Monday, December 27, 2021

Work break.

 Be back soon.



dinthebeast said...

Be safe, see you soon.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

Happy New Year Field and Friends! Love has power.

PilotX said...

Happy Kwanzaa bro!

mike from iowa said...

Why decent Americans can't have nice things.....

New park to teach Americans how benevolent Confederates were to slaves. Really. This is the unburnished truth that Confederates were not traitors or slave holders.

Lilacpr said...

Happy and prosperous New Year Field, you are a very special person and may God always bless and protect you and yours. Just please continue to blog or myself and all of us will be very, very sad for sure. Best wishes always in your new endeavors.

Happy and Prosperous New Year to all!

mike from iowa said...

Shmeck is a schmuck or Karma's gonna get yer ass...

PilotX said...


PilotX said...

"New park to teach Americans how benevolent Confederates were to slaves."

We've been headed in this direction for years. Won't be long until history teaches us the confederates really won and the Union were the traitors.

mike from iowa said...

13th mass shooting in Colorado this year. Happy Holidays doesn't affect everyone the same way, I guess.

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

More red state governors are paying assholes to not get vaccinated:

Workers who quit or are fired for cause — including for defying company policy — are generally ineligible for jobless benefits. But Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kansas and Tennessee have carved out exceptions for those who won't submit to the multi-shot coronavirus vaccine regimens that many companies now require.

Conservative officials in Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Missouri are reportedly weighing similar policies.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Republicans define "stolen election" as "election they lost":

Democrats ‘Steal’ Elections by Persuading Voters

December 28, 2021 at 8:44 am EST By Taegan Goddard 113 Comments

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) quoted an article about how Democrats won Wisconsin in 2020 suggesting it offered a roadmap on “how to steal an election.”

The offending passage: “Seeding an area heavy with potential Democratic votes with as many absentee ballots as possible, targeting and convincing potential voters to complete them in a legally valid way, and then harvesting and counting the results.”

John Harwood pointed out that “convincing potential voters to cast legal ballots is the how you win elections in a democracy.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

NFL HOF coach and tv announcer John Madden has permanently retired from life at age 85. RIP big John.

Gambler2 said...

Rand Paul is an evil idiot. He's a willing consort to the orange demon from hell.

Happy New Year Everyone. And to all my friends here: Thank You for supporting my comments!

dinthebeast said...

RIP Harry Reid.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Another self-declared "Rosa Parks" (of the movement for the "civil right" to infect others with COVID) has had an epic meltdown on an airplane when told she had to wear a mask.

This has been a truly shitty year to be a flight attendant.

Delta passenger faces assault charge in mask dispute after she allegedly hit man who told her, ‘Sit down, Karen’

Anonymous said...

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) quoted an article about how Democrats won Wisconsin in 2020 suggesting it offered a roadmap on 'how to steal an election.'”

Rand Paul: Mommy, those dirty bastard Democrats are steeeealing elections by voting for people who are not in my party!! Unfair!!

PilotX said...

Well, who didn't see this coming?

So this loser is now getting the rock star treatment because he killed two people. The sad part is his pudgy goofy ass was only in Kenosha in the first place because he couldn't get laid if his life depended on it and now women will be throwing themselves at him. Great, now we'll have incels shooting up every protest they can find to get this treatment. Is it 2022 yet?

Anonymous said...

“The sad part is his pudgy goofy ass was only in Kenosha in the first place because he couldn't get laid if his life depended on it and now women will be throwing themselves at him.”

I think the reason he was in Kenosha is that (like George Zimmerman) he badly wanted to be a cop, but he decided that it was a real pain to have to put forth the effort to, you know, finish high school and apply to a police academy and go through training and such. It was easier to just buy a gun, deputize himself as a cop, and immediately start acting like one. He got excited by the prospect of laying down the law on those dangerous rioting BLM people he kept reading about on the Internet, and the rest was history.

Of course, now that he’s a Fox News rock star, he’ll find that occupation far more fun and lucrative than being a pretend cop. He can charge money for making public appearances at wingnut events. And there are lots of Trump trash out there who are dying to own the libs by walking around wearing disgusting Kyle Rittenhouse merch, so that’s another income stream right there.

