Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Name this movie



Photo by Doug Mills/The New York Times/Pool/Getty Images)



PilotX said...

Besides the obvious? I guess I'll be the first to go with Dumb and Dumber.

Ian said...

There will be Blood 2.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones

PilotX said...

Dumb on the left wants to launch a grand jury investigation into the CDC and vaccination manufacturers. Can this country get any dumber?

dinthebeast said...

Raging Bullshit?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

BootsandBraids said...

The Lost Boys

Manifest Density said...

Trading Places

Anonymous said...

"Dumb on the left wants to launch a grand jury investigation into the CDC and vaccination manufacturers. Can this country get any dumber?"

Maybe. If we elect DeSantis as president. That would be dumber.

I can't wait until the House attempts to hold a "trial" of Anthony Fauci for the "crime" of doing his job. That's going to be super-dumb.

dinthebeast said...

"The Grifters" as in "Give me a C-note and I'll give you a digital trading card with a picture of my head photoshopped onto Superman."
And the sad thing is, Pig People will pony up green American money for Fergus NFTs, that they otherwise could have spent on beer and meth.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

In the decade since Sandy Hook slaughter Americans have bought 150 million guns.

mike from iowa said...

He shot her so fast a murder charge should have been levelled.

mike from iowa said...

Harvard names first Black leader, a Black woman.

Anonymous said...

From the New York Times:

"Data from Milwaukee County showed that from 2020 to 2021, fatal overdoses increased by 6 percent among white people, but 55 percent among Black people."

Face it, negroes: You don't give a shit aboutn yourselves.

PilotX said...

"Face it, negroes: You don't give a shit aboutn yourselves."

I give a shit aboutn myself. You don't give a shit aboutn the English language. LOL!

PilotX said...

Hey anon, are you going to buy some of the trump action figure trading cards? LOL!

dinthebeast said...

Jason Isbell called them Brokemon.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Sean Diesel said...

"Face it, negroes: You don't give a shit aboutn yourselves."

But you know who does care about us? White women. Go to to see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

“Hey anon, are you going to buy some of the trump action figure trading cards? LOL!”

As a collectible, somehow I don’t think they will hold their value. Those will end up in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart.

Hey, remember when Republicans decided that Obama was insufficiently dignified because one time he wore a tan suit? However, presidential superhero trading cards are extremely classy, I guess.

Anonymous said...

This should surprise nobody, but over on the social network that’s now the plaything of self-proclaimed absolute-free-speech warrior, and emotionally stunted man-baby Elon Musk, speech is looking … not so free.

Elon Musk’s Twitter bans CNN, NYT, WaPo journalists without explanation

So, apparently, on Twitter, hate speech and anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories are fine, but people who have said mean things about Elon in their newspapers are not welcome.

Got it.

mike from iowa said...

Ronnie Raygun wore tan suit. Hitler Weasel Bush did. Clinton did. dumbass dubya did. Obama and Biden both did.

PilotX you are much too kind. I will be 70 in a couple months and not looking for new adventures. Thanks for your kind words, just the same.

mike from iowa said...

Five wasicu pigs showed no respect for Black man Ronald Greene's life and they have finally been charged with his brutal death.

Paradoctor said...

Not just superhero cards... NFT superhero cards. $99 for pure virtual air.

mike from iowa said...

Small town iowa pig in chief ordered 90 machine guns for policeforce in town of 800 citizens. He then resold at least 6 through his private gun store for huge profits.

Police force never had more than 3 officers at one time.

from Des Moines Register... A small Iowa town of 800 residents likely has no need for a police force armed with 90 machine guns to keep the peace.

That, at least, is the view of federal prosecutors, who on Wednesday announced the indictment of Adair Chief of Police Bradley Wendt on charges of making false statements to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to obtain numerous machine guns over a four-year period on behalf of the Adair Police Department, which during Wendt's tenure has never had more than three officers.

Instead, according to prosecutors, weapons would be resold for profit through Wendt's private gun store or another store owned by a friend who also is facing charges

mike from iowa said...

Expect years and possibly billions of dollars and there are no guarantees cropland or pasture will ever be the same.

mike from iowa said...

Likely a large part of magats voter suppression gambit.

Gambler2 said...

The name of this movie is 'Satan's Emissaries'.

BTW, Happy Holidays to all people who post here and of course to Field and those he loves.

