Sunday, February 06, 2022

We need some answers.


Wassup field hands? I know the posts have been a bit sporadic, but I am deep in these fields with this work thing, so just hang with me a little bit while I get some things together. 

Having said that, I had to post about this bit of news from Western Pennsylvania. I am not sure why this story is not getting more traction, but hopefully we will get some answers soon. 

Maybe my friends at the Pittsburgh Courier can give us some updates, since it's pretty much being ignored by the lame stream media. 

"People are demanding answers after a Jamaican immigrant was found shot and killed in western Pennsylvania while attending a hunting trip with a former co-worker and friends.

A man identified as Peter Spencer, 29, was found dead on Carl’s Road in Rockland Township in the early morning hours of Dec 12. He was shot at least nine times.

“We are talking six bullets into the chest, two into the buttocks, and one we have a different opinion – either through the mouth or from the neck out of the mouth,” Tim Stevens, CEO of local organization, the Black Political Empowerment Project, told Pittsburgh’s Action News 4.

The organization has been calling for an arrest for Spencer’s murder.

Spencer’s pregnant fiancee had dropped him off at a cabin in Venango County on Dec 11. A man he used to work with contacted him about the hunting trip on Snapchat.

“This time he was taken directly into the woods and not this person’s mother’s home … to the fiancé she didn’t totally feel comfortable with that,” Stevens said.

Shortly after Spencer was dropped off at the cabin, his fiancee said she received a text saying he was staying the night. Around 2:30 am on Dec 12, police were called to the cabin and found Spencer dead at the scene. A 25-year-old man was taken into custody and claimed self-defense. Multiple guns were also located at the scene.

Currently, no charges have been filed." [Source]

Peter's first mistake was trusting these guys enough to go hunting with them. But that's a post for a  different time. For now, we just need some answers. I am sure that the District Attorney in that Western Pennsylvania county doesn't want to end up like the DA in this case.  

Do your job! 



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Sarah Saad said...
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Anonymous said...

“Peter's first mistake was trusting these guys enough to go hunting with them.”

Maybe. But we all have to take calculated risks in daily life. It sounds like this guy was invited by his friend to go hunting. His friend was cool, so he assumed his friend’s friends would also be cool, but evidently, they were not. Some sort of altercation occurred between Spencer and at least one of the other men that ended with Spencer dead.

Of course, that’s just how it looks on the surface. Who knows what the police investigation will turn up? Maybe the situation is completely different than it initially seems. Maybe Spencer was part of a joint criminal enterprise? Maybe it was a hate crime? Who knows what the motive might be?

At any rate, it’s only been 8 weeks since the man’s death. It’s a little early to be making accusations about the investigation being a cover-up. Or, as Spencer’s family has assumed, that the crime was a “lynching.”

dinthebeast said...

I was always kinda careful about who I went hunting with. Some folks I knew when I was young used to use hunting as an excuse for getting high, but I never found intoxication and firearms to be a good combination. "Look! I found some liberty caps!"
"Did you eat any of them?
"See you later."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Good point, Doug. Unless you want a Dick Cheney-style shotgun blast to the face, it’s a good idea to make sure your hunting buddies aren’t trigger-happy dimwits.

However, this doesn’t appear to gave been a hunting accident. Multiple gunshots to the back seems pretty intentional.

Gambler2 said...

Are we smelling a rat here?

How does one claim self defense after inflicting nine bullets? Time for an extensive investigation.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

"At any rate, it’s only been 8 weeks since the man’s death. It’s a little early to be making accusations about the investigation being a cover-up. Or, as Spencer’s family has assumed, that the crime was a “lynching.”"

1:22 PM
I don't know, Anon, but eight weeks seems like a lot of time to do nothing much.

Anonymous said...

“How does one claim self defense after inflicting nine bullets? Time for an extensive investigation.”

Nine bullets isn’t unusual in a self-defense situation. If someone is attacking you, you don’t fire off a single shot and see if that did the job. That’s something out of the movies. In real life, self-defense training dictates that you empty as many bullets into them as possible to ensure the attack stops. Which usually also guarantees they are dead.

The fact that most of the shots went into the back of the deceased probably means it wasn’t self-defense.

“I don't know, Anon, but eight weeks seems like a lot of time to do nothing much.”

Who says they’ve done nothing much? The fact they haven’t shared details of the investigation with the victim’s family, doesn’t prove the police have made no progress.

PilotX said...

That's a long time to not know why someone was shot multiple times.

Anonymous said...

"That's a long time to not know why someone was shot multiple times."

Police may well have an idea why someone was shot multiple times, but not yet have gathered enough evidence/testimony to conclusively prove it in court. Particularly if the people involved in this hunting trip are not being particularly cooperative with the police.

Again, the fact that the victim's family is not party to any of the details doesn't mean there is no investigation happening.

dervy scram said...

prolly should not have been hunting

mike from iowa said...

I sorta remember from, days gone by, reports of victims with hands tied behind them and having been shot in the back of the head labeled as suicides. I could be mistaken.

Anonymous said...

”I sorta remember from, days gone by, reports of victims with hands tied behind them and having been shot in the back of the head labeled as suicides. I could be mistaken.”

Well, there have certainly been some cops who claimed this about deaths in custody.

Like this one from 2014, where the deceased supposedly committed suicide with his hands handcuffed behind his back in the back of a police car. Wasn’t he searched for weapons as part of the arrest process? How did he manage to shoot himself from that position? So many questions!

So far, nothing suggests anything like this happened in the Spencer case. No one has alleged suicide, and no evidence has been released to indicate he was tied up. In fact, very few details at all have been released to the public.

dinthebeast said...

Russia is rather like the goddamn Republicans in that way, it isn't wise to turn your back on either of them (from Comrade Misfit):

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Randy Rainbow strikes again:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Leave it to a Republican to introduce a bill to fine a teacher $10,000 if they teach anything that contradicts a student's religious beliefs. Can these fools do ANYTHING to help their constituents? This is none dumb country.

Anonymous said...

"Leave it to a Republican to introduce a bill to fine a teacher $10,000 if they teach anything that contradicts a student's religious beliefs. Can these fools do ANYTHING to help their constituents? This is none dumb country."

Well, because the Supreme Court (so far) has not shot down Texas' wacky "bounty hunter" scheme for enforcing an abortion ban, now red-state legislatures want to create all sorts of "bounty hunters" who can make a profit by suing anyone who does anything wingnuts don't like. Never mind that the plaintiffs haven't been harmed in any way by the people they are suing. Apparently, the concept of standing doesn't matter anymore and anyone can win cash and prizes in a courtroom.

Of course, there is nothing stopping liberals from writing similar dumb laws. So, hey, wingnuts, get ready to have to defend yourself in court when you get sued for $10,000 by some random person from Timbuktu, whom you've never even met, because you own a gun.

mike from iowa said...

There isn't a whole lot of info on this case anywhere. I did read where the funeral home did some stuff tgo bullet wounds that make it hard to tell from which direction they entered the deceased's body.

And there was a second autopsy but no results released as of yet.

dinthebeast said...

"Of course, there is nothing stopping liberals from writing similar dumb laws."

And California is proposing just one such dumb law to ban assault rifles and ghost guns.
So far the reporting around the effort has been mostly about the relative merits of banning ghost guns versus the political heavy lift of banning assault rifles, while ignoring the real purpose of the law, which is to give the goddamn supreme court a horrible example of what will happen if they let the awful Texas law stand.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"And California is proposing just one such dumb law to ban assault rifles and ghost guns.
So far the reporting around the effort has been mostly about the relative merits of banning ghost guns versus the political heavy lift of banning assault rifles, while ignoring the real purpose of the law, which is to give the goddamn supreme court a horrible example of what will happen if they let the awful Texas law stand."

