I think I am losing some of my edge. This latest vacation has me going all soft. Maybe it's the flashes of kindness and humanity that I have been seeing from strangers that is making me get all Hallmark all of a sudden. (The day before Christmas I met a young white college student at Suburban Station in Philly, and she was sharing her meal with a homeless person. Not only was she sharing her meal, but she was obviously sharing her time as well. I sat there watching the scene so long that I almost missed the R-1 train to the Airport. Damn near brought tears to my eyes.) Still, I am not sure if this is a good thing. It could all be a set up for future disappointments down the road.
Speaking of disappointments; someone sent me an e-mail with a couple of links that I have to share with you. (h/t to Stacey) If it's true, well then damn it, my Christmas high could be over already.
Seems his O ness might be going all George Bush on us. Again, if true, this is not good. I understand the need to fight terror and to make the job easier for law enforcement, but I am not comfortable with law enforcement officials having carte blanche powers over my person. I am just not there yet. Yes, I am slowly getting my faith back in humanity, but sorry, I am still a cynic at heart. My Kumbaya moments don't last very long.
Some bloggers aren't pleased. And that's not surprising, given that they are not fans of his O ness. I am different. I happen to have some love for his O ness, so count me as someone who is extremely disappointed if all aspects of this story is true. There is only so much an almost O-Aid drinking heart can take.
I am sure that the cats over at Interpol do a fine job, but arresting U.S. citizens on A-merry-can soil? I will have to take a serious look at that again when I get back to the plantation. Jody, if you are reading this, maybe you can tell us what you know about this latest Executive Order coming from the beige house. Inquiring, if not kinder minds, want to know.
I am out.
*Pic courtesy of Sloone.com
(The day before Christmas I met a young white college student at Suburban Station in Philly, and she was sharing her meal with a homeless person. Not only was she sharing her meal, but she was obviously sharing her time as well. I sat there watching the scene so long that I almost missed the R-1 train to the Airport. Damn near brought tears to my eyes.)
Why does it matter if this person is white?
In the future, please discount any blogger who begins by saying, "A coup is underway in the United States..."
As the New York Times explains (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/31/world/31interpol.html?_r=1):
"Contrary to its portrayal in some movies, Interpol has no police force that conducts investigations and makes arrests. Rather, it serves its 188 member countries by working as a clearinghouse for police departments in different nations to share law enforcement information — like files on wanted criminals and terrorists, stolen cars and passports, and notices that a law enforcement agency has issued an arrest warrant for a fugitive."
The President was extending to Interpol the same rights that 70 other international organizations have.
The right-wing bloggers were just doing a little fear-mongering, which is what they do best.
I am with Beaper, what does it matter Field?
anon 3:33
Contrary to its portrayal in some movies, Interpol has no police force that conducts investigations and makes arrests.
ever been to a popo convention? thought not, in all other countries they work with local le. keep getting your info from the times.
on a more serious note fn seen the lastest nfl.com polls on the game tommorrow? don't look too good for yo lil' birdies
Negroes and Negresses,
I love this blog. Field is a racism chaser (loved the Avatar post that you never concluded on). Fly is a nasty whore who likes to fight with everyone. Looks like she is currently fighting with a dude. She seems to equate screaming, yelling, black woman with strong. US and CF are white. A college lecturer is claiming to be a professor. Meanwhile, little black boys and girls are learning to repeat the cycle. Makes me sad. Field is disrespectful to queers. AB is obsessed with Obama. Granny is dead. Meanwhile....AGAIN I will say little black boys and girls are watching you all as role models.
I am proud to have grown beyond this mess. Yes, I have stepped on niggers like you all to get to where I am. I don't mind being a "token" because I don't want to be like so many of you all. I speak English well, am athletic beyond compare, date white and black chicks, drink the sparkly nightly and roll in the green stuff. Racism is not what you make of it folks. Stop being so fucking ghetto and get a skill and go with it. Blacks are fucked not because of the media, whitey's etc., but because of people like YOU!
Beaper and resistance: It doesn't matter. FN just gets off on that kinda thing.
Lunmit: You are a freak. But most folks on here would follow in your footsteps if they could. Ghetto is a mindset. So many folks think that strong = going ghetto (check out Fly posts and the chic in Korea ,cannot recall her name). AB's posts are smart, but those girls, they go ghetto and claim they are strong. They also like to liken themselves to AB. THey are not even in the same game!
I too had the ghetto midset, but would never "step" on someone to get rich or whatever. But I think many would.
Kids have no role models anymore in our community because all we do is fight amongst ourselves. People like you and US got out so you don't have to see the mess every day.
Personally, there are some atrocious habits in blacks (adults playing video games and making babies all the time, gum smacking cell phone talking sistas, etc). Makes me sick. But, all races have those. Blacks just refuse to accept that they are real. We are one group that resists stereotypes. Others usually understand where stereotypes come from. With all that being said, your post is freaky man. and unsettling.
You would be eternally angry if you were born with bad hair, a fat butt, and a bad attitude.
Mr. Willards,
Your post is so wrong. And I am laughing because it's true.
These are the reasons I only fuck white girls. Notice I said fuck. I married black. But c'mon that sweet white pussy. White girls know how to treat a brotha. They also have good personal hygiene and like to please their men. Sistas think it's all about them and their stanky hole (which I refuse to go down on). White girls, will eat there all night long. Clean and tasty. Plus you can find some skinny little white girls. Black girls are too full figured for me. I am hung like an average bro. which is big and I love to split that white slit open. And the girls love it too...damn. Gotta go to the store for some groceries (aka booty call). The wife is preparing for court. No, not a welfare momma, she's an attorney.
[quote] There is only so much an almost O-Aid drinking heart can take.[/quote]
Perhaps you need to be introduced to this prognosis that you have from drinking so much "Obama water":
Are there any electrolytes left in your body, Filled Negro?
You do realize that "Obama Koolaid" is 95% water.
Wow, did a bunch of 12 year old boys find your website? Cuz, the comments here remind me of little boys talkin smack... especially ones that have NO experience, but are trying to put on a front.... Boys.... REAL Men do. Boys talk.
Now, as to the Interpol fears....Anonymous 3:33pm is correct... I actually think this could be a move toward properly recognizing that the way to deal with terrorists is an internationally coordinated police work, not the military. At least I hope so.
This will piss off those who would prefer the US withdraw from the United Nations. But these are the same people that will find something wrong with EVERYTHING Obama does.
if Obama's like Bush
then we've all been had
the shit's getting worse
so who else is mad
international cops
patrolling our borders
snatching and grabbing
by executive orders
what will come next
buy stock in barbed wire
we'll need more prisons
we're not making a choir
we must spend billions
on our own damn police
now we need others
keep feeding the beast
I am usually not worried
and I am seldom scared
but this gets me thinking
are we so unprepared
A happy and prosperous new year to you and the Mrs. Mr. Field.
I stop by every now and then to toss my pennies in the mix from the land of Wonder bread.
Im not sure what to make of many of the above posts, so I wont try. (Mr sweetie; youre all class my friend)
To be honest, youre racism chasing is boring, youre obsession with the other side of the aisle and Mrs. Palin, Mr. Limbaugh, et al is a bit silly given the number on the small tote board to the right. It stands at 304, if I read correctly. Last year it read about the same, the year before and before again was similar I will assume.
304 lives were taken away violently in your city of love. (similar numbers in every major city in the country) A shocking and horrific number in wonder bread land, yet in it doesnt seem to bother you too much. Of the 304, how many were black? close to 300 I will guess. How many of the 304 were killed by blacks? even closer to 300 would be the guess.
Even though you chide the media for not leading every broadcast with the carnage, you simply throw out a number along with a cute little quip to cover the subject. Before you lose your Kumbayah..I know you have covered the odd slaying now and then..but we both know it isnt nearly enough. How do you expect white society to care when you yourself are more interested in Rush's latest eruption or Sarah's latest gaff?
Got BIG problems Mr. Field. BIG. Will chasing racism stop the slaughter? Will calling Michael Steel names fix the family? Will jaded attacks on Sarah Palin get kids interested in school?
I hope you will struggle with that Mr. Field.
Also, about our new President remember....true change is more than skin-deep.
Mahalo and Aloha from your favorite cracker.
happy 2010 field..
i think it's a sensible move...
inter pol is the world’s largest international police organization, with 188 member countries... the usa being one of them..(i quote)
it facilitates cross-border police co-operation, and supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime...
i see no fault in having a joined up task force.. this is not just a usa specific issue...
"Lovesweetwhite: Sistas think it's all about them and their stanky hole (which I refuse to go down on). White girls, will eat there all night long. Clean and tasty. Plus you can find some skinny little white girls. Black girls are too full figured for me."
First, grown-up 'girls' are actually 'women'. Color don't come into it - plenty skinny black women, plenty curvy white women in this world: strikes me that you just don't like women very much, especially that bit between the EARS that's called the BRAIN. Hope you don't visit here often.
Hey Jody, it's the weekend, maybe it' s the only time the kids get to play. :)
That post published before I could edit it, but it's still all good.
Not much changes.
Thanks for those of you who actually researched that link and the story and tried to give a lucid answer.
"What does it matter Field"?
You have to have been there.:)
Mr. Whitey, "racism chasing" might be boring; but you damn well better be in shape. ;)
>>>>The President was extending to Interpol the same rights that 70 other international organizations have.<<<<<
Thanks for the clarification, but given Interpol's function, was it really necessary to amend the order to extend a "courtesy"? According to the NY Times article, they'll continue to respond to FOIA requests, but that sounds like it could change if they decided to do so.
