Thursday, December 01, 2022

Jerry's ugly world.


My wife, bless her Cajun heart, is from Louisiana. Unfortunately, though,  she doesn't like Mardi Gras. This is because as a young child she had a horrible experience while visiting New Orleans to witness a Mardi Grass parade. People are shaped by their life experiences, and it doesn't matter how old you are. If you are old enough to remember, it can effect on how you view the world and things around you. 

If you have been following the Jerry Jones story, you know where I am going with this.

I am going to put my cards on the table and state up front that it's easy for me to dislike Jerry Jones. He is, after all, the owner of the team that I hate most of all the professional sports teams in the world: the Dallas calfboys. But this isn't about his ownership and his handling of the team. It's about who he is as a human being, and what he has done with his life since being a fourteen year old teenager with a front row seat to one of the most ugly chapters in America's history. An event that was certainly part of the zeitgeist of the time.  

I have heard all the excuses. He was only a young teenager. It was over sixty five five years ago. Look how many black people he employees. His team has a black quarterback, and on and on. People (black and white) will continue to make excuses for Jerry Jones, because he is a billionaire with influence.  But take the time to read the Washington Post article that featured the picture, and you will see that Jerry is a man who was shaped by his upbringing, and not in a good way. 

LeBron James called out the American press yesterday for ignoring the story, and I am glad that he did. Maybe it will get us talking about it again. And maybe someone will try to ask Jerry Jones, once again, what he was thinking when he was witnessing that ugly scene in Arkansas. His canned answer about just being "curios" isn't going to cut it. He had a chance to speak about how horrible of a time that was and how ugly and and abhorrent racism is, but he chose not to. This is the guy who told his players that they better not kneel with Colin Kaepernick. And he is the same guy who has never, in his thirty three years as owner, hired a black head coach, and who has had only two (count em, two) offensive or defensive coordinators who were black. since he owned the team. 

I would like to thank LeBron for putting this story back into the limelight. It will die down again soon, but at least, for now, we can take another look at Jerry's World and see the ugliness that's lurking right below the surface. 

Go Eagles!! 




Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the media are supposed to report on here, though. He was there, at the scene of an ugly event in our history, but there is zero proof of his participation in the racist proceedings of the day. In the photo, he appears to be a bystander, which is what Jones claims he was.

I understand that people are inclined to disbelieve him because, to put it simply, Jerry Jones is well known to be an asshole.

But there's just no proof that he did anything wrong back in 1957. Simply being present in that photo isn't conclusive evidence of any kind of moral wrongdoing.

dinthebeast said...

This doesn't surprise me a bit. My whole family (except for me, thank the flying spaghetti monster) is from Ardmore, Oklahoma, and my older brother was seven when that particular event went down. He and my father were racists when they moved to California in 1959 when my brother was nine. They both pretty much got over the worst of their racism from being out of the culture for enough years, but it was still there in them if you looked for it.
Having visited Ardmore in the seventies when I was a kid, I saw with my own eyes how casually racist pretty much everyone there was. It made an impression on me even at seven years old.
Interestingly enough, my mom and sister never seemed to have those tendencies, which seems sensible in my sister's case as she was only three when they left Oklahoma, but my mom seemed to be more like I am, thinking that it was dumb and embarrassing to see Black people as anything besides people, maybe because she worked for criminal defense attorneys and saw what kind of fucked up behavior every kind of people got up to every damn day.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Kanye got kicked off Twitter for anti-semitism. Again.

Probably won’t last, though. Because Elon.

Hoosier X said...

He’s just an innocent bystander ... who accidentally walked in the midst of a jeering mob up on the steps to block the entrance to the school.

White ever you say.

mike from iowa said...

Jones has more than racist skeletons in his closet to atone for.

Anonymous said...

“Jones has more than racist skeletons in his closet to atone for.”

Jones won’t be doing any atoning, unless news of misconduct comes out that is so serious it induces the other NFL owners to force him to sell the team.

This photo ain’t it.

mike from iowa said...

How does an alleged innocent bystander get on the school steps, facing away from school and blocking Black students from getting in school?

PilotX said...

I blame his players for not kneeling. He can say whatever he wants but here in America we can do what we want because freedom right? I can see the 3rd string right guard trying to hang on to his job but Dak and Zeek had no excuse.
On the note about Black coaches now you see Jeff Saturday getting the head job in Indy without and coaching experience. Really?

Anonymous said...

“How does an alleged innocent bystander get on the school steps, facing away from school and blocking Black students from getting in school?”

He’s not blocking anyone from getting into the school. In the photo, he’s off to one side, watching.

mike from iowa said...,Jones%20was%20in%20the%20crowd.

He is certainly in the mob blocking students and he is not far from the mob leaders. Dies not look like an observer to me.

mike from iowa said...

Here's a knee slapper.... the three magat judges that ended special master and slapped judge Cannon, two of them were drumpf appointees.

unknown but true said...

Jerry Jones is the typical old Redn3ck. We don't have to look at the last 50 or 60 years. Just look how he and other whites went on a rant about NFL players protesting police shootings.

With a league with over 70% black players, they can't even join together on one damn issue to force WS to yield.

Anonymous said...

Much better to focus on this rather than give a flying fuck about the negroes killing each other. Black lives don't matter to black people.

Flying Junior said...

Only fourteen? I was seven years old when the other school children taught me the n-word.

I remember that very fucking day. Thank the Good Lord for the positive influence of my mother.

Sadly, the black family in my neighborhood moved out later that winter. Mind this would have been an historic achievement. I don't know if they had bought or were renting. But less than five to ten years earlier there was an unspoken covenant in La Jolla real estate. No blacks. No Jews. I imagine he might have been a University professor. Persecution of his two children drove him away from his dream.

