Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricanes, white quarterbacks, and the evangelical candidate.

"Field, make sure you pick up a couple of cases of bottled water and snacks, and make sure you tap the ATM and get some cash. Oh, and don't forget to get some flashlights and batteries if you can..."

That's what part of my text from Mrs. Field looked like as the big gal upstairs prepared to hit you heathens on the East Coast with yet another rare natural disaster. This times it's of the hurricane variety. What will it be next, a meteor shower? WTF? Even the city that never sleeps is shutting down. These are strange days, indeed.

Irene is her name, and she is going to cost us some money.Heck she already started. This lady has expensive taste. Not even the Donald can afford this one. She might tear up his casinos in AC and some of his Manhattan high rises with one devastating swoop.

Speaking of strange, I see that ESPN the Magazine done went and made #7 white to make a point. [See pic with this post.] As is to be expected, some folks aren't pleased. But I have to give it to ESPN, they know how to sell magazines. Fire up those color arousal buttons and folks will talk. Talk leads  to curiosity, and curiosity leads to sales. And, let me say for the record, I can't even imagine Michael Vick as white. And if you knew how white folks feel about their pets  and vice versa, you couldn't either.

Finally, congrats to Governor Big Hair. I see that he is leading the republiclown field of presidential candidates. He does seem to be the "godliest" of all the candidates. Poor Mitt, he just doesn't have the right religion to satisfy that good ole republiclown base that is so full of true believers.

Governor Big Hair is the real deal among the republican bible reading base, and the main stream media is starting to take notice:

"That’s the mirror-mirror question for Republicans. Forget charisma, charm, intelligence, knowledge and that nuisance, “foreign policy experience.” The race of the moment concerns which candidate is the truest believer.

This was always a tough hurdle for Romney, whose Mormonism is reflexively distrusted by Southern evangelicals. Even so, in the absence of a better candidate, Romney had a fighting chance to win his party’s support. Then came Perry.

Talk about a perfect-storm, composite candidate. Combine Elmer Gantry’s nose for converts, Ronald Reagan’s folksy confidence and Sarah Palin’s disdain for the elites — and that dog hunts.

Perry doesn’t just believe, he evangelizes. He summons prayer meetings. He reads scripture while callers are on hold. Not incidentally, he’s a successful governor. Perhaps most important, he’s a wall-scaling fundraiser whose instincts make him a force of nature in the political landscape." [Source]

He is a force of nature alright, I am just glad that god created him. He might be the only one who can save us from these strange  times.


Anonymous said...

I know y'all gonna say I'm so mean....but I just love, love, love it that the east coast now has a taste of what us seasoned hurricane/earthquake goers live!

Ain't it goood? You easterners are too soft! :)

My brothers are going bananas, they're taliking about evacuating!! EVACUATING? form friggin New York??? Somebody give me a break! Hahaha

I used to live three minutes from the sea, you could hear the fish talking, and was never flooded!

Irene is carrying rain, that's all!

Happy hurricane y'all (Hehehehehe)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey Desertflower,you know much about Senator Roberto Arango? Putting naked pics of himself on a gay dating site?

The video is NSFW and really sick.

Anonymous said...

"Perry doesn’t just believe, he evangelizes. He summons prayer meetings. He reads scripture while callers are on hold. Not incidentally, he’s a successful governor. Perhaps most important, he’s a wall-scaling fundraiser whose instincts make him a force of nature in the political landscape."

Field, you might want to listen to this radio show. There is more to Perry's evangelical prayers. There are powerful Evangelicals who might be running the show behind his candidacy.

This is something people should be aware of. If he gets elected, non-Christians- as well as some Christians- could be in some serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

Obama is the Omen.Think about his parents.His up bring in foreign lands.Why don't we hear from Obama's best friends?Because their dead.He killed them.

All the strange weather.All the strange events happening all over the world.

The Washington Monument is about to collapse.Obama will rise from the ruins and unlease his evil on us all.

Rick Perry is our only hope.When Gov. Perry saves your black asses,don't be tryin' to run your hands through his good hair.

NSangoma said...

How to identify NFL's best quarterbacks

Damn!! Brett Favre still plays?

Top tier: Brady, Peyton Manning, Matt Ryan, Michael Vick, Rodgers and Drew Brees.

Well above average: Josh Freeman, Eli Manning and Philip Rivers.

Above average: Ben Roethlisberger, Tony Romo, Joe Flacco, Matt Schaub, David Garrard and Kerry Collins.

Around average: Matt Cassel, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Mark Sanchez, Carson Palmer, Colt McCoy, Kyle Orton and Jon Kitna.

Below average: Shaun Hill, Jason Campbell, Jay Cutler, Matt Hasselbeck, Chad Henne, Donovan McNabb, Sam Bradford and Alex Smith.

Poor: Derek Anderson, Brett Favre and Jimmy Clausen.

MrCharlie2 said...

next time: THE FROGS

Anonymous said...

Liberal are like hemroids-"Rick Perry is our only hope.When Gov. Perry saves your black asses,don't be tryin' to run your hands through his good hair."

What you say is what the radio show on NPR alluded to. You must be part of Perry's Apostolic Reformation.

Hurricanes Is The Liberal's Friend said...

Hmm. Where are all the NYC Public School buses? Soon to be under water, aka New Orleans-Katrina style?

This should be morbidly interesting.

Who's Obama's FEMA "Czar"?

Anonymous said...

Liberals are like hemroids said...
Hey Desertflower,you know much about Senator Roberto Arango? Putting naked pics of himself on a gay dating site?

He's another one of the parasites that govern these here lands. They're called politicians.
We here have a nation of monkey see monkey do-ers. I guess since Weiner did it, he's gotta do it too! I believe he's married but I'm not sure.

He's one of the "chosen elite" that live high on the hog at the expense of what I'm sure they consider the lumpen proletariat.

That's all I know and I couldn't care less! :)

Happy hurricane! ;)hehehehehehehe

Anonymous said...

Hey liberal, is that a ballsack in youravatar???

field negro said...

Rick Perry is our only hope.When Gov. Perry saves your black asses,don't be tryin' to run your hands through his good hair."

As long as he stops wearing those boots with his shoes. :( Does that man have any shame?

Desertflower, you know you wrong. :)

Anonymous said...

That pic of Michael Vick looks better than he has ever looked before. The man looks terrific.

Anonymous said...

As long as he stops wearing those boots with his shoes. :( Does that man have any shame?

He wears boots over his shoes? How the hell do you do that? are they like boot spats?

Fosmo said...

"Who's Obama's FEMA "Czar"?"

I don't know, but I'm sure he knows the one lesson from Katrina: Whatever happens, take care of the black people first. None of them will evacuate because they don't want to miss out on the lootin'.

field negro said...

