Today I am writing about allies. Having friends in the fight for justice and for a better country is important, because without them we will all sink together.
It's no longer important enough to just say to yourself: I am not a racist. You have to call out racism at every turn and actively fight against it. One scholar recently wrote about being an "anti-racist", which is what we expect all of our allies to be at this point.
I tweeted an analogy earlier, and it goes like this. If you plant some poison ivy and water it every day, you are responsible for whatever it brings. If you just walk by the poison ivy and don't kill it, then when I have an itch I will blame you for my discomfort just as much as I blame the person who planted it.
Think of racism as America's poison ivy, and think of the 35% of the people in this country who are now openly embracing a racist president -and his open call for a race war and division- as the people who planted it, and are now helping it to grow.
Fortunately, some of our allies in the struggle realize what is happening, and one of them , Andrea Portes, took the time to pen an oped in USA Today about it.
"President Donald Trump is betting that you will be more scared of Black people than you will be of dying of Covid-19, losing your job or your children's schools not reopening.
If you're a mom or a caregiver, you already know that the amount of thankless, unsung work we did was barely manageable before the pandemic. But now, thanks in part to Trump's
failure to listen to the scientists and to actually deal with the reality of the Covid virus, so many of our children are not back to school, as they are
in Europe. So now, we have an extra job that is more maddening, more stressful than anything we had before -- educating our children remotely.
Now our children's futures depend on how well we do as teaching assistants, which, in my case, is not very well. The other day, while doing a mindfulness assignment, I yelled at my son, "Take ten deep breaths or else!" I guarantee that was not the intention of this exercise.
Now we are fighting with our kids, pleading with our kids, bargaining with our kids -- while they are whining, crying and wondering, as my son did, "Mommy, why are you being so mean?"
So why am I addressing this to just White women when women of color are also struggling with these same dire circumstances? In fact, aren't Black Americans, including Black women,
disproportionately at risk of
dying of Covid (as are Native American and Latinos) and at
greater risk of experiencing economic hardship from the pandemic? Sadly, yes to all of this.
But Black women are not who Trump is trying to reach—and he does not want to discuss the disastrous pandemic with anyone.
He would like to discuss something different...and just with
suburban White women, who he is
not-so-subtly courting and
desperate to capture, since these voters have the power to swing the election.
Of course, many, many White women—suburban and otherwise—did not vote for Trump last time and have no intention of doing so in 2020.
But many did. Polling shows White women
favored Trump in 2016, but that enough of them turned out to
help Democrats win the House two years later. Quite simply, Trump,
trailing among all women in the polls for the moment, cannot win a second time
without them.
I'm a White woman, and the truth is I'm moderate—a Democrat, but fairly moderate. I understand that it can seem like much of the Democratic left is overly concerned with who is the most politically correct. I'm annoyed by elements of cancel culture, too. And I'm probably not that woke. At least, not woke enough for some.
But I refuse to be goaded or manipulated by racist fear tactics.
I was horrified by what happened to George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and now, Jacob Blake. I detest racism and police brutality; it has no place in this country. And when Black people (and their White allies) rise up to protest against this, their legitimate grievance should not be twisted into a wedge issue by any leader.
At the same time, some of the
images of looters --in LA, Kenosha and elsewhere--taking advantage of this moment of racial reckoning rub me the wrong way, too.
But all this yelling at each other from the political extremes is pointless. My best friend has opposite political views from mine. And, in true, politically disengaged,
Gen X fashion, I don't care.
What I do care about is right-wing extremists or
self-appointed militias -- or extremists on the left, for that matter -- getting so emboldened that they will
shoot people in our city streets.
But let's be clear: While we can all have political disagreements, we must be firm in rejecting Trump's, or any politician's, attempt to use racist campaign tactics, like referring to protesters—the
vast majority of whom are peaceful-- as "anarchists" or d
ownplaying Blake's shooting—seven times in the back-- during a police stop in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to divide White suburban voters from Black urban voters, as though we are not ALL Americans.
By employing the image of the sinister Black bogeyman looting American cities, Trump is reaching for an offensive strategy that has been used for years in American politics. In the decades following Reconstruction, the period after the Civil War, White men desperately concocted this image to subjugate newly freed Black men.
And this trend continued well into the 20th century. Just watch D.W. Griffith's 1915 film "Birth of a Nation," which casts the Ku Klux Klan
in a heroic light. Or, better yet, Victor Fleming's 1939 film "Gone with the Wind." Even the listless Ashley Wilkes joined a vigilante mob, a precursor of the Klan, to
raid an encampment of freed slaves they feared threatened the honor of a White woman, Scarlett O'Hara.
This same malevolent, well-honed, racist trope has been used countless times since to win elections. Look up "Richard Nixon southern strategy," which
played on White fears to win the presidency in 1968. Better yet, Google "Willie Horton," whose ubiquitous image as a scary Black criminal helped elect President George H.W. Bush 20 years later.
Don't fall for it.
Trump wants to divide us by exploiting what he hopes are our subconscious fears, by making it look like Democrats are going to allow "danger" into your quiet suburbs. This couldn't be further from the truth.
It's not reality.
This is reality: The fear any Black mother has every time her son walks out the door. The fear that—among other things-- he's more likely than a White person to be
stopped while driving; more likely to be
arrested and incarcerated than his White contemporaries -- and, as tragic deaths like those of Ahmaud Arbery have shown, especially vulnerable to alleged
hate crimes.
And let's look at the other relevant reality: More than 180,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 -- and
modeling suggests that number could more than double by January.
Now that is something to be scared of.
An economy that has
contracted at record levels -- and
unemployment at rates not seen since the Great Depression.
That is something to be scared of.
It is my heartfelt belief that Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be able to steer us out of this pandemic, simply by relying on science when they make policy decisions. Look no further than Biden's
simple insistence that Americans wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus. Or Harris's
call for leaders to act on the recommendations of public-health experts. When you vote, I ask you to weigh the unfounded fear you are being encouraged to feel --based on a racist trope-- against the very real threat of losing your life, your job or your house amid the pandemic.
Let's just face this uncomfortable fact --
more White women voted for Trump in 2016 than they did for Hillary Clinton.
And I get it. Some of us (not me!) thought he could do the job. But, nearly four years later, it's clear he is in way over his head.
