Seems like the folks over at al-Qaeda News have been broadcasting messages again. This time they have set their sights on the O man, our President elect.
"You were born to a Muslim father, but you chose to stand in the ranks of the enemies of the Muslims, and pray the prayer of the Jews, although you claim to be Christian, in order to climb the rungs of leadership in America, Mr Obama was not an "honourable black American" like Malcolm X, he said, but an "abeed al-beit" (house Negro)
Now I don't speak Arabic, so I am going to have to take the word of the folks who do. It seems that they translated Ayman's message and Ayman wasn't too nice to the O man. Apparently al Qaeda's number two is pissed off at the O man, and he used some of the lines from what I consider one of the greatest speeches in A-merry-ca's history to drive home his point. Yep, Ayman compared his O ness to a "house slave"who has chosen to align himself with the "enemies" of Islam. (Dem there is fightin words, his O ness is going to find your asses for sure now. It was cool when Ralph Nader said it, because everyone knows that he is a few tires short of a Chevrolet; but now you guys put that shit out there, and it's on) The al Qaeda folks were even looping brother Malcolm's speech while conducting their broadcast to A-merry-ca. Talk about cojones.
Here is the thing Ayman: you can't just go throwing out the house Negro field Negro references out there. That is my job, and I take that shit seriously. (BTW, thanks for all the web traffic, now that you have every white person in A-merry-ca googling house Negro) I study this thing. You have to know your subjects and what brought them to house Negro or field Negro status. The O man is not a house Negro. In fact, the closest he has ever been was to the patio. Yes he will be living in the (really big) house, but he is not a house slave; he runs that shit. He answers to no one. He is massa. To call him a house Negro would be missing the entire point of just who a house Negro is, and what he represents. And another thing: we field Negroes helped to elect him and put him in the house, so we have no problem with him being there. In fact, we wanted him there. So when you call him a house Negro you are calling all the Negroes who put him there house Negroes as well. That is not cool. If you are trying to get black folks and Muslims in A-merry-ca to sympathize with your cause, this ain't the way to do it, you are only alienating some of the folks here. Have you ever heard the word Obamaholic?
Now, I know things are tough for al Qaeda these days, and they are getting desperate with their efforts to recruit. But attacking A-merry-ca's first black Prez, and a man that is revered throughout the African diaspora is not the way to go about it. Ayman al Zawahiri should stick to attacking George Bush. Now I am wondering if that Cave Negro, Osama, is still alive. If he is he needs to put a check on old Ayman, and fast.
And Ayman, the best advice I can give you is this: you and all the rest of the Cave Negroes need to just chill. Because his O ness is in the house now, and he ain't afraid to use massa's toys.
I didn't get a chance to finish my post on this before I went to the office, but I predict January 24th as the day Obama detonates a Stinger missle up al-Zawahiri's ass.
Obama IS massa, and I'm happy to be at his service.
I do not know how I missed your post on Patio Negroes. it's to funny for words given the reality of the situtation.
It's not House Negro, it is HNIC and that HNIC is going to put a foot up your Arab A-S-S!!
I love this:
...he is not a house slave; he runs that shit. He answers to no one. He is massa.
So, here's a question; how does (does?) a white person fit into the field negro category if she voted, enthusiastically and out loud, for Obama? Is there honorary status? How do I apply?
As soon as I read about al-Zawahiri invoking Malcolm X & calling Obama a House Negro (or slave), I chuckled to myself & thought, The Real Field is not going to be happy to have these people co-opting his turf.
Glad to see you put him in his place -- back to the Cave.
You definitely earned the right to decide who gets the House, the Field & the Patio.
I'm with Judy; I was like "Come on Field and post!"
Wow, that is some deep ish. week before last, right wingers were calling him a terrorist, now the terrorists are calling him a House Negro. He gets squeezed from all sides---just like a Field Negro.
Some folks do see things from a different perspective outside the U.S. It may come off a little more militant than we're used to, but its there. I'm just surprised he mentioned Malcolm (keep forgetting some of OUR heroes are important figures elsewhere) and the term "house negro" (the world keeps up w/ Amerikan "slang", folks!!!).
I'm not knocking B.O. regardless as he'll do fine. Its just something to keep in mind since many folks on the planet still see the U.S. as "Satan's Playground". Some of those same folks reside within our borders. Quite a few haven't forgotten what happened a couple of decades ago nor do many on the planet who've felt some sort of wrath via the U.S. military (don't push Iraq to the side!)...just food for thought.
"So, here's a question; how does (does?) a white person fit into the field negro category if she voted, enthusiastically and out loud, for Obama? Is there honorary status? How do I apply?"
Mrs. Chilli, you are here, so
that's one hell of a start. I would say that you are on your way to HFN status.
"I'm not knocking B.O. regardless as he'll do fine. Its just something to keep in mind since many folks on the planet still see the U.S. as "Satan's Playground". Some of those same folks reside within our borders. Quite a few haven't forgotten what happened a couple of decades ago nor do many on the planet who've felt some sort of wrath via the U.S. military (don't push Iraq to the side!)...just food for thought."
Chris, I agree with you. And I do think that BO will be tested and soon. I don't think Biden pulled that statement out of the blue.
Look, I understand the perception of A-merry-ca around the world, and in many cases, given this countries history, it's justified. But I think black folks all over the world (especially poor black folks and people of the Third World) are hoping that Obama does well in office. I think that would be a win win for the world community. It would certainly help to make these terrorist irrelevant.
kellybelle, you are right, the guy can't win. Even with folks like me.
Field, you had me LMAO with this post.
Bravo...one of your best to date!!!!
How does a Sunni Muslim like Zawahiri praise Malcolm X, who practiced an "apostate" form of Islam that held blacks as supreme?
Obama, a man of status, that I am proud to call my President...I served for 20 years before retired under the Bush admistration.
Those people have to understand, throwing stone at a man that has no taken the oath, is beyond stupid.
Did O man indicate that he would sit down with your ass to discuss a possible truth..
Now you are starting something we the people thought was mistake..and now we now know Obama is definitely the man in charge of that red phone or button and that man was talking crazy...
Make me need to just bomb the whole place and make the desert ocean front properties and make a new resort....I bet your bet would get out of those caves the.
Go Obama..Ayman, go sit you HO self down...before the Man put his feet in your mouth.
Hi field,
Glad you picked up on this subject. I thought of you immediately when I saw the morning news.
Peace, love and happiness...
By the way, this is Larry King's 75th birthday.
Perhaps you and your readers would like to read about how I dated Larry King years ago, but didn't marry him... He inadvertently launched my radio talk show career.
It's all at the top of my blog this evening 11/19/2008:
Read it at: www.ellenkimball.blogspot.com
Cave Negro... I love that.
I have been waiting all day to see if you'd blog about this shit.
I didn't know I could apply for HFN status. I need to be more assertive. Although, I think it would mean more if I were nominated.
classical one....
Malcolm converted to mainstream Islam later in his life, and went on pilgriminage to Mecca among other things. That coincided with his breakaway from the NaAtion of Islam.
