Oh Lawd! What is wrong with you Negroes? Now Dr. Huxtable and Mr. Def Jam himself are beefing with each other. I thought that beefs were limited to certain young bucks in our race.
"Just when you thought Russell Simmons had the last word stemming from his 2009 verbal attack towards Bill Cosby, think again.
The Def Jam Records cofounder leveraged his Global Grind platform to inform the masses of his most recent encounter with the renowned comedian, philanthropist and activist during last week's Jackie Robinson Awards gala.
During the event, which honored hip-hop mogul Sean 'Diddy' Combs with the Renaissance Man of the Decade award, Simmons attempted to make amends with the Emmy Award-winning comedy icon by apologizing for his criticism. His effort was met with a scathing response.
"I wanted to find him to apologize, to tell him I was sorry about my statements and to tell him that I loved him," Simmons explained. "Suddenly, I turned and he was behind the curtain and I said, 'I love you,' and he responded on some real hip-hop, 'Get the f*ck out my face!' "
The Philadelphia native has made it quite clear not to confuse him with Cliff Huxtable.." [Source]
"Just when you thought Russell Simmons had the last word stemming from his 2009 verbal attack towards Bill Cosby, think again.
The Def Jam Records cofounder leveraged his Global Grind platform to inform the masses of his most recent encounter with the renowned comedian, philanthropist and activist during last week's Jackie Robinson Awards gala.
During the event, which honored hip-hop mogul Sean 'Diddy' Combs with the Renaissance Man of the Decade award, Simmons attempted to make amends with the Emmy Award-winning comedy icon by apologizing for his criticism. His effort was met with a scathing response.
"I wanted to find him to apologize, to tell him I was sorry about my statements and to tell him that I loved him," Simmons explained. "Suddenly, I turned and he was behind the curtain and I said, 'I love you,' and he responded on some real hip-hop, 'Get the f*ck out my face!' "
The Philadelphia native has made it quite clear not to confuse him with Cliff Huxtable.." [Source]
Come on now Cos. Why did you have to go all North Philly on my man? He was trying to make nice. Don't you preach against this type of behavior? We should be setting examples, not calling out hip hop moguls back stage.
Finally, I know that you Negroes love your cable. But.... this is going a bit too far.
Ahahahahaha! Old folks still getting it in!
Thats all I have to say about this topic though. Sorry.
The Coz and Rush grillin' up some beef? This is the first time I heard of this.
"Get the f*ck out my face!"? That doesn't sound like Cosby.
Sounds like Cosby to me. Reminds me of an encounter we had. Here, borrowed from my blog (Stomp Off) is my reminiscence:
In 1960, I made a living (though barely) spinning jazz records seven days a week on WHAT-FM in Philadelphia. My taste being eclectic, I played jazz of every kind throughout the week, but I devoted Sunday afternoons to my 78 rpm collection, so you know that it was a sometimes scratchy trek back in time. Philadelphia jazz listeners seemed open to a wide range of styles: older listeners enjoyed the nostalgia as well as the music, and the younger set appreciated hearing where their favorite sounds came from. There was, however, this one guy who didn't like what he heard, so he called me regularly on Sundays to complain. Why, he wondered, did I play all this "Uncle Tom" music? In one of our discussions, he pointed out that he was black and that this "Mickey Mouse" music—as he also called it—was "the kind of thing we are trying to get away from."
In 1960, calls to radio stations were still off the air, so it was just Bill and I, arguing privately. It would have been interesting had other listeners been able to join in. I have later come to understand why some black Americans wanted to distance themselves from the past, but—with European soil still clinging to the bottom of my shoes—I could not imagine how anyone, especially a professed jazz fan, might regard the Armstrong Hot Fives, Bechet's magical soprano rides, Morton's amazing Red Hot Peppers, or Ellington's extraordinary sound paintings as anything other than stunning examples of creativity. Bill was not to be swayed, but I took comfort in the fact that his were the only complaints.
About four years later, I had moved to New York City and was working at WNEW when our music librarian was giving a new comedian a tour of the station. He was promoting his first album and we all had to meet him. "Chris Albertson!," he exclaimed after our introduction. "Are you the guy who used to play all that Uncle Tom music on WHAT?"
I have had very mixed feelings about Bill Cosby since that day.
@ Russell Simmons
Budeep a bubba da beep my lubba, geb dub fuhggda ubba mu baste!
so...i would have to agree with Bill Cosby on this one.
simmons likes to make excuses for inexcusable behavior. he STAYS on the wrong side of the issues, and apparently find misogyny and ignorance not only profitable but funny. so that VERY private attempt to apologize for very public mess ups SHOULD be met with the comment attributed to Cosby. he should take his "apology" to the same media outlet he took his criticisms. i would only have added lispy and ignorant to my directive. "get your lispy ignorant self the..." lol.
from previous post:
hi AB and LAA! i got nothing but love for ya ladies. have a great weekend.
uts, as SOON as i think you have a bit of sense, you muck it right on up.
i do NOT hate on "bruthas". i DO without apology despise the negroes that make ALL black folks look bad-considering we are routinely judged by the worst among us. if you can't think of an example of what i might mean, mosy on over and check out the news coverage of the pack of raping negroes, their mothers, fathers, and quanell x in texas...
when done, TRY with all your might to take responsibility for your own foul behavior. THAT is what is lacking and desperately needed among more bfolks today. YOU bought out the worst in YOU. for all the clowning you do as it relates to me, you STILL cannot point to a single lie i have ever told. you become incensed because i have the nerve and courage to call it. "who do you think you are?" LOL. its ok, you will be alright. it is what it is.
My thoughts are that if Mr. Simmons was as remorseful as he says he was about his comments, perhaps he should have tried to seek out and apologize or make amends to Mr. Cosby before the night of the awards
I think Mr.Cosby was one of the door openers and ground breakers in the business, (also, let's not forget that his son was murdered) and as such has earned the right to be crotchety and self righteous in his old age. Don't mess with the elders!;)
I also think they'll work it out somehow after this.
"YOU bought out the worst in YOU."
i meant brought.
and to clarify i agree with Cosby's dismissal of simmons. i do NOT agree with Cosby's notion that bw must do MORE since quite a few bm choose to do less.
bw need to look out for our best interests first and stop worrying about what bm are or are not doing. STOP having babies with folks that are not doing what they should be doing. it is the babies that tie bw to bm. everyone else can easily be cut off, even relatives when they take more than they give. if you doubt this can be done just take a look and see quite a few bm doing this already. it's not rocket science.
ocused Purpose,
For someone who tells BW to look out for their own interests when it comes to BM why in the hell should you be concerned about what happens between two Black Men?
People like yourself are such hypocrites.
focusedpurpose said...
"YOU bought out the worst in YOU."
i meant brought."
You don't know what you mean. You'd realize that if you weren't manless and bitter.
That's a bit of interesting insight, Chris. Thanks for sharing that with us.
ot for you.
Police Chief Ramsey is on the short list for Top Cop in my city.
what's your opinion of him?
You know the history of the police and Black community - did he make it better or worse during his tenure in Philly?
FP, "bw need to look out for our best interests first and stop worrying about what bm are or are not doing. STOP having babies with folks that are not doing what they should be doing. it is the babies that tie bw to bm. everyone else can easily be cut off, even relatives when they take more than they give. if you doubt this can be done just take a look and see quite a few bm doing this already. it's not rocket science."
