Think this election doesn't matter to some folks? Consider this poor guy; he helped to build his own firearms company, and he is a huge Obama supporter. When the poor guy's love of his O ness became public knowledge, the shit hit the fan. Now he is on the outside looking in, and trying to figure out what hit him.
It wasn't always like this in A-merry-ca. It used to be that if you were a dumbocrat or a rethuglican, you could agree to disagree with each other, and move on with your lives here in the land [where some] are free. But not now. Now you are either for us or against us. If you are with that skinny Negro with the funny name you are the enemy, you do not have A-merry-ca's best interest at heart. If you are with the old man and his aging porn star looking side kick, you are on the side who wants to preserve the status quo here in A-merry-ca, and you truly believe that your Ozzie and Harriett existence is in jeopardy.
Honestly, I kind of like it this way. Fuck bi-partisanship! I don't want to reach across the aisle to do shit. I hope Pelosi, Reid, and Obama do become a triad in Washington. (Like it can get any worse?) I didn't see George Bush, Newt Gingrich or Ronald Reagan doing a whole lot of reaching out. No, they were pretty much carrying out their agenda. An agenda, by the way, which pretty much screwed the poor and middle class in this country. Maybe that's why many of the folks on the red side of this battle are so afraid of his O ness. They don't believe he will reach across to them. They think that his change mantra might really mean change, and that they will be left out in the cold. The irony is, those people I mentioned didn't help these red state folks either. But they were slick enough to wrap their message in a package that they [the red state folks] would buy. Us against them. We are protecting your interest, not theirs . Our values are different from theirs. They want abortion on demand, they want to let the criminals run free, they want a welfare state....you get the picture. And it worked. It always has, and it always will.
That is why this election is so fascinating. How many of these sheep are going to be willing to break away from the shackles of identity politics? How many of them will think about their own pocket books first, and not follow the ideological dogma of their leaders? I am guessing not a whole lot. Fortunately for the folks on the other side, this country is about 45% to 45% when it comes to party registration and hardened political affiliations. And the 10% of the folks in the middle who actually think about both the options presented, will be the ones to decide this election.
"The employees, shareholders and board of directors of Cooper Firearms of Montana do not share the personal political views of Dan Cooper. Although we all believe everyone has a right to vote and donate as they see fit, it has become apparent that the fallout may affect more than just Mr. Cooper. It may also affect the employees and the shareholders of Cooper Firearms. The board of directors has asked Mr. Cooper to resign as President."
Poor Dan Cooper belonged to that middle, and now he has cast his lot with the O man. But he is starting to learn what I always knew growing up as a kid on the rock: Politics can be a nasty business.
Not taking anything away from Obama and his campaign, but...
The greatest irony of all of this is that we have George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to thank for helping elect the first Black president.
Bush said in 2000 that he was a uniter and not a divider. It took 8 long, divisively fucked up years, but he did finally unite a lot of people into voting for a Black man.
This is a strange election, and in my short life I don't remember one in which people felt so emotionally invested. The number of us Obamaholics who simply can't get on with our lives is astronomical ...
It seems that the GOP has mucked things up so bad that they reach for the bottom of the barrel and there's not even anything there anymore. Yeah, the rethugs have been so god awful bad that we're seeing some weird shit this time around, like this:
Cleaning up this mess is going to be tough, and I hope some of the people who have been benefiting from the recent socialism for the rich feel some of the pain
Congrats to those Phils.
I see one big fat law suit in Mr. Cooper's horizon. Can we say, illegal!! I would love to watch the lawyers (ACLU WHERE ARE YOU??!!!!) smack them down for this one.
Dan Cooper is a hero, and if the country didn't go batshit crazy, it would be proud of him.
Thankfully, there have been other heroes in the past who didn’t spout empty rhetoric when they found themselves in a defining moment.
Senator Gruening (a guy from Alaska, by the way, Mrs. Palin) did it when he voted against the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and effectively destroyed his career. A lone man did it when he stood in front of the tanks in Tiananmen Square. African-American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos did it at the 1968 Olympics when they raised their black-gloved fists as a symbol of racial solidarity.
