“You never find yourself until you face the truth” ~Pearl Bailey~
I can't believe it! Finally a news organization in this country investigates the birther charges against O and guess what they found? Nothing. Yes, it seems that he was born in this country.
I caught some of Gary Tuchman's report earlier, and my man did real journalist proud with his report. He interviewed the republican who is the former director of Hawaii's department of health, and guess what she said? That she did see the actual birth certificate. He interviewed other officials and journalist in Hawaii as well, and, I hate to disappoint you wingnuts, but there is nothing there. Looks like you are going to be stuck with his O ness for awhile.
I wonder if CNN would would allow FOX NEWS to dedicate an hour or so out of their programming and carry the CNN report? I am sure that some type of fee arrangement could be worked out. Let's face it, there is no other way to reach the wingnuts in this country. They sure as hell would never watch anything on CNN.
Will this put to rest all of this birther talk? (Shout out to Warren Olney on public radio in L.A. I was on his program today, and, as usual, he was a class act.) I doubt it. I know President Obama doesn't want it to stop. (Independents. Independents. Independents.) It's great for him when the people who hate him most are certifiable lunatics.
Anyway, now that the birther issue has been debunked; we have a new one: The "graders".
" Move over birthers, here come the "graders." President Obama was a "terrible" student who didn't deserve to get into the Ivy League universities he attended, Donald Trump suggests in an interview with AP. "I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" Trump asked. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records." [Source]
I know Donald, "the blacks" always get special privileges. BTW what type of grades did you make at Fordham and the University of Pennsylvania? The next time you send one of your apprentices to the grocery story, you might want to tell them to stock up on Windex to clean your house.
It’s official, the “Donald” is now the “Dick”
Seriously grasping for straws!!It makes me roll my eyes everytime I see them talk about the birth certificate cuz I've got two kids born in HI with BCs that look the same.My own from Conn looks like a yellow index card.If he got a driver's license,traveled out of the country and passed security clearances as a Senator his BC has been looked at by the right people, nothing more is needed.Only rich folk have the means to convince others to look the other way and up until recently he was still paying on student loans.
Just giving the Hawaiians who want their country back reasons to get louder.
Field I think that once the "bad student" gig runs its course for the naysayers; it will be something else. I don't always agree with him but I wish him no harm.
They can't seem to get over the fact that America has betrayed them by demonstrating that the democratic process can work and yes... a young man of color ran for the office and became President!
Phoebe Snow has now joined that celestial pantheon of unique and soulful vocalists. "Poetry Man" was my introduction to her and I, too, am "Never Letting Go". I was just settling down after Tina left us. I'm glad Aretha seems to be on the mend. hmmm....
When racist white folks feel threatened by the intelligence and success of someone Black, they'll keep coming up with $hit just to discredit him over and over and over and over again!
There's absolutely NOTHING Prez Obama could EVER do to satisfy a nut with a plan. After they look into his grades, then they'll look into the "validity" of his applications to Columbia and Harvard? Did he forget to list a class on his application? If so, all HELL will break loose! Next will be his health records. These idiots won't stop!
Ain't that right, Assnons??
First of all lets make sure we all know that Trump is an alien... I refuse to accept him as a white person. I'm ashamed.
Second, why don't we ask the Donlad how much money his father had and how that plays into his self-made millionaire story. Then he can explain how going bankrupt multiple times makes you an expert on running a business. Is that how you will run the company?
Him and Amorosa are off having a laugh together somewhere.
When Trump was asked by Cooper who this somebody was who told him President Obama was a bad student, he wouldn't name the person.
Well somebody told me that Trump had other people write his final papers. He didn't do his own work.
Who told me this? I can't name the person, but it must be true.
Trump is a monumental jackass.
CNN - Communist News Network repeating the same talking points from the Obama camp. Not discussing at all the two seperate vetting papers pelosi filed - FACT. 1 for HI one more for the other 49 states.
Nothing proved at all here so looks like Obama still needs to keep payin those millions to keep his records out of public hands. Lord knows what will be uncovered.
Communist News Network, huh? That play on words shows exactly how petty and juvenile most republicans are.
Can your party produce a Kenyan birth certificate? Surely, if the man was born in Kenya, republican operatives would have secured and produced it by now.
Yeah, right.
A "terrible" student who graduates Magna Cum Laude and becomes President of the Harvard Law Review.
Trump is certainly showing his racist bonafides these days and I hope all these negroes who watch his stupid show or think he's "down" will see this beaverhead clown for what he is.
That goes for P. Diddy and Russell Simmons who swear that "Donald" is their buddy.
Ahhhhh, so Diddy and Russell are "the blacks"?
Field you are beating this to death just to stur the pot. The president was born in the United States and thats that. Let the nut balls say what they want and lets get on the real subject. Your side tracking just like the media and Congress. They want us on some stupid subject while the real problem [the dollar and economy] is going to bankrupt us all.
fields, you ungreatful assh*le.Where's the love for Chris Matthews?He has put his heart and soul into defending Obama on the Birther issue.
Day in and day out for months.What does he get from THE leading black blogger on the net? Not so much has a f*ck you.
Thanks field..Thanks to all you ungreatful ****** and ****** and ******.
Why do some folks always want to control or limit what black folks discuss?
Are you saying the same thing to the media outlets who are droning on about the damn "royal wedding"?
Have you scolded the birthers and Trump who are beating this bull$hit to a nub because they can't accept a black man being their President?
Phoebe Snow has now joined that celestial pantheon of unique and soulful vocalists.
Thank you Carolyn. She was a great artist.
But back to the topic at hand, I think everyone knows that all of these are not-so-masked short-handed ways of de-legitmizing him because he is black, since it's thankfully no longer acceptable to dislike him openly due to his skin color
What I want to know is how many white people and republicans need to confirm the existence of this birth certificate before the majority of white Americans believe it?
My dear Mr. Field, I listened to the link to the radio show you were on. I must say that you did a splendid job. I can tell from the comments that many on this blog have NOT listened to it, esp SPC. But Spc talks out of his ass anyway.
That was genius political insight to note that Trump's assinine ranting about Obama's birth certificate is only helping Obama politically. Some of the dumbest people on earth are in the white race, and Trump is one of them.
You know, the more I see and hear Trump, the more I like flies. Trump may be looking for political attention but the attention he gets in the end will NOT be the kind of attention he wants.lol
Poor Donald is digging himself a very deep hole and nobody is telling him that he should stop digging. The 'birther' horse is dead, but the Donald keeps whipping and kicking that smoldering smoking carcass-hoping it will miraculously rise up so he can ride it again.
Give it up, Donald. go back to your apprentice show. It's losing ratings.
jehu said...
But back to the topic at hand, I think everyone knows that all of these are not-so-masked short-handed ways of de-legitmizing him because he is black, since it's thankfully no longer acceptable to dislike him openly due to his skin color
Proof please......
Home is where the heart is.....
Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home
Hey Field, I remember when you were on another radio show with several other folks from black blogs. That show ended, unfortunately.
Btw, what ever happened to Carmen? did she die? I ask because her blog is most certainly dead.
FWIW, you have been the most consistent blogger in the blogosphere...Black or White. I appreciate your dedication, commitment, patience and endurance.
Thank goodness you didn't turn out to be like some of the other black bloggers who have disappeared from the scene without a word. That's the kind of stuff I hate about some of us.
No matter what Slappz or SPC might say about you, YOU ARE TOPS IN MY BOOK!:)
A "terrible" student who graduates Magna Cum Laude and becomes President of the Harvard Law Review.
AND for the first time ever, publishes nothing. Now, is this a coincidence that he wsa the first Black to be president of the harvard law review or that he later became president.
So which one is it? Afirm Action where he is incompetent or does he have something to hide?
You fool! no one becomes President of the Harvard Las Review because they are Black. If anything, it would be the opposite. He got elected because he was such an outstanding law student...GET IT?
First it was the birth certificate. Now that that has ended, you now want to create another bullshit scheme. And Affirmative Action came about because of America's racist Jim Crow policies that kept Blacks from moving forward you dumb shit.
It only lasted about 30 years while White Affirmative Action lasted for centuries! Throw slavery, murders, lynchings and rape of Blacks and you evil mongers had every dogged advantage you could think of.
"Hey Field, I remember when you were on another radio show with several other folks from black blogs. That show ended, unfortunately."
I liked that show and those white folks cancelled it for no good reason.
Good job on the radio today.
Steve, I don't think that was Rainywalker's point. Why did you read into it like that?
Anyway re the sidebar: I just looked up Pheobe Snow, and I have to admit that I have never seen or heard her music before (most of it she sung before I was born, but still). I clicked on various songs on youtube and nothing. I feel kind of bad, she seemed like a talented and nice person. I read her biography, and she had a brain damaged child that she took care of at home. So sad, she is in peace with her daughter now. RIP.
LAA, "Steve, I don't think that was Rainywalker's point. Why did you read into it like that?"
Dear LAA, the answer is simple. UTS is a dumbass who can't read. He is from Brooklyn, remember? There is a kind of twisted thinking that goes on in parts os Brooklyn. Slappz is from Brooklyn too. Do you see the similarity of trains of thought? The only difference is one is White and the other is Black. However, UTS beats Slappz on the scale of ignorance. It's a terrible thing to say, but it is true.
this is NOT a birth certifcate!
we need actual documents not hearsay!
this will NOT end until hobama presents his long form bc
his actual columbia and harvard transcripts
where are they????
what are u celebrating????
i adored phoebe snow
i will miss her so....
she will live forever in my mix
see more:
kosher kkk kkklown needs fatal slaps:
phoebe snow was a very cool and gifted nappy jew
she may have been your lemba kin...