Oh lawdy! uts isn't going to like this. I bet you can't guess what he's going to say? FP, you have fired him up for the weekend, or maybe I should say, "FP, you have ruined his weekend." LOL
I am glad you are back. You have been missed.
you are clearly clueless. IF a decent bm takes a stand amidst all the foolishness and calls it out, THAT IS in my best interest as a bw. got it now?
to the manless bitter idiot...shrug and yawn. is that all you got?
focusedpurpose said..."to the manless bitter idiot...shrug and yawn. is that all you got?"
The bitterness just seeps through everything you write. Maybe you should try lowering your expectations. Life is too short to spend alone.
There's only one way they will be even. Cosby has to deck Simmons.:D
I have never liked Russell Simmons. He sold us out with his filthy hip hop rap crap. Russell is very much like Bob Johnson- Exploiter Extraordinaire of bfolks.
Anon 11:25-
hi! in for a quick visit to find my name STILL in uts' mouth. i CAN guess what he will say. he and the others like him will think i can see clearly because, i am a manless, bitter, overweight, unloved, unloveable, friendless, orphaned, one legged, one toothed, one eyed, bearilla lesbian. whew! LOL. i think i covered it all. and guess what? i STILL don't care. when done with the ineffective silencing tactics, i will still ask if i am lying? it will be easier to change the truth of things than it will be to change my commitment to telling it.
i salute Cosby and other decent bm that have the courage to stand up and call it what it is.
have a great weekend Anon.
LOL @ ole ollie reed. lower my standards huh? LOL. you need to go sit down somewhere with that foolishness.
i am never alone. however, if i were, i would still be ok, because i enjoy my company.
Black, white, yellow or red, Cosby has the right to say anything he damn well wants to.
focusedpurpose said...
"i am never alone. however, if i were, i would still be ok, because i enjoy my company."
You are alone right now, aren't you? You need a man to put structure and purpose into your life.
I believe that my woman shouldn't work outside the home. When I come home and I'm tired from filming all day, I expect her to be there and make sure that everything is cool for me. You know, like drawing my bath and helping me into bed. That's the kind of job she had and, in return for it, she can bear my children and if any man talks bad to her, I'll hit him.
FP, "i salute Cosby and other decent bm that have the courage to stand up and call it what it is.
have a great weekend Anon."
I agree, and you have a great weekend also. Peace and Love.
Oliver Reed, your wife must be an illegal immigrant.
I'm not a villain. I've never hurt anyone. I'm just a tawdry character who explodes now and again.
shup up fp ya buceta man hating jerk!
I have to agree with what some others said on the previous thread. This board is raw meat for astroturfers. I'll clarify that by saying sometimes what appears to be a paid fake may just be a 100% pure crazy. Without paystubs like found on Hal Turner, it's unproven whether someone is paid or just a useful idiot.
Look at this "Focused Purpose" poster. I checked out her blog after seeing she loves conspiracy theory freak Alicia Banks. Blogrolls are a wonderful thing, almost as nice as eggrolls. They can give away a person's shop.
One link leads to what now appears to be a defunct website called "Why White Women Suck" or something. From what I could gather in the limited time I could be bothered figuring it out, here's the gist. White women and black men are bad. Black women and white men are good.
I can understand why this blog is besieged with astroturfers and crazies. Field Negro does a decent job with his blog posts. If the comeent sections were at all moderated, the smartest, some of the most progressive bloggers would be filling it up with provocative goodness.
Field Negro should put all comments on moderation. Or maybe he could create a forum and normal people like Sharon from Wisconsin could moderate.
Field Negro is actually a House Negro when it comes to running the comment sections. He lets the bullies ruin it.
I didn't know until the last couple days how focked up this joint is. Maybe someone could recommend a similar African-American blogger with a good number of people adding comments where this crap isn't allowed.
Some of these people I wouldn't stay in the same room with. It's the same with blogs. Maybe Field Negro has internal justifications for not ensuring this as a safe haven for good people who like blogging.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised there are black internet fakes too. The Republicans have never liked how that demographic have overwhelmingly voted for Democrats over the years. It's like they figured let's create some strong black personalities to lead the right woos black movement at Field Negro's.
I'm also fairly sure the person who has been all over Ms. Banks by the way posted as Keith Moon at Daily Kos and Noom elsewhere. He's acting just as bad as Banks, and I do not support that. He might be paid to post. Though I haven't got paystub proof on that just suspicions.
sockrates said...
"I'm also fairly sure the person who has been all over Ms. Banks by the way posted as Keith Moon at Daily Kos and Noom elsewhere. He's acting just as bad as Banks, and I do not support that. He might be paid to post. Though I haven't got paystub proof on that just suspicions."
You sir, are, what we like to refer here at the NSA, an idiot.
A paranoid idiot, to be more specific.
Please take your laughable sleuthing skills back to whatever swamp you crawled out of.
"I also think they'll work it out somehow after this."
I hope that they will too...after all, Russell said that he still loved him after the encounter.
The old Russell would have cussed him out royally. So maybe he has grown.
@Chris Albertson
I must say that I've heard some stories from people who've encounter Bill Cosby out of the spotlight and have been traumatized by some of his rude behaviors. I remember viewing him on TV degrading a football player at an Ivy League school who had a B average. He made him feel like he was the dumbest thing on the field and I"ll never forget the facial expression on that player's face when he sat down--truly whipped. There were nervous giggles from some in the audience but many were silent.
This was before his son's death.
Mr. Cosby has done some great things, however, like most of us he has his quirks and failings.
It just has a greater impact because of his celebrity status.
But you've got to wonder why Russell made that humiliating encounter public. Does the phrase
Passive-Aggressiveness come to mind??? :-)
I didn't know until the last couple days how focked up this joint is. Maybe someone could recommend a similar African-American blogger with a good number of people adding comments where this crap isn't allowed
Dont let your ass hit you in the face on the way out Wigga. Besides we know YOU are really MOLD and the Vulgar ANON- One and the same person. Your despicable and a Wigger to boot and very transparent.
The only difference between Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor is the profanity, on stage. They actually did most of the same things. Some of these good Republicans would be shocked that he help financed the movie "Sweet Sweetback Badddasss Song" starring Melvin van Peebles. It was used as a recruiting tool for the Black Panthers. It also has many scenes of Sweetback going after white women. Bill doesn't get a pass from me for saying that poor people should work harder.
I'm not going to forget about Rush. He wanted to make a style of rap called horrorcore. He also didn't have Chuck D and Public Enemy's back.
Both of them need to get BACK in the hood. Don't get me wrong they have done a lot like Oprah while at the same time they have fragged us just like Oprah.
Hey FP!! Girl, I missed you. I see that you were promptly greeted by the welcome wagon. LOL. The wise Anony have also been trying to hold things down as well.
"i am a manless, bitter, overweight, unloved, unloveable, friendless, orphaned, one legged, one toothed, one eyed, bearilla lesbian. whew! LOL. i think i covered it all."
You forgot crazy and ugly... and never-ever-ever forget ugly, that one is classic. Shoot, at least you don't have sharp teeth and a fin on your back like I do. I would have settled for the "dark-skin" and the tail.
I know you're ultra busy, but don't stay away this long again, the mice and the rats were starting to pull out chairs to get comfy. Oh yeah, Steve and I are on a truce (I think, and he may not want me to be your friend anymore, so lets just pass notes when he's not looking). I really want us all to be friends, for real.
