“It ain’t about Nancy. It’s about black people..” No Maxine, it's about you.
Now I don't know if Maxine Waters violated ethics rules or not. I am concerned that she did, but until I hear more I will reserve judgement. What I don't like is that her aids crashed a political event with campaign signs and brought more attention to her pending dilemma.
"Three staffers working for embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were asked by security officers to leave an event in downtown Washington on Thursday after they tried to display large campaign signs just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was about to speak.
The aides were holding lawn signs that defended Waters from the ethics charges she is facing in the House. "
Now I don't know if Maxine Waters violated ethics rules or not. I am concerned that she did, but until I hear more I will reserve judgement. What I don't like is that her aids crashed a political event with campaign signs and brought more attention to her pending dilemma.
"Three staffers working for embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were asked by security officers to leave an event in downtown Washington on Thursday after they tried to display large campaign signs just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was about to speak.
The aides were holding lawn signs that defended Waters from the ethics charges she is facing in the House. "
Some things, in my opinion, should be handled away from the spotlight. Maxine, if and when you are vindicated, may I suggest that you choose that time to bring attention to yourself?
“Let’s fight for Maxine Waters,” read a headline on the signs above a large picture of the congresswoman. Smaller headings read: “No improper action. No benefit. No failure to disclose. No one influenced. No case!”
No, let's fight for the people she represents. Not her. If she did wrong she doesn't deserve fighting for. If she didn't, well....this is A-merry-ca. [Article]
Maxine is probably guilty just like Rangel. It's time to clean house and put some folks in who will represent us, not rip us off.
But like Field, I am trying to reserve judgment, but her actions with those signs sure make me think she is 'probably' guilty.
Bullshit any time is the right time to seek justice ..FN is playing the good lawyer role to nite when that posture is not revelant when justice is at stake protocols are to be ignored...
FN posts like a timid woman ..In america a house representative is a persaon that represents her people in district..Fighting for her means fighting for her district...
What FN fails to reveal in his conservative law and order post is that icons like Rangel, Conyers, Waters those who seek thier seats do not look like Black folks ..You know the ones FN claims we should be fighting for...I wonder who those replacements will be for Conyers, Rangel, Waters?? I bet FN won't post thier names...
Congress is guilty of (white) double standards. Maxine, on the other hand, has consistently stood up for African Americans (not just her constituents) even when we did not back her solidly.
The US govt. role in the crack epidemic stands out. And despite tons of death threats, she even flew down to Nicaragua to investigate. kzs
One of them is the brother of Carl Levin a senior from Michigan...You know one of those white pols who think the have a devine right to a public office....
Hint..He is white like his brother Carl and he is a Congressman
she is another corrupt black politician isnt is obvious? brown skin does not make a politician any more ethical than white skin get the heck over all that stuff otherwise ule be forever disapointed!
Imagine FN's posture tonite..Justice must make an appointment..Justice must follow some nebulous protocols..Black folks better act right around white folks ...Black people need the permission and consent of white folks to object, reject and challenge an injustice..
FN sounds like he is working for Pelosi...Imagine that a Black man who is a race chaser advising Black folks to shut it down..WTF..
Of course I don't have to accept that Black Race Chaser not a Black apologist..Fuck FN's advice tonite.
Niggers not feeling that shit up in here...
FN must be some new diet....I wonder if FN is getting negrophobia???????
Hey FN how does it work with you now..
Some rednecks are trashing Black students on school buses in near your zip code Should we get your permission to stop this shit?
Hey FN where do the parents of these Black students apply for a continuance? Hey FN what form must Black folks feel out as we wait to adresses injustices??
Hey FN when can we expect rednecks to give us a pass to object to thier racist pathologies ? Hey FN should we get on line and practice negrophobia breathing excercises?
Hey FN how should a nigger like me genuflect and bend over when I am working on how to digest negrophobia or waiting to the appropriate time to be a good negro and wait to object to an injustice??
Hey FN can you let a homeboy know what time is it to be slave again??
trasher ure another piece of shyt banks clone its so obvious the way u licked her nasty booty tonite
Hey FN my homeboy moma is a maid and white folks she works for don't like public transit bus coming into thier residential area ...She has to leave early can we get your permission to file a complaint with the local Transit Authority..Negrophobia and following protocols requires us to seek your validation and approval whenever an injustice is present..gotta be nice and shit around white folks..Just saying...
