What I know about India is this: They were once ruled by the British like my native Jamaica. Their bowlers were known to put a mean spin on the ball in the game of cricket. Every customer service call that has to do with anything technical, ends up there. And, they have a film industry, that rivals the one in Hollywood.
Now I know something else: they have also fallen victim to the horrors of terror. Coordinated attacks all over the city of Mumbai; at various hotels, hospitals, a restaurant, and even the train station have killed at least 80 people. And now there is word that mostly Westerners were targeted by these brazen attackers.
Now sadly, my first thought was, hey at least they waited until after the elections (forgive me lord), because if this had happened month ago, the old man from Arizona and the beauty queen from Alaska would be mapping out their transition team. And conversely, if this had happened after the inauguration, we would be listening to Wingnuts scream at the top of their lungs: I told you so.
"A spokeswoman for U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, Brooke Anderson, issued a statement saying the coordinated attacks on innocent lives demonstrate the grave and urgent threat of terrorism. She also said the U.S. must continue to strengthen partnerships with India and other nations to root out and destroy terrorist networks."
I agree Brooke. And I think your boss had it right all along. He understands that Islamic terrorist have long ago planted their seeds in places like India , Indonesia, and Pakistan, and that the roots are now taking shape. From all the news reports these attackers were young and fanatical, and they had to know that this was a high risk mission that would more than likely cause them to lose their lives. So once again we are faced with committed terrorist who will do anything in their powers to terrorize the Western world. Because let's make no mistake; this attack happened in India, but it was aimed at the West and Western culture.
"They were talking about British and Americans specifically. There was an Italian guy, who, you know, they said: 'Where are you from?" and he said he's from Italy and they said 'fine' and they left him alone. And I thought: 'Fine, they're going to shoot me if they ask me anything — and thank God they didn't,..."
A group calling themselves the Deccan Mujihideen is taking credit for the attacks, and they obviously put a lot of work into their heinous act of terror. Now, here in A-merry-ca, we are left scratching our heads and wondering once again. Wondering why on the eve of the day that we like to give thanks, angry militants half way around the world don't seem to be quite as thankful as we are.
*Thanks T. Roberts
I agree with you field...In sad twisted way they waited until after the elections...LOL
But now the media will be breathing down Obama neck on how to handle this tragic terrorist attack. They attack as if Obama is already the freaking President. If I remember right the drunk Bush is still in the White House.
Mumbai - a massive city of 19 million, is an international tourist destination, as well as a center of business, commerce and education.
Eyewitness reports say the gunmen began firing at people in the lobby of the Taj Palace Hotel, killing businessmen and back packers alike.
The attack on a hospital caring for women and children is particularly chickenshit.
These terrorists are cowards. To randomly attack masses of civilians is the most cowardly of acts.
This is not about oppressed people rising up or civil war. This is religious fanatisism at its most ugly. I have not one ounce of sympathy for them or their cause. They just need to get off the planet.
Field, you are slower than molasses-flavored shit on this one. India's been exploding on a semi-regular basis since before 9/11.
So much for hoping for a decrease in military spending.
Some folks want to see that it never happens
I posted some updated video on Nat Turner's Revenge. I have a student over there. Her dad is the first African American member of the cabinet in the state of Delaware and friend Biden, so she Twittered that they are rushing back in an armored limo.
My sources say this is an elevation of the usual Muslim extremism (ironically stuff outside of India working in thru Pakistan...Indian Muslims are an oppressed minority and considered lower than "Slumdog millionaire" untouchables); before it was bombs. Never coordinated gangs. The reports of them targeting Limeys and Americans might be bull but this is what happens when US media outlets cut bureaus in order to pay for Dancing With the Stars. The elevation's "excuse" according to my folk is among other things the Indian navy's assignment to stop Islamic pirates in the Gulf of Aden and off the Horn of Africa. I know, sounds stupid, but my thesis is that these fools operate out of the sam e motivation as thugs and knuckleheads in Philly, DC, Chicago, Balto--nihilism. Not politics, oppression, religious ferver, cash money or having no male role models. Those all are convenient dodges or vessels.
That also means that "regular" Muslims, just like folk in hood in Philly bear the brunt of the retaliation, thus fell for reasons of fear or loyalty or family, "protect" these scumbags rather than try to purge them.
I feel awful. My Jump-up heritage is 1/2 "coolie," hence my luxurious sable wavy hair that's now gray. On the other hand, India has been pulling us into this anti-Muslim crusader mode, and the society there has been more stratefied. maybe, like 9-11, this will pull them together. The taj Hotel had been the hangout for Bollywood bigshots who regularly crapped on poor folk. Now, they are victims, regardless of caste.
The Indian's put up with this stuff on an almost regular basis. Imagine have a massive failed state like Pakistan, teetering on the brink of economic collapse on your northern border and filled with Islamic groups from the Taliban to Al Qaeda, many of whom are directly aided by the Pakistani government and intelligence agencies.
