A few weeks ago I listened to Michael Vick do an interview with local sports talk show host, Mike Missanelli. He was asked about his upcoming interview with Oprah and if he knew about the bet she had with Piers Morgan as to who would get an interview with him first. Vick assured Missanelli that Ms. O would win because he didn't even know who Morgan was.
Well Michael, you probably should have gone with Morgan. Seems Vick pulled out of his interview with Ms. O because she was going to ambush him by bringing a dog lover who adopted one of his dogs on her show. (I wonder if she told that to Vick's people? I doubt it.)
Of course Ms. O was not pleased about the last minute cancellation which left her scrambling to replace him, and folks in the know say you don't diss Ms. O. Well, I am sorry, but unless she plans to strap em up and play defensive end for an NFC East team this upcoming season (if they have one) I wouldn't worry too much about Ms. O.
"After careful consideration, I will need to postpone the taping of the Oprah Winfrey interview scheduled for February 22. I admire and respect Oprah and hope to be able to participate in an interview in the future..."
Good move Mike, your Mom will be pissed, but nothing good could have come from that interview. I don't know why you agreed to it in the first place. At the end of the day, Ms. O is going to pander to her dog loving fans, and I can just imagine how that ambush would have gone. Great television for Oprah, but it might have been career suicide for you. Poor pet owners confronting angry black man (who might be getting angrier with every minute) you get the picture.
Anyway, now it seems that Ms. O is upset, and she told the Hollywood Reporter that she prepared for months for the sit down and even did a field trip to Philly with her staff. (*Yawn*) Trust me, she will get over it. The money spent on that field trip is a drop in a very large bucket to Ms. O.
As an Eagles fan I am glad it didn't happen, and if the Eagles themselves stepped in and said don't do it I can't say that I blame them. They are about to give Mike 20 plus million and possibly more down the road. After his meltdown -or if he comes off looking like a jerk- Ms. O won't even give Vick a second thought. She will be long gone and looking for her next Dr. Phil or Rachael Ray.
Forget Vick. Okra's got her own issues to deal with right now:
I got the Sunday Ticket a few years back just to watch Vick play and then he got in trouble. Before Vick my favorite player it was Barry Sanders. If Sanders' didn't have dumb owners he would have put all rushing records out of reach. Vick is my favorite player now and if the Eagles didn't have him they would have been done. They better use the off season to build the team up because they have alot of holes to fill. As far as the dog owners are concerned, there's alot more dangerous folks they need to be concerned with, see the Steelers QB.
If you have a public persona, and you depend upon the goodwill of the public to enhance your personal wealth, your "brand" is everything.
Ophra has a brand. Vick has a brand. Ophra's brand can take a hit. Vick's can't.
Despite Vick's reputation as a dog abuser, I'll give him this, he's been hard at work recreating himself, and burnishing his brand.
There're those who will forgive his past actions, and there're those who will never let him forget them.
But as long as he continues to put more checks on the plus side of the moral ledger, and fewer on the minus side, the more he'll win the battle of public support, and find general acceptance, even from his critics.
One thing's for sure. Right now, he doesn't have much room for error.
Field, i know you don't like Oprah even though she has done so much for America. In case you didn't know it, she is an American icon. And she is Black. She is living testimony that anybody can be a billionaire if they are willing to pay the price. Of course, you and your FN fans lack the creative spirit and endurance to accomplish such a feat because, well, FN folks tend to -shall we say- lack energy.
Vick DID kill and brutalize a lot of dogs for his bestial gambling evil desires. Face it. MV is a thug who appeals more to folks like you than Oprah who has done so much for humanity.
It is amazing that you are a such big advocate for a murderer of dogs. What kind of person are you? That schmuck MV should still be paying for what he did. He got off too lightly.
I'll give Vick all the credit in the world for his rejuvenation.
But, if he keeps running like that, as fantastic as it is, some DB is gonna break his ankle, or blow out his knee. Just a matter of time.
"Field, i know you don't like Oprah even though she has done so much for America. In case you didn't know it, she is an American icon. And she is Black. She is living testimony that anybody can be a billionaire if they are willing to pay the price..."
Dear President of Anon. Inc.....oh never mind.
"Ophra has a brand. Vick has a brand. Ophra's brand can take a hit. Vick's can't."
Eraser that's a good point.
"But, if he keeps running like that, as fantastic as it is, some DB is gonna break his ankle, or blow out his knee. Just a matter of time."
We are sending out Want-Ads for O linemen as I write this.
Vick is just like Randall Cunningham. Maybe he can become a preacher and spread the gospel like Randy did.
Oprah is a good soul and a kind generous human being. I am saddened by what Vick did to her. Does the man have ANY feelings about what he has done to Oprah and most of all, her fans and viewers?
Oprah probably was going to do Vick a favor. She and her dog loving audience was going to "humanize" him. It's a shame that he missed out on a cathartic opportunity to 'release' his feelings.
field, you all have a decent O line. Don't you think so?
Vick should not have backed out of that interview. He should have gone in there and faced that hostile situation like a man. He could have stared at that dog until it growled at him, and then used the dog's aggression as a pretext to beat it to within an inch of its life. Then everyone would again have love and respect for a man who doesn't take shit from a dog.
Field I wrote a about this in my column in our local black weekly I title it, "Race trumps dog, dog trumps woman"
"I tried and I tried unsuccessfully while watching the Super Bowl to ignore Big Ben’s off-the-field indiscretions involving women, but I couldn’t get away from the obvious double standard of society jumping all over Michael Vick, who has paid his dues, and Roethlisberger, who clearly has a dim view of women and their rights to their bodies.
If, as Howard Cosell tried to tell us, “Sports is a reflection of society,” then clearly U.S. culture is sick and degenerative. On the face of the evidence, it appears that in this society dogs are more important than human beings, and some people foolishly believe that dogs are man’s best friend.
No. In truth, man is and should be man’s best friend..."
So why all the silence, especially in light of all the recent commentary by female writers and columnists about the rights — or lack of rights — that Arab women enjoy? Surely if the mistreatment of animals is worth protesting, shouldn’t the mistreatment of women stir up as much consternation?
One would think that there would be protests and a mass outcry about how the mistreatment of women must not be tolerated, much like the PETA folks did in the Vick situation. One would expect that feminist groups, even the National Organization for Women, would use Roethlisberger’s indiscretions to highlight the problem with rape, and especially date rape, in U.S. society."
re: Anonymous..."She[Oprah] is living testimony that anybody can be a billionaire if they are willing to pay the price. Of course, you and your FN fans lack the creative spirit and endurance to accomplish such a feat because, well, FN folks tend to -shall we say- lack energy."
I tell you what, Mr. Energetic. You show me your billion, and I'll show you mine.
eraser - the same thought crossed my mind but I thought twice about feeding the trolls. And besides think about how silly you have to be to actually write what he wrote. Its one thing to have foolish and backward thought its another to actually think that you said something bright!
itchy said...
"He [Vick] could have stared at that dog until it growled at him, and then used the dog's aggression as a pretext to beat it to within an inch of its life. Then everyone would again have love and respect for a man who doesn't take shit from a dog."
Hey, itchy, help ol' Vick out. I have a dog suit you can wear to his next interview.
12:33 AM "One would expect that feminist groups, even the National Organization for Women, would use Roethlisberger’s indiscretions to highlight the problem with rape, and especially date rape, in U.S. society"
The problem with date rape, from the perspective of the National Organization for Women, is that they're not the ones getting "raped". What single American woman wouldn't want to be vigorously penetrated by a millionaire pro athlete? That this is against the law is a perversion of nature. Women should be free to be raped by whoever they want to be.
I'm disappointed that Oprah planned to ambush Vick but Vick should never have put himself in that position in the first place.
Vick doesn't owe anyone anything because he's done his time and after he signs that new contract he needs to tell PETA and Oprah to go to HELL!!!!!
The Eraser said...
itchy said...
"He [Vick] could have stared at that dog until it growled at him, and then used the dog's aggression as a pretext to beat it to within an inch of its life. Then everyone would again have love and respect for a man who doesn't take shit from a dog."
>Hey, itchy, help ol' Vick out. I have a dog suit you can wear to his next interview.<
If that's the suit you wear when your daddy gives it to you from behind, no thanks.
If Michael Vick followed my advice, he could be President. Everybody is tired of the pussy who is in there now.
mellaneous said...
"eraser - the same thought crossed my mind but I thought twice about feeding the trolls."
I enjoy your comments, mellaneous.
Trolls have been a permanent fixture on this blog for sometime, whether they're fed or not.
I see them as an infestation.
I'm not here to "feed" trolls, I'm here to bleed them.
Thanks to trolls, this blog has lost a considerable number of thoughtful comments from thoughtful people.
I aim to change that.
As an aside: can you believe they're going to put girls on submarines now? It's going to cost MILLIONS to give them their "private spaces".
Some of those ballistic subs stay submerged for 3 months straight!
Already, almost 25% of the women they have on our surface ships end up pregnant.
I hope China does kick our ass.
field, you all have a decent O line. Don't you think so?"
No, far from it. We need a right tackle to protect 7's blind side. (He is a lefty) Or left tackle is decent, but we just keep sending in scrubs on the rest of the line. Ok, enough football talk.:)
itchy, I take it you are a dog owner.
"I tell you what, Mr. Energetic. You show me your billion, and I'll show you mine."
Now now Eraser,that's kind of rough on the poor Anon. How many A-merry-cans have a billion just sitting around? Tell you what Anon.; just show us a million.
itchy said..."If that's the suit you wear when your daddy gives it to you from behind, no thanks."
Is that where he poked you?
"If Michael Vick followed my advice, he could be President. Everybody is tired of the pussy who is in there now."
Why don't you take his place, and show us how it's supposed to be done?
Anon 12:59 AM, WTF are you talking about? :)"millons" for their "private spaces"?
Dear Mr. President of Anon. Inc. where are you?????
