Saturday, March 08, 2025

"State of the Union causes State of Confusion"


The state of this fragile American union is not good. It's not good because the leader is intentionally trying to divide us and destroy it. I am not one to dabble in conspiracy theories, but I am really starting to believe this one about the Russians having something very incriminating on Donald J. trump. 

  How else do you explain his latest move to isolate Ukraine and allow Russia to take some of the land they took from that country? How else do you explain his appointment of Tulsi Gabbard, a known Assad and Putin sympathizer, as Director of National Intelligence? For years many folks believed that she was a Russian asset, and she still very well might be. Donald trump disparages every world leader, including the Prime Minister of Canada, but he is afraid to say a bad word about Putin.  Why?  

What's scary is that he now has most of his followers (the MAGA cult members) believing that the Russians are the good guys, and all the other countries in Europe are bad. The same Russians who kill  their political enemies,  bomb hospitals,  and slaughter innocent  children. This is  what MAGA is embracing, because their leader told them that it's alright to do so. 

Those videos of trump and his bully friends ganging up on Zelenskyy in the White House was painful to watch and has been seared in my memory. The poor guy didn't have a chance. In Russia they were celebrating, in America we were wondering, what the f**K just happened?  And then, to top it off, some clown in a clown suit asked him, Zelenskyy, why HE wasn't wearing a suit? Imagine that. Your country is under siege, and you are fighting a war for your very survival, and some MAGA clown admonishes you for not wearing a suit to meet the most cowardly man to ever sit in the White House. A man who lied his way out of having to serve in battle for his own country. Here is another thing, I have seen Zelenskyy in a suit, and he wears one better than all the men who were sitting in that room with him. Apparently trump likes Baroni suits, bur the company should tell him to stop wearing them. On any given day he looks like Alfred Hitchcock in a bathrobe. And if they are bespoken, shame on Baroni for not telling the emperor how f****d up he looks. But I digress. The point is, the MAGA journalist was way out of line, and so was the president and JD Vance for the way they ambushed the poor man. 

But this is where we are in America.  Trump's address to congress was nothing but a plethora of lies, double speak, and misdirection. Nothing, and I mean nothing he said many any sense. "Eight million dollars to experiment on transgendered mice"? No! That is TRANSGENERIC mice. These mice are genetically modified with foreign DNA introduced into their genomes "to study the function of specific genes, model human diseases, or to test potential treatment." I know that science is hard for the MAGA crowd, but without this and other types of research, we would never be able to make advances in medicine.  So either trump can't read or he just flat out lied. It drew a few laughs from the GOP sycophants in congress, but there was nothing funny about what he was doing: Gaslighting the American people.   

We are now almost two months into Mr. trump's administration, and the price of eggs keep going up, gas prices are not going down, and the stock marker is going up and down like a Six Flags rollercoaster. Sadly, I suspect that trump is purposely trying to manipulate the markets for some pump and dump scheme with his buddies, but I obviously can't prove it. It would take a real journalist to look into it, but sadly, there are none of those left in America.   

On the foreign policy front, our traditional adversaries like Russia are now our allies, and our allies (See Canada) are now our enemies.  Trump wants to pull out of NATO, and we are no longer sharing intelligence with Ukraine. And, more importantly, our allies in Europe are going to be sharing less intel with us.  I don't feel safer, and neither should you. 

Shout out to Al Green for walking out of that lieathon to congress and heckling trump. Shame on the ten democrats who voted to censure him. You are what's wrong with the democratic party, not Al Green.

 At some point you will all have to stand up and say enough, before it's too late for the rest of us.         


mike from iowa said...

Genesis "Land of Confusion" video. Just replace Raygun's charicature with putiebot's.

pluky said...

Inner bionerd pedant insists on correction: transgenic, not transgeneric. Otherwise, preach!

mike from iowa said...

That wasn't some clown berating Zelensky for not wearing a suit. It was in fact, Brian Glenn, Georgia congresswoman/POS perjury taylor greene's latest boyfriend. His news agency apparently accepted pesos to support putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck.

mike from iowa said...

There are real journalists in Amerca ad worldwide. Pro Publica has them and they are good!

mike from iowa said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Feelz the whole screed was disingenuous. And disingenuous is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

mike from iowa said...

Unlike agats, Field speaks truth to power, as does every other field hand who posts here. Truth is kryptonite to magats.

mike from iowa said...

putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck's unpopular programs....