In the current environment where our rights could come under assault under the guise of protecting us, I'd just as soon not see too many "courtesies extended.
As an aside, I took my son to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City today and was shocked to see them checking everyone for weapons with a wand. This is just a family oriented sort of place and the only reason I figured they did it was due to the heavy "international" presence in the area with Muslims being well represented.
The extra security precautions are part of our world. I don't want to ever be victimized because someone chose to be lazy about security. It may be a pain @ times, inconvenient, or ultimately unnecessary but it may keep me alive another day. Many rules of our society fall into this description- the majority of us follow these rules...but every once in a while a person doesn't and havoc ensues.
Yo nigga nigga, you don't edit posts now do you, when did you start censoring
This isn't the new King mag replacement site posts like that should be omitted by the blog administrator. Opinions are fine, arguments, ridicule and name calling expected, even nonsensical blathering is par for the course, but a paragraph of pure shit should never make it as a posts.
Field I haven't been here for a while, but, I see your BLOG has been taken over by RACIST! and that's good, this should keep BLACK AMERICA on their P'S and Q'S! we should really know what we are fighting against! these people keep us informed!
I don't really and truly know what's going on with this INTERPOL, but, OBAMA is not BUSH! look at how these out of CONTROL WHITE PEOPLE are reacting to a BLACK PRESIDENT! these people know their time is running OUT! OBAMA ain't CRAZY, he need's all the help he can get!
Field, I will put it like this, if the WHITE MALITIA decide to RAISE up, don't you want CAMERA'S all around AMERICA to show it? think about it!
Field when are you going to think all BLACK? forget about asking some WHITE PERSON to INFORM your BLACK behind about, what is taking place in AMERICA and the WORLD! pay attention BLACK MAN!
Stop putting information up two day's later? and you are NOT CHASING RACISM the way you should be! go find out where those POOR looking white folk's are getting all that MONEY from, to be able to buy ALL of those GUN'S! and then report back to your BLOGGER'S!
White RACIST write in the EXTREME! they go beyond the PALE! this is part of their NATURE! if they will LYNCH innocent BLACK'S you best believe, they will talk about us like DOG'S! I trust these people as far as I can THROW THEM! and at this point, I can throw each and every one of them back to ENGLAND!
One can find extremist in every race, every society. I'm not sure I believe it's part of a persons nature of if several causes have created the monster exhibiting racism.
As far as my fears are concerned, no matter how extreme some people are in their views or actions, it doesn't lessen the fears I have about my own people in my own neighborhood/city.
It seems that the Obama Administration is seeking to circumvent current laws, policies, rules and guidelines about classified international terrorism documents and materials. INTERPOL consists of detailed-in police forces in which the U.S. also participates. If the U.S., through its detailed law enforcement officers, can storre and utilize information from the INTERPOL office, it will not be subject to the FOIA; it basically becomes the property of INTERPOL.
This is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, bonafide classified material and info that truly aid the fight against international terrorism can be safeguarded and not brought into a U.S. court. On the other hand, that classified info and material cannot be subject to the scrutiny of the U.S. judicial arm.
Such is the price of a free society. And that little welfare two cents is purely my speculation.
The 4 posts starting at 4:56 are ALL from the same person. And in this case there are only two good solutions to a problem like that: an overdose of propofol or a hollow point.
BTW, fuck the horse you came in on for not aborting you!
>>>Such is the price of a free society<<<<
Somehow the "price" and the idea of a free society don't quite go together.
I agree with your overall premise re: why this was done however.
Well, I think you cannot stand that there are a lot of us on here that don't really care for your cow ass Fly.
BTW, fuck the horse you came in on for not aborting you!
What do you all wanna bet that FN will leave this post on there, but remove the one below it. Selective censorship. One signifies hatred to the point of death, the other incest, but my guess big daddy nigga will only delete one of them.
and it's daddy's dick not daddies you ass hat. unless fly has multiple fathers.
Damn field, I thought this was YOUR blog. Shit 'round here seems to be about my fine ass 24/7, LOL!! And in true house nigga style, black folks join in on the hilarity too!!
This crazy anonymofo with the multiple personalities is really messing up the chi in this piece, LOL!!!
For someone who claims to be a successful 'scientist', you sure speak with a very unrefined tongue. Why can't you show some class and ignore? And no I am not any of those previous anons.
Happy New Year to you all!
Good Night!
@ FN:
Kindness of strangers is simply kindness...it has no color.
Which struck you most...that she was young... or white...or that she took time to see the humainity in a homeless person...?
@11:57 if you're not the other psycho ass anon, then get a fuckin' user name, ok pumpkin? Then take yr ass back to college and pursue a real major instead of hatin' on someone smart enough to major in the sciences.
@ FN:
OK - Black folk in America have been living in a police state since we were dragged here...how does that directly affect blacks who do not travel overseas?
So...who are we talking about here? I would venture to say...criminals or suspected criminals.
You should be schooling us on this...(aint you got a law library at your disposal...some different internet sites you can access???)
I will make a guess as to why he signd this order...
We already have an extradition treaty with the UK...so...it's not like we won't send them to the UK for whatever (alleged) crime they committed there and then high tailed it back here for the safety of "their rights"...
I'm gonna guess it has something to do with money...I bet we don't want to spend (maybe can't spend) the money to send somebody back to the UK to stand trial. Once you get arrestd here you have rights...and you have the right to charge the system on behalf of the American taxpayers...see where I'm going with this?
Now, Mr. Attorney at Law with those JP law letters...it's time for you to show and tell on this one! :) Awaiting wisdom...
Different one here too:
@11:57 if you're not the other psycho ass anon, then get a fuckin' user name, ok pumpkin? Then take yr ass back to college and pursue a real major instead of hatin' on someone smart enough to major in the sciences.
You must be an affirmative action hoe or something. Cause no self respecting lady with a brain talks like you.
He ignored the earlier comments about the girl being white. You will learn, he does this when he's called out on stupidity. Just ignores. Which concretizes what the rest of us are thinking. :( Sad really.
It's HO not HOE you dumb ass. And she's too busy sucking her daddy dick to type right now. She's a scientist you know! She's doing research. Ha
15 of 30 something posts referencing my fine ass. Shit, I'm popular, LOL!!!
Field, if anyone would share their food with a homeless person it would be a kind and spiritually inclined white person. Believe me, you won't ever see a black student sharing much of anything with anyone, let alone a homeless person. Blacks strive to to "get", not "give".
Obviously you struck a nerve with some of the black folks on this blog. But who else would do such a kind giving thing for a homeless person but a white person?
You are fine, you always have been. I don't know where these tasteless jackass anons come from. Must be a New Year's resolution to be meaner than last year.
Anon at 12:24 great post.
Anon at 12:24,
Really? your mind is so primitive that in your small world white people are the only ones capable of giving? Do you realize how much your race has taken from the world in the last 400 years? You idiots have set the human race back hundreds of years because of the primtive thinking that you portrayed in your comment! What i will admit is that your disease has infected the rest of the world, but dont gloat. Everything will even itself back out again. Only the weak conquer when it is unecessary, remember that.
anon at 12:50
are you sure that person is white?
Niggers chinks and whites
oh my
Man your blog sux, has for about 6 months now.
12:24 and 12:50 anons are equally ridiculous, just two different sides of the same coin.
Order on Interpol Work Inside U.S. Irks Conservatives
Came back this morning. Of course no Field responding to questions or call outs. No fresh ideas other than racism chasing. No deep intellectual thought. Soon he will post a "hot topic" that will get lots of posts, but no real "meat" and feel better about himself and his blogging abilities. It's not the trolls that make this blog suck, but the blogger himself. Posting stupid articles and saying what do you think doesn't do it. This blog is only popular in the same way a reality television show is popular. 1. It's a train wreck and 2. It gives people a false notion that what they say matters.
octa said...
Man your blog sux, has for about 6 months now.
Anytime a blog is allowed to be run by anon posters and/or posters with different usernames from the same IP location, you're gonna get chaos.I run a blog so I KNOW that "policing it" doesn't require much especially if your goal is to maintain a certain level of decency and communication.
With that said, I'm gonna have to stick with one of my New Year's Resolution's and do my best not to waste time on ANYTHING that isn't positive.
And to ALL those obsessed with me, my contact info is listed on my profile. Use it if you suddenly grow a pair.
I suppose that you and your ilk don't think or know how this post topic might effect you as a citizen.
Certainly you would like to know your rights, if you have been picked for a strip search in some godforsaken airport.
HaHaHa... I can't stop laughing at the water intoxification comment/breakdown. I think back in the day, you would have replied. But unfortunately, now with popularity, you have a lot of garbage responses.
It was hard sifting through the comments (aka trash) to find the intelligent responses. But I did because I really wanted to see what insight others would provide. I read Jody's explanation as others and the NY Times article.
I hate to sound selfish, but I wish your blog was small again - limited to a few people that seriously care about your 2 cents! I wish we could enjoy constructive post commentary on your posts.
Thanks for the post & Happy New year!
Before I comment on FNs post I just want to address some issue sthat have been brought up by respondents in this stream.