Eraserhead done said: "I aim to change that."
It's nice when dumb people aim high. It usually ends up tragically, but at least there are a lot of laughs along the way.
I thought we were all equal. What's the difference between a homosexual/heterosexual man taking a shower with straight guys, and a homosexual/straight female taking a shower with homosexual/straight guys?
Would you want me to take a shower with your sister? That would be equality...right?
I get confused.
I know this is off the subject, and I apologize.
The Eraser said...
>Why don't you take his place, and show us how it's supposed to be done?<
That's a good idea. Gonna have to track down and destroy some personal records, but hey, we know it can be done.
Every time I am reminded of MV , I think of the two Bros down in TX mr.horn was so quick to dispatch.They gave MV prison time for killing dogs and horn got a pass and a thataboy for killing those two Bros.
"I tried and I tried unsuccessfully while watching the Super Bowl to ignore Big Ben’s off-the-field indiscretions involving women, but I couldn’t get away from the obvious double standard of society jumping all over Michael Vick, who has paid his dues, and Roethlisberger, who clearly has a dim view of women and their rights to their bodies."
If Roethlisberger faced the same situation of being invited on "Oprah", only to discover he's going to be ambushed by one or two of his accusers on national television and decided to take a rain check, would anyone be giving him shit for that?
Apparently not. People get their heartstrings tugged to hell and back when it comes to animal abuse. Sexual abuse? Not so much. There's nothing warm, fuzzy and tail-wagging when it comes to that.
"It's nice when dumb people aim high. It usually ends up tragically, but at least there are a lot of laughs along the way."
That's what makes guys like you so damn special. The rest of us get to see you blast off, go off-course and come crashing down to earth. Some of you guys manage to blow up right on the fucking launch pad!
1:44 AM "That's what makes guys like you so damn special. The rest of us get to see you blast off, go off-course and come crashing down to earth. Some of you guys manage to blow up right on the fucking launch pad!"
Then there's guys like you, 30 year old virgins who never get off the launch pad/mom's basement. Again, lots of laughs, but really awfully sad.
Roethlisberger didn't do anything wrong, those chicks got exactly what they were looking for. Those poor dogs on the other hand...
Hey, anybody notice how white Beyonce is getting?
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
The Pencil Lead said...
"It's nice when dumb people aim high"
Is that why you have so many bullet holes in your feet?
The Pencil Lead said...
"Then there's guys like you, 30 year old virgins who never get off the launch pad/mom's basement."
And then there're guys like you who talk from experience, who've been there and done that.
"Is that why you have so many bullet holes in your feet?"
Good one Eraserhead.
You are struggling already. I thought this would take longer.
You are developing a "brand", and it says "dumb".
"And then there're guys like you who talk from experience, who've been there and done that"
Yep, "that" and your sister.
The Eraser said...
re: Anonymous..."She[Oprah] is living testimony that anybody can be a billionaire if they are willing to pay the price. Of course, you and your FN fans lack the creative spirit and endurance to accomplish such a feat because, well, FN folks tend to -shall we say- lack energy."
I tell you what, Mr. Energetic. You show me your billion, and I'll show you mine.
Ok Eraser here is my billion....Say Ahhhhhhhh...
The Eraser said...
re: Daffy who wants to be called "Daddy" said..."Eraser/Scooter Boy - You'll be around for awhile, yeah like four feet around. Try putting down the chicken lard ass."
Got soap? It's good for a foul mouth and a foul disposition.
Did you become mean-spirited when you became a Republican't, or you became a Republican't because you're mean-spirited?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Interesting, so you call your Daddy Daffy? Well it could be worse he could be Goofy like you. Anyway, just happy and pleasantly surprised that you actually know who your father is whether he is Daffy or Goofy, the odds are against you on that as I am sure you know.
Did you become a socialist liberal once you found out logic eluded you and in order to have Disney like visions where there is a magical horn of plenty that someone else fills, without any hard work at all on your part, did you become a liberal when you learned that you would need to fantasize or just lie? Or were you already a liberal when you realized this?
What planet do you hail from where "lard" is a dirty word? Are you channeling hypocritical Michelle Obama again and trying to twist language into foul/hate speech because you don't like it, again another character trait of a socialist progressive.
As to your question it depends, when did you stop beating your boyfriend and get off welfare?
Like begets like, I know that it is difficult for you comprehend that people can and will respond in kind to your uncivil demeanor, seeing as how you probably have been living the benefit of the now defunct political correctness movement from the past few decades. Know you can and will be called on your faulty fallacies stemming from ill informed democratic talking points.
As previously mentioned the days of stroking your ilk’s ego and essentially lying to hide your shortcomings with Political correctness has ended. If you wish to engage in civil discourse, all you need do is be civil yourself. Oh and be sure to avoid normal disingenuous liberal behaviors (as difficult as it may be) such as classic personal attacks, name calling or obfuscation techniques when faced with logic, facts and reality.
The Pencil Lead said..."You are developing a "brand", and it says "dumb"."
True. And I used an iron to stamp it on your ass.
"Yep, "that" and your sister."
She said she passed on it. It was an itsy bitsy, tiny weenie.
You're losing, dude.
"Ok Eraser here is my billion....Say Ahhhhhhhh..."
Who're you trying to impress. Anybody can see. It's just a lot of play money.
More likely counterfeit.
E.D.I.D. [sound a venereal disease]said...
"Did you become a socialist liberal once you found out logic eluded you and in order to have Disney like visions where there is a magical horn of plenty that someone else fills, without any hard work at all on your part"
Did you become a cold, hard-hearted Republican't at your father's knee, or did you arrive at that destination all by your lonesome?
The only "magical horn of plenty that someone else fills," that I know of, was when G.W. Bush bailed out the thieving banks with taxpayer money that Republican'ts allowed to become too big to fail.
"As previously mentioned the days of stroking your ilk’s ego and essentially lying to hide your shortcomings with Political correctness has ended."
Tell me you're not serious! At the risk of sounding uncivil, that was such a verbal pile of gobbledygook, if ever I've heard it.
Pardon me while I turn away to laugh. I wouldn't want to hurt your fragile feelings.
Mellaneous the Immoral Said..
So why all the silence, especially in light of all the recent commentary by female writers and columnists about the rights — or lack of rights — that Arab women enjoy? Surely if the mistreatment of animals is worth protesting, shouldn’t the mistreatment of women stir up as much consternation?
There is a very large protest, only you call them hate mongers and Islamaphobes. Now, seeing as how all of a sudden you are seriously concerned for women being abused and suffering please tell us which one is it, are you for or against Islam? Or is this more of your racism and your only now concerned about womens mistreatment when a White person is accused? Surely you are aware of the NFL and oh so many players being thugs and abusers and partakers of many of your typical biblical ills.
One would think that there would be protests and a mass outcry about how the mistreatment of women must not be tolerated, much like the PETA folks did in the Vick situation. One would expect that feminist groups, even the National Organization for Women, would use Roethlisberger’s indiscretions to highlight the problem with rape, and especially date rape, in U.S. society."
What is your hangup with Roethlisberger..did he reject your advances and suggestions that he be your "mans best friend" or something? Are you going to spread this righteous wrath for all the miscreants in the NFL? Or is this your typical liberal immoral way of trying to excuse one sociopath's actions by pointing out another?
I was just talking about this very subject yesterday! I completely agree with Field that nothing good could have come from that supposed "interview". What would have been the point? It would have been nothing but an ambush with people sitting in the audience shaking their heads. The dude did his time; all he has to do now is shut up and play football. He doesn't owe Oprah - and anybody else who wants to pile on - anything.
P.S. I'm neither fan nor hater of Oprah or MV.
This is waaaaaaaay too easy. Is this all you got?
Is there no challenger among you with the requisite skills and intellectual acumen to take down a little black boy?
What a sad day in Mudville. Casey has struck out.
"Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Casey has struck out."
"Then there's guys like you, 30 year old virgins who never get off the launch pad/mom's basement. Again, lots of laughs, but really awfully sad."
Pretty sad to see you describe yourself. How's that WOW account coming along? Don't leave too many of those piss bottles around for your poor ma to pick up, you lazy bastard.
"Roethlisberger didn't do anything wrong, those chicks got exactly what they were looking for. Those poor dogs on the other hand..."
No comment.
E.D.I.D. [sound a venereal disease] - This is about as witty as a dirty sock...can you gimme a beat to "sound this too" yo, yo, yea-uhh... Eraser in da house. uuh..uhh..
Did you become a cold, hard-hearted Republican't at your father's knee, or did you arrive at that destination all by your lonesome?
If your definition of a cold hearted republican is that of being an adult who understands and conducts their life in a manner that exemplifies responsibility for one’s self and family, even when it is hard work. Someone who understands that in order to ensure his children have a place to live and food to eat without stealing from someone else who actually pays taxes, that he may not be able to buy every toy they desire or garner luxuries that he has not yet earned or achieved. That being the adult requires he provides for his family and lives within their means instead of "society” funding, then no that came with time after maturing and developing responsibility and learning to act rationally by making hard choices in life. This as opposed to the liberal slant of blaming mommy or clicking my heels three times, all the while excusing every bad choice and outcome of lack of effort and ability on someone else or society.
Now what’s your excuse?
"As previously mentioned the days of stroking your ilk’s ego and essentially lying to hide your shortcomings with Political correctness has ended."
Tell me you're not serious! At the risk of sounding uncivil, that was such a verbal pile of gobbledygook, if ever I've heard it.
Go ahead; take the risk of hurting my feelings by laughing. Your "laugh" indicates to me that you clearly comprehend the very simple statement and the effect, how? You’re not very subtle attempt at obfuscation with faux laughter.
The Eraser said...
This is waaaaaaaay too easy. Is this all you got?
Is there no challenger among you with the requisite skills and intellectual acumen to take down a little black boy?
