I just got back from D.C. and the MMTC Broadband & Social Justice Summit. Shout out to David and the ladies who took care of the field during the conference. And big ups to the wonderful students (and the professors) I met from Howard University. Hitting your books and keeping your eyes on the prize is field Negro behavior.
Now that I have that out of the way, I have to rip the supremes, tonight. As some of you may or may not know, the United States Supreme court, by a vote of five to four, decided that a corporation-a legal fiction-has just as much rights as you, an actual human being. Yes, in what will probably go down as one of the worst decisions in the history of that illustrious body, they have given corporations the right to donate as much money as they want to one political candidate over another. They have, in essence, wiped out the only good thing that John McCain has ever done.
“If the First Amendment has any force,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority, which included the four members of its conservative wing, “it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech.”When government seeks to use its full power, including the criminal law, to command where a person may get his or her information or what distrusted source he or she may not hear, it uses censorship to control thought.."
Huh? Excuse me? Oh yeah, nice. Now corporations will be able to pick our political candidates for us. As if there isn't already enough money in politics. This is insane! Folks, if you think that Washington is overflowing with money and lobbyist who influence our laws, now; just wait, it's going to get worse.
I agree with his O ness on this one:
"With its ruling today, the Supreme Court has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics. It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans. … We are going to talk with bipartisan congressional leaders to develop a forceful response to this decision. "
I sure hope so O man, because treating corporations as if they have First Amendment rights is not cool. Of course the wingnuts love it, but what else would you expect from people who put money over people and profits over what's just. The clowns on the right finally got their way. But we all saw it coming, we knew that the previous holding was just hanging by a thread.
So now the flood gates are open, ,and here in A-merry-ca we just might be f&*%^d.
Uncle Clarence, just when I think you can't disappoint me anymore, you once again prove why you are the most dangerous house Negro in A-merry-ca.
So, the supremes want to confer free speech rights, the rights of "we the people" on corporations.... Well then, if they want to have the rights of the people, then they also have to have the responsiblities... ergo.... they cannot "own another person" they must go to jail (the whole damn board) if they kill or steal, and they must die! All people die, so they must die, too!! With rights, come responsibilities.
"Of course the wingnuts love it, but what else would you expect from people who put money over people and profits over what's just."
Hmmm. I always thought that in America money comes before any person. Hence, business always have come before the people. I mean, isn't that how banks become too big to fail?
Isn't that the way capitalism works in America? So, it's always been that way anyway. The Supremes just reminded us of that truth.
Don't worry, Palin will straigten all that out once she is in office.
once I was happy
now I am sad
this country is sinking
too fucking bad
corporations are people
how can that be
they are evil institutions
that rape all they see
where is the outrage
we went from bad to worse
an unholy alliance
this corporate curse
it is all ideological
straight down the line
half of these judges
were born with no spine
now thanks to Bush
this court will misbehave
with the only result
consequences most grave
The New York Times is a corporation. The ACLU is a corporation. Common Cause is a corporation. I would be surprised if ACORN is not set up as a corporation. Many individuals have businesses set up as corporations where they are the sole shareholder. Is your problem with corporations, or just entities that have a different viewpoint from yours?
I second the big YAWN on this one ... big deal, corporations spend money on the downlow now to get their ways, with this decision, they don't need to be shy, they'll just buy time on the superbowl next time...
Anon @ 11:17, your statement makes absolutely no sense.
The NYT, Fox News, and other media are protected by the First Amendment for Freedom of Speech. ACLU, ACORN, NRA, FreedomWorks, and other organizations are not corporations because they don't make profits. They are voluntary organizations that are free to express the views of their members. Corporations have/had similar limits through Political Action Committees (PACs) - voluntary nonprofits that expressed the views of its members.
It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with a particular political viewpoint. The bottom line is that 5 SCOTUS Justices just made money and speech equal in the eyes of the law. The last line of defense ("Businesses and corporations can not directly contribute to a politician's election campaign) will be thrown out soon enough - after Roberts and his cronies get hold of it.
This is a f*cked up ruling, plain and simple, and it does not bode well for the future of our democracy.
Oh, and I know that unions are considered individuals in this ruling as well. And I don't agree with that either.
"This is a f*cked up ruling, plain and simple, and it does not bode well for the future of our democracy."
Democracy and capitalism can't survive together anyway. ISooner or later one must go. Money usually wins...it always has in America. If you have the money, you are free. If you don't you are screwed anyway.
ditto fn!!!
our prez is owned by the corps who own the usa and the world!
do not sleep on sotomayor's corp record either...
she is obama's own corp plant on the supreme ct!
obama is a corp drone who was bought and paid for by corps long before he became prez
see harry belafonte slam obama as a disgrace to mlk!!!!
This came about, when the (REP/CON) was trying to find out who was donating money to the OBAMA CAMAPAIGN, the REP/CON was trying to trace the Donation's but, they could NOT!
I am not shocked by this decision, look at the five people that voted YES! they are CONSERVATIVE'S, this is an election year, these people, were voting for their POLITICAL IDEOLOGY!
Clarence has proven time and time again, where he stand's as a BLACK MAN, so did you really think he was going to do what's UPRIGHT! NO! he VOTED with his people! forget about how this could affect BLACK POLITICIAN'S running for office!
The Democrat's will have some leeway, the Republican's are known for doing FAVOR'S for BIG CORPORATION'S and BANK'S, the DEMOCRAT'S can use this to show just how CALLOUS the REP/CON really are when it come's the people!
Hollywood is a Institution, it has money constantly flowing! Hollywood donate's money to DEMOCRAT'S LIBERAL'S, and PROGRESSIVE'S, how do you think BARACK became PRESIDENT? didn't he have a FUNDRAISER a couple month's ago? he was building a STOCK PILE, and setting it aside for 2012! their are a lot of BLACK Millionaire's and Billionaire's in America, and I really don't don't think they are ready for SARAH as President!
Alicia, I don't know if the President will run in 2012, but, you better PRAY SARAH will NOT run for PRESIDENT in 2012, cause if she doe's, and by chance she WIN'S! you will find yourself in Shackle's and a HEAD RAG on in the COTTON FILED, and don't you think for one IOTA, the WHITE RACIST don't have plan's for us! if a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT ever get's in that WHITE HOUSE again, he will come after BLACK PEOPLE with a VENGEANCE! this will be our PUNISHMENT for ELECTING a BLACK PRESIDENT!
To be honest, I really think you are GRINDER! or UPTOWN STEVE or CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK!