He has no idea what he's doing.
So please, I'm begging you, my fellow pragmatic White women: together, this November, let's not fall for Trump's bet that we are more racist than we are smart."
I see you, Ally.
*Image from The Nation.
1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»I am starting to suspect that Diversity is not a strength.
"It's no longer important enough to just say to yourself: I am not a racist. You have to call out racism at every turn and actively fight against it. One scholar recently wrote about being an "anti-racist", which is what we expect all of our allies to be at this point."
Racism as we knew it is nearly non-existent in America.
Distrust among the races is increasing due to a coordinated political campaign by he Left.
Blacks are made angry and afraid by being told falsehoods about their government singling them out for violence at the hands of the police. They are told they are victims who must fight for their lives.
Whites are made angry and afraid by their government falsely accusing them of racism and seeing images of angry black people destroying their cities. They are told they are born criminals who must pay a harsh price for their crimes.
These accusations are blood libel levelled against the majority population for the purpose of providing justification for the destruction of America.
"Anti-racism" is an anti-White movement based on lies.
Anti-Anti Racist said....
"Racism as we knew it is nearly non-existent in America."
This is the first straight out lie. As the wife of a black man for thirty-five years, I saw it expressed repeatedly. You walk a mile in a black person's shoes and you will be overwhelmed with the effects of racism.
"Blacks are made angry and afraid by being told falsehoods about their government singling them out for violence at the hands of the police. They are told they are victims who must fight for their lives."
Second straight out lie. Blacks' fear of the police is a realistic response to the way they are treated in our criminal justice system which includes contacts with the police.
"Whites are made angry and afraid by their government falsely accusing them of racism and seeing images of angry black people destroying their cities. They are told they are born criminals who must pay a harsh price for their crimes."
Third straight out lie. Whites who have become angry or afraid have been so by people like you and your rotten hero, Trump. He has continuously attacked all people whom he designates in his tiny brain as non white. He headed the Birther movement against Obama; he said Mexicans were rapists and killers;he said Muslims were terrorists, etc., etc. Our current government is run by trump and his gang, so if anyone in the government is "falsely accusing white people of being racist, by definition it's Trump's government.
"These accusations are blood libel leveled against the majority population for the purpose of providing justification for the destruction of America."
So it's Trump and his gang who are trying to destroy America. Trump has stated his plan to destroy Social Security and he has a case before the Supreme Court to destroy Obama Care. So he is using your tax dollars to finally destroy what's left of the safety net for the elderly, the poor, and the disabled.
"Anti-racism" is an anti-White movement based on lies."
Fourth Straight out lie. Anti-racism is a movement that is long over due. After hundreds of year of slavery, and an additional hundred and sixty-five years of oppression, it's about damned! time we dealt with the problem.
You can believe what you want to believe, but don't try to tell us that "racism is nearly non-existent in America." That's bull shit and we know it.
"Trump has stated his plan to destroy Social Security"
You're a lunatic.
Two Los Angeles sheriff's deputies ambushed in their car and shot in the head.
BLM 'protesters' coordinated by blocking access to hospital emergency room:
Black community's take:
Meanwhile, NFL promotes BLM with helmet decals.
It's difficult to be an ally when you don't know anything real about the people with whom you could ally yourself.
That is why racism flourishes in the areas where there isn't much diversity. Propaganda has a easier time taking hold when there are no or few living breathing refutations of it walking around.
That the propaganda specifically targets white women is an artifact of the white patriarchal belief that the white men own the white women, and thus have a vulnerability to their property being defiled.
That is some sick shit, and it is far more pervasive than any of the principals involved care to admit in the year of our lord 2020.
Melissa Harris Perry said of the 2016 election that she was not surprised that Fergus won because historically, white women vote their race over their gender.
Fergus, on the other hand, came right out of the gate attacking children and healthcare, thus alienating a large swath of women, white or otherwise.
Being a good ally is pretty much just being a good human being. That is an oversimplification of this specific political issue, but a useful one.
Rather like human decency being the defining issue of Fergus' presidency and reelection campaign: sure, there's a shitload of issues surrounding it, but most boil down to human decency, or in Fergus' case, the lack of it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Cool opinion Doug.
What's really "neat-o" is a degenerate like Doug talking about decency.
Anonymous said...
"Trump has stated his plan to destroy Social Security"
You're a lunatic.
No so much, Hon. Trump , Mitch and several others have admitted the want to kill Social Security. Cutting the S.S. payroll tax was to be the first step. Second step was to be the usual, 'the deficit, we don't have the money, etc. to make up the difference - It's a slippery slope. And you are foolish not to see it.
A normal person said...
What's really "neat-o" is a degenerate like Doug talking about decency.
4:36 PM
Well, there is nothing normal or decent about you, so leave Doug alone. He posts excellent comments.
From Snopes....
What's True
On Aug. 8, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump said he intended to "terminate the tax," referring to Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. It's a step that would — if taken in isolation — remove nearly 90% of funding for Social Security benefits, and thus likely pose a threat to the continued existence of those programs.
What's False
In the same remarks, Trump also articulated different and conflicting plans for payroll taxes, saying variously that he would forgive four months' worth of deferred payroll tax obligations, that he would extend the deferral of payroll tax obligations, and that he would permanently "cut" payroll taxes
drumpf is trying to destroy SS. Plain as the lying nose on yer face, magats.
Good article. I think something is up with the police shootings but maybe there are what they are purported to be. Stay frosty people.
Also Field, I was just in Philly yesterday. Had to hit the Hard Rock because the Reading Terminal and that one mall were closed.
Information that BLM protesters are blocking emergency rooms is flowing through right wing outlets, which calls into question their veracity. But that is part and parcel of how wasicu wasteys spread their lies and attempt to frighten whitey into voting for drumpf. Oldest wingnut trick in the book. Stir up racial hatred and claim victimhood. Fuck magats.
Hold the black guy down and then beat then shit out of him and accuse him of assaulting officers. Typical wingnut trick. They have not the brains or the intellect to understand why blacks and decent whites get up in arms when this treatment appears regularly.
Nobody ever said wasicu wasteys were smart, just vicious racists scumacysts.