Obamassa... that one was funny, too, Woozie.
and you're right, Field... my buddy, Joey, knew exactly what he was talking about... he's only been the Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee for what? Fifteen years?
I foresee Obama Drama... let's not forget which nominee wasn't scared to make the promise to root out these assholes. Without preconditions.
I knew Patio Negro would make a return!! It's a FN classic.
I was like, HUH, when I heard this.
I was like, you have the nerve to quote Malcolm?
So so wrong.
Cave Negro?
Okay ellen, now I am curious. I want to know all about Larry King. 75? Wow! And how old is his current wife? Isn't she like 12? :)
"obamassa"! That's just woozie being woozie. But it's an instant classic.
"Obama Drama". Another new phrase. This one courtesy of Jennifer.
Given that it is arab muslims that are enslaving black Africans in Mauritania and slaughtering black africans in Sudan, this asshole has some nerve! I think they are feeling threatened by an Obama presidency. One of the largest muslim concentrations in the world is in southeast asia... a place that is over the moon about an Obama presidency. These guys see a major threat to their existence, not just because of bombs, but because Obama represents a viable alternative of hope that others are attracted to globally. And, hope is the antithisis of what they promote.
This is what I'm talking about here, This is why I read this blog. lol Waiting for this post all day. Fuck he coming from talking bout "House Negro." Them Al-Qaeda over there must've been reading this blog on their down time. lol
And you got Bob Johnson on the Patio, his bitch ass need to get up on the Roof, he'll bake up in the sun and turn still and stiff, holding that "wheel he painted black", and give the those guests of the big something to really marvel at when they go over to visit.
Hi field,
Shawn Southwick is 48 years old. Larry married her eleven years ago, and they have two small sons, Chance and Cannon.
Personally, I don't understand May/December marriages. I've been married three times to white Jewish guys just a few years older than me. My "current" husband is five years older.
Well, the first fellow WAS 12 years older, but we divorced after one year and the stillbirth of a baby girl. This guy is still alive (as of 2006, that is) and working parttime as a diet doctor in NYC.
On another subject, you might consider writing about the memoir of Sen. William Cohen (part Jewish and Catholic, I believe) and Janet Langhart, the gorgeous woman who used to host a morning TV show in Boston when we lived there.
They've just released their book, "Love in Black and White." This is a real power couple. I saw them on television a few nights ago.
Remember when miscegenation was a crime? Not too many people are familiar with the WORD:
miscegenation -- One entry found.
Main Entry: mis·ce·ge·na·tion
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)mi-ˌse-jə-ˈnā-shən, ˌmi-si-jə-ˈnā-\
Function: noun
Etymology: irregular from Latin miscēre to mix + genus race — more at mix, kin
Date: 1863
: a mixture of races ; especially : marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race
— mis·ce·ge·na·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
Make it a great day!
Pirates! Terrorists! Field shall take them all on.
I'm hoping there are some other fringe outlaw-types out there who will act up...every day this week...just so we have have a several-day theme.
In any case, this was indeed one of your finest hours for posting, Field. Good stuff.
Anonymous said...
It's not House Negro, it is HNIC and that HNIC is going to put a foot up your Arab A-S-S!!
Damned straight!! :-D
Sharon from WI
"Cave Negro... I love that."
Really? Why? Let me paste up something I posted in the comments section of another blog earlier. This is part of an exchange I witnessed on a messageboard:
From a message board:
First black commenter:
“First off, I never thought that Arab muslims even considered, Malcolm & the nation of islam to be ‘true islam’ Second, it’s interesting/sad that the term ‘house negro’ has such universal appeal now.”
White commenter:
“Those camel jockeys better watch themselves! Obama should respond by calling them sand n!ggers. (I know, I know, horribly racist, but hey, fair is fair right?).”
Second black commenter:
Third black commenter:
“I doubt you’d be feeling that way if Obama called all white people a derogatory name had it been a white person that said the same thing.”
White commenter:
“I don’t really care. I will not coddle terrorists. Would the phrase “dune c o o n” be more appropriate?”
Third black commenter:
Um. No. It has nothing to do with coddling terrorists.
First black commenter:
“I like it!!! I’ll try using it in a sentance today! Sometimes we just need to put the PCness in the closet from time to time.”
In other words, becuase the white commenter is referring to Islamic terrorists, it’s alright to insult them by basically saying “They’re so despicable, they remind me of my general conception of black Americans”. And wouldn’t you know it, at least one black American on that thread agrees.
How convenient, a video tape of Al Queada #2 or is it #3 calling Barack Obama a House Negro. And we are supposed to believe this because........???????
Me thinks somebody has been reading The Field Negro.....
That's aight.
Time for Pook and Nem to step up and CALL FIVE-OH IMMEDIATELY on anything in the hood that looks remotely um...err..."CELL-ishous"
I'm aware of Malcolm's leaving the Nation, however he left because of his knowledge of Elijah Muhammad infidelity and fathering of illegitimate children. Almost the whole of his career and nearly all of his work was with the Nation. My point however, is Aymand was being disingenuous as Malcolm is not a person Al Quad ea would have trusted or admired. He brings up Malcolm as a dishonest attempt to smear Obama.
I would say though that as long as the war in Afghanistan continues and as long as US bases stand in the Middle East and the war on terror continues, it will continue to fuel reqruitment for militant groups.
Damn, you rock!
So, we have "house negroes", "patio negroes", "cave negroes", "slave catcher", what other awesome categories do we have? Niiiice!
Rock on!
When I heard about this, my reaction was the same as during the first Gulf War, when Iraqi radio broadcasters told American troops that, while they were sweating their balls off in the desert, Bart Simpson was back home screwing their wives.
kellybelle said:.
"Wow, that is some deep ish. week before last, right wingers were calling him a terrorist, now the terrorists are calling him a House Negro. He gets squeezed from all sides---just like a Field Negro."
WOOZIE said:
Field, awesome post, well done again!
Plantsmantx said:
In other words, becuase the white commenter is referring to Islamic terrorists, it’s alright to insult them by basically saying “They’re so despicable, they remind me of my general conception of black Americans”. And wouldn’t you know it, at least one black American on that thread agrees.
My question is:
Do you really think that my finding Field's use of the term "Cave Negro" comical is the least bit comparable to some jackass that said, "Obama should call them sand n!ggers"?
And my second question would be:
Does the use of the term "Cave Negro" offend you and if so, why?
Maybe it was over your head.
O.k. Senior Field Counsel I am going to get sued if I don't leave your site alone but this cave dwelling troglodyte as Spiro Agnew might have said immediately brought your work to mind. I swear I did it before reading yours :
This thing by Zawahiri was offensive because his group as a long history of lampooning blacks. They are no friends of ours at all. This is a serious issue and we all need to understand that this man and his group mean us all ill will
They are no friends of ours at all. This is a serious issue and we all need to understand that this man and his group mean us all ill will
"No shit, Sherlock." Please don't tell me that you just figured this out recently.
Please don't tell me that you just figured this out recently.
Actually I have known it for a while and I hate these clowns passionately. My point is that some seem to be taking this issue lightly.
