I have a couple of things to talk about tonight, so let's get down.
I want to start with why I could never associate with a certain political party, and ask (once again) some of my black conservative brethren out there why they choose to. When I first heard about the following story from fellow blogger, Robert Anderson,- and some others- I had to check it out for myself to make sure that it was true. And, wouldn't you know it; turns out it was true. Not that I am shocked. I mean folks in a certain party tend to have a certain mind set when it comes to.....well... black folks.
But let's forget, for a minute, our stuck in time friends. Some things will never change. My angst tonight is directed at the Negroes who willingly play dumb slaves in these twisted republican games. Not just the clowns dressing up and posing with their republican massas for their amusement, but the quasi intellectual half wits who run blogs and prance around on cable television, pimping themselves and losing whatever little dignity they have left by parroting the republican mantra in an ignominious manner.
The good thing about something like this is that every time I see a such a story it reminds me of why I keep blogging: To call out the folks with this mindset who embarrass our race on a daily basis.
"The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) held its annual fall Board of Directors meeting in Charleston, S.C. last weekend – a decision the organization is likely regretting after several controversial pictures from one of the meeting’s sponsored events began surfacing on the internet.
One of the pictures shows S.C. Senate President Glenn McConnell - who FITS readers will recall enjoys dressing up as a Confederate General – posing in his Rebel garb with a pair of African-Americans dressed in, um, “antebellum” attire.
The event in question – dubbed “The Southern Experience” – was held last Friday evening at the Country Club of Charleston. Hosted by the South Carolina Federation of Republican Women, it was included on the national conference’s official itinerary."
Yes, "antebellum attire" indeed. Just like the republicans like them. Color me embarrassed, again!
And speaking of embarrassing his race: They don't come any worse than Ernest Withers.Talk about a sell out. This Negro was running around with MLK and other civil rights icons as a photographer, and was a spy for the cross dressing freak and his G- Men all along.
I swear some of you Negroes can't be trusted. (Some things never change)
Shout out to the Commercial Appeal in Memphis for exposing this traitor to his race and correcting history. (h/t to maria for this story)
"The Memphis paper reports how Withers' spying assisted J. Edgar Hoover, the controversial FBI director who long covertly monitored King and others considered radicals. Withers, the paper notes, gave the bureau a "front-row seat to the civil rights and anti-war movements in Memphis." In the 1960s, he provided information on everyone from the Invaders — a militant black power group — to church leaders, politicians and business owners. Experts believe the FBI paid Withers for spying."
I want to start with why I could never associate with a certain political party, and ask (once again) some of my black conservative brethren out there why they choose to. When I first heard about the following story from fellow blogger, Robert Anderson,- and some others- I had to check it out for myself to make sure that it was true. And, wouldn't you know it; turns out it was true. Not that I am shocked. I mean folks in a certain party tend to have a certain mind set when it comes to.....well... black folks.
But let's forget, for a minute, our stuck in time friends. Some things will never change. My angst tonight is directed at the Negroes who willingly play dumb slaves in these twisted republican games. Not just the clowns dressing up and posing with their republican massas for their amusement, but the quasi intellectual half wits who run blogs and prance around on cable television, pimping themselves and losing whatever little dignity they have left by parroting the republican mantra in an ignominious manner.
The good thing about something like this is that every time I see a such a story it reminds me of why I keep blogging: To call out the folks with this mindset who embarrass our race on a daily basis.
"The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) held its annual fall Board of Directors meeting in Charleston, S.C. last weekend – a decision the organization is likely regretting after several controversial pictures from one of the meeting’s sponsored events began surfacing on the internet.
One of the pictures shows S.C. Senate President Glenn McConnell - who FITS readers will recall enjoys dressing up as a Confederate General – posing in his Rebel garb with a pair of African-Americans dressed in, um, “antebellum” attire.
The event in question – dubbed “The Southern Experience” – was held last Friday evening at the Country Club of Charleston. Hosted by the South Carolina Federation of Republican Women, it was included on the national conference’s official itinerary."
Yes, "antebellum attire" indeed. Just like the republicans like them. Color me embarrassed, again!
And speaking of embarrassing his race: They don't come any worse than Ernest Withers.Talk about a sell out. This Negro was running around with MLK and other civil rights icons as a photographer, and was a spy for the cross dressing freak and his G- Men all along.
I swear some of you Negroes can't be trusted. (Some things never change)
Shout out to the Commercial Appeal in Memphis for exposing this traitor to his race and correcting history. (h/t to maria for this story)
"The Memphis paper reports how Withers' spying assisted J. Edgar Hoover, the controversial FBI director who long covertly monitored King and others considered radicals. Withers, the paper notes, gave the bureau a "front-row seat to the civil rights and anti-war movements in Memphis." In the 1960s, he provided information on everyone from the Invaders — a militant black power group — to church leaders, politicians and business owners. Experts believe the FBI paid Withers for spying."
Of course they paid him. Sellouts love money. Just ask one of your black conservative friends.
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»It's a real shame that people are willing to compromise their integrity for green pieces of paper. Sounds preposterous when you examine it!
Wow -- those two Jiggabos are real slave catchers!!! Good God, dig those two practiced that bug-eyed coon look? Really scare what some Negroes will do for a dollar.
As for the Ernest Withers story, that Negro is "gonna have 'lot of 'xplaining to do" to God Almighty. Wow, I bet after this story, the Tea Party holds him up as a patron saint.
Sounds like he should earn the "Honorary House Negro of the Century Award"!
Check out this segment of my girl Rachel Maddow.
To borrow a term from Anime, He's the Super Saiyan of House Negroes!!
ditto fn
but many balck republicans would never do this
and hobama is more republican than any democarat in the history of america
and hobama has integrated slavery in reality by making us all slaves to banksters...
I read the story about Withers in the NY times today, and the first thought that popped into my head was,
The Spook Who Sat by the Door, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spook_Who_Sat_by_the_Door_%28film%29.
So, no I am not ready to condemn Withers, yet, we don't know the real story.
Please don't tell me the negro in "antebellum attire" on the left played the "wash board" too! :(
My take on Ernest Withers...
The impact of his photography was immeasurable. I suggest you revisit those images and look at them as if you were seeing them for the first time. Despite him being an informant does not diminished how those images had a moral impact on the country when first viewed by America.
Thurgood did the same thing.
A few thoughts on this, some of which might actually be on topic.
First, it would seem that McConnell is more or less your average Republican chickenhawk. He was born in 1947 and would have been a prime age for compulsory military service in Viet Nam. Nope, graduated with a Baccalaureate in 69 and a JD in 72m skipping any inconvenient military duty. He likes to play dress up without the unpleasantness of actual service, it seems.
Second, the man is an unreconstructed cracker. According to his official bio, he "retired from active practice to manage a family business, CSA Galleries, which also owns the Confederate
Creamery and Coffee Company". McConnell is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Secession Camp #4. The Sons of Confederate Veterans were charged in 1906 by Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General of the United Confederate Veterans, with "the vindication of the cause for which we fought."
Given the first two points, it is entirely unsurprising that he would dress up as a Confederate general and pose with a couple of tame darkies. But, hey, it's all about heritage, not hate, right?
I can't believe that this shit still passes muster in 2010. Even in the GOP.
"But let's forget, for a minute, our stuck in time friends. Some things will never change. "
So true, especially the black ones. While one set can't wait to assimilate and wrap themselves into a tuna fish melt tajita with brown people, the other set still can't control their urge to grin teeth and please massa.
Wow, I doubt even a pair of New York Jews would do this for a bank full of bailout money. So you know this is really bad. The two negros even look weary and sunburn, especially the black woman, I bet they made them go outside to pick cotton too.
we better stop hating on the tea party and brew gallons more tea of our own asap...
that tea is working for them!
Tea Party-backed Christine O'Donnell will win Delaware GOP Senate primary over party favorite Mike Castle, CNN projects.
This Bother is no longer alive to defend himself , may I suggest that you check out ThaddeousMatthews.com he has a local radio show in Memphis.
They have lots of politics going on down there in the Black community and some have said this story is a plant.
The Brother was well respected among his peers.
Field, we may be confusing conservative with Republican.
Now I can see nothing wrong with a black person holding the philosphy that small govt. is better, or that fiscal conservatism is in the countries economic best interest... but this is NOT the same thing as affiliating with a party that tends to capture all the racist and ignorant groups as members.
So again, I see no deep issue with a black person who is politically conservative but I am suspicious of a black republican.
Anon. 9:24 PM, I understand that there are two sides to every story, but sorry, I am not down with Mr. Withers on this one. I know Andrew Young will be on CNN tomorrow and I am curious to see what he has to say.
ArtMaggot, I am aware of dudes work (hell I think I had one of his knock off prints back in the day) but sometimes the truth hurts. Hey life is all about balancing s%$#.
Kathy, let me know when you are ready to condemn him.
Greg, thanks for the 411 on McConnell none of what you said surprises me. It's typical.
I cosign with you 100%. He's right there with Charles Moore.
How about Newt this week? If the rhetoric is that ass crazy now, imagine what it's going to be like come the 2012 election?
Some say sellouts didn't get enough hugs as a kid from members of the community.
They need to grow up and get over it. It's time to stop seeking affection for those who will only use you for their benefit. Last time I checked, that's not the definition of love or friendship. One day, with any luck, they'll commit suicide when they realize they've made a mockery of their lives and harmed countless others. It's cruel. Sorry, It's not in line with the Black virtue of endless forgiveness.
