What happened last Friday in Baltimore was extraordinary. His O ness went there to meet Republicans face to face, and to take them on for a little rumble in crab cake country. (No offense, Baltimore is a fine city with some wonderful people. But couldn't the rethugs have picked another spot for their retreat? It's not even an hour from D.C. Sorry, that doesn't sound like much of a retreat to me.)
I saw some of it on cable television, and it was high drama. You just knew his O ness wanted to go Southside but couldn't. His tongue must be sore from all that biting he did. The rethugs wanted to get medieval on his ass as well. Call him a few choice words; tell him what they really think of his beige behind, but they couldn't, either. Isn't A-merry-can civility wonderful? (That look Boehner gave his O ness as they shook hands was priceless.)
"The Republicans agreed to let TV cameras inside, resulting in an extended, point-by-point interchange that was almost unprecedented in U.S. politics, and rarely witnessed outside of Presidential Debates.The President and GOP House members took turns questioning and oft- times lecturing each other for over an hour at the gathering, and neither side could resist the chance to challenge and even scold the other. "
I think it was a bad move on the republicans part to let the cameras in. It looked like they were ganging up on O and that he was taking the high road. Even when he started scolding and lecturing them it looked as if his actions were justified. The rethugs, on the other hand, had to have known that their most rabid supporters would be watching the video clips of the event at some point, and their strained attempt to muster a conflict and disagreements at every turn came off as petty and uncalled for. Memo to the GOP: Most A-merry-cans- unlike moi-are looking for bi-partisanship. That face-off with O did not look like the republicans are looking for it as well. It looked like more of the same: Block; block; block; and oppose everything at every turn.
"With many Americans from all over the political spectrum angry about partisanship and legislative logjams, both sides were eager to demonstrate they were ready to cooperate, resulting in the GOP invitation and Obama’s acceptance. Friday’s exchanges showed that Mr. Obama and the Republicans remain far apart on key issues. It remains to be seen if that divide can be narrowed during the coming weeks."
It can't be "narrowed". Not now. It's too close to the next election. They might not have said it, but sometimes actions can speak much louder than words.
Just remember who sent you to Washington, O. While you keep trying to have Kumbaya moments with your enemies, your friends are getting restless.
On a side note: After a little dust up with some trolls the other day, I found myself checking my statcounter. Needless to say that I was pleasantly surprised to find that we have gotten over two million hits on our little blog. I am not sure when exactly we hit that milestone, but to all of you who keep checking into the fields to give your minds a workout, I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks!
To the haters....*middle finger up*
those GOP clowns got spanked,schooled AND owned! It was beautiful!
Here's a link to the event:
I'm no fan of Obama (in my book authorising the killing of pakistani civilians en masse makes you an asshole) but even I was impressed tonight. Obama may be a corporate scumbag but he handed it to those bigger, scummier corporate scumbags and with the current political situation I suppose thats good enough.
I agree with classybf... and I want to point out that for over 90 minutes, he gave knowledgeable, thoughtful, FACTUAL responses to all of their questions (that for the most part were not questions, but instead talking points)... He was clear, not overly wonky, and make a very compelling argument for his positions. And, he did it without looking at notes or using a teleprompter. I loved that he pointed out that the repubs have created prevents them from working with him.. They have convinced their own base that he is out to destroy America, so they will lose support if they are seen working with him... that was friggin brilliant. The rethugs can't have it both ways. They can't scream we want bi-partisanship while at the same time saying he is a danger to America... and he nailed em on that. It was the best political interaction I have seen in a very, very long time. That was the man I voted for... nice to see him again.
Boehner always has that grimace look on his face and yesterday was even more so. I am more interesting why his face so orange, he has more color than the President.
I believe it was a bad move for the GOP to have the question and answer period televised, but they did not have much of a choice as they could not say that the President is not being transparent. I thought it was classic television. This could have an affect (when did impact replace the word affect?)on the 2010 election, particularly if democratic base can become energize from this event, but will have to wait and see because the democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Just to think a few nights ago some republican analysts accused the President for not being presidental in his State of the Union address or having leadership, but that all changed yesterday afternoon after addressing the GOP. You have admit that Obama is probably one of the best politicans in our lifetime, but great appreciation will not occur until after we are longer here.
John Boehner is such a gentle kind looking man. I know he wants to cooperate, but his black constituents in his home state won't let him.
I couldn't agree with you more. It was political theater, no one could written a better script. The GOP can no longer accuse him of he only reads off the teleprompter. And it was a brilliant move from the White House to have that Q&A segment televised. Loved it. He is playing chess while everyone else is play checkers. I loved when he told the GOP they voted against the stimulus package not exactly radical, and they were taking photos at ribbon cutting ceremony on those projects that benefited from the SP.
Anon: 10:46
Can I ask you to clarify the comment you written? I remember when John Boehner at the beginning of last year called a press conference with the GOP's own version of the stimulus package, and came empty-handed. Boehner came with binder with no budgetary numbers to prove that their plan would work. There was no plan.
It ain't hard to make the Republicans look bad. All you have to do is tell the truth and cite facts and they are pretty much dead in the water. They are greasy, lying corporate whores and the only reason they have any chance at all this year is because of the Blue Dog sellouts. I want to see our President take on THOSE bastards next.
Politically, this was the equivalent of an old samurai movie where the lone ronin rolls into an enemy shogun's fief and slices through his army of guards. The Republicans tried to pounce of Obama and they got schooled on TV.
This shows that Obama's neither a punk or a dummy. For everyone bitching about him being a Beige Jimmy Carter and a rather milquetoast SOUA. I think year two is when he takes the gloves off. And before anyone starts calling me an Obama drone (that means you Alicia and CF) think of this as strictly political theater -- the Republican invited him to their meeting with cameras on. And they got shown as petty and snippy.
To many of the lefty Obama-haters, we agree on more than you think. Obama will be a one term President if he doesn't show some real progressive/populist change.
And I emphasize populist and not merely a laundry list of lefty causes. Despite the net-roots ideals, going hard left in this country is a death nell for any President. We will a serious shift in culture to allow for true progressive changes in this country.
"I am more interesting why his face so orange, he has more color than the President."
It's more of a burnt orange that is a mark of being from the liberal South. Not all Southerners can acquire this leather color of distinction. :0
President Obama should exercise caution when schooling Republican elected officials. They may pull a Bob Allen and give him a blow job out of "black panic". Their first reaction when feeling threatened by a black man is to put on the knee pads and apply suction. At least, that seems to be the case if they are from Flori-duh.