I'm thinking Spike Lee is field. Robert Townsend? Thoughts? I think field, but possible patio.
Cave Negro is a classic!!
Grinning ear to ear, and LOL several times. This is a keeper!
I was chomping at the bit waiting for you to blog about this. So much so that I sent you an e-mail w/ the article.
I don't know what irked me more the fact that Ayman called O-ness a HN or the fact that he tried to invoke Black sympathy by mentioning Malcolm X.
These al Qaeda nutjobs are a shameful lot. They reek of desperation with this ridiculous statement.
So much word to the O man being the Massa in the ULTIMATE House!
BTW, I love the patio negro. BWAH!
I'm sorry if I sound like a conspiracy theorist but I can't help but think the 'release' of this tape is the work of Karl Rove.
Field when I saw this on the news, I thought "I hope he posts about this". To quote Malcolm X are you kidding?!
I agree with Jody. GWB was a great recruitment tool and McCain would have been as well. The election of Obama makes it a little trickier.
I had friend who died in the Twin Towers on 9/11. I have no love for these idiots and know they don't for us. Obama is not a House Negro. These men misspoke and I look forward to the days when a stringer missile takes their hateful asses out.
I don't think this was a Karl Rove special. If so it backfired.
Of course, what's hilarious is I, like so many others, immediately thought of this blog when I heard this story.
If this dude keeps up the criticism of the O man he could probably get his own show on Fox News by January.
"I'm sorry if I sound like a conspiracy theorist but I can't help but think the 'release' of this tape is the work of Karl Rove."
You said it before I could post the same thought. I agree with you and believe that is what is going on too. I have a feeling that Bush is behind this. The first person that popped in my mind while watching this on the news today was BUSH. Something about it just don't sound right to me.
Granny is gone pray about it. In the meantime, I'm going to go get back in my bed and go to sleep. Granny has been trying to catch up on her rest.
The sand negro who lives in a cave calling the house negro out for taking over the house ,,
they are starving for attention if they hate capitalism and the western world that much they should stop using modernized gadgets to make silly videos
I agree with your take on not getting any sympathy from blacks. I got the sense before that blacks in America were luke warm about the war on terror. but Obama changed everything. Though I am not American I can defend this country if I was called too. And I haven't always felt this way. I was one of those on the fence. With Obamania, I think the war on terror has a new energy.
Granny, I always thought that Al CIAduh and the Republican Party were two sides of the same coin. A match made in Hell.
Apparently they(Qaeda) are jealous of the wave of obamania that has swept the world...seriously, who needs 72 virgins when you have crazy shit like this
(exhibit #1)
(exhibit #2)
(exhibit #3)
(exhibit #4)
(exhibit #5)
(exhibit #6)
(exhibit #7)
(exhibit #8)
(exhibit #9)
(exhibit #10)
This is sad...Bush sucks
red devil!
lol! exhibit #1 and #7 are my favorites! *wink*
Hey Ayman, one of the reasons we like President-Elect Obama is because he was born to a Muslim father, prays the prayer of the Jews, is Christian, is proud of all of those, but doesn't tell us we have to be or do any of those. Is that field negro behavior? It's not my call, but I would hope so.
So a guy living in a cave in Pakistan is invoking "house negro" terminology and Malcolm X? Apparently its AlQueda who has the infamouse "whitey" tape! Well, folks over there are usually a behind in the TV shows, so I guess they're just now watching The Jeffersons and Good Times. They probably edited out when he said "Kid Dynomite!" at the end.
Hey Field Negro....
Pleeeease do not start giving honorary Field status to these white folks who want a special MEDAL for not voting for the nearly-senile white gramps and his sometimes-in-recovery blond mistress-turned-wifey.
They want pats on the BACK for not choosing THAT?
They think it's sooo progressive of them that they chose a SANE person over a SENILE one?
Please....it takes a bit more than choosing the mulatto candidate who did all the groveling possible for the support of the white electorate to become an Honorary Field Negro.
If they want HFN status, let them start actively dismantling mechanisms of white privilege....THEN you may have some of the bona fide FNs duly impressed.
"If this dude keeps up the criticism of the O man he could probably get his own show on Fox News by January."
ernesto, now that had me LMAO.:)
Plantsmantx, I know I take some getting used to, but just keep reading.
red devil- what about that little negro with that little jocky outfit and the lantern what call that....lol
conspiracy theorist’s I’m with you , if you look really close like under the beard I maybe wrong but it looks like Michael Jackson!?!?!?!?
oh, and what's up with them front'in out your boy? oh, wait cuz they know he won't do anything about it, well maybe ask them to sit down and talk about it?
If Obama is massa, who are the slaves? Guess it doesn't matter as long as it's not us.
The Prez elect should be defended,and not to defended the cave nuts This gives cover for a future hit. Blame it on Osama get Blacks behind mischief making plans in the Muslim world. Create a scenario to further evil agenda . call me a conspiracy nut ,but 400yrs on the plantation makes you look at all angles
Field: Excellent post. I heard on some talk show today that the wording of this message from AQ bears the syntax of that white Orange County dude who joined up with them and writes out a lot of their messages, etc. If so, he clearly doesn't know that if you piss off African Americans by dissing them, you're in for a big hurt !
Field, You are the best! I just love what you say and how you say them! "Cave Negroes" that's the best ish I've heard in a while!
I haven't read through the comments, so I apologize if this has already been covered.
I live in Cairo (though I'm American), and folks here have told me that a better translation for abeed is actually the n-bomb. And I don't mean negro.
This word has come up because we're Americans with black kids and have heard this word hurled at our kids by Egyptians. There's a whole lotta racism here.
@ egypt4
folks here have told me that a better translation for abeed is actually the n-bomb.
Sort of. "Abeed" means slaves and many Arabs use that term when talking about blacks and don't even mean any insult (even though it is)
The cartoons and racial insults against Condi Rice were outrageous in the Arab world
Patio Negro?! Cave Negro?! Back in high school one of my best friends used to call me Soul Cracker and I thought that shit was funny. But that takes the cake.
When I saw this on the news yesterday I just knew you were going to be talking about this today. Just goes to show that it does not matter who we have in office here, fanatics (both on our soil and off) are not going to be happy about it. If people want to hate you, trust me, they will find a way. They surely will.
Please consider: some of us white folks voted for Obama because of his policy, and for some of us, the question of race was never a factor. While I appreciated the historical and social significance of my voting for a black man, it wasn't something that I did with the hope of getting a "pat on the back." I didn't expect the tears I cried Nov. 4th... but I welcomed them as I sat alone on my couch while my family slept.
I said this once before commenting on this blog... but I'm a convicted felon, so at 30 years old, this is the first time I've ever been able to vote in an election. I didn't take it lightly. But I got behind Obama long before many of my kind, and have had heated discussions with everyone from my conservative father to my black feminist girlfriends who were pushing for HRC and couldn't understand why I wasn't.