This ninth-grade redneck knew exactly what he was doing. But the telling detail is that to this day he has never disavowed it. He shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

So the pathetic conservative bloggers tried to paint this as a gross injustice to bring this to light so many years later, as most of you know. After all, he was just a face in a crowd. But these same bloggy red state guys also trotted out the Kaepernick controversy as if the NFL owners stance on taking a knee is wholly correct and Kaepernick deserved to be blacklisted. You wonder how they can spout this nonsense and keep a straight face.

I would love to see Kaepernick sign with the Las Vegas Raiders. I guess there is no hope.

Flying Junior said...

Hey dickhead. White people number by far and away number as the vast majority of gun deaths in this country for the past thirty years. You might try to argue that black deaths outweigh their percentage of the population. But that would kinda be splitting hairs, wouldn't it?

You care about gun homicides? Get out there and support democratic candidates for office. Republicans are cozy with the NRA.

Anonymous said...

Junior Shithead, keep telling yourself that. The numbers are very different, but the average negro I.Q. is 85 so you have decided that arithmetic is racist. So is being on time, and going to school, and individual effort. Whatever. I live in the countryside far away from the feral, violent negroes, so I watch and laugh at you and your stupidity.

Bottom line: Black lives aren't worth shit to negroes. And if you don't care about your own worthless lives, trust me, neither do I.

Anonymous said...

I see that Philadelphia, the city of Killa Bruthas, just enacted a permanent 10 p.m. curfew because negroes cannot stop killing each other. "Field Negro" doesn't give a fuck about black lives. Much easier to worry about where the owner of the Dallas Cowboys was standing 66 years ago.

So please, Killa Bruthas, keep right on killing each other. Save us the money it would take to put you in prison where you belong. And keep it up with the abortions, too. Yo mommas abort at 3x-4x the rate of whites. Thank Satan for that. Eugenics, baby.

PilotX said...

Uh oh, let the bus throwing begin. LOL!

PilotX said...


PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

Much better to deflect from the reality that negroes don't give a shit about themselves.

PilotX said...

"Much better to deflect from the reality that negroes don't give a shit about themselves."

LOL! Doing pretty good at this address but thanks for caring.

Mandingo said...

Anon seems to be obsessed with Black people. You know who else is obsessed with Black men? White women. Go to to see what happens when they get one of us.

PilotX said...

Uh oh, is the noose tightening around Gaetz?

PilotX said...

Congrats to Illinois' own Lauren Underwood on her leadership post. Up and coming rising star. Keep an eye on her.

Anonymous said...

The players are the slaves and the owners and managers are the slave masters

mike from iowa said...

Wasicu Fed-Ex driver does not care about was8cu child's life.

Anonymous said...

“Congrats to Illinois' own Lauren Underwood on her leadership post. Up and coming rising star. Keep an eye on her.”

She’s impressive.

She’s a former nurse and public health expert, which is unusual. There’s not that many federal politicians with a medical background.

And she ran and won in a heavily white, moderately Republican-leaning congressional district. Which she accomplished without turning into Tim Scott and indulging bigots in order to win their votes.

Glad to see her get a party leadership position.

PX said...

She provides a stark contrast to Republican representatives. She has a master’s degree along with our other Illinois rep Robin Kelly who holds a PhD. When people ask why I would vote Democratic I have to compare her to Lauren Bobert who dropped out of high school and only qualification was she owned a restaurant where servers wore guns. Sorry but can we really compare the two?

Flying Junior said...

I've seen that canard about the average IQ for a black person being 85.

Calling bullshit.

PilotX said...

"Calling bullshit."

Wait, that's a stable in the racist's toolkit. You mean it could possibly be wrong?

PilotX said...

I'm betting Jerry is gonna hire Coach Neon the next time the Cowboys' job opens up. That would take some heat off him and that story would dominate the sports world for months. You heard it here first.

PilotX said...

trump wants to terminate the Constitution. For you lovers of democracy and America how does that sit with you? Do you stand with the Founding Fathers or trump?

dinthebeast said...

Bullshit, being one of the highest levels of Republican veracity, doesn't mean much to them as criticism.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

He really said it, didn't he. "Terminate the Constitution." Then I guess he must have said, "Suspend the Constitution."

No fascist coup d'etat in there anywhere.

Any other time, person and place that would be the end of his political career.

PilotX said...

"Any other time, person and place that would be the end of his political career."

Not with the party of Lauren Boebert, MGT, Hershel, Tricky Dick.......

Anonymous said...

“trump wants to terminate the Constitution.”

Well, after years of enduring constitoooooshunal conservatives blather on and on about how they are defending the Founders’ wonderful vision for the nation, it is refreshing to hear their leader admit they’d prefer to chuck the Constitution in the nearest dumpster.

I mean, clearly, they are in love with an imaginary version of the Constitution, one that considers democracy optional, but defends unlimited free-market capitalism and declares America legally a Christian nation.

None of that bears any resemblance to the actually existing, real Constitution, which they hate.

So yeah, Trump is just coming clean about what the Republican Party of 2022 really wants. This can be their new official slogan:

Terminate the Constitution.

mike from iowa said...

Sanders just accepted Colorado Head Coach position.

mike from iowa said...

McCTurtlefuckface desired a magat judiciary that would run magat policies if magats lost control of congress and looks like he got it.

mike from iowa said...

Single most important case for American democracy in our history. Magat leges want to cut stATE COURTS ABILITY TO ADJUDICATE OVER LEGE POWER TO SETTIMES AND DATES, ETC. OVER ELETIONS.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Black lives don't matter to black people.

6:35 PM
White lives don't matter much to white folks. Try adding the number of white homicide victims and accidental gun deaths committed by whites against whites each year.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...
"Junior Shithead, keep telling yourself that. The numbers are very different, but the average negro I.Q. is 85 so you have decided that arithmetic is racist."

8:02 PM
Oh please, don't bring up that outdated, racist. I.Q. Bull shit again. Please just go away.

