authority to postpone the election, but he could definitely stir up a lot of destructive shit among his loyal followers, who are the real problem to begin with.
Remember that he got more votes in the Republican primary than anyone in history.
He is the unavoidable outcome of more than fifty years of the Republican party basing it's electoral strategy on the appeasement of bigots and imbeciles, who they always assumed they could control with god, guns, and gays.
How is that strategy looking to you now, Republicans? Now that you are duty bound to kiss the corpulent ass of someone so morally bankrupt as to make your own cynical strategies look antiquated and quaint as he blunders his way into the destruction of your party all the while loathing and despising you?
His hard core fanbase may be a small and shrinking minority of the population, but still remains a reliable majority of the Republican primary electorate, so even if the rest of the party leadership actually wanted to do something about him, which they do not, they still stand to lose their positions if they try.
As for his fanbase, they deserve to be represented in their government like everyone else, I just hope we can even that representation out with their actual numbers. A country that's 27% in the shitter isn't ideal, but unlike what's going on right now, it's something we can work with.
In am apprehensive, but not in despair.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
How long will Fox put up with his bitching and moaning after he loses? I think it'll get old fast and the GOP will forget he ever existed, kinda like W.
Heidi Klum, Naomi Campbell, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Matt Groenig all travelled on Jeffrey Epstein's plane with underage girls.
I heard that Adam Schiff had sex with a young boy at the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood, California.
I heard the fucking president praise and endorse a "doctor" who says she believes cysts and endometriosis are caused by sex in dreams with demons and witches.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Heidi Klum, Naomi Campbell, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Matt Groenig all travelled on Jeffrey Epstein's plane with underage girls.”
How many of them got sued by an underaged girl for raping her at an Epstein party?
Because Trump did.
That blonde at Mandela's funeral was Danish Prime Minister and David Cameron was in the selfie, as well. Moar "squirrels" from wingnuts.
Herman Cain's heart stopped beating while he had Covid.
H3e probably had drumpf fleas and scabies and cooties, as well.
Time for a collective koyote kerfluffle howl over new FBI report on FISA errors that amounted to nothing.
Herman Cain stopped breathing. That's what killed him.
If a murder of crows was massacred by coronavirus would they hereafter be known as Covid Corvidae?
Liberalism is the manifestation of underlying mental disorders said...
It would be very useful to figure out if the mentally ill tend to be Very Liberal for rational reasons (they want a bigger social safety net for themselves) or for nonrational reasons (it makes them feel better to hate the healthy and normal).
Most ridiculous comment I have seen in a long time. Your ideas expressed here are contrary to all scientific knowledge.
Brain scans show that people who self-identify as conservative have larger and more active right amygdalas, an area of the brain that's associated with expressing and processing fear. This aligns with the idea that feeling afraid makes people lean more to the right.
RIP Mr. Caine
13 Images of the Chaos Created by ‘Violent Anarchists’ in Portland
"Your ideas expressed here are contrary to all scientific knowledge."
It's all projection. trump and his childish followers do it all the time. The Pee Wee Herman defense.
It's all projection. trump and his childish followers do it all the time. The Pee Wee Herman defense.
11:46 AM
Who is childish??? You sycophants all spell trump when it is Trump. Its all you have, you are infants mentally.
Anonymous said...
13 Images of the Chaos Created by ‘Violent Anarchists’ in Portland
Didn't you mean to say 13 Images of the Chaos Created by uninvited, unwanted, Trump's federal Gestapo in Portland?
With a bit of instigation from Umbrella Man.
And note anonymoid 12:20, who wrote: "Who is childish???" Pro tip: multiple question marks is a twit signal. It signals that the writer is a twit - and in this case, childish, and projecting it. Irony used to be harder to find.
I'm wondering about the use of the word, sycophants. Who among the Dems. and other liberals are sycophants to whom? Surely not Biden. We have rallied behind him because he is a thousand times better than Trump to be America's leader. Not all of us are in love with Biden.
I think sycophants better expresses the attitude of many Republicans, especially those in congress and in state governments who enable Trump's outrageous behavior with their silent approval. Of course Romney and several others are the exceptions. And then there's Barr, who has his head up Trump's anatomy.
"It's almost as if Black Lives Matter is based on a lie ..."
Come on, an extortion organization “created” by three radical black lesbians inspired by a cop-killing skyjacker who are fundraised by said cop-killer-skyjacker’s terrorist-mentor? What rings false about that?
Anonymous said...
What rings false about that?
3:11 PM
Just your entire post.
"Who is childish??? You sycophants all spell trump when it is Trump. Its all you have, you are infants mentally."
You must be new here kid.
Destroy the economy? Check.
Allow Russians to kill American troops? Check.
Allow killer virus to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans? Check.
Destroy American businesses? Check.
Erase 5 years of economic and employment growth? Check.
His work here is done.
Almost forgot, destroy the Post Office.
drumpf body count new milestones today...
Coronavirus Cases:
Next week we should easy see 5 million infections and 160k bodies who won't be voting for dumbfuck wingnuts.
Enjoy some freedumb at the Freedom Cafe, wingnuts!
