Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Jan 6th, 2021.


It will be a year tomorrow.



dinthebeast said...

The coup is still in progress a year on, especially in state legislatures controlled by Republicans.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

This is black privilege said...

Marvin Smith, a black Democratic commissioner on the Darby Township Board of Commissioners since 2019, was FINALLY indicted in November 2021 for the rape of a (male) teenager he committed in 2017 and of which he was accused in April 2019.

Having the district attorney go after you for a fake rape that you can prove never occurred (Duke Lacrosse) is "White privilege".  Having authorities take almost 3 years to arrest you for a rape accusation is black privilege.

PilotX said...

That was probably just a dry run but one thing that made me happy was some outlets disclosed special forces were on scene in case any of those idiots got close to Pelosi, Pence or any important figure. They would have learned the hard way coups don’t go well.

PilotX said...

Wow, crazy story that highlights supposed Black privilege. As always white privilege trumps all. How about the white guy who pleaded guilty to raping four, yes four teen girls but the judge didn’t feel jail was an appropriate place for such an upstanding (white) guy. Damn, must be so tough being a white guy when you can only get away with raping four teens. Such oppression! White guys should be able to get away with raping at least 10 kids with no jail time.🙄

mike from iowa said...

Dead Breitbart? Are you shitting me, Black Privilege? Absolutely zero credibility about anything they spew. Do it right or stay home!

Anonymous said...

“Dead Breitbart? Are you shitting me, Black Privilege? Absolutely zero credibility about anything they spew. Do it right or stay home!”

Breitbart used to have a dedicated “black crime” tag for categorizing stories like the one posted here. (Mysteriously, no “white crime” tag, though.)

What a classy, classy publication. Stormfront without the swastikas.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely zero credibility about anything they spew.

Brietbart links its sources.  They're all real.  YOU are fake.

mike from iowa said...

Brietbart links its sources. They're all real. YOU are fake.

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Best laugh I've had this year.

Paradoctor said...

Remember and be wary
The Sixth of January
The treason, sedition, and plot.
I know of no reason
Sedition and treason
Should ever be forgot.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely zero credibility about anything they spew.

Brietbart links its sources. They're all real. YOU are fake.

12:03 PM
You must be kidding. No one in their right mind would make such a ridiculous comment if they weren't kidding.

dinthebeast said...

"Potato day."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

The Purple Cow said...

America is fucked. If you can get out, then get out. You've got two years max.

mike from iowa said...

US had 5 rabies death in 2021, likely all anti-vaxx drumpf dumbfuckers.

mike from iowa said...

Back the Blue magats all bailed on Moment of Silence for Capitol cops. Only Dems and 2 Cheneys showed up for the ceremony.

dinthebeast said...

Dick Cheney wants you to know that he would have waterboarded those insurrectionist pussies... well, he wouldn't have done it himself, but he would have had someone else do it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Grabbler2 wrote:

You must be kidding. No one in their right mind would make such a ridiculous comment if they weren't kidding.

Delco Times story on Marvin's rape charge:

Philadelphia Inquirer story on Marvin being stripped of police oversight duties:

All 100% confirmed.

Breitbart is real.  YOU are fake.

mike from iowa said...

Pig in Cleveland hoses down black man firing an assault weapon into the air on New Years Eve. After filling the guy with lead, he the3n identifies his sorry ass as a pig and orders everyone down.

Pig was shooting through a wooden fence and couldn't clearly see who or what he was attempting to kill.

Anonymous said...

Toddler accidentally shot his (also toddler) sibling and his mom with the gun that was sitting out in the open in their car.

I blame wingnuts for insisting the 2nd Amendment guarantees unfettered access to weapons to utter dumbfucks with bad character/low intelligence/no training.

And I blame Glock for convincing everyone that manual safety switches aren't really necessary on handguns, even though they'd prevent most of these "death by curious toddler" incidents.

mike from iowa said...

One good thing having drumpf's piehole shut down for the day is I didn't have to see, hear or smell anything shit he had to spew.

May every day be this pleasant for the rest of everyone's lives, except magats.

mike from iowa said...

Former speaker of Michigan house and a magat was charged with molesting an underage girl, who is now 27 and the thug's SIL.

mike from iowa said...

Capitol rioter now charged with DUI fatality in wrong way crash.

Just keeps getting better and better for magats.

mike from iowa said...

3rd ranking member of Tennessee house, a magat of course, caught on video trying to pull the pants off referee at high school bb game.

The stoopid is strong in magat society.

dinthebeast said...

"Breitbart is real. YOU are fake."

Breitbart is dead. YOU are an idiot.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

I thought Biden was powerful this morning. He really nailed it when he said that T8888 was "holding a knife to the throat of democracy."

The goofball crowd has no cover. They are completely exposed. But they soldier on. It's a religion.

I heard a bit about the AI and the millions of pieces of videos and photographs that were accessed and compared by internet sleuths, police departments and the F.B.I. to identify at the least hundreds of participants. T-shirts with names of coffee shops and businesses were used a locator clues. Records of their stays at AirBnB and hotels were cross-referenced. Phone GPS records were accessed. AI helps to sift through the mountains of data. But only human sleuths can interpret those findings. Hundreds are under suspicion. Well over one hundred of serious crimes.