I have seen couple persons on here describing Field as a "racism chaser".My question is this, why is that bad? Since the election of Obama the mainstream media has been trying it force the idea of America now being a "post racial society".Post racial society, what the hell does that even mean? I will tell you what nothing,atleast to anyone who has real sense. To everyone else its an excuse to say that we must brush all the crap that blacks have had to go through under the carpet. "See we elected black President everything is great now". NO!!!!! you elected a half white guy, which was the point.The Obama campaign made sure the media had plenty of pictures of Obama with his white grandparents and mother to plaster all over the various media. It was a flipping nod and wink to whites to say "He looks black but he was raised by his white grandparents...he understands"
(N.B. to newcomer trolls .MY MOTHER IS WHITE)
Now to the point field "chases" racism to let people realize that despite the crap about a post racial society racism still exists, is alive and well in America.The people who are upset at FNs "racism chasing" posts are those (blacks) who want to continue live in the delusion of a post racial society; and those (whites) who can't stomach the destruction of their view of themselves being the civilized benevolent race they think they are instead of the atavistic destructive vile human specimens that history illustrates them to be.
One other point that need to be addressed.If you want to not think and be spoon fed this is not the blog for you. The only "flaw" in the blog is FNs commitment to letting "everyone" have their say.There are too many trolls, and it often draining filtering through the invalid nonesense to find substantive points.In that i co-sign with NaturalSmile.
To the original post, all i have to say is SANDRA ROSE. I disappointed FN you managed to find a source less reliable than FAUX NEWS. You should know better than to appropriate "intelligence" from field negro territory.
Haha...sorry that should be house negro territory.Because you i both know Sandra Rose is no field negro.
Crow--what law school did you go to?
Field, it might be best to lose some "edge" if you are planning a run for office this year.
I also suggest you boot AB off your blog ASAP. She will kill your chances.
Anon @ 12:45pm:
Crow--what law school did you go to?
I am not a lawyer. I am Security Consultant. I specialize in Procurement and Structure Development, that is I tell organizations and countries what weapons they can buy within the budget they have and how to integrate them effectively within their current security framework without having to spend too much time and money on training and developing new operational doctrines.
Or as my colleagues like to joke i show clients how to kill more people in a cost effective and efficient way.
why did you ask?
Jim Crow, do you date black women? Are you dated a black woman now? Have your mother ever set you up with white girls? Have you ever dated white women?
Your use of "NB.' Typically only invoked by attorneys, and usually not something most people would understand.
curious minds said...
Jim Crow, do you date black women? Are you dated a black woman now? Have your mother ever set you up with white girls? Have you ever dated white women?
Yes i date black women i was born and raised in Jamaica surrounded by beautiful "sisters".Yes my current girlfriend is black.My mother has 98% tried set me up with black girls (other times latinas or east indians). Yes i have dated German women but i suspect it Freudian, because my mother is German.
You betrayer. Dated a white woman = no respect.
Anytime a blog is allowed to be run by anon posters and/or posters with different usernames from the same IP location, you're gonna get chaos.I run a blog so I KNOW that "policing it" doesn't require much especially if your goal is to maintain a certain level of decency and communication.
Thank the sweet baby jesus, Nancy "fatass" Drew is in the house.
Other Nancy Drew here:
Fly is just STOOPID, and her ass is not attractive.
Who puts their ASS in a photo anyway?
She writes like a white screenwriter pretending to be black, trying a LITTLE to hard to sound black. And hip.
BUSTED, white girl!
Why are people on this blog so fuckin' obsessed by me
you r kidding right?
Great Site I enjoy all the banter good, bad ugly.
The disease is spreading like a cancer on this blog. Too many good blogs become obsolete by it's posters that are not only full of themselves. But also full of lies, nonsense and dung...
Did a little searching around and found, what I think, is a very good description of what INTERPOL does and does not do... I cut and pasted relevant parts.... from Reddit Blog:
Interpol has issued an arrest warrant for Venezuelan opposition leader Manuel Rosales, who faces corruption charges in his country but fled to Peru to seek asylum, police said Thursday.
Wilmer Flores, with the Venezuelan police, said his country's authorities were trying to have Interpol give Rosales's case a maximum alert status for police worldwide.
A Venezuelan court Wednesday issued a warrant for Rosales who was to have appeared April 20 for a hearing on preventive detention pending a trial on graft charges from his time as governor of Zulia state.
1. The Venezuelan legal system issued the warrant.
2. They contacted INTERPOL to publish it world-wide.
3. INTERPOL, the information clearinghouse, types up a memo (called a "warrant") and disseminates it world-wide.
4. That warrant goes to all INTERPOL members, and if they find Manuel Rosales, they arrest them and send him to Venezuela to face prosecution.
INTERPOL did not:
* Investigate the accused.
* Issue the warrant.
* Search for the accused.
INTERPOL will not:
* Arrest the accused.
* Transport the accused.
* Try the accused.
An Interpol Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant.
These Interpol 'Red Notices' represent only a tiny fraction of the number of red notices issued by Interpol.
The persons concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions (or the International Criminal Tribunals, where appropriate) and Interpol's role is to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition.
These red notices allow the warrant to be circulated worldwide with the request that the wanted person be arrested with a view to extradition.
A distinction is drawn between two types of red notice: the first type is based on an arrest warrant and is issued for a person wanted for prosecution; the second type is based on a court decision for a person wanted to serve a sentence.
So there's no such thing as an INTERPOL "warrant". That's just what reporters call it because "red notice" is like 2 more letters to type.
Some think this move by Obama will make it easier for countries, such as Iraq, to issue arrest warrants for the likes of Cheney and Bush for war crimes... I would very much like to see that happen... no wonder there are those who oppose this!
I nominate the Cowboys as Field Negros of the day for having WOOPED tar out of the Eggals! Oh, man they put it on them. Make up all the excuses you want but you have to admit they got it put on them!
Oh, got to go back next week for another one!!!!
Ah, a new year, a new batch of trolls. I had high hopes for this place since it mellowed out during the holiday break but now....damn.
Oh well. Guess I better work on refining my internal ignore list.
Hey Jody. I'm all for someone arresting the Bush administration for war crimes. As long as they also arrest the Obama administration.
A warmonger is a warmonger, and a chicken-hawk is a chicken-hawk.
As i said long ago, if brotha would man up with a "mission" for this blog, a reason then have some basic rules of etiquette (other than what he finds at his own whim) then this could be a better site. Instead, he was to free himself of all responsibility for his own Frankenstein monster. Pathetic excuse for a brotha.
R. Maldonado... the Yemen attack comes at the approval and coordination with the Yemen government. Bush's attack of Iraq did not. There is a difference. While I absolutely do not support Obama's Afghan policy, and I, in general do not think the war on terrorists has a military solution, I cannot agree there is an equivelency there.
There is a very specific definition of what is a war crime... it should not be used as political rhetoric. Thus far, Obama has not committed a war crime. Bush, by my and others in the legal community and the international human rights communities, has.
I notice you don't like gangsta rap. But what a boy misogyny rap?
about, not a boy.
Jody, are you serious? Ever heard of an extra-judicial execution? Like when President Bush killed the USS Cole bombers with a missile strike in Yemen. That was illegal, why isn't it the same for President Obama?
"Thus far, Obama has not committed a warcrime." I guess because Yemen allowed it?
What about Pakistan, they surely didn't invite your president to kill 170 of their dirt poor goat shepherds. http://newshopper.sulekha.com/pakistan-says-us-did-not-warn-of-missile-strike_news_965070.htm
Is that a warcrime according to your legal community?
R. Maldanado... your second example comes closer to a war crime. And, quite simply, the answer to the first is yes. War crimes, like I said are very specific in definition. Are both examples an example of gross negligence, a complete disregard for human life, flat out wrong?.... Yes. Absolutely. But, do the define a war crime, no. They are a better example of my previous statement that I do not think the so-called war on terror can be fought with military solutions.
Did President Obama start the war in Afghan? I understand everyone's frustration with this war. I am feeling a little frustrated over it myself because war is not good for anything but profits by profiteers other than that it is death and destruction of innocent lives. There are many members of my family overseas fighting in this war and I pray for them to be able to come home in one peace with a sound mind because I remember what effect Vietnam had on those who fought in it.
Nevertheless, I don't feel that the President is to blame for this war because he didn't start it. He inherited it! To end the war in Vietnam, people were more together and united in protesting it. Nowadays, they are split up in fractions protesting the very things that would benefit us, instead of uniting to protest the war.
BTW, I am blogging again but it won't be on a daily basis. It will be limited. I posted a topic today.
So a BLACK PRESIDENT should be arrested for WAR CRIME'S ? please, this BLACK MAN is just trying to CLEAN up the DIRT of the WHITE MAN! where have you been hiding out MR. Maldonado?
You see, that's why the WHITE MAN can PRANCE around and do his dirt, cause people of color will NOT stick together! these people have been causing HELL for people of COLOR, for as long as I can remember! and let's not forget how they showed total Disrespect for SONIA SOTOMAYER!
let's see, when the IRAQ war was started by WHITE MEN, they put HISPANIC MEN out FRONT FIRST! they were being killed day in and day out, they LIED to these young men and told them they would FLY PLANE'S! these were young eighteen year old men! do you get it?
So how many HISPANIC'S face's do you see on CABLE new's as of today, that have lost their life! well a few here and a few there! what we see now is the FACE'S of young WHITE MEN! well, I will put it like this, WHITE MEN started this WAR, so it is more than right for this BLACK PRESIDENT to use their own people to try and FINISH it! now, you need to really think HARD about this MR. HISPANIC MAN!
Jody, "Some think this move by Obama will make it easier for countries, such as Iraq, to issue arrest warrants for the likes of Cheney and Bush for war crimes..."
Oh come on, Jody. Do you think that is the case? And if so, do you really believe that will happen?
Some of your commenters annoy me! And that was a nice jesture of the young (white) guy that shared his meal with a homeless person. I don't think it had mattered if you said white or black but I took it as just being descriptive..
Did I say your commenters annoy me? Oh...