And exactly what makes you think that you have accomplished anything other than being a simpleminded loon who is so busy patting himself on the back and head that he can't see those snickering at his prepubescent attempts at witticisms?
Try making little circles with one hand on your head and the other on your tummy, it might soothe the headaches.
What’s with the baseball reference? Are you perhaps subconsciously thinking about balls? It does make you seem awfully disconnected and imbalanced.
The Eraser said...
You're losing, dude.
"Ok Eraser here is my billion....Say Ahhhhhhhh..."
Who're you trying to impress. Anybody can see. It's just a lot of play money.
More likely counterfeit.
No, No son it is real...big white and clean and smelling nice IS real, the ones you know and are used to are full of dirty scabs and miscolored patches. Those are not good...do not put those in your mouth anymore!!!
The Eraser said...
The Pencil Lead said..."You are developing a "brand", and it says "dumb"."
True. And I used an iron to stamp it on your ass.
"Yep, "that" and your sister."
She said she passed on it. It was an itsy bitsy, tiny weenie.
Ok, someone has to tell you. Remember when your mom told you it was normal to have a bigger weenie then your classmates? Well she forget to tell you that it wasn't normal to be 17 and still in second grade.
Also, WTF is a Negro doing talking about branding someone with a hot iron? Are you fucked in the head man?
E.D.I.D. (Still sound like a venereal disease to me.) said..."If your definition of a cold hearted republican is that of being an adult who understands and conducts their life in a manner that exemplifies responsibility for one’s self and family, even when it is hard work."
Sounds a lot like a Democrat to me. But what happens when you fall on hard times, and your unemployment insurance dries up, or you're too sick to work because of some catastrophic illness, or too sick to pay the medical bills, and other bills or piling up, or you lose your job, and because you lost your job, the bank forecloses on your house?
Do you file bankruptcy?
"Someone who understands that in order to ensure his children have a place to live and food to eat without stealing from someone else who actually pays taxes, that he may not be able to buy every toy they desire or garner luxuries that he has not yet earned or achieved."
You still sound like a Democrat to me. What happens if your aging parents on both sides of your family come down ill, and they have no Medicare, or Medicaid to fall back on, because Republican'ts defunded the program, or Social Security entitlements, because Republican'ts slashed the program to balance the budget, and their pension was renegotiated because those evil union folk were just robbing taxpayers blind?
"That being the adult requires he provides for his family and lives within their means instead of "society” funding, then no that came with time after maturing and developing responsibility and learning to act rationally by making hard choices in life."
I still can't tell you from a liberal. But what if those "hard choices," condemned your children to a life of austerity, where they're malnourished, and sickly, and, because of that, perform poorly in school.
"This as opposed to the liberal slant of blaming mommy or clicking my heels three times, all the while excusing every bad choice and outcome of lack of effort and ability on someone else or society."
I'm a liberal, more precisely, a progressive. I hate to disabuse you of a lifelong held notion, but the only thing "slanted" about me are my eyebrows when I raise them in disbelief, as I'm now doing.
Further, I've never "blamed mommy," for anything. I can't see where you're going with that, and the only time I've clicked my heels for any reason, was from a sudden burst of joy.
And I've made some "bad choices," and some good ones. I didn't blame anyone for the "bad" ones, nor did give anyone, but myself, credit for the "good" ones.
For the life of me, I can't see how you'd consider these things that you enumerated, as either "liberal" or "conservative."
They just sound quintessentially human.
"Ok, someone has to tell you. Remember when your mom told you it was normal to have a bigger weenie then your classmates? Well she forget to tell you that it wasn't normal to be 17 and still in second grade."
Hey, dude, you're tugging on my liberal, bleeding, heartstrings. This is almost too pathetic to respond to. C'mon. You can do better than this. You're embarrassing yourself. Really.
"Also, WTF is a Negro doing talking about branding someone with a hot iron? Are you fucked in the head man?"
It's called poetic justice. Because you're holding out on reparations, I thought I'd take it out of your hide.
You see. It's too damn easy. Is there anyone, ANYONE, out there, that can do better.
Take these pantywaists away and send me someone with a mental muscularity that can match my own.
"No, No son it is real...big white and clean and smelling nice IS real, the ones you know and are used to are full of dirty scabs and miscolored patches. Those are not good...do not put those in your mouth anymore!!!"
Gee, golly, gosh, gee willikers! Has it come to this?
How drab!
What a boring response. How unimaginative! Where's your creativity? Where's your love for the English language, that you'd pass this drivel off as worthy of a response, whether a comical one, or an intellectual one, or a serous one.
Oh well (sigh!), you said, "No, No son it is real..."
And I say, Your "son's" name is not "No, No," and it's not "real." It's Memorex.
The Eraser said...
"No, No son it is real...big white and clean and smelling nice IS real, the ones you know and are used to are full of dirty scabs and miscolored patches. Those are not good...do not put those in your mouth anymore!!!"
Gee, golly, gosh, gee willikers! Has it come to this?
How drab!
What a boring response. How unimaginative! Where's your creativity? Where's your love for the English language, that you'd pass this drivel off as worthy of a response, whether a comical one, or an intellectual one, or a serous one.
Oh well (sigh!), you said, "No, No son it is real..."
And I say, Your "son's" name is not "No, No," and it's not "real." It's Memorex.
You have already developed a transparent pattern. The minute you get bested you start making self flagellating statements such as boring, or is the best you have or some other self aggrandizing comment. You do realize you have been outed, found worthless and weak and have been dismissed. That is a statement not a question. No one is buying your stereotypical false bravado shit talking.
As for taking it out of my hide? With your "branding iron" I wont even waste my breath on some little internet tough guy. But you are outed on this as well. Another loss of respect for you there.
We all can see despite your vehement claims to the contrary you were totally owned, in fact you wound up with your own words putting a scabbed phallic object in your mouth and then had to resort to a totally ineffective violent threat didnt you, otherwise you wouldnt have needed to have repeatedly assured yourself that your the best and would have responded with something that actually resembled intelligent snarkiness instead of a reference to Memorex. Wait..memorex? Damn you are a dinosaur!!
Try to be more subtle next time, your really way to easy to figure out. It took just a few posts to find your buttons and not rent but outright own some room in your head. You clearly are used to playing with lesser minds that a 80-90 IQ such as yours might challenge.
Now I will leave the space I own in your head as obviously these quarters are cramped and bereft of creative ideas other then boring delusional boasting with tinges of violence.
Clearly false bravado from the child shivering in his wet whities who is clearly out of his league.
You have been outed and owned and are dismissed.
E.D.I.D. (Got be a venerial disease) said...
"And exactly what makes you think that you have accomplished anything other than being a simpleminded loon who is so busy patting himself on the back and head that he can't see those snickering at his prepubescent attempts at witticisms?"
Hey, dude, that's all it takes for the likes of you, and your pals, "prepubescent attempts at witticisms." Have you been reading what they've been writing?
Aren't you ashamed to be associated with these anonymous trolls?
If I presented something more subtle, more finessed, it will just fly over their head, as I suspect it will yours.
"What’s with the baseball reference? Are you perhaps subconsciously thinking about balls? It does make you seem awfully disconnected and imbalanced."
You see. Now you're doing it. If you have to reference private body parts to make a point, or to strain to be humorous, or to reach an intellectual height never before attained, then you reveal a severe deficiency in the area above your neck.
Oh Well (sigh!), one more time. You asked, "Are you perhaps subconsciously thinking about balls?"
And I say, Which balls? There are footballs, basketballs, golf balls, and, from what you've written here, there are also, Goofballs!
Field, have you seen the movie Inception. Well quick, shake me from this dream because I've fallen in a room with Itchy and Bitchy and Daffy and Flaky and Sammy Sosa.
Hold up, I'm drifting in and out of my slumber... I see Oprah... and Michael vick and... wait,I hear Vick's voice. He says he's pulling out. OH NO, they're doing it doggie style. Field, please, shake me, something just ain't right and the picture is getting uglier by the minute - Dr Phil and Gayle just walked in the room, and they are smiling!
The Eraser said...
E.D.I.D. (Got be a venerial disease) said...
Could be, I have read that transmission of sexually transmitted diseases from the pregnant women to her fetus can potentially affect fetal development.
"And exactly what makes you think that you have accomplished anything other than being a simpleminded loon who is so busy patting himself on the back and head that he can't see those snickering at his prepubescent attempts at witticisms?"
Hey, dude, that's all it takes for the likes of you, and your pals, "prepubescent attempts at witticisms." Have you been reading what they've been writing?
Aren't you ashamed to be associated with these anonymous trolls?
I am not associated with anyone and don't claim to speak for anyone other then myself. I don't bucket people if I agree with someone or something I do so purely on merit without any bucketing of race, anon, fake names or so on. to do otherwise would be mindless and defy logic making me a defacto liberal wouldnt it.
If I presented something more subtle, more finessed, it will just fly over their head, as I suspect it will yours.
Sure, keep repeating that to yourself to make it credible to even you.
"What’s with the baseball reference? Are you perhaps subconsciously thinking about balls? It does make you seem awfully disconnected and imbalanced."
You see. Now you're doing it. If you have to reference private body parts to make a point, or to strain to be humorous, or to reach an intellectual height never before attained, then you reveal a severe deficiency in the area above your neck. Not really ball jokes are always funny if used appropriately no matter how intellectual you think you are. That is if you are a normal male.
Oh Well (sigh!), one more time. You asked, "Are you perhaps subconsciously thinking about balls?"
And I say, Which balls? There are footballs, basketballs, golf balls, and, from what you've written here, there are also, Goofballs!
Now that one was actually pretty good. No I was thinking of whiffle-balls.
"You have already developed a transparent pattern."
As have you, by giving yourself no other identity but anonymous. That makes you a troll, and trollish.
"You do realize you have been outed, found worthless and weak and have been dismissed."
Exactly what I would expect from someone with a proclivity to be dismissive without first achieving a victory. To say you've won, without actually doing something to win, except assert it, goes beyond bravado, it's absurdly nothing more than braggadocio.