Oh and he's been protecting Maria, so now she's just been happily posting all over the place. So thanks to Steve, it'll only be a matter of time before we all get dumb-down. Oh, and AB has been getting attacked left and right... I don't know what this blog is coming to. Anyway, Love ya girl!
"Look at this "Focused Purpose" poster....
White women and black men are bad. Black women and white men are good."
Oh oh Socrates, you better creep before you can walk there buddy. You already told us that in your Beautiful Mind you think you're a black man in a white man's body. Don't even try to fake that funk any further. You are not a black man, so don't pretend to analyze nor relate to one, especially with regards to black man/black women intra-racial relations. Thanks.
"Oh oh Socrates, you better creep before you can walk there buddy. You already told us that in your Beautiful Mind you think you're a black man in a white man's body. Don't even try to fake that funk any further. You are not a black man, so don't pretend to analyze nor relate to one, especially with regards to black man/black women intra-racial relations. Thanks."
LAA is a white man. It's more than obvious. We're onto you.
"You are alone right now, aren't you? You need a man to put structure and purpose into your life."
hilarity. it is the God of my understanding that gives me purpose and ensures i am never alone. it is the discipline i embrace that gives me structure. i don't need a man yet do value the companionship, advice, provision and protection of one very special one. he doesn't send me through changes either. you need to get your head right or maybe you can add that task to your wife's chore list since she seems responsible for the rest of the stuff you could very well do for yourself.
socrates, your name does NOT fit you. you demonstrate limited reasoning capacity. a blog roll is NOT a lockstep in agreement list of blogs. i visit this blog and hold very different views than the host and most that frequent here. nevertheless, i enjoy reading different views. everyone does not have to agree with me for me to respect their views or be interested in them. nor am i threatened by the existence of differing views.
if you will notice, i did not even write the name of that blog in my blogroll. i thought the name was disrespectful so i abbreviated it. what was i going to do, make him change it? be that as it may, i found his thoughts interesting. i make no apologies for this or for liking Alicia Banks. i think she is fiery and smart. i also think she shredded you in the last comment section. lol. i would've kept that nugget to myself, but you decided to drag me into it.
focusedpurpose said..."you need to get your head right or maybe you can add that task to your wife's chore list since she seems responsible for the rest of the stuff you could very well do for yourself."
I don`t like doing most things unless I can do them quite well. I also use women as a sex object; maybe I`m kinky. However, I like to talk to them as well. I was disappointed in Sonja Henie. Her legs were muscle-bound and unattractive and didn`t give me the urge to give her one. My only regret is that I didn`t drink every pub dry and sleep with every woman on the planet.
Once a pirate, always a pirate. I`m a buccaneer - a bucco - through and through. I`m the same old Ollie I was years ago. Ollie Reed doesn`t change.
LA! hi sis. yes, i noticed your truce with uts. i thought it was cute. hopefully he will still be nice to you despite our friendship. lol. i don't know about passing notes. he isn't that important to me. plus his hissy fits are hilarious.
HOW did i forget ugly?! geesh, i thought i had it covered yet forgot one of the most important ineffective silencing tactics. lol. thanks for reminding me.
ollie reed, are you familiar with the concept of TMI? folks REALLY don't care dude.
Damn. I thought I had callled AB the ugliest skank to come to our shores.
Butt, and I mean that literally, there's always room for more!
Pork Chop Jones said...
Damn. I thought I had callled AB the ugliest skank to come to our shores.
Butt, and I mean that literally, there's always room for more!
What an Oinker...you crack me up...
Cosby is only human.
To those who say it doesn't sound like Cosby, I will say that sexual harassment didn't sound like him either.
I'll leave it at that.
Heard y'all missed me, I'm back, like Herpes...
You Silly Negroes...
Bill Cosby ain't Black...
OK, his skin's a little dark, his hair's a little kinky, you could park a Semi in those Nostrils...
Hmmm maybe he IS Black..
Seriously, I grew up listenin to Bill Cosby albums, the "Noah's Ark" story, Fat Albert, etc, etc, always thought he was a fellow Jew, cause he sounded just like my Uncle Murray, wasn't till he had that show in the 80's I put 2 and 2 together...
and I was a bigger Richard Pryor fan, till he set himself on fire and sobered up, nigger hasn't been funny since 1978...
and you know how much fun it was to ask a N-Word Record Store Clerk if they had Richard Pryor's "Bicentennial N-Word" album in 1976? except they didn't call it the "N-Word" back then, it was right there on the Album Cover...
I never thought that Cosby would be the type of person to disdain jazz. I don't understand the comment that the music is something black folks are trying to get away from. Ellington, et. al. bring to mind elegant nightclubs and chilled martinis, not Uncle Toms.
Russell Simmons said:
"It is certainly not that he and the rest of the elders don't care, because they do," he asserted. "In fact, their intentions are pure and good. All the things they say are actually true. What they don't understand is that the young people who they criticize did not create their own realities,"
Hmmmm. The young people who they criticize did not create their own realities...
In other words, the past always controls the future.
Well, that's been the black mantra for as long as, well, forever.
Therefore, what other option does Simmons have but to exploit the financial opportunity presented by this permanent condtion?
Reminds me of smoking cigarettes. Even though we have known for a long time that smoking is terrible for your health and will give you cancer, 60 million Americans still smoke.
Simmons is the Philip Morris of black entertainment.
Isn't Russell the one who gave us chubby, Entitled whineCow Reality show?
Umm...it is an ACT. Like the genial st reagan, a persona created for stage and screen. Once the lights/camera are off...the real person emerges.
Thanks for the posers, Socrates. Until recently, I had not considered 'snake in the grass' wites trying to influence AfAm blogs. But...your post reminded me of the extensive Mena-nites paid by Scaife. Any and all negatives on Clinton were to be told and repeated. The idea was to have the gossip take root in the American psyche. Think of skeevy, sleazy Yucks...with unlimited funds to smear those who, like, studied or played ball or were prettier or had parents who didn't go on trips with ManDumpling or were happy being huntors/fishors.
Makes the paranoia about the Liberal Media more open. All they know is the paid media whore meme. It never was part of their experience that one would broadcast Facts...and let the audience conclude from reproducible results.
"Police Chief Ramsey is on the short list for Top Cop in my city.
what's your opinion of him?
You know the history of the police and Black community - did he make it better or worse during his tenure in Philly?"
Sup rikyrah? My feelings are mixed about it. On one hand he did try to clean up police corruption, but, on the other hand, questionable police shoots went up under his watch. For professional reasons I won't comment any more on him, but I wish him the best if he takes the gig.
BTW,how are things over at j&j?
Chris thanks for that story. That's one of the reasons I blog, to learn interesting anecdotes like the one you gave us.
Frank, I missed you. Socrates, wait until you get a load of Frank, you are really going to make for the exit, now. :)
I agree with what some folks above said about the forum that Simmons chose to apologize. He should have done it in a very public way, rather than back stage one on one.
Like others, I have mixed feelings about Cos. I have met him a couple of times, and he really seems down to earth and genuine. He gives his money and time to worthy causes as well. But, on the other hand, as Rudy alluded to; there are some issues.
Yes, La~Audio and UTS made nice. They had me tearing up yesterday. Love is a beautiful thing. Hey, Spring is here folks, don't you all feel the love in the air?