Anon 9:49... I do not know if the Iraq government at some point will file war crimes against those responsible for the US invasion of their country, but I think they have every legal right to do so. And, I hope they do.... Personally, I think it is unlikely... but I think it would be a good thing in the long run. I still believe that Bush/Cheney/Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld should be held liable for what they perpetrated on the Iraqi people and I am disappointed that Obama does not see fit to investigate them under our constitution for their illegal acts.
Hey anon 9:42. I'm just very very saddened by the escalation. I want both administrations, anyone who had anything to do with torture, and the mercenary companies (i.e. Blackwater) to be brought up on charges.
Jody, sorry for the rude "Are you serious," remark. Thanks for you reply.
Granny, it's really good to see you back.
Thank you R. Maldonado. It's good to be back. I missed every single one of you on here.
I am with you on bringing those folks you mentioned above up on charges, especially, blackwater and Cheney.
Pay no mind to "iseeisee" at 9:42. Her fanatical ravings are akin to the worst wingnuts have to offer. She capitalizes every 6th or 7th word for no valid reason whatsoever. I guess she thinks her writing doesn't look ridiculous enough.
She will flat out lie to score race-baiting points, as in her previous post about hispanic soldiers. Her understanding of geopolitics doesn't reach a level of sophistication greater than "EVIL white MEN are EVIL". Void of substance, full and conspiracy and paranoia, her rantings never really go beyond racial baiting, generalizing, and bigotry.
@ beaper:
Thanks for the heads up. However, I honestly think he was shocked and amazed that a young, white woman showed kindness to a black homeless old man...my question is... why question kindness?
When we begin to question the motives of an unselfish act of kindness then we need to look deep and see if we are not participatig enough in this process of giving unselfishly of ourselves.
Be it food, clothes, money, cigarettes (although I don't smoke), alcohol (for alcoholics getting ready to go into DT's),sponsor a teacher's class for the year (they spend alot of out of pocket money)or whatever it might be. Then when we see these acts of kindness we won't be shocked...it will just look normal. (MHO)
@ Jody:
Very interesting information on Interpol and the "red notices".
Your contribution to the post is the very reason I do not do mainstream medi unless I need to see where the smoke is...there is rarely a fire.
Oh the good old days of true journalism...a long forgotten art :(
@ FN:
It's your world I'm just a squirrel trying to get a...
clear understanding as to why your blog goes downhill with some of the postings and responses?
I get that we live in a free society with free speech and all that...
But you got JP letters...you and I both know where one person's freedom of speech begins...the other person's ends...
IMHO...save us from the misery of unfettered, rampant, childish rants and obscenities with no real interest in your blog and let us dialogue.
IMHO it does not serve you well, nor does it serve those that desire true dialogue.
And for the record...I was TOLD about your blog and TOLD that it would suit me. I also TOLD others to come and blog with you and they have refused saying (and I quote):
"It's too much like Yahoo or AOL."
Personally I do not know what that means since I do not yahoo or aol, but I do not think that is a good thing....(MHO)
Seems his O ness might be going all George Bush on us. Again, if true, this is not good. I understand the need to fight terror and to make the job easier for law enforcement, but I am not comfortable with law enforcement officials having carte blanche powers over my person.
Field you so funny, you know those Zionist Jews at AIPAC have Washington by the strings..war on terror?
How does one wage war on a war tactic...things that make you go hmm...
Jody, "I still believe that Bush/Cheney/Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld should be held liable for what they perpetrated on the Iraqi people and I am disappointed that Obama does not see fit to investigate them under our constitution for their illegal acts."
I am not a lawyer or know much about legal matters, but don't you think to bring them up on charges would be a slippery slope for US Presidents sending troops anywhere in the world to fight? I mean, where are the boundaries to protect Presidential Administrations?
I did not like Bush, and I believe Cheney is just plain evil. But it seems to me what you are advocating would lead down a dark legal rabbit hole. Am I wrong?
Maybe that's why Obama won't prosecute. First Bush and Cheney, then who knows--maybe it will be Obama next!
Besides... being President of a world power is no easy task and probably more than one human being can handle. I don't think having a legal threat of that magnitude hanging over any American President's head is useful or beneficial to anyone. But it 'would' give me great pleasure to see evil Cheney put away for the rest of his life.
Btw, Happy New Year to you, Jody. I have appreciated and admired your in depth legal knowledge. You also have a great heart. May 2010 be a great year for you.
Welcome back Granny!
Jody I agree with you that arrests should be made from the Bush/Cheney administratiion for war crimes. There is a reason WHY Cheney will not stay silent since leaving Washington.
Field, why do people keep trying to tell you how to sanitize your blog according to their taste? How many times do you have to tell them? They keep trying to manipulate you into baby sitting for them.
I guess those little trolls caused emotional twists in their guts, and short-circuited their minds. Agape2010 is crying like a baby.
Hey Granny, welcome back. You owe us a least 20 posts from last year so you had better get started tonight!
Just kidding. Have a great year. Since you have been gone, the world has become "Kinder and Gentler..." as indicated by Field's post. (another one of my jokes..I'm trying to become a comedian at night before I quit my day job.)
Thank you Blinders and Anonymous!
"You owe us a least 20 posts from last year so you had better get started tonight!"
Now, that was funny. However, all kidding aside, Granny gone slow it down a bit so that I'll be able to see a few more New Years come and go. Nevertheless, I missed all of you and kept all of you in my prayers. My biggest prayer was that you all have a prosperous, healthy, and blessed 2010.
@ annon: 3:09 am
Babies cry for food, warmth, and diaper changes...as well as for bonding and communicating.
Therefore, I am not "crying like a baby". I thought you were brighter than that...
I gave you too much credit.
Brother Field...Thank you for having a life as well as historical sensitivities. Just reading...easy on th blood pressure, Some commenter had said Sister Granny was in the next plan and that caused a moment of reflection.. Buttt then well Hello Sister Granny.. Looking toward this new year. :)
Oh man, where to begin....what a odd post and series of comments....
First Field makes a post rooted in mid-1990s style black helicopter nonsense about EEEEEVIL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OPPRESSINGS AMERICA, OH NOES!!! The source for all this being some bizarre blog that looks like TMZ but reads like a Andrew Breitbart site.
Then some joker named "Lovesweetwhite" hilariously reveals that he's either A) a horny white embracing his interracial fetish and knack for role-playing, B) a racist white in deep denial about his interracial fetish and subsequent knack for role-playing, C) a brotha with some seriously fucked up issues with Black Women, issues that may or may not be related to the Tigeresque ASS-WHUPPIN he's gonna catch in divorce court.
And I totally co-sign Anon 9:12's observation about how these anonymous racist assholes keep us on our toes. "Constructive Feedback" lives up to his name more than he realizes.....
Hey BrotherStillaPanther2:
It's always a pleasure to see your fonts. Happy New Year!
I was always taught never trust a man talking out the side of his mouth. Cheney has talked out the side of his mouth so long and much until his mouth is permanently fixed in a sideways position. Right about now, his conscience is consuming him and he is trying to fight having to face his demons. That's why he can't keep his mouth shut. Regardless, whether he wants to face them or not, he is gonna have to face them because he created them. With that said, I'm gonna say nite to everyone and I pray that you have peace in your dreams and waking.
anon @ 3:43 :
You betrayer. Dated a white woman = no respect.
Geez you trolls are predictable.I figured one of you would come up with exactly that response.You see no matter what i said u would say something.
For example if i had said that I have never dated white women, some troll would respond to the effect that i hate my mother (who is white), and that my inability to date white women is indicative of my hatred for her and all white people. Ergo i would be a angry racist black man.
You need to try harder my profession has trained my mind to anticipate possible responses to my actions, and therefore allow me to put countermeasures to nullify such responses. Your comment does not phase me i deal with sociopaths "on the daily".
Off topic, but given those that post regularly here and think that Obama can do no right....
The US has lifted a 22-year immigration ban which has stopped anyone with HIV/Aids from entering the country.
From BBC World News:
President Obama said the ban was not compatible with US plans to be a leader in the fight against the disease.
Thank you President Obama.
At the same time, he continued the Cold War mentality that Cuba is a state-sponsor of terror:
when it isn't:
[quote]Some think this move by Obama will make it easier for countries, such as Iraq, to issue arrest warrants for the likes of Cheney and Bush for war crimes... I would very much like to see that happen... no wonder there are those who oppose this![/quote]
Jody - Your disposition has reached the point of PERVERSION.
Seriously. You need to check yourself.
When I conversed with you about the DOCUMENTED 'crime & justice' chaos in Philadelphia (and so many other places) in which people's CIVIL RIGHTS are being violated by MURDEROUS STREET PIRATES - your response was "So many people are arrested for crimes that they did not do".
This DESPITE the "pirate droppings" that are left when the sun light comes up:
* Dead bodies
* Terrorized Communities
* Assaulted People
Here is how I peg you Jody (and others).
Your passion for Dick Cheney is your mental attempt to BOIL THE OCEAN. You know TWO THINGS that you are most passionate about ARE NOT GOING TO HAPPEN:
* Cheney and Bush and Rove get arrested
* YOU get the Black Street Pirates in Philly to BEHAVE THEMSELVES and not assail the community.
Thus in your inability to dissect YOUR WORLD into digestible pieces so that you can have MEASURABLE SUCCESS you instead hold a BIC lighter near the Delaware River figuring that if you TRY HARD ENOUGH you are going to BOIL THE OCEAN.
By feeding enough similarly minded people the line that you so firmly believe you achieve a state of MENTAL SATISFACTION even IF it DOESN'T MEAN A DAMNED THING neither to YOUR IMMEDIATE WORLD of STREET PIRATES nor on the larger scope where Bush and Obama play.