Anonymous also said...
I live in the countryside far away from the feral, violent negroes, so I watch and laugh at you and your stupidity.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you live in a red state, your chances of dying by gunfire are higher than for people who live blue states. This holds true for both urban and rural locations. Google it and learn something.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, don't bring up that outdated, racist. I.Q. Bull shit again. Please just go away.

Well established. You could find it, but blacks don't like to study.

Anonymous said...

Chicago: 3,200 shootings in the first 11 months. Negroes can't keep from shooting each other.

Anonymous said...

America's current status validates that liberalism is a mental disease

mike from iowa said...

Why don't you post that well established bullshit, anymoose?

dinthebeast said...

Fergus' call for suspending the constitution validates that Republicans hate America.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Well established. You could find it, but blacks don't like to study.“

You know what white women like? Black men. Go to to see for yourself.

dinthebeast said...

Sig Sauer is being sued by a bunch of LEOs who claim that the company's P320 pistol is prone to discharging without the trigger being pulled, often while still holstered.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Sig Sauer is being sued by a bunch of LEOs who claim that the company's P320 pistol is prone to discharging without the trigger being pulled, often while still holstered.”

Shocking, if true. That’s the US military’s new standard service pistol, replacing the Beretta M9. If it was adopted by the military, it will have gone through extensive qualification testing before acceptance. It’s hard to see how such a serious flaw could have escaped notice.

PilotX said...

"You could find it, but blacks don't like to study.“

Speaking as the only other Black person here other than Field, I have no problem studying as that is pretty necessary to teach people how to fly the 737 but as far as looking for a stupid piece of stereotypical B.S. it may be easier for you to just link to whatever discredited site you found that crap. LOL!

Flying Junior said...

What about Mike?

PilotX said...

"What about Mike?"

He's a Black dude? In Iowa? LOL!

Anonymous said...

“He's a Black dude? In Iowa? LOL!”

Hey, there’s around 60,000 of ‘em in Iowa. Mike could be one.

(Okay, he’s not.)

mike from iowa said...

In Florida white deputy lives don't matter to white deputys.

Hell of a joke to play with loaded gun.

mike from iowa said...

Black inmate's life didn't matter to 6 Broward Co Sheriffs officers.

Two separate autopsies come to two different conclusions. The truth is the man was suffocated by pigs while restrained. anymoose probably thinks he died of an overdose.

mike from iowa said...

Black Panther Wakanda forever won the box office for the fourth straight week.
Must be a multitude of wasicus viewing it. What I wonder is with the easily gullible magats wringing their pastey white hands over how bad the film makes them feel, why haven't magats moved to ban the movie for making whitey feel bad about himself?

mike from iowa said...

Magat talkshow host in N Georgia accused of voting illegally 9 times while on probation from Pennsylvania. Voter fraud. Magats do it exclusively.

Gambler2 said...

Here's a tale of true voter fraud. Of course the perp. is a Republican.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Well established. You could find it, but blacks don't like to study.

2:51 PM
Hey dodo bird, I am not black, but some members of my family are. I'm a white woman. And by the way, not much about IQ has actually been established except that the test is culturally biased.

PilotX said...

"Hey, there’s around 60,000 of ‘em in Iowa. Mike could be one."

I thought it was only B.J. Armstrong. LOL!

anotherbozo said...

Field, So sorry to hear your wife has a "Cajun" heart and not a "Creole" heart.

I hear Creole cooking is much, much better.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, not much about IQ has actually been established except that the test is culturally biased.

That's been debunkjed a long time ago, but we can expect the idiots and their enablers to attack intelligence. And arithmetic, and being on time, and studying, and individual achievement. LOL

dinthebeast said...

So apparently Fergus wants to "terminate" everything in the constitution except for the fifth amendment...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

BJ was a Detroit kid who was drafted by the Bulls. Last I heard he was a sports agent. Even with a beard and graying hair he looked like a 16 year old kid.

Remember the movie, The Green Mile? Remember it took a big Black man to save the warden's white wife?

anotherbozo said...

Doug - That was Andy Borowitz's joke today in the New Yorker.
He gets paid for that kind of goof. Paid well, probably.

mike from iowa said...

Justice Alito should quit his racist day job and become a failed racist comedian.

Anonymous said...

Father's Day, the most confusing day for a group of people 70% of whose babies are born out of wedlock, and 45% of whose babies don't even have a father's name on the birth certificate. Oh, but that's whitey's fault. LOL

PX said...

Welp, we finally get to know what Desantis is afraid of.

Anonymous said...

Father's Day, the most confusing day for a group of people 70% of whose babies are born by siblings.
We know anon knows who his father AND uncle are. I mean they’re the same person but it makes family reunions or as they call them singles hook up day more interesting. But blame darkie I guess.

PX said...

“BJ was a Detroit kid who was drafted by the Bulls.“

Yeah but for a while he was the Blah population of Iowa😆

Anonymous said...

“Welp, we finally get to know what Desantis is afraid of.”

We do? Surely it’s not the “wokesters.” He loves them.

Or, rather, he loves antagonizing them. Much like Trump, they are an enemy he can profess to be defending America from.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Father's Day, the most confusing day for a group of people 70% of whose babies are born out of wedlock, and 45% of whose babies don't even have a father's name on the birth certificate. Oh, but that's whitey's fault. LOL

7:37 PM
And your point is? BTW, this is the dumbest post I have seen in a long time.

mike from iowa said...

PX said...

Oh sorry bout that Mike, almost forgot about Roy Marble.😆

mike from iowa said...

You forgot Ed Horton as well, PX, plus, if memory serves they were all recruited by iowa's only mems Black Head BB coach, George Raveling who was hired away from Southern Cal.

dinthebeast said...

And so it begins:

A criminal court jury in New York on Tuesday found the Trump Organization guilty of all charges in a sweeping, 15-year tax fraud scheme that prosecutors said was orchestrated by top executives at the company. Jurors deliberated for just over a day before returning the guilty verdicts.