Exactly. If SCOTUS allows the enforcement of laws to be outsourced to private citizen "bounty hunters," and accepts the idea that because there is no governmental figure to sue if you think the laws are unconstitutional and therefore you cannot sue, then we might as well set fire to the Constitution right now. Our legal system will turn into a giant circus.

PilotX said...

An almost repeat of Ahmaud Arbury. Sick.

Anonymous said...

"An almost repeat of Ahmaud Arbury. Sick."

Rednecks gonna redneck. Apparently, they learned zero lessons from the Arbery case and think they can still get away with racist vigilantism.

Some folks down there in the Deep South are in a mental time warp. They don't realize Jim Crow actually ended.

dinthebeast said...

So now I've been playing my Les Paul every night for three months, and it is indeed beginning to come back to me...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Well this is extra, extra revolting. What could be grosser than an alliance of pro-Trump ratfuckers and the Blackwater dude?

To paraphrase President Dubya, that right there is the Axis of Evil.

Military contractor Erik Prince reportedly helped fundraise for spy operation to 'gather dirt' on anti-Trump groups

Gambler2 said...

To Anonymous at 3:47 AM

Eric Prince is and has been a terrorist for many years. He is part of super wealthy cabal that runs the right-wing show in our country. G.W. Bush sent Blackwater mercenaries to Iraq for "Personal security" purposes.
Please see the web site below.

1.21 NIGGAWATTS! said...

Terrifying moment Seattle homeless man cracks female Amazon engineer's skull with a baseball bat as she walks home in random attack: Suspect, 31, finally in jail after 16-year crime spree that includes arrests for robbery, burglary and assault

Wantez Tulloss, 31, was charged on Friday with first-degree assault after he was caught on surveillance footage attacking Emma (Shengnan) Wang
He has been arrested 26 times since 2008, including for first-degree robbery, theft, assault and three violations of no-contact domestic violence
Video from January 31 shows the woman walking home with a shopping bag in her hand when Tulloss came up behind her
He dropped the bags he was carrying and used both hands to whack her in the head with a baseball bat
She was left bleeding with a fractured skull and is set to undergo surgery
Tulloss was identified due to his distinctive face tattoos
He was living in a transitional housing facility less than 500 feet from the crime, where he hid the clothes he was wearing in an oven
Tulloss, who has a previous criminal history including domestic violence charges and first-degree robbery, is now in jail, where he remains on a $150,000 bail
He faces up to 12 years in prison, and additional time in community custody.

A homeless man with a 16-year violent criminal history has been charged with first-degree assault after he was caught on surveillance footage taking a 'full body swing' with a baseball bat and hitting a woman in the back of the head, leaving her bleeding with a fractured skull.

Wantez Tulloss, 31, has been arrested 11 times going back to 2012 and was wanted by police in Washington for third degree theft.

On Monday January 31, he was filmed taking a swing at Emma Shengnan Wang, who was named by prosecutors in court documents. He knocked Wang to the ground, hitting her on her skull and back, then fled, taking his bags with him.

She lay helpless on the ground with blood pouring from her ear while bystanders rushed to help her. Wang is an engineer at Amazon Web Services who lives in Seattle. She is now recovering and will need to undergo surgery.

Police reports obtained by describe how Tulloss had been spotted by others moments earlier, swinging the bat in an alleyway. One witness said they heard him smashing Wang's skull and thought he'd taken a hit at a concrete wall because of the sound it made.

The attack was random, and police have not yet been able to determine if there was a motive. Wang did not see her attacker and it's unclear if he said anything to her. After hitting her, he went for a slice of pizza and then was arrested.

The tattooed criminal's rap sheet includes charges for fourth degree assault, theft and reckless driving. It's unclear when he was last in jail - or why he was on the streets when he poses such a clear risk.

Prosecutors begged a judge to deny him bail, saying he should not be allowed to walk the city's streets.

dinthebeast said...

So the board of elections says it has the authority to bar Madison Cawthorn from running for office under section three of the fourteenth amendment (via Susie Madrak):

Mark Joseph Stern
This filing confirms that the North Carolina State Board of Elections is prepared to investigate Madison Cawthorn and remove him from the 2022 ballot if it concludes that he facilitated the Jan. 6 attack. It's a big deal.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

There may be surveillance footage.

PilotX said...

“So now I've been playing my Les Paul every night for three months, and it is indeed beginning to come back to me...”

Sweet, what are you running it through?

Anonymous said...

“This filing confirms that the North Carolina State Board of Elections is prepared to investigate Madison Cawthorn and remove him from the 2022 ballot if it concludes that he facilitated the Jan. 6 attack.”

I’m still extremely skeptical this will come to pass, but it would be the most hilarious thing ever if Madison Cawthorn got kicked out of Congress for being too Trumpy.

Cawthorn thinks everything is just a big, fun game. I would love for him to have to learn the hard way that inciting violence and threatening democracy is not a game.

1.21 NIGGAWATTS! said...

Black College Student Is Charged After It's Revealed She Faked A Hate Crime

EDWARDSVILLE — A student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has been criminally charged and accused of faking a racist incident last month. Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins, 19, was charged with three counts of disorderly conduct for telling SIUE police that two notes were posted by someone else on her dormitory room door on Jan. 23 saying, “BLACK PEOPLE DON’T BELONG” and “DIE BITCH,” charging documents say.

No lawyer is listed for Clark-Mabins, who could not be immediately reached for comment.

University officials notified the campus community of the charges Friday, saying two other white students who had originally been “named as suspects… have been fully cleared of any involvement. We are saddened by the harm that these students endured because of false accusations.”

dinthebeast said...

"Sweet, what are you running it through?"

A Zoom 505II pedal and a pair of Sennheiser headphones.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“A Zoom 505II pedal and a pair of Sennheiser headphones.“


Anonymous said...

The Republican Party Is Dumb As Hell, Part Infinity:

These wingnuts love to fearmonger about Democrats sending black helicopters to lock you up in a re-education camp, etc. But MTG really outdid herself this time.

She bloviated about Nancy Pelosi's sending her "gazpacho police" to spy on Republican members of Congress.

This is a lie, of course. But also ... did she mean "Gestapo police"?

Honestly, it's really hard to tell, coming from MTG. Previously, she ranted about Jewish space lasers, so today, who knows? She really might have been warning us about the dire threat posed by soup.

Anonymous said...

Ashli Babbitt - MURDERED by U.S. Capitol Police officer LT. Michael Leroy Byrd on 1-6-2021

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...


Last I saw of them, all of my amplifiers were in a storage in Rohnert Park. Whether they are still there is questionable. These headphones are killer, and I had to look up the manual to the Zoom online to find out how to turn it down a little.

We used to serve gazpacho at a restaurant where I worked, and some cops used to eat there sometimes, but I can't remember whether they ever ate any gazpacho. We used to garnish it with sour cream, which would make it "supreme" by the naming logic of Taco Bell...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Ashli Babbitt - MURDERED by U.S. Capitol Police officer LT. Michael Leroy Byrd on 1-6-2021

Total fucking lie. She was legally killed while performing felonious assault on US Capitol BLDG and members of Congress with advanced warnings.

In the book "Jaws" by Peter Benchley, Matt Hooper's date and he had dinner at Sheriff Brody's house and the date mentioned gazpacho and grass at dinnertime. I don't recall if they had it or not.

mike from iowa said...

Analysis / Bias

In review, Vidmax publishes videos with an extreme right-wing bias such as this Young Girl Indoctrinated With White Guilt And BLM Propaganda Calls Her Parents Racists For Knowing FACTS. Other videos are sensationalized and often portray violence usually perpetrated by minorities. In general, this is not a credible source.

Overall, we rate Vidmax right biased and questionable due to a complete lack of transparency and the promotion of propaganda. (D. Van Zandt 1/13/2017) Updated (2/5/2021)


Country of Origin....Cyprus

Extreme right and publishes propaganda

mike from iowa said...