I don't know, but I'm sure he knows the one lesson from Katrina: Whatever happens, take care of the black people first. None of them will evacuate because they don't want to miss out on the lootin'."

Well they better not loot, those racist po pos just love to take target practice when they see certain folks.

As long as he stops wearing those boots with his shoes. :( Does that man have any shame?

He wears boots over his shoes? How the hell do you do that? are they like boot spats?"

No, he doesn't. :) That was an error. I can't do that, even to Gov. Big Hair. Although, actually, what he does might be worse: HE WEARS COWBOY BOOTS WITH HIS SUITS!

Yeah I know I know, it's a Southern thing, I wouldn't understand it.

Anonymous said...

Desertflower said...
Hey liberal, is that a ballsack in youravatar???

look like a mighty big Hemorrhoid coming out someones.....shit dat thing be Queensize..where she at anyhow?

Wesley R said...


Eagles have a Miami Heat type of team on paper but when Vick gets the ball from center he's still running for his life. They need to tighten that up.
Track and Field World Championships start tomorrow, hope your home team is ready. USA seems hungry.

Anonymous said...

field negro said...
Desertflower, you know you wrong. :)
I know I know,....but I can't help myself....;)

field negro said...

"Eagles have a Miami Heat type of team on paper but when Vick gets the ball from center he's still running for his life. They need to tighten that up.
Track and Field World Championships start tomorrow, hope your home team is ready. USA seems hungry."

I feel you Wesley, I don't know what Andy Read is doing with that rookie center in there. We need JJ back at center. Vick will be running for his life all season if they don't hook up that O line.

Yes, the USA is hungry, but you know that yawdies were born ready on the track. :)

Anonymous said...

Field,i would ask you stop disrespecting our soon to be President Perry.There's going to be lots of repenting when the day comes.

Field,you don't want a visit from President Perry's drop squad.Do you?I will ask Pat Robertson to put you on his prayer list.

I can see this blog changing.Christian Fields instead of Field Negro.

Its a new day brother Fields.

Anonymous said...

Its a hemorrhoid,Ms.Flowers.

I thought those racist po pos were gonna get away with those Katrina killings.Looks like most are going to prison.

Spellcheck said...

"[t]hey now how to sell magazines."

FN, it's "know."

Anonymous said...

Field did you listen to the link that anon11:07p sent you? It's scary what Perry might be part of. I am surprised no one has mentioned it. Oh wait, Dems don't notice much when it comes to political opponents.

anon11:07p, thanks for that link.

Anonymous said...

Liberals are like hemroids said...
Its a hemorrhoid,Ms.Flowers.
Actually it looks more like a diverticulum, are you sure it's not an inflamed diverticulum?

A Concerned World Citiizen said...

BTW,,,,how's them folks in Haiti doing these days?

I don't here anything about it, or on the MSM or this blog.

Anonymous said...

"and you know how white people feel about their pets..."
Uh, this would be number? Stuff black people don't like...pets??

Anonymous said...

"Uh, this would be number? Stuff black people don't like...pets??"

This theory is according to Field and some of his FN followers. That is, pets are lower on the chain of life, but for some reason they take all humans, regardless of color or how primitive they may be, as equal. Go figure.

However, there are others who take all of life as sacred and equal. Each life has its purpose, and each is interconnected.

alicia banks said...

mike vick is gorgeous in any race


karmic storm?

like cornel said

mlk would prefer a revolution!

alicia banks said...


who the hell is the vdlr???

and why the hell do u let her delete posts????

field negro said...

"However, there are others who take all of life as sacred and equal. Each life has its purpose, and each is interconnected."

Even chickens? Somebody should tell that to blacks folks. They sure love to eat dem chickens.

Kind of like you white folks love your steak. I guess some animals are more equal than others. :(

"who the hell is the vdlr???

and why the hell do u let her delete posts????"

AB, I honestly do not know what you mean.

I will have to look back at the comments.

As far as I know TFN is a solo project.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Desertflower said...
Hey liberal, is that a ballsack in youravatar???

"Ballsacks" have a more bilobular look.........unless we're taking about ButterMilk who clearly only has 1/10 of 1 scrotal sack. Then we're talking about looking like a peanut.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Queen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Nuwang said...

Spellcheck said...
"[t]hey now how to sell magazines."

FN, it's "know."

I'm sure FN "new" how to spell Juris Doctorare and bar exam well enough to get to where he is today.

Does it really make you assnons feel "smart" when you catch someone FAR, FAR smarter than you misspelling a word or not using the proper grammar on something as unimportant as a blog?

Yeah, I guess it does, it's just too bad you can't get a degree in that 'ish!

Anonymous said...

Evangelicals remind me of those who have 'answers'.
Khmer Rouge
Warren Jeffs
the Inquisition

It might be enlightening to review what the Perry backers thinkerate about AfAms, apostates, atheists, and 'cults'.
Oh, and those with educations.
And women.

Print media has been feeling the bushMess pretty hard. Even the wingnut welfare 'print at a massive loss' firms are scared. Why pay for some weenie to lie to you...when you can be lied to for 'free'?

Vick paid his debt. Must be a slooooooow day when they can't laugh at jebus forsaking Tim Teabag. Or mention some other sports news.


BetterMan said...

Desertflower said...
Hey liberal, is that a ballsack in youravatar???

"Ballsacks" have a more bilobular look.........unless we're taking about ButterMilk who clearly only has 1/10 of 1 scrotal sack. Then we're talking about looking like a peanut.

Allright there fluffycakes, assuming when you say buttermilk you really mean the BetterMan and that is me.

So you still are making shit up in your head to feel better about your fat nasty ass? Haven't had enough yet? Ok, if you want to continue your baseless (actually it's driven by your self loathing) attacks, I guess I am required to respond....

You do realize your commenting on this particular post is extremely dangerous for you? I mean after you willingly confessed to having a huge fat nasty vile cellulite pock marked disease ridden ass, the last thing you should be doing is jumping into a discussion about a picture of a hemmorhoid, when in all likelihood anyone seeing this is going to immediately think it would probably take a crane to lift a hemmoroid out of your ass, even if it is "1/10the size" of a normal persons.

Now, you are supposedly educated and trying to be a Doctor. If I were you, I would give this up. Anyone who sees a picture of a Hemmoroid yet still wants to talk about ballsacks, has an issue and just may not have the right stuff.

So again, why are you talking about scrotal sacks? Do you have balls on your mind, or your head rather? Have you been teabagged again? Was the gun loaded when you forced the guy to do this?

Additionally, can you explain your edumacated hoodrat math to me. What is 1/10th of a Scrotal Sack? In your mind is there a standard size scrotum that you are accustomed to handling (at forced gunpoint) allowing you to then compare and say 1/10th of this, all the while assuming that your frame of reference will be the same and understood by those who unlike you who are truly educated, that don't handle scrotums with the apparant ease and frequency that you do? Is scrotum handling at gunpoint a hobby or a profession for you?

