What can I write about this war that has not already been written, and talked about? Just yesterday thousands and thousands of our fellow Americans participated in protests on both costs in objection to this horrific, and foolhardy mess we now find ourselves in.
And do you know who I blame for all this? No, it's not the frat boy, but his "Robin", his right hand man, although in this case, Darth Vader is really Batman, and the frat boy is Robin. So that's who I blame, VIce President Cheyney. Anyway, out of pure frustration, I decided to pen him a letter. This is what I wrote:
Dear Mr. Cheyney:
I hope this letter finds you in good health... well, not really. Let me say this; I know this letter will probably never reach you, but I can only hope that someone else reading it will understand the frustration that myself and many other Americans feel about this war.
Let me start by saying sir; that I cannot believe that you are still saying that we are making "significant progress in Iraq". I mean honestly, do you even live on this planet? I know that you only watch the FAKE NEWS NETWORK, and when you do that it's hard to get a grip on reality, but sir, believe me when I tell you, the war is not going well in Iraq. And, we are not making "significant progress" with the war effort or with the war on terror.
With all due respect sir, it is very hard for me to write this letter, because I consider you a despicable human being who has no conscience or no soul. And I believe with all my heart, that there is a special place in hell for people like you. My Jamaican grandmother used to say: "Gawd na sleep" (God is not sleeping) which was her way of saying that the evil you do to other people will catch up tp you. Sir, I can only hope she was right. Sorry if I am coming off as a little harsh. But you see, I have a personal stake in this war. My brother in law was severely injured in Iraq, and I have watched him cry trying to hold his baby girl, but can't because his arm was so disfigured. So yes, I am a little pissed off! I am quite sure you will never understand that type of pain or emotional connection to this war. Because your sorry ass have never been in the military, and I doubt seriously if any of your daughters are signing up anytime soon. So it's easy for you to score political points with the lives of other people's children, and I am sure you don't lose any sleep at night either. Yep, as long as those Haliburton checks keep coming in, you will be just fine.
I have to ask you though; when you said U.S. troops would be "greeted as liberators", did you really believe that? Because as much as I despise you, I know that you are a smart man, so you couldn't have. Yet you stated that the comment you made was "based on information we had". Sir, I think you are lying, I don't think those comments were based on anything but your Machiavellian attempt to deceive the American people. And when people like Joe Wilson tried to expose you, you lashed out at him with all the powers of your office. So much so, that one of your underlings is on trial to try to stay out of Club Fed himself right now.
And one final thing; I don't for a minute think you shot your hunting buddy by accident, I think you did it on purpose, -I saw that Wolf Blitzer interview-because you are an evil man. And when your colleagues on the hill criticize you, you make statements to Newsweek Magazine like;"well I am the Vice President and they are not". And let's not forget that f-bomb you dropped on the floor of the senate. You are a real classy guy sir, just the type of Vice President I want for my country, and the type of role model we need for our children.
Speaking of children, I hear your daughter and her partner are expecting a child; good for them, and good for you. I just hope that child will grow up in a country where there will never again be leaders like you or the frat boy to take the country down a path of destruction and despair.
The Field Negro
P.S. Tell Lynn hi for me, I really miss her on CNN.
Wow I agree with you. I don't like cheney either. My next post is about him.
You know, until this cabal came, I used to bandy about words like ' evil' and 'soulless', and not really mean it. I disagreed with Reagan and his folks, but I never thought they were forces of true evil.
This bunch?
They are indeed evil and soulless, and all that implicates.
Great post, FN.
Great post. This administration is truly nefarious and wicked. I believe in karma and I'm sure he will get his.
Great post. I'm also veru sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. I really believe that the entire administration is the human embodiment of pure evil. There is no way that people with such power can be so ignorant as to think what they're doing is beneficial to anyone.
fabulous. i wrote a letter to one of my senators, elizabeth dole. (bah humbug) essentially saying GET THE F OUTTA IRAQ!! my sister's prom date has done 2 tours there, amazingly w/o injury but i don't want to see him there for a third. and did you hear abt the fuck up where they sent letters to DEAD SOLDIERS' FAMILIES asking them to re-enlist. i was so f-ing pissed i could hardly see straight. there is no apology for that shit. none.
I know there are lots of bad people and politricksters in the world, but for some reason this guy really gets under my skin. I think it's that smug f**k you world attitude that he seems to personify.
field negro said...
I know there are lots of bad people and politricksters in the world, but for some reason this guy really gets under my skin. I think it's that smug f**k you world attitude that he seems to personify.
That is exactly what it is. He acts as if the constitution, the laws of the land do not apply to him. He is a tyrant in the textbook sense of the word. I look at him and his actions and I find it very hard to differentiate (sp?) between him and say Saddam. How can you call others trrants, ride in on your white horse and claim to fight these traits...with what the same damn traits and tactic. Ludicrious is an undertstatement...
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