Many drumpf govermental papers flushed in WH and plugged the throne.

No they were not used as ass wipe.

PilotX said...

“Total fucking lie. She was legally killed while performing felonious assault on US Capitol BLDG and members of Congress with advanced warnings.“

C’mon Mike, let the little troll have her delusions. What else do rightwing trolls have going on in their lives?

mike from iowa said...

Sorry PilotX, but the hard and fast rule when dealing with magats is to not give them an inch, they take it as capitulation and walk all over us.

mike from iowa said...

Wasicu pig from Sioux falls got busted emailing pics of genitals to a supposed 12 year old girl (aka FBI undercover agent). He was terminated immediaTELY. nOW WE WAIT TO SEE IF UNION REINSTATES HIM.

I hate caps lock about as bad as I hate magats!

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Ashli Babbitt - MURDERED by U.S. Capitol Police officer LT. Michael Leroy Byrd on 1-6-2021

11:06 PM
Yeah, after all, she was only trying to break into the United States Capital building to help find Pelosi and Pence so the mob could kill them.

Too bad the cops didn't kill a lot more of the traitors.

Gambler2 said...

Mike said...

"Sorry PilotX, but the hard and fast rule when dealing with magats is to not give them an inch, they take it as capitulation and walk all over us."

11:19 AM
Sorry, PilotX, but I agree with Mike on this one. There are some posts so outrageous that we must answer them. The idiot posting this shit need to know that her lies aren't working.

Anonymous said...

“Many drumpf govermental papers flushed in WH and plugged the throne.

No they were not used as ass wipe.”

Are we sure?

Trump wiped his ass on the Constitution enough times over four years. Someone should check all the drain pipes in the White House to see if the Constitution is in there.

Anonymous said...

“But MTG really outdid herself this time.

She bloviated about Nancy Pelosi's sending her ‘gazpacho police’ to spy on Republican members of Congress.”

Joke from actor Bradley Whitford yesterday:

“So she doesn’t support the Biden Adminestrone?”

You people are insane said...

Total fucking lie. She was legally killed while performing felonious assault on US Capitol BLDG

One cannot commit "assault" upon a building.

and members of Congress

No members of Congress were present.  She was not assaulting anyone, she was attempting to squeeze through an opening.

with advanced warnings.

Neither the shooter nor anyone else issued a warning.  Worse, there were innocents BEHIND her which the shooter could have also hit.

ALL OF THIS WAS CAPTURED ON CAMERA.  To believe what you wrote, you have to be insane.

mike from iowa said...

ALL OF THIS WAS CAPTURED ON CAMERA. To believe what you wrote, you have to be insane.

Moar fucking lies from a fucking liar. The assaulters behind the clay pigeon were not innocents. They assaulted the capitol and damaged much of it.

Some of the non-innocents were helping push the clay pigeon into the danger zone. That was captured on video.

PilotX said...

One cannot commit "assault" upon a building.“

True, but she was trespassing on government property and was part of a mob that assaulted police officers. She would be alive today had she not trespassed. Play stupid games…..

mike from iowa said...

Just to refresh your magat filled lying memory, here is the video of the short flight of a violent criminal as she hits the deck. The guard and his weapon were seen long before he shot once. And he claimed several times he warned her and was totally exonerated.

You'll notice, but likely won't admit the police blocking the doors moved away before that shot was fired and magats were assaulting the door to Speakers lobby, where the video shows one congressman was.

PilotX said...

Now we get to see if MAGATS really back the blue. What was the old saying? Believe the cops? Hypocrisy check.

mike from iowa said...

Political scientists have decoded magats and classified them as the F. inglyre. This includes Ima, Ura, Weira, Thayer, Heza, Sheza and Uncle Fester.

F. Inglyre family of deplorables.

Anonymous said...

"No members of Congress were present. She was not assaulting anyone, she was attempting to squeeze through an opening."

To squeeze through an opening ... so she could get to the members of Congress.

To consider this acceptable, you have to start with the demented assumption that her (and the mob's) intentions toward legislators were benign. Basic common sense suggests they weren't.

These thugs weren't tourists on a civics trip through the Capitol building. Stop pretending otherwise. Nobody is fooled.

Anonymous said...

"Now we get to see if MAGATS really back the blue. What was the old saying? Believe the cops? Hypocrisy check."

Well, we already know they don't back "the black," so I don't think they care what uniform he was wearing when he shot Babbitt.

PilotX said...

“Stop pretending otherwise. Nobody is fooled.“

Not too bright FOX, OAN and Newsmax viewers and over half of all Republicans were fooled.🤷🏾‍♂️

PilotX said...

“Well, we already know they don't back "the black," so I don't think they care what uniform he was wearing when he shot Babbitt.“

True your honor but I just wanted it stated for the record.

mike from iowa said...

Shades of Nixon, drumpf call records from Jan 6th have long gaps in them and other records.

This is black privilege said...

A "teen" (code for black) assaults a neighbor with documented injuries, repeatedly breaks into houses and cars and steals, and is left free to roam the neighborhood:

"'I've been failed by the system' | Teen walks free after neighbor says he broke her nose, left her in bruises
"He comes back with a weapon. He is on top of me. There was blood everywhere. I was literally fighting for my life at that point," she told 5 On Your Side

ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis woman feels like the judicial system failed her, after she said her teenage neighbor attacked her and walked away free.

Alicia Clarke said exactly a week ago she went for a quick run outside her south city home. When she came back, she noticed her shoes had been moved to a different spot and her cell phone was gone.

From there, she used Find My iPhone to search for it. The location said it was on her property grid. She used her work phone to call it.

"I open my back door to call it and I hear it in my neighbor's backyard behind me," Clarke said.

Clarke said she hopped the fence to get it and jumped back over to her yard. Another neighbor yelled out to her and said, "Hey, I told him, 'I know you did this and I’m calling the police!'"

Clarke said that's when the 6-foot teen jumped the fence and tackled her.

"He knocked me down, pulling my hair, kicking," she recalled.

Before he ran off, she said he grabbed her personal cell phone again. She used her work phone to call police.

"I am on the phone with St. Louis police dispatch, making my way to my backdoor, when he comes back with a weapon. He is on top of me. There was blood everywhere. I was literally fighting for my life at that point," she told 5 On Your Side.

Clarke said as he was on her back, he stabbed her in the head and face with a metal rod."

(article continues)

Face it, if that scum was White he'd have been locked up in juvie long ago and stuck there until he was 21.  This is black privilege.

PilotX said...

“Face it, if that scum was White he'd have been locked up in juvie long ago and stuck there until he was 21. This is black privilege.“

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Yeah, right.

PilotX said...

White male who attended elite school raped 4 girls but only gets probation because judge doesn’t think jail is the right place for him. Um, you wanna rethink your position?

PilotX said...

“A "teen" (code for black)“

Ha! A “Republican” (code name for stupid)

mike from iowa said...

drumpf took 15 boxes of WH records to shithole estate in Florida, illegally. There are identified classified info in those boxes. Classified material got HRC in trouble with magats , even though those classifications were done after the fact.

PilotX said...

“The girl was 16 when Christopher Belter raped her, according to court documents. He was a teenager too, a student at an elite private boys school whose family’s western New York home was known as a party house where teens gathered to consume liquor, marijuana and Adderall.“

Pretty sure the “teens” mentioned in this article aren’t Blah.🤷🏾‍♂️

PilotX said...


dinthebeast said...

'One cannot commit "assault" upon a building.“'

Sure you can. They used to call it a siege and it was a common tactic in war for thousands of years.

If you believe that, I suggest you try to break into the Pentagon or Fort Meade.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Not too bright FOX, OAN and Newsmax viewers and over half of all Republicans were fooled.“

I don’t think they even believe this absolutely ridiculous lie. They know damn well that the rioters weren’t tourists on a civics field trip through the nation’s capital. They know this was an effort by Trump fanatics to violently reverse the result of the election.

