Another reason why I am sad that I missed the CPAC convention is because I didn't get a chance to hear Sarah talk about it.
"....working the statist agenda of Obama’s.” She cried, “This is a great awakening! The age of Obama is almost over!”
She was happy at how much more fired up people are this year, saying that despite the media dismissing Benghazi, the IRS, and Obama’s “dopey wobbling on the world stage,” “Americans aren’t quite as obedient as they thought we were.” In honor of Ted Cruz‘s big filibuster last year, Palin even did a little Dr. Seuss during her speech, starting out by saying, “I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his health care scam.”' [Source]
Sarah, we know what you are really thinking:
I am Klan I am Klan
Klan I am.
That Klan I am That Klan I am!
I do not like that Klan I am
Do you like the powerful black man
I do not like him Klan I am
I do not like the powerful black man
Would you like him here or there
I would not like him anywhere
Would you like him in your bed
Would you like him then
Well maybe in my bed when I think of Glen.
Maybe I would like him then.....
Let me stop.
If Sarah Palin read all of Green Eggs and Ham, it will be the first book that she actually completed.
Finally, I see that the neocon with the barely ticking ticker is calling for not ruling out military action in the Ukraine.
I guess he wasn't satisfied with all the Americans and Iraqis whose death he caused in the last war. (A war, BTW, which seems to have no end)
"Former Vice President Dick Cheney told Face the Nation guest host Charlie Rose that the Obama administration should not have taken military options off the table in response to Russia’s invasion of the Crimean peninsula, and that Obama had a harder task in gathering allies after reversing course on attacks in Syria."
Now that he is closer to his date with the devil it's easy to call for military action where others will die.
"Now that he is closer to his date with the devil it's easy to call for military action where others will die."
Wow. Black people are now in judge of those who will go to heaven and those who will meet the devil.
Just wow.
You forget those "other people" volunteered.
So stop bitching.
And black people know what whites are thinking?
How do blacks know?
Field posted, "Now that he is closer to his date with the devil it's easy to call for military action where others will die."
Kinky thought, "Wow. Black people are now in judge of those who will go to heaven and those who will meet the devil.
Just wow."
Dear Mr Kinky, how do YOU know BLACK people are in judgment of who will go to heaven and who will go to hell? I know many who are atheists and don't believe in heaven and hell.
Try this one on for size: It was FIELD who posted about Cheney being closer to his date with the devil, NOT the entire black race. Can you dig it?
Because Field says something, or has an opinion about someone doesn't mean ALL Blacks think the same.
You ought to take a look at your 'thinking', see where your thoughts are coming from, and do a little self-analysis. Your 'judging' words sound racist because they are what Mr Field said. FYI: Field is only ONE person, with ONE opinion.
However, Field has judged you as a racist without hesitation. I won't do that.... So I am giving a very fine American like yourself the benefit of the doubt. I am withholding any opinion that you are a racist or live in a trailer park.
You are much too sophisticated to live in a trailer park. I bet you live in an integrated neighborhood where some of your best friends and neighbors are Black.
Hilar at the play on green eggs and ham, ROTFLMBAO!!!
And I certainly hope you've got copyright protection on that!
If I could stop laughing at the GOP half term quitter Palin who is clueless and dumb beyond belief, I might be able to make a comment.
I like your version of "Cat In the Hat better, you got skills. Thumbs up!
That shameless hussy has the nerve to talk about ACA, when her husband is 1/8 native, he, all children and grand children are covered by the IHS ( Indian Healthcare system)......and she has the gall to call the ACA socialist healthcare, for moochers and freeloaders.
Mr. Deferment who presided over the worse military blunder in history, The Iraq War (well at least his oil friends made money), is still talking shit. That new heart didn't help his demonic personality.
When Russia invaded Georgia on his watch what did that tough guy have to say then?
BTW, didn't she give up and quit her job because she couldn't handle it?
She is an angry white "B"!
"She is an angry white "B"!"
This coming from a angry black "B"?
Pot-kettle-black much?
Anonymous Wesley R, whatever happen to the Obama/Hillary reset button?
Palin has this Fatal Attraction thing going for the President, that would explain her hatred against the black guy. How dare Obama beat ME, not McCain, but ME and then ignore me. The President to this day has never acknowledge her and she can't get pass that.