Genetic tests carried out by British scientists have revealed that many of the Lemba tribesmen in southern Africa have Jewish origins, according to a report by the BBC. The Lemba, a tribe of 70,000 to 80,000 members who live in central Zimbabwe and northern South Africa, have customs which are similar to Jewish ones: Lemba refrain from eating pork or other foods forbidden by the Torah, or forbidden combinations of permitted foods, wear yarmulke-like skull caps, conduct ritual animal slaughter, have a holy day once a week, and even put a Star of David on their gravestones. According to their oral tradition, the Lemba are descended from seven Jewish men who left Israel 2,500 years ago and married African women, according to the BBC. The Lemba prefer their children to marry other Lembas, and marriage to non-Lembas is being discouraged.
trump is quoting hobama!
dt has not lied on hobama yet!!!
hobama said he was a pot smoking slacker at occidental etc...
I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records."
Obama graduated from Columbia University in New York in 1983 with a degree in political science after transferring from Occidental College in California. He went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated magna cum laude 1991 and was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.
Obama's 2008 campaign did not release his college transcripts, and in his best-selling memoir, "Dreams From My Father," Obama indicated he hadn't always been an academic star. Trump told the AP that Obama's refusal to release his college grades were part of a pattern of concealing information about himself.
"I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can't get into Harvard," Trump said. "We don't know a thing about this guy. There are a lot of questions that are unanswered about our president."
"Grader" movement? *sigh* Now I've seen it all.
I know President Obama doesn't want it to stop. (Independents. Independents. Independents.) It's great for him when the people who hate him most are certifiable lunatics.
LMAO - he really doesn't!!!
Queen Laa:
see videos of phoebe now at my youtube channel
and hear her here
she was a 70s superstar
and an eternal diva crooner and guitarist
Right on AB!!!!!!!!!
If Obama's such a genius, how come Occidental, Harvard, and Columbia are hiding his records?
"They sure as hell would never watch anything on CNN."
Who wants to watch a network that has a 20+ year history of lies and misleading its viewers?
The same people who believed in hope and change.LOL
i will be the first to let this go when hobama proves he is an american...
that will NOT be before i see the actual missing documents
his attys have EVEN shut down all phone inquiries to ALL of his alma maters
wtf is that bs??????
I enjoyed listening to your analyses on the radio program. It's very nice to "hear" the person one "reads" every day :) Continued success.
hey uts/da mayor of utopia:
when a real bm tells u recovery is a hoax do u believe him/slur him as u do me???....
One other unexpected event of the last decade is the disappearance of a century’s worth of progress in reducing the wealth gap between black and white Americans. AsRex Nutting at Market Watch so accurately notes, wealth levels of the black family in America have declined dramatically during the past decade, and they show no evidence of getting better any time soon.
According to Nutting, "In a country where access to capital is everything, most blacks have nothing."
Pat Buchanan: Trump is supporting the people's right to know, and the national media Is supporting Obama's right to conceal.
Great point!!!
Hey AB thanks for the info on Snow, I've been digging her music for the past hour or so. I'm trying to figure out why I haven't even heard about it before.
LOL. Anony 10:53, that was too funny. But I'm seeing something to the tune of "Tom" and "Bearilla" coming up in the near future. LOL
Field, let me make it easier for others, fast forward to 25:10, geesh. Btw, you have a sexy voice, but don't tell Mrs. Field I said that. If not, I'll have no choice but to keep my running shoes on at all times. :)
Well, this discovery by CNN isn't going to be enough proof for the millions and millions of people in America. Obama must produce his birth certificate.
I am sure Slappz will debunk Cnn's findings quite easily. the man is a genius. I admire him so. In my next life, I want to be like Slappz and live in Brooklyn where the action is.
@ Field:
That's it, come up with a derisive name like "birthers" or "graders" to try to make a mental association with "truthers".
911 truthers are wacked, because their conspiracy entails an incredibly complex web of people and implausible events that supplant a narrative that we all saw with our own eyes.
"Birthers" only want to see Obama's original, long form birth certificate.
"Graders" only want to see some verification from a man who has passed himself off as brilliant.
How are either of these simple requests for information somehow equivalent to believing "911 was an inside job"?
This story by CNN is "nothing". No one has seen the original birth certificate.
McCain had to produce his birth cerficate. We all got to see McCain's, Bush's, and Gore's college transcripts.
What's the big deal with Obama's records?
evidence from Obama's father's INS records discussing his birth.
anyone who does not believe Obama was born in the US is not worth anyone's time or attention. Why do you think think GHWB was born in the US? Did you see HIS long form birth certificate?
"anyone who does not believe Obama was born in the US is not worth anyone's time or attention. Why do you think think GHWB was born in the US? Did you see HIS long form birth certificate?"
GHWB's parents were both citizens. Obama's father was not a citizen. If there was some reason to question whether or not Bush was a natural born citizen, I am sure there would have been thousands of reporters on the story. McCain was questioned, and he had to produce documentation.
I believe Obama was born in the US, but I also believe he should release his birth certificate.
What possible good reason is there for preventing its release?
SoetoroX said...
McCain had to produce his birth cerficate. We all got to see McCain's, Bush's, and Gore's college transcripts.Anonymous
John McCain, George W. Bush and Al Gore never released college transcripts. Furthermore, McCain never released his original birth certificate to the press or independent fact-checking organizations. A McCain staffer did show a "copy" of it to Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs- who wrote, "a senior official of the McCain campaign showed me a "copy" of [McCain's] birth certificate issued by the 'family hospital' in the Coco Solo submarine base"
The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Harvard accepts 40% of applicants who are children of alumni but only 11% of applicants generally. And this kind of affirmative action makes the student body less diverse, not more so. George W. Bush, in fact, may be the most spectacular affirmative-action success story of all time. Until 1994, when he was 48 years old and got elected Governor of Texas, his life was almost empty of accomplishments.
Yet bloodlines and connections had put him into Andover, Yale and Harvard Business School, and even finally provided him with a fortune after years of business disappointments. Intelligence, hard work and the other qualities associated with the concept of merit had almost nothing to do with Bush's life and success up to that point.
And yet seven years later he was President of the U.S. So what is the difference between the kind of affirmative action that got Bush where he is today and the kind he wants the Supreme Court to outlaw? One difference is that the second kind is about race, and race is an especially toxic subject. Of course, George W.'s affirmative action is about race too, at least indirectly.
The class of wealthy, influential children of alumni of top universities is disproportionately white. And it will remain that way for a long time--especially if racial affirmative action is outlawed. A second difference is that the Michigan system is crudely numerical, whereas the favoritism enjoyed by George W. Bush is baked into the way we live.
SoetoroX said...
GHWB's parents were both citizens. Obama's father was not a citizen. If there was some reason to question whether or not Bush was a natural born citizen, I am sure there would have been thousands of reporters on the story. McCain was questioned, and he had to produce documentation.
Since you are so very concern about Obama's father Kenyan birthplace, I sincerely hope that you are just as caring about Mitt Romney's, dad. George Romney was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. Three generations of Romneys lived there. May I tell you why? Because Miles Park Romney, Mitt's great grandfather was a polygamist. He married his 5th wife by 1897. To avoid prosecution, he fled the United States. One of Mitts great, great grandfather's had 12 wives.
I'm really troubled about this. Aren't you?
Mitt's great, great grandfather
"Can your party produce a Kenyan birth certificate? Surely, if the man was born in Kenya, republican operatives would have secured and produced it by now."
Tick tick tick.....
Mrs Ann, you mean W actually benefited from Af. Action? Nooooo
To Irie -and the others- who are shouting me out for the radio appearance yesterday, thanks.
Anon. I don't know what happened to that program on NPR. I think it was a victim of budget cuts.
"Graders" only want to see some verification from a man who has passed himself off as brilliant.
How are either of these simple requests for information somehow equivalent to believing "911 was an inside job"?
This story by CNN is "nothing". No one has seen the original birth certificate.
Did you watch the CNN story?
Rainywalker, I hope you see now why I can't let this go. Not yet.
This is too funny.
field writes:
"Can your party produce a Kenyan birth certificate? Surely, if the man was born in Kenya, republican operatives would have secured and produced it by now.
This question is a true red herring. Because Kenya is an African nation with all the well documented incompetence that defines African nations, there are millions of people born in Kenya who have no birth certificates.
That's not to say Obama is one of them. But Kenya has never practiced the attention to detail, such as maintaining complete birth records, that exists in modern nations.
ms ann g myma writes:
He married his 5th wife by 1897. To avoid prosecution, he fled the United States. One of Mitts great, great grandfather's had 12 wives.
Your claims are irrelevant. Anyone born on US soil is a US citizen. Even if both of Obama's parents were in the US illegally, if he was born in Hawaii, then he is a US citizen.
The Constitution states that to be a US president, a person must be 35 years old and a "natural born" citizen.
Inasmuch as there is no living person who can attest to the birthplace of Obama, the problem will not go away.
On the other hand, people including the mother and father of George Bush are still around to confirm where he was born.
No living person? What about the woman whose baby was in the crib NEXT to Prez Obama in the nursery of the hospital where he was born? And by her own words, she remembered him because there were so few brown babies born in Hawaii, let alone at that particular hospital.
Many, many people have been interviewed, vouching for knowing the President's parents before and right after his birth.
I'll admit I had doubts initially though it never mattered to me, but clear now that he was born in the US.
I also don't have a long form copy of my birth certificate and don't know anyone who does.
