Democrats are freaking out over some recent polls showing Joe Biden losing to the former guy in five of six key swing states, and being down four points to him in total overall vote count. I have one word for you: Relax. This is the American press pushing for a close race so that they can improve their ratings around election season. Note how much you have been hearing about these polls of late? That is not by accident. They have an agenda. I don't know one old black person who has ever been called by a pollster. Still, having said that, there are some issues with Uncle Joe and how his presidency is going. First and foremost, they have a messaging problem. Biden's administration has been doing some really good things, and they have put the country back on the right track after the train wreck we experienced during the four years that the racist game show host was in charge.
There are other issues to be sure. The age thing is real. Although I will note for the record that the former guy is just a few years younger, and his cognitive skills, based on some of his recent speeches, are even worse. But perception is reality, and the perception is that Biden is too old. Personally, I would prefer if some of these old politicians would get off the stage and give the younger folks a shot to run things. But for now, for better or for worse, it looks like we are stuck with Biden.
Biden and his people also have an enthusiasm problem when it comes to black folks. He better hope we don't stay home this coming election, or he will be toast. Regardless of who his opponent will be. Having said that, don't believe the polls that say that the racist game show host has twenty two percent of the black vote. That will never happen. Never! Black folks know the true nature of folks like the former president. And no matter how hard his people try to make us believe that he is some kind of black savior, he will never have our trust or our support. There is just too much history there.
So buckle up people. We are a year away from America picking a new president. Expect all kinds of craziness from here on out. The man leading the republican field may be in jail, and the democratic candidate might decide that the grind is too much and decide to ride off into the sunset and cool his heels on a Delaware beach for the rest of his life.
This should be fun.
To all you Veterans out there, than thank you for your service!
"There are other issues to be sure. The age thing is real. Although I will note for the record that the former guy is just a few years younger, and his cognitive skills, based on some of his recent speeches, are even worse."
My reaction to the Biden age thing is the same as Jimmy Kimmel's:
"Everyone says Biden’s old — he’s old. Which, yeah, he is old, but I want to remind you: Biden’s 80, Trump is 77. They’re basically — this isn’t a choice between some old codger and a young up-and-comer. This is a choice between Mr. Burns and Mr. Magoo.”
Trump is also fat, lives on Big Macs, and is showing much greater signs of cognitive decline than Biden. You're a fool if you think he'll outlive Biden.
Speaking of Kimmel, this is also him:
"Young voters are said to be disenchanted with Biden’s positions on climate change and Palestinian rights, and so they’re leaning towards a guy who believes in neither of those things at all.”
Polls are real, and they are a snapshot of how an election might go were it held they day of the poll.
Biden has been an excellent president, not that the election will be decided by that.
But the actual campaign is just getting started, and for all of the disillusionment the media has been yelling about, nobody has said anything about Fergus adding to his support. Which he will need to do in order to win.
I'm not saying the election won't be close; all presidential elections are close now, but I'm also not freaking out over the media saying stuff that I already knew because I was already paying attention.
It's terrifying that Fergus has any chance at all of winning, but that's the America we currently live in.
My hope is that the actual campaign will do more to expose Fergus' actual plan: the consolidation of power in the presidency and the suppression of democracy to retain that power in the face of lack of public support.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I am highly, highly skeptical of the NY Times poll, because it simply does not compute that non-white voters are switching their allegiances to back a racist.
Do I think the Times deliberately engineered this because they think a tight presidential race will boost their bottom line? No. Most likely, if the poll is inaccurate, the pollster's methodology is simply bad. They didn't do a good job of sampling voters and, for example, ended up with Republicans over-represented in the group of people they questioned. Pollsters also use "fudge factors" -- they multiply the responses of each demographic by a different number to try to make up for the fact they have under-sampled some and over-sampled others. If they get those fudge factors wrong, the results will also be inaccurate.
That said, media outlets hdo ave biases. I am not talking Fox News-style biases, which entail flat-out lying in whatever way will help right-wing politicians win. I'm talking about the biases of mainstream media outlets.
MSM outlets display "bothsidesism" bias, where they overdo their efforts toward fairness and balance, and (infuriatingly) portray both sides of an argument as equal, even when the evidence overwhelmingly backs only one side of an argument. So you end up with: "Medical experts say the COVID virus is real and could kill millions of vulnerable and elderly people if radical efforts are not made to contain it and slow its spread. Jim Bob down at the auto parts store says no. You decide!"
MSM outlets display sensationalist or "man bites dog" bias, where if something is unusual, its noteworthy. But if its a routine part of life, if its an ongoing thing that everyone expects and knows about, it's less worthy of covering. This covers some of the biggest issues in society, by the way.