Harry Belafonti has NEVER ran for a Political office that I can remember, HARRY BELAFONTI has been on Black show's talking about the PLIGHT of black folk's for YEAR'S! never saw him MARCH with SHARPTON or JACKSON for the RIGHT'S of our people! no, he just sit's back and TALK! we don't need BLACK MEN to TALK! we need them to get off their behind's and MAN UP!
I don't mean to show disrespect for BELAFONTI, but, this is a NEW DAY! DR. KING is no longer around.
Man, they did it. The Supreme Court done fucked up the country.
iseeisee, "if a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT ever get's in that WHITE HOUSE again, he will come after BLACK PEOPLE with a VENGEANCE! this will be our PUNISHMENT for ELECTING a BLACK PRESIDENT!"
You are nuts. You think like a black Pat Robertson. Too bad you know nothing about Christianity or God.
ab-"obama is a corp drone who was bought and paid for by corps long before he became prez"
I didn't know you were a follower of LaRouche. Now it makes sense why you call followers of Obama nazis.
What will you call Palin and Steele or Ford?
A telling quote: “It will put on steroids the trend that outside groups are increasingly dominating campaigns,” Mr. Ginsberg said. “Candidates lose control of their message. Some of these guys lose control of their whole personalities.”
That's Benjamin L. "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" Ginsberg, a Republican campaign lawyer at the law-and-lobbying firm Patton Boggs. He means the candidate you support loses control. It isn't the opponents of lobbies & special interests that will be most threatened, but rather "friends" who might be inclined to legislative compromise. Whatever "center" remains in American politics is in deep trouble.
But I wanted to just say that I like your open minded approach on interacial dating
This IS NOT what FN said.
Sotomayor voted with the dissenting opinion. President Obama immediately spoke out against the decision. All of the supremes that voted for were appointed by Republicans.
A corporation is a legal contract, not a person. The individual people who work for a corporation have rights. The legal contract should not be viewed as a "person." It is the "legal fiction of a person" that was just more power than you and me. Corporations have been arguing "personhood" in defending abuses for years. Interesting history... The first court case that confered personshood was in 1886, Santa Clara v Southern Pacific Railroad where "personhood" was first recognized (ironically in a footnote) which argued that the 14th amendment, which gave personhood to former slaves. The sick argument was... since a slave was property and gained personhood, then a corporation should also be given personhood. This is the genesis of corporate power in the US. There is a movement to amend the constitution to stop this nonsense. Here is info: http://movetoamend.org/motion-amend
If anyone thought the Harry Belafonte interview was harsh, you should have seen the 3 minutes that were edited out at the end. That’s why they ran that long promo at the end.
So much for conviction of words…
The whole 'we the people - democracy' bullshit is a sham. I was just talking, posting, or tweeting (can't remember which) the other day about A-merry-ca. It's not the Dems or the GOP that in control of our government - It's the corporations.
We've been sold out to the highest bidder and most politicians think we're too stupid to know it.
But if you take the time to read some of the trivial crap that's got this country so divided...Libs vs Conservatives....Teabaggers vs. Obama Kool-aid drinkers....
they're right!!
Nice take here on the subject:
"The whole 'we the people - democracy' bullshit is a sham. I was just talking, posting, or tweeting (can't remember which) the other day about A-merry-ca. It's not the Dems or the GOP that in control of our government - It's the corporations."
Amen Roschelle!
Cal Soldier, thank you for checking that Anon. for me. I swear I just don't have the energy anymore.
Jody, as usual, your legal analysis is spot on. Your firm is lucky to have you.
They've been after this since 1973 at least, and I guess Andrew Jackson was correct in his assesment of why he hated corporations: "They have neither souls to damn nor ribs to kick".
Social "lamia", I'd guess you'd say.
Well, the "powers that have always been" have been peeling off the gloves and holding rolls of nickles in their fists for a while, so I guess we'd better be ready for a big jolt down the road when they decide to in fact claim the whole pie for themselves.
Tell, me, Field, how long do you think it will be before some bright spark actually decides to try running a corporation for a gov't office? Why not?
I keep thinking about all the things that I was told in my younger days the couldn't ever happen here: torture, denial of your rights, star chamber trials, secret laws, cops violating every law they felt like...so, why not a corporation as a state governor, or even a cabinet appointment?
If I was a sociopathic banker or business mogul, maybe my thoughts would go to the more "efficient model", why rent a politician that may be unreliable when you can "own" the office yourself?
Tough on the rest of us, but hey! He's thinkin' bottom line...
"Tell, me, Field, how long do you think it will be before some bright spark actually decides to try running a corporation for a gov't office? Why not?"
Hey, why not indeed. Sarge, you just gave me an idea for a future post.
[quote]decided that a corporation-a legal fiction-has just as much rights as you, an actual human being.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
You are MISREPRESENTING the opinion.
1) A corporation CANNOT directly donate to a POLITICAL CANDIDATE!!! Still!!!!
2) This ruling ONLY addressed their ability to fund ISSUE ADs.
3) You (fraudulently) focus upon CORPORATIONS when the ruling also was directed at UNIONS and their ability to MAKE POLITICAL SPEECH.
I, a Black man - stand with Brother Clarence Thomas on this one.
A corporation is nothing more than a group of individuals who filled out some paperwork on "Legal Zoom.com" and thus got incorporated.
With all of the 501-c3 firms that have popped out of the woodwork to..........PICK OUR CANDIDATES - it is rather disingenuous of many of you all to claim that there is a DIFFERENCE.
You all WERE for "Public Campaign Financing"........UNTIL you saw Barack Obama and began sending your personal checks into him.
You focus on the record amount of money that he received from INDIVIDUALS.
Don't some of you get tired of standing steadfast on the rules ONLY when you see a disadvantage?
Had I seen Filled Negro or Bill Moyers (two contemptible progressives) SHOUT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP AGAINST OBAMA'S FUNDING and the incessant campaign commercials that were PURCHASED to carpet bomb his competition - I would at least have more respect for your CONSISTENCY.
You are not worried about the notion of CORPORATIONS having their rights to speech legally recognized.
YOU are ONLY worried that they have MONEY to go against your favored Unions, 501-c3 groups, George Soros and "Color Of Change" operatives.
Here is a solution for you Filled Negro - GET THE PHILLY EMPLOYMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY scene back up and running with brand new CORPORATE EMPLOYERS for the people and - get into the game!!!
I support Associate Justice Clarence Thomas because he believes that BLACK PEOPLE ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW and has the AUDACITY TO TREAT US THAT WAY!!!! Many of you prefer the New Haven case were Blacks were judged as legally INFERIOR!!!