As for trolls, how many of those 2M hits are from Constipated Feedbag and our favorite cracker, Frank D.? The haters love them some Field, they just can't admit it.
The President was Brilliant, they thought they were going to set him up, but, he was Prepared for them! each and every time they thought they had him, he came back like a WARRIOR! he didn't let them Intimidate him!
This was something to see, and if that was not enough, the Republican's wanted to STOP, but, he said, NO! I'm having FUN!
The President let the Republican's know he had been keeping up with them, he called them out on the Stimulus money! the RIBBON CUTTING, see, these are thing's the MEDIA know about, but, will NOT inform the public about!
The President know's full well that, the REPUBLICAN'S have been saying and doing RACIST thing's toward's him, but, he called it Politic's! he was Brilliant!
Brother Field..White Male Jealousy (wmj)in action. I read a lot about our president's shortcomings. He can't be too bad... unless the job all these guys want means nothing. I will continue to visit MY best site. Thank you Brother, You AND your commenters tells me we ain't ALL bad.
Congratulations, brother Field, from deep in the Indian subcontinent. I can't let being a few thousand miles away from home keep me from checkin' in here in the fields.
LACoincidental-- beautiful analogy, and spot on-- it was like watching Toshiro Mifune laying the Vegematic on some daimyo's krewe, no lie. It was a beautiful thing.
I don't second guess his O-ness. I may disagree with him from time to time, but he IS one bad mutha-(shut yo' mouth!)rangends
The rethugs, on the other hand, had to have known that their most rabid supporters would be watching the video clips of the event at some point...
Except that FOX News kept cutting away during the Q&A to offer commentary from their talking heads and saying they would wait for "the Republican response."
Say what?
Obama was being usual laid back self...People who watched to Q&A will be either political junkies, Anti-Obama fans ( hoping for gotcha moment) or outright fans of Obama...
I would take a while guess and say a huge number of anti-fans watched it in hopes of seeing Obama slip up....I could care less what was said at the Q&A and most Americans...We are to busy trying to find jobs to watch this crap...
The best part to me was when Obama mentioned the incompetence and how they have been misleading the public with their bullshit hype.
correction: I meant the "Media".
Field said: "To the haters....*middle finger up* "
A tad hypocritical Field........
"LACoincidental-- beautiful analogy, and spot on-- it was like watching Toshiro Mifune laying the Vegematic on some daimyo's krewe, no lie. It was a beautiful thing.
I don't second guess his O-ness. I may disagree with him from time to time, but he IS one bad mutha-(shut yo' mouth!)rangends"
Now that was a beautiful comment. :)
"It ain't hard to make the Republicans look bad. All you have to do is tell the truth and cite facts and they are pretty much dead in the water. They are greasy, lying corporate whores"
Gee Ernesto, why don't you tell us how you really feel? :)
George, about your "corporate scumbag" comment. I am not sure where you are with your politics, but how many people to the left of center do you think consider O a tool of major corporations? I am guessing a lot more than people think, which might be one of his problems going forward.
"Boehner always has that grimace look on his face and yesterday was even more so. I am more interesting why his face so orange, he has more color than the President."
hennasplace, it's called a tanning bed. :)
StillAPanther2, thanks my brother, you know I have mad love for you and others who served as well. I saw "The Hurt Locker" last night on DVD and I thought about all of you vets.
Concerning my politics I would consider myself a social democrat, but I suppose many people would consider me more of a neo-marxist.
Anyway, to clarify my 'corporate scumbag' comment; I suppose I am a little bit harsh on Obama because he's no more of a corporate shill than any other politician in washington. Maybe I'm pissed because I expected the man to be a progressive force both nationally (reversing neo-liberal economic policy, stop capitulating to the religious fanatics) and internationally (to stop dropping bombs on brown people), when really he's always been a centrist democrat. I should have known from the start that the Democrats were a 'lesser of two evils' rather than a force for good, I guess I got caught up in that whole hope'n'change bullshit for a minute.
With that depressing shit out the way, this whole 'question time' thing was a great success for Obama and I hope it becomes a regular thing like it is in the UK, its good to have this kind of accountability/scrutiny in government.
I know Boehner is tanning, lol, but thinks he does too much of it because everything he appears on my TV screen, he manages to offscreen the hue. He gives me an impression that he is only interested in his vanity. I think he is conceited and has not offered much. I thought it was also interesting that he allowed Mike Pence to do the addressing of the President, andother impression that Boehner cannot ever so bother. It is an indication that Boehner is not going to play ball as it were. Boehner is vacuous and has nothing to offer than orange hue.
I always President Obama to be pragmatic person. The political reality is that he cannot change the climate in Washington in one day. This has been going on for years and change does not come in one big wave. I think we in this country have instant gratification in wanting everything done now and that is not how life works. It isn't realistic that one person can do it all by himself because he always said during the campaign trail that he could not do it alone. That is the problem with setting a high standard because we forget about the variables seen and unseen that throw a wrench into meeting the standard. Progress means to move forward and even that is a process that may not happen overnight. There are times when does have think long-term.
field negro said...
I don't second guess his O-ness. I may disagree with him from time to time, but he IS one bad mutha-(shut yo' mouth!)rangends"
Yeah, it takes some ________ to go straight into the lions den, LOL!!!
FYI, we've got another Black Miss America!!!
To paraphrase Malcolm X; massa sick, house-slave sez, massa we sick.
Conservative republicans get spanked, conservative Negroes say, massa we got spanked.
[quote]While you keep trying to have Kumbaya moments with your enemies, your friends are getting restless. [/quote]
Filled Negro and other members of the "Obama Manhood Protectors Clan"
Can I ask you a question?
WHY is it that you get off on Obama's VERBAL performances more than you make note about the grand SQUANDER that we have just witness?
I mean, aside from places like Chicago and Detroit we don't get to see ONE PARTY DOMINATION of Washington DC as we did in 2009.
* The Presidency
* A sound majority in the House
Despite this fact - the signature legislation that the PROGRESSIVES want so badly has failed passage.
Thus as you seek to "self-chum" the forces back into feeling good about themselves - at the expense of some Republican - you make note of the verbal performance of Obama, yet again.
CAN WE ALL AGREE - Barack Obama is a good SPEAKER. Let's remove this from the table.
WHAT SAY YOU about his ability to MANAGE?
* Manage to marshal his FEDERAL DEMOCRATS and the sound majorities that they have toward legislation and policies that are favorable to you?