It’ll become less fun, though, when the families of the people he shot file wrongful death lawsuits against him and take all his newfound money away.

PilotX said...

"I think the reason he was in Kenosha is that (like George Zimmerman) he badly wanted to be a cop"

That may be true but if he had a girlfriend he would have had better things to do than wander around town playing SWAT.

PilotX said...


mike from iowa said...

Moar holidays, moar irresponsible gun owners....

mike from iowa said...

How come magats aren't fiercely defending kids right to life after they are forced to be born? Fucking lying hypocrites!!

Anonymous said...

“Moar holidays, moar irresponsible gun owners....”

It’s easier to see how parents might be unable to keep their gun out of the hands of their dumb teenager than it is to understand the following story. Aren’t cops supposed to know how to handle guns? That seems like a pretty basic part of the job.

There are way too many “Barney Fifes” out there. Our policing problem isn’t only about racist cops. A lot of them appear to be poorly trained and just flat-out stupid.

North Carolina police officer accused of shooting his 15-year-old son in the head

mike from iowa said...

Peruse the internet and see how many cops falsely arrest citizens for first amendment protected activities because cops don't know the laws they are supposed to enforce.

There are thousands of videos out there showing pigs making fools of themselves and costing taxpayers beaucoup bucks for their ignorance.

mike from iowa said...

Your First Amendment Right to Record Police Exercising Their Official Duties in Public
You have a First Amendment right to record the police. Federal courts and the Justice Department have recognized the right of individuals to record the police. Although the Supreme Court has not squarely ruled on the issue, there is a long line of First Amendment case law from the high court that supports the right to record the police. And federal appellate courts in the First (update: this First Circuit case, too), Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits have directly upheld this right. EFF has advocated for this right in many amicus briefs.

Federal appellate courts typically frame the right to record the police as the right to record officers exercising their official duties in public. Thus, if the police officer is off-duty or is in a private space that you don’t also have a right to be in, your right to record the officer may be limited.

Check state laws. If your state is not a stop and frisk state, pigs can't legally pull you over for no reason and demand id. There has to be a reasonable, articulable suspicion on the pigs part, that you have committed a crime, had committed a crime or are about to commit a crime, before they can demand you id yourself.

Anonymous said...

“Peruse the internet and see how many cops falsely arrest citizens for first amendment protected activities because cops don't know the laws they are supposed to enforce.”

Okay, with the caveat that not all cops are dumb … boy, some of them sure as hell are, which is a scary thing.

My favorite recent example of a cop not knowing the law is the one who didn’t like civilians recording his activities on their iPhones (presumably because he was in the mood for a little police brutality?), so his brilliant solution was to play Taylor Swift music while he worked. Because, see, that means video of him couldn’t possibly go viral, because it would get taken down for violating the music’s copyright.

LOL! No, dude, that is not how copyright works.

dinthebeast said...

Rittenhouse's new fame just illustrates the fact that goddamn Republicans believe that people protesting for Black rights and causes should be killed and that they should be allowed to do it themselves.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

A lot of cops know the actual rules but don't believe they apply to them.
When we were raided by the OPD's Health Beat Task Force, they broke open the back door, came inside, found Jack in his room, and told him to give them his dope. When Jack told them that he didn't have to do that, legally speaking, they told him "Look, I don't know where you are from, but this is Oakland, and if we just wanted to bust you for dope, we would have brought it ourselves, so just get yours out and let's deal with it." When all Jack had was a few dirty bags and some paraphernalia, they were disgusted: "We don't want this bullshit, we want weight, we want big bags of stolen jewelry, what are you guys, anyway?" "We're musicians" was Jack's reply, and things just went downhill from there.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Got in Dad's vehicle and shot herself in the head. Dad was LEO. Merry christmas.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Trump brainwashed his idiot supporters into believing COVID vaccinations aren’t necessary, and now he’s forced to toss them out of his restaurants for being unvaccinated.