So tell me Jody - what is your relevance?
I told you the other day - I would be MORE IMPRESSED WITH YOU if you used your personal influence to get JUST ONE of your clients to NOT ASSAULT SOMEONE.
This one drop in the bucket would help Philly tremendously.
[quote]From BBC World News:
President Obama said the ban was not compatible with US plans to be a leader in the fight against the disease.
Thank you President Obama.[/quote]
Again Jody - I DON'T HATE YOU.
I merely TIRE OF YOU.
A short drive down the Interstate from you are the cities of Baltimore and Washington DC.
To-Damned-Day THEY ARE the two highest ranked cities of HIV INFECTIONS in the nation.
I get frustrated as you "Major in the Minors"!!!! Your ideology and political passions have trumped your reasoning ability.
IF YOU could get the Democratic administrations if DC and Baltimore to mitigate the SHARING OF BODY FLUID that is at the root if this HIV INFECTION Pandemic in these places - I WOULD BE THE FIRST ONE to sing your praise upon seeing them fall out of the top 20 ranking.
Instead we are more likely to hear from you how "Abstinence Only Education" is a FAILURE.
What do the actual numbers say about "Wrap It UP"? It is surely the case that "A.O.E." is NOT the official policy for progressive DC or Baltimore.
How many people die in sight of your 'jaundiced eyes' Jody?
Hi Granny.
[quote]My question is this, why is that bad? Since the election of Obama the mainstream media has been trying it force the idea of America now being a "post racial society".
John Crow:
While I can't take credit for the term "Racism Chaser". I coined the term "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser"
This is not a slanderous term. It is instead an observation of the ANTICS of people who have a certain mindset.
To directly answer your question about the "THREAT" from racism chasing. This is an easy one.
"Racism Chasing" merely exploits the known sensibilities of Black people. It is used by people to promote into a PRIORITY POSITION that which likely doesn't belong there IF THE BIG SCHEME OF THINGS is considered.
The way that Racism Chasing can be checked is to for BLACK FOLKS (and their Snarling Fox White Liberal cohorts) to make a TOP 5 LIST OF MEASURABLE THREATS to Black folks. Prior to reacting to the fact that some no named White Republican in Tennessee received an "Obama Spook" picture via e-mail and sent it on to her friends - ONE MUST ASK - IF this is important to "racism chase" after as compared to the fact that in the same state of Tennessee - MEMPHIS kills Black people coming and going: The highest infant mortality rate with Black kids making up the bulk AND a high murder rate where Black people are again disproportionately represented.
Thus the term RACISM CHASING is often applied to people with ESTABLISHMENT POWER who ultimately ESCAPE ACCOUNTABILITY for failing to address these last two point while they go after the "Racist Republican E-mailer" because this is "lower hanging fruit" and far more satisfying.
Racism Chasing sets up the scenario where "YOU win an EMPTY VICTORY while you LOSE because the IMPORTANT things that were to come from your POLITICAL ACTIVISM in favor of one party and one ideology HAVE YET TO BE ADDRESSED".
"Only YOU can stop 'Racism Chasing' activities by no falling for the Okey Doke"
My friend Filled Negro has agreed to include "Vitamin D" in with the CHUM that he feeds many of you so that you can receive your daily allowance as you partake what he dishes out.
I thought CF's New Years resoultion for 2010 was not to be a slave catcher this year.
CF my brother, why is it that you only hold black Democratic politicians' feet to the fire for failing to produce perfection?
What positive results did the Repubs produce for America during the 2000 to 2006 period when they had almost total control of all 3 branches of government?
Oh a little crime tidbit for you since that remains one of your favorite talking points.
Most Democratic controlled urban centers have shown marked reductions in homicides over the last years.
No, I am no satisfied but it does show that leadership is concerned, committed and have shown results.
UnConn... as someone who has PROUDLY supported ACTUP, and other organizations that have been on the front lines of the fight against AIDS, I can only say, you are full of it.... The AIDS fight is NOT about fighting people with AIDS, but the disease and the spread of the disease... Instead of stigmatizing people, denying access to meds and education, perhaps you could join me and others in demanding a cure and access to health care for those who are HIV+ and with full blown AIDS. FYI, I am proud that one of my many arrests came from demanding access to life saving drugs from one of the largest Pharmas based here in Philly. They were, at the time, fighting generic versions of their patented drugs to fight AIDS. Fortunately, they now support efforts to make the drugs accessible.
"The highest infant mortality rate with Black kids making up the bulk AND a high murder rate where Black people are again disproportionately represented."
And CF the slave catcher would have us believe that high infant mortality rates and high murder rates are a result of black political leadership and not poverty and unemployment.
He also neglects to explain how these phenomenon would be reversed if urban blacks voted Republican.
Because he can't.
Damn Steve is back.
CF my brother, why is it that you only hold black Democratic politicians' feet to the fire for failing to produce perfection?[/quote]
Because this is what THEY PROMISED TO YOU when YOU voted to put them into power.
What positive results did the Repubs produce for America during the 2000 to 2006 period when they had almost total control of all 3 branches of government?[/quote]
Now let's rinse and repeat:
What Positive Results in Baltimore were had with their Democratic Monopoly that allows them TO RETAIN POWER?
What Positive Results in the city of DC were had with their Democratic Monopoly that allows them TO RETAIN POWER?
What Positive Results in Atlanta were had with their Democratic Monopoly that allows them TO RETAIN POWER?
What Positive Results in Birmingham were had with their Democratic Monopoly that allows them TO RETAIN POWER?
* Milwaukee
* Chicago
* Rochester
* Newark
* Detroit
* St Louis
* Memphis
* Cleveland
Steve - seriously man.
Who are is paying you to perform?
Some of your commenters annoy me! And that was a nice jesture of the young (white) guy that shared his meal with a homeless person. I don't think it had mattered if you said white or black but I took it as just being descriptive..
Thank God you came from the heavens and shared your knowledge on this one,,,face it GO nothing is thi simple, if it were there would be no need for a racism chaser like FN.
When things get critical, Field sits with his head between his legs, sniffing his shea buttered balls hoping that lots of folks post to take away from what was currently there. Then in his mind, it's all "forgotten".
Fucking Dyke Granny is back. I have hated her since she came on to me on here that one night. Go away! Rumor has it that you and AB lick slits together.
[quote]The AIDS fight is NOT about fighting people with AIDS, but the disease and the spread of the disease... Instead of stigmatizing people, denying access to meds and education, perhaps you could join me and others in demanding a cure and access to health care for those who are HIV+[/quote]
Jody - There is no dealing with you.
You are who you are and if you are happy then who am I to comment?
Do you see that your M.O. is THE PROTEST!!!!!
For years people like you said "Stay out of my bedroom and MIND YOUR DAMNED....!!!"
Today after the results of the "Exchange of Body Fluids" shows up on the HIV TESTS........you choose to PROTEST FOR MORE HEALTH CARE - asking "How can you LEAVE US ALL ALONE and not show CONCERN FOR US?"
The societal judges were EVIL when they peeked through your bedroom door. Now they are EVIL AGAIN when they don't come in to the bedroom to see you in your hospice.
Do you at least see the perverted dichotomy in all that you are Jody? You are ultimately UNABLE to get people who's actions prove RISKY to show temperance as PROOF of their own VALUATION of themselves.
Instead you seek to OUTSOURCE THIS CONCERN for them UPON SOCIETY!!!
Even when your theories are shown for what they are IN THE PLACES WHERE THEY ARE MOST CONCENTRATED.......the RED PUSH PINS on the CDC Map of Blood Borne Diseases IS NOT ENOUGH for you to CIRCLE BACK and do some introspection of what you are BOUND TO and the DEADLY RESULTS that transpire.
It is not YOU who is deadly but the WORLD VIEW that you have been a fixed to. Death comes not by YOU rendering a knife upon the victims neck. It comes from your assumed INFERIORITY of the person to use his HUMAN INTELLIGENCE to weigh the risks that are before him.
You see the value of a 0.3 mil thick CONDOM that stands between the person and and INFECTED ORIFICE. This person might choose the "sensitive version" of the condom which is even more thin because he doesn't want to have the PROPHYLACTIC to MUTE the stimulation of his NERVE ENDINGS upon his genitals.
Jody - are these EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS worth more than the stimulation of the nerve endings on their PENIS?
If not then WHY do you disaggregate them as such?
Prove that YOU call upon THEIR OWN human intellect as the CENTRAL PART of your advocacy to keep them alive?
[quote]anon1147 said...
Fucking Dyke Granny is back. I have hated her since she came on to me on here that one night. Go away! Rumor has it that you and AB lick slits together.[/quote]
You can talk about most others BUT LEAVE GRANNY ALONE with your IGNORANCE!!!!
What if someone assaulted your mother as such?
I disagree with much of what Granny says. Despite this she has my respect for believing what she believes - after years of living where she had rationally arrived as such a point.
YOU need to make sure that your own ignorance doesn't deny you such a long life.
Granny is off limits from these type of attacks. Debate her on the merits.
it was a typical year. A Salvation Army Major in Arkansas was gunned down in front of his children on Christmas Eve. We all immediately knew what color the violent animals were.
So finally a description of the suspects has come out and verified that. The murderers were indeed field negroes without any morals, but filled with belief that they are victims - so they can do whatever they want. No justice, no peace. Uhhh huhhhh.
If the loathsome racist named GrannySquattingAfterPruneJuice has any children that live in Arkansas, they should be interrogated first. She, with her twisted racial hatred and distorted thinking, is a prime example of the type of person that breeds psychopathic attitudes.