Count yourself a member of this Hall of Fame, Mr. Cooper. The best of luck to you.
Although, if Obama wins, it might become easier for you to find justice.
field, I have some comments about centrism in the comments section of a different website. It's a pretty circuitous path, and to just copy and paste it here wouldn't make sense because the context is completely different. But you might want to have a look just for the hell of it.
By the way, The Secret Squirrel has explained to his Republican friends why the election of Obama is really a victory.
Cooper is my new favorite white guy
it really is amazing how the neocons have succeeded in using ideological issues to distract and convince their base of a very few rich but mostly middle-class and poor white people that the party is serving their interests. there was some awful little red hen email going around, the gist of which was that obama wants a situation where the little red hen does all of the work and everyone gets to eat the bread. it's truly astonishing persuasion by which the right convinces people that, for starters, there are no laborers helping to make the bread to begin with--that any wealth they have is the direct result of yankin up the boot straps. and if the right can continue to delude their supporters with ideological nonsense, the base will be too busy picketing abortion centers and won't notice when more legislation is passed that puts their money in the hands of the few. or perhaps the "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" phenomenon is seeing its last days. one can only hope.
I pray that he continues to stand his ground and he comes out on top. It is crazy how these folks have driven a wedge between Americans. I can't wait until Nov 4comes and goes and they are no longer in the White House to tearing this nation apart.
I think the sad thing is that the Trifecta of Democrats, such as it maybe, will in fact reach across the aisle. Progressive idealists have long been concilliatory--just ask Abraham Lincoln and just how concilliatory his tone was toward the Confederate States of America.
I doubt he has any grounds for a lawsuit. It's the same if an entity decided to pull support because they endorse McCain. In a free-market society, that's the joys of a Democratic Republic.
He shoulda just kept his mouth shut.
Whelp, my last post didn't come out right. My daughter is here distracting me.
Wow, props to this guy, its not only disgusting but just sad how the GOP has and is still doing everything it can to destroy democracy in this country. I have received so many right wing emails from coworkers and friends that its at the point I'm telling them the truth on some of their nonsense.
And one more robocall, 3 in one day this past week from McCain I'll pull my hair out.
wait, wait, wait...
but I thought only black people, welfare queens, and pansy waist liberals were going to vote for Obama?
On paper this guy is a GOP poster child. Small business owner, of a GUN COMPANY!?
If I believe the press and pundits guys like this don't exist.
Did you check him for a backwards "B" carved on his face?
"Did you check him for a backwards "B" carved on his face?"
The Negroes Board approve of this man.
The latest Washington Post poll shows Obama getting 46% of the white vote vs. McCain at 50%.
If this continues (and who knows, maybe improves as the result of what's looking like Obama's momentum, a factor that typically sways the undecideds), Obama will get a higher percentage of the white vote than any Democrat since LBJ.
Personally, I'd love to see Obama get 50%+ of the white vote, but even 46% is pretty damn good.
Palin pranked by Canadian Radio. lol
"Obama will get a higher percentage of the white vote than any Democrat since LBJ.
Personally, I'd love to see Obama get 50%+ of the white vote, but even 46% is pretty damn good."
I co-sign. That would be a pretty big deal.
"On paper this guy is a GOP poster child. Small business owner, of a GUN COMPANY!?
If I believe the press and pundits guys like this don't exist.
Did you check him for a backwards "B" carved on his face?"
Yes but he is siding with the Communist. REAL A-merry-cans can't support this guy.
d.r.scott, you arte right. Cooper's behavior has HFN written all over it.
Did you read my last message to you I wrote on the McCain/Palin informercial?
Check out this lady. She was an alternative delegate to the Republican National Convention. I understand she also played the Wicked Witch of the West in the local community theatre's production of The Wizard of Oz.
I read that article about that lady. That was a mean thing to do to kids and as an adult she ought to be ashamed of herself--child abuser. It takes all kinds to make a world, but some we could do without. I hope they flash her face across every MSM station and newspaper in the world. Granny can't stand people who mistreat kids.
