Everyone is wondering what happened on that faithful night on March 13, 2006, in that house on 610 N. Buchanan Street. One of those notable moments in American life, when race, sex, poverty, and wealth, all intersect to create a one for the ages media circus and fodder for the water coolers. Well, actually not everyone, because a lot of people --dependng on their race or political persuasion- have already made up their minds about what happened that night. For that reason alone, I have tried to stay away from this issue at least until it went to trial, or more facts came out. But I have bit my toungue long enough, and although I am still reserving judgment about guilt or innocence, there are many aspects of this case that has compelled me to say something.

First, let me say for the record, that I am one of those black folks who thinks O.J. killed Nicole, and therefore his black ass should not be walking around as a free man. Having said that, I also think that Kobe was innocent and Mike Tyson was set up. So there, I put my cards on the table as to what I think of the justice system in some of these high profile cases. Now in this case, I really don't care about guilt or innocence as much as I care about all the happenings sorrounding it. Well actually, that might not be so true. I do care about guilt or innocence, in that I care if innocent lives are being destroyed because of a lie, or if a bunch of rapist walk free because of their privilege and wealth. I guess what I am trying to say is that this toxic mix that I mentioned earlier, has made for an interesting study of human behavior, prejudices, and stereotypes. It has exposed raw emotions on both sides, and revealed people's true feelings about race and class.

For instance, the wall to wall coverage on FAUX news and the insistence by most of the hosts on that network that the youg men are not guilty.---I actually heard one commentator say that he is friends with one of the boy's parents and thus, couldn't really comment. Then he went into a long loquacious diatribe about how cruel District Attorney Mike Nifong was. The conservative blogs are even worse, and in their minds, given the accusers background, race, and income level she has to be lying. -Rush Limbaugh called the accuser a "ho" for crying out loud- And Mark Fuhrman of all people,- that self acknowledged racist who has been given new life by FAUX News- has even weighed in on this issue; proclaiming that the poor boys are innocent. Now the other side is not much better. Jessie Jackson went as far as to offer the accuser a college scholarship. Nothing wrong with that, but shouldn't he have waited? I mean what if she is lying, is this the type of young lady that Operation PUSH wants to sponsor and be associated with? An individual who just destroyed the lives of forty seven young men? I would hope not; because if she is knowingly lying, she doesn't deserve a college scholarship, she deserves a jail cell. I have even heard some black pundits get caught up with the fact that some in the news media are calling her a "black stripper." Well yeah, that's what she was doing when all this took place; stripping. So sorry, that doesn't bother me like say, the media calling Katrina evacuees refugees. Now that bothered me. I was also bothered by the Democratic District Attorney holding a news conference and declaring guilt from the very outset; the fact that he was in a political race made it even worse, and reeked of opportunism.

But then some of the players in this lamentable tragedy have come up fairly large . Duke University, never one of my favorite institutions ---maybe it's the name, I lived in Louisiana when a certain Republican by the name of David ran for President--- made all the right moves. Firing the Lacrosse coach, suspending the season, and launching an in house investigation. They even reached out to Durham's African American mayor and the black community. Good for them, but it doesn't change the fact that Duke is a bastion of privilege and wealth in the middle of tobacco road. And just across the railroad tracks are people who could only dream of ever having that type of access or opulents. So there is a built in resentment among the populace against Duke, and that has hurt them from the very beginning in certain sectors, both from a public relations and a credibility standpoint.

Just today, District Attorney Nifong indicted yet another player (the third) and declared that there will be no more. That player, David Evans, who the media referred to as "clean cut" (I am bald does that make me clean cut? Mmmm) gave a brief press conference before he was arrested on rape, kidnapping, and various other charges. In his statement Evans said: "I am innocent." He called the accusations "fantastic lies," and went on to say; "I look forward to watching them [the lies] unravel in the days to come." Then he closed with this: "I am innocent, Reade Seligman is innocent, and Collin Finnerty is innocent."
Yeah David, but America isn't so innocent now is it? Your lawyer, Joseph Chesire, said "this is one of the saddest days for justice in the state of North Carolina." It might be counselor, but it will have a long way to go before it can compare to another faithful day in 1900; when a poor African American named Avery Mills, was lynched for killing Mills H. Hack--- a state legislator-- in self defense in Rutherford County. Now that was a sad day, at least these boys will get a trial, that's something poor old Avery did not have the luxury of requesting.
like you, I don't know what happened here. But, to be honest, I ain't losing any sleep over it.
Racist media, has demonized this woman, beyond repair. What does the fact that she is a stripper have to do with anything?
I think Jesse was right in helping her.
Sometimes people have to do what they have to do to survive.
If these men were Black, they would be considered men. Since they are White; these men are referred to as boys and gentlemen; please White America and Black Detractors are so transparently pathetic. 5 year old Black boys are called young men.
If this woman was White; the story would go something like; struggling divorced mother exotic dancer.....
No, I do not care if she is called a stripper; yes, that is what she does to put food on the table and take care of her kids... if she didn't you would be calling her a welfare mammy. It is just the Racist Hypocrisy of the thing that gets to me... and just another obvious example of White Hatred against Black people; and some Black Self-Hatreds.
And if you think that this is going to ruin there lives then you are living in FairyLand right along with them.
White gives them the benefit of the doubt...
White and priveledge gives them everything else.
It was never proven that O.J. killed his wife and her friend.
I don't know the answers, and again that was one I didn't care about.
Tyson was railroaded; and it was his trial and the trial of William Kennedy Smith...that put groups like NOW in perspective for me.
With Tyson you have a Black man, and a Black woman. There was no evidence that he raped her; and there was evidence that she had planned to fuck him and hook him... yet, White people, and White women in particular said that she was some innocent, and she was not capable of rationality of the situation that she put herself in... a 2am booty call - that she planned and he went to Jail.
On the other side, there was William Kennedy Smith; and his rape victim was a White woman; and although there was at least a bunch of circumstantial evidence that he has committed this rape; what did you hear from White folk; especially White women? She should have known better; what was she doing on a beach at the wee hours of morning, with a man?
He is forever Free and Will be forever taken care of.
The only people willing to sacrifice their own children seems to be Us.
Sad, pathetically sad.
There are a number of issues about this case which troubles me... mostly the reaction of the AA community. Let me also start by saying that I too believe that O.J. is guilty of murder X2!!! Tyson and Kobe were set up, however Kobe should of known better, especially since he was married! (nuff said). Speaking of rapists walking free... what the hell ever happened to the case against R. Kelly? Most of my Black female friends surprised me with their take on the accusations against him. THEY GAVE THE BROTHER THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT! Especially "all" the ones who identify themselves as so-called Black Feminists. Their main argument was that a 14 or 16 year old girl knows the "dealeo" and the videos showed that they were not "innocent children", but sexually knowledgable and active. Of course I don't agree with that sentiment, for R. Kelly as far as I am concerned used his "star" status to take advantage of these girls... but I digress!
It seems to me that most Black people on this issue are what I term "Blinded by Black". Listen it doesn't matter if she was a stripper.... that doesn't give anyone the right to mistreat her and "allegedly" rape her. But she was there to "strip" for a bunch of white "men" (I hear yah Denise), DRUNK white men! Once they started with their racist taunts and comments, she should of gotten out of there, as it was reported that she had started to do, before she was pursuaded to return (because of the money?). I guess it is noble that she was stripping to put food on her table, take care of her child and pay her way through school, but there are hazards with choosing "that" profession... NO, it doesn't excuse or justify the behaviour of those men, but she did choose to take that risk (especially knowing that she was dealing with a bunch of drunk racist white men!). Also, what about the recent news reports that dna tests identified sperm from an unknown male, not any of the players, and therefore she had sex that night (either before or after this incident)? Wasn't a similar finding the basis of "reasonable doubt" in the Kobe case and had Black people screaming "I knew it! That white girl was a ho trying to set Kobe up!"?
Living in Canada, it is interesting to see how in America one's professed politics and the issues regarding race relations primarily dictates where most will stand on issues like these. Like FN, I will also wait for the trial and the "facts" (as they are presented by either side) to come out before I make a final judgment on the guilt or innocence of these men. (Although I am pretty sure of what the trial results will be... if it ever gets to trial... I would even put money on it, and I am not a betting man!).
But ultimately for me, this incident like so many others regarding the Black community, should cause us as a people to reflect on the issue of taking "RESPONSIBILITY". Accepting personal responsibility for the outcome(s) of our actions and/or the situations we choose to put ourselves in. We cannot always cry "foul" or play the "racist/victim card" to escape or turn attention away from our role in our own "victimization", or a better word may be our own "demise".
P.S. I just watched the documentary "The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till". I highly recommend viewing it!
Two very good posts above.
But Denise, it might not have been proven to that jury in LA that O.J. killed those people, but Stevie Wonder could see that he did it.I do agree with you that if the alleged victim was white, there would be a totally different spin about her from the media. But I have to split with you on another point you made. If she is making this up it is wrong, and those men'lives will be ruined -relatively speaking of course- by the accusations she made against them forever.
Thanks for the tip on the doc. asabagna. I know about it but I havn't had the time to check it out yet.
G'd day...
You said that she should have left right around the time that they started taunting her... when a woman sees herself in a sexually aggressive situation believe me she would hope that the earth open up and swallow her.
The charges are of rape. They held her against her will.
I think what you really want to say is--
"She should have never been a stripper" as much as you do not want to say it-- i think.