You really are out of your league fluffycakes, you constantly try and force an opinion of you that you are intelligent and educated by claiming you are superior to others and shouting this in almost every post how "you is smart, you gots degrees" yet your thoughts and words totally conflict with what you are demanding others think of you.

Considering that someone educated would not need to shout this at every opportunity, but would rather display some intelligence other than hoodrat logic and illogical thinking, what exactly do you have degrees in? I have already decided crayon snorting and booger eating are out, seeing further comments from you, those two categories surely would have been beyond your capabilities.

Can you cook? Are your degrees in home economics? Did you threaten to sit on the professor if he didn't pass you?

Take Care Fluffycakes. Try to wash your forehead, you don't want to get pimples on top of all your other issues.

Anonymous said...

Silly gawd furin goobers.You thinkerate Timmy Teabagger doesn't want to diddle my skittle?
I knew a special qb back in the day.Thinkerate #12 of the boys.I didn't need much diddling to wet my skittle.Only my dad knew better.Is better.Much better.
Keep believerating your way is better.I will be enjoying some diddling this weekend.


Dr. Nuwang said...

Hate to tell ya"ll but Texas is now home to the next President of the US. Yeeee-hawwwwwww!!!!

As for Vick, we ALL Know things would have been different he had been white. The ESPN article raises some important issues albeit ones that have already been covered in the media ad nauseum.

You know it's hard out here for a Black Quarterback!

Anonymous said...

Evangelicals remind me of those who have 'answers'.
Khmer Rouge
Warren Jeffs
the Inquisition

It might be enlightening to review what the Perry backers thinkerate about AfAms, apostates, atheists, and 'cults'.
Oh, and those with educations.
And women.

Print media has been feeling the bushMess pretty hard. Even the wingnut welfare 'print at a massive loss' firms are scared. Why pay for some weenie to lie to you...when you can be lied to for 'free'?

Vick paid his debt. Must be a slooooooow day when they can't laugh at jebus forsaking Tim Teabag. Or mention some other sports news.


BetterMan said...

A woman Who calls herself Doctor and Queen who is actually neither one said....

"Yeah, I guess it does, it's just too bad you can't get a degree in that 'ish!"

Well you started of reasonable, it is idiotic for people to spellcheck others. Then sadly you had to close it off with hoodrat edumacation logic.

Degree in "ish" ? Is this what your degrees are in -"Ish"? Are there any other letters before this on your degrees? Do your degrees say "am'ish" "scott"ish" "kn"ish"...skitt"ish"? Are you sure those degrees are real"ish"?

Seriously, just to help you out one last time, you CAN get a really helpful and useful degree on those sort of things, it is called an English language degree and emphasizes communication and the written word. I do understand though, they didnt offer these courses to you on the off-site/on line courses where you earned your degree-"ish"es

Are you done yet now?

Dr. Nuwang said...

You know ButterMilk, I haven't read a post you've directed at me in a couple days now, but please continue to waste your time anyway.

For one thing your posts are too da*mn long, and your verbosity equates that of the most talkative WOMAN I know.

Yeah, I guess you could say that word "effeminate" is resonating in the air again around you, Peanut!

BeeksBapooRoob said...

Dr.Queen said...
Hate to tell ya"ll but Texas is now home to the next President of the US. Yeeee-hawwwwwww!!!!

As for Vick, we ALL Know things would have been different he had been white. The ESPN article raises some important issues albeit ones that have already been covered in the media ad nauseum.

You know it's hard out here for a Black Quarterback!

Hell yeah it would have been different, he never would have got back into the NFL and he would have been completely shunned by whites and not turned into a hero.

Anonymous said...

Which reminds me: Why are so many of our rightwing brethren both survivalists and conspicuous consumers? The survivalism perhaps explains their politics: They wish to prove their manhood in the post-apocalyptic hellscape their policies are designed to bring about. But do they really imagine they'll be able to maintain their suburban lifestyle in that New Dark Age? Maybe they all see themselves as The Boss in Things to Come, clad in furs and lording over the wreckage; others may huddle in lean-tos, but not they... oh, wow, I think I just explained libertarianism.

I remember how the citizens of New York reacted to 9/11. They aren't going to act like a bunch of goobers because of a BLLEPing tropical storm -- though the goobers always like to imagine them doing so. If their families really loved them, they'd confiscate their Death Wish DVDs.

UPDATE 3. Har de har har, commenters. "...these folks are fine with voting for policies that will put them in a cardboard box under an overpass, roasting a sparrow on a stick," says Jennifer, "so long as said policies assure that the guy in the next box over has no sparrow." And don't miss Whetstone's poem.

9:58 AM by roy edroso Comments (107)


PilotX said...

Yep, the GOP knows how to grab the low information and ignorant votes which is the vast majority here. I still have to say this is nothing new, America has always been one big, dumb hyperreligious country. Luck is the only reason we have held onto superpower status for so long, that and as George Carlin said the ability to bomb the shit out of brown people. We may not do shit else well but we can sure bomb the shit out of brown people. The GOP better wake up and soon or they will be puttin gthe nails in our coffin as a great nation.

Anonymous said...

PilotX, thanks for the visual. A bunch of gibbering Goobers dropping bombs on some far away land...for no apparent reason...but gawd bless the USA.


PilotX said...

Kevin Phillip's book outlined the decline of past empires and he touched on three common threads. One, an over reliance on a diminishing source of energy, two military overreach and three hyper religiosity. In each case it seems the GOP is barreling headlong into decline.
I never thought of this in the way Mold put it but it does make sense. Most conservatives I know are of the super macho, multiple gun toting types that want to prove their machismo at every turn so maybe they do want a descimated country so they can play Mad Max. Scary how they just can't fuck up their own lives but feel the need to screw everybody else in the mean. Sad.

Anonymous said...

blah blah yes GOP voters are not like democrat voters.GOP voters ain't thinkin' obama gonna pay my rent.or standing in line for obama cash.

yes black voters wouldn't know who to vote for if you removed party labels.

GOP are dumb everyone in the world turns to dumb America first in times of crisis not france.

mold is right for once.obama is part of the gibbering goobers droping bombs for no reason.

why does the left like war so much?

thanks for the visual pilotx.if you want a better visual just lift molds men seem to love real old white looking womens.


Brain check said...

Spell check said;

"[t]hey now how to sell magazines."

FN, it's "know."

Nooooo. Really?

irene said...

pilotx gibberates:

Luck is the only reason we have held onto superpower status for so long, that and as George Carlin said the ability to bomb the shit out of brown people.

Ah, here we go. The ignorance of an anti-American who seems to be so dumb he's praying for the downfall of America is now playing at the Imax in 3-D.

Europe, especially Germany, South Korea, Japan and China owe their present and growing affluence to the existence of the US.

