As is the case with many of these small towns (and some large ones), the Ferguson prosecutor, a democrat, is very much invested in the police department.
Mr. McCulloch has family members who work for the police department, his father was a police officer in the sixties, and he (his father) was killed in the line of duty while responding to a domestic violence call. Oh, and to make matters worse; his killer was a black man.
All of this is troubling, but what's even more troubling is what the prosecutor has already stated publicly.
"The county prosecutor, Bob McCullough,[sic] described the governor’s decision to put the state troopers in charge as “disgraceful” and “shameful.”
This hardly seems like a man who is seeking justice.
Regarding the issue of his father being a policeman who was killed in the line of duty, McCulloch had something to say about that as well.
"McCulloch said his father's 1964 shooting by a black man at a public housing complex was an "incredibly irrelevant facet" as he sought to "make sure everybody gets a full and fair hearing." McCulloch was 12 when his father was killed."
I suspect that he is only concerned with one individual getting a "full and fair hearing". Nothing about Bob McCulloch prosecuting this case and making a presentment to a grand jury says fair to me.
Bob McCulloch should listen to the folks from the African American Bar Association in St. Louis who are calling for his recusal.
"The community is gravely concerned about the lack of transparency and lack of candor that St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has openly displayed about the way in which this case should be handled," Mount City Bar President Kendra Howard said in a Tuesday press release.
"Mr. McCulloch has shown that he is emotionally invested in protecting law enforcement, and therefore should immediately step aside and allow the Justice Department to investigate the death of Michael Brown. The only way we can ensure trust is for the Justice Department to take over the investigation."
Those are my exact sentiments.
What fix? The so called "gentle giant" has been exposed as a thug. The only fix is going to come from Eric Holder who knows what will happen in the mid-term election if he decides to persecute this cop.
Yep, the fix is in. At least, the fix is so obvious, everyone knows the outcome before the trial.
What can you expect of a small town in MO called Ferguson? Whites have privileges that Blacks don't have. That privilege is to be able to murder Blacks and walk free.
This will be a great "Teaching" moment, a great "White Teaching" moment; a Teaching of wretchedness and loyalty devoted to its historical generational legacy of EVIL.
Hell, they are raising money to raise EVIL to great depths to make Satan proud.
The grand jury will get a one sided presentation.
"McCulloch said his father's 1964 shooting by a black man at a public housing complex was an "incredibly irrelevant facet" as he sought to "make sure everybody gets a full and fair hearing." McCulloch was 12 when his father was killed."
The great thing about Whites they can execute, prosecute and find a dead unarmed bm "guilty" and be very fair about it. They have proven this scenario time and time again.
The amazing thing about it, it's same movie no matter what part of the country the live story is happening in post-racial America.
Anon wrote,
What can you expect of a small town in MO called Ferguson? Whites have privileges that Blacks don't have. That privilege is to be able to murder Blacks and walk free.
Hell, Blacks seem to be able to riot, loot and generally chimp out on demand. Yet they kill each other wholesale. Go figure.
This is certainly a blog for idiots, self-haters and racists!
Of course the fix is in. It's the Democrat way. Just like in NYC..
Don't act like you don't know how massa rolls field.
Just another reason to vote Democrat...
"Hell, Blacks seem to be able to riot, loot and generally chimp out on demand. Yet they kill each other wholesale. Go figure".
9:33 PM
There is nothing to figure because they learned how to act and behave from their evil massa. There! It's all been figured out for ya right here on FN by a magic Negro. Happy now?
Field, Hedy Epstein puts her action where her mouth is. She always has.
She doesn't talk, like some old black folks been doing on FN for years. Hedy puts her feet to work.
Granny, Yisheng, PilotX and Still A Panther 2 only talk and then they talk that much. But you can be sure, they won't be marching against injustice.
Eric Holder promises a fair and thorough investigation.
Why couldn't the Ferguson attorney promise a fair investigation? Let me answer that...because he has absolutely NO PLANS to be fair.