If a black person in this country says, I am innocent to me, or they did such and such (like the woman said, they raped me) I am inclined to believe her off the top. It is from the foundation of his innocence or her victimhood told to me by the black victim or alleged criminal, that my investigation towards justice starts in this country. Because of the unfairness of their criminal justice system I adopt this balancing act of believing my brothers and sisters FIRST.
Can we have our own Sharia courts :) anyone anone???? am giving Mark a solution here...
On the tucker carlson show Jesse said he would pay for her tution even if the duke players were exonerated. Not a smart political move for Jesse he should have gotten the funds to her on the dl. As for Oj, Oj didnt and doesnt not deserve any sympathy from us. He has no love or respect for black folk. Honeslty would you trust tyson around your kids. Not trying to be a jerk but please remeber that a lot of obviuosly guilty black people get off due to the very pourous legal system. Denise millions of women are single and poor, but they dont strip, please do not try to justify her stripping. She still had a choice.No one on the planet has much respect for strippers. j
Ugz can you elaborate further on Sharia courts? We should focus on the things we can control in my oppinion starting with personal behaviour
nevermind bruh, I was just playing.
Nevertheless, I want to ask you a question.
Scenario: I am young, black, poor and live in the hood and am arrested for holding up a pizza delivery guy on gunpoint. You are assigned to be my lawyer by the state or fed. And I say that I am not guilty.
*As my lawyer what is your purpose?
After that answer then please answer the following:
1. What is your purpose for African American People also can be rephrased, "What are you fighting/blogging for?
2. Can you draw parallels between the scenario answer and the larger picture of our so called struggle here in America.
What's up Ugz, Denise, Field Negro just wanna let you guys know that I am going to moderate my blogging and not always be looking for a fight. Even though I love kicking blog a##.
Good question Ugz
If I thought they were guitly I would have no love for them but Knowing me I would probably fight as hard as I could to them off Even if it meant playing the race card ( but I would only use it as a last resort).
Tricky answer MArk.
"No Love for them"
However, solid answer that serves my purpose.
If we look at the bigger picture, am I right to say that from your previous postings here on Fields site that YOU THINK:
1. African Americans are incompetent parents
2. AA young men are fiscally irresponsible (they buy evisu jeans before feed their babies)
3. AA children have bad attitudes
then with all this "guilty" signs Mark, where is the love?
I am not questioning your love bro, not at all, but I am trying to fill in the gap and understand you.
Mark, please don't hold back kicking blog a** because you feel that you have to tone down on this site. I welcome ass kicking posts:)
And I am sure everyone that posts here feels the same way. We all have thick skins, or we wouldn't be on this site in the first place.
Not all black people are incompetent parents. I think we are doing things that if you hold them up to the common sense test. Dont pass. If people are uneductated if they are interested in learning they can for free. You can get most books from the library, also you have access to the internet. Everywhere on the planet.My main issue with your point of view. Is you want to blame the man. The man is not telling or making a brother not spend time with his kids. Let me put it to you this way, not all of us are incompetent parents, but its way to many.
Most black people are fiscally irresponsible. I think there are historical reasons, such white people limiting our acess to capital, banks, loans, freedom to to business. So we are were not allowed to build up our finacial intellegence, contacts and world networks. But their is nothing stopping folk from pooling thier money now and creating business. But business just aint business, you sweat, bleed, cry, finance. A lot of the black owned business you can tell by the way they are ran that their black owned. I think it stems from self hatred. Its an attitude that says I dont have to respect the next man. Is anyone out in these fields trying to tell me we dont have attitude problems that make life thrice as hard? Please. And I do love black folk . I have a deep interest and fascination with our culture. But when I see us doing things to hurt each other it bothers me. Riddle me this Ugz, what is the differnce between the KKK and a young black man who murder or robs our people. We should make just as much noise when blacks kill blacks as when whites do. Not to means doom. Ugz I like you but I have not hear you come up with many Ideas on how to change the situation we are in . Only what I consider to be excuses. I think its obvious that black folks have a serious case of denial which we are ignoring right now as we speak. I find it disgusting. Ive been at other blogs and it seems most folks are only blog warriors. Theyll never come to the fields and debate or fight on black folk behalf.
Mark Bey
Have you noticed the kids smoking weed write on the street in few view of the world
Now we find out if you are honest or not.
Intellectually brave or a coward.
Riddle me this .
If black women had conducted themselves the same way as black men where would black folk be. OPEN QUESTION.
Will you have at the question fied negro you have to get deep just a few thoughts. Peace. Mark
Feild Negro
Why did lashawn barber kick off of her blog (do you to have behavior problems)
Whats your oppinion of tavis smiley, you think hes doing good work, ect.
Mark bey
You Ugz, what about a job program in prison, so that inmates can take care of or at least contribute to. Coulnd they be trained to do some of this jobs they are outsourcing. Mark
Riddle me this Ugz, what is the differnce between the KKK and a young black man who murder or robs our people.
No difference in the action, of robbing and killing, yet--
The 3K got a full stomach, the young brother doesnt.
My questions above were designed to find out what your position was on Black folks in this land.
I said before that it is very bleek for us. To the point that I have no hope.
As far as solutions, the ONLY move that we can make that will mean anything locally and interationally is with a consortium of RICH (oprahs, bill cosbys) coming together, and build certain strategic infrastrucures like --> SELF DETERMINATION
Media Outlet,
Lobbying Firms (Lobby Internationally) etc
Bank institutes (mortgage and basic)
This will empower us. Give us hope and legitimacy. It will definately legitimize your criticism Mark.
Because allegorically,
You are blaming the black kid who is hanging on a cliff by saying you should have never been there--
I am blaming those around him with ropes for not saving him.
Dont over-hype our women... they do just what they do... nothing more nothing less--
The system of white supremacy does considers women so inferior. Apply that to black women bro.
I left you a comment on the elephant article on your blog did u see
Mark, let me say this for the record: If you read my posts you will see that I agree with you about the state of black folks on most issues. And yes, we are in serious denial when it comes to our plight.
I for one, am sick of blaming white folks for our problems. But at the same time, I am not going to let them totally off the hook either. It was their actions that contributed to a lot of our problems in the first place, and I am not going to just sit back and say we must do it all without the majority population putting laws in place and offering economic stimulus etc.for us.
Mark, I loved the ideas about more funding for job and education training in prisons. One huge problem we have, is that when these prisoners are released they come back with no skills and go back to the same nefarious activities that they were engaged in before. I also think more money is needed -at least in Philly- for after school and recreation programs. These young kids need an outlet and structure in their lives. And after school basketball leagues etc. would go a long way in giving these kids some structure and proper discipline.
Unlike a lot of posters and other bloggers, I walk the walk. I am out here busting it on a daily basis and trying to contribute my time and energy to action and not just talk. I am involved with all sorts of programs-reading,mentoring,community action groups etc. and it never seems to be enough.
I know you guys are doing the same things, and like Denise said, it's frustrating because it seems like we are just spinning our wheels and talking all the time.
Having said that, I love the self determination angle that UGZ brings, because, at the end of the day, no one will care more about us than we do. I don't know what it will take to get more of our people to invest our money in the right things. (maybe forced economic educational classes as a condition of receiving certain benefits) I do know one thing, we can't always depend on the few of us . (the Cosby's, Bob Johnson, Magic, Oprah etc.) to get it done for us money wise. Because each of those individuals have different agendas, and as much as we hate to admit it, they are not necessarily in our best interest all the time.
(You guys know how I feel about Oprah :)
So there, I have said a mouthful, but thanks for getting me started.
Oh, and Mark, L.Barber (I won't even use her full name anymore,don't want too many google hits with her name associated with my blog) she banned me from her site becuase I called her on something. I think I told her something about not knocking her hustle in a debate about the black conservative movement, And she took great offense to that.( I think she fancies herself a right wing christian moralist or some such thing) Anyway, as you know, the truth hurts, and that's the only way I know how to go at somebody.
Yo Ugz I mentioned some of those things you said about self determination, Im all for self determination. You say you are hopeless what type of attitude is that to have. Lets assume that every thing you say about the man is true. Lets say he does actively have his foot on our necks. Do you think he going to stop. I dont. So our energy in my oppinion should be focused on solutions. All those things you mentioned I believe but if we cant get along we are only going to end up broke and beaten.
Lets say oprah and others create this infrastructure ( which I believe in by the way).
We still have the crabs in a barrel thing going what programs will you create or propose to solve this. Ugz most people have access to food. It dont cost money to read to your kids, musuems are free, parks, are free. It dont cost money for a man to have dinner with his son a couple times a week. Ugz you seem to be reminicing some great time in africa where life was so great. We have more freedom, access to education and a universe of knowledge via the internet, than even the richest people of times past. I am not saying that the man doesnt have blood on his hands. But truthfull speaking black folks have just as much, long before the europeans dominated africa. I was told one time you should only talk about a problem long enough to define what it is and what you do to solve. Although I like those Ideas you finally put down. This is your finest post Ive seen. It guese your getting tired of all the punishment Ive been giving you. Im going to tone it down with you a little. For you are such an eaasy and obvious target. Smacking down every post you make would simply web abuse of me unto you. Surely thier can be no justifications for such actions. Mark
P.s I know what you want , here it is . The white man is the devil, The white man is the devil, the white man is the devil. Somewhere in blogland Ugz is shivering in ectasy. Peace
Imagine, if these house n.. I mean-- rich folks get together and let it be known that they are going to build an institute of education from elementary to university.