Read article by Ken Blackwell, looked up the bill he referenced. His protest might be valid if he had actually read and argued against HR 810. I didn't read all the comments but initially no one commented on his inaccurate statements, just the usual bickering among the commenters.
she shouldn't be using her aides to pull shit like this. it's stupid. she's already accused of ethics violations for getting her staff involved in arranging a bailout/loan for her husband or family's bank...
does she have no sense? and pelosi has nothing to even do with the investigation. just stupid all around.
Carl Levin only looks white, he is Jewish. One of the many Jews controlling this country and constantly dividing us into groups so that we fight each other and not the real enemy.
Although I am white, I am constantly embarassed by white people's behavior for the last 250+ years or so.
Obama has 41 Jews appointed to various positions in his cabinet so far but all people assume since they are "white", then it's ok to have a black president. Sadly, I get into many arguments about this topic but since I have a big mouth and call bullshit on people no matter the location, I do enjoy it.
Imagine if every Jew in the Obama admin suddenly turned into a black person? Holy shit, the entire country would shut down in a matter of mins. You couldn't buy a gun or bullets anywhere, shelves would be empty.
White folks would be screaming "OH MY GAWD, Those blacks are taking over!!"
Keep in mind, this is hypothetical.
Indeed AmeriKKKa, THEY have taken over and nobody sees it because THEY look white. Did anyone actually think THEY would let a black man actually run things?
THEY can't allow that, Obama might pull another JFK on them....
Sorry but you post like a antisemite and a sense a racist attitude towards jews ..
Maria & Hatnor,
Nonsense to both of yhour posts..Pelosi has not supported Waters as well as other Black congress folks when the chips are down.
I hope here staff continues to support her innocence apparently you have already convicted her..
Waters has more sense than you give her credit for..Nothing stupid abput defending oneself against a witch hunt
Gentile behavior and protocols are obstacles to justice..Water's aides and those of us who support her and are against this witch hunt must ignore posts from FN and Maria..
When folks adhere to the rules of civility created by the ruling class it is a mistake and only defeats the quest for justice..
it's time for a change. I hope she is ousted. She is corrupt and I agree wholeheartedly with Field's position. It's the mark of a mature man with measured reason instead of shooting from the hip like some sick ignoramus like trasher.
Maxine was an idiot for using her aids. The woman is corrupt and needs to go.
again--pelosi has nothing to do with the ethics investigation.
and i didn't say she was guilty. but she shouldn't be using congressional aides to defend her during their work day. it's completely inappropriate and unbecoming...
My name is Thrasher and sorry I don't always assume the worst whenver Black folks are involved..
FN position is a breach of even his own ethics as an attorney attacking Waters indivually for the actions of her aides and making an inference she is guilty
Are you serious conduct in the house is "unbecoming" please spare me this phony concern about what is appropriate in the congress of the USA that once sanctioned the degregation of Black AMericans and approved the ethic cleasning of American Indians and a whole list of shit I don't have time to post..
How do you these aides did not act on thier own because they respect Maxine?? The very idea that people would step across the boundaries of "unbecoming: is your issue not thier apparently..
Unbecoming yeah right..
Civil Disobedience is a staple in Black Communities..We ignore suggestions of behavior and attitudes like "unbecoming and inappropriate"...
My sisters were told not to breatfeed at work because it was unbecoming and inappropriate..... of course I counsel them to ignore thier employers ..I was to late they told me they did not need a man telling them what to do..
"FN position is a breach of even his own ethics as an attorney attacking Waters indivually for the actions of her aides and making an inference she is guilty"
No, Field has not breached anything. Those are your own delusions. Field has always had a nose for crooked politicians and I believe he is right this time also. So, we shall see.
Trasher, you really ought to take a valium or two before you start blogging. You get too excited and lose all civility. Stay cool, like Field.
See I want to think that this is what the tea party is about. I want to think that america is post racial. I do think that Rep. Waters should go as well as all the rest of them should as well. Pimp Charlie as well.
The entire system is in need of a reset , it has taken on a life of its own. Its only instinct is to survive. I want you all to imagine if this country could truly be what it is supposed to stand for , just how great it could be.
But i fear we are just all in a great , the greatest pyramid scheme ever invented. The shame of it all is I believed all that BS from High School , all this racial animus plus the other nonessential crap we are bombarded with in the news sources 24 hours a day. We are so smart we have dial up fucking news , not the truth just the opinion we want to hear. We get on here an argue , critic , criticize each other seems like that is what we do best. I am respectfully asking for forgiveness if I did not use the proper grammar , enunciation or what ever. We seem to be turning into exactly what we are supposed to be fighting against. I Love you all . keep up the good fight.