Americans are vastly aainst what putiebot is doing to America.

mike from iowa said...

After being humiliated by putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck, Elaine Chao accepted position on bored of trustees of former Kennedy Center, now putiebot center for magats. putiebot also chose fake Noize hosts Maria Fartaroma and Laura Ingrateham as trustees to complete a totally dysfuncional outfit.

dinthebeast said...

As it sometimes happens out here in the sticks when it snows, the internet went down Tuesday morning, sparing me from having to watch the wretched thing live. It's not like I can avoid finding out what kind of bilge he spewed, so no loss there.
I don't put much stock in the reports that Fergus was recruited by Soviet intelligence in the eighties, but that doesn't really matter anyway: he has fully betrayed forty five years of cold war and all of the allies we have had in it for my entire life.
Now Europe is debating how to re-arm themselves to counter the threat from Putin's Russia. Why was it that they stopped arms build-up in the first place, again? Oh yeah, world wars.
So, when Fergus accused Zelenskyy of risking world war three, it was just another of his many, many accusations which are really confessions. He acts as if he believes himself smarter and more capable than all of the West's diplomatic efforts since WWII. That's the malignant part of malignant narcissism.
One can only hope that his horrible diet and lack of exercise will negatively affect his health to the point of disabling him from the job. JD would in some ways be worse, but wouldn't have the mindless devotion that is Fergus' real political strength.
He's just the carnival barker, the Pig People who love him are the problem, together with the seeming majority of the voting population who have it so good under the US government that they feel like they don't need to know anything about what it does or how it works.
Many of them are in for a rude shock right now, as the functions they have taken for granted are curtailed out of spite and ignorance.
Also, JD will have to compete with Don Jr. for the MAGA crown, if the latest reporting can be believed.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

More incoherant TDS.

Anonymous said...

Go to Newsmax or OAN

Anonymous said...

Define a woman

Anonymous said...

You are confused. Its the democrats and their chinese masters.

Anonymous said...

Children are not born trans. They are taught by a groomer.

Anonymous said...

Dems think boys need tampons in their bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

I have posted this before, but I guess along with not being able to read, you also can't understand the English language spoken in a video:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

putie pie is giving Russian mothers of dead soldiers meat rinders in honor of the fallen. Rumour has it putiebotnevillechamb erpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck is offering Ukrainian moms free putiebotnevillecham berpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck branded body bags witha hammer and sickle.

Palestinians get putiebotnevillkechamerpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck branded body bags with a star of david emblazoned on them.

mike from iowa said...

gatewaydumbshit has less than zero credibility.

mike from iowa said...

and putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuck thedumbfuck hasn't bombed Gaza into oblivion, istead negotiations are ongoing. putiebot sucks green wienies and so do magats.

Anonymous said...

Adjust your meds.

Anonymous said...

More deranged word salads

Anonymous said...

Excellent web site.

Anonymous said...

Dems support child grooming.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We love Trump and DOGE!

mike from iowa said...

Hypocrisy thy name be putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbuck appointed ed martin....

Thid guy prosecuted and/or investigated people involved with J6 prosecutions now claims he wants to get back to the business of defending cops. Fucking magat hypocrite.

mike from iowa said...

you certainly add nothing to nothing worthwhile to comments. Why not go suck up to a blogger who cares?

mike from iowa said...

Eat shit and die, tool!

mike from iowa said...

Moar "only the best people" picks by putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck to lead Naval Academies bored of visitors.

Our GREAT United States Naval Academy needs a new Board of Visitors. I am pleased to announce that an incredible group of Patriots will serve on the Board— Walt Nauta, Sean Spicer, “Doc Ronnie” Jackson, and Derek Van Orden. Together they will ensure continued Greatness for the Academy!

Some people are born to grateness, some have thrustness grated upon them.

mike from iowa said...

Vasnce can't dance, but he was capable of spaking truth to power before he got magatized.....

mike from iowa said...

Wonder why magats aren't all over the polls that show a majority of magat voters polled about putiebotnevillkechamb erpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck's campaign speech to a joint session of congress was liked?

Because even magats know the only viewers were diehard retarded magats who believe all the shit putiebot spoon feeds them.

mike from iowa said...

Fucking hillary-ous...

moved over one state and thought more magat/military minded consumers would be good for business. Uh, no. So the company blamed local woke mob fr their demise beause that is what magats do.

mike from iowa said...

wate, fraud and abuse doge does it better...

mike from iowa said...