Watch the ease five plus hunky pigs are able to wrestle a petite news reporter to the ground and arrest her for doing her job by making shit up. Must be wingnut acolytes to make that much shit up to attempt to cover for their aggression and lies.
Moar fucking right wing kies trying to inflame the public against antifa...
claims antifa is shooting at firefighters and is a total fucking lie.
Moar drumpf supporter lies about forest fires and antifa....
Impeach this crook, too...
Stop patronizing the NFL and take your time and MONEY elsewhere!!!!
Racism is to the Neuropeon as opiods are to the addict.
Syphillis brained right wing bat shit crazy bitch, Ronna Romney tried to blame Biden for drumpf's total pandemic failure.
No wonder drumpf's followers are so fucking retarded.
ALL LIVES MATTER!! When Black lives matter.
Shit fer brains drumpf claims Florida Cubans gave him a "Bay of Pigs" medal which does not exist, but Biden is mentally unfit to serve as Potus?
Brian Beutler
Quietly contemplating the fact that a woman who accuses the president of rape says she has DNA evidence to corroborate the allegation, and the president, who denies it, has enlisted DOJ to help him avoid providing the DNA evidence that, if he weren’t lying, would exonerate him.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Cool tweet Doug.
When you have nothing always go for the tweet. It gets them right in their feelz.
Fake noize debunks lying drumpf surrogate on live teevee. Might be a few wingnuts that are salvageable.
"That is why racism flourishes in the areas where there isn't much diversity."
This is completely wrong. The whitest states are the most liberal.
Black people are an abstraction to whites in areas where there isn't much diversity. Their conception comes from movies, TV and commercials. They don't have to deal with the consequences of living with diversity, and therefore it costs them nothing to morally posture themselves as superior to whites who live it every day.
Prior to 1983, social security was not taxable. Joe Biden voted successfully in favor of taxing 50% of social security. In 1993, Joe Biden was the deciding vote in raising taxes on social security from 50% to 85%. Now he wants to tax our 401k's and IRA's (page 78, Dems' platform).
That was something, Mike. I counted at least six sheriff's deputies restraining her. She appears to a small woman and probably doesn't weigh much more that 100 pounds. She did not appear to be resisting in any way.
From what I could see, it looked like a peaceful protest; no fires, no looting, no fighting.
Black Privilege:
“This is completely wrong. The whitest states are the most liberal.”
Hey, didn’t know Utah and West Virginia were so liberal!
With few exceptions, like Vermont, the states which are politically dominated by big cities are the most liberal. Urban living generally leads to left-leaning politics.
Big cities also tend to be much more ethnically diverse, although even if they’re not, the politics still usually ends up being left-wing, because all that “small government” ideological claptrap completely falls apart when you try use it to run a metropolis.
Dakotas Surge To Lead The United States In COVID Cases As Both States Reject Mask Mandates
North Dakota and South Dakota lead the country in new cases per capita over the last two weeks, ranking first and second respectively.
"the states which are politically dominated by big cities are the most liberal."
Big cities are majority non-white.
Only white people can be 'liberal'. Liberals are whites who prioritize the interests of non-whites over those of their own people.
When a non-white votes liberal, they are actually voting in a nationalist manner for their own ethnic interests irrespective of any common interests.
Read the truth about taxing SS, and which POS Raygun Potus was behind it. The tax increase was only on higher income earners.
The tax was to prevent SS from running dry.
Anonymous said....
Big cities also tend to be much more ethnically diverse, although even if they’re not, the politics still usually ends up being left-wing, because all that “small government” ideological claptrap completely falls apart when you try use it to run a metropolis.
9:00 PM
I think you are right about that. As population grows, people become more interconnected.
"I think you are right about that. As population grows, people become more interconnected."
Also, by definition, cities are more complex societies than small towns, with high costs of living and disparities of wealth. More regulation and wealth distribution is simply necessary, or everything breaks down and people start murdering each other.
Someone -- government -- has to keep all the balls in the air. Cities have to be actively managed or their is catastrophic chaos. The libertarian fantasy in which every man can be an island, and do whatever the hell he wants without giving a shit about others, breaks down within milliseconds in that environment.
We are living in Anarco Tyranny:
If you aren't scared right now, you don't understand what's happening. At all. And I don't even care which side you're on.
These riots aren't about justice. They're about intimidation, humiliation, and manipulation. White people are the targets, because hatred for White people is what these riots are really about. It's not rocket science, folks.
"Only white people can be 'liberal'. Liberals are whites who prioritize the interests of non-whites over those of their own people."
Oakland is in CA-13, arguably the most liberal district in the country (there is a district in NY with a higher D+ score by a few points, but their politics are not as liberal as Oakland).
The demographic mix in Oakland, while skewing more white lately because of gentrification, is a roughly even mix of white, Black and Hispanic, with around 15% Asian, also
So how, by your racist idea, can CA-13 be the most liberal district in the country with <30% of the population being liberal?
That, as they said, does not compute.
Black women are the backbone of the Democratic party, and are more reliably liberal than any "group" in the country.
And as for "their own people", I have much more in common with a poor person of color than I do with most white people, and certainly more than white people in the middle class and above on the economic ladder.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Randy Rainbow strikes again:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Cool story and video Doug.
Mostly peaceful BLM rioters attacked a police precinct in Lancaster PA last night:
Why? Because a Lancaster police officer shot Ricardo Munoz. The officer was running away from Munoz as he had a knife raised over his head:
In 2019, Munoz stabbed four people, including a teenager.
America will never be truly free until black criminals are free to murder police officers without facing any consequences.
dinthebeast said...
I have much more in common with a poor person of color than I do with most white people, and certainly more than white people in the middle class and above on the economic ladder.
I have much more in common with a Chinese immigrant who shares my values of study, work, courtesy, respect for others, and obedience to the law than I do to entitled black people and communist white people who burn down my country for the right of black criminals to be left to commit crimes.
This goes for any person of any race or any class who also shares these values.
I'm very sick, if you find it in your hearts to say a little prayer I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you
I hope you get well Lilac and I will pray for you.
Not only did they block the entrance and exit of the emergency room, they stuck around to wish for the death of the wounded officers:
Anti-police protesters descended on a Los Angeles hospital where two deputies were fighting for their lives after being ambushed and shot in the head — chanting, “we hope they die,” according to officials.