Gambler2 said...

Mike from Iowa said...

Expect years and possibly billions of dollars and there are no guarantees cropland or pasture will ever be the same.

9:51 AM
It's not as if we weren't warned. Opponents tried for years to stop the pipe line. The results will be endless accidents and destruction all along the pipeline.

PX said...

“Expect years and possibly billions of dollars and there are no guarantees cropland or pasture will ever be the same.“

Yeah but energy independence! Drill baby drill!

mike from iowa said...

KXL pipeline, which has finally been abandoned, would have been allowed to crry both regulat crude, which is taxed for environmental cleanup, and dilbit, whnich is not taxed. But the new pipeline was supposed to use heavier gauge steel because dilbit requires a chemical cocktail and high temps to make it liquid enough to flow through the pipe.

As I have mentioned before, dilbit chemicals are industrial secrets and not divulged to local cleanup crews or environmental officials so they don't know if they end up in drinking water or aquifers.

akbright said...

"The Puppet Master"

mike from iowa said...

Fentanyl overdose epidemic can be summed up in one word....Pillsbury!

Mexican drug cartels are adding pink coloring to fentanyl pills so if they are mixed with cocaine the product will be pinkish and then you know it has been spiked.

Anonymous said...

Don’t take the brown acid or the pink fentanyl.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf and his legal team must be in charge of executions...

The number of botched executions also reached an “astonishing” level, according to the resech by the Death Penalty Information Center, a Washington D.C-based clearinghouse that tracks developments in capital law and executions nationwide.

Seven of the year’s 20 execution attempts, or 35 percent, were “visibly problematic,” according to the report, either as a result of executioner incompetence, a failure to follow execution protocols, or defects in the protocols themselves.

“After 40 years, the states have proven themselves unable to carry out lethal injections without the risk that it will be botched,” the center’s executive director, Robert Dunham, said in an email. “The families of victims and prisoners, other execution witnesses, and corrections personnel should not be subjected to the trauma of an execution gone bad.”

Anonymous said...

“The number of botched executions also reached an ‘astonishing’ level, according to the resech by the Death Penalty Information Center”

The irony here is that this is likely indirectly caused by death penalty opponents.

Anti-death penalty activists have been pretty successful in their campaigns to shame doctors into not participating in executions, and to shame drug companies into not selling prison systems the drugs most effective for use in executions.

The end result is executions being performed by less medically qualified personnel, using less effective drugs. So, of course the number of botched executions will rise.

I am anti-death penalty, but I have to say I disapprove of this tactic. I want executions to end, but not at the short-term (one hopes) cost of condemned people suffering horrifically as they die. That seems wrong to me.

mike from iowa said...

This is sure to make anymoosie's tongue get rock hard....

Shadow committee set to release their alternate version of Jan 6th investigation. Pretty sure drumpf will be completely exonerated.

Anonymous said...

“Shadow committee set to release their alternate version of Jan 6th investigation. Pretty sure drumpf will be completely exonerated.”

They’ll find some way to blame antifa and Hunter Biden for the attack on the Capitol.

Anonymous said...

“The end result is executions being performed by less medically qualified personnel, using less effective drugs. So, of course the number of botched executions will rise.“

I say force them to watch trump speeches on an endless loop. Then again that would be cruel and unusual.

mike from iowa said...

From Salon....

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack announced on Monday four criminal referrals against former President Donald Trump to the Justice Department, including inciting insurrection, conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of an act of Congress and conspiracy to make a false statement.

Monday's vote by the panel marked the first time in U.S. history that Congress has referred a former president to the DOJ for criminal prosecution — the result of an extensive 18-month investigation into Trump's efforts to overturn the presidential election.

The panel also referred five other Trump allies for potential prosecution, including former chief of staff Mark Meadow and lawyers Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark and Kenneth Chesebro, who assisted Trump's efforts to illegally hold on to power.

dinthebeast said...

Space Karen has been voted off of the island. Let's see if he really leaves.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Texass judge strips Alex Jones of bankruptcy protections from Sandy Hook verdicts.

PX said...

“Texass judge strips Alex Jones of bankruptcy protections from Sandy Hook verdicts.“


dinthebeast said...

The judge set the order "immediately to (i) allow the Sandy Hook Post-Trial Families' Cases to continue to proceed to entry of final judgment and (ii) once judgments are entered, to allow appeals, if any, to proceed and the Sandy Hook Post-Trial Families to pursue, respond to and participate in any such appeals without further order of the Court."