It's pretty "genius" in a psycho kinda way for Chump to ask for something he knows probably doesn't exist in it's original form.
ms ann g myma writes:
McCain never released his original birth certificate to the press or independent fact-checking organizations.
Obviously you screwballs do not realize that one's "original" birth certificate refers to the document that is held by the Department of Vital Records maintained by each state. Just like the Declaration of Independence, the "original" is never sent anywhere. But a perfect "copy" is available to all.
A McCain staffer did show a "copy" of it to Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs- who wrote, "a senior official of the McCain campaign showed me a "copy" of [McCain's] birth certificate issued by the 'family hospital' in the Coco Solo submarine base"
No one possesses his "original birth certificate." Every birth certificate in the hands of an American is a "copy".
But some copies are less complete than others.
Obama -- his PR people -- has NOT shown a "copy" of his Original Birth Certificate. The document appears to be SIMILAR to a birth certificate, but not a "copy" of an Original Birth Certificate.
dr queen writes:
I also don't have a long form copy of my birth certificate and don't know anyone who does.
If you were born in a hospital in the US, then the long form of your original birth certificate exists and is available to you for a small fee paid to the Department of Vital Records in your state.
The only people in the US who cannot obtain a copy of their Original Birth Certificates are people who were adopted in New York and several other states that have adoption secrecy laws.
ms ann g myma copies:
The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Harvard accepts 40% of applicants who are children of alumni but only 11% of applicants generally.
So 60% of alumni kids who apply to Harvard are rejected.
Meanwhile, the excerpt does NOT say what percentage of each freshman class are the offspring of alumni.
As a private university, Harvard can accept or reject anyone for any reason.
With respect to the kids of alumni, it's rather obvious that the alumni groom their kids to get into Harvard. Thus, the group of alumni kids has to be broken down further.
What percentage have the high board scores and top grades to get in? And what percentage were accepted as a favor?
Regarding Bush at Yale, well, maybe it's news, but until 1970, the Ivy League was partially defined by its legacy system. Bush and Kerry were both part of the elite American class of students who got in because Yale (and the other Ivies) was in the business of shaping the nation by giving influential people a way to maintain their influence through their offspring making all the right connections at college.
Meanwhile, the SAT is a post-WWII development. Before there were national tests by which students were measured, getting into Ivy League schools was much much easier, as long as you were white.
When Jewish students began swamping Ivy admissions offices with spectacular high school grades, quotas limiting their acceptances were begun.
More recently, asians have faced the same hurdle. If the Ivies were to admit kids solely on the basis of grades and board scores, the percentage of asians in every Ivy freshman class would jump. But quotas are keeping the numbers down -- to make room for the students who give the school its desired level of "diversity."
Trump is doing America a useful service. He is shameless and can say whatever he likes without fear of compromising himself.
Unfortunately, legitimate Republican presidential hopefuls do not have the option of speaking so openly.
On the other hand, Trump has used the Obama birth issue to draw attention. But he has also spoken openly and clearly on issues that really matter, like energy policy and international diplomacy.
Trump has called Obama a failure as president, and he's got plenty of evidence.
How crazy is Obama to rant against companies sending their jobs overseas while he himself is trying to drive the entire oil industry OUT of America?
Unfortunately, a casino operator is not presidential material. Especially a casino operator who has made extensive use of Chapter 11 bankruptcy -- to his benefit. But Trump does know how the business world works, while Obama clearly has no clue.
Trump makes other Republican hopefuls look weak because, unlike Trump, they are afraid to attack Obama's record and offer the obvious solutions to some big problems. Nevertheless, Trump will NOT be nominated, but he may well harm the prospects of the candidate who is.
Ann G Fake Hankie Head said...
Since you are so very concern about Obama's father Kenyan birthplace, I sincerely hope that you are just as caring about Mitt Romney's, dad. George Romney was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. Three generations of Romneys lived there. May I tell you why? Because Miles Park Romney, Mitt's great grandfather was a polygamist. He married his 5th wife by 1897. To avoid prosecution, he fled the United States. One of Mitts great, great grandfather's had 12 wives.
I'm really troubled about this. Aren't you?
Yup, same rules apply. That is what equality is, the rule of law applied to all with no racial passes given.
Now that the deflection is over, why won't Obama show his records? What do you suppose he is hiding?
Trump has absolutely ZERO qualifications that would make the guy even worth considering for a condo board association post, let alone president. Every business he's ever had he's run into the ground and his morals are beyond the pale.
anon 8:50 says:
Every business he's ever had he's run into the ground and his morals are beyond the pale.
Not true. First, his real estate business has done well. Second, he has run his casinos like most other casino operators, which is to say he place his bets and at various points he had to fold, which he did through the bankruptcy process.
Probably the best casino operators in the US is Steve Wynn. Trump can only dream of matching his skill.
That aside, the US does not need Trump, a gambling mogul with a few Chapter 11 filings on his record to lead the US. He might well think the US should restructure the same way his casino balance sheets were. NOt good.
But neither is Obama.
"Steve, I don't think that was Rainywalker's point. Why did you read into it like that?"
Okay Ms Defender of white men everywhere....
What was his point as you see it?
Did you feel Rudy Giuliani was qualified to be President?
uptownsteve said...
RIP Phoebe Snow
Great artist.
Redbone too.
Now you KNOW AB is gonna have your a$$ lunch (again) for that redbone comment, LOL!!
Barry O is going to release his long form birth certificate. For several years now, he has used this issue as a way to keep America divided along racial and political lines.
Only now its starting to become a liability.
Is this the hope and change everyone was hoping for?
Queen Laa:
My FM shows were hits for decades because I played real music like hers...
PS was always in my mixes!
My favorite songs by her are:
Her classic "Poetry Man"!!!
(See cover videos linked at my channel by Zap Mama & Queen Latifah)
"Never Letting Go"
(A classic Stephen Bishop - I love his soft rock music too...ie "On & On" is one of my fav love songs of all time)
Theme to TV show "A Different World"
70s Hallmark Jingles
(She and Luther Vandross & Patti Austin were rich from commercials long before they began iconic solo careers...I adore them all)
Many more!
Enjoy her...She was a gifted jazz/folk crooner star who will shine forever!
Dr. Queen:
in honor of phoebe, i am ignoring all of the dumb demons like that colorist uts herein today
slay him/them...stat!!!!
have a regal day
peace sista
it is also admin day
and i have just been blown away by the wonderful extravagant gifts all over my desk at my ofc this morning
i will enjoy my royal treatment from my peers today...
as i evade the resident evil doomed fools and their hobama nazi nig toxic energies herein...
buh bye now!
Okay Goobers (and AB)
Obama just released the long form Hawaii birth certificate which confirms his birth in Hawaii.
We don't expect any apologies.
You don't have that kind of character.
However it would nice if you would now STFU!!!!
Note the ease in which Obama was able to obtain and release the doc.
The MSM claimed for years that Obama could not do so.
The mainstream media has once again been exposed for the liars and biased fools they are.
Thank you Mr.Trump
Trump scores:
The White House has released President Obama's long-form birth certificate, saying the document is "proof positive" the president was born in Hawaii.
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the administration decided to release the full document in response to mounting questions about the president's birth. He noted that what started as Internet chatter had moved into the national political debate and ended up being discussed regularly on mainstream news outlets.
Conspiracy theories gained legs in recent weeks as Donald Trump, who is toying with the possibility of running as a presidential candidate in 2012, repeatedly and publicly questioned Obama's origin.
outtatownsteve asks:
Did you feel Rudy Giuliani was qualified to be President?
But too few voters in the 2008 primaries felt the same.
And Bloomberg, as both mayor of NY City and as a wildly successful businessman, is also qualified. But he won't run.
Now the Goobers are going to try turn a public humiliation and rebuff into a victory????
Slappy, SPC
What are the birthers and Beaverhead going to do now?
Two questions.
How was Giuliani more qualified than Obama?
What exactly did Giuliani do that was so extrordinary in the aftermath of 9/11?
uptownsteve said...
Okay Goobers (and AB)
Obama just released the long form Hawaii birth certificate which confirms his birth in Hawaii.
We don't expect any apologies.
You don't have that kind of character.
THIS may be "over", but I'm sure "they" are working on their next plot to try and discredit the Prez.
I've seen this 1 million times in my own career, with some "people" it just never ends as no amount of proof will EVER be enough because "they" harbor deep seeded insecurities about "themselves".
In other words, some white folks (usually poor and racists)don't seem to question their own pathetic lives until they come across a minority who's doing better than they are! You know what I mean, "they" didn't want/desire a BMW until they saw one of "us" driving one?
Absolute jealous lunacy!
anonymous 10:35 pm wrote:
You fool! no one becomes President of the Harvard Las Review because they are Black.
You really need to understand the process by which the president of the Harvard Law Review is chosen. In short, any reason will do. In Obama's case, it was his race.
He got elected because he was such an outstanding law student...GET IT?
There was a time -- well before Obama attended Harvard Law -- that academic excellence was the ticket to the law review. But, no more.
The Harvard Law Review is a student-run operation and it can choose its editors and president for any reasons the students like. And the selection process does have a wild-card option, clearly the one by which Obama was picked.
Now that Trump has pushed Obama to cough up a copy of his original birth certificate, which, as you now know, is different from the "Certificate of Live Birth", it's time for Trump to press Obama to show America his college and law school grades, as well as his SAT and LSAT scores.
It Obama had not been trading on the widespread belief that he was a brilliant student, the supporting evidence would have no meaning. But his reputation is built on the notion that he's brilliant, even though nothing about him confirms the claim.