Can we please start shunning traitors and sellouts? Finally?
Rethugs are not creative enough to come up with fun, modern and non-offensive ideas for fundraisers. They really lack creativity, or they're really just malicious.
"So again, I see no deep issue with a black person who is politically conservative but I am suspicious of a black republican."
Bro, that's a fair point. But how many conservative blacks are republicans as opposed to Independents or dems? I would love to see the number.
La~Audio really has a problem with my brown brothers and sisters. :) Come on La~Audio, cut the brown people some slack. They are catching s%$# in the Southwest as I write this.
How about Newt this week? If the rhetoric is that ass crazy now, imagine what it's going to be like come the 2012 election?"
"Well", I read those comments from Newt and that other loon; D souza. I might blog about that later.
"Can we please start shunning traitors and sellouts? Finally?"
I second that motion.
I think someone should just push the wingnuts buttons and see if they can implode.
Bro, that's a fair point. But how many conservative blacks are republicans as opposed to Independents or dems? I would love to see the number.
Technically Field, a guy Like Farrakhan and the NOI are conservative. It's just coming from a whole different perspective. In fact, the whole MIllion March and all the rhetoric around it was deeply conservative. Yet, how many Repubs had anything good to say about it?
The Feds had all types of Spooks by the door back in the day... no surprise there! They had to have someone close to MLK to do what they did to him.
QUESTION: What if this breaking news was about Jesse Jackson? I wonder how exactly would it be received... by the white folks who hate him?
Good lookin on that link to the slave-catching ex-ACORN employee, Field. Greatly appreciate that, my man.
Get the eff out of the Fields pimping Thaddeus Matthews, he is an effing JOKE and EMBARRASMENT to the black race. He is the SLAVE CATCHER of Memphis for the right price! DO NOT WASTE YOR TIME, but if curiosity has any intelligent person in the Fields seek out Matthews's blog and his one-man radio show, it will take a 30-second listening that Thaddeus Matthews is a self-absorbed ignorant ass hole.
Signed by
Live in Memphis
As Republicans look back--fondly, romantically, and longingly--to those antebellum days of slavery, and to the Civil War that ripped the Union apart, black Conservatives are ripping apart our black unity, by insisting that our black liberal focus on white racism is counterproductive, and, in today's milieu of white acceptance of blacks, is just plain wrong headed, that white racism is not so much the enemy to black progress, as certain destructive elements in the black community.
I submit, however, the following: Republican and conservative blacks must take this position. It's hard for them to justify their alliance with, and allegiance to, Republicans, and other conservative groups--which one prominent white Republican, just to day, proclaim is racist--unless they see the party as salutary to blacks, and black folk interests, and not inimical to those interests.
For me to be a black person and a Republican would require too much of me: I can't divide an already left and right hemisphere brain into quarters, just so that I might endorse, and subscribe to, a conservative ideology and philosophy.
RE: "Southern Experience"
If you're aware (or not) of history, then Charleston, SC should always be a red flag. A little miffed about that pic...then again, these same fools would go nowhere near a real battlefield.
RE: Ernest Withers
Stuff like this isn't too shocking. I'm sure there are all sorts of "spies" lurking around..
alicia banks said...
we better stop hating on the tea party and brew gallons more tea of our own asap...
that tea is working for them!
Tea Party-backed Christine O'Donnell will win Delaware GOP Senate primary over party favorite Mike Castle, CNN projects.
Alicia, we should actually be happy this Sarah Palin clone won in Delaware? This woman is such a right wing prude that she argues against masturbation.
The only people who are happy are probably Democratic strategist -- because once moderate people start discovering just how right wing crazy this chick is, they'll probably vote for a ham sandwich in opposition.
On the few articles I've read this chick, Sarah Palin clone is a perfect description; a right wing parrot getting by on her barbie doll looks. She even wears the famous form-fitting Palin red dress in her acceptance speech.
We are rather scary times when loons like this can make head ways in the 21st Century.
LACoincidental said..."We are rather scary times when loons like this can make head ways in the 21st Century."
I agree. The country is now, officially, on suicide watch.
Where is the lawn Jockey?
Yes, right next to me in the great state of Delaware, the Tea Party wingnut, thanks to our girl Sarah, has taken down a republican icon in the state. Hmmmm.
Please read up on this canditate folks, you will find her very interesting to say the least. :)
Thank you "Live in Memphis" for another perspective on that radio program. As I said before; there are two sides to every story.
"Where is the lawn Jockey?"
Getting nice and shiny for another stint on the lawn.
I can't fathom why the tea party movement is even active in Delaware. That's a state the banks love. Most of the job lost happened when some big companies left some years ago, before the financial crisis. The state budget has not had nearly the problems New Jersey has had or even Philadelphia for that matter and Mike Castle has represented Delaware very well.
I take that back, I think it is a cloak for the visceral reaction to Obama being president.
Hathor we've move passed Lawn Jockeys, honestly. This is the rise of the Slave Catchers.
Simply continual buck dancing ain't enough. Now you got former ACORN employees making up bullshit? Get dem bloodhounds and noose Nigger Jim, we goin' afta Kunta!!!
"Where is the lawn Jockey?"
Hiding behind a door.
Many who voted for her, voter with their other brain.
"Of course they paid him. Sellouts love money. Just ask one of your black conservative friends."
Field, why do you think only black conservatives are sellouts? Are you telling me you don't know any black Dems or progressive black folks who are sellouts?
Anon, sellouts are everywhere. But Black Neo-Conservatives have made into a cottage industry.
Hathor, "fn,
Many who voted for her, voter with their other brain."
What are you talking about? Please explain.
As part of the Southern Heritage movement, I am surprised that they didn't dress up that Negro in a Confederate uniform. They never tire of letting you know that slaves fought for the Confederacy to help preserve Southern Heritage.
LAC, "Anon, sellouts are everywhere. But Black Neo-Conservatives have made into a cottage industry."
It's quite clear you and Field want to demonize Black conservatives. By all means go ahead...it should be helpful in fueling the war and hate among us.
Anon, there are Black conservatives who are respectable, but they are few and far between -- particular amongst pundits. Most Black conservatives today aren't Booker T. Washington - proud Black men and women who believe in free enterprise and community based solutions. Most Black conservatives are self-loathing fools who say things that are outright bigoted things.
they don't look like they were starving.
but then again, even if I was starving, I wouldn't be shinning and grinning like these Slave Catching Coons, debasing myself for what - a paycheck?
Damn, I live in Charleston and this is the first I seen of this. Thanks, Field.
All the tea party did tonight was assure that the New York governor's mansion and the Delaware senate seat vacated by VP Biden will stay blue.
Tea partiers don't seem to understand the simple math of 1/4 not being bigger than 1/2. They are a subset of the republicans, not the majority of them.
I wish I could be around when history looks back on this time and writes about how the republican party devoured themselves in an orgy of insanity.
They had a real chance to get Senate seats in Nevada, Alaska, and Delaware. Also governors' mansions in New York and New Hampshire could have been republican pick-ups.
Now they are fucked. You can't win general elections with a coalitions of diabetic rednecks riding on scooters crying about wanting their country back.
The primary is usually where the establishment candidate gets to solidify his/her base. Now the base wants to run the country. How many of these "patriots" do you really expect to win this fall? Really? Seriously?
The biggest weapon Dems have right now are the debates. Over the next 4-5 weeks, the Dems should demand to debate these clowns once a week on local TV. The reason why the most Americans support these goons, or at least are indifferent to them, is because they're not paying attention. If Americans see just the kind of whacked out nuts pollute the Tea Party, they'll run to the polls to vote for anything blue.
Oh brother LA, these new Tea Party candidates don't do "lamestream" media. They literally run from press because they know they will have to answer for their wacky ideas and present their own solutions for the country's problems. Look at Sharon Angle and Jan Brewer, no debating and no non-friendly press while their backers accept this crap. I'm sorry but if you can't handle a debate or a reporter's questions you have no business running for dog catcher.
LAC, "Anon, there are Black conservatives who are respectable, but they are few and far between --particular amongst pundits. Most Black conservatives today aren't Booker T. Washington - proud Black men and women who believe in free enterprise and community based solutions. Most Black conservatives are self-loathing fools who say things that are outright bigoted things.
By your reasoning, I am sure there are very few 'respectable' Black conservatives. Fyi, there are MANY conservatives who are working in the Black Community. YOU, Field and BD want to piss on us because we don't think like you. Go ahead. I am sure folks your mean-spirited divisive behavior that 'justifies' and makes your socially unaccepted behavior acceptable.
Conservatives are not against you or the Black race. We are people who know the old attitude of progressive Blacks don't work...it's dead. Obama has proven that. Yet, you want to keep following him like a bunch of lemmings. The Reality is that there is a 'change' sweeping the country and you three, like the GOp, can't grasp and understand what's happening. YOu are still standing still, bitching, criticizing and judging from your erroneous presumptious out-dated minds.
You can pigeon-hole Black conservatives if you like, but your labels are far from the truth. And, it tells a lot about the nature of your characters..very shady.
CORRECTION, to second PARA@12:06Am:
I am sure your mean-spirited divisive rhetoric 'justifies', and makes your socially unaccepted behavior- acceptable.
Trapped in SC said..."I wish I could be around when history looks back on this time and writes about how the republican party devoured themselves in an orgy of insanity."
You may not have to wait all that long.
The death of the Republican Party is not highly exaggerated.
Unfortunately, its demise signals the rise of a Party with a more vicious temperament--the Tea Party.