Social Justice Terrorists Now Threatening to Spam Businesses With Bad Reviews Unless They Agree to Racist Blackmail Demands
Businesses and non-profits in the East Market District of downtown Louisville, also referred to as NuLu (New Louisville), have received letters from left-wing activists demanding that they give in to a list of racial reparations or face having their businesses get negative reviews online.
The activists "sent out a three-page contract to NuLu businesses following Friday's protest where LMPD says 76 protesters were arrested and charged with obstructing a highway and disorderly conduct," WAVE 3 News reported. "Some also picked up assault charges, accused of throwing bottles at police officers."
WDRB News reported that the "demands came with a deadline of Aug. 17, or else protesters would respond by launching negative reviews and social media posts about the businesses."
Local residents that reached out to The Daily Wire were stunned that the story was not receiving more attention in the local media and did not want to be identified because they feared "mob retaliation." One person said that they felt that this was
"criminal extortion."
Cook County (Chicago) has changed traffic court so that hearings will be held online, via Zoom.
Trouble is, they forgot to tell the people summoned to court that. So they're showing up to wait in line at the physical court -- only to be told later that all hearings are done online, and (no, really, this happened) you also missed your online hearing while you were waiting on actual, physical line at the physical courthouse.
A TV reporter went to talk to someone from the office handling notifications about court hearings, to know why notices that hearings are no longer physical but will be held online are being sent out after the date of the hearing, instead of before, as would be the more common process.
The answer?
It's racist white privilege for you to ask a black woman why she's sending out notices days after the hearing the notices are intended to notify about.
WGN finally got a chance to speak to Court Clerk Dorothy Brown about why all this was happening and her response was, shall we say, very interesting. Brown said the only reason she was being asked was because WGN "felt like this black woman's office had to have done something wrong."
Your office did do something wrong. But please, do tell me why sending out notifications after the fact is an acceptable practice according to some Racial Traditions.
Brown continued, "Regardless of what I say today, this story will probably come out very negative for my office as it always has come out over the last 20 years, continuing to perpetuate the internalized, mediated and institutionalized types of racism directly onto me."
Black privilege means covering your incompetence by screaming "racism".
PilotX said....
4:11 PM
There is no bottom to how low they will sink - They are the Trump-Kushner cabal.
Check this out -
Jared Kushner called on to resign after damning report reveals his ‘depravity’
Alternet LOL.
UA poll asked Americans to estimate the number of #Covid19 cases and deaths.
-20X overestimation of cases.
-225X overestimation of deaths.
And the "real" stats are already overblown, too.
We begin to see the damage the Fake News has wrought.
"And the "real" stats are already overblown, too."
Sure. Of course they are.
"Black privilege means covering your incompetence by screaming "racism".
White privilege is blaming every mistake a Black person makes on their race. That IS racism Ace. As many mistakes as whites make it is NEVER held against the entire race. That sir is REAL privilege and you are proving it daily.
“UA poll asked Americans to estimate the number of #Covid19 cases and deaths.”
We’re supposed to believe information from some mickey-mouse outfit called “Unbiased America”?
Thanks, but no thanks. You can take your imaginary poll and stuff it up the orifice of your choosing.
"There is no bottom to how low they will sink - They are the Trump-Kushner cabal."
There is no insanely stupid conspiracy theory confirming her biases that Granny won't believe.
PilotX said...
"And the "real" stats are already overblown, too."
Sure. Of course they are.
Common flu virus stood back and stopped killing people as soon as soon as the CCP virus arrived:
Anonymous said...
"There is no bottom to how low they will sink - They are the Trump-Kushner cabal."
There is no insanely stupid conspiracy theory confirming her biases that Granny won't believe.
9:58 PM
You have proved over and over "there is no insanely stupid conspiracy theory" that you won't believe. You tend to be wrong about everything. You should review a few of your posts to confirm my analysis. Have a nice night.
"Common flu virus stood back and stopped killing people as soon as soon as the CCP virus arrived"
Gotcha, covid is fake news to hurt trump.
"Gotcha, covid is fake news to hurt trump."
Sure, sure, those Chinese are so crafty, the way they managed to deceive THE ENTIRE PLANET into believing lots of people are dying everywhere, when OBVIOUSLY they're not.
A totally rational and not at all silly explanation.
"Sure, sure, those Chinese are so crafty, the way they managed to deceive THE ENTIRE PLANET into believing lots of people are dying everywhere, when OBVIOUSLY they're not."
They certainly fooled half the country, the ones that get their news from imbeciles named Hannity and Tucker.
Let's see, the first night in a while with no federal stormtroopers on the streets of Portland and... peaceful protests. Just like before the stormtroopers showed up.
It's almost like a military response to peaceful protests doesn't help.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
From the Daily Beast Cheat Sheet and Oregon Live:
First Night of Portland Protests Without Federal Presence Was Peaceful: Reports
Attempted car thief and double murderer in Florida is a jogger-American:
This is what segregation prevented, and why it's going to come back.
Acerebral at 9:59 PM said:
Obama uses a man's funeral to give a nasty partisan political speech full of lies that further division and hate. He hasn't changed a bit.... Disgusting.