[quote] if they kill or steal, and they must die! All people die, so they must die, too!! With rights, come responsibilities.[/quote]
Absolutely STUNNING Jody.
Do you see that your mission in life is to let STREET PIRATES OUT OF JAIL because the system of OPPRESSION has channeled them into the P.I.C.
Yet you seemingly seek to LOCK EVERY CORPORATE EXECUTIVE UP?
Seriously folks - When I work to correlate where the Progressive Left has the MOST ENTRENCHED POWER and the JOB LOSSES that harm the working people as the EVIL CORPORATIONS move away from where they are not wanted........DO YOU ALL "GET IT"?
You all cream when Obama talks tough against the evil BANKS yet you complain about "red lining" and you demand that the banks come back in to your areas - with the GOVERNMENT tightly controlling them.
Do you ever make notice of the barren conditions that are present when the EVIL BANKS and CORPORATIONS leave and you and the GOVERNMENT OF YOUR CHOOSING is left behind to render your fabulous utopia?
I wonder Jody since the GOVERNMENT was also a "partner in oppression" in the history of America - I wonder if a corporation that is owned by a "historical victim" could receive your protection from their LONG TIME OPPRESSORS - the government?
Tell me exactly how that works Jody?
[quote]"Of course the wingnuts love it, but what else would you expect from people who put money over people and profits over what's just."
Take the words in bold above and TELL IT TO YOUR COMRADES!!!!
* Tell the teacher in the public school who is demanding a PAY RAISE.....PUT PEOPLE OVER PROFITS
* Tell the people in Fulton County GA protesting about the cuts in the "Drug Court".....PUT PEOPLE OVER PROFITS
* In light of the UNEMPLOYMENT situation in this nation AND THE NEED for about 15,000 Negroes to descend upon the island of Haiti to reconstruct the housing..........
* Then they can come and do the same type of construction in North Philly, Vine City Atlanta, the Hill District Pittsburgh, ALL OF CAMDEN, Southside of Chicago and then bulldoze all of East St Louis and start from scratch.
Why don't you all ever tell the ANGRY CROWD that stands behind you: PEOPLE OVER PROFITS???
As it stands you use it for two reasons:
* To pick someone's pocket for TAXATION
* To anally probe evil corporations for their enterprise fund balance.
Was that BEFORE or AFTER Andrew Jackson lead the TRAIL OF TEARS against the Native Americans, leading to thousands of their deaths?
Andrew Jackson may not have known where to kick a corporation in their P.O. Box but he DAMNED SURE kicked the HELL OUT OF SOME INDIAN BOOTY during his time!!!
Trail Of Tears and Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson was a LAND SPECULATOR. I wonder if he was INCORPORATED and thus merely a hater?
It is STUNNING that Filled Negro never misses the annual Democratic Party "Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner" - honoring two slave holders.
Jefferson Jackson Day - The big fundraising day for the Democratic Party
I expect to see Filled Negro lead a PROTEST for the name change to the "Obama-Shelia Jackson Lee Day"!!!
"Had I seen Filled Negro or Bill Moyers (two contemptible progressives) SHOUT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP AGAINST OBAMA'S FUNDING and the incessant campaign commercials that were PURCHASED to carpet bomb his competition - I would at least have more respect for your CONSISTENCY"
You cannot be serious! You do realize, don't you, that most of Obama's donations came from individuals. How can you compare small businesses and LLC's (of which I am one)to corporations such as CocaCola,Exxon,AIG, B of A, Cigna, etc.?
I think you are the one who is being mendacious with your typical partisan rant. How can you compare the mony that unions (which are, by the way, made up of PEOPLE)put up to fund political ads to the trillions that A-mery-can corporations have in spending power?
"In light of the UNEMPLOYMENT situation in this nation AND THE NEED for about 15,000 Negroes to descend upon the island of Haiti to reconstruct the housing..........
* Then they can come and do the same type of construction in North Philly, Vine City Atlanta, the Hill District Pittsburgh, ALL OF CAMDEN, Southside of Chicago and then bulldoze all of East St Louis and start from scratch."
Now that is just ignorant. And frankly, it is beneath- even- you to use that type of logic to make your argument.
"It is STUNNING that Filled Negro never misses the annual Democratic Party "Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner" - honoring two slave holders.
Jefferson Jackson Day - The big fundraising day for the Democratic Party
I have never attended.
Another lie put out by the [un]constructive one.
[quote] that most of Obama's donations came from individuals[/quote]
This is the frustrating part of your antics, Filled Negro.
It is more properly stated that candidate Obama got a record amount of INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS..............AND.......THE TRADITIONAL CORPORATE related donations.
Your argument is like you standing up in the courtroom as a Defense Attorney and telling the judge "Your honor 60% of the drugs found on my client were prescription drugs for his impotence. Why did you drag us into court for the 40% of the drugs that he had in his possession which ran awry to the legal standard? This is b.s., your honor".
Obama's top CORPORATE donors:
The University of California system gave Obama $1.5 million.
How many YOUNG STUDENTS could have received a 4 year scholarship from this money?
Instead all they got was this "Obama limited edition plate" that now sits on their mantle....at their parent's house.
Constructive Feedback, you know how to hit 'em where it hurts. I am afraid Field Negro and his ideas would be as damaging to the America he seems to hold in contempt as letting Nazis or the Klan take over. I rarely see an intelligent thought on this sight, only bomb throwing attacks on those who disagree with him, which fortunately is most of America.
UnConn.... cut the hyperbole... your arguments are riddled with gross generalizations and are factually inaccurate... why do you assume that I work to free criminals? I work to provide defenses for people who are charged with crimes. First, often times that work is to negotiate sentences, because the issue of guilt is not in question. I work to prevent people from being convicted of things THEY DID NOT DO!!!! because we have had a DA that routinely and regularly had a charging unit whose philosophy was charge them with everything and let the courts sort it out. And finally, I work for activists who, while engaging in first amendment activity, ie freedom to assemble and speak out against their governmental policies, are arrested, are overcharged... because again, the dumb-ass charging unit of the DAs office tries to throw the book at them.
Put it this way UnConn... imagine being stopped for a broken tail light and being charged with vehicular homicide.... that has been the attitude and practice of our former DA. I am only hoping that our new DA will stop this practice. Wouldn't you want a good criminal defense attorney to fight for you? Or are you willing to accept a homicide conviction because you had a broken tail light?
