Saturday, May 25, 2024


It's been a minute. I hope that all of you field hands are doing well and thriving while doing your best to survive in this moment that we are living in.  These are crazy times.  America, as we have come to know her, is no more.  And that my friends, is not hyperbole. 

Personally, I have never believed that this is such a perfect union, and I have always suspected that the American experiment is flawed. But I always hoped that the American people were so proud of their country and the idea of its ideals, that they would not allow dark and sinister forces to hijack the perception of the world's greatest democracy. My hope is fading. Amend that. It has faded.  I didn't see America becoming the Republic of Gilead from the Handmaid's Tale.

What really brought it home to me was the knowledge that a Justice on the Supreme Court of America was willing to openly declare that he is a Christofascist who endorsed the actions of the January 6th insurrectionists. Now I am not naive enough to believe that judges aren't political, they all are. They are appointed by presidents who check their political loyalties before selecting them. But in the past they would at least pretend to be impartial and do their best to follow the law, even if they would twist it to suit their own political ideology.  No more. The actions of Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas should scare us all. We should have seen this coming when Alito gave his bitter, resentful, and grievance filled speech to the Federalist Society in November of 2020.  As one writer put it: " Alito's speech is marked by the sense of bitter resentment and grievance of white Christian men that runs through the whole Trumpist fascist movement."  Now, emboldened by the actions of Trump and his allies, the push for a Christofascist takeover is in full effect. Roe v. Wade was just a start. The legislature in Louisiana, for instance, just passed a bill to make abortion pills a controlled substance. Let that sink in for a minute. Soon, there will be laws banning the teachings of certain things in schools and  pushing a far-right version of Christianity down the throats of school children. Wait.. they are already doing that. I see you Texas and Florida. 

There will be more to come.  America will keep going deeper down this right-wing rabbit hole, and when we realize what we have become it will be too late. We will be living out a dystopian Handmaid's Tale, and only mega church preachers and white nationalists will be happy. It's almost here. Google Project 2025 when you get a chance, and make yourself a stiff drink before you read it, you will need one. America will need a  dictatorship style form of government and leader in order to make the new Christian white nationalist nation a reality.  And here is the shocker: almost fifty percent of the voters seem to be cool with that.   

It's scary to think that the only thing standing in the way of all this happening is a shaky 81 year old man with a woman of color on his ticket. (Nothing against Kamala, but no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room: the thought that Uncle Joe could  check out at any minute and  his successor would be a...gasp! Black woman.) Throw in the fact that I have zero confidence in the DNC and their so called campaign experts, and you see where this is going.  Project 2025 could well become a reality. 

The perfect storm is brewing.  Pack your rain gear and batten down the hatches. We are in for a rough ride. 


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mike from iowa said...

Without wasting any precious time watching the debate, I know drumpf lied his ass off and attacked Biden and played the victim. Standard proceedure for the biggest liar ever to enter politics.

mike from iowa said...

The Magat war on democrazy continues.

dinthebeast said...

The goddamn supremes are on a fucking tear. Chevron overturned. Sleeping outside against the law. J6 rioter convictions thrown out. More Monday.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

On the other hand, they rejected Bannon's appeal and he has to report to prison Monday.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

"The Magat war on democrazy continues."
The goddamn Republican war on the very concept of expertise continues. Who should be able to have the final word on issues of food or drug safety, scientists who have been working their entire careers on them or judges appointed by Fergus? In their own eyes, obviously judges.
So now, a goddamn SCOTUS who can't even clear their own docket by the end of their term will have a massive increase in workload, mostly of cases they don't really understand and lack the infrastructure to get grips on. This is an unprecedented power grab, and entirely to be expected by the yahoos appointed by the goddamn Republicans to serve on this court.
Perhaps in a few years, after them failing to adjudicate the firehose of cases this will unleash, we can expand the court in some meaningful way or other.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

bethhawes said...

Despite the debate disappointment last night, Biden still has my wholehearted support and vote, for all the warnings Field set out above. He and Kamala and the Democrats are our only hope. We've lost the courts, agency regulations, women's reproductive freedom, and probably the fight against climate change. If we go down, let's go down fighting!

mike from iowa said...

Moar magat insanity, trying to make death easier for Americans....

Desatinist stops Floriduh from closing beaches posted with fecal bacteria warnings.

mike from iowa said...

Magat scotus continues to consolidate power in federal judiciary, stripping congress of their constitutional duties.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

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