Hey man you can't just waltz in here with your parrot-like regurgitation of something you read on your favorite right-wing hate blog. I'm calling bullshit on you.
If you think that it is nasty to defend the Voting Rights Act, or too political to condemn the federal military police with tear gas and illegal detentions of peaceful protestors... Or maybe too partisan to call out the manslaughter of a non-violent offender by sloppy police work which led to his death. Police work that looked a lot like deliberate murder...
What the fuck is wrong with you? You son-of-a-bitch!
President Obama had a long and warm friendship with John Lewis. In 2011 he invited Congressman Lewis to the White House to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He called Lewis the, "conscience of the American Congress."
Do you remember who the clown Trump recently awarded the Medal of Freedom? That's right, buddy, that lying piece-of-shit Rush Limbaugh. You accuse President Obama of lying in that beautiful eulogy to his friend, John Lewis? I was deeply moved by Obama's words as were many others. These words were said to honor the tireless work of John Lewis and to encourage us all to continue in the work that is unfinished today.
I guess that you are okay with wicked republican politicians and operatives who still seek today to suppress voting among minorities and the poor? You think that it was nasty partisanship to bring up the disgusting SCOTUS decision to gut the Voting Rights Act? A law that had stood for almost fifty years?
Take it somewhere else, punk.
Roy Zimmerman strikes again:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
This is what white men tried to prevent with segregation and why it'll never come back.
Chicago:Final July 2020 Totals (YoY)
Shot & Killed: 94 (+135%)
Shot & Wounded: 498(+74%)
Total Shot: 592 (+81%)
Total Homicides: 105 (+133%)
Alternet is a radical left wing Marxist propaganda site. Its story's are total bullshit.
Sounds like he is bucking for pre-meditated murder for himself.
Anonymous said...
Alternet is a radical left wing Marxist propaganda site. Its story's are total bullshit.
10:36 AM
Prove it, scum!
Kudos to Flying junior for letting the little shit ass have it all ways. We need moar of that here to keep the trolls to a minimum, like their dicks.
Flying Junior said....
Take it somewhere else, punk.
1:53 AM
Thanks, Jr. for a great post. Tell the trolls who come here to insult to go straight to hell!
Farting Janitor said...
"President Obama had a long and warm friendship with John Lewis. In 2011 he invited Congressman Lewis to the White House to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He called Lewis the, "conscience of the American Congress."
Then he should have shown more respect at the man's funeral. Instead he used the opportunity once again to attack the "systematically racist" country that twice elected him president, invoking vicious lies about police, calling the astro-turfed rioters who have torn up the country "peaceful protestors", comparing the President who stands in the way of leftist-hate mongers to Bull Connor and George Wallace, and repeating the destructive canard that black people's voting rights are in jeopardy.
Obama demeaned the legacy of John Lewis and other civil rights protestors by equating them to the violent BLM/Antifa scum his party has sent out to terrorize the electorate. Obama is the most hateful and divisive figure in American history, a criminal who enriched himself while in office and who forever stained our democracy by using American intelligence agencies to try to steal an election.
Fuck Barack Obama and anyone who praises that vile piece of shit.
"comparing the President who stands in the way of leftist-hate mongers to Bull Connor and George Wallace, and repeating the destructive canard that black people's voting rights are in jeopardy."
Can't be mad at the man for telling the truth. I'd rather him than an orange half orangutan who allowed 150,000 Americans to die because if his ego.
Blacks are 4 times more likely to murder someone than to commit suicide.
For whites, it's a 4:1 ratio the opposite way.
Another way of putting this: Whites are far more of a danger to themselves than they are to other people, while blacks are far more of a danger to other people than they are to themselves.
Imagine if US blacks had a higher suicide rate than Whites. We would be told daily how systematic racism is causing black people to kill themselves. Instead, we see the opposite trend and nobody gives a shit.
Updated drumpf body count…
Coronavirus Cases:
Moar milestones hit and surpassed. Guestimates are 180k deaths by August 21m 2020.
Anonymous said....
Fuck Barack Obama and anyone who praises that vile piece of shit.
12:39 PM
Well, fuck you right back, Anon. If it disturbs you to see Obama praised, leave our blog alone and go where you are wanted at some racist propaganda website - there's Storm Front, Breitbart and several others. We won't miss you. Or if we do, it will be like missing a pain in the ass when it's gone.
Trump wants to ban TikTok because the tweens on TikTok ruined his hate rally.
This is a joke presidency.
"Instead, we see the opposite trend and nobody gives a shit."
Jesus, so much self pity. No wonder you pussies are committing suicide. Boo hoo, no one cares about us. Boo hoo hoo. Now go hang yourself bitch.
"Whites are far more of a danger to themselves than they are to other people"
Unless you're a baby, then you're 20X more likely to be shot by a large caliber assault rifle or raped. White men love to shoot babies and rape them but nobody talks about this. They'd rather talk about negro crime than baby rape so one has to assume they're ok with raping babies. Just sick. I hope more of them off themselves.
Negroes are by far the biggest baby rapers, but they are so amoral they never consider offing themselves. Guilt requires a certain level of intelligence and ethical consciousness, both of which blacks lack.