MSM outlets display "bad news" bias. They are well aware that upsetting or fear-inducing news attracts eyeballs more than news that suggests things are getting better. Atrocities are more exciting than problems getting fixed. As the old slogan goes, "if it bleeds, it leads." Inflation skyrocketing? FRONT PAGE NEWS! Inflation rate has fallen back to normal? Meh, so boring, page 13. Murders skyrocketing? FRONT PAGE NEWS! Murder rate has fallen back to normal? Meh, so boring, page 13.
All of these sorts of biases do seem to be hurting Biden right now.
Endless discussion of Biden's age and health, but somehow none of Trump's age and health. Is it too mean and unfair to point out that Trump is old when you are also reporting on the fact he is a criminal, even though it's true? Do you have to sling equal mud at "both sides" because that's the rule?
Virtually no mention of the rapid improvement of inflation rates and crime, nor the fact that these things went up in the first place because of the pandemic, and had zero to do with Joe Biden.
Then there's the border. Coverage of this is abysmal. No meaningful explanations of the difference between economic migrants and refugees, how our immigration system works, or the economic effects of immigration (pro and con). The news is basically just one big primal scream that brown people are storming into the country to ruin everything and Biden is to blame.
Great comments above. Of course Biden has work to do to get his base motivated. That could be reflected in the polls as well.
“Great comments above. Of course Biden has work to do to get his base motivated. That could be reflected in the polls as well.”
It’s unclear to me what it will take to motivate his base. Or for that matter, non-base voters. We keep getting stories about Biden’s low approval ratings, but no polling or evidence-based analysis whatsoever of what is driving them. Without knowing why, it’s hard to know what could be done to change them.
Is it that voters don’t know about the genuinely significant legislation Biden and the Democrats have passed, on things like infrastructure and climate change?
Is it that voters want different, more left-wing legislation passed? The essential response to that would be that the Democrats simply need to win more congressional seats. The 50 senators + Kamala majority the Dems had in 2021-2 gave an illusory sense of control. Any really left-wing priorities could not get passed without controlling more seats, and that’s not really Biden’s fault.
Or is it just that voters are blaming Biden for post-pandemic inflation and crime increases that he didn’t cause, and that are now basically over? In which case, I need to go bang my head against a wall for a while in frustration.
Thanks feelz, I feel fortified already.
Late posting this today but I was up really late:
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month:
Every time I listen to this it reminds me of how good of a guitar player Paul Simon is.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Biden and his masters only need blacks for their vote: for the time being. They really don't want you around.
Woke dipshits:
Fergus can't remember who the president is, but he's sure he wants to round up everyone he doesn't like and put them in concentration camps.
Someone needs to remind him to take his meds.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Jill Stein announced a independent run for president, joining fellow narcissists RFK Junior and Cornel West.
Eff them all, and the horses they rode in on.
Jamie Raskin on the subject of the speaker of the house wanting his invisible friend to legislate:
Inside with Jen Psaki
"When we take our oath of office, we put our hand on the Bible and we swear to uphold the Constitution. We don't put our hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible."
@RepRaskin on Speaker Mike Johnson
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Biden and his masters only need blacks for their vote: for the time being. They really don't want you around."
Because Biden needs us for his third run? This has to be one of the dumbest comments here in a while and there are some dumb ass comments. I wonder how many Blah people trump has around him? Is his running mate going to be a POC? LOL!
Little Timmy dropped out of the race. Awwww, and here I thought the Republicans were going to elect a brotha. First Larry Elder drops out and now Tim Dog. Seems like the GOP has a problem with darker people.
IMHO, U of Iowa's women's bb team should be rated Number 1 after b eing rated number 3 and having both 1 and 2 lose their first games of the season. Iowa travelled to NC and took on Virginia Tech, rated number 8 and a final 4 team like iowa last spring.
Scotus adopts code of conduct for Justice behavior. Not clear if there is any enforcement mechanism when magats break their code.
Scotus ethics code is entirely voluntary, and as such, entirely useless.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
It's called a code because it hides its meaning.
Recent update on Mississippi river dock brawl. Black co-captain charged with misdemeanor assault.
So, fellas, ethics code without enforcement is much ado about not much.
Scotus ethics code is worse than useless, it's insulting. It blames the publicity over the scandals on us not understanding how ethical they are.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
The House passed a stopgap spending bill, so that probably means the government won’t shut down until early next year.
Hey, Republicans are pretty goddamn dumb, but they’re at least smart enough not to cause a shutdown right now, and thereby ruin their own Christmases by forcing themselves to spend December in Washington embroiled in budget negotiations.
When it comes to statesmanship, that’s about as good as it we’re going to get out of them.
And the Democrats had to save their asses again to get it done. They can't govern even on those rare occasions when they say they want to.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
New Jersey’s governor’s wife has announced she’s running for Bob Menendez’s Senate seat. If Bob doesn’t resign, he’s probably gonna be pushed out by his own party.