This astroturf party, funded by the Koch brothers, is moving the country closer to an oligarchy, where the brothers, and any other billionaire types backing their play, will be calling the shots, establishing government policies that favor the business climate they wish to create.
When our politicians are bought and sold, not unlike what's happening now, but just not by one or two people, we don't have a democracy answerable to the people.
An oligarchy won't have to overwhelm congress with their people, just enough of them to influence the outcome of desirable legislation, and suppress legislation they don't like.
LAC, "If Americans see just the kind of whacked out nuts pollute the Tea Party, they'll run to the polls to vote for anything blue."
Oh, Americans can 'see' alright. That's why the Dems are going to lose big time.
BD, "Unfortunately, its demise signals the rise of a Party with a more vicious temperament--the Tea Party."
It stands to reason that Americans, Black and White, are pretty angry at what's happening in America, thanks to the Dems. Otherwise, the Tea Party would be a joke. But they are not a joke, they are real, whatever your negative opinion of them may be.
I am glad Americans finally have another choice instead of the two parties in power. Of course, left up to you the same old game should be played.
Alicia Banks, your "hobama" meme is old and does not (never had) the impact you imagine it does. You are not that cleaver, quite obtuse in fact.
Grow up and move on.
Actually Anon - there's a difference between not agree with the President and standing by while white folks call another AFrican-American everything but a child of God and compare his wife and children to chimpanzees.
Russ Fiengold and Joe Lieberman are as political different as night and day. But I doubt Feingold would allow some redneck call Lieberman a 'stingy Jew' or vice versa. But Black conservatives feel not qualms with Glen Beck accusing a Black man, who grew up in his white grandmother's home, of being racist. I didn't see one Black conservative blogger and bemoan the New Yorker cover showing Obama as jihadist and his wife as a Black Panther -- clearly a race-baiting picture.
And yes, there are Black conservatives that help their community everyday. We call them 'church ladies' and they mostly vote for democrats. Better luck next time.
"My angst tonight is directed at the Negroes who willingly play dumb slaves in these twisted republican games. Not just the clowns dressing up and posing with their republican massas for their amusement, but the quasi intellectual half wits who run blogs and prance around on cable television, pimping themselves and losing whatever little dignity they have left by parroting the republican mantra in an ignominious manner."
Maybe you should write a manual on how Blacks should act and what Blacks shouldn't do...like dress in antebellum clothes that remind you Blacks were once slaves. Btw, Blacks are living in the Jim Crow era in Philadelphia.
Blacks in some Southern states such as S.C. still have a plantation mentality. So what can you expect, a Malcolm X mentality? in S.C.? In S.C. Blacks are still treated like second-class citizens. They are some of the most docile Blacks in America who live everyday at the mercy of Whites.
But so do the Blacks in Philly.
It is amusing how you judge other Blacks, while in Philly the Whites can do whatever the hell they want to you spineless weak-ass 'progressive' Negroes. You really should STFU.
LAC, "And yes, there are Black conservatives that help their community everyday. We call them 'church ladies' and they mostly vote for democrats. Better luck next time."
You are naive and have no idea what you are talking about. You claim to be a Yale graduate? You are full of shit. Or did Affirmative Action force Yale to graduate a dumb ass progressive black liberal dem like you?
FYI: Black conservatives are smart, competent and successful. They don't necessarily hang out in churches. And, Black conservatives no longer need affirmative action to get ahead, and neither do our kids.
Blacks are divided in many ways. Unfortunately, it will always come down to 'you', and 'us' because of dick-heads like you and a few others on this blog. It's been that way for Blacks and the hatred between 'you' and 'us' is growing day-by-day. I am glad it is happening. It's time to split the race and depart from you prosecuting merciless jackasses.
Alicia Banks, your "hobama" meme is old and does not (never had) the impact you imagine it does. You are not that cleaver, quite obtuse in fact.
Grow up and move on.sammy
that is so true aint it she aint nothin but an ignint sack of cat bucetas
"FYI: Black conservatives are smart, competent and successful. They don't necessarily hang out in churches. And, Black conservatives no longer need affirmative action to get ahead, and neither do our kids."
anonyass, you are one self-hating slave catching tom. Take massa's dick out your mouth and have some self respect.
"Blacks are divided in many ways. Unfortunately, it will always come down to 'you', and 'us' because of dick-heads like you and a few others on this blog. It's been that way for Blacks and the hatred between 'you' and 'us' is growing day-by-day. I am glad it is happening. It's time to split the race and depart from you prosecuting merciless jackasses."
Bye, good riddance bitch.
Btw, good luck taking "your" country back.
I'd like to know how that works out with your teabagging bed buddies; you know, with the whole color difference and shit.
You are nothing but a plant, go fuck yourself.
I got a question for you anonyturd:
Shabazz "I got a question for you anonyturd:
Money. I conserve money, and live a decent respectful way of life that i can be proud of.
you must be the same shameless dumb shabazz in the New Panther Party who tried to stop folks from voting. LOL..YOU are definitely NOT a plant.
you sound just like him. yeah, it'll be good to no longer be part of a race with uneducated ignoramuses like you. but i feel sorry for all of your gang-banging kids who don't know you are their father.
"Btw, good luck taking "your" country back.
I'd like to know how that works out with your teabagging bed buddies; you know, with the whole color difference and shit."
Try watching the elections or is that too much for you to handle? Tea baggers are sweeping the country but you are too stupid to know. You should get to AA and NA as soon as possible before your IQ falls below 10. How long have you been out of prison, knucklehead?
Aww, anon, you're hurting my feeling. I've been called worse.
FYI: Black conservatives are smart, competent and successful. They don't necessarily hang out in churches. And, Black conservatives no longer need affirmative action to get ahead, and neither do our kids.
Yes, because white people loved you sooo much, they were willing to hire you, even if there weren't laws on the books banning said white people from not hiring you because you're name is "Duqwan".
Nothing makes me laugh more than some conservative Black claiming they didn't benefit from Affirmative Action. Its akin to someone driving on a highway but claiming that they never benefitted from the DOT or drinking water from a faucet and bemoaning the Clean Water Act. Despite what you think, you benefited from Affirmative Action if you're not an able-bodied white male. (And even that's not exactly true.)
That doesn't make you an idiot. Affirmative Action simply guarantees that you can't be overlooked because you're a minority, disabled or a woman.
But, for a minority to believe that the success of previous generation didn't benefit you make you an idiot.
"By your reasoning, I am sure there are very few 'respectable' Black conservatives. Fyi, there are MANY conservatives who are working in the Black Community. YOU, Field and BD want to piss on us because we don't think like you. Go ahead. I am sure folks your mean-spirited divisive behavior that 'justifies' and makes your socially unaccepted behavior acceptable."
Sounds a bit like a schoolyard complant. Or a wistful wonder of why Blacks simply won't fall in line with the rest of the Black conservatives and think like THEM.
"Conservatives are not against you or the Black race. We are people who know the old attitude of progressive Blacks don't work...it's dead. Obama has proven that."
Wonderful. So the inception of a biracial politician with many "Black" characteristics as this nation's prime leader is supposed to finally settle hundreds of years of grudges, hostility and mistreatment towards Blacks in this country. As much as I wish to join your rather lollipop world view, I have to deal with the realities that the real world constantly remind me of.
Besides, if that were true, Whites would be far more interested in finally attempting genuine reconciliation for past acts of mistreatment towards Blacks instead of simply paying them lip service when it is politically convenient and ignoring them outright the rest of the time.
"The Reality is that there is a 'change' sweeping the country and you three, like the GOp, can't grasp and understand what's happening. YOu are still standing still, bitching, criticizing and judging from your erroneous presumptious out-dated minds."
Oh, there is a change a'comin. And Black conservatives seem to be blind to what's coming around the corner.
"It is amusing how you judge other Blacks, while in Philly the Whites can do whatever the hell they want to you spineless weak-ass 'progressive' Negroes. You really should STFU."
So you ascribe the behavior of "docile" Blacks in the deep South to northern Blacks (in Philly, for example) as a roundabout way of saying that the northern ones run their mouths too much and wouldn't do shit when confronted by White bigotry?
Negro, please. You should shut your dumb ass up and read for a change. It'll keep you from being exposed as a fool and a charlatan who's all words and no brain.
"The only people who are happy are probably Democratic strategist -- because once moderate people start discovering just how right wing crazy this chick is, they'll probably vote for a ham sandwich in opposition."
If this is indicative of the direction of the Democrat party in general, then we're in a shitload of trouble. Imagine if there are some "bright minds" in the DNC who are willing to cede 4 years to some right wing dingbat under the premise that moderates will come running back to anything with a D next to it because the other choice was so unpalatable. Maybe there are some who think that way.
That's how we ended up with 16 years of Republican rule (Reagan, Bush I) and another 8 years of it after Clinton (Bush II).
Mack Lyons said...
If this is indicative of the direction of the Democrat party in general, then we're in a shitload of trouble. Imagine if there are some "bright minds" in the DNC who are willing to cede 4 years to some right wing dingbat under the premise that moderates will come running back to anything with a D next to it because the other choice was so unpalatable. Maybe there are some who think that way.
That's how we ended up with 16 years of Republican rule (Reagan, Bush I) and another 8 years of it after Clinton (Bush II).
Nah son, I'm not hoping that the Tea Party folks will win.
The problem with hardliners, left or right, is that they generally go down HARD in the general. McCain lost the moment he let Sarah Palin start talking.