Every white person knows someone who was killed by a black man.
It doesn't matter who prosecutes this case. The facts are that Michael Brown attacked a police officer, wrestled over his gun, discharging a shot in the police vehicle, then bumrushed the cop.
The cop should walk.
Negroes should get their shit together.
"Every white person knows someone who was killed by a black man."
Matlock I am sure you have all the facts. Did you know every black person knows at least two innocent relatives who were killed by Whites?
The Whites all walked. In fact, many did not even go to trial.
You Whites really have your shit together.
And you are right. It's time Blacks get their shit together like their white counterparts.
Matlock said, "It doesn't matter who prosecutes this case. The facts are that Michael Brown attacked a police officer, wrestled over his gun, discharging a shot in the police vehicle, then bumrushed the cop.
The cop should walk."
Well, since it doesn't matter who prosecutes this case, then there should be no problem for the prosecuting attorney to step down right? I'm sure it'll be alright with you since this is an open and shut case.
So, might as well get another prosecuting attorney to relieve the concerns of others since it doesn't matter who prosecutes thsi case, right? That way, when the cop walks, there won't be a cloud over his head like George Zimmerman.
If I were a betting man, I'd say it seems unlikely the prosecutor will step aside here.
It's one thing if there were a direct conflict of interest -- such as if he was personally friends with Officer Wilson or Michael Brown, or their families, etc.
But if the argument is that people believe he's fond of the police or hates black people, the dude isn't likely to give that much weight. In fact, I would assume he'd be insulted by that demand and dismiss it out of hand.
"But if the argument is that people believe he's fond of the police or hates black people, the dude isn't likely to give that much weight. In fact, I would assume he'd be insulted by that demand and dismiss it out of hand."
Yeah, I see what you mean. Good thinking. Clearly the dude is fair and unbiased. Thanks for clearing that up. That's why I come to FN, to meet fair-minded bright moral people with character like yours.
You are a godsend to the world. Thank you.
Michael Brown Jr...DEAD!!
Eric Garner........DEAD!!
Ezell Ford.........DEAD!!
Cliven Bundy.......ALIVE & FREE!!!!
FN said...
the Ferguson prosecutor, a democrat,
What is this identifying the democrat?
Trying to put me out of a job?
Maybe seeing the light?
his father being a policeman who was killed in the line of duty,
On the other side of the coin, should someone be on a jury if that injustice has been done to them/family?
"Bob McCulloch should listen to the folks from the African American Bar Association in St. Louis who are calling for his recusal."
Mr Field, you did not mention any opinion from the White American Bar Assoc, Why aren't they calling for McCulloch's recusal? It seems to me they would be doing just that?
"Yeah, I see what you mean. Good thinking. Clearly the dude is fair and unbiased. Thanks for clearing that up."
Hey, I didn't say he was necessarily unbiased. I was only commenting on the chances that he will actually recuse himself.
Imagine that someone showed up at your workplace and told you that he suspects you cannot do your job properly because you're just generally full of all sorts of prejudice. I can't say for sure what your answer would be in that situation, but most people would respond to that individual by telling him to go screw himself.
So, no, McCullough probably won't be quitting the Brown case voluntarily. And since no one else has the authority to remove him, that is probably that.
To the commenter that question my reactions to another killing of a Black man by a white policemen. Firstly I have been in more mar hes than your birthdays. After many years I see that the white power structure don't react to marching.
MARCHING WAS THE ONLY MEANS WE HAD FOR VISIBILITY IN THE PAST.. Today the tactics must be different. NOTICE HOW THIS MARCH HAS SPIRALED NTO A SHOW OF FORCE BY THE WHITE POWER STRUCTURE. Why would I align myself with people that are venting. Don' t you think I have lived with the enemy for years and I THINK I know what hurts the white man. The marchers are doi g whzt they need to process the pain of not being able to effect change in a xystem that been designed to continuously suppress you while YOU ARE SMILING.