"But you are outed on this as well. Another loss of respect for you there."
Keep your "respect." I'm not courting it. You continuously use the word "outed" to give yourself an advantage that you haven't earned. It's dialectically dishonest, and reveals a certain intellectual paucity.
"in fact you wound up with your own words putting a scabbed phallic object in your mouth and then had to resort to a totally ineffective violent threat didn't you,"
Was that your experience? Was that what you visualized? It appears that you vicariously summoned to mind a fantasy of your own making, and charged it to me.
One never knows, does one, the depth of sexual depravity one will go to find sexual bliss, and fulfillment, and on the Internet no less, and on a black blog?
Umm...the 25% pregnancy rate was back in the day when females could get shore duty for being with child...and that was many years ago. Well over 20. Still obsess over the 60s?
Eraser, I don't think the Trolls understand. They act like Sarey, upset you would dare, dare to question their 'authority' and 'expertise'. I assume they are all 15 yo boys, in Mom's Basement, trying to Alpha. Or adult wingnuts.
Vick or Ben? Vick paid his debt. Why are some dwelling on this? Ben, well...there is a woman in NW PA who made news because she claims her chile is from a pro athlete of money and fame. Two DNA tests later...she still insists he Daddy. If Ben had been criminal, the charges would have been followed. Would a person lie for a settlement? Was there not a R in Philly some years ago who AIDS-ed local 'not-gay' lads because the price per 'event' was their usual monthly wage?
Once again,we see lame attempts at deflection.
Big Ben was never charged or convicted of anything.
Mike Vick was charged,and convicted.
Fields,let me know what you think of Vick when he quits on your team,or fakes a injury.
South Park Conservatives said...
Once again,we see lame attempts at deflection.
Big Ben was never charged or convicted of anything.
Mike Vick was charged,and convicted.
Fields,let me know what you think of Vick when he quits on your team,or fakes a injury.
I guess America like Egypt raping white women IS legal. Dogs have MORE rights than women, black or white.
Now this is for Oprah, Sis you're worth more than $2 Billion. You can now stop kissing white peoples asses. Why don't you "ambush" interview Andrew Breitbart, Bill Oreilly, the Koch family Sean Klannity or Greta von Frakenstein.
Oprah why don't you do something important like go after the Tea Party, the Koch family, or Rupert Murdoch? Instead you want to go after a a black guy who paid a $147 Million fine for dog fighting. When a white guy pay a $147 Million fine for dog fighting, then we can talk.
Oprah you need to get away from your enablers. Your DOGS eat better than a lot of black people. Hell your dogs eat better than a lot of white people.
Anon- what has Oprah done for AMERICA? This is the same woman who said she'd never support a school for poor American kids becuase they would rather listen to i-pods then read a book. Opree is a disgrace she's a fake unless you have as many millions as her- is this the same woman who said a rapper could never be on her stage-but when JZ "married" Bey- and looked a whole lot richer- she became a brown nosed fan of his? Opree is a fake sell-out plain and simple oh and as far as her charity work in the US- she was overheard admitting the only reason she gives in the US is for tax shelter perks. Another way for a Black woman to emasculate a Black Man for white America's entertainment DISGUSTING
who watches oprah??! i never have. and i won't hold my breath for her to do what you say, KID. never thought she much liked politics or controversy (who is FOR hurting dogs?).
Wow! Is this what they called playing "the Dozens"? I gotta give it to you Eraser; you can hold your own.
"Fields,let me know what you think of Vick when he quits on your team,or fakes a injury."
I don't think we will ever have to worry about that happening. His play might suck, but he will never fake an injury.
field negro said...
Wow! Is this what they called playing "the Dozens"? I gotta give it to you Eraser; you can hold your own.
Of course he can, who else would hold it.
Mold Said..
Eraser, I don't think the Trolls understand. They act like Sarey, upset you would dare, dare to question their 'authority' and 'expertise'. I assume they are all 15 yo boys, in Mom's Basement, trying to Alpha. Or adult wingnuts.
Dare question authority or expertise? He dont do any of that, he is a troll with nothin to say. Why you think anons are 15 yeard old boys this fill your fantasys? Maybe they all wear underoos like you do.
eraser is a gottdam retarded boy who spends his nites picking fights on the blog with anonymous commentators what a winner eh? shitstainlickin nucka!
ab goes to bed then he, her alter ego takes over same as usual the shit stain is a wacko!
Eraser Said...
Exactly what I would expect from someone with a proclivity to be dismissive without first achieving a victory. To say you've won, without actually doing something to win, except assert it, goes beyond bravado, it's absurdly nothing more than braggadocio.
Now who would know this better then you. How many times have you made impromptu stand alone posts crowing how you won something and that you beat everyone and is this all you got..dismissive without achieving some form of victory. No you were dismissed after your assinine nonsense was challenged and your quite hilarious claims of some sort of victory were made it was then you were outed and exposed.
Wish to rant harder as if that would change the evidence of your insanely claiming victory over something only you would understand?
Keep your "respect." I'm not courting it.
How liberal of you. You cant do anything with something that you do NOT have. Although you forget to reference the part that you don't have respect due to your violence.
You continuously use the word "outed" to give yourself an advantage that you haven't earned. It's dialectically dishonest, and reveals a certain intellectual paucity.
Really? And precisely what advantage might you be thinking of? Arguing and winning (whatever that may be) or readily seeing your oh so readily viewable traits does not afford me any advantage. It's like winning a calculus challenge against..... What would be the point. So what exactly do you see yourself losing in that you project that someone else has the advantage. Try supplanting intellectual paucity with a exposure of your simple antics.
"in fact you wound up with your own words putting a scabbed phallic object in your mouth and then had to resort to a totally ineffective violent threat didn't you,"
Was that your experience? Was that what you visualized? It appears that you vicariously summoned to mind a fantasy of your own making, and charged it to me.
Yes, we can all read the older posts. We all know how you wound up with something in your mouth. That is bound to happen when you apparantly never close it.
One never knows, does one, the depth of sexual depravity one will go to find sexual bliss, and fulfillment, and on the Internet no less, and on a black blog?
I guess you are surprised at your own depravity. On a black blog no less. Well good luck getting your fantasies of scabbed male members and red hot branding irons fulfilled but don't look to me for that sick nonsense. I am not a liberal and do not approve!!
MOLD Said....
Umm...the 25% pregnancy rate was back in the day when females could get shore duty for being with child...and that was many years ago. Well over 20. Still obsess over the 60s?
Mold remember these words the next time you try and bring up every isolated excuse in history for failure or finger pointing of some sort. I will. You should base every discussion from now on about the present and forget using the historic crutches you live on.
Anonymous said...
ab goes to bed then he, her alter ego takes over same as usual the shit stain is a wacko!
Nah that aint true AB like women. Eraser dont he like dem wit scabbies an dhot like pokers
Ahhh the damage Obama has done. Gotta love those progressives .
Avg. retail price/gallon gas in U.S. $1.83 . . . $3.104. . .+ 69.6%
Crude oil, European Brent (barrel) $43.48. . . $99.02. ..+ 127.7%
Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel) $38.74. . . $91.38. . .+ 135.9%
Gold: London (per troy oz.) $853.25. . . $1,369.50. . .+ 60.5%
Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL $3.56. . . . $6.33. . .+ 78.1%
Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL $9.66. . . . $13.75. . . .+ 42.3%
Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. fob $13.37. . . . $35.39. . . .+ 164.7%
Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall 7.6%. . . 9.4%. . .+ 23.7%
Unemployment rate, blacks 12.6% . . . .15.8% . . . .+25.4%
Number of unemployed 11,616,000 . . . 14,485,000. . . .+ 24.7%
And Mike Vick..Dude can't catch a break. Oprah would have railroaded his ass on TV to bump up to her "OWN" ratings.
damn you, FN. you made me do it.
what occurs between African-American celebrities is as important to our community as what occurs between white celebrities. which is to say: not at all. except as distraction.
please just turn off the TV. and the celebrity media stream. i spent three minutes typing this comment that i should've spent reviewing developments in WI and other places where live protest against state enforced "austerity" is occurring. measures which will disproportionately affect African-Americans more than any other group. i see your previous post, but really. from protest to O and V? meh, i'll stop now. i don't want to lecture you about the white people who decide which black people are allowed on TV and in the media stream.
only for you, FN.
Wonder if the Big O would wager a bet on who'd get the 1st interview of the Urban Prep Bros and Admin? I wonder how many of those young brothas would rather have i-pods than have read books. Let's see if the O-Man shouts them out- nah that'd be too much like right. Field and all my FN's keep holding it down and rising to the top.
Anonymous said...
Eraser Said...
"Exactly what I would expect from someone with a proclivity to be dismissive without first achieving a victory. To say you've won, without actually doing something to win, except assert it, goes beyond bravado, it's absurdly nothing more than braggadocio"
It seems "The Eraser" is the weekend fill-in for AB. Come in, post some nonesense, battle trolls, get assed handed to in a basket, declare victory (slayed!), repeat.
What a nub.
I am having a hard time respecting fields for his support of vic's animal torture. If you guys ever see pics of animals after a dog fight and still think Vic is cool, I am sorry but you are a sick individual. I have a dog and I cannot imagine doing anything like that to her. She is a sentient being. She has feelings and shows emotion. She gets scared when are separated at the dog park and she can't see me but I can see her. It breaks my heart to see the fear in her eyes and the urgency in her steps. When I heard Vic would take neighborhood dogs and just throw in the ring with his dogs. My God. The horror the pain. To defend someone who did that because he run with a football? I'm sorry but you make my stomach turn. I really liked this blog. I just cannot get on the Vic is great
bandwagon. I know people say he did his time and should be allowed to make a living. Fine. But why the glorification? What kind of a person can do what Vic did? And what of person is willing overlook such actions for entertainment. People if you live near field, please make sure your dogs cats ...come no where this Neanderthal. I don't even think they would do Vic did and what field thinks is no big deal for fun. Just disgusting
ErasersDaddyIsDaffyAndMayHaveHadVD said...