Yes, the Democrats should take nothing for granted. But its a lot easier to run against the Flying Nun than some moderate GOP type.
It will come as no surprise to me if the two fools in the photo had monkey tails pinned to their ass.
But so do the Blacks in Philly.
It is amusing how you judge other Blacks, while in Philly the Whites can do whatever the hell they want to you spineless weak-ass 'progressive' Negroes. You really should STFU."
Question: Where, exactly, do you live? And have you hired a black person today? I have. And so have quite a few other black foks in Philly. I will wait for your answer....
"It stands to reason that Americans, Black and White, are pretty angry at what's happening in America, thanks to the Dems. Otherwise, the Tea Party would be a joke. But they are not a joke, they are real, whatever your negative opinion of them may be."
Anon. I don't think they are a joke. In fact, I know that they are quite serious. Question: Where were these teabag folks before the first black Prez.?
"FYI: Black conservatives are smart, competent and successful. They don't necessarily hang out in churches. And, Black conservatives no longer need affirmative action to get ahead, and neither do our kids."
Yes, we are smart and successful. Unlike you other blacks. We are the only blacks in our neighborhood, we are the only black person to get to this position on our jobs, our kids are the only blacks in their school.Yep, we different from you other Negroes. :)
"Nothing makes me laugh more than some conservative Black claiming they didn't benefit from Affirmative Action.."
No no La~Coincidental, they are different.
"Conservatives are not against you or the Black race. We are people who know the old attitude of progressive Blacks don't work...it's dead. Obama has proven that"
Yes you are.And, if you know that the "old attitudes" don't work, why are you conservatives?
"Field, why do you think only black conservatives are sellouts? Are you telling me you don't know any black Dems or progressive black folks who are sellouts?"
You must be new here.
AB sez
"but many balck republicans would never do this."
Name ONE who wouldn't.
"So true, especially the black ones. While one set can't wait to assimilate and wrap themselves into a tuna fish melt tajita with brown people, the other set still can't control their urge to grin teeth and please massa."
And of course you just want to date Massa, not please him, right?
quote me
i will not be responsible for your hallucinations
i never said a word about being happy
i said you need to get your slap happy ass to a tea party and take notes for any agenda that makes you happy.
your sadness over sarah will not stop one victory!
the tea party is handling their sadness over hobama very well!!!
"By your reasoning, I am sure there are very few 'respectable' Black conservatives. Fyi, there are MANY conservatives who are working in the Black Community."
Name ONE.
Name one black righty who is not exclusively a grinner and performer for white folks.
Name one who speaks before black groups or churches.
Name one who does grassroots work in the hood.
Name one who ran for office in a majority black district.
Black conservatives are frauds and mercenaries without exception.
And before you mention his name, Colin Powell is NOT a conservative.
hey field - thanks for linking us last night.
who died and made you
language/thought police?
hobama is a corp/banker/cia whore.
he is HObama!!!
i will move on when and if he does.
ps: the uneducated vulgar dl retard will always be that. no change looms. ever.
you have every black neocon in the world in your rolodex right?
you are a complete fool.
dems = repubs
they prove that as BOTH try to silence the tea party just as all black fools
i will name one neocon who would never do that when YOU name ONE mf thing hobama as done for anyone who is not a bankster...take your time!!!
wake up
hobama is more republican and neocon than any prez ever
and lac is more afraid of sarah than hobama????
further proof that he is the most blind hobama nazi on this blog
millions of black neocons are awake
that is why they can see hobama and you cannot
you never answer any of my questions.
i will be doing the same as you until you do...
shut up ya dumb coohole buceta breaf moron!
see 32 cool black neocons here
that you should fear FAR less than hobama and sarah palin?
who could starve poor black people more than hobama has already 4 decades to come???????
Not one of these buckdancers ran in a black district or came anywhere near black people during their campaigns.
90% of them already lost in the primaries and of the two left only Tim Scott of Charleston, SC has a chance of actually winning the general election.
see more on hobama's "grassroots wk" in the hood
what has hobama done to our hood????
when did you start caring about black districts with no gated enclaves????
what has hobama done 4 those same districts???
what has he done for nola?
what has hobama done for black districts in atlanta????
Great article. Keep exposing and calling out the traitors, Uncle Toms and sellouts!
uptownsteve said...
"Name one black righty who is not exclusively a grinner and performer for white folks."
So Steve, is espousing conservative ideals then "acting white"? Is there a legitimate path for a black person to hold certain ideas in his head, such as limited government and an emphasis on personal liberty, or are these ideas off-limits to blacks at birth?
And is there such a thing as an honorable white conservative who believes in such things on principle, not because they are racist against black people?
I'm not sure limiting the ideas that blacks are allowed to hold is the best way forward, ridiculous party costumes not withstanding.
"So Steve, is espousing conservative ideals then "acting white"? Is there a legitimate path for a black person to hold certain ideas in his head, such as limited government and an emphasis on personal liberty, or are these ideas off-limits to blacks at birth?"
This is prima facie evidence of the fraudulence of black conservatives..
Who said anything about "acting white"????
And don't give me the song and dance about blacks not being able to hold so-called "conservative opinions."
I hold many myself.
I'll ask YOU.
Why don't black conservatives/Republicans campaign among BLACK PEOPLE?
Why isn't there ONE black elected official above the rank of dogcatcher?
Why won't any black conservative (or any white one for that matter) stand up to the obvious racists in the party like Mark Williams, Rush Limbaugh, Andrew Breitbart or Glenn Beck?
Nobody is "limiting" black peoples political positions or voting habits.
But you damn sure be able to articulate those opinions and defend them.
And you obviously CAN'T
You can only play victim.
per u:
so is hobama...so????
why not vote for/coddle/excuse/adore/worship them too???
Wow. For going to some kind of costume party, these characters are guilty of race treason.
What's next?
A penalty for reading Huckleberry Finn? Tom Sawyer?
How about Gone With The Wind? It played last night on cable -- on Turner Classic Movies. Is watching the movie now a capital offense?
When you blow off a Jew dressing up in a Nazi uniform, come back and talk to us.
You're Jewish right? What you would think of some Jews dressed like concentration camp inmates taking a picture with a German dressed like an SS officer at a costume party? You wouldn't look askance at that?
repubs = dems
the repubs and the dems hate the tea party/green party/socialist party/BPP....
they both ANY party that stops them from duping drones like you by playing good cop/bad cop with american people...
hobama has been a permanent sleeping pill for played out fools like you
hobama is a bankster
he has tricked us all for wall street pimps!!!
wake up and see the stroll!!!
The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.
The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group ...
The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group ...
For now, remember: The corporations do not control our government; they are our government.
This notion was reaffirmed on August 28 when Bill Maher interviewed Bill Moyers on a special edition of HBO's "Real Time". "The Democratic Party has become like the Republican Party, deeply influenced by corporate money," Moyers said. A short while later he added: "You really have two corporate parties who in their own way and their own time are serving the interests of basically a narrow set of economic interests in the country." In other words, it's the people versus the corporate state.
"Why don't black conservatives/Republicans campaign among BLACK PEOPLE?"
They should campaign among black people more than they do, but it's a tough crowd. I agree more politicians need to man up. You don't see Obama going to NRA conventions or Tea Party rallys.
Why isn't there ONE black elected official above the rank of dogcatcher?
President isn't above dogcatcher?
"Why won't any black conservative (or any white one for that matter) stand up to the obvious racists in the party like Mark Williams, Rush Limbaugh, Andrew Breitbart or Glenn Beck?"
What appears to be obvious racism to one obsessed with seeing racism everywhere he looks might not be so obvious to others.
needs slaps:
watching gone with the wind is watching home movies for you...no?
Black conservatives today are just a more sad example of a widespread tendency in American society: people voting against their own interests.
What's going through the mind of someone standing at a tea party rally with a sign that says "taxed enough already." What do they think of Republicans who aren't sure if they want to give the middle class a tax cut without another one for the rich?
Even the upper income brackets are paying just a fraction of the taxes they would have in the 1950s under a Republican president. We've been cutting taxes for the rich every since then and what has t gotten us? Really, it has produced very little. Wages stagnated and savings rate fell to zero.
As far as black Republicans go...how in the world could you be a member of a party that has a serious contender for the nomination in 2012 essentially saying that colonialism was a good thing. At the same time claiming some dead "tribesman" is sending messages to his son on how to run the country?!
how has voting for hoabama been in poor balck people'e interest????
wtf has hobama done for anyone who is not a bankster???
hobama's swindleus scams gave FAR more to rich people than king shrub's tax cuts!!!
why is it ok to give rich banksters trillions they will keep and bilk FOREVER????
why is that any better than TEMPORARY tax cuts for the rich???
wake up!!!!!!!
it is nation time and hobama is not and never will be our king!!!!
The election of the first black president of the United States – Barack Hussein Obama – has not ended the suffering of our people or U.S. injustices around the world. In fact, the only change we have experienced is an intensification of the exploitation and oppression of black people and oppressed people worldwide, by the global white power machine.
While the U.S. Congress has given Wall Street and the auto industry trillions of dollars, the same Congress refuses to repair the legacy of slavery for descendants of enslaved Africans or prevent “ethnic cleansing” of black people in New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina.
Every day, our people suffer police brutality and murder, unjust imprisonment, depression-level unemployment, underemployment, slave labor in the thousands of U.S. prison camps, disenfranchisement, evictions, foreclosures, and homelessness. And there is no health care to speak of.