Another good man down, R.I.P. Zandar:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Senate Democrats need nine Republican votes to bypass Tuberville and his retarded hold on military promotions, by allowing them to be passed en masse.
I don't think McConnell supports it, so we'll just have to see whether enough goddamn Republicans are sick of the bullshit and also want to avoid a rules change.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“I don't think McConnell supports it, so we'll just have to see whether enough goddamn Republicans are sick of the bullshit and also want to avoid a rules change.”
A rules change would be better, though, to be honest. I can’t see why a single senator should ever be able to throw a wrench into the appointments process, even if their reasons for doing so weren’t Tuberville-level stupid. This is one of those situations in which when the rule was created, probably nobody foresaw it being abused in this way.
What a crazy time we are living through, that so much thought needs to be applied to the problem of “how to dummy-proof the government.” Can’t we just elect fewer dummies?
Speaking of dummies, how about Senator Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma (yes, that is this slack-jawed yokel’s real name, and no, he didn’t go to college, why do you ask?) challenging a witness to a fistfight during a Senate hearing? The Republican Party is a bad joke at this point.
Later the damn fool said that he would bite an opponent in a fight. I thank a god that I don't believe in that I'm the only member of my immediate family who wasn't born in fucking Oklahoma.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Later the damn fool said that he would bite an opponent in a fight. I thank a god that I don't believe in that I'm the only member of my immediate family who wasn't born in fucking Oklahoma.”
Things have clearly gotten worse in this country. While I’ve no doubt there are lots of uneducated Bubbas in Oklahoma, in a past era, I don’t think voters would have thought it was a good idea to send them to Washington to represent them.
These days, Republican voters have settled on the idea that knowing stuff is “elitist” (as opposed to being filthy rich and powerful — you know, the actual elites) and they’re sending wrestling coaches and football coaches and other assorted dolts to Congress. And Lauren Boebert.
If pointing that out makes me “elitist” and mean, I don’t care. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.
“These days, Republican voters have settled on the idea that knowing stuff is “elitist”
You can thank John McCain for this latest era of knownothings getting into office.
“You can thank John McCain for this latest era of knownothings getting into office.”
Sarah Palin certainly helped this trend along, but the knownothing, anti-intellectual, education-hating rebrand of the GOP must have started a bit earlier.
I remember overhearing some very Republican coworkers in what must have been 2006, going on about how Democrats were the elites. And I was scratching my head, thinking, wait … what?! So Republicans — the union-crushing, tax-cuts-for-the-rich party — are the champions of the little guy now? How brainwashed can you be? Make it make sense!
Found this from a year ago, on the topic of the newfound, stupidity-celebrating, anti-intellectual faux populism of Republicans:
Hang on, Republicans: Who are the real "elites," anyway?
Republican millionaires with Ivy League degrees have somehow convinced people they're fighting against the "elites"
Mega-fraud George Santos finally sees the writing on the wall, declares that he won’t run for re-election.
Elon Musk apparently thinks the Jews are anti-white.
This dude is descending farther and farther down the Nazi rabbit hole. I was aware Elon’s political views were bad, but they are worse than I had suspected. Every day he tweets out something that is even more appalling than the day before.
Joe Munckin of West Virginny says he is contemplating a 2024 run for potus.
“Joe Munckin of West Virginny says he is contemplating a 2024 run for potus.”
Yet another delusional narcissist who cannot possibly win himself, but can only help Trump win and possibly bring about the end of democracy.
Uh oh, infighting on the right? Candace Owens is dared to quit the daily wire if she doesn't like it.
Get the popcorn. This will be so much fun seeing these two imbeciles fight.
A mistrial was declared in the federal trial of ex-detective Brett Hankison for excessive force related to the shooting of Breonna Taylor. He was previously acquitted of state-level charges.
Donald Trump was hit with a gag order for trash-talking the court clerk in his civil fraud trial. Mere hours after the gag order was lifted, he resumed his trash-talking.
Who didn’t see this coming? Trump can’t help himself. Obviously, you need to shut him up until the trial is over.
Rosalyn Carter enters hospice at home with hubby, former potus James Earl Carter. Be a sad day for America when these two decent humans have gone on to their just rewards.
“Sarah Palin certainly helped this trend along, but the knownothing, anti-intellectual, education-hating rebrand of the GOP must have started a bit earlier.”
She made the resentment and hate palatable for mass consumption. Prior to that even Republicans required there elected officials to at least know SOMETHING. You can say W started it but in his defense his dad was prez and his brother ran a. state. Palin had a pregnant teen daughter and a penchant for illiteracy. 🤷🏾♂️
ooops, their elected officials😖
Correction of comment 42.... The judge was a district court judge, not the supreme court and here is a breakdown of what the judge decided. This is really weird....