Maybe I am trolling , but that ignorant ass Paster Manning may have just had a point when he was talking about his O ness . I mean I am proud we have had a BLACK PRESIDENT , I am gonna even say it is something I thought I would never see in my life time.
I just have to say that the only thing this administration has succeeded in doing is galvanizing the good White Folk in AmeriKKKA. I mean hell the illegal immigration advocates love him , the bankers , the auto makers. I would even drink a beer with him. I just feel as if , the boat was put into the water , but it just ant floating.
Wow field easy on the 'entrenched pols' you know that so-called right, innocent until proven guilty.
"Maybe I am trolling , but that ignorant ass Paster Manning may have just had a point when he was talking about his O ness ."
Yeah, isn't that the truth. It's quite depressing.
"I just have to say that the only thing this administration has succeeded in doing is galvanizing the good White Folk in AmeriKKKA. I mean hell the illegal immigration advocates love him , the bankers , the auto makers. I would even drink a beer with him. I just feel as if , the boat was put into the water , but it just ant floating."
More truth, and reality is setting in for a lot of black folks. It is sooo depressing. I need a drink.
let's try to put it all in perspective. it's literally impossible to be a congresscritter and be at the same time completely "clean." if you got elected, you shook hands at the very least with someone who is scum. and also: the rules they set for themselves aren't for the purpose of keeping the worse offenders under control. they are for applying against progressive minority and women candidates and pols like MW, when it's time to get rid of her or she starts talking about what the white power structure is doing too much. whatever she may or may not have done (and my vote is not) she's squeaky clean compared to the plutocrats who make up the majority of the house and senate. we're talking about old white men who are or will be millionaires and billionaires, because while they were politicians they sold out every heritage the people of this country ever had. MW otoh has been talking about the reality of the war on drugs, why we need investigations and to end wars, health care for real, the list goes on and on. it's sort of sad to me that this post contains such hesitant support for her. FN, she is one of us, as best as any pol can be right now. can't you see the pattern? african american pols make a mistake on a form for a few large, and it's the end of the careers. white pols can be identified as diaper-wearing hooker clients, rapists of young boys, stealing and helping to steal for their friends, billions from the treasury, and they never make the front pages? come on. perspective, people. i'm so much more interested in prosecuting, trying, and executing the people who brought you the wars in the middle east (which we're losing and cost us 12B/mo) and the bankster bailouts (which cost you and your grandchildren trillions. yes, trillions. for a bubble that can never be re-inflated). what matters more in your world? whatever MW may have done, or the fact that you're about to lose any hope of having social security when you're old?
buceta breaf and her alter ego were busy tonite the shytstains!
"let's try to put it all in perspective. it's literally impossible to be a congresscritter and be at the same time completely "clean."'
No it's not. It's called being a person of integrity and having some core convictions and sticking to them.
"The US govt. role in the crack epidemic stands out. And despite tons of death threats, she even flew down to Nicaragua to investigate. kzs"
TGI, I loved her position on that, and it effected her district as much as any other in A-merry-ca. Still, that doesn't get her a pass for life.
If she is guilty (please note the "IF" for those of us who flunked reading comprehension in school) she should pack it up and let someone else go to Washington.
Brother Field, you must be talking about a US Congress in some parallel universe. On which planet do these perfect politicians dwell? I personally have a huge problem with corrupt white government officials, who are mostly crooks, digging up trivial dirt on black people. kzs
why did her aides get thrown out?
because they were doing something they shouldn't have done. i wouldn't call them civil disobedience when she's already IN THE HOUSE (and i mean that literally and figuratively).
the ethics panel is bipartisan, and has recently gone after white republicans also:
Three Ethics Cases Referred to House Panel
by Chad Pergram | August 31, 2010
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An outside House ethics watchdog organization has suggested that the full House Ethics Committee probe Reps. Joseph Crowley (D-NY), John Campbell (R-CA) and Tom Price (R-GA) to determine if there was a link between their fundraisers and how they voted on a Wall Street reform bill.
The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) is a special panel that can study of ethics matters, but can only refer them to the House Ethics Committee. The formal Ethics Committee does not have to take up the OCE's recommendation. And the Ethics Committee only launches a formal inquiry if it reviews the evidence and decides to empanel what's called an "investigative subcommittee."
The OCE also cleared several members of any wrongdoing, dismissing its probes of Reps. Mel Watt (D-NC), Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Christopher Lee (R-NY), Frank Lucas (R-OK) and Earl Pomeroy (D-ND).
Price seemed stunned at the referral.