As one of those few white people who actually grew up with black people, who actually has black friends (instead of that token black friend that a lot of white kids have), who works in the community as a legal advocate for so many black victims of domestic violence (and yes, domestic violence crosses all racial barriers, but the black community as a whole has fewer resources at their disposal and so we see a disproportionate number of black victims), and finally, as a white person who has the education and the experience to appreciate and acknowledge the existence of white privilege... I'm aggravated by your conclusion that some of us are NOT actively working to dismantle the institution of white privilege.
I would hope that by participating in dialogues on race, and by acknowledging the distinct cultural barriers within the white and black communities which work against "de facto racial harmony" would be evidence enough that some of our motives are honorable.
When I heard the audio - I was like WHOA! What do they know about House Negroes!?!
I've been thinking about this post all day, and I needed to come back to add something (though I have to be honest to say that I DIDN'T read through all the other comments, so I'm not sure if I'm repeating anyone else's thinking here; forgive me if I am).
Malcolm X was, prior to his conversion to what he called "true Islam," a militant who likely would have agreed with the ideology of what we're calling "Cave Negroes" here. An enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all, right?
X came to the realization, however, that his thinking prior to his conversion was mistaken, and that while resistance and fortitude were certainly called for, the road to equality required everyone's efforts. When speaking of black-white cooperation in the issues of race relations in the U.S., X said, "[i]n our mutual sincerity, we might be able to show a road to the salvation of America's very soul."
If X were alive today, I strongly believe he would not be supporting Ayman or is ilk, or anything they stand for. These people have no integrity or honor, and that's what X was all about.
Oh, and by the way (I went back and read the comments...)? My application for HFN status rests on FAR more than my voting for Obama. I'm a thinker and an activist and a parent who's raising her children to see past the artificial barriers we set up against each other. Jennifer said it when she said "I would hope that by participating in dialogues on race, and by acknowledging the distinct cultural barriers within the white and black communities which work against "de facto racial harmony" would be evidence enough that some of our motives are honorable."
This guy is just potraying Arab racism veiled as anti American rhetoric. Arab racism towards blacks is real and as bad as Western racism.
Even without the background of the war on terror, say this was pre 911 and this guy was just some obscure muslim cleric, he would be saying the exact same things about Obama. My point is, regardless of the rhetoric by the Muslim world that all muslims are brothers, they still consider blacks as inferior. He feels free to use insulting language against Obama because it is obscured by the politics of the war on terror.
IMO his words have little to do with the threat of what Obama can do but rather a knee jerk reaction that has been seen in certain parts of the world that is still in denial about a Black American President. There is that Austrian commentator recently who said on National Television that this was a disturbing development in the Western World because blacks are too uncivilized to rule.
These terrorists feel the same way. Not only is America capable of kicking their butts but it will this time be done by ::gasp:, a black man, the horror of horrors.
Their world view to has been severly affected. And they can't bring themselves to accept that. SO instead they are trying to psychologically put him in his place. These people still practise slavery so its a direct assault on their world belief. Even that remark by the Italian Prime Minister isn't as innocent as it seems, given he made it in the company of Russians. They are trying to demean him. They are foolish if they think little psychological games will work.
Tariq and Egypt are right. 'Abeed does mean "slave" and some Arabs do have this really bad habit of using that term to refer to black American people.
My husband, who speaks Arabic, watched the video last night and he said that it wasn't quite as bad as it was portrayed in the media. He says that Al-Zawahari used 'abeed al-bait because there really isn't an equivalent of "negro" in Arabic. There are terms used to refer to black people (usually from Africa) such as sud. That's why the Sudan is called As-Sudan in Arabic ("the land of the blacks"). I guess saying sud al-bait wouldn't make sense in Arabic hence abeed al bait.
Still, I don't know why Al-Zawahari had the to make the house negro reference at all. He couldn't attacked Obama without going there.
He says that Al-Zawahari used 'abeed al-bait because there really isn't an equivalent of "negro" in Arabic.
I speak Arabic as well. He probably could have used "zanooj" which is sometimes translated as "negros".
That he used "abeed" says a lot (to me) about him and what he thinks of blacks.
Either way, the fact is that these guys do not like us and we have a major stake in this fight against these maniacs
Tariq, I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I wrote a post about it yesterday on my blog.
I still think Al-Zawahari was an ass and shouldn't have even made the house negro/house slave comment at all.
I mean if he has a bone to pick with American foreign policy that's fine. Even if he thinks Obama will not very different from previous American president in regards to American foreign policy in the ME and various parts of the Muslim world, that's fine. In fact, I would suspect the same.
Still, Al-Zawahari is an ass and what he said was racist. He could've made the same point I made without resorting to such racist tactics. My husband was trying to see it from his POV and even then, he still thought Al-Zawahari was full of it.
I have no problems with anyone in the African Diaspora practicing Islam BUT DO NOT THINK that Arabs are your brothers. THEY ARE NOT!! Anyone who is non-arab and especially non-Saudi, they look down on. The arab has been enslaving africans longer than the white man! If people ever noticed, that is why Africans who practice islam are usually more moderate in their views is Islam.
He used the term EXACTLY how he wanted it to be used, nothing different!
That he used "abeed" says a lot (to me) about him and what he thinks of blacks.
Either way, the fact is that these guys do not like us and we have a major stake in this fight against these maniacs
Well it looks like everybody hates blacks we cant win,Funny how quick the media will point out racisim from alqueda.but will only say a working white people problem when it comes to white peoples racisim & ignorance. i trust the arabs mo than the crackers,we've known for about 400 years they aint shit.
Until an arab blows up a black church with lil girls inside i still hold the white man as the biggest perp of violence & evil in the world.
I appreciate your comment about taking the word of the translater.
It is my contention that you can say anything you like, and people will believe you, if you are translating out of an exotic language. While I doubt the translater was complimenting the O man, a bit of skepticism is in order as to what he really said.
Until an arab blows up a black church with lil girls inside i still hold the white man as the biggest perp of violence & evil in the world.
Trudat, so you don't care that "an Arab" destroyed two buildings, and damaged a third, and caused the deaths of more than 3,000 people, many of whom were non-white? You're looking for four black girls inside a church, are you?
Brother Field this "runnaway" says: amen,amen. Good posting.
"Plantsmantx, I know I take some getting used to, but just keep reading."
Field, I've been reading you for quite a while, and mostly enjoying it. That little dialog I pasted had to do with some white jackass thinking that because this guy said this about Obama, she could be "cute" and get away with saying nigger and coon "in front" of some black people. Well, she didn't. I know your intent is not the same as hers, and you didn't say "Cave Nigger". But, the result is sort of the same. First of all, why even suggest he's black when he's not? I don't know about you, but one thing I'm glad he's not is...black.
Trudat, so you don't care that "an Arab" destroyed two buildings, and damaged a third, and caused the deaths of more than 3,000 people, many of whom were non-white
Did they care when they were bombing our homes down south,hanging our men.Raping our woman?Did they care during Katrina,Did they care when they bombed Japan? funny how the people who actually use nukes on thier fellow man.Are quick to say who cant have them,the answer is no,i dont care about people whom work in cubicales staring at monitors & claiming they work hard.in the air condtioning.Did any of those people care about the racial bullshit we put up with on the daily?
