Sunday, February 06, 2022

We need some answers.


Wassup field hands? I know the posts have been a bit sporadic, but I am deep in these fields with this work thing, so just hang with me a little bit while I get some things together. 

Having said that, I had to post about this bit of news from Western Pennsylvania. I am not sure why this story is not getting more traction, but hopefully we will get some answers soon. 

Maybe my friends at the Pittsburgh Courier can give us some updates, since it's pretty much being ignored by the lame stream media. 

"People are demanding answers after a Jamaican immigrant was found shot and killed in western Pennsylvania while attending a hunting trip with a former co-worker and friends.

A man identified as Peter Spencer, 29, was found dead on Carl’s Road in Rockland Township in the early morning hours of Dec 12. He was shot at least nine times.

“We are talking six bullets into the chest, two into the buttocks, and one we have a different opinion – either through the mouth or from the neck out of the mouth,” Tim Stevens, CEO of local organization, the Black Political Empowerment Project, told Pittsburgh’s Action News 4.

The organization has been calling for an arrest for Spencer’s murder.

Spencer’s pregnant fiancee had dropped him off at a cabin in Venango County on Dec 11. A man he used to work with contacted him about the hunting trip on Snapchat.

“This time he was taken directly into the woods and not this person’s mother’s home … to the fiancé she didn’t totally feel comfortable with that,” Stevens said.

Shortly after Spencer was dropped off at the cabin, his fiancee said she received a text saying he was staying the night. Around 2:30 am on Dec 12, police were called to the cabin and found Spencer dead at the scene. A 25-year-old man was taken into custody and claimed self-defense. Multiple guns were also located at the scene.

Currently, no charges have been filed." [Source]

Peter's first mistake was trusting these guys enough to go hunting with them. But that's a post for a  different time. For now, we just need some answers. I am sure that the District Attorney in that Western Pennsylvania county doesn't want to end up like the DA in this case.  

Do your job! 



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Anonymous said...

Well, predictably, Kyle Rittenhouse's wingnut-media career is humming right along. Apparently, he is starting one of those "fighting the biased lamestream librul media" watchdog groups.

There's always a grift. Although the grift doesn't usually start with shooting lefty protesters.

Kyle Rittenhouse launches initiative to fight media ‘lies’ – and Whoopi Goldberg

mike from iowa said...

Killer Kyle better be careful with the use of fighting when he spews magat bullshit. Someone will take him up on it and beat his skanky ass and claim stand your ground. I've always been a dreamer.

mike from iowa said...

Guilty on all counts.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus loses again. So. Much. Losing:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday brought a formal end to former President Donald Trump's request to block the release of White House records sought by the Democratic-led congressional panel investigating last year's deadly attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Fergus loses again. So. Much. Losing”

And this is the final loss. He’s run out of appeals. So I guess now we really will get to hear about all the shitty things Trump said and did on Jan. 6.

It probably won’t make any difference to his supporters, because they’re a hopeless bunch of slavering zombies. But at least the rest of us will know.

dinthebeast said...

So Rick "Medicare fraud" Scott decided to try his hand at Newt Gingriching the midterms:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

RIP Gary Brooker. Damn. Whiter Shade of Pale and Conquistador are two of the greatest rock songs ever.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Whiter Shade of Pale has gotten a lot of airtime on YouTube lately, being critiqued by Blacks. It is not the original song.

mike from iowa said...

Rob Squad Reactions Whiter Shade Of Pale

This duo check all kinds of music done by white artists.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus must think that Putin's dick tastes like Belgian chocolate, because he's still just sucking as hard as he can on that pup:

Trump Calls Putin a ‘Genius’ and ‘Very Savvy’

February 22, 2022 at 3:46 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 333 Comments

Former President Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin a “genius” on Buck Sexton’s podcast for moving Russian troops into parts of Ukraine.

Said Trump: “I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy.”

He added: “But here’s a guy that says, you know, ‘I’m gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent,’ he used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy. And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Jamel aka Jamal, the gold standard for reaction videos and an altogether good human, reacts to a live performance of Whiter Shade of Pale:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Fergus must think that Putin's dick tastes like Belgian chocolate, because he's still just sucking as hard as he can on that pup"

It's still a mystery why Putin missed his chance to invade Ukraine while Trump was still president. Maybe part of it was that the COVID epidemic got in the way? No idea.

But had he done so, Trump would've just sat back and applauded.

If he invades now, Biden will instead push for massive global sanctions against Russia, and probably also hand over billions of dollars' worth of US-made weapons to the Ukrainian resistance to use in killing lots of Russians. Hell, we might end up in a direct war with Russia ourselves. Which would be horrific for everyone, but for Russia most of all.

dinthebeast said...

"It's still a mystery why Putin missed his chance to invade Ukraine while Trump was still president."

Apparently he only invades Ukraine when there's a Democrat in the white house.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....
Clueless politicians like Harry Reid, who refuse to acknowledge how horrible the Republican Party have become and that there is no longer any hope of negotiating with them in good faith, epitomize what is wrong with the Democrats.

2:46 PM
Yes, I watched with dismay as leading Democrats refused to see the handwriting on the wall. They continued to try to negotiate and then backed down in the face of outrageous, Republican behavior. I am so sick of it.

dinthebeast said...

From Yahoo News:
"Pennsylvania authorities announced this week that no charges will be filed in the death of a Black man who was fatally shot nine times during a hunting trip.

In a statement to The Daily Beast, an attorney for Peter Spencer’s family said that they disagree with the Venango County district attorney’s decision—but are “not surprised” by the outcome."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

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