And I say, Which balls? There are footballs, basketballs, golf balls, and, from what you've written here, there are also, Goofballs!
Now that one was actually pretty good. No I was thinking of whiffle-balls.
That wasn't a good one from Eraser, he was using the exact line you owned his ass with earlier
"Interesting, so you call your Daddy Daffy? Well it could be worse he could be Goofy like you."
Eraser is a fraud. Hey I get the connection now, Eraser is Gumby, Gumby is an eraser..yup here you go. Heres Eraser/Gumby doin his thang!!
tibagail, do you eat meat? What makes your dog's feelings any different than a chicken or a cows? I am just sayin.
Sorry Anon. 11:25 A.M., I saw Dick (The Toe Man) Morris at the end of your comments and didn't bother to read it.
Thank you chicago dyke, let's multi-task our way through life. :)
yeah eraser is the same dumb muuuphukka as is ab or whateva both r delusional self important freakos and wackos and weirdos and pokanose!
what a dismissive tone to the dykewoman she had a point whats with u and this celebrity crap lately?
"I just cannot get on the Vic is great bandwagon"
Nobody is saying he's great just let the man move on. There are people that are trying to make a buck off his ass..I can gaurentee you that if he doesn't have to do interviews he wouldn't do it. It's the assholes who can't seem to let it go - including you.
With that said I have a wonderful Blue Amstaff and a Brindle/brown Pit that I would gladly let near Field..You..I doubt you can be around my dogs, seeing as when they play you might mistake them for fighting and you might try and sue me or report me.
Golly, Eraser hands Trolls defeats...so they look for an old lady to beat up to keep their manly masculinity intact. Here's a hint...use Facts, not wingnut talking points or propaganda from FOX. Astroturf newsletters are also crap.
Examples...evolution is Fact. Science is Fact (it is in the definition) Abortion is a medical procedure and is sometimes necessary. Taxes are used for services desired by citizens..in a democracy.
That's a dirty, underhanded thing of Oprah to do, but I guess all is fair in the ratings wars huh?
I do not and would never approve of dog fights, cock fights, bullfights and especially HUMAN fights, as in boxing, kickboxing or the new extreme fighting where from the little I've seen, it seems just about anything goes!
A human being with a swollen bloody, battered face is just as sorry a sight as a beaten dog,rooster or bull! Yet nobody seems to be too concerned about that.
Homo sapient,it seems, are a just a bloody and violent lot!
I just saw the article on CNN. A student from Oprah's school being treated for excessive bleeding with a dead baby in her schoolbag. Big deal. Par for the course. Happens just about every month in schools all over the world!
"Once again,we see lame attempts at deflection.
Big Ben was never charged or convicted of anything.
Mike Vick was charged,and convicted.
Fields,let me know what you think of Vick when he quits on your team,or fakes a injury."
I don't know....I guess some people out there would rather see Vick either remain in jail for the rest of his natural life or reduced to flipping burgers or drawing welfare at his momma's house or something. All the penance and moving on in the world won't amount to shit in their eyes.
BTW, lack of conviction does not necessarily mean innocence. And what gets me is the characterization of the women "Big Ben" came into contact with as gold-digging skanks who "got exactly what they wanted". See, this is why most rape victims don't bother coming forward in cases such as these, for fear of being treated in this same exact manner.
@rottnkid: Do you also keep them tied chained to a tree? You say you have two dogs, can you imagine if someone stole them and put them in the ring with vic's dogs? Do you have any compassion for the animals tortured? Don't you think they were affraid?
Please can you and field explain how someone makes the leap vic took? How? The black community has no compassion for life. Human or animal. One of my favorite quotes is:
"Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members -- the last, the least, the littlest."
~Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life
I know field writes a lot about violence in the black community. But maybe if we treated the weakest among us with compassion, we can treat each other better. Just saying.
Was Cardinal Mahoney one who 'treated' little boys? Is he one of the Church leaders hiding assets to avoid paying?
Dog fighting is business. When you live in certain sections of town..it pays to run a fighting ring...whether it be birds or dogs. It wasn't too long ago and wites was doing it...bull terrier.
Do all women lie about rape...no. Do some women lie about rape...yes. I urge you to ask how many wite 'rape victims' who accused AfAms gained from the lynching.
Taxes are used for services desired by citizens..in a democracy.mold
u r naive! taxes r used to take money from middle class to fund wars we dont believe in see statistics SERVICES dont amount to shit from the taxes they TAKE from the citizens WARS account for ninety percent of the takings how so very phukked up
ur version of democracy is a gottdam fallacy nucka!
FN said ...
Sorry Anon. 11:25 A.M., I saw Dick (The Toe Man) Morris at the end of your comments and didn't bother to read it.
Of course you did. Liberalism at its finest with Cloward Piven in full swing. Seek no truth and label the messenger.
tbigai said:
"Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members -- the last, the least, the littlest."
I think you have a point this quote was designed to highlight the vast inequities in our society between the rich and the poor.
Dogs no matter how much you love them are not considered members of society, but rather members of the animal kingdom.
Rottnkid - ditto
I think most folks just want to see Vick be able to move on but I suspect that there is more to this than some folks want to admit.
Vick did his time and most Americans will tell you they believe in redemption. So why can't Vick be allowed redemption and he didn't kill or injure a human being.
The laws in the US don't put animal cruelty or animal killing on par with human assault or human injury. So what gives?
Anonymous said...
Golly, Eraser hands Trolls defeats...so they look for an old lady to beat up to keep their manly masculinity intact. Here's a hint...use Facts, not wingnut talking points or propaganda from FOX. Astroturf newsletters are also crap.
Examples...evolution is Fact. Science is Fact (it is in the definition) Abortion is a medical procedure and is sometimes necessary. Taxes are used for services desired by citizens..in a democracy.
Hey Mold, you wouldnt know a fact if it bit you in the ass. You constantly run when facts are presented. You mysteriously go off into your false ebonics crazy speech land whenever someone hands you real facts.
Again I asked you once why you speak that inane gibberish when your vocabulary is a little bit better. You said it was to fit in on Fields blog, well I ask you yet again , are you saying Field and his readers are morons and can only understand gibberish with scattered thoughts?
Evolution is fact, science and IQ testing and education testing results are Facts. Proof is given every time you post.
So now stop evading facts, tell us why you speak gibberish on purpose and what you meant by fitting in on fields blog when you do this.
So Field you think the Eagles management discouraged Vicks participation in this interview.
Field and anyone else I am really interested in what folks think about what Oprah allegedly tried to do.
It seems kind of unseemly and a little low down for Oprah to sign on to something like that. I mean she has got to know that no matter what the intention it would make Vick look bad to have the adopted owners of Vicks dogs chastising him on TV.
I think I am right this Vick controversy proves that race trumps everything.
I have a pit. I hate people that fight pits, kill dear they dont eat, let rabbits and monkey be tortured to death so they can walk around looking like Egyptians. That covers maybe half the human population. So far, I only seen one person that actually paid for his cruelty to animals. Ms O....for real?
Black Mold Symptoms
You not only need to cure the toxic mold symptoms, but also the origin of the symptoms in order to nip the dreaded fungus by the bud.
Some symptoms have been traced back to irresponsible parenting and no sense of self esteem caused by lack of love and complete inferiority to the surrounding world, as well as Soros funded leftist propaganda websites.
Stopping the problem at the root is critical to the health of the entire family. The individuals that are prone to being infected with black mold illness are infants, children, elderly people, individuals with weak immune systems, pregnant women and MINDLESS LIBERALS.
Severe allergic response resulting in inability to understand simple logic and perform any type of critical thinking is the result of the SPooky Black MOld.
Unprotected and continued exposure to the Black Mold may result in permanent brain damage to the point where the only way you can earn a living is to work for a city board using affirmative action to get in, with subsequent lack of productiviy or mental acuity standards maintaining the position.
Keeping your environment Black Mold free is imperative for the health and safety of not only your family but the community and country as well.
tbgaii said:
"How? The black community has no compassion for life. Human or animal."
Tb did you really mean to say this? Are you saying or implying that the majority of the black community has no compassion for life?
Do you mean compared to white folks over the last ten years or you talking about historically and before you answer keep in mind the words; holocaust, chattel and segregation?
And this sounds a little mean and narrow considering all the concern you were showing for dogs on your earlier post,this seemingly bigoted statement doesn't appear to be consistent with all the care and compassion you had earlier.
I'm just saying...
Mellaneous Said..
I think I am right this Vick controversy proves that race trumps everything.
Don't get this, Oprah is Black you know? She has a TV show, it isn't that deep she is after ratings and Vick did some bad things that people will not give him a pass for just because he is Black or racial as you made it.
Tb did you really mean to say this? Are you saying or implying that the majority of the black community has no compassion for life?
Do you mean compared to white folks over the last ten years or you talking about historically and before you answer keep in mind the words; holocaust, chattel and segregation
All these things happened in the last ten years? Wow, how time flies.
Mold said...."...evolution is Fact"
Yes, except for you, who remains stuck in the slime family. You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about, and the only thing that breaks up the ignorance of your posts is the meaness.
What a mess.
Anonymous said...
Of course, you and your FN fans lack the creative spirit and endurance to accomplish such a feat because, well, FN folks tend to -shall we say- lack energy.
I'm new here...so I don't know if you are a dumb nigger like you describe above, but now that I think about it; I don't want to know who you are.
kudos to mike!!!
have a great weekend!
Anon said:
"Don't get this, Oprah is Black you know? She has a TV show, it isn't that deep she is after ratings and Vick did some bad things that people will not give him a pass for just because he is Black or racial as you made it."
I didn't make it racial anon, it is. Unless you can come up with a reason why folks especially a lot of white folks won't letp this go!