There's nothing more pathetic than white "allies":
Chicago Weekend Violence: 53 black People Shot, 10 negroes Fatally In Weekend Shootings
Caught On Video: Woman Dragged Into Santa Monica Street In Violent Purse Snatching by Feral negroes:
Black Man Charged With Attempted Murder After Allegedly Shooting At Group Of People In Atmore
September 13, 2020
Black Suspect in Gwinnett County motel murder arrested
Black Man facing 2nd degree murder charges in 2 Jacksonville shootings
Police: 'Armed and dangerous' black suspect wanted for Gwinnett woman's murder
Published 2 days agoUpdated 1 day agoPeachtree CornersFOX 5 Atlanta
Victim identified, black husband charged in Des Moines homicide investigation
Black Gunman kills 2, wounds 3 in series of shootings, carjackings on Tennessee highway
Nelson Oliveira 1 hr ago
"I have much more in common with a Chinese immigrant who shares my values of study, work, courtesy, respect for others, and obedience to the law than I do to entitled black people and communist white people who burn down my country for the right of black criminals to be left to commit crimes."
You have much more in common with jihadis, who have dedicated their lives to an irrational ideology that revolves around hatred of America and a desire to destroy it.
You hate actually existing America, as opposed to your fantasyland notion of America, because America has always contained lots of people who are not white.
fantasyland notion of America
A place where black people have to conform to the same set of rules and laws as everyone else.
There are many reasons to have denied racism as being such a big part of the makeup of the American Mind. One of the less discussed has been mine, that it's so repetitious and familiar and dumb. Intellectually it's so EASY. So surely, I thought, Trump's modus operandi was full of other, more "interesting" prejudices and flaws. But Field, Michael Harriot, Chauncey deVega and Charles Blow kept insisting it was obvious and pervasive in everything he did. So, yes. Look no further, his other bigotries pale (sorry) in comparison. For the latest accounting, consider all the non-white diplomats and state dept. officials who were dismissed when the Thug-in-Chief took office:
Portland Police arrested a man after he started a brush fire with a Molotov cocktail. Of course, since it's Portland they immediately released him and he immediately set six more fires the next day.
Obama was great for billionaires. No wonder they are all in on the Democrats.
Income gains going to the top 1%:
1954-1957: 5%
1975-1979: 25%
2009-2012: 95%
Under the Fourteenth Amendment, Trump merely needs to declare an insurrection,then he can have Mayor Lightfoot (Chicago), Mayor Wheeler (Portland), Mayor Durkan (Seattle) and even DeBlasio (NYC) arrested and removed from office for violating their oaths of office. All those Mayors (and many more) have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, but they have VIOLATED their oaths, and under the Fourteenth Amendment that means they have nullified their own right to equal protection under the law. Because they violated the U.S. Constitution and actively engaged in rebellion against the United States, in other words, they no longer enjoy the benefits of protections under the Constitution." He should also declare BLM as a domestic terrorist group.
Black Man Shoots 5 People, Killing 2, After Argument At West Side Party
24-year-old black man charged after 2 women killed in Northeast Baltimore shooting
"Under the Fourteenth Amendment, Trump merely needs to declare an insurrection, then he can have Mayor Lightfoot (Chicago), Mayor Wheeler (Portland)"
Can we also put Doug in a camp? Because if so count me in.
Chinese researcher finds evidence COVID was a laboratory modified virus; CCP hackers keep taking website hosting her paper down:
BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history. Rarely have we seen a group that is so cartoonishly evil with no redeeming qualities at all. They have no valid points. They should not be listened to or respected. They deserve scorn and only scorn.
To Anonymous at 3:35 PM
Your recommendations are entirely insane. What are you trying to do - start a war, idiot? You think Trump can get away with that? What he gonna do when thousands of people descend on state capitols in support of their governors?
Matt said...
BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history. Rarely have we seen a gro........blah, blah, blah.......
3:57 PM
Hey Matt, why don't you go out in the forest and shout your garbage instead of commenting here? Don'cha know a majority of Americans support BLM?
"What he gonna do when thousands of people descend on state capitols in support of their governors?"
Same thing Lincoln did, preserve the union by killing the rebels.
"Don'cha know a majority of Americans support BLM?"
We’re 5 months into BLM’s resurgence, there is not a single positive outcome from the movement, unless letting celebrities, journalists, and pro athletes show off for their friends on social media is considered a good thing.
Lots of deaths, riots, arson, assault and theft though.
Sounds like somebody cut the trolls' heroin with Liquid Wrench again.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
BLM is a left wing terrorist organization. Nothing good about them. Don't fall for it.
Don'cha know a majority of Americans support BLM?
4:24 PM
Classic Liberal/Socialist delusion and propaganda.
It is interesting to recognize that the BLM protesters are, perhaps deliberately, confusing the incapacity of blacks with systemic racism. In truth, America has made the greatest effort ever essayed by one race to uplift another. Reflect: In 1954 an entirely white Supreme Court unanimously ended segregation. Later it found the use of IQ tests by employers illegal because blacks scored poorly, then found “affirmative action,” racial discrimination against whites, legal (hardly oppression of blacks, this). An overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Voting Rights Act the next year. A white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. There has been an enormous flow of charity to blacks: Section Eight Housing, AFDC, Head Start, hiring quotas, set-asides, sharply lowered standards in police and fire departments. We now have free breakfasts for black children, then free lunches, in addition to outright welfare. In aggregate they resemble a distributed guaranteed basic income. Which is interesting.
These measures sprang from the best of intentions. Most I think should continue. I for one do not want to evict blacks from public housing or have their children go hungry. Yet none of these programs has had its desired effect. The crucial academic gap has not closed, crime remains horribly high, illegitimacy verges on universal. This is a great shame. Blacks are decent enough people, likable if they don’t hate you, and phenomenally talented. But it hasn’t worked.
Nothing has worked. There is no indication that anything will. The great black cities are in something approaching custodial care.
You cannot solve a problem without knowing what it is. This we dare not know. Democracies, however approximate, cannot deal with chronically underperforming minorities.
They cannot even try. Anything that might help is politically impossible, and anything politically possible won’t help.