Bush, Gore and Kerry were all average students as undergraduates, and never claimed otherwise.
McCain and Palin were unremarkable students, but never claimed otherwise. They came forth with their messages, whereas Obama came forth selling himself, which makes him a lot like the Wizard of Oz.
Really... Ameri-kkk-a's GOD is a f...n repugnican. For the godless evil that this nation continues to unleash on itself and the world, we deserve WTC/911s everyday for the next hundred years.
i need days to see if this doc is authentic
smart people are FAR less easily impressed than morons like uts
please do stand by
i welcome the chance to judge hobama ONLY by his HORRID performance as prez/cia life etc... sans all this bc drama!
but the drama has not ended with some glossy instant belated doc
why did he take do so long and pay millions to atyys for so long then?????...sheesh!!!
why did his kenyan "granny" and other kenyan officials lie???
why does hobama STILL have a cia CT ssn???
there is very much more there...
watch. wait. see...
Okay Slappy I get. When a white person "wins" it was due to "skill", but a Black person only does so due to being Black via affirmative action.
You know, if I could bitch slap you with my Georgetown Diploma, I would!
uptownsteve said...
Now the Goobers are going to try turn a public humiliation and rebuff into a victory????
Slappy, SPC
What are the birthers and Beaverhead going to do now?
Rebuff????? Public humiliation??
We don't expect any apologies?
Life must be good in Liberal la la land.
The majority of Americans had questions.
Obama wanted to play games with the issue.
Obama losted and was forced to release the doc.
Dr.QueenK said...
In other words, some white folks (usually poor and racists)don't seem to question their own pathetic lives until they come across a minority who's doing better than they are! You know what I mean, "they" didn't want/desire a BMW until they saw one of "us" driving one?
Absolute jealous lunacy!
Maybe you should look at your own pathetic live and get some help.Just because you hate being black,hate the fact you wasted your life on pookie, doesn't give you the right to bring everyone down to your level.
outtatownsteve asks:
What are the birthers and Beaverhead going to do now?
The point of the demands for Obama documentation is obviously political and the intent is to discredit him.
Now that he's forked over his birth certificate, the pressure will grow for him to cough up his college and law school records, and his SAT and LSAT scores.
I figured he would use the birther issue to his advantage for a much longer period. Instead, he calculated that by defusing it now, he would benefit later. Maybe. Maybe not.
Now the call for his grades and scores will get loud, and he faces the risk that his unremarkable results will leak, showing the world that he is not what his believers have long claimed.
Someone may well try the Bush smear tactic of creating some false documents. A clever counterfeiter altered some military documents to show that Bush's military record was even worse than was commonly known. He was found out. Obama should expect the same. But this time, there's more to work with.
Moreover, Obama has published virtually nothing with respect to the law, which makes his claim of writing two books look rather unlikely.
So you can expect questions about his books as well. But the last thing Obama needs is Bill Ayres saying he was not Obama's ghostwriter.
Dr.QueenK said...
You know, if I could bitch slap you with my Georgetown Diploma, I would!
You can't bitch slap somebody with something you don't have.
SouthParkConservatives said...
Maybe you should look at your own pathetic live and get some help.Just because you hate being black,hate the fact you wasted your life on pookie, doesn't give you the right to bring everyone down to your level.
Just like the critisim of Prez Obama makes neither one of his IVY LEAGUE diploma's disappears, I've still got mine too. And the doors that are opened to me because of it? Priceless, so don't hate!!!
outtatownsteve asks:
How was Giuliani more qualified than Obama?
Let's see. Mayor of New York City for 8 years, dealing with virtually every problem a world leader has to face? Or the other guy, a community organizer whose biggest achievement was a couple of voter registration drives?
Hmmm. I'm stumped as to which was better prepared for leading the nation.
What exactly did Giuliani do that was so extrordinary in the aftermath of 9/11?
Giuliani's presidential potential is a result of his 8 years as mayor. Not his brief moment as the face of NY City after 9/11.
Even though I believe he made the best possible moves after 9/11, with respect to the presidency, I think that aspect of his tenure is irrelevant.
like i have said many times
uts is a generic fool
ps was not a redbone
she was a very cool soulful nappy jewess
that colorist coon uts gets dumber each day
usage of the stupid term "redbone" is a sign of colorist psychoses
all bones are white
"fair skinned" = ditto
fair is not a color
uts is a tragic coon!
SouthParkConservatives said...
You can't bitch slap somebody with something you don't have.
Master chess player here, you don't really believe I didn't see this one coming do you, LOL???
You jealous racists are too predictable, ROTFLMBAO!!
But you're right, I don't have my diploma, it's hanging on the wall in my Mother's office. But don't worry about me not having it in my possession, I keep a copy of my transcripts as proof which was more than enough for the NCI.
Try again white boy!
Slappy is a relentless idiot
"Let's see. Mayor of New York City for 8 years, dealing with virtually every problem a world leader has to face?"
Oh, like being Commander in Chief? Foreign Diplomacy? National legislation?
Stop it Slappy. You're not this dumb.
"Or the other guy, a community organizer whose biggest achievement was a couple of voter registration drives"
Unbelieveable dishonesty and stupidity.
Obama was a State Senator for 8 years and a US Senator for 4. Dealing with national and international issues that a mayor NEVER faces.
"Even though I believe he made the best possible moves after 9/11,"
Like what? Taking photo-ops? Attending weddings and funerals?
"with respect to the presidency, I think that aspect of his tenure is irrelevant."
Sorry pal but Giuliani's political career was in the toilet on September 10th, 2001. After the 9/11 tragedy he was suddenly hailed by the right as "America's Mayor" for doing little more than his fucking job.
And then he tried to parlayed that media hype into a Presidential run which obviously tanked.
"The majority of Americans had questions."
The racists and the tea party goobers tried to make an issue out of nothing because they couldn't dispute the election results and WOULDN'T accept a black man as their President.
"Obama wanted to play games with the issue."
I think even the dimmest among us would admit that Obama had other things to worry about than the false charges and accusations of political foes.
"Obama losted and was forced to release the document."
No, actually he won because you clowns no longer have a drum to beat and not admitting that you were wrong really makes you look cheap and petty.
dr queen writes:
But you're right, I don't have my diploma, it's hanging on the wall in my Mother's office.
Hmmm. That's interesting. I have my diploma, but it's in my filing cabinet in my home office. Most of my friends keep theirs at home too.
By putting your diploma on the wall of her office, is your mother pretending your diploma is hers?
I take back all the insults I hurled at you.
You are kicking ass today!!!
Redbones are so damn fine.
God, you are SUCH a liar. The closest you ever got to Georgetown was driving the fuck by it in your jalopy! And shouldn't you be studying?
Joke. Liar.
outtatownsteve writes:
Oh, like being Commander in Chief? Foreign Diplomacy? National legislation?
Yes. Commanding a police department of 40,000 that has had to reckon with conventional crime and terrorist attacks for decades; Meeting and dealing with the leaders of virtually every country on the planet as well as their UN representatives; and yes, dealing with every element of national legislation in the most contentious setting in the country.
Every time you raise these issues you reinforce your well deserved reputation for idiocy.
As for Obama, he was a Senator for less than 2 years. He was elected in 2006, and began running for president roughly a year later.
His previous job in Illinois was about as difficult as the job of being a member of the NY City Council, which mainly concerns itself with naming streets, occasionally with the names of black criminals.
Dr.QueenK said...
Master chess player here, you don't really believe I didn't see this one coming do you, LOL???
You jealous racists are too predictable, ROTFLMBAO!!
But you're right, I don't have my diploma, it's hanging on the wall in my Mother's office. But don't worry about me not having it in my possession, I keep a copy of my transcripts as proof which was more than enough for the NCI.
Try again white boy!
Jealous of what? Some racist who comes online and makes up shit about herself?
Jealous of someone who insults and attacks like she's a 5 year old?
I hope you can get the help you need.
Slappy silly
"Every time you raise these issues you reinforce your well deserved reputation for idiocy."
Oh really?
"As for Obama, he was a Senator for less than 2 years. He was elected in 2006, and began running for president roughly a year later."
Obama was elected US Senator from Illinois in November 2004 Slappy.
I really wish I could say I hate making you look like a dummy but I can't.
I enjoy it.
uptownsteve said...
I take back all the insults I hurled at you.
You are kicking ass today!!!
I know we've had our "discussions" in the past but you know it's all good, I consider many of you on this blog like my "online family". Oh da*mn, some one pass a tissue, LOL!!
And since I've had relatives to "pass" as white and go on and live "white" lives, that includes some of the white folks too! I mean the EDUCATED and WELL OFF ones, of course, ROTFLMBAO!!!
I don't "claim" racist cracka's!!
townsteve said...
The racists and the tea party goobers tried to make an issue out of nothing because they couldn't dispute the election results and WOULDN'T accept a black man as their President.
BULLSH$T.Just like the false claim that a white president never had his birth place question.
I think even the dimmest among us would admit that Obama had other things to worry about than the false charges and accusations of political foes.
LOL yeah like playing golf and partyin' with J-Lo.
The USA Today poll from a few days ago showed Obama was losing the game he was playing with America.
He was forced....
No, actually he won because you clowns no longer have a drum to beat and not admitting that you were wrong really makes you look cheap and petty.
Death by a 1000 cuts.Death by a 1000 cuts.
You have NOTHING.
Your Republican candidates are a joke.
That's how Beaverhead was able to come out of nowhere and place first in a poll of possible GOP candidates by beating the "birther" drum.
Now that that has been rebuffed where do you go now?