Whereas, when it comes to "bombing brown people, well, he forgot to provide an example. Why? Because it isn't the US that bombs brown people. Brown people are killed almost exclusively by other brown people.

And black people.

You clowns seem oblivious to the fact that the number of Tutsis slaughtered by Hutus in Rwanda was larger than the number of Americans killed in WWII.

We may not do shit else well but we can sure bomb the shit out of brown people.

Really? Carlin had his funny moments. but he was totally ignorant of the extraordinary powers of American goodness and the benefits it's devlivered to the world.

Now we learn the Mugabe has given Gaddafi a safe house. At least this gives the US the chance to kill both of them with one bomb.

irene said...

pilotx, gibberating even more:

Kevin Phillip's book outlined the decline of past empires and he touched on three common threads. One, an over reliance on a diminishing source of energy...

We keep finding more and more oil and gas in the US. Meanwhile, we have 500 years worth of coal, and nuclear offers an unlimited supply.

Meanwhile, the WORLD depends on oil. Thus, even if all global resevers are deplete more quickly than predicted, the problem is global. In other words, the whole world is in the same boat. Thus, as a predictor of national decline, the energy factor is a loser. The likeliest nation to develop a new and affordable energy source is the US. Nto Zimbabwe or Kenya or Haiti or Somalia. Or China.

...two military overreach...

Uh, military over-reach was a chief part of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The US is not over-reaching, though Obama's efforts may become evidence of over-reach.

...and three hyper religiosity. In each case it seems the GOP is barreling headlong into decline.

The Soviet Union, and the Nazis were anti-religious. The Islamic world, or at least a number of Islamic nations, are heading for, or are in the middle of collapse.

But nations populated mainly by Christians? Nope. Some may be struggling at the moment, but they are taking steps to get their economies in order. Unlike the Islamice nations, which are overthrowing their dictators and preparing to submit to new dictators.

killer instinct said...

Well I'll be...a black guy shoots a woman. What next? A black guy shooting a child?

Former NBA, Georgia Tech guard Crittenton charged with murder

ATLANTA — Police said late Friday that former NBA player Javaris Crittenton, who was once suspended by the league over guns in the locker room, has been charged with murder after a woman was shot on an Atlanta street.

Police spokesman Carlos Campos said police have secured a murder warrant for the arrest of Crittenton, who played at Georgia Tech, in connection with the shooting death of 22-year-old Jullian Jones on Aug. 19. Campos said Crittenton is not in custody and is wanted.

Jones, a mother of four, was walking with a group of people on the city's southwest side when a dark-colored SUV drove by and she was shot by someone inside the vehicle, police said.

Campos said the motive appears to be retaliation for a robbery in April, in which Crittenton was a victim, Campos said in a statement.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...
Yep, the GOP knows how to grab the low information and ignorant votes

Black folk have gone nuts, you be talking about the 90% that vote democratic and black no matter what, check the cbc with this shit flippen things aint gonna make em true,

Slide that EBT it's all free!!!! Vote for

Anonymous said...

PilotX, nice. The bit about the end of empire is interesting. Our 'Merican Umpire would end with the halt of cheap oil. The infestation of the TaxBaggers/Merican Talibani would be as much fun as the Afghan version or the Saudi/Iranian Morals Police...and as welcome.
The US mil is pretty much everywhere and we have how many not-wars? Over-reach for sure.


BetterMan said...

Dr.Queen said...
You know ButterMilk, I haven't read a post you've directed at me in a couple days now, but please continue to waste your time anyway.

For one thing your posts are too da*mn long, and your verbosity equates that of the most talkative WOMAN I know.

Yeah, I guess you could say that word "effeminate" is resonating in the air again around you, Peanut!

Oh, cool, I guess I was responding to someone else who used your name, I even copied them prefacing the reply. I understand your not liking having to look up some words to get the gist....

You do crack me up with your continual point of view that proper use of the english language is feminine....just imagine how this translates into your culture, you gonna smack your boy for talking white and using proper words? that'll teach him and make a proper hoodrat out of him

Anyways, I think we agree this is a waste of time, not sure why you wanted to start it, but thats between you and your demons.

See ya round fluffycakes and have a nice day.

P.S really what are all your degrees in? You say it nearly every post so you have to level with us and tell us, or drop it.

Anonymous said...

The USSR was not over-reach...but that their economy could no longer afford the expenditure. Ours is even more costly...and that encourages liars to want to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Before yapping about Soviet and Russian might want to, like, read it. It helps to recall that our benevolent capitalist fascist overlords invaded Russia...and the Russians didn't ask for their help.

Given that so many Rs are unrepentant Southern revisionists who gloss over the horrors of slavery... we might not want to vote for those folks who pine for their 'Dixie'.


field negro said...

"Well I'll be...a black guy shoots a woman. What next? A black guy shooting a child?"

No, a white man shoots a woman AND child. Oh, and throw in a deputy for good measure. I guess he loved that Marley and Eric Clapton joint back in the day. What was the name of that song? Oh yeah, "I Shot The Sheriff."


Dr. Nuwang said...

field negro said...
No, a white man shoots a woman AND child. Oh, and throw in a deputy for good measure. I guess he loved that Marley and Eric Clapton joint back in the day. What was the name of that song? Oh yeah, "I Shot The Sheriff."


California Girl said...

I've heard more than a few people say they think Obama would rather have a Perry to run against than a Romney. I hope they are right because Perry scares the shit out of me. I don't discount his ability to get the nomination though I've no logical explanation for that belief. It's more of a primal fear.

Thank you for the link to "The Urban Politico". I like it.

Anonymous said...

CAGirl, it is the R primaries are filled to the rafters with christians. They are the 'dork-keepers' preventing any sane candidate from running.
When you lack numbers, you have to go guerilla...and church-voting in primaries makes their impact far, far greater.

Any woman would feel trepidation at the imposition of an 'Merican Talibani. Yes, they agree with those single, single manly men....except you need to trade jebus for Allah.


Anonymous said...

as usual miss wannabe dawktaw daqueefkim is runnin those fish lips learn to keep ur mouth shut less u got something to say qoohole idgit imbecile!

Anonymous said...

CAGirl, thanks for the new blog. Here is a pic.. the Affirmative Action.


Redskin Roy said...

Ms.Queen said...
As for Vick, we ALL Know things would have been different he had been white.....

You know it's hard out here for a Black Quarterback!

Ya, the NFL sure is a cesspool of racism. When are they going to do more to make black players feel welcome? When only 80% of the roster is made of black players, you know the white old boys network is at work.

If Vick had been white, instead of being a lowlife superstar athlete, he'd have just been a lowlife, although probably not quite so stupid and nicer to dogs.