And, I do not want to throw every CEO of a corporation in jail. I do however want to stop the CEOs and boards of corporations from using the legal shield of personal liability (the whole reason to incorporate) from being held criminally responsible for death and grand theft, which they currently are....think Exxon, British Petroleum, Haliburton, Excelon, etc... If the legal fiction of a person, ie the corporation, wants the rights of living, breathing humans, then they should also have to accept the same responsibilities and limitations.
Why is it that of all the groups, associations, affiliations, etc. that people (i.e. citizens) form, you find corporations to be so singularly abhorrent? To paraphrase Heston in Soylent Green - - "Corporations, they're... PEOPLE!"
I think your beef with Jefferson is not that he owned slaves, but that he was progressive. Beside all that was written in the Declaration of Independence, which didn't state class or racial superiority, he helped create public education and wrote many essays defending public education and one as a means to protect democracy.
Woodrow Wilson was a "Progressive" and a RACIST!! Despite this he was able to fool WEB DuBois and William Monroe Trotter to support him. These two originally hated Booker T Washington than they did Woodrow Wilson.
Despite the popular belief otherwise Strom Thurmond was ALSO a "progressive". He supported FDR's "New Deal" while he was a Democrat BUT he wanted the benefit to go to Whites. He needed Blacks to remain at the bottom of the economic totem pole and thus did not want them to receive these benefits.
Thus I am not against "Progressives" only the INJURIOUS RESULTS that you all too often render to the Negro. When Black folks learn how to NEGOTIATE his vote rather than show more willingness to HELP the progressive because HE HAS NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE WAY to deliver resources that he has constructed ORGANICALLY - our votes might translate into more benefit for our communities.
[quote]I work to prevent people from being convicted of things THEY DID NOT DO!!!! because we have had a DA that routinely and regularly had a charging unit whose philosophy was charge them with everything and let the courts sort it out.[/quote]
I have no choice but to believe that YOU BELIEVE in what you are doing.
I merely will sample you in another 4 years as a means of obtaining your view of Seth Williams once he has a firm command of the DA's office and AGAIN is asking for your vote.
The most frustrating thing about the Progressive is that you all are always STRUGGLING AGAINST Da Man but can't accept that YOU ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT.
Former DA Lynne Abraham was no fire breathing Republican and yet she STILL is the enemy despite having the backing of the Democratic Establishment over the years.
Don't you see that you have a problem when your universe DOUBLES BACK ON ITSELF and now the MACHINE that you advocated for is in place?
Is it possible that these PROGRESSIVES that assume POWER and then become "Un-Progressive" (in your mind) might simply have exited the land of Utopia and instead must deal with the real world?
This should serve as an indictment against YOUR theories rather than them.
"A corporation is nothing more than a group of individuals who filled out some paperwork on "Legal Zoom.com" and thus got incorporated."
It's not the small "legal zoom" corporations that are primarily funding and influencing the political process and its candidates. It's always a relatively small number of very wealthy corporations.
I was a bit frustrated by this ruling at first, but I have to say that Glenn Greenwald talked me down. He's right. It really can't get worse. And his evaluation of the legal issues is compelling. You should check it out if you haven't yet:
UnConn... are you some kind of simpleton? All of the progressives I know are working for justice. We see the election process as a piece of the pie, but not the be all end all. Do you really think that if conservatives were elected at every level.... local, state and national, that there would be "freedom and justice for all." Really??? I do not delude myself into thinking that an election or a political party is going to solve all the ills of society. That is up to all of us.
This has been in the works since Bloomberg took office as mayor. As you know, he is a billionaire. Unemployment for blacks is sky-high (about 50% for black men.) Bloomberg's paid-for propaganda was good enough to convince those same gullible black people that he has been a great mayor. He even reversed a two-term law so he could run for a third term.
The corporatocracy has officially won.
I'm not going to depend on regular citizens to WAKE UP and think about the long-term ramifications of these decisions. They're too busy being seduced by false images.
I appreciate your passion more than you think.
HOWEVER - the day that YOU are able to talk to the "Street Pirates" that you interact with and get them under your regulation THEN you will be cooking with grease.
1) Have them RESPECT certain holidays as "No Terror Days" - MLK Day, Christmas, Easter, Mothers Day. On this day they are to NOT assault, murder or STEAL.
2) In year 2 expand this to all other American holidays
3) In year 3 expand this to every WORK DAY.
4) In year 5 make it 365.
Jody - you must pace yourself.
You are inclined to focus upon the ESTABLISHMENT and getting them to CHANGE so that the suffering masses will receive benefit.
You NEED TO find a way to get the people who DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK and who are NOT TRYING TO LIVE UP TO ANY PARTICULAR STANDARD that you have set.
This is your challenge.
You see Filled Negro - I am right now listening to "The Power" on XM. The "GW On The Hill" show.
It is one thing for a caller to make claims.
The HOST needs to jump in and STOP THE LIE.
If your claim is to drive "Money out of Politics" then DOES IT REALLY MATTER that the MONEY was sent by individuals?
Ok UnConn.... you move here to Philly, and I will take you to the neighborhoods... and you can show me how it is done.... Since you think you have it all figured out, then if you don't all future crime will be on you. (see how ridiculous that is!)
This decision by the SCOTUS is worst for the U.S.of A. than a busload of suicide bombers. The 5 comrades who voted in favor of this decision must be smothered in their blind right wing ideology. Not a word by the majority about MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS! How could they be so stupid to ignore the current global operations aspect of most Corporations? And here is the 800 pound problem with that decision. China is still our enemy from the days of the Korean war. There has never been a formal peace agreement signed with the chinese government. Last week China announced that they have initaited a program to buy up American businesses, so this decision gives China a backdoor opportunity to influence all future Congressional decisions via their American businesses. Now with this decision don't you think that the SCOTUS has made America safer? HA!
Hey Field good food for thought as usual. I think that this decision may not be as damaging as it first appears. The corporations are already overly influencing elections and the big business press almost always makes sure that the public sees political races as being only between the two capitalist party candidates, unless the "outsider" candidate is wealthy.
Obama as a matter of fact did collect quite a bit of money from the Wall Street types and does seem to ride with the corporate types and the "business as usual" crowd more than folks want to admit. Brother Field "it is what it is."
Jody -appreciate you citing that case concerning corporations ability to claim the rights of individuals. I remember having run across that idea when I was writing a labor piece years back.
Constructive Feedback I think that it is all of our challenge including yours --if indeed you care --to reach those who are struggling and have little or no hope
And for the record I think you (CF)confuse liberal for progressive. I think Jody is a real progressive because she believes another world is possible. Most liberals have little problem with capitalism, they just would like to see a more humane form of it.