Yes, La~Audio and UTS made nice. They had me tearing up yesterday. Love is a beautiful thing. Hey, Spring is here folks, don't you all feel the love in the air?
Thats not love, I farted....he-he refried beans you know.
Socrates Said....
guess I shouldn't be surprised there are black internet fakes too. The Republicans have never liked how that demographic have overwhelmingly voted for Democrats over the years. It's like they figured let's create some strong black personalities to lead the right woos black movement at Field Negro's.
Mold Said...
Thanks for the posers, Socrates. Until recently, I had not considered 'snake in the grass' wites trying to influence AfAm blogs.
The idea was to have the gossip take root in the American psyche. Think of skeevy, sleazy Yucks...with unlimited funds to smear those who, like, studied or played ball or were prettier or had parents who didn't go on trips with ManDumpling or were happy being huntors/fishors.
Makes the paranoia about the Liberal Media more open. All they know is the paid media whore meme. It never was part of their experience that one would broadcast Facts...and let the audience conclude from reproducible results.
Socrates/MOLD and the vulgar anon are the same person. We SEE YOU MOLD.
Ironic how a white man playing a black women gets caught and called out says he hadnt thought about whites influencing Black Blogs, evne though both he and Socrates are the same person and both are WHITE!!
Anon, you should get some of your posts deleted. You should know better than to go off with so much salty sailor talk.
You see, you're making it tougher for the reader to decide. This isn't because your Keith Moon/Noom schtick seeps out. Heck, obviously FN is loving some heated discussion, even when it borders on the crazy.
But you are sounding like a creep in many of your posts. Learn graashopper to appreciate the trollbust from the higher ground. Think like Kung Fu. More peace and love and less knee jerk self-defense that makes you look like a goon. Noise is noise, even if overall you are in the right.
She's busted. She knows it. Even if she is who she says she is, she has failed to prove things meaning she needs to stop spamming her fake gravitas schtick.
The love she has shown for David Duke, Alex Jones, and Jeff Rense means this ballgame was over by the fourth inning. She said something like her blogspot got moved, blahg di-da, but then it came out. She then called someone a kike. She's still kissing Alex Jones' ass. He is a far right wing conspiracy theory freak. Point. Game. Set. Match.
But your homophobic and other slurs are focked up. I can't respect that. Plus you're a wimp not to create a blogger account and stick to one username. Your sock puppet schtick is lame. It's had its moments, but like donkeytale's misspellicism schtick, sometimes it would be better to store that carnival outfit in the attic. I think it's time for you to grow up as a blogger or stifle it if you can't remain a human being. Go do a John Lennon primal scream at those moments. If you wouldn't talk this way in front of family and friends, then step away from the keyboard and find a way to compose yourself.
You might attack me for these comments or deny what I am 99.999% sure of. It's not a stretch for either of us to have come across this milieu. FN used to be related to Mary Scott O'Connor. Same as us. Well, blog wise.
It's just a shame that a smart, good writer like FN has allowed some conspiracy theory freak to take a dump of her far right wing conspiracy theories on his blog.
Maybe she doesn't go over that stuff much here, but it's out there. She's into William fricken "sassa frassa" Cooper! She's besically a redneck trapped in a black woman's body. As Mr. T used to say, "I pity the fool."
She got her ass kicked. If FN wants his comments section to suck, that's his call. I think he's a fool for not reigning in Ms. Black Fake Lefty of the Year. I love the dude, but this blog has turned into Ozzy Osbourne going off the rails on a crazy train.
It's just gonna keep degrading into you're a wigga, and she's a nacker, na ne nah ne nah nah. Crazy is as crazy does.
Thanks Field for your calm response to my pissing on your carpet. I think I have found proof that Alicia Banks and Focused Purpose are the same person.
I have saved the web pages just in case Alicia decides to bring out her scrub brush. She's always got that thing handy.
Normal people who post here should decide for themselves whether the following is proof. I am white. African-Americans obviously know a trillion times more than me about most of the topics this blog covers. I just don't but into Alicia's schtick concerning Alex Jones. I don't buy into the self-hate expressed by her and the other person towards black men and African-American struggles to help establish an equal social structure for everybody. I truly believe there is this thing I've stumbled on. It's a Reeses peanut butter cup. Chocolate and peanut butter with chocolate not having anything to do with race. This is just an analogy. You have your issues which I find interesting and want to learn more about. I've been very interested in right woos left and astroturfing on the internet. The two topics seem to have collided.
Here's the link that got me thinking they are the same person.
No "Amber Alerts" but at least we have Lakeesha.
A poster named Kathy wrote, "focused purpose, i know that you are really Alicia Banks [posting], i figured that out by something you said..."
That's not proof they are the same, but if you scroll down to 8:40 p.m. Kathy wrote another post that really got the two others all verklempt.
You need to keep in mind these are black hating sophists who will never admit to anything even when the proof is clear cut. But let's see how they explain their posts made at 11:38 a.m. the next day.
FP wrote a long post. Her last sentence was, "for the record, i took it as a compliment that i was mistaken for you:-) i think you are smart and your contributions make this blog more interesting."
Alicia responded, "fp:
i respect you even when we disagree...
and i despise katty's super fake jungle fevered missionary teena marie meets mother theresa bs herein always
Now how could Alicia have read FP's post and written what she did in less than a minute, if they're not the same person?
Alicia would have had to refresh the page to even see the post.
I think she's a stupid paid fake like many others who doesn't realise some people got good at trollbusting. I think her plan was to have the two posts appear at the same time to make it seem they are separate people yet forgot that she was responding simultaneously to her sock puppet. In other words, Alicia multi-tasked herself into showing she is also Focused Purpose! Ooooopskies!!!
They (uhm she) think no one will check out the link I just provided and look at what I'm saying and decide for themselves.
I could post more and might write up a blog entry on this. At FP's website there's a crazy thread in which many lies were written about Michael Jackson. FP even linked to Stormfront or one of their competitors. An anonymous didn't even make a comment. He or she gave a link and copied from a news clipping how Michael Jackson wasn't anti-semitic with one of his songs. But instead of responding to the debate point, she accused the anon of being an anon from here.
There's much more. FP was writing a lot of anti-semitic crap. Crazy stuff. Unintellectual. Things that no one with half a brain would ever believe.
Another person calmly told her how Jackson had a skin condition and that's how he ended up with some white features. FP went all sophist and yet again evoked authority. She even plugged AB as an intellectual source, who I don't think was even on the thread. They get away with stuff because it's all so convoluted, and it takes time and gumption to put two and two together. I can provide the link.
What I'm saying is that this is right woos black. It couldn't be more obvious.
I'm not saying Alicia isn't black. If she isn't, then who's the person in her profile? I think that's her. Now the next question is why would someone sell out their own people? Some just don't care about humanity. Europeans and early Americans are most to blame for slavery, but didn't some African chiefs sell slaves? It's like when I said I'm more black than Clarence Thomas, or how skin colour doesn't mean anything. I mean it does, but deep down bottom line it doesn't. The head of the ANC's military was a white dude. I think his name was Joe First. I'd have to engine search to confirm. The key is one needn't prove Alicia Banks is white or black. It's clearly been proven she is right woos black. Now whether she is a paid fake or a useful idiot, there is that small problem of attaining a paystub.
Aaah, I see some loser troll is copying and pasting to make me look like the troll. This is nothing new for me. Field Negro, there are maggots, paid or otherwise, all over your blog
socrates said...