Not being Muslim is reason enough for a jihad so I'm not assuming it had to do with Western Civ. I like that the opposition party in India has the balls to call themselves Communists.
I keep coming back to the fact both India and Pakistan have nukes aimed at each other.
At what point will one of these terrorist attacks push one of them to launch a nuclear missile at New Delhi or Karachi?
President-elect Obama must make a India and Pakistan priorities once he's elected.
A close friend of mine is leaving for India next week and plans to stay for a month. I've been planning to go in the summer. Actually, it surprises me not that this terrorist attack has occurred, but that more attacks like it don't occur more often. There are so many American targets there, and the Bush Admin has seen to it that we're safe nowhere. I don't in any way mean to make light of the situation, but I'm truly wondering how to get a red (Canadian) outer jacket for my passport and am planning to sew maple leafs onto my luggage. I'm really not kidding at all.
Off topic: I'm in no position to recommend an HFN, but what about the 11-year-old boy with leukemia whose last wish was not to meet a celebrity or go to Disneyworld, but rather to help the homeless people in his town?
Classical One and Woozie, you are both right. I am aware that they have this struggle with terrorist going on in India all the time. Hell this very city was attacked not too long ago.But you must admit that the timing and targets of this attack makes it a little more interesting.(Not sure of that's a good word, but its the best one I could think of)
And what's really scary--as Christopher stated--is that they actually have nukes there that work.
A.F., I will read up on that little boy. That was certainly FN behavior.
The Pakistani (okay, the U.S.) and Indian governments have nukes that actually work. You're more likely to contract AIDS from a dirty needle at a hospital than you are to see those two governments start a nuclear war, no matter how much Pakistani/Northern Indian Muslims and Indian Hindus detest each other.
You are making a grave mistake in attributing this attack to all things western. Muslim/Hindi animosity has being going on for over 100 years. Extreme Islam as practised by Al Queda has never failed to use western technology, marketing and pyschology in their quest to defeat us. What disturbs me the most is that recently the government of India had to arrest Hindi members of the Army for abetting bombings in the name of Islam. The arrested were all members of extreme Hindi parties.
As to the PE attacks of these nature, mutltiple targets including the police station(and I heard a report on Hardball at 7pm EST that the head of the counter terror organization in Mumbai was successly targeted and killed) are planned as much as two years in advance so attributing it to his election/the election process is warrantless. The one thing the PE ran on was that the grievances that cause terrorism ahve at their roots social problems that can not be solved by police action to track down perpetrators are not addressed. This is the only way to reduce these types of actions.
damn.. they have cancelled the cricket... the england team are flying home..
I have a feeling this has to do with the breeding ground for terrorists, Kashmir. Of late there has been news of potential uprisings against India by Kashmir militants that are heavily involved with Al Qaeda. My Indian workmate was telling me how there are very few native Kashmirs left. Al Qaeda has taken over. So this attack looks like its a product of that.
".. . we are left scratching our heads and wondering once again."
It's like the relationship between crime and poverty. The degree of indifference with which a society treats its poor, is reflected in the crime rate.
Obama's frist appointment was a chief of staff with double nationality who served in the Israeli army, and he's considering another staunch Israel supporter for Secretary of State, one of the few democratic senators who voted with the republicans to block a ban on cluster bombs.
It's that kind of decisions that's got people in the rest of the world scratching their heads. But probably not the islamic militants, because it sort of confirms what they already know.
It's probably safe to assume that there's gonna be a lot more scratching of heads in the coming years. If you feed it, it will grow.
To attack a hospital...no words.
I agree with Grata. On the news here they are talking about Kashmir quite a bit.
Attacking people in a hospital is one of the most chickenshit things someone can do. It's right up there with assaulting old people and harming children. These perps deserve do rot in hell, not pass go and get their 72 virgins.
Hey Field Negro!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mrs. Field!! She is MY GURRRRRL after that ...ummm..."situation". *smirk*
And....why did you take that photo down?? See, all those women started putting up comments objectifying you!! *LOL*
If ALL women who visit this blog promise not to make any comments about your photo, will you put it back up?
I'd like for you to show a photo posing with your Spidey lunch box...do not pretend that you don't have one! *giggles*
Get use to war folks, there is more of it coming under the Obama administration, as he makes a strong and concerted effort to save America. Reminds me of something that Churchill said "that he was not going to be the prime minister during the decline of the British Empire: but he was and the rest is history. Obama is bought and paid for by big business and the elites, and if he knows what best for him, he will do what he is told. Does this mean that he does not have wiggle room? No, he has room but this is the return of the neoliberal agenda. We have to make Obama be Obama if you know what I mean. Happy holidays from Moveable.
had happened month ago, the old man from Arizona and the beauty queen from Alaska would be mapping out their transition team
I didn't think about that, but you are probably right. One of the top priorities of the Obama Administration will be to destroy these maniacs who care about nothing but death, destruction and mayhem
r.j., you are right. I don't care how righteous you think that your cause is, you can't go bombing hospitals.