And the grift goes on:
Kushner made three million dollars from companies affected by white house policy.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Fergus wants to ban TikTok because of Sarah Cooper.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I will admit I was both stun hurt and angry upon hearing about the death of Mr. Cain from Covid-19. Stun because despite a personal scare with Covid-19 and having a numerous relatives actually come down with the virus including a number of serious scares where several members became deadly ill working in a NY hospital, one became ill after a business trip to Texas, my wife and I became ill caring for a child of a relative who worked for the lawless PA gas industry where several employees came down with the virus. and one relative who became ill at the beginning of September after returning from a vacation in China and despite all of this drama I was still stun.
I was hurt because something in the back of my head tells me Mr. Cain in his heart of hearts knew better and knew that Covid-19 was real.
But last but not least I was angry as I talked to my wife and she made me aware of how many innocent Americans including his own people who may have not agreed with his politics but admired his accomplishments he may have misled. Let this be a lesson to all out there pretending to be stupid because of your politics, personal greed selfishness or any other idiot reasoning Covid-19 is as real as Mr. 999 being dead.
Yeah, about how he died; his own website says he died from covid. He finished his cancer treatments in 2007.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Anyfuckingmoose, you lied. Cain died of covid not cancer.
He was cured of stage 4 cancer before he ran for potus.
Without James on the board, watch for Rupert's media empire to get even batshittier crazy.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Fergus wants to ban TikTok because of Sarah Cooper."
But this isn't just on TikTok. Per your link, it's on YouTube as well.
Goodbye, YouTube, I guess?
For some more person-woman-man-camera-tv fun, check out Trump's secret, behind-the-scenes PR advisor.
"In fact, 95% of people who commit suicide have a mental illness"
So white men have higher instances of mental illness? No wonder they rape babies and shoot up classrooms so much.
"Negroes are by far the biggest baby rapers"
Sure kid, whatever you say.
"they are so amoral they never consider offing themselves. Guilt requires a certain level of intelligence and ethical consciousness, both of which blacks lack."
This dumbfuck wants to paint suicide as some kind of moral gesture. What are you white men doing so immoral you feel you have to off yourself? I mean besides the obvious. You guys are sick.
Relative to their population, likelihood of abuse compared to background population rate:
American Indian +100%
Blacks +92%
Hispanics no difference
Whites -35%
Asian -67%
On an individual basis, American Indians are most likely to molest a child, then Blacks, then Hispanics, then Whites, then Asians.
Administration for Children & Families,, 2000.
The high Amerindian rate is probably due to the utterly collapsed nature of Amerindian families and societies as a whole. The high Black rate is because, well, Blacks have elevated rates of most crimescompared to Whi tes, Hispanics, Asians and Amerindians. I fail to see why child molesting should be an exception. Low Asian rate is probably because across almost all crime stats, Asians typically have the lowest rates of them all.
As you can see, not only are Whites less likely to molest kids than Blacks, they have one of the lowest child molesting rates of any ethnic group in the US, surpassed only by Asians.
Hollywood is a cult of pedophiles, rapists and women abusers.
Chicago Gun(negro) Violence: 6 Dead, at Least 15 Wounded in Weekend Shootings Across City
Published 6 hours ago • Updated 1 hour ago
The BLM movement is based on a lie:
Chicago riot July 27th to August 3rd, 1919: 38 dead, 537 injured, 1500+ left homeless. Last year was the 100th anniversary and the media made little mention of how pale males showed their true savage nature.
August 6th marks the 75th anniversary of the most violent 46 seconds in the history of modern man. 80,000 civilians murdered and tens of thousands more horribly disfigured.
Your ancestors killed so you could pretend you are civilized.
Good Night Nurse!
Just two years ago I wouldn't have even dreamed it was possible. I mean, really!?! What the hell?
Yer just fucking crazy.
Nagassaki was called Niggasaki before WWII. The Samurais were black. The atomic bomb was an anti-melanin weapon that turned the Japanese pale and soulless.
We was Emperors.
Trump is banning TikTok because it's Chinese spyware.
Now if you want to watch 14 year-olds dance you'll have to get on a plane with Bill Clinton.
You were never emperors, potato farmers maybe. Neuropeons? emperors? That's a good one!
Socialist "Occupier" Clams Up As Former Soviet Citizen Reminds Che Guevara Was Homophobe and Racist
Wow, and here I thought Mexico was going to pay for it. Somebody got duped.
Millions of Americans set to get evicted and lose unemployment benefits. Is America great yet?
“Trump is banning TikTok because it's Chinese spyware.”
Uh-oh. Can’t have that. It would be a tragedy if the Chinese were able to access our critical national security documentation that resides on tweens’ phones.
But her emails:
Citizens for Ethics
Jul 31
Jared Kushner’s shadow coronavirus task force appears to have violated multiple federal laws by using private email accounts with no assurance their communications are being preserved and by meeting in secret
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Jared Kushner’s shadow coronavirus task force appears to have violated multiple federal laws by using private email accounts with no assurance their communications are being preserved and by meeting in secret"
And he'll never be punished. What message are we sending our kids?
TRUMP 2020!!
Pilox says...