What do the Breitbart types have? One liberal activist, Mr. Sullivan, who was paid for his video and perhaps has shown up at Black Lives Matter protests in the past.

We're not hearing much "Antifa false flag" from conservative media. They are "pretend"reporting fairly well. But the belief remains strong. The ridiculous canard of a stolen election will never go away.

The military will need to conduct an internal investigation to see where loyalties lie within their own ranks. There will be sleepers with clean records and lack of evidence aligning them with Trumpist loyalists who may become agents if and when a second coup is attempted in 2024.

dinthebeast said...

So the Florida "company" running the Arizona fraudit is shutting down:

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge John Hannah said he would impose a $50,000 fine against Cyber Ninjas every day until it hands over documents related to the so-called audit after the Arizona Republic newspaper filed a public records request, The Associated Press reported Thursday.

Too bad their bullshit has already metastasized into a few other Republican controlled states. So one by one we now have to make them admit that Fergus lost. This will not go away until that admission is universal.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Last January 6th drumpf hotels cheapest room was 8k. Yesterday it was just over 400 bucks.

mike from iowa said...

Arbery's killers get sentenced today. Woo Hoo!

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

"Breitbart is real. YOU are fake."

6:01 PM
There you go joking again. Breitbart, the man, was an unsavory character whose entire, miserable life was spent lying, cheating, and stealing just like Trump. As for the group he founded, they and their actions, publications, etc. perpetuate his lack of integrity.

PilotX said...

"America is fucked. If you can get out, then get out. You've got two years max."

Ah ye of little faith. We're talking about the shining city on the hill protected by the 2nd Amendment, the ghost of Ronald Reagan and the stable genius trump. What could possibly go wrong?

(you got a room to rent?)

PilotX said...

"America is fucked. If you can get out, then get out. You've got two years max."

In all seriousness, you may be right because there's no way Democrats, liberals and leftists should not be stomping the shit out of an unhinged, stupid fascist party that stupidly tried to overturn democracy. If that didn't convince normal sane people that Republicans can't govern I mean what do they need?

PilotX said...

Lowest unemployment rate in decades. I guess Brandon knows what he's doing.

mike from iowa said...

One of my all time favorite actors, Sidney Poitier, passed away at 94. As convoluted as "In The Heat Of The Night" was, it remains an all time favorite movie.

Comrade Misfit said...

The Rude Pundit is correct. The only thing we should be discussing today is whether Trump lives out the rest of his life in prison or is executed.

mike from iowa said...

Arbery's killers get life and the father/son duo no chance of parole. Now for justice of Kenosha Killer Kyle and Zipperfuckerman. Death by every way imaginable.

Gambler2 said...

From today's Political wire...
January 7, 2022 at 3:21 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 229 Comments

"Cirsten Weldon, a leading QAnon promoter who urged both her followers and strangers she passed on the street not to take the Covid vaccine, died Thursday of the coronavirus, making her just the latest vaccine opponent killed by the disease, the Daily Beast reports."

"Said Weldon, in one of her videos: “The vaccines kill, don’t get it! This is how gullible these idiots are. They’re all getting vaccine!”

And yet another antivaxxer dies from Covid. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are witnessing Darwin's theory, "Survival of the Fittest" in action.

PilotX said...

“As convoluted as "In The Heat Of The Night" was, it remains an all time favorite movie.“

They call me Mr. Tibbs!

Gambler2 said...

PilotX said...
“As convoluted as "In The Heat Of The Night" was, it remains an all time favorite movie."
Hey Pilot,
I love that movie too. I think Mr. Poitier was one of the greatest actors of our time. My favorite is A Patch of Blue, followed by In the Heat of the Night, and then Lilies of the Field.

Anonymous said...

Only 2.7% of the poorest White kids wind up going to prison.  10% of the richest black kids do.

This IS equal justice.  Poor White kids behave better than rich black ones.

PilotX said...

"This IS equal justice. Poor White kids behave better than rich black ones."

Not about behavior. I mean it's no surprise Blah people receive harsher sentences than their white peers that commit the exact same crime. Thanks captain Obvious. BTW, aren't you glad those three asshats that killed Ahmaud Arbery got life sentences? Wonder if they're in the poorest 2.7%.

dinthebeast said...

The sorriest 2.7% anyway.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Pigs taze whitey in Catskills, New York, who had just smeared hand sanitizer on his head and body. You can imagine their surprise when he lit up like a Roman Candle.

My how pigs do scatter when there is an open flame near their bacony asses. None of them attempted to extinguish the flames or assist at all until fire burnt itself out.

mike from iowa said...

Floriduh's guv De Sanitize Us allowed a million plus covid tests in state possession to expire. That oughta help.

Anonymous said...

“Floriduh's guv De Sanitize Us allowed a million plus covid tests in state possession to expire. That oughta help.”

It oughta help … DeSantis hide how badly he’s failing the residents of his state.

He learned well from his idol, Donald Trump: If no one is able to test for COVID cases, that must mean they didn’t happen.