In her ruling, District Judge Sarah Wallace explained that Trump wasn't in the capacity of a sworn-in officer when he was standing before a massive crowd who then stormed the Capitol building to hold up congress from certifying the election results.
Vance added that, "The judge after making this tremendous finding that Trump... in fact was involved in insurrection .. but I'm not going to order that he be removed from the ballot because he was not an officer of the United States."
Elon Musk says that he’s going to file a “thermonuclear” lawsuit against Media Matters for reporting that advertisers on Twitter/X had their advertisements placed alongside Nazi posts.
I don’t think he understands that he can’t simply SUE users into coming back to his social media platform after he has toxified it.
Hope it blows up like his last 2 space adventures. And where is the harm for X after Musk basically ruined it for all?
I'll give you dollars to donuts that Media Matters has verified screenshots of those ads running alongside Nazi bullshit. Elon's penis-rocket blowed up real good, but he's calling it a success.
The media seem to be lapping up his bullshit with a biscuit, like always. And now, in the media, Biden is responsible for a lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians before the election.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Defending Elon by cosigning his vile views:
Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens discuss how they think Jews are funding university programs that promote “white genocide.”
Charlie Kirk says that “Some of the largest financiers of left-wing anti-white causes have been Jewish Americans”
Rosalynn Carter has died.
“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” President Carter said. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”
Without her in this world, I don't see him hanging in there much longer.
Long excellent lives, but still a damn shame. The Carters, along with Bishop Barber, are the evidence that good Christians exist.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Argentina has elected a mini-Trump, Javier Milei, as their new president. Here is the moron, acting moronic. The chainsaw he is brandishing is to demonstrate how he is going to fix everything by chopping up the government, I guess?
Argentina’s economy is a complete train wreck, and I’m not going to defend the previous governments. They’ve mismanaged things for decades. But this maniac is definitely not the solution to Argentina’s problems.
I’ll never understand why voters keep making this mistake. How many times do they have to learn the hard way, before the lesson sticks? Neither Trump nor any of his clones have ever managed to make anything better.
Trump's overall health is fucking excellent and his cognitive abilities are fucking exceptional!!!
Yours Truly
Trump's Doctor
The pole should be centered in drumpf's butt hole and shoved in as far as possible.
Well, the strategy of Elon Musk’s “thermonuclear” lawsuit against Media Matters is becoming clear … and it’s not good.
Musk can’t prove that ads on Twitter didn’t, in fact, appear alongside Nazi content, because Media Matters compiled proof that it did. So it now looks like Musk is instead going to claim that Media Matters manipulated the platform’s algorithm “to force a situation in which a brand ad post appeared adjacent to fringe content.”
“You tricked my website into doing bad stuff!”, does not sound like a winning legal argument to me.
Texass AG, who should be in prison is investigating Media matters so they can be drug through rigged texass courts in the case against X.
2024 Election Eligibility: Supreme Court Throws Out Case Challenging Trump’s Presidential Suitability
joe bidens ratings sinking faster than the Titanic. Trump has a clear path to victory and save the country from marxist democrats.
Remember, the numbers shown to the general public are not the same as the real numbers. Joe Bidens numbers are in the toilet and yes Democrats are shitting their pants.
Minn soopreme court decision is olde news and did not answer whether drumpf was part of insurrection (he was) or whether he could be kept off general ballot. DON'T GET YER DRUMPF APPROVED KNEE PADS ON JUST YET, ANYMOOSE.
Apparently, racist white turd senator from Looseranna thinks so much of K Harris' IQ he suggested she sell when it reaches 70. Yes, I am yappiong about jowly John Kennedy.
Here come the re-re-re-recycled magat lies about people using SNAP cards to buy steaks and Red Bull.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated sixty years ago today. I was not quite three, but still remember the funeral procession on the TV. I would recommend to you what Comrade Misfit wrote about it fifteen years ago:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“I would recommend to you what Comrade Misfit wrote about it fifteen years ago.”
Sounds like that bit that got cut from the movie “Natural Born Killers,” in which an insane Dennis Leary character shares his theory for the decline of the United States (although his explanation starts with Fidel Castro):
“Do you want to know who I really blame? The Pittsburgh Pirates because in 1947, Major League Baseball scouted a hot young pitching prospect named Fidel Castro. Hot outta Havana High, he had big speed and a nasty curveball but at the last minute, the teams all rescinded their offers. Just think about that. If Fidel had been drafted, huh huh? No Bay of Pigs, no Kennedy assassination, no cover-up, no Vietnam, no Nixon, no Ford, no bell-bottoms, no Brady Bunch, no earthshoes, no Reagan, no crack. No, we'd all be eating hotdogs and apple-pie and smoking big fat Cuban cigars. M-I-C. See you real soon. K-E-Y. Why? Because they want to, that's why.”