Aaah, I see some loser troll is copying and pasting to make me look like the troll. This is nothing new for me. Field Negro, there are maggots, paid or otherwise, all over your blog
Your busted, your verbiage, attitude, outlook etc are dead giveaways. So how much are you getting, whiteboy?
FP wrote a long post. Her last sentence was, "for the record, i took it as a compliment that i was mistaken for you:-) i think you are smart and your contributions make this blog more interesting."
Alicia responded, "fp:
i respect you even when we disagree...
Sockpuppet...I beleive that is a term you MOLD and the Vulgar Anon use often. After getting called out with clear evidence, now you all of a sudden make up this conspiracy that AB and FP are the same person. Are you for real or do you think anyone is stupid enough to fall for this, knowing you got pissed at her trashing your posts as MOLD then you posted as the vulgar anon using the same terms, sentence structure and so on, now you post as Socrates funny enough a white guy saying she is a white guy, you are not very intelligent if you think this stuff will work. We know AB is a little off, but you are a total phony white guy trying to stir up animosity.
It appears to be a paid astroturfing campaign to keep up tensions between races. Another objective could be to have a Republican voted in as the next President. Yet another one could be to make a blog with this much potential become irrelevant. Yet another one could be to draw African-Americans into internet conspiracy chatter, i.e. limited hangouts, dead ends, and convolution.
I'm not saying Alicia isn't black. If she isn't, then who's the person in her profile? I think that's her. Now the next question is why would someone sell out their own people? Some just don't care about humanity. Europeans and early Americans are most to blame for slavery, but didn't some African chiefs sell slaves? It's like when I said I'm more black than Clarence Thomas, or how skin colour doesn't mean anything. I mean it does, but deep down bottom line it doesn't. The head of the ANC's military was a white dude. I think his name was Joe First. I'd have to engine search to confirm. The key is one needn't prove Alicia Banks is white or black. It's clearly been proven she is right woos black. Now whether she is a paid fake or a useful idiot, there is that small problem of attaining a paystub.
And whats your schtick? Your a white guy selling out white folks, so then you are just as bad actually worse then what you are accusing AB of? Notice phonies always get caught with thier hypocrsy.
I'm not going to debate with an idiotic troll. It's clearly busted me. I as Mold and salty sailor talking anon coined the word sock puppet. That's wicked awesome proof I can't deny. I guess I'll slowly back away from the keyboard, so the rest of ye can enjoy more of the Alicia Banks Show.
socrates said...
It appears to be a paid astroturfing campaign to keep up tensions between races. Another objective could be to have a Republican voted in as the next President. Yet another one could be to make a blog with this much potential become irrelevant. Yet another one could be to draw African-Americans into internet conspiracy chatter, i.e. limited hangouts, dead ends, and convolution.
A white guy posing as a Black Guy posting as MOld/Vulgar anon and Socrates all who share the conspiracy theory dictum, use the same words, the same fake ebonics interspersed with clarity when MOLD forgot due to anger. So what is your goal as a WHITE man coming on starting all these conspiracies? At least with No Slaps and others we know where they stand, you, your so crazy you expect others to buy it.
Hows the eraser hangin?
socrates said...
I'm not going to debate with an idiotic troll. It's clearly busted me. I as Mold and salty sailor talking anon coined the word sock puppet. That's wicked awesome proof I can't deny. I guess I'll slowly back away from the keyboard, so the rest of ye can enjoy more of the Alicia Banks Show.
Yeah, nice try white troll. There is much much more to that, it was the incomprehensible manner and many other key factors that I shall not tell you yet unless this continues that outed you. Oh, so scary either you or AB? How infantile. AB all the way, at least we know who she is as opposed to the phony white boy stirrin up hatred and spreading conspiracy theories.
I think she's a stupid paid fake like many others who doesn't realise some people got good at trollbusting. I think her plan was to have the two posts appear at the same time to make it seem they are separate people yet forgot that she was responding simultaneously to her sock puppet. In other words, Alicia multi-tasked herself into showing she is also Focused Purpose! Ooooopskies!!!
This is funny enough and coincidentally precisely what happend to you when you got angry at AB and simultaneously posted as MOLD and the Vulgar anon, then later came in as Socrates to coincidentally attack AB by accusing her of precisely what you are doing. I like that little ooopskies at the end, if that isnt MOLD then Ooopskies.....fake phony conspiracy nut, you are MOLD, you are the Vulgar Anon, you just use a slightly better vocabulary with the same insane thoughts and writings.
Cosby also physically bumped into Simmons on the way out, supposedly. That's funny.
If Cosby did that, he gets points from me.
Ran into sockpuppets and Okeefe Liars Fer Jesus during some discussions on abortion.
The wingnuts felt perfectly Entitled to
1. Lie fer Jesus
2. Disrupt adult conversations
3. DOS SPAM the site
4. Create multiple blog personas
5. Make stuff up. Never so many wite 14 yo had boyfriends named Tyrone.
6. Hijack the thread
You do know, the more we acquiese to these Left Behinds...the worse the civil discourse becomes...and there is clear correlation between allowing Goobers to speak...and the decrease in wages, benefits and liefstyle.
'They do it too'...isn't that the excuse for Nixon's burglars and st reagans thieves? The same tale that excuses Breitbart and Okeefe lying about people and orgs? The excuse that lets conservative priests molest little kids?
Except...the 'Other Side' doesn't.
Oppo research is more about digging up available data...not stealing so you don't look like a D-list actor repeating the same speech for 30 years. Journalism ticks off wingnuts..because they hates it when Truth is revealed. Makes them look like perv and fools (Vitter, Craig, Foley, Santorum Toomey, bush, etc) They wants payback...but the worst...Teddy was a drunk. Somehow that really isn't as creepy as Foley forcing pages. Or Santorum fixated upon bestiality. Or KenStarr(tm) obsessing over consensual oral activity. Or Ashcroft covering the breasts of statues. Or Watt refusing to enforce laws because BabeeJesus might come before the Perps are in jail. Or the appointment of bush. Clarence Thomas, fibbing to Congress.
Just because there is a paid agent provocateur from Wingnuttia who wants to keep their welfare...does not mean all posters are like them.
Oh...when it's illegal to have thoughts and money...unless you are a Koch or Koch sucker...what will happen to all you parasites?
socrates said...
"It appears to be a paid astroturfing campaign to keep up tensions between races."
Who is this nut?
I'll bet if you put this guy in a room with mold and AB, you could have huge hit with a TV unreality show.
You do know, the more we acquiese to these Left Behinds...the worse the civil discourse becomes...and there is clear correlation between allowing Goobers to speak...and the decrease in wages, benefits and liefstyle.
Hey Mold, looking at a lot of your old posts this one amazes me how all of a sudden you can construct a sentence, make some sense and use words like acquiese. You sound just like your sockpuppet alter egos Socrates and the Vulgar Anon. This is really funny as in your old posts you could barely string a sentence together made absolutely no sense and purposely misspelled everything while pretending to have never heard of a paragraph. Magically you have improved overnight and don't as you once said need to use fake ebonics to fit it anymore, now that we all know you Socrates and the Vulgar anon are one and the same.
P.S your nonsense is still drivel and insane though.
So..being a Left Behind Troll is done for free. That means the rationale is to be a jerkhole.