PilotX said...

"It oughta help … DeSantis hide how badly he’s failing the residents of his state."

Show some respect for your next president. It may take millions of deaths to own the libs but it's worth it. As Candace Owens says she won't take the vaccine even if she's on her deathbed and it's the only thing that can save her. Gotta be ownin libs!

Anonymous said...

“As Candace Owens says she won't take the vaccine even if she's on her deathbed and it's the only thing that can save her.”

If she’s on her deathbed with COVID, you can guarantee that she damn well will ask for the vaccine, but it won’t save her at that point since that’s not how vaccines work.

Of course, the above scenario doesn’t consider the possibility that she is, in fact, already vaccinated and is promoting anti-vax talking points because she’s a big, fat liar. Which is highly likely.

Anonymous said...

“Show some respect for your next president. It may take millions of deaths to own the libs but it's worth it.”

If Trump goes to prison, I have no doubt that DeSantis will run. It’ll be him, Greg Abbott, Josh
Hawley, and a few other of the GOP’s most shameless d-bags.

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe MTG will run for president? That’ll be fun. She can campaign on a platform of new Pentagon programs to defend America against the Jewish space lasers.

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

Just got some sad news out of Oakland: Luka's Taproom is closing after their landlord doubled the rent, and with a 30-50% decline in business because of covid, they just can't afford it.
Why is this common story of gentrification any sadder than all of the other similar stories? Because they make the best goddamn burger on the planet, that's why, and for $15.
I grew up raising my own beef, so I know what a good burger is, and theirs is it.
Never mind the fact that when they moved into that Uptown neighborhood in 2004 it was not a place where you would go for a good meal, and they attracted a clientele that turned that on its head, their lease had a clause that gave them first shot at buying the building should it sell, and the reptiles who bought it out from under them violated that clause.
The good news is that the owners have said that they will find another location as soon as the covid madness settles down a little, and that they are "never leaving Oakland", something I would have said personally at most points in time between 1984 and 2013.
I wish them luck, and as they are saying right now, if you can get to the East Bay before the end of the month, go there, you'll be glad you did.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

I mean it's no surprise Blah people receive harsher sentences than their white peers that commit the exact same crime.

That's because White people usually don't have the same number of priors or aggravating factors as blacks do.  George Floyd had a rap sheet a mile long and did time for a home invasion in which he put a gun to a woman's belly, ferchrissakes.

BTW, aren't you glad those three asshats that killed Ahmaud Arbery got life sentences?

That was a total abortion of justice.  Ahmaud Arbery was attacking and attempting to take the weapon of a citizen making a citizen's arrest (lawful at the time).  He did not simply run away, he attacked.  He got what he deserved in righteous self-defense.  The convictions were obtained through blatant intimidation of both the jury and the public at large.

In a sane country, Jesse Jackson Jr., Benjamin Crump and all their supporters would be RICOed to oblivion.

Anonymous said...

"Ahmaud Arbery was attacking and attempting to take the weapon of a citizen making a citizen's arrest (lawful at the time)."

NOT lawful at the time. There was zero evidence to support the suspicion that Arbery was carrying out a burglary. The absolute worst thing the McMichaels could have hoped to prove against Arbery would have been trespassing on a construction site, a misdemeanor.

Citizens' arrests were not allowed for misdemeanors in Georgia at the time, so that means the McMichaels and their friend committed an attempted kidnapping, during which the victim was killed trying to defend himself.

For what it's worth, I think the sentences they received were unjust. These men did not set out to kill anyone, and life sentences without parole are therefore totally inappropriate. It shouldn't be allowable to stack up multiple felony murder charges for a single homicide so you can achieve that outcome, for example.

However, it is equally absurd to argue they don't deserve to go to prison at all. They absolutely do. They were racist and stupid, and as a consequence, a man was killed. The moral of the story is that maybe you shouldn't play pretend cop in the first place when you're not one, and if you insist on doing so anyway, you for damn sure better have ironclad proof the person you are "citizens' arresting" has committed an actual crime, not just "being a Negro with the audacity to walk through my neighborhood."

Anonymous said...

The dude who sold Kyle Rittenhouse his AR-15 has avoided a felony conviction and jail time. His plea deal requires him to pay a $2,000 fine.

Meanwhile, the wingnut-o-sphere are still celebrating Kyle as a hero. At least until they get bored with him and find someone even worse to idolize.

PilotX said...

“He did not simply run away, he attacked. He got what he deserved in righteous self-defense.”

Yeah right, but who cares. You can’t just try to force negroes to do what you want, we’s free suh. I guess the days of killing negroes for no reason are over?🤷🏾‍♂️

PilotX said...

“Meanwhile, the wingnut-o-sphere are still celebrating Kyle as a hero.“

Which is sad. Now all pudgy, virginal, losers will shoot people just so they can be somebody. Sad who the right promotes as heroes.

PilotX said...

“In a sane country, Jesse Jackson Jr., Benjamin Crump and all their supporters would be RICOed to oblivion.“

In a sane country a former reality tv show host wouldn’t have been elected leader of the free world.😑

Anonymous said...