"How the OCE arrived at their recommendation is truly a mystery. There being no evidence of any wrongdoing or any inconsistency in my policy position, one can only guess as to the motive behind their decision or even why they chose to initiate a review in the first place," Price said in a statement.
But the Georgia Republican said he would cooperate with a more extensive examination.
Echoing Price, Campbell wondered why the OCE targeted him.
"They have presented no evidence that would suggest wrongdoing," Campbell said. "Any suggestion to the contrary is baseless and unfounded. I look forward to a favorable resolution of this matter."The OCE has drawn significant criticism from both parties since its creation under the Democratic-controlled Congress. Outside groups can refer potential transgressions to the OCE. Lawmakers believe that casts too wide a net that could cast innocent members in a bad light.
The current ethics investigation involving Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) stemmed from an OCE referral. The Ethics Committee accuses Waters office of using her position to help a bank secure federal assistance when it was struggling. Her husband holds stock in the bank and once was a member of the bank's board. Waters denies the charges and says she never tried to intervene on behalf of that specific institution.
Read more: http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/08/31/three-ethics-cases-referred-house-panel#ixzz0zyoktksY
@ Maria- "Bi-partisan" does not diminish their overwhelming whiteness and corruption. White supremacy has been "bi-partisan" since 1776. kzs
the ethics commitee is corrupt. ok, then.
If Maxine Waters were white, I'd cringe. It would pain me to think whites were so boneheaded and lame as to elect someone as clearly delusional and ignorant as this woman is.
During the Congressional hearings on Banking, when the CEOs of JP Morgan, Wachovia, Citigroup and a few other banks were grilled by members of the House, Waters asked questions that showed her record-stting ignorance of banking and financial matters.
Other representatives -- white -- put on their own shows of brainlessness.
But only Maxine went as far as calling for the heads of bankers who loaned money with the expectation of those borrowed funds being repaid.
Maxine's inquisitorial attack on the bank CEOs revealed her belief that bankers and banks are supposed to act like social service agencies, giving away money as though banks are lottery shops where everyone who enters is a winner.
However, inasmuch as Maxine Waters is black, a moron AND she has been repeatedly elected by black voters, it's clear her thinking, if that's what you call it, is embraced by blacks.
If she were unique among black elected officials, it might be possible to overlook her idiocy. But there's Charlie Rangel, Cynthia McKinney, Yvette Clarke and a lot of lesser known black office-holders to consider.
Of course this problem goes all the way to the top. Now we have a flailing black president.
Anyway, as I said, if she were white, I'd cringe and hope to see her voted out as soon as possible. But it seems black voters refuse to boot their elected idiots, probably fearing a white candidate will jump in. Thus, elections become a matter of keeping the black incompetents in office, no matter how close to the edge they lead their supporters.
Black lawmakers are no more corrupt than white lawmakers. (Many) white lawmakers double as white supremacist.
Quoting from Politico:
//At one point earlier this year, all eight lawmakers under formal investigation by the House ethics committee, including Rangel and Waters, were black Democrats//
What are the odds?
This all reeks of the Reconstruction era. Blacks were also imagined to be inherently corrupt during that era. Over 110 years later not much has changed. kzs
"Black lawmakers are no more corrupt than white lawmakers.."
TGI, on that we will agree.
travis, regarding Jews, you wrote:
Sadly, I get into many arguments about this topic but since I have a big mouth and call bullshit on people no matter the location, I do enjoy it.
Having a big mouth is not the issue. The problem is your ignorance.
It's fascinating how rampant the fear/belief that "Jews control the country" is among blacks. On this point blacks and white supremacists are equally deluded.
But you might want to consider why Jews, who account for only 2% of the US population, are well represented and have leadership roles in every aspect of American life.
Do you think the Jewish belief in education has played a role?
thrasher, you wrote:
Hey FN my homeboy moma is a maid and white folks she works for don't like public transit bus coming into thier residential area ...
Your claim sounds totally phony.
the ghetto intellectual wrote:
The US govt. role in the crack epidemic stands out. And despite tons of death threats, she even flew down to Nicaragua to investigate.
It is the fact that blacks believe in this conspiracy theory as well as a number of others, and that Maxine Waters believes in this conspiracy theory that whites wonder what planet blacks live on.