However, some of them do believe, as the RNC apparently also does, that Jan. 6 was justified. Horrifyingly, they are convinced that Joe Biden is only president because of “the steal,” and therefore wingnuts had a riot to right and a right to threaten legislators and a right to somehow force Congress to make Trump president for four more years.

mike from iowa said...

30 day sentence was a total afterthought after suicide and blowback on wasicu judge.

mike from iowa said...

mike from iowa said...

Cawthorn's lawyer was on with Brianna Keillar trying to spin Cawthorns insurrection rally speech as condemnation of not a call to assault the capitol.

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

Welp, now we know why he was so obsessed with toilets:

While President Trump was in office, staff in the White House residence periodically discovered wads of printed paper clogging a toilet — and believed the president had flushed pieces of paper, Maggie Haberman scoops in her forthcoming book, “Confidence Man.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Welp, now we know why he was so obsessed with toilets:

While President Trump was in office, staff in the White House residence periodically discovered wads of printed paper clogging a toilet — and believed the president had flushed pieces of paper, Maggie Haberman scoops in her forthcoming book, 'Confidence Man.'"

Aside from the inference that Trump maybe have been destroying official documents that he legally shouldn't have been (highly likely), and possibly even concealing wrongdoing, this once again confirms what we already know: Trump is dumb as hell.

I mean, there are any number of more sensible ways of disposing of documents than this. Buy a good shredder? Burn them in the fireplace?

But no. OF COURSE the very stable genius decided to flush them down the toilet and clog up the pipes.

mike from iowa said...

Magat running for Arizona senator posts video full of shit pretending to be a western town Marshall having a gun fight with Biden, Mark Kelley and Pelosi.

Typical magat bullshit ad.

dinthebeast said...

"I mean, there are any number of more sensible ways of disposing of documents than this. Buy a good shredder? Burn them in the fireplace?"

There is apparently a protocol for the destruction of sensitive documents at the white house that involves "burn bags" that Fergus also made use of, perhaps in violation of the Presidential Records Act, but displaying the mentality of the two bit criminal that he is, he just had to rip them up and try to flush them, and according to one story, eat them on occasion.
It was also another of his retarded dominance displays, after being reprimanded by white house counsel and two chiefs of staff, ripping up papers and throwing them on the floor was his way of saying fuck you, rules are for little people.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Magats like Fake Noize and Looseranna scumbag sinator Kennedy are spreading lies that Biden admin. is funding crack pipes for drug addicts. They know it is a lie, but.....

PilotX said...

“Trump is dumb as hell.“

And yet millions want to put him right back at 1600 Pennsylvania.

dinthebeast said...

"Magats like Fake Noize and Looseranna scumbag sinator Kennedy are spreading lies that Biden admin. is funding crack pipes for drug addicts. They know it is a lie, but..."

And the picture they keep using is of a meth pipe, not a crack pipe.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Magats like Fake Noize and Looseranna scumbag sinator Kennedy are spreading lies that Biden admin. is funding crack pipes for drug addicts. They know it is a lie, but..."

It appeals to their racist and stupid base so let'er rip!

This is black privilege said...

Bronzeville... now, who do we know who lives in Bronzeville?

"Teen attended hearing on weapons charge, then carjacked Lyft and gunned down 15-year-old, prosecutors say

Anthony Brown, 16, allegedly killed Michael Brown Tuesday in Bronzeville.

A 16-year-old boy had a hearing before a judge on a weapons charge on the same day he later carjacked a Lyft and gunned down another teen in Bronzeville — all while on electronic monitoring, Cook County prosecutors said Thursday.

The brutal Tuesday afternoon killing was captured on surveillance video and showed 16-year-old Anthony Brown get out of a stolen car, walk up to 15-year-old Michael Brown and shoot the younger teen once in the head, Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy said.

Anthony Brown then stood over the younger boy and fired an additional nine rounds into the body, Murphy said.

Neither Chicago police nor prosecutors have offered a motive.

“Obviously, it was targeted,” Supt. David Brown said a day earlier when announcing charges in the case, but provided no additional details.

The two teens are not related, and no connections between them beyond the killing are currently known, a source with knowledge of the case told the Sun-Times."

Being let out of jail despite multiple pending weapons charges is the epitome of black privilege.  The total lack of outrage over this killing is further proof that Black Lives Do Not Matter.

Anonymous said...

“Being let out of jail despite multiple pending weapons charges is the epitome of black privilege.”

No, it’s standard policy. Anyone of any race would receive the same treatment pending trial. Illinois has eliminated cash bail for all but the most serious (usually violent) charges, which would not include mere weapons possession. Anyway, the point of bail was never to lock up people who haven’t yet been convicted of anything; bail was only supposed to guarantee the defendant didn’t flee and showed up to his trial, not keep poor people locked up just in case they MIGHT feel like committing unrelated crimes.

Electronic monitoring works just fine in most cases to ensure that defendants charged with minor offenses attend their trials. But only if police enforce the terms of the monitoring, which it sounds like they didn’t here if this dude was running around freely outside his home — a violation of the terms of the electronic monitoring — and nobody bothered to come arrest him.

PilotX said...

A teen shooting? It happens a bit too much in this country for my tastes. We have a gun problem such as parents buying their mentally disturbed son a gun even though he was showing signs of being a mass shooter. Let's all work to end gun violence or is that possible in America?

PilotX said...

"Bronzeville... now, who do we know who lives in Bronzeville?"

I know lots of people that live in Bronzeville. LOL!

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

The downside:  the value of your condo probably just took a hit.

The upside:  you might get a break on your property taxes.

The further downside:  your block just became more attractive to lowlifes.

Anonymous said...

Homeland Security says that the American counterparts of the anti-vaxxer truckers* causing mayhem in Canada are possibly planning on disrupting the Super Bowl.

I can think of few actions that would destroy any sympathy for them and their cause among their fellow citizens more than screwing with the hallowed institution of the Super Bowl, lol. If this happens, I think there might even be wingnut-on-wingnut violence. People from across the political spectrum will be lining up to kick their asses.

(*Most of them are not actually truckers. But I would be very comfortable calling them something that rhymes with “trucker.”)

PilotX said...

“Homeland Security says that the American counterparts of the anti-vaxxer truckers* causing mayhem in Canada are possibly planning on disrupting the Super Bowl.“

The SB is considered a high value event. There will be tons of federal LEO’s that won’t let a random truck get anywhere close but I welcome any of these fools to try. Please try so more of them can go to jail.

PilotX said...

mike from iowa said...

Thanks for the HRC link, PilotX.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus is through, or should be:

18 USC s2071

(a)Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b)Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

How the goddamn Kushners went from heroic Nazi escapee Jewish resistance fighters to stateside Nazi enablers in three generations:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Fergus is through, or should be"

A clue may be the few Republicans starting to back away from his dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

“Fergus is through, or should be”

Should be, but won’t be.

I don’t think the party will abandon him until he goes to prison, and he won’t realistically go to prison over document destruction. (Although he might go to prison for either his shady business/tax dealings, or his attempt to rig the 2020 election.)

Alternatively, if he runs in the 2024 election and loses, the party will probably also abandon him. Unless, of course, they carry out a violent coup instead and end democracy in America for good. And then Trump will finally be a literal dictator, rather than a wannabe.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Unless, of course, they carry out a violent coup instead and end democracy in America for good."

They might try it but it won't be successful. This is like the idiots who keep talking about a civil war as if the majority of people who aren't down for their shenanigans won't shoot back. Always keep in mind these fools may be loud but they're small in numbers. How many people do you know who would really sacrifice their lives so the former host of the Celebrity Apprentice can send stupid tweet from 1600 Pennsylvania?