Jake Tapper asks rick scott (the one person who really, really knows medcare/medicaid fraud upfront) how long Americans woulod suffer under putiebot's economic misery a nd all he could do was lie about it being Biden's problem.

mike from iowa said...

if this was a real story all media would have picked up on it out of fear of being sued. Hoft has less than zero cred.

mike from iowa said...

did I ever tell you magats the time when dead Breitbart defamed a black dept of ag employee and got his lying ass sued off shortly before he conveniently died?

mike from iowa said...

Cheap justice of the scotus turned putiebot's reign of terror loose and putiebot has zero regard for the rule of law.

mike from iowa said...

Poland and Germany seek nukes to counteract putiebot's siding with putieboss.

mike from iowa said...

Fatass putiebot was golfing again, charging secret service agents outrageous fees to stay at mara shithole and rent carts to follow his fat ass around his third world clubs.
Meanwhile, a man from Indiana with suicidal intentions drove near the shithole WH and was shot by Secret Servce agents who didn't have to pay fatass putiebot a thing.
putiebot total waste fraud and abuse.

Anonymous said...

California Democrat Introduces Bill Criminalizing Self-Defense During Home Invasion
By Martin Tribe / March 5, 2025

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The President does not charge USSS "fees" for protection. USSS goes wherever the President goes.

Anonymous said...

Go DOGE Go!! Keep up the excellent work!

mike from iowa said...

HHS wants nearly 80k employees a nd staff to leave on Monday.
Can't hardly expect disruptions when lunatic magats run things,. can you?

mike from iowa said...

your link doesn't exist, but its no wonder coming from a extreme right biased fact failing site.

dinthebeast said...

"The President does not charge USSS "fees" for protection. USSS goes wherever the President goes."{

And fucking Fergus charges them double and triple the normal rates at his hideous properties, pocketing millions of tax dollars in one of the stupidest naked grifts ever run on the US taxpayers.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Typical magat moron who cnnot read and comprehend. I never said he charged them for protection. Adjust yer meds.

mike from iowa said...

anymoose, a short primer on putiebot's grifting Secret Service in his first go around.Pay close attention an d learn the truth..

Anonymous said...

Doug, the government exists to serve the people (supposedly).
It's not about how much free shit you can get from it. But you go ahead and keep giving your dystopian civic's lessons.

mike from iowa said...

putiebot's short sweet history of bankruptcies magats pretend did not happen.

dinthebeast said...

Right. And her dog had a choice as to whether to go to the gravel pit or not:

Kristi Noem Says Migrant Kids Made ‘Choice’ to Come

March 9, 2025 at 7:15 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 140 Comments

Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem suggested on Sunday that children brought to the country illegally by their parents “have a choice” in the matter, the Daily Beast reports.

Said Noem: “Well, the kids do have a choice. If they have parents, they make a choice to keep their families together, if they want to or not.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Another plane crash. Hurrry hurry. Fire some more FAA personnel.

mike from iowa said...

putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck caused a 4.1 earth quake in Los Angeles today.

mike from iowa said...

Texass leads California in acres burnt by wildfires. Hope putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck puts condtions on A-Butt and magats in Texass getting FEMA aid.

mike from iowa said...

Petulant putiebtnevillechamberp;otdrumpfuckthedumfuck ustg put a 250% tariff n Canadian dairy products. That ought to settle Wall Street down tomrrow.

mike from iowa said...

What happened to the WH most famous plant. did putiebot send it to Siberia?

dinthebeast said...

According to Wikipedia, the WH's most famous houseplant died June 5, 2004 at age 93 in Los Angeles.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Welp, we voted for a clown and here comes the circus. Let's just watch the show and eat cotton candy.

mike from iowa said...

Canada's new PM has degrees from Harvard and Oxford. Fatass putiebot has degrees from fever dreams no one has ever seen before.

mike from iowa said...

228 dead and rfk jr is helping Texass distribute unproven treatments for measles.

bethhawes said...