‘Trans Satanist anarchist’ wins GOP nom for county sheriff
Her campaign slogan was "Fuck the police" and she won the gop primary anyway. Republican voters aren't too bright.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Republican voters aren't too bright"
Democrats elected a Trans Satanist anarchist as President. Twice.
Democracy is a disaster.
South Dakota's stoopid fucking moron wingnut AG was speeding Saturday night after a wingnut get together, was driving on the shoulder of the highway and hit what he claimed was a deer and turned out, the next morning when someone finally searched for the deer, to be a 50 year old white South Dakota male whose truck was disabled down the road aways.
AG has six speeding tickets in South Dakota and at least 2 in iowa and somehow never loses driving privileges.
Lots of deaths, riots, arson, assault and theft though.
Proven to be done by wasicu scumacysts not BLM protesters.
BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history.
Fake Noize encourages their russia bot white scumacysts to repeat regularly verbatim.
So Vindman says that Fergus is free chicken for Putin.
I guess for Putin that's probably true, but for us that fucking chicken is anything but free. Everywhere the damn fool goes we spend millions of dollars, and everything he does costs us another chunk of our government and society.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
You mean the disgraced Biden lackey Vindman who was the designated liar for the fake impeachment attempt?
Anonymous said...
Democrats elected a Trans Satanist anarchist as President. Twice.
Democracy is a disaster.
4:53 PM
How dare you speak of Woodrow Wilson this way? Have you no respect for another racist like you?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"What he gonna do when thousands of people descend on state capitols in support of their governors?"
Same thing Lincoln did, preserve the union by killing the rebels.
4:29 PM
In this case, the rebel would be you. Are you ready to die for you orange leader?
Ivan Beatinov said...
You mean the disgraced Biden lackey Vindman who was the designated liar for the fake impeachment attempt?
6:25 PM
Vindams was never disgraced nor a lisr. You, Ivan, are the liar. Go away.
My great, great grandpappy fought for Honest Abe, I'll fight for Honest Don to preserve the union.
Joe Scarborough Pushes Fake Story About Chanting Protestors. He Should Apologize
One jackass -- ONE -- said he hoped wounded police officers would die. When Right-Wing Twitter got done with it, there was a chanting crowd of BLM protestors -- and Joe Scarborough repeated the false and inflammatory story.
Police said BLM mob was blocking access to emergency room and chanting "We hope they die".
drumpf's impeachment is real. He was constitutionally impeached and will always have that stain on the front of his panties. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Democrats so proud of their failed fake impeachment attempt they never mention it.
Anonymous said...
Democrats so proud of their failed fake impeachment attempt they never mention it.
10:13 PM
How old are? ten?
Donald Trump goes down in history as only the second president to be impeached. We Democrats talk about that quite often on this blog. If you've been here before you should know that.
"Donald Trump goes down in history as only the second president to be impeached."
No, that was Bill Clinton.
Dems plan to dump Biden if he wins and make Harris president, and she can't keep her mouth shut about it:
BLM is trash.
Gambler2 at 6:56 pm:
Recently my alma mater, Princeton University, removed Woodrow Wilson's name from its School of Public Policy and International Relations. Many alumni wrote to the school magazine to object, many to approve. I myself approve, but not only for his racism.
My objection is that he used the phrase "the war to end all wars" to refer to the conflict then known as the Great War, and now known as World War One. That name change gives the lie direct to his propaganda phrase, and refutes his credibility on international relations.
If it were up to this Princeton Tiger, then I'd name that school after Smedley Butler. He wrote "War is a Racket", and he thwarted an attempted coup against FDR.
"My great, great grandpappy fought for Honest Abe, I'll fight for Honest Don to preserve the union."
"Honest Don." That's some top trolling right there. Give yourself a round of applause for being a hall-of-fame level douchebag.
Defund the CDC.
Couple Charged in Ghastly Abuse Death of 12-Year-Old Boy
Calling all trolls - Seems these people are white. Time to rave about what savages white people are?
The anonymoid at 10:58 sides with a virus against the human race. Such is the moral degradation of our pet trolls.
Anonymous said...
Dems plan to dump Biden if he wins and make Harris president, and she can't keep her mouth shut about it:
10:38 PM
Please be more specific. How are they going to do that?
"Defund the CDC."
Defund the RNC.
Rather than ship Cultural Marxists off to any sort of Gulag, I would propose merely to confine them to private life.
In other words, instead of forcing the rest of us to bake gay wedding cakes they would have to be content to work and raise families, i.e., to do what most normal people have always found most satisfying in life anyway.
We know they will never be this generous with us if they win. Is such a proposal unacceptably cruel?
Anonymous said...
"Donald Trump goes down in history as only the second president to be impeached."
No, that was Bill Clinton.
10:35 PM
You're right. That entire kangaroo court was so stupid, I forgot about it. It was a gig nothing.
As more white liberals become permanently unemployed due to wokeness they will eventually turn into...Nazis.
Anonymous said...
"Defund the CDC."
Defund the RNC.
11:04 PM
Defund Trump and his entire grfting family.
Trump's ace in the hole in 2016 was Hillary's deleted emails and subsequent investigations right before the election.
In 2020 it will be Biden's dementia and his handler's attempts to hide him from the public.
Democrats lose entirely winnable elections because they're retarded and evil.
The three presidents impeached so far:
Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump.
None removed, which is a pity. I liked Bill, but I'd prefer three removals to none. This country needs more successful impeachments, and fewer successful assassinations.
Trump impeachment was based on nothing, and was colossal mistake by the pathetic dems.
There's no such thing as White Privilege. It's a myth, a Conspiracy Theory. The average White Family in America makes $65k a year. The average East Asian family makes $85k a year. And the average South Asian family makes $115k a year.
If White Privilege was real that would be impossible. South Asians, people from India and Pakistan, have dark skin and are mostly Hindu or Muslim. If White Privilege was real there is no way they would be making nearly double what White People make.
"Trump's ace in the hole in 2016 was Hillary's deleted emails and subsequent investigations right before the election.
In 2020 it will be Biden's dementia and his handler's attempts to hide him from the public."
In other words, Trump's ace in the hole in 2016 was lies.
And his ace in the hole in 2020 will be more lies.