One who has trouble following what the smart kids won't bother explaining to you.
That's OK, the Chinese have a long history of finding useful employment for Left Behinds.
Cosby vs Simmons? Is it just massive show biz egos? Generational? The aspirations of each?
We only see the stage/screen image...never the Real person. st reagan was the genial uncle (never, ever be alone with uncle st reagan!) bush was a fauxboy...who was terrified of horsies. FDR was wheelchair restricted. Bing Crosby's kids were less than thrilled with his 'parenting'.
From my time in the theatre, I can attest to an utter charming, funny and witty 'Irish leprechaun'...until he was offstage. Like a switch, it was. Jekyll and Hyde. The offstage was pretty close to evil...and sometimes we could not separate the parties. Still, his gleeful, genial likable stage personality sold tickets to the rubes. They loved the fakeHim. Plenty thought they knew him...even though it was a character in a play.
Anonymous said...
So..being a Left Behind Troll is done for free. That means the rationale is to be a jerkhole.
One who has trouble following what the smart kids won't bother explaining to you.
That's OK, the Chinese have a long history of finding useful employment for Left Behinds.
Looky here Whackjob/MOLD/Socrates/Vulgar Anon, dont talk about my left behind, that cheek is just as nice as the right behind. Now go take your meds you conspiracy theorist nutjob.
besides you like the chinese, you must your always talking about spending more which means borrowing more from them, they own your "behind" already.
eye love how alicia banks buceta breaf anons try to discredit what that socratic wite fella is trying to say now he wrong about the identity of the vulgar anons and mildew infested brain but he is rite about buceta breaf and fp bein the same person buceta breaf fp spc eraser thrasher laa and uts are ALL the same person this sick twisted kuntlickin moron has single handedly devalued any reasonable discourse that could happen on field negroes blog so the anons have risen up against the tide of these black man hating animals and deservedly so!
not only is the purpose to defame the president, but ALL black men in general, this nasty troll beast also has an agenda to normalize fagisms so that if someone dare criticize a fag even if gayness aint the point, all of a sudden these animals are on that persons ass kuntlick is lower than ghost slime! she or he or whatever cadre of denizens that live in her twisted mind cause a nasty feeling to beset this blog
and so what if eye use words like kuntlicker what is a kunt anyway? u know what eyem saying is correct socratic wite fella knows eye am rite cuz he done agreed wit me but no eye aint a paid troll at all eye think it would be wrong to get paid for this shyt
and mildew over here ur arrogance is surprising considering u have now claimed to have what fifty or so professions? ure the holder of a bse and do circuit design and have acted in plays with leprecauns and know a little bit about geopolitics cause what? beleeveratin that nonsense that the president is doin the rite thing? beleeveratin that it is okay to bomb libya cuz ur imperialist oil greedy handlers told u so? nucka u just as bad as alicia banks! ur bias towards democrats is too strong nucka lighten it up cause alex jones aint all bad nucka!
mold said.......
From my time in the theatre, I can attest to an utter charming, funny and witty 'Irish leprechaun'...until he was offstage. Like a switch, it was. Jekyll and Hyde.
So lets keep count........
mold now claims "time in the theatre"
lets revisit what else mold has claimed to be...
treasurer at a church
been in the military/been a hero
worked at a major company where she was forced to hire unskilled whites of skilled blacks.
have 2 degrees from major universities
been published
known 2 DA'S from philly
known many tea party members
known pimps
The list of things mold claims to be/done is to long to write.
Yet she offers no proof to back up her claims.
Serious delusions of grandeur issues. Based on what mold writes,schizophrenia would be whats wrong with mold.
Anonymous said...
eye love how alicia banks buceta breaf anons try to discredit what that socratic wite fella is trying to say now he wrong about the identity of the vulgar anons and mildew infested brain but he is rite about buceta breaf and fp bein the same person buceta breaf fp spc eraser thrasher laa and uts are ALL the same person this sick twisted kuntlickin moron has single handedly devalued any reasonable discourse that could happen on field negroes blog so the anons have risen up against the tide of these black man hating animals and deservedly so!
MOLD/Socrates/Vulgar Anon - Just one question, I am guessing it was very hard which name to use on this post because you utilized a combination of all three of your personalities.
So, So easy to see.
Speaking of see, seeya Whackjob.
Anonymous said...
spc alicia it is clear ure only here to defend kuntbreaf and attack those who find wholes in her supposed achievements as to mildew mold or stacchi botrus over here it is quite possible for one person to have done all those things in life consider how much you do on a daily basis that you don't document.
If a person graduated high school but was in ROTC, they serve in the military, get out at 21 or 22, use the GI money to get a college degree or even stay in the military for a few extra years and theyll fully pay for school and once a degree is granted you get officer status and once you are an officer and hold a degree in engineering you are trained to be able to get published while a person was going to school and being in the military they could also be active with their chaplaincy or prior to joining the military the person could be involved heavily in their church most blacks whove done anything in life are heavily involved in the church as not to stray to the street life sounds like mildew has her head on straight if what shes saying is true
eye find it much harder to believe that buceta lickin banks has done anything she's claimed simply cause it is not verifiable AND she isso quick to brag about these unverifiable accomplishments so it dont make $ and certainly dont make no cents either muah muah muah muah muah
based upon that kuntlickers rants about 'turbo breeders' and such u think she likes kids? u think she stable enuff to be around anybody? hell naw da bytch is crazy!
3:20 PM
The screws are getting looser and looser and looser. Whooo-Whooooo Whackjob!!
SPC, jealous much?
Sorry...but you still don't get to 'out' me. Must frustrate your inner MalkinStalker.
Still, your fantasies of what I've done are all in your mind. Those are your personal delusions. I'll admit to what I've done...but not what you invent.
Yes...theatre. Done it all but front of house. Maybe you could volunteer at the local one.
based upon that kuntlickers rants about 'turbo breeders' and such u think she likes kids? u think she stable enuff to be around anybody? hell naw da bytch is crazy!
totally absolutely frackin nutso nutso with frackin almonds and peanuts and walnuts! frackin so nutso that even peanut butter look at da bytch funny! that disgusting cookie thief! buceta breaf banks that is...
Anonymous said...
SPC, jealous much?
Sorry...but you still don't get to 'out' me. Must frustrate your inner MalkinStalker.
Still, your fantasies of what I've done are all in your mind. Those are your personal delusions. I'll admit to what I've done...but not what you invent.
my name is alicia banks and whenever im called out for my bs i invent another sockpuppet or go under another screen name like uts or maria or laa or ballzack cuz i want attention and that is the only way i know how to get it i am mentally ill
spc and fp and ab r all one in the same that is the sole purpose of spc to talk shyt about blacks harness hatred against black men and defile the name of the president (deserving or no.......) irregartless of all that spc actually aint invent shyt mildw put all that shyt out about herself but it really type like a man from kansas sity with a s u b r e a l i s m dot blogspot dot com blog read and weep socratic wite fella that is ur Mold personality
Anonymous said...
my name is alicia banks and whenever im called out for my bs i invent another sockpuppet or go under another screen name like uts or maria or laa or ballzack cuz i want attention and that is the only way i know how to get it i am mentally ill
spc and fp and ab r all one in the same that is the sole purpose of spc to talk shyt about blacks harness hatred against black men and defile the name of the president (deserving or no.......) irregartless of all that spc actually aint invent shyt mildw put all that shyt out about herself but it really type like a man from kansas sity with a s u b r e a l i s m dot blogspot dot com blog read and weep socratic wite fella that is ur Mold personality
Mold/Socrates/Vulgar Anon - you are the only three posting today, you do realize how as you would say "fracking" easy it is to the same language, words and mental processes dont ya? Your exposed, your not making any sense in your attempts to twist, you got FRACKING caught, so go invent a new personality or give it up.
