Former president Bush said that we did not, but now, of course, we know that is a lie. Or maybe not. Maybe former president Bush was misled as well. I bet Dick Cheney knew that we "tortured some folks". Methinks he protests a bit too much about the release of this report by The Senate Intelligence Committee.
It's not a "bunch of hooey" Mr. Cheney, you should be in jail.
We are now being told that the CIA used tactics that are "brutal and flawed", and according to one of the senators who was responsible for the release of the report; it is a "stain on our values and history."
Those on the right side of the political divide will tell you that this is no big deal, and that this program was needed to stop the next September 11 type attack from taking place in our homeland.
This is the position of Dick Cheney and some of the other apologists for the ignoble and inhuman act that is torture. We know now that this is not true. These torture programs did not stop one terrorist act from taking place on our shores, and it did not help us to kill Osama bin Laden.
So now that we know that America is no different than any other Third World country, and that we do not respect the rule of law; we have to ask ourselves if it was all worth it. I, for one, do not think that it was. But I am just a small time left wing progressive blogger from Philadelphia. Senator John McCain, who was himself tortured, apparently has no love for torturing folks, either. I will defer to him on this subject.
"Republican Sen. John McCain broke with members of his party Tuesday, lauding the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on torture and decrying the use of torture as having "stained our national honor" and doing "much harm and little practical good."
On this we both agree.
For the record, I am no fan of this president's drone program, either. Targeting and killing alleged terrorist (with collateral damage sometimes thrown in) is not a good look for this administration or the country.
But it seems to be something that we have all accepted. And we shouldn't. We should see it for what it is. Like torture, it creates a strain on our democracy and diminishes our standing in the world.
Sadly, though, Americans don't seem to care.
Maybe this report will change some things.
Looks like Democrats Rolling Stoned the torture report.
It was nice of Democrats to let Bush off the hook.
Of course we know why right?
Democrats have lied from the beginning about when/what they knew.
So it's on to the next outrage for the left. Their lust for Bush/Cheney blood will not be satisfied.
"Methinks he protests a bit too much about the release of this report by The Senate Intelligence Committee."
That's my man's stock in trade. All he does is Monday morning quarterback and defend his BS. Lord Vader would not admit he was wrong.
RIP SPLC writer/activist/hack David Ruenzel. David spent his entire adult life pissing and moaning about white privilege/racism.
David became a apologist for black criminals.
Last week David was shot and killed by two black criminals.
Kinda ironic, isn't it?
We are now being told that the CIA used tactics that are "brutal and flawed",
We are being told this by traitorous leftists on their way out of power.
There was nothing wrong with what the CIA did to get information from high-level terrorist leaders.
Gratuitous torture for amusement or punishment is wrong. Doing whatever it takes to get information from enemies that saves lives is morally defensible.
Let me ask you this, Mr. Field Negro. In the movie Dirty Harry, the psycho murderer kidnaps a 14 year old girl and buries her alive in a box, with enough air to last 24 hours. The kidnapper is apprehended and admits what he did, but won't divulge where the girl is buried. With little time to spare, Officer Callahan says give him a pair of pliers and ten minutes alone with the suspect and he'll find out where the girl is buried. His superiors admonish him for even suggesting such a thing, and the girl suffocates to death.
If that were your wife, would hesitate for a second to do whatever it took to get the information to save her life?
"Former president Bush said that we did not, but now, of course, we know that is a lie."
President Bush admitted several times to approving torture.
So we know your whole post is a lie.
"David spent his entire adult life pissing and moaning about white privilege/racism."
Sounds like an honorable man. What should have he been pissing and moaning about Kinky? Blah privilege? Go away!
"So now that we know that America is no different than any other Third World country, and that we do not respect the rule of law;"
So now you know what the rest of America has known for years.
America has been torturing dissing the rule of law since their was an America.
"David spent his entire adult life pissing and moaning about white privilege/racism."
Sounds like an honorable man
Sounds like a moron.
Darwin sounds like a moron.
There, fixed it for ya.
Gruber testified in front of congress today and...
Hey look, bush tortured people.
Bush is a great distraction for democrats.
"Bush is a great distraction for democrats."