It is going to stir African America into a work frenzy in a few years. A real hope to achieve to go to a school of our own money and sweat.
Were you aware that the historically black college Howard Univ. is named after a Northern yankee general whose achievements included destroying the Mee Poo Indians resistance(mee-poo = The People). Oliver O. Howard--
I am very DC oriented, please let me know if there is an HBCU which is named after a BLACK PERSON around your way further north.
That being said, the only reason that the Oprahs will invest in this type of endeavor is if they are guaranteed profit. naturally. And in the long run I am sure it will return a lot.
Fn I aint got nothing both love. You try to be consistant, have you been noticing getting into fights on other blogs for preaching truth. Sorry about mentioned you know who's name, your right she's is comming up to fast on google.That can only mean one thing, her propoganda is catching hold I shall never say here name on the net unless I have to. Oh, Fn I tried to google avery mills and your blog came up first. Your moving up in the blog world. Congrats.
ugz said:
"Because allegorically, You are blaming the black kid who is hanging on a cliff by saying you should have never been there-- I am blaming those around him with ropes for not saving him."
We need to stop looking for others, White or Black to save us!! First there is personal responsibility and accountability. I too "blame" (if that is how you wish to categorize it) the Black kid who makes the choice to hang off a cliff. But I am also one to give my time, effort, support etc. to the Black kid who makes the choice to find a bridge to cross over to the other side.... Damn...I would even save the kid who needed the rope and school him/her on the dangers of their actions/choices and help them consider alternatives.... and hope that they choose not to make the same mistake a second time.... but unfortunately that is not usually the case.
I must say this: I am hopeful for our people... that I why I advocate and work with them in any way I can. I believe that not only can we overcome... but we can be leaders and innovators in this society and worldwide, individually and as a community... and not just in sports, fashion or music. I personally know of lawyers, doctors, various business people, engineers, in a word "professionals" who are not only sucessful, but they do volunteer their time and mentor young Black men and women in amy ways. It goes beyohnd another set of after school sports programs. It's also about chess clubs, science clubs, math camps, reading and creative writing, debate clubs, outward bound programs etc. They are not just arm chair intellectuals. They walk the walk.
The task may seem overwhelming and daunting most times... but my attitude, right or wrong, is that I cannot save everyone, but those that I can... those who want to be helped, I will do what I can and hopefully they will carry on and save others. I have seen it work in my life... this is not just rhetoric.
LOL @ Mark!
*You say you are hopeless what type of attitude is that to have.*
I am hopeless for my people... the poor ones atleast. As for me individually, I am way ahead.
*Lets say he does actively have his foot on our necks.*
HE DOES actively have his foot on our necks. Don't deny it.
*...if we cant get along we are only going to end up broke and beaten.*
How can you and I get along when you blame the blameless--as Ghandi said about the Dark skinned untouchables.
*We still have the crabs in a barrel thing going what programs will you create or propose to solve this.*
Crabs in a barrel huh? whats the use of only one crab coming out of the barrel. I mean, I know we live in an indualistic nation, but shoulnt we be like the ants which build a bridge by hanging on each other, selfelessly. And this was the great thing about Africa by the way, and African idea of life is Selflessness, socialist in nature.
*Ugz most people have access to food.* (Our People)
You mean either they work 8 hours a day in a menial job or they are on welfare. You BUY food. right.
*It dont cost money to read to your kids, musuems are free, parks, are free.*
If you work a menial job 8 hours a day, plus time you spend in transport and food, how the hell are you gonna tuck in your son and read him Cinderella or Tarzan?! Not only time, food and transport, but the Museums and Parks cost money as reservation the holocaust musuems requires if I remember correctly 1.25 and internet access, a credit card, good credit. You need ID to enter(money).
Basically you are asking the working class poor black to act as Middle class white America.
*It dont cost money for a man to have dinner with his son a couple times a week.*
It dont cost him money to tell his son how to masturbate either, or show him variations of push ups.
*We have more freedom, access to education and a universe of knowledge via the internet*
I think being in America and seeing Katrina the whole world knows about your freedom and education and all that. In the view of some foreginer who saw Katrina situation on TV can it not be likened to the Ethiopians who was hungry in the early 80s, niggas waving American flags with SOS boards.
*than even the richest people of times past. I am not saying that the man doesnt have blood on his hands. But truthfull speaking black folks have just as much, long before the europeans dominated africa. I was told one time you should only talk about a problem long enough to define what it is and what you do to solve. Although I like those Ideas you finally put down. This is your finest post Ive seen. It guese your getting tired of all the punishment Ive been giving you. Im going to tone it down with you a little. For you are such an eaasy and obvious target. Smacking down every post you make would simply web abuse of me unto you. Surely thier can be no justifications for such actions. Mark*
have fun
*We need to stop looking for others, White or Black to save us!!*
By saying the above I think you defeated the theme of the rest of your posting such as:
I personally know of lawyers, doctors, various business people, engineers, in a word "professionals" who are not only sucessful, but they do volunteer their time and mentor young Black men and women in amy ways.
But I am also one to give my time, effort, support etc. to the Black kid who makes the choice to find a bridge to cross over to the other side.... Damn...I would even save the kid who needed the rope and school him/her on the dangers of their actions/choices and help them consider alternatives...
If you dont look for nobody to save you then don't waste your time trying to save them.
I know what you are trying to say, just like the Dells, the Marks, even FN, you are hard on the kid who did not choose to to hang off on a CLIFF-- aint nobody stupid to hang off a cliff and jump for thrill and ish...
No, we were BORN hanging off a cliff with a choice of:
"Either you're slinging crack rock, or you got a wicked jump shot", or the rap game, to get on level ground-- I dont know what fashion you talking about.
Putting our disagreement aside:
Lets get this greedy rich kinfolks we got to share their money... the house niggaz, the ones who are let to live in Massa's house, and wear his shit and act like him, let them share the $$$, and info when the massa aint there we can come in and eat off the table.
Remember this is a FIELD NEGRO's blog.
Yesterday was Malcolm X's bday, I broke my push up record
200 push ups -- 3 sets:
If the game shakes me or breaks me
I hope it makes me a better man
Take a better stand
Put money in my moms hand
Get my daughter this college plan, so she don't need no man
Stay far from timid
Only make moves when ya heart's in it
And live the phrase Sky's The Limit
Motherfucker... see you chumps on top
Don't nobody wants to live poor and hungry brothers... not the poor black kid, the young black man... not noone
Hey Ugz, is the Yacub story true?Mark
Asa said: It's also about chess clubs, science clubs, math camps, reading and creative writing, debate clubs, outward bound programs etc. They are not just arm chair intellectuals. They walk the walk.
Those are fly notions, imagine this if most black kids where to get 2 summer fulls of debating as summer youth jobs. No doubt about such kids wouold have the communication skills to compete for more jobs.
Had an idea. Since it is so hot in africa (some places in the sahara get 150 degrees) why cant we build lots of solar panel energy plants to supply some of africas need for eclelctricity? Is this feasible. Thank you very much for putting my link on your blog, when I figure out how I put your link on my blog.
Ugz thank you for dropping by progress, I responded to your comment on my blog. Mark
No you didnt!!!!!
*Hey Ugz, is the Yacub story true?Mark*
It's Yakub : ) bruh. But look at your ig-nant question:
Is the Yakub STORY true?.
You have already decided that it is a story, my answer to you is irrelevant.
Mark, LOL you a funny niggah... Sorry Field are we allowed to say Nigga on your blog? I mean with the A or AH not the more serious ER.
I dedicate to you:
The Coup: Riding the Fence
Ugz will you please answer my quetions. Mark
Ugz said:You have already decided that it is a story, my answer to you is irrelevant.
mark said: Yo Ugz are you afraid to share that type of information with me. Please answer my questions or I just might began thinking of you as an intellectual coward. Mark
You Fn I asked those brothers at dell gines the questions I asked you about the behavior of black men over the last 40 years, no one would touch it I had to force a confrontation with a know it all on that site, I dont wanna take anything away from the guy, we really went at it. He won the technical part of the debate, I won the merit part although hell never admit. After I stung his ass with intellectual jabs to his melon he started using word play and evasion to confuse the debate. Have you ever expierence this in the heat of debate. Mark
Yo Fn I wanted to give you some love on your Barry Bonds stance. I dont care what Bonds did because all of those records of baseball are bogus until 1949 when baseball was intergrated. However Bonds derserves all of the flack his getting in my oppionion, for bieng one of the biggest pricks on the planet. Having said that, I know a little bit about the Babe , and although a think he was a fun loving gregarious guy, no one ever gave The Babe much love on his integrity and character. Its pretty obvious to me that Babe would have used roids if it would have given him an edge to make more money. The sports media they know this, they are such hypocrits. So in the words of Feild Negro, " Go Barry Go". Mark
P.S Ugz please be a man and answer my question about Yakub. Peace
Open question: how can africa prosper when they have so many cultural,sexual, and corruptional traditions that are counter to freedom. How do we sit up institutions with strong accountablity measures. Africans and blacks are amongst the most creative people on the planet. If they are properly lead and educated couldnt they create jobs and industries for themselves. Mark
Good question. The problems in Africa go deep, and are typical of the problems facing many Third World countries. Corrupution, tribalism, poor checks and balances on the governments, and a long history of dependence on colonialist powers.