Seriously folks - As I develop the field of "Progressive-ology" I ask you to make the following inference: For those of you who BELIEVE that your ideology ONLY NEEDS MORE POWER to implement its agenda and that the AGENDA ITSELF is not in need of some introspection - please note that 2009 has SHOWN CLEARLY that even at the height of power that can be expected in this diverse nation of America - the failure to deliver was STILL blamed upon the OBSTRUCTION OF THE CONSERVATIVE ENEMY rather than the failure to deliver when the 3 golden rings were in hand.
I wonder if any of you can see the NECESSITY to focus on the "VEHICLE" named Obama and his shiny rims and leather seats that you are so comfortable with. YOU NEED TO be focused upon that 9 inch screen that pops up out of the dashboard when you press the button. Your friends have been impressed by the mechanism that makes it come up and down smoothly.
YOU NEED TO BE LOOKING AT THE MAPS THAT IT SHOWS and the LOCATION that the GPS indicator is flashing.
(Summary - you all focus too much on the VESSEL and its accouterments instead of the DESTINATION)
[quote]Conservative republicans get spanked, conservative Negroes say, massa we got spanked.[/quote]
After this retreat did the results that you saw:
* Translate into MEASURABLE IMPROVEMENT of the education that any Black kid has access to?
* Stifle any "Street Pirate On Black" homicide that will no doubt occur on this weekend which started at 12:01 am on Friday morning?
* Take the intelligent mind of a single Black person and allow them to APPLY THEIR BRILLIANCE to a work environment from which they will receive a SALARY?
So tell me, NSignificant- putting aside the "Self-Chuming" and mental masturbatory benefit that you have received from watching this C-SPAN bit - HOW WERE YOUR PERMANENT INTERESTS ADVANCED one bit?
Why is it that this straw man "Negro Conservative" is so important to you and WhiteBowieSteve yet when we look at the places where the MACHINE UPON WHICH OBAMA SITS ATOP OF indeed GRABS HOLD OF TOTAL POWER LOCALLY - these permanent interests too often seem to be assailed.
Might it be BECAUSE of Negroes like YOU are now playing the part of another famous speech by the great Malcolm X?
Previously the "Negro" was the FOOTBALL in the game between the White Liberal and the White Conservative.
IN YOUR perverted sense of advancement you believe that by being let into the game and now wearing the uniforms of one side of the combatants that YOUR INTERESTS are now being advanced. In truth you merely are an operative just the same.
SNL weekend update had a humorous but accurate analysis last night of obama's performance and how the GOP should have known how it would turn out, with nods to raiders of the lost ark and aquaman.
[quote]The political reality is that he cannot change the climate in Washington in one day. This has been going on for years and change does not come in one big wave. I think we in this country have instant gratification in wanting everything done now and that is not how life works.[/quote]
Do you note that the biggest "vacuous" spot in your analysis is that you ACCEPT OBAMA'S version of change in Washington DC - hook, line and sinker.
Why don't you consider the antics of Nancy Pelosi, for example and make note OF IF Obama has pulled her chain OR why he reserves his most pointed attacks against the Conservative MINORITY?
The ONLY reason way you are yielding to the "CHANGE" mantra is because it is the type of CHANGE that YOU HAVE believed in.
I would be more confident in the MACHINE that now has a hold over the entire nation IF they can go to the local places where they have dominate control and can show their competence economically, academically, public safety-wise and socially.
Do you see why the very platform upon which you stand NEEDS TO BE PUT ON TRIAL?
[un]constructive one. I hate to go all uptown Steve on you. But your party had 8 years to help all these cities that you keep talking about ovar and over again. What exactly have they done? Obama has been in power one year. Am I happy with all the guy has done? Of ow tcourse not. But I sure as hell know that under Palin McCain(note I said Palin, first) things would have been much worse.
Now about those 8 years. Any answers for me? And please don't tell me anything about local governments. You are blaming Obama now, and he is in Washington. Why didn't you do the same with Bush?
Those of us who understand how governing works realize that many of the programs that are needed in those cities you love to mention, and the jobs people need to earn a decent wage, start with programs and funding from Washington. So again I ask you; where was your party or the folks who promote your ideology when these cities were dying?
I will wait for your answer...
George, thanks for your answer. I actually agree with much of what you said.
Fly, that's what's up. Is she from Virginia? I think I heard something about it.
There are crickets chirping in the generally teabag type forums on this issue.
Maria, thanks for the SNL link. It was spot on. The old saying comes to mind: "they challenged Obama to a battle of wits and they showed up unarmed."
How about a side-bar shout out to the new Miss America?
George, we actually agree. But I would say this, on a pure political level none of us would honestly want the so-called 'lefty leadership' in the States to run anything. I been in politics, on and off since 1993. I'll be 32 in a month. So over half my life was either spent around Congress people, State legislature or city councilmen. From my admittedly limited experience, the Left isn't much an opposition. Obama's about as good as we're gonna get for a while.
First, they really don't exist. There isn't a progressive, social-democratic leader in the US with the charisma, smarts, political acumen or the cold hard cash to get beyond Congress. You have guys like Bernie Sanders and DK -- but their blips on the screen. Beyond a few city council or state level jobs, you're not gonna get a big name progressive rising through the BS ashes of American politics.
Second, the 'Left' is a loose confederacy of often contradicting causes. The problem is that no one, not Obama, Pelosi or out the beltway types like Howard Dean can heard these cats together for a common cause. Cut military spending, piss of unions and city officials who would as Bush Sr once said 'make computer chips or potato chips, so long as they have a jobs.' Clamp down on violence and the 'N' word in music, you'll take on civil libertarians and Hollywood. Support gay marriage and piss off the socially conservative Black and Latino communities. Most pols would rather cut their losses and run to the center than deal with smacking some Lefty heads around.
Third, the gaggle of progressive leaders are either old as dirt (Nader, Chomsky) are too busy being TV stars (Huffington, West, Dyson) or are simply too out there to make a serious bid for politics (McKinney). Name one progressive candidate in your mind that could be a real linchpin for push the kind of change you'd like to see. The Left just doesn't have a deep bench. Take away left-center types like Obama and the chattering class, and you're left with a bunch of college kids with bullhorns and Che Gueverra T-shirts and old hippie burnouts. And from experience, most of those kids shuffle off into corporate America (gotta eat somehow), go into non-profits/academia/NGO world or simply burn out.