Because we shouldn't investigate torture. I guess Watergate was a great distraction for dems. Only in the mind of Bill.
Why would we investigate the CIA for 'torture'? Isn't that their fucking job? I sure as fuck hope they are out there squeezing balls and water boarding those cocksuckers who are building dirty bombs and flying planes into buildings.
No matter what techniques were used during the enhanced interrogations of terrorists - water boarding, naked shackling, forced rectal hydration and feeding, and sleep deprivation - anybody trapped in the World Trade Center as it burned would have traded anything to be in the terrorists place when their choices were death by fire or to leap to their death from 100 stories up.
All of the people we caught and interrogated are still alive and healthy today.
If Obama had been forced by circumstance to make these decisions, and had he been brave enough to make them, you and the Senate Democrats would be supporting him today.
Motherfuck you backstabbing cocksucking Liberals.
Why do you say "we all" when you are speaking only of democrats?
Like you said, those on the right don't think torture is a big deal.
Why have dumbocrats accepted this?
Is it solely political, their guy is in the white house so it's all good?
Maybe people don't know about it? You didn't mention the lack of media attention to the drone killings of innocents.
Maybe *IF* the media started reporting on all the innocents being killed like they did during the bush regime there would be outrage from your fellow democrats.
But then, since your guy is in the white house I wouldn't expect your party to complain.
What happened to my quote for 11:00PM?
FN said...
But it seems to be something that we have all accepted.
The Democrats are lying about what they knew, and what they authorized, in the aftermath of 9/11.
I lived through that -- as did all of you -- and I remember that the nation was divided into two camps on using very harsh measures to make sure this didn't happen again:
Those who vocally approved of such harsh measures, and those who silently approved.
But Democrats pretend to be Tough on National Security only for a cycle or two, the 2-4 years necessary to ride out the nation's turn towards a more muscular foreign policy; then they begin lying about their previous lies (when they claimed they were totally in favor of hounding Al Qaeda to the Gates of Hell) and were always for "smart power" or whatever other euphemism they wish to employ for national weakness and submission to totalitarian Islamism.
And so it goes. The Senate Democrat report actually lets the Bush Administration off the hook, which isn't all that weird, when you consider that if they squealed on the rightward part of the Political Class, that part of the Political Class would squeal on the leftward part, and that of course is what the Senate Democrats want to avoid at all costs.
It's okay to have another 9/11, maybe, but they will avoid responsibility at all costs.
Like Wilkerson said, Cheney believes torture works because he knows it would work on him.
-Doug in Oakland
Jose Rodrigues, a top official leading the nation's post-9/11 interrogation regime, calls the Democrats liars:
The men and women of my former organization, the CIA, are accustomed to frequent and sudden reversals of direction from their political leaders. But the latest twists and turns are especially dramatic.
The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tried to deny that she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her.
There’s great hypocrisy in politicians' criticism of the CIAs interrogation program. In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, lawmakers urged us to do everything possible to prevent another attack on our soil. Members of Congress and the administration were nearly unanimous in their desire that the CIA do all that it could to debilitate and destroy al-Qaeda. The CIA got the necessary approvals to do so and kept Congress briefed throughout. But as our successes grew, some lawmakers' recollections shrank in regard to the support they once offered. Here are a couple of reminders.
On May 26, 2002, Feinstein was quoted in the New York Times saying that the attacks of 9/11 were a real awakening and that it would no longer be "business as usual." The attacks, she said, let us know "that the threat is profound" and "that we have to do some things that historically we have not wanted to do to protect ourselves."
If Feinstein, Rockefeller and other politicians were saying such things in print and on national TV, imagine what they were saying to us in private. We did what we were asked to do, we did what we were assured was legal, and we know our actions were effective. Our reward, a decade later, is to hear some of these same politicians expressing outrage for what was done and, even worse, mischaracterizing the actions taken and understating the successes achieved.
"All of the people we caught and interrogated are still alive and healthy today."
Are you kidding? No they aren't. We managed to torture several of them to death. And it's not like all of these guys we grabbed up were scary monsters, either.