Constructive Feedback said:
"I support Associate Justice Clarence Thomas because he believes that BLACK PEOPLE ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW and has the AUDACITY TO TREAT US THAT WAY!!!! Many of you prefer the New Haven case were Blacks were judged as legally INFERIOR!!!"
Since when has Clarence Thomas believed in the equality of black people. His whole life is one of someone who feels like they have to apologize for being black. And he has treated black folks poorly along the way. He has always been one of those fool negro sellouts and he doesn't have a good record with black women (ask Anita Hill). He is the worst kind of black man and a hypocrite at that. While he benefited from Affirmative Action programs he has tried to close the door behind him.
I think your support of Clarence Thomas and your view of him as a "brother" tells us all we really need to know about you. And who would be surprised that you a black man (read Uncle Tom) would be supportive of another Uncle Tom.
You really should find another blog to pee all over since from your rantings its obvious you have a dim view of black humanity- calling young black folks street pirates. And then insinuating that there is nothing worth holding onto in Camden, poor Atlanta, poor Pittsburgh and economically devastated East St.Louis and the Southside of Chicago ( you meant the Westside which is the most depressed area but since you don't really care you refuse to do your homework because if you had you would not have included the Southside of Chicago) is pretty mean spirited stuff.
While most folks are discussing the reality of our situation in the US and yes trying to come up with solutions on how we can go forward you keep holding onto dying capitalism and all its unjust and exploitative ways and then making it seem like the continued theft of working peoples rightful wages is somehow okay and normal.
And the BTW the New Haven case was about righting a past wrong. Its acceptable in our society (especially in jurusprudence, help me Field and Jody) usually when a wrong is done then that wrong should be righted.
Human beings strive for that too, or didn't you know. And it has nothing to do with feeling inferior.
liberation then peace
CF-"Thus I am not against "Progressives" only the INJURIOUS RESULTS that you all too often render to the Negro. When Black folks learn how to NEGOTIATE his vote rather than show more willingness to HELP the progressive because HE HAS NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE WAY to deliver resources that he has constructed ORGANICALLY - our votes might translate into more benefit for our communities."
You are right. Unfortunately, most of the progressives and Dems on this blog have deaf ears. They can't hear you. It's too bad because you have a much better solution, but for some reason they don't want a solution. They prefer to stay stuck in the problem of 'going-nowhere'.
Mellaneous Preach it!
Amen, amen, and amen again!
Nah, he didn't have the nerve to twist his fingers and type that "Clarence Thomas believes that BLACK PEOPLE ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW and has the AUDACITY TO TREAT US THAT WAY!!!!"
And I totally agree with this:
"I think your support of Clarence Thomas and your view of him as a "brother" tells us all we really need to know about you."
Granny-"And I totally agree with this:
"I think your support of Clarence Thomas and your view of him as a "brother" tells us all we really need to know about you.""
@CF: You see what happens when you keep telling a bw that you love her, no matter what? She sprays u with her top grade skunk oil.
Although I must say that CT is a bit of a stretch isn't it? I mean, unconsciously or consciously, Justice Clarence Tom is trying his best to singlehandedly imprison by law the entire black race. There is something terribly wrong with his heart. The wind 'howls' when it blows through his empty soul.
We have all heard the statement, "A day that will live in infamy."
Well, truly, 1-21-2010, was such a day, unless we find a permanent way to defeat this Supreme Court ruling.
Truly, the court has given the corporations a knife to put to the throat of our democracy.
For many, the threat is hardly seen as a threat, but a upholding of our first amendment right--freedom of speech.
Yet, all speech is not equal. He who can yell the loudest gets a hearing. The voice of democracy will be drowned out by those who can talk the loudest, talk more often, and talk in more than one place at the same time.
The very institutions that were established to protect our democracy, through a system of checks and balances, have been turned against us, have been politicized, and will, unchecked, be used to destroy any vestige of opposition--directly, or indirectly, using the power of intimidation.
Corporations created our recession.
This recession was man made. True, It didn't happen over night. It came about after years of corporations buying off politicians for the purpose of relaxing, repealing, and creating certain laws, as well as diverting regulatory attention away from certain financial practices that created a "shadow banking system," that would serve to facilitate the fleecing of America, a fleecing that resulted in a recession that practically brought the entire world to its economic knees.
And how did we reward the bastards that brought us to such an inglorious end, we declared them too big to fail, bailed them out with TARP (Toxic Assets Relief Program), and gave them "zero percent interest" loans to use to further fleece the country, as they invested those funds into Government T-Bills, and reaped safe, and lucrative rewards--pay outs in corporate bonuses in the billions.
Now, the greed-driven corporations who created this recession are the ones we hope will show restraint, hoist their patriotism above this ruling, and preserve our democracy.
Do you really believe this? Is this your hope?
Now the questions becomes this: What are we going to do about it?
Will we rise up and storm the gate, or will we sit back quietly and take it, as has become our custom?
I'm betting we won't do that. Not this time. I'm betting in the days ahead we will come together, flex our considerable collective muscle, and ram the gates behind which the cowards hide, and those who believe they can saturate our democracy, and our governance, with the billions they've stolen from us.
I'm betting on you, America!
Is it possible to start looking into limiting the term of Supreme Court Judges? I think they're taking bribes.
I am not a lawyer or a judge but even I see their ruling as BS.
BD, well said. I hope most Americans will read, reflect and 'act' on what you have written.
I hope I am wrong, and you are very right- but I wouldn't bet on the people to do much of anything except whine. They rarely 'act', you know. And when they do, they end up worse off than when they began.
Look at health care: they turned on themselves and now there will be no health care. And you think they are going to do something about a Supreme Court ruling?
No way...IMO, Americans have passed the FDL-point of no return. I think the lofty idea of "America, The Democracy", is pretty much gone.
America is now all 'capitalism' without the 'democracy'.. Actually, it's basically been that way for some time now.
Welcome to the New America!
Anonymous 7:13:
I agree with you. However, this is not the New America and is the same America it was all the time since colonization. More people's eyes are just opening up and realizing that the game is rigged and has been rigged all the time!
Hey! I gotta great idea: Why don't you worthless negroes just move your worthless asses to Africa and STFU?
If you give us back all the diamonds and mineral resources and everything else you've stolen from us in Africa, we might just oblige you on your request. That, also, includes the wages for all the free labor of our ancestors that help build this country with their blood and sweat.
Funny how you come here to listen us worthless Negroes.
Oh yeah, add to that list compensation for the many lives of slaves that were murdered in cold blood, maimed, and lynched to satisfy your ancestors lust for blacks blood.
incogman said...