"And he'll never be punished. What message are we sending our kids?"
How much punishment are you willing to give? What are you telling your kids?
Do all Black Lives Matter?
Mail-in ballots in Colorado have pre-cut holes which reveal the red markings on Republican Party ballots.
Anonymous said...
Do all Black Lives Matter?
1:50 AM
In many predominately black resident areas....NO. They kill and maim each other on a daily basis.
"In many predominately black resident areas....NO. They kill and maim each other on a daily basis."
White lives don't even matter to themselves. They committ suicide at alarming rates. Mental illness is real.
But the rest of our children are being pushed by this man. Only trump lives matter to him.
Calling All Trolls,
No need to cry fake news. This is for real.
From Raw Story today
A new report from the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform found that the Trump Administration repeatedly delayed an Obama-era order from the health-technology company Philips for 10,000 ventilators, wasting half-a-billion dollars for machines that won’t even arrive until September 2022.
According to the report, in 2014, the Obama Administration signed a contract with Philips to add 10,000 ventilators to the nation’s stockpile by June 2019. Though Philips delayed the fulfillment until November 2019, had they been held to that deadline, the nation would have had plenty of ventilators for when the coronavirus epidemic started in March 2020.
You got to love this president. He's the devil's spawn. Just call him Demon Donald.
Good thing it turned out we had plenty of ventilators.
Thousands were sent by the federal government to New York that were never used.
Not a single patient who needed a ventilator didn't have one.
Keep trying.
Obama IS the Incubus........
"Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Calling All Trolls,
No need to cry fake news. This is for real."
No its not. Keep crying WOLF, people are adding everything up and the Democrats/Marxist drumbeat isn't adding up. Its all bullshit and propaganda.
Critical race theory says white people are racist by default, so ending racism can only mean one thing.
Here IS something true on this Marxist site: Dead and shot negroes.
CHICAGO Year 2020 to Date
Shot & Killed: 414
Shot & Wounded: 1921
Total Shot: 2335
Total Homicides: 453
drumpf body count continues to rise like over yeasted bread dough...
Coronavirus Cases:
No its not. Keep crying WOLF, people are adding everything up and the Democrats/Marxist drumbeat isn't adding up. Its all bullshit and propaganda.
But, only to trolls like anyfuckingmoose who spews fake noize talking points because that is all trolls have.
Doctor speaks out about Coronavirus fraud:
But Channel 2′s Michael Seiden has spoken with victims who say enough is enough and that it’s time to get the kids off the streets before someone gets killed.
Antoinette Stevens said she is still in pain following a frightening encounter with a group of teenagers selling bottled water on University Avenue in southwest Atlanta on Friday afternoon.
She still had the black eye to prove it.
"I gave him a couple dollars, and then all the other boys ran up to my car and were like 'Oh, give me a dollar. Give me some money,'" Stephens said.
That’s when she said one of the boys reached through her window and snatched her purse.
Stephens said she tried to chase after him, and another teen jumped into the driver's seat of her car and took off.
“I jumped through the window and tried to get my car. Try to get him to stop. And he drove into oncoming traffic and crashed the car, and then ran,” Stephens said.
She said that was when she hit the ground, leaving her with a black eye.
Stephens showed Seiden photos of her damaged BMW. She picked it up Sunday after spending several hours in the hospital.
These are the actions of an entire mob of psychopaths.
"Psychopathic personality is a personality disorder of which the central feature is lack of a moral sense. The condition was first identified in the early nineteenth century by the British physician John Pritchard, who proposed the term “moral imbecility” for those deficient in moral sense but of normal intelligence."
The psychology of Africans is sufficiently different, it has spawned an entire new field of study.
And that is why this multi-racial experiment is coming to a close. It never could have worked.
The dragon capsule splashed down today and they are preparing to extract the astronauts on the recovery ship.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
So Dr Morris is a Hydroxy lover and anti- liberal blowhard. I can see why the trolls would like him and fall for his bullshit. Waste of time looking up twitter twash.
Conservatards/ stoopid fucking wingnuts believe in the bullshit and stoopid fucking propaganda because they really are that fucking stoopid.
They are addicted to their propaganda because rejecting it comes with the admission that they have been wrong about every political opinion they have held for their entire adult lives, and that's too hard of a hit to take just to admit the truth when the next propaganda lie is due to arrive any second.
Some do come around, like Stuart Stevens, but for most it's just too much to expect from them.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Anonymous said...
Obama uses a man's funeral to give a nasty partisan political speech full of lies that further division and hate. He hasn't changed a bit.
The same guy who took selfies with a blond at Nelson Mandela's funeral.
9:59 PM
Don't get your panties in a twist. Very few people give a crap what selfies President Obama takes.
Anonymous said....
No its not. Keep crying WOLF, people are adding everything up and the Democrats/Marxist drumbeat isn't adding up. Its all bullshit and propaganda.
12:14 PM
Says the man?, woman? who hasn't the guts to post with a screen name and represents the opinions of less than one percent of the population. LOL
And the grift goes on:
Randi Mayem Singer
DeJoy and his wife have between $30.1M and $75.3M in assets in private USPS competitors. Hmmmm. I wonder why he'd be willing to destroy the USPS.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Colorado has stripped its police of qualified immunity and many officers are discussing resigning.