FIRSTLY.. The whiteman use formulas that workes. The same tactics that got zimmerman away with murder is now being displayed. (A) allowing the Blacks to tell all they know to press and t.v. You got to keep the enemy guessing. You see that after 11 days you know nothing what he knows. All info is used to further incite emotionally distraught indiviuals. The whiteman is a MASTER at psycological warfare. What he is doing in Ferguson he has done for many years in Palistine- yes I said P- , Iraq and all the nations in Africa. The chief used information - witholdi g of- to push the protesters in a vulnerable posture. I could go on in closing, the chapter on Brother Travon Martin is being used to the max.
now commenter, marching, been there, done that. As I said I have marched during first school segregation to the last police killing in Norfolk, Va. Ask the FBI who is a Black Panther in Hampton, Newport New, Durham NC and Washi gton DC. So marching with people without a goal can only get you killed. I have had my moment using that tactic.
Remember, I was in a war WITH the whiteman and I do know change is not going to come in America by being in a subordinate posture.
I do know that after this is no longer on tv, that would be a good time for some fresh commu ity fighters to come. The people will need my support after the lady sings the blues. So if you see a Brother with a well worn beret -that would be me. So no I am too old and u valued to be a martry... my kids and Black wife need me. And are you going to feed my dogs-2.
I quess you all see how these keyboard warriors can slng mud and hide. But the whiteman ALWAYS act that way.
ps. The narrative will come from third party about the policeman version of events. He is not compelled to say a thing. The narrative will fit the script that the supporters of Brother Mike. Once again.... The police srandard of conduct is proscibed by law. Big Mike, may he start resting, conduct may warrent an arrest....
Brother Field does not allow me to let the commenter know how he can e-mail me.
I can take Big Mike throttling a Pakistani Cashier(Don't you hate em?)but wearing Flip Flops with Socks?????!!!!!
in August?? Jeezus, he could have just taken off one of his socks and killed the Cop right there...
and isn't it ironic that the Black guy has a white sounding name and the White Cop has a black sounding name? Probably part of why Big Mike looks so sad in all his photos, no "'" in his name, must have gotten a lot of teasing.
Frank, glad to see that u are out.
Don't forget to report to your PO. :)
I see the regulars: Field, PilotX, Yisheng, Granny, and other Negroes are remaining silent, ie, no comments. I wonder why? This is a big event, even though the cop will walk free.
Many thanks to Still A Panther 2 for your comment. It is the truth and it makes good sense. Too bad we don't have more like you, but unfortunately, we don't. For decades, no one has cared much.
Hey, maybe Frank D will take pity and give out some info on how to handle this?
The reason is because I'm too busy reading stuff like this while on vacay:
"Genome-wide association study identi es 25 known breast cancer susceptibilityloci as risk factors for triple-negative breast cancer."
In other words, I'm too busy "fighting the good fight" for my sistas in other ways.
Going to a grand jury seems like a suspicious way to start. It's almost like the prosecutor doesn't want to be the one to press charges, and he might as well go for the outside chance that Wilson won't get charged, while he avoids aggressive prosecution.
One thing I will say for the George Zimmerman prosecution was the tall young prosecutor showed everybody what happened. When he squatted over the dummy that was a Perry Mason moment. It explained the angle of the shot, Martin's shirt hanging away from him, and how Zimmerman got his gun out, etc. It was an epiphany for everyone in the court room. The defense was able to raise a reasonable doubt, but at least Trayvon's parents found out what happened. Zimmerman shot their son while he was letting Zimmerman go.
This case seems headed toward a blatant miscarriage of justice. The DOJ better step in. If they think there is rioting now, wait and see what a blatantly fake trial does.
Obama speech...
The way obama is talking about isis you would never guess obama called the same people a jayvee team and compared it to wearing a Kobe Bryant jersey.
More bombs being dropped in iraq.
And the war protestors go crickets.