Is that addressed to me, anon? I hope it is.
So white people havent terrorized us? you negroes are to quick to let the white man tell you who your enemys are.One man terroist is anothers freedom fighter.911 was white americas problem.until the playing field is truly level,this black man has no love or pity.
Is that addressed to me, anon? I hope it is.
Act like it is !
long history of lampooning blacks.
Whites dont?
Ok, I see now that it wasn't addressed to me. Still, why does it have to be an either/or kind of thing? You're acting as if no one complains about the things you cite whites as doing. That's just not the case.
There is that Austrian commentator recently who said on National Television that this was a disturbing development in the Western World because blacks are too uncivilized to
A country founded by white whores & villians! priceless Didnt they do the same thing to those black people like the indians here? how many arabs were involved in that genocide & dehumanization? White people are still the biggest terroist the world has ever known.Anything that happens to thier so called first world countries is all that truth rev wright said about chickens coming home.dont take my word for it. any history/his story book will do.
Ok, I see now that it wasn't addressed to me. Still, why does it have to be an either/or kind of thing? You're acting as if no one complains about the things you cite whites as doing. That's just not the case.
everything i posted is true,i dont like hearing white people complain about terroism becuase 90% of it is self induced.the classic kettle & pot thing.spreading democracy is terrorism to those whos homes get bombed in air strikes in iraq.please dont give these murderous crackers a pass.
Brother Field this is a hot one. I think you said a lot more than you intended when you said that the president elect is "Massa" now. For those on the outside looking in, or those victimized by US imperialism the color of Massa is incidental. Now to be sure some massa's were a little easier to live with than others, but at the end of the day he was still massa and you still weren't free.
US imperialism and its Big Business press never miss an opportunity do they? Highlighting the ill chosen words of Zawahiri only serves to divide the Arab world and the African American world. And it is another distraction from the real day to day crap that's going on. Folks are losing jobs every day, the lines at the shelters and the food kitchens are lengthening, the US government has been bombing in Syria and Pakistan like some kind of international drive by shooters.
Look at what some black folks are saying about the Arabs. Folks are arguing about whether Al Queda would have been respected by Malcolm or whether he would have been viewed as Muslim. Who cares? The point is that many in the arab working world have a legitimate gripe with US imperialism and yes Malcolm X would have spoken out about it.
And no doubt they (Arabs) don't have the best reputation in their relationship with Blacks and it appears that many are downright prejudice. But lets not get it twisted we are sitting in the living room of the house which is still the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.
While some Arabs are guilty of crimes against Africans (which no doubt is criminal) many of their people are being victimized by the lackeys of US and European imperialism and the imperialists themselves. And those who call themselves muslims are catching hell as well (read Afghanistan, Iraq and even Pakistan and Somalia)And everyone knows the Palestinians are catching hell.
So lets not get caught up in the hype. The Arab world's biggest problem is that they refuse to organize themselves politically and depend on versions of Islam to do what can't be done and that is organize itself to make an advanced society economically,socially and politically. What makes them look really foolish is all the silly religious repression of women as well as their choice to not organize but to wantonly murder and terrorize without any real sense of revolutionary organizing.
And Field I agree that this was a misstep on the part of Al Queda they don't understand black culture and how much we admire folks who look like us in high places, even if the high place has a putrid smell coming from it.
As for the new "massa," "patio Negro," or HNIC. Which one correctly applies? In the words of Malcolm X, "time will tell."
liberation then peace
I dont know what you guys are talking about, but the racial equivalent of the n-word in arabic = KAFFIR.
You dont have to be black to be a "house negro" or field negro or cave negro or patio negro. Actions determine where you are on the scale of negritude, not colour.
Peace out.
And no doubt they (Arabs) don't have the best reputation in their relationship with Blacks and it appears that many are downright prejudice. But lets not get it twisted we are sitting in the living room of the house which is still the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.
Thank you. Trudat
Did they care when they were bombing our homes down south,hanging our men.Raping our woman?Did they care during Katrina,Did they care when they bombed Japan? funny how the people who actually use nukes on thier fellow man.Are quick to say who cant have them,the answer is no,i dont care about people whom work in cubicales staring at monitors & claiming they work hard.in the air condtioning.Did any of those people care about the racial bullshit we put up with on the daily?
You remind me of a line from the comedy album of all time, National Lampoon's Radio Dinner: "Two wrongs don't make a right, but three do."
Someone who works in a cubicle isn't a human being, you say. Well, then, how about a restaurant worker, or more to the point, how about the 79 people who were working at Windows on the World, and died?
And, of course, I shouldn't mention my friend's best friend, a firefighter who, when he saw trouble, ran toward it. He lost his life that day. He left a wife of 25 years and four children. You don't care about any of them, either. In your world, there is a hierarchy of victims.
The events of 9/11 were horribly misused by the Bush administration. Nevertheless, there is one thing above all that I took away from it, and it is this:
There are two kinds of people. There are people who see trouble, and run away from it. There are other people who see trouble and run toward it.
And, of course, I shouldn't mention my friend's best friend, a firefighter who, when he saw trouble, ran toward it. He lost his life that day. He left a wife of 25 years and four children. You don't care about any of them, either. In your world, there is a hierarchy of victims.
2:53 PM
Oh man you have swayed me to your truth.Im so wrong to point the finger at white terrorism.What the hell was i thinking!
Someone who works in a cubicle isn't a human being,
Never said they werent human,they are socio eco slaves though.
Someone who works in a cubicle isn't a human being, you say. Well, then, how about a restaurant worker, or more to the point, how about the 79 people who were working at Windows on the World, and died?
LET me guess,blacks cookn the food & some form of latinos bussing tables & mostly white cubicle drones eating food brought out by white wait staff? sucks to be them yeah? i can go on & on.
Cheney phone call to al Zawahiri: Hey al Z, what it do baby? Did you enjoy that care basket we sent ya with the Bullet proof vest and hollow points for your Glock 23? My wife said tell your wife Said al Z hello, she just loved the fufu cakes she made when we came down to your estate last year. Well back to business. Me and the dummy needs you to give that black SOB B.O. some of your Terrorist rhetoric. You know black people hate to be called House Nqqer. Yeah call him that and use some Malcom X to make him feel bad too. Thanks al Z, I'll make sure we look to the West if you know what I mean(chuckle).
This is all some bllsht from the Terrorist. If you ask me I'd cut all they private parts off and feed it to them, which is what they did to African slaves. They continue to exploit us to this day, ie Darfur. Castrate the lot!!! Feed it to my pitbull, she likes vienna sausages.
@ Jennifer
You said:
I'm aggravated by your conclusion that some of us are NOT actively working to dismantle the institution of white privilege.
Thanks for sharing but it is a fact. SOME of you are not actively working to dismantle the institution of white privilege.
And since you mentioned it...why not share some of the concrete steps YOU HAVE taken on a consistent basis?
May I also remind you that referring to the biracial person as "BLACK" is part of the historical residue of the ONE DROP RULE where biracial slaves were identified as "BLACK" when in fact they had European ancestry.