Trump supporters thrown out of restaurant in Trump Tower

I only wish I were there to watch these clowns get humiliated and burn their MAGA hats in dismay.

PilotX said...

If you're not into horse dewormer or bleach.

PilotX said...

"Rittenhouse's new fame just illustrates the fact that goddamn Republicans believe that people protesting for Black rights and causes should be killed and that they should be allowed to do it themselves."

The shooter here in Denver wrote a book a few years ago in which he (his self-named character) killed BLM activists. I guess right-wing extremists are a problem here in America afterall?

PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

From Peteykins' Twitter feed:

Peter Huestis
Dec 27
People are bagging on Candace Owens for recommending colloidal silver but I think it's a great idea. If all the right-wingers turn blue, they'll be super easy to spot.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

From Paul Krugman's Twitter feed:

Paul Krugman
Can we make an NFT of this tweet and save it for eternity? All of the interlinked madness of the right, joined at the hip.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Woah, a fair election map?

Michigan’s Maps Set Up Fair Fight

December 29, 2021 at 10:18 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 20 Comments

“One of the country’s most gerrymandered political maps has suddenly been replaced by one of the fairest,” the New York Times reports.

“A decade after Michigan Republicans gave themselves seemingly impregnable majorities in the state Legislature by drawing districts that heavily favored their party, a newly created independent commission approved maps late Tuesday that create districts so competitive that Democrats have a fighting chance of recapturing the State Senate for the first time since 1984.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Nice shooting, Dad.....

Thought she was an intruder in his garage.

mike from iowa said...

In the eyes of the King magat that is normal. Nothing to see here.

mike from iowa said...

It appears Maddass Son Cawthorn may have been compromised by Russian agent who set him up with a girl he later married (possible Russian agent) and is now divorci8ng after 8 months.

dinthebeast said...

Alex Jones, livid with rage over the potential damage Fergus just did to his revenue stream, is threatening to "dish the dirt" on Fergus.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...


PilotX said...

“People are bagging on Candace Owens for recommending colloidal silver but I think it's a great idea. If all the right-wingers turn blue, they'll be super easy to spot.“


Anonymous said...

“People are bagging on Candace Owens for recommending colloidal silver but I think it's a great idea. If all the right-wingers turn blue, they'll be super easy to spot.“

Confusing, though. They need to turn orange, to match their leader.

dinthebeast said...

Or maybe they could be color-coded like W's threat levels... Naw, color judgement is just wrong even on Fergusoids.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

A wildfire is destroying homes near Boulder, CO, at the end of fucking December, a place in Alaska was hotter than San Diego yesterday, and temp records were broken all over the damn place this week.
At least we finally got four feet of snow here, which is kinda normal.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“Confusing, though. They need to turn orange, to match their leader.“

Like Oompa Loompas?😆

PilotX said...


Gambler2 said...

Another antivaxxer dies from Covid. Leaves three young children behind.

Jackson filled her Facebook with inane memes about COVID and the vaccine, often with the bizarre notion that one should prioritize life instead of fear by remaining unvaccinated.

dinthebeast said...

Republicans believe their shit don't stink, but they just have covid and can't smell it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So "fragile" is the new racist?

Louisiana Judge Resigns Over Racial Slurs

December 31, 2021 at 1:52 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 191 Comments

A Louisiana judge has resigned weeks after a video from her home showed her repeatedly using the N-word, KLFY reports.

Judge Michelle Odinet blamed the incident on her “fragile” mental state at the time and use of sedatives.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 said...

OK, now I understand: A fragile mental state and the use of sedatives makes one a racist?

Gambler2 said...

From Crooks and Liars today...

Another antivaxxer bites the dust...
Dutch Economist And Notorious Anti-Vaxxer Dies From COVID

mike from iowa said...

Happy New Year to all field hands. Drink responsibly and drive even better.

Anonymous said...

Dying with COVID is not the same as dying from COVID.

Plus, if he was sick this long from COVID, it's a guarantee he was not treated with ivermectin.

Anonymous said...

“Dying with COVID is not the same as dying from COVID.”