Sorry, Denis Leary.
So it wasn't a terrorist who crashed into the booth on the Rainbow Bridge, it was a Kiss fan. But what kind of Kiss fan has never heard "Detroit Rock City"?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“So it wasn't a terrorist who crashed into the booth on the Rainbow Bridge, it was a Kiss fan. But what kind of Kiss fan has never heard ‘Detroit Rock City’?”
If I’m understanding the news correctly, they were killed while hauling ass (and I mean hauling ass —they went airborne!) to a Kiss concert … that got cancelled anyway.
Irony levels are off the charts.
"joe bidens ratings sinking faster than the Titanic. Trump has a clear path to victory and save the country from marxist democrats."
Romney in a landslide. LOL!
The HMS Hood sank much quicker than Titanic and drumpf['s chances of getting re-russiaed into the WH are sinking faster than the Hood with a 15 inch shell hit in her magaziners by the Bismarck.
"drumpf['s chances of getting re-russiaed into the WH are sinking faster than the Hood with a 15 inch shell hit in her magaziners by the Bismarck."
Let the little dummies have their fantasy about soon to be prisoner #45. LOL!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. As fucked up as everything may seem, we still have an immense amount to be thankful for.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
There are new polls out of Harvard and NBC that show surprising results on gun ownership and rights.
According to NBC, a majority (52%) now say that they or someone in their household owns a gun. Most notably, the Harvard poll shows that six in ten voters believe owning a gun is a necessary part of protecting themselves from criminals.
Despite the strong anti-gun rights message from the White House and the media, the public seems to be moving significantly in the opposite direction.
How many in the Harvard poll actually know how to defend themselves from criminals? Ownership does not translate to proficiency with said gun.
Hope y'all had a good one!
It was quite an exciting day in New York, with ex-Gov Cuomo and current NYC Mayor Adams getting sued for sexual assault.
I’ve never been a fan of either.
Derek Chauvin was stabbed in prison.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Everyone knows how lousy magats are at witch hunting Dems so I'm guessing Adams and Cuomo were overheard saying fuck you to someone and were immediately charged with soliciting.
“Everyone knows how lousy magats are at witch hunting Dems so I'm guessing Adams and Cuomo were overheard saying fuck you to someone and were immediately charged with soliciting.”
They’ve been sued in civil court by women who accuse them of assault, not criminally charged. This week was the deadline for filing “historical” sexual misconduct lawsuits under New York’s #MeToo law.
While it’s uncertain whether the lawsuit against Adams is or isn’t justified, the one against Cuomo very likely is. Loads of women accused him of getting handsy at the office, which is why he was forced to resign as governor. He’s a major creep.
Adams is having a generally bad time, though. He’s also being investigated for corruption charges, over some weird scandal involving him taking payoffs from the Turkish government in return for letting them dodge construction regulations while building their new consulate in NYC.
Derek Chauvin was stabbed in prison.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Why oh why did you get stabbed in Sugar Pine? (snark)
Actually got stabbed in the Vons in Oakhurst, twice, one the new covid booster and the other this year's flu shot...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I stabbed my girlfriend. But I didn't hurt her.
An analysis of preliminary birth data suggests that, unfortunately, red state theocrats' anti-abortion laws are working. At least to a degree. The analysis found that it is probable that approximately a quarter of red-state women who wanted to get abortions were unable to, and were therefore forced to give birth.
There has been a lot of reporting that nationwide, abortion rates have not gone down. But it looks like this is true only because blue states have made abortion more accessible following the Dobbs Supreme Court decision, and this has resulted in more blue-state women being able to get abortions, which more than offsets the numbers of women in red states who can't.
All of this could, of course, change as efforts are increased to ship more abortion pills to red states. This would force Republican politicians to make painful choices. Either they would have to enact highly unpopular draconian measures that would ruin Internet commerce for the citizens of their states, in the name of blocking abortion. Or else they would have to start aggressively prosecuting and jailing desperate women for having abortions, which would then make these Republicans look like the epic assholes they actually are. Previously, they have relied on the fiction that abortion providers were "preying" on vulnerable women by "tricking" them into having abortions. They made the abortion providers the bad guy, an tried to prosecute them instead. They won't be able to do this with medication abortion, as the providers safely reside in blue states (or foreign countries), beyond the reach of Republican laws.
‘HE CAME BACK FOR MORE’ Tuc.ker assets Sinclair’s ‘night of s*x’ claim…don’t trust Obama
Illinois new FOID card applications up by 49% in Oct 2023 vs Sept 2023 setting a one year monthly record of 18,570 applications. This 6,107 increase exceeds the 4,089 total PICA gun registration disclosures.
Three Palestinian college students were shot near the University of Vermont campus. It’s looking like a possible hate crime. All were walking outside and were visibly identifiable as Palestinian (wearing keffiyehs — Palestinian headscarves — and speaking Arabic).