Robert M, thanks for reminding me about the Muslim Hindu issue. Atwo years in advance planning? Wow! Indian intel must have been sleeping at the whel. It kind of makes you wonder.
And yes, the Kashmir issue is real.
"Attacking people in a hospital is one of the most chickenshit things someone can do."
We drop bombs from 30,000 feet and kill women and children and everything that moves, yet we want to pass moral judgement on the rest of the world. Never ceases to amaze me how full of shit the average American is.
Oh sure, pay attention to it now that Americans and British are being attacked. its been going on for ages.
Whatever, I guess their is no need to fuss about the motives for the attention, as long as someone is paying attention.
America is flawed and we chronicle that here regularly. But we're not trying to kill non-combantants. The terrorists are. There is no moral equivalency and we decent people should say so.
Looking for real black people? You can find them here:
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have done much to spread the radical thinking behind such groups of radicals. The Northern India school of Islmaic thought, Deobandi, has caused many problems in India and in Pakistan where the Taliban were propped up by the Pakistani government of Benazir Bhutto and were followers of Deobandism.
The Saudis have done their part in spreading billions in oil revenue to build mosques in Pakistan and elsewhere around the Islamic world to promote a Wahhabist school of thought that has been the impetus behind a religous revival of radical Salafism.
"Attacking people in a hospital is one of the most chickenshit things someone can do."
We drop bombs from 30,000 feet and kill women and children and everything that moves, yet we want to pass moral judgement on the rest of the world. Never ceases to amaze me how full of shit the average American is.
10:29 AM
Thank you,there is nothing cowardly about terroism that takes big balls,owning slaves is cowardly/the genocice of native americans was cowardly/vietnam was cowardly,killing non white people around the world in the name of democracy is extremely cowardly fighting in the white mans armed services,house negroey
"Attacking people in a hospital is one of the most chickenshit things someone can do."
We drop bombs from 30,000 feet and kill women and children and everything that moves, yet we want to pass moral judgement on the rest of the world. Never ceases to amaze me how full of shit the average American is.
10:29 AM
Thank you,there is nothing cowardly about terroism that takes big balls,owning slaves is cowardly/the genocice of native americans was cowardly/vietnam was cowardly,killing non white people around the world in the name of democracy is extremely cowardly fighting in the white mans armed services,house negroey
Violence begets violence!
No, we don't live in Utopia. But in spit of that, we still have much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving from San Diego to you and yours in Philly, Field.
It's also the number of attacks that is disturbing. Say some prayers.
"But you must admit that the timing and targets of this attack makes it a little more interesting."
Yeah...kind of like how some bitch with a reverse B carved on her face is more interesting than 45000 dead monthly in the Congo.
I'm not saying anything against you field, but the fact that people notice this attack in particular is telling.
45000 dead monthly...hummmmm
where the fuck do they keep coming from???
you'd think after killing,starving and genocide they keep in inflicting on each other that country...he-he continent would be empity......
I find it particularly curious that it’s black on black ….yet to read some of these blogs it appears to be the white man that’s evil….hummm
Don’t let me down tell me how it’s that evil white man’s fault ????
Cowboy 08'
"We drop bombs from 30,000 feet and kill women and children and everything that moves, yet we want to pass moral judgement on the rest of the world. Never ceases to amaze me how full of shit the average American is."
Uh Dude..I didn't make a phone call to have some bombs dropped to anybody..Please don't include ME in WE. Thanks.
The problem lies within India: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article5247848.ece
We drop bombs from 30,000 feet and kill women and children and everything that moves, yet we want to pass moral judgement on the rest of the world. Never ceases to amaze me how full of shit the average American is.
Hey, if you're okay with it, then so am I. Pass the pie, would ya?
Are we thanful about the Native Americans that got killed in one evening or are we thankful to their killers!!! Bit confusing - isn't it?
Do your homework. The vast amount of terrorist attacks have nothing to do with the U.S. or Israel, western colonialism or imperialism.
Thialand, Indonesia (not just the Bali bombings but for long prior), China, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, Russia, etc, etc. C'mon, a better question would be, where are Islamic extreamists NOT destroying the quality of life for others who do not share their beliefs or because they demand appeasement? The answer is: nowhere. If injustice and oppression were the root cause of terrorism where are all those Tibetian terrorists????
You specify that Americans were the target in a way that seems to suggest this makes their crime have a purpose worth mulling over. But when someone is targeted by whites for their nationality, such as being Mexican or Egyptian or Nigerians, it is simply summed up as a hate crime based on the bigotry of the perpetrator. It is inapproriate for us to be expected to see the perpetrators as having legit greviences when they are Muslims targetting American civilians, then call it a hate crime when westerners target civilians for the nationality.
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