I don't have the time nor space to explain in a single post what my solution would be. But let me say this: I would start with stronger oversight of the aid dollars that we send to these countries, as well as having our own leaders push for accountability of those in leadership in African nations. Just as they do with leaders in the Middle East. I would also push for more programs to have Africans educated in this country and go back home with the knowledge they gained here to contribute to their society. (This has been the case to a great extent with India)
All this is why I am a strong believer in the Pan African movement, because I think Af. Americans could contribute greatly to what happens on the continent.(I know I know, we need to do work right here at home too) I think with all the brain power and resources at our disposal, we could contribute to some of these countries and their development.
So to answer your question Mark, yes, if properly educated they could create their own jobs and resources.
Hold Swiss and British banks responsible for harbouring blood money of corrupt leaders.
potential terorist supporters and their bank accounts in europe was frozen. But they will never freeze corrupt African leaders' money. Ther article below shows obvious evidence of corruption and everyone very well aware of it.
Third World cash exodus 'points to laundering'
But Mark and FN, this goes all the way back to power and racism. Why would French or Swiss banks freeze some random Arab's bank account on notice from America? It is because they will suffer heavy consequences from American partner and competitor financial institutions, not to mention white solidarity.
In contrast if we ask these European bank to regulate or right out freeze transaction with African nations, they will pay us no mind. 1. Because we have no retaliative measure if they do not comply. 2. They are right out racists who will consider your words spoken from a monkeys mouth.
Gentlemen, when BILLIONs of $, coming out of an impoverished country and into a Swiss bank account--, is there something wrong with this image? Or you still think I am crazy?
The Euro banks make a lot of money from this transaction. we have to have an organized body to punish these banks who harbor genocide money, just like swiss banks paid for harbouring nazi doe...
Power brothers power-- how do the black cats denote this-- BLACK POWER
Chancellor Gordon Brown-- (Tony Blairs arch Nemesis), calls on African leaders to end corruption
these africans are as hopeless as us here
gimme 15000 strong black men and a ship, I know what to do
Ugz you still have not adressed the millions of africans, muslims have rape, murdered and enslaved. Also if european banks harbor blood money they should be punished. For some strange reason it seems to me that you will not adress my questions of muslim attrocities against black people. How come the nation of islam has not taken a stance against the slavery that muslims have been practicing against africans before, and after europe practiced it. Muslims are still causeing africans a lot of pain and suffering in 2006 but for some strange reason you seem not to notice it. Strange. Mark
The nation of Islam is a very complex structure Mark as you may imagine. I do not know why the NOI is playing the dummy here. A combination of political and economical reasons. Politics maybe.
Hehe ;\ the Arabs are paying for their sins though Mark, dont you believe so?
Whatever it is thier paying it aint enought because thier still committing crimes against black folk. The NOI is full of it as far as Im concerned its just as well black folk would be a whole lot better off without them. Mark
*The NOI is full of it...*
Why do you say this? Are you dismayed by its failure in religion or politics?
Im not dismayed I just dont like foolishness and thats what they represent as far as I concerned. Theyve done some work. I give them full credit for cleaning brothers up. But that dosent mean they arent full of it. You have to understand I am antireligion. Mark
:\ yea, I know you dont like religion.
Open questions:
What do you think of the ADL? Especially on its DEFENCE of Jews and Israel
Can we compare the ADL to NAACP? Is the NAACP an able organization?
What do you think of Abe Foxman and his view on BLACK vs Jew and Min. L. Farakkhan?
I dont have any oppinion on the ADL. Write now the Naacp is almost irrelevant they can change but they need a radical infusion of new blood. They need a revolutionary new vision but they can change. They were once noble warriors. I dont kow what Abe Foxman view of Farakkhan is.
Well in spirit of Self Defence, Mark, ADL is the single most POWERFUL political, lobbyist/protector of Jewish name and interests in the Media (printed and otherwise), in law, economics, in higher learning institution, health... you name it, if you are talking about JEW, ADL is there. Funded by rich Jews here, Europe and Israel, this organization is vitriolic in its defence of Jews.
For instance, it attacks, white supremacists, the NOI (thats where Farakhan and Abe Foxman come in, they hate each other by the way).
My point being, like you said, I believe the NAACP was once a noble warrior, still fights a little.
But we need an organization in mirror of the Anti Defamation League. By the way, they have copy righted the "Anti Defamation" lol.
It's aim being:
1. Speaking and Lobbying against Media Bias
2. Advertising and Lobbying For Investment in Black Areas
3. Speaking and Lobbying Against Police discrimination and brutality
4. Advocating global African American interests
5. Create a database of educational and research material on "HATE" attacks on blacks
6. Produce an ANNUAL study of Political and Economic
what do you think...
Personal responsibility should come before all of that. Without personal responsibility none of those other things will ever be right. This is always going to be a probably africa is the most corrupt place on the planet it has nothing to do with white people.
Ugz said:2. Advertising and Lobbying For Investment in Black Areas
Which black orginization do you trust with the money. Which black group or orginization has shown itself trust worthy with large somes of money.
Those are alright goals to look forward. For some strange reason I dont know why you seem to believe in this great black homeland that were black folk were responsible all on thier own.
This is a problem that concerns me greatly, there is no country in africa that in sub saharan africa that has been run responsibly since the end of colonialism this is a gigantic problem you always seem to ignore. Mark
Haven't read all the posts; but Mark ---
I am not judging what the woman did in one way or the other...
I don't feel that I have a right to say what someone should or should not be doing.
I wouldn't strip... and I have never know the sting of poverty, thank God.
This young woman did what she felt she had to do - that and the fact of the obviously racist hypocrisy is what I was after in my post.
O.J. was proven guilty to you guys by another woman (Marsha Clark); who got through law school, guess how, SHE WAS A STRIPPER...wait, she is White, afterall, SHE WAS AN EXOTIC DANCER.
Why do Blacks have to subvert every damn thing?
Jesse's help is a good thing.
Kobe is no friend of the African American community either; nor is Micheal Jackson, Micheal Jordan, and others.... I agree that some negroes should not get Our support.
Like the above mentioned.
During the Kobe debacle there was this old Black guy on television, I forget his name, and he put it in perspective for me; "I don't give a damn about what Kobe Bryant is going through; Our community has real issues and problems to deal with..." Bill O'reilly's Factor.
Mark, com'on you aren't kicking anything. Pick a topic, any topic, give a date and a place to post answers as to how we can solve the issue... Challenge?
You, Me, Ugz, FN. Asabanga...com'on I'm waiting...
Hello Denise how you been I didnt jugde the young lady, I just said nobody has much respect for strippers. Which I believe is true. People have just as much right to critisize her proffesion as she has to work in it.
denise said: This young woman did what she felt she had to do - that and the fact of the obviously racist hypocrisy is what I was after in my post.
Mark said: She has every right to strip if thats what she chooses to do, but when a person does that they accept all of the social stigmas attached to what they are doing. I will never ever try to legitimize such a proffesion.
Denise said: O.J. was proven guilty to you guys by another woman (Marsha Clark); who got through law school, guess how, SHE WAS A STRIPPER...wait, she is White, afterall, SHE WAS AN EXOTIC DANCER.
Mark said: I wont justify her stripping either. I thought Oj was guilty after the chase in the white bronco, me thinking he was guilty has nothing to do with marsha clark, if anything her(and the prosecutions) incompetence is what got OJ off.
I think we should work on education and parenting, mentorship for young black men, business programs for black people, a community improvement plan for all black communities across america. This is only some of the thoughts I have been having. Mark
I think we should publicly condem the black church and our social orginizations for criminal neglect on aids issue , as well as our out of control sexual behavior that everyone was aware of 30 years ago. After we roast them we should them incorporate them to spread and promote these programs were would be trying to implement. Also thier are black warriors male and female who are doing noble and courageous work everyday, we should find these people and enhance what thier doing already.
Yo Asa where are you are you, when I first read your I thought finally I have found a brother willing to tell the truth and fight then you disapear. Your not afraid of the man are you? Come out lets put our brains together think tank style. You now the way the Neo-Cons planned all of this repub agenda stuff back in the early 90's Peace. Mark
I suggest then get a T-shirt that says
and start advertising that to the black youth.
As far as Africa is concerned, I can tell that your knowledge about the continent is constrained to what the Foxes, Cnns, cnbcs tell you. I am actually disgusted by the FACT that you dont even have an opinion on the ADL...
how can I be talking to a person who thinks he knows SO much but actually knows very little.
From now on, I will not talk to you
unless you have balanced out your bias by reading
Frantz Fanon
Elijah Muhammad
Noam Chomsky
The Destruction of Black Civilization
Negroes with guns
The Paradox of African Poverty
Vandana Shiva
Soul On Ice
Soledad Brothers
Ugz said: I suggest then get a T-shirt that says
and start advertising that to the black youth.
mark said: I have no problem with this, but if parents dont emphasize it and demonstrate it in thier personal lives I dont see too much hope. Childrens most important role models are thier parents dont forget that.
Ugz said: As far as Africa is concerned, I can tell that your knowledge about the continent is constrained to what the Foxes, Cnns, cnbcs tell you. I am actually disgusted by the FACT that you dont even have an opinion on the ADL...
Mark said: This is non sense I am man who loves africa and black people deeply. It is killing me to see the suffereing that we are doing. I want it stopped and right now. Ugz if Im wrong name me one african country that has been governed responsibly since the end of colonialism. I have not read all of any of those books, but I have read lots of books on the human condition about and by black people. You can read all you want at some point and time every man and women has to put that knowledge into action and conduct themselves in a responsible matter. Mark
Ugz said: I am actually disgusted by the FACT that you dont even have an opinion on the ADL...