The guy did his time he had to pay millions. So why are folks wanting more punishment for him
And why is a s prtar quarterback who is white not pummeled in the press and public opinion for his treatment of women.
Human beings still count for more than animals. Its even legal to eat animals and its socially acceptable.
If not jealousy over a black man being allowed to make millions of dollars even after he made a mistake what do you account for it?
field, you wrote:
Seems Vick pulled out of his interview with Ms. O because she was going to ambush him by bringing a dog lover who adopted one of his dogs on her show.
Really? Says who? But more important -- who cares? None of this interview nonsense with Oprah will have the slightest impact on his career, ever.
Meanwhile Oprah has a dead baby on her hands. Seems her school in Africa is a better place to deliver a baby than any available medical facilities. Then the new mother performed a very late-term abortion, but it's not likely her actions are criminal in that neck of the world.
If you want to do a post on something that matters, do a post on the Urban Academy in Chicago that only admits black males and just reported that 100% of its graduating class has been accepted at college.
You might want to look into WHY this school is successful. And then ask WHY the same success formula is so seldom practiced.
Of course there is no magic. And the success formula does not depend on lots of money.
The news on the school says the male-only students must take two periods of English every day.
I'll bet that's to get them out of the habit of saying "ax" when they mean "ask." And because basic English skills are sorrowfully missing among that demographic.
Meanwhile, the success of the school is, in some ways, bad news for the striking teachers who claim the only answer to crappy public education is more money.
This Wisconsin nonsense is hilarious.
If a factory was producing defective products, would anyone blame the products for their defects? Or would some bright person suggest there was something wrong with the process by which they were made?
Seems the teachers are highlighting their own failure, and that is always a bad idea, unless you are immune from firing because you are protected by a union contract.
I support Vick in his decision.
Oprah is a reflection of her audience and staff-- white suburban soccer moms and obsessive dog lovers, who believe Vick should have served more time, ugh!
Nothing good would have came from that interview.
Gosh, is it just me or are the wingnut Trolls wetting themselves in abject terror? Must be the Death Squads of teachers, firefighters, police and road crews. That, or Koch wingnut welfare got their marching orders.
I can be mean...I choose not to. What you thinkerate as mean is 'having a different opinion', 'stating that opinion', and using easily communicated Fact to bolster the idea I present.
I do assume that you are developmentally advanced enough to handle the equivalent of Grade Five to Grade Eight work. If you want more advanced Science, Ethics, History, Law and Politics...there are other places to be. But...they expect you to have at least a BS from a real College and offer no 'training wheels'. Trolls are not tolerated.
Note how the only response is ad hominem. No Source. No Facts. Just pretenderating that Soros is the Nexus of Eveel. Like there is desperation when they realize that most folks empathize with the unions and the beleefs of wingnuts are considered delusional.
Nearly 30 years of hating the unions, busting unions, and reducing the 'too-high' wage of the working class in the US has brought us what...
income disparity like Third World
less Health Care
more taxation of working/middle
no work for low skilled
Rust Belt
less opportunity
Why do any persons listen to wingnut propaganda?
Slappy, are you confused? The issue is more that Walker set up the conditions for a budget shortfall...and then wanted the unions to take the hit for his actions. Oh, and what he wants the unions to accept is a much, much, much lower standard of pay and benefits. Because he told his buddies they are too good and special and Pwecious to pay icky taxes. This in a land where taxes are the lowest in the developed world.
Why are you wanting the 'nobility' to be tax-free? Don't you recall what the French and Russians did to those too Perfect and Gawd-Blessed to be taxed?
eraser wrote:
Eraser Said...
Exactly what I would expect from someone with a proclivity to be dismissive without first achieving a victory. To say you've won, without actually doing something to win, except assert it, goes beyond bravado, it's absurdly nothing more than braggadocio.
The amusing thing about eraser is the way he takes way too many words, including a number of long pedantic words, to say nothing.
He gets in a few ad hominem shots, but who cares. That's all there is to his ramblings.
Slappy, did Eraser's posts really go that far over your head?
Maybe you should, like, read more than wingnut drivel. I suggest some Moliere' and some Swift. Both are quite accessible and should give you the background to grasping certain concepts. Or...take a couple of lit classes in a NYC college.
The ferment in Wisconsin is no workers' uprising against the rich and powerful. It is instead political muscle-flexing by a well-funded special interest group, which is limbering up for President Obama's re-election bid. Obama's campaign, operating as Organizing for America, is bussing protesters to the state capitol and manning phone banks to apply pressure to state legislatures. Obama himself has called Gov. Scott Walker's bill curbing government-sector collective bargaining "an attack on unions."
While liberal writers wax romantic about a workers' uprising (former Labor Secretary Robert Reich wrote on Twitter "Wisconsin is spreading to Ohio -- America's microversion of Tunisia and Egypt. People are taking to the streets to get their rights"), what we're really seeing is the labor movement acting as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party.
"Slappy, did Eraser's posts really go that far over your head?
Maybe you should, like, read more than wingnut drivel. I suggest some Moliere' and some Swift. Both are quite accessible and should give you the background to grasping certain concepts. Or...take a couple of lit classes in a NYC college.
Great advice from Mold, someone who couldn't read the label on her ketchup bottle!
Mua ha ha!
Obama was not the primary CAUSE of the current realities listed below. But clearly he's having NO success turning things around.
Bush was blindsided by 9/11. But Obama knew exactly what he faced well in advance of entering office.
Still, he's proven he is the new Jimmy Carter, only worse. He obviously hates America and Jews even more than Carter hates them. Both love the insanity of Islam and try desperately to pretend there's nothing bizarre about 1,400 years of Islamic madness.
Ahhh the damage Obama has done. Gotta love those progressives .
Avg. retail price/gallon gas in U.S. $1.83 . . . $3.104. . .+ 69.6%
Crude oil, European Brent (barrel) $43.48. . . $99.02. ..+ 127.7%
Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel) $38.74. . . $91.38. . .+ 135.9%
Gold: London (per troy oz.) $853.25. . . $1,369.50. . .+ 60.5%
Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL $3.56. . . . $6.33. . .+ 78.1%
Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL $9.66. . . . $13.75. . . .+ 42.3%
Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. fob $13.37. . . . $35.39. . . .+ 164.7%
Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall 7.6%. . . 9.4%. . .+ 23.7%
Unemployment rate, blacks 12.6% . . . .15.8% . . . .+25.4%
Number of unemployed 11,616,000 . . . 14,485,000. . . .+ 24.7%
Obama wants to build a high-speed railroad in Florida. For what? Why?
Railroads require vast efforts in getting permits, heavy dependence on the often abusive process of Eminent Domain, and huge capital investments for all the track beds and rolling stock.
On the other hand, airplanes need only a place to take off and land. No roads, no cutting through towns and backyards, crossing rivers and farmland. None of it.
Meanwhile, it's much easier to build roads and highways that go around existing population centers, or connect them, as local needs dictate. Then people can drive their cars that they might buy from GM, Ford or Chrysler, the companies just saved from total destruction by the taxpayers, who want their money back.
But no, Obama wants to spend billions on a pointless project that offers nothing of value to travelers or taxpayers. Truly a Pyramid, in this case, a pyramid scheme.
No I became a vegan in 2007 after I realized how animals are treated in factories. Don't want to get into a fight with you cause I kind of like you. But it is telling how you did not address any of the other points I raised. I still don't understand how you think this kind of violence is acceptable. Futhermore, just because someone eats meat does not mean they enjoy torturing animals. I had no idea Vic ate his dogs. My bad
mold writes:
I suggest Moliere' and some Swift...
You're a goofy name-dropper who reminds me of boxing promoter, Don King, who liked to brag on television interviews that when he was in prison he made himself smart by reading Nietzsche.
The funny part was how he pronounced the name. He would say "knees-itch."
Yes I do mean blacks do not value life human or animal. There are over 100 comments on this story and perhaps 2-32ppl even mentions what a terrible thing this monster did to the animals. The rest you just can't get enough of his badass running. Whenever I go into the black community, I always see something that just breaks my heart. Things that I cannot get out of my head for days sometimes. Wether it is having animals chained up in cold, hot rain it does not matter. No water, no food. Animals running around with bones showing and no hair on their bodies. People standing around and don't give a damn. When I asked how they can watch something like that and not feel compel to act? You get "those are ghetto dogs"
That is gross.
Do you mean compared to white folks over the last ten years or you talking about historically and before you answer keep in mind the words; holocaust, chattel and segregation
All these things happened in the last ten years? Wow, how time flies.
Ok forget the holocaust,chattel and segregation happening in the last TEN YEARS thing. I am talking about the lack of compassion towards life in the black community. Black will watch someone take a beating and not do anything. They have no problem not having adequate housing, food , water for their animals. That is disgusting
tigabaii, twisting people's comments, stereotyping, generalizations and the racism you are displaying are disgusting and gross.
what a burden it must be for you to be so perfect.
She was going to bring out a dog lover on the same show with one of his old adopted dogs?
I really can't stand ambush television, if that was what was at work here. Personally, I could care less about Vick. I figure at the time he killed those dogs he was a very sick individual. He paid for it, and perhaps he is reformed or healthy, whatever; I just don't care at all about him.
But I don't believe in making him a sideshow geek either.
fan house says he should have done the show. apparently oprah made obama, and a certain gelato. it's $4.99 a pint, btw, and the hazelnut is a better flavor.
Slappy, at least King was reading. The pronunciation is your attempt to pretend superiority to an AfAm. By the way, have you read Nietzsche? In the original?
Umm..Obama didn't want the railroad...Floridians did. Which you might know had you read the local papers...for the last 15 years. In fact, some far-thinking Florida residents (Liberals/Progressives) brought this up when Disney was building DisneyWorld. Seems they felt the traffic would be better served by a rail line...instead of I-4 parking lot.