She cannot grasp the fact that she is not even on the same intellectual level as the President or anyone else in high level government positions. Biden was laughing at her during that debate between him and her and that went over her head. I still can't make up my mind who is the dumbest...her or Michelle Bachmann.
She had the nerve to suggest that President Obama should press that nuke button. I'm glad her McCain...bomb, bomb Iran and her never made it to the White House back in 2008 because we'd be toast.
She is crazier than a road lizard.
Cheney wants to start a war to increase his check from Halliburton.
Yep, Cheney had to take a cut in pay when the war in Iraq ended.
See we have another black person claiming they know how white people think.
How white people feel.
But be nice being knowing what a whole race of people are thinking and feeling.
Just one more thing granny sometimes standing for truth, Palin was right about the Ukraine. Romney was right about Russia.
Your mommy jeans wearing gawd was wrong.
Hey Granny, why didn't you mention you recently sent me an email? You know I wouldn't have let too many days go by without responding.
Dr Nuwang,
I probably forgot and I barely get to read my own email, so I figured you were busy with school. :) I knew eventually that you would reply.
I was sitting here thinking and praying for a few people that used to comment regularly that don't anymore. Those people have been laid on my heart, so I'm holding them up in prayer.
I miss them, I miss their comments, and I have been praying that they'll start back commenting again.
Some of those people are still here, but they sit in the background and don't comment anymore. A few of them drop by, read and go on about their business. Some stay away period because they don't feel like dealing with some of the racist comments.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
If I could stop laughing at the GOP half term quitter Palin who is clueless and dumb beyond belief, I might be able to make a comment.
I resent how you pigeon hole Palin. First, you DOES have a clue. That's why she is still around. She knows how to play the political game...better than your god, Obama.
People LOVE Palin. But they don't love Obama.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Some of those people are still here, but they sit in the background and don't comment anymore. A few of them drop by, read and go on about their business. Some stay away period because they don't feel like dealing with some of the racist comments.
12:29 AM
Dear Granny, WHO is telling you these things?
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Some of those people are still here, but they sit in the background and don't comment anymore. A few of them drop by, read and go on about their business. Some stay away period because they don't feel like dealing with some of the racist comments.
I miss comments from some commenters too. And because I stayed away for ~ 2 years myself, I also understand how the blatant racism and negativity can get old.
Since the President's election, it's now "en vogue" to be a racists a$$hole and we see it ALL over the place. And in my mind there's two ways to fight it: become angry, sullen, and stick your head in the sand wishing it would go away. Or turn that negativity into a positive force by using it to fuel our collective success.
Given how tremendously blessed I am personally, academically, and professionally, I'd say my tactics against racist a$$holes is working. GOOD!
Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I was sitting here thinking and praying for a few people that used to comment regularly that don't anymore. Those people have been laid on my heart, so I'm holding them up in prayer.
I miss them, I miss their comments, and I have been praying that they'll start back commenting again.
12:17 AM
I didn't know you knew how to pray. Lord have mercy I would pay money to hear one of your prayers. lol.
Anyway, You rarely comment on FN. You abandoned all those folks on your own blog who once believed in you. And you left them several times.
And you didn't have the decency to even apologize or admit you were wrong for not letting people know....You just left.
The point is you aren't so pure either. Maybe even less pure than Palin. But you only see the faults of others. You never see 'anything' wrong with yourself, much less own up to your own mistakes.
Guess what. I could care less!
Palin is still around so that they can get a good laugh off of her. She is the GOP's comedy hour and so a few of the men can get in her panties if they haven't already, which I'm pretty sure a couple of them have.
Could you please explain to me what part of the political game she knows how to play?
People who love Palin are people dumb as rocks like her. She represents them.
Unlike that half term quitter Palin, President Obama is a two term President voted and elected by the majority of the people and the electorate. The first time he ran against her and McCain. Evidently, the people loved President Obama more than they did her because she lost. LOL!
What has Palin accomplished? Oh, I forgot the bridge to nowhere. Other than, nothing, nada. She is nothing but a two bit scam artist.
Btw, President Obama is not my god, he's my President.
Since the President's election, it's now "en vogue" to be a racists a$$hole and we see it ALL over the place. And in my mind there's two ways to fight it: become angry, sullen, and stick your head in the sand wishing it would go away. Or turn that negativity into a positive force by using it to fuel our collective success.