You have no ideas, no programs and no solutions to the problems you decry.
All you have is the "Obama Sucks" rant which is not going to work.
So looks like you'll be hanging around FN for another 6 years bitchin, whinin and claiming white superiority while trying to shave the hair on your back.
Anonymous said...
God, you are SUCH a liar. The closest you ever got to Georgetown was driving the fuck by it in your jalopy! And shouldn't you be studying?
Joke. Liar.
Oh my what should I do prove myself to you? Post my transcripts? Get a scanned copy of my Diploma and post that? Take a picture with my old thesis advisor and post a picture of us in front of the Med/Dent building? Or maybe a picture in front of Levy Center building where I buy my books (and ordered my cap and gown for graduation)? Or maybe my I'll post my Georgetown email addy?
Or maybe I'll wait until I walk across the stage in May 2011 take a pic and post that? That Blue and Grey in the hoods of MS candidates is sharper than a mutha'!
You see I have so many options to "prove" myself to you that I don't knwo where to begin. So let me begin with this one:
Now how's THAT for proof Bitch?
UTS, the birther lies had two main goals...pretend he was not legit, and to let Goobers give orders to an AfAm.
Giuliani (noun, verb, 9-11) was indeed a putz...one who was universally reviled by NYC residents. When the Saudis committed the act of terror...and bush and Cheney ran like Chickenhawks..at least Queen Rudy stayed at his post. We could mention Rudy and his mistress, Bernie Kerik, placing the Emergency Centre in the bullseye, and a host of other reasons why. Or not.
Like posted before, there will be those who never attended a University trying to tell you what happens in one.
One more thing. German's don't make Jalopy's, but YOU wouldn't know a dman thing about that, now would you?
Still, bush is the Worst President EVER.
How about the Rs finding some rational, pragmatic folks? I mean, when the troo beleevers go to real town meetings and find out that we, the citizens, aren't as gullible as Andrea Mitchell, the FOX clucks, or the bootlicking MSM in DC...they act surprised. Gee...for many of us, the only retirement is SS. Our medical needs are postponed until we can get on Medicaid/Medicare. I personally have an income that means I pay in tax what most posters here gross. I have 'gold-plated' insurance. But not all are as fortunate.
Maybe it is time that the Rs stopped being the HNs for the rich...and did more for those who work.
Anonymous said...
Like posted before, there will be those who never attended a University trying to tell you what happens in one.
And there will be those like mold and queen who never attended a university but go online and pretend they did.
Trump has gotten the most media coverage.Thats why he's ahead in the polls.Which will change soon.Did i fail to mention Trump is a big Democrat donor? Than again,Democrat are the original birthers.
"You have no ideas, no programs and no solutions to the problems you decry."
And Obama does? Obama's QE2 flooding gave us little stimulus and fueled inflation.{NYTime}
Obama's policies are doing nothing but creating jobs at McD's.
The media's going to have a harder time getting Obama elected this time.
QueenLaQueefa Said...
Now you KNOW AB is gonna have your a$$ lunch (again) for that redbone comment, LOL!!
Sorry, I am not from the Ghetto. When you say "ass lunch" are you talking about tossing a salad? Why would one person eat someone else's salad tossing efforts and call it "ass lunch"? Sounds particularly disgusting to me, but then again I am not as I said from the ghetto, do you do this frequently?
Notice how the story is changing.
She HASN'T graduated YET?
So how is that diploma from GT hanging on your mother's wall?
And what's with the crack and ungrammatical usage of "German's"?
Liar. Joke.
Shouldn't you be studying?
Wow. I got a date wrong. Yikes.
Obama was elected to the US Senate in 2004, giving the US two more years of his ineffective leadership than I had thought.
Time flies when Obama is doing nothing.
However, as Senator he was responsible for the miraculous recovery in Congo that was the result of his efforts:
In December 2006, President Bush signed into law the Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act, marking the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor.
Thus, it appears that Obama was one of the enablers who helped Bush become known as the Worst President Ever.
Dr.QueenK said...
Anonymous said...
God, you are SUCH a liar. The closest you ever got to Georgetown was driving the fuck by it in your jalopy! And shouldn't you be studying?
Joke. Liar.
Oh my what should I do prove myself to you? Post my transcripts? Get a scanned copy of my Diploma and post that? Take a picture with my old thesis advisor and post a picture of us in front of the Med/Dent building? Or maybe a picture in front of Levy Center building where I buy my books (and ordered my cap and gown for graduation)? Or maybe my I'll post my Georgetown email addy?
Or maybe I'll wait until I walk across the stage in May 2011 take a pic and post that? That Blue and Grey in the hoods of MS candidates is sharper than a mutha'!
You see I have so many options to "prove" myself to you that I don't knwo where to begin. So let me begin with this one:
Now how's THAT for proof Bitch?
11:44 AM
Oh isn't she so Ghetto-gant. Forget all that noise, no one wants to see a pic of you, we already have an idea of how fat and ugly you are from your gang sign picture. How about just linking to the article you said you have written and published in the scientific community for work on aids.
All while just getting your degree this year. So what exactly was your published article on? Maybe we can have a discussion in your area of expertise (not salad tossing white chicks) your supposed scientific prowess. What exactly was it that your paper was on?
Still, bush is the Worst President EVER.
Keep repeating that lie all you want.Jimmy will still be the worst president everrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Gee...for many of us, the only retirement is SS. Our medical needs are postponed until we can get on Medicaid/Medicare.
I personally have an income that means I pay in tax what most posters here gross. I have 'gold-plated' insurance. But not all are as fortunate.
More bullshit from mold.Notice her word usage. Mold uses "us" "our" when talking about SS and having to wait to get on Medicaid/Medicare.
Meaning mold is including herself in what she is posting.
Than mold comes back with "I personally have an income that means I pay in tax what most posters here gross."
Why does mold feel the need to post that?
To make herself feel imporant? To make her fell better than everyone else?
Dr.QueenK said...
uptownsteve said...
I take back all the insults I hurled at you.
You are kicking ass today!!!
I know we've had our "discussions" in the past but you know it's all good, I consider many of you on this blog like my "online family". Oh da*mn, some one pass a tissue, LOL!!
Yeah she wants to wipe Steve's spooge off her face. What a phony, from calling him lucy to coon now she sees him as "family"
And since I've had relatives to "pass" as white and go on and live "white" lives, that includes some of the white folks too! I mean the EDUCATED and WELL OFF ones, of course, ROTFLMBAO!!!
Could someone explain this ghetto language? How did you think you were going to convince anyone you had a degree when you speak baboonish?
I don't "claim" racist cracka's!!
So your post in a nutshell says you now claim a guy you hated a few minutes ago as family and back this up by saying you hate your own family some of which are white. Now tell me you are smart enough to have earned a degree again and what exactly was that degree in - Demonstrating the mind of an inferior racist hood rat?
Cornholio said...
So your post in a nutshell says you now claim a guy you hated a few minutes ago as family and back this up by saying you hate your own family some of which are white. Now tell me you are smart enough to have earned a degree again and what exactly was that degree in - Demonstrating the mind of an inferior racist hood rat?
Wow, who would have thought that pointing out that some who pretend to know about University...could make you so upset?
I do have advanced degrees. From accredited public and private Universities/Colleges. Include Harvard in this. When will you attend your local community college?
Is your lack of credentials making you lie? Or is it jealousy?
Speaking of that...I mention my income and benefits to highlight that a great many do not share my luck. And yes, more than a few US citizens depend on SS as their sole retirement...and Medicare/Medicaid as their medical. Duh. It is highly suspect that the Cons are so unaware of this. Simply asking a few questions would reveal such a common state. Unless one is too royal to bother asking the nameless, faceless help anything. Or delights in the sycophancy of the DC MSM pretties.
We are citizens, not Randian Galt-islands. What affects my neighbours affects me. Just ask the fwee-market wonderments of the Americas. Those with...live behind bars and guns. Those without...need to steal to eat. But, it all genuflects at the altar of unfettered capitalism. I'll take the taxes and low crime, thank you.
Sorry, bush is the Worst President EVER. By nigh Universal acclaim. You must need Carter to be icky...so st reagan can be comparatively so much greater.
Shame that he will be forgotten once all the closeted frat boys die off. Heck, Washington National is what all the locals...and visitors call the airport.
Keep trying. I'm sure there is someone on the Intertubes that has such a fetish...Rule 34 for st reagan and all. ;)
UTS and Mold, it doesn't matter. The Birthers, like the Truthers, believe what they want to believe, reality has little to do with it. Their conspiracies feed their neuroses and stroke their egos for having 'the real truth'. Forget that they've been disproven over and over again -- it doesn't matter.
What's scary about birthers is that they've infected an entire major political party like a skin rash. Most liberals, even the hardcore anti-everything types, know that the government didn't set up some sort of Dr. Doom double cross and blew up a piece of New York and the Pentagon. But somehow, almost half the GOP believe the President is some sort of undocumented Kenyan cabbie in Brooklyn.
More proof that not all conservative people are stupid, but most stupid people are....
Cornholio said...
So your post in a nutshell says you now claim a guy you hated a few minutes ago as family and back this up by saying you hate your own family some of which are white.
I guess the idea of Black folks "sticking together" is a bit much for you hicks to handle, huh?
Yeah, just wait until 2012, LOL!!!
Well the racists and anon-turds are showing high dudgeon today and it's obvious why.
They took one straight between the eyes and a foot square in the ass, so now it's back to square one.
What will the little pinheads think up now?
Queen, I got your back my sister.
When it comes down to it we know who the real enemy is and it's not each other.