Anonymous said...

“They might try it but it won't be successful.”

I hope you’re right, but I’m less than 100% confident after the last few years of craziness.

“How many people do you know who would really sacrifice their lives so the former host of the Celebrity Apprentice can send stupid tweet from 1600 Pennsylvania?”

Increasingly, I’m worried about the possibility that it will work the other way around. Largely through McConnell’s underhanded methods and the naïveté of Democrats, the GOP has filled up the judiciary with right-wing ideologues. Put together with winning control of enough state legislatures, they may be able to successfully rig an election next time around.

If they do, the key question will be: How many people do you know who would really sacrifice their lives to REMOVE the former host of the Celebrity Apprentice from 1600 Pennsylvania?

dinthebeast said...

They have him dead to rights destroying or attempting to destroy official documents (and then there's the falsifying of the electoral college documents, although that might be harder to pin on him) and there's this part of the statute:

"and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

So by existing law, he's done, whether or not he ever sees the inside of a jail cell.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

“and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

It’s a nice idea, but that clause almost certainly isn’t enforceable against a U.S. president under the precedent of the Supreme Court ruling in U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton, which said that Congress cannot create statutory laws imposing stricter electoral requirements on federal elected officials that are more stringent than what’s in the Constitution. Technically, the ruling was about requirements for electing members of Congress, but the same logic would have to hold for the office of the president.

Of course, the six flaming hard-right wingnuts on the Supreme Court could decide to overturn the earlier precedent. I guess that could happen.

Hahaha, just kidding, no it couldn’t. Not a chance in hell that the guys who’ve signed off on Citizen’s United and the shredding of the Voting Rights Act are going to bend over backwards to keep Trump from returning to the White House.

PilotX said...

field negro said...

Babbitt was not "murdered", she was breaking the law and was with a mob of insurrectionists who were trying to overthrow the government.

Behavior has consequences.

Anonymous said...

Babbitt was not "murdered", she was breaking the law and was with a mob of insurrectionists who were trying to overthrow the government.

Not a single one of them e.g. set a fire like the vandals in Minneapolis and Kenosha.

Behavior has consequences.

But not for Antifa and BLM.  Equality under the law no longer exists.

This will come to revolution, mark my words.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...
If they do, the key question will be: How many people do you know who would really sacrifice their lives to REMOVE the former host of the Celebrity Apprentice from 1600 Pennsylvania?

9:46 PM
I would, and I think there are millions more of us. I and every Democrat I know are armed and ready to fight.

Gambler2 said...

Field Negro said...
Babbitt was not "murdered", she was breaking the law and was with a mob of insurrectionists who were trying to overthrow the government.
True and it's unfortunate that the Capital Police didn't shoot more of the traitors who stormed the building chanting they would kill the Vice President.

Anon said,
"Not a single one of them e.g. set a fire like the vandals in Minneapolis and Kenosha."
This is bullshit "what aboutisms" that righties holler every time they do something terrible.

Anon. "But not for Antifa and BLM. Equality under the law no longer exists."
This is pure bullshit. Many BLM protesters who broke the law have been prosecuted and sentenced for their crimes.

"This will come to revolution, mark my words."
Bring it on, Anon. You and your Nazi buddies are in for a big surprise; Democrats and Independents are armed and ready to go. Don't be surprised if most MAGAS turn tail and run because most of them are cowards.

8:52 AM

mike from iowa said...

Magats are dumbfuck enough to torch a building while they are inside tearing it up.

Anonymous said...

“Not a single one of them e.g. set a fire like the vandals in Minneapolis and Kenosha.”

Great. No arson. Only smearing their own shit on the walls and smashing windows and beating up the Capitol police.

“Your honor, I think I should get credit for not burning Congress to the ground. I only tried to overthrow the government. That should count for something!”

PilotX said...

"This will come to revolution, mark my words."

Great, a revolution because a dimwitted woman broke into a government building with a mob of people chanting kill the Vice President. I mean how in the world could that have gone sideways? LOL!

mike from iowa said...

Black candidate for office in Looseranna has a new campaign commercial featuring him burn a confederate flag.

Bout fucking time someone did an in yer face, bitches, jab at racist magats.

dinthebeast said...

Same guy has a campaign ad about racially biased marijuana laws in which he's smoking a blunt.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

I didn't watch but:

Eminem Defies NFL and Kneels During Halftime Show

February 13, 2022 at 11:04 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 206 Comments

“During Super Bowl LVI’s halftime show extravaganza, featuring the likes of Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Mary J. Blige and 50 Cent, rapper Eminem took a knee in solidarity with former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick,” the Daily Beast reports.

“The NFL had reportedly denied Eminem’s request to kneel during the performance, but he did so anyway in defiance of their decree.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

The content of your character said...

"Worker shot at Florida KFC during argument over food order, deputies say

"[A]uthorities said an employee at a KFC was shot on Thursday after an argument over a food order escalated and spilled into the parking lot.

"The incident occurred at about 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the KFC on 6301 15th Street East in Manatee County, deputies said.

"According to the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, two men drove up to the drive-through window to complain about a food order and got into an argument with employees.

"Two employees left the restaurant and went out to the parking lot to continue arguing with the men. Deputies said the dispute ended when one of the employees was shot.

"Deputies said someone drove the victim to Manatee Memorial Hospital, where they are being treated for their injuries. They are expected to recover.

"Deputies did not identify the victim by age or gender. They said they had been “unwilling to provide more information about the incident.”

"Deputies said the two men fled the parking lot in a newer white vehicle, and started heading north on 15th Street.'

"Detectives are working on leads in the case and say an investigation is ongoing."

Nothing says "TNB*" like employees taking an argument into a parking lot and refusing to cooperate with police after being shot.

* Typical Negro Behavior

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sarah Palin is going to win her libel suit against the New York Slimes:

PilotX said...

Interesting take.

Anonymous said...

13-yr-old black girl shot dead by her 9-yr-old brother over a GAME CONTROLLER:

This "murder monkey" behavior is why nobody in their right minds has anything whatsoever to do with blacks unless they are forced to.

Anonymous said...

“Looks like Sarah Palin is going to win her libel suit against the New York Slimes”

She doesn’t have a prayer of meeting the actual malice standard required to convict someone of defaming a public figure. If she does win, it will only be by overturning that legal standard, probably at the Supreme Court.

But if that happens, you can kiss Fox News and the rest of the wingnut media goodbye — along with Biggest Liar In The Universe Donald Trump — as they will all be instantly bankrupted by a tsunami of lawsuits from the Democratic politicians they have constantly defamed.

PilotX said...

Once again, play stupid games….

mike from iowa said...

If she does win, it will only be by overturning that legal standard, probably at the Supreme Court.

magats figured she wouldn't win in court, they set their sites on an appeal to the activist, magat scotus to trim the libel/slander standards to make it easier to sue.

And Biden, our legally elected head of the executive branch is having his vaccine mandates held hostage by one pissant circuit drumpf dumbfuck appointee who has issed a nationwide stay on federal employee mandates. I will look for that link later.

mike from iowa said...

Goes with previous comment.

PilotX said...

“If she does win, it will only be by overturning that legal standard, probably at the Supreme Court.”

Something Republicans have been chomping for for years. I mean who doesn’t know that relaxing laws so people like Palin and trump can get money from mean people poorer than them making fun. That will make America great again!

Anonymous said...

“Something Republicans have been chomping for for years.”

Well, which Republicans are we talking about here?

It’s true that the brainwashed redneck Republican masses doubtless believe this. They’re convinced, despite the massive evidence to the contrary, that the MSM are lying to them, while what they hear on Fox News is the gospel truth (lol).

Republican leadership, on the other hand, aren’t complete and total idiots. (Most of them anyway. I’ll make an exception for the Louis Gohmerts and the MTGs, and Sarah Palin herself.) Republican leadership know that Palin’s lawsuit will hurt them far more than help them. Their movement is built on a mountain of lies. If they can’t lie, they are done for.