Given how tremendously blessed I am personally, academically, and professionally, I'd say my tactics against racist a$$holes is working. GOOD!
12:46 AM
Yes, you are blessed. Btw, when will you be graduating from Med School? Which University are studying at?
I agree we must turn our anger into something positive. That's why I post on FN. I get my anger out in positive ways by following Field and outstanding brilliant minded people like you. I don't need to do anything else.
I feel blessed that Field posts 'everyday'. It keeps me alive.
Granny, "Palin is still around so that they can get a good laugh off of her. She is the GOP's comedy hour and so a few of the men can get in her panties if they haven't already, which I'm pretty sure a couple of them have."
Granny, you have a filthy mind and a dark heart. Your prayers don't go up to the Lord, they go down to hell to Satan. You are part of the reason people leave this blog. Your comments are straight from a sewer.
First of all anonymous, I didn't abandon any of my bloggers. Those bloggers who were close to me knew what my circumstances were, understood and showed compassion.
Second, I am a human being just like anyone else and at the time I was going through a lot. I had a sick daughter with a tumor on her brain stem and had concurrent deaths in my family left and right.
Now, let me make myself perfectly clear. I want you to understand me this day. My family comes first and foremost before anyone and anybody on here or a blog that was not an income for me.
So, now let me ask you a question was I suppose to abandon my SICK daughter just to write a topic for you?
And that question is for anyone else that felt that way.
Anonymous, oh I didn't know people left because of me. If that is true, none of them had to leave. All they had to do is be up front and I would left. That's if what you said is true, but I doubt it.
I'm sitting here waiting on you to answer my question.
Let me repeat me.
Was I suppose to abandon my SICK daughter to write a topic for you?
I'm sitting here waiting.
"Now, let me make myself perfectly clear. I want you to understand me this day. My family comes first and foremost before anyone and anybody on here or a blog that was not an income for me.
So, now let me ask you a question was I suppose to abandon my SICK daughter just to write a topic for you?"
1:12 AM
We all have families that we care the most about. That is not the point and you know it. A simple, "I have some serious problems and won't be blogging for some time. many thanks to all of you who supported my blog."
But like I said, you aren't built that way. You are so self-centered you can't see the forest for the trees. Sarah Palin is much more compassionate and caring than you are.
You quit. Which makes me laugh when you call Palin a quitter. All you ever do is project who you are onto others like Sarah.
Btw, Sarah loves Ben Carson. She is not a racist. But you can't accept that because you hate her and want to make her bad.
"Did you know that we are on the verge of a "great awakening" in America? I can't wait. I wonder how it will manifest itself."
A giant raunchy fart gar-breath bloodshot eyes & an odd itch down south?
Answer my question!
Was I suppose to abandon my SICK daughter for you.
Oh, it is very much the point.
Because I did tell people what was going on with me many times.
In fact, once before you brought it up and I tried to tell you then and even apologized to you, but evidently you blocked that out because you've been holding them anger and animosity towards me for a long time now.
Btw, Sarah Palin does not give a hoot about you or anyone else, unless you got some money to give her or can point her in the direction of some money.
Now, answer my question!
Was I suppose to abandon my SICK daughter to write you a topic?
Was I suppose to abandon my SICK daughter to write you a topic?
Nope. But as I said before, a simple note to those who supported your blog would have been the right thing to do. And anybody would tell you that you could have done that WITHOUT ABANDONING YOUR SICK DAUGHTER.
Miss Pit Bull is not worthy of tying my shoe laces.
She gets paid $75,000 to speak and spout out her one liners.
Granny got paid $0 for writing topics on her blog.
Sarah Palin gets paid $75,000 to LIE.
Granny gets paid $0 to tell the truth.
Now answer my question!
Was I suppose to abandon my SICK daughter to write a topic for you?
Thank you.
I did tell people.
However, I didn't write a note on my blog. At the time I had a lot on my mind and was concerned about my daughter. I didn't know if my daughter was going to live or die. She is the baby out of my children.
On top of that, I had so many of my loved ones dying left and right with no time in between to get over grieving for any of them.
We have a very close knit family.
Anyway, I apologize once again.
I plan to open my blog back up again in the future after I buy a new computer.
Dr Nuwang,
Before I forget, I responded to your email.
This is Palin's crowning achievement this year. Thank god we did not elect her VP. Just think about how much less would have gotten done.