Take Guantanamo: Most of the people who ended up there were nobodies who got turned in for a cash bounty by personal enemies. Our government didn't have any real evidence against them. Out of 779 people once held at Guantanamo, we've released 643 because they pose zero threat. 67 more of them are scheduled for future release.
So ... 91% of the people we've imprisoned at Guantanamo were harmless. Not exactly a great track record.
But who gives a fuck? They're just Ayyy-rabs, not actual people, amirite?
I suspect within the next few days the CIA will leak some info that will expose all these holier than thou Democrats has hypocrites.
Of course field will continue to blame Bush-cause that's what massa wants.
Jose Rodrigues is an evil, lying dirtbag.
Anonymous Bill is an Idiot said...
"Bush is a great distraction for democrats."
Because we shouldn't investigate torture.
We shouldn't have Rolling Stone style investigations of torture.
"RIP SPLC writer/activist/hack David Ruenzel. David spent his entire adult life pissing and moaning about white privilege/racism.
David became a apologist for black criminals."
Ah, so what will fix crime in the black community? More racism?
This is extra-sleazy, even by your standards, Kinky.
"Ah, so what will fix crime in the black community? More racism?"
And that's what you jump too 11:33 PM?
Richard Engel nails it-
"I think this is really about changing the narrative of American history....everyone in the world knew what was going on, including by the way, the Senate, which is now pretending to be a bit of a babe in the woods."
"They knew what was going on at the time and in many cases were quite happy with the intelligence they were getting. I think this is about rewriting the narrative of history."
"We managed to torture several of them to death."
"And that's what you jump too 11:33 PM?"
It's the argument you're making.
You're saying that by speaking out against racism, this dude "enabled" black criminals, and "ironically" deserved to be killed by them.
If fighting racism aids black crime, the converse must be true: Being more racist will reduce black crime.
Don't pretend you don't know what you said.
"For the record, I am no fan of this president's drone program, either. Targeting and killing alleged terrorist (with collateral damage sometimes thrown in) is not a good look for this administration or the country."
Personally, I don't agree with this. There's a pretty big difference between the drone warfare we've been engaged in (under both Bush and Obama) and our now-discontinued torture regime.
The areas where we've launched drone strikes are lawless, failed-state parts of the world, where a law-enforcement approach -- capture and extradition -- is not possible. There are no realistic self-defense alternatives for going after terrorist organizations in these regions, besides assassination. (Unless one considers "waiting for the next terror attack" to be a viable option. I don't.)
But when it comes to gathering intelligence, there are plenty of more ethical alternatives to torture -- particularly because torture is an extremely ineffective intelligence-gathering method.
Sometimes it is necessary to resort to doing brutal things in the name of self-defense. However, Bush and company did things that were both brutal AND completely useless and unjustifiable.
"We are now being told that the CIA used tactics that are "brutal and flawed", and according to one of the senators who was responsible for the release of the report; it is a "stain on our values and history.""
Funny, no Senator or Congress or President has labeled racism as a "stain on our values and history."
All that has been said is "Blacks are animals, the black family has no father, and cops kills bm because they had to."
I wonder if Obama will say racism is 'wrong'. It goes against our American values and it will never happen again?
Of course not. Blacks are not valued as much as Middle Eastern enemies.
Watching Barack on Colbert. Pretty good job, he'll be on our tv screens for years to come.
Wow, that picture you posted is shocking. How high is that box, six,eight inches off the ground?
I thought those falls off The World Trade Center were bad.
Bye, field, you cartoon character, you!
One of the biggest reasons, I'd argue, most Americans don't really care about "torture" is that it's a wholly subjective topic.
While many on the left-side of the aisle may decry torture, paint Bush a war criminal, etc, they have absolutely no problem in rendition. So, make sure America's not torturing, but it's okay if we outsource it.
That would be like a white guy not himself lynching a black man, but paying someone else to do it, and then claiming he's not a racist and is against lynching. Horseshit!
Another reason is that everyone with a voice decides that sophistry is the best way to define torture. For Pete's sake -- many people conclude that sleep deprivation and blowing cigar smoke in one's face is torture. Anything that causes someone with easily offended sensibilities to cringe is not torture. What happens is that people end up not caring.