Mark bey: Why do I need to have an oppinion on the ADL. You would not answer any of my questions, when I asked you why the NOI would not take a stance on arab muslims slaughtering, murdering and killing african women, girls, and men you never answered. If Im so wrong then name me 1 african country that has been governed responsibly. You havent named 1.
Ugz said: how can I be talking to a person who thinks he knows SO much but actually knows very little.
Mark said: If you know so much Ugz how come you focus most of your energy talking about the man instead of comming up with solutions to help black men who are taking it on the chin. You folk from the NOI are so full of it. When I asked you about Yakub you would not answer my question, is it because you know how stupid it would sound in 2006. For christ's sake the NOI dosent even train you guys to defend yourself in intellectual battle. As far as Im concerned black folk in american and throughout the world can do without people who excuse behavior that continues to kill and hurt our people. If you dont want to talk to me thats fine Ive grown tired of destroying your weak arguments anyway. Mark
P.s You quized me now Ill quize you . Ugz did you know.
1) Muslim sudan is trying to destabilize another african sovireign nation (chad)
2) Did you now that muslims from the middle east have been enslaving africans for hundreds of years long before europeans did
3) The black muslims sat on thier FUCKING ASSES complaining about the man while black christian men, women and children were murdered, jailed and beaten fighting for human and civil rights.
4) Muslims in Nigeria spread the stupid rumors that polio vaccines made people sterile, now guesse what polio that had been almost wiped out in nigeria has resurfaced(the same thing happened in India too)
Just because I try to be honest does not mean I dont love my people. I guesse those were white people who slaughtered 800,000 people in Rawanda, I guesse its the white mans fault that African UN soldiers were haveing sex with children in Liberia, I guesse its the white mans fault, that Jacob Zuma the Deputy vice pres (and minister of health)of south africa decided to have unproteced sex with a woman he knew was hiv positive.
If you wont talk to me good, Id prefer not to talk to someone who will watch our people in pain and suffering but only focus on the white man. If your so smart how come you wont answer ligitimate questions about the crimes of muslims. Is it because most muslims arent white? Mark
Mark, okay, I'll start with Education----I'll send it to the email at your blog....if that is okay.
"Id prefer not to talk to someone who will watch our people in pain and suffering but only focus on the white man."
Excellent Point
Foreigners held over Congo 'plot'
Yes thats an excellent point. But you have to understand that my stance is not focused on the white man...
it is just that I am very aware that when I say something about my people, it is with the understanding that:
The state, the system, the whiteman, whatever you want to call it has total control over our actions, decisions and, choices.
So when you say "Personal Responsibility"-- good, great, but do not deny the underlying constraints of the system.
So when you start an endeavor to, Personal Responsibility, or Education, or Health or defence for our people, it should be on two fronts--
1. Neutralizing the system that works against us
2. Then implementing the many ideas you and Mark come up with
Ugz you are an intellectual coward I specifically asked you this before. How come you wont answer questions about muslim attrocities against black folk. I said I was going to chill with kicking your but now that proclimation is revoked wherever I encounter you on the web bieng hypocrital I am going to smash you. I answered your questions please answer mine. Although by now Ive come to the conclucsion that you are an empty suit. Ive also come to conclusion that if muslims kill black people or anybody else you are fine with it as you never answer my questions about muslim attrocities. No more Mr. Niceblogger when it comes to you. Mark
ugz, come out come out wherever you are :)
Yo Fn did you know that Bill crystal along with consertative think tanks planned a lot of this foriegn and domestic policy shit. We could do that on behalf of our people. Mark
The difference between people like you and Dell VS Mark et al. is that you and Dell, KNOW the PROBLEM/s, with a clear view of the ROOT Causes and UNDERSTAND our LIMITATIONs to come out of this problem.
I believe you guys are more realistic than the radicals and the idealists. Mark is a classical idealist. For example, "Parents need to read to their Children". "Take son to Museum". "Talk n a low voice in the Subway". "Blacks Should not wear jeans" etc etc.
These are fine and dandy in THOUGHT but take YEARS and YEARs to implement in a gradual fashion AND with many variables staying POSITIVE for us.
My ideas where I involve the rich and educated few of our people, can come true with quick round table talks and debates and investment.
And I think he is delusional to think I am from the NOI, though I am flaterred, nor I am sympathetic to muslim oppression to blacks than whites, and most crazy to think he is philosophically conquering me (and not in those terms)
: ) let him have fun man--
Mark, I like the think tank idea.
I told you to hit me at fnblg@yahoo.com and we will talk.
(And I will give you more personal info about myself)
ugz, I hear you, and yes you are somewhat more realistic in terms of your expectations of the behaviour when it comes to our people-especially the young kids-
But I kike Mark's constant harping on personal reponsibility, because at the end of the day, no one cares more about the plight of our people than we do. I would love to put you, Mark, and Denise in a room together and try to come up with some solutions. The beautiful thing is, there are brothers and sisters like you guys all over the country who are starting to come to the same conclusions. We just have to find a way to mobilize them, and put our thoughts into action.
You are so fucking right, thier are and have been people who will will never hear about who have been fighting for, our rights vigirously.Peace. Mark
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Yo Ugz you can say what you want no matter how silly I think your comments are I respond to them, If the man is doing all of the things you say he is, then what is your plan to change it. As far as Im concerned it may take 200 plus years to get ourselves where we need to be. I have ask you this and other questions over and over, you dont answer but you take a day sometimes to respond with metaphors. This is type of respnses you give.
Mark said:If the man is responsible for our problems and you know this then what do you suggest we do about it. What should be done and when and how do we get started.
This is Ugz response to a specific question.
Ugz said: What do we do about it? We can do nothing to tell you the truth because we have no POWER. But we can ask them?
We demanded freedom -- they abolished slavery
We demanded to vote-- they let us
We demanded for integration -- they integrated
notice everything we demanded had a violent outcome process before it actually was granted...
While young black men are bieng murdered in the streets in large #s on a daily bases this is how you choose to spend your time.
Ugz I am convinced you are an armchair revolutionary. Blame the white man all you want. Ill be trying to make a positive difference. Mark
P.S I you dont think that I have been smacking you around then read back over the debate. Peace
Personal Responsibility right FN.
Bro, I am well ahead in that game, and I aint even 24 yet. And I mean SECURE.
Lol @ Mark-- more books-- this time we are gonna go to Western Classical Political Thoughts:
Makavelli's-- Prince
Socratic, Platonic Aristotelian critiques.
John Rawls ideas of Veil of Ignorance
Kantian, Hobbes', Rousseau's theories
: ) have fun
Yo Ugz for the 200, 300, hell who knows by now.
Ugz said: Bro, I am well ahead in that game, and I aint even 24 yet. And I mean SECURE.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you now everything makes since, you are still a child. When I was 24 I was a lot closer to your current position than I am now.
Ugz I think you are a good man, but I believe you are confused. You dont seem to understand that understand that Im not talking about you personally. Or that one can read all of the books they want, at some point and time you have to turn that info into a tangeble program to help your people. I firmly believe you should only talk about a problem long enought to
1) Define what the problem is
2) Come up with a tangible solution.
3) Releastic goals
4) Design some high accountability standards.
After you figure out these 2 things most of your energy should be focused on implementation of your plans.
In my oppinion my problem with you is I dont know what it is you will do. You ask me questions Ill give you answers. I ask you questions you give me metaphors and ask me if I have read all of books. Some of these books I have ( dont remeber all of them) read, some Im familiar with, some I havent heard of. Ugz I dont no what your message is other than the sytem, man, is holding us down. Thier isnt anything going on today, that wasnt happening 100 years ago to us. I know this from reading
1) All Gods Dangers Ned Cobb
2) Black Boy Richard Wright
3) Comming of Age in Missippi Anne Moody
4) Man child in the Promise Land, Claude Brown
5) Malcom X
6) I know why the cage bird sings Maya Angelo
7) The big sea Langston Hughes
8) Ida B Wells
All of these books speak talk about the human condition, the tell about the world of white supremacy(Jim Crowism). I can go book for book with you. There are
Sorry guys, it seems I have a spam problem. No biggie, I will have to make some minor adjustments though.
thats why I am afraid you will fell. If you do not catch me, believe me, BELIVE ME you will never catch the younger youth.
I told you my age because Personal Responsibility is an individualist pragmatic approach. It inherently defeats the "Nobody Cares about US but Us" approach. Because when you say Personal Responsibility, with the Defintion of Responsibility being:
acquiring the American dream, eating dinner with father and son, going to the park and museum, making love to your woman 3 times a week... a Van and a Sedan in the garage...
Come on Mark, you are hopes and aspirations to the black youth un-achievable on the grounds of alienation.
But if we talk about, Oprah opened a new hospital in SE DC, Bill Cosby opened a Chain of Elementary schools in urban areas of Philly or NJ.. this is truly speaking to us. The disillusioned, the confused.
Good modification
Ugz you do not listen what are you suggesting we do. And please answer my questions.