Granny, glad to see you are still as feisty as ever.
Don't let the Anons get u down. :)
Dr. I will check my inbox today.
Yes, you are blessed. Btw, when will you be graduating from Med School? Which University are studying at?
Are you serious? You post anonymously on a PUBLIC blog, yet feel entitled to the answer to personal questions. You must be outta your freakin' mind, so imma need you to have SEVERAL seats with that foolishness.
BTW, a Granny doesn't owe you or anyone else an explanation for jack $hit no matter how entitled you feel to answers. The "world" with it's non private self, has LONG been a dangerous place for the outspoken "negro", a sentiment anyone with on ounce of common sense would understand.
Now if you had a REAL profile on this blog, your questions might be received in a better light. As it stands now, you're NO different than the racists idiots on this blog or the slug who's been saying I'll never be a Doctor for the past 7 years. In fact, it isn't lost on me that YOU could very well be that slug.
So with that, allow me to say that I'll NEVER be stupid enough to "go public" with the details of my personal life because you racist have NOTHING but ill intentions and because given all the crazies in the US, I'd hate to put my concealed 9mm into play one day.
It is very entertaining to observe how much Palin annoys you...a real hoot!
The Chicago Jesus could only read Green Eggs and Ham if it was on a teleprompter...and he would probably screw that up:
And allow me to ditto my earlier message to the nappy headed, aunt tomasina negress that makes the white racist on this site look like saints. I see you too Boo!
The leftist hate for palin is funny...
A woman that is not even in the government scares the crap out of democrats.
Keep hating.
It's not as if you can cheer the accomplishments of Obamacare considering it's going so bad Obama has once again delayed the "law of the land" for political reasons.
21 more days to the Obamacare deadline.
Will Obama delay that deadline too for political reasons?
Granny, when did you meet Sarah Palin?
Right Bill. No one brings out the hate in moonbats like Sarah Palin.
Why is Obama putting politics ahead of the health care of all Americans?
Residential electric bills in Chicago will increase roughly 14 to 18 percent in June under a new deal the city has struck with its power supplier, Integrys Energy Services.
Big increase, the rich democrats in chicago can afford it.
The poor people, well, who cares. They are still going to vote democrat.
What powerful black man ? It certainly is not the one in the WH....unless you consider murdering thousands and innocent civilians and hundreds of children makes one powerful?
NASA Admits to Selling Discount Fuel to Google Execs
Google supports Obama.
Obama returns the favor.
It's only fair. Why should the rich people at Google have to pay full price for the fuel for their private jets.
I doubt Sarah Palin is having many thoughts of her own at all, racist or otherwise. She's borderline retarded and only gives speeches with a puppeteer's hand up her backside. She's a figurehead onto which are projected some of the GOP's nastier feelings.
I don't know what "military options" Cheney is talking about. The U.S. is still the planet's lone military superpower, but Russia's military is hardly small and harmless. A direct U.S.-Russian face-off would result in massive casualties on both sides. I doubt most Americans would accept that, in order to save Ukraine, a country that isn't all that essential to the U.S. economy.
European economic sanctions could possibly force Russia out of Ukraine -- but we'd have to supply Europe with oil and natural gas; otherwise, Putin will freeze them out.
Knowing that that bastard Cheney will have to die some day fills me with joy.
You've got to feel sorry for Bill.
I'm cool, anonymous doesn't faze me.
Wait until I open my blog back up, what I said about that scam artist, half term quitter Palin was mild compared to what I've saved up and plan to say in the future. *wink*
My daughter had been laid off her job when she got sick. She had no medical insurance. Thank God for the Affordable Health Care Act.
I think a lot of people are feeling that way.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
what I said about that scam artist, half term quitter Palin
She should have done like democrat politicians and kept drawing her government paycheck while she was in 57 states campaigning for another office.
How stupid to give up a government paycheck just because she was running for another office.
Obama wasn't that stupid.
Hattie said...
Knowing that that bastard Cheney will have to die some day fills me with joy.
I'm glad you will feel joy when people you don't politically agree with die.
Some people find joy in hating.
She quit her job after the campaign was over.
I see what you mean. It must be contagious on the GOP side. Somebody call a doctor. An epidemic is on the loose. Smh!
I'm out, gotta a lot to do today.
How does this work?