1. I saw it later on the day. I had only listened to it from another room, and even then, I knew he had stomped them.
2. C-SPAN's SITE CRASHED, so many people were trying to get their hands on it.
3. Fox - little bytches that they are - CUT AWAY long before it was done.
4. I thought it was hilarious.
5. they truly thought he had gotten his Harvard Law degree in crayon.
LA Confidential,thanks for breaking down.You're very wise for one so young :-)
Henna Space,you're on a roll today!!!
And thanks,Maria,for the link to the SNL skit. I"m going to post it to Facebook.
It was wonderful to watch, and it removed a little of my disappointment in the President.
President Obama was the bus driver on Friday afternoon because he took the GOP to school for everyone to see. Hopefully, the haters will STFU about Obama using teleprompters or the lack of transparency in his administration.
As expected, most of the conservative blogosphere has been quiet about this historic event. I think even they realize there is no way they can put a positive spin on the smackdown Obama gave the GOP. Either that or they're waiting to hear what Limbaugh, Beck, et al. have to say before they give "their" opinion.
By the way, congrats Field on the 2 million milestone.
As a parting shot and a tribute the the Notorious BIG, the O-man should say:
"Kick in the Door, because I'm the 44. All you heard was 'Obama don't hit me no more!!'"
Sorry, I but I'm an Old School B-Boy and the GOP got their d*** knocked in the dirt, as the old boxing cliche goes.
La-Coincidental, I am with classybf, if you ever decide to relocate to Philly holla at your boy. We could use a man like you here in local government.
And yes, this old head can relate to Biggy.(Thanks for the lyrics)
Thanks Malcolm. I have had this counter up for about a year and seven months, so I am guessing 2 million plus hits during that time span is decent.
"There are crickets chirping in the generally teabag type forums on this issue."
LOL@ farman,let's give them some time to see if they will start chirping. Their leader, Beck, will be on tomorrow, it will be interesting to see his take on it.
Anon. I am going to give Ms. USA her props. I promise.
maria, I am going to have to check out that SNL bit.
Obama already governs like a Republican. How can he narrow a gap that doesn't exist?
Damn liberals. This is yet another blog chock full of liberals.
Obama didn't win a damn thing. The BIGGEST mistake the republicans made was to let this man come there to say anything at all. You NEVER give the opposition a chance to talk when you don't know what the hell he's going to say and let them trap you. This whole scene really pisses me off and let's the stinking liberals start crowing again.
Besides, he's not legitimately the damn president anyway.
Filled Negro:
When you say "my party" of which party do you speak? I claim NO PARTY in the "American Political Domain". My focus is upon the "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competence Domain". Thus I focus upon the forces that have most PROXIMATE impact upon it.
It is ironic that DESPITE the fact that the cities that you speak of were told AFFIRMATIVELY that if they erect this MACHINE into power vertically, the cities providing the horizontal base, that their INTERESTS will be advanced as the architecture wields more POWER.
It is intellectually dishonest of you (but what should I expect from a lawyer?) to make the case that the NATIONAL Republicans failed to fix these cities when they have been expelled via the promises mentioned above.
Still I am one step ahead of you Filled Negro. I challenge you to acknowledge the shortcomings of this machine that you have added rivets to and that you agree to take a more DEFENSIVE disposition to it until it delivers upon your PERMANENT INTERESTS.
Show you fidelity to your interests over your ideological bonds.
Tell this machine that operates inside of your protected space "NO MORE! My character and dignity and honor is worth more to me than YOU grand scheme.
I Filled Negro will not be the NYC cab driver who agrees to take a CONFIDENCE MAN down to Washington DC because he missed his plane. He gave you $25 to prompt you to go. The conversation that he had with you along the way had you to believe that he was a good fellow. It took him seeking out of your cab on I495 and not paying the fare that you realized that you should have been demanding EARNEST MONEY from him at predetermined checkpoints on the way. Instead YOU saw that he was thirsty and purchased him a Big Gulp on the way.
Filled Negro at what point does a spirited believer become a USEFUL IDIOT?
You need to ask Gregory. He can tell you
Jokes gonna be on Y'all when the President (Peace be upon Him) catches wateva Fatal Disease the Eve-eel White Rupublicans gave him Thursday...
I mean if we can infect y'all with HIV, get y'all addicted on Crack, and get y'all to pay Usurious Interest rates on Car Title Loans...
and don't blame me when his Mullatoe-ness gets E-bola, or the Hiv-ie...I don't want that Mongoloid Joe Biden anywhere near the Nuclear button...guy makes George Bush look like friggin Steven Hawkins...
"3. Fox - little bytches that they are - CUT AWAY long before it was done."
No. Although you don't appreciate it, there's real news that has to be covered and far more things are occuring in the world than "That One" reading off a damn teleprompter. You damn liberals just lost Kennedy's seat as the country rejects your ilk, so don't crow because your stinking president tried to score a few points by lying. Fox was right to cut away and no, this video is not viral, so stop with your exagerations.
Dear Constructive Feedback
Your “intellectually dishonest” comment gave me a laugh out loud moment.
I used to read your post with interest until you posted one of my graphics on your blog with your commentary. When I posted a response to your editorial, you removed both my comment and your original post. I never did get answer, since then I question the conviction of the words you write.
"Still I am one step ahead of you Filled Negro. I challenge you to acknowledge the shortcomings of this machine that you have added rivets to and that you agree to take a more DEFENSIVE disposition to it until it delivers upon your PERMANENT INTERESTS."
The machine (I take it you refer to the dumbocratric party in these cities) has many shortcomings: Too beholden to the teacher's unions. Too much patronage.Too short-sighted when it comes to inovative programs to get children off the streets, and putting families together.
Chalenge accepted. Now accept mine and tell the truth about your party (or your ideological soul-mates)abandoning urban A-merry-ca when they were in power in Washington.
Let's talk about all the funding that was cut for programs that could have helped inner city A-merry-ca. Let's talk about the exporting of manufacturing jobs for cheaper labor because you wanted to break the backs of the labor unions. Let's take about all the tax breaks to companies like Wal-Mart, who refused to pay workers a living wage. Let's talk about your buddies at the NRA who could care less if the streets of urban A-merry-ca are flooded with deadly assault weapons.Let's talk about the environmental racism/classism that goes on while you turn your backs and praise big business. Let's talk about cutting programs like Head Start and early childhood nutrition programs in schools.
I could go on but I think you get the point.
Wow Art. Does the fact that I have no idea what you are talking about give credence to the relative importance that you have in my world?