SPC, there you go again..wanting me to do your work for you. No thanks. You can easily review my posts.
Then YOU can compare what you invented to what I claimed. If you do the work...you'll grasp what I have said...more than once.
As long as you avoid doing your work...the understanding will elude you.
That's why 'borrowing' was not a good long-term strategy.
Ahh...TeaCracker...from the blog, Pharyngula.
you ignore hobama's beef with the entire black race to post this???
you should have posted this when russell BEGAN the feud by bashing cosby for telling the truth about toxic parents like the vdlr...no?
which man has done more to IMPROVE and inspire blacks?
cosby the tv legend/ed scholar/global black image maverick/activist...
or russell the dl elitist/hip hop geezer/peter pan fashion mogul/geriatric oj?....
which is the greater legacy:
cosby's documentaries and the cos show...or 50 cent and hip hop bs???
and if russell SINCERELY cared about poor people as cosby does, he would not be robbing them with his OWN black bankster card...shame!!!
go cos!!!!
i will never accept ANY apologies from the walking corpses of hobama nazis who have attacked all of the black rebels who see hobama
eff russell!!!!!
chris a:
i am a veteran dj and musicologist with eclectic tastes
like cos
i am also aware of the intensely painful history of racism in all music industries...
so should u be.
cosby is an afrocentric rebel idol
and my hero
thank you for sharing...i love him even more now
Educated kuntbreaf banks couldnt stay away just like eye thought the nasty filthy animal had to say something which is a gottdam shame things was fine till that nasty beast showed up what a disgusting filth pile!
AB sis, PLEASE do not even address it. Please. Don't give it what it wants. I think it's finally having a nervous break down. You can do it sis.
kuntbreaf why u lie so much? u said ur wife dont allow u to blog on the weekends kuntbreaf but now u r here stinking up the place what gives did ur imaginary wife allow u to blog to talk mess again? bytch take ur meds kuntlick!
fp is the same person as u kuntlick as evidenced by that socratic wite fella kuntlick sorry u dont have the self control to shut up so eye will continue to bother u until u get so tired ule leave beleeverate that kuntlick beleeverate that
Hey AB, although I Cosby makes me cringe with his hypocrisy and subliminal sexism nonsense, I too have much more respect for Cosby than I do for Russel. I despise Russel.
FP, I don't know how long that truce will last, I think I over did it with Maria. I might have been demoted back to manless bearilla status, we'll see. LOL.
faceless wigga poser hater freaks like slob marley prove my pts daily
proof that nigs like uts rule this blog is how brazenly disrespectful they allow arrogantly ignorant uneducated wiggas like mareally a jungle fevered whore and slob marley to disrespect black women herein...
and these nigs cheer these 2 racist blackfaced white fools on as they do so
i am not a conspiracy freak
i am a conspiracy scholar and a gifted renowned slayer in debate...
i prove both here daily
we miss u sista Queen when you are gone because you ONLY post regal poetry
and then the star nigs like uts here actually join wiggas like slob marley and really a brazen bimbo as they
slur and silence u/us
this is why i allow no moron of any race to destroy my stellar black blogs/radio shows!!!
i never have and i never will!!!
slob marley:
u r one bold clueless mf who clearly defines "safe havens" as sites safe for lying blackfaced ignorant envious jokers like you
so u r hating on fn now too u puffy poser???
go get your blog u witless wigga!!!!
inept wigga slob marley:
it is no shock that you are unable to research proof of any conspiracy when you cannot even navigate a simple online newspaper archive...
i have found that fools like you tend to slander and evade all who are skilled and educated unlike proudly ignorant lazy mfs like yourselves...
sheer ignorance breeds shameless envy
we get that a lot from clueless cloned wigga wannabees like u...
great to see u
russell is a nominally literate apolitical court jester who has robbed and bilked and degraded blacks for decades
cosby is a regal brave and honest scholar and king...a bona fide media warrior too old to give a damn about what fools think and say
fp & laa preach!!!!
that is why the tied up untied tiger keeper turbro breeder vdlr hates my untied rebel life so!!!!
i will...promise!
that wigga slob marley topped her smooth brained crazy baldheadededness and swiped her fecal focus today!...bet!
so the kuntbreaf coohole is tryin to get in the last word by hook or by crook whether normal ab sockpuppet or nasty caribbean old maid hmmm...nasty disgusting filth pile...
so didnt ur wife tell u not to be blogging on weekends coohole? or is it that since ure having conversations with urself like fp and laa that its okay kuntbreaf? so hows those scholarly papers ya workin on coohole? can eye see them at archive dot org or lexxus nexus or something like that kuntbreaf? how bout the national student clearinghouse where grads are listed is u there coohole?
bill cosby is a man i LOVE REVERE and ADORE
he is a hero and an idol and he has NEVER lied
go cos!!!!!
"off" = awake as the world is more OFF than ever
thanks for the kudos!!!!!!!!
the psycho faceless morons who rule this blog are always trying to deface/morph others
they are retarded acts of desperation
in lieu of intellectual debate
and we who have faces and brains and educations and links and blogs and lives...remain unfazed
that peter pan amoral predatory capitalist russell is unfit to buy cosby a pudding pop
which cd is better for blacks???
golly do people who are supposed to be smart have to cuss so much see eyem a little less edumacated then u r alicia miss educated banks eye mean u say u got a masters degree and wutnot and thats so grand eye only gots a degree from junior college but wut eye wants to know is this...if u done so much expeckshilly in black gender queer studies how cum eye aint seen u in my textbooks on these things eye never once seen u as a mover and a shaker in the genderqueer world and eye stays in san francisco sweetie pie livin the life hon so er where u say u did anything? lemme show u the textbooks for genderqueer studies at junior college sweetie:
Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940 (Paperback)
by George Chauncey
Travesti: Sex, Gender, and Culture among Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes (Worlds of Desire: The Chicago Series on Sexuality, Gender, and Culture)
by Don Kulick
Read My Lips: Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender (Paperback)
by Riki Anne Wilchins
The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader (Paperback)
by Henry Abelove
so hows those scholarly papers ya workin on coohole? can eye see them at archive dot org or lexxus nexus or something like that kuntbreaf? how bout the national student clearinghouse where grads are listed is u there coohole? hey u aint responded to the books eye mentioned and u aint in neer one of them kuntlick so what u talkin bout all the shit u did in the lgbt world nucka u aint done shyt!
heres more books 4 dat ass kunthead!
troof be told kuntbreaf aint never done shyt for nobody in the lgbt community but run her dam mouth on this blog which dont amount 2 much!
troof be told kuntbreaf aint never done shyt for nobody in the lgbt community but run her dam mouth on this blog which dont amount 2 much!anon wit sense
tru dat nucka tru dat that filthy rotton molded mildewed goatwarden is a bane to this blog environment
more proof that the vdlr has never been to any college
she actually thinks that
all gay scholars choose one major...