Their party has nothing to offer most voters, other than promising to keep the eeeeevil Democrats out. And painting the Democrats as scary and evil requires defaming them, which they do regularly.

Anonymous said...

*Sorry, it’s “Louie” Gohmert. I forgot that he even spells his name in a dumb way.

dinthebeast said...

It would appear that Fascistbook is having a bad day in court:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So is Sarah Palin:

A judge has ruled that a libel lawsuit former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin filed against the New York Times over a 2017 editorial should be thrown out because her lawyers failed to produce adequate evidence that the newspaper knew what it wrote about her was false or acted recklessly toward indications it was false.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So is Fergus:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that the looney left accused President Trump of being the war monger President and it turns out its joe biden.

Anonymous said...

"A judge has ruled that a libel lawsuit former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin filed against the New York Times over a 2017 editorial should be thrown out because her lawyers failed to produce adequate evidence that the newspaper knew what it wrote about her was false or acted recklessly toward indications it was false."

Yeah, this is the opposite of shocking. As I said earlier, she had no shot at winning unless the judge decided to overturn the existing legal standard for defamation of a public figure.

That would have been a political earthquake, and was never likely.

Anonymous said...

"Isn't it funny that the looney left accused President Trump of being the war monger President and it turns out its joe biden."

If Putin decides to Ukraine, obviously this must be Biden's fault.


Anonymous said...

*"If Putin decides to invade Ukraine, obviously this must be Biden's fault."

Anonymous said...

Whoopi Goldberg is back on the view, after her suspension ended. I seem to recall someone here saying she was "out of a job."

Hmmm. Sarah Palin told to take her lawsuit and shove it and Whoopi not cancelled. Some of this blog's racist trolls are having a bad day themselves.

mike from iowa said...

Trump Organization's accounting firm says 10 years of financial statements are unreliable

They have parted ways and claim they can't vou8ch for accuracy of 10 years worth of records.

Anonymous said...

"Trump Organization's accounting firm says 10 years of financial statements are unreliable

They have parted ways and claim they can't vou8ch for accuracy of 10 years worth of records."

In other words, these rats are leaving the sinking ship.

After realizing that the trial will expose that Trump lied to them, they want to distance themselves from him and maintain the fiction that they didn't know his financial statements were a bit fraud-y.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is pretty interesting. Democratic candidate for mayor of Louisville Craig Greenberg has survived an assassination attempt.

So the question is: madman or angry, probably racist wingnut? In these febrile times, either of those explanations are plausible. We'll have to wait for more details.

dinthebeast said...

To all those breathless media folks wondering "what does Putin want?" nonstop: Oil is now up near $100/barrel.

From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

Sha’Carri Richardson
Can we get a solid answer on the difference of her situation and mines? My mother died and I can’t run and was also favored to place top 3. The only difference I see is I’m a black young lady.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, this is the opposite of shocking. As I said earlier, she had no shot at winning unless the judge decided to overturn the existing legal standard for defamation of a public figure.

That would have been a political earthquake, and was never likely."

One last word on the Palin lawsuit. Well, the last word I'll have today, not the last word ever, since she's probably going to appeal the ruling. Aside from being unable to prove "actual malice" on the part of the times in their making false assertions against here, as opposed to those assertions simply being errors, there is also the "harm to reputation" component of defamation.

The Times story suggested that Sarah Palin's inflammatory rhetoric caused a mass shooting incident, including Democratic Rep. Gabby Giffords getting shot in the head. She asserts that the Times story thus hurt her reputation and career.

But honestly, the exact fucking problem with America is that a story like that WOULDN'T hurt her reputation. Like, at all. Her career and reputation are built on her being an asshole, and the people who vote for her LIKE her being an asshole, because they're assholes, too. They wouldn't care if she did cause a mass shooting. Hell, they were probably excited that Gabby Giffords got shot in the head.

So where is the damage? The claim about her may have been false, but nobody actually cared one way or the other because everyone already knows Sarah Palin is terrible. Democrats already hate her for being terrible and Republicans like her for being terrible. Even if the Times hadn't retracted their story, nothing would have changed one iota.

I contend that the only way that one could actually successfully defame Sarah Palin would be to present false evidence that she is some kind of closeted, secret liberal who believes in global warming and supports trans rights, police reform, and single-payer health insurance. That might actually punch a hole in her earnings and stop her from getting invited to CPAC, etc.

Anonymous said...

"Sha’Carri Richardson
Can we get a solid answer on the difference of her situation and mines? My mother died and I can’t run and was also favored to place top 3. The only difference I see is I’m a black young lady."

It's actually not the only difference.

Kamila Valieva HAS appealed her drug test ruling, which means she can keep competing while the appeal is in process. Note, however, an appeal does not mean an acquittal. Unless she can somehow convince the Olympic authorities that either her drug test was inaccurate and she hadn't taken the drug, or that there was a legitimate medical reason for taking the drug (some drugs have both medical and performance-enhancing uses), the ruling will still stand. Which means that any medals she wins will get yanked and given to other athletes in her events, and she'll still get banned from upcoming events, possibly including the next Olympics.

As far as I know, Sha’Carri Richardson didn't appeal her drug suspension. She admitted that she smoked weed, which meant she was kicked out of the last Olympics. I'm not sure she had any real way to appeal anyway, of course, but that's down to the drug she was taking. Pot stays in your body for a long time, so if she'd claimed the test was inaccurate, they'd have immediately re-tested her and she'd have come up positive for weed again. And I feel pretty confident the Olympics wouldn't have recognized any legitimate medical use for cannabis.

I agree that there is an injustice in Sha’Carri Richardson not being able to compete, but isn't about racism. The injustice is that recreational drugs are on the banned list in the first place. Weed is not performance-enhancing. If anything, it's performance-degrading. So the only reason for including most recreational drugs on the banned list is to maintain the appearance of moral rectitude of athletes on the grounds that they are "role models to the youth."

That's some dumb-as-hell wingnut logic, right there. It's got nothing to do with the fairness of athletic competitions, which was supposed to be the point of having an anti-doping agency.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

“Isn't it funny that the looney left accused President Trump of being the war monger“

As I recall we accused Bush and Cheney of being war mongers and we accused trump of being a dimwitted bigot. I think you’re getting your mediocre Republican presidents mixed up.😆

PilotX said...

“Some of this blog's racist trolls are having a bad day themselves.“

You mean a bad decade. That’s why they post as anon so their delusions can’t be thrown at them. The life of a troll.

Anonymous said...

“‘Isn't it funny that the looney left accused President Trump of being the war monger’

As I recall we accused Bush and Cheney of being war mongers and we accused trump of being a dimwitted bigot. I think you’re getting your mediocre Republican presidents mixed up”

Actually, a lot of people on the left did think Trump would get us into a war. But not by choice. Most of us thought he’d inadvertently get us into a war purely by being an unbelievable dumbass. So, not so much a warmonger as a war-moron-ger.

Truthfully, we were pretty lucky he didn’t accidentally start an unnecessary war. Shredding the nuclear accord and assassinating Iran’s top general might easily have done it. In factl, we still might end up going to war as a result of Trump’s idiotic actions, even if that didn’t happen during his administration. If you follow the news, you will notice that things are not going great with the Iranians, who’ve aggressively ramped up their nuclear program.

Also, calling Trump “mediocre” is an extremely undeserved compliment to Trump. He couldn’t achieve up to the level of “mediocre” in his wildest dreams. He’s a despicable sack of garbage.