“Breitbart is real”, yeah, real dead.

mike from iowa said...

Armed wasicus following unarmed, minding his own business, Black man? Yeah, they meant to kill him.

mike from iowa said...

Sheila Kennedy lays the wood to magats religious freedumbs and magat justices, but good. Excellent, not too long read.

PilotX said...

“Armed wasicus following unarmed, minding his own business, Black man? Yeah, they meant to kill him.“

Well, not really. Just like anon alludes, they just like the idea of controlling negroes. They told him to stop and when he didn’t they chased him. Funny how our racist anon wants to take away Blah folks First Amendment rights and freedom of association. Arrested for “following” Attorney Ben Crump or Jesse Jackson Jr. (which is funny because I haven’t heard much from Triple J in years). I guess some folks never got over slavery or jim crow. These types are predicatable and silly.

PilotX said...

Now we have to send Brunswick, GA DA Jackie Johnson to jail for decades for her obstructing the Ahmaud Arbery case. Those killers almost got away and she needs to pay!

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....

Ahmaud Arbery was attacking and attempting to take the weapon of a citizen making a citizen's arrest (lawful at the time)
1:52 AM
That's not what I saw on the video. I saw two white supremacists chasing a black jogger and killing him.

PilotX said...

"That's not what I saw on the video. I saw two white supremacists chasing a black jogger and killing him."

Exactly. He tried several times to get away from those lunatics with guns. And also to make a citizen's arrest one has to observe someone actually commit a crime. If some racist assholes in a pickup truck with a confederate flag on it holding shotguns roll up on me you can bet your ass I'm in no mood to discuss ANYTHING with them. Sorry but minding my own Black-assed business is not a crime in America no matter how much redneck idiots think it is.

dinthebeast said...

What would you do if three mouth breathing morons with a shotgun came after you, asshole? I'll tell you what you would do: you would die.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

Because we can't have the kids thinking that the Nazis are bad:

GOP Lawmaker Said Teachers Must Be Neutral on Nazism

January 8, 2022 at 9:04 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 362 Comments

Indiana state Sen. Scott Baldwin (R), who is facing criticism for saying teachers must be impartial when discussing Nazism, walked back his remarks, the Indianapolis Star reports.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Indiana state Sen. Scott Baldwin (R), who is facing criticism for saying teachers must be impartial when discussing Nazism, walked back his remarks, the Indianapolis Star reports.'

Wait, we're(the Republican party) not supposed to go full nazi yet? 2024? OK. My bad.

Anonymous said...

"Indiana state Sen. Scott Baldwin (R), who is facing criticism for saying teachers must be impartial when discussing Nazism, walked back his remarks, the Indianapolis Star reports."

There was also that teacher in Texas who said they needed to teach both sides of the Holocaust. You know, you got to avoid that librul bias that says death camps happened and were bad.

Texas school district apologises for telling teachers they must include ‘opposing views’ on Holocaust

The campaign against Critical Race Theory sure is taking us to some interesting places.

mike from iowa said...

When you see all the Brothers who have been illegally incarcerated for crimes they did not commit, or executed for same. who gives a shit about three honkys who were caught on camera committi9ng murder most fowl?

Flying Junior said...

I remember two movies from circa 1967-1968.

My favorite will always be To Sir with Love. I love the zeitgeist of 1960s London. I don't think any other movie of the time captured it as well. But I remember enjoying Guess Who's Coming to Dinner very much as well. It seems foreign to remember just how sensitive it would have been for a white girl to bring home an eligible young black suitor just fifty-five years ago. Much has changed in the intervening years. I believe that in no small way Sidney Poitier contributed to positive changes in attitudes towards black men in the U.S., Britain and Europe with the steady and polished grace which he brought to his performances. He was one-of-a-kind.

PilotX said...

“The campaign against Critical Race Theory sure is taking us to some interesting places.“

Or returning to those places.🤷🏾‍♂️

Anonymous said...

"I saw two white supremacists chasing a black jogger and killing him."

What you see is "colored" by your delusions.

Anonymous said...

"NOT lawful at the time.

I figured some lying fool would say that. Arbery died Feb 23 2020; Georgia's citizen arrest law wasn't repealed until May 10 2021."

Not my point. I am well-aware that the citizen's arrest law was in force at the time. But these fools' actions didn't come anywhere close to complying with that law.

"I knew some lying fool would say THAT. Arbery was caught on security video inside the house under construction on no fewer than 4 occasions."

Which proves trespassing, not burglary. Again, trespassing is a misdemeanor, and the citizen's arrest law didn't apply to misdemeanors, only felonies. I'm sure the McMichaels thought that if Arbery was trespassing, he was "probably" stealing. I'm sure the McMichaels assume that black people are "probably" all criminals. But "probably" doesn't count for jack, legally speaking. The fact remains that they could not prove an underlying felony that would justify a citizen's arrest.

Ergo, there was no valid citizen's arrest of Arbery. No citizen's arrest = attempted kidnapping in which the victim died = murder.