Waters and Rangel have been ACCUSED of corruption not CONVICTED of corruption. I'm not going to rush to judgement I am going to wait for the televised ethics committee hearings where all the evidence will be presented and Waters and Rangel can defend themselves in a court of law instead of the court of public opinion. Personally I suspect a legal high hect lynching of high profile (uppitty) black elected officials. The powers that be accuse high profile blacks of corruption to attack their creditibility in the AA community. Notice how the go along to get along black elected officials aren't accused of "corruption"? Field Negroes like Rangel and Walters are corrupt, House Negroes like J.C. Watts and ? are clean. I'm not falling for the Rope a Dope.
Gee, wite folks have Diapers Vitter, Pat Toomee, Steven Friend, the Duggar Dad, Kanjorski.....
I don't think stoopid is only for AfAms
Field Negrophobia is the new title for Wayne including his pasttime of race chasing he should add this to his resume..
Maria's dodge from my point is revealing like FN she has convicted Maxine for the behavior of her aides without proof of course Maxine directed her aides...Of course the idea that workers would step outside thier roles neveer occurs to FN & Maria types quick to the trigger to demonize Maxine...
Sad after the SSherrod saga I would expect folks like FN, Maria and others to stop rendering summary judgment on Black folks..
Field Negrophobia and Maria Magaloon works this sunday morning...lol,lol,lol
When I used to chat with David aka Undercover Brother he would often tell me he regreted becoming a go to noble negro ( FN) for white liberals like Maria finding bad Black guys to validate to white liberals and others he was not a angry Black radical...He did admit playing that game a lot...I guess we have to live though FN's maturation and observe him playing this game you would think after the SSherrod Clusterfuck he would not go there...
We agreed this posturing is a staple of the chatter class....RIP David you were right yet again...I wa
I was wrong about the power of the chatter class....
Thrasher said...
I was wrong about the power of the chatter class....
And MANY other things as well. You are what Maxine and Charlie would call a useful idiot. To busy playin wit your dick and saying she black so its all good to notice she been stickin it in your ass all along and you were blaming someone else. Damn you give the word dumbass negro a bad name. If you took away race....what argument would you have...dumbass.
thrasher, i find you confusing or maybe i expect you to be deeper than you are.
why say on an earlier thread that you "respect" me yet correspond this way? note that i did not respond that i respect you. because i don't.
i dodged nothing. you, however, did not answer my question of why her aides were thrown out.
i have not found her guilty. i have been following her story from way back and thought it was flimsy at best and was stunned it got this far. rangel...well, he's another story.
do not ascribe your guilt at being a HN to the late david mills who never had a day of regret in his LIFE. you are not fit to even say his name...i will not go here again, just know that you are not fooling anyone. you did not know david. david did not like you. david and i were friends who knew each other in real life for many years. you will not use a dead man who knew you were beneath him to try and make some point. do not bring him up again.
you wonder why you get hate mail? because at your core you're really an asshole and a fraud.
The entire system is in need of a reset , it has taken on a life of its own. Its only instinct is to survive. I want you all to imagine if this country could truly be what it is supposed to stand for , just how great it could be.
It is time that we demand more of the CBC , they need to be held to not a higher standard , but OUR standard. They are supposed to represent those who elect them , not the special interest, not illegal immigrants , etc... the people in their districts. The AA that pay taxes and vote for them .Hell all they seem to do is stay caught up in some shit as well. Maybe all of them need to go,if only just to send a message.
Excuse me oh holy privledged white woman who knows all and is everywhere...Get over David respecting me more than you ...I don't give a fuck about how you feel about me you are a nobody in a chat room..
I will use David's name anytime I fucking desire and you can't do shit about it NOTHING.. David was right as well about phony white people like always assuming you know everything ..
I get hate mail because worthless chicken shit white folks like you made life rough for Black MEN like me and DAVID!!!
you brought up david for no reason. i made life rough for david? how would you know?!! what a fucking joke.
i repeat my final words to you: you are an asshole and a fraud.
David aka Undercover Brother often lamented about confronting white liberals like Maria whose often exploit the white privledge of white males to thier advantage while trying to be "progressive"
David recalled once telling me a tale about a white woman feminist who was bummed out becuase her Black friend rejected her "All MEN" are shit routine when she told her Black Father was not like WHITE MEN..
I am not suprised by Maria's posturing and judgment of a Black woman like Maxine ..White feminists never gave a fuck about Black woman ...Maria's contempt for Maxine just reveals how much white woman are just like thier white male counterparts
I will repeat my words Get over David your envy of David and our relationship!!!!...You are a nobody in a chat forum..Deal with that truth
BTW I will continue inserting David into this forum anytime I desire you angry nobody..
David and I used to also talk about opportunistic white folks who select which Black folks they feel they are worthy of hanging out with and peering up with..