"They don't believe he will reach across to them. They think that his change mantra might really mean change, and that they will be left out in the cold."
I don't think that's the case. Obama's opposition doesn't want what he's selling.
Many people don't want more government responsibilities because they doubt it's effectiveness.
A person's personal beliefs in religion and politics has always been touchy but it seems more physically touchy these days.
Check this video out.
"I don't think that's the case. Obama's opposition doesn't want what he's selling. Many people don't want more government responsibilities because they doubt it's effectiveness."
szpork - The past 8 years are the definitive answer to that remark.
I agree with Jody - Cooper should sue every last one of those cowardly board of directors.
granny,I didn't see the post. Is it on this thread?
Granny can't stand people who mistreat kids.
Neither can grinder, but keep it in perspective. All she did was deny them candy. Not exactly a class act, but not an ax murderer. Just a nasty lady. I think the one who should really complain about her is the dental trade association.
p.s., granny, she reminds me of the neighbor lady way, way, way back when who had me rooting for Goldwater because she had fooled me into thinking President Johnson was going to make us go to school on Saturdays. My folks were kind of mad, but even back then I laughed.
Did anyone see that Dick Cheney has endorsed McNasty? Obama mocked it, so McNasty's spokesman reminded everyone that Cheney and Obama are "distant cousins."
Christ, yeah I'll bet they're distant cousins. I mean, we all are. If the History Channel is right, we are all descended from a band of about 3,000 people who survived the global winter that followed the explosion of an Indonesian supervolcano 75,000 years ago.
So, yes, Dick and Barack are cousins. Just like field and I are cousins. Yes, we are all one big human family, yadda yadda yadda, but somehow I just don't see the Obama family and the Cheney family sitting around the campfire and toasting marshmallows together.
But think of it: "Ha! Cheney endorsed you! Dork!" Reponse: "Oh yeah? Well he's your cousin, so don't you try to run away!" If I thought Cheney was human, I might worry over how he feels about any of this.
No it's on the McCain/Palin infomercial thread.
That man ought to get Willie Gary for his attorney. I bet you Mr. Gary will get him a nice sum. He's a good lawyer and smart too.
I was telling you that I know Kevin Ross personally. He is married to one of my younger relatives. I didn't know that Kevin was Republican. That's interesting.
The link to the video was a joke.
This animosity toward those you disagree with about anything is why the GOP is in decline. Why not embrace the things that they agree on, making, selling and shooting guns, rather than focus on what they disagree about.
Cooperation requires focusing on what you agree about, and not what you disagree about. If this is how they treat someone who shares many of their values, how are they going to treat people they disagree with on everything?
Thanks granny. Yes, Kevin is a republican. Wow, small world. He seems like a nice enough guy, so I won't hold him being a republican against him. :)
Well, Field, looks like you have your new "Honorary Field Negro."
I will be glad to see a majority house and senate. Field, we have a sports mentality where you have to pit one side against the other. The problem with that mentality is someone gets very angry when he or she loses, and may not be a pretty sight. I believe in win-win because everyone benefits that way, but it's difficult for people change when they constantly bump heads. Unfortunately, some Americans lack immaturity and unable to adapt to an ever-changing world.
I think it's unfortunate the Studs Terkel died, I enjoyed him as a writer and his oral histories of common Americans. He had a quote that those person you have as honorary house negro should read:
"When you become part of something, in some way you count. It could be a march; it could be a rally, even a brief one. You're part of something, and you suddenly realize you count. To count is very important."
what's really apparent after reading this cooper story and watching those videos from keytoneprogress.org is that amerikay is so badly in need of a black prez i almost wonder if we're too late. it occurred to me that for all of the enlightened self back patting we're doing for finally giving O a chance at #1 gig, the larger question of why it took this long is the one that needs to be answered. better yet how far can O go with the chinese menu of disasters fratboy and co have left for him to clean up never mind trying to get ahead anywhere. god help us
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about it being a small world. You'd be surprised at who all I'm related to. One of my grandmothers had 25 children, another one had 18, and rest didn't have nothing under 10, and well, we multiplied. Yeah, we got a whole army.