Everything you said, field, and a thousand times more. I've said it before but it becomes truer by the hour: each day is worse than the day before. I've called both my US senators and left messages about my unhappiness with what Maga has birthed, (Cruz and Cornyn, both GOP stalwarts, so fat lot of good that will do), but I don't know what else to do!! All my family and friends feel the same and have taken pitiful action like me. What else can a lower/middle-class Democrat do?! I have fantasized about taking one for the team, blah, blah but that's just wishful thinking. It is ever more true that if you don't have lots of money in this country your voice doesn't count for much. Politicians ignore folks like me. Except maybe not Bernie Sanders, bless his heart!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Like obamas birth certificate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black conservatives love Trump!

dinthebeast said...

OK, if Wikipedia is a little too reality-based for you, this is from

June 5, 2004
President Ronald Reagan dies at the age of 93

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So the state of confusion tanked the stock market. Who could have known?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Well, not you. You are clueless.

Anonymous said...

I only got thru the first part of the run on sentence.
Girl get some boxes of wine and cats. With or without a litter box. You can do this!

mike from iowa said...

Only fake Obama birth certificate is the one in your fevered brain, tool.

mike from iowa said...

putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck puts on a bear costume, alks into a bar and tlls the bartender he wants a gin and tonic. Bartender immediately smacks drumpfuck wih a bungstarter and says, "you stoopid son of a bitch, you ruined the punchline."

mike from iowa said...

Unlike anymoose, Doug speaks truth to power and not made up shit from magat fever minds.

mike from iowa said...

Moar than one way to shut down an out of control gubmint.

mike from iowa said...

Micromanagement of health concerns by rfk jr.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Total delusion

Anonymous said...

It didnt

mike from iowa said...

No evidence e is being funded by Hamas or that he is anti-semite. There is an anti-semite in the shithole WH, except on weekends. Remember when utiebotnevillechamerpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck said if e lost the election Jews were to blame?

Back to the arrested and deportation threatened protester. He has a greencard so he is an American citizen. Protesting is a first amendment protected activity which doesn't matter to putiebot. Anyone needing to be deported are putiebot's homely looking wife and elongated skum, both here illegally.

mike from iowa said...

putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck vows to buy a tesla (likely charge it to the gubmint) and claims protests against tesla are illegal. Unhinged stoopid fucker he is.

mike from iowa said...

With marco stoopido out of the senate the title of dumbest sinator now is a tie between kennedy of Looseranna and this fucking moron..

mike from iowa said...

moron magats voted for this....

mike from iowa said...

Finally some clarity, I hope.

Anonymous said...

“Back to the arrested and deportation threatened protester. He has a greencard so he is an American citizen. Protesting is a first amendment protected activity which doesn't matter to putiebot.”

He’s not an American citizen. He has permanent residency.

The thing is, Trump can’t legally revoke permanent residency and deport Mahmoud Khalil unless he’s been convicted of certain crimes. But hating the Israeli government isn’t a crime. Even hating Jews (which Trump has accused Khalil of, but not proven) isn’t a crime.

Trump can’t kick people out of the country just because he feels like it. He is breaking the law, again.

mike from iowa said...

magats admit they are cutting SS, Medicaid and Medicare to pay for taxcuts for billionaires.
elongated skum and putiebotnevillechamberp[otdrumpfuckthedumbfuck are the en tirety of waste, fraud and abuse in gubmint spending.,

mike from iowa said...

wonder if putiebot gets paid by Tesla for this info-mercial on behalf of elongated skum?

mike from iowa said...

Force them to be brn then don't feed, educate or insure them because magats hate kids even before forced birth.

mike from iowa said...

putiebot really is this unhinged and stoopid!

mike from iowa said...

putebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck is ot a strog decisive leader.

Anonymous said...

Egg Prices Plummet
Published Mar 11, 2025 at 1:15 PM EDT

Anonymous said...

Canada already bent the knee and removed the tariff. Trump tariffs and negotiating working.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No, but Hunter Biden received $400-500k for his paintings as a way to launder the bribe money for Joe Biden's "influence",

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Secretary of State can revoke his green card.

Anonymous said...

Lets see Hunters lap top.

Anonymous said...

Trump is not an anti-Semite, that is the democrat party. Trump is Israel biggest supporter.

Anonymous said...

Salon is a Marxist propaganda site. Its for low IQ voters.

dinthebeast said...

"Doug, the government exists to serve the people (supposedly).
It's not about how much free shit you can get from it. But you go ahead and keep giving your dystopian civic's lessons."