"Hey! I gotta great idea: Why don't you worthless negroes just move your worthless asses to Africa and STFU?"
When you return your "worthless," racist ass back to Europe, I'll accommodate you.
"Now, the greed-driven corporations who created this recession are the ones we hope will show restraint, hoist their patriotism above this ruling, and preserve our democracy.
Do you really believe this? Is this your hope?"
Let me answer that for the [un]constructive one for you: YES!
Folks, don't mind incogman, the poor guy is just trying to be our new Frank. :) It's lonely over there in white world.
constructive feedback
this time you're wrong
this ruling crushes
the weak for the strong
it's a slippery slope
from which we won't recover
the damn corporations
will no longer need cover
look at the decision
see how they were split
same god damn story
same fucking shit
there has been a coup
the tables have turned
you are just like Nero
fiddling why Rome is burned
they say that's not true
and you'd play the sax
laughing and grinning
as you distort the facts
it is funny on this
even conservatives agree
we just had a funeral
for the land of the free
I really liked those last two lines because that about sums it up to the tee. You got skills!
The problem with the Supreme Court......they were all Lawyers first.
"Folks, don't mind incogman, the poor guy is just trying to be our new Frank. :) It's lonely over there in white world."
speaking of Frank, what has happened him? He was always very supportive of Blacks.
Has anyone noticed the pictures of the President are being darken lately and made to give an appearance of an angry black man with slight distortion in his facial features.
No, Granny I haven't noticed. Have you been enjoying the rain in California?
That's all you Negroes ever do -- complain 24/7. Haiti is a giant symbol of what a totally worthless race you people are really like-- anywhere. We need to air-drop you back to the Congo, toot sweet!
What a laff.
Has anyone noticed the pictures of the President are being darken lately and made to give an appearance of an angry black man with slight distortion in his facial features.
Too bad he isn't really getting angry. We could use some passion in the White House.
Anonymous 10:40:
"Have you been enjoying the rain in California?"
Yup, as a matter of fact I am enjoying it.
I bet you celebrate Columbus Day (Mass Murderer, Liar, and Thief Day).
Granny right on to think we have a holiday for this man is simply unbelievable why not have one for ghengis khan and vlad the impaler:
The butchery began with Columbus. He slaughtered the native people of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) by unimaginably brutal means. His soldiers tore babies from their mothers and dashed their heads against rocks. They fed their dogs on living children. On one occasion they hung 13 Indians in honour of Christ and the 12 disciples, on a gibbet just low enough for their toes to touch the ground, then disembowelled them and burnt them alive. Columbus ordered all the native people to deliver a certain amount of gold every three months; anyone who failed had his hands cut off. By 1535 the native population of Hispaniola had fallen from 8m to zero: partly as a result of disease, partly as a result of murder, overwork and starvation.
"Granny right on to think we have a holiday for this man is simply unbelievable"
I feel ya! It do make you wonder don't it. That Columbus was something else and I don't mean that in a nice way either. He must be an offspring of Herod.
Well, I am signing offline. Need to fix my computer. *sigh*
[quote]Ok UnConn.... you move here to Philly, and I will take you to the neighborhoods... and you can show me how it is done.... Since you think you have it all figured out, then if you don't all future crime will be on you. (see how ridiculous that i[/quote]
One day YOU (and UptownSteve) are going to learn: THIS AIN'T ALL ABOUT ME (or your)!!!!
My home town of Philly (among others) is the sight of PROMISES that were made: "VOTE FOR ME AND I'LL SET YOU FREE".
Where is your passion to go back to the CAMPAIGN PROMISES that the Democratic Establishment used to GAIN THEIR PRESENT POWER and ask them "Where is the beef?".
Do you see Jody you are not going to PUNISH them for their misrepresentation. You instead will allow them to USE Philly as a stepping stone on their way to control over the state/region and the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. This bastardizes all notions of MANAGEMENT (on your part).
But notice one thing Jody - you want me TO COME BACK AND "SERVICE THE PEOPLE".
What do you ask of and EXPECT from the people who are resident?
Are they not EQUALLY competent people to me? What special skills do I have?
I was born in the same land as they were. Only my FAMILY STRUCTURE and my choice to LEAVE in order to pursue my EDUCATION distinguishes me from them. Other than that NOTING.
Jody - If I did come back and focus upon enforcing a FAMILY STRUCTURE and EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE, limiting people's FREEDOM on the front end so that certain ends could be accomplished on the BACKEND which allowed them to express their human potential more fully - I get the strange feeling that YOU and Filled Negro would take to a picket line AGAINST my efforts. (UptownSteve would drive up from PGC to help you and to form a protest chapter to defend Baltimore from CHANGING)
What do you ask of the PEOPLE Jody?
Do YOU see them as EQUALLY....competent?
Mellaneous -
I used to think that you were an impassioned activist for what you believe in. Now I see that you are merely an INTOLERANT person who will lie and misrepresent to get your point across.
[quote]And for the record I think you (CF)confuse liberal for progressive.[/quote]
You merely make a DISTINCTION without a DIFFERENCE. The reason why I came up with the label "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser" was to focus upon the FUNCTIONAL description rather than the ambiguous term "liberal".
Constructive Feedback I think that it is all of our challenge including yours --if indeed you care --to reach those who are struggling and have little or no hope[/quote]
Mell: The most gut wrenching FRUSTRATION that I have with PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE YOU is that you see "CARE" as scooping out SOUP via your golden ladle, into the bowl that is stretched out before you.
You can't see that yours is a PERVERTED notion of "help". I am a Christian and I am of the belief that WE ARE ALL MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. Thus tells of our innate EQUALITY.
Left leaning people like you focus on HELPING. You appear to FEAR the notion of structuring the society by which the people are ASKED TO BE THE MAIN VEHICLES IN THEIR OWN SALVATION!!! This is IMPORTANT!!! For a people to reform themselves into a greater state they must NOTE THE BEHAVIORS THAT were promoted which PROPELLED THEM FORWARD and also noting the BEHAVIORS THAT KEEP THEM IN THE MUD WHICH THEY HAD TO JETTISON PRIOR TO MOVING FORWARD!!
Black people talk about STOLEN CULTURE so much. Many of us are IGNORANT as to the fact that we are in control over the MODERN DAY CULTURE that is ultimately allowed to be injected into our children.
The PROGRESSIVE IDEOLOGY is based upon the ASSUMED INFERIORITY of a segment of the population. The enlightened FEW constantly struggling to help the INFERIOR MASSES and them being forever loyal in the process.