On that note, black people are the worst pet owners on the planet. At least Koreans are nice to the dogs before they eat them. Watch some of those pet rescue shows on cable and you'll see why dogs at the pound pray to be euthanized before being adopted by a black person.

moldiotic said...

mold: "The USSR was not over-reach...but that their economy could no longer afford the expenditure. Ours is even more costly...and that encourages liars to want to cut Social Security and Medicare."

You mean noticing our "even more costly" expenditures makes one a "liar".

Good one, mold. Even for you.

Anonymous said...

Why sure, Goober...the Obamas are far worse to their pet than Jeffy Dahmer ever was.
Hope you get paid to be such a loser. It would be shame to grovel so eagerly for free.


Anonymous said...

No, you are trying strawman. And you are quite the typical christian. Instead of pretending to speak for me...why not speak for your self?
I can make my own points.


Anonymous said...

No, a white man shoots a woman AND child. Oh, and throw in a deputy for good measure. I guess he loved that Marley and Eric Clapton joint back in the day. What was the name of that song? Oh yeah, "I Shot The Sheriff."


Yeah, but he did NOT shoot the deputy!!.

Missouri Man said...

California Girl said...
Perry scares the shit out of me.

Time to change your Depends.

And stop letting Democrats scare you:

Maybe think about upgrading:

moldiotic said...

mold: "I can make my own points."

And refute them too, all in the same sentence.

Keep up the entertainment, you gibbering idiot!

Anonymous said...

California Girl said...
I've heard more than a few people say they think Obama would rather have a Perry to run against than a Romney. I hope they are right because Perry scares the shit out of me. I don't discount his ability to get the nomination though I've no logical explanation for that belief. It's more of a primal fear.

Well, Obamas handlers have proven incompetent time and time again.
Perry is Obamas nightmare he highlights every single facet of his weak inneffective destructive leadership and is just the type of leader that will NOT pander to the liberal loonies who are destroying the country, the economy and america with disneyland fantasies.

Obamas' 2012 Campaign Slogan:
Slide that EBT it's all free, taken from some other sucka, so slide, slide, slide and vote for me!!!!

moldiotic said...

mold: "...the Obamas are far worse to their pet than Jeffy Dahmer ever was. "

Are you comparing our President to a homosexual cannibal? WTF is wrong with you? Have some respect. Obama may be an absolutely terrible President, but there is no evidence he is abusing his dog, let alone picking up young gay men and decapitating them. Let's be fair to the man, at least until the bodies start showing up.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Redskin Roy said...
At least Koreans are nice to the dogs before they eat them. Watch some of those pet rescue shows on cable and you'll see why dogs at the pound pray to be euthanized before being adopted by a black person.

And I'm guessing Fido sees Billy bob visiting the pound and runs to the Black person to keep from being the Goobers next sex toy.

Bestiality was invented and is still being practiced by folks who look like YOU Goober!

Anonymous said...

i am always amazed at how stupid black people are,please you can't possibly believe the bull crap you for vick he is still a hillbilly no matter what color he is.

Anonymous said...

Bestiality was invented and is still being practiced by folks who look like YOU Goober!

Dr Niglet Nigger dat aint tru I never touch u'r bitch ass cow...moo

Shady_Grady said...

BTW..Thanks for the shout out Field!


Anonymous said...

You only wisherate to beleeverate that I refute my own points...and your proof is to use your pretense of what I posted.
Your 'aha I caughts you teacher' moment only exists in your fantasy life.
Maybe you should begin with offering Facts instead of lying about what others have said. But then, offering Fact would make you Liberal/ your definition.
For would only mean you offer Facts.;)


Dr. Hivy said...

Ms. Queen said.."Bestiality was invented and is still being practiced by folks who look like YOU Goober!"

Right. how do think AIDS got from chimps to negros?

Anonymous said...

And I'm guessing Fido sees Billy bob visiting the pound and runs to the Black person to keep from being the Goobers next sex toy.

Bestiality was invented and is still being practiced by folks who look like YOU Goober! kuntlick wannabe dawaktaw

once again u and ur ghetto bullcrap ruin the legitimate discourse that could have occurred on this blog so lets see here ure caught up in the number of ahem alleged degrees u have but act like u barely got out of middle school much less high school u talk about vulgar sex all the time focusing on pee pee and doo doo how old r u again almost 50? ure jess as immature as ur sockpuppet clone kuntlick banks dummy! get a grip and learn when to keep those liver fish lips shut!

Anonymous said...

And using the term goober is from senile steve use ur own lingo for once dummy wit all those alleged degrees of urs u should be able to tap into some creative stuff unless....jess like a blind man ca see ure a gottdam LIAR!!! kimdaqueef ule neva be a doctor!

Anonymous said...

After years and years of the Tales of Scaife about the realize that all those folks pushing the stories are pathological liars. Now they are trying the same with Koch-sucking Yarns about the Obamas.

When your only tools are lying Breitbarts...all you get are lies.

And no, the stories about bush are not the 'exact same'. No matter how often you say this...
To you the D who jaywalks is the 'exact same' as the R who molests, tortures, kills and then eats small children. Not really. Although both are crimes...they are not the 'same'.

Funny thing about the bush meets journalistic standards for publication. The Clinton and Obama material is...well..made-up stories usually tracked to the same bunch of propaganda orgs.

No wonder you don't like questions or Fact-checking.


Anonymous said...

I did assume that the wingnut Cons wanted wage crashes just for the faint and statistically remote hope of having slaves/servants.

My friend indicated that it was also removing the 'barriers to entry'. With cheap, cheap teaching wages...all those elites with their degrees and experience and standards and honesty will look elsewhere...opening the door for the woefully incompetent.

The modest wage keeps wite losers from eve being considered. At $30K/ would never hire Goober or Heeyuck. But at $8K/year..the pay matches their skill level.


field negro said...

"On that note, black people are the worst pet owners on the planet. At least Koreans are nice to the dogs before they eat them. Watch some of those pet rescue shows on cable and you'll see why dogs at the pound pray to be euthanized before being adopted by a black person."

Are white people nice to their cows?

No problem,, Shady, you do good work over there. I am glad folks like Cali Girl got hip to it.

I'm not slappy..But i will slap yo black ass said...

In today's black news..

Man suspected in deaths of wife, 3 kids arrested

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (AP) — A Virginia man suspected in the deaths of his wife and her three children found in their burned apartment was arrested Saturday in South Carolina.

Newport News police said in a press release that John Moses Ragin, 36, was taken into custody Saturday after he called detectives to say he was in Manning, S.C. Police said they were bringing Ragin back to Virginia after obtaining warrants for four counts of murder. Additional charges were pending, including arson and use of a weapon in the commission of a felony, spokesman Harold Eley told The Associated Press.

Police were called to the family's apartment because of a fire Friday when they found four bodies. Police have identified them as 32-year-old Crystal Ragin and her children, 15-year-old Sierra, 10-year-old Rasheed and 6-year-old Lakwan. Officials say each suffered apparent knife wounds and exposure to the fire, but a medical examiner was to determine how each died. Police did not say when the victims were killed.