No doubt Maria was one of those white folks who felt they added presence by being in the company of Black people like David and people like me...I run into this often phony ass white liberal progressives who think they are bringing some value to the table..Sponge sucking nobodies like Maria are everywhere
BTW your claims you were David's friend are unproven and I don't believe them..He never mentioned you ..I bet you were some fat white chick at a Q&A session that hounded him down with some pedestrian questions..I bet you followed him like you did Maxine's story( BTW did you interview Maxine's aides to determine if they protested out of love and respect for Maxine?)No I doubt it..SHit you are a privledged white woman that knows everything..SHit you followd the story..
You are the one that is a fraud and an asshole..You are pitiful..Pretty soon I bet you will telling tales about knowing Wayne aka FNegrophobia..lol,lol,lol
maria ure talking to the same piece of shyt that calls itself alicia banks both thrasher and her have a desire to dominate this board with bullshyt ure wasting ur time ubm was a good man and thrasher trashes his memory by even invoking him but that is what buceta breaf does too; she mentions dead people and supposedly had relationships with them what a phukking loser!
I still stand by my claim that CBC, as well as politicians in general; have to be held accountable and that voters need do more than rubber stamp these clowns at election time. The Tea Party folks get that much -- but like I said they're useful idiots for folks like Dick Armey and the Koch Brothers who unwittingly prop up the will of plutocrats.
Only politics do the employees (politicians) keep almost always their jobs despite their crappy review because the bosses (Voters) refuse to fire them after the yearly review.
I do believe that there is a witch hunt against Black politicians for a while.
Now, lets face it, some of these Negroes needed to go 10 or 20 years ago. William Jefferson was hiding bribe money in the freezer. And there are numerous other clowns, at the local and state level that make Clay Davis from the "Wire" look like a rookie. Shieeeet.
But, for Maxine Waters to be sitting before an ethics committee when there are crooks who have been in office for years, on both sides -- acting as lapdogs for special interests is just wrong.
BTW David loved the handle "One Drop" I gave him....Of course according to your white privledged mindset you knew that....yeah right
No one is objecting to your premise regarding CBC...I am objecting to FN, Maria and others in here who have already convicted and indicted her..
What troubles me about FN after all of his dramatics about SSherrod he is doing the same thing with Maxine summary judgment
I think tragically to often for Black folks in leadership we feel we must be noble and fair to let white folks know wwe are rightous and competent...Obama does this 24/7 he refuses to state he is a president for Black people..Of course that is ignorant since Black issues are American issues since of course we are Americans who are Black
What is also predictible and tragic is that when Black folks like FN and Obama engaged in this "I am a noble good negro Black person that will not focus on Black issues" they make it more difficult for Black folks in th trenches who when times perilous really need some sound progressive Black leadership....
FN 's need to appease white liberals like Maria and the ruling class is a posture which does not add value in our communities...
u dumb phukkhead trying to sound all intelligent but playing with ur small silicon penis int he process ya dumb animal!there is a space in hell especially for asswipes like u trasher banks!
Travis said...
White folks would be screaming "OH MY GAWD, Those blacks are taking over!!"
I must say that I agree with most of what you implied. Unfortunately, if you are brave enough to deviate from the false narrative put forward by mainstream media, you will be labeled an anti-Semite. It’s an overused tactic that prevents an honest discussion about Palestine and the Middle East. However, it was Ariel Sharon, the former prime minister of Israel himself who echoed your sentiments exactly.
"Don't worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."
October 3, 2001
You are a racist like Travis with regard to white jewish People..Posting this racist antisemitic shit on this site will not get the the approval you seek...
I have an ideal ms. myma go fuck a bagel you racist slug..
trasher, "David and I used to also talk about opportunistic white folks who select which Black folks they feel they are worthy of hanging out with and peering up with.."
Now why would David expose himself to an obvious untrustworthy dummie like you? You've already posted an obvious lie which no_slappz has already nailed your stupid phoney ass for. You are a disgrace not only to Blacks, but to the entire human race. Now go play with your penis, mr. racist porn boy.
"I am not suprised by Maria's posturing and judgment of a Black woman like Maxine ..White feminists never gave a fuck about Black woman ...Maria's contempt for Maxine just reveals how much white woman are just like thier white male counterparts"
When my friend's mom was having problems with her boss because of the bus refusing to go to her sub-division....We made her boss by her a car
Wow, it seems that the comment section has a fire going on. Probably just some agent provocateurs taunting readers who are just looking for information and online community.
I think that Reps. Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters are being used as by Congressional leadership as proof that the Democratic Party is not beholden to Black people.