Good, they're the very ones who need to go.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
So where is the "full and complete" healthcare plan Fergus said he would be signing today?
Oh that's right, it was a lie. Number 20,000 and something.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Obama's America: Scrap the space program, pay the Russians $80 million a head to get to our space station.
Trump's America: The Space Force and Dragon capsules.
Fergus' America: NASA doesn't have a rocket capable of carrying crew to space, so it was outsourced to a billionaire.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Anonymous said....
Trump's America: The Space Force and Dragon capsules.
8:07 PM
Trump's America: Pandemic out of control due to his incompetence, Gestapo like troops uninvited in American cities, the economy in the toilet.
"Colorado has stripped its police of qualified immunity and many officers are discussing resigning.
Good, they're the very ones who need to go."
Read the fine print, Doug. The law won't do what the hardcore BLM types want, which is to bankrupt bad officers.
This is because:
*The law only covers Colorado state troopers, not county and local police.
*It basically only applies in cases where the officer gets convicted in criminal court of a state civil rights violation.
*The damages the officer will be personally liable for are limited to "5% of the judgement or $25,000, whichever is less." My guess is that Colorado cops will soon just start carrying "suspect-beating insurance," which will pay out in the event they feel like beating the shit out of a suspect. Next, the union will demand, and get, pay rises to cover the cost of the annual premiums for "suspect-beating insurance," and the net effect on cops' behavior will be zero.
"And that is why this multi-racial experiment is coming to a close. It never could have worked."
3:32 PM
it's not an experiment; it's a fact of life. If you don't like it, the solution is quite simple, go live somewhere else more to your liking.
"And that is why this multi-racial experiment is coming to a close. It never could have worked."
It's worked in the past and will continue to work once we get a normal president. The orange guy screwed up so much it'll take me a while to fix but we'll be fine once we put a multi-cultural team in charge.
it's not an experiment; it's a fact of life.
Legislation is a fact of life. "Civil rights" are a feature of legislation. They can be revoked, and will be. The experiment is failed, and WILL end.
If you don't like it
If you don't like the failure of "civil rights" and "affirmative action" and "disparate impact" and everything else to produce "equality" despite over half a century and trillions of dollars of effort, you can find somewhere other than reality to live.
Oh, wait... you've been living there for about half your life. You have been a stranger to reality since at least 1980.
It's worked in the past
It worked when it was Jim Crow and redlining keeping the crime away from the productive people. Today the only White people willing to ride "public transit" are those in megalopoli like NYC during commuting hours or "White trash" too poor to have any alternatives.
The two-legged trash benefitting from all these things are unable to even maintain them, let alone build them. They will lose in the end. They will destroy much, but the Whites will survive and rebuild after you are gone.
dinthebeast said...
"NASA doesn't have a rocket capable of carrying crew to space"
Yes, Obama took care of that.
And NASA today is just another Affirmative Action government agency: They can't do things like build rockets anymore.
But apparently there are still some private enterprises where white men are allowed to do the kind of things only they can do.
anonymous said....
If you don't like the failure of "civil rights" and "affirmative action" and "disparate impact" and everything else to produce "equality" despite over half a century and trillions of dollars of effort, you can find somewhere other than reality to live.
Oh, wait... you've been living there for about half your life. You have been a stranger to reality since at least 1980.
The two-legged trash benefitting from all these things are unable to even maintain them, let alone build them. They will lose in the end. They will destroy much, but the Whites will survive and rebuild after you are gone.
10:52 PM
You are clearly delusional. Less than one percent of Americans believe what you believe, yet you think you represent the majority view. What a sad life you must live.
PilotX said...
"And that is why this multi-racial experiment is coming to a close. It never could have worked."
It's worked in the past and will continue to work once we get a normal president.
Donald Trump has done more for black Americans than Obama and Biden ever did. Too much, really. They don't deserve it and they won't vote for him anyway.
We need a President who can tell black people no.
The Dutch counted 404 influenza deaths in season 2019/2020 where 6447 should be the average. Thats a drop of 94%! The current Dutch CV death count is as of now 6147. Why are people not seeing that they are relabeling the flu?!
I’d like to congratulate Bubba Smollett on his 23rd place today in the NASCAR race.
That’s pretty good for him.
Black Lives Matter Louisville is threatening small businesses with "mafia tactics" that don't pay
They demand 1.5% of net sales to approved NPOs, diversity training, diversity hires
They vandalized a business that refused
"Yes, Obama took care of that."
The goddamn Republicans took care of that. Remember the fucking debt ceiling fight? The sequester? The all out assault on government spending that only materialized the moment Obama was sworn in and disappeared again the day Fergus took the oath?
The increased government spending that propped up the economy during Fergus' misrule that would have had the unemployment rate below 5% in 2011 if the goddamn Republicans had let Obama do what Fergus did?
What Obama took care of was driving you off of the deep end with hatred so badly that you're now flabbergasted by reality.
Which, by the way, ain't Obama's fault.
Fergus had a friendly congress exactly as long as Obama did, so why didn't he fix NASA, if you think it's broken?