In any case, there is no comparison with the current situation with Russia and Ukraine. Biden has done nothing to provoke this. Nobody wants a war, but if there is one, it’ll only be because the Russians started it all by themselves. Unless you think we should just let Putin gobble up whatever countries he feels like. I mean that worked out great with Hitler, didn’t it? Having been allowed to have western Czechoslovakia, he was satisfied and totally didn’t invade anybody else and there was peace forever and ever after that? Isn’t that how things went in the ‘30s? I forget.

PilotX said...

"Most of us thought he’d inadvertently get us into a war purely by being an unbelievable dumbass. So, not so much a warmonger as a war-moron-ger."

Exactly. trump was many things but not so much a warmonger. Dullard, conman, bigot, sexist, adulterer, asshole, racist, lazy sack of shit, liar, cheat, criminal, charlatan, coward, broke ass bitch........

Anonymous said...


Young Black man who was editor of Louisville Uni school paper and worked at major newspaper did the deed.”

So we’re probably talking about a madman then.

But with the possibility of “loony left” ideology as a motivation as well, which I’ll admit I didn’t see coming, since the target was a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

But with the possibility of “loony left” ideology as a motivation as well, which I’ll admit I didn’t see coming, since the target was a Democrat.

Why not?  Jared Loughner was a Democrat.  James Holmes (Aurora CO theater shooter) was a Democrat.  And of course the House baseball shooter James Hodgekinson was a Democrat.

There's a remarkable paucity of "wingnuts" among spree shooters.

Anonymous said...

“There's a remarkable paucity of ‘wingnuts’ among spree shooters.”

Lol, sorry, no.

To believe that requires one to subscribe to the most delusional conspiracy-theories, alleging that all of the huge number of hate crimes in the federal hate crime database are fakes.

In just the last seven years, there was the anti-Black Mother Emanuel massacre in Charleston, the Wal-Mart anti-Latino massacre in El Paso, and two major synagogue shootings. And those are just a few highlights.

Virtually ALL politically motivated violence of recent years has been at the hands of right-wingers.

mike from iowa said...

NYT reports jury tosses Failin' Palin lawsuit a day after judge announced he was closing the trial.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus wasn't an all-out war monger, he just liked playing one on TV.

Remington has settled with the families of those massacred at Sandy Hook for $73 million, thus avoiding a judgement that could have seriously kicked the gun industry in the nuts.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Ho-hum. Howard University received another bomb threat yesterday.

Just another day in the Land of the Free and Home of the Depraved.

PilotX said...

“Ho-hum. Howard University received another bomb threat yesterday.“

Wanna bet it wasn’t from Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists? I remember when you could get cancelled for not saying those words. We’ve gotten even dumber since W was in office if that’s even possible.

dinthebeast said...

Apparently unable to tell Asian women apart, a protester called someone not in fact the mayor of Boston a political puppet:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Apparently unable to tell Asian women apart, a protester called someone not in fact the mayor of Boston a political puppet:"

"And I didn't enjoy any of your movies, either, Lucy Liu!"

mike from iowa said...

Judge in Florida tossed Zipperfuckerman'S 100 million dollar lawsuit against Trayvon Martin's family, 10 years after Martin was murdered.

Zipperfuckerman is pleading for some body to whack his skanky ass, or so it seems.

dinthebeast said...

So apparently Tucker the fuck Carlson ran a chyron that said "CANADIAN-STYLE TYRANNY IS ON ITS WAY HERE" meaning, I guess, that the goddamn Republicans will be forced to trade their Putin for poutine?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“So apparently Tucker the fuck Carlson ran a chyron that said ‘CANADIAN-STYLE TYRANNY IS ON ITS WAY HERE’ meaning, I guess, that the goddamn Republicans will be forced to trade their Putin for poutine?”

Right. “Tyranny.”

So according to Fucker Carlson …

Right-wingers’ calls to arrest ALL BLM marchers protesting the very real issue of police brutality, most of whom were entirely peaceful and law-abiding, in response to the small amount of property damage perpetrated by rioters on the fringes:

Totally proportionate and rational.

Left-wingers’ calls to arrest anti-vaxx nutters blockading the borders over their daft, unscientific beliefs that COVID isn’t real and vaccines are dangerous, costing hundreds of millions of dollars a day in trade:


Anonymous said...

The Olympic committee has decided to delay holding medals ceremonies for any events that Russian skater Kamila Valieva participates in, due to the high likelihood that her ban for doping will be upheld on appeal and if they gave her medals, they would probably just have to take them away again.

mike from iowa said...

I got an answer, it was magats that shelled kindergarten in Ukraine because we all know magats hate it when kids get breakfast in schools.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus and his two rankest spawn must sit for depositions under oath within 21 days, according to judge Arthur Engoron.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“I got an answer, it was magats that shelled kindergarten in Ukraine because we all know magats hate it when kids get breakfast in schools.“

IDK, they prefer a crazy eyed kook shoot up kids with an “assault” rifle*

*you dummy, it’s not an assault rifle because blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

"Fergus and his two rankest spawn must sit for depositions under oath within 21 days, according to judge Arthur Engoron."

Debatable. Personally, I think Eric Trump is ranker than Ivanka. Certainly, he is more apt to parrot Daddy's ludicrous Nuremburg Rally-style talking points than Ivanka. She at least hopes to maintain her image as a rational, non-dysfunctional person and usually avoids saying insane things in public.

Eric is probably the dumbest Trump, though, which is really saying something.

I believe Eric was already deposed by the NY state investigators a few months ago.

dinthebeast said...

"I believe Eric was already deposed by the NY state investigators a few months ago."

He invoked his fifth amendment right against self incrimination hundreds of times.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

John Durham is calling out right wing magat media for mischaracterizing his report on Clinton campaign. He basically accuses them of lying/distorting what he said.

Who knew they would do that besides every un-magat out there?

mike from iowa said...

White teen bullies younger black teen in a mall. Another younger black teen steps in to confront wasicu bully, a fight ensues, the pigs come a running and male wasicu pig pins black kid to ground and immediately gets on his back to handcuff him, while female wasicu pig pushes white guy to couch and sits him down before jumping on black kid's back.

White kid complains he should be handcuffed, too. Sound like a replay of a worn out cop/ black confrontation replay of as wornout scenario?

Anonymous said...

“John Durham is calling out right wing magat media for mischaracterizing his report on Clinton campaign. He basically accuses them of lying/distorting what he said.”

Durham is managing expectations because he’s got a whole lotta nothing. His “investigation” is a farce, like everything else created by the Trump administration.

It looks like what actually happened is that some IT consultant hired by the Trump organization — not a “spy”; nobody had paid him in advance to leak information about Trump computers — thought he had discovered suspicious Internet traffic between Trump’s servers and those of a Russian bank. In the light of all the REAL contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russian government that were being reported on at the time, he got excited and misinterpreted the data; there was no evidence of meaningful communications going on with this Russian bank.

Regardless, it looks like he sold his his non-stories to a lawyer who was a Democrat but did not work for the Clinton campaign. The lawyer gave the non-stories to some news outlets who, unfortunately, hyped them up for a few weeks before realizing they were junk.

None of that adds up to “THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN SPIED ON ME! TREASON!!!”

It’s just a case of an IT guy who didn’t know what he was talking about, and a set of mistakes by credulous journalists. No crimes were committed and Hillary Clinton was not involved.

mike from iowa said...

Malawi, Africa has a wild case of polio, first in five years. Imagine how many magats and anti-vaxxers we could have shed if they pulled this bullshit during polio epidemic?

If not for the polio vaccine hundreds of thousands more magats would be languishing in hell wondering how they got led astray.


mike from iowa said...

Another wasicu pig murders Black man and gets favorable treatment in court.

2 fucking years!

Anonymous said...

“Another wasicu pig murders Black man and gets favorable treatment in court.”

What did you expect? It was an accidental death.

Prosecutors already played fast and loose with the law to get a 1st degree manslaughter conviction, when this was clearly 2nd degree.

Anonymous said...