See, we prosecute Black people, so we are not "only out to help the Blacks."
Considering how few Blacks there are in the US House, the fact that two of them are under investigation simultaneously is a statistical shocker.
The New York Times and Washington Post are undoubtedly displeased that their almost daily accounts of Charles Rangel's "ethics problems" did not move a single Black, Latino or white vote in Harlem, except maybe to remind Rangel's supporters to go to the poll and vote for him. He got 51% of the voted in a crowded field..
Meanwhile, Maxine Waters is accused of trying to help one of the few Black banks in the nation during a banking crisis. Was she supposed to vote for hundreds of billions of dollars for white-owned and operated banks that don't lend money to Blacks (except sub-prime money) while refusing to help a Black bank with which she was intimately familiar? Spare me! Maxine Waters reached out to help a Black-owned bank, which shows how much more help we Blacks could get if we had more representation in the US House and US Senate.
Nothing these two Congresspeople have done, to my knowledge, is outside of ordinary Congressional behavior. They haven't fondled anyone and they haven't been caught wide-stancing in public airport bathrooms. They may have pecadillos, but their reputations are nearly beyond reproach among Blacks.
I'm proud that they're in the US Congress and I'm angry that they're being used to show that the Congress doesn't favor Black people. If they were white, they would be US Senators and considered for the vice presidency.
Even President Obama should have kept his stinking mouth shut instead of urging Rangel to leave office. These representatives are not an embarrassment to the Congress. The fact that the US Senate will not have a single Black member come January is the real embarrassment to the Congress.
It's debatable whether these politicians are doing all that they can for their constituencies, but that's something the voters should decide and have decided, in favor of these representatives.
Get used to it, President Obama, and focus on your own re-election chances in 2012, when Rep. Rangel is unlikely to publicly advise you quietly leave office, to preserve your dignity. I agree with Rangel that Obama, at 45 or so years old, doesn't have enough life experience to comment on Charles Rangel's dignity. And if Obama can't get re-elected (he in much more trouble than Rangel), then Obama won't have any dignity to preserve.
Superb insights...Come again...I hope the weather is nice in Brazil.....
Thraser said, "Hey FN my homeboy moma is a maid and white folks she works for don't like public transit bus coming into thier residential area ...She has to leave early can we get your permission to file a complaint with the local Transit Authority..Negrophobia and following protocols requires us to seek your validation and approval whenever an injustice is present..gotta be nice and shit around white folks..Just saying..."
Thrasher said, "When my friend's mom was having problems with her boss because of the bus refusing to go to her sub-division....We made her boss by her a car"
Well, Field sure did get back to you fast! You managed to file a complaint and get your homeboy's momma a new car, by forcing her employer to buy her a car. And you did all this on one thread! Wow. You are a very powerful man. The white man must be terrified of you.
Did Field tell you how to file? Now I know why you hang around Field. You need him.
Unbelievable. Maybe you ought to run for Congress and show those black folks how to push the white man around. Better yet, run for mayor of Detroit and fix that sucker.
I have an ideal ms. myma go fuck a bagel you racist slug..shyt stain
and u r nothing but a mentally ill sociopath which is far worse then any racist could ever be ya coohole!
You have a real bad memory I don't give any value to posts by intellectual cowards who hide behind a pc and post nothingness....
I thing I will acknowledge with you..I have you obessed over my posts...lol,lol,lol...I make you wait for my posts..I own your mind in here...lol,lol,lol..Now step away from the pc and wait till I post gain ..You intellectual coward probably with penis envy as well...tee hee
trasher, you are so redundant. save your mickey mouse pop psychology for someone else because anons are unphased by it. Anon, Inc is coming after you.
What Francis Holland said;
I'm proud that they're in the US Congress and I'm angry that they're being used to show that the Congress doesn't favor Black people. If they were white, they would be US Senators and considered for the vice presidency.
And what anonymous said;
The powers that be accuse high profile blacks of corruption to attack their creditibility in the AA community. Notice how the go along to get along black elected officials aren't accused of "corruption"? Field Negroes like Rangel and Walters are corrupt, House Negroes like J.C. Watts and ? are clean. I'm not falling for the Rope a Dope.