Anonymous said...

trespassing is a misdemeanor, and the citizen's arrest law didn't apply to misdemeanors

Never figured a lying fool would say that.  Burglary is a felony in Georgia, and the builder put in security cammeras because things were being stolen from the house.  Arbery was the ONLY person caught trespassing by the cameras.  That made him a felony suspect.

Ergo, there was no valid citizen's arrest of Arbery.

You're lying, fool.

Anonymous said...

It appears that double-jabbed-and-boosted AOC is herself ill with COVID:

How soon before even you sheeple figure out that the "vaccine" is no such thing, and that both antibody-dependent enhancement and vaccine-enabled infection are real things (as they've been known to be real ever since the first efforts to create vaccines against coronaviruses)?

mike from iowa said...

BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) — Jurors in the trial of three white men charged in Ahmaud Arbery’s killing watched security camera videos Thursday that show other people entering a home under construction in the months before the 25-year-old Black man was chased and gunned down after running from the site.

They saw two white boys with bicycles walk into the open garage to drag away plywood. They watched a clip of a white man and woman strolling into the home at night, the man carrying a small bag in one hand.

And jurors saw Arbery himself wandering between the home’s exposed beams and along its backyard boat dock on five different occasions between Oct. 25, 2019, and Feb. 23, 2020 — the last time mere minutes before he was shot dead in the street on a Sunday afternoon.

Tell me why wasicus weren't chased down and murdered for burglary? The home owner hisownself said he never saw Arbery attempt to steal He said there was a source of water where Arbery would stop and drink. No burglary, but statutory kidnap and murder!

mike from iowa said...

Flying Junior, the theme song for "To Sir With Love" pops up regularly on YouTube music.

This is black privilege said...

"Misdemeanor homicide:"  Two black men get only 10 and 7.5 years for the 2014 murder of a pregnant woman.

BLM is not up in arms about this.  Black lives do not actually matter to BLM or blacks in general.  Black privilege is being able to commit cold-blooded murder and get off with a slap on the wrist.

Gambler2 said...

Flying Junior said...

"My favorite will always be To Sir with Love. I love the zeitgeist of 1960s London."
-- ------------
I loved Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, but my favorite, A Touch of Blue" touched me as very few films have touched me before or since. Maybe part of it is because during WWII, I was subject harassment and violence because of my religious beliefs. So I could deeply relate to Sidney's character in the movie.

Gambler2 said...

"BLM is not up in arms about this. Black lives do not actually matter to BLM or blacks in general. Black privilege is being able to commit cold-blooded murder and get off with a slap on the wrist."

11:42 AM
You are not in a position to state, "Black lives do not actually matter to BLM or blacks in general." Only an idiot would make a blanket accusation such as this. You really need to take a course in logic. Have you never heard the the old adage,"Nothing is sure except death and taxes?"

Anonymous said...

”Arbery was the ONLY person caught trespassing by the cameras. That made him a felony suspect.”

“Suspect.” You mean somebody should conduct a reasonable suspicion stop and question Mr. Arbery about his visits to the construction site, based on video footage? An investigation?

You know who has the right to do that? Cops.

But the McMichaels and their buddy were not cops. And citizen’s arrest laws do not confer all the powers of cops. You can detain someone if you SEE them in the process of actively committing a felony, but that’s it. You can’t detain and question people and conduct investigations to determine if maybe, possibly a crime may have occurred or might in future occur, based on mere suspicious behavior. Citizen’s arrest laws don’t work like that.

These jokers find themselves in the slammer because they decided to accord themselves all the powers of police, when they were not police. The senior McMichael was previously a police officer, but apparently refused to accept the fact that all his police powers went away when he retired from the force.

mike from iowa said...

Treasury to start distributing quarters with Maya Angelou's likeness on them. Magat's heads explode.

mike from iowa said...

Ms Betty White had a stroke six days before she passed. Listed as her cause of death.

dinthebeast said...

The only thing about this I don't understand is where's the grift? There's always a grift with these fucks, and everyone already has their own piss, so where are the Benjamins?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“The only thing about this I don't understand is where's the grift? There's always a grift with these fucks, and everyone already has their own piss, so where are the Benjamins?”

Maybe he’s in it for the lulz.

Maybe he’s only been pretending to be anti-vax all along, for months or years, to build the trust of his clueless followers, all building to that one glorious moment when he will announce, “Ha-ha! Totally sick burn! I made you brainwashed simpletons DRINK YOUR OWN PISS! I rule!”

Best prank ever.

Alternatively, maybe next, he’s going to promote the idea that he excretes special, magic, COVID-repelling urine, and he is willing to sell you some for the low, low price of $19.95 a pint.

If that loony reality-show chick could make stacks of cash selling “farts in a jar,” I think that it is safe to say that people will buy literally anything.

mike from iowa said...

On a more lovely topic, in celebration of Sidney Poitier's life, I will be watching the 40th anniversary release of :In The Heat Of The Night" tonight and likely for several nights.

PilotX said...

“Black privilege is being able to commit cold-blooded murder and get off with a slap on the wrist.“

And white privilege is white men getting away with cold blooded murders for centuries without ANY punishment. Now that’s some real privilege.

PilotX said...