Now, that I know that Kevin is a Republican, he better hope I'm not serving at no family gathering cause his plate gone be real scrimpy. (Granny sitting smiling with a mischievous grin and winking) Family gone think he on a diet. I'll fix him.(smile)
To all you Republicans posting on this board. I'm just kidding, I want to make that perfectly clear, because I know how sensitive you guys are. I don't want my name turning up in McCain and Palin's next rally claiming that an Obama supporter starved a Republican to death or subjected them to mental cruelty.
i almost wonder if we're too late. it occurred to me that for all of the enlightened self back patting we're doing for finally giving O a chance at #1 gig, the larger question of why it took this long is the one that needs to be answered.
Next Tuesday, this country is going to elect a black liberal Democrat to the highest office in the world.
You can do whatever YOU want, but for just a little while, this frustrated and pissed off and angry white Democrat is going to loosen his belt, exhale, relax all four cheeks that have been sucked in for eight years, and smile.
He might even allow himself an extra shot of whisky, and a cigar. Because for just a little while, he's going to think, "Holy shit, what a country."
Hokay, any links or suggestions on where we can go or what we can do to help support this good man?
p.s.: As long as you don't tell anyone, he might even shed a tear. He'll try not to, but maybe his feelings will get the best of him, god damn it.
"As long as you don't tell anyone, he might even shed a tear."
LOL! That's alright grinder, because Granny will be crying with you and a whole lot of other people as well. Now, that's unity!
It's such a lie that the NRA, fixed news outlets and the McCain campaign are pushing about Obama. They feign amnesia that he supported the Supreme Court's decision this summer to overturn the gun ban in DC, and made it loud and clear he supports the 2nd Amendment.
If they stopped clinging to their racism and xenophobia, they could admit this.
I don't mean to hijack this thread. DID YOU HEAR THAT SARAH PALIN WAS PUNKED BY TWO CANADIAN COMEDIANS, THE MASKED AVENGERS. She received a prank call from them.
It is on audio in youtube. I could not listen to it. It was too painful. I decided to read the transcript.
Sorry about the hijacking.
laura j, no problem, I have got to check that out. Someone else mentioned it up-thread.
anon. 12:00AM, I don't know of any lnks. But I think this guy is quite well to do, he should be fine. Although it probably would be nice to give him some verbal support, and encouragement. Just to let him know that there are people out here who support him.
Check this out. Obama has gained 2 points in the last two days. The train is now leaving the station. On Sunday and Monday, the undecideds will hop aboard, and on Tuesday we're going to see a landslide.
(This presupposes that no one's going to sit back and rest. Where I live, we vote by mail. I drove my vote to the county office building on Friday rather than rely on the mail. So think positively, but get out there and work until the last poll has closed.)
Granny: "Now, that's unity!
And that's funny!
Hell, Granny, if Obama's elected on Tuesday, I'm gonna fly the American flag for the first time in my life, and join all those hardworking, real American, pro-America, patriotic, Country-First, crowd.
Grinder, I'm gonna have to fight back the tears, too.
The tears may not show up, though: they don't come to me easily.
In the land of the free and the home of the brave, the "free" get to cry, those of us who've been un-free--for a large portion of our life--gotta be "brave."
No tears allowed.
Hell, Granny, if Obama's elected on Tuesday, I'm gonna fly the American flag for the first time in my life, and join all those hardworking, real American, pro-America, patriotic, Country-First, crowd.
Now that is an interesting idea. I have an American flag in my garage. I think I'll start flying it on Wednesday.
I know that Obama is smarter than I am (the first time my egomanical ass has ever thought that about a president), so I try to believe that his plan to "reach across the aisle" will work. I really, really do. I just hope he plans to change the definition of "reaching across the aisle" to asking nicely that the Repub's join him before he goes ahead and does something.
Yeah i almost brought a FLAG TO FLY,but i refuse to forgive america/white people for slavery.maybe i could hang it at half mast,or upside down.Darn it was made in china.So much for america first.This country is still as phony as it was from it bloody begining.
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