After all, was X tortured, or was he simply forced to sit next to pigs blood while listening to Metallica?
In many respects, it's sort of like the cries of "racist" and "sexist" in our nation. Once they pour out over the airways so frequently over the most piddly shit one can imagine, they lose their typical thump and thunder. When I hear "X was tortured," I'll admit: The first thing I think is, "Oh, I bet they insulted Allah in front of a Muslim and made him look at bikini model photos! How cruel."
According to Five Thirtyeight The Democrats shouldn't be looking to 'dump Dixie' just yet.
Torture for me would be stuck in a room with a wingnut for over one minute. But that's just me.
Anyway, to the troll with the Dirty Harry analogy I say this: I am not the Untied States of America, which is supoosed to be a "shining beacon on a hil" for all the world to see.
And neither was Dirty Harry. That was a flawed analogy.
Vinny, the person in that pic did not fly any planes into the Twin Towers. I know that this is all a bit much for u to understand, but keep trying.
field negro said...
Torture for me would be stuck in a room with a wingnut for over one minute. But that's just me.
Anyway, to the troll with the Dirty Harry analogy I say this: I am not the Untied States of America, which is supoosed to be a "shining beacon on a hil" for all the world to see.
And neither was Dirty Harry. That was a flawed analogy.
The point is, that there is a place for torture that is morally defensible, therefore we as a country should admit it and not prevent ourselves the use of a morally justifiable tactic.
Put Dirty Harry or you in the place of a CIA agent, and replace the mayor with the president, and someone is still going to have to die for your to keep your principles.
Again, no one was tortured out of spite or malice, no one died or was ever put in danger of dying. This was not done haphazardly, but to a handful of senior operatives who had detailed knowledge of plots in progress. The people who did this on our request stand by their actions. It is deeply shameful for us as a country to now turn on them because it is politically expedient.
That the "violence" that they have been preaching to others about. The world's controllers don't have to wait on grand juries or even presidential's sanctions to kill and plunder (rioting?).
Can't blame this on the mix guy in the office. You and I probably know just as much as he does when it comes to beating down folk on this globe. I guess CIA is run by Blacks- NOT! They may have some token position. The rioting, looting, hanging DNA is not in these low level Blacks. The masters of destruction are not in the White House.
Look at that iconic picture of President Obama and his staff during the Bin Laden raid. He (BO) is the one with the rolled over shoulders looking amazed at the action.
The Purple Cow said...
According to Five Thirtyeight The Democrats shouldn't be looking to 'dump Dixie' just yet.
Because Five Thirtyeight was soooo accurate this past election. We should believe their every word.
Cuba is a great place to waterboard.
Perhaps the worst torture was that these Muslims extremists were forced to take a shower and use deodorant.
Even worse torture than that?
Force muslims to use toilet paper instead of their hand.
Do all lives matter? Nope. Just the black ones.
College president sorry for saying 'All lives matter'
Regardless of the report, nothing will change. The entities will do whatever is necessary to protect American citizens and interests. Ever hear of Plausible Deniability? That covers a multitude of necessary activities. Those will never end up in any report.
By the way, do you really thing your president is being transparent about the scope of his drone program? Odds are one flew over your house recently.
10:03 you are right. Making them use toilet paper and then flush was just brutal. Oh, the humanity!
Not mentioned, probably, in this report is our late fad of "extraordinary rendition." If anything is more despicable than torturing people ourselves it's handing them over to OTHER COUNTRIES to torture--so we can pretend we don't know what they're doing. Torturers AND wimps.
Bush and Cheney are war criminals, no doubt about it. I was sad Dubya wasn't arrested to stand trial in the Hague when he went to South Africa to bask in the legitimate heroism of Nelson Mandela.
anotherbozo said...
Not mentioned, probably, in this report is our late fad of "extraordinary rendition." If anything is more despicable than torturing people ourselves it's handing them over to OTHER COUNTRIES to torture--so we can pretend we don't know what they're doing. Torturers AND wimps.
Since obama is doing just that-does that make obama a war criminal?
Anonymous said...
10:03 you are right. Making them use toilet paper and then flush was just brutal. Oh, the humanity!