“But the McMichaels and their buddy were not cops.“

But they were white men and when a white man tells an uppity negro to do something dagummit they better do it or there’ll be hell to pay. When they told the negro to stop and answer their questions he was under obligation to do it because white men always have authority over negroes didn’t you know? Damn shame their defense of citizen’s arrest didn’t work. Oh well, maybe there’s some other racist ass law the next murderers can dredge up.

dinthebeast said...

Attention Pig People:
The heart of a pig has been successfully (for now) transplanted into a live human being. Previously only heart valves from pigs (and cows) have been used, so this whole organ transplant breaks new ground.
And don't worry about being killed to have your organs harvested, the pig had to be genetically modified to keep the heart from being rejected by the recipient. The article doesn't specify whether the recipient was a Porcine American or not, so perhaps this is good news for sane people as well.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Crumbleys denied bond in the case of buying their insane son a gun. What parents think it's a good idea to buy a kid who tortures animals, hallucinates, sees demons, keeps severed animal heads in a jar and searches ways to kill his classmates online a gun? More examples of the superior race.

mike from iowa said...

Instrumental intro to Temptations Papa was a Rolling Stone is simply heavenly.

Whole song is fabulous..

mike from iowa said...

Tennessee wasicu child rapist may have victims in 10 states.

PilotX said...

Awesome video of the judge sentencing Ahmaud Arbery's killers. The judge is a master at killing these fools' souls slowly.

Anonymous said...

Quebec is introducing a “health contribution” tax, to be paid only by the unvaccinated.

If you want to act stupid and not get vaccinated, now you have to pre-pay the hospital bill that you’re probably going to incur when you get COVID because you acted stupid and didn’t get vaccinated.

Every government should follow Quebec’s lead.

dinthebeast said...

Zsuzs bought me some shoe spikes for Christmas, and today I went walking for the first time since early December. The spikes worked perfectly, but the trail between the top of the stairs and our door was scary as fuck.
I grew up on the coast and this snow is strange to me, and I already use a quad-cane to walk.
Tomorrow? Up to the mailbox.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

I grew up on the coast and this snow is strange to me, and I already use a quad-cane to walk.
Tomorrow? Up to the mailbox.“

Well brother, gonna have to get you out to Chicago so you can get used to snow and cold.👍🏾

dinthebeast said...

There was four feet on the ground when it stopped a few days ago. Now it's hard and slick, not crunchy any more. The creek is about a ten minute walk when the road is dry, and the mailbox is about ten more, but up a hill that will be challenging to walk back down with the ice on it. This is normal for this area, but the first two winters we were here there wasn't much snow, so I am just now getting used to it.
It appears that the new district maps have scared our congressman, the odious Tom McClintock off and he will run for a new district that includes North Fresno, who aren't too happy about it. We have a Democrat named Kermit Jones running this time, who is Black, a doctor, and a Navy vet, and apparently he's up against a pair of full blown wingnuts in the jungle primary. Will he make it to the general?
Maybe. The new district only went for Fergus by two points, whereas the old district went for him by almost ten.
Encouraging, but trying not to get my hopes up too much. Still. even one of the wingnuts might be preferable to that reptile McClintock.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Activists have filed paperwork to have Madison Cawthorn's name kept off the 2022 ballot to run for re-election to the House, based on the anti-Confederate provisions of the 14th Amendment:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same ..."

Given Cawthorn's support for the insurrection on January 6th, they are arguing that this makes him, too, an insurrectionist, and therefore is disqualified from running for office or ever holding any job in the federal government ever again.

Undoubtedly, the activists will be going after several insurrection-supporting Republican congresspeople in this manner.

Somehow, I doubt this tactic will work, but it'll be fun trying, anyway.

PilotX said...

"Somehow, I doubt this tactic will work, but it'll be fun trying, anyway."

This is great, let's keep up the pressure and idea they are traitor monkeys and should be held responsible for their actions.

mike from iowa said...

Forged docs claiming drumpf won Artizona and Michigan, I believe, are identically written and prove more magat vote fraud.

mike from iowa said...

wrong link in above post.

dinthebeast said...

Matt Gaetz's ex-girlfriend testified before a federal grand jury today.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, the goddamn Republicans forged, signed, and submitted nearly identical fake election documents in five states, in a criminal conspiracy to steal the election.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Georgia white deputy who tweeted criminal arberry still got the death penalty was suspended w/o pay and then terminated. His racist ass is appealing his firing.

mike from iowa said...

Anti vaxxer and one time Cinderella guitarist, Barry Bennedetta, dies of covid at age 62.

PilotX said...

“Forged docs claiming drumpf won Artizona and Michigan, I believe, are identically written and prove more magat vote fraud.“

The only way to prevent this again is bu throwing the book at these traitor monkeys.

mike from iowa said...

Ronnie Spector, a big part of the Motown sound with the Ronettes, has passed at age 78.

mike from iowa said...

Ohio state supreme court struck down magats partisan redistricting plan as unconstitutional. Magats got 54% of the vote and Dems 46%, but the maps were drawn with magats getting far more representation than was legal.

mike from iowa said...

Former guard convicted of raping a prisoner on the way back from the hospital was given 12 months, suspended if he enlists in the military within 30 days.