During the joint fire and death investigation, police learned the couple's 5-year-old son and John Ragin were missing from the apartment. The child was found unharmed Friday evening with family members in South Carolina.

Neighbors told the Daily Press ( ) the family had been in the apartment for only a few months.

Lauren Nelbach said her husband often worked on John Ragin's car and that he would often travel to New York.

"He was trying to be a rapper," Nelbach told the newspaper, adding that the mother was in the military.

Desmond Clemons told the newspaper that Crystal Ragin was his team leader when they served in Iraq.

"She was a real good leader," Clemons said, according to a video interview. "I know she was a loving mother. She used to always talk about her kids downrange. It's just heartbreaking to see this happen down here when you know she spent almost two years in Iraq."

Ashley Simmons said she also reported to Ragin. "She used to always talk about her family every day. That's all she lived for. She had a smile on her face. She never bothered nobody. She was just a loving mother and like he said, I can't believe it. I can't. It's a tragedy."

Anonymous said...

I did assume that the wingnut Cons wanted wage crashes just for the faint and statistically remote hope of having slaves/servants.

My friend indicated that it was also removing the 'barriers to entry'. With cheap, cheap teaching wages...all those elites with their degrees and experience and standards and honesty will look elsewhere...opening the door for the woefully incompetent.

The modest wage keeps wite losers from eve being considered. At $30K/ would never hire Goober or Heeyuck. But at $8K/year..the pay matches their skill level.


BetterMan said...

field negro said...
"On that note, black people are the worst pet owners on the planet. At least Koreans are nice to the dogs before they eat them. Watch some of those pet rescue shows on cable and you'll see why dogs at the pound pray to be euthanized before being adopted by a black person."

Are white people nice to their cows?

Hell yeah, I make sure to tenderize and treat it gently, right before slapping it on the grill....mmmmmmmm

Dr. Nuwang said...

BetterMan said...
Hell yeah, I make sure to tenderize and treat it gently, right before slapping it on the grill....mmmmmmmm

Do you people do that before or after sex ButterMilk? Ironically, your comment gives new meaning to your moniker ButterMilk, huh?

Now go back to posting as the psycho, stalking mofo your altered ego REALLY wants to be, LOL!!!

But don't forget to "Z-snap" just before you do, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!


BetterMan said...

Dr.Queen said...
BetterMan said...
Hell yeah, I make sure to tenderize and treat it gently, right before slapping it on the grill....mmmmmmmm

Do you people do that before or after sex ButterMilk? Ironically, your comment gives new meaning to your moniker ButterMilk, huh?

Now go back to posting as the psycho, stalking mofo your altered ego REALLY wants to be, LOL!!!

But don't forget to "Z-snap" just before you do, ROTFLMBAO!!!!!


See now I know for sure you arent' educated. Your not only obviously stupid, your a crazy bitch too. Only a buffoon with an IQ as low as yours would be stupid enough to start up again after she got totally bitch slapped and humiliated numerous times.

Let me make things real clear to you smegma cheese fluffycakes. Everything and I mean everything about you shouts disgusting fat greasy lardass pig to me with the personality of a twat, so don't get excited every time you think about sex and jump on the keyboard trying to engage me. I don't believe in beasteality and seeing you keep talking over and over about sex made me throw up in my mouth a bit.

You can count on me having no hesitation telling a porkrind pig like you whats what, so rest assured if I want to fuck with your head and continue renting the vacant space in it, the only way is for you to know that it was me who exposed your disgusting personality -get it thunder thighs? Do you lardass?

Now, did you wash that huge fat smelly ass today to get the smegma and lost pork bones out of it? Or couldn't you fit through the truck wash? Please let me know when you do go to get it washed, that guy is still looking for his PC and he was sure he saw you sit down around the area before it sshhhhhhuppptttt disappeared (and you thought that beeping was the wide load backup alarm - heh)

BetterMan said...

Also Dr Queefa, what the fuck is with your name? You aren't a Doctor, and you sure as hell aint royalty so what is this a ghetto hoodrat thing? Why don't you just call yourself "I haf Many Dugrees"?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Redskin Roy:

"On that note, black people are the worst pet owners on the planet."

Is that so? Then how would you rate these white men here as pet owners?

James Fricchione

Floyd Boudreaux

David Tant

Christopher Devito

David Mundie

GrannyStandingforTrut said...


Dr. Nuwang said...

Anyone care to takes bets on whether or not ButterMilk is actually vulgar ASSnon?

The effeminate language was a big clue and the stalking, looooonnngg winded, vulgar posts pretty much confirms it!!!!

So, sup Bitch?

PilotX said...

"Really? Carlin had his funny moments. but he was totally ignorant of the extraordinary powers of American goodness and the benefits it's devlivered to the world."

and you seem to miss the really bad shit America has done. Slavery/Jim Crow anyone?

"Uh, military over-reach was a chief part of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The US is not over-reaching, though Obama's efforts may become evidence of over-reach."

You seem to prove my point about how stupid Americans are. Afganistan and Iraq were in full broil before Obama thought of running for prez and how much are these wars costing or do you only care about what Dems are doing? Carry on, you will hasten the demise of a once great nation. At least you can make yourself feel better now that the USSR is gone. Wait, weren't they in Afganistan? Uh oh.

BetterMan said...

Dr.Queen said...
Anyone care to takes bets on whether or not ButterMilk is actually vulgar ASSnon?

The effeminate language was a big clue and the stalking, looooonnngg winded, vulgar posts pretty much confirms it!!!!

So, sup Bitch?

You really are a dimwit. Is this the best you got? It's like dealing with a four year old (with a beard) your gonna need to dig deep and do a lot better then this smegma ass.

That long wind you heard was the chair cushion crying when you sat on it. Did you find the guys pc yet when your ass deflated?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


PilotX said...

"Black folk have gone nuts, you be talking about the 90% that vote democratic and black no matter what, check the cbc with this shit flippen things aint gonna make em true,

Slide that EBT it's all free!!!! Vote for"

Seeing that the GOP is full of the most ignorant mouthbreathers, Pailn/Bachmann/Perry ect Black people are once again ahead of the curve. Would you really vote for any of these deranged jezus freaks? So now you see why 90% of us are sane and don't want to bring about the end of teh country in a flaming ball of shit like Republicans. I would vote Republican if they weren't so goddamned hyperreligious, ignorant and downright racist. Maybe 2016.
Why are 90% of whites in Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia stuck on the GOP plantation? Mayve it has something to do with a Black man in the WH?

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

BS on the dog thing Field. Black suburbanites are every bit as pet-crazy as white suburbanites, and the rural white folk I came up among are every bit as utilitarian about pets as their urban black cousins.