(h/t:Steve Benen)

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

This feels like the inevitable, pathetic end of the Trump saga.

It’s a real testament to Trump’s arrogance that he ran for any elected office, much less president. When you’ve got a closet that’s jam-packed with skeletons, it’s generally wise to stay out of the spotlight.

The mafia bought off a ton of public officials, but I don’t remember Al Capone, Tony Accardo, or Lucky Luciano going so far as to attempt to become politicians themselves. That would be dumb.

PX said...

Uh oh, looks like Herschel might win.😳

dinthebeast said...

Nope. AP just called it for Warnock.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Nope. AP just called it for Warnock."

Late night tv comedians are weeping.

mike from iowa said...

magats will never admit they run shitty candidates whom voters reject. They will blame the loss on voter fraud like usual. Now if only another 10 states were smart enough to elect Dem senators, maybe this country could move forward.

Gambler2 said...

More white on white violence...

Why doesn't our anonymous troll do something about this epidemic of white violence? This is a shocking crime!

Anonymous said...

Not pro-life, not a believer. I'm grateful to negroes for having abortions at 3-4x the rate of whites, and thinking this is good for you. But hey, when you have an average I.Q. of 85, your people aren't exactly hard to fool. Eugenics! Thank you Margaret Sanger! You were far more effective than all the segregationists put together.

Anonymous said...

Who needs genocide when you do it to yourselves? Between abortion and negroes shooting each other at 15-20x the rate of whites, all we have to do is keep our distance from you. Works for me!

mike from iowa said...

Fake Noize trollop Laura Ingrateham is pissed at magats for losing Georgia Senate election because drumpf picked the losing candidate who was every bit as qualified as many of the life time appointed justices drumpf picked.

mike from iowa said...

As of this minute, the magat run activist scotus is the biggest and most real existential threat to Democracy.

Anonymous said...

“Who needs genocide when you do it to yourselves? Between abortion and negroes shooting each other at 15-20x the rate of whites, all we have to do is keep our distance from you. Works for me!”

Neither abortion nor homicide is wiping out the black population. The black share of the population has held pretty constant the last few decades; it’s the white share that’s shrinking.

Usually, folks like you would be found furiously ranting about “white genocide” — which is a lie as well, by the way. A slowing white birth rate, combined with a trend toward non-white immigration, does not constitute “genocide.”

But whatever. The point is, you spew so many lies, you can’t even keep them straight anymore.

dinthebeast said...

Looks like they found some more classified material in Fergus' storage. Now search Bedminster and Trump tower.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Fani gets another one:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Neither abortion nor homicide is wiping out the black population. The black share of the population has held pretty constant the last few decades; it’s the white share that’s shrinking.

The white share is shrinking because of Latino immigration. Latinos are now 1.5x the black population, and they are zooming past you. Why? Work, family, and study. Negroes fall further and further behind.

Old song, true then and true now:

A friend came around, tried to clean up this town
His ideas made some people mad
He trusted his crowd, so he spoke right out loud
And they lost the best friend they had

Have fun killing your children and each other. Hell, even the black people who can get out of your cities are getting out. No shit, the black population of Chicago is declining.

Anonymous said...

“Hell, even the black people who can get out of your cities are getting out. No shit, the black population of Chicago is declining.”

Black people aren’t leaving Chicago to escape other black people. They mostly end up moving to other black-majority places, like Gary, Indiana.

They’re leaving because of loss of jobs in their neighborhoods, due to deindustrialization, and because of the demolition of public housing projects. And the root causes of those things are what usually causes problems all over the United States: short-sightedness and greed.

PilotX said...

"Black people aren’t leaving Chicago to escape other black people."

That is a weird talking point. As someone who is Blah and lives in Chicago the people I know leaving are going to warmer climates and/or better jobs. If a corporation is offering you a better job in Austin, Charlotte, Atlanta, ect. sometimes you have to go. It doesn't hurt that the weather is better.

PilotX said...

Looks like the news for trump just keeps getting worse and worse.

Anonymous said...
Thankful Thursday greetings to all: Brittney Griner traveling plane now on her way home.

Anonymous said...

Guess I ended up becoming Anon after so much time away ~ Faith & Fairness.

Faith_and_Fairness said...

Soon approaching the holiday season with the hope fellow bloggers are healthy and safe. And Philly not same without you, Mr. Field. Belated congrats to you, Mrs. Field, and loved ones on new beginnings. -- Faith & Fairness

Anonymous said...

“Thankful Thursday greetings to all: Brittney Griner traveling plane now on her way home.”

We had to release a notorious Russian arms dealer in order to get her back, but there probably was no alternative under the circumstances. Paul Whelan is still being held hostage there, and we’ll probably have to release some other scumbag to get him back.

The U.S. needs to find some effective way of deterring hostage-taking by authoritarian regimes. This crap has to stop.

mike from iowa said...

Potential democracy saving news from Scotus arguments yesterday...

Lib lawyers waxed magat conservative justices yesterday. Wish that I could have watched in person.

Anonymous said...

“Lib lawyers waxed magat conservative justices yesterday. Wish that I could have watched in person.”

Not hard to “wax” the other side when the other side are promoting a legal “principle” that is ludicrous, unfounded, made-up Trumpian rubbish with no constitutional basis whatsoever.

The only question here is whether the wingnut Supremes decide to follow the law, or to trash democracy simply because that is what some fellow Republicans are demanding.

mike from iowa said...

I am beginning to wonder if there is a decent, intelligent wingnut lawyer left alive. drumpf sure as hell hasn't hired any.

Screwdy Rudy told the Bar Commission he was just a lousy lawyer. I agree with him for once.

Anonymous said...