That's his plan, such as it is. Thanks for telling us junk we already know.
Brannon 11:11 chose a name, which is braver than most of our pet trolls. But he chose two bogus scandals. The emails... well, does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? And as for dementia, have you listened to the orange traitor lately? Ditto with retarded and evil. Pro-ject-ion.
They're not hidin' Biden for nothing.
"The average White Family in America makes $65k a year. The average East Asian family makes $85k a year. And the average South Asian family makes $115k a year.
If White Privilege was real that would be impossible. South Asians, people from India and Pakistan, have dark skin and are mostly Hindu or Muslim. If White Privilege was real there is no way they would be making nearly double what White People make."
East and South Asians are brought into the country via a selective immigration process that weeds out the disabled and uneducated. These advantages more than compensate for the discrimination they face here -- which is already less than the racism faced by black people.
White people have not been brought here by a selective process. They were almost all born here, which means the advantages and disadvantages run the gamut, from healthy to disabled, from highly educated to totally uneducated (*cough* Trump voter *cough*). This produces lower average economic outcomes among whites than Asians.
White average incomes would higher than Asians if you compared apples to apples. But you can't compare apples to apples, because dumbass, broke Cletus lives here, while the dumbass, broke Asians got left back in the rice paddy.
Affirmative Action has been the law of the land since 1970. That's a half century of systematic Anti-White racial discrimination.
America had Anti-Black Jim Crow laws in half the country for about 75 years. And now we've had Anti-White Jim Snow laws in the entire country for the last 50.
After these riots, the pendulum is going to swing back hard.
"They're not hidin' Biden for nothing."
Nobody's "hiding" Biden. He's just not holding COVID superspreader rallies because he's not a science-denying sociopathic piece of shit, like somebody else we know.
Biden is a pedo though.
East and South Asians are brought into the country via a selective immigration process that weeds out the disabled and uneducated.
So you are saying black people are disabled and uneducated.
"America had Anti-Black Jim Crow laws in half the country for about 75 years. And now we've had Anti-White Jim Snow laws in the entire country for the last 50."
So what was happening before the jim crow laws? Um, that was kinda pro-white too or nah? Also, white women benefitted from AA laws but you knew that too huh? There are some goddamned stupid people around here.
Jewish individuals make up only 2% of the US population but 13% of the NYT's list of the 922 most powerful people. If those excess 11% of powerful Jews resigned their posts in favor of People of Color, the under-representation problem of PoCs would be largely solved.
"So what was happening before the jim crow laws?"
Lancaster cops bitch slapping BLM into submission.
Get that shit out of PA.
They won’t let Lancaster turn into Portland or DC.
"They won’t let Lancaster turn into Portland or DC."
Amish militia gonna fuck some niggas up.
"America had Anti-Black Jim Crow laws in half the country for about 75 years. And now we've had Anti-White Jim Snow laws in the entire country for the last 50."
Whoa, talk about apples to oranges. Anti-white laws? What anti-white laws? Whites were barred from eating/sleeping/shopping/buying gas at public locations? Whites were forced to sit in the back of the bus? Whites were barred from attending state universities? Whites have been prevented from voting with poll taxes and voting tests that asked how many bubbles are in a bar of soap? You may want to rethink that comparison because it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off base. A better review of American history would help.
Jim Crow laws were there for a reason.
Joe Rogan offers to host 4 hour debate between candidates. No moderation, just discussion between candidates on issues.
Trump says yes.
Biden is hidin'.
Joe Rogan debate hour 4:
There are six empty diet Pepsi cans next to Trump.
They are discussing whether the Russians will develop Chimpanzee human hybrids before us.
Trump assures him our chimp soldiers will be the best, without question, beautiful.
Biden is asleep.
Americans today need heroes. BLM deserves a thank you for providing them:
Can this administration get any crazier?
"Jim Crow laws were there for a reason."
Yup, to promote white supremacy.
At one lie per minute, by hour 4 Trump will have told 240 lies. If it's one lie per 14 seconds then he'll top a thousand. It's a challenge, but he's up to it.
Along the way he'll emit several hundred coke sniffs, and some brand-new words.
And another one. Only a few thousand more to go.
Biden versus Trump comes down to this:
Do you want a country where we are all forced to be homos with electric trucks where we eat bugs in our 100 square foot housing pod and have no air conditioning or a country with anti-gravity space warships and the best humanzees where we eat steak every night and fuck the prom queen in a nice 68 degrees climate controlled split level?
The choice couldn't be clearer.
Make way for the Trumpslide.
The coming white/hispanic majority means the end of the gravy train for black America.
Let's Gooooooooooo! said...
"Joe Rogan offers to host 4 hour debate between candidates. No moderation, just discussion between candidates on issues."
Biden couldn't go that long without changing his diaper.
You can smell the desperation in here more than usual.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
That's your diaper, Doug.
The Biden campaign will be a source of mirth for decades to come.
14 Shot, 2 Fatally, Monday in Chicago
TRUMP 2020!!
"or a country with anti-gravity space warships and the best humanzees where we eat steak every night and fuck the prom queen in a nice 68 degrees climate controlled split level?"
Or the reality of a trailer with a fan, eating beef jerky and fucking your 300 lb. sister who actually was your home schooled prom queen. I think I'm gonna go Biden and get a cool electric truck.
"The coming white/hispanic majority means the end of the gravy train for black America."
Or the coming majority minority country will mean your pasty ass better start learning Spanish or take your ass to Canada punk. The vatos don't like you white boy. Go to the barrio talking shit to find out.
Louisville and Breonna Taylor's family reached a multi-million dollar wrongful death settlement.
Now, waiting for grand jury recommendations.
Burning, Looting, and Murdering suck said...
Jim Crow laws were there for a reason.
12:28 AM
And the reason was to keep black Americans from voting, from earning a living, and from acquiring property. Use Google to discover some facts about a topic before you post something so incredibly stupid again.
Let's Gooooooooooo! said...
Bad acid trip?
Trump thinks he gets to be president of just the Republican states — but they’re a total mess
States with the highest poverty rate: 1) Mississippi, 2) New Mexico, 3) Louisiana, 4) West Virginia and 5) Alabama. What do all those states have in common? All except New Mexico are solidly Republican and delivered their electoral votes to Trump. Three of the five are controlled by Republican governors.