Doesn't the prosecuter have to keep a good relationship with the cops? It would be in his best interests it seems to step aside because he may learn something he doesn't want to know. Then again if he isn't leading the prosecution how can he influence what happens? Seems like a lose lose for big Mac to me.
BTW, did you see my Alpha bros are paying for Mike's funeral?
Who wins?
Not Michael Brown
Not his family
Not the local business owners
Not the black/white residents
Not the cop
Not the police
The media wins, they got their narrative, white cops shoots black "teen."
The democrats win, they setup a voter registration booth.
This case seems headed toward a blatant miscarriage of justice. The DOJ better step in. If they think there is rioting now, wait and see what a blatantly fake trial does.
11:03 AM
Do you think the PD is worried about riots? They have enough fire power and riot equipment to take down an army. They would gladly welcome a confrontation with black citizens of Ferguson.
@ Bill while america plays wag the dog...
cia isis promises to drown america in blood. while they do just that where they are now in the world- raping, beheading, stealing little girls + the whole nine.
nary a peep.
let's distract ourselves and watch the roll out of the demonic new world order american police state + scream about race.
why Blessed Blacks don't know we got first in the suffering, despite being last for now + scheduled for a return to first?
when it is all written= ? for me.
when collective karma comes to whack americans, folk won't know what hit 'em. folk already know our soil born sons won't issue the military smackdown readily. not unless they are burly, hopped up on meth/steroids white boys coming for the out of order kings/sons of Yahudah/Judah. think ferguson and other places daily.
while Blessed Black folk all prepared to be bent out of shape when the executioner cop walks out of "trouble" into a high paid promotion.
lol 'cause we have seen this movie before. and it will play on a loop until Blessed Blacks get the message, organized, honorable in their behavior and stand lawfully/peacefully against injustice as a cohesive unit despite difference which exist in all nations. there are no monoliths. there ARE nations determined to stand for the dignity/well being of their people.
it is written...when Yahudah/Judah is delivered it won't be through combat. it is by His Spirit.
i am not speaking 'bout docile religion either. i mean some Righteous Boldness, motivated by Love yet wielding the sword of the Spirit to verbally behead bold devils that refuse to bow down. i posted a video before with a Righteous son showing folk how it was done. the CA po po appeared frozen when that king walked and spoke.
youtube promptly snatched it down 'cause they wouldn't want THAT getting around, i am sure;) all i could say was son show these folk how it's done! college student walking the police line letting folk know what they had best to believe. lol!
folk will get mad at me when i suggest more kings need to wander on back home and TRULY value their children's lives. 'cause the cops fo sho don't. the robocops of the demonic new world order= extra gives no dang. gives no dang to the 10th power.
these brothers get what i am saying and i Love them with all that i am.
back to the militarized police state horror show..
now what about the sons of foreign lands that esau/whites can't wait to bomb, murder, rape and pillage? think they will have qualms about tearing some stuff up on american soil? if i told folk they are already here, would they believe me? probably not.
THIS is why racists don't bother me. outside of their presence and ramblings highlighting the wickedness of my inner and sometimes audible snickers. i find it rather sad but entertaining when folk spout a bunch of dumb from a "superior" place. i try to overcome wicked snickers by obedience to speak His Word. give His Law to the nations... KJV Obadiah. KJV Lamentations. KJV Micah. KJV Malachi. KJV Revelation. and many more clues, while folk run through hollering 'bout this "Christian" land their G-d allowed them to establish on the strength of genocide and demonic behavior like nobody's business.