African people who dedicated their lives to the freedom struggle during the 1960’s still rot in U.S. prisons, and U.S. wars have expanded beyond the African community in the U.S., to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and now threaten Venezuela, Iran, and the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea.
Under Obama there has been an escalation of the establishment of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), a comprehensive military presence of African soil to defend the capitalist imposed status quo in Africa against efforts of African liberation and their own imperialist competitors.
Under the Obama regime the proxy wars in Africa continue along with the promotion of U.S. imperialist foreign policy objectives that require the permanent subjugation of African people for its ongoing success.
And under Obama, the UN Military forces, including U.S. Marines still illegally occupy the Republic of Haiti, and the U.S. and European funded war in the Congo that has caused millions of African lives has no let up in sight.
In Washington, D.C. on November 13th, beginning at historic Malcolm X Park, the imperialist policies of the Obama regime will be countered with a massive show of solidarity and unity with the oppressed people of the world.
"They should campaign among black people more than they do, but it's a tough crowd. I agree more politicians need to man up. You don't see Obama going to NRA conventions or Tea Party rallys."
Stop trying to be cute.
The NRA and the Tea Party are extensions of the GOP.
Black conservatives are constantly yapping about what black people DON'T DO. Or what black organizations DON'T DO. Or what black politicians DON'T DO.
So there obviously is a vaccum in the black community that needs to be filled.
WhY aren't black conservatives FILLING IT????
Because they are frauds and mercenaries who exist only to entertain and get paid by white conservatives.
You know it and I know it.
"President isn't above dogcatcher?"
A typo. I meant to type "why isn't there a Republican black elected official above the rank of dogcatcher?"
Care to answer?
"What appears to be obvious racism to one obsessed with seeing racism everywhere he looks might not be so obvious to others."
Well what do you call Limbaugh stating that "we'll have to go back to segregated buses in the age of Obama", Or Beck claiming that Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people" or Williams calling Obama an "Indonesian Muslim and a welfare thug"???
the dems and hobama have NOT ended cut that tax cut yet either
and i will be shocked if they do
wake up
u r being played
"Well what do you call Limbaugh stating that "we'll have to go back to segregated buses in the age of Obama", Or Beck claiming that Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people" or Williams calling Obama an "Indonesian Muslim and a welfare thug"???"
Accusing Obama of bigotry is proof of their own bigotry? Isn't excoriating bigotry a repudiation of racism?
Obama's own words indicate antipathy toward white people.
"why isn't there a Republican black elected official above the rank of dogcatcher?"
I don't know if you rank congressman above dogcatcher, but there will be a lot more after the next election.
The times they are a changin', uptown.
yeah, yeah.
Back on the porch Buckwheat.
Can't have a debate with you black righties because you're total phonies.
Well said...
"As far as black Republicans go...how in the world could you be a member of a party that has a serious contender for the nomination in 2012 essentially saying that colonialism was a good thing. At the same time claiming some dead "tribesman" is sending messages to his son on how to run the country?!"
Who are you referring to?
As far as the influence of "dead tribesmen" goes, don't you think it a little weird how Barry Soetoro changed his name to honor the father who utterly abandoned him? That, when given an advance to write a book about himself, instead turned in a book about the father he never knew? Instead of identifying with the grandparents who raised him, the step dad who suported him, or the country that elected him president, he instead identifies with the Kenyan drunk who knocked up his momma.
Rage against the mother who dumped him off on her parents? Or affirmation of her anti-American values?
Obama is many things, but one of them is a pretty weird dude.
This Tom has swallowed the Tea Party jism and sports a big watermelon grin afterwards.
uptownsteve said...
This Tom has swallowed the Tea Party jism and sports a big watermelon grin afterwards."
What an open-minded, deep thinker you are, Steve. Your brilliantly reasoned, well documented points are evidence of your deep commitment to intellectual honesty. No one would ever think that you were a bitter, impotent phony.
hobama's entire cia chameleon changeling hoax life is a blackish pr stunt
Shabazz said...
"anonyass, you are one self-hating slave catching tom. Take massa's dick out your mouth and have some self respect. "
Man, Shabazz sure thinks a lot about penises. Wonder why?
uptownsteve and well said, you wrote:
When you blow off a Jew dressing up in a Nazi uniform, come back and talk to us.
What you would think of some Jews dressed like concentration camp inmates taking a picture with a German dressed like an SS officer at a costume party?
I know you two clowns don't get out much, so maybe you missed the movie and Broadway versions of "The Producers".
who would hobama ever fool twice????
and why???????
you are on a roll!
all dl gaybashers like the vulgar dl retard & shabassed out et al are all consumed by such carnal gay thoughts
they ignore gay love as they SINGULARLY obsess incessantly over explicit gay sex
ie the vdlr's COUNTLESS XXX vaginal rants herein...
and we all know why!:
"I know you two clowns don't get out much, so maybe you missed the movie and Broadway versions of "The Producers"."
Actually I did.
I saw "Bamboozled" and "Minstrel Man" as well.
The idea behind all those productions were frustrated black or Jewish writers proposing a blackface minstrel show/or Nazi musical in protest, but to their amazement they become hits.
Your dumb ass probably thought Mel Brooks was celebrating Nazism.
la audiobooks said:
Wow, I doubt even a pair of New York Jews would do this for a bank full of bailout money.
What could this mean?
Meanwhile, the worst run bank in NY City is Carver Bank (stock symbol CARV). It is a "black bank", with a black female CEO who has the business on a slow and steady path to failure.
hobama is not a racist
ask white banksters
hobama is a rabid ruthless elitist
his only antipathy is towards poor people and the poorest americans are blacks/mexicans
hobama used and pimped rev w and the tucc
he probably really never heard a sermon...he was mentally planning politico events as he sat in the tucc's pews...
he was also very distracted by his dl gay spouse at the tucc donald young
If you saw The Producers, then your challenge to me was, as you must have known, baseless.
You have a talent for shooting yourself in the foot.
I know you two clowns don't get out much, so maybe you missed the movie and Broadway versions of "The Producers".
"The Producers" has nothing to do with it. Just answer the question please.
I know you two clowns don't get out much, so maybe you missed the movie and Broadway versions of "The Producers".
"The Producers" has nothing to do with it. Just answer the question please.
Wow Field where do you get this stuff from?
I agree with those who continue to point out that the way forward for black folks and white folks for that matter is neither the democratic or republican parties.
But having said that I don't really understand how anyone who is black can seriously consider being a conservative unless they are rich which in that case they actually have something to conserve.
But even they have to be careful because being conservative in this society means that one agrees with the underlying values which encourage the denigration of women, the suppression and discrimination against people of color, the elimination and bad mouthing of unions and all other worker organizations that attempt to raise the standard of living and provide real job security for workin class people.
In essence conservatives support all the things that hold the masses back. And they have to be honest and say they really don't support economic prosperity for everyone, just the rich and the ruling class. That in a nutshell is what conservatives support.
It definitely is not on the cutting edge of leading humanity forward especially while seeking to conserve the status quo.
Maybe we should have a Holocaust/Third Reich party? Are you at all effeminate No Slappz? We can stick you in a dress and a wig and you can go as Anne Frank. There wouldn't be anything offensive in that, would there?
the dems and repubs are also not doing ANY of these things you so eloquently lament as allegedly exclusive failures of the neocons...
hobama has eradicated teachers' unions so that he and his bankster posses can bilk charter schools via their own nclb 2.0...
poor women have no health care within hobamacare including bc pills and abortions
hobama has PERMANENTLY unemployed 8 million people via his initial swindleus pkg...his second one looms
hobama has wounded workers and women and unions and poor blacks... for decades to come as no other neocon prez b4 him
@Mellaneous: Your definition of "conservatism" betrays a stunted intellect. If you honestly believe your cartoonish characterization, you really need to broaden your reading.
shut the phukk up u buceta breaf coohole! u aint said shyt that was relevant or meaningful today u r a grade a colo chrick! flappin ur jaws like a boo boo head without shyt to add u dumbass!
field buceta breaf is a sad example of the very people whose picture u showed on the post these types of fools will do anything to get money and accolades from those in positions of power sadly this coohole is playing rite into these folks hands with her ad hominem attacks and meaningless rants
hows that iq treatin ya genius?
ronny raygun was a neocon drug dealer i despise
but one can easily argue that hobama's serial global wars + massive gutting of urban centers via nclb/joblessness/homelessness/hunger/prison funding etc has felled as many poor black urbanites as ronny...
hobama has killed even more than ronny raygun and ollie north and their global crack dealer posses
for decades...
iron clad generational poverty is a lethal poison far more toxic than crack
the vldr actually thinks hobama is the god of the poor...shame!!!!
hey illiterate clueless vulgar dl retard:
see all the poor powerless people who own hobama here:
well wrote:
Maybe we should have a Holocaust/Third Reich party?
YOU can have any old party you'd like to have.
Are you at all effeminate No Slappz? We can stick you in a dress and a wig and you can go as Anne Frank.
We? Like I said, YOU can throw a party for any reason you like. But you can expect me to skip your Holocaust party.
I think even you know the blacks at the party that's got you so upset where there voluntarily.
There wouldn't be anything offensive in that, would there?
The Antebellum scene might have crossed a line if the blacks in the photo were posing as slaves in the middle of receiving a beating.
However, it appears the setting involved the some of the most benign aspects of the Old South.
There were no benign aspects to the Holocaust.
Maybe you should study the Jewish experience. Hitler murdered one-third of the world's Jews. Nothing like that has ever happened to blacks.
Nevertheless, Jews have recovered and do not depend on sympathy for a tragedy that ended 65 years ago.