The least educated states: 1) Mississippi, 2) West Virginia, 3) Louisiana, 4) Arkansas and 5) Alabama. All Trump states, and all but one controlled by Republican governors.
States with the most violent crime per 100,000 residents: 1) Alaska, 2) New Mexico, 3) Tennessee, 4) Arkansas and 5) Nevada. Three of the five are Trump states governed by Republicans.
States most dependent on federal handouts (the “taker” states): 1) Nevada, 2) Kentucky, 3) Mississippi, 4) West Virginia and 5) Montana. Are you catching the pattern here? Trump carried four out of five in 2016, and three have Republican governors.
Third straight out lie. Whites who have become angry or afraid have been so by people like you and your rotten hero, Trump.
Whites were justifiably angry long before Trump came down the escalator.
He has continuously attacked all people whom he designates in his tiny brain as non white. He headed the Birther movement against Obama; he said Mexicans were rapists and killers;he said Muslims were terrorists, etc., etc.
Rape trees are a thing, and you can't have rape trees without rapists.
All the 9/11 killers were muslims. Omar Mateen was a muslim. Major Nidal Hasan is a muslim. The attackers at the Curtis Culwell Center were muslims. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who murdered 14 in San Bernardino in 2015, were muslims.
America would be a much better, safer place without any muslims in it.
Anti-racism is a movement that is long over due.
"Anti-racism" is a racist movement which effectively declares that blacks have no agency and blames White people for everything blacks do, or don't do. It relieves blacks from any obligation to improve the very behaviors which repel others and hold them back. It is the 21st century equivalent of accusations of witchcraft, that someone saying or even thinking something "racist" does violence to blacks.
After hundreds of year of slavery, and an additional hundred and sixty-five years of oppression, it's about damned! time we dealt with the problem.
Chattel slavery came to America when a black man sued to be declared owner-for-life of another black man. Africans started it all.
What's ironic is the notion that it's "racist" for White people to want to be left the fuck alone.
Nobody will protest the murder of little black girl Dejore Wilson. Her life didn't matter.
To the longer-winded trolls on this thread, I quote Piet Hein:
In view of your manner of spending your days
I hope you may learn, before ending them
That the effort you spend on defending your ways
Had better be spent on amending them.
Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong:
Good wingnut talking point, No Justice No brains. Cold blooded killer did nothing wrong.
drumpf body count needs only 564 moar bodies to reach 200k dead stiffs for drumpf's ascending mass murder record. drumpf did nothing wrong. Actually, drumpf did nothing right and has lied about it ever since.
Nice little ditty, Paradoctor. Oh, so true.
Breonna Taylor's mom gets 12 million from Louisville for the murder of her daughter.
"Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong"
Except for breaking the law by possessing a gun illegally and being out after an imposed curfew but other than that.
Biden just told a story about a veteran who ran over a woman and her dog, killing them, then put her in his trunk, drove her to a sand pile, and molested her dead body.
Then Biden says, "We need to end the stigma."
Who the fuck is writing this guy's speeches?
Can't blame drumpf for racist hiring practices because he has done more to destroy black lives than anyone and the only racists out there are the racists who point out racism to wasicu wasteys who aren't interested in hearing themselves called racists.
Breonna Taylor's huge monetary settlement comes with agreed to changes in police reforms.
Watch violent BLM protesters rapidly accelerate towards an suv full of wasicu waste and then hurriedly leave the scene while the suv lays on the ground with this many (2) broken legs...
Peaceful protesting is bad for protesters health as long as white scumacysts and even whiter pigs roam the streets in lawless sounders.
So what's up with the goddamn Fergus "support the troops" ad with the MiGs and the AK47?
Support the Red Army?
Does he think that they are suckers and losers like our troops?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"So what's up with the goddamn Fergus "support the troops" ad with the MiGs and the AK47?"
Because Biden is a commie or some kind of stupid BS?
"Who the fuck is writing this guy's speeches?"
Still better than trump's "it's gonna cool off" and "science doesn't know".
As one of our trolls likes to say, play stupid games........
Anonymous said.....
"Chattel slavery came to America when a black man sued to be declared owner-for-life of another black man. Africans started it all.
Not true. FYI https://theconversation.com/american-slavery-separating-fact-from-myth-79620
also see: https://www.history.com/news/american-slavery-before-jamestown-1619
It's ironic that you think that if Africans started it all, that makes it all right. Slavery is wrong no matter who you believe started it.
What's ironic is the notion that it's "racist" for White people to
want to be left the fuck alone.
I'm sure most people both black and white leave you alone. I have no problem in that area. What are you doing to provoke attention?
I wonder why the NFL ratings are down 28 percent from last year?
Joe Biden told a story about a Marine veteran with “a traumatic brain injury” (I assume he meant PTSD) running over a woman, killing her and her dog, then driving off with her body and “molesting” her.
He then used that story to say “we need to end the stigma”. This is the kind of Hollywood “war to evil” narrative that’s both discredited by statistical information and medical opinion and extremely harmful to veterans suffering from the the effects of war.
These vets do hurt themselves too often, but they very rarely hurt others. They lose their will to live, not their souls. This is a disgusting display of inept pandering void of conscience or fact. And y’all want us to care about “anonymous sources” when he’s saying this out loud, on video...wow.
So what's up with the goddamn Fergus "support the troops" ad with the MiGs and the AK47?
Because Trump is Putin's property. This is Red-Dawn-level weirdness. We're living every Bircher fever-dream, but with the R's acting it out instead of the D's.
They even claim the color red! That happened suddenly, in 2000. All at once the R's became the Reds, and the D's the Blues. I don't recall being consulted about this.
Because Trump is Putin's property. This is Red-Dawn-level weirdness. We're living every Bircher fever-dream, but with the R's acting it out instead of the D's.
This isn't delusional weirdness. You are perfectly sane 'Paradoctor'.
Time for another drumpf victory lap, his body count just slid right past 200k dead bodies, all comploments of drumpfuck the dumbfuck and his incompetent actions of not addressing the pandemic back in Feb.
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Before the weekend we will surpass 7 million cases to lead the world in both categories.