Wouldn't you know the miscreant is a wasicu wastey in a Southern state?

mike from iowa said...


jOHNSON REPRESENTED evidence to a grand jury and they did not indict the cops, then. The jurors found out later they had been misled and claimed they would have indicted the cops if they heard the truth in 2010.

Anonymous said...

“Former guard convicted of raping a prisoner on the way back from the hospital was given 12 months, suspended if he enlists in the military within 30 days.”

Boy, that’s a throwback. I didn’t know anyone ever got sentenced to join the military anymore. I thought that practice had ended decades ago.

I also wonder what the military thinks about this verdict.

“Hey, thanks for the rapist! We’re already massively under fire for failure to stop assaults against female service members, so putting this guy in unitorm this will be terrific for PR! Can’t wait to get grilled by feminists at the next congressional hearing! We’re happy to be a dumping ground for all the miscreants and deviants of society!”

dinthebeast said...

From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed. Just shoot these motherfuckers:

Ron Filipkowski
· Jan 10
A company called, ‘Center for Covid Control,’ with testing sites around the country, is allegedly administering fake covid tests with all negative results. This ‘Wink News’ investigation began in FL. The AG of FL has been notified but has not yet responded to request for comment.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Made it to the mailbox today, and the trail up the hill to the house wasn't nearly as scary once I got to trust the spikes. Perhaps Friday I'll make it all the way to the Old Mill Pond for the first time since early December.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Military bumped its recruiting bonus for new enlistees to 50k. Why not gift the rapist some more. Criminality pays.

mike from iowa said...

The guy who wrote the song "Get Together", which the Youngbloods turned into a hit, was in prison for a long stretch in California for marijuana when a record label got his sentence commuted by hiring him to write for them.

I'd never heard of that before.

mike from iowa said...

18 year old wasicu wastey sexually assaults 16 year old girl and judge releases him after 148 days in jail. Moar white privilege!

So much for law and order.

mike from iowa said...

Glen Beck, Satan bless his skanky ass, is very sick with covid and taking Ivermectin.

mike from iowa said...

Perusing Youtube and I saw an old 60 minutes interview by Ed Bradley which reminded me he was a great journalist and one of the first celebs I recall with an ear ring or stud, whatever. More power to him. May he RIP.

dinthebeast said...

And so it begins:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Stewart Rhodes, the founder and leader of the far-right Oath Keepers militia group, has been arrested and charged with seditious conspiracy in the attack on the U.S. Capitol, authorities said Thursday.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“And so it begins:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Stewart Rhodes, the founder and leader of the far-right Oath Keepers militia group, has been arrested and charged with seditious conspiracy in the attack on the U.S. Capitol, authorities said Thursday.”

Sweet. Finally, someone is facing REAL charges for Jan. 6.

My understanding is that DOJ prosecutors wanted to hit a lot more of them with sedition charges, but they were pressured not to. Maybe there was a fear of public sympathy for the everyday doofuses — hairdressers and roofing contractors and the like — who joined this rebellion but were not part of any explicitly extremist organizations? They could maybe come off in media interviews as clueless, rather than evil?

I don’t know the answer, but I have a pretty low opinion of all of them, not just the card-carrying fascists.

dinthebeast said...

They pretty much go after complex crimes like these from the bottom up, and since there are so damned many of them, they are just now getting to the militias and such.
Merrick Garland's prosecutions of Tim McVeigh, Terry Nichols and the Unabomber had zero leaks, 100% convictions and zero overturns on appeal. If he means what he said in his speech the other day, he'll get these motherfuckers.
Which is fortunate, as the select committee will most likely cease to exist after the midterms.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Here in NW iowa, it is depressingly brown color for this time of year. Got snow in the forecast for tonight and all day tomorrow. Was 50 debris yesterday and 45 debris today.

No snow cover and sub zero temps means frozen waterlines.

Anonymous said...

In an attempt to exaggerate the negative aspects of the economy (and remember, many aspects of the economy are actually postive — GDP and jobs growth are healthy), Fox News started referring to “Bare Shelves Biden.”

But the shortages aren’t that bad — there aren’t “bare shelves” almost anywhere in America — so Fox did what they usually do: They made shit up.

Fox News Airs 11-Year-Old Photo of Empty Shelves in Japan to Slam ‘Bare Shelves Biden’

Anonymous said...

Kyrsten Sinema‘s latest comments on why she won’t suspend the filibuster to pass voting rights laws reveal what a useless, vacuous airhead she is.

Apparently, she thinks the problem with this country is “not enough bipartisanship,” when, really, it’s that “Republicans are assholes who are trying to dismantle democracy.” You can plead all you want with them to be more bipartisan. They’ll just laugh and punch you in the face.

What an idiot you have to be to believe that Trump got elected because Republicans really all just need a hug.

dinthebeast said...