“The only question here is whether the wingnut Supremes decide to follow the law, or to trash democracy simply because that is what some fellow Republicans are demanding“

That’s not even a question. The Federalist Society had this coup planned for years. Instead of trying out their ideas in the democratic marketplace they meticulously planned this conservative take over of America. How else can they establish their utopian society?

Anonymous said...

“That’s not even a question. The Federalist Society had this coup planned for years.”

This may be too much of a reach even for the SCOTUS wingnut crew. The plaintiffs pulled the “independent legislature theory” out of their asses. It’s based on a self-evidently silly constitutional interpretation. It’s a complete joke. The lawyers making the argument almost certainly know they’re wrong to make it. They just don’t give a shit about anything but power for their party.

However, at least some of the justices want to be seen as legitimate jurists and not Republican Party flunkies, and this would destroy any illusion that they are, so it’s not clear that there will be five votes in favor of the plaintiffs.

mike from iowa said...

Sinator Kirsten S Enema has dropped the D behind her name and became an Independent. Might just as well joined the magats.

Anonymous said...

“Sinator Kirsten S Enema has dropped the D behind her name and became an Independent.”

Ugh. Looks like she is determined to act as a spoiler candidate in 2024, potentially splitting the Democratic vote and helping a Republican win her Senate seat.

She knows that if she attempted to run again as a Democrat, she’d get primaried and someone else would probably win the nomination. I believe that Arizona has some kind of sore-loser law that would then block her from running as an independent in the general election.

Instead, she’ll skip the primary and preserve the opportunity to run in the general. She won’t have a shot of winning, because so many Democrats hate her now, so this will really be one last spiteful middle finger to her former party, a chance to troll them one last time on her way out the door by helping elect a Republican.

What a useless waste of space she is.

dinthebeast said...

Sinema is keeping her committee assignments, so she won't be bollixing the new found majority status of the senate Democrats. She already has a credible primary challenger in Ruben Gallego, and she has to know that the rising Democratic tide in Arizona loath her, so what else is she gonna do? Try to be a Republican? They hate her and everyone like her, so where would her support come from?
Seems to me like she done fucked herself, good and hard. Sad part is that she should really know better than this because she has seen actual hard times.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Seems to me like she done fucked herself, good and hard. Sad part is that she should really know better than this because she has seen actual hard times.”

She’s fucked herself, but by attempting to run as an independent, she will be fucking the Democrats, too, on her way out the door.

Seems like revenge to me, though I’ll allow for the possibility that it is also stupidity — maybe she’s really deluded enough to think she can keep her seat as an independent.

She can’t. Too many Democrat voters now hate her, and Republican voters would prefer a real wingnut over a fence-sitting centrist “pragmatist” like her. I think her political career is over, as of the next election.

Anonymous said...

Yet another episode in the Trump crime spree? Did he sell some pardons?

Rep. Katie Porter probing possible bribery scheme involving Trump administration officials

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, the whole "I dare you to run a Democrat against me and split the vote so the goddamn Republican wins" is a dick move, right in character.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Kari Lake has filed a Trump-style “stop the steal” lawsuit, claiming she really won the election to be Arizona’s governor but got cheated out of the job by dastardly Democrats/China/The Illuminati/Extraterrestrials. Because of course she did.

I wonder if she’ll get Sidney “the Kraken” Powell to join her legal team. Powell has already been sanctioned for wasting courts’ time with phoney baloney lawsuits. Maybe she wants to go for disbarment.

PX said...

“this would destroy any illusion that they are, so it’s not clear that there will be five votes in favor of the plaintiffs.“

They’ve tipped their hands already. We’re past that point. People who believe they are doing the work of their invisible diety care nothing about man’s laws.

mike from iowa said...

Largest oil spill in Keystone 1's shirt existence. This carries bitumen/ tar sands and the shit is next to impossible to clean up, plus it has numerous industry secret chemicals to allow it to flow through high temp pipes.

First saw this today so it wasn't widely reported.

mike from iowa said...

In an side, bitumen is not classified as crude oil, a gift from Congress to oil companies, so it does not pay 9 cent per barrel environmental cleanup fund.

Once spilled into water the chemicals evacuate as the sludge settles to the bottom where it clings to rocks and stuff life gorilla glue.

mike from iowa said...

Justice KBJ is much smarter than I had ever hoped for...

She is a one woman wrecking crew of magat opinions.

PX said...

“But they definitely do care what others, particularly their colleagues in the legal profession, think of them.”

Which is not as important as what their invisible sky daddy thinks. Priorities.

PX said...

“they will eventually provoke Democrats to expand the court and pack it with liberals, at the earliest available opportunity.“

LOL! Hold your breath til that happens! I’m sure they’re quaking in their boots.😆

dinthebeast said...

From Steve Benen yesterday:

“The former Minneapolis police officer who kneeled on George Floyd’s back while another officer kneeled on the Black man’s neck was sentenced Friday to 3 1/2 years in prison. J. Alexander Kueng pleaded guilty in October to a state count of aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“LOL! Hold your breath til that happens! I’m sure they’re quaking in their boots.”

Eventually, there may come a day when more radical tactics like that do need to be employed. The Dems can’t just twiddle their thumbs as the GOP erodes democracy down to nothing.

At minimum, simple self-preservation should motivate the Dems not to allow the political system to be hopelessly rigged against them.

U.S. history is full of examples of meaningful change, as well as periods of complacency and reactionary conservatism. Don’t write it off as impossible.

dinthebeast said...

Can't handle the competition:

Marjorie Taylor Greene Laments Butt Plug Availability

December 11, 2022 at 5:01 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 193 Comments

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) speech to New York Republicans took a strange turn when she noted how “you can pick up a butt plug or a dildo at Target nowadays” while bashing transgender-friendly policies in classrooms, the New York Post reports.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Marjorie Taylor Greene Laments Butt Plug Availability”

Oh no, the existential threat of butt plugs! Lock up your children, because no one’s safe!