Barack's mother was a white Kansan. He is biracial. Ignoring his ancestry and referring to him as "black" is telling.
Since you have ignored the fact that he is NOT BLACK and is a man with African AND European ancestry, which part of your own ancestry do you negate when describing yourself?
You aren't the only one negating this man's European ancestry however, I have noticed many blacks do the same thing...which just underscores how much the slave mentality is still in effect without a consciousness of changing it.
And...it's interesting that you mention that RACE was never a factor...well in America race and class colors EVERYTHING...and anyone who claims that it doesn't is in denial...or is fully immersed in the mindset of basking in their race and class privilege which causes BLINDNESS of the subjugation faced by all others...
Oh man you have swayed me to your truth.Im so wrong to point the finger at white terrorism.What the hell was i thinking!
Trudat, it's not a matter of "swaying" you to anything. It's a matter of throwing a spotlight on you so that you can be seen for exactly what you are.
In a way, it reminds me of the old joke in which a man is asking a woman to name her price. If I offer you a thousand bucks, can I screw you? No. How about $10,000? No, of course not. How about $100,000? Now you're talking, she said. At which point he tells her he is not interested in screwing whores.
Yeah and I can spend all day trying to prove to a black racist that i am not a white one but i gave that dance up looong ago. You can't prove that negative yet I am still amazed how many so called educated and enlightened minority folks expect me to attempt it. Aint gonna happen, walk in my shoes and watch what I do not what i say and that's all the proof I owe anyone. Obama is a long overdue first step -- nobody's naiive enough to think the problem is solved.
a black racist?
so for pointing out all the evils of white people here im now a racist! i have no power to harm white people,i might be a little prejudice.shaped by history of this so called great land.and my share of bad experiences with pink people.& all the killing they have done in the name of god & manifest destiny.my morals wont allow me to forgive,thats gods job right!
You remind me of a line from the comedy album of all time, National Lampoon's Radio Dinner: "Two wrongs don't make a right, but three do."
You never answered the ? glad you can find comedy in this!
Trudat, labels have their limits, and when they are thrown around too casually they lose their power. I'm not sure you're worth the effort it takes to attach the right label. Any thinking person who reads your comments here knows what you are, and I really think that's sufficient.
In a way, it reminds me of the old joke in which a man is asking a woman to name her price. If I offer you a thousand bucks, can I screw you? No. How about $10,000? No, of course not. How about $100,000? Now you're talking, she said. At which point he tells her he is not interested in screwing whores.
all americans are prostitutes we all have our price!
Trudat, labels have their limits, and when they are thrown around too casually they lose their power. I'm not sure you're worth the effort it takes to attach the right label. Any thinking person who reads your comments here knows what you are, and I really think that's sufficient.
Your much smarter than me,please teach me! oh & please give me a label.
You never answered the ? glad you can find comedy in this
We have answered each others' questions quite adequately, thank you so much. And yes, it's a good thing to be able to laugh at tragic people and events when possible. It saves the honorable from an early death.
The best tragedy joke of all time was about the explosion of the Challenger space shuttle, which carried seven people including the first woman astronaut.
Q: What were Christa McAuliffe's last words?
A: Hey guys, what's this button for?
I never heard any jokes about what happened on 9/11. It was too shocking. Sometimes you can't joke about it, and that was one of those times. The rest of the time, you'd better learn to laugh.
oh & please give me a label
Okay, here's one I don't need to work on at all: Idiot.
Okay, here's one I don't need to work on at all: Idiot. thanks
i agree with granny - it is a plant. free your mind - al-queda is pure invention keeping the people divided & hate alive. Like all the other crisis pre & post 9/11 that the USoA is built upon. LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN...
When I was a kid, the Chinese would regularly issue these over-the-top statements about how the U.S. leaders were capitalist running dogs and paper tigers, blah blah blah. The Russians would say even dumber things, usually along the lines of claiming to have invented whatever it was Americans could buy for 50 bucks at Sears.
We laughed at them then, and now look at who the capitalist running dogs are. Same goes for al-Hoo Hah Poo Bah. I truly don't give a shit what they say about Obama, other than for the entertainment value of it all.
Are acknowledgment and affirmation not the first steps? Is educating the community about privilege not elemental in the dismantling equation? Doesn't that start with dialogue? Isn't that what we're doing here?
Does OR does not Barack Obama self-identify as a black man? Does my use of the term "black" mean that I'm not necessarily respectful of his roots? For the record... he self-identifies as "black" and he says his parentage is "bi-racial." In my world, using the term he prefers is called "respectful." But if you're argument is that he's a victim of the same mentality as you and me, then that's your prerogative. And I include you based only on my assumption that you self-identify as a black woman (which I drew solely from your blog name).
Either way... I never pretend that "race doesn't matter." But I did say that for me, it was not a factor in how I voted. It's an interesting question you raise about which part of my ancestry I'm negating?
The answer: none. Because I don't know shit about my ancestry. Maybe that's a privilege I take for granted.
I'm just trying to navigate the complicated roads of racial/ethnic/cultural definitions with a simple goal... empathize with all, make peace with as many as possible and make love with people I get into. I'm a part of the human race.
That doesn't mean I'm incapable of respecting the boundaries that other people use to define themselves. Nor does it mean that I'm incapable of holding accountable those who attempt to persecute/oppress/insult based on boundaries they use to define other people. And I'd say those are some concrete things that I can do to work towards dismantling the institution of white privilege... if we agree first that it can be dismantled at all.
If you have some ideas that have escaped me... please share.
Wow! I really enjoyed reading this- i especially loved the representation of Osama as the Cave Negro-very creative
That's hilarious.
Please see our post on MuslimMatters:
I get the feeling some of the strongest and harshest stuff here is coming from people who don't mix much with anyone but those who think, look and act exactly the way they do regardless of race.
"You dont have to be black to be a "house negro" or field negro or cave negro or patio negro. Actions determine where you are on the scale of negritude, not colour."
Whoa, that's interesting. And exactly what is "negritude" in the context of the above opinion?
Damn, you guys are still going on at it?!
FIELD, you've unleashed hell.
Perhaps, you care to authoritatively address these issues:
(1)Meaning and proper context of various kinds of negritude(house, field, patio, cave, slave catcher or otherwise). How to get it, how to lose it.
(2)Can a field negro simultaneously be a house negro? Can an action be "field certified" in one context, and be totally "house-behaviour" in another? A collolary: If you are THE MAN, is it still at all possible to be a field negro?
(3)Is there a list of Field Manual-- commandments of field negritude?
I think some of these arguments around US imperialism, arab/black relations, etc, resulting in rampart misuse of these labels can be clarified with proper definitions of these labels.
"negritude" in that context = what category of negro you belong to: field, house, patio, slave catcher, cave, etc.
I was in the car (alone) listening to NPR when I heard the news report citing the translation "house negro". I actually laughed out loud and said "Cant wait to read what Field has to say about _this_!"
I get the feeling some of the strongest and harshest stuff here is coming from people who don't mix much with anyone but those who think, look and act exactly the way they do regardless of race.