Derek Chauvin was high and the stab wound was the result of the drugs. LOL! In the files of “didn’t see that coming”.😂
“They won't be able to do this with medication abortion, as the providers safely reside in blue states (or foreign countries), beyond the reach of Republican laws.“
Those stupid clowns would do something like arrest mail carriers who deliver the pills. Never underestimate the stupidity of conservatives.
Dear god, I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Don Jr. I say put this bimbo's book on the shelves and let people decide if they want to spend their hard earned money on it. My guess is the people who like her are illiterate and only buy picture books. Worst case if no one buys it we can all laugh at her.
“Those stupid clowns would do something like arrest mail carriers who deliver the pills. Never underestimate the stupidity of conservatives.”
In all seriousness, they won’t do that. If they did, nobody would be willing to work for the postal services in red states, which would mean mail would simply not exist in red states.
Maybe they could screen the mail using mifepristone-sniffing dogs? Just kidding. The volume of interstate mail is too great for that to work.
They'll just see it as an opportunity to privatize the USPS and bust the postal unions. Probably won't work, but what else works that they actually do?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“They'll just see it as an opportunity to privatize the USPS and bust the postal unions.”
It seems like they’re already doing that. Trump-appointed Louis DeJoy is still head of the postal service, and he’s quietly destroying it from the inside.
It’s really frustrating that Biden hasn’t appointed board members who are committed to firing DeJoy and replacing him with someone committed to maintaining the USPS as a functioning public agency.
Regular drug sniffing dogs are notoriously inaccurate and many have to be cued to alert their handlers.
If magats stopped the mail from being delivered it would accomplish one true dream of magat states, stop mail ion ballots.
You Tube has numerous videos of police attack dogs attacking victims, including children, without being commanded and not stopping on command.
magats want Hunter Biden to testify to their goofy witch hunt. Biden agreed and asked to do it publicly. magats, of course, don't want to lose their ability to spin whatever is said so they refused.
Apparently magats are worried the truth will get out under public testimony and they already look completely stoopid as it is.
Liz Cheney has a book coming out where she says how Cave-In McCarthy told her he had to go to Mar A Lago because Insane Clown was so depressed he wasn't even eating. Poor bastard. But was he playing golf?
It’s quite a strange mystery how so many prominent Trump fans turn out, in the end, to be not-very-nice people. It’s almost like the main attraction of following Trump is that he is scum, and him being made president somehow gives them permission to act like scum, too. That’s the kind of freedom they stand for: the freedom to be awful.
Co-founder of Students for Trump was charged with assault after allegedly hitting a woman with a gun, court records show
Henry Kissinger is dead.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
More news from Twitter/X as it circles the drain:
In an interview, Elon Musk told advertisers who had left his social media platform because he’d turned it into a hate-filled hellscape, to “go fuck yourself.”
CEO Linda Yaccarino, whom Musk hired to convince the advertisers to return, must end each day crying into a whiskey glass.
Henry Kissinger is dead. Too fucking bad. Can he now be tried for war crimes dating back to Vietnam and the overthrow of Chile, and likely much earlier?
Lizard Cheney has a book out, so she'll be inescapable on every media outlet she can weasel her way onto in order to sell said book. Not one single interviewer will confront her for being the goddamn monster she is. No, it will be all about how "brave" she was to serve on the J6 committee, and how she "sacrificed her career" to oppose Fergus.
Are you familiar with the term "blood libel", or do you ever wonder where the goddamn Qanonners got their insanity about child sacrifice?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Not one single interviewer will confront her for being the goddamn monster she is. No, it will be all about how ‘brave’ she was to serve on the J6 committee, and how she ‘sacrificed her career’ to oppose Fergus.”
Sadly, that’s where we are now in American politics. If you’re not a bomb-throwing fascist who’s actively trying to overthrow democracy, you’re now one of the good guys.
That’s the grim reality of our current state of emergency.
Here comes some more contempt of congress (via NBC):
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday voted to approve subpoenas for conservative activists Harlan Crow and Leonard Leo over their involvement with Supreme Court ethics lapses. The subpoenas were approved by 11 Democratic senators; no other senators voted.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Fergus' NY gag order is reinstated after hundreds of pages of threats to the judge and court clerk were presented at the hearing. The DC gag order is still stayed while awaiting ruling from appeal.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
No word on whether Rand the fuck Paul grabbing her from behind caused her to vomit:
Rand Paul Saved Joni Ernst from Choking
November 30, 2023 at 2:57 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 215 Comments
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Thursday used the Heimlich maneuver on Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) during the Senate GOP’s Thursday lunch after she choked on part of her meal, The Hill reports.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I'm not here to pin any medals on Cheney she has a lot of shit to answer for from abortion to Pentagon / military industry welfare to gay rights to why (like Kinzinger) she voted for Insane Clown twice. That said she did in fact sacrifice her career so I will give her credit for that much.