When you have people who disagree, but need to work together the best way to start is to find out where both or more parties agree at. If you dont answer questions how can I find out exactly where your comming from. Im not saying that all of this gets dumped on the youth, these are common problems we (black folk) have, they require a common solution. If you are serious then why cant you just say what you think we should do about these problems that affect black folk negatively. Ugz Ill be honest I have read some of the back and forth with you. Its like Im banging my head against a wall. Ive asked you at least 4 or five times. Ok maybe my way wouldnt be best I can accept that, but you have not presented any coherent alternative. The only thing you have done is tell me that you disagree with me. Please for crying out loud, our people are suffering if you want to make a difference tell what you would do. I read and then reread your last post in order to understand where you are comming from. But I cant figure it out. Im going to ask you this 1 more time, if you dont answer then Im through attempting to reason with you. Because you are not bieng reseanable. If you look back over the debate you will clearly see I have attempted to answer your questions, most of mine you have not answered. How that fair, how can we come to mutually agreable solutions when
Dont say what it is you would do to change these problems.
What really anoys about you is that you talk about our pain and suffering but offer no suggestions on how to alleviate. I tired of getting nowhere with you. Im going to say this point blank If you cant
give me your thoughts on what we need to do to change problems causing us pain. I see no reason for me to talk you. I will not talk forever about a problem and do nothing this is how I see you. To be honest you are really starting to piss me off. Mark
What dont you understand Sir?
I am trying to tell you, that YOU must get the HOUSE NIGGERS to put their money where their MOUTH is.
it is in bold... so you know i told ya
-Get Cosby to Open a Elementary school:
-Get that woman to Open a Hospital:
Once you do that you will get the backing of me and many of my peers to invest in personal responsibility.
Ugz you have really exposed yourself this time. Im sure millions of our people who are suffering, starving, and without hope have plenty of time to wait for that to happen. Anyway I will be trying to make a positive difference. As for reaching you that is impossible. Mark
We have spent too too much time waiting for White People to understand Racism, Discrimination, and all the other isms and ations that are in collusion with such thinking.
An even bigger mistake is to wait for African Americans of means to pull together and do anything.
Honestly I believe that many of Us in the African American community who make it are kind of ashamed of Ourselves and at some point it manifests into a bigotry or hatred... it is sad; but I digress.
Now don't get what I am saying twisted; I have never been a big Oprah fan, and I am still not...but I am always thankful and appreciative of what she does do for Our community. She does not have to do that; no one does...when they do I look at it as a bonus of sorts... nothing more, nothing less... and I hope that before she quits she makes it to trillionaire status...
I like Bill Cosby. He too has been one to give to the community in so many ways... his pain with Our community is genuine... Mark's pain is genuine too; and like Cosby he makes broad generalizations - that can get to a point that makes them null and void.
What I am trying to say to you is that there are in my estimation more than 40 million African Americans in this country - I am sure of it. It doesn't even take all of Us (and to be quite honest most of Black Republicans and Libertarians, who I look to as rapists anyway, have no voice in Our struggle and have no place in Our self - redemption).
Things will have to start locally unless We can get someone with a voice to get Us moving in a united and transitive manner; but who?
I think that someone like a Tavis Smiley can do such; but lately I have been feeling a little sketchy on Brother Tavis... but on the upside he has a track record in the fact that more than a year ago he came up with a plan to put Our thoughts in a book... and then to have Us publish said book... I respect him for that... We just have to plan.
I think too, that it would be better for Us if all of Us have a part in the solutions... and each have a stake in it's success.
But, contracting with others to help Us get this kind of thing on the fast track can work too. I want to contact Bob Johnson and Earl Graves, myself.
You asked in one post about the ADL and NAACP?
The same people run/own both organizations.
I think the ADL is full of hatemongers to be honest... and I think that the Jews who run the NAACP keep them fighting the same lame issues over and over and never ever doing anything substantive that can help Our community. This year, 2006 is the first year of my life that they have not gotten a donation.
Follow me if you please.
1. I don't give a damn about the confederate flag. It is a losing battle tag; and if anyone should be wearing confederate t-shirts it should be Us; the slogan being, I beat this.
2. The NAACP spent millions fighting for Niggeroes to have a party in the Carolinas. The White folk and others didn't want them there.... they got some concessions and the Niggeroes had their party, gave the White folk and others millions of their dollars; and to spit in the eye of Our ancestors they has a confederate flag bathing suit contest.
300,000 Clowns in Black Face on Parade - 300,000 Niggeroes who didn't have the wherewithall to take those fees from each member, buy some land, start building a hotel, get the community to sell goods to the participants!!!!
Florida where Black Men get shot down by police like ducks in the water; where Rappers are under COINTELPRO programs...yet the NAACP still go in and give them millions at a damn conference.
To me that is backwards.
NAACP could easily set up entrepreneurial workshops and start-up capital for businesses...
What you don't understand me is that you are slowly reaching me. But I understand you are an emotional person.
As far as making a positive difference, you have my 100% support. And I mean that. Mark, there is a book that Dell, referred me to. If you have to read any books I mentioned please read this, it is called Powernomics by Claud Anderson. It not only shows problems of what we feel but offer real world solution.
An even bigger mistake is to wait for African Americans of means to pull together and do anything.
I understand Denise.
So now when you are talking about each one of us individually having a stake in our developmen-- for instance let me give you an example from Mark's article on How to get Young black Youth Reading and Writing on thier correct level.
He writes:
I think thier should be a law or some other kind of mandate that say's if a women signs up for welfare she must take parenting and job training classes and pass.
Great idea. But this is just an idea. What does it take to get a law signed. Or a mandate approved. How do we go around in establishing this within the system which doesnt care about us.
Somebody has to stand up for this IDEA and talk and Lobby about it until it is fulfilled. Because Mark writing about it on his blog is no solution.
Then How do you implement this gracious ideas you come up with.
Remember in an earlier Post I proposed the creation for an organization of a sort of ADL only for our interest.
Add to its aim:
7. Getting welfare mothers parenting lessons.
It's aim being:
1. Speaking and Lobbying against Media Bias
2. Advertising and Lobbying For Investment in Black Areas
3. Speaking and Lobbying Against Police discrimination and brutality
4. Advocating global African American interests
5. Create a database of educational and research material on "HATE" attacks on blacks
6. Produce an ANNUAL study of Political and Economic
what do you think...
You cited the Hutu-Tutsi conflict and said the white man aint did nothing right.
Bro, this is for your knowledge, but you are wrong, and I aint say it, your Friend the white man even does not deny what he did in Rwanda and Congo... by the way do you know who the colonial master of Congo was, what about Rwanda? I'll bet a $100 you don't--
I do... :)
here is the wikipedia entry -- under the Colonial Africa heading--
Europeans often changed the balance of power, created ethnic divides where they did not previously exist, and introduced a cultural dichotomy detrimental to the native inhabitants in the areas they controlled. For example, in what is now Rwanda and Burundi, two ethnic groups Hutus and Tutsis had merged into one culture by the time Belgian colonists had taken control of the region in the nineteenth century. No longer divided by ethnicity as intermingling, intermarriage, and merging of cultural practices over the centuries had long since erased visible signs of a culture divide, the Belgians instituted a policy of racial categorization, upon taking control of the region, as racial based categorization and philosophies was a fixture of the European culture of that time. The term Hutu originally referred to the agricultural-based Bantu-speaking tribes that moved into present day Rwandan and Burundi from the West, and the term Tutsi referred to Northeastern cattle-based tribes that migrated into the region later. The terms to the indigenous peoples eventually came to describe a person's economic class. Individuals who owned roughly 10 or more cattle were considered Tutsi, and those with fewer were considered Hutu, regardless of ancestral history. This was not a strict line but a general rule of thumb, and one could move from Hutu to Tutsi and vice versa.
The Belgians introduced a racialised system. Individuals who had characteristics the Europeans admired — fairer skin, ample height, narrow noses, etc. — were given power amongst the colonized peoples. The Belgians determined these features were more ideally Hamitic, and in turn more ideally European and belonged to those people closest to Tutsi in ancestry. They instituted a policy of issuing identity cards based on this philosophy. Those closest to this ideal were proclaimed Tutsi and those not were proclaimed Hutu.
You cited the Hutu-Tutsi conflict and said the white man aint did nothing right.
Bro, this is for your knowledge, but you are wrong, and I aint say it, your Friend the white man even does not deny what he did in Rwanda and Congo... by the way do you know who the colonial master of Congo was, what about Rwanda? I'll bet a $100 you don't--
I do... :)
here is the wikipedia entry -- under the Colonial Africa heading--
Europeans often changed the balance of power, created ethnic divides where they did not previously exist, and introduced a cultural dichotomy detrimental to the native inhabitants in the areas they controlled. For example, in what is now Rwanda and Burundi, two ethnic groups Hutus and Tutsis had merged into one culture by the time Belgian colonists had taken control of the region in the nineteenth century. No longer divided by ethnicity as intermingling, intermarriage, and merging of cultural practices over the centuries had long since erased visible signs of a culture divide, the Belgians instituted a policy of racial categorization, upon taking control of the region, as racial based categorization and philosophies was a fixture of the European culture of that time. The term Hutu originally referred to the agricultural-based Bantu-speaking tribes that moved into present day Rwandan and Burundi from the West, and the term Tutsi referred to Northeastern cattle-based tribes that migrated into the region later. The terms to the indigenous peoples eventually came to describe a person's economic class. Individuals who owned roughly 10 or more cattle were considered Tutsi, and those with fewer were considered Hutu, regardless of ancestral history. This was not a strict line but a general rule of thumb, and one could move from Hutu to Tutsi and vice versa.