As far as 'Ol Seccesh is concerned, the fact that he's the leading contender to champion what began as Abraham Lincoln's "Republican" party is sure proof that America's become Nixonland.

Unfortunately, it's going to get much worse before it gets better. White privilege is in a reactionary snit over America choosing a grandson of Africa for the "white" house; people's hopes and dreams have become nightmares and pipe-dreams, and -as always, this depression landed hardest on those who could least stand it -above all black people.

It will get better; it always does; it always will. Bad times lead to good; darkness always precedes light. But it's going to be a rough decade or so before it does.

Anonymous said...

PilotX, love your reference to the Soviet adventures in Afghanistan...where heroic B-actor st reagan gave weapons to the Taliban and Al Queda. Because those Russkies were sooooo eveel.

Obama has to provide Keynesian spending somehow..and the only route allowed by the wingnut Cons is Empire. Yep, those mil adventures are welfare.

A problem arises when we spend our Treasure on Empire...but short-change those domestic issues. Guns v. Butter, if you will.


Anonymous said...

I did assume that the wingnut Cons wanted wage crashes just for the faint and statistically remote hope of having slaves/servants.

My friend indicated that it was also removing the 'barriers to entry'. With cheap, cheap teaching wages...all those elites with their degrees and experience and standards and honesty will look elsewhere...opening the door for the woefully incompetent.

The modest wage keeps wite losers from eve being considered. At $30K/ would never hire Goober or Heeyuck. But at $8K/year..the pay matches their skill level.


PilotX said...

On target Mold. The Repubs live off low information "patriots" who are selectively patriotic. Call me anti-American but yet put down any Democrat or prez that disagrees with their ideology. Most in this country are almost childlike in their images of the red/white/blue. The rest of the sane world wonders what appeal a Palin could possibly have but it's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. These folks see the world in terms of a cowboy and injun movie in which those like themselves are the good guys no matter what. This is the biggest reason David Barton is so popular because he rewrites history in which the founding fathers revolted against England to free slaves. If these people can't be adult enough to understand the complex history of this country are doomed to be foolishly pawned out to the Koches and any other rich asshole that can easily manipulate the many stupid in this country. As far as me being anti-American Melissa Harris Perry called it out eloquently on MSNBC when she talked about why Michele Bachmann can criticize the country and be a patriot but Michelle Obama can't. I agree with her point that this country won't be truly equal until I can make the same criticisms as my white counterparts and not be seen as subversive.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Whitey"s Conspiracy:

Granny would like to add to this:

"It will get better; it always does; it always will. Bad times lead to good; darkness always precedes light."

You cannot see light without darkness.

Anonymous said...

PilotX, eloquent and based on Facts. Nicely done!


Anonymous said...

blah blah yes GOP voters are not like democrat voters.GOP voters ain't thinkin' obama gonna pay my rent.or standing in line for obama cash.

yes black voters wouldn't know who to vote for if you removed party labels.

GOP are dumb everyone in the world turns to dumb America first in times of crisis not france.

mold is right for once.obama is part of the gibbering goobers droping bombs for no reason.

why does the left like war so much?

thanks for the visual pilotx.if you want a better visual just lift molds men seem to love real old white looking womens.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

PilotX, love your reference to the Soviet adventures in Afghanistan...where heroic B-actor st reagan gave weapons to the Taliban and Al Queda. Because those Russkies were sooooo eveel.


Only in the minds of simpletons are you right.

The real facts are different.I have posted links and the truth.

You don't get the truth because you only know what you read off of fringle left sites.You are good at cut and paste.Than you pretend they are your ideas.

All hat no cattle......

PilotX said...

What is the most disturbing part is the racist game Republicans are playing. First, repeat the false meme that the only reason Black people don't vote GOP is because they want something free. What is this shit? As if all of the middle class and upper middle class Black people with more education and money than the typical southern white GOP voter want o give up a six figure salary and live off $400/month. Yeah GOP, let's keep that myth alive, you will surley grab 100% of Black voters that way. This is just a typical low information person repeating talking points they don't even think about before parroting mantralike. Historically whites have the idea they know what's best for Black people. This notion that we are some childlike figures that need whites to supervise us is still around since slavery and it's downright insulting but still amusing. Since they can't take away our right to vote the next best thing is to patronize us and somehow try to get us to vote against our own interests. If anyone is voting incorrectly it's poor whites who somehow believe one day they too will be rich and vote with the Koches while all the while the uppercrust are laughing at their dumb asses. It isn't Black people who are ignorant and childlike it;s the toothless and miseducated poor whites who buy into the bullshit fed to them by college dropouts who make ignorance look cool. I would vote for Hitler before I would vote for the likes of Romney who flipflops more than a fish out of water, Bachmann who can't tell her husband is obviously gay and if god told her to marry him she's still laughing her ass off, Perry who wants to secede (talk about a real patriot huh?) or some other ignorant halfbreed. It ain't about free shit, it's about not voting for the dumbest hick the GOP can find. Sorry but disavowing climate change, evolution and trying to make jezus your running mate isn't the best way to win my vote but keep up the racist stereotype it may work someday.

PilotX said...

"Only in the minds of simpletons are you right.

The real facts are different.I have posted links and the truth."

What am I wrong about? Please feel free to point out specifics.

Anonymous said...

Now, which christian apologist should I read? Or which st reagan hagiographer?
And what makes a fact 'real'? Is it passing a religious litmus test? Or being passed around like verbatim screeds?
Let me know what you are alluding to...I will at least look.

Not too long past we were discussing the habit of Judge Prosser to be a's one opinion.

The writer does make salient points. One is that we are discussing lawyers. When Goobers pout about Clinton responding to a shyster Starr non-question with snark of his own (what the definition of 'is' is)...they miss that Clinton was answering an idiotic query. While Goober thinkerates they gets the point...they never do. It is something they should ask a real lawyer to explain.


PilotX said...

"I have posted links"

I'm sorry but this has got to go down as one of the most ignorant comments ever posted on the net. This imbecile is bragging about the fact it posted a link. Field, seriously we've talked about upgrading the trolls and you still have this fool that's no smarter than the box jumping cat.

More hilarity, my secret code is GOMFS.

Anonymous said...

Umm...most of the links you offered were to scamsites and known liars. Not exactly what you are claiming, eh?
How do you define 'fringe'? Any site that uses Truth? Or sites that disagree with the position of the Kochs?
Odd..I cite...and you then claim I plagiarize like the sockpuppets. Must be you hope that lying will be successful.

Maybe it is time you used Facts and Truth.


Dr. Nuwang said...

PilotX said...
What is the most disturbing part is the racist game Republicans are playing. First, repeat the false meme that the only reason Black people don't vote GOP is because they want something free. What is this shit? As if all of the middle class and upper middle class Black people with more education and money than the typical southern white GOP voter want o give up a six figure salary and live off $400/month.