Jews will never forget the Holocaust or allow the facts to slip away. But maintaining the historical record has not stopped Jews from getting educated and prospering.
Why does it seem nearly impossible for blacks to do the same, even when there are black nations with extraordinary resource wealth? Like Nigeria.
Slavery ended 145 years ago. With respect to descendants of slaves in the US, its effects have had enough time to pass away. The impact of slavery on life in Africa was close to zero.
Nevertheless, every African nation is a nightmare.
Meanwhile, asians have beaten a path to success in the US. What's their secret? Hmmm?
If you want black life to improve, you should urge blacks to emulate asians and Jews.
hey ya buceta coohole eating loser! u r a tired senile old fool! ur hobama meme is tired and useless anything u mite say that makes sense is overtaken by ur bullshyt nonsense ur hatred of obama is unwarranted if u had fair analysis ude hate ALL the presidents since 1914 u dykewad! but since ure historically illiterate and just front like u know some thangs do some reading to see why thats the case oh wait u have sub average intelligence; u mite not be able to make realistic conclusions ya magical thinking paranoia having embellishment prone buceta breaf moronic loser!
u r the type of cast iron skillet lookin chick that gives black womyn a bad name ya buceta breaf coohole lickin loser! everything u get here in a negative way is exactly what u deserve and u will continue to get it every single day because u r not worthy of living a happy life u wicked evil chriflin bytch!
hey inspirational illiterate ignant vulgar dl retard:
here is more on 1914
and how hobama has spent more than all those old prezes combined!!!!....in 2 yrs!!!!
) - In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.
However, it appears the setting involved the some of the most benign aspects of the Old South.
There were no benign aspects to the old south. It's entire existence was predicated on slavery and dehumanization. Maybe you should study some black (and American) history.
Unlike the holocaust, slavery lasted for centuries and FAR more people died or had their lives destroyed because of it.
As for your comments concerning Africa. Please read "Shackled to the Past: The Causes and Consequences of the American Slave trade." Here's the PDF link
It's a statistical study that correlates the amount of slaves taken from a particular section of Africa and the current economic condition of the area today. I invite you to refute its findings. The effects of the slave trade are still felt today.
needs slaps:
actually the african-american and black dispora's holocausts are ongoing!
we all attend those parties daily...
and rabid KKK racists like you are the ongoing stars of said parties globally as well.
ps: why is your belly warmer vdlr letting you be slain by all solo today?
ure so caught up in ur own supposed intelligence that u have at the very least a cursory understanding of history shyt u dont even know that ur birracial grandpa isadore liked phukking round with white women apparently u r ignint about a great many things coohole!
but eye digress 1914 was a key year in global finance because of a secret congressional meeting uve referenced alex jones and infowars before u ought to know what eyem talking about ya dumbass but instead u continue with ur utterly insane diatribes against the president u blame shyt on him that he aint have nothin to do with and send ad hominems u never cite concrete policy or anything else
its cuz ure a lying low down dirty sack of dog shyt and r worth far less than that; eye was being kind chrick
hey INCREASINGLY INSPIRATIONAL ignant integrationist vuulgar dl retard:
isadore never wed a white women/made one white baby/or screwed one wf cia agent...bet!!!
isadore was lynched like countless black men for being black while rich and owning too much land and cursing white men in their faces in broad daylight who pressured him to sell out to white banksters like hobama does!!!
the same way i publicly slay envious uneducated broke bastard moronic niggers like you who have never even met their broke deadbeat daddies on this blog daily
if white men killed all the black men who love white women, there would be almost 0 black men left...in every era...but especially in 2010...ask maria/your man/ or one of his white reeking side pcs!!!!
thanks for reminding me that hobama's dad loved white women and hobama's mammy is white.
hobama has an endless stable of half white international bastard siblings from his fertile african oj deadbeat dad's OTHER serial white wives/babies' wf mammies...
his swirled baby boy hobama grew up to be 100% green and rob 100% of poor uneducated black fools like you...so????????
you racist reatrd????
faceless foolish vdlr:
i imagine you as much blacker than me and bald...as most colorists???
where is your photo??????
faceless belly warmer vdlr:
in fact
i picture you as a fatter uglier darker clone of uts with shorter hair...as most colorists
where is your photo?????
here is more LIVE from alex jones and celente about hobama's spending/1914 etc
inspiring vldr:
more on hobama's trillions spent in 2 yrs
1914 = 6 in numerology
barack hussein obama
holla back!!!!!
well, you wrote:
Unlike the holocaust, slavery lasted for centuries
Oh. Africa was largely unexplored until relatively recently in human history. In other words, blacks in Africa did whatever they did -- tribal stuff -- for many many centuries before tangling with whites.
On the other hand, Jews were enduring pogroms and various anti-Semitic purges since the earliest days of the religion -- thousands of years before slaves were taken from Africa.
...and FAR more people died or had their lives destroyed because of it.
Maybe. Maybe not.
As for your comments concerning Africa. Please read "Shackled to the Past: The Causes and Consequences of the American Slave trade."
If a similar text were written about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism, would it deliver page after page of excuses?
It's a statistical study that correlates the amount of slaves taken from a particular section of Africa and the current economic condition of the area today.
Yeah. Like a study of Poland that mentions there were about 3 million Jews living there before WWII and now there are close to none. Hmmm.
I invite you to refute its findings.
I refute it this way: others have suffered extensive hardships, brutality, rejection, discrimination and near extirmination. Yet they have overcome the problems and built enterprising healthy societies.
But in this way, blacks stand alone. There is not one enterprising, advanced, prosperous black nation on the planet.
The effects of the slave trade are still felt today.
For two reasons. One: because selling adversity is well compensated. Two: because want to remain captives of their past.
It's fascinating that a favorite black mantra is We Shall Overcome. But blacks have shown they are unable to move into the future and distance themselves from the past, which is to say, distancing themselves from slavery.
It seems as though letting go of slavery is frightening. Probably because need the security of tying themselves to some unchangeable historical fact. That feels a lot safer than hitching one's wagon to the aspects of American culture that move people into a prospering future.
NS said about the black folks dressing up like slaves and playing along to the supposed harmless recreation of the antebellum South:
"However, it appears the setting involved the some of the most benign aspects of the Old South."
In case you weren't aware NS benign is defined as being "mild" something "that does not threaten health or life", or having no significant effect."
And we wonder why we still struggle in this country after all these years.
Imagine that NS not having personal freedom actually being someone elses property a slave as being mild or having no significant effect.
I thought you were a paid stooge paid to post irrelevant and distracting and foolish racist information on this blog. But I am starting to suspect that you are just another mean spirited racist, individual who really ought to be thankful that the Creator allows you to breath.
inspiring ignant illiterate vdlr:
see much more on nostradamus
a magical seer who lived in 1914
he had a lot to say about hobama as "mabus"
holla back asap u trifling faded clueless tricked out hobama nazi!!!!
But you picked a good time to come out and play. Lets talk about your statement about blacks never having experienced a holocaust.
Conservative estimates state that nearly 20 million African's lost thier lives in the middle passage alone just trying to get to the New World and anyone who doubts the figures can look it up. If I am off by a few million it would still be considered just as tragic as what happened to the Jews at the hands of Nazi Germany.
Its silly to compare tragedies the point is that class society has ushered in much inhumanity while trying to cover up with talk about mankinds inhumanity to man whereas in reality human beings when allowed to be full human beings and not motivated by frabricated differences get along just fine.
needs slaps:
you are a raibdly racist uneducated deluded fool
you know absolutely nothing about biblical or african history you lying dog
your entire hebrew texts were stolen from the ELDER ancient african texts that preceeded it
that is why the pope sleeps under the vatican ceiling shrine to an ebony black dreadlocked madonna and black christ
child nightly
and why all ancient images of christ look like jimmy hendrix
mellaneous said..."And we wonder why we still struggle in this country after all these years."
It is a wonder, insn't it, 145 years later. just when the hell are black folks going to get their shit together?
"in reality human beings when allowed to be full human beings and not motivated by frabricated differences get along just fine."
Do you see the irony in this statement? Your liberal, victim mentality does not allow blacks to be "full human beings". The fabricated differences keep blacks on the democrat plantation, poor but secure in the knowledge that next year we'll get a extra handful of feed.
needs slaps
blacks stand alone ONLY because we cannot become white as you jews did.
we cannot change our skin tones and last names as we apply for sba loans at the banks you own...
why pretend we have ever really been free in america?
the chains changed they never went away
ghettos are the new plantations
hobama is the new overseeer
crack is the new cotton
the prison and military industrial complexes are the new slave ships
hobama nazis are the new slaves etc
NS said:"It's fascinating that a favorite black mantra is We Shall Overcome. But blacks have shown they are unable to move into the future and distance themselves from the past, which is to say, distancing themselves from slavery."
Actually NS its the continued system of injustice and discrimination that black folks have to continue to overcome. After slavery and the Reconstruction era black folks began to do fine for themselves, they literally were pulling themselves up by whatever means they had. They went to the polls voted their conscience, established schools, business, ran farms, raised their families. And even gained the respect of their neighbors.
But along came the ruling class and its minions who reintroduced racist ideas and racist laws that in essence re-enslaved black folks.
We know them as black codes and vagrancy laws that also hindered white working folks. It was all wrapped in a system called Jim Crow that sought to isolate and segregate black folks while exploiting their labor and pitting white labor against black labor.