oh oh even better:
one GAY major
so wutchu gone do kuntlick banks? make up a website and somehow end up in an appendix as a footnote under 'wannabe schizoid activists that strictly talk shyt on the internet'?
sweetie pie give it up already we all know u aint done nuttin child and some folks r just ordinary get over it ordinary one
that filthy rotten kuntbreaf is so ignint it aint never been to school this anon took hella classes in sf in genderqueer studies aint nobody said all books used are th same BUT some books are called SEMINAL works kuntbreaf if u had education ude realize that the books by two of the authors eye cited were well known in the gq academic circles kuntbreaf u seriously dont know shyt
and by ur own admission u live in bumphukk arkansas wut exactly r u doing advocating for lgbt rites out there kunt? u know if u was really doing that theydeve lynched ur cast iron underbelly ass by now kuntlick
so wutchu gone do kuntlick banks? make up a website and somehow end up in an appendix as a footnote under 'wannabe schizoid activists that strictly talk shyt on the internet'?
sweetie pie give it up already we all know u aint done nuttin child and some folks r just ordinary get over it ordinary one
that filthy rotten kuntbreaf is so ignint it aint never been to school this anon took hella classes in sf in genderqueer studies aint nobody said all books used are th same BUT some books are called SEMINAL works kuntbreaf if u had education ude realize that the books by two of the authors eye cited were well known in the gq academic circles kuntbreaf u seriously dont know shyt
and by ur own admission u live in bumphukk arkansas wut exactly r u doing advocating for lgbt rites out there kunt? u know if u was really doing that theydeve lynched ur cast iron underbelly ass by now kuntlick
troof be told kuntbreaf aint never done shyt for nobody in the lgbt community but run her dam mouth on this blog which dont amount 2 much!
werd up nucka werd up!
that peter pan amoral predatory capitalist russell is unfit to buy cosby a pudding popkuntbreaf coohole
myyyyy myyy myy aint we accusatory today sweetie pie? just go from arguing with anonymous commentators on this blog to talking shyt about russel simmons when will it ever end?
donchu know how crazy u look child? u dont know who ure talking to simply a bunch of text and yet ure getting riled up about it! sweetie u need help clearly u need help
donchu know how crazy u look child? u dont know who ure talking to simply a bunch of text and yet ure getting riled up about it! sweetie u need help clearly u need help
werd up nucka werd up
in fact it is very very very very very very very very clear that bucetabreaf over here aint ha no home training buceta breaf moron argues with herself day in and day out just for attention then she creates oppositional sockpuppets like uts and mack lyons and maria to create conflict in which she can assert her vast knowledge of how to cut and paste other peoples thoughts
my my my aint she a creative one and ude think that someone with a 250 iq could be more togetha!
Most of the time I disagree with AB; but this time I must agree with her, regarding the COS. It is time we look inside ourselves and recognize who is the true contributer to our race and who is the user of the race.
Too bad Field doesn't include the date with the times of posts.
The proof is still there at the link I provided. FP and AB wrote and responded to each other within a minute.
This isn't a chat board where people can go back and forth in real time. Alicia would have had to quickly refresh the page after FP has written her post, read it, then wrote what she did, and all in less than 1 minute. Above I had a post I had to break into two parts, because it went over blogger's limit. I proofread them both before hitting enter. There is still a one minute difference for the time stamp.
This is why Alicia won't directly respond to this one piece of evidence. It's the only piece that singlehandedly proves these two black women who hate black men and are into right wing conspiracy and hate links are one and the same.
focusedpurpose: ... AB-
hi sis. i am without apology focused and purposeful about discussing what is in the best interests of bw. i see you do the same for interests of homosexuals. you don't need to adjust that nor apologize for it.
i read clearly when you stated that it was not about race, but bad parenting across the board. thank God for reading comprehension.
i deliberately mentioned race because i am no longer going to be quiet when i see clearly that bm only seem to care about what is happening to bw/bg when they can take yet another jab at wm, while BM out rape and out murder wm as it relates to bw/bg.
bm do this while writing passes for and jumping through every hoop to secure the affections of white-er skinned women. so their hostilities are not about justice or concern for bw/bg AT ALL. it is not my job to make folks comfortable while they insult my intelligence. i.see.clearly.
far be it from me NOT to call it out.
i am not sure why there is so much rancor and name calling on the thread. i can see clearly that picking on AB is a recurring theme though. you hold your own sis. i am not mad at you.
for the record, i took it as a compliment that i was mistaken for you:-) i think you are smart and your contributions make this blog more interesting.
11:38 AM
alicia banks:
i respect you even when we disagree...
and i despise katty's super fake jungle fevered missionary teena marie meets mother theresa bs herein always
11:38 AM
No "Amber Alerts" but at least we have Lakeesha.
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers.
LYING cheesehead chickenhead in wi:
eff u
and every other envious ignorant illiterate fool who ignores all of the vulgar mindless stalker clones of the vdlr herein
With his massive donations to black colleges, libraries, documentaries,etc., etc., Cosby has earned the right to cuss out Russell Simmons. As a matter of fact, it's about time somebody did. Simmons encouraged,normalized, and profited from some of the sickest anti-social behavior ever seen in the black community. I hate his lisp talking, black woman hating, ass.
The next time you see him on MSNBC pontificating about anything- tell that network that he doesn't represent you!
FN, I wish you still had credibility. This blog sucks.
russell simmons should just be glad that the cos has mellowed with age and did not knock the lisp out his mouth
cos once punched the hell out of tommy smothers...for the same unfair mouthy mindless bs rs spew...
being real is rare in follywood
cos is always real
go cos!!!!
see more:
The Beatdown:
During a party at the Playboy Mansion in October 1976, Smothers congratulated Cosby on his latest TV series, which, unbeknownst to Smothers, had been canceled the day before. Cosby gave him a look of disgust, so Smothers said, "Well, fuck you," and walked off. According to Smothers, Cosby then sneaked up on him, using Hugh Hefner as a screen, and sucker-punched him in the back of the head, knocking him down. Smothers lay stunned as Cosby stood over him screaming that he was going to kick his ass.
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_14923_the-10-most-improbable-celebrity-fistfights_p2.html#ixzz1H9kHt6BB
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers. beautiful sharon from wisconsin
sharon sharon sharon with the lite skin sharon with the pretty smile sharonis so much prettier and nicer and likeable then buceta breaf banks!
"i DO without apology despise the negroes that make ALL black folks look bad-considering we are routinely judged by the worst among us. if you can't think of an example of what i might mean, mosy on over and check out the news coverage of the pack of raping negroes, their mothers, fathers, and quanell x in texas..."
That's called racism sweetie. Whites are judged as individuals and blacks are just as a group with the worse of us being the stereotype.
And you spend most of yout time here attacking black men in general for the sins of the minority.
Just last week some black woman brutally beat and killed her co-worker in Bethesda MD and claimed that the crime was committed by intruders who raped and beat them both.
Of course you don't want to talk about $hit like that.
"when done, TRY with all your might to take responsibility for your own foul behavior. THAT is what is lacking and desperately needed among more bfolks today. YOU bought out the worst in YOU. for all the clowning you do as it relates to me, you STILL cannot point to a single lie i have ever told. you become incensed because i have the nerve and courage to call it. "who do you think you are?" LOL. its ok, you will be alright. it is what it is."
All you do is lie. Seeking rationalization for your own bitterness and inability to maintain a meaningful relationship with a man.
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