" That said she did in fact sacrifice her career so I will give her credit for that much."
Wait until she runs for president before you say that. The worst chapter of her career may be still to come, and don't doubt that it would suck mightily.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Wait until she runs for president before you say that. The worst chapter of her career may be still to come, and don't doubt that it would suck mightily.”
I’m not seeing it. She’s way too right-wing to be anything but a Republican, but she’s persona non grata in that party now. Personally, I think she’s done, politically speaking.
Maybe she’ll go into media. She’ll interview bigwigs on a Sunday politics show or something, as an elder stateswoman. “Meet the Press, with Liz Cheney”!
Whatever it is, it will be gross, but at least she won’t be involved in running the government anymore.
Sheet, Doug, I thought Paul was hung like a corkscrewing boar and only had to withdraw from Ernst's pig like snout to save her.
George Santos has been expelled from the House.
Now he can finally return to Brazil and resume his career as drag queen Kitara Ravache. The world has suffered too long without his fabulousness.
I will give Cheney credit for one more thing. I think she was the driving force behind the "J6" committee public hearings. If it was left to Democrats it would have no doubt been another sleep inducing presentation like the impeachments.
First magat female SCOTUS justice passed away. I remember as the ditzy bitch that refused to step down until she was sure dumbass dubya was the potus in 2020 (which she voted in his favor) so she wouldn't be replaced by a Democrat appointee with actual knowledge of our laws.
From my Northfield Minn pen pal whom I swear was not a member of the James/Younger bank robber gang circa 1876......
"Did you hear? Senator Rand Paul used the Heimlich maneuver on Senator Joni Ernst at a Senate lunch yesterday, marking the first time Rand Paul has been the solution for—rather than cause of—a woman gagging."
In the 2036 election cycle, she will be 69, while Fergus will be 89, ie, dead.
And the goddamn Republicans always find a way to run a worse candidate than last time. So her, Josh Hawley or Tom Cotton.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Well, now that's out of the way (via ABC news):
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a long-awaited ruling Friday determining that former President Donald Trump can be sued for allegedly inciting the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, rejecting his claims of absolute immunity.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Gotta hand it to Rolling Stone for this headline:
“Good Riddance -Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies”
-Doug in Sugar Pine
One last laugh at the expense of the national punch line known as former Republican Rep. George Santos.
Bye bye Bibi. This is worse than the PDB about Bin Laden (via MSNBC):
* The so-called “Jericho Wall“ document: “Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out.”
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Jussie Smollett’s conviction for faking a hate crime has been upheld by an Illinois appeals court. Unless the state supreme court decides to take his case, he is headed to the slammer.
A federal court has ordered Texas' evil dickhead governor to remove his floating, razor-edged anti-migrant barrier from the Rio Grande.
Sanity prevails, for once.
Texass AG is suing Pfizer for not ending the pandemic soon enough. Texass is the state with the right judges in state appeals and federal appeals courts to all but guarantee victory for the state.
“Texass AG is suing Pfizer for not ending the pandemic soon enough. Texass is the state with the right judges in state appeals and federal appeals courts to all but guarantee victory for the state.”
This is a lawsuit whose sole purpose is to massage the egos and nurture the resentments of knuckle-dragging morons who are still furious that their bosses made them get vaccinated during the pandemic.
The main claim of the lawsuit can be summarized as: “Vaccines don’t do nothin’ anyway.”
Paxton doesn’t care whether he wins or not. It’s just another lame stunt. Republicans don’t know how to actually govern, and aren’t even trying. Everything is fun and games to them.
Let's hear it for Moms For Liberty and magats as general sex offenders.
Wonder what the raging homophobes at Moms for Liberty think about one of their founders having gay sex?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Most amicus briefs for conservative cases in SCOTUS come from a small bunch of ideologues affiliated with Leonard Leo.
Magats don't/won't/can't investigate magats just like sharks won't eat divorced women or lawyers. Divorced women are always bitter and for lawyers it is just professional courtesy.
In the interest of not getting my ass chewed, I do not subscribe to bitter women theories. I know lots of divorced and happy women.
BLM: "Uh, no he's not our guy, and no, none of us support Trump."
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Humanitarian Israel sets out new districts for Gazans to occupy and then bombs them. Where is the outrage from the world's leaders?
“Footage shows the moment a mass brawl broke out at a #NorthCarolina high school, leaving one student dead and another in hospital.”
Suspected serial killer linked to 4 Los Angeles-area deaths due in court
Tommy Tuberville has backed down from his foolish blockade of military appointments. I imagine it finally dawned on him that everyone in the Senate, not just Democrats, hates him now, and maybe that’s not a good thing?