Obama net worth - $1.3 million
"President Barack Obama's net worth hovers around $11.8 million"
As people were having their homes foreclosed Obama increased his wealth.
As people were losing their health insurance Obama increased his wealth.
As people were losing their jobs, Obama increased his wealth.
As the economy went down the drain, Obama increased his wealth.
One thing even PurpleCow won't be able to dispute, Obama is a 1%er.
So much focus on CPAC ,and the Socio-Paths in the GOP....
Waste of Journalism space....
Christie still trying to prop himself up for 2016.
The Drunk , and talking nonsense.... and Mc Connell coming out with a rifle to gain some kudos with the Gun crowd...
Might as well been watching a physcho ward do a school musical....
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
She quit her job after the campaign was over.
You're right.
She kept drawing her government paycheck while campaigning just like Obama.
One thing even PurpleCow won't be able to dispute, Obama is a 1%er."
Why would I want to dispute that?
It confirms what I've been saying for the last six years.
You've got to feel sorry for Bill.
"She knows how to play the political game...better than your god, Obama."
Which is why Barack is in the WH and Sarah is reading Dr. Suess at a loony gathering? Right. If we could all be so good at our jobs. Ha!
"It is very entertaining to observe how much Palin annoys you...a real hoot!"
These anonymous fools on random blogs and websites think they're annoying or pissing off liberals but really we don't give a shit what you think. We know you're just as dumb as Palin. We LOVE to hear her talk, that shit is hilarious. i hope she keeps giving speeches until she drops.
"A woman that is not even in the government scares the crap out of democrats."
The only thing scary about Palin is the fact that there are so many people as dumb as Bill out there who have access to the ballot. No wonder she was chosen as the VP. Mitt must still be in a serious depression knowing that bimbo was chosen over him. That's like choosing Steve Urkel over Lebron in a pickup game. Ha! We love us some Sarah! Are you kidding?
Laughing at what" Wake up call said" wrote.
Bill are you jealous of Barack Obama's wealth? He is the president. Aren't most American presidents wealthy or accumulated wealth at some time?
What's different about this one? Oh yes, that's right. Don't bother answering that last question.
"You've got to feel sorry for Bill."
Not so much, Bill is the typical conservative. They'll be ok, this is nothing new. Years ago they were the Birchers who were funded by Dave and Charles' dad. The far right have always needed a bogey man, the commies, and rich folks to fool them into believing whatever it is they tell them. He'll turn into a paranoid old man who yells at the kids to get off his lawn. Trust me PC, he'll be fine. Annoying but fine.
Blogger Hattie said...
Knowing that that bastard Cheney will have to die some day fills me with joy.
2:21 PM
That is pure hatred Hattie is caring in that evil heart of hers.
um, Real quick before i split to Focus...
i think i heard shots fired ya'll.
moonwalker back from the pit?
ok...let me quit;)
still working on killing the flesh. so let me get out the way and let Him/His Word break this down instead.
now no one needs to take my word for any of it- i think somewhere i heard...
you can get the Bible on your tablet. folk get to look new age fab with it...
while getting in the know + up to speed;)
some of US are not afraid in least. despite living in a big bad world. where fear + dread is peddled daily to keep folk in check. well adjusted to oppression.
some of US don't mule + follow woefully male identified, Yahless rules, that serve only to defeat US in the big picture. everybody calling folk out are NOT racist. as hard as it seems to be for His People/my people to get this Truth.
some of US will stand in our own defense just as hard, if not harder, than we will for others. with anyone. He is no respecter of persons. we aren't either- we're with Him/His Word. that's healthy + the only way to go really. other folks' behavior lets US know when to next level the support.
some of US understand when we come onto the internet...we are talking to gov't moles, trolls + those paid to slander, threaten and lie. among many other corrupt wicked things.
death = certainty, in this life. + Messiah already defeated it. so i am not so sure what folk are so afraid of. land of the free. home of the brave. i call lies on it all. lol.
so for me to Stand and refuse to bow down to intimidation or any of the rest. folk call it "stupid"...i agree with Him/His Word and call it Blessed. no fear.
folk been busy getting mad + hating. but i been busy being super salty (Scriptures style) trying to wake folk up to how we can turn what is for the Good. in our Obedience to Him/His Word. how it is wakey wakey time. with the Quickness! wake up!!!