Obama sold many of us on hope and change. After eight years of Bush, we took the bait.
But alas, we've been hoodwinked and bamboolzed again.
Obama = same you can believe in.
Let Obama be your final reminder: the master's tools cannot disassemble the master's house.
What if someone assaulted your mother as such?
THis train of thought has no merit. Each on here is someone's mother, brother, sister, friend, etc. How subjective to choose "mother".
Not that anon, but calling you out on the ignorance of that logic.
If the loathsome racist named GrannySquattingAfterPruneJuice has any children that live in Arkansas, they should be interrogated first. She, with her twisted racial hatred and distorted thinking, is a prime example of the type of person that breeds psychopathic attitudes.
YES!!!!!!!!! CF or US would not produce children like that with a lack of integrity and the victim mentality.
GREAT POINT even though those who need to hear it will not.
I too am am an "uptown" brother who claims my own mistakes and failures and does not blame society. Victims are made by folks who raise their children to be victims!
let us all rejoice, the census is beginning. Obama, in concert will white liberals, will make sure that illegal aliens will be counted as if they were citizens. The next step will be to make sure they can actually vote, by claiming that requiring ID and proof of citizenship is discrimination. Next, negroes will be forced out of government office and government jobs and replaced by Hispanics. Viva la rasa. Finally, negroes won't even be able to understand what is being said at public meetings in many cities, because the meetings will be held in Spanish (just as is already happening in Los Angeles, e.g., and many other cities).
Meanwhile, poor negroes will be forced to buy health insurance, and even after PARTIAL subsidy they'll be hit hard with the bill. But illegals will waltz into the ER just as always and get health care for free. Then ultimately, untold numbers of negroes will lose their low paying jobs because of the coming workplace quotas for Mexicans, after which the negroes can go on welfare and live that life of doom.
Using the logic that FN uses with the beginning of this post....I wonder if the person who did this is white or black...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Meanwhile, poor negroes will be forced to......
Poor people ass clown.
Does someone's disagreement make them a troll? I guess being new to the blogosphere a definition would be nice to have. Also, as someone else mentioned, a mission or something for this arena would be nice (mission does not equal censorship). A reason perhaps. Or some game rules (all games have rules don't they). Those who choose the hands off, no rules are the ones who rejoice in the mess this place has become. THey will encourage FN to keep it as is, at HIS own expense.
another brainless dipshit, this one named lovesmyblackbride, calls for censorship. If profanity were forbidden and decent language required, that asshole would himself be censored.
quote: "Poor people ass clown."
If a decent IQ were required, he'd have to make a post with some substance instead of just profane whining.
Anon 12:48
Your literacy skills are waning. I never called for a depletion of profanity. Please show me where I did, I cannot find it. Ass Clown.
quoting the profane asshole called lovesmyblackbride: "depletion"
that word is inappropriate there, look up what it means. Do the same with 'waning'.
that's what happens when some dummy uses a bigger word when a smaller word would do - you end up looking like a pretentious little dicksucker who doesn't know what the words mean. You are good for comedy, though :)
Just out of curiosity, when did this term "street pirate" come into vogue? I don't remember ever hearing it or seeing it, till it started to be used so frequently on this blog. Is this something specific to the city of Philadelphia?
Is this one of those terms white folks aren't allowed to use.....in public, anyway?
CF answers my question
"What positive results did the Repubs produce for America during the 2000 to 2006 period when they had almost total control of all 3 branches of government"
But I bet you voted for them.
I bet you voted Repub in 2008, 2009 and will again in 2010 for no reason other than they are not the Dems that most blacks vote for.
"What Positive Results in the city of DC were had with their Democratic Monopoly that allows them TO RETAIN POWER"
Higher test scores for DC public school children in 2009.
Safer streets.
I feel that the major black Democratic pols in the DC area (Fenty, Johnson and Leggett) have done an admirable job.
The sick thing is that the GOP doesn't even pay negroes like you to perform.
You do it merely for love of massa.
CF answers my question
"What positive results did the Repubs produce for America during the 2000 to 2006 period when they had almost total control of all 3 branches of government"
But I bet you voted for them.
I bet you voted Repub in 2008, 2009 and will again in 2010 for no reason other than they are not the Dems that most blacks vote for.
"What Positive Results in the city of DC were had with their Democratic Monopoly that allows them TO RETAIN POWER"
Higher test scores for DC public school children in 2009.
Safer streets.
I feel that the major black Democratic pols in the DC area (Fenty, Johnson and Leggett) have done an admirable job.
The sick thing is that the GOP doesn't even pay negroes like you to perform.
You do it merely for love of massa.
"Just out of curiosity, when did this term "street pirate" come into vogue?"
Whatup POI. Happy New Year.
"Street Pirates" is CF's pet term for black street criminals.
Aligning their behavior with the Somali vessel hijackers from earlier in 2009.
You know...."kneegrows are turrible all over the world."
Heya, Steve. Happy New Year's to you & yours as well!
And, thanks for the reply. Gotcha. I wondered why I'd never heard it any where else before.
Oh anon, you are a hot mess:
1. You didn't answer my question. As with most who are incorrect, you deflected looking for misuses of the English language.
2. Waning:
to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.: Daylight waned, and night came on. Her enthusiasm for the cause is waning.
1, 2. diminish, fail, sink. 5. diminution; failure, decay
3. Depletion:
a decline in the total amount
Now, Ass Hat, I am still looking for what you accused me of. Censorship.
"Dicksucker" ? Got homophobia much?
Most of the brothas on here moved past that vice long ago.
Loves Black Bride
The problem is not in your posts. Assnon just assumes you are white. He must not have gotten over that one either :)
"I understand the need to fight terror and to make the job easier for law enforcement, but I am not comfortable with law enforcement officials having carte blanche powers over my person."
No offense, Field, but did you read Executive_Order 12425 or the International Organizations Immunities Act prior to posting?
As far as I can tell, Obama's new directive states that INTERPOL is governed under International Organizations Immunities Act with no exemptions; specifically the following exemptions are removed:
2c) Immunity to search and confiscation
2d) being treated like a foreign government for importation, registration, and communication
3) Immunity to taxation/duties for effects/baggage.
4) Immunity to taxation as if they were a foreign government.
5) Immunity to the Social Security Tax (and similar taxes) as if they were a foreign government.
So under the change, INTERPOL pays less taxes, and is immune from search and seizure. This seems like an improvement to me, and likely what International Organizations Immunities Act intended.
Sounds pretty good to me.
I coined the term Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser
Probably one of the top five blog comments of all time.I have to admit that was good.
I agree with you though often times racism chasers utilize racism as a means of suppressing criticism. Like if anyone as much as side eyes Israel, a bunch of Non Semitic descendants of Euro-Judaic converts (had to give a shot too) calls you an anti-Semite.Similarly people who characterize every criticism of Obama as being racist.
I "racism chase" to remind myself that America is nation where people function upon stereotypes.Where people will make certain assumption by just looking at the color of my skin, before they even ask me a single question.
And in American the stereotypes associated with blacks are more entrenched and enduring than most other racial stereotypes.Worst yet they are quickly adopted by immigrants from other racial groups.
then we best start living life in such a way that we don't give reason for stereotyping.
Hey Bob, Happy New Year!
I hate to disappoint you but I'm straight and I've been straight all of my life. Nevertheless, I have nothing against people who choose that lifestyle. In fact, most of them make better friends then some straight people, if they like you. They will stand behind you one hundred percent through the good and bad times.
I feel sorry for you that your vocabulary is so limited to the point that you bring nothing to the discussion table because you lack the intelligence and class to do so. Therefore, to make yourself feel better about your insecurities your conversation is limited to a few vicious and degrading soundbites that, frankly, don't impress, phase, or move me one bit.
Why don't you try going back to school to gain some knowledge so that you can sit down and join us adults and contribute to a decent and enlightening conversation. Instead of coming on a blog of professional highly educated people illustrating and demonstrating how ignorance impedes mental growth and breeds a lower element of human beings.
BTW, I do not teach violence, but I do teach self-defense. Not one of my kids or grandkids have ever been accused of committing a violent act on anyone, they are well-liked and respected in my community, nor have they ever seen the inside of a jailhouse. Nor do they drink or do drugs. They were raised in a two parent home and are decent, law-abiding, respectable, and mannerable. My children work for a living and are probably making more money than you.
Nevertheless, if you were to disrespect me in person, I would have to put my foot knee deep in your ass to keep them from committing a violent act on you and even then that might be impossible. You see, unlike your mother I earned the title mother and momma in my house with respect. I raised my children and instilled values in them. Too bad, judging from your conversation, that your mother lacked those skills. Evidently,you're a product of incest. At least that would explain some of your warped and twisted thinking.
BTW, if you decide to go back to school, I might even chip in and help you pay for it. I love doing my part in saving youths from self-destructive behavior.
who choose that lifestyle
Sorry Granny, I doubt you are that close to too many gay peeps because you would know that there is no lifestyle "choice". They are born that way, not choose.
So you can stop trying to play the "I have a gay friend card" it's like the "I have a black friend card" very tired.
Care for some prune juice anyone?
Sorry, you are the weakest link. Buh By.
For your information, I do have some gay friends, and gay family members too. I don't go around snooping, questioning, and enquiring and asking them why they are like they are, because it really is none of my business. I know other things to talk to about with them other than their own personal business.
BTW, anonymous, I know that you are gay, but you are one of those vicious, hateful, and nasty low-class gays. You don't fit in the same category as many of them who have some class and are good people.