Leave the white people alone.
"1)Meaning and proper context of various kinds of negritude(house, field, patio, cave, slave catcher or otherwise). How to get it, how to lose it.
(2)Can a field negro simultaneously be a house negro? Can an action be "field certified" in one context, and be totally "house-behaviour" in another? A collolary: If you are THE MAN, is it still at all possible to be a field negro?
(3)Is there a list of Field Manual-- commandments of field negritude?"
red devil, I agree, this guys have been hot and heavy up in here. But I love it, that's how we learn. Personally, I am glad for the dialogue.
To answer your question; just read my post titled "FIELD NEGRO 101". I break it down as best I can in that one.
Planstmantx, I figured you were up on my fieldisms, so I didn't even trip. :)
No bring it anonymous by all means if you are that hard up for white folks to shout at by all means bring it on but you double proved my point is all. Get around some real live white people and talk with us. I rarely bite but I won't say I don't bite. I did observe a lawn jockey in a yard 10 houses from me as I was jogging home from dropping off my car at the shop. Not because I am a clever metrocaucasian who mixes in some cardio whenever i can but cause I only have one car and the shop is close enough to drag my fat ass up the hill home.. You're as bad as the old crackers I overheard dropping N-bombs in a coffee shop cause they knew O was gonna win. I come here to read Field's and a lot of his reader's input cause they are smart and funny and pull few punches. You seem to need a white guy to vent on, maybe try Craig's list ? Or come to my blog and go Kimbo Slice in the comments if you have to, lose that anonymous thing though it's kinda chickenshit if you're throwing down on people.
Man nobody is dissing all white people.I know theres some good ones out thier,i work with them & i eat meals in thier homes.But the truth is the truth.Im talking about the truly wicked if your not one of them why trip? Stop defending the sick in your race,god knows i would destroy feeble minded blacks faster that thier white counterparts,if i had my way!im no chicken,do you expect me to put my name on a blog,you hide behind your moniker is that your real name?
This al qaeda boys should be careful talking about the slave thing. Some of Aymans ancestors probably sold some of Malcolm's ancestors to the slavers. I have nothing against Arabs generally but if one wants to summon the echos of slavery past they should acknowledge that they were playing for the wrong team back then.
Cave negroes -- I love it! You are certainly highly cool, field.
Yes, that is sad, and a part of Granny feels sorry for Bush, and a part of me doesn't.
anon welcome to blogging 101 - click the name and go to the blog where you will find all the real names you want and even an email. i am defending the right not be be generalized and who appointed you to be executioner of any races feeble minded ? i'm not tripping I am reading very carefully a skill Bush's people taught us all very well. as long as i tell the truth who am I going to hide from ? peace.
The biggest obstacles Granny sees standing in the path of racial unity are hurt, pain, anger, stubbornness, mistrust, and unforgiveness. If we could get rid of those demons, we'll be able to work out the problems and solve them.
" . . . not afraid to use massa's toys" - I love it!
Dude is about to be obliterated by some serious "Obamaholics". Peace.
"He answers to no one. He is massa. To call him a house Negro would be missing the entire point of just who a house Negro is, and what he represents. And another thing: we field Negroes helped to elect him and put him in the house, so we have no problem with him being there. In fact, we wanted him there. So when you call him a house Negro you are calling all the Negroes who put him there house Negroes as well. That is not cool. If you are trying to get black folks and Muslims in A-merry-ca to sympathize with your cause, this ain't the way to do it, you are only alienating some of the folks here. Have you ever heard the word Obamaholic?"
WOW! Field....you are beginning to sound like an Obamaholic yourself!!LOL
It's wild up in here!
Seriously though-- the cave dwellers try to stay relevant by "any means necessary' including invoking Brother Malcolm.
Their mistake is not understanding the black psyche as far as out "annointed" heroes (Malcolm/Martin). Using their name in vain is blasphemous in the black community.
As for the topic that we're discussing, I still believe that Bush and his gang are behind it. Too many clues pointing in their direction. A regular election time tape from Al Quaeda that is nothing new. We get those like clockwork during election season every since Bush took office. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't edited. The thing is that those people want us to leave their land and stop bombing their civilians, I can understand that. Especially, since Bush took it upon himself to go and start mess with a country that hadn't been involved in 9/11 in the name of oil.
9/11 disturbed all Americans, because it was a horrible disaster. So was Katrina, and I took Katrina to heart, because many on my dad's side of the family lived in New Orleans and had been there generation after generation since 1809. Both were horrible and disastrous.
I did notice one difference though in 9/11 and Katrina. All of the people no matter what race pulled together to help the 9/11 victims, but not all did the same for Katrina. Oh, there were many people who helped the Katrina victims, but it wasn't like it was for 9/11. Katrina victims were blamed for being victims, but no one blamed the 9/11 victims for being victims. That statement was not meant to be taken as cold or harsh, because that is not the way I'm thinking. I'm just saying there was a great difference in feelings and levels of compassion.
anon welcome to blogging 101 - click the name and go to the blog where you will find all the real names you want and even an email. i am defending the right not be be generalized and who appointed you to be executioner of any races feeble minded ? i'm not tripping I am reading very carefully a skill Bush's people taught us all very well. as long as i tell the truth who am I going to hide from ? peace
AS if all i said was a pack of lies
Granny... I lived through Katrina. It's not cold or harsh... just cold and harsh fact.
I heard some so-called good Christians make some statements that made me cringe concerning Katrina. The President referred to the black folks as refugees, and the majority of those people had lived in New Orleans generation after generation. I heard people say it was the people's fault for not leaving. And all black folks were labeled welfare recipients and thieves. I heard lies and false rumors made up concerning the dome, which didn't happen. I watched people stranded with no means of communications because of the storm left for almost a whole week without water and food. Folks were threaten by law enforcement for trying to leave and get to safety, and told to turn back because of their skin color. I saw bodies floating in the water, old people dying by the wayside and left behind. I watched diabetes going into diabetic comas. Yup, I watched that an more during Katrina. I had the same compassion for them as I did those in 9/11 as I watched that plane crash through those twin towers. Because through my eyes both were horrible disasters in our history and humans were losing their lives and I shedded tears and prayed through both incidents.
You and I both cried many a tear over those two events. And I can tell you that the stories you heard are all well-founded. We spent three weeks trying to get back into the city and what we found when we got back was LITERALLY a war zone. We spent months trying to help people find their families. I could talk about it for hours. That hurricane changed me in more ways than I can name.
That city is still a war zone three years later. "Soul if waterproof" though and NOLA is tough. If anybody is considering a cheap trip... go to NOLA and pump some money into that city.
Grinder, the lives and the tragedy behind those black "four little girls" were just as important, and devastating to many black people. You need to check yourself. You keep displaying yourself deeper and deeper. You're very transparent to me.
Trudat, the Arabs are actually terrorizing, killing, raping and enslaving black North Africans. Especially the ones with the beautiful blue black skin. So actually, they are the same type of evil to be honest.