And what chicagodyke said;
the rules they set for themselves aren't for the purpose of keeping the worse offenders under control. they are for applying against progressive minority and women candidates and pols like MW, when it's time to get rid of her or she starts talking about what the white power structure is doing too much. whatever she may or may not have done (and my vote is not) she's squeaky clean compared to the plutocrats who make up the majority of the house and senate. we're talking about old white men who are or will be millionaires and billionaires, because while they were politicians they sold out every heritage the people of this country ever had. MW otoh has been talking about the reality of the war on drugs, why we need investigations and to end wars, health care for real, the list goes on and on. it's sort of sad to me that this post contains such hesitant support for her. FN, she is one of us, as best as any pol can be right now. can't you see the pattern? african american pols make a mistake on a form for a few large, and it's the end of the careers. white pols can be identified as diaper-wearing hooker clients, rapists of young boys, stealing and helping to steal for their friends, billions from the treasury, and they never make the front pages? come on. perspective, people. i'm so much more interested in prosecuting, trying, and executing the people who brought you the wars in the middle east (which we're losing and cost us 12B/mo) and the bankster bailouts (which cost you and your grandchildren trillions. yes, trillions. for a bubble that can never be re-inflated). what matters more in your world? whatever MW may have done, or the fact that you're about to lose any hope of having social security when you're old?
Thrasher said...
When my friend's mom was having problems with her boss because of the bus refusing to go to her sub-division....We made her boss by her a car
yeah, the boss who pays your mom to clean values her so much he bought HER a new car. Now I think I understand why you are a complete racist moron. You and Momma go drivin much in that new car that she forced the Boss to buy? Hey by the way is your momma's boss charly rangel?
Stop bein so racist and you might learn something you dumb pickle playin coonery lovin asswipe
thrasher, you wrote:
When my friend's mom was having problems with her boss because of the bus refusing to go to her sub-division....We made her boss by her a car...
Sure. You "made" her boss by (buy) her a car.
How did you "make" her boss buy her a car?
Does this woman have a driver's license? Who pays for the insurance? The registraton? The gas?
Where does she park it at night?
What type of car is it? Is it likely to be stolen?
Francis, haven't visited your blog in a while, but I just had to quote this from one of your comments:
"Obama had whites and Blacks fired up, and then he seemed to forget to put any more wood on the fire once the election was over."
Stop bein so racist and you might learn something you dumb pickle playin coonery lovin asswipeanon
muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
When it comes to any form of corruption, Black politicians have always had far less leeway than their White counterparts. It may sound "racist" to the so-called "enlightened" post-racialists, but it's been proven true time and again. You have guys like Barney Frank touching wingtips in bathroom stalls or petting up teenaged interns in the office closet, but let a Black politician so much as even have a rumor of an ethics violation. It's pretty much execute first, try later.
Not to excuse Black pols who engage in impropriary. Some of these Black pols have the tendency to not only stick their hands in the cookie jar, but it's also done for the proverbial "two piece and a biscuit", accepting bribes and kickbacks that amount to small change while getting raked over the coals for it. Meanwhile, there are those who made off with untold millions -- and those who get caught receive kid glove treatment as a result. Just making that known.
Not only did We make her boss buy a car but I made him give her a raise as well..
When you deal with white privledge especially with white males one must dominate them and make them understand how weak they are..
I always use white guilt to dominate whites otherwise they will simply skip through the tulips as if nothing is wrong...lol,lol,lol
I don't understand why all the hate for republicans, it's not the republicans that are taking down the democrats.
Republicans always vote Republican.
Democrats always vote Democrat.
It's the independents, the people that don't pledge their allegiance to any one party that make the difference in elections.
They voted Democrat/Obama in Nov 2008 and now don't like the direction the country is going.
Maybe those promises of transparency, the promises of healthcare debates on CSPAN that ended up, "we have to pass it so we can learn what's in it" didn't go over so well with people that aren't looking at it through political party colored glasses.
When you look at things from the independent's point of view, this wasn't change.
thrasher, you wrote:
Not only did We make her boss buy a car but I made him give her a raise as well..
Oh. Okay. So your name is Vito Corleone. You're describing something that sounds close to extortion.
My question was simple. How did you get the boss to buy her a car and give her a raise?
Inasmuch as you claim you went straight to the boss, it's obvious there's no union involved. It appears she is employed "at will", which means either party can end the relationship for any reason or no reason.
When you deal with white privledge especially with white males one must dominate them and make them understand how weak they are..
Weak? Yeah. That's why he's the boss and she's the employee.
I always use white guilt to dominate whites otherwise they will simply skip through the tulips as if nothing is wrong...lol,lol,lol
Again. What did the car cost? Who pays for the insurance?
Why was the employer willing to give what appears to be a generous pay increase?
What does she do? What makes her so valuable that the employer decided to pay more rather than find a new employee?
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