BTW, I have a nephew and cousins that are gay. I even have a friend that had the sex-change operation, and looks better than some of these high fashion models and is very graceful and sophisticated.
sure you do granny, sure you do.
Smh! Do you really for one minute think that I care what you think?
Hey Field:
Did you get that e-mail I sent you with that link in it to an article?
BTW, I hope that you enjoyed New Years Eve and that your New Year is full of blessings, peace, and prosperity.
When you cease to respond, then we will know you don't care.
Read my fonts. I could give a flying... what you or your many disguises think. Got that? You want to play games, well, I got time today to play them with you. However, it would be to your benefit to leave me alone and move along.
And now the trolls feel bold enough to attack Granny, of all people.
rayray and anon, sit your tired asses down. We get all of our buckdancing buffoonery from CF as it stands. We sure as hell don't need more of it.
Goddamn, this place has gone to SHIT. Field, get off your ass and do something other than enjoying the chaos you got going on here.
your benefit to leave me alone and move along.
my balls are shaking. I am so glad you're back granny. You are probably a toothless old man in a bra.
Mack: That is the sad part, FN enjoys this chaos. He loves the ratings.
Stop being baited and shut up!!!!
Then he will go away.
I second what folks have said about Interpol having limited ability to actually come in and arrest folks and you know what, even if they could, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. As if we have never swooped in somewhere, scooped someone up and spirited them out of a country. I'm sure that generally "officially" we haven't done it and the countries where we have done it generally weren't "officially" advised that we were doing it but you know we've done it.
LOL! Nah, I got all my teeth, hair, limbs, no wrinkles, and I am definitely a straight female. Your comment was funny though. LOL!
Oh yeah, and thank you! I'm glad to be back.
Nah, regardless, whether I respond or not, they are not gonna go away because Field allows them the privilege of causing chaos and talking trash. If that wasn't the case, they would be gone by now, instead of multiplying. He gave them an open invitation to do and say whatever they please and his permission to show their asses on his blog. Therefore, he shouldn't mind when people get fed up and tired of the BS and start letting the trolls know that their not the only ones who know how to show their ass. Open invitations to cause chaos only open the door to bring out the worse in people instead of an intelligent and civil conversation. Ice melts and so does steel!
To kill a poisonous snake, you chopped off its head, you don't just stand back and gaze at it or it will bite you every time. The trolls have been spouting out poisonous venom on a daily basis towards most of the regular people on this blog including field. Well, I'm not gone put up with the BS. If they don't mess with me, I won't mess with them and that's the bottom line!!!
Field allows them the privilege of causing chaos and talking trash. If that wasn't the case, they would be gone by now, instead of multiplying. He gave them an open invitation to do and say whatever they please and his permission to show their asses on his blog.
Herein lies the problem.
I LOVE CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK! What a logical, noble mind ... always cuts through all the BS ... YOU, CF, are the reason I keep reading this blog. You keep it real. Thank you, Field, for letting this man have a dissenting voice. A left-brainer on a right-brain blog.
I can't even remember what the topic was.
Someone hear has no idea what the census is about...
Welcome back Granny....
Too many posters/trolls here really believe that ignorance is bliss...
I understand how the stupidity of some makes another desire a reprive from here...
[quote]"street pirate"[/quote]
Person of Interest -
Here is how the label "Street Pirate" came to be.
Remember when the 3 Somali "Pirates" had the White American ship captain held hostage?
During this same time Atlanta and most other large cities were going through what I termed "The Bloody Summer of 2009". At the time I was seeking to bring consciousness to UptownSteve and others that while Bowie MD is indeed safe - as Steve notes - there were other Black communities who's RESIDENTS were being terrorized.
I noticed that despite all of the "Black people CRYING on the Evening News" none of this was garnering traction among the "Protectors of Blackness".
Then it happened!!!!!!
Our COMMANDER IN CHIEF gave the green light for a group of WHITE "Navy Seals" to shoot the three Somali PIRATES in the head in order to save one WHITE MAN.
This was not the key issue though, Person Of Interest.
I then looked back to AMERICA and I noted that Steve, Filled Negro and the entire AFROSPEAR contingent:
* DID NOT demand that the Seals use TASERS to "electrocute the Somalis using non-lethal weapons
* DID NOT make the case that A HUMAN LIFE was worth NEGOTIATING ALL DAY LONG until they released the hostage
* DID NOT Charge Barack Obama with the DENIGRATION of African Life by the fact that 3 BLACK AFRICANS DIED to spare the life of ONE WHITE MAN.
Instead, Person Of Interest THEY WERE CHEERING!!!!!!!!!
This was a "TEST FOR OBAMA'S TOUGHNESS" at the helm of the US Hegemonic POWER's Captain's Chair".
He did as BUSH and most others who THEY call "White Supremacists" would have done - he SHOT 3 AFRICANS SQUARELY IN THE HEAD.
So I linked two and two together Person Of Interests.
HOW DO I provoke this same group to act the same way with those domestic "Street Thugs" (as I had been calling them up till that point?)
I saw that when an AFRICAN was labeled a PIRATE - he lost his individual WORTH amongst the Progressive-Fundamentalist.
Thus since these "Domestic Street Thugs" were effectively doing "PIRATE ATTACKS" all throughout Metro Atlanta and beyond - the name seemed fitting.
Thus the name "Murderous Street Pirate" was adopted with the two fold goal:
* Labeling their actions appropriately
* Compelling some CONSCIOUSNESS among those who ten to put IDEOLOGY AND POLITICS above the real world actions that are transpiring WITHIN the same communities that THEY CLAIM that their POLITICAL ADVOCACY is intended to improve.
(Just look at the line of challenges that WhiteBowieSteve runs against me. I am more offensive to him because I am not a Democrat than the monopoly position that the Democrats have over these areas that the STREET PIRATES make their "ports of call", disembark and then ASSAULT someone.)
Thanks Cinco, I'm glad to be back.
I then looked back to AMERICA and I noted that Steve, Filled Negro and the entire AFROSPEAR contingent:
etc. etc.
How do we get folks to see this? Because your post is 100% true.
[quote]I feel that the major black Democratic pols in the DC area (Fenty, Johnson and Leggett) have done an admirable job.[/quote]
About a year ago you bragged that Prince Georges county was far safer than Washington DC (and it is). You pointed to GOOD GOVERNMENT by the Democrats that are in charge. PGC had 150 "only" murders that made you PROUD.
I then pulled up geographically adjacent Montgomery County MD. Despite being the same geographic land mass they ONLY had "15 murders" to PGC's 150. 10 times less!!!!
Here is what I don't understand about you Steve.
Last Friday at 12:00 and 1 second THE YTD MURDER COUNTS were wiped clean on EVER POLICE HOMICIDE DIVISION's dry erase board.
MY argument is that NO MURDER that will happen this year is PRE-DESTINED!!!! They happen in the context of what transpires amongst the people.
YOU and other OBFUSCATORS like to point to "population density" and "poverty" and "education" as the primary forces that CAUSE homicide.
I argue that the greatest forces that produce homicide is:
* What goes UNMANAGED among the "equal human beings" that are never tasked to arrive at a higher consciousness
* What is SUBSIDIZED in the way of definitive mental associations and behavioral norms
The thing that I resent about you, Jody, Filled Negro and so many others is that you place your 'FIX' upon DEFEATING some amorphous EXTERNAL force that is always holding you back from entrance into the Garden Of Eden.
The more you LEAVE THE PEOPLE you intend to HELP as you go OFF to fight these ideological enemies with the intent to bring home the spoils and WASH THOSE IN NEED CLEAN per your gratis - THE MORE these people become INVALID!!!!
You remove your expectations that they (as equal human beings) need to play a part in THEIR OWN SALVATION. Instead it appears that YOU want to position yourself as the celebrity host that is taking pictures handing over the oversized CHECK as you are cheezing.
All the while you are unable to see the truth WhiteBowieSteve!!!! The more you WIN in the way of your political land grab the larger the scope of people get treated to your perverted notion of societal governance.
You have failed to build them into people that you want as neighbors. Instead you prefer them as customers in your SOUP LINE.
If every last Republican or Conservative was pushed into the Ocean this would not bring you one step closer to your goal.
You would merely make NEW REPUBLICANS who you claim are standing against you.
For Field's Consideration:
Tea Party Leader Had N-Word Sign at Rally
Wait a minute now CF, you must be having a lapse of memory because all on the blog was not shouting and rejoicing regarding the Somalia pirates.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Here is something interesting for you folks to read.
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the article. The Europeans have been dumping their toxic wastes in Somalian waters, and stealing their seafood for years. It was from sheer hardship and desperation that Somalian pirates evolved. It is only natural that the Somalian people see them as a kind of 'Robin Hood'.
The media won't talk about it because it is too shameful to admit that they have taken advantage of a poor helpless country. They certainly don't want to look small in the eyes of the world, which they truly are. Additionally, the Europeans have never valued the lives of Africans anyway. So don't expect the media to be concerned about Somalian lives. Their media is like the media here... Blacks get killed everyday but don't make the news either, unless there is some advantage to do so. Heck, there have been black children missing for years that have never made the news here.
However, I am hoping at some point, Obama will challenge those European countries about their shameless greedy unconscionable acts. Meanwhile, I hope those pirates will leave us alone because we are their only chance for help. Otherwise, they will force Obama to hand them their butts, like today.
Justice58 said...
mysterious European ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first they suffered strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Then, after the 2005 tsunami, hundreds of the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People began to suffer from radiation sickness, and more than 300 died.
Granny, I just read this at Jack and Jill Politics today.
Just dump toxic waste on the black folks? No clean-up. No compensation. Then stealing their food supply. How are they going to live?