It sought to make black folks feel inferior by reinforcing every racist idea imaginable. Kind of like what you try to do on this blog.
Black folks did overcome the worst of this segregation and dehumanization. But the folks who would continue to keep us in second class status for the sake of profit and power, have found other ways to keep black folks in general from totally enjoying the so-called American dream.
Black folks are judged diffently even when as qualified and even when more qualified than whites. I recently read a NY Times story in which employees at several top notch firms and business said that their bosses would never hire a black person.
Blacks still continue to face discrimination in hiring, a justice system that tries to make crime a black issue, police harrass us, we deal with a public education system that is two tiered one for well off white kids and one for poor children and esp poor and working class black folks.
We would be doing fine NS if folks like you and the US ruling class would just allow us equality of opportunity and stop sending our people the message that they are somehow second class while doing everything in their power to keep black folks in that position.
You haven't said anything bearing any truth, NS you are doing old fashioned blame the victim.
And since you have such a dim view of black folks wouldn't the humane thing be to just leave them alone. What do you hope to gain by your constant lies and defamation?
needs slaps:
someday soon
after hobama and bp have raped and rob them even moreso than they have to date
amoral heartless blind racist rabid dogs like u will be telling broke black fishermen:
"you lazy men did nothing to stop the oil in the gulf/pool your pil cleaning resources etc"
"If you want black life to improve, you should urge blacks to emulate asians and Jews."
You mean like eating live insects and or taking other peoples homes and claiming God is your real estate agent?
Anon said;It is a wonder, insn't it, 145 years later. just when the hell are black folks going to get their shit together?
Thats easy when other folks get their folks off black folks necks they will do just fine just like everyone else.
And what are you talking about anyway? How did you confuse my statement which points out that when people are not propagandized away from cooperating with one another they usually find a way to get along. How is that a victim statement?
And what makes you and other racists so heartless. If someone is victimized they have in essence been made a victim its a statement of fact not a social statement.
When someone in your family is attacked or otherwise victimized by theft or some other ill fortune is your reaction to blame them and ignore their victimization? Or do you sympathize with the person who has been victimized?
"And what makes you and other racists so heartless."
Actually it's posting as "anonymous" on the web that gives them courage.
"As far as the influence of "dead tribesmen" goes, don't you think it a little weird how Barry Soetoro changed his name to honor the father who utterly abandoned him? That, when given an advance to write a book about himself, instead turned in a book about the father he never knew? Instead of identifying with the grandparents who raised him, the step dad who suported him, or the country that elected him president, he instead identifies with the Kenyan drunk who knocked up his momma."
As far as the family dynamics of the Soetoro/Obama family went, you're just an outsider looking in.
All of these assumptions are just that. Assumptions of a man on the outside looking into a family's past. You wouldn't happen to be a family friend of the Obamas, are you? Thought so.
NS said;"There is not one enterprising, advanced, prosperous black nation on the planet."
Actually there are quite a few enterprising Black countries. Because they are all consisdered third world they have their share of poverty. But many are trying.
But NS you have no leg to stand on here. I would be quiet about this if I were you. The history of European colonization of Africa is one of the bloodiest, cruelest, depraved histories in the history of the world.
The slaughter,murder, rape, theft of the colored world by the Europeans is unparalled. And I am sure anyone can provide you the facts. The British treatment of its colonies what happened in Kenya is still an embarassment to British society, the Dutch treatment of Southern Africa, the Congo the list goes on of the record of the organized serial killers.
And what are you bragging about anyway Israel is no great shakes its not even a democracy and it acts just like its European and American benefactors (thats right benefactors) with its cruel and inhuman (cutting down trees, limiting water, shooting at children, putting up walls, keeping children from going to school, bulldozing homes etc.) and illegal occupation of Palestine.
"You mean like eating live insects and or taking other peoples homes and claiming God is your real estate agent?"
Come on, Steve. That was a bit mean. Now Slappy's got himself another track to ride his little Bullshit Choo-Choo on.
""There is not one enterprising, advanced, prosperous black nation on the planet.""
That's just Slappy's way of saying "Blacks are inferior and destined to live at the feet of the almighty White Man for all eternity". That fits into Slappy's world view, plus it gets his ego pumped up.
Middle-class and above black families are labeled "Uncle Toms," "Bougie," or "acting white" unless they pass the "genuine blackness" litmus test. Members of my family have been called these names. Many school-aged black children succumb by shedding non-black friendships, underperforming academically, speaking "Ebonics," or adopting prison-influenced dress codes.
Claims about how racism developed distract us from its true sources. The black community should ask why both the Democratic Party and black leaders oppose school vouchers and support abortion. Both the Party and black leaders mysteriously and doggedly hold positions on the issues that work against the black community.
The Democratic Party opposes school voucher programs allowing private school options. President Obama in 2009 let a successful school voucher program in Washington, DC, lapse at the behest of teachers unions and over the objections of black inner-city mothers. It must have been a slap in the face to these black inner-city mothers when Obama chose a private DC school for his daughters.
no defense!
no one defended all the very same revelations about gwb's coke history and laura's auto murder and and their daughters' drinking etc
private lives are a luxury no politico or hsi family ever has...
there are many other perks to ease that loss
like incessant opulent vacation and golfing etc
sorry buceta breaf u dont even know ur own family history it is a well established fact that grandpa isadore was of mixed heritage AND that he had KNOWN liaisons with white women he was also accused of being married to more than one woman at once ya coohole u r such a tired pathetic being unworthy of pity or sympathy for ur brazen wickedness simply to save face u talk a lot of mess but u aint saying shyt dumbass
u r such a tired pathetic being unworthy of pity or sympathy for ur brazen wickedness simply to save face u talk a lot of mess but u aint saying shyt dumbaass yes u deserve nothing less than a life full of misery buceta breaf
u have a lot of nerve bringing up ur grandpa who was a victim of a heinous crime and comparing urself to him u dont have the integrity of spirit the honesty with urself and the proper attitude u r a small shytty disgusting moron
anon ditto!!!
what hobama did to poor black gifted babies as he sent sasha and malia to an uber elite prep haven was HORRID and many local black dc activists slew him for it....
most were just censored from the msms by his fans
isdore making bastard babies like you had nothing to do with his lynching
and none of them were white
but hobama being a cia bred bastard has everything to do with why YOU will be broker than your unknown dad and ditto for your demon seed you retarded nigger bitch
Mack Lyons
"Come on, Steve. That was a bit mean. Now Slappy's got himself another track to ride his little Bullshit Choo-Choo on."
Mack, you ever think about WHY slappy comes on this black blog and spews the same tired $hit everyday?
"Middle-class and above black families are labeled "Uncle Toms," "Bougie," or "acting white" unless they pass the "genuine blackness" litmus test."
This is steaming pile of $hit.
I live in the community which houses the largest concentration of middle, upper and professional blacks in the WORLD so if this "acting white" bs was going on I'd be the first to hear it.
And what in your mind is the "genuine black litmus test"??
Wearing your pants down below your underwear??
Get real idiot.
"Members of my family have been called these names."
If they're anything like you it's not hard to see why.
"I live in the community which houses the largest concentration of middle, upper and professional blacks in the WORLD so if this "acting white" bs was going on I'd be the first to hear it."
Uts you don't listen so how can you be the first to hear anything? I am so glad that I am not part of your race anymore.
Blogger alicia banks said...
faceless belly warmer vdlr:
in fact
i picture you as a fatter uglier darker clone of uts with shorter hair...as most colorists
where is your photo?????buceta breaf
huh so u say that the anonymous commenter is fat dark and ugly with short hair huh? whats up with u and this short hair fixation? ure prolly one of those nappy headed ugly dyke bytches talkin bout 'my hair used to be long cuz i gots cherokee in me but a fire in the kitchen burnt it off when i was five and it came back nappy!' nucka puleeze who gives a kippers dick about the length of hair of a person ya superficial uninspired uncreative loser!
u r as ugly as a rusty cast iron skillet ur spirit permeates its nastiness throughout causing psychic abuse and u deserve any and all abuse hurled at u henceforth and forevermore
Mack Lyons said...
"You wouldn't happen to be a family friend of the Obamas, are you?"
No, not at all, but the details of Obama's upbringing, sketchy as they may be, are fascinating. And I agree with you that D'Souza's main thrust that he has somehow intuited his dead tribesman father's world view is off the mark.
Obama spent the first year of his life in Seattle with his mother, the cruelly named Stanley Ann Dunham. Ann left Hawaii within two weeks of Obama's birth. Barack Sr. quit Hawaii for Harvard before Obama's first birthday, months before Ann and the baby returned to Hawaii. The little family never lived together. There is no evidence of a wedding other than the divorce papers. Barack Obama, Sr. may not have seen the boy until he was ten.
The most critical person in Obama's development was not his illusory father, but his very real mother. The fact that the focus of his autobiography is on his father is entirely due to Bill Ayer's "help" in producing the book.
In an illuminating scene in Dreams, when Obama's Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, asks his wife to meet some of "her own people" at the American oil company where he works, she snaps at him, "They are not my people." Mom raised the young Obama to be wary of the "ugly Americans" in their midst. The only thing exceptional about America, she taught him, was Barry Obama himself.