Blackwomenblowthetrumpet, what's wrong with "biracial" people identifying themselves as black? What's the big offence with being called Black? How are they denying their "white heritage"? Is having "white heritage" something so special to not deny for some reason we don't know about? Or is it hand-me-down semi "white privilege" they don't want to pass up? Maybe more black Americans and black Caribbeans should claim "biracial/multiracial" status instead of "black". (That would put a wrench up in some shit, things will get too ugly, too many darkies would be cramping the "special" status).
You know, what if "black" was considered superior world wide and "white" was the race that was considered "inferior" and denigrated for hundreds of years, would black "biracial" people be so quick to correct others when their assumed as just "black"? I doubt.
Granny, you can believe me or not, but there have been only two times in my life that I've shed tears over anything in the news. One of them was during Hurricane Katrina, and the other was when I saw an article in the newspaper about American troops stomping on the broken leg of some Iraqi (or maybe Afghani) captive and forcing him to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior.
To say that my blood runs cold over these things is the understatement of the millennium. I'm not saying this to one-up you or to prove my credentials, or anything like that. But these are raw wounds for me, and they always will be.
La incognita, you might as well come right out and say it: I am a white devil. It's what you want to say to me and to every other white person who doesn't bow to your concept of inherent guilt. I'm never going to do it, so come right out and say it so I can laugh my ass off at you openly. Might as well be honest. I've decided to pre-empt you, so now you can be angry and shout straight at the white devil. Come on, you've wanted to do it all along.
No offense to you but I hope you realize that there is no point to this conversation. Black and white will never be reconciled in this country and we will probably never understand each other either, it's not meant to be. I think dialogue is a good idea to keep things from getting too ugly but at a certain point you should let sleeping dogs lie.
"negritude" in that context = what category of negro you belong to: field, house, patio, slave catcher, cave, etc.
So...you're saying that everyone in the world falls into some category of "negritude"?
I don't have no reason to disbelieve you about that. You and anyone that post on here should know Granny by now, if I didn't believe it, I would call you out on it. However, a lot of people were upset about Katrina, and there a lot of people didn't care one way or the other, because they believed Fox News. I know I would have felt the same way about that incident you mentioned about the soldier stomping on that Iraqi's broken leg that is inhuman.
House nigga. Sand nigga.
I know all those arab store owners, which are all in the hood, must be saying (sand)nicca "shut the fucc up!"
Anonymous 12:41 and 12:43<---A good example of a child without adult supervision in the house.
9/11 = American Reichstag. It was staged for the cameras and a LOT of suckers fell for it, not knowing the history.
Al CIAduh was a U.S. government sponsored creation in the 1980s to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. They then morphed into the Neocon mascots for eternal war propaganda.
"A latter day Pear Harbor." They even had the balls to describe it in their manifesto before it happened.
Has anyone noticed that Bin Laden has not dropped a new mixtape in a while? And now #2 has this to say?
Could it be that this isn't real and its just a product of the neo-conservatives, otherwise known as propaganda?
Either way, true or fake, this comes at a good time. Maybe the 23% of people in Texas who think Obama is muslim will change their minds now.
Blackwomenblowthetrumpet "You aren't the only one negating this man's European ancestry however, I have noticed many blacks do the same thing...which just underscores how much the slave mentality is still in effect without a consciousness of changing it.
I don't think you're ever going to read this, but I have to say it.
Surely you want to take this portion of your comments back. It's divisive, belittling, and incredibly telling.
Please share with me and the others here how blacks "negating" Obama's European roots have anything to do with perpetuating a "slave mentality."
I don't know of too many blacks in this country of black African ancestry who don't have "European ancestry."
I have always considered "black" to be a mindset, a consciousness of blackness without regard for a person's "bi-racial," or "multi-racial" status.
In this country, if I had it, I would identify with that one drop of black blood, and call myself black, just because it carries such a stigma.
I would embrace the stigma, and call it my own, without regard to any other racial identification.
I would do so to give those who have a problem with it, a greater problem, as they seek to assimilate me into their thinking.
You see: I want to do my part to further racial detoxification.
I have no desire to make myself more palatable to others by diffusing my blackness, or diluting it, nor by being super-accurate about what portion of my blackness contributes to my overall genetic makeup.
It makes no difference to me. That it makes a difference to others, is why I continue to do it.
To the sane people using anonymous.
Choose a g-ddamn nick, already.
That way we can talk to you and not the crazies.
Hell, if you want you can be like 4chan and choose Anonymouse, or Anomina.
I don't care.
Just choose SOMETHING, ya read?
I wonder what this guy would have called brother Shabazz (Malcolm)if he we still alive today and had been able to put into practice his new view on "True Islam", race relations, and equality! Would he be a house negro too, for not wanting to blow up innocent people? Ayman (and a lot of other people for that matter) need to bone up on his history before he starts going off at the mouth.
Granny, sorry about the "you might not believe me" comment. I had been doing too much commenting and was getting worked up in general, and then when I get on the subjects of Katrina and torture I can get worked up. My apologies. By the way, I don't know if you saw my invitation to play online chess.
If you (or anyone else) is interested in playing chess, e-mail me at grinderchess@comcast.net. I'm a middling chess player, and would love to find a counterpart or two to play. The Chess Rally site offers free software, and for a one-time fee of $20 a "gold" membership that entitles people to use their server to play online games.
No need to apologize, you didn't say anything to offend me. Thanks, but no thanks on the offer to play chess online. I don't fool with the online games, because I caught a real bad virus on my computer before behind those online games. I had a lot of important stuff that I had been collecting for a few years in a project I was doing and lost all of it. I hadn't saved it on a disk and had to replace my computer. My daughter brought this computer, and I gave my word to never play online games again. I've kept my word on that going on almost 9 or 10 years.
However, Seda might take you up on that offer, because she had offered to play with me as well.
This is the funny part about Obama he has more white relatives here in the Sttaes than he does black relatives...go figure.
I don't fool with the online games, because I caught a real bad virus on my computer before behind those online games.
I hear ya, I really do. But you're not going to get a computer virus by playing chess via Chess Rally. I did this for two years with my old neighbor from Boston, and the only problem I had was occasionally Chess Rally's server would act up and end our game prematurely. I don't want to pressure you, though.
p.s.: Seda, if you want a chess partner, I'm as grinderchess@comcast.net
Black Diaspora,
Well said. You saved me from a lot of typing! Every Black in America could be called biracial. It is the new term for mulatto,quadroon, etc... Unfortunately, it is an effective, subversive tool used to assimilate those who are uncomfortable embracing their heritage and hope to gain a semblance of acceptance.
Field, excellent post.
From the Field,
Black Rose
Al Quaeda is fake, created and sustained by the American government to promote, initiate and perpetuate a fake war on fake terror in order to keep power and money in the hands of those that stand to profit from it all.
HNIC..well well well...I wonder who it was when they decided to "honor" MLK with street designations which if you walked on one of those "skreets: about now you would get your throat cut...there goes the neiborhood...er "hood"..hnic...handle a ball well...marry a white girl..piss you white boys off good. NOW we got us a president!! WHERE MY CHECK IS??
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