So the trial can proceed, regardless of his claims of bankruptcy.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Tomorrow is the first day of winter and the 46th anny of the biggest mistake of my life. Fortunately, after 6 years the little lady realized the mistake and packed up the chillun and left me.

I have been *%&$#^@ single ever since.

Anonymous said...

"Space Karen has been voted off of the island. Let's see if he really leaves.

-Doug in Sugar Pine"

So far, just a lot of muttering about how only paid-membership Twitter users (aka "chumps") should be allowed to vote.


Commander Ogg said...

A remake of the 1988 film Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

dinthebeast said...

About damn time:

House Panel Votes to Release Trump’s Tax Returns

December 20, 2022 at 7:37 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 70 Comments

“The House Ways and Means Committee voted Tuesday to publicly release the tax returns of former President Donald J. Trump, the culmination of a yearslong battle during which he defied modern tradition by keeping his finances confidential during his campaign and while in office,” the New York Times reports.

Axios: “It’s not immediately clear how quickly the House committee may release the returns, which will provide details on some of his tax payments, financial obligations and donations to charity.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“House Panel Votes to Release Trump’s Tax Returns”

Thank goodness. I was starting to fear they’d wimp out. I was envisaging them announcing, “Sorry, guys, we didn’t have time to analyze the tax returns because Trump ran out the clock like the shitweasel he is. Guess there’s absolutely nothing we can do. That dirty dog just outsmarted us again.” *sad trombone*

Maybe it is finally sinking in that being nice to a sociopath like Trump gains you nothing.

As it is, it looks like the Dems are not going to hike the debt ceiling, which sets us up for a Republican-created economic disaster next year. That’s infuriating. If they had any sense, they’d all grow a spine and block the GOP from doing that. But it would “look partisan,” so Manchin and Sinema probably won’t sign on.

Anonymous said...

“Space Karen has been voted off of the island. Let's see if he really leaves.

-Doug in Sugar Pine”

Elon now says, “I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job!”

That kinda sounds like a no to me, Doug.

dinthebeast said...

Manchin and/or Sinema were why they didn't take it up in the senate. They did, however (as of the bill's current text) update the electoral count act, fund the government until September, get money for Ukraine, and money for the special counsel's investigation of Fergus, so the bastards can't defund it or some such horse shit. Kevin is throwing a fit because now he can't promise the Insane Clown Caucus shutdowns of the government as bribes for their votes for his speakership.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Kevin is throwing a fit because now he can't promise the Insane Clown Caucus shutdowns of the government as bribes for their votes for his speakership.”

The cynical part of me says that taking federal shutdowns away from Republicans will only make debt ceiling standoffs more attractive to them.

And while shutdowns are annoying, a debt ceiling default could be devastating. I really hope this won’t happen, but I place zero faith in Republican to not do idiotic things. Over the next session, I expect the House to turn into a complete zoo, with people like MTG running amok and McCarthy caving to them at every turn.

They are all Trumps now.

mike from iowa said...

IRS did not conduct mandatory audits of drumpf's first two years as alleged potus.

magats are threatening to release tax returns of SCOTUS. I say go for it and let's see what illegal shit activist magats have been doing or have done.

I wouldn't doubt magats would exclude Uncle Tom Clarence, Alito and Roberts returns from screw tinny.

Manifest Density said...

"Name this movie"

A Weasel Sitting At His Easel

Manifest Density said...

"Name this movie"

The Prop

Manifest Density said...

"Name this movie"

One flew over the Coup Coup Nest

PX said...

“but I place zero faith in Republican to not do idiotic things. Over the next session, I expect the House to turn into a complete zoo, with people like MTG running amok and McCarthy caving to them at every turn.”

And then in2024 they’ll use the tired old “government can’t do anything” argument and Biden will get blamed and they’ll assume more power. Gotta live short attention span American voters.

mike from iowa said...

Why does every midterm election, when a Dem is Potus, include an immigrant assault on the Southern Border?

Blame magats.

PilotX said...

"Why does every midterm election, when a Dem is Potus, include an immigrant assault on the Southern Border?"

Why does Charlie Brown keep trying to kick the football?

mike from iowa said...

Why does Charlie Brown keep trying to kick the football?