Government exists to do the things that the private sector can't or won't do that the society needs done anyway.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Yes, Rubio can revoke Khalil's green card, but did he? Or did they just grab him and take him to Louisiana where he's safely out of the jurisdiction on SDNY? Sort of like how Rubio can review all of the contracts of USAID but most definitely did not.
They're just doing stupid, fascist shit then trying to retcon their way to legality. Which shouldn't work in his case because his lawyers had filed a habeas petition before they disappeared him.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Khalili going to get deported.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

putiebot surrendered and agreed not to double tariffs on steel and aluminim for removing electricity tariffs, meanwhile Karoliar Leavitt said Canadian tariffs are really a tax break for American consumers. These fucking morons are fucking morons.

Anonymous said...

“Yes, Rubio can revoke Khalil's green card, but did he? Or did they just grab him and take him to Louisiana where he's safely out of the jurisdiction on SDNY? Sort of like how Rubio can review all of the contracts of USAID but most definitely did not.”

Rubio cannot revoke his green card at will. There is a list of crimes that will justify revocation, but otherwise, no.

Trump is, in effect, arguing the federal government can boot out people for having political views he doesn’t like. It can’t.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Legally he can.

Anonymous said...

“Legally he can.”

No, illegally, he is trying to. This is yet another attempt to shred the law and Constitution and declare himself emperor of America.

Anonymous said...

Black Conservative:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Incorrect mike.

Anonymous said...

More gaslighting from the left.

Anonymous said...

We do!!

Anonymous said...

Democrats dont even know what a man or woman is. Talk about confused.

Anonymous said...

The “Filipino Trump,” Rodrigo Duterte, got arrested and shipped to the Hague to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. He will probably spend the rest of his life in prison.

America’s Trump should take note: Sometimes, being an evil scumbag catches up with you.

dinthebeast said...

There is a rule that the secretary of state can revoke a green card and deport it's holder, but there are procedures that must be followed, like informing the chairmen of various congressional committees beforehand that Rubio has not actually done.
Fergus is just trying to exploit that rule without following it, just as he did with the USAID contracts that he had Rubio lie and say that he had personally reviewed when he absolutely did not, and could not have reviewed in the available time between his lie, I mean statement and the time the order was given.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“There is a rule that the secretary of state can revoke a green card and deport it's holder, but there are procedures that must be followed, like informing the chairmen of various congressional committees beforehand that Rubio has not actually done.”

More than that. He has to prove in court that Khalil is a supporter of Hamas, or that he’s committed whatever other cockamamie offense they’ve cooked up as an excuse for punishing him for opposing Trump’s political agenda.

They won’t be able to do that, so it is only a question of whether he ends up in front of a real judge, or a law-shredder appointed by Trump to shred the law.

Flying Junior said...

I would not have watched for any reason. I did here him on the radio momentarily spouting the same old nonsense and lies about tariffs bringing back American manufacturing. I wonder how many of his young, male supporters are ready to punch a time clock in a factory for 8 hours a day with two ten-minute breaks and a half hour, unpaid lunch? Oh, surely they are all lining up. The invisible hand of the free market will get things back into balance. Oh, that's right. Tariffs are the opposite of free trade.

mike from iowa said...

If anyone needs to be deported for terroristic hate speech it would be putiebot and vance for the lies and hate they spewd towards Haitian immigrants in Ohio.

mike from iowa said...

Guess which two magat terrorists spurred on the hate against Haitians?

mike from iowa said...

Maine has 2 trans girls competing in high school sports and at least 6 federal agencies have withheld funds or initiated nvestigations into the state's education system b ecause of a petulant, whiny, crybaby known as putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck. Which state is next in line for petty harassment?

mike from iowa said...

putiebot's tariff tirade against Canada has nothing to do with stopping frntany crossings, which is virtually non-existent, or illegal immigration. It is solely for the purpose of trying to force Canada top become part of magat world.

Anonymous said...

Bidenflation going down due to Trumps policies:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Men cannot compete in womens sports.

Anonymous said...

Total nonsense.

Anonymous said...

He will be deported.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Every month it will get better under Trumps economic policies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trans girls are really boys.

mike from iowa said...

according to putiebot's spokespeople it is Biden'[s economy, tool.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf dick sucker

mike from iowa said...

mike from iowa said...

bigly lying liar still lying bigly...

mike from iowa said...

I've seen beau colup Liberal men and not a single magat man. They don't exist. hey preted to e macho and ten ide ehnd mmme's skirts atg frs sign of resistance.

mike from iowa said...

putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck inherited a strong and growing economy and has fucked it up, just like his frst stint as figurehead potus.

mike from iowa said...

made in magatland products less desirable around the world as Europe joins boycotts against putiebot's tariffs.

mike from iowa said...