I’m pretty sure that dying with stupidity about COVID is the same as dying from stupidity about COVID.

COVID stupidity has a very high fatality rate.

Sadly, it doesn’t seem to make the least bit of difference. No matter how many COVID dummies die, they’re determined to never learn any lessons at all. The most important thing in their universe appears to be not letting that dastardly Dr. Fauci win.

PilotX said...

"The most important thing in their universe appears to be not letting that dastardly Dr. Fauci win."

You can always take colliadiol silver everyday like Dr. Candace Owens.

Anonymous said...

The word is "colloidal", ignoramus.

dinthebeast said...

The Kennedy Center honors for Berry Gordy was bangin:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"The word is "colloidal", ignoramus."

Thanks for the update. Now was that comma really needed genius? LOL! Happy new year troll!

PilotX said...


PilotX said...

Unlike conservative, at least smart enough not to take bullshit that will turn me Smurfy blue. LOL! Please conservative geniuses, don't take advice from college dropouts that support trump or are Republicans!!!!!!

mike from iowa said...

Breaking news, I caught my first mouse of the New Year and it is 4 degrees below zero with no snow cover. Ran a couple faucets last night to keep pipes from freezing.

Gambler2 said...

Here's a funny one from Crooks and Liars to welcome the New Year and brighten your day.

"For wasting $300 million of taxpayers' money to run a completely unnecessary election that made Gavin Newsom a Democratic star, I award the California Republican Party the Boondoggle of the Year Crookie."

dinthebeast said...

Four feet of snow on the ground, which is kinda normal-ish for here, but man is the weather getting weird everywhere... A place in Alaska was warmer than San Diego a couple of days ago, there's a wildfire in Colorado burning up hundreds of homes, and high temp records fell all over the damn place this week. Oh, and the ice shelf holding back the "doomsday glacier" is cracking up.
Some things have to be dealt with ahead of time, climate is one of them, and we didn't, so here it comes.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

'Some things have to be dealt with ahead of time, climate is one of them, and we didn't, so here it comes."

All because childish ass conservatives had to throw a hissy fit because Al Gore made a movie.

dinthebeast said...

When a bunch of oilmen took over the government instead of Gore, we were done. We just didn't have that time to waste.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Texass guv A-Butt now wants federal financial relief after covid surge hits Texass again. Reminder...A-Butt doesn't like it when the fed mandates vaccinations until the problem got way out of hand.

Anonymous said...

“Texass guv A-Butt now wants federal financial relief after covid surge hits Texass again. Reminder...A-Butt doesn't like it when the fed mandates vaccinations until the problem got way out of hand.”

Or, in the words of @dremilyportermd on Twitter:

Help me, Brandon!

mike from iowa said...

Don't forget the 121st anniversary of the 7th US Calvary slaughter of mostly unarmed Lakota women and children and a few braves at Wounded Knee South Duhkota, December 29, 2021.

20 some soldiers were awarded congressional medals of honor for their parts in the massacre. The victims were buried enmasse in a single grave- 300 of them. They were murdered for allegedly ghost dancing to make wasicus disappear and to restore buffalo to the plains.

mike from iowa said...

MTG perma-banned from Twitter. O Happy Days sayeth the Edwin Hawkins Singers.

Anonymous said...

"20 some soldiers were awarded congressional medals of honor for their parts in the massacre. The victims were buried enmasse in a single grave- 300 of them. They were murdered for allegedly ghost dancing to make wasicus disappear and to restore buffalo to the plains."

They weren't murdered simply for ghost dancing. What happened was that the U.S. military decided the then-current trend of ghost dancing was some sort of propaganda to incite a Native American rebellion, and it was therefore a necessary preventative measure to immediately disarm all Natives so they couldn't successfully rebel.

The Wounded Knee massacre occurred when the military attempted to disarm a group of Natives and ... it did not go well. Both sides sustained substantial casualties, but the Native casualties were far greater because the soldiers outnumbered them and were better armed.

dinthebeast said...