Will these people be ALLOWED to differ from you once they achieve their full human state OR IS THIS YOUR GREATEST FEAR that they might REJECT your soup one day?
You all are on a constant CONSERVATIVE CHASE.
It would do you well to DOUBLE BACK and look at the lands that YOU HAVE "WON". Have you created STRONG PEOPLE or, as with the Romans - have you conquered disparate lands for the goal of enlisting more fighting men on your behalf to fight the next war. You do know what happened to the Romans, right?
You really should find another blog to pee all over since from your rantings its obvious you have a dim view of black humanity- calling young black folks street pirates
Again you LIE.
I do NOT call "Young Black Folks" Street Pirates.
I call people who have NO RESPECT FOR THE HUMAN BEINGS, property, standards and INSTITUTIONS in their own COMMUNITIES "STREET PIRATES"!!!
Mellaneous - YOU are merely an ESTABLISHMENT PROTECTOR.
The establishment that you seek to protect is the STATUS QUO WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY!!
Note that I did not say that you were happy with these conditions. Your goal is to defend the notion that provides you with cover: THEY DID THIS TO US. THEY MUST PAY!!! I AM GOING TO KEEP ON STRUGGLING TILL THEY PAY!!
Sadly most of your work is done FIGHTING AGAINST these external people in the confines of the civil institutions that are constructed.
How much time is focused DIRECTLY CHALLENGING the PEOPLE WHO YOU PURPORT TO BE HELPING so that they might reform their thoughts and ways?
Do you see the lynch pin to the BQPFRC line of thinking? Despite having control over the politics, the household culture and the loyalties of the people when that 6 year old little Black boy reports to the first day of school in the first grade your NARRATIVE of his life up to the age 18 is one where the SLAVE PAST and the CAPITALISTIC PRESENT railroad this great warrior into Cell Block D!
In truth the BIGGEST INDICTMENT should be held by those ADULTS who directly interact in the ECO-SYSTEM that he lives within but who instead of working to CONTROL AND DIRECT this HUMAN RESOURCE - you are busy gaining POWER yet OUTSOURCING THE OBLIGATION TO THE STATE.
I would be remiss if I failed to note that IN YOUR MIND "The STATE" is the BEAST within who's BELLY you reside.
In summary Mellaneous - Your challenges have DOUBLED BACK UPON YOU. You love ADVOCACY but not the ACCOUNTABILITY that this growth in POWER brings upon your bosom as to the OUTCOMES. In the face of such a shortfall you - LASH OUT and start STRUGGLING once again.
It is clear that the problem is the lack of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SKILLS. You would be best to draw a circle around a particular map and work to construct an AWARD WINNING GARDEN.
Instead you have purchased a globe and circled the ENTIRE UNITED STATES as your target for CHANGE.
You can't take a Bic lighter down to the Delaware River (or where ever you live) and hope that by raising its temperature, as its water flows into the Atlantic this massive ocean will boil.
Ironically limiting your focus would be taken as a slight but it would be the best means by which you and others develop HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES to prevent "Fine Young Men" from ACTING LIKE "Street Pirates" and instead become THE MEN in their communities..
[QUOTE]this time you're wrong
this ruling crushes
the weak for the strong[/QUOTE]
Fine Frog - I reject those who traffic in "The Least Of These" for they know not how to make them STRONG.
Ultimately you are saying that the VOTING HUMAN BEING who indeed must walk into the polls are subjects to the marketing messages that are formed around them.
I agree.
I wonder though if THIS (ignorant) message is what you prefer:
In your view this YouTube video is NOT "corporate sponsored" and thus it is JUST.
The fact is that an INFORMED ELECTORATE trumps ALL ELSE.
Did YOU purchase the "Chia Pet" BECAUSE a corporate sponsored commercial was pushing it?
You didn't buy it because you are INTELLIGENT Frog.
So our vote doesn't count, we have to go through the electoral college and corporations in order to be heard. This is not good at all. Just like one week after Obama announced his presidency, he went to an AIPAC meeting and pledged allegience and loyalty. What is to stop other countries from paying for campaign ads? The folks in power in Washington are all about money, not about their constituents. What was Sotomayor's position on this?
"The establishment that you seek to protect is the STATUS QUO WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY!!"
CF...could you explain by your "reasoning" how allowing corporations to finish buying off every elected official will help improve the "STATUS QUO WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY!!" ??
"I call people who have NO RESPECT FOR THE HUMAN BEINGS, property, standards and INSTITUTIONS in their own COMMUNITIES 'STREET PIRATES'!!!"
Yet you celebrate when corporations, who have proven time and time again that they have no respect for anything except their own profit margin, gain more power over our political process? Nice double standard!
"Are corporations really persons?"
Now they are, thanks to this Supreme Court ruling.
Now they'll burn in hell with all the other miscreants who have sinned against God and humanity.
CF "I call people who have NO RESPECT FOR THE HUMAN BEINGS, property, standards and INSTITUTIONS in their own COMMUNITIES 'STREET PIRATES'!!!"
I call them corporations.
[quote]I call them corporations.[/quote]
NO Tersi:
You "call in SICK" to the CORPORATION that you work for. Thanks to the labor movement you now have this right to the 40 hour work week and sick time.
This is only relevant, however......WHEN YOU HAVE A JOB to apply these rights to.
[quote]CF...could you explain by your "reasoning" how allowing corporations to finish buying off every elected official will help improve the "STATUS QUO WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY!!" ?[/quote]
I won't follow your "okey doke".
The EQUAL HUMAN BEING has the VOTE in America. Despite being carpet bombed by OBAMA COMMERCIALS in October and November 2008 I was not swayed to vote for him. I was not willing to allow the MACHINE THAT HAS DOMINATE CONTROL OVER THE BLACK AND WORKING CLASS community to get a promotion. Thus I voted "No confidence" in both Obama and McCain. Unless the Diebold machine flipped my vote otherwise I did not register a vote for president.
Thus Ernesto - you fail to see that your problem is NOT:
* Democrat vs Republican
* Corporations vs Progressive-Statists
The problem is ARCHITECTURAL in nature. We have allowed the central federal government to have TOO MUCH POWER. Thus these powerful, power-lusting entities have created a "Winner Take The Whole Pie" system.
It is far more logical for the progressive to fight for a DECENTRALIZED power schematic. You can then have a second "Progressive Revolution" without using the "non-progressive Democratic Party" as your vehicle this time.
You need to reorient yourself from your "Boil The Ocean" disposition over to "Roping Off PROGRESSIVE GARDENS" and fighting to keep all evil capitalism OUT. If you keep YOUR MONEY inside of these zones then you would be less concerned about what these evil corporations are doing.