Even worse than that?
Forcing them to eat with folks and spoons instead of using the hand they clean their ass with.
anotherbozo said...
I was sad Dubya wasn't arrested to stand trial in the Hague when he went to South Africa to bask in the legitimate heroism of Nelson Mandela.
You really are a bozo.
field negro said...
Torture for me would be stuck in a room with a wingnut for over one minute. But that's just me.
Which proves Josh's point about easily offended sensibilities.
Confused white guy thinks he is attending a peaceful protest against police killing black men when in fact he was in the middle of an anti-white riot and looting spree:
Sadly, his "Cops: Stop Killing Black Men" shirt was not enough to keep him from getting a hammer to the head.
The cognitive dissonance of modern liberalism becomes harder and harder to maintain.
The Purple Cow said...
According to Five Thirtyeight The Democrats shouldn't be looking to 'dump Dixie' just yet.
The Democrats have conducted a 50 year culture war against the South, and they expect southerners to keep voting for them forever?
The only chance they have is massive demographic change, which is why they push so hard for third world immigration.
Does anyone really think this would be a good thing for blacks?
Bring back Burgerboarding!
field negro said...
Vinny, the person in that pic did not fly any planes into the Twin Towers. I know that this is all a bit much for u to understand, but keep trying.
Yet one racist tea party member brands all tea party members as racist.
*IF* only you could hold your friends to the same standards you hold your enemies.
White boys are boring and lame. White bitches on the other all need to get one of them.
12ManUnited, you are welcome to all of our XXL you can find. That's all you can get anyway.
Because Five Thirtyeight was soooo accurate this past election. We should believe their every word.
Indeed, spot on.
anonymous @10:25:
anoymous @10:31:
If Dubya or Cheney leave the jurisdiction of the U.S. and enter a country that recognizes the primacy of international law, they may be arrested for war crimes and tried at the Hague.
Probably the RSA was safe for Bush, however, else he wouldn't have made the trip.
Gotta love those hollywood liberals.
SAG Nominees: Imitation, Boyhood, Birdman, Theory, Budapest Hotel– Snubs All Black Movie Actors
Why don't white liberals want to share awards with black actors?
Another crime is that John Yoo, chief apologist for torture, is now teaching law at Berkeley.
Unfortunately there is no punishment, even a theoretical one, for that.
John Yoo is not white, therefore he cannot be guilty of anything.
Anonymous Schadenfreude said...
Confused white guy thinks he is attending a peaceful protest against police killing black men when in fact he was in the middle of an anti-white riot and looting spree:
Sadly, his "Cops: Stop Killing Black Men" shirt was not enough to keep him from getting a hammer to the head.
The cognitive dissonance of modern liberalism becomes harder and harder to maintain.
Hopefully, this white liberal has learned a important lesson.
An important lesson i failed to learn.
Oh what the hell. Let liberal whites wallow in their blood while they lay dying at the heads of blacks.
They deserve what they get.
"Why don't white liberals want to share awards with black actors?"
Why do white conservatives get upset when Blacks create their own awards?
"Hopefully, this white liberal has learned a important lesson."
And what would that lesson be? Stay away from Blacks? Teach bro, teach.
Anonymous Bill is a F'n Idiot said...
Why do white conservatives get upset when Blacks create their own awards?
For the same reason blacks get upset because whitey won't honor them?
White liberals need to stop enabling black criminals.
Play with a snake long enough-the snake will bite .
"And what would that lesson be? Stay away from Blacks? Teach bro, teach."
The lesson is that "liberalism" means different things to different people.
To whites, liberalism means working for racial equality.
To non-whites, liberalism is a way to smash whites.
From the NYT:
WASHINGTON — As crowds of people staged “die-ins” across the country last week to protest the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police officers, young African-American activists were in the Oval Office lodging grievances with President Obama.
He of all people — the first black president of the United States — was in a position to testify to the sense of injustice that African-Americans feel in dealing with the police every day, the activists told him. During the unrest that began with a teenager’s shooting in Ferguson, Mo., they hoped for a strong response. Why was he holding back?
Mr. Obama told the group that change is “hard and incremental,” a participant said, while reminding them that he had once been mistaken for a waiter and parking valet.