"They even claim the color red! That happened suddenly, in 2000. All at once the R's became the Reds, and the D's the Blues. I don't recall being consulted about this."
The mainstrean media decided to make Republicans "red" and Democrats "blue" on electoral college maps because they didn't want the obvious connotation of the leftist Democrat Party with communism.
Paradoctor, we have seen this before where he uses photos Putin sends him to make his attacks on Biden look sophisticated with modern military equip.
"body count just slid right past 200k dead bodies"
Less than 6% are due to COVID, so maybe 10-11,000 total.
So the forced sterilizations going down in Fergus' concentration camps have a long, ugly US history.
They used to be so common that they were referred to as Mississippi appendectomies.
Is there any part of the NAZI playbook left that isn't Republican orthodoxy?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"So the forced sterilizations going down in Fergus' concentration camps have a long, ugly US history."
So can we FINALLY admit that electing a game show host was a bad idea?
"forced sterilizations going down in Fergus' concentration camps"
This isn't paranoid nonsense. You are perfectly sane 'Doug'.
"Chattel slavery came to America when a black man sued to be declared owner-for-life of another black man. Africans started it all."
LOL! And a troll on the FN Blog knows something no professor with PhD's in American history know. Gotta love this place.
"What's ironic is the notion that it's "racist" for White people to
want to be left the fuck alone."
Says the troll who comes here to harass others. Ya know, had whites left Blah people the hell alone we wouldn't have many of the problems we see today. If only...........
Pilot AA said...
"Ya know, had whites left Blah people the hell alone we wouldn't have many of the problems we see today."
You'd be swatting flies instead of flying an airplane. If only...
"You'd be swatting flies instead of flying an airplane. If only..."
Nah, we have different parents so I doubt I'd live in your screenless trailer. Plus that makes me smarter than people like you so I'd be successful regardless of the circumstances.
"So what's up with the goddamn Fergus 'support the troops' ad with the MiGs and the AK47?
Support the Red Army?
Does he think that they are suckers and losers like our troops?"
All the crooks who work for Trump cheated him blind, so his campaign ran out of money and he was forced to beg the Kremlin to make ads for him instead?
Disqualifying said...
Joe Biden told a story about a Marine veteran with “a traumatic brain injury” (I assume he meant PTSD) running over a woman, killing her and her dog, then driving off with her body and “molesting” her.
He then used that story to say “we need to end the stigma”.
Bidens story:
"'There was a Marine veteran who had been deployed a total of six times, if my memory was correct, who was in a relatively modern, upscale middle class neighborhood,' Biden said.
'Saw a woman walking her dog, ran over her, killed her, killed the dog, put her in the back of his pick-up truck, took her down I-95,' he continued. 'Molested her, put her back in the truck, came home, called the state police and said, "I just killed someone, there was a voice in my head, I had to kill someone."
Dwight L. Smith was not a marine, he served in the Army. He didn't kill her with his car, he bashed her head in with a blunt object. A witness saw him pushing her into the back seat of his red Hummer. He didn't molest her, he raped her. He didn't call the state police, he was was pulled over in his blood-soaked Hummer and denied doing anything. Oh, and by the way, he was black and his victim was a 65 year old white woman.
Biden, of course, doesn't know any of this. (He barely knows it's Tuesday.) He assumes that this was a white person killing another white person, because if it wasn't, someone would have told him.
That's what many Americans think, and they're wrong. Marsha Lee wasn't a victim of trauma caused by Iraq and Afghanistan. She was a victim of America's longest war: the Civil Rights Movement.
PilotAA said...
"Nah, we have different parents so I doubt I'd live in your screenless trailer."
You wouldn't even have the ability to imagine something so technologically advanced or luxurious as a screenless trailer. You'd be sitting on the dirt floor of your grass hut wondering if that monkey leg wasn't too rancid to eat and if the three teeth you had left were up to the task.
I really don't see how Joe "Dementia" Biden/Kamala 'Super Lips' Harris can win without Bolsheviks stealing the election.
Both of these people are nightmares on multiple levels and average moderate voters are seeing through their shit.
Just eight months after Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter joined the board of Burisma Holdings, U.S. officials in Kiev developed evidence that the Ukrainian gas company may have paid a $7 million bribe to the local prosecutors investigating the firm for corruption, according to interviews and State Department memos.
Biden really knows how to appeal to Hispanics:
Hey Gambler, I thought this may be of interest to you.
"You wouldn't even have the ability to imagine something so technologically advanced or luxurious as a screenless trailer. You'd be sitting on the dirt floor of your grass hut wondering if that monkey leg wasn't too rancid to eat and if the three teeth you had left were up to the task."
And yet I'm still smarter than you and your entire klan. Oh yeah, and that would be two more teeth than your kin too.
PilotAA said...
"And yet I'm still smarter than you and your entire klan."
Obviously. Your genius is guiding light to the mid wit masses. You're a real credit to your race.
"Obviously. Your genius is guiding light to the mid wit masses. You're a real credit to your race."
And you are in a much lower category. You are a credit to the trailer park.
"This isn't paranoid nonsense. You are perfectly sane 'Doug'."
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I'm sure that's real Doug. You are right to believe it no matter how sketchy and fabricated it seems.
Thank you for your vigilance.
What the absolute fuck is this guy doing running for President?
"You are right to believe it no matter how sketchy and fabricated it seems."
Pretty rich coming from a troll that swallows everything trump says. Nothing personal but I'll take Doug's take over the anonymous trolls not smart enough to come up with a name.
OK, I just posted another comment with about ten links to other sources of that story, but apparently ten is too many, as the comment is gone, and it doesn't matter anyway as the anonymous troll won't read them and probably supports forced sterilization as a policy anyway, so perhaps they can just go fuck themselves?
The Creek Fire is still about three ridges to the east of here, and as of this morning was 220,025 acres, but is probably larger than that by now but the smoke is so thick and heavy they can't get reliable IR data through it.
The wind is expected to pick up some, but is out of the southwest so it basically pushes the fire directly away from us.
It was amusing to see the look on Fergus' face when he was trying to tell Newsom how badly California had managed its forests and Newsom told him that actually 57% of the forests in California are National Forests and 3% are state run.
It never occurs to Fergus that he's the goddamn president and is utterly failing to do the damn job.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
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