Without Ayers' involvement, Obama would not likely have written a book about his search for a man whose funeral he did not bother attending. When it comes to the feelings he has for the country he leads, Barry is a momma's boy.
attacking the parentage of ur nemisis? interesting and totally irrelevant ur grandpa was a known womanizer it doesnt justify the hateful crime he experienced that led to his death but u cannot deny the truth just to suit ur fantasies ya coohole u ignint piece of shyt!
hobama does not have to envy people like me who wear long lovely soft nappy silky locks as you do.
his wf bio mom had the hair that bald lye-ing permed out cat fur peach fuzz domed gel gummed out fried dyed envious bitches like you covet naturally.
hobama has in his genes what you have to go buy from that chinee dude you do for discounts at the horse hair store.
that is too bad for u baldheaded boo!
ignant inspirational vdlr:
if men were lynched for being womanizers....there would be so few men left alive!!!!
your man and hobama would be corpses too
hobama would have been lynched twice for vera baker and donald young
"Uts you don't listen so how can you be the first to hear anything? I am so glad that I am not part of your race anymore."
What are you, a Cablinasian now?
cheer up trick!
all mangy hyenas like you have bald spots and cropped furs...you are not alone!!!
Oh. Africa was largely unexplored until relatively recently in human history. In other words, blacks in Africa did whatever they did -- tribal stuff -- for many many centuries before tangling with whites.
What a back-handed statement, no slappz. But don't expect any less.
"Tribal stuff"? As if Africans didn't have complex civilizations and were just swing from trees and talking to animals, like real life version of 'Avatar'. You do realize that Africans, along with Asians made trips to the New World long before Europe realized that the edge of England wasn't end of the world? Did you know that Christianity, Judaism and Islam existed in Africa for centuries?
No, probably not. Because you still think that pre-colonial Africans were semi-intelligent savages who need "mighty whitey" to show them the way.
Anon, Roy Ayers? Seriously, when will you right wing loons drop this nutball meme? Roy Ayers was the Obamas' neighbor and worked with him on community projects. That's it. But wing nuts want to act as if he's the Emperor Palpatine to Obama's Darth Vader.
inspiring illiterate ignant alopecia victim vdlr:
like hobama
YOU LIE!!!!!
quote me or stfu
i have never denied that isadore was a womanizer you jealous lying baldheaded bitch
i have written about that extensively
but it had nothing to do with the envious racist dogs like your beloved belly warming needs slaps who slew him
nothing at all except in the vulgar clueless minds of KKK swirled nasty tricks like you
uts-"What are you, a Cablinasian now?"
Exactly. No longer must I be a part of a race where fools like you exist. What a relief!
LACoincidental said...
"You do realize that Africans, along with Asians made trips to the New World long before Europe realized that the edge of England wasn't end of the world? "
Oh yes, and they were flying airplanes around the pyramids they built thousands of years ago.
Alicia, please ignore the anon, it wom't unless you ignore it. I'm not attacking you either.
LAC, ""Tribal stuff"? As if Africans didn't have complex civilizations and were just swing from trees and talking to animals, like real life version of 'Avatar'. You do realize that Africans, along with Asians made trips to the New World long before Europe realized that the edge of England wasn't end of the world? Did you know that Christianity, Judaism and Islam existed in Africa for centuries?"
What happened that Whites surpassed Africans in civilization and knowledge? Obviously, they just weren't capable of keeping up with the times. I am so glad that I am no longer part of your race.
Anonymous said...
LACoincidental said...
"You do realize that Africans, along with Asians made trips to the New World long before Europe realized that the edge of England wasn't end of the world? "
Oh yes, and they were flying airplanes around the pyramids they built thousands of years ago.
Oh how cute.
Yes, Africans couldn't have complex civilizations because they didn't have an invention less than 100 years old.
Please get a clue. I swear right wing lurkers are too stupid for their own good.
i try my best
but she is allowed to have free vulgar reign herein...
@LAC: "Roy Ayers was the Obamas' neighbor and worked with him on community projects. That's it. "
Yes, you obviously know all about it. The man's name is BILL Ayers, and he substantially wrote "Dreams from My Father" for Obama. Ayers provided the structure for Dreams, much of its content, and all of its style.
In his otherwise-Obama-friendly book, "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage", biographer Christopher Andersen confirms this. In 1994, Obama found himself deeply in debt and "hopelessly blocked" in his writing. At "Michelle's urging," Obama "sought advice from his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers." What attracted the Obamas to Ayers were his "proven abilities as a writer." Noting that Obama had already taped interviews with many of his relatives, both African and American, Andersen elaborates, "These oral histories, along with his partial manuscript and a trunkload of notes were given to Ayers."
So actually, that's it, LAC.
AB, loved your comments today. They spoke truth. Unfortunately, there are so many Blacks on this blog who refuse to face reality.
anon, "So actually, that's it, LAC."
Thanks anon. I was going to comment pretty much same info. I doubt if it will help anyone like LAC, though.
have a great evening
AB, "i try my best
but she is allowed to have free vulgar reign herein..."
You are correct. Btw, have you noticed that those who attack you for standing up for yourself never say anything about the vulgarity of that anon? Obviously, it's someone who has been on this blog for some time and has been following all of your comments...MMM and LAA also. The person is someone who is a sore loser and has dropped their ID to post as anon.
I bet you probably know them.
Obama's grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, who was the son of Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham, was born in Sumner Country, Kansas. Sumner County is named after the Abolitionist senator from Massachusetts, Charles Sumner. Sumner county is so puritanical in origin that it was "dry" until 1986.
Of course, eventually, Stanley Dunham moved his family to Hawaii, which was civilized by missionaries described by Mark Twain as "pious; hard-working; hard-praying; self-sacrificing; hospitable; devoted to the well-being of this people and the interests of Protestantism; bigoted; puritanical; slow; ignorant of all white human nature and natural ways of men, except the remnant of these things that are left in their own class or profession; old fogy - fifty years behind the age..."
Up from Hawaii, Obama managed acceptance to Harvard Law School (college transcripts?), named after the puritan minister, John Harvard.
There seems to be a pattern developing. It's obvious that Obama's big secret, even though it's right there for everyone to see, is that Obama's a Yankee, through and through (though he does play basketball and listen to Jay-Z!).
His silence on his Yankee heritage and, instead, his complete focus on his African heritage is puzzling. Or maybe not, considering how George W Bush became a born again Texas good ol' boy. Were those just cynical moves by each man to appeal to his base or indicative of something deeper?
black/africa is the beginning of everything and everyone
even the people who build planes have no idea how ancient africans built pyramids BOTH on earth and on mars...
mellaneous said...
"When someone in your family is attacked or otherwise victimized by theft or some other ill fortune is your reaction to blame them and ignore their victimization? Or do you sympathize with the person who has been victimized?"
Victim status is embraced because it pays. If the government started giving out goodies to people born on Wednesdays, within a year we'd see pressure groups with names like The Children of Woe lobbying for continuation of Wednesdayians' privileges. PBS would be running Wednesday Pride documentaries during Wednesday History Month about famous Wednesdaytarians like Jimmy Carter, Bruce Lee, and Rosie O'Donnell.
Take away the crutches, and blacks would walk just fine.
alicia banks said...
"even the people who build planes have no idea how ancient africans built pyramids BOTH on earth and on mars..."
there is an ancient bully posse on this blog that is seething with rage because they cannot debate defeat or silence me...
they will never get over it
sadly they have picked the most vulgar inept and ignorant member with the lowest IQ to be their new leader
go figure?
another thing unique to the arrogantly ignorant mongrels herein:
the moment they hear anything new they dismiss it in fear and claim
"bat shit crazy"
the cannot justify their own bat shit crazy love for that vampire bat prez hobama?????
First of all, that was a joke, since according Obama, Ayers and other sources, they didn't meet until 1995, a full year after the alleged ghost-writing.
Also, so what? And I call on my friends to help me write stuff too, does that mean my co-workers are secretly controlling me?
This is red-baiting (Obama's an angry Commie who supports angry Commie Terrorists), pure and simple. Keep tossing that spaghetti against the wall guys, eventually something will stick.
the runways and pyramids on mars are old news to nasa scholars...
but that shitty batty hobama is and his shittier battier hobama nazis are all brand new and taking crazy to cosmic levels!!!!
many books busted hobama long ago
if you want to hide something from mongrels, put it in a book
see pyramids and african faces on mars here
LACoincidental said...
"First of all, that was a joke, since according Obama, Ayers and other sources, they didn't meet until 1995, a full year after the alleged ghost-writing."
Well that's absurd, as Michelle Obama herself confirmed the ghost writing, and there is clear evidence of association back in 1980's.
"Also, so what? And I call on my friends to help me write stuff too, does that mean my co-workers are secretly controlling me?"
No, but I would that you would write your own autobiography. In addition, the brilliantly written "Dreams" was used to show how intelectually accomplished Obama was. The luster kind of fades once you know he didn't really write it.
bill ayers has retired now
i do think he will be paid a check to admit he wrote hobama's book any day now...
please stand by
And it was during these sessions in which Barack sought help from a fellow university professor that he was converted to Marxism and they hatched a plot to overthrow the established U.S. government and install the Weather Underground.
It's funny the crao the right uses to paint us as "other". If I were to ever run for office I guess it would be fair game for them to drag my old professors and what they did during their youth into my campaign. Hell, how many top notch university professors hadn't been radicals during their youth or do we only get to learn from Nixon type law and order stiffs?
Sad but predictable.
centuries ago, teh ancient isolated dogon tribe grew explicit diagrams of OTHER solar systems and planets that nasa has JUST begun to discover
so being bald headed must be one of ur obsessions is it? u show a consistent lack of creativity and ability to analyze and come to sane conclusions check ur meds hon for real
That is a UNION uniform, not a confederate one. Just sayin'
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