It’s Anti-Vaxxer Jackass Arrest Day in Ottawa! Hooray!

mike from iowa said...

Accidental my ass. She couldn't tell a tazer from a service weapon? If she is that fucking dumb, she's better off unemployed without a gun or tazer. And Black men would likely be safer, too.

Anonymous said...

“Accidental my ass. She couldn't tell a tazer from a service weapon? If she is that fucking dumb, she's better off unemployed without a gun or tazer.”

She is unemployed. The Minnesota police fired her.

mike from iowa said...

National Archives has confirmed classified papers were in boxes drumpf took to Mar a lago. Another crime to charge drumpf with.

dinthebeast said...

There really was unusual activity from the Fergus connected server and Alfa Bank, for an extended period, but among the obvious, in your face Russia connections, it didn't stand out as warranting much attention since there was no real way to determine the content of the communications.
Which is, of course, evidence that they were NOT spied upon, because if they were, we'd be discussing the content of those communications instead.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

In 1932, the American government lied to African-American men living in Tuskegee, Alabama. They were falsely told they would receive medical treatment for "bad blood." The government continued this lie for decades as black men, their wives, and children went untreated instead of cured. It is one of the biggest scandals in American history.

Eighty-eight years later, the government's willingness to put African-Americans on the frontlines of testing the experimental COVID-19 vaccine shows their attitude toward racial minorities hasn't changed.

Anonymous said...

“Eighty-eight years later, the government's willingness to put African-Americans on the frontlines of testing the experimental COVID-19 vaccine shows their attitude toward racial minorities hasn't changed.”

This is garbage. The COVID-19 vaccines were not tested on a disproportionately African-American population. Test subjects were not chosen based on race.

Just more anti-vaxxer bullshit from the trolls.

Anonymous said...

“There really was unusual activity from the Fergus connected server and Alfa Bank, for an extended period, but among the obvious, in your face Russia connections, it didn't stand out as warranting much attention since there was no real way to determine the content of the communications.
Which is, of course, evidence that they were NOT spied upon, because if they were, we'd be discussing the content of those communications instead.”

Well, not really. Trump had a third-party company sending out junk mail promoting his hotels from the same servers. Alpha Bank’s servers’ numerous DNS lookups were probably just a reaction to them receiving lots of Trump-affiliated junk mail. There’s really no smoking gun indicating criminal activity here, which is why the FBI looked into this and then dropped it.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...
Eighty-eight years later, the government's willingness to put African-Americans on the frontlines of testing the experimental COVID-19 vaccine shows their attitude toward racial minorities hasn't changed.

5:05 PM
Sorry Anon, but this dog don't hunt. First, the people who first tested the vaccine were volunteers, not people chose by the researchers. Second, Once approved, the initial vaccine was distributed to health-care workers, nursing homes, and people with existing conditions. I know this because I am 85 years old and had to wait quite awhile until my group was eligible.

I am triple vaccinated and am quite sure that I won't die if I do get Covid. How about you, Anonymous? What are your odds?

dinthebeast said...

Fergus loses again. All of the losing. Is he sick of losing yet? He better not be, because he has a buttload of losing coming in low and fast just over the horizon:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Fergus loses again. All of the losing. Is he sick of losing yet? He better not be, because he has a buttload of losing coming in low and fast just over the horizon"

I think he knows he's in deep shit. Lately, he's been making comments to his supporters demanding massive cross-country protests if he gets arrested.

He knows he's gonna get arrested.

PilotX said...

"Eighty-eight years later, the government's willingness to put African-Americans on the frontlines of testing the experimental COVID-19 vaccine shows their attitude toward racial minorities hasn't changed."

According to trump that's because the health care system is racist towards white people. Well, there ya go.

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

Elites and Masks: It's About Power

Anonymous said...

Calvin Crew (negro), Suspect in Killing of White Uber Driver: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

PilotX said...

Mother and boyfriend (white) charged with killing her daughter.

dinthebeast said...

From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

Just say the fucking word "abortion" it won't bite
We donated so much money to abortion funds that the government will be giving us a tax rebate, which we will then donate to abortion funds. Take that, Hyde Amendment!

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

Noem Nothing, queen warthog of South Duhkota had the state waste 1.6 mil on a website complete with robotic pheasant who can't/won't answer questions from Libs. When you peruse the gubmnint website, Fez, the magat robot pheasant claims he is there to help you, except he doesn't.


dinthebeast said...

Fergus loses again. So. Much. Losing:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

wow, a Black for trump site😆😂😆😂 Is that you Candace?😆😂

PilotX said...

“Isn't Blacks For Trump really just one crazy dude?”

It’s a couple of those fools. Funny, and here I thought conservatives were above identity politics.

PilotX said...

Wait, he was a supporter of Pretty Ricky Santorum. He should be Michael the Blah Man then.😆

dinthebeast said...

Seth Meyers at the 2011 WHCD: "Donald Trump said recently he has a great relationship with the Blacks, though unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I bet he's mistaken."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Must read to understand how drumpf appointed ideologue judges are undermining precedence and common sense.

PilotX said...

Funny how the map of educational attainment neatly mirrors the map of voting patterns.😑

Anonymous said...

"Must read to understand how drumpf appointed ideologue judges are undermining precedence and common sense."

Yeah, well, to understand WHY this is happening, you have to realize that Harry Reid's tenure as Senate majority leader was just one long, disastrous face-plant, both for the Democrats and democracy.

His failure to do away with the filibuster for presidential appointments (except for SCOTUS) until after 4 straight fucking years of Republican obstruction meant that President Obama was unable to fill a huge number of federal judge vacancies, thus gifting Trump the opportunity to fill all of them with circus freaks.

And even then, the undemocratic relic of the filibuster was only eliminated for appointments. It still stands for everything else, thereby allowing waste-of-space Senators Manchin and Sinema to block their party's entire agenda today.

Clueless politicians like Harry Reid, who refuse to acknowledge how horrible the Republican Party have become and that there is no longer any hope of negotiating with them in good faith, epitomize what is wrong with the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

"His failure to do away with the filibuster for presidential appointments (except for SCOTUS) until after 4 straight fucking years of Republican obstruction"

Actually, I miscounted. Closer to FIVE years.

dinthebeast said...

Goddamn Republicans won't stop with outlawing abortion:

'The final question from the audience at Friday night’s debate for the Republican candidates for Michigan attorney general was as straightforward as it gets: “How do each of you stand on Griswold v. Connecticut?”'

They all opposed it, calling it a states rights issue.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“They all opposed it, calling it a states rights issue.”

I mean, by the time one of these candidates gets to a general election, this will likely be a straightforward statement of fact, because SCOTUS will likely have already killed off Roe v. Wade.

So the question they should be explicitly asked is: Will you support outlawing abortion in Michigan?

Saying “it’s a state’s rights issue” is a dodge. You’re running for state government, so what do you intend to do in your state?

dinthebeast said...

Griswold is about contraception, not abortion.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Griswold is about contraception, not abortion.”

Sorry, had a brain fart and momentarily confused it with Planned Parenthood v Casey. So, yeah, that’s fairly scary-sounding if we’ve already moved on to banning contraception.

Of course, that would be a major political miscalculation if Republicans tried it. I think there will already be big backlash when Roe falls, so attempting to ban contraception will produce a positively volcanic outpouring of rage. Even most Republican voters don’t want this.

I still think “states’ rights,” as an answer to a debate question, is a dodge. It’s what you say when you want to have it both ways: hinting to the fanatical fundies that you might ban contraception, while letting everyone else believe that, hell no, you won’t.

mike from iowa said...

Live: Ahmaud Arbery's killers found guilty of federal hate crimes

PilotX said...

"Live: Ahmaud Arbery's killers found guilty of federal hate crimes"

Great to hear.

Anonymous said...

The results of communist show trials are never in doubt.

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