I'll tell you why: Republicans can't govern, and won't ever do anything that doesn't benefit them personally, even when they have the power, the resources and the authority.
Obama inherited an economy in freefall, shedding 700K jobs a month and the worst recession between the great depression and the one Fergus just caused.
Fergus inherited a prosperous economy with falling deficits and could have easily taken some of the two trillion dollar tax cut that is his only legislative accomplishment and funded NASA up to the levels where we could be going to the moon when Fergus lied and said we would go, and be ready to go to Mars in the next decade.
But, like the despicable Republican he is, he gave it all to rich people and corporations who kept it or bought back stock with it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Obama killed the space program because blacks hated it.
We stopped the Apollo program in the 70's because blacks demanded we stop spending money on space exploration and give it to them.
Obama's director of NASA Charles Bolden said that Obama told him the foremost mission of the space agency was to make Muslims feel better about their contributions to science:
NASA is done.
Trump is doing what it takes to put America back in space.
NBA ratings have crashed.
I guess the "hate whitey" theme wasn't such a good idea.
Every now and again, I hear some of you Trumpie crazies going on about how much Donald Trump has done for black Americans.
lolz, you turdies.
Music is the universal language. So let me put this in terms that even you can understand. Here is a nice performance of Blind Willie McTell's Statesboro Blues recorded by the legendary Taj Mahal fifty years after he brought this song into the modern lexicon.
This should illustrate fairly well just how much black Americans or any other decent Americans need any help at all from Little Boy Blue, Donald Trump.
Let the music make my case.
"We stopped the Apollo program in the 70's because blacks demanded we stop spending money on space exploration and give it to them."
LOLOLOLOL! Yeah, that's obviously it. The federal government made major decisions about the NASA budget based on that Whitey On the Moon poem.
The outlandish things you Nazi trolls come up with here ...
Bonus question for you rhythm and blues historians:
Who sang the version of this song that contained the lyric...
I done more for that woman than the good Lord ever done;
I went downtown and bought her some hair;
And the good Lord never gave her none.
You tell me. I've been wracking my brains.
One more bonus, kiddies!
That woman I love got long curly hair all down her back.
Though I wisht it was on her head!
"Bonus question for you rhythm and blues historians:
Who sang the version of this song that contained the lyric...
I done more for that woman than the good Lord ever done;
I went downtown and bought her some hair;
And the good Lord never gave her none.
You tell me. I've been wracking my brains."
Don't wrack your brains; ask your good friend Professor Google.
Could it be this song?
Thank you man! I can't believe you found that. That was it alright. I didn't think I would ever hear it again.
I heard it on the Johnny Otis Show. Not the review. But a radio program that Johnny hosted on Pacifica Radio every Monday evening from maybe about 1980 until the late 1990s. Johnny spun platters from about 1940 to 1970. Every song was rhythm and blues or some related genre. I used to record tapes of his show whenever I could. But mostly I would drive my car down to the beach and tune it in every Monday night. It was my rhythm and blues education. I must have listened almost twenty years.
"One more bonus, kiddies!
That woman I love got long curly hair all down her back.
Though I wisht it was on her head!"
Professor Google says it's this song.
But he showed me a Led Zeppelin song first.
Dang me! Champion Jack Dupree! Wow! What can I say?
It's funny all them window shades is down.
This time of day, 'most everybody due to be up...
An' I hope it rain again tomorrow!
I listened to this one with Mrs. Junior probably in 1995 or so. I had it on a cassette.
July 2020 murders in Chiraq more than double over 2019 due to Africans being Africans:
It's time to send Africans back to da muddaland. ALL of them.
"It's time to send Africans back to da muddaland. ALL of them."
Good luck with that 😂
"Obama killed the space program because blacks hated it."
Briliant analysis.😆
A rat done bit my sister Nell
With Whitey on the moon
Her face and arms began to swell
And Whitey's on the moon
I can't pay no doctor bills
But Whitey's on the moon
Ten years from now I'll be paying still
While whitey's on the moon
You know, the man just upped my rent last night
Cause whitey's on the moon
No hot water, no toilets, no lights
But whitey's on the moon
I wonder why he's uppin' me?
Cause whitey's on the moon?
Well i was already given him fifty a week
And now whitey's on the moon
Taxes takin' my whole damn check
The junkies make me a nervous wreck
The price of food is goin up
And if all that crap wasn't enough
A rat done bit my sister nell
With whitey on the moon
Her face and arm began to swell
And whitey's on the moon
With all that money i made last year
For whitey on the moon
How come I ain't got no money here?
Hmm, whitey's on the moon
You know I just about had my fill
Of whitey on the moon
I think I'll send these doctor bills
airmail special
(To whitey on the moon)
MAGA said...
Obama killed the space program because blacks hated it.
We stopped the Apollo program in the 70's because blacks demanded we stop spending money on space exploration and give it to them.
The space program stopped because we spent so much money one the stupid Vietnam War that the Republicans were screaming to stop any exploration of space. Nixon ushered in the era of "make government so small we can drown it in a bathtub" and "welfare mom buying lobster and driving expensive cars." This led some people to think that Blacks were getting too much, thus creating the resentment that you expressed.