As far as an airport needing only a small spot...that was true...in 1914. Have you ever been to a major airhub? Pitt and Philly have relatively small airports....
Wikileaks has released some docs that indicate Peak Oil for Saudi has already occurred. If so, your compensatory SUV is going to be very, very gone. You'll be lucky to have a railroad. And no amount of sucking up to the Koch will help. Neither will all the drilling to aid Viagra-swilling rubes in their quest to make up for their utter lack of performance.
Peak Oil. A term, like Global Climate Change, the wingnuts prefer you not know...well, along with Science, Civil Rights, Freedom, and Literacy.
tibagaii said...
@rottnkid: Do you also keep them tied chained to a tree?
Only when I run into the store.
You say you have two dogs, can you imagine if someone stole them and put them in the ring with vic's dogs?
If someone steals them, more power to them, they gonna need it.
Do you have any compassion for the animals tortured?
Yes, that's why I don't fight my dogs
Don't you think they were affraid?
Nope. And this is why..These dogs Vick had were "game" bred. That means selective breeding was involved to enhance certain fighting/tenacity/bite/courage,etc.You get the picture
Please can you and field explain how someone makes the leap vic took?
I don't know - ask Vick or someone in his situation.
How? The black community has no compassion for life. Human or animal. One of my favorite quotes is:
"Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members -- the last, the least, the littlest."
~Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life
I see you like to use big brushes to paint a big broad stroke. You might want to rethink your statement and don't use the Cardinals statement to justify yours.
~Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life
I know field writes a lot about violence in the black community. But maybe if we treated the weakest among us with compassion, we can treat each other better. Just saying.
Do flies count?
2:27 PM
"Dogs no matter how much you love them are not considered members of society, but rather members of the animal kingdom."
tibagail,no fight, we can agree to disagree. Still, I respect you if you are a vegan; at least you are consistent.
BTW, there are some cultures where they eat dogs. Just sayin. :)
Hey slappy, as usual you are late to the party and wrong. I already mentioned the Urban Academy in Chicago on my side-bar.
As to WHY those kids are successful; I already know why, because they are smart kids.
BTW, what you wrote at 4:40 PM makes you look like a real idiot.Wait...that's not too hard.
I swear wingnuts have no vision.
"Se was going to bring out a dog lover on the same show with one of his old adopted dogs?"
Yes PHX she was. Take my word for it on this one.
"The ferment in Wisconsin is no workers' uprising against the rich and powerful. It is instead political muscle-flexing by a well-funded special interest group, which is limbering up for President Obama's re-election bid."
Hmmm sounds very much like another group I know. What's that name again? Wait for it....wait for it....Oh, that's right; the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT.
no_slappz said...
Obama wants to build a high-speed railroad in Florida. For what? Why?
Railroads require vast efforts in getting permits, heavy dependence on the often abusive process of Eminent Domain, and huge capital investments for all the track beds and rolling stock.
On the other hand, airplanes need only a place to take off and land. No roads, no cutting through towns and backyards, crossing rivers and farmland. None of it....
....But no, Obama wants to spend billions on a pointless project that offers nothing of value to travelers or taxpayers. Truly a Pyramid, in this case, a pyramid scheme.
4:40 PM
lol.. seriously? So you would rather regress as a society than progress?
mellaneous said...
Anon said:
"Don't get this, Oprah is Black you know? She has a TV show, it isn't that deep she is after ratings and Vick did some bad things that people will not give him a pass for just because he is Black or racial as you made it."
I didn't make it racial anon, it is. Unless you can come up with a reason why folks especially a lot of white folks won't letp this go!
The guy did his time he had to pay millions. So why are folks wanting more punishment for him
And why is a s prtar quarterback who is white not pummeled in the press and public opinion for his treatment of women.
Human beings still count for more than animals. Its even legal to eat animals and its socially acceptable.
If not jealousy over a black man being allowed to make millions of dollars even after he made a mistake what do you account for it?
Racist nonsense from a Black Fake preacher. Most people could give a shit about either of them. Only to you he is the epitome of a Black Man achieving something. Sorry, neither one is anything more than a BALL PLAYER. Nothing more, nothing less. They play a game for a living and you are the one who won’t let go of a token white guy in your eyes getting a pass while everyone who is still pissed at Vick for his mistreatment and cruel torture of defenseless animals is from all races. If you have proof of the white guys crimes, then call a cop if not, get the fuck over it you hate filled cretin. You’re the one who is absolutely fucking racist while defending evil actions.
What in the hell kind of preacher are you? I am convinced you’re definitely full of shit. I have never seen such a racist preacher brimming with hate (or is it fecal matter) and a burning desire to see a race he hates suffer.
Go with god you evil man, go with god for you shall suffer the fires of hell moreso then anyone you have mislead with your hateful preaching.
No roads, no cutting through towns and backyards, crossing rivers and farmland. None of it....
And by the way "eminent domain" applies here too.
no_slappz said...
"The amusing thing about eraser is the way he takes way too many words, including a number of long pedantic words, to say nothing.
He gets in a few ad hominem shots, but who cares. That's all there is to his ramblings."
Then why bother?
A two-day Trollathon. It wasn't a total waste of time, despite having to endure the incessant school-yard badgering, juvenile references for private body parts, with a prurient interest thrown in for good measure.
I learned all I needed to know.
For one, trolls have big mouths. For two, you're as much a troll as your unpolished troglodyte counterparts, for all your veneer of respectability--a moniker, and your own blog site.
For three. For four. Four five. (I'll keep those to myself.)
field negro said...
"Dogs no matter how much you love them are not considered members of society, but rather members of the animal kingdom."
tibagail,no fight, we can agree to disagree. Still, I respect you if you are a vegan; at least you are consistent.
BTW, there are some cultures where they eat dogs. Just sayin. :)
Yes and those cultures who eat dogs despise Black people and think they are chimpanzees and gorillas as well and your point is what? Our culture is civilized enough to recognize the intelligence in dogs, even if they rival some of your readers such as Mold in critical thinking abilities. Only a backwards non evolved animal would torture a living thing that is intelligent and places his trust in YOU and only uncivilized people would try to excuse it by pointing out that other cultures actually eat dogs.
There are still cannibals in Papua New Guinea, so go protest for Jeffrey Dharma, with your logic he should get a pass as there are other cultures that eat people. Sheez......
A two-day Trollathon. It wasn't a total waste of time, despite having to endure the incessant school-yard badgering, juvenile references for private body parts, with a prurient interest thrown in for good measure.
I learned all I needed to know.
Yes we can see you are learning, you continue to repeat what others have spanked you with. Didnt you just get told today that you were outed as your buttons were easily read and you were already predictable? Or your use of others spanking terms - Huh Goofy? Now you try the exact tactic that was used to expose you and told to you just a few short hours ago and transpose this to slappy?
Your not only full of shit, your shameless and such a liberal we can tell you your next sentence. You should hang your head in shame for being such a horrible uncreative plagiarist. You can't even succesfully copy someone can you.
Anon I actually agree with you. Both Roethlisberger and Vick are just athletes. And the truth be told most of them treat women very badly and are arrogant and narcissistic.
But I can speak for myself so while you keep trying to twist my words my point is still my point and that it is that the harrassment of women and rape and sexual assault is not as important as the mistreatment of dogs in the eyes of some people.
And I think that its misguided because humans are more important than animals.
Yes as a Christian I believe that God ranks the human race higher than the animal kingoom. And even our laws make this point. No one has ever been given life or the death penalty for killing animals.
no_slappz said.
If you want to do a post on something that matters, do a post on the Urban Academy in Chicago that only admits black males and just reported that 100% of its graduating class has been accepted at college.
The news on the school says the male-only students must take two periods of English every day.
I'll bet that's to get them out of the habit of saying "ax" when they mean "ask." And because basic English skills are sorrowfully missing among that demographic.”
Oh My Goodness! Thank you, Thank you Oprah! Bless your sweet heart for opening up the Urban Academy in Chicago and helping to improve the lives of Black Men and their families there in your own home town! All anyone ever hears about is how you just opened up a girls school half way around the world and giving away cars, and other such nonsense. I always knew you were a Woman of Substance! I always knew you did things here in your own country that would make a real difference and improve the lives of your people forever. You are the Salt of the Earth! You are the Harriet Tubman of our time. You are the…what…what did you say…Oprah…what…what did you say…Oprah had nothing to do with the school…Oh. Oh I see! It was one of the other Black Academies in Chicago or in some other part of the country; I tell you she is the…what…what did you say…she had nothing to do with opening any Black Academy for any Black child here in America. You are just wrong; I bet she wrote a book about it!…Well… I’m sure she read a book about it on her show…can somebody set this guy straight, he just lyin on Oprah! Come on somebody tell us all the good things Oprah did for our Black boys and men in this Country!
"Your not only full of shit, your shameless and such a liberal we can tell you your next sentence."
You can shut up now. I got what I came here to get.
tbagaii said:
"Ok forget the holocaust,chattel and segregation happening in the last TEN YEARS thing. I am talking about the lack of compassion towards life in the black community. Black will someone take a beating and not do anything. They have no problem not having adequate housing, food , pointwater for their animals. That is disgustings"
Tb thats not how this works, you can't come on to the thread and cuss folks out and totally insult them, while trying to make your point. I notice you don't use qualifiers. You continually say blacks without specifying.
You can't say, oh well and forget the fact that I made a weak argument. You made a broad generalization that can as easily and in fact if it was true could just as easily be applied to folks in power who considered themselves white.
So you can't just say oh well.
You tried to make a point. And that is you really value animal life. I get it, so do I, I just think human life ranks higher.
So we can agree to disagree without the insults.
Maria is right, what you did to make your point was as disgusting as you feel the mistreatment of animals is, and it is pretty low.
But many of us are concerned as well if not more concerned about humans who don't have enough to eat, or clean water or access to basic health care, or even shelter and how to end those inequities.