And you wonder why some resort to piracy?
I'm justifying piracy but damn!
marci said...
thanks for the above explanation of the somalis plight - saved me doing it!..
i have been siding with the pirates precisely because of this.. have rolled around with glee at their boldness and sheer audacity (i do so love a true david and goliath tale..)
yes.. this may be a way for obama to reach out to and help 'black africa' as opposed to 'arab africa'..
maybe this is where hilary can start to earn her keep...
ch555x said...
Glad to see this particular event is over with, but something needs to be done concerning Somalia's current condition. The piracy issues have been discussed for a while (it's not just them!). I wish the AU, not the EU, could get control of this.
Justice58 said...
something needs to be done concerning Somalia's current condition.
Definitely. They need to clean up the damn toxic waste and stop stealing these poor people's food supply!!!!!!!!!
Lady-Cracker said...
So the warlords accepted money to take the toxic waste. See prior comments.
The fishermen are pirating to keep the toxic dumpers out and to chase away other fishers and exacting additional compensation for the toxic waste and fishing.
The Volunteer Navy of Somalia needs to use some of that compensation to acquire a superior spokesperson and additionally a world class lawyer.
There should be motions, petitions, exposes et cetera for the Somalian rights. The Somalians should be using the full spectrum of fighting these wrongs, there are world courts and they need to chase other forms of warfare, that can be as much or more effective than RPG's.
Yes they are just "poor" fishermen, but intelligent, motivated people and about to plan and organize sophisticated raids. They would do well to continue to the world's media and the world courts, now that they have our attention.
As much as you gotta love the RPG's, Somalia has little future pursuing this in terms of "might."
Frank Drackman said...
"Win"? Schmin...
Just another example of the Man keepin a Brutha down...
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Imagine if a white president had made the call to have the Somalis shot. We'd never hear the end of the racism charges."
I guess your overlooking the part about it was a white establishment that caused this mess in the first place by dumping toxic waste into their water. That's called environment racism, you ever heard of that?
Now, their trying to make the Somalia people out of the bad guys instead of victims of environment racism. Instead of trying to work with them and clean up the toxic waste, they'd rather label them the bad guys. How convenient and historical! Smh! Already their trying to slip in a label and get them classified as terrorist. Therefore, I guess, any and all countries white establishments messed over and destroy are considered terrorist, huh?
One question to you? How would you feel if another country that was predominantly black was dumping toxic waste in our waters? Nevermind, I think I probably already know the answer they would be labeled terrorist and thugs.
5:33 PM
allheavens said...
I know extreme poverty is driving some of these men to piracy. Piracy has become an economic equalizer for the $300 million dollars worth of fish being poached by Asian and European countries from Somali waters each year. The pirate ransoms equating to about $100 million, a little less than half of what is being poached.
Few countries have diplomatic relationships with Somali since the fall of the Barre regime in 1991. No power is seen as holding the sovereign authority over the state. So who do these countries negotiate with in these matters?
This is a dangerous game that is being played and one Somalians cannot win. Countries like Russia, China, Germany, Spain, U.S. and France are going to bring down the wrath of God, along with the hefty weight of their military upon the Somali pirates if this continues.
I cringe when I think about the possible outcomes.
11:39 PM
For the last eight years the Republican party ran America so far in the ground, until it might take eight more years to dig it out of the ground.
The Republican party wasn't worried about crime in those eight years either, they were more concerned with starting wars with countries that were not at war with us, which is why we're in Afghan to this day.
Now, the Democratic Party might not be perfect but they not the cause of cities deteriorating with crime. The Republican Party and CIA were responsible for flooding our neighborhoods with drugs and guns. Not to mention, the alcohol industry is responsible for flooding our neighborhoods with billboards advertising alcohol with slogans telling folks that alcohol is good for them and leads to a life of luxury to a people who have little hope and are deprived of economic wealth due to USA laws and statutes that were made to prevent them from accumulating wealth.
I meant to say making it seem like drinking alcohol is a life of glamour instead of destruction to the mind and body.
Thanks Field, for nothing you god damned pussy. I hope you don't shirk responsibility like this at work.
One thing I can give the GOP folks credit for is that they are persistent in their mindset and desires for this country. Yessiree bop! I mean you have to give it to them they show solidarity in their beliefs. Check this out!
Not only that, they let you know where they stand. Check this out!
And check out some of their beliefs:
Granny, nice to see you back. To the extent that's it's possible to "like" someone online, I've liked you, and I definitely respect your contributions.
My New Year's Resolution here is to be true to my point of view but to try to avoid the same tired bitch fests.
Now, the average New Year's Resolution lasts a couple weeks, so we'll see how this one fares. The only one I've ever kept was about 15 years ago when I resolved to make an effort to hand out sincere compliments when warranted, on the theory that they are so rare, and can change the lives, at least for the moment, of both the giver and the receiver.
Telling people when you're satisfied is a really powerful thing, as long as it's real and not just some empty gesture. I did it a little while ago at a McDonald's of all places.
Walked in the Monday after Christmas, and the assistant manager was behind the counter to take my order. Friendly black guy (hey if Field can mention the white woman and the homeless guy, then I can say the guy at Mickey D's was black). Asked if I'd had a good Christmas, and I said yeah, I had spent it with family.
He said he did too, and I said that's a good thing because a lot of people don't have any family. I was thinking of a story I had seen in the paper about people who had gathered for free turkey dinner. The guy agreed, and said if I'd wait for 45 seconds for my fries it'd be a fresh batch and worth the wait.
So I waited, then got the stuff and ate it inside. The place was a couple cuts above the average McD's in the decor. It was pleasant to sit there, didn't feel like the usual factory. While I was there, an employee was mopping the floor, which was already clean enough to eat off of.
I looked around and thought, man, this place is spotless. Someone definitely gives a damn here. So, I finished my food, went back to the counter. The guy whp'd served me was back over near the fry cooker. I motioned to him and he came over and I asked if he was the manager.
He said no, but there the manager was around and I could talk to him if I wanted. From the look on his face, he was getting ready for a complaint. I said no need for a manager, that I thought maybe he was. He said no, I'm the assistant. I said well, I just wanted to tell you that this is a really impressive McDonald's. My food was great, the place is clean as a whistle and you really run a tight ship, and have a happy new year.
No big problems got solved there, but like Field and the woman feedig the homeless guy, it was a moment. I made that guy's afternoon. You could see it on his face, and it felt damn good. People don't run by getting kicked in the ass all day.
So at the risk of being sappy and corny, take note of the one New Year's Resolution I have ever kept. Look for ways to let people know when you're happy. Doesn't have to be a big thing. In fact, the little ways can be better, because they tell people that someone paid attention to what they were trying to do.
This shit works. There is a brotherhood of the civilized out there, and its existence counteracts the crap that the Bushes, the Cheneys and the rest of the sick fucks think they are getting ahead by doing. Or at least that's what I like to tell myself when I'm in a good mood.
Over 'n out. Give me a couple weeks and I'll be back to yelling at y'all, but not now.
Hey Grinder, I enjoyed your comments. You ever considered writing a book? I think you'd be good at it because as I was reading what your comments, it was as if I was sitting right next to you in McDonalds. I could visualize the whole scene.
BTW, Happy New Year, peace and blessings to you.
"About a year ago you bragged that Prince Georges county was far safer than Washington DC (and it is). You pointed to GOOD GOVERNMENT by the Democrats that are in charge. PGC had 150 "only" murders that made you PROUD.
I then pulled up geographically adjacent Montgomery County MD. Despite being the same geographic land mass they ONLY had "15".
murders" to PGC's 150. 10 times less!!!!
Montgomery County is run by a black Democratic County Executive and a majority liberal Democratic County Council.
What's your point?
Montgomery County is also in the top ten most affluent jurisdictions in America.
"I argue that the greatest forces that produce homicide is:
* What goes UNMANAGED among the "equal human beings" that are never tasked to arrive at a higher consciousness
* What is SUBSIDIZED in the way of definitive mental associations and behavioral norms."
This is out and out meaningless drivel.
What you are attempting to say in code is that PG County has 10 times more homicides than Montgomery County because they have ten time more blacks.
You make me physically ill.
Granny, actually I was considering writing a book. The main character is a CEO of a fraudulent internet company. He is a cannibal, but he only eats the guilty, mostly investment bankers. The rest of the time, he's a vegan. What do you think?
What you waiting on? Go for it!
obama's agenda is a new world order/global slavery and endless elitist abuses
martial law must go global too...
the international sagas have just begun
All thanks to Dr Ohehe for curing my HIV positive to Negative, i do not have much to say but with all my life i will for ever be grateful to him and God Almighty for using Dr Ohehe to reach me when i thought it is all over, today am happy with my two kids and my husband after the medical doctor have confirmed my HIV status Negative,i have never in my life believed that HIV could be cure by any herbal medicine. so i want to use this means to reach other persons who have this disease by testifying the wonderful herbs and power of Dr Ohehe that all is not lost yet, try and contact him by any means with his email: ohehenemenspelltemple001@gmail.com
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All thanks to Dr makuta for curing my HIV positive to Negative, i do not have much to say but with all my life i will for ever be grateful to him and God Almighty for using Dr makuta to reach me when i thought it is all over, today am happy with my two kids and my husband after the medical doctor have confirmed my HIV status Negative,i have never in my life believed that HIV could be cure by any herbal medicine. so i want to use this means to reach other persons who have this disease by testifying the wonderful herbs and power of Dr makuta that all is not lost yet, try and contact him by any means with his email: makutaspellcaster@gmail.com
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