The Belgians introduced a racialised system. Individuals who had characteristics the Europeans admired — fairer skin, ample height, narrow noses, etc. — were given power amongst the colonized peoples. The Belgians determined these features were more ideally Hamitic, and in turn more ideally European and belonged to those people closest to Tutsi in ancestry. They instituted a policy of issuing identity cards based on this philosophy. Those closest to this ideal were proclaimed Tutsi and those not were proclaimed Hutu.
And just so you know Mark, I speak about problems you never thought existed.
On Dell website, I wrote an article about KFC and your reply missed my thesis-- the main idea of my article which was, corporations advertise in a predatory manner to the black community.
My thesis is putting forth the argument that predatory advertising is hurting our community -- Not the WELL KNOWN FACT that EATING KFC is hurting our community. understand?
as long as I reach you, and you put an effort to understand what I say-- I am happy-- as Denise noted you generalize a little too much, and I do not like that-- other than that I like you
MARK SAID "I think [there] should be a law or some other kind of mandate that say's if a women signs up for welfare she must take parenting and job training classes and pass."
UGZ SAID "Great idea. But this is just an idea. What does it take to get a law signed. Or a mandate approved. How do we go around in establishing this within the system which doesnt care about us."
I think that the this is a good idea too, Ugz, and the way you start it is locally. Or one great way, and a way that I am beginning to think may work very well is to petition the participants, (do everything, and then present them so that you make it almost impossible for them to say no) and then the sense of the community as a whole.
UGZ SAID,"Somebody has to stand up for this IDEA and talk and Lobby about it until it is fulfilled. Because Mark writing about it on his blog is no solution."
"Then How do you implement this gracious ideas you come up with."
see above
UGZ SAID,"Remember in an earlier Post I proposed the creation for an organization of a sort of ADL only for our interest."
Add to its aim:
7. Getting welfare mothers parenting lessons.
It's aim being:
1. Speaking and Lobbying against Media Bias
Again, you have to go into the communities... it would take someone with a "voice" for it to get out to a much larger audience at once.... you talk to the people ask them what they think of such and such; and then ask they do not support such efforts. The other side of that coin is if then we would rather see some African Americans out of jobs and our souls intact or not?
2. Advertising and Lobbying For Investment in Black Areas
But before that We have to establish businesses in those areas ourselves (it is happening); then go in and have others invest in the businesses that are already there...that can lead to jobs for those working in the community...and then branch off into even more businesses.
3. Speaking and Lobbying Against Police discrimination and brutality
We have to do a better job of taking care of our children... We have to first keep them out of the police radar.... and out of the criminal just(us) system, then and only then can We lobby
4. Advocating global African American interests
What are global AA interests... explain... and then I can tell you what I think
5. Create a database of educational and research material on "HATE" attacks on blacks
they already do that; i'd rather We work on eliminating them... and that could be easy too... Create a database of Blacks and Black establishments worldwide that would take care and cater to Us whereever We go.... that way no one has to be alone in a new place, they can be comfortable etc.... this can go a long way.
6. Produce an ANNUAL study of Political and Economic
this already exists
what do you think...
I am kind of iffy on this list, some of these things are window dressing type things... and I don't think that they will have any real impact on individuals. As far as numbers 5 and 6 those are already done.... and usually by White folk; but Black folk put them out too.
But you are thinking Ugz, I love that. These ideas don't have to wait for society as a whole to do for Us; in fact it would be better that We do this... We need ownership of Our Own future(.)
I am going to recreate my blog or transform my yahoo group.... so that We can post Our thoughts... and then get them to the people who matter.... We can do this... We must also utilize the internet for such purposes.
What groups are any of you familiar with that thinks along similiar lines and may be able to help with this?
This can be the beginning of REPARATIONS.
OR at least an EVOLUTION
Ugz said: Bro, this is for your knowledge, but you are wrong, and I aint say it, your Friend the white man even does not deny what he did in Rwanda and Congo... by the way do you know who the colonial master of Congo was, what about Rwanda? I'll bet a $100 you don't--
I do... :)
Mark said: Ugz I am familiar with what went down in the congo. You are really predictable with where your coming from. If you think I have any special love for the white man you are a fool. If you think I dont love black people because I point out negative things that are holding us down, you are a bigger fool. But having said that I respect the fact that you finally answered my question. Your write the belgians promoted a lot of racial, ethnic and cultural tensions between native africans. This is true. But are you saying that in the 1990's africans who are fully capable human biengs in every way shape and form cant figure out how not to kill almost a million people in less than one year. The measure of real men and women is how you deal with adversity. The underlying principle for growth and human development is doing onto others as you would have them do unto
Your kids
Human Dignity
You do not seem to understand Ugz that Africans had thier own beefs, clan, ethnic and secterian tensions. Along with their fair share of brutal traditions and tortures. . Their record on and treatment of women was and is just as bad as any other place on earth. That’s not good. You seem to think that they are free from enslaving other African’s. They ( we) are just as guilty as any other race on the planet of genocide, rape murder and every other brutal crime. No body Is innocent fool. Europe went through similar times in the middle age up until the industrial revolution. We can make progress, but we have to do something different than we‘ve been doing . I’m not absolving the white man of any guilt. But in a world where Slavery still exist in African Nations, such as Sudan and Mauritania, where black people are treated in the most inhumane way by other black people I wont absolve black people either. Period. As for your ad about predatory lending I respect your opinion but I disagree, KFC is serving a demand that people want. If people don’t want fast food don’t go to Kentucky fried chicken, If they want KFC to change their menu then send some letters into the corporate office demanding they change the it and they will. I thought your article was bogus. I got the point but I disagreed with you one of the bloggers over at dells’s (who is a coon) ripped your article to shreds. How could you let that happen dog.! Anyway Ill give you some examples of what I mean by personal responsibility
1) If your niegborhood is dirty. Anyone can put out flyers advertising a clean up day. Its not hard,
2) Every one with a college degree or good reading skills can tutor kids on reading for a few weeks out of each year
3) If organizations can do georgia ave day, a taste of dc, adam’s morgan day, ect. Then we can put together these types of events pertaining to education, parenting and community classes, ect for our kids. Spelling and Geogaraphic contest . Some of these contest can be conducted over the internet.
Mark said: Here is something specific I plan on doing in the summer of 2007
A summer youth program that will teach job skills, community skills, and encourage community leadership. The city already has money for summer and other youth employment opportunities. They just need placement for the kids. Because a lot of places wont take them 1 because they are kids 2, because some of them have made things hard for the others by their behavior. I will try to involve the parents , to assist with bake sales and carwashes to raises any extra funds for supplies, Computers, phones, ect. Anyway Ug z this is the type of thing am talking about when I say personal responsibility. You can complain about the white man all you want , this is one of the specific things I will be attempting to make happen in order to help our people. Mark
Denise that was an excellent post, when you say I over generalize. I dont think so. But anyway the bottom line is this black folk are doing more suffering world wide than any other group of people.
Densie you are right about all of the things you mentioned in your post.
I also think we need to find a way to promote education and logical thinking amongst our people.
We should promote accountibility for our own future.
If we do this we can train our people to go over to africa and assist with the improvement of africa, thier has got to be thousands of business oppurtunities in the mother land.
We should use the churches, Naacp's, colleges and other black populated instutions to encourage an promote the value of education and learning. Like I said before good post peace. Mark
P.S When do you expected to have your blog running? I look forward to seeing it.
I put the following link up a few days ago-- read it and understand what it means--
ugz said...
Foreigners held over Congo 'plot'
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hugz said...
Foreigners held over Congo 'plot'
The totality and continuity of the white mans hedgemony is indisputable whether in HERE or in Africa or Asia. Our purpose is to directly and/or find loop holes and work to better ourselves while respecting their law.
Each colonialist nation in Europe has a "Manifest Destiny" onto their former colonies. They are actively ACTIVELY meddling in the politics of a country from send WHITE soldiers to OVERTHROW black leaders in a black nation as you read above. I can give you plenty examples like that.
But let me ask you and Denise too a question:
Why are you doing all this-- energy and time to liberate our people ECONOMICALLY?
Also start listening to:
Mon - Fri daily NEWS from around the world-- Non Partisan.
Ugz said: The totality and continuity of the white mans hedgemony is indisputable whether in HERE or in Africa or Asia. Our purpose is to directly and/or find loop holes and work to better ourselves while respecting their law.
Mark said: Look Ugz the argument that you are making about the white man is one I was preaching when you were in elementary school. Look Ive said this before and this is what I believe to the bottom of my heart. You should only talk about a problem long enough to come up with a solution. After that you should focus your energy on solving the problem. I am getting sick of talking to you about the white man. I want to hear about what you are going to personally do to help young black males and the rest of us. The argument that you are making ( very poorly I may ad) is one I understand, but I dont buy it. Even though I use to. If you insist on talking about the white man,when we have crises that you know about going on in our comunity. Crisis that are crippling our progress. I am going to believe that you are not serious about bringing positive change to our people. Tell me what you are going to do to help change our situation. If you cant do that we have nothing do discuss. I do not have time to chit chat with arm chair revolutionaries. WHEN BLACK PEOPLE WHERE DOWN SOUTH FIGHTING AND DYING FOR THIER HUMAN RIGHTS. THE MILITANT, TOUGH TALKING NATION OF ISLAM WAS TALKING TOUGH TALK IN NORTHERN CITIES. BUT EVERYONE KNOWS THE FIGHTING WAS GOING ON DOWN SOUTH. What I wanna know is , when you are comming south ( stop talking and start helping your people) to do battle on behalf of your people. Mark
I am not making any White man argument!