MTG: too damn crazy for Twitter but just ducky for the US congress...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

MTG is nowhere near as crazy as Maxine Waters and Hank "Guam turn over" Johnson.

mike from iowa said...

300 Indians (at least half women and children) killed by over 450 soldiers and 4 Hotchkiss rapid firing cannons with exploding shells. Maybe 25 dead soldiers, most likely killed by friendly fire. Most of the Indians were disarmed, but not all. 18 medals of honor handed out for heroism above and beyond the call of duty?

dinthebeast said...

Uh, Jewish space lasers?

So Kentucky is finally taking China's lead and employing former coal miners in the solar industry, on former mountaintop removal coal mines.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Dumbfuck Looseranna sinator and magat,John Kennedy,compares Libs to brainless jellyfish in latest fundraiser....

Problem is, a jellyfish, which has survived at least 5oo million years and predates dinosaurs by a couple hundred million years, has 2 nervous systems and gets along better than magats. Ever hear a jellyfish ask for money from really gullible humans?

dinthebeast said...

Devin the fuck Nunes officially resigned from congress in order to take on his role getting buggered by Fergus in his non-existant, Chinese grifter funded media venture.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Devin the fuck Nunes officially resigned from congress in order to take on his role getting buggered by Fergus in his non-existant, Chinese grifter funded media venture.”

Well, this feels more honest, at least. Now he is openly admitting being a full-time Trump lackey, instead of pretending to be a congressman.

mike from iowa said...

MTG hit with Facebook suspension and Matt Gaetz law license expired again and he is not renewing it so he can pretend to work for congressional constituents.

dinthebeast said...

Nunes, formerly a taxpayer funded Fergus propagandist, is now a Fergus funded Fergus propagandist. Now to see whether or not he actually gets, you know, funded.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 said...

dinthebeast said...

"Devin the fuck Nunes officially resigned from congress"

3:01 PM
Thank God for small favors! As my mom used to say, "Good riddance of bad rubbish".

Most Californians are rejoicing.

PilotX said...

“Thank God for small favors! As my mom used to say, "Good riddance of bad rubbish".

Yeah but no telling who’s going to replace him. Another Bobo or MTG?

Gambler2 said...

Here's a hilarious story from the Daily Kos. Seems this young man is not too bright.

PilotX said...

“MTG is nowhere near as crazy as Maxine Waters and Hank "Guam turn over" Johnson.“

I don’t know sister, Jewish space lasers? 😆😂 That’s some next level crazy.

dinthebeast said...

Shorter McCarthy: How dare you fail to provide a platform for the lies and propaganda we are killing people with:

Kevin McCarthy Condemns Twitter

January 3, 2022 at 1:40 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 109 Comments

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) put out a long statement slamming Twitter’s “continued and dangerous efforts to silence Americans.”

Meanwhile, the New York Times reports Facebook suspended for 24 hours the account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for spreading misinformation about the coronavirus, a day after Twitter permanently banned one of her accounts for posting a similar message.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) put out a long statement slamming Twitter’s 'continued and dangerous efforts to silence Americans.'”

It's extremely telling how much energy the GOP puts into defending an alleged "right to force others to help you spread lies."

It's almost like they have absolutely nothing to offer the average American and their entire party's existence is based on getting gullible people to believe made-up shit.

Flying Junior said...

Here you go kids! And I truly wish a good year to all. I have read Burns for many years. You will probably think it unintelligible without a translator. But try to read it all the way through. It is a marvelous celebration of life. The simple tale of a farmer's love for his best mare. God bless you.

The parentheses serve as a substitute for margin notes. A crude glossary. Just go with the many apostrophes and odd spellings. It's written in a universal language that anyone can understand.

Flying Junior said...


A guid New-year I wish thee, Maggie!
Hae, there’s a ripp to thy auld baggie: (handful—stomach)
Tho’ thou’s howe-backit now, an’ knaggie, (hollow-backed—bony)
I’ve seen the day
Thou could hae gaen like ony staggie, (colt)
Out-owre the lay. (lea)

Tho’ now thou’s dowie, stiff an’crazy, (drooping)
An’ thy auld hide as white’s a daisie,
I’ve seen thee dappl’t, sleek an’ glaizie,
A bonie gray:
He should been tight that daur’t to raize thee, (dared—excite)
Ance in a day.