I think this is some kind of veiled homophobic rhetoric that originated with Tucker Carlson on Fox.

MTG probably figures voters in her rednecky district will hear about regular stores selling butt plugs and think:

“Yuck. Sounds ghey.”

Anonymous said...

I think I’ve figured out what the Dems need to do about the Kyrsten Sinema problem at the next election. One of their wealthier donors needs to offer her a private sector job.

Title: VP of Playing Solitaire on Your Computer

Description: What it sounds like.

Dress Code: Wacky outfits allowed. Your self-expression is our highest priority.

Salary: It has lots of zeroes in it.

Start Date: January 2025

Anonymous said...

MTG says if she'd been in charge of the Jan 6 insurrection, everyone would have been armed with firearms and they'd have "won." So, what ... Mike Pence hanged, maybe Nancy Pelosi and AOC as well, democracy overthrown?

Any way you interpret it, an even more revolting statement from her than usual.

PX said...

“The Dems can’t just twiddle their thumbs as the GOP erodes democracy down to nothing.“

Nah, I’m sure they’ll make a few angry speeches and sing “We Shall Overcome” or some other performative bullshit.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf can't stand not being thee center of attention.

mike from iowa said...

About the 14k barrel oil leak in Kanass last week....

…The most extensive database of pipeline spills less than 50 barrels is maintained by the State of California (CSFM 1993). Based on these historical data, the estimated occurrence intervals for a spill of 50 barrels or less occurring anywhere along the entire pipeline system is once every 9 years, a spill between 50 and 1,000 barrels might occur once in 38 years; a spill of 1,000 and 10,000 barrels might occur once in 89 years; and a spill containing more than 10,000 barrels might occur once in 625 years. Applying these statistics to a 1-mile section, the chances of a large spill (greater than 10,000 barrels) would be less than once every 857,000 years per mile [ENSR Corporation, “Pipeline Risk Assessment and Environmental Consequence Analysis,” Document No. 10623-004, March 2007].

In just its 13th year of operation, the Keystone pipeline on Wednesday spewed 14,000 barrels of oil into a creek in Washington County, Kansas:

New math sucks donkey dicks!

mike from iowa said...

Magat racist hate is still out there and palpable...

Whitey shoots unarmed Black AirBNB renter walking to the grocery store for shits and giggles, I guess.

Anonymous said...

"About the 14k barrel oil leak in Kanass last week...."

Mike, that quote about the probability of spills comes from TransCanada, who built the pipeline. In other words, it's probably just marketing bullshit they used to promote the pipeline before they built it. I wouldn't trust those numbers.

As a general rule, fossil fuel companies are usually going to downplay the likelihood and toxicity of oil spills, while anti-pipeline eco activists will usually exaggerate them. It's such a polarized debate that neither side is being honest and objective.

From what I can tell, 40,000 barrels worth of oil leakage, nationwide, is a normal year for the U.S. From that, I infer that a 14,000-barrel leak, like Keystone just experienced, can't be that rare an event. Certainly not a once-every-six-centuries event.

Gambler2 said...
White man shoots black man who was renting an AirBNB as he was walking to the grocery store.
When are white people going to do something about this senseless white violence?

dinthebeast said...

The thing about Margie Three Toes is that 65.9% of the voters in her district voted for her last month, so there is obviously a market for the vicious drivel she's selling.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“The thing about Margie Three Toes is that 65.9% of the voters in her district voted for her last month, so there is obviously a market for the vicious drivel she's selling.”

MTG represents a 78% white, Deep South congressional district.

Hardcore redneckistan.

Anonymous said...

Among black men age 20-24, gun deaths are 141.1 per 100,000

Among white men age 20-24, gun deaths are 4.9 per 100,000

The negroes are just fine with this. The whites move away from you the first chance we get.

dinthebeast said...

I'm white and if I could afford to move back to Oakland I would do so in a second.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

I just learned that Elon Musk has 10 kids with 3 different women (who must all have some serious screws loose if they wanted to procreate with that dude).

And that the legal name of one son is “X AE A-XII Musk.”

And that the legal name of one daughter is “Exa Dark Sideræl Musk.”

It must suck to have a dad to whom everything is a giant joke, including you.

dinthebeast said...

Confederate statues in Richmond? Oh, right, Richmond Virginia:

Richmond’s Last Confederate Statue Is Removed

December 12, 2022 at 4:49 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 70 Comments

“The last Confederate statue in Richmond was removed on Monday, and the remains beneath it of Ambrose P. Hill, the Confederate lieutenant general who was memorialized, were set to be transferred to a cemetery,” the New York Times reports.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"The whites move away from you the first chance we get."

LOL! Yeah right. You must not have ever visited Chicago, Detroit, L.A, Harlem, D.C., ATL........

PilotX said...

"So, what ... Mike Pence hanged, maybe Nancy Pelosi and AOC as well, democracy overthrown?"

Nope, a bunch of dead bodies and more people in jail. She is going to get a lot of people hurt with her rhetoric. Gravy SEALS are going to take such comments seriously and go against the Secret Service and a bunch of alphabet organizations that don't look too kindly on people threatening the leaders of the free world. I'm sure those 1/6 "rioters" will never know how close they came to being the late 1/6 rioters had they gotten anywhere close to Pence or Pelosi.

Anonymous said...

"So, what ... Mike Pence hanged, maybe Nancy Pelosi and AOC as well, democracy overthrown?

'Nope, a bunch of dead bodies and more people in jail.'"

I was just commenting on what her definition of "won" would be, in the context of Jan 6th. Any way you slice it, whatever she was suggesting she wanted to have happened at the Capitol was guaranteed to be something shameful and horrible.

What, exactly, the same mob armed with AR-15s and pistols and led into battle by Field Marshal MTG would have actually, realistically accomplished, well, that's a different question.

Anonymous said...