You said:
Africans, the Tutsi's and Hutus in 1990s were killing themselves and not the white man.
And I responded that the Europeans were meddling with their politics, religion and ethnicity in 1990s before that and today as well in 2006. Thus the continuity and totality of white man's hedgemony. thus the white man is directlty responsible for the genocide.
This is the second time you are suggesting the NOI did not do anything when the South was attacked. Obviously you do not know much about NOI. I can't tell you about the NOI bro.
People like you who are emotional and zealot and misguided are KNOWN for destroying the militancy, the manhood, the brotherly struggle in an organization such as the NOI or Black Panthers.
Your views about black struggle are effeminated and survivalist. Your views are directly inherited from republican abolitionist whites. With this talk you can only draw audience from House Negros.
You are extremely emotional and weak in the mind that your psych can be torn apart and used against our people even though you truly believe you are helping us.
People like you is what the whites are exactly looking for. Your disrespect towards other peoples identity, religion gives you a murderous zeal which the white man can exploit.
All they got to do is give you a gun and show you where Malcolm X lives...
Ugz said: People like you who are emotional and zealot and misguided are KNOWN for destroying the militancy, the manhood, the brotherly struggle in an organization such as the NOI or Black Panthers.
Your views about black struggle are effeminated and survivalist. Your views are directly inherited from republican abolitionist whites. With this talk you can only draw audience from House Negros.
You are extremely emotional and weak in the mind that your psych can be torn apart and used against our people even though you truly believe you are helping us.
People like you is what the whites are exactly looking for. Your disrespect towards other peoples identity, religion gives you a murderous zeal which the white man can exploit.
All they got to do is give you a gun and show you where Malcolm X lives...
Mark said: You can say what ever you want to about me, the bottom line is I will be trying make a positive difference. I have been thinking that you are fool for a while now you have just confirmed it. Just for the record Im the one saying that black men need to stand up and be men, your the one blaming man, Im the one saying that all black people need to take responsibility, you are blaming the man, Im the one comming up with ideas on how to solve our problems, you are the one complaining about the man. You call me a zealot but when I ask you time and time again all you can talk about is man. No to mentioned the fact that I kicked your ass all over field negros blog. You are an armchair revolutionary, the difference between me and you is I will be trying to do something to help young black men and our people you will be reading books and crying about the white man and doing absolutely nothing. Mark
P.S Ugz ( whatever the hell an Ugz is) for a person who is effeminate I sure have kicked your militant ass all over this blog. I guesse that would make you thrice as effeminate as you claim I am. BY THE WAY SOME OF THOSE BOOKS YOU ASK IF FOLKS HAVE READ I READ WHEN YOUR YOUNG ASS WAS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOl PLAYING DODGEBALL. READING THOSE BOOKS ARE FINE BUT AT SOME POINT YOU HAVE TO TURN THE INFO FROM THOSE BOOKS INTO A VIABLE AND WORKABLE PLAN TO HELP OUR PEOPLE.Also I can think of nothing more effeminate than crying about the man when black women are loosing thier sons at much higher levels than any other group of women in the country to the streets. So while I and others keep trying to make a positive difference you have fun crying about the white man. After all its the only thing you have to offer to the struggle.
Not only are you weak and effeminate, you are divisive and idealist. You like to divide Field Negro and Denise and me when we have essentially the same ideology.
You are cowardly and argumentative and egotistical. You are a typical house Negro who is trying to become and act like a field negro.
I come from a culture who respects elder folks but your manhood by the way you write does not even demand dignity.
your analytical techniques are rudimentary. Your understanding and pattern finding skills in a given environment are non existent.
If you go back to Africa, the Sudan and Mauritania, you will be RESOLD to slavery. I assure you.
Who are you to criticize the NOI, or the BPs or anyone of historical importance to us. You are a nobody, old man, inconsequential to our struggle stay in your place and work on your spellings.
This negro wants to find out what I do to, You are either a cop or a snitch. And you don't wanna find out what they do to those in DC you know.
by the way UGZ aint no SLAVE name unlike yours-- remember stay in your place over yonder house negro quarters.
Why lie on the books you read slim?!
Does the patriot act allow blogs to be scanned! Your blog maybe under their satellite.
Ugz said: Not only are you weak and effeminate, you are divisive and idealist. You like to divide Field Negro and Denise and me when we have essentially the same ideology.
Mark said: How am I dividing you, Denise and Field Negro I havent made any suggestion on how they should feel about you. All a did was refute your bullshit. Dont get mad at me if you cant defend your stupid arguments.
Ugz said: You are cowardly and argumentative and egotistical. You are a typical house Negro who is trying to become and act like a field negro.
Mark said: You can call me whatever you want. The fact is I kicked you ass.
Ugz said: Who are you to criticize the NOI, or the BPs or anyone of historical importance to us. You are a nobody, old man, inconsequential to our struggle stay in your place and work on your spellings.
Mark said: I have just as much right to criticize the NOI and the BPs as you do Bill Cosby and Oparah. I will work on my spellings, but that still does not change the fact that I have been kicking your ass. Thats why you are angry.
Ugz said: This negro wants to find out what I do to, You are either a cop or a snitch. And you don't wanna find out what they do to those in DC you know
Mark said: I dont care what you do one way or the other, You keep talking about the white man holding us down. All Im asking is if thats true what are you going to do about. And what are you going to do to help black folk. You can try that calling me a snicth bullshit. Anyone reading the back and forth can see that you are a fool. They can also see that you are a fucking armchair revolutionary. As for the NOI I give them full credit for cleaning up black men, but the fact is Dr. King, Rosa Parks, Harry Belafonte stokely, and a whole lot of other folks were dealing with racist cops, dogs, fire houses ect while the NOI was talking up north. Thats a fact fool.
Ugz said: by the way UGZ aint no SLAVE name unlike yours-- remember stay in your place over yonder house negro quarters.
Mark Bey: By the way Ugz is a fool,an armchair revolutionary, and a weak, weak individual who would rather talk about how unfair the system is to black people and how evil white people is while black folk suffer. We suffer high Hiv rates, shorter life expectancy, large numbers of black youth bieng murdered and ending up in jail. All of these things are happening but all you can do is ask people which books they have read interesting. Our people suffer and the super duper militant militant one (Ugz) reads books. Seems to me you have read over a thousands books about african and african american studies. And yet somehow you have not managed to come up with 1 fucking idea on how you can help change our situation. As for mark bieng a slave name, what about Malcolm X , Elijah Muhamad, George Jackson. Those are European names as well fool. In case you didnt know. Like I said you are a pathetic arm chair revolutionary, you are weak all you will do is cry about the white man while others actually get out there and try to work with black men. As for me bieng an old man, hey say what you want you know where my ideas are thier on my blog. If you know so fucking much why dont you start a blog, Its free and simple to set up. No youd never do that, the reason bieng is because folks would rip your stupid ass ideas to shreds. Sad thing is your to stupid to know it. Mark
Ugz Said: If you go back to Africa, the Sudan and Mauritania, you will be RESOLD to slavery. I assure you.
Mark Said: This statement right here proves how stupid and crazy you are. Only a very silly, childish individual would say something like this. All the passion and rhetoric of your last 2 post, were interesting to read but I still have seen no fucking ideas on how to help your people. Ill say this again you moron, YOU SHOULD ONLY TALK ABOUT A PROBLEM ( THE WHITE MAN)LONG ENOUGH TO DECIDE WHAT THE PROBLEM IS AND WHAT YOUR GOING TO DO. PONTIFICATING ABOUT THINGS THAT WILL NOT HELP OR STOP YOUNG BLACK MEN FROM KILLING EACH OTHER OR SOLVE A LOT OF OTHER PROBLEMS THAT ARE KILLING US IS A WASTE OF TIME AND A SIN IN MY OPPIONION. But 1 thing is for sure no matter what you are and will always be an armchair revolutinary who will reads books while the rest of us suffer. How militant. Mark
Whew brothers! When is the new "Black Crossfire" making its debut on FNN? :)
You guys really go at each other. I love that though, no holding back. Us black folks need more of that. BET where are you?
Im done with it. I would rather concentrate my energy on solutions that help our people. Mark
Sir, you do not even know what kind of PROBLEM the white Man is. For you the White Man ain't a problem. For you, Yes, he did his dirt but thats cool!!! So you have NO IDEA, completely illiterate when you are faced by WHITE Man as a PROBLEM.
Your weak worthless and dimunitive analytics sums up the problem of blacks as young blacks shooting each other.
Do you understand the variables involved for one person to use a gun and shoot another. The Variables span the constitution and gun laws, rights and duties of an individual, rights and duties of gun manufacturers-- bullet manufacturers, the retailers, the popo and the feds, the criminal justice system, Ethical and logical reasoning, schooling, parenthood.
Any of these VARIABLES--pick one--anyone, it is a PROBLEM for blacks. This is just within the SCENE of one young BLACK KILLING another. JUST with that SCENE.
But most of you are weak minded who can not analyze and find patterns and draw logical conclusion by understanding the complex problem.
And this is because the lack of education. You were educated to look at things from a narrow mind, and this education was used to make you feel superior than others and as if you all are the holy solution to the problems we face.
From now on, my puprose here, is to guide you lost sheeps. Straighten out your crooked-lazy point of views. I will enlighten you until you become an arm chair revolutionary.
After that All I have to do is pinch you to get you to stand up/
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