'cause the political publication written by kings for the benefit of kings aka the Bible mos def suggests that THIS is how we are to get down.
we know folk by their fruit...Yah has children and the enemy to our souls does, too.
the "crazies" been talking about militarized police and them turning on citizens for longer than a minute. the massive ammo stockpile convo was silenced in favor of more sensational silly.
just as some of us called the game with BO long before that white woman's baby's jacked up flow got fully underway.
white folk won't tell it, but i will. they will point to their gungho willingness to think they were electing BO because of his white mother. BO's whitened background made him a bit safer + cleaner. lol. fast forward, now superior white folk mad at Black folk. for a white woman's baby reared by white folk that is more devilish than his pale cousins who were also vicious new world order presidential puppets before him. + if you call it...THAT'S racist.
devilish checkmate.
tell me no one else wants to let out a wicked snicker at the sheer hidden in plain sight demonic madness of it all.
then learn that kenyan prophecy says that a kenyan son would break the brutal statue of liberty/ world wide oppression america. and here we are watching it all unfold in Real time.
BO's speech back in the day that clogged up the semite owned airwaves, while Cynthia McKinney speaking truth got her volume turned all the way down. THAT madness peeved me for days. we watched a 900+ year to rectify wealth rape go down right before our eyes. just as the founding masons suggested would happen if the money changers Messiah was bringing it to were allowed to infiltrate/control the currency. then paid puppet civil servants on behalf of the people bailed out..
the synagogue of satan owned banks.
this is but one random piece written in an effort to stop the pacing...
folk may want to take it to Scriptures.
or not.
free will.
but it is clearly written that the nation where the seed of Abraham, the Shemites, were held in bondage for 400 years + treated wickedly WILL be judged.
that's in Torah (OT) KJV Genesis 15:13-14 and for the Chr-stians, folk may find it in KJV Acts 7:6-7.
go to KJV Galatians 3:28-29 and know that it is NOT about color. the isms-racism, sexism + all isms are mere distractions designed to divide for the more doable conquer all end game. it is about the Spirit folk.
Blessings all as i head back to work. Yah put it on my heart and i thought i would share it understanding that the church of Philadelphia means that none need be lost:)
quick correction: white folk won't tell it, but i will. they will point to their gungho willingness to elect BO as proof of their progress with their collective demonic, racist ways.
when in reality they were electing BO because of his white mother. folk mentioned her more than a 'lil bit when he was running for office.
this is why i suggest white women start getting called on the carpet for the nonstop terror their sons reek on humanity world wide. not ALL white men. just the ones running thangs at the very top, who don't really care about any of us.
folk are getting it.
this lady below made me sad 'cause she really thinks her lack of melanin is about to mean a thing when the demonic nwo horror show gets fully underway + out in the open.
edomites REALLY don't believe Yah's Word. He already said folk 'bout to store up wealth to bring it to the true Hebrews confessing their birthright are all lies. that's what's written.
nevertheless, she made me smile, cry + pray that ALL souls would awaken to the Truth.
or folk telling it because the get a Black baby comes with other "gifts"...
these links were taken from a community board where WW were discussing what is already touching their homes. it just hasn't happened to Whites in full effect yet. just as the slave breaking, family dissolving methods are just now reaching White folks. the rest of it is a comin'. just like saggy pants, rap music, crack and all the rest made it to White folk...folk never learned to be careful what they put in the stew, i guess. 'cause if you put in poison, you might just have to eat, too.
Blessed Blacks been getting it for longer than a minute. IF were NOT who we are, as written of in Scriptures, we would NOT have made it this far...
Blessings all. create a beautiful day. that's my plan!
The community wins when they get more participation in the democratic franchise. More people exercising the right to vote is always a good thing.
"The democrats win, they setup a voter registration booth."
Because in Bill's head the blahs voting only helps Democrats. That's bad because we have to depend on idiots like Bill to vote for us.
"More people exercising the right to vote is always a good thing."
Not when those people are on welfare.
Thank you field for honoring that nice white lady.
Perhaps one day field, pilotx, dr. queen and fp will tell us about the difference nice white ladies have made in their lives.
"lol 'cause we have seen this movie before. and it will play on a loop until Blessed Blacks get the message, organized, honorable in their behavior and stand lawfully/peacefully against injustice as a cohesive unit despite difference which exist in all nations. there are no monoliths. there ARE nations determined to stand for the dignity/well being of their people."