Damn, the dumbest member of Congress, Lauren Boebert, has officially clung on to her job with her fingernails. The recount in her race determined that she avoided losing by the barest margin of 550 votes or thereabouts. Sooooo close, but yet so far.

Two more years of her sneery face on TV, showing off her gun collection and sharing the vast wisdom of whatever idiotic wingnut meme (about Hunter Biden or "pronouns" or terrorists sneaking in from Mexico) most recently crossed her Facebook page.


mike from iowa said...

Frank Zappa had some strange names for his kids, but, at least he named them with class and humor.

Dweezil and Moon Unit.

PilotX said...

"Damn, the dumbest member of Congress, Lauren Boebert, has officially clung on to her job with her fingernails."

Well now she will show some humility knowing she has a lot of people who don't appreciate her antics. She'll be much more contrite and mature in her actions.

mike from iowa said...

Just when you think it is safe to shop for poultry, avian flu strikes Cherokee and Buena Vista counties again. Both have nearly 50k turkeys affected and iowa has destroyed approx 15 million domestic fowl.

Anonymous said...

“Well now she will show some humility knowing she has a lot of people who don't appreciate her antics. She'll be much more contrite and mature in her actions.”

Good one.

Yeah, that’s what would happen with any sensible politician. They’d try to moderate their views. They’d try to better understand the demands of their constituents, from whom they’d obviously gotten out of touch.

However, we’re talking about the dumbest member of Congress, so …

mike from iowa said...

Plus we had an ice storm overnight and beaucoup branches are down. Slicker than calf slobbers out there and i won't be going out anytime soon.

Next Monday overnight lows are supposed to be below zero with daytime highs in the teens.

Anonymous said...

“Just when you think it is safe to shop for poultry, avian flu strikes Cherokee and Buena Vista counties again. Both have nearly 50k turkeys affected and iowa has destroyed approx 15 million domestic fowl.”

Time to start vaccinating birds. Relying entirely on culling isn’t working anymore.

Anti-vaxxers will probably freak out. But they can always just stop eating poultry and eggs, to avoid consuming the evil vax.

Better yet, they can stop eating, period. That would be my preferred solution.

PX said...

“However, we’re talking about the dumbest member of Congress, so …“

I’m not ready to bestow her that honor yet as long as Louie Gohmert still haunts those halls.

PX said...

Mike, if you don’t already have a blog you need to start one.

mike from iowa said...

Why is that, PilotX? I know nothing about blogging or the skills needed to start one.

dinthebeast said...

Hey, Dweezil is one of the best guitar players on the planet, and as Frank said so many times, Moon is a common name for girls in many languages.
Yeah, it snowed here again also, but most of what we got was rain, so we'll probably be able to dig the car out and go grocery shopping Friday.
I used to be in charge of the eggs at the food warehouse where I worked for six or seven years, and that's how I got to know the USDA inspector who came out four times a year and checked to make sure our eggs were OK. (they weren't always, and I got to take home and eat many cartons with too many cracked eggs in them).
That inspector told me things about her job that I still remember, like a mid-2000s bird flu outbreak that caused the preventative destruction of a couple of million chickens in California. She said that there were only seven inspectors, and they had to inspect the producers as well as the wholesalers like us, and that after she inspected a producer she wasn't allowed to be at another producer for a week, to make sure she wasn't carrying the pathogen between flocks. My boss always tried to give her candy to get better inspection results, but it never worked.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“That inspector told me things about her job that I still remember, like a mid-2000s bird flu outbreak that caused the preventative destruction of a couple of million chickens in California.”

The problem is that preventive destruction isn’t working anymore. At this point, bird flu is so contagious, and has spread to the wild bird population, such that you can no longer order a few poultry producers to kill all there birds in order to locally eradicate the disease. It’s clear that it can’t be eradicated at this point. Millions of birds are being slaughtered, and it ain’t going away.

It’s much like China’s failed “zero COVID” stance, where they can’t eradicate that disease with lockdowns, and should move on to relying on vaccination, now that effective vaccines are available. (Although they may need to endure the humiliation of purchasing Western vaccines, since it appears the Chinese ones aren’t very good.)

Similarly, we need to accept that the avian flu isn’t going away, no matter how many chickens we slaughter, and start vaccinating them instead.

Furthermore, we should probably safety-test the vaccine for use in humans and stockpile a bunch of it, to guard against the possibility WE may need to be vaccinated if bird flu jumps species and starts infecting humans.

Anonymous said...

You must not have ever visited Chicago, Detroit, L.A, Harlem, D.C., ATL

You think whites move into Detroit? 90.5% negroid. The whites move to the suburbs because the negroids are animals. Chicago's population is shrinking. Whites move out of negroid neighborhoods so they don't get killed.

L.A.? Used to be 86% white, now 29%. As for negroids, used to be 14%, now 8%. Latinos are now 47%. Used to be 7%. In case you haven't noticed, the Latinos have no use for you. Hell, Asians are now 12%. Remember the rooftop Koreans? The're still around. Atlanta? Used to be 65% white, now 38%.

It goes on. Bottom line: No one wants to be near you, and for good reason.

Anonymous said...

So where's that Mandingo fella who'll chime in about the white chicks he screws? I wonder how he feels about being the Chocolate Stunt Dick. In the end, I am in favor of mixing fentanyl into the heroin and meth. If it takes out some rural white trash, I am way, way okay with it. Best thing we can do with all the junkies is to poison them. Save money, time, and tears.

Take out the trash, whatever color. But on the trash scale, between the drugs and the shootings, the negroids have a good idea. I just don't want to be there as it happens. Which I won't be, living far away from the 'groids.

Anonymous said...

Think about it: When the last defense is "I have a big black dick," just how sad, pathetic, and darkly (pun not intended, but it fits here) humorous is that? PilotX, the day's coming when you'll be replaced by a computer. In fact, you probably have been, but they keep you around because people aren't used to a plane being flown without a human up front. Yet.