I DO NOT DELETE RESPONSES unless they are:
* Spam Marketing
* Far, far, far below the standard of civility that most other blogs grant.
In fact I WELCOME ignorant responses because it merely shines light upon the poster.
Please tell me which name you posted under. I receive an e-mail each time someone posts. I promise to find your comment and replay to you. Again - I have no clue as to what you are talking about.
In my best Nancy Pelosi imitation: "Are you serious (Filled) Negro?"
Now accept mine and tell the truth about your party (or your ideological soul-mates)abandoning urban A-merry-ca when they were in power in Washington. [/quote]
Filled Negro - when asked "What have Republicans Ever done for Black Americans?", my response as a conservative is:
In the face of an intractable fight over limited resources.....THEY MOVED AWAY!!!! Upon which FAVORABLE PEOPLE to you obtained POWER via the control over the KEY INSTITUTIONS from which your community receives their CIVIC SERVICES.
We got Democratic and/or Black:
* City Council majorities - to develop "favorable laws"
* Mayors - to control the police
* Police Chiefs - to stop the police beat downs
* School Boards & School Superintendents - thus fulfilling the notion of "people who CARE about our children and have their BEST INTERESTS in mind.
* County Board Members - to tax those who have moved out of the city borders
Why is it that your biggest indictment is against THOSE WHO LEFT YOU ALL ALONE to run your own lives via your "Self Determination" rather than those who PROMISED YOU "Shiny things" would come your way IF gave them your vote and unyielding support?
Let's talk about all the funding that was cut for programs that could have helped inner city A-merry-ca. [/quote]
Filled Negro - the worst CUT that these places faced was the HOSTILE TO BUSINESS/Anti-Capitalistic ENVIRONMENT that fomented LOSS OF JOBS in these places.
Filled Negro - your argument is antithetical. Look at the large number of cities that were FOUNDED and then greatly EXPANDED in population as 'CONSUMERS OF LABOR' set up shop and purchased the LABOR of those who flocked into town seeking opportunity.
OUR PEOPLE were the great beneficiaries of the "Consumers of Labor" seeking "labor for sale" in Detroit, Milwaukee, Rochester, Baltimore, Camden, Cleveland, Gary and so many other places.
Let's talk about the exporting of manufacturing jobs for cheaper labor because you wanted to break the backs of the labor unions. [/quote]
Filled Negro. There were massive factory CLOSURES where the company died due to INSOLVENCY. You PRETEND that the evil CEO of the firm was clocking $45M upon the shutdown of the business.
IS IT POSSIBLE that when it comes to COMMODITY LABOR JOBS - America is merely becoming "room temperature" with the rest of the world?
On another point - do you find it strange that you seek to form a "wage protection racket" for those who reside INSIDE OF THE BELLY OF THE BEAST (Hi Mellaneous) while you care little about the increased economic integration with about 80% of the rest of the world.
You and Mellaneous need to decide if your goal is to SLAY THE BEAST who's belly you are resident in, upon who's death the REST OF THE WORLD will prosper as it feeds off of its carcass OR if your's is merely one of rhetoric and self-deprecation of your COMPLICITY in the consumption of the "booty" that the Beast brings home as a result of his global conquests.
[quote]Let's take about all the tax breaks to companies like Wal-Mart, who refused to pay workers a living wage.[/quote]
I just heard rampant "Earned Income Tax Credit" commercials where the government will pay up to $5,600 dollars to those workers who have been "screwed by Wal-Mart" as they aren't paid the $80,000 per year that you and others believe that they are entitled to.
C-C-C-C-C-C- an't we A-a-a-a-a-ll J-J-J-J-ust get A-A-A-A-A-A-A-Long?????
Day-um y'all fight like 2 Vampies fightin over a bloody cotex.....
Ha Ha, been waitin 17 years to use that line...
Sill, Filled Negro Wal-Mart has about 2.1M employees that it is "screwing" per your calculus.
With the US Labor Force at 157.5 million and an unemployment rate of 10% this means that 15.75 MILLION are making "Less Than Wal-Mart WAGES". Certainly government Unemployment payments are not a LIVING WAGE. Are you sure that Wal-Mart is the biggest proportional threat?
Let's talk about your buddies at the NRA who could care less if the streets of urban A-merry-ca are flooded with deadly assault weapons.
Filled Negro:
Are you satisfied with the rationale of our argument?
It would be easy to find a song in which the Hip Hop "Voice Of The Street Pirate" celebrates gunning down a Black man with a "Tec 9" and yet you give more ink to what RUSH LIMBAUGH has said that was offensive to "Democrats who are Black" than you expose what the "Voice Of The Street Pirates" say to glamorize the threat to shoot a projectile through a Black man's body if he dares "Step to them" the wrong way.
Filled Negro - even if the "Voice of the Street Pirate" order the exact same model studio mic that Rush Limbaugh has - there is NOTHING that can come from his brain and command his muscles to vibrate his vocal chords, thus vibrating the air waves and being picked up by the MICROPHONE that will have you to view these electrical impulses captured by the mic to be EQUAL to that which RUSH LIMBAUGH has done to vibrate the diaphragm of the mic.
At what point do we talk about INFERIORITY and SUPERIORITY of these actors?
Let's talk about the environmental racism/classism that goes on while you turn your backs and praise big business.[/quote]
Wow. Where do I start?
The last time I was in Pittsburgh, Filled Negro - the rivers there were as CLEAN NOW than at any time in the last 150 years.
This was NOT due to the latest "Environmental REGULATION" that forced the evil corporations to clean up their acts. This was mostly due to the fact that so many of the MANUFACTURING PLANTS that used to line these rivers for hundreds of miles are now SHUT DOWN.
I told you about 5 months about regarding your boy Van Jones. I would be FAR MORE IMPRESSED with Jones and the "Green Movement" if they were to announce a new METAL SMELTING PROCESS that used a fraction of the energy that is necessary TO-DAMNED-DAY than I am moved by their claims about the glorious future that the "Green Economy" will one day bring - IF the vast fortunes stored up by the EVIL CAPITALIST beast are used to FUND this new green effort.
Let's talk about cutting programs like Head Start and early childhood nutrition programs in schools.
Filled Negro:
You, Granny, IseeIsee, Melaneous, LAC, and Ernesto have mastered the FIRST CHANNEL of "equality". This is the one in which society PROVES to the "Least of These" that they are EQUALLY DESERVING of entitlement in the name of social justice.