"More proof that not all conservative people are stupid, but most stupid people are...."
Right of center?
So, the "adults" were showing their priorities by attempting / threatening to pass legislation about birth certificates to appease the 'birther' / TEA party (You're welcome, ingrates)fringe, as opposed to working on that pesky unemployment problem. Now, like a small child (see what I did there), they have been given what they want and yet they are still whining because reality has a liberal bias (love that line).
Anyone who continues this nonsense is now completely in the boat with Taitz (sp?) and Trump as policy mates.
I'm not saying you're stupid, but at least admit you're racists and you won't be happy until someone who looks like you (because I know you're white or want to be)is in office.
Blogger no_slappz said...
"It Obama had not been trading on the widespread belief that he was a brilliant student, the supporting evidence would have no meaning. But his reputation is built on the notion that he's brilliant, even though nothing about him confirms the claim."
Well, Maybe you should ask the University of Chicago. Obama was a Professor of Law at the University for 12 years. Several times he was offered to join faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.
Blogger no_slappz said...
"No one possesses his "original birth certificate." Every birth certificate in the hands of an American is a "copy".
Exactly fool! But you will be happy to know that Obama has release the long version of his birth certificate.
Blogger no_slappz said...
"Meanwhile, the excerpt does NOT say what percentage of each freshman class are the offspring of alumni".
Legacies make up 10 to 15 percent of the student body at most Ivy League schools, according to Daniel L. Golden ’78, the Pulitzer Prize-winning education reporter for the Wall Street Journal and author of “The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates.”
uptownsteve said...
When it comes down to it we know who the real enemy is and it's not each other.
Awwwwww two black racist coming together in the name of love.If you would just make up with AB, you would have a perfect 3some.
APRIL 27, 2011
White House releases Obama's birth
(CNN) – President Obama released his original birth certificate Wednesday, saying the controversy surrounding the issue had become a "sideshow."
Obama's birth certificate
“We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We’ve got better stuff to do," said Obama.
The surprise release follows recent and sustained remarks by businessman Donald Trump, among others, that raised doubts as to whether the president was born in the United States.
“Over the last two and half years, I have watched with amusement. I have been puzzled with the degree with which this thing just kept going,” Obama told reporters Wednesday.
See document here:
Ann G Myma
Smack him good.
Slappy's starting to look like George Foreman in the 8th round of The Rumble in the Jungle with Ali.
Since President Obama Released His Birth Certificate, Will Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns? (UPDATE)
April 27, 2011 11:22 AM
President Obama released the long form birth certificate that Trump was calling for. And Trump took credit for it when he landed for his first visit to New Hampshire this morning.
“Today I’m very proud of myself because I’ve accomplished something nobody else has been able to accomplish. I was just informed while on the helicopter that our president has finally released a birth certificate,” Trump said. “I want to look at it, but I hope it’s true so that we can get on with much more important matters, so the press can stop asking me questions. He should have done it a long time ago.”
But Obama releasing his long form birth certificate does put the ball back in his court. Remember when I asked Trump in my interview last week if he would release his tax returns? This is what he said:
“Maybe I’m going to do the tax returns when Obama does his birth certificate. I may tie my tax returns,” Trump told me. “I’d love to give my tax returns. I may tie my tax returns into Obama’s birth certificate.”
So what do you think? Will Trump do it?
mold went to Harvard.
Why do the blacks posting here lie about themselves?
The Blacks Love Me said...
mold went to Harvard.
Why do the blacks posting here lie about themselves?
Why does poor white trash have such a hard time believing there are Black folks in the world with more education than you, who make more money than you, and who drive nicer cars and live in better neighborhoods/homes than you????
Because what I realize is that you people will ALWAYS blame AA and/or highly successful Black folks for your sorry a$$ lives instead of taking some responsibility for your insecurities and inferiorities.
Looks like that "entitlement" thing you people have going on isn't working so well for ya' after all!
Obama has produced yet another copy and jumped through yet another hoop.I'm sure it's still not good enough though.The state charges $10 a copy and I wish we could have a special charge for the birthers so Trumpet and Faux won't be the only ones making a profit off these dummies.
Trump hasn't produced his legal birth certificate.Does anyone remember him growing up here?Got any pictures?
ma ann g myma writes:
Well, Maybe you should ask the University of Chicago. Obama was a Professor of Law at the University for 12 years. Several times he was offered to join faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.
Spare me the nonsense. Like the birth certificate issue, when you can show me the contract he decided not to sign, you'll convince me.
Exactly fool! But you will be happy to know that Obama has release the long version of his birth certificate.
He has released a document that looks like a true long-form "original birth certificate."
Personally, I'll accept it.
But, like the phony documents presented as Bush's military records, this document could just as easily have been forged. However, I agree with Obama, it's time to move on to other, more relevant issues. Like his college and law school grades, and his SAT and LSAT scores.
And then onto his lunacy at president, that includes inflating our national debt to precarious levels, so precarious that Standard & Poors has the nation on Credit Watch with Negative Implications.
To put it perspective, the S&P comment is like getting pulled over by a cop for drunk driving, luckily before driving into a tree.
Legacies make up 10 to 15 percent of the student body at most Ivy League schools...
As I stated, this tidbit was not included in the excerpt that appeared in the earlier post.
Nevertheless, two points are critical. First, legacy students may well have top top board scores and top top grades. And some of them may get a big break.
Second, giving breaks to people applying to Ivy League schools is permissible.
Another point is this. A comparison between legacy students who got a break on admission standards and blacks who got a break on admissions standards was not made.
If you're interested in who got the biggest breaks, that's the point to check.
Anonymous SAM said...
Obama has produced yet another copy and jumped through yet another hoop.I'm sure it's still not good enough though.The state charges $10 a copy and I wish we could have a special charge for the birthers so Trumpet and Faux won't be the only ones making a profit off these dummies.
Indeed, they will not stop. They are already demands for school transcripts. Next it will be medical records, dental records, vaccinations and bathroom habits.
Most people who post here have college or post graduate degrees, which makes me think that those who are so obsessed with who has a degree, do not have one themselves.
Murder at Harvard.
IN 2009 there was a drug-related murder in a Harvard dorm.
My, was I shocked to read that black student and black non-student thugs were involved. And imagine how surprised I was to learn that the one of the key figures in the Ivy League murder were from Brooklyn and the killer himself was from Harlem.
Recently, the case went to trial and the defendant -- a black non-student thug -- was convicted of manslaughter. His father was/is a NY City cop.
However, he was in the dormitory committing murder as a result of his connection to a black female student from Brooklyn who was his girlfriend and a party to his drug dealing.
She was an accessory to the crime is facing prosecution on major criminal charges.
As is usually the case, the black thugs killed a black victim.
if someone put a gun to my head, I couldn’t produce my long-form birth certificate. Have no idea what it look like, have no idea where to get it, because the hospital I was born at has since closed. The only birth certificate I have is one that has similar information to what the President has already released.
It’s an absolute crock of shyt, and it’s only because this President is BLACK.
BUT….politically, I think it’s brilliant of the President.
Because, guess what, folks?
The President knows what I know….
There will be a poll taken next week, asking now, if the Republican Birthers are satisfied…
the answer to that poll will be NO.
Because it’s not about the Birth Certificate…it’s about him being a Black Man.
And, once that poll is released that reveals that POTUS even releasing the Birth Certificate doesn’t make a DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE WITH THESE PEOPLE…
The albatross that is the Birthers will be hung around the GOP going into 2012 like an anvil.
Slappy still crappin'
"But, like the phony documents presented as Bush's military records, this document could just as easily have been forged."
LMAO!!!! I told you the goobers won't stop. Face it, they have nothing else but slander and false accustations.
BTW Slappy, the documents about Bush going AWOL from his National Guard Unit were verified.
"However, I agree with Obama, it's time to move on to other, more relevant issues. Like his college and law school grades, and his SAT and LSAT scores."
Slapstick the fact that the man graduated Magna Cum Laude and was the President of the Harvard Law Review means nothing to you does it?
The mere fact that he's black causes you to question his qualifications when he has proven that not only was he qualified but he EXCELLED!!!!
You are one silly racist fool.
Mentioning Harvard only made some folks cry. They are so sad that an AfAm was accepted and not them. Why don't you-all do the same amount of work that I did? Or, you can be born bush. Legacies are set-asides that you pretend are the same for minorities. Not exactly. bush and the Quayles and the rest are never asked about qualifications. They are matriculated at birth. While the minorities are allowed to compete on a more equitable basis with their intellectual peers.
Seems to be more than a tad racist.
Umm...what you confuse with arrogance is more the rational and blunt description of proven abilities.
Still, you can attend your local community college and gain much of what you only pretend to have.
hobama has done 23 TRILLION things to make people hate him
cia lies
book lies
gas prices
food prices
muddled east wars
i am absolutely amazed that any fool of any race dares think that hobama being 1/2 black has ANYTHING to do with the COLORLESS GLOBAL RAINBOW rage he evokes in poor people/soldiers etc
if hobama was purple and we all had jobs and homes and decent gas and food prices...we would all love him like hobama nazis do
wtfu u racist broke black fools!!!!
i am elated if this bc is real...
i will post my letter of apology asap u liar!
and now we can have some real gd talk about the evil deeds of hobama as prez since 2008
bring it on!!!!!!
u do not know anything about me
or anyone/anything else u generic moron coon
i have posted/aired other IMMEDIATE public apologies
lisa lopes
marion jones' roided hubby
just a few
i am rarely wrong
Now I think I understand the problem the Hee-Haw homies are having when they accused me, mold, and AB if being the same person.