Anonymous said...

“Interesting in the comments. We live in the rural. Our pantries, freezers, and garage is so full of food and supplies that when the SHTF, we will sit back and laugh.”

Congrats. You’re a member of one of the most pathetic groups I’ve seen in America: the small-town American prepper.

“I can’t wait until society collapses! Finally, I will have some value in society! I will outlive those smug city-slickers by MONTHS! Winning!

And then my canned goods and propane will run out and I’ll starve and/or freeze to death because I’m from the economically worthless part of the country that doesn’t make anything anymore anyway.

But for one glorious moment …”

dinthebeast said...

Again, I'm white and if I had enough money I would move back to Oakland, where I lived for 35 years, in a heartbeat.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Britney Griner, a Black, Gay, WNBA star and pot smoker was exchanged for a Russian arms dealer and so far the sky has not fallen. Just listen to magats whine about leaving a marine behind in Russia. According to drumpf, he could have exchanged for him when drumpf was alleged potus, then he turned around and said he would not have traded prisoners for him. That just about covers drumpf's positions.

mike from iowa said...

Russia demanded the former Marine be declared a spy and released only when the US released Russian spies. Apparently Whelan was dishonorably discharged for theft and was in Russia for a wedding allegedly.

mike from iowa said...

10 years after Sandy Hook massacre, there are more guns and more mass shootings than ever. One thing remains constant and that is magats inability to compromise on effective gun laws. That and those magats that still believe the slaughter was faked.

mike from iowa said...

White lives don't matter to this wasicu who murdered a pair of 70 year olds over a barking dog.

dinthebeast said...

She's mad that it didn't get in?

Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦
Boebert explains why she thinks Mayorkas should be impeached: “On Mayorkas’s watch, over 14,000 pounds of fentanyl was seized in fiscal year 2022 at our southern border. That is an all-time record high.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Alabama prison guards let Black prisoner cook to death in cell with malfunctioning heating unit. Prisoner's body temp was 109 degrees.

PX said...

“PilotX, the day's coming when you'll be replaced by a computer.“

I retire in about 15 and it won’t even be close. I’ll have a job til the end. The FAA can’t even get authorization for one of us up there by ourselves. Hate to say it this way but after I retire I kind of don’t care what happens.🤷🏾‍♂️

Anonymous said...

“She's mad that it didn't get in?”

She’s mad that Biden stubbornly refuses to just nuke Latin America.

PX said...

Also, in case you missed it United placed an order for over 100 widebody aircraft which is in addition to our over 100 narrowbody aircraft order. We are also hiring over 2,500 pilots per year so the day of autonomous passenger aircraft may be coming but as Maverick said “not today”😆

Anonymous said...

“With Tesla's stock tanking, Musk is losing billions of dollars and is no longer the richest motherfucker on the planet.”

Elon has probably harmed his other business interest by buying Twitter to own the libs.

He’s always been a weird, erratic guy, but the whole Twitter psychodrama has caused investors to seriously doubt his business judgment. Plus, Elon is devoting loads of time to the project of running Twitter into the ground, which is therefore time he’s not spending at Tesla and SpaceX.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

PX said...

PX said...

“Why is that, PilotX? I know nothing about blogging or the skills needed to start one.“

You stay informed and have a funky sense of humor. I say look into it, you’d be huge.

dinthebeast said...

Those libs he's so into owning now have another name: Tesla's customer base.
Shoulda stuck with rockets.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

About time:

House Votes to Remove Bust of Dred Scott Decision Author

December 14, 2022 at 5:05 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 230 Comments

“The House on Wednesday passed a bill that would remove a bust at the U.S. Capitol of Roger B. Taney, the chief justice who authored the majority Supreme Court opinion protecting slavery in Dred Scott v. Sandford,” the Washington Post reports.

“The House passed the measure by voice vote, and it now heads to President Biden for his signature. The Senate had passed it by voice vote last week.”

“If signed into law, as expected, the bill would direct the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library to remove Taney’s bust not more than 45 days after the bill is signed into law. The bill would also direct the committee to replace Taney’s bust with one of Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court justice.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PX said...

“The bill would also direct the committee to replace Taney’s bust with one of Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court justice.”

Now that’s some good news!

Anonymous said...

And then my canned goods and propane will run out and I’ll starve and/or freeze to death because I’m from the economically worthless part of the country that doesn’t make anything anymore anyway.

By the time that we're hungry, you savages will be killing each other like crazy. Oh, and guess what? We grow food and run a couple head of cattle and a couple of hogs. We will eat. You will not.

By the way, look at the fentanyl death rates. Yep, some stupid white junkies are dying, which is fine by me, but blacks are dying of fentanyl at MUCH higher rates. That stuff is cheap, and undetectable by the customer. Especially the stupid ones. LOL

PilotX said...

Delusion is strong in this one.

PilotX said...

"By the time that we're hungry, you savages will be killing each other like crazy. Oh, and guess what? We grow food and run a couple head of cattle and a couple of hogs. We will eat. You will not."

LOL! Have you been watching Mad Max movies or something? Pilotless planes, mass choas, society collapse. I guess you'd better watch out for the terminators. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Like Muhammad Ali said they named white cake Angel Food Cake and chocolate cake Devil's Food cake...and that is only a part of the indoctrination


Anonymous said...

LOL! Have you been watching Mad Max movies or something? Pilotless planes, mass choas, society collapse. I guess you'd better watch out for the terminators. LOL!

If it doesn't happen, we'll just eat normally. Your kind will beg and loot and kill. It's who you are. It's what you do.

Anonymous said...

“If it doesn't happen, we'll just eat normally.“

Sure, just wait for the zombies and aliens huh? Must be interesting wearing tin foil hats and living in caves. That’s what your kind does. Kiss you sister/mother and eat some squirrel. LOL! You hillbillies are certainly entertaining if nothing else.

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