Filled Negro - you and other Progressive-Fundamentalist FAIL the other channel of EQUALITY. This is where there is an ORGANICLY HOSTED proof that YOU BELIEVE that the object of your struggle is WORTHY and thus YOU turn toward the "Least of These" and DEMAND that the PROVE the value of this CHILD IN HEAD START by them FEEDING, NURTURING, EDUCATING and DISCIPLINING this child as if they were a "White Suburban rich kid" who felt ENTITLED to this same pampering.
After the Progressive Struggle stands facing the PACIFIC OCEAN and pondering which way to proceed forth........IS IT POSSIBLE that the next "step of progress" must be the INNER SPACE, Filled Negro?
Turn around and LOOK AT THE LAND THAT YOU HAVE CONQUERED that is firmly ensconced in your progressive grasp. Nary do they vote for an EVIL, RACIST REPUBLICAN. The vote as YOU WANT THEM TO.
Why isn't it rational for us to consider these conditions where you have most control?
"FYI, we've got another Black Miss America!!!"
Isn't it great? There are sistas who are knockin 'em dead out there! Field, please don't forget to blog about this beautiful and talented young bw.
BTw, many thanks to UTS who slammed dunked "Blessings, Fp" for bm bashing in a previous thread. UTS, you are the man, it was masterful. That was Field Negro behavior. LOL.
Field, in your sidebar please give kudos to UTS for stomping the shit out of that bm hater.
[quote]Day-um y'all fight like 2 Vampies fightin over a bloody cotex.....[/quote]
You are far more dangerous than Filled Negro for you demand that we COMPROMISE for the sake of PEACE without providing a framework for peace.
I demand that the PROGRESSIVISM that dominates our community BE PUT ON TRIAL!!!!
Again - this trial will SHUT ME UP and I will have no more credibility to speak as it is shown to be the CORRECT way to go.
OR the flaws of Progressivism will be exposed and those who are interested in a FIX rather than the mere advancement of their ideology will adopt more EFFECTIVE strategies and thus - THEY WIN!!!
So tell me Frankie D - what is the downside of imposing the need TRANSPARENCY upon the prevailing force upon our people?
This might just show that the Dark Seth's POWER has played a far reduced hand in the present condition that we are struggling against.
[quote]"FYI, we've got another Black Miss America!!!"[/quote]
In the context of the Filled Negro blog - this is not the story.
I demand that he run a story doing an investigative report on HOW DID RUSH LIMBAUGH VOTE when it came to the BLACK WINNER?
With Rush Limbaugh as a judge of the "Miss America pageant" I expect one of two stories on this blog:
1) Rush Limbaugh, noted racist, REFUSED to vote for the "Black woman"
2) Rush Limbaugh - who lusts for the day where all Black people are back in slavery - voted for the Black woman from Virginia because he believes that she could play the role of concubine "Sally Hemmings" and he could play the role Thomas Jefferson though this time as a Republican.
Wow CF snarky much?
I post under ArtMaggot, always have always will.
Feel free to post my “deleted” response to your commentary, as long as you stand by your words and post your original comment, which you deleted also.
And I am sorry for hitting a nerve with a little truth.
Perhaps you have not read my comments in the past or else you have not written that response. I do not expect the politics in Washington to change. This is politics and politics is emotional and as long as people are emotional, it is not going to change. I have also written in the past that democrats have no backbone and never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity which the latter I wrote this morning. Now I am starting to feel like the President with getting the facts straight about I have written.
In the words of Lewis Blacks, the Democrats have no ideas, and the Republicans have bad ideas which places the American people in precarious position. I will say this, Obama will be considered one of the best politicans in the 21st century whether you like or not.
Perhaps you have not read my comments in the past or else you have not written that response. I do not expect the politics in Washington to change. This is politics and politics is emotional and as long as people are emotional, it is not going to change. I have also written in the past that democrats have no backbone and never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity which the latter I wrote this morning. Now I am starting to feel like the President with getting the facts straight about I have written.
In the words of Lewis Blacks, the Democrats have no ideas, and the Republicans have bad ideas which places the American people in precarious position. I will say this, Obama will be considered one of the best politicans in the 21st century whether you like or not.
The new Miss America is from Virginia, and I think she's the first Black Miss Virginia for the Miss America pageant. (Emmit's wife was the first for the Miss USA franchise)
To the haters....*middle finger up
Listen Black Boogie, it's that haters that drive those numbers up. Are you that stupid?
Constructive, it seems as though you'll defend anything conservatism does including the Iraq war, big brother phone and computer taps, New orleans, torture in Abu Graub, CIA outing, Haliburton and former vice pres; Cheney and his running of the wh.
Obama kicked ass. He handed Rep. Ryan his head on the budget question he "asked" about increased spending and Obama's new FY11 budget. Obama knew the details of the FY10 budget and rammed them politely down Ryan's throat.
Obama knows the details. I was really impressed.
"Obama knows the details. I was really impressed."
Yeah, he's great with the details on stage. On the other hand, he can't get anything done or keep his promises. Therein is his weakness. And that doesn't help the American people, especially Blacks.
Obama kicked ass. He handed Rep. Ryan his head on the budget question he "asked" about increased spending and Obama's new FY11 budget. Obama knew the details of the FY10 budget and rammed them politely down Ryan's throat.
He did nothing of the sort. He tried to run from that question and lied. I don't know why the republicans even tried to give him credibility by allowing him to come to their retreat. He should have never been given free range like that to spout his socialist propaganda. That won't happen again.
@ FN:
yeh but check out Obama's face...as if to sy..."You'll get over it, or maybe you won't. Who cares?" LOL!
Congrats on the 2 mill checking out your site...and Mrs. Field is RIGHT about that Lady Ga Ga! She has bought the old school costume look back to the music industry.
[quote] I have also written in the past that democrats have no backbone and never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity which the latter I wrote this morning[/quote]
Help me out on this one.
When I used to listen to the opening speech of former NAACP head Julian Bond (a lifelong Democrat himself) stand before the NAACP convention and say "Democrats have no backbone" I always took this as the words of a SUPPORTER of the Democrats, demanding that they FIGHT THE ENEMY harder.
I didn't take this as an INDEPENDENT person who's PERMANENT INTERESTS are open to the force upon which they can work with to obtain them.
Why is it that the "backbone" metaphor is used by you and others in regards to the NATIONAL FIGHT against the evil GOP?