When they said their voices were not being heard, Mr. Obama replied, “You are sitting in the Oval Office, talking to the president of the United States.”
For Rasheen Aldridge Jr., 20, a community organizer from St. Louis who attended the meeting, it was not enough.
What an amazing sense of entitlement young Rasheen has. A personal audience with the President just doesn't cut it for him.
Maybe the whole goal is to be aggrieved, therefore no amount of "being heard" is ever going to make them happy. You think?
And what kind of douchebag thinks being a waiter or a parking valet is shameful? Who hasn't been mistaken for a store clerk or business employee at some point in their life? Obama seems unable to think about any issue except how it personally relates to Obama.
Back to the NYT:
… “I’m being pretty explicit about my concern, and being pretty explicit about the fact that this is a systemic problem, that black folks and Latinos and others are not just making this up,” Mr. Obama said, referring to his response to the killings in Ferguson and on Staten Island, where Eric Garner, 43, died after a police officer restrained him with a chokehold. People may be frustrated that he has not taken sides in the cases, Mr. Obama said, but “that I cannot do, institutionally.” He hinted that in private, his reactions have been stronger.
“I’ll leave it to people to speculate on what I’m saying to myself or Michelle when we’re alone at night,” the president said.
Let's burn this motherfucker down? Kill whitey? He is leaving it pretty open.
What a fucking joke this country has become.
Obama should go to Ferguson and personally shove Apu the shopkeeper, torch his Quikee Mart, then spraypaint “Snitches Get Stitches” on the charred wall.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Watching Barack on Colbert. Pretty good job, he'll be on our tv screens for years to come.
Yeah, just wait until he’s out of office and can go full Bulworth. I think a lot of people will be shocked at the depths he is going to plumb. More interesting times than usual await us.
“I’ll leave it to people to speculate on what I’m saying to myself or Michelle when we’re alone at night,” the president said.
"Can I wear the strap-on tonight?"
The people who authorized torture are the same people who lied us into a war that caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and untold suffering. Prosecuting them for torture would be like prosecuting Al Capone for tax evasion. But Democrats haven't even done that. It is good that Democrats at least released the torture reports, but they haven't prosecuted the war criminals or the Wall Street criminals who collapsed the economy. Barack "Just look forward" Obama squashed Spain's attempt to prosecute war crimes and his Justice Department defended Donald Rumsfeld against torture charges with your tax dollars. Both parties are fascist.
Dick Cheney is lucky he didn't get caught selling a cigarette.
Limpbaugh said...
The people who authorized torture are the same people who lied us into a war that caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and untold suffering
Bush never lied and "hundreds of thousands" did not die.
The Iraq war was a foolish mistake, but not for the false reasons you believe.
Limpbaugh@3:04. That was classic.*clapping*
President community organizer, this country has become a joke. Comics like u have made sure of that.
Torture? Send them to the DMV.
field negro said...
President community organizer, this country has become a joke.
Why would any intelligent human being that has choices want to live in a country they think is a joke?
What's up with that FN?
field negro said...
this country has become a joke. Comics like u have made sure of that.
I disagree.
Politicians have made the country a joke.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The State Department has failed to turn over government documents covering Hillary Rodham Clinton's tenure as secretary of state that The Associated Press and others requested under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act ahead of her presumptive presidential campaign. They include one request AP made four years ago and others pending for more than one year.
The joke is on us, the taxpayers.
"Islamic-type statements"
The 32-year-old man who was shot five times after allegedly stabbing a Cañon City Police Department officer made "Islamic-type statements" prior to the incident, according to the CCPD.
The cop is lucky to be alive.
Why don't these typs of stories ever make the headlines at cnn & msnbc?
Bill is clueless.
Mr Field, here is a list the 10 worst states for Blacks. Btw, PA and NJ met the criteria:
The report won't change anything. There are many of us who wanted Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice brought up on charges both during and after his presidency. I heard on NPR the other day that (paraphrase) "a President and VP cannot be indicted for war crimes" although I can't remember the speaker's reason.
Here's a bit more light on the subject of prosecuting the US heads of state via international means:
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