How I hope and wish black folks will pay attention and listen for truth and 'understanding'. Thus far, that has not happened. But neither have Whites.
Our nation has all the makings of a Tsunami that will wipe out everybody and everything. History will be forever asking the question: "What were those people thinking?"
"Perhaps one day field, pilotx, dr. queen and fp will tell us about the difference nice white ladies have made in their lives."
Perhaps Kinky will tell us about the nice little white kids he plays "uncle" with. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
"While the government turns a blind eye to black on black violence, white kids are being arrested for killing dinosaurs."
While Bill turns a blind eye to common sense............
Looks like Ted Rall agrees with StillaPanther.
Bill has a very good point and I wonder also. When will we become outraged at the black on black killings in our communities? I am much more sick of that than what's going on in Ferguson.
Of course, we NEVER talk about the shit we do to each other. It seems it's ok to kill each other but a white person had better not do it.
We are such sick hypocrites!
Good post.
Minor semantic quibble - Bob McCulloch isn't the Ferguson prosecutor, he's the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, which means that he isn't just a "small town prosecutor", but rather the top law enforcement officer in a large suburban county with a population of just over 1 million people.
That said, his personal connections to the local law enforcement community with close family members working for various local police departments and the fact that his own father, who was a St. Louis City police officer, was killed in the line of duty by a black suspect make it clear that he cannot pursue this case without being biased by his own experiences.
from the previous thread:
"@Anon 10:14
Yeah fool, the greedy, homicidal, almighty White race are running the earth, alright....right into ireversable pollution, social ruin and financial oblivion!
Blacks fit nicely in civilization: Mother Africa and her people have enriched the European thieves for the last 700 years. Wholesale rape and free slave labor laid the financial foundation for this country."
You are full of shit if you think we are fitting nicely in the white man's civilization. If that were the case, why are we on the bottom acting like crabs in buckets killing each other? Explain that shit. You see, that is the unanswered question that Negroes like you have remained silent about for decades...even Rev Al pretends like it's not happening. You had better wake up cause we are killing each other more than ever now. And you think we fit nicely into civilization? civilized? Get real.
Yep, the whole "gentle giant" scenario is coming apart for the race baiters. It seems that Brown's homie has recanted his story regarding a surrendering "gentle giant." The office also sustained injuries during the incident. Like I said, this is going to be another Duke rape case with the Black population left looking stupid. Oh how the stereotypes hold true.
Anonymous said...
Good post.
Minor semantic quibble - Bob McCulloch isn't the Ferguson prosecutor, he's the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, which means that he isn't just a "small town prosecutor", but rather the top law enforcement officer in a large suburban county with a population of just over 1 million people.
That said, his personal connections to the local law enforcement community with close family members working for various local police departments and the fact that his own father, who was a St. Louis City police officer, was killed in the line of duty by a black suspect make it clear that he cannot pursue this case without being biased by his own experiences.
7:42 PM
Thanks Anon. From all indications McCulloch is the perfect prosecuting Attorney by white standards. He can prosecute with bias and win, thereby killing two birds with one stone: 1. Free Wilson and 2. get revenge on a bm for the death of his father. It's a perfect situation for Whites who see bm as automatically guilty anyway.
This won't be a fair trial. But who thought it would be? Blacks? How many times must we see this movie before we 'get it' that there is no such thing as justice for Blacks? Period.
Anon wrote,
This won't be a fair trial. But who thought it would be? Blacks? How many times must we see this movie before we 'get it' that there is no such thing as justice for Blacks? Period.
Have you ever thought that this incident probably went down just like the police officer said? Ever? Of course not because you people think you can have a bongo party to force your deluson on the rest of us. Typical.
After many years I see that the white power structure don't react to marching.
Holder and Obama have both declined to prosecute anyone in the financial industry who has preyed upon the working and middle classes, both black and white.
In fact, they've invited these criminals into their cabinets/upper echelons of their Administration.