What about the BACKBONE that the Democrats show or fail to show in places like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore and Newark where they are totally dominate? In real world terms Hennasplace is the DEMOCRATIC BACKBONE the real problem that our community faces OR is it the fact that the stem cells from their "backbone" have spread into the inner lining of the Black Community's mental consciousness where they act as cancer cells which cause psychosis with respect to the actual attainment of our PERMANENT INTERESTS?
Henna the question of "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN 'WE' WIN AND THUS CONTROL THE FIELD" needs to be asked and answered.
[quote]]This is politics and politics is emotional and as long as people are emotional, it is not going to change.[/quote]
Henna there is POLITICS and then there is COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT.
The way you diminish EMOTION is to put forth a SYSTEM which provides checks and balances.
With regard to Barack Obama the key operatives who operate unchecked in our community their ultimate goal was to DRIVE EMOTIONS IN BLACK PEOPLE so that we would VOTE FOR HIM EN MASSE. IF they were more honest they would have constructed the question for the Black voter to be: WHAT ARE WE GOING TO GET OUT OF THE PROMOTION OF THIS MACHINE THAT RUNS OUR COMMUNITIES UP TO TOTAL CONTROL OVER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?
Surely Henna - those with consciousness should have looked toward the Chicago public schools as an inference of what we should LOGICALLY expect any national administration to accomplish in schools elsewhere.
Indeed "politics are emotional". YOUR JOB is to make other people EMOTIONAL while you maintain your COMPOSURE as a means of obtaining a more rational outcome in line with your interests.
[quote]Constructive, it seems as though you'll defend anything conservatism does including the Iraq war[/quote]
Was that "Conservatism" or did the machinations of the federal government ultimately approve and HAS BEEN FUNDING for a decade this venture?
[quote], big brother phone and computer taps,[/quote]
My "support" is narrow in this area. Only specifically targeted application of this authority.
What is your view about using these monitoring tools to track down slime that traffic in child pornography? Or do you retain your moral high ground?
New orleans,[/quote]
Sorry dude - In my mind 5 days of Katrina DO NOT trump 30 years of INCOMPETENCE in the area. I walked the grounds of the Lower 9th Ward with my handheld GPS in hand. There is NO WAY IN HELL that I would allow a person that I love to live in a landmass that was 21 feet below sea level with a concrete ribbon in eye shot to hold back the most powerful waterway in North America. If you were serious you'd be looking for the people who green lighted the settlement in this known FLOOD PLAIN.
[quote] torture in Abu Graub, CIA outing, Haliburton and former vice pres; Cheney and his running of the wh.[/quote]
Anon - I am less bothered by your "outrage" over the lack of discipline shown by US forces in Abu Graub than I am in noting that your STANDARDS only are applied to entities that GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU THINK.
You see - You have no inclination to apply these standards to the Iraqi "equal human beings" who do far worse. You know as well as I do that they are not trying to live UP TO any of your standards.
I hope that the Iraqi and Afghani society develops a rich set of LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVES who will wail against the actions of their own government and the unofficial government of Al Queda and the Taliban. If they could come up with the language that says that the Taliban's ACTIONS have provoked the UNITED STATES to come in and invade and thus they should look inward as to WHY - then these Iraqi/Afghani liberal's train of thought would mirror YOURS with respect to their home nation.
[quote]Obama kicked ass. He handed Rep. Ryan his head on the budget question he "asked" about increased spending and Obama's new FY11 budget. Obama knew the details of the FY10 budget and rammed them politely down Ryan's throat.[/quote]
Here is what I don't understand about some of these "Obama Manhood Protectors".
Obama talked the other day about how evil Bush gave him a deficit from 2009's budget. I just listened to the news last night which says that THIS NEW BUDGET FROM OBAMA will have an estimated $1,600 billion deficit.
I am less concerned about their ability to tell us all about the debt that Bush left (this despite the fact that this is the 4th straight House and Senate under Democratic control over both houses).
I am more concerned of their INABILITY to tell us the point in which OBAMA and the Federal Democrats are the owners of all that comes out of Washington.
For some people this point is a point far beyond the point at which their own permanent interest have been trampled upon.
Some of you have an "anti-management" way about your thinking. You know how to fight against your ideological adversary. You are rendered IMPOTENT when your favored forces WIN and they become the establishment. Instead of showing any competence in MANAGING them as they control the key institutions that they now control - you STILL look to provide cover for them as they enlist YOU to attack the enemy forces WHO ARE NOT IN POWER.
In the case of Philly, Chicago, Detroit - these enemies HAVE MOVED THE HELL OUT OF THE DISTRICT and yet they STILL are the primary face of the ENEMY that is struggled against.
ONLY the conscious few who SEE THE GAME and SEE THE DAMAGE from it are going to speak up and enforce their "Permanent Interests" upon their "Permanent Friends".
The sold out people aren't going to want to PISS OFF their "permanent friends" by asking them to focus upon these Permanent Interests.
obama/gwb 2.0 is a newjack republican
do not sleep on the bi-partisan dupes/2 feced games in dc
this was just another fake show
[quote]obama/gwb 2.0 is a newjack republican[/quote]
Alicia Banks:
Lets shift from the inspection of Obama over to those who HATED BUSH but seem to be defensive of Obama.
What is YOUR OPINION regarding why despite the POLICIES BEING THE SAME (minus a small bit of "English") the OPINIONS and willingness to attack are so dramatically different?
Do you have a proposed structure by every elected official can be DISPASSIONATELY scrutinized with respect to our interests?
Your notations hint at the possibility that at least some of the "haters" of Bush didn't hate the POLICIES only the Man and his Party.
In their fear of taking to the street in active protests against POLICIES that they believed to be abhorrent is it possible that they fear that they will be ATTACKED as they are made into "Tea Partiers"?
ditto cf
i am appalled at how blacks who claim they hate bush love obama for not only doing ALL of the same things but doing them all WORSE and doing MORE to directly destroy black people!!!
where are all those war protestors???
hbcu grads?
black greeks?
have you noticed that some blacks have at least become too ashamed to defend obama/gwb 2.'s clonings and escalations of bush's agendas/regime...
so now they just demand
"stop rushing our god obama...he has not done a thing...but....he will...if you stop rushing him"
it is truly proof of black drones' racism/white drones' worship and it is increasingly dually repulsive!!!
seen this?
how did obama run from the quesiton and specifically, what did he lie about? Be specific or STFU. I bet you didn't even see Obama speak to this crowd, you lying sack of manure.