It's easier on thier fragile feelings to see us as 1 person rather than 3 Black folks who kicked academic ass at Georgetown, Harvard, and UIUC respectively, ALL top notch schools.
Dr. Queen:
racists and sexists need to pretend that we do not GROSSLY
defy their lies and myths...
bongo was borne in kenya which is why he hides his papers.his gpa was mediocre which is why he hides his grades and he got into harvard on the saudi nickel.so tell me field what has bongo done for you or any black people other than drive up the price of gas and food.oh hang on for the inflation ride!!
ditto...the worst is yet to come for ALL races!!!
no one in america hates hobama because he is black
especially me!
i hate hobama because he is a blackish clone of the wm gwb
hobama is a MORE racist/brutal/warmongerring/ruthless/icy/elitist/brazen/slicker clone to boot!!!
even stevie wonder can see that!!!
only fools see this as a racial issue
this is a gas/food/rents/mortgages/jobs/transpo/living wage/wars/schools... issue
wake up u blind foolish suicidal hobama nazis asap!!!!!
Hmmm...it's more that their Masters have not given them the 'thinkerating points' to respond with. Like creationists who smugly retort with churchy homilies designed to make low-infos pretend to the exact same level of intellect as a PhD in Biology....they need the 'smarterate' terms from the Owners.
Funny how they can't do this by using the education and experience they already possess.
Reminds me of the drones of certain groups who could not take individual initiative. One might ask as to why.
Hathor said...
Most people who post here have college or post graduate degrees, which makes me think that those who are so obsessed with who has a degree, do not have one themselves.
Its not obsession.Its calling out the bullsh*t.
Lets look at mold,
mold went to Harvard
mold has 2 degrees from major U'S
mold has been in the military
mold has been published
mold has been a preacher
mold has worked in theather
mold knows many pimps
mold knows DA'S in philly
And thats just what i remember.Sooner or later you have to see some proof or you just assume mold is full of sh*t.
Queenie or Lakeisha {what she goes by on the streets} is also full of sh*t.
Whatever makes black people feel better about themselves.
SouthParkConservatives said...
Queenie or Lakeisha {what she goes by on the streets} is also full of sh*t.
That was a straight up cracka' move right there, Billy Bob.
Especially considering that my first name is of English orgin.
And given that cracka's like you crossbred, I'll bet I'm genotypically more white than you are too!
The MSM is race-baiting sobs! They complicit in this f*ckery to try and delegitimize our President. They're pretending facts are not facts when they know got damn well the President is an American citizen. I'm angry as hell that a sitting President has to go through this kind of treatment because he has BLACK skin. Yeah, this is about the President's BLACKNESS! What kind of madness is this for the MSM to engage in sideshows and carnival barkings? The Republicans are hell bent on fking up the country and the MSM is engaging bs stories for high ratings and money. What about the country, mofos?
Damn all of them. You race-baiting money hungry mofos!
I failed to mention mold claims to have worked at a major frim where she was forced to hire unqualified whites over qualified blacks.
Dr.QueenK said...
That was a straight up cracka' move right there, Billy Bob.
Especially considering that my first name is of English orgin.
And given that cracka's like you crossbred, I'll bet I'm genotypically more white than you are too!
Why do you feel so inferior to whites Queen? You seem so sad.I wsih you well.
You can always tell when the goobers are upset because they cease with the codewords and get all the way live with the unabashed racism.
The fact of the matter is Heeyucks you are going to have to deal with Obama as your President for another 6 years and all you can do is get mad.
Your big "birther" play turned out to be $hit and you don't have any candidates worth a damn.
So scream, turn red, crap your pants, and howl at the moon to heart's content.
We'll just continue to laugh at you.
uptownsteve said...
You can always tell when the goobers are upset because they cease with the codewords and get all the way live with the unabashed racism.
SouthParkConservatives said...
Why do you feel so inferior to whites Queen?
Why would I feel inferior to my own ancestors? The answer is I don't. You didn't really think Tiger is the one person who could make up a race like BlaCauNative American, did you?
YOU on the otherhand are obvisouly a "inbreed" which explains why you're so slow. Genetic admixture within a family doubles the risk of mental retardation I'm told.
only clueless drone mongrel coons like u celebrate complete voter nullification...
and cheer what the horrid evil bush family has done to select blood kin prezes from 2000-2016...blackish cuz hobama included.
u r a shameless lost tragic fool coon.
only racist black hobama nazi morons like u think hobama was elected by black voters solo!
do the math u fool.
millions of whites voted for hobama and hated his wm clone gwb.
millions have been reticent about hating hobama now as gwb's clone ONLY because they fear being called white racists by black racists like u
shame u exclusive hater of the cloned wm gwb!!!!
shame u hobama nazi hypocrite!!!!!
anyone of any race who loves hobama and hated gwb is a racist and a fool.
the blackish cloned hobama is the worst of the 2!!!!
in all arenas!!!
alicia banks said...
anyone of any race who loves hobama and hated gwb is a racist and a fool.
the blackish cloned hobama is the worst of the 2!!!!
in all arenas!!!
Only in your warped little mind, AB.
We can point out the many good things Obama has done, along with the things we agree are wrong and an offense to progressive.
But, like other conspiracy theory fetishists - reality doesn't matter to you.
No icing tops the cake more than this remark from the hairpiece-turned-mouthpiece: “Today I'm very proud of myself, because I've accomplished something that no one else has been able to accomplish,” crows the forever truculent and triumphant Trump.
For a man obsessed with bragging about himself - his yacht, his money, his media exposure, his wives, and his manhood - I can’t help but wonder whether he is hiding a secret in his pants. Perhaps the man with a constant need to brag is overcompensating and covering up his lack thereof, having neither prick nor balls. Why should we take the Donald at his word? President Obama showed us his; it is time for you to show us yours.
Donald, now it’s your turn. Call a press conference and fess up. Drop your pants and show your penis. Citizens have a right to know.
i think trump is sexy because he is confident brave and blunt.
he certainly does not wed a stream of young eye candy because of his hair/looks/youth etc....
to each their own...
lost lovelorn uts:
u r a gd hobama nazi fool.
i do not live in utopia
u r not my mayor u original mf!
carry on gated coon.
In Birmingham, Ala., the unemployment rate among African Americans was 5.3 percent in 2006, the year before the recession began. Last year it was 14.5 percent, according to the EPI analysis. In Miami, the rate went from 6.7 percent in 2006 to 17.2 percent last year. In the Los Angeles area, the black unemployment rate climbed from 8.6 percent in 2006 to 19.3 percent last year.
Meanwhile, in metropolitan areas where African American unemployment was already a major problem, levels now speak to a running depression. In Detroit, black unemployment last year reached 25.7 percent, more than four times the 6 percent mark seen in 2000 at the end of a technology-driven national economic boom. During the same decade, black unemployment in Las Vegas swelled from 8.2 percent to 20.1 percent, according to the EPI analysis.
More than two years later, Nolan is still looking for a job and feeling increasingly anxious about a future that once felt assured. Her life has devolved from a model of middle class African American upward mobility into an example of a disturbing trend: She is among the 15.5 percent of African Americans out of work and still looking for a job.
For economists, that number may sound awful, but it’s not surprising. The nation’s overall unemployment rate sits at 8.8 percent and the rate among white Americans is at 7.9 percent. For a variety of reasons -- ranging from levels of education and continuing discrimination to the relatively young age of black workers -- black unemployment tends to run twice the rate for whites. Yet since the Great Recession, joblessness has remained so critically elevated among African Americans that it is challenging longstanding ideas about what it takes to find work in the modern-day economy.
Story continues below
Millions of people like Nolan, who have precisely followed the oft-dictated recipe for economic success -- work hard, get an education, seek advancement -- are slipping backward. Even as they apply for jobs and accept the prospect of a future with less job security and lower pay, they remain stalled in unemployment.
Trading down has become a painful truth for much of working America, but this truth becomes particularly stark when seen through the prism of race. Only 12 percent of all Americans are black, but working-age black Americans comprise nearly 21 percent of the nation’s unemployed, according to federal data. The growing contrast between prospects for white and black job-seekers challenges a cherished American notion: the availability of opportunity and upward mobility for all.
“Over the course of the recession, the unemployment disparity between college educated blacks and whites actually widened,” says economist Algernon Austin, director of the Race, Ethnicity, and Economy program at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. “If black workers who are the most prepared to compete and work in the new economy can’t find jobs, that’s something that we as a country have to take seriously.”
no_slappz said...
field writes:
"Can your party produce a Kenyan birth certificate? Surely, if the man was born in Kenya, republican operatives would have secured and produced it by now.
This question is a true red herring. Because Kenya is an African nation with all the well documented incompetence that defines African nations, there are millions of people born in Kenya who have no birth certificates.
That's not to say Obama is one of them. But Kenya has never practiced the attention to detail, such as maintaining complete birth records, that exists in modern nations.
Field, did not say that. I did. Red Herring??? Damn near everything you post here is a red herring.
The birther issue within itself is a red herring. Despite a certificate of live birth and a posting in the Honolulu Advertiser announcing Obama's birth, you people continued to make this non-issue an issue.
The next red herring you people will pursue is whether he was qualified to get into Columbia and Harvard, as indicated by your cheap barb that as president of the Harvard Law Review, he didn't write anything.
In citing a fact that is not germane to the issue, you conveniently omitted the fact that the man graduated magna cum laude in an ultra competitive environment where over 50% of his graduating class graduated cum laude. I think that fact alone says he was qualified to attend Harvard Law.
hobama girl lack:
ditto for u u love blind bitch
Blogger no_slappz said...