Tub-of-ill has said that he will drop his hold on all military promotions except for four star generals, because who needs those?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
George Santos is on Cameo now!
That's right, for $200, George will record a personalized "celebrity" video greeting that you can send to your loved ones. Or your hated ones.
It's just a matter of time before he does OnlyFans.
Told you so:
Liz Cheney Weighs Third-Party Presidential Bid
December 5, 2023 at 6:24 am EST By Taegan Goddard 65 Comments
“Liz Cheney, one of the most vociferous critics of Donald Trump in the Republican Party, says she is weighing whether to mount her own third-party candidacy for the White House, as she vows to do ‘whatever it takes’ to prevent the former president from returning to office,” the Washington Post reports.
Said Cheney: “Several years ago, I would not have contemplated a third-party run. I happen to think democracy is at risk at home, obviously, as a result of Donald Trump’s continued grip on the Republican Party, and I think democracy is at risk internationally as well.”
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Rudy didn't show up at the trial for the lawsuit from Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. Perhaps he should be remanded into custody.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Liz Cheney Weighs Third-Party Presidential Bid”
Assuming she decides to, there is a zero-percent chance of success, and she has to know that. She would only be doing it in order to promote sales of her book or whatever.
If she did run, the only important question is whether she would act as a spoiler pulling votes away from Trump or Biden. My guess is she’d take more votes from Trump, because I assume there are more middle-class suburban “moderate” (meaning, basically, not fascist) conservative voters who hate Trump but hold their noses and still vote Republican anyway than there are so-called Never-Trumpers who would actually hold their noses and vote for a Democrat instead.
In which case, if she helps Trump to lose, I might send Liz Cheney a gift basket.
Don't read this before or after meals.......
The Sturgis Buffalo Chip is celebrating Black Friday by announcing it is the Official Unauthorized Headquarters of the Rock ‘n Noem presidential campaign, as well as a performance by Kid Rock on The Largest Music Festival in Motorcycling’s Stage on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024 during its 34thannual Freedom Celebration.
While supplies last, every person who purchases a pass will receive a free Rock ‘n Noem campaign sticker, bumper sticker and button. Those who purchase a premium pass or VIP upgrade for Aug. 8 will get a limited-run Rock ‘n Noem campaign T-shirt. The Chip is also offering the free complete campaign kit to standard reservation holders, they just have to pay for shipping, while supplies last.
…“I’ve been more than a little disappointed with the American political scene in recent years; Kid Rock and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem are leaders who believe in freedom, have backbone, love America, and can carry a tune!” said Sturgis Buffalo Chip President Rod Woodruff. “I officially announce my endorsement for the 2024 candidacy of Kid Rock for President and Gov. Kristi Noem for Vice President. Kid Rock already built the new White House, we just have to move the capital to Nashville now! They might not be running yet, but if they decide to, then we’ll be ready for one heck of a campaign kickoff party on August 8!” [Buffalo Chip, press release, posted by Iron Trader News, 2023.11.24]
Tub-of -Ills? Good one, Doug.
Gonna hold up Admirals, too.
Chinless wimp0 and magat punching bag McCarthy will retire from Congress at the end of the year.
Meanwhile, all those hours of Jan 6 riot tapes Johnson swore to make public have either disappeared or have the insurrectionist's pics blurred so Dems and legal officials can't identify the criminals.
“Chinless wimp0 and magat punching bag McCarthy will retire from Congress at the end of the year.”
He should kidney-punch a different far-right Republican, every day until he leaves. And two kidney-punches for Matt Gaetz.
Might as well get even with his enemies, since his political career is probably over.
So the last of the "Young Guns" bites the dust.
I shudder to think what kind of wingnut the good folks of Bakersfield will send to DC to replace him, but we've been trying to get rid of that evil, smarmy fuck for years.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
So apparently Rama-lama-ding-dong is claiming that J6 was an "inside job".
Ya think?
Yeah, I know that he means it was instigated by feds or some such horse shit, but really? An inside job? Does he remember which administration was in power at the time?
Hey, Viv-bone, not only was it an "inside job" but it went all the way to the goddamn top, as you're about to find out in multiple courts of law.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
42 y/o son of North Duhkota magat Senator kills deputy after crashing stolen vehicle. Must be them kristian family values at work some more.
“42 y/o son of North Duhkota magat Senator kills deputy after crashing stolen vehicle. Must be them kristian family values at work some more.”
From the sound of it, the dude has a serious mental illness.
Another goddamn Republican from The Villages in Florida guilty of voter fraud.
He's a gop operative and may face jail time because he refused to plead out and was instead convicted by a jury.
It speaks to the mental instability of these fucks that he risked jail to add one more vote for Fergus in fucking Florida...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
TRUMP 2024!!
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