I watched this on CSPAN where the cameras rolled well after the event ended (and there was no one to interpret what I had just heard). Obama was crowded by the people who attended the event afterward, including the representatives who asked questions, with family members getting autographs and pictures taken. What a bunch of cheap hypocrits. Obama is right, the base of the conservative right doesn't understand that a lot of the posturing is just "politics," nasty as they are.
Knuckledraggers like reinvestor101 haven't a clue what time it is. And buddy, if the economy continues it's slow climb out of the hole Bush buried us in, the GOP is toast in November.
The other question that Obama used to bury the GOP was about the deficit. Rethgus got up with talking points and ended up getting their heads handed to them every single time. And even on the issue of health care, where Obama said he'd give them points for his "failure" on the follow up process after the bill was passed by the Sentate as being not as transparent as it could have been, he still managed to hammer the questioner by pointing out that the countless hearings in the House and the Senate were all televised making them, again, look like lying idiots. Then he laid out how the the follow up process was a logistical nightmare because it occurred in numerous locations. But he gave them that one anyway.
No wonder Fox News cut coverage short on this event. The Repugs looked like total fools before it was over.
Quit watching Faux News or your brain will rot out completely.
Constructive Feedback, Alicia Banks and that Frank fool are the same person..these are paid spooks.
this deficit???
you lie!!!
the spooks are the ones who do not see the blackish clone of gwb/obama behind the door!!!
and all of you spook me more each day
i fear the blindness and suicidal ignorance you display
all of you black obama nazis truly PETRIFY me!!!
this is how MANY obama nazis MUST be cured!!!
[quote]Constructive Feedback, Alicia Banks and that Frank fool are the same person..these are paid spooks.[/quote]
I might be a little "crazy" but you have to admit that if I sat back and typed the message above that was directed as a poster named Alicia Banks and then ANSWERED the same question MYSELF and thus TO MYSELF - you've got to admit - that would be totally loco.
I am talking Ernesto level of insanity.
there are some loony obama nazis who do precisely that as a routine antic herein...probabaly lynne included!
she knows damn well she is lying!!!
that is always easier that debating what we dare to expose about der fuhrer obama/gwb 2.0!!!
lynee is a serial obama nazi herein
they are all like serial cheaters...always accusing their mates of cheating due to paranoia about their own karma
Here is your chance to get in on the ground floor of the latest "Racism Chasing" attack upon someone who said something OFFENSIVE about Blacks!!!
Here is the set up.
Recall after Hurricane Katrina - Barbara Bush - the wife of HW said that the "Evacuees" of Katrina that were in Houston were living better than ever? (or something to that effect).
It started a WAVE through the channels of the "Defenders of Blackness" and their associated Snarling Fox liberal protectors (HuffPo, DailyKOS, etc)
Now we have the Secretary of Education saying something in kind:
Education Secretary Duncan calls Hurricane Katrina good for New Orleans schools
And this is NOT from "Fox News"!!!!
Hey Filled Negro - I AM WATCHING YOU on this one.
Setting my stop watch.
Almost there. Darn. Wrong button. There it is.
ditto cf
and shame on tj and roland et al too!!!!
"Education Secretary Duncan calls Hurricane Katrina good for New Orleans schools
And this is NOT from "Fox News"!!!!
Hey Filled Negro - I AM WATCHING YOU on this one.
Setting my stop watch.
Almost there. Darn. Wrong button. There it is.
Sorry [un]constructive one, I won't bite. :)Maybe next time.
[quote]Sorry [un]constructive one, I won't bite. :)Maybe next time.[/quote]
Damn. I knew he wouldn't be CONSISTENT.
Tell me one thing Filled Negro:
When you make your "bucket of chum" to throw out into the water - what special aphrodisiac do you add to the mix?
* Republican Red Kool Aide mix?
* Sylvia's Soul Food Seasoned Salt from the shaker that O'Reilly used when he dined with Sharpton?
* A drop of sweat from Obama's t-shirt that you stole after his pick up basketball game with Scott Brown?
You have the magic touch. I am trying to follow you man.
You continue to make my point by defending the Bush administration-It was the most inept admin. ever elected to the highest office-Uneccessary war, oil companies dictating gov. policies, polarity in foreign affairs and national policies. Are your friends Carl Rove, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck?
bush never bought a bank
or an auto co
or bankrolled criminal bankers etc
or gutted hbcus etc
obowma is worse!
[quote]You continue to make my point by defending the Bush administration-It was the most inept admin. [/quote]
Anon - I have no choice but to respect YOUR OPINION of what I am doing.
What I can't seem to shake, however, if my observation that people like YOU are inclined to look past the failures of the LOCAL DEMOCRATS as you focus upon the NATIONAL REPUBLICANS and seek to purge them out of office.
More damage has been done to the interests of the Black community in the decade of 2000 by LOCAL FORCES than anything that evil Bush has done.
YOU THUS PROVE that it is not "INEPTNESS" that you seek to purge. Instead it is IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY that clouds your mind like a blood borne parasite which clogs up the blood vessels.
Here is the irony Anon - Obama INCREASES war spending in his new budget but YOU will mentally "masturbate yourself to sleep" with the knowledge that "BUSH STARTED THESE WARS" and Obama is forced to continue them.
Once again you continue to defend the indefensable-Katrina, recession, Blackwater, and you never repsonded to acknowledging your firends of Rove, Hannity and Beck. You attack me personally for asking these questions I have yet to mention "O" as a savior of some kind but you want to attack him and I'm asking you to limit your discussion to the questions I ask. You can't do that becsue it's indefensable!
Relax a little a let down the blinders-Reality aint that bad if you give it a chance. Bushitis, Roveitis and Republititis are curable illnessess. The first step is to stop watching Fox news. Then take away your membership to the Tea Party and then avoid people places and things by stop giving money to the birthers. Next, put down he Pat Buchanan books. Your prognosis for recovery is good as long as you follow the above pescription.
"On a side note: After a little dust up with some trolls the other day, I found myself checking my statcounter. Needless to say that I was pleasantly surprised to find that we have gotten over two million hits on our little blog. I am not sure when exactly we hit that milestone, but to all of you who keep checking into the fields to give your minds a workout, I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks!"
You are welcome -- although I don't agree with everything you say (so what?), you are an excellent (and funny) writer. You write about very serious issues in a very passionate manner.
[And I am biased since you are Jamaican as well]
Keep up the good work!!
CF "* Sylvia's Soul Food Seasoned Salt from the shaker that O'Reilly used when he dined with Sharpton?"
ROFLMAO! After Field, you are the next creative genius.
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