Is nontruth socal set to be utiebot's 7th known bankruptcy and failed business venture?

mike from iowa said...

We, in the real world, know whom to blame for media distrust.

mike from iowa said...

Gutless fucking conressdional magats had the power to stop putiebot's destruction of the economy by taking away emergency power from putiebot. Dems were going to force magats to vote on the issue and magats capitulated and passed a bill not allowing such a vote this year. They gave away their only option to save american's from the ravages of unhinged putiebot.

Anonymous said...

Word salad

Anonymous said...

USAID employees told to burn or shred classified documents
An organization representing foreign service workers said it was "alarmed" by the directive because there could be documents "relevant to ongoing litigation."

Anonymous said...

The left is very confused. They think there are more than 2 genders.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is there a word salad translator in the house??

Anonymous said...

Yes, the people who believe in climate change, more than 2 genders, tampons in boys bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

From Fortune mag....

Tesla loses $127 billion in one-day market bloodbath as China car group questions Musk’s pursuit of ‘personal glory’

rest of the article behind paywall.

mike from iowa said...

Karoliar Leavitt is too stoopid to breathe on her own...

mike from iowa said...

Perfct explanation why putiebotnevillechamberpotdrumpfuckthedumbfuck and his entire cabinet are the real threats to US foreign anmd domestic policy.

A government charging document addressed to Mahmoud Khalil, a permanent US resident and green card holder who is currently being held in a Louisiana detention center, said that secretary of state Marco Rubio “has reasonable ground to believe that your presence or activities in the United States would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States”.

Green cards are rarely revoked in the absence of a criminal conviction, but the foreign policy provision is the only ground for deportation listed in the document.

Anonymous said...

Crooked Trump pardons another crooked politician. How many are we up to now? I’ve lost count.

Someone should check for a payoff to Trump. It’s a safe bet there was one.

dinthebeast said...

"Is there a word salad translator in the house??"
Basically, to avoid having to hold a vote on authorizing Fergus' declaration of economic emergency, which gives him the power to tank the economy with tariffs like he is doing, goddamn Republicans inserted language into a bill declaring that all the days left in this congressional session only count as one day, so the fourteen day clock in which the vote must be held won't run out.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

mike from iowa said...

male, female and magats. What is there to dispute?

mike from iowa said...

Greenland's Dem party wins co ntrol of the island and vow to work with others to keep felon putiebot away from their territory.

mike from iowa said...

unhinged putiebot at his most unhinged hingement.

mike from iowa said...


mike from iowa said...

putieboss rejects putiebot's Ukrainian cease fire.
Best negotiator ever?

mike from iowa said...

A real thigh slapper, surenuf....

anti vaxxer rfk thinks this anti-vaxxer is not ready to lead.

mike from iowa said...

suckretary of duh fence Peeg Hawgsbreath wants to retrain military to make it easier for troops to commit war cimes. Sounds like a neato idea for a country magats swear only wants peace.

mike from iowa said...

mike from iowa said...

Moar massive fuckups from putiebot's "only the best get hired" hire...

Noem Nothing knows nothing but claims the leakers were identified, but, she wants to polygraph the entire outfit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are thinking of biden.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just the opposite

Anonymous said...

More left wing nonsense

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Truth prevails:

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mike from iowa said...

2025's rules for gubmint hires. No fraudsters. No banruptcy filers. Means no putiebot.

mike from iowa said...

too bad you can't read or comprehend. You could learn what truth is instead of daily being fed propaganda bullshit from other diseased mabats.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Define what a woman is.

Anonymous said...

He didnt. He accepted ceasfire with conditions. Negotiations will go back and forth until all parties satisfied.

Anonymous said...

More marxist gaslighting

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

Here is real news....

Thousands of fired workers ordered rehired immediately.

mike from iowa said...

real news from fake noize...

mike from iowa said...

Jewish group invades putiebot's shithole NY tower and demand putie free Khalil and stop arming netanfuckface.

mike from iowa said...

judge oredered moar transparency, skum and doge make info harder to find, but NYT finds some of their mistakes...

mike from iowa said...

much shorter url for NYT story...

mike from iowa said...

I want peace putie bot apparently plans to take the Panama Canal by force.