Thou ance was I’ the foremost rank,
A filly buirdly, steve and swank, (strong—firm—stately)
As e’er tread yird; (earth)
An’ could hae flown out-owre a stank,
Like ony bird.

It’s now some nine-an-twenty year,
Sin’ thou was my guidfather’s mere;
He gied me thee, o’ tocher clear (dowry)
An’ fifty mark;
Tho’ it was sma’, ‘twas weel-won gear, (well-earned money)
An’ thou was stark. (strong)

When first I gaed to woo my Jenny,
Ye then was trottin wi’ your minnie: (mother)
Tho’s ye was trickie, slee an’ funnie, (sly)
Ye ne’er was donsie; (mischievous)
But hamely, tawie, quiet, an’ cannie, (peaceably handled)
An’ unco sonsie. (plump)

That day, ye pranc’d wi’ muckle pride,
When ye bure hame my bonie bride:
An’ sweet an’ gracefu’ she did ride,
Wi’ maiden air!
Kyle-Stewart I could bragget wide, (have bragged or challenged)
For sic a pair.

Tho’ now ye dow but hoyte and hobble, (limp)
An’ wintle like a saumont-coble, (twist and rock—salmon boat)
That day, ye was a jinker noble, (runner)
For heels an’ win’! (wind)
An’ ran them till they a’ did wauble, (reel)
Far, far, behin’!

When thou an’ I were young and skiegh, (high-mettled)
An’ stable meals at fairs were driegh, (tedious)
How thou wad prance, an’ snore an’ skriegh, (whinny)
An’ tak the road!
Town’s bodies ran, an’ stood abiegh, (out of the way)
An’ ca’t thee mad.

When thou was corn’t, and I was mellow,
We took the road ay like a swallow:
At brooses thou had ne’er a fellow. (races at a marriage)
For pith an’ speed;
But ev’ry tail thou pay’t them hollow,
Whare’er thou gaed.

The sma’, drooprumpl’t hunter cattle
Might aiblins waur’t thee for a brattle; (perhaps beat—short race)
But sax Scotch mile, thou try’t their mettle,
An’ gar’t them whaizle:
Nae whip nor spur, but just a wattle
O’saugh or hazle. (willow)

Flying Junior said...

Thou was a noble ‘fittie-lan’,’
(near horse of the hindmost pair in the plough)
As e’er in tug or tow was drawn!
Aft thee an’ I, in aught hour’s gaun, (eight hours work)
On guid March-weather,
Hae turn’d sax rood beside our han’,
For days thegither.

Thou never braing’t, an’ fetch’t, an’ flasket; (fretted—raged—kicked)
But thy auld tail thou wad hae whisket, (lashed)
An’dspread abreed thy weel-fill’d brisket,
Wi’ pith an’ power;
Till sprittie knows was rair’t an’ risket,
An’ slypet owre. (Till hillocks, where the earth was full of tough-rooted plants would have given forth a cracking sound, and the clods fallen gently over.)

When frosts lay lang, an’ snaws were deep,
An’ threaten’d labour back to keep,
I gied thy cog a wee bit heap
Aboon the timmer: (Filled thy measure of corn to over-flowing)
I ken’d my Maggie wad na sleep
For that, or simmer. (before summer)

In cart or car thou never restet;
The steyest brae thou wad hace fac’d it; (steepest hill)
Thou never lap, an’ stenned, an’ breasted, (leaped—reared)
Then stood to blaw;
But just thy step a wee thing hastet, (a little—quickened)
Thou snoov’t awa. (pushed on quietly)

My ‘pleugh’ is now thy bairn-time a’,
(All the four horses working in my plough are thy progeny.)
Four gallant brutes as e’er did draw;
Forbye sax mae I’ve sell’t awa, (besides six more)
That thou hast nurst:
They drew me thretteen pund an’ twa,
The vera warst.