Oh, I get it now CF. Yeah,sure do! In other words, corporations are punishing people by laying them off in order to make them do their bidding. Corporations want them to work for paupers wages while the CEO's make the big fat paychecks. They want Americans to become sweat shops and enslaved all Americans.
I guess they forgot that they make their money off of are the same people they want to punish. I wonder what would become of Corporations if people decided to go on a strike and not spend one dime with any CORP and only spend money with small businesses and drive corporations out of business.
CF "It is clear that the problem is the lack of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SKILLS. You would be best to draw a circle around a particular map and work to construct an AWARD WINNING GARDEN."
CF-"Ironically limiting your focus would be taken as a slight but it would be the best means by which you and others develop HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES to prevent "Fine Young Men" from ACTING LIKE "Street Pirates" and instead become THE MEN in their communities.."
I am amazed how people like Ernesto, Tersi and Mellaneous miss CF's message and suggested solutions, which he has repeatedly offered and advocated for months, maybe years. They play 'selective out of context' attacking games with his comments. Either they are 'emotionally' invested against CF- and can't 'hear' the message- or they are unable to let go of old useless impractible Black Democratic liberal thinking.
Either way, they miss the 'urgent' need to move toward a 'new' solution and a much needed 'new' paradigm -if the BC is to survive. The waterlogged 'ole time' progressive liberal thinking just doesn't cut it anymore. It has entrapped and deteriorated the black community for decades.
Why continue to dig that hole of "hopelessness", which has been attached to old useless solutions and 'sentimentalality'? That is sure to put the black race on its deathbed. At least consider other alternatives and build and shape from there.
CF's ideas are a very good place to start. CF is not the enemy of 'change', YOU are.
CF and anon 4:11 pm...
You did not address the elephant in the room: corporations behave EXACTLY like the street pirates you rail against, and they do it on a GLOBAL scale, instead of street-level. Yet you CELEBRATE their gaining even more power! Amazing!
Constructive Feedback said...
"[quote]I call them corporations.[/quote]
NO Tersi:
You "call in SICK" to the CORPORATION that you work for. Thanks to the labor movement you now have this right to the 40 hour work week and sick time.
This is only relevant, however......WHEN YOU HAVE A JOB to apply these rights to."
You know, you're becoming more obtuse by the minute, and an apologist for corporations that have raped and pillaged the American economy, as Ernesto would say, more pirate-like than the thugs on the corner, and they get to go beyond the boundary of community and stick it to everyone on the planet.
If your line of reasoning doesn't change, and change soon, I'll assume, with cause, you're a mere propagandist, a blowhard, like many who infest this blog.
I'm not sure what the above statement is trying to convey, but if you're suggesting that labor unions are what is wrong with the American economy--its members daring to ask for all things, "sick leave" with pay--then you fall in line with all the other "conservative assholes" who believe workers' rights is a misnomer, and that these workers, who depend on these corprations, are nothing more than ingrates, and should be happy with just having a job, and keeping worker demand to a minimum, if at all.
Even Dickens would disagree. "May I have some more," would be met with, "Hell no! How dare you ask, you sniveling ingrate. Didn't I give you work?"
You can, CF, genuflect for those corporate, greedy bastards, and show your gratitude for your employment, and whatever perks come your way, but, thank God, I haven't sold my soul to the company store, and to the capitalism for which it stands, one corporation, under Mammon, with liberty to steal from the people, and escape the justice they deserve.
You continue to support a corporate takeover of this country, but be prepared to face your maker and offer an answer, when he asks, "On whose side were you, when the corporations caused so much human misery with their policies of greed, and disregard for the human suffering they caused, and rewarded themselves with obscene bonuses, money that should have gone to the people?"
Anon 4:11 PM == "Either way, they miss the 'urgent' need to move toward a 'new' solution and a much needed 'new' paradigm...."
Now that you have soundly thrashed us for not following CF in lockstep, tell me, as you understand it (and in your own words), what is CF's paradigm which you find so "new," and compelling, and please give us a description of his solution that you find so radically "new"?
"That is sure to put the black race on its deathbed."
The whole race? Or just those blacks living in the United States? That's such a sweeping statement, and offers very little hope. But then, I'm not as cynical as you, and believe that we as a people will surmount any and all obstacles, as we have done in our past, our here and now, and our future.
From where do you get this fatalistic view of black people?
[quote]Either they are 'emotionally' invested against CF- and can't 'hear' the message- or they are unable to let go of old useless impractible Black Democratic liberal thinking.[/quote]
Still - all I would need to do to gain universal acceptance from this crowd would be to:
1) Blame the GOP/Conservatives for all that ails us
2) Point to the past oppression as we STRUGGLED instead of To-Damned-Day where the key institutions are under "favorable control"
3) Attack Evil Corporation and proclaim that Unions are pure expressions of "civilian interests" and "social justice"
They are not going to accept INCUMBENCY of their views and political operatives.
Here is the most IRONIC POINT.
Despite their hatred of evil corporations THE MASSES have one thing that no firm can take away from them: THEIR HUMAN PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY.
Despite this fact - they have more control over the economic circumstances in their communities yet CAN'T FIND A WAY TO ENGAGE AND EMPLOY the HUMAN RESOURCES who are looking to be UTILIZED.
Akin to looking toward the BEAST to provide them with health care - they ALSO look toward the corporate beast for EMPLOYMENT.
[quote]what is CF's paradigm which you find so "new," and compelling, and please give us a description of his solution that you find so radically "new"?[/quote]
I have NOTHING NEW to offer.
This is a GOOD THING.
What I am doing is RETURNING BACK to what YOU USED TO ADVOCATE FOR as you aspired challenge the ESTABLISHMENT for the delivery of your interests.
Now that YOU HAVE A FAVORABLE SET OF FORCES IN THE ESTABLISHMENT........YOU are the one who has CHANGED. You got new.
Instead of HOLDING FIRM to your agenda for DELIVERABLES you merely became a CHEERLEADER in support of the new establishment, instead focusing to retain their power and grow it.
All the while YOU HAVE LOST YOURSELF and what your PERMANENT INTERESTS were.
Tell me Tersi - Focusing on the Public Schools - WHAT HAS OUR COMMUNITY GOTTEN - now that favorable people are in power and yet they are STILL not centers of excellence that are preparing our young people to be our professional service agents?
Just another step up on the ladder of fascism Field..we're on #9 of 14.
"9.) Corporate Power is Protected: The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite."
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