Anon 6:26
You do realize that you are not an original. Many whites who either feel defensive when black folks accurately describe and or discuss racist incidents, turn around and acuse the victims and the folks trying to bring attention to the problem of racism, racist.
And some of the others that do this kind of thing are indeed racists.
So again talking about racism or pointing it out doesn't make one a racist.
Whether you want to live in denial or not, it is still a reality in our society.
And surely you don't think that you calling me evil for pointing out racism and economic and social injustice makes me evil.
But I am not surprised by your reaction, you definitely wouldn't be the first American Christian to support the status quo, even when it is obviously unjust. Slavery and Jim Crow come to mind.
And you are a liar to boot. I have never said I hate anyone and I don't hate white folks. I have used
examples of how white folks in power have done awful things in history to make the point that at different times all peoples have done awful things.
At present its easy for some folks to just pick on inner city residents who are acting out their internalized oppression and the craziness they feel for being so despised and so left out in a society with so much.
Again you are not an original!
And again you are not even original in your efforts to call me what I am not. Your right wing
reactionary brethren have been doing that for awhile. For example the president of US imperialism is socialist. If you don't like something you do as Glenn Beck, you make up something against it and then repeat it over and over as if the number of repetitions will make the lie the truth.
And you are not original in calling me evil. Evildoers have always called those who try to do what's right, evil. MLK during his efforts while doing the work of God on earth was called a religious faker and evil for trying to end Jim Crow and bring about economic justice.
They called Jesus Belzeebub.
So stop wasting your time, it won't change who I am and I am not going away. Stop frustrating yourself.
And nor does it make you look as sharp as you think it does. Anyone who knows anything about any religion clearly would recognize you as the faker.
So stop trying to bait me I am always going to turn the other cheek.
And Matthew 5:11 is on my side. I'll continue to pray for you and ask others to do the same.
Ok back to the subject. I don't have documentation on this. A few year ago I saw some type of show or special report. It was about some hunters in this country that tear the teeth and claws out of large cats. Then they chase the animal around some kind of "reserve" in a helicopter; shooting at it until they kill it. This is considered good, clean fun for the people that made the show. They were very proud of themselves as they took pictures standing behind the dead animal.
As I stated before; I have a pitbull and I'm horrified by people that fight them. But, that is a normal past time in this Country and Micheal Vick was singled out and punished ten times more than he should have been.
Eraser, "I'm not here to "feed" trolls, I'm here to bleed them.
Thanks to trolls, this blog has lost a considerable number of thoughtful comments from thoughtful people.
I aim to change that."
Whoa. I am trembling cause I don't want to bleed. Eraser, what will it take for you NOT to bleed us Anons that you call "trolls"? I recognize that you are a mighty man who has the power on FN blog to change EVERYTHING.
Btw, is Slappz included too? If so, please state clearly that you aim to slam dunk his ass. I would be interested in his reply to your simple grandiose sick ass.
In case you haven't noticed, Anons are LEAGUES ABOVE what you could ever be! Isn't that your real problem...that you can't compete or measure up?
Why are most of you FN folks trying to make Oprah look bad because she was going to have her fans with dogs confront Vick? She would have done this with anybody because that is the nature of her show and yes, it's good for ratings.
Many Americand would have tuned in for that, esp. dog lovers who wanted to see Vick punished even more. And it's NOT ALL WHITES, there BLACKS, who love dogs just as much as Whites, who would love see MV's wretched black ass in prison for life.
Those of you on this blog who claim Vick has done his time by law are correct. However, in the minds and hearts of dog lovers, he is an abuser and a killer of dogs for life! and yes, I am Black.
Rev Mell, you are no bm, you are a heartless animal. Go fuck yourself.
Anon use yocr nice words I mean don't you talk nicely to your DOGS!
And dude relax I mean don't you read what folks actually write or you make up your mind about what you think they said.
I just raised a question about why folks aren't concerne about the welfare of women the way they are about the welfare of dogs.
For the record anonymous Tom this is the last half of my commentary on the subject, the rest can be read at my blog at
And I am out got stuff to do to get ready for church tomorrow.
"One would think that there would be protests and a mass outcry about how the mistreatment of women would not be tolerated, much like the PETA folks did with the Vick situation. One would expect that feminist groups and even the National Organization for Women would use Roethlisberger’s indescretions to highlight the problem with rape and especially date rape in US society.
Yet there was little talk about this issue the week of the Super Bowl. A very few brave male sports enthusiast took up this cause. One of them was Andrew Sharp editor of SBNation.com who said,” It may seem unfair to bring up rape allegations that surfaced 10 months ago and ultimately went unproven, but it's also something that hasn't been done nearly enough this week. Instead we've gotten tales of redemption, the stories of Pittsburgh's perseverance.”
But you would have expected female writers to have more say on this issue . I suspect women were silent , especially white women --the same ones who were vocal and hostile toward Vick --(and they were hostile) are silent about Big Ben and his misbehavior involving women, because the Steeler quarterback is white and the dictates of White Supremacy over ride their own self interest.
I suspect it’s because these women saw first a black man who they deep down don’t feel should be able to make millions of dollars, especially after he had done in Fido in our unforgiving society. They inherently know the rules. Black folks are to be given one chance and one chance only!
Ironically, this is just another ploy by the ruling rich to keep us divided, because in truth no one is innocent and we all need forgiveness and redemption from time to time.
For those who I think I exaggerate, take a closer look.
Oddly the Steeler quarterback has been offered redemption though he has clearly been unrepentant, and unapologetic, while the obviously penitent and remorseful Vick is denied redemption by a society that --deny it if they will --sees race first and foremost.
Moreover I suspect the silence on this subject is also because many women understand their place in this society and understand the pecking order, which ranks white men first (white supremacy), then dogs(animals) then white women and then other people of color, and then blacks."
"Our culture is civilized enough to recognize the intelligence in dogs, even if they rival some of your readers such as Mold in critical thinking abilities.."
I think Dolphins are smarter than dogs.
"Yes and those cultures who eat dogs despise Black people and think they are chimpanzees and gorillas as well and your point is what?"
That dogs can be eaten and used as food.
"There are still cannibals in Papua New Guinea, so go protest for Jeffrey Dharma, with your logic he should get a pass as there are other cultures that eat people. Sheez......"
It must be something in the food here in A-merry-ca.(No pun intended)
The Eraser said...
"Your not only full of shit, your shameless and such a liberal we can tell you your next sentence."
You can shut up now. I got what I came here to get.
Owned and Bitch slapped. I guess there are a lot of people into S+M. Good luck with that. DO those people also crow how after they have been ground down how they are the "bestest" around?
mellaneous said...
"One would think that there would be protests and a mass outcry about how the mistreatment of women would not be tolerated, much like the PETA folks did with the Vick situation. One would expect that feminist groups and even the National Organization for Women would use Roethlisberger’s indescretions to highlight the problem with rape and especially date rape in US society."
And tell me what crime Ben was convicted of?
There was a outcry for Ben to be traded or cut.There was outrage.
To pretend like there wasn't is being dishonest.
Yet there was little talk about this issue the week of the Super Bowl. A very few brave male sports enthusiast took up this cause. One of them was Andrew Sharp editor of SBNation.com who said,” It may seem unfair to bring up rape allegations that surfaced 10 months ago and ultimately went unproven, but it's also something that hasn't been done nearly enough this week. Instead we've gotten tales of redemption, the stories of Pittsburgh's perseverance.”
The reason why you got "stories of Pittsburgh's perseverance" is because they made it to the superbowl.If the Steelers went 3-9 when he started than ESPN and others would be talking about trading Ben and picking up another QB.
"But you would have expected female writers to have more say on this issue . I suspect women were silent , especially white women --the same ones who were vocal and hostile toward Vick --(and they were hostile) are silent about Big Ben and his misbehavior involving women, because the Steeler quarterback is white and the dictates of White Supremacy over ride their own self interestI suspect it’s because these women saw first a black man who they deep down don’t feel should be able to make millions of dollars, especially after he had done in Fido in our unforgiving society. They inherently know the rules. Black folks are to be given one chance and one chance only!"
Oddly the Steeler quarterback has been offered redemption though he has clearly been unrepentant, and unapologetic, while the obviously penitent and remorseful Vick is denied redemption by a society that --deny it if they will --sees race first and foremost."
What about the stories of redemption from these unrepentant, and unapologetic folk-
Mike Tyson,Lawrence Phillips,Fred Davis,Jason Kidd,and Jerramy Stevens?
Clearly the dictates of Black male Supremacy was at work here.
mellaneous, wanna tell the folks about Ron Mexico?
What, ain't no love in the fields for Oprah?
Who would y'all rather have teaching white America about black Anerica? Fields????? Could you even think about a fields book club?? :)
Clarification. I said forget about the holocust ....happening 10yrs ago because I did not want to correct Maria who I think claimed that. I did not want to address that with her but to stick to my point. I know that all that stuff did not happen 10yrs ago.
My point is: It appears that a great amount of black ppl have no value for life. Humans or animals. Black will video a beat down of a defenseless person before they try to help. I have had my heart broking going into black communities in TX. Animals without adequate food or water. Chained up tied to a tree in all weather. Hot, freezing it doesn't matter. No housing and no vet care(dah). Horses tied in the hot sun no water just sweating, no shade. Dogs starving scavenging, with no hair on their bony bodies. And the ppl just watch. When you asked how they can just accept that, the answer is usually they are ghetto dogs.
Think about it: The neighborhoods where where animals are well cared for, tend to be nicer places with far fewer crimes. Where the quality of life is much better. Why is that? I think there is a corrolation to how a society, group ... treat its less powerful and most defeneseless to how they treat each other.
Ms.O was about to set-up Mike ?
Sounds like some dastardly feces -shame on her .
Just play football Mike -and forget about trying to win over "twisted pooch fanatics" who cry over the mistreatment of dogs -but don't have squat to say about the millions of people America puts in cages (prisons)every year.
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