Mony a sair daurg we twa hae wrought, (day’s work)
An’ wi the weary warl’ fought!
An’ mony an anxious day, I thought,
Wi’ something yet.

An’ think na’, my auld trusty servan’,
That now perhaps thou’s less deservin,
An’ thy auld days may end in starving,
For now my last fow, (bushel)
A heapet stimpart, I’ll reserve ane (the eighth part of a bushel)
Laid by for you.

We’ve worn to crazy years thegither;
We’ll toyte about wi’ ane anither; (move)
Wi’ tentie care I’ll flit thy tether (heedful)
To some hain’d rig, (reserved piece of ground)
Whare ye may nobly rax your leather, (stretch)
Wi’ sma fatigue.

Flying Junior said...


Thou ance was I’ the foremost rank,

should read:

Thou ance was i’ the foremost rank,

An’dspread abreed thy weel-fill’d brisket,

should read:

An’ spread abreed thy weel-fill’d brisket,

Tho’s ye was trickie, slee an’ funnie,

should read:

Tho’ ye was trickie, slee an’ funnie,

Editor's note: It should also be mentioned that Jenny was Robert Burns' wife and true love.

mike from iowa said...

Looks like religious whack jobs are responsible for Colorado fire.

mike from iowa said...

My home town county of Cherokee, iowa is the 31st iowa county to become 2nd Amendment sanctuary quacks in iowa. They all have guns and want protection from gubmint? The horrors.

mike from iowa said...

Got my flu shot today. None of the covid vaccines or flu vaccines have caused any untoward reactions or swelling. Not even red marks.

Lilacpr said...

Flying Junior said...


Lovely and nostalgic poem! Actually it applies universally to anyone who is seeing the bloom of youth fade and is entering their golden years...

mike from iowa said...

dumbass dubya judge gave Navy Seals permission to resist direct commands....

Flying Junior said...

Good to see you, Lilac. I hope the New Year finds you well.

Your reading is correct. The poem does trace the life cycle of not just the horse, but the farmer. That's funny because it is not a typical theme for Burns. A couple of weeks ago, I printed Jon Anderson, My Jo for the Field which also treats this topic on a smaller scale. It was on that occasion I came up with the idea to print the unique salutation to a Mare on or about New Year's Day.

Jon Anderson my jo, Jon,
When we were first acquent,
Your locks were like the raven,
Your bonie brow was brent;
But now your brow is beld, Jon,
Your locks are like the snaw,
but blessings on your frosty pow,
Jon Anderson, my jo!

Jon Anderson my jo, Jon,
We clamb the hill thegither,
And monie a cantie day, Jon,
We've had wi' ane anither;
Now we maun totter down, Jon,
And hand in hand we'll go,
And sleep thegither at the foot,
Jon Anderson, my jo!

I do think back over the years when January rolls around. Happy New Year, Babe.

dinthebeast said...

So Sean "shadow chief of staff" Hannity has been asked to sit for a transcribed interview with the select committee on the January 6 riot.
What excuse will he use to try and weasel out of it?
Jonh Dean seems to think that the DOJ will investigate whether or not the select committee gets shut down after the midterms.
Perhaps Garland will address that issue in his speech tomorrow.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

The "Daily Show" took Fake Noize clowns barking at BLM protesters and exchanged Jan 6th footage for BLM protesters.

1:27 secs of pure fucking hilarity on Fake Noize liars.

Gambler2 said...

From Raw Story today,

BUSTED: Another resident of Trump-loving Florida retirement community arrested for voter fraud

mike from iowa said...

Homer Plessy, Black defendant in Plessy V Ferguson case posthumously pardoned.

mike from iowa said...

Gambler, moar evidence of magat voting fraud magats won't acknowledge. We know/knew who the cheaters were/are before the election began and it will be the same in the midterms.

mike from iowa said...

George Floyd's great niece, 4 years old, was shot in Houston in a targeted attack New Year's Day.

Rest of the story behind paywall.

dinthebeast said...

So Fergus cancelled his "press conference" tomorrow after massive social media pressure made it unlikely it would be covered live on TV.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

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