walking around afraid is for the double bind slaves. new slaves are still slaves...they just got mo' stuff. so pack a pistol if that brings folk peace. i don't knock it;) will freely say folk best defend the right to carry. some of US roll with the Ancients, most importantly though:)
Deuteronomy 28:7- The Sovereign shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.
in one out seven. i AM a witness.
so i rest Real peacefully at night;) how YOU doin'?
not sure why folk don't get.some. know the Truth and it shall make you free. don't have to fear anyone...He/His Word will deliver them into your hand;) that's what's written.
then there's this:
2 Timothy 1: 7-8
7 For Almighty hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Sovereign...
i will say precisely what He/His Word tells me to + put my name on it + my address. in this big, dangerous world. tell folk i am not suicidal + let's go!
those that don't know Him/His Word like i do won't Understand. this is why i say sometimes...folk ain't on my level;)
says i, the woolly haired Blessed Black Hebrew- tribe of Yahudah- from which the sceptre will never depart. Law Giver. who is for justice and Truth no matter who tells it. this is not a p.r. campaign for any nation. name calling means less than nothing. this is a Call for all to turn our hearts + behavior to Him/His Word.
folk don't like my style?
that is fine.
it is my fervent prayer in the Mighty Name of Messiah that He will send a messenger that is better able to speak to those that can't hear me. it is not about me but Him/His Word.
H Kissinger's MK'd Palin is not all wrong when she speaks of an awakening. it is not about political games though, when i acknowledge the Truth in her words.
folk were talking about feeling karma. i don't know about much as what's written- in red no less;)
Matthew 10: 26-28
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
concealed info revealed. hmmm...
slaves STAY scared.
while there is no rest for the wicked. they got fearful on lock on the other end. lol. this is why they hatch up their dang depopulation plans and other wickedness. lol. fear+ wicked. ficked. new word alert. lol.
okey doke. done in the fields for now;)
blessings all!
Field, "Bill are you jealous of Barack Obama's wealth? He is the president. Aren't most American presidents wealthy or accumulated wealth at some time?"
Oh come on. Obama is not even close to the other Presidents in terms of wealth. He isn't even the same color as the other Presidents. Now, knowing that you are Black, you must know that in America, color makes a huge difference in terms of opportunities and 'limitations'. Surely you must know that by now...Ask Granny and Dr Nuwang. They both will tell you that a bm in America is limited.
Nevertheless, I wish brother Obama the best. However, since he has been President, even his Presidential powers have been limited by Congress.
Please, no comments why he is limited. In America, "it is what it is".
FP-"death = certainty, in this life. + Messiah already defeated it. so i am not so sure what folk are so afraid of. land of the free. home of the brave. i call lies on it all. lol."
If He defeated death, why must anyone die?
"so for me to Stand and refuse to bow down to intimidation or any of the rest. folk call it "stupid"...i agree with Him/His Word and call it Blessed. no fear."
Yes, I agree. I hope someday to triumph over my fears. They cause me great suffering and foggy thinking.
Deuteronomy 28:7- The Sovereign shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.
7:13 PM
FP, what are those seven ways?
The Purple Cow said...
Why would I want to dispute that?
It confirms what I've been saying for the last six years.
Of course you can't dispute it.
And please don't pretend you agree with me now, it makes you look weak after defending Obama to me for so long. You know, double standards hypocrisy.
You've got to feel sorry for Bill.
Feel sorry for me because you agree with me?
What kind of PurplpeBullShit are you writing?
Please Bill, don't be so hard on PC. He's just a purple UK citizen trying to make it in the world. But he's having a hard time because he doesn't know which way to go...which is the case for most atheists.
"And please don't pretend you agree with me now, it makes you look weak after defending Obama to me for so long. You know, double standards hypocrisy."
Do you even know what double standards are? He is agreeing because you stated a fact so why would he disagree? Barack was a broke state senator a few years ago but made it onto the big political stage which means more money. Same thing with Palin. When you become a big shot politically you reap the rewards. That has nothing to do with defending him or his policies. Are you really this dim Bill or is this an act?
It has to be an act. :)
Look at the United States. Just look. On this page alone we have multitudes of people, assumed American, attacking each other relentlessly. Precisely what the self-appointed controllers/elite want. You lose, they win.
Barely ticking ticker? I thought it whirred!
"It has to be an act. :)"
You gotta hope.
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