Yeah, I guess giving up a BMW for a free buss pass would seem logical to a GOP Goober, LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a Liberal pity party we got going on tonight.

I would share your pain.I cry no tear for the left.

Crash test Pilot,you want your rants to be seriously?Stop playing victim and police your side first.Than you can rant about the mean ole the GOP.

Not one person posting here can offer any proof that they personally know any GOP'ERS,TeaPartiers,or Conservatives.Instead,what we get the same ol' dey jusa be stooopid for not voting Democrat.Just more of the "we know whats better for you than you do".

So go vote for Hitler crash test Pilot.You deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

Oh mold.You don't cite.You do plagiarize.You've been called out on your bullshit many times.

Also you on the left voted for a certified liar,racist,and plagiarist has your vp.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Hitler???? Who is this Hitler your referring to?

Let's see now, the teaparty had signs despicting President Obama as Hitler. Glen Beck referred to as Hitler too didn't he? Okie dokie, and the teaparty is not racist and just love us darkies. Oh snap!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

*Glen Beck referred to President Obama as Hitler*

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I'm really beginning to see what a fine bunch of bigots the GOP party has turned out to be.

First, their teaparty cheerleaders protested with pictures of President Obama as a witch doctor with a bone in his nose and Hitler. Watermelon on the White House lawn and foodstamps pictures.

Judge Sonia Sotomayer was called a "dumb mexican"

“And what a bizarre time we’re in, Jan, when a judge will say to little children that you can’t say the pledge of allegiance, but you must learn that homosexuality is normal and you should try it.” — Senator Michele Bachmann, appearing as guest on radio program “Prophetic Views Behind The News”, hosted by Jan Markell, KKMS 980-​AM, March 6, 2004.

Jewish people were constantly bombarded with the nazi signs used a political strategy.

And the GOP party is the party of the people, so you say. Smh!

Anonymous said...

Democrats invited the Obama/Hitler/Joker posters.

Think Alkhateeb and Lyndon LaRouche Democrats.

The anti-war left and liberals refered to Bush has Hitler.

Obama hasn't experience half the hate that you on the left showen Bush for 8 years.Use some of fields posting has a example.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I don't remember President Obama using any racist signs to win the election, but yet he is racist? However, I do remember the GOP using those types of signs and making those types of comments. I mean how could we forget since they haven't stopped using them.

Granny is going back to her corner because "Fantasy Island" was never my cup of tea.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Oh, so is that really what the hatred coming from the right is really about...President Bush?

I liked President Bush myself in an odd sort of way, but not his policies. He was a funny at times and has been more of a man and gracious in leaving office than his followers who are on a childish revenge trip.

Okay, so you've decided to use reverse tactics and label President Obama everything the world labeled Bush. Not taking into consideration that Bush brought a lot of it on himself and that the Left wasn't the only one mocking him because even some in his own party and Independents and Liberatarians did too, plus the whole world.

Therefore, because your feelings were hurt, you've decided to destroy America in the process while you play your little silly childish revenge games on a man that has done nothing to you. That's sad!

PilotX said...

"Crash test Pilot,you want your rants to be seriously?Stop playing victim and police your side first.Than you can rant about the mean ole the GOP."

No I don't expect someone of your intellect to get half of what I'm saying. You just keep telling us negroes how we should vote, you're doing such a fine job.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

What tops the cake is the fact, that President Obama saved President Bush and Cheney's behind when the majority of the people wanted him to try them for treason and war crimes! Yet, instead of letting sleeping dogs lie, your party would rather tear a black man down and in the process destroy America than to go and accept gracefully that he did President Bush a favor that he did not have to do because had he followed through the people would have been behind him 100%.

It seems that President Bush with the exception of Cheney accepted the favor more than those out seeking revenge did

PilotX said...

"Obama hasn't experience half the hate that you on the left showen Bush for 8 years.Use some of fields posting has a example."

Bush was an imbecile who got the job by affirmative action. He got what he deserved.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for proving my point.

Hate is in the eye of the beholder.

PilotX said...

"Hate is in the eye of the beholder."

Says the asshole with the name Liberals are like hemroids.

Are you kidding me? The amount of hypocrisy and blind ignorance is overwhelming. Go back to whatever dumbassed conservative site you frequent and leave the adults alone.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Liberal, but your are missing the point. The left was not the only one who mocked or as you say hated Bush. It was the whole world! was because of how his actions. We should not have ever been in a war with Iraq! Osama Ben Laden was responsible for bombing the twin towers, not Saddam Hussain. Do you not know that Bush started something a country and was responsible for destroying a country that had did nothing to us?

Innocent people lost their lives in Iraq. Not only that Halliburton scammed the USA out of billions of dollars and some of it has still been unaccounted for. What about that suitcase of American money found in Iraq, what ever happened to it? The chickens are coming home to roost because of it. America's economy is suffering because of it. A law of nature is that you do not start a war with those who have done you no wrong because payback will hit you harder than it did them.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I know that I made a lot of errors in typing what I had to say, but I'm sure everyone understood what I was saying. On the other hand, who cares!

One more thing, Liberal, Bush was elected to office twice, so that right there should tell you something. That people trusted and liked him at first. It was his actions that turned people against him.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

The people gave President Bush a chance twice,and that's more than I can say than they've given President Obama. From day one when he first proclaim that he was running, folks on the right went out of their way to disrespect, spreading vicious lies and on a mission to stop him from getting a second term.

PilotX said...

Exactly Granny, thousands of lives lost because of Bush's lies. I disagree that he was elected twice, he was given the job by the S.C. and then won in a highly suspicious manner. Conservatives can't win elections honestly, they either have to rig the election or surprise you with stuff they didn't campaign on (see Wisconsin and Ohio). Honesty is not their strongsuit.

Anonymous said...

communications major yet the smartest person on the planet she aint shit!

Conservatives are like Dingleberries said...

I picketed a Tbagger rally last Spring. I watched in awe as one stereotype after another waddled up to the mike and attacked government spending, except for the programs they favored: defense, social security, medicare, the VA, student aid, roads (lots of contractor 'baggers) sheeeeeit, every damm one of them 'baggers had some sacred cow government program.

Now, by and large I agreed with them on the value of these programs. But I'm an actual small s socialist national security hawk who's long thought that we weren't taxing or spending nearly enough.

Anyway, that's why "conservatives" are like dingleberries.

Vérité Parlant said...

On Perry, why didn't the same calling card do better for Huckabee?

On Vick, did you see Jeffers comment on Toure's piece: "What if Toure were white?"

Essence73T said...

Oh Lawd! Aryan brothers...give it up! *smh*

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Taxslayer Bowl 2017 Live Stream

Rose Bowl 2017 live Streaming

Golden Globe Awards 2017 Live Streaming

Allstate Sugar Bowl 2016 live Streaming

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