Murder at Harvard.
IN 2009 there was a drug-related murder in a Harvard dorm.
My, was I shocked to read that black student and black non-student thugs were involved.
Considering that 70% of drug abusers are white, it is a shock. Why, judging from your post, I'll bet you're on something now.
Anonymous said...
spc queefkin the wannabe queen doesnt represent black people she is the absolute worst lower than amoeba slime she is from the demographic called ghettoese most self respecting blacks run away when they see her piss smelling weave rounding the corner cuz shes uncouth unhygenic and unintelligent the only thing she can do is bark and yelp like a trapped varmit when caught in her lies mildew is more fluent in her thoughts then buceta breaf queekfin and even ur wite trash ass spc who aint know how to spell but still at least u callng out the bullshyt
Kinda late today, ain't you Diaper Diana?
BTW, wasn't their a Michael Jackson song about you in the 90's psycho b*tch?
Anonymous said...
God, you are SUCH a liar. The closest you ever got to Georgetown was driving the fuck by it in your jalopy! And shouldn't you be studying?
Joke. Liar.anon wit sense
duh that shit lickin imbecile dont even know waht a jalopy is dummy!
Sep 16, 2004
Yoshi Tsurumi, one of George W. Bush's professor at Harvard Business School speaks out.
(1)"I don't remember all the students in detail unless I'm prompted by something," Tsurumi said in a telephone interview Wednesday. "But I always remember two types of students. One is the very excellent student, the type as a professor you feel honored to be working with. Someone with strong social values, compassion and intellect -- the very rare person you never forget. And then you remember students like George Bush, those who are totally the opposite."
(2)Trading as usual on his father's connections, Bush entered Harvard in 1973 for a two-year program. He'd just come off what George H.W. Bush had once called his eldest son's "nomadic years" -- partying, drifting from job to job, working on political campaigns in Florida and Alabama and, most famously, apparently not showing up for duty in the Alabama National Guard.
(3)“Bush, showed pathological lying habits and was in denial when challenged on his prejudices and biases. He would even deny saying something he just said 30 seconds ago. He was famous for that. Students jumped on him; I challenged him." When asked to explain a particular comment, said Tsurumi, Bush would respond, "Oh, I never said that."
(4)In 1973, as the oil and energy crisis raged, Tsurumi led a discussion on whether government should assist retirees and other people on fixed incomes with heating costs. Bush, he recalled, "made this ridiculous statement, “The government doesn't have to help poor people -- because they are lazy.' I said, 'Well, could you explain that assumption?' Not only could he not explain it, he started backtracking on it, saying, 'No, I didn't say that.”
(1)In 1973, as the oil and energy crisis raged, Tsurumi led a discussion on whether government should assist retirees and other people on fixed incomes with heating costs. Bush, he recalled, "made this ridiculous statement, “The government doesn't have to help poor people -- because they are lazy.' I said, 'Well, could you explain that assumption?' Not only could he not explain it, he started backtracking on it, saying, 'No, I didn't say that.”
alicia banks said...
hobama girl lack:
ditto for u u love blind bitch
Aww, you really do care! Except, I've been critical of Obama, conservatives and on the rare occasion, liberals on things that are bone-headed, counterproductive, wrong or just plain evil.
You, OTOH, will believe any cracked conspiracy without a shred of credible evidence. Ramble away, AB, you don't bother me. Like the wing nut lurkers you've often proven to be ill informed about key factors or latch on to things that are just bonkers.
Please, please, post a few dozen profantiy laced diatribes with link to your own ramblings, a credible site you take out of context or a conspiracy site whether everyone's out to get you. It only proves your little cracked out and we should ignore except when you something truly insane.
Just stay away from sharp objects, flammable substances and/or firearms, OK?
Sep 16, 2004
(6)Students who challenged and embarrassed Bush in class would then become the subject of a whispering campaign by him, Tsurumi said. "In class, he couldn't challenge them. But after class, he sometimes came up to me in the hallway and started bad-mouthing those students who had challenged him. He would complain that someone was drinking too much. It was innuendo and lies. So that's how I knew, behind his smile and his smirk, that he was a very insecure, cunning and vengeful guy."
(7)"The other children of the rich and famous were at least well bred to the point of realizing universal values and standards of behavior," Tsurumi said. But Bush sometimes came late to class and often sat in the back row of the theater-like classroom, wearing a bomber jacket from the Texas Air National Guard and spitting chewing tobacco into a cup.
(8)"At first, I wondered, 'Who is this George Bush?' It's a very common name and I didn't know his background. And he was such a bad student that I asked him once how he got in. He said, 'My dad has good friends.'" Bush scored in the lowest 10 percent of the class.
9)The Vietnam War was still roiling campuses and Harvard was no exception. Bush expressed strong support for the war but admitted to Tsurumi that he'd gotten a coveted spot in the Texas Air National Guard through his father's connections.
(10)"I used to chat up a number of students when we were walking back to class," Tsurumi said. "Here was Bush, wearing a Texas Guard bomber jacket, and the draft was the No. 1 topic in those days. And I said, 'George, what did you do with the draft?' He said, 'Well, I got into the Texas Air National Guard.' And I said, 'Lucky you. I understand there is a long waiting list for it. How'd you get in?' When he told me, he didn't seem ashamed or embarrassed. He thought he was entitled to all kinds of privileges and special deals. He was not the only one trying to twist all their connections to avoid Vietnam. But then, he was fanatically for the war."
(11)Tsurumi told Bush that someone who avoided a draft while supporting a war in which others were dying was a hypocrite. "He realized he was caught, showed his famous smirk and huffed off."
(12)Tsurumi's conclusion: Bush is not as dumb as his detractors allege. "He was just badly brought up, with no discipline, and no compassion," he said.
"Ann G Myma
Smack him good.
Slappy's starting to look like George Foreman in the 8th round of The Rumble in the Jungle with Ali."
No, more like my homie Smokin Joe in the second round of his fight with Foreman in Kingston, Jamaica. :)
The birthers and graders are truly stupid people. I wonder if they think that the moon landing was a lie and that Neil Armstrong was an actor?
Dr.QueenK said...
Now I think I understand the problem the Hee-Haw homies are having when they accused me, mold, and AB if being the same person.
It's easier on thier fragile feelings to see us as 1 person rather than 3 Black folks who kicked academic ass at Georgetown, Harvard, and UIUC respectively, ALL top notch schools.
look at this lunatic, she knows she lying but she still gets off, this is what it looks like to believe your own hype.
If you say you are just like MOLD and after all the bullshit with him calling you names you now support his lie of being a Harvard Grad, then we know you are full of shit. Allright, we believe you. You seem more like stupid lying ghetto trash though and he is just a fuckin lunatic.
You know who you are and who you can and never will be. If thinking someone wishes to be like you stops you from committing crimes or other offenses against those not like yourself, please go right ahead and think the world is as you wish it to be.
In citing a fact that is not germane to the issue, you conveniently omitted the fact that the man graduated magna cum laude in an ultra competitive environment where over 50% of his graduating class graduated cum laude. I think that fact alone says he was qualified to attend Harvard Law.
Yes and he also won a Nobel Prize for peace, when the irony of that hits you let us know.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Sep 16, 2004
Hankie Head, I think you just sharted, quick use that hanky.
Bush hasn't been president for near four years. Could you grow up sometime soon and try and stay focused on todays leaders and problems.
Magna cum laude is objective and something you earn.
Nobel Peace Prize is subjective and something that is awarded.
When you can discern between the two, let us know.
Anonymous said...
look at this lunatic, she knows she lying but she still gets off, this is what it looks like to believe your own hype.
If you say you are just like MOLD and after all the bullshit with him calling you names you now support his lie of being a Harvard Grad, then we know you are full of shit. Allright, we believe you. You seem more like stupid lying ghetto trash though and he is just a fuckin lunatic.
You know who you are and who you can and never will be. If thinking someone wishes to be like you stops you from committing crimes or other offenses against those not like yourself, please go right ahead and think the world is as you wish it to be.
Cracka', cracka', cracka', lemme tell you a little bit about how I roll.
I'll be on a Black person's side 24/7 against a honkey like you, okay Edith?
Now pass the d*mn alfredo sauce b*tch!
Anon28310 said...
Magna cum laude is objective and something you earn.
Nobel Peace Prize is subjective and something that is awarded.
When you can discern between the two, let us know.
6:36 PM
DId he release his college records and I missed it? How did you know he graduated magna cum on you face lawdy?
"Magna cum laude is objective and something you earn."
Anon28310, I think they are saying that his professors knew that he was going to be president even back then and were trying to score brownie points.
But wait, isn't the grading done without the professor having knowledge of who you are @ Harvard Law? Never mind. Hey graders, I tried.
Dont u find it ironic that the main people talking the loudest asking the president to show his long form bc are precisely the asswypes who refuse to validate any of their claims day in and day out? they claim to have all these degrees and publications yet never show evidence of either then cuss u out for asking this is a serious serious serious case of the pot calling the cast iron underbelly black
Anonymous said...
Dont u find it ironic that the main people talking the loudest asking the president to show his long form bc are precisely the asswypes who refuse to validate any of their claims day in and day out? they claim to have all these degrees and publications yet never show evidence of either then cuss u out for asking this is a serious serious serious case of the pot calling the cast iron underbelly black
SHUT up Wacko and post your triflin' a$$ resume.
Oh my bad, that's right, ALL you've done since you finished tech school is wipe asses and noses all day long!!!
Jealous, non career having Shrew!
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