In person voter fraud is extremely rare because it's too difficult and risky for the payoff: one extra vote for the candidate you prefer.
Still, a few Republicans try it (and mostly get caught) because their propaganda has been bombarding them with lies about how rampant and easy it is.
They are mostly just misguided and deserve the slap on the wrist they receive for it (although don't try it if you're a Democrat or you'll get five years like Crystal Mason).
Election fraud is a whole different matter, and boy the goddamn Republicans went all in on that shit in 2020.
In five states that we know of because we have the forged paperwork they sent in, they pretended Fergus won, forged and signed the state documents assigning the electors from their state, and mailed them into the national archives and the senate.
How far gone up your own ass do you have to be to sign your name to a forged document that attempts to overthrow an election and mail it to the government?
Dozens of them did so, and they are just now being investigated for it.
And the documents are eerily similar in wording, format, and font, leading one to wonder about where they all came from.
I'm not saying the Mark Meadows text describing this strategy means the white house directed it, but it looks like someone did, and that's election fraud. Not voter fraud, which can't really change anything by its nature, but election fraud, an attempt to install a losing candidate against the will of the electorate.
Someone needs to go to prison for it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“Which is fortunate, as the select committee will most likely cease to exist after the midterms.“

Some think the 1/6 committee is just a smoke screen for the DOJ investigations. Make the targets think it’s only the Dems coming after them so they won’t lawyer up and go into hiding.

PilotX said...

Good take on the Houston County deputy firing.

mike from iowa said...

How pigs in Portland allowed white scumacysts to run wild and protect them.

Especially Proud boys.

mike from iowa said...

There are at least 11 magats charged with seditionist conspiracies for Jan 6th insurrection.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....

"Kyrsten Sinema‘s latest comments on why she won’t suspend the filibuster to pass voting rights laws reveal what a useless, vacuous airhead she is."

Maybe you are right, but I think she was bought off and just made up the garbage she spewed

Anonymous said...

“Maybe you are right, but I think she was bought off and just made up the garbage she spewed”

This is always a possibility.

I am taking her nonsensical statements at face value. But it is entirely possible that, rather than believing in dumb things, like the doomed concept of “bipartisanship,” she actually believes in nothing at all. Maybe she simply offers up whatever meaningless, middle-of-the-road pablum she thinks will get her re-elected, or will keep her donors happy and their checkbooks open.

Either way, she is terrible, and I hope she gets primaried by angry Arizona Democrats when her term comes to an end.

dinthebeast said...

For the MLK day weekend (from Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed):

Charles Booker
· Jan 13
“I think the tragedy is that we have a Congress with a Senate that has a minority of misguided senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from even voting.“ - MLK

59 years later, we are facing the same tragedy.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"How pigs in Portland allowed white scumacysts to run wild and protect them."

Well, Oregon was created to be an all white state.

Flying Junior said...

I warned the readers of this blog on January 5, 2021 that there would be violence at the Capitol. The F.B.I. also knew. But I guess they just didn't believe it would really get out of hand. Epic fail.

That is wonderful that AG Garland is building a strong case against these America-hating fascists. I would love to see a conviction for conspiracy to commit sedition.

dinthebeast said...

"That is wonderful that AG Garland is building a strong case against these America-hating fascists. I would love to see a conviction for conspiracy to commit sedition."

Yup. Sedition is historically very difficult to obtain a conviction on, and Merrick Garland knows how to obtain hard convictions that stand on appeal. It is agonizingly slow from an observer's standpoint, but it is the way it must be done, if it is to be done at all.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Hola a todos, lo siento, he estado fuera por tanto tiempo, pero han pasado tantas cosas y no hay tiempo para publicar. Me mudé a Nueva Orleans la primera semana de julio y mis pies se pusieron en marcha. he estado trabajando en mi antigua casa en florida durante las últimas semanas y estoy exhausto después de obtener con éxito un préstamo del sr. pedro y su firma de préstamos a una tasa de 3 para ayudar a terminar mi casa. Así que no hay tiempo para hacer ejercicio, no hay tiempo para comer bien, etc. Quiero recuperar mi vida y estoy muy orgulloso de lo que el Sr. Pedro me hizo al ayudarme con un préstamo. Voy a dejar el correo electrónico del Sr. Pedro aquí para que cualquier persona que busque un préstamo pueda comunicarse con el Sr. Pedro en o en el mensaje de texto de Whatsapp... +18632310632. Ojalá pueda volver a encarrilar mi vida. Los extraño chicos, espero volver pronto.

PilotX said...

“The F.B.I. also knew. But I guess they just didn't believe it would really get out of hand“

They had a tactical team standing by in case they got close to important people.

mike from iowa said...

Virginia wants schools to teach students about Lincoln/Frederick Douglass debates which never occurred.

dinthebeast said...

"And my confederate battle flag...":

Capitol Rioters Called Pelosi’s Office for ‘Lost and Found’

January 15, 2022 at 3:37 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 82 Comments

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told Insider that Capitol rioters called Nancy Pelosi’s office on January 7 to ask if there was a lost and found.

Said Raskin: “They were calling asking whether there was a lost and found because they forgot their phone there, or they left their purse or what have you.”

He added: “The officers quickly got on the phone and said, yeah, just give us your name, your address, your social, you know, and we’ll tie up those loose ends. But what’s so fascinating to me about that there really were people who felt as if they had been summoned to Washington by the president.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

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