It was written into the script?

mike from iowa said...

More magat voter fraud.

Most of his bio is a lie.

PX said...

“It was written into the script?“

Bingo! LOL!

mike from iowa said...

Kari Flake has a Muskian, drumpfian, Ted Cruzian punchable face.

mike from iowa said...

-16 below this morning. Half dozen inches of snow with blizzard like conditions on their way. Keep safe and warm, all of you, except anymoose.

PX said...

It’s on it’s way here Mike. Cold front passing in a few hours. Take care guys!

Anonymous said...

So Philadelphia just had its 500th murder. More than 75% of those killed were black men, more than 90% killed by other black men. Where I live, that murder rate would translate to 10 murders in our county. Guess what? Hardly any blacks here, and no murders for the last 5 years.

Gun ownership here is the majority of households. We give a flying fuck about our lives. You couldn't care less about your own. Black lives ain't worth shit to black people. If you don't care about yourselves, don't ask us to give a damn about you. We don't. Keep it up, negroes!

dinthebeast said...

R.I.P. Thom Bell.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Sean Diesel said...

“don't ask us to give a damn about you. We don't.“

You know who does give a damn about us? White women. Go to to see for yourself.

field negro said...

Manifest Destiny will he hard to beat.😏

Manifest Density said...

Name this movie

Coup coon

Donnie and Snide

"Coup"ley High

And my favorite...Apes of Wrath

Anonymous said...

Seab Duiesel, aka Mandingo, says negroes have big dicks. LOL

mike from iowa said...

Dutch zoo has infestation of transgender pandas. Dutch magats heads explode.

Make sure it uses the appropriate biffy for its gender.

mike from iowa said...

What's My Lie?

dinthebeast said...

I think I saw Transgender Pandas open for Primus one time...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Dutch zoo has infestation of transgender pandas. Dutch magats heads explode.”

So the definition of transgender is “looked kinda male, and I didn’t take the time to check for a vagina”?

Butch lesbians aren’t going to be very happy with that definition.


Sean Diesel said...

“Seab Duiesel, aka Mandingo, says negroes have big dicks. LOL“

Your mom knows how big it is. LOL!

Wesley Pipes said...

I suggest you go to to see for yourself how much white women love Black men. Let me know what you think.

dinthebeast said...

I have a bit more patience with the DOJ than the Rude Pundit, but he otherwise sums up a bunch of my feelings well:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Sigmund and sea monster

Anonymous said...

Hey Doug, what do you think Sturgill Simpson?

Manifest Density said...

Field, Happy Holidays to you and Mrs. Field.

Name this movie.

The Jaw Jack Redemption
From President to Prop

To dinthebeast thanks for the link to the piece on J6.

And thanks to Granny and Gambler2 and the rest of the field.

Happy New Year!

Manifest Density said...

Oh yeah Field, thanks for the Troll Farm. They're much better than the ants and they last longer, too!

Gambler2 said...

Happy Holidays everyone. May 2023 be full of love for all of you. Your comments help to keep me sane, especially Mike, Doug, PilotX, Manifest Density, and Flying Junior.

dinthebeast said...

Hamadeh and Lake both lose their election lawsuits. Santa must have hit Arizona early.
I don't know that I've ever actually heard Sturgill Simpson, but I think I recall reading Jason Isbell saying some good things about him.
Happy holidays, everyone. Most of the snow has melted here, and the rain has made what's left of it icy and treacherous, but we seem to be one of the only places in the country where the blizzard didn't hit, so thankful for that. We need water, and this week we're gonna get it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PX said...

For those who need proof of climate change.

mike from iowa said...

Blizzard finally fizzed out. Not so much snow as ferocious winds and bitter cold. Today is the first day since Wednesday I have been able to see for more than a 1/4 mile. Temp headed down toward -16 for the second time in three nights. Tuesday highs in the 30s.

Balmy 2 above today. Hope everyone, except anymoose, stays safe and warm. Have a Happy Holiday.

PX said...

Happy holidays Gambler!!!!

Gambler2 said...

PX said...

Happy holidays Gambler!!!

Thank you, and the same to you. This year is special; I got a new great-grand child the week before Christmas, and she is a pistol! Of course I think she's the cutest baby on the planet.

Anonymous said...

47th and 48th and 49th Presidents of the United States of America!!

섯다 said...


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