No one is talking about the poverty tax that has turned the PD into revenue agents rather than peace officers. Traffic stops in Ferguson generate over $2M in income for the area. No one is talking about that, and what the solutions are.... surely there are better ways to raise the money needed to keep the local government running?
No one is talking about Holder and Obama's decision to federalize police forces, keep the prison pipeline humming along, and expanding their reach to further restrict the rights of all citizens.
The real issues aren't being discussed, but Crump jetting in and being denied his quickie race-baiting payout, "All we are asking for is an arress'", THAT apprarently is news.
Oh, and Obama will jet in for the funeral, and the blacks in Ferguson will ooh and ahh and feel important, not realizing they are nothing more than collateral damage and a photo op for his long term "legacy" - which means cashing in on his status as a former POTUS. It has nothing to do with what is good for the "little people" in Ferguson or the South Side of Chicago, or anywhere else peeps can't shell out $35K or more for a "dinner".
Looks like Ted Rall agrees with StillaPanther.
Except that Ted Rall is wrong. These useful idiots in Ferguson are playing right into the hands of those who control the power structure.
Even the fool John Lewis is flying to in to beg for Martial Law.
The ones creating the violence and trying to whip the crowd up are from outside the area. Couldn't ask, gee, what possibly could their agenda be?
They are busy stripping away first amendment rights, and the right to peaceful assembly.... stop even briefly and you're arrested.
The divide and conquer strategy worked because no one outside of the black and white progressive community is coming to help them or is offering any support.
Drive down a street in a majority white neighborhood and you'll start to see blue lightbulbs now shining in outside lighting. (Blue to show support for the police).
But it's a great distraction. And it will be business as usual for the big time criminals..... anyone want to guess when Corzine will ever be indicted, let alone do jail time. What about the CEO of Countrywide? Wells Fargo? Bank of America?
La la la, at least I vented some anger at a white or asian guy who owns a small business and works his tail off just to keep his head above water. We showed whitey!
This isn't a RACE issue, it's a CLASS issue, and it's between the very upper 0.1% and the other 90%.
What BS, this is a cultural issue about a bongo party and an excuse to loot and riot.
Anon 7;45 PM
The whole world hates you, that's why you watch your back sooooo closely.
"The White Man's Civilization"?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Just keep blowing that smoke up your own ass like you delusional blue-eyed bastards always do.
Shove It, whitebread!!! stop pretending to be black. You honkies hate Rev. Al because he is effective; that's why you killed MLK, Gaddafi, Chavez and Lumumba. You just can't stand a Black man that won't take or follow orders!!!
Anon, thanks for the 411 on that prosecutor.
Die White Devils,
"The White Man's Civilization"?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Just keep blowing that smoke up your own ass like you delusional blue-eyed bastards always do.
Yet your people are permanent inhabitants of the third world or some ghetto living off benefits which you never earn. Typical negro babble at its worst.
"Yet your people are permanent inhabitants of the third world or some ghetto living off benefits which you never earn. Typical negro babble at its worst."
Hey it's the queen of shucking and jiving. Do you have a college degree QLB? You seem very uneducated. Are you too ashamed to answer?
What's the matter? Sick that your own people sold you wholesale to the slave ships. It must have been one hell of a bongo party.
@Queen Lousy Bitch!!!
What's the matter, twatwaffle?
...Sick that YOUR own people set up the deal?
...Sick that YOUR people were doing all the buying??
...Sick that YOUR people fomented trouble between Africans to ensure a steady supply of black bodies for the slave trade??
...Sick that YOUR people built slave prisons on African soil; and the ships that dragged our families across an ocean?
...Sick that YOUR people got insanely rich from the practice???
...Sick that YOUR people f*cked over the entire planet and got smooth away with it ?!?!
What do u call White peopke who get crazy when they lost or won a sports game game or get drunk drunk , turn over cars and setting fires ? WHITE PEOPLE WHO RIOTS
BTW..there are White coated chimps too. Go figure.
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