It is futile to talk to you about current and recent events because you don't know anything. So be my guest and go on being ignorant. It's not my job to educate you.
"Obama killed the space program because blacks hated it."
Blacks protested the Apollo 11 launch:
Abernathy was one of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s closest aides. After King’s assassination in April 1968, Abernathy led the Poor People’s March on Washington that summer. A year later, as NASA prepared to launch Apollo 11, the Alabama preacher led a group of mostly black Americans to show NASA and the assembled media that all was not well in America’s cities.
“There was a debate about what America was at the time,” says Neil Maher, author of 2017’s Apollo in the Age of Aquarius, and a professor of history at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Maher says the Apollo space program divided Americans among supporters who thought it would energize a country that had gotten lost, and those who believed that it represented a huge waste of money that instead should go to solving societal problems.
“Was it a country to spend $20 billion to land two men on a dead rock in space or try to solve some of the problems closer to home on Earth?” Maher says. “A lot of grass roots movements argued to use the [NASA] money to solve problems here.”
Flying Junior said.....
I heard it on the Johnny Otis Show.
A friend and I went to see Johnny Otis at the Long Beach Auditorium in 1956. Had a great time and were invited for drinks and dancing after at a near by club with guys from the band. Was a very special night.
At Least 34 black People Shot, 9 negroes Killed In Chicago So Far This Weekend
By CBS 2 Chicago Staff August 3, 2020 at 8:09 am
"Blacks protested the Apollo 11 launch"
You do know that was just a bit before Obama became president right?
"You do know that was just a bit before Obama became president right?"
Maybe they don't. What is time?
Obama probably ended the space program while he was on his way, traveling through wormholes back to the '60s so he could give himself a Hawaiian birth certificate, dirty Kenyan Muslim Socialist that he is.
And hey, Trump himself thinks he "beat Obama" to become president. This is not how I remember the 2016 election.
That makes sense because NASA may have discovered that wormhole he was using.
PilotAA said...
"You do know that was just a bit before Obama became president right?"
He was just a little Marxist at that time.
"He was just a little Marxist at that time."
Yeah, you may want to keep your day job.😑
Some moron said...
"Obama probably ended the space program while he was on his way, traveling through wormholes back to the '60s"
No, Obama ended the space program when he killed the shuttle in 2011.
If Biden wins, he'll stuff these private space exploration initiatives with so much diversity and inclusion they'll become non-functional and unaffordable.
You must have been a cute little thang!
Bush killed the shuttle and outsourced rides for Americans to Russia, not Obama, racist haters.
John Sununu claimed President Obama “outsourced a major portion of the U.S. space program to the Russians.” But it was President Bush who set NASA on a path eight years ago to retire the Space Shuttle and rely on the Russians for space travel.
“[Bush] Administration policy is to retire the shuttle in 2010 and purchase crew transport from Russia,” as then-NASA Administrator Michael Griffin once explained.
To be sure, Obama ended the Space Shuttle program, leaving the U.S. to rely on the Russians for the July 14 launch of a Soyuz spaceship that carried a U.S. astronaut — the event that prompted Sununu’s remark. But Griffin, who led NASA under Bush, privately blamed the Bush White House in internal emails in 2008 for launching a “jihad” to retire the shuttle without giving NASA the authority and funds to simultaneously replace it.
Moar lies from unhinged hater snowflakes.
You are clearly delusional.
Projection. The fact that you're still demanding race-biased programs 56 years after the 1964 CRA and 49 years after Griggs proves that you are the delusional one. They are based on the lie of racial equality.
Less than one percent of Americans believe what you believe
Fallacy of popularity (backed up by relentless propaganda and cancelling of dissenters). The truth is in the results, not the opinions.
A year later, as NASA prepared to launch Apollo 11, the Alabama preacher led a group of mostly black Americans to show NASA and the assembled media that all was not well in America’s cities.
What was not well is that they were full of African savages. The same is true today.
mike from iowa said...
"To be sure, Obama ended the Space Shuttle program"
Well, there you go.
I guess it didn't make Muslims feel better about their contributions to science.
And maybe Obama got a kickback from Vlad for all that money the Russians starting making.
It's good we have a President now who values American leadership in space exploration.
It's funny to think about quibbling over $20 Billion spent on NASA. Seems like money well spent to me.
Bush wasted $3 trillion on inefficient wars and crony profiteering.
With the Great Republican Tax Heist of 2017 sacrificing at least a trillion dollars a year of federal revenue, Trump has been forced to deficit spend at unheard of rates even before the pandemic crisis. Hey, why don't we check in on the national debt? Blame that on Obama.
It looks like we're closing in fast on $26.6 trillion. Oops! I thought we were still around twenty-three trillion. Depending on just how you measure it, the federal deficit is hovering around $3 trillion this year. That's with four months to go. So it's like an extra $4 trillion to the national debt this year alone.
Time to repeal the Trump-Turtle tax cuts, anyone?
Stooge from Iowa says...
"Bush killed the shuttle and outsourced rides for Americans to Russia"
Not only that but he